#holy misinformation batman
olderthannetfic · 16 days
Holy misinformation Batman! Just saw that anti ao3 zionist bs post. Wtf are these people frothing at the mouth about ao3 when they have alternatives?? No one is forcing THEM to donate or to use the site? They have wattpad and squidgeworld!!! Why are they so obsessed with ao3 it feels weirdly vendetta-y?
Also I kept seeing people talking about ‘overdonating’ to ao3 after it reached its goal and like,,,you mean so we have a vote? Yeah I want a fucking vote and I’ll pay for it no matter how much they’ve gone over because I need to be sure to vote against any fundie weirdos trying to censor an online library and I’ll do it again and again and again
It's also a misunderstanding, possibly willful, of how donation drives work. OTW generally asks for the bare minimum they need to limp along. They don't do big projects very often because they simply can't. If they have more money, they can do more. Most nonprofits are like this.
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Valid criticisms of AI, or at least the way it's used:
- Just like any tech that can automate work in the professional sector, AI can have alarming implications for workers, especially in the current economy, including independent workers in gig economies for whom we may have an even harder time demanding a support system
- The amount of incredibly personal content in training databases really solidifies how dire the situation is with datamining on the internet today and buying products built with this kind of extensive, unmitigated datamining is pretty questionable
- There are many, very easy ways to be a complete fucking asshole with AI, from forgery to spite fine-tunes to maliciously flooding commission markets where one outright shows disdain for the community outside of how much money they're willing to spend, and the corporate developers seem to be content to encourage that crowd
- Social media culture is already toxically obsessed with instant gratification and things that look polished and professional, and AI has the potential to play into that
Not valid criticisms of AI:
- "The training data is copyrighted" - any copyright framework that bars usage as transformative as AI training from qualifying as fair use would do FAR more harm to small-time artists than it would prevent; do you want to get sued for drawing a similar pose to a Disney poster because they suspect you may have referenced from it? Do you want to go back to the Anne Rice days with fanart and fanfiction? Because that's what tightening up restrictions against transformative work to that extent will open up.
- "It's literally just sampling, copy-pasting chunks of pieces that already exist in the training set" - it's literally not. This is just straight up misinformation.
- "It's not Real Art, it's uncreative, there's no such thing as a creative use for it" - way too subjective to keep presenting as a fact, what little of it is objective is demonstrably false (see the number of people using it as a meditation on data and history, and many disabled people using it to preserve their ability to create), and if you claim that something needs to meet a minimum standard of creativity to be Real Art then I can name a LOT of manual illustrations that don't qualify either
- "No one actually NEEDS it as an accessibility tool, look at this famous artist who painted with their feet and this one who painted with their mouth and this one who forced themself through miserable pain every day, if art isn't worth suffering that much to you then you don't DESERVE it and what do you mean there are people who can't even move THAT much" - holy inspiration porn, Batman!
- "Well then if you really well and truly CAN'T draw on your own at ALL, just commission people!" - ah, yes, because what disabled people famously always have in surplus is money, and what we famously love more than anything in the world is having to rely on other people for every aspect of our own self-expression
- "It's going to REPLACE REAL ART, all the physical media companies and art tablet makers are going to GO OUT OF BUSINESS because NO ONE WANTS THEIR PRODUCTS ANYMORE, NO one cares about ANYTHING in art but the end result except ME and the other REAL artists, AI is going to DESTROY SOCIETY, even KIDS are NEVER going to want to draw for REAL anymore, the ENTIRE CONCEPT is DYSTOPIAN and we need to BURN THE TECH TO THE GROUND TO SAVE SOCIETY, my ingroup and I are the ONLY people not too stupid and sheeplike to fall for this VIOLENT DESTRUCTION OF ALL THAT MAKES US HUMAN that will DEFINITELY succeed in destroying art FOREVER" - ....yeah sorry if I don't sound like I'm taking you seriously when at this point you're just buying into blatant trad RETVRN bullshit to validate your discomfort and it's horrifying, STOP THAT
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incorrectpuyotris · 8 months
Lo and behold, hate reblogs!
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Anyway this dude is spouting bullshit based on outdated and biased information that I’ve addressed before, so I won’t get into much of the specifics. Announcement at the end.
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is a bad source of info
I cited the original tweet, what the hell else do you want from me?
repeatedly bullied or sexually harassed minors in the fandom
This is just blatantly dishonest and a loaded accusation. The “or” is doing a lot of heavy lifting here, equating something that’s only mean to do and something that’s morally reprehensible.
The only reason why people assume that I “sexually harassed minors” is because someone younger whom I met when I was 16 proposed to me first, and people rushed to assume the worst once they found out.
It also bears mentioning the concept of “Romeo and Juliet laws”, laws in some US states that rule that, if two people were both minors when they met and close enough in age (usually 5 years), statutory rape does not apply. It was made to correct this kind of stupidity happening, where two minors started dating and one turned 18 first so they’re called a pedophile.
has forged a leak for Fever1&2 remakes to rile up the fandom against Sega (she ADMITTED to this)
The fact that I edited box art for Puyo Puyo Fever Box (a remastered compilation for Fever, Fever 2, and 15th) has nothing to do with “riling up the fandom against Sega”. The only purpose for that fake leak was just to make a fake leak and see if the fandom wanted that game to be real as much as I did. I always planned to reveal that it was fake after a handful of days.
has harassed the members of Precise Museum and spread false rumors about them
Nope, no idea what this is about.
created hate subreddits entirely dedicated to slandering fandom members she dislikes
What are you on about? You mean the “cringe” subreddit? That was for everyone to post whatever they deem cringy in the fandom, including themselves in self-deprecation. People loved it when they could laugh at themselves sometimes.
has re-spread lore misinformation to further her headcanons while countering the spread of the correct info
This is the direct opposite of what happened. I countered the spread of lore misinformation in order to counter non-canon headcanons about the genders of the characters, in an attempt to further the spread of correct information, even if that correct information is “we don’t know for sure”.
Speaking of spreading correct information, it was I who dug up an unused set of lines within the data files of Puyo Puyo Fever 2 that seem to be a scrapped version of Amitie’s HaraHara cutscene with Klug. You guys verified that I was telling the truth, right?
has slandered meme tumblr accounts and their mods for the “sin” of using questies in their memes
I’ve never called it a “sin” to use obscure characters when a character from a main game fits the bill better. Re-editing the memes with those alternative characters is not “slander”, it’s making a derivative, the natural lifecycle of a meme.
is also a Transmedicalist Terf
Holy contradiction, Batman! It doesn’t help your case when you use buzzwords with no regard to what they actually mean.
A transmedicalist is someone who posits that being transgender is principally a physiological and psychological condition whose symptoms can be managed with the right healthcare. This shouldn’t be considered a bad thing, since it advocates for the right for trans people to get the care and resources they need to lead a better life, and to prevent people who would be harmed by the necessary harsh chemicals from getting harmed by them.
A TERF, however, is someone who doesn’t believe that trans people actually exist. To a TERF, a trans woman is “a trans-identified male”, a man who’s pretending to be a woman. This is incompatible with any view that defines transgender people in any way other than “they aren’t real men/women”.
“A transmedicalist TERF” makes as much sense as “the only choice”; if there aren’t at least two options, there isn’t a choice to make, making it not a choice. It makes as much sense as “a triangular square”; a shape can’t have 3 sides and 4 sides at the same time, nor can it have internal angles that add up to 180° and 360° at the same time.
has harassed minors for being nonbinary
I did no such thing. Just because someone makes fun of some ridiculous statement that happens to be said by a person who considers themself to be nonbinary, it doesn’t mean that said person “harassed” them to be “for being nonbinary”.
Sadly, lots of people still use their race, gender, or other minority status as a “get out of criticism free” card, and interpret any disagreement as being hostility towards their entire identity. If you disagree with the things I say, I won’t even think that you’re racist against Japanese people, sexist against women, nor transphobic against trans women, unless your dissent directly involves my being that minority.
Bonus hate reblog:
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What makes you assume that they won’t start now? SEGA just revamped the whole app; what makes you think they won’t voice the cutscenes like in other competing gacha games?
Anyway, I’m getting sick and tired of being unfairly gatekept out of the fandom of a game that I grew up with and still care a lot about. But I think it may be time for me to let the trolls win and stop caring about it, if it means I don’t have to be constantly talked over by self-appointed e-vigilantes who barely know how productive I’ve been and how many friends I made in a new community I’ve created for myself. (It’s a certain trivia game that I’ve programmed, written, and voiced myself.)
I’ll no longer be posting to this blog, because it’s impossible to overpower all this hostility in this so-called fandom. If anyone else wants to carry the torch, please DM me at @haleyhalcyon. Mention my name (Mod Klug) and we’ll start discussing.
So long, and thanks for all the dancing bare-legged fish.
—Mod Klug
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Why is there eugenics on my dash ~~~
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zitkaplushie · 5 years
If I recall — that’s actually Miriam Delgado disguised as Kory giving dick that haircut but I could be wrong
ahh, thank you!! i’ve not read that bit in the comics yet so i just assumed it was kory! i’ll tag it as miriam!
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teaberrymagic · 3 years
Stop spreading misinformation and racism when it comes to synchronistic religions. Seriously, you're acting like a gatekeeper when you reblog shit that has buzzwords like "cultural appropriation."
Most religions are syncrotistic, which means they are a combination of more than one ideology or philosophy.
Any religion which is closed off to certain people should be avoided/admonished.
Judaism in particular is extremely toxic. Jews call non Jews "goy," which is a slur.
The Talmud says that Christ is burning in hot excrement. It also says that it's okay for Jews to steal from and take advantage of goys. Is this really the path which you wish to go down?
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whetstonefires · 3 years
Now, I have...basically 0 stake in Batman in a Christmas sweater. I tend to find most Christmas fan art insufferably twee. My quality of life would be basically unaffected by the magical disappearance of all batfam fan content depicting them celebrating Christmas, and probably improved by less Christian batman stuff in general.
But I have a lot of stake in the misuse of ‘canonically’ in fandom, especially when tied to harassment.
The thing is.
Canonically, Batman has been celebrating Christmas, on-panel, for roughly eight decades.
Canonically, his mother is almost definitely Jewish.
Canonically, his father is not. Technically this is more canon, if there is such a thing, because it’s been shown rather than stated in framework terms, but none of those ‘memories of my father taking me to church’ etc were consistent with one another, so it’s whatever. Comics.
Additionally his mother seems to have gone to the trouble of ensuring that her son would not go into her family’s custody in the event of her death, and he has never been depicted as having a warm or close relationship with them despite living in the same city. Which is a whole accidental can of retcon worms on DC’s part lol.
Canonically, Kate celebrates Hannukah and Bruce does not. She has her own personalized Batwoman gelt.
If we are deriving our conclusion from the canon, Bruce’s relationship with Judaism-and-self falls somewhere between near-indifference and hella-complicated.
Now, I’m all the way here for the hella complicated! I’d love to dig into it, but that’s not my place. And because this is DC Comics and canon is a lie, there is absolutely no reason people cannot ignore all of that canon and depict him as actively practicing Judaism and observing the holy days in accordance with any strain of tradition, and bringing his kids in on it and the whole deal.
Maybe doing that thing people apparently sometimes do of escalating gift-giving throughout the eight days of Hannukah, and at the end since he’s a billionaire everyone gets their own luxury car. Even those too young to legally drive. Has anyone written that? I want to read it.
Anyway cherry-picking canon is a great and fundamental part of our fan community and the fact that you need to cherry-pick super heavily to get that form of Jewish Batman is absolutely no barrier to using it in fanworks. Jewish Batman content is great and I value it and it would be neat if it continued to catch on, and if DC actually engaged with it in a comic at some point even.
But approaching other fans in proscriptive terms is bad form, and should be reserved for extreme and unambiguous situations. Making flat statements about what other fans morally should be allowed to do is an extreme act likely to have fallout if anyone listens to you, and should be saved for extreme cases.
Especially when as in this case it has an immediate, recent history of provoking harassment campaigns.
Now, of course, stating a ‘fact’ to raise awareness with people about what they personally should not in your opinion do is everyone’s right, and is not in itself endorsing harassment.
But in the immediate historical context of ‘batman fandom on tumblr’ this misleading statement did in fact require heavy qualification for our wellbeing as a community. Probably gecko could have phrased it better, but in this context it badly needed saying. That post as written amounted to misinformation.
And the use of social justice language, guilt-tripping, and extremely vague additional citations for authority in response to (successfully) invalidate the attempt to clarify the misinformation, while completely understandable from the emotional space of ‘mad about erasure,’ did not impress me much. Which is why I weighed in on that other post.
(I also could have phrased my point better if I’d been in a more focused frame of mind, but it also clearly wouldn’t have mattered because the responses are entirely focused on ‘demonstrating why batman can in fact only be depicted in one specific way and this is why disagreeing at all makes you a bad person;’ constructive dialogue wasn’t happening.)
So. It is, in fact, appropriate to depict Batman doing Christmas, if you want to. And if it was not, ‘canon’ would still be a very bad argument against it. He has celebrated umpteen Christmasses, canonically. This is not a matter of ‘the default,’ it is a matter of established Batman behavior.
I mean, he’s been written that way because our culture is how it is, but he has been written that way. Still is. This week’s Nightwing was a holiday issue which featured Bruce asking Dick to come home tomorrow because ‘it’s Christmas.’
Guilting people about this and citing ‘canon’ in a deeply misleading manner is not good-faith behavior, even though I don’t imagine it’s being done maliciously either. It will, which is to say it has in very recent memory, create an unhealthy and abusive fandom environment.
And to say  ‘those instances of harassment based on takes like mine shouldn’t have happened, but also the fan creators who got harassed out of the fandom over sweaters shouldn’t have done the same thing canon does, because other canon i like better and which is more morally pure’ is just fandom wank.
It’s just fandom wank, and the fact that it involves the representation of a discriminated-against group just raises the stakes and offers the people attempting to pass fandom laws additional ammunition. Which raises the odds of things getting ugly.
It doesn’t change that distorting facts to coerce people into doing what you want is not an appropriate way to behave within a community.
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goldkirk · 4 years
A quick primer on HIV and how it really works (because it’s terrible and cool and I wanted to yell about yet another virus)
So!!! HIV! One of the single most vilified viruses in modern history, subject of SO much misinformation (along with AIDS) and fearmongering and hatred and the topic of many, many arguments over the past few decades. Let’s get to the bottom of what it really is, shall we?
It’s actually SO interesting and intense that most bio textbooks use it as THE case study virus for Here’s Why Viruses are Bad and Really Fuckin Hard To Make Vaccines For A Lot of the Time.
So. Let’s take this from the top. Once you get infected somehow with HIV, the virus either does or does not make your immune system panic to the extent that you get what feels like maybe a flu. And then that’s it.
Except it’s NOT.
Normally when we get a virus, we maybe feel sick, or maybe we don’t. Regardless, our immune system screams HOLY INVADERS, BATMAN and goes nuts fighting whatever virus it is with all the rad immune cells, and then we’re left with antibodies for that particular virus strain for the rest of our lives, and if we catch it again, or if the remnant in our bloodstream starts trying to multiply again, our bodies go NOT TODAY SATAN, YAHHHHHH and whack-a-moles it before we can even notice anything is wrong. (Shingles, for example, is what happens when chicken pox is like HA HA!!!! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONE BUT I AM NOT!!!!!!! DIE!!!!!! and our bodies are like YOU AGAIN????? UGH. no. STOP. and fights it off with help from medicine, because heyo, the chicken pox virus is Really Bad News when you’re an adult, and loves doing fast and HARD attacks on things like eyes. And skin. which are. you know. really important. We like not being blind.)
With most viruses, our body has a multi-angle approach that stops them. We’ve got all kinds of cells that do all kinds of things, halting viruses or eating viruses or cleaning up damage or blocking their paths to healthy cells, etc. But HIV is Extra Bad, because when HIV hits our bloodstream, it’s Extra Sneaky And Smart and literally goes “lmao you need this protein here? to keep me from attacking stuff? haha TOO BAD I’m going to disable ALL OF THEM. CHECKMATE.”
It. disables the protein. whose JOB is LITERALLY to specifically stop viruses and keep them from multiplying. So it just...breaks the whole jail system and replicates like mad. It’s like the horse firing the horse-catcher.
The HIV virus then spends years and years constantly replicating and multiplying and attacking various parts of our immune system and destroying it systematically. And to add insult to injury, much of the HIV replication is done IN immune system T cells. That’s. So rude.
For a while, the viral load (amount of virus in our bodies) and T cell count (amount of super important immune cells) stays fairly even, after several months of infection and up to years and years later. HIV mostly chills out and just infects opportunistically without working much.
But over time, it starts wrecking the rest of the immune system T cells and stuff, and it tips the balance, and we have a hard time fighting off any infections anymore, because most of our immune system is GONE. And that’s when people get diagnosed with Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome—AIDS.
All AIDS means is “your body is mcfreaking SHIT at fighting any invaders off anymore, and eventually, even the mildest cold could literally kill you.”
We can’t get rid of HIV completely from a host’s body, once a person is infected, but we CAN keep it from leading to the immune system compromising disaster mess of AIDS IF the patient keeps up their regimen of antiretrovirals permanently and consistently. This is why it’s so critical that the medicines be financially and geographically accessible—people WILL die without them. It’s not a “maybe”, it’s a when.
I can yell about virus mutation rates, too, if you want, bc that’s literally the neatest way to learn about vaccines and why they’re SO hard for things like HIV and the common cold and flus.
Tl;dr: HIV may or may not make you FEEL sick once, but then it Doesn’t Go Away, it just casually hacks and destroys your entire immune system so you can’t even try to fight it anymore. So it just...lives. like a permanent home invader. That slowly and inexorably disassembles your entire security system via the electric system, starting with the breaker box. And then it cheerfully allows every looter and burglar who wants to come in to just wander in and burn down the rest of the house for fun.
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Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na RACIST! (how Dobson thinks Batman is a supremacist, why I think Batman is not so good and Frank Miller is problematic
Over the last couple of years, Andrew Dobson has mad eit clear that he is not a fan of the character of Batman much (or anymore), calling him a Mary Sue and an embodiment of toxic masculinity as if that term means something nowadays considering how often it is thrown around. And don’t get me wrong, if you don’t like Batman as a character, that is completely fine with me. I myself am not the biggest fan of Batman myself. Or rather should I say, his overexposure in the comics.
Cause honestly, I do not hate the character on concept. I watched reruns of the Adam West Batman show from the 60s and the animated 90s show long before I even saw the Burton versions. Batman Brave and the Bold is one of my favorite animated shows of the 2000s. And I think that there are quite a few good Batman stories, shows and games out there overall. I do however believe that when it comes to Batman in the mainstream comics, things have taken a nose dive for a long time. Writers like Grant Morrison, Scott Snyder and Tom King in particular have over the last 10+ years (at least in my opinion) not just attempted to write stories about Batman as a hero, but also put him into the center of ever escalating events and philosophical wang fests so often, the comics and its characters (Batman and his villains alike) have become quite ridiculous. As a result Batman as a comic series is at times just too edgy, people get sick of certain characters (I like the Joker, but the way how he was handled in some of Snyder’s stories was ridiculous to the point they should have just called him Satan) and Batman comes off as a Gary Stu almost by default, cause the only way a “normal” human could even dare to deal with the over the top situations he faces, is by being even more over the top and smart and awesome by default.
 Now that we got my soapboxing regarding why I think Batman is not as good as a comic character anymore out of the way, lets see what Dobson’s take on Batman is and why he thinks he is turning Bat- I mean bad.
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 He believes that Batman turns into a fascist.
... I would ask if that is a joke, but I know that Dobson does not get humor at all or can tell a good joke if he was possessed by Leslie Nielsen.
Okay, so lets just try to dissect why this is dumb.
First off, while I did not talk about it in detail, I did mention that there are different incarnations and versions of Batman to enjoy. Hey, Dobson himself said that the one he enjoyed the most was the Batman of the animated series in the 90s. Which btw I highly recommend. And so do others. But here is the thing: There is not one “ultimate” version of Batman to stick to. There are different interpretations of the character. And most people are okay with that. Heck, there are more than enough people who both enjoyed the 60s Batman and Burton’s Batman. The important thing is, that all those interpretations need to have a certain key element of Batman still in order to make the character recognizable as who he is to be. Which in my opinion is the willingness to fight for good even in the face of some serial killer level baddies and show also once here and there his smarts as well as a bit of heart (guess what people, Batman can be compassionate too if he needs to be) while at the same time wearing a costume as he does and try to convey the image of being “the night” to put fear in the hearts of those cowardly criminals.
 Which is why people in general will call writers out on being bad, when you do not “get” Batman or what people in general associate Batman to be. But Dobson seems to insinuate at least indirectly that people are dumb for not understanding it. That he is supposedly the only one who “gets” Batman right. No Dobson, you are not the only one. The shitton of people who mocked Batman vs Superman of which you were a part of, are proof enough.
 Next, I have to admit I find it hilarious that he believes that Frank Miller’s version of Batman is what he believes people consider slowly the mainstream version of the character. No they don’t.
 Let me try to explain it with this version a bit, seeing how Dobson does not and in doing so is utterly misinformative. In the late 2000s, comic writer Frank Miller, known for work such as Sin City, 300 and his run of Daredevil in the 80s, was tasked by DC comics to write “All Star Batman and Robin” a miniseries in 12 issues. While the thing has actually pretty good artwork by Jim Lee (an artist Dobson wishes he could be), the story itself is very, very bad. While Miller was in the past quite respected and was the man behind “The Dark Knight Returns” in the early 90s (a comic even I think is pretty decent as a story about Batman as an older man taking the cowl up again)  , his work in general even at this point was not that good. Miller had become an openly racist person towards people of muslim background after witnessing 9/11 in New York in person, Batman in his work became a vigilante who gets away with levels of assault, violence and edgy philosophing and beating his meat (metaphorically) that it just became pretty obvious that Miller had turned into a racist grandfather with power fantasies whose ideas oozed into his work. I am not denying the accusations Dobson throws here at Miller. His Batman in All Star is violent, acts like a self righteous psycho, kidnaps an underaged boy and does at one point consider that if he had Green Lantern’s power ring he could make the world “better” than Hal Jordan. Which considering his actions so far in that comic makes any person with self preservation instincts and empathy  wonder, what “better” means. Additionally, other characters like Superman, Wonder Woman and the mentioned Green Lantern don’t really fare good either when it comes to having likable personalities, making you wish a villain like Luthor would just get rid of those “heroes” already just to assure us they could not go crazy next tuesday.
So yeah, it is a shitty version of Batman, despised by many to the point All Star Batman is mocked to the nth degree. Miller himself became even more controversial and hatred when he wrote and got Holy Terror released, a beast I do not even want to touch upon at the time righ now. I just say it is bad as shit and one of the worst writen and drawn things I ever saw.
 HOWEVER… this version of Batman is not the mainstream one. I repeat: this is not the mainstream one, “accepted” by a majority of people. As the paragrpah previously show.
The character All Star Batman is considered ONLY associable with Millers miniseries of the same name, that did not even properly conclude as it was put on endless hiatus with issue ten. It has never become inspirational for any other portrayal of the character so far and DC comics also does not endorse the character in correlation with its main universe, even if they still sell tradepaperbacks of the series.
This, if you have any reading comprehension, points towards one of the biggest lies in Dobson’s comic: The idea, that THIS Batman is the one that’s been popular for the last 15 years or so, as STATED by Dobson himself in the second panel of his comic.
 No. No, this “Batman”, the violent psychopath who uses guns and drives a tank, is not the mainstream and never was so in the last 15 years. Or I should rather say 20. See, this comic was published like in 2015. Meaning he is referring to Batman from between 2000 till 2015.
Lets see what versions of Batman were popular at this point
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So we got a Batman who was there for a girl dying cause of something done to her brain, a 60s inspired Batman who still was badass and worked well with other heroes and saved the world a few times, a videogame Batman who would not even have let the Joker die when his poison finally got the better of him (Arkham City), a Batman who travelled backwards through time into the present and then tried to use his fortune to support heroes in other parts of the world to do good (I acknowledge though, the Batman shooting Darkseid thing was crap, even if Darkseid is the god of evil in DC) and we even got (though not shown here) a Batman who even when he drove a freaking tank did not run over peolpe with it (Batman, Nolan trilogy) and would rather accept people hating him than being a hero, by taking on the blame of Harvey Dent being killed to not taint the laters reputation. Oh and did I forget to mention that Nolan’s Batman almost sacrificed himself to prevent Gotham from nuclear destruction?
And before someone says “gotch’ya” by pointing at another rinfamous work by Miller, known as the Dark Knight strikes again… I said popular. That comic from the early 2000s was not popular and again NOT referenced much by mainstream media or mainstream fans as good.
 Now I will say, Batman as in the mainstream comics at the same time got unfortunately darker to the degree I hinted on when I made this post. Cause the last 15 years were comic wise the time of Morrison, Scott and others in particular. Who were involved in such “brilliant” moves as the Court of Owls story, the introduction of Professor Pyg, turning Joker into a satanic archetype villain stu, Batman having the brilliant idea to go Big Brother Eye, the No Man’s Land shit, having to deal with more brutal murders than previously etc. Yes, mainstream Batman got more violent. But the violence was less in the character itself as more within the world he was part of. Mainstream Batman comics took on a more violent tone than there was before. But ironically, even if Batman had to face more brutal beatdowns and villains, by comparison he is one of the most “kind” characters compared to the ones he faces or even works with. This is a character who had to teach his own son that murder was not okay, cause the kid was raised by an evil murder cult.
 And even with the mainstream comics such as Detective Comics and Batman main series becoming darker… they are not pro-fascist or go into that direction. I read a lot of DC in general, not just Batman, and Batman is not going sieg heiling or beating up people because of the color of their skin or because they are poor. When Lex Luthor was president, Batman was one of the main heroes opposing him. Mainstream Batman is beating you up for being a murderer and highly violent criminal with a gimmick, independent of your political agenda. And the writers are also not pro fascist, including even post 2015 Frank Miller.
 Yeah. Frank Miller, whose work I am not fond of and who I think is a racist asshole who had things coming for Holy Terror,  is not really writing (or at least publishing) racist Batman anymore.
Don’t get me wrong, I still think the guy is bad and I believe if he had a chance to get his opinion out unfiltered, we would be in for a shitstorm. But I actually read up on his Dark Knight 3: The Master Race thing because I was worried how racist that is and how DC would recover from that dud. Turned out… it was not as bad as you would expect with a title like this. The “Master Race” referred in that story to a group of racist kryptonians who thought they should take over earth because their powers made them superior. While Batman was not the most positive character in it, he was fighting against them with many other heroes. This Batman was actually a vast improvement personality wise from Batman in Dark Knight strikes again and All Star. So yeah, Batman written by racist grandfather was still a hero. Granted, I think a lot of that was also thanks to the fact that DC had partnered up Miller with someone who kept things tighter around him, but still. Fascist Batman is not a thing the comics and the majority of fans want.
 Ironically, if you want to see how a publisher taints the image of a hero people look up to by making him more racist… well, Dobson’s “praised” and woke Marvel did once something called Secret Empire. Which had Captain America turn into the Fuehrer and taking over America. And the Nazis for a lack of a better word, were “competent” enough in the story that the heroes really only won in parts thanks to a shitton of asspulls. So… yeah.
I mean, the event still ended with the good guys winning and the bad guys defeated, but still.
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discoursecatharsis · 5 years
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Another day, another person misusing the word “queerbaiting.” I haven’t watched the video cause the thumbnail is just so off putting. God, I’m so tired. I hardcore NOTP Sh@dam but that’s not what queerbaiting is. And if the thumbnail is just clickbait, it’s still bad cause it’s just spreading misinformation.
(above submitted by anon)
First of all, I love the name and email you submitted this under lol
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Next, Holy Misleading Thumbnail Batman.
Also why is that SU ship even on here? Didn’t they like… canon get married? And kiss on screen multiple times? How is that queerbaiting??
I was gonna say “at least KL isn’t in the thumbnail” but I’m willing to bet it’s mentioned in the video, I don’t want to skip through it to find out if I’m right though
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ladyculebras · 5 years
1. This movie blames Rachel for EVERYTHING. This is the big main thing that bothers me throughout the film. Rachel is at fault, either directly or subtly, throughout the film.
First off, Rachel is the one who fears death so much she cannot bear to prepare her daughter for the possibility of Church dying, while the original actively had them trying to get Church fixed so he wouldn't wander around so much and thus, less likely to die. This wouldn't bother me so much, but LOUIS is the one who okay talking about death and wants to talk to Ellie about it and wants to not shield her from the truth that Church could die. This...ruins the whole narrative thrust. Louis is supposed to be fearful of death, shying away from exposing his family to it in any capacity, to the point where he avoid any kind of confrontation and causes the whole problem. Louis and his inability to handle death when it hits home is the whole POINT.
But furthermore, Rachel is the one who doesn't want to tell Ellie about Church dying! Louis WANTS to tell her but Rachel convinces him to tell her that Church ran away and tells him to go bury Church in secret. So inadvertently, it's all Rachel's fault. If Louis just talked to his daughter about death, and her dead cat, none of this would have happened. It completely removes accountability from Louis, when that is his whole tragic flaw.
Look this wouldn't bother me so much if Rachel were the main character instead. You want to make it her fault this happens, that's okay! But make her drive the story then! Don't do it as a way to absolve Louis of further responsibility!!!!!!
FURTHERMORE!!!! YES THERE'S MORE. After Ellie's death, Rachel is the one who decides to go away and leaves Louis behind...for reasons. Like yes I understand why she would want to get away from this awful place, but the movie completely cuts out the subplot of Rachel's parents hating Louis, so there is no reason for him not to go. But this also removes Louis actively conspiring to get Rachel to go away so he can go do a bad thing. It's a small thing but a really important thing that means Louis just doesn't come off as badly as he did in the original. The original movie is about grief but it's also about the folly of a man who is unable to let go or listen to anyone around him, and making terrible decisions that he hides from the female members of his family that ruins them all. It's so clearly obvious the male directors did not want Louis to look TOO BAD. Trying to remove accountability from Louis ruins the whole point and the tragedy as well. If Louis doesn't make these choices, if held held back from accepting death because his wife asked him too, how can this be his fault.
In the original, Rachel recounts her sister Zelda's death in a scene with Louis and explains that she wanted her to die and she felt awful for wanting that. Louis comforts her and tells her she did nothing wrong and her parents were awful for putting her through that. Then insists she takes a valium for her anxiety because LOLZ THE 80s AND CASUAL DRUG USE, MAN.
Here, she tells Louis the story but explains that she ACCIDENTALLY killed her sister, by forcing her sister--who can't get out of bed--to crawl to a dumbwaiter to get her food where she falls in, because Rachel was too scared.to go up to her and give her the food herself. Now, I don't have a problem with this, this doesn't make her a bad person in my eyes, but the change itself puts some responsibility on an EIGHT YEAR OLD KID for her sister's death in a way that the original movie and book didn't.
God I hate this change the most because I adored the original for going there with the themes of grief and exploring all the ugly messy emotions involved in grief and not just dead children but prolonged illness. And demonizing those emotions for a cheap shocking reveal at the end is not dark and mature storytelling, its childish.
3. Also holy shit this movie mishandled Zelda so badly. They have Zelda straight up threaten Rachel and say she hated her and she was going to end up just like her. Her NEVER GET OUT OF BED AGAIN line is an actual threat to her. It was a weird demonization of an ill woman, when the original was already sketching the line in its portrayal of meningitis, but this was so much worse. Those words are manifestations of Rachel's anxiety!!! THEY ARE NOT ACTUAL THREATS. IT'S JUST RACHEL THINKING HER SISTER MUST HATE HER.
The whole scene is played for weird jack in the box jump scares instead of the existential horror of watching your sister be ravaged by disease when you are too young to understand what that is.
4. Ellie is this weird perfect angel child, and it bothers me. In the original story, she's scared of the pet sematary at first. She has a great speech about how Church is her cat, not God's cat, he can't have him! She cries and storms off and throws tantrums and says SHIT. She is a regular kid, basically. In the book, she actively annoys Louis! Here, she's just...boringly perfect. Everyone loves her. She never gets angry. She never cries. She doesn't even seem upset when Church attacks her. Jud is enchanted by her, literally saying he is under her spell, WTF. This wouldn't be so bad in general, bad writing for a child but not necessarily awful, but it bothers me the most here because it's all set up for when Ellie dies and comes back as a total monster. Ellie cannot actually be her own character but a pedestaled symbol of a child for Louis to cry over, and for the audience to feel horrified by when she returns as a shell of herself. At least when the original did that with Gage, it made sense, because he is a TODDLER and they have no real personalities. We as a whole tend to over idealize babies and the only thing you can really do with Gage narratively is make him a symbol.
5. Speaking of Zombie Ellie, I wanted to be open to the whole Ellie dies and comes back thing! I hated the idea of it initially but I was hoping it'd be interesting. I liked the beginning, with Ellie being set up as fascinated and drawn to the pet semetary to begin with, and I was kinda hoping the movie would follow her pov instead. After all, I love a good monster girl story and I was really intrigued by the idea of Ellie being AWARE she's been reanimated, and angry about it, upset about it. But tbh, I think the movie in general seemed to go with the idea that Ellie is not Ellie at all but the wendigo, acting through her.
But it was BAD, partly because the actress was not good--not her fault she was given poor direction and shitty material and she's just a KID--but also partly because these dudes just don't know how to write women and don't know how to write girls and didn't really grant the reanimated Ellie any actual humanity or depth. She existed to torment those around her, like she was seeking revenge, rather than coming back wrong as something monstrous like child Gage in the original. She came off as a generic creepy girl child who was possessed.
HONESTLY just having Ellie speak was a terrible idea. I sort of get what they were going for, after all,in the book, undead Gage speaks and knows things he should not know, and Elie as an avatar of...the wendigo *TAKE A FUCKING SHOT* would do the same, I get that they were doing that. But oh god the batman voice they gave her and the terrible lines sounded so OFF. She would have been creepier if she didn't say anything or at least, spoke in a regular little girl voice. It would have been creepier if she was clearly not Ellie and Louis didn't care--they kept going so back and forth on Louis in these scenes, first he is scared of what he brought back and uncomfortable with her and yelling at her, but then he is all HUG YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!!!! GOD CAN HAVE HIS OWN CHILD!!!!! And then he is back to wanting to kill her. But honestly, I don't need the movie to have done things my way, just...not this. This was terribly executed. 
6. Speaking of, they were doing some weird...psychosexual Elektra complex with undead Ellie and Louis. First the shot with both of them in the bed together is mirrored earlier with a shot of both Rachel and Louis in bed together....okay then. I mean. That doesn't mean anything. Maybe I am just misinterpreting. But then Ellie is like SHE DOESNT WANT ME HERE AND I DON'T WANT MOMMY HERE (but she still...reanimates her...for reasons. Why. I don't understand).
Then Ellie attacks Jud and wears the face of his WIFE TO DO IT and torments him like that.
Why. Why would you do this. I hate these writers. These are the worst choices.
8. This movie legit single perfect tears Louis during Ellie's funeral. Are you kidding me. A single perfect tear. FOR REAL. THIS IS A MOVIE ABOUT GRIEF. 
9. A lot of the promo material before the movie came out made a big deal about staying truer to the book than the original and it being an adaptation of the book, not a remake of the movie. Sure, but they barely do anything with wendigo and I'm kinda glad, because the whole INDIAN BURIAL GROUND is a bad trope and King's depiction of the Wendigo is soooo wrong and misinformed and terrible but like..this movie didn't do anything with the mythology except name drop it.
10. I AM ACTUALLY MAD THEY MADE CHURCH EVIL. Like this is nitpicking I know but!  In the book, Church (and the reanimated dog) isn't actually evil, he's a zombie. Hes described as not quite how to be a cat anymore. And even in the movie, Church doesn't do anything sinister. He only attacks Louis and who could blame him, and he never hurts Ellie at all. She still sleeps with him in her bed. So I am honestly annoyed they had Church actively attack Ellie jklasfasda
11. Oh my god let's talk about Pascow. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE THEY DONE TO PASCOW. They completely neutered him and made him just a generic ghost, for the most part. Pascow is cheerful in the original, while also being creepy yet relatable. You can really emphasize with his sheer helplessness to stop the tragedy from unfolding. But none of that comes across here. Maybe they wanted to maintain the completely SERIOUS tone, but ultimately Pascow is supposed to be a soothing presence. He is there to remind people that death isn't evil and something that needs to be accepted. He isn't supposed to be there for jump scares, and then completely disappear for the most part.
12. Also the optics of casting a black man for Pascow , and then completely and grotesquely fucking up his face so bad his brains are exposed in his scenes...while Ellie also gets hit by a truck and she looks completely okay, like a perfect corpse angel is just. Gross and bad and racist and sexist ALL AT ONCE, AMAZING.
Like look, I don't WANT to see a mutilated gored up child, sure, but it's so shitty that both these characters get hit by trucks and the black man looks like....he got hit by a truck but the white child looks fine. She looks fine. Her head is stapled and her eyes are a little mismatched but fine.
13. THE EDITING IS SO BAD. It feels like they couldn't WAIT to get to the ending fast enough so scenes will literally smash cut to the next right in the middle of an action. There was a moment where Church is hissing and then it just CUTS immediately in the middle of hissing, he doesn't even get to finish hissing! Just cut to the next scene! There is no lingering on a moment to just process. Things just happen.
14. The story of Timothy, the person who was brought back one time, is just a footnote in this movie. It's barely relevant. That was a such a great creepy moment that underscored the whole movie and it's themes, and it's just gone.
15. Why is Jud so creepy. He literally looks at Louis and the family from a distance and ominously smokes a cigarette and he's so mysterious for no reason and even his first meeting with Ellie he yells at her and then is like WHAT, CAN'T YOU READ about the pet sematary sign. WHAT ARE THESE CHOICES. For a moment I thought Jud would be evil but no he's just weird and creepy for reasons? The movie sacrificed his and Louis' relationship to build one with him and Ellie, which is cute but also kinda bothers me because it's really to just make Ellie look like she is SO IMPORTANT TO JUD and that's why he tells Louis how to bring her cat back and it's…weird. Jud seems overinvested in the family and kids that aren't his rather than like,being friends with them all.
Jud is CHARMING. You fall in love with his kindly old man gentleman nature. He feels like everyone's grandpa. He is warm and delightful and it's such a shock and horror when he dies in such a brutal way. Trying to frame him in shadow with an ominous cigarette reduces the warmth of the character for no reason!
Furthermore, Jud's warmth is meant to obscure that he's ultimately rather weak himself, in character, just like Louis. He's not entirely at fault for the events but he cant help himself in telling Louis about burying church, rather than implying that the dark power is literally ensnaring him to make Louis do it jaksfsadfasdfa
17. Guys, you can't just turn on a fog machine on your set and say you're an atmospheric movie. HAVING FOG IS NOT A SUBSTITUTE FOR GENUINE DREAD.
18. The ending is just bad. I REALLY WANTED TO LIKE zombie family but its filmed like for cheap shock, rather than genuine horror. I love dark endings, but it didn't feel like a tragedy the movie should be, it just felt like the hand of the writers were trying to do a different ending to say SEE THIS IS DIFFERENT! LOOK AT HOW DIFFERENT AND DARK WE ARE. I just...hate the whole framing. I love the idea of the whole family being reanimated but I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY. Ellie wanted to torture them like she is being tortured? That's a great concept but it's not really a thing in the movie. You can't tell if Zombie Rachel or Zombie Louis feel any kind of horror or torment at their own state, which undercuts the whole reanimation.
Ok in the interest of being fair, here are some things I liked.
1. I do genuinely love Ellie in this movie at the beginning. I liked the idea of her being drawn to the cemetery. I really liked the scene where Louis is giving her a bath and he sees the staples from the autopsy. I loved the bits when it was sort of suggested that even she didn't know why she was back and where she had gone and did not understand why she could feel the woods inside her. I wish we just expanded on that more.
2. Church. Church is great. Church is always great. Best cat, did no wrong. This movie did not kill the cat off for good, so that is a bonus.
3. There's a moment where Louis is trying to justify bring Ellie back to life and Rachel is just staring at him agog and horrified and Louis is wild eyed and shaking and it's the most terrifying moment in the movie for me. Not Ellie or the wendigo, but LOUIS, having completely lost it and not giving a shit that he has an undead monster daughter right now. SO GREAT. The movie undercuts it later by having him realize he ~needs to kill Ellie~ again and like...no, go full steam ahead with that.
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: That Cycle Thing (ao3 link)
Fandom: Flash, Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Barry Allen/Mick Rory Series: Flashwave Week 2018 (Destiny Series)
Summary: "It's kind of weird, though, isn't it," Barry says, sitting in the clinic for the first time. "You know, that being a superhero or a supervillain is correlated with - well, developing a weirdo reproductive system?"
"Not really," Mick says. "See, it's not correlation. It's the other one."
"Causation? Wait, like, being a superhero means you go alpha or omega? But how?"
A/N: @flashwaveweek - Flashwave Week: ABO
"New one, huh?" the big guy asks, not without sympathy.
"Yeah," Barry says. "Is it that obvious?"
"Kind of is," the guy confirms. "Mostly in the freaked-out way your eyes keep darting around. Don't worry. This place is totally confidential and a, what do you call 'em, a safe space."
"I appreciate that," Barry says, very sincerely. "I mean, you hear stories..."
"Pornorgraphy, you mean," the guy says.
Barry laughs. "Yeah, I guess. It's kind of weird, though, isn't it, that being a superhero or a supervillain is correlated with - well, developing a weirdo reproductive system?"
"Not really," the guy says wryly. "See, it's not correlation, it's the other one."
"Causation? Wait, like, being a superhero means you go alpha or omega? But how?"
"You know how a while back, Superman was the only major superhero?"
"You know how he and his cousin are basically the last of their species?"
"I'd like you to imagine a computer-robot-creature capable of reprogramming the human genetic code being real unhappy with that fact."
"Wait. Are you telling me -"
"The whole alpha-omega shit all of us powered folks get saddled with is designed to make us reproductively compatible with Kryptonians? You bet your ass. Literally, if you're an omega."
"That's - that absolute bullshit! Why not make them compatible with us?!"
"We've all asked that question," the guy says. "All of us. At length. Usually at volume. Everyone reacts differently to finding out about the cycles, but that reaction’s pretty consistent.”
“No wonder.”
“Either way, that’s one of the reasons why capes end up dating each other more often than not. My name's Mick, by the way."
"Barry," Barry automatically replies, then flushes. "I mean -"
"No, no, it's better this way," Mick says. "No hero identities in the clinic. Keeps fights and rivalries from the outside from coming inside."
"Right. That makes sense."
A companionable silence settles on them for a little.
After a few minutes, Barry clears his voice.
"No, it's nothing like the tabloids say it is," Mick says.
"Oh thank god," Barry says. "That stuff about, like, heats and ruts..."
"You get cramps and a mild fever and you're, like, a little more horny than usual," Mick says. "Pretty similar to a woman's menstrual cycle. Nothing at all like the mindless fuck-or-die no-standards do-anyone bullshit you hear about."
Barry sighs in relief.
"Don't get me wrong, sex helps with the cramps and stuff," Mick adds. "But it sure as hell isn't a total loss of your ability to make decisions. Unless you're, like, into that, but that's your own business, y'know?"
"Good," Barry says firmly. "That was - yeah. Not good. I don't know what I was more scared of, the omega heats where you can't say no or the alpha ruts where you don't care if someone else is saying no."
"Yeah, that is definitely not a thing! Anyone who tells you otherwise, they're being dicks. You tell the clinic what they're saying and they'll shut 'em down. Everyone respects the clinic, hero or villain."
"Good," Barry says again, then hesitates. "Uh, one more question, if that's okay..?"
"Sure, shoot."
"How do you, uh, know? Which one you are, I mean. Or which one someone else is."
"There's a bunch of signs," Mick says. "But you usually aren't one or the other, you know."
"What? You're not?"
"Nah. It's got something to do with stress, proximity to other capes, nutrition, hormones, emotional state, whatever, but most people end up swapping dynamics every few years. Pretty rare to be one or another all the time."
"Huh. I didn't know that."
"Most people don't. It's private, you know? Especially with all the misinformation out there."
"Superhero porn," Barry agrees. "Super-heroes, super-popular - and that's even before the cycle thing got into the mix."
"Yep," Mick says. "Congrats, you’re a fetish now. But what can you do?"
“Not much,” Barry agrees.
"Barry!" the nurse calls.
Barry starts. "Oh," he says, starting to get up. "That's me - I've got to go -"
"I'm sure I'll see you around, the way these things go," Mick says, waving. "But, hey - Barry?"
"Yeah?" Barry says, turning back.
"If you ever have any more questions about all this, I'm happy to answer 'em," Mick says. "Cape or no cape." Then he grins wickedly. “And if you ever want some help getting through those cycles, hit me up.”
Barry blinks, taken slightly aback – is he being hit on? He is definitely being hit on, holy crap, he’s being hit on by a very attractive man who is considerate enough to wait until Barry has a built-in excuse to exit the conversation, this is the best day ever – and then, slowly, smiles back at him. "I’ll keep that in mind. Thanks."
Barry does end up meeting Mick again, sooner than expected - he's a speedster from the Gem Cities, so he's inheriting the mantle of The Flash from Jay Garrick, the older generation, and along with the mantle of the Flash come the Flash's rogues gallery, including the Rogues.
The Rogues, which include Heatwave.
Mick Rory.
Oh, well. It was probably too much to hope for that he'd be a hero.
At least, if he has to be a villain, he's a villain in Barry's jurisdiction. Heroes, Barry had discovered, are extremely territorial about their villains, always insisting on taking lead against them and butting heads over them.
(After the first the time Rogues visit Gotham, Barry abruptly realized that that means they'll be facing Batman's unique brand of massive overkill vengeance only without the vague fondness he has for his own villains; as this was followed immediately by Barry growing a spine and confronting Batman for the first time to insist that he be part of the investigation and subsequent fight, Barry understands the impulse much more.)
But, yeah. Barry goes through his first few cycles - omega cycles, currently - by lying on Iris' couch and making puppy eyes at her until she fetches him chocolate and hot water bottles, but then she gets together with Eddie and it seems a bit rude to impose.
At least Iris assures him she'll continue to pretend to be his love interest, since having one is apparently de rigueur for heroes, since everyone gets very judgy if you're feeling single for a while.
Even Batman has a love interest. Several, even.
But also, going through your cycle alone is...ugh. Mick was right, at least, in that sex isn't required (though superspeed makes taking a bit of time to scratch the itch an irresistible temptation), but Barry's starting to find that company really is.
And he's kind of short of that.
So when he heads out on reluctant patrol during the itching, annoying second night of his heat to find Captain Cold and Heatwave robbing a small jewelry store - no witnesses, no CCTV, barely anything worth taking to the point that Barry kinda suspects that the place is a Family front - he decides to tap Heatwave on the shoulder and say, "Uh, sorry, but at the clinic -"
Cold is in the middle of raising his gun but when he hears the word "clinic" he drops it with a sigh. "Of course he did," Cold says, rolling his eyes. "Mick, I'll see you when you get back."
"You do that," Heatwave agrees. "Barry, this is an anti-Family thing - wouldja mind if Len takes..?"
"Well, if it's an anti-Family thing -"
No one in Central likes the ever-warring Families.
Cold waves a hand at Mick and glares at Barry. "You be nice to him," he says, right before stalking out.
Barry flushes. "I mean - I didn't -"
He kind of did.
"It's all right if you just have more questions," Mick assures him. "Or even if you just want someone to hang around while you're being miserable. Doesn't have to be a hookup." He grins. "Unless you want one, of course."
Barry wars with himself and his own embarrassment for a minute, but Mick seems so calm and even Cold had been so casually accepting and damnit, Barry hasn't gotten laid in ages which is even longer for a speedster who occasionally time travels back in time to repeat a few days -
"The latter," Barry says, flushing red under his cowl. "If you don't mind."
"Not at all," Mick says, eyes brightening. He steps forward and loops his arms around Barry in prime speedster-carry position. "Well?"
Barry runs them out of there.
Turns out Mick was right: it really does alleviate the symptoms.
After the whole mess with Eobard and things blowing up and Barry feeling horribly guilty and nearly running himself ragged, he notices that his cycles are – different.
Less cramping, more mood swings, for one thing. Mostly going manic, actually – super hyper, super bad focus, none of which is good for super activities.
The horniness is way up, as usual, but now Barry’s suddenly eyeing everyone around him because is it just him, or did he somehow miss the fact that he’s surrounded by extremely attractive people?
It takes a few days of being twitchy for Barry to realize that he’s in rut instead of heat this time.
And, well, Mick did say…
“Oh, sure,” Mick says, holding the door to the Rogues’ hideout open and gesturing for Barry to come in.
“There isn’t, you know, a compatibility problem?” Barry asks, coming in anyway.
“Gay people existed on Krypton too,” Mick says solemnly, then cracks up when Barry gives him a look. “I don’t know, Red. I’ve never noticed a difference, whether it’s alpha-omega, alpha-alpha, omega-omega, whatever. Besides, I live with a whole coop full of alphas now; someone’s going to be shifting dynamics sooner rather than later.”
“Having a lot of one type tends to result in equalization, apparently? Something about syncing up hormones. Dunno.”
Captain Cold – Len, he’d told Barry to call him – waves from where he’s lounging on the couch. “Glad to see you two lovebirds are keeping it up,” he says.
That gets both Barry and Mick to splutter.
“They’re not lovebirds, they're just fucking,” Mark Mardon opines. He’s digging into a pint of ice cream with a fork. Barry wonders if that has to do with the heightened hunger of the alpha, or the cravings of the omega, or maybe the Weather Wizard’s just a frat boy at heart. Who knows?
“We’re just leaving, that's what we are,” Mick says, grabbing Barry’s hand and leading him upstairs. “So don’t bother us!”
As soon as they’re alone in Mick’s room, he grins at Barry. “Sorry about ‘em. Can’t live with them…you know the rest.”
“Why are you all living together?”
Mick shrugs. “Supervillain thing,” he says.
“What, a shared inability to make rent?”
Mick laughs. “Nah,” he says. “We did a job, it went pear-shaped, and now some people are out to get us, so we’re huddling together for safety. S’cool, don’t worry about it,” he adds, seeing Barry opening his mouth to volunteer help. “It’ll all blow over soon enough.”
“Well,” Barry says. “I’m glad you guys are doing okay.”
Mick’s smile broadens. “I’m glad to see you too, Red.”
Mick does end up going omega after another few months, and he calls Barry on the number Barry’s given him – they’ve been texting a little, back and forth, because Barry’s really bad at doing the whole friends-with-benefits thing without also doing the, you know, friends part of it –with a request that Barry show up at a certain warehouse with his supersuit and without plans for the evening.
It’s awesome.
And, well, after that…
It’s not that they’re dating or anything, that’s for sure. They’re hero and villain, and they are not pulling a Batman-Catwoman shtick.
But Barry has Mick on his speed dial, calling him whenever his ruts or heats hit – he ends up going back to omega pretty quickly, since apparently that’s where his body’s comfort zone is – and Mick does the same, wherever he is on his cycle.
And, you know, maybe they hang out outside of that, sometimes. Mick’s pretty cool – no pun intended – and he’s very laid back, which Barry really appreciates given the usual high-key frenzy that he has to deal with as part of Team Flash.
So, yes, sometimes they go see movies, or go to dinner, or Mick will swing by Barry’s apartment and cook him something, even if it’s not exactly on their cycles.
Sometimes Barry goes to hang out at Mick’s place – which usually involves at least some Rogues, or at minimum Len, because Len and Mick are codependent best friends and Barry respects that, especially once Mick explained that Len is ace and didn’t give a damn about cycles in any direction.
(Also, Len sometimes has glowing blue eyes, usually when he's reading this big large Book on the couch, but Barry has decided not to ask about that.)
Either way, though - it works.
It’s – nice.
Barry’s happy.
Of course, Barry's hardly the only hero with a regular hookup for heats and ruts, but most of them at least pretend that said regular hookups are not with one of their villains. Barry, on the other hand, isn't much for pretending, and that means he gets the occasional Talk from his fellow superheroes.
The annoyingness quality of said Talk varies based on the person involved.
"Bad guy, huh?" Aquaman grunts. "Sure that's a good idea?"
"Truce applies in relation to clinic matters," Barry reminds him.
He gets a shrug in return. "Doesn't make it not a bad idea."
"I'm an adult capable of making my own decisions, thanks."
"You sure you're okay?" Cyborg asks, looking sincerely concerned. "I mean, he's not, like, taking advantage or -"
Barry takes poor brand-new Cyborg to the clinic and corrects his misapprehensions much the same way Mick did for him, though without the proposition.
"A villain, Barry," Oliver says flatly. "Really?"
"Huntress," Barry reminds him. He's never going to let Oliver live that down.
"She's an anti-hero sometimes," Oliver says. "But Heatwave -"
"Are you trying to say the Rogues aren't anti-heroes sometimes?"
"Not the point."
"I don't think you actually have a point," Barry says. "You want to register your disapproval. Well, it's registered."
"You know it's not that," Oliver says. "We're friends. I worry."
"I appreciate that. But seriously, I'm fine. Trust me. Mick and I have a good set-up that works for us."
"You know, if it's just a lack of other options -" Hawkgirl starts.
"I'm flattered," Barry says hastily. "But seriously, Kendra, no, I'm very happy as is." He pauses and frowns. "Tell me Oliver didn't send you."
"No, no - well, he did express his concern -"
"Punch him in the face for me, will you?"
She laughs.
"You know, it's really good that you're -" Superman starts.
"Nope," Barry says. "If this is a lead up to say something about Mick, you should stop right there. I'm totally happy to talk work and even fun hanging out stuff with you, but I'm still pissed at you about the whole cycle thing."
"...fair point," Superman concedes. "Well, good luck. My cousin says hi, too; she's hoping to get back to Earth soon and wants to meet him. Assuming you're not still too pissed at her, too."
"...it's hard to be pissed at Kara."
"It really is," Superman agrees, quite solemn. He doesn’t take any of it personally, which Barry really appreciates.
Wonder Woman just gives Barry a thumbs up, but to be fair Barry is pretty sure she's casually dating Golden Glider, so he wasn't really expecting a lecture from her.
And then one day he turns around and the urban legend of Gotham is standing behind him with a brooding expression.
"Don't tell me you have an opinion, too," Barry sighs. He’d known this was coming – Batman had an opinion on everything.
Usually a negative one.
Usually a negative one backed with data collected via an unnecessary amounts of stalking.
“No,” Batman says. “No opinion.”
“…what, really?”
Batman’s expression doesn’t so much as flicker. “Central City is beyond my jurisdiction.”
Barry blinks. “I mean,” he says, “not that I don’t appreciate that, but – and please don’t take offense here – it’s not like you really seem to pay attention to that whole jurisdiction thing for other heroes, so –”
“Central City itself,” Batman clarifies. “I can’t enter. None of the heroes can, not without your authorization.”
“…what now?”
“Well, excluding Diana,” Batman corrects, as if that was the problem with what he’d just said.
“Go back to the part where there’s a forcefield around Central City,” Barry says.
“It’s not a forcefield,” Batman says. “I’ve checked.”
“Then what?”
“A zone of no-interference,” Batman says. “If it makes you feel better, it’s been there for a while; I don’t think it’s actively harmful.”
“…okay,” Barry says. “And you didn’t feel the need to mention this before, so you’re telling me this right now for a – reason? I assume?”
“The zone appears to have changed.”
Barry isn’t very good at glaring, and certainly not at Batman, but he’s doing his best.
“Your relationship with Mick Rory.”
“Wait,” Barry says, “I thought we were talking about the – no-interference zone, I guess? You said you didn’t have an opinion on me and Mick!”
“Mick and I,” Batman says. “And I don’t. But I prefer to keep an eye on things that change.”
“You haven’t even told me how the zone changed!”
“It doesn’t just apply to Central City anymore,” Batman says. “It also applies whenever you and Mr. Rory are – together.”
Barry gapes at him.
“Just thought you should know,” Batman says, and then he’s gone.
“Oh, that,” Mick says.
“Oh, that?!”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“Don’t worry about it?”
“It’s just a thing.”
Mick cracks a smile. “Sorry,” he says. Barry smacks him with a pillow; there’s several within easy reach from where they’re snuggling on the couch in the Rogues’ living room. “Couldn’t resist. It is just a thing, though. It's Lenny.”
“Len? I mean, Captain Cold? What about him?”
“Well, way back when, we joined this hero group for a while,” Mick says. “Called the ‘Legends’ –”
“What, really?”
“Yes, really.”
“You guys? As heroes?”
“When I said we all react to finding out about the cycles in different ways, I mean it,” Mick says dryly. “Len seemed to think we needed to try both sides of the villain-hero spectrum to see if it was different. It isn’t, by the way.”
“Okay,” Barry says, mildly disappointed. It would’ve been interesting to go villain for a little bit. Just a tiny little bit. A nice, not-always-on-call villain, who could probably sleep in on the weekends for once instead of having to deal with a brand new crisis of the week…maybe he could arrange a kidnapping instead? Mick would definitely oblige. “What does that have to do with a magical zone of non-interference?”
“Well,” Mick says. “Len ended up doing something stupid.”
“Wow,” Barry says dryly. “Look at me. I’m so surprised. Len? I assume it was extremely dramatic.”
“Well, yeah.”
Mick laughs. “Well, anyway, he ended up sort of kind of – getting blown up?”
“He what?”
“Long story. He got better, though –"
Of course he got better.
"- and anyway he ended up in this garden that exists out of space and time, and while he was there, he stole this book - you've seen it, the Book? - and now he has this weird part-time job, sort of, except the guy he stole the book from is sort of mentoring him for a quote, ‘more peaceful transition than my brother’ because apparently there was a whole thing or something, I don't know. So Len gets to spend some of his time here, instead of being stuck in the garden.”
“Okay. So he’s a part-time…bookkeeper?”
Mick cackles. “You hear that, Lenny?” he shouts. “You’re a bookkeeper!”
“You have no idea how literal that is,” Len says, wandering out of the kitchen. He’s got the glowing blue eyes again, and he’s holding the Book – a big, gigantic tome of a book, and there’s a chain going from the spine onto Len’s wrist. “See? I’m keeping the Book. I'm the Book keeper.”
Barry snorts a laugh, somewhat involuntarily. “What do you actually do?”
“Long story,” Len says. “Mick, the pasta –”
“There’s a bowl on the table.”
“You’re the best.”
Len wanders right back out again.
Barry wonders if now is a good time to ask about the glowing eyes.
“They go with the Book,” Mick says.
Barry blinks at him.
“The eyes. They happen whenever the Book’s around. Len thinks it’s cute that you never ask, by the way.”
Barry flushes. “I didn’t want to be rude.”
Mick shifts a little, pulling Barry in closer. “Don’t worry. He doesn’t mind if it’s you. You’re my plus-one.”
Barry pauses. “I am?” he asks hopefully. “Really?”
“I mean. If you wanna be.”
“Yes. I do. Definitely. For sure. I mean, assuming we’re talking about dating.”
“Yeah, we are.”
“Then yes. Assuming you want me to…?”
“Yeah, Red. I do.”
“Okay,” Barry says, smiling. “So, that settled, how does Len and the book play into the zone of no-interference?”
“I think the book gives him certain powers?” Mick says. “I’m not entirely sure. But either way, when he tells people to buzz off, they buzz off. And, uh, when I say that I might want a bit of privacy in my, uh, relationships, then…”
Barry starts grinning wider. “Then it starts applying whenever we're together once I made the move to being relationship material?”
“Basically,” Mick says, looking relieved that he doesn’t have to spell it out. “Man, am I glad that we ironed that dating thing out before I had to admit that.”
Barry laughs.
“So,” Batman says. He’s still wearing the cowl, even though it’s an engagement party and supposed to be low-key and clinic-truce rather than heroes and villains, but he has at least condescended to accept a slice of Mick’s delicious homemade cake. “When you say ‘Destiny’, you mean – actual Destiny?”
Len grins and throws an arm over Batman’s shoulders. “Wanna see my Book?”
“…that’s not a proposition.”
“Nah, I’m ace.”
“In that case, yes. I would very much like to see your – ‘Book’.”
“Great,” Len says. “You can come to my garden and take a peep. One of my new siblings is really looking forward to meeting you…”
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 years
To be fair, it's more Miller's AU people take issue with. And more the sequels. (Hell, the only issue with Batman: Year One is his fetish for hookers.) You know, where he turns the Hall brothers into a gay couple, turns Dick into a yandere for Bruce, makes Wonder Woman a man hater, calls Hal Jordan a moron. Okay, a broken clock's right twice a day. And Holy Terror.
Most of the time yes, but not what I saw at the time I made that post. They were blaming EVERYTHING he did and mainly Dark Knight Returns, not his crazy other stuff.
I agree his other stuff is nuts and isn't that great, sometimes flat out horrible, even horrifyingly bigoted, but part of the point was that he was in a totally different mind-set during his initial works that made him popular in the Batman fandom to begin with. Not that I’m tryna defend his other works ‘cause...they’re kind of terrifying to be honest.
When I made the post it was about a very specific reaction I saw on Twitter, not the usual response he gets. 'Cause if it was that they were complaining about, then I'd get it.
It's the spreading of misinformation that bothers me. It really irks me, and it's almost always done for petty reasons. And they were saying a bunch of stuff that wasn’t accurate, just ‘cause some random dick wouldn’t accept Batman as anything but bulky like Miller. Which is annoying--but that was beside the point. Fighting an annoyance by being annoying, is still annoying.
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pipelinelaserraygun · 3 years
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Begin clip ⬆️ at MINUTE 04:20.
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--"Tales FROM the PECULIAR".
Titus 2 📖 Bible study led by Ambassador Arthur 🦇 Batman: a decryption.
Being unorthodox DOESN'T automatically mean you are a heretic. When you exhibit peculiarities, it might be a reflection of God's creativity.
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Speakers referenced BIBLICAL principles in relation to the fight to regain our freedoms today in America. The theme of Arizona’s current forensic audit was also echoed throughout the day.
--Fellow spiritual superheroes, there are OFFICIAL assignments to carry out ⬆️⬇️‼️
You may have never gotten involved in the past, but...
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On Tuesday May 25th, 2021, our monthly homeless outreach will be performed: 80 care packages assembled followed by hands-on benevolence redistribution.
Please consider charity offerings 💜✝️🙏👍🏼.
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Yesterday was Pentecost 🕊️ Sunday. What HAPPENED, immediately afterwards? --A
major PARADIGM shift.
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"Phil defeats Father Time": ⌚ Meantime...
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You're ON the ⏰ clock.
Are you "burdened with glorious purpose"? The time for Glory is NOW.
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From the horse's 🐴 mouth, AND 💩 its ass.
God IS GOING to upload and upgrade you, when trials and tribulations are extreme, but not with man-made compounds.
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It's less important how you start, than how you FINISH.
Basil Wolverton + Robert Crumb shared God-given talents while exploring Scripture near the 🔚 of their long careers.
Just because it might NOT be your 🍵 "cup of tea", how these artists chose to interpret the Bible, DOESN'T DETERMINE the merits of their adaptations.
Allow Heaven's Editor-in-chief the FINAL say. ⬆️ These works have drawn in audiences that may have NEVER OPENED a 📖 Bible, otherwise.
0 notes
redjayson · 7 years
Okay so in Batman Beyond there's an episode where Bruce and Terry go see a 'Batman Musical', just imagine that goes on in Gotham and Jason finds out and asks(forces/tricks) the batfam to go.
i’m finally answering this! i had a really rough week, which is why this took a while, but i kept thinking about this prompt and laughing, so thank you for that.
and on that note: are you serious, that’s amazing. i vaguely remember watching batman beyond but i don’t actually remember all that much about it. i’ll need to look this up.
but yes. yes. i want this to be a Thing.
i want to imagine it as something between holy musical b@man! and the ember island players. like. just picture the kind of crazy misinformed shit that these people are tossing into the mix because what’s the truth and what’s the lie, no one knows, they’re going to make a musical about batman and his however many kids/sidekicks anyway
(they people putting on this play are probably college students)
(stephanie has probably dropped by to help with set designs and laughed herself sick in the process)
getting back on track, how does jason find out about it?
there are two ways i think it could happen. one: jason loves lit. we know this. he collected first editions with alfred and bruce when he was a kid. in my personal experience, if you like lit, you almost definitely like theater in some sense as well. at the very least you’ve read plays. 
jason holds his goddamn red hood helmet like he’s hamlet and it’s yorick.
trust me, he likes plays.
so maybe he pays attention to the kinds of plays that are being shown around gotham. he likes going to some of the matinee performances on saturday and sunday afternoons – he can’t go in the evening because he has to patrol. sometimes alfred goes with him. it’s…nice. and yeah, going to performances means that sometimes he goes to the gotham university performances as well. they actually have pretty good ones. a couple years ago they put on the importance of being earnest and then twelfth night the next semester. he was too busy when they were putting on godspell and west side story to be able to go see them, which he’s still disappointed about.
anyway. it’s not like whoever’s putting on this ridiculous play is keeping secret about the fact that they’re making it about batman and co. 
(i’ve made up my mind: it’s definitely the university kids that are putting it on. they’re the team starkid of gotham city. i bet a bunch of them said, “hey, we should do this, and also i bet it could count as our senior thesis” and they all went along with it and now they can’t turn back. they don’t want to turn back. this is going to amazing or they’re going to be arrested by batman, but god, what a way to go.)
so jason finds out, and, like steph, he busts a gut laughing about it before deciding that this is awesome and he’s definitely going to bully the rest of the family into seeing it with him. every time he thinks about bruce’s face he just starts laughing all over again. oh man. it’s going to be amazing. 
the other way that jason finds out, though: 
campus isn’t his usual haunt, but he’s been following some jackass with a connection to one of his open cases. spoiler has too much homework to help him, but she’s already given him the go-ahead to work on campus, which is nominally her space to patrol/operate in. 
and this dude – it doesn’t really matter what he did. he’s connected to drugs or he’s friends with the wrong person or he’s done something else. jason’s going to get everything he needs from the guy and then drop him off at the precinct. with a bullet to the leg if he really annoys jason. 
the thing is, the dude’s a member of the make-up crew for the batman musical. they’re doing dress rehearsals tonight. jason’s in full armor because he just wants to get this done and get back to his regular patrol routes as soon as possible. (like the rest of gotham, the campus is easy to grapple around. jason doesn’t have to touch the ground and shadows his target from the rooftops.)
the guy goes into the theater building. jason needs to make sure that he’s not meeting with anyone before jason grabs him. that’s why he didn’t take him out during any of the time that it took for the guy to cross campus to the theater building. meeting at the theater would be a good cover; there’s so much happening when rehearsing, so many people coming in and out, in all sorts of costumes and make up – if you needed to meet someone clandestinely, there are worse places that civilians have thought were secret. 
jason slides through a window, makes his way up into the balcony seats so he can spy (gotham university has a very nice theater. in the past, the waynes have donated generously to it), and –
“oh my god,” jason says, staring at the stage. 
he ducks down so that none of the actors can see him if they look up from their acting and past the lights to the balcony. jason tries to keep his laughter quiet, but it’s so fucking funny.
when he’s finally regained control of himself, he decides to just go for it. he feels a little bad about interrupting their rehearsal, but hey. gotham is all about unexpected surprises, and really, what else were they expecting when they decided to make a play about batman?
“can anyone point me to where brad merritt is?” jason calls as he strolls into the auditorium. his shit-eating grin is hidden beneath the helmet.
the actors all grind to a sudden stop. 
“um,” says an actor who’s probably meant to be the replacement. he looks at actor-nightwing. actor-nightwing turns to actor-batman. 
“he’s in the back with the rest of the make-up crew,” actor-batman says. 
“cool,” jason says, hopping up onto the stage and walking past them. he shoots them friendly finger guns. “you’ll need to replace him. he’s going to be in jail opening week.”
behind the stage, jason catches a glimpse of brad before he takes in red hood stalking towards him and bolts. 
“you get the assholes on campus next time, spoiler,” jason grumbles, and then he’s taking off after his target. 
so jason knows and he is all about that. he is going to see that shit opening night. he’s so damn ready. 
“stephanie,” he complains, sprawled out on her couch and finishing off the leftover lo mein that was in her fridge. “why didn’t you tell me what the university kids were doing?”
“what university kids?” steph asks, head still bent over her chemistry textbook. 
“the theater kids,” jason says. “the batman play.”
stephanie looks up, already laughing. “i know, right?” she says. “i’ve been helping out with some of the sets in my spare time and i’ve heard bits of it and it’s going to be a thing of wonder.” she grins. “they’ve even got spoiler in it!”
“hell yeah,” jason says, getting up to throw away the lo mein carton and high-fiving steph as he passes. he sits next to her at the table. “you think we can convince the rest of the family to go?”
“i can get cass and tim,” steph says. 
“i can definitely get alfred,” jason says. “probably also dick.”
they look at each other. 
“he’s your dad,” steph says. 
“he’s not my–” jason starts, then shakes his head. “goddammit. fine. if i get bruce to go, he’ll make damian go, as a…family bonding thing or something. two for one.”
“awesome,” steph says. “i didn’t want to try to convince the little hellion to go, anyway.”
“you’re in charge of babs,” jason says. 
“sure,” steph says. 
they fall into an easy silence. steph turns back to her chemistry work. 
“you did that last problem wrong,” jason says, craning his head to look at her work.
steph throws her pencil at his head. 
it takes two bribes, a guilt trip, and five minutes for dick to stop laughing (which jason will tolerate, because he did the exact same thing), but the entire wayne family, stephanie brown, and barbara gordon show up to the gotham university theater the opening night of The Batman Musical. 
the actual name of the musical is something else, but to their family, it’s just The Batman Musical.
jason’s still horrendously disappointed he didn’t get to surprise bruce with the news of there being a play about their family. he was treasuring the idea of what bruce’s face was going to do.
“i pay attention to the theater scene, jason,” bruce said when jason brought it up. “as does alfred.”
yes, jason knew. 
“and i pay attention to anything to do with batman,” bruce added. in case they get anywhere too close to the truth, he didn’t say out loud, but jason could hear the subtext just fine. paranoia, thy name is bat. 
“but you’ll go see it with us, right?” jason asked. 
bruce turned back to his computer.
cue the guilt trip and bruce’s eventual acquiescence. if jason didn’t get to see bruce’s face at the whole idea of it, then at the very least he was going to make absolutely sure that bruce would be at the performance. 
damian’s look of disgust at the whole idea of it nearly made up for the disappointment with bruce, anyway. 
they show their tickets at the door and are shown to their seats. they take up a good portion of an entire row. jason makes sure to place himself between steph and alfred. there’s a brief scuffle when tim almost ends up sitting next to damian, before bruce sighs, pushes them apart, and sits between the two of them. cass leans her head against steph’s shoulder, half-asleep; she’d had a long night, apparently. barbara catches jason’s eye and looks reluctantly amused at this whole thing. dick is flipping through the playbill on damian’s other side and laughing very, very quietly. 
the musical starts and it is, indeed, a thing of wonder. 
highlights of the play, since i’m not going to actually figure out what the plot of it would be:
batman dealing with villains and every so often just picking up a child and handing them a domino mask. congratulations you are now my vigilante sidekick. 
in the audience, in reaction to one scene in the play jason and stephanie say, perfectly in sync: “did robin just die?”
cass, her head still leaning against steph’s shoulder: “you know...it was really unclear.”
jason and stephanie burst into raucous laughter
people don’t know much about about oracle, but she’s been active for a while, and some information must have spread. still. the general public has no idea what oracle looks like or what gender they are, so i present to you that the role of oracle in The Batman Musical is played by someone who wanders around in a bright green morphsuit and occasionally disseminates information when the batfam needs it
so many wonderful songs. jason and stephanie are already making plans to ask if the university is going to put out an album afterwards. if not, they’re pretty sure that they can convince dick and/or bruce to let them help fund one
damian is So Offended at first, but he gradually gets into it, because there’s some poking fun at batman and the idea of vigilantes in general, etc., but at the core of it the love that gotham feels for batman and his family really seeps through.
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waxingmepoetic · 7 years
Book # 12 Wires and Nerve Written By: Marissa Meyer  Art By: Doug Holgate
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Star Rating (out of five): ★★★★★
Summary: In her first graphic novel, #1 New York Times and USA Today bestseller Marissa Meyer follows Iko, the beloved android from the Lunar Chronicles, on a dangerous and romantic new adventure -- with a little help from Cinder and the Lunar team. In her first graphic novel, bestselling author Marissa Meyer extends the world of the Lunar Chronicles with a brand-new, action-packed story about Iko, the android with a heart of (mechanized) gold. When rogue packs of wolf-hybrid soldiers threaten the tenuous peace alliance between Earth and Luna, Iko takes it upon herself to hunt down the soldiers' leader. She is soon working with a handsome royal guard who forces her to question everything she knows about love, loyalty, and her own humanity. With appearances by Cinder and the rest of the Rampion crew, this is a must-have for fans of the bestselling series.
Story Review: Holy bad-ass android, Batman. Meyer. Is. Back. This story takes place after Winter, and before the epilogue in Stars Above. However, I wouldn’t suggest reading Wires and Nerve first as there is going to be a second installment (Thank you Jesus- it’s set to release in 2018). I love the story- it’s so great to dive back into the world of the Lunar Chronicles and see Iko be a little bad-ass. 
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The bad guy in this story (the leader of the hybrid soldiers) rides far more of a  gray line than Levana did. He believes his reason for hating Cinder is completely sound- even though he’s misinformed about the reason why she is bringing all of the hybrids back to Luna in the first place. 
As the hybrid soldiers have been experimented on and altered genetically against their will by the Lunar government, their distrust of it is completely understandable. These men were torn from their families when they were children, and they were turned into monsters to solidify their tyrant queen’s power.
There is also an aspect of coming to terms with the fact that things on Luna are changing at a rapid rate. So rapid in fact that the soldiers are no longer needed on Earth... and no longer needed on Luna. It’s a difficult thing to conceptualize when a long standing military tradition is gutted, and those involved have been so irrevocably ruined by said tradition that they have nearly no hope to integrate back into normal society. 
It’s blatant social commentary with a psychological twist, and it’s excellently executed.
I have always loved the stakes in the Lunar Chronicles. They’re heavy and highly political. Questions of morality and decrying oppression ring out so often that you sometimes forget that this story is a melting pot of fairy-tales. I know I do on occasion. 
The idea of what it means to be human comes into question as well in Iko’s tumultuous relationship with Kinney that boarders on something that feels a lot like racism. You see this come up a lot in films like I Robot, Alien, Ex Machina, and TV series like Ghost in the Shell. When done properly, this theme works very well, and provides a philosophical lens to what it really means to be human.
I think that there is something in Kinney that wants Iko so much to be human, but pushes her away because of the fact that she isn’t. It feels like he’s trying his best not to fail a Turing Test. It’s hard to say if he will or not. This is entirely speculation, but I think that he may keep it in mind that she’s a robot, but he may care less and less about it as the series goes on. Beyond the fake skin, the metallic exoskeleton, and the wires, Iko has heart and nerve- just like everyone else.
Let’s just hope the world gets over itself enough to see it. 
Art Review: I don’t think I’m the first one to say this, but I feel like the art could have been done far differently. I don’t feel like it truly captures the mood of the plot. 
Meyer has created a very detailed and politically tumultuous world and I feel like the artwork needs to encapsulate that... which it doesn’t. Some of the drawings look like something you might see in a Peanuts comic in the Sunday paper. 
Personally, I really think they should have gone with an art style similar to Ghost in the Shell, or Fullmetal Alchemist as these art style allow you to follow detailed combat scenes closely so that you don’t get confused during the reading experience, and the level of detail fits the world more closely in my opinion.
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