#wires and nerve review
bookguide · 7 months
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Wires and Nerve, Volume 2: Gone Rogue
Author: Marissa Meyer
Artist: Stephen Gilpin
Book: 2/2
Genre: science fiction, graphic novel
Summary: Gone Rogue is the second book in the Wires and Nerve graphic duology, which follows The Lunar Chronicles series. The second half of this story follows Iko on her hunt for Alpha Lysander Steele, the leader of a pack of rogue wolf-soldiers who are rampaging Earthen cities. To maintain the peace between Earth and Luna, Iko must return these soldiers to Luna. However, Steele will return on one condition: that Cinder reverses the bioengineered mutations inflicted on the soldiers.
Review: First, I must begin by stating that The Lunar Chronicles is one of my favorite series. You do not need to read this series to enjoy the Wires and Nerve duology, but it will help you understand the story and the background of the characters. If you have not read the series, I highly recommend it! Shoot me a DM/inbox/ask if you do read it, I’d love to hear about it!! Graphic novels are not usually the type of book I gravitate toward, but this series has made me appreciate the artwork, story structure, and the fun that readers get to experience when reading graphic novels. This story was a quick read, and was exciting and adventurous. I enjoyed visiting the characters again and seeing how Meyer evolved her fictional world.
Rating: 5/5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Keep reading🌙
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kokinu09 · 2 months
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Let Go of the Reins || Chapter 3
pairing seungmin x fem!reader
genre strangers to lovers, romance, fluff, slight angst later, happy ending, social media, not meant to be, someday
summary  Australia is considered home for two of the eight members. When two tour dates are scheduled for the land down under, the boys can’t help but want to spend a bit more time there to visit family and do a little sightseeing. So how do they convince the company that they need to stay a couple weeks? Filming some SKZ Code episodes.
A local riding school just outside the city with amazing reviews for their skilled instructors and beautiful horses is hosting a very popular kpop group to film their experiences. Y/N knows the group well and she just so happens to be their star working student. 
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The getting ready part was easy. After Olivia spent a little too long on your makeup (and having to run through the barn to get everything prepped in time), you manage to have all 8 of your selected horses for the guys lined up before the film crew arrives. The other dozen or so horses for the crew were your other coworkers’ problems. You got to pick your lineup and you couldn’t be happier with your bunch. 
You finish securing the saddle on Storm’s back, the last one you needed, and shake out your shoulders. The nerves start to sink in as the seconds tick by. 
Storm nickers by your head, giving you a gentle nudge as if to comfort you. You giggle as your hands reach up to pat his neck, equally as comforting towards your equine companion. “Thanks Buddy. I’m ok,” you say with a smile. 
Your smile falters momentarily as you hear footsteps approaching. Swallowing down your nerves, you turn expecting the group of boys but instead, it is a couple of the staff members approaching with a mic and wires in hand. Right, you’ll need to be just as heard as they do. 
“Hello, are you Miss Y/N?” The young woman asks. 
“Yes, that’s me!” You brighten your smile and offer a polite bow. They both seem pleasantly surprised as they happily return the gesture, quickly getting to work mic’ing you up for the shoot.
“The crew should be over shortly.” The man informs nicely before they both bow and head back the way they came. Leaving you with your nerves to stew in your gut until the boys show up. 
Keeping yourself busy is definitely the best way to prevent a downward spiral into anxiety, so you double-check each horse’s equipment to make sure everything is secure and ready for the ride. Even taking the time to give all the horses a little pep talk. Maybe that was more for yourself but who’s to say?
As promised, it isn’t long before you hear the telltale signs that the boys are coming closer. The loud laughs and teasing bickers pulls an uncontrollable smile onto your face, a giddy feeling replaces your apprehension. This whole situation suddenly feels unreal. 
Yesterday, you’d been too worried about making sure they knew the dos and dont’s of safety to process the fact that you were face-to-face with your favorite group. Now, you just can’t believe you’re lucky enough to get to talk to them! Let alone spend the entire afternoon teaching them about a passion of yours, horses and riding! 
You turn just in time to see the same boy who you’d fateful met yesterday running towards you in the most adorable way; arms hanging at his sides, ‘running’ being a loose term, looking more like a happy trot just to get to you a little quicker than the others, and a huge smile spread across his face. And you can’t help but grin back, your excitement to see him just as high as his to see you it seems. 
“Hello again,” he says in a hushed greeting once he’s close enough. 
“Well hello there,” you return with a giggle. “Feeling up for being on the horse rather than underneath it?” 
Your teasing earns a smirk from the menace himself but he doesn’t get the chance to reply as the others finally have caught up. Chan comes up beside him and ruffles his hair, much to his displeasure. “Looks like you beat us here, Seungminnie!” He teases, turning to you without paying any attention to the glare from the younger. “And you must be Y/N! I’m Chan, it’s nice to officially meet you!” He smiles and bows respectfully.
“Yes! It’s nice to meet you too!” You agree, returning his respect. He grins wide at you then turns to the others. 
“Everyone say ‘annyeonghaseyo’ to Y/N-ssi!” He instructs. 
All the boys turn to you with their hands folded in front of them as they bow, saying in unison, “Annyeonghaseyo, Y/N-ssi.” 
A blush spreads across your face, eyes scanning over them bowing towards you while you catch sight of the cameras in the corner of your eye. Way too much attention is directly on you right now. You have to divert. You hastily bow over and over towards them with a loud, nervous laugh.
“Hello! Thank you!” You straighten up as they do and offer a sincere smile. “It’s wonderful to meet all of you,” you tell them, looking at each of them to show how much it really means to you. Another camera pointed at you catches your eye and your shoulders stiffen, nerves returning. “We should probably get started!” 
That sets the other Aussie member bouncing on his heels.
“Yes please! Which one is mine?? I can’t wait to pet them!” Felix’s excitement sends the group into a fit of laughter as they begin teasing the ball of sunshine in a mix of Korean and English. 
With the boys talking and distracting the cameras, you take the opportunity to turn away to act like you’re adjusting Storm’s harness. But actually, you inhale a shaky breath. 
“Hey,” the soft greeting still startles you slightly. You find Seungmin beside you now, one hand gripping the mic on his shirt, the other lifted to pet Storm’s snout. 
“O-oh! Hey,” your chin ducks in embarrassment. Now you’re stuttering? This is a disaster. 
“Don’t let the cameras scare you. You’re doing great,” he says. And when he looks over to meet your eyes, you can see his sincerity. 
You breathe out a sigh, relieved from the show of support. “Right, yeah,” after just a moment’s pause you add, “Thank you.” 
The smile that lights up his face sends a swarm of butterflies fluttering in your stomach. That expression makes it clear why he’s known as a puppy. You can practically see his proverbial tail wagging behind him and you can’t help but think it is absolutely adorable.
”Ah-yah! Seungmin~!” Felix whines, causing your spine to stiffen like you’ve been caught with your hand in the cookie jar. “You’re already petting the horses?! I asked first!” 
Seungmin releases his muffled mic and turns with that teasing smirk of his. “If you weren’t running your mouth, maybe Y/N-ssi would be able to introduce us to them.” He spouts in Korean. 
At the indignant cry from the younger Aussie boy, you wave your hands in front of you. “No, no! It’s alright! You weren’t interrupting anything! We aren’t in a rush!” You quickly assure…also in Korean. 
All the boys freeze to stare at you with wide eyes. The almost eerie silence from them all draws a cold sweat to your skin. 
“You…speak Korean?” Chan asks, his face reflecting the astonishment, almost skepticism, in his voice. 
“Well, I’m still learning… but I’m getting pretty good at understanding,” you say as your shoes become incredibly interesting. 
Suddenly, a different pair of shoes joins in your line of vision. Your wide eyes lift to find the maknae of the group standing there, looking at you with starry eyes, and before he says, “Noona is so cool!” 
A chorus of agreement from Han, Felix, and Changbin sounds behind the youngest causing your face to erupt into the color of a tomato. Chan, bless his soul, is quick to step in, settling the boys down and regaining focus to their task ahead of them for filming. By the way he talks, they’ll probably be editing a lot of that out. Which you’re beyond grateful for.
“Cool. Now, where were we?” Chan offers the stage back over to you. 
“I was just about to introduce you all to your horse partners for the day!” 
A few of the members can’t help their eager squeals as you go on, walking over to the first horse in line. A gorgeous black stallion. 
“Here at Hooves and Harmony Riding Academy, we’ve been very fortunate to raise a wide variety of breeds on the ranch. Some of those are particularly rare, like this boy here!” You explain, mostly for the cameras. “Chan, you’ll be working with Shadow today. He has high energy but is surprisingly patient with his riders!”
The eldest walks up slowly, his face showing his awe for the creature as he takes your place beside him as you move to the next. This stallion has a thicker build with an almost black mane and solid brown coat. His snout being the exception as it looks like he dipped it in white paint. “Lee Know, this is Copper. He’s big but a total sweetheart. I think you’ll work really well with him.” 
Minho’s lips are pouted in the shape of an O as he places a gentle hand on the white muzzle of the horse. You smile to yourself (so far so good!) before walking to the next. Changbin bounces on the balls of his feet in anticipation, eyes locked on the horse he knows is going to be assigned to him. One of the strongest horses you’d been allowed to pick from. His bulkier muscles covered with a beautiful red-toned coat with black tips to his ears and legs to match his black mane. “I can see you’re excited, so Changbin, this is Jersey. He’s our biggest bay boy!” 
The boy can’t help his ecstatic shout and he gets a few panicked looks that he’ll startle the huge animal. “Don’t worry, he’s super tolerant to noises so you shouldn’t have any issues with him,” you assure everyone with confidence. Changbin hurries over with the biggest smile you may have ever seen on him. 
“Y/N-ssi really has thought of everything!” He cheers, patting his horse’s neck as he takes his place.
You try to push down the blush that heats your face while you make your way over to the dark chocolate spotted mare. “This sweet girl’s name is Daisy. She’s a little dramatic at times but she is one of the most reliable of the bunch!” You explain, looking to Hyunjin. “I thought you’d enjoy this fun little fact too! Most people like to refer to horses with this pattern on her coat as ‘paint’ horses.”
Hyunjin’s eyes widen and sparkle. “Because it looks like she’s been splattered with paint!” He beams, immediately befriending the mare with chin scratches that there’s no way he could have known were her favorite.
You giggle, continuing on to the next; an older mare but no less beautiful. Her white coat littered with hundreds of little brown specks. “And this is Freckles! Our resident leopard! She’s the oldest in this group so she’s very laid back and easy to work with.”
Han gives you a skeptical look, knowing by the order you’ve introduced the members to their horses so far that this is his, then glances at Felix. Thinking you’d accidentally mix them up because they’re so close in age that they’re almost twins. You laugh a little at the subtle implication. “Even though her looks would make you think I’d pair her with Felix, I think you’ll have a lot of fun with her today, Han! She has been known to play little tricks on the other horses from time to time.” You say with a mischievous wink.
The rapper’s heart-shaped smile spreads across his face at this news and he greets the mare with hesitant hands at first. That is until Freckles presses her snout into his palms, impatient for attention. 
When you look over to Felix, you can see his excitement already bubbling over the surface. The boy basically vibrating with the biggest eyes and smile. You walk over to the beauty he will be handling for the day. Her cream-colored coat only a few shades darker than her white mane, the longer hairs adorning a slight curl not super common with their other horses. 
“Felix, I’d like to introduce you to Rosie! She is always so poised and calm, not to mention absolutely stunning! I think you two will have a nice relaxing ride together.” Having been the most giddy of them all from the get-go, it doesn’t surprise you when he sprints to take his place beside the elegant steed. 
Only two more. And so far, they’ve all been super happy with your choices of companions for them. But why are your palms sweaty and your heart racing even thinking about telling Seungmin about your choice for him? 
You manage to swallow the lump of fear in your throat and keep moving, avoiding lifting your head his way. Instead, coming up beside the chestnut spotted mare with more white than spots. You reach up and brush the fringe of her mane away from her eyes. ‘It’s her moment in the spotlight, gotta make sure she’s looking her best!’ The internal monologue makes you chuckle under your breath. 
It’s impossible to avoid the inevitable forever though, so you finally look over to Seungmin. His eyes are watching you. Your gaze meets his and it feels like the world is frozen. Or maybe it’s only you. But you also can’t seem to care. 
You don’t know how long you stand there just staring into his warm brown eyes, but the only thing that snaps you out of it is the smirk that tugs at his lips with a soft chuckle. Eyes blinking rapidly, you take a quick glance around to find everyone looking at you curiously. By some miracle, your face doesn’t turn beet red (at least you don’t think so) when you try to play it off with a little cough to clear your throat. 
“Sorry, uh, this next girl is very special to me. Her name is Pearl.” You say with a smile as you pet her soft nose. “She came to the ranch at the same time as my horse Storm did. And they’re best buddies, virtually inseparable! So, by association, we’re virtually inseparable!” The boys all join in with your laugh. “But I would trust this girl if I was riding blindfolded, so I know she will take good care of you.” You turn to smile warmly at her intended rider.
Seungmin steps forward until he is in your space, casually placing his hand on the horse’s neck. You vaguely hear the other members talking but you’re too busy fighting the racing of your heart. The pounding deafening to your own ears and you’re marginally worried that the mic pinned to your chest will pick up on all of it. 
“Thank you for entrusting me with her.” His voice just over a whisper. You let out a giggle. 
“Or I am trusting her with you,” you counter jokingly. “Can’t say you haven’t given me reason to believe you’ll fall off.” He breathes out a laugh, eyes sparkling with mirth and maybe something else you can’t quite place. All you know is that you’d give anything to turn the cameras off and get to talk to him without these extra nerves buzzing in your gut.
“I’ll try not to, but no promises,” he jokes. 
“I’m still going to hold you to it, Puppy Boy.” 
The two of you laugh a little too loudly and catch the attention of Felix next to you. You don’t see the knowing smile on his face before he gives the younger member a light shove, a gentle reminder of where they are and who is around. Both of you seem to sober up as your backs straighten and he offers you an apologetic smile. 
“Let’s move on while the staff are still distracted by my loudmouth brothers,” Seungmin says with a teasing eye roll. 
“Hey, I heard that,” Felix grumbles under his breath. You giggle at the baritone showing in his voice, the first time hearing it. Momentarily you wonder how many times you might be able to aggravate him enough to hear it during the trail ride. But you catalog that in the back of your mind for later. 
Making your way around the singer, with a shy tip of your head, you come to the last of their partners. The stallion growing excited as soon as he sees you approaching, his head bobbing dramatically up and down as a show. His black mane thrashing in the crisp February air. 
“Hey now, Monster! Behave yourself, we have guests!” You scold without any bite. You manage to catch his bridle and settle him down, rubbing a hand along his strong brown neck. He still attempts to wrap around your front to lay his head on your shoulder but you stop him with a laugh. You release the strap and ruffle his bangs, just over the single white spot on his forehead. 
“Last but certainly not least, I.N you will be working with Monster! He is such a jokester and so fun to ride. I think you two will get along really well!” You tell the maknae who looks giddy with his own excitement. 
The youngest trots over and the big brown horse immediately takes a shining to him, tapping his foot happily as he nudges his hand for pets. It feels good that everyone seems happy with the horses you’ve assigned to them. And the horses seem content with their riders, so you take it as your first win of the day!
You move back to the front of the line and untie Storm’s reins, leading into the space the boys had just occupied, where all of them can see you. “Now that we’ve gotten the introductions out of the way, let’s really get started!” You cheer, ready to get them mounted in their saddles and riding so you can all be back from the first trail by lunchtime.
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@kangaracha @rainfallingfromthesky @puppysmileseungmin @defnotfertilizedtoesw @teenyfinds @bbokari711 @lakoya @keepswingin
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By Joanne Silberner
April 8, 2024
A hug, a handshake, a therapeutic massage. A newborn lying on a mother’s bare chest.
Physical touch can buoy well-being and lessen pain, depression and anxiety, according to a large new analysis of published research released on Monday in the journal Nature Human Behaviour.
Researchers from Germany and the Netherlands systematically reviewed years of research on touch, strokes, hugs and rubs. They also combined data from 137 studies, which included nearly 13,000 adults, children and infants. Each study compared individuals who had been physically touched in some way over the course of an experiment — or had touched an object like a fuzzy stuffed toy — to similar individuals who had not.
For example, one study showed that daily 20-minute gentle massages for six weeks in older people with dementia decreased aggressiveness and reduced the levels of a stress marker in the blood. Another found that massages boosted the mood of breast cancer patients. One study even showed that healthy young adults who caressed a robotic baby seal were happier, and felt less pain from a mild heat stimulus, than those who read an article about an astronomer.
Positive effects were particularly noticeable in premature babies, who “massively improve” with skin-to-skin contact, said Frédéric Michon, a researcher at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience and one of the study’s authors.
“There have been a lot of claims that touch is good, touch is healthy, touch is something that we all need,” said Rebecca Boehme, a neuroscientist at Linkoping University in Sweden, who reviewed the study for the journal. “But actually, nobody had looked at it from this broad, bird’s eye perspective.”
The analysis revealed some interesting and sometimes mysterious patterns. Among adults, sick people showed greater mental health benefits from touch than healthy people did. Who was doing the touching — a familiar person or a health care worker — didn’t matter. But the source of the touch did matter to newborns.
“One very intriguing finding that needs further support is that newborn babies benefit more from their parents’ touch than from a stranger’s touch,” said Ville Harjunen, a researcher at the University of Helsinki in Finland, who also reviewed the study for the journal. Babies’ preference for their parents could be related to smell, he speculated, or to the differences in the way parents hold them.
Women seem to benefit more from touch than men, which may be a cultural effect, Dr. Michon said. The frequency of the touch also mattered: A massage once every two years isn’t going to do much.
Several studies included in the review looked at what happened during the height of the Covid pandemic, when people were isolated and had less physical contact with others. “They found correlations during Covid times between touch deprivation and health aspects like depression and anxiety,” Dr. Michon said.
Touching the head appears to have more of a beneficial effect than touching the torso, some studies found. Dr. Michon couldn’t explain that finding, but thought it could have to do with the greater number of nerve endings on the face and scalp.
Another mystery: Studies of people in South America tended to show stronger health benefits of touch than did those studies that looked at people in North America or Europe. Dr. Michon said that culture may somehow play a role. But Dr. Boehme said the studies showing the differences between countries were too small to be definitive. “I think the mechanism behind this is biological,” she said. “I think that’s hard-wired and will be the same for all of us.”
In 2023, Jeeva Sankar, a pediatrics researcher at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and a colleague published a rigorous review of skin-to-skin care for newborns. The analysis concluded that touch therapy for preterm or low-birth-weight infants should start as soon as possible and last eight hours or more, a recommendation that the World Health Organization adopted. Dr. Sankar said the new review was important because touch is often neglected in modern medical care, but it was too broad. He would have liked it to focus more on how various forms of touch could be integrated in medical care.
Dr. Michon stressed that the types of touch considered in these studies were positive experiences to which the volunteers agreed. “If someone doesn’t feel a touch as being pleasant, it’s likely going to stress them out,” he said.
A version of this article appears in print on April 9, 2024, Section A, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: Reviewing Studies, Scientists Find Hugs Are Good for You. 
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horus-unofficial · 9 months
Update: Re: Re: Gorgon Frame Mech Moving Without Pilot Input
Thank you for helping with this issue, however it remains unresolved. Since your last correspondence my team has inserted probes into the organic tissue of my Gorgon to monitor its nerve activity, and we got electricians to go over every wire to ensure there were no faulty connections. Our electricians found no issues, despite the occurrences continuing. When we turn our backs on it my Gorgon still moves and our camera and sensor logs go blank, however the movement has progressed.
Now when my Gorgon moves it assumes different positions. While previously its movements could be interpreted defensively, moving out of possible harm or covering weak points, now its movements are aggressive. While performing maintenance on its dorsal joints it stood up and stared at me as I searched for an appropriate sized alan key, and while amputing a mangled finger from an recent battle it raised its arm and readied it as if to punch at me while I stored the severed member.
Fortunately the probes we inserted into its organic tissue did not have their data logs wiped. We can confirm the activity in my Gorgon's nervous system is greatly increased during these episodes. Examining the patterns of the nerve impulses and the chemicals released by the synapses reveals this nervous activity most closely resembles that of pain.
We have also examined other potential avenues for our other data logs to have been wiped. Our investigation into sabatoge has conclusively come clean, and reviewing stellar data reveals that there has been no abnormal stellar activity during these events. We are beggining to believe that my Gorgon is somehow responsible for the gaps in these data logs, despite lacking any AI or NHPs.
We are asking you if my Gorgon could be responsible for these events, and if so how we could stop it. If you don't believe my Gorgon could be responsible we are eager to see if you any theories we haven't considered. I have detailed them all here, but know we have considered and ruled out countless other possibilities.
Sincerely, Medusa
man thats a lot of text uhhhhhhh if its developed pain receptors maybe give it some downtime to finish healing organically
as for the log records its pretty typical to find gaps in that when a gorgon is observed extruding basilisk, built in safety measure etc, so check its records on basilisk usage because its either trying to keep something from you or its doing a little experimentation (or both)
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bts-story · 1 year
masterlist / previous chapters
Chapter three - Seven of diamonds 2
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"You have chosen truth. Please answer the following truth: what is the human brain?" 
You couldn't believe your ears. This was medicine, science. What were the chances that you would stumble upon this very question? Searching deep in your memory, you could vividly visualize your book on human anatomy that you had to review for your second year of undergraduate studies. This chapter had made a particular impression on you because despite the countless times you had read the lines, nothing would fit. 
You opened your mouth to answer, but were stopped by Niragi's hand encircling your arm. With a warning in his voice, he whispered in a low voice so that only you could hear him, "You know the answer, don't you? 
Yes. Maybe. Probably. 
You would have liked to say that this chapter had been so hard on you that it was impossible for you to forget. That you knew every sentence, and every letter of those eighteen paragraphs. That you could visualize the diagram and its legend so well that they were anchored inside your eyelids forever. 
Slowly, you nodded, whispering back. "But... it would take hours to explain what the human brain is. What... what exactly do I have to say?" 
"Come up with a fucking answer, now, babygirl," Niragi warned sternly and if you didn't know better, you could almost have sworn he was worried, "or you'll probably die. And we don't want that now, do we?"
"40 seconds remaining." 
Taking a second to get all your thoughts in place, you closed your eyes before opening them again to recite that monologue you knew by heart. "Okay, so the brain, along with the spinal cord, is the central nervous system, capable of integrating information, controlling motor skills, and performing the cognitive functions of the human body. It is made up of two hemispheres, right and left. Each cerebral hemisphere is made up of the frontal lobe, the site of reasoning, language functions, and voluntary motor coordination; the parietal lobe, the seat of awareness of the body and the surrounding space; the occipital lobe, which allows for the integration of messages; the temporal lobe, the center of hearing, memory, and emotions; the limbic lobe, which processes information concerning emotions, affects, and memory; and the insula lobe, which processes pain, smells, and taste." 
"20 seconds remaining." 
You wondered if time should stop when the correct answer was given, or if no matter what, the time limit would go to the final countdown. Niragi was looking at you hard and the other players, if they didn't mind, were speechless at the precision of your words.
"The brain is composed of billions of nerve cells, ' neurons', which form a very precise wired network. The brain also contains the cortex or gray matter: this is the most superficial part of the brain, due to the presence of the cell bodies of the neurons. It also contains the white matter, where the extensions of the neurons, called axons, are located. In the center, the basal ganglia, also called the basal ganglia, are involved in behavioral control and learning." 
"10 seconds remaining." 
"How do you know all this, are you a neurologist or something?" a woman asked, arms crossed over her chest completely unaware of the makeup that had run down her cheeks. 
"Yeah something like that..." There was nothing to comment on, and you had nothing more to say to validate your answer. You were waiting for the countdown that matched perfectly with every beat of your heart. Niragi's hand was still clutching your arm and when the voice rang out once again around that dark and cold terrace, your breath caught in your throat. 
"The time is up. The answer is," a pause, "successful." 
The pressure on your arm eased then, and Niragi finally seemed to breathe. He hadn't so much as noticed that he wasn't breathing until now, and his hand slid down your arm to your hand. When your fingers were intertwined, he gave a slight pressure before letting go of you for good. It was a very small gesture, almost unnoticeable and no one around the room would have noticed. But it was enough for you, enough to understand that he was relieved. 
After all, Niragi was not really the kind of person to show his feelings, yet to show anything that was hugs or kisses in public. Even behind private walls, he only had swear words and insults at the edges of his lips. The years spent by his side were so well trained that for you, everything was normal. It was like that, not otherwise. And you were content with that as long as he kept looking at you, as long as he kept wanting you, and you alone. 
"Niragi Suguru, truth or dare?" 
Niragi was back in his character's body, or maybe he had never really left it. He smiled a petty, wicked smile, like the ones you might see in the movies, and playing with his tongue piercing for a second, he shouted happily, "I choose dare!" 
"You have chosen dare." 
"Yeah, now let me see what you got for me, bitch." He swore low, almost excited at the thought of having to execute a mission as difficult as it was impossible. 
"Please execute the following dare: jump into the water at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius."
Niragi laughed loudly. He spun around as if to draw attention to himself, as if everyone was not already looking at him. He loved being the center of attention, and this was finally his moment of glory. In any other situation, this could almost have made you laugh, however, you weren't in the mood to celebrate. Even less so for the bullshit Niragi was up to. 
Or maybe he was just trying to catch the last few stares that were glaring at you, trying to figure out not only why you knew so much about science, but also why Niragi had held your arm like that. "Throwing myself in the water, is that all you got?" he denounced as he removed his shoes with a controlled kick. He unbuckled his belt and tugged at the legs of his jeans and as he found himself in his boxers, you could only frown. One of the girls, probably a college girl if you judged by her classic uniform, was having a great time looking at his legs, eager to see him unbutton his shirt. 
Even in a game of life and death, you were amazed that this bitch could find nothing else to do but stare at your guy. "What are you looking at, bitch?" you suddenly shouted as she whispered something in her friend's ear. These two girls were giggling like common college girls and you could feel the blood in your veins heat up. You didn't care whether or not it was important to imply that you and Niragi were a couple, but with what had just happened after your question had already cast doubt. 
Niragi looked over his shoulder as he removed one, two, three buttons and let the black and white fabric fall down his shoulders. He liked to please, it was true. No, he loved it. And seeing your rosy cheeks and furrowed brows like that while other girls stole a glance at his body, made him even more attractive. He had that look on his face as he continued to play with the piercing on his tongue that caused tingles along your fingers. 
He wasn't any more muscular than anyone else, but he had what it took where it took. He was tall and slender, he was robust and vigorous and that eternal bad boy look that never left him was always a hit with the girls. 
The two women suddenly straightened up, like two students scolded by their teacher. Their smiles faded and they completely ignored your remark. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"Easy now, darling. You know I like it hot and slow." It wasn't true. Well, only half true. Niragi liked it hot, yes, but mostly fast and violent, he liked it hard and strong. But he was putting on a show, he wanted all eyes on him, and stepped onto the edge of the pool, turned his head in your direction, winked at you and dived into the pool. 
You couldn't imagine how cold it must have been. Without even knowing it, you could feel your own fingers freezing, and a shiver ran down your back.
Niragi was crazy to jump into the water like that, without preparing his body. He didn't have much time, but as a doctor, you knew that the risks of immersing a warm body in such cold water could cause hydrocution, a syncope, a kind of vagal malaise caused by a thermal shock. By immersing yourself in cold water without taking the time to prepare your body, your body reacts to this sudden shock by contracting the blood vessels.
This causes an increase in blood pressure, in order to maintain body temperature, which will slow down the heart and decrease the flow of blood to the brain. In other words, the shock can cause a loss of consciousness, and therefore possibly, a drowning. 
The voice did not say how long Niragi had to stay in the water, and it had been a few seconds since he had dived. He still hadn't surfaced, and anguish began to settle in the pit of your stomach. You didn't want to panic, Niragi would never forgive you for showing emotion to people who would surely want you dead. But it wasn't coming back up, and the seconds kept ticking away. 
"10 seconds remaining." 
'Pull up, fucking Niragi, pull up. Hurry up!' you were screaming in your own head, begging him to come up. But he wasn't coming up. You could see his motionless body stuck under the layer of ice he had broken while diving. But he wasn't moving, he wasn't coming back to the surface. As tears began to form at the corners of your eyes, your lips trembling and your legs close to collapsing under the weight of the misery that was about to take hold of you in a second. 
"Time's up. The mission is..." 
"Holy shit, that is cold!" Niragi suddenly exclaimed, taking a long breath of air as his head poked through the freezing water. His wet hair stuck to his forehead, and his purple lips gave you the immediate urge to grab them, warm them with your own, and hug him as tightly as you could. 
Niragi swam to the edge of the pool and, not with difficulty, pulled himself up onto the ledge. You had no towel handy for him, nothing to warm him up or anything to offer him to dry off with. But he himself didn't seem as freezing as you would have imagined, maybe it was just an act, but in any case, he shook his head from side to side to wring out his long hair and the drops of water fell in gusts down his body. His soaked underpants were explicitly modeling his penis and it didn't take much to jump in front of him and hide this sinful sight from all those girls in the room. 
Niragi picked up the things he had left behind a short time before and so with nothing to dry himself with, pulled the dry clothes over his wet body. "Don't tell me you doubted me, princess?" he whispered in your ear and his warm breath felt strangely opposite to his cold, frozen body as he pulled his shirt over his head after joining you. 
It was someone else's turn, but you couldn't hear what was being said or who was being called. All your attention was focused on Niragi. His lips were so black that you wondered how he hadn't frozen to death. His whole body was shaking and the millions of shivers that ran through his body were actually proving to you that no, Niragi was not well. He was putting on a show in front of the others, strutting around like an invincible man; but you always saw further than the facade, further than the words and his attitude.  
"You're a big sicko, you know that?" you scolded as he staggered into his jeans. You knew he would refuse your help, and what good would it do in front of all those people. This was not the time for you to provoke him, let alone go against his convictions. "You could have died of hydrocution, you idiot!" 
It was rare for Niragi to let you insult him like that, but he sensed how scared you had been and just for that, he was content to say nothing. He wrapped his arms around your waist, and whispered only, "I'm not done tormenting you, princess. Don't think you'll get rid of me that easily." 
With another wink, he slumped to the floor so he could put his socks and shoes back on. The discussion was over, you understood. Around you, a question seemed to have been answered when suddenly, "The time is up. The answer is," a pause, "unsuccessful." 
"What? No, it can't be." One of the girls from earlier, the one who had leered at Niragi without embarrassment, was now pleading not guilty to anyone who would listen. "Give me a second chance, I'll be more specific." Tears streamed down her face and her friend, a few steps away, mirrored her actions. Both young women were sobbing like common babies and suddenly you thought that maybe karma had decided to take care of her. 
If it wasn't you who would have taken care of her, the game did. Well done. 
You felt no empathy, nothing that made you feel sorry for her fate as the voice threw out, "Sukira Han, game over." 
"No, no, please, I - " And with a jolt, the mechanism around her neck activated and something exploded in the collar. Blood spurted everywhere, on the walls, the floor, even to you, who was standing at the other end of the terrace. Your shoes were stained with blood and you found yourself feeling more sorry for that nice pair of Lacoste shoes you had stolen from the store earlier than for that chick. 
The woman's lifeless body crashed to the ground with a loud thud and the blood ran down the floor to the pool which draped the water in a scarlet mixture. Now there were only six players left. Two had not yet passed and soon it was their turn. 
And the next two died, in fact. The man couldn't bring himself to slit his wrists (which in the end wouldn't have made much difference if he had) and the other woman's friend with whom you were starting to have a serious problem had failed to answer a mathematical question. 
There were only four players left, and now the second round could begin. 
Round 2. 
"Natsuki Toki, you have chosen dare." He did not, in fact, choose anything. But you deduced that no matter what you chose in the first round, you would have to choose the other one in the second. That was part of the rules, if you remembered correctly. Each player has the obligation to complete one dare and answer one truth. 
The man, still as frightened as he had been at the beginning of the game, awaited his sentence with trepidation. 
"Please execute the following dare: designates a player to jump off the balcony."
You were on the sixteenth floor. It would indeed be a deadly fall, and it would do a lot of damage. Breaking both legs would be merciful at that height. The worst could be spinal paralysis, and truth be told, that would be worse than death. 
As with every utterance of the voice, a new wave of panic swept through the place. You were the only woman, in the middle of three men. In your calculations, you would have insinuated that it would be fair to sacrifice a man to try to balance the unity of the sexes, if only it wouldn't put Niragi's life in possible danger. 
He could defend himself, you knew that very well, but there was no need to provoke futile things. 
On the other hand, and to avoid a too long debate, it would be judicious to designate a woman to jump from the top of this balcony. Because generally, and without denigrating the female gender, it was true that your stature had nothing to do with those of other men. It would be more or less easy for them to push the opposite sex over the railing.
Being paired with Niragi didn't protect you, apparently. The man kept glaring at you as he stared at Niragi to see whether or not it was wise to point you out. His risk would have been to face Niragi's unyielding rage that could descend upon him as soon as he pointed his finger at your figure. He had few other options since, in the end, it was either you or another man. He was naive to think that not naming a male player could save him. 
"You," he pointed to you finally, and you were almost disappointed in his choice. You knew that no matter what, you would never jump overboard. Even without Niragi, you knew how to defend yourself very well. You knew how to hit where it hurt, and nothing or no one would ever force you to do anything. "I choose you. Go ahead and jump now." 
A genuine, authentic laugh escaped from your gut, arms crossed over your chest as the man's face broke down. "Certainly not!" You defended yourself, and luckily for you, the other players couldn't come to the man's help or they would be disqualified. In other words, to have a game over at their game. You were far from alone in defending yourself, but just having someone to defend you was a game changer. 
"What do you mean? You don't have a choice, you're the one who has to jump!" The man insisted, incredulous at his refusal, as he stomped his foot like a toddler. 
"30 seconds remaining." 
"She's not dying for you, asshole." Niragi finally intervened, stepping forward with a menacing air. He had thrown his shoulders back, traded in his smirk for a devilish sneer, and as he began to play with his tongue piercing in an intimidating manner, he continued in his husky voice, "Fuck off, now, before I make you."
It seemed as if the man had found courage somewhere deep in his pants, for he did not move an inch. Even though he seemed to tremble under Niragi's threatening gaze, and even at the sight of the beads of sweat on his forehead, he stammered, "Well...I'm... I'm not dying either! You can jump now!" 
Niragi laughed and you yourself couldn't hold back the smile on your lips. The man didn't seem to understand that he had no choice. He couldn't force either you or Niragi to jump over the railing and you had to admit that he had some balls trying to point you out. 
"15 seconds remaining." 
And while you were apprehending to calm down the ardors of the two men, with a sentence saying to him simply to indicate somebody else because it was lost cause, Niragi launched a first blow of punch which came to crash firmly against the machoir of the man who moved back of several steps. Without waiting for the man to understand what was happening to him, or even to be able to retaliate, Niragi threw a second punch in his temple, a third and a fourth. The man fell to the ground and as Niragi took his place on his torso to land more blows, you wondered if it was reasonable to stop him. The way it was going, the player would surely be dead in a few seconds and it would have nothing to do with Niragi. So you might as well let him off the hook. He had probably accumulated several different feelings and moods since the game started, like an emotional elevator that kept going up and down the floors with unstoppable speed. You knew something about it, after all, you were going through the same thing.
The man was now covered in blood, almost unconscious as the robotic voice finally spoke. "Time is up. The mission is," but as Niragi continued to punch again and again and again, "unsuccessful." The worried looks of the other players couldn't look away from this unevenness and after a moment, you sighed. "Natsuki Toki, game over." And the collar fired. 
The blood that Niragi had on his hands had splashed all over his body. He was now covered in blood. It was in his hair, all over his shirt and pants. It was a futile effort to have tried to jump into the pool without his clothes a few moments earlier, and he would have deserved a second jump if only it would wash away all that blood. 
He looked like a mad man. Like a serial killer caught in the act. You could feel your fingertips tingle at the sight, and your insides twisted in a way that was nothing like the apprehension you had before entering the game. Niragi was gasping for breath as he came to his senses, and it was strange because all that blood made him even more attractive than usual, and that was something you never thought possible until now. 
Only five players left.
I don't know if you get where I'm going but... I'm going there yeah heheehuhheuue
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somaspice · 2 months
Baroque the Distorted, Deluded Roguelike
Baroque is a fascinating game. And it could be nothing short than that since this is an arthouse rougelike from 1996.
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Inpired by an aesthetic of urban decay, and movies like "The city of lost children" (pictured below), baroque wields a visual language of deep reds and greens against muted backgrounds, and a fusion of mechanical and organic elements to evoke a feeling of distortion and unnaturalness.
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The best example of this, is the game's visual icon itself, the nerve-tower. A towering and unbalanced structure made out of a living tree, worming metal tubes, and wires that extend out like spiderwebs.
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(The original prop by Kito Eisaku)
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(The tower, pictured in game)
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(My own recreation, made in Blender)
The game in and of itself consists of the player descending the tower and meeting God at the bottom. As it turns out, God went insane and so the world twisted and deformed, rending people into monsters. ("God made man in his own image", anyone?) So we have to fight these former humans in order to reach the divine creator themselves.
The monsters, aptly called "Grotesques", often evoke an element of body horror as the vestiges of former humanity are often quite apparent.
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What's best of all about this game, is that the gameplay perfectly ties it all together. There not a single moment of dissonance in the relation of the visuals, the story, and the gameplay.
If you're curious and want to hear my full take on it, I invite you to watch my video review of the game:
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corundumb · 4 months
Credit goes to @head-in-the-icloud for the au and characters. Nova is my own character. I hope you guys like it 😁
The Royal Jesters Fanfic- Seamstress Nova
The castle is magical, as are the residents. Well, not ALL of them at least. But in Novas mind they all are, each one is nothing she’s seen before. Even the ones that seem like clones visually have such personalities. In place of flesh there’s metal and what she assumes is magic, visually unique it was crazy.
But now it’s her new normal. Having spent a few years of her life here, she’s come to know them relatively well. The Princes love to expend their energy and stress by playing as Fools, playing pranks on each other and those around them. As much as they can be annoying it’s endearing. She thought something was up when Prince Sun spent more time in her workshop, suddenly finding some fabrics and accessories very interesting. Spending a day or so flipping through sample books she’s collected throughout her professional travels. Asking when she'll head out again.
Nova kept them categorized by region, shop, and then by colors, textures, and patterns. These books are more like mini suitcases with canvas as pages in place of paper, samples of previous fabrics she’s purchased in the past. Nova took pride in her collection, even if just to look at they’re wonderful reminders of previous designs.
Her bells collection, however, she felt it almost necessary to ban him from. The constant jingling to test which ones sounded perfect got on her nerves a little, but save for that one exception it was entertaining to watch him select the fabrics and ask her so many questions. When she asked him of his sudden interest in fabric, he was being uncharacteristically vague and dismissive. She guessed it was two things, something gold and shades of reddish orange, something azure and indigo. Veeery sneaky, Prince Sun.
She recognized the fabrics immediately as they donned their new apparel. They were almost unrecognizable with the masks, the Princes looked great as Jesters! Their antics made her laugh more, even when she became a target for a little while. The number of times one or both of her braids were now ‘mustaches’ for themselves or on her was a fast way to pull her attention from work. Under normal circumstances touching her hair would be off limits but she gave them permission if their hands were clean. Despite it not being her place, she saw them as family. This doesn't mean she enjoys EVERY prank or joke, she could do without the pies in her face.
When she first met Gaiya, she was more intimidated than she was by Eclipse. Purely from height and status, and staring into her soul spooked her for sure with those big eyes. But the initial fear did not stop her from admiring the grace she carried, and instantly knew she would be hardest to design for but thrilled with the challenges. When the Queen had time to review designs and fabrics she wanted she enjoyed the most, many varieties of snacks and teas available each time.
Nova respected Neptune a great deal, a powerful wizard in his own level. Having to maintain and upkeep the knowledge required takes a lot of time. She's spoken with him only a few times, primarily for basic defense spells and the benefits of enchanting threads and fabrics for certain occasions.
During her travels to retrieve orders of fabrics, jewelry, and shop on her own accord for other necessities for her job she took guarding the goods and the money she traveled with extremely seriously. To the point where in between her travels, and main job as a tailor, she kept up her abilities by training with Eclipse when possible, or basic defense spells with Neptune. She has very little in magical capability and is only so strong physically. But what most don't know about her is why she keeps her gloves on 90% of the time.
From her fingertips thin but very strong wires of light move from her control. It's very dangerous mid to close range, and she has used it for mobility. Those who don't notice the light reflecting parts of the wires may believe she's floating or flying. But most fights she partakes in end up with body parts strewn about, the ground and herself covered in blood. It's very messy. Considering the wires can cut chunks out of wagons and armored personnel with relative ease, she's comfortable traveling on her own. But this does not mean she enjoys any bloodshed, she merely wishes to not be a burden in a kingdom of animatronics as a human.
The wires do have their benefits outside of battle, she's able to move heavy rolls of fabrics with ease on her own. But she must remain mindful of their sharpness. She'll regularly use them on herself to work on tailoring for the Queen directly, or to Eclipse when she's had enough making him more cloaks than he can burn through and gives him a piece of her mind face to face. His enjoyment of this just angers her more.
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whumpacabra · 1 year
Day 30 - Holding Hands
Hospital setting, hand holding, broken bones [leg], heart monitor mention, paralysis and nerve damage
[Directly follows "Can you hear me?"]
“You look…tired.” David breathed, RJ cracking a smile and rolling their eyes.
“You look like shit yourself.” Their voice was husky and comforting. The pair were alone in David’s room, RJ in a hospital wheelchair and David in his bed.
“How long was I out?” He winced at the subtle pity in their eyes.
“A day or so. Katie told you that when you woke up.”
“Right - right. Sorry, Harrison’s been grilling me all day and…” David yawned, aware of the irony of being tired despite not moving an inch. “…it’s been a long day.”
“He giving you trouble?” There was a dangerous undercurrent to RJ’s voice that tugged a smile to his lips.
“Oh yeah, it’s been rough. What with the waterboarding and fire torture and truth serum.” His thick sarcasm drew a snort of laughter from RJ. “Honestly though? 8 out of 10, best interrogation I’ve had. Could be improve with the addition of some snacks and refreshments, maybe even, like, a gift card for compensation.”
“I’ll let him know - you should file a proper assessment and post your review when you get the chance.” RJ shook their head, still smiling as they breathed a sigh. They shifted in their chair, casted leg twitching stiffly. “I should probably get back to my room, Katie’s been pitching a fit about me missing pain med doses. You should get some rest.”
Distress welled in David’s chest. He swallowed thickly, trying to will his hand to reach out and take theirs. He only succeeded in making his fingers twitch. They unlocked their chair’s wheels, turning to leave.
“…wait - wait. Please.” His voice seemed small, even as the empty tile floor amplified it. RJ froze, looking back at him with wide, gentle eyes. “I just…nevermind. It’s stupid.”
He could feel heat rise on his cheeks, a mix of frustration and embarrassment as RJ rolled closer and locked their wheels again.
“What? What’s wrong?” Their eyes darted around the medical equipment surrounding the bed, every monitor and wire singing a soft chorus to his rising blood pressure and unsteady heartbeat.
“It’s nothing - it’s dumb, don’t worry about it.”
“Tell me.” RJ reached out and held his hand, their skin cold and slightly damp. He breathed a sigh of relief, the contact a welcome confirmation. He was there. They were there. They were both alive.
“Thank you.” He closed his eyes, managing to coordinate a gentle, weak squeeze of their hand with his own clumsy fingers. “I just…I’m not dreaming. You’re okay. We’re okay.”
“Yeah.” RJ’s grip was firm and reassuring, their voice cracking as they spoke. “We made it.”
[Directly before Sleepless]
(Part of my Freelancers: Retirement series)
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verkja · 1 year
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[ID: A colourful collection of icons and images related to tumblr, each animated to switch between two angles, surrounding the words 'tumblr 2022 My Year In Review' in front of an orange grid background. End ID.]
I posted 1,016 times in 2022
That's 1,016 more posts than 2021!
307 posts created (30%)
709 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,012 of my posts in 2022
#whump prompt - 187 posts
#writing - 164 posts
#ask answer - 116 posts
#whump writing - 107 posts
#whump tropes - 88 posts
#whump - 76 posts
#30 days 30 lines - 62 posts
#oc stuff - 52 posts
#tag games - 48 posts
#long post - 47 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#which is an english style i don't actually use often - i typically opt for gongfu so very small clay teapots or gaiwans are more my thing
My Top Posts in 2022:
How about an older whumpee? One who's lost the appearance of being young and vulnerable, so rather than wanting to help or save them, people just pity or ignore them.
They used to have some kind of hope that their life could get better, but not anymore; now they're just bitter, or resigned, or apathetic. The world and other people have let them down one time too many. They've let themself down one time too many.
They're still scared, all the time, but where once that fear provided an impetus to try and change things, now it just exhausts them. Maybe they try, hesitantly, to reach out for help at some point, but instead of coming across as timid they're just seen as creepy.
Maybe they work for a villain, and while the heroes are inspired to spare or rehabilitate some of their younger colleagues - it's such a waste, seeing people with potential throw away their lives in the service of evil - the whumpee is only seen as an obstacle to overcome. Disposable.
When a younger, conventionally attractive person starts shaking and crying at a meeting of uneasy allies because something someone said brought up a traumatic memory, people are alarmed and sympathetic and want to take care of them. When the one having a breakdown is some middle-aged accountant-looking person, it's just awkward.
Stress ages people, and the effects increase over time. Someone who is actually twenty-five might look and feel thirty under high-pressure circumstances. Someone who's actually forty-five might look and feel sixty-five.
It's a lot harder to break out of a negative mindset when you've been living with it for a long time. It's hard to believe someone telling you things will get better after decades of things only ever getting worse. The whumpee won't bother to argue about it, but they fully expect anyone acting like they care about them to be pretending for the sake of getting information or manipulating them. (Which of course makes it even more intense when someone genuinely does care about them.)
This was kind of a long one, but I really love this setup. Also I was listening to 'No Surprises' by Radiohead yesterday and it kept giving me Feelings.
182 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Ideas for robot/machine whump; I’m sure some have been done before, but not often enough! I love robot whump.
Dents in metal that cause pain like any other injury, but can’t heal
A character who’s alive and able to think, but the wires which allow them to move or blink a light or otherwise interact with the world have been severed; no one looking at them can tell they’re not dead
A character who could never independently interact with the world in the first place - like a PC, they can only respond upon receiving outside input through very limited means. Even in a room full of people, they can’t detect that they’re not alone, isolated by their own design
Wires that function something like nerves; stripping away the insulation to expose bare copper, which causes excruciating pain when touched even lightly
A character who relies on continual updates to function, getting increasingly glitchy and slow after the company which created them stopped offering support for their now-outdated software
A character who is very much not designed to look convincingly human trying to blend in (think a toaster on stilts in a trench coat)
A company recalling one model of robot for a minor flaw, but fixing the flaw involves a memory/personality reset
190 notes - Posted May 18, 2022
There's something special about a whumpee getting literally thrown in the trash. It's both physical whump, since they're presumably too injured or weak to get out of the trash, and a way for a whumper to symbolically illustrate that they are completely worthless. (Or they can throw themself in the trash, if you prefer!)
It's probably easiest to make this effective in genres where the whumpee is both considered subhuman (or sub-whatever-else) and is legally considered property - a tool, a weapon, a pet, an android, etc. - but it can work in any setting with a bit of modification.
214 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
Seen a few very nice posts lately about ‘known whumpees,’ so I figured I’d write a little about the possibilities of a completely unknown whumpee!
Nobody knows who they are - not because they’re mysterious or disguised, just because they’re no one special. They aren’t part of a team, aren’t a public figure or celebrity, don’t have a family or friends or allies who will show up to help them out.
There’s no practical reason for anyone to help the terrified, forgotten prisoner in the last cell in the dungeon, covered with scars obviously caused by torture. Or the injured soldier in beat-up armour, not an officer or otherwise hard to replace, who surrenders because they’re too hurt to retreat with their comrades. Or the broken, discarded android or robot or pet, just one of a million others, who’s been thrown out because they’re no longer useful.
The character is fully aware of their own insignificance; they know they aren’t worth anything to anyone. So when their fate is left in someone else’s hands, all they can do is hope that person happens to be feeling generous.
411 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
PSA for newcomers
I've noticed a number of new people posting in the whump tag lately who have migrated over from Twitter. That's great! We're very glad to have you here, and excited to see your content.
Just one request: Please tag thoroughly. Whump contains all kinds of dark content; a lot of people who engage with it are fine with some kinds, but really don't want to see others. Tagging provides a way for people to curate what content they see, and enjoy what you create while keeping whumpblr a comfortable place to spend time.
(If you're new to tumblr and don't know how tagging works here - only the first five tags on your post determine which tags it shows up in, but all tags can be filtered, so you can put #whump and things like that first, and add the warnings near the end. In fact, that's better, because it means whump stories containing abuse, for example, won't show up in the same tag as people's posts about their own real-life experiences with abuse.
Don't censor words or the filters won't work, so 'cw noncon,' for example, is great, while 'cw n0nc0n' or 'cw r*pe' won't do what you need them to.)
Edit: Oho, apparently it's been updated to the first 20 tags these days! Go wild with tagging specific tropes, in that case; that'll make it even easier for people to locate work they enjoy. :D
458 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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myrrhmaiden · 2 years
Is there scientific evidence for the chakras?
I read this article by Sarah Murphy, LPC  and thought I’d share - 
Margaret Moda conducted a review of the research on the anatomical and physiological evidence of the chakras. Her study was published in the April 2022 issue of the International Journal of Healing and Caring. After reviewing the literature on the evidence of the chakras, Moda concluded that there is some evidence that chakras emit electromagnetic radiation and have possible anatomical correlates. There is, indeed, some scientific evidence for the chakras!
The theory
The idea of chakras stems from ancient Eastern traditions and has become increasingly popular in the West. The popularity of the concept mirrors that of the meridians – born in the East, gaining traction in the West. There is some scientific evidence supporting the meridians. In this study, Moda sought to examine the evidence for the chakras based on electromagnetic radiation or anatomical correlates.
The study setup
Moda searched databases for studies on the anatomical and physiological studies of the chakras. She excluded papers on theory or intuitive descriptions and expanded her search to include books containing scientific studies. Thus, sixteen studies met the search criteria.
Study results find evidence for the chakras
Moda grouped her results in two categories: anatomical studies and physiological studies.
Anatomical Studies
Two studies found that the chakras align with known nerve plexuses:
Rokade (2017) found a plexus of nerves near the location of the purported heart chakra.
Sweta and colleagues (2018) found a plexus of nerves near the location of the purported base or root charka.
Physiological Studies
Several studies found electromagnetic emissions from the chakras:
Jalil et al (2015) used radiofrequency meters with dipole whip antennas to detect electromagnetic radiation from the chakra locations in young healthy subjects. They found that each chakra emits a particular band of frequencies. Interestingly, their findings (chakras emit frequencies of 29 MHz – 86 MHz) matches the overall frequency of the human electromagnetic field of about 53 MHz.
One study by Motoyama (1981) used a magnetometer, copper wire and photoelectric cells. When the subjects activated a chakra, the photoelectric cells emitted a faint light and the copper electrode detected high-frequency oscillations.
Hunt used an electromyograph (EMG) (1977, 1986). She detected wave forms and frequency bands from 100 Hz to 1 KHz, corresponding to various colors, in the area of the chakras. Further, she found that, as the subjects activated or "opened" a chakra, the frequency increased. In 1997, Wirth and colleagues attempted to replicate the findings and did, but others have questioned their research.
Rewold and Husen (2020) used electrodes to measure frequencies above 200Hz in a group of biofield practitioners and university students. In both groups, the frequency bands matched what Hunt had found. Additionally, the frequency band power was higher among the biofield practitioners than the students.
In each case, there were measurable electromagnetic emissions from the chakras.
Why this study on the evidence for chakras matters
This study adds to our understanding of the human electromagnetic field and rounds up some evidence for the chakras. While many Westerners remain skeptical of the meridians, chakras, and biofield, these concepts are aligned with what we know about physics. Humans have electromagnetic energy and bioelectric fields.
Get involved!
There are many ways for you to participate in ACEP's mission. If you would like to learn more about the chakras, check out ACEP’s upcoming Comprehensive Energy Psychology course!
In order to support research, consider making a donation.
Finally, if you would like to get involved with ACEP, join a committee!
Sarah Murphy, LPC, is a licensed professional counselor and coach with more than 12 years of clinical experience. She specializes in energy psychology, including EFT, as well as mindfulness and hypnotherapy. In her therapy practice, she works with individuals seeking to find peace within themselves, people who have serious medical diagnoses, and couples who want to resolve conflict and live in harmony. Sarah is an ACEP Board member and chair of the Communications Committee.
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testshow58 · 2 years
5 Methods To Improve Your Listening To + Stopping Additional Hearing Loss
Although Silencil Reviews can’t management each gadget your baby makes use of (which is why volume-limiting headphones are useful), you'll have the ability to cut back the sound output on their cell gadget. We largely encountered this problem with passive, wired headphones. Active headphones corresponding to our favorite pair of kids headphones, the Puro BT2200, can make use of a digital limiter that stops the sound from taking part in any higher than a certain quantity degree. We measure the amount limiting on every pair of youngsters headphones we test and keep a detailed database of the outcomes, so if you’re questioning a few sure pair, remember to examine our listing . But no checks exist for this tendency, and therefore no one can predict who will be susceptible and who won't. Benign or idiopathic intracranial hypertension is characterised by headaches and visible disturbance as properly as pulsatile tinnitus. This is claimed to occur most incessantly in overweight younger or middle-aged women. Now that you know these things, let it digest for some time. Take notice of the various sounds round you, each in real life, and in music. Go slowly, either whereas ascending or descending and give your ears time to regulate. Ear barotrauma can also increase the prospect of getting a minor nosebleed. In most circumstances, ear strain just isn't an indicator of something extra serious than a change in external setting. Their speech is delayed or onerous to understand, or they don't say single words similar to "dada" or "mama" by 12 to fifteen months of age. What Happens After Endolymphatic Sac Decompression Surgery? Endolymphatic sac decompression surgery is done to drain extra fluid from the internal ear. The internal ear is linked to the vestibulocochlear nerve, which carries sound and equilibrium information to the brain. Typically, males's ears are bigger than girls's, in accordance with a study within the journalPlastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Researchers additionally found that the average ear is about 2.5 inches (6.three centimeters) lengthy, and the common ear lobe is 0.seventy four inches (1.88 cm) long and 0.77 inches (1.96 cm) extensive. They also noted that the ear does indeed get larger as a person ages.
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besttimeliving · 11 days
Quietum Plus Reviews (Tinnitus Relief Formula) Does It Really Work?
Quietum Plus is a 100% natural supplement designed to address ear ringing and other hearing issues. This formula uses only the best in class and natural ingredients to achieve desired results.
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Introduction to Quietum Plus
Quietum Plus is a cutting-edge supplement specifically designed to combat tinnitus and enhance hearing health. This all-natural formula is a beacon of hope for those suffering from hearing issues, offering a blend of carefully selected ingredients that work together to support and improve auditory function. Unlike conventional treatments, Quietum Plus focuses on addressing the root causes of hearing problems, providing a safe and effective solution for long-term relief and auditory health improvement.
How Does Quietum Plus Works?
Quietum Plus is a powerful formula that is designed to support healthy hearing and regenerate the "wire" that carries electrical signals and sounds from the ear to the brain. This formula consists of 18 high-quality plant extracts, vitamins, minerals and amino acids that work together to promote optimal ear health.
Quietum Plus works by tackling the root cause of hearing difficulties, which is the presence of toxins in the body. These toxins disrupt the communication between the ear and the brain, leading to issues like tinnitus and memory decline. By addressing this underlying problem, Quietum Plus aims to improve overall auditory function and alleviate associated symptoms.
Quietum Plus tinnitus relief supplement promotes rapid healing and begins to repair nerve degenerations before moving on to mitigate different parts of your ear one by one. This Quietum Plus remedy is also in charge of the anti-inflammatory response, which reduces inflammation and swelling in the brain, ear, and other organs.
Quietum Plus Ingredients
Maca Root: Quietum Plus contains Maca root, which, like Mucuna Pruriens, can help with inflammation, soothe the nervous system, and repair neuron damage. Neuron damage can exacerbate tinnitus symptoms by interfering with communication between your ears and brain. For centuries, maca root has been used in traditional South American medicine.
Epimedium: Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed, is found in many libido booster supplements. Horny goat weed, on the other hand, can do more than just increase libido. Horny goat weed contains icariin, a natural chemical linked to brain health, inflammation, and other benefits. The horny goat weed in Quietum Plus, according to the supplement’s creators, can also soothe the nervous system, help repair neuron damage, and help with overall inflammation to address the root cause of tinnitus.
Tribulus Terrestris: According to the official website, Tribulus Terrestris can help regulate neuroinflammation, protect against free radicals, and provide strong antidepressant effects. Tribulus Terrestris, like maca and horny goat weed, is best known for its use in hormone and sex drive supplements. However, the ingredient is said to have tinnitus-fighting properties in Quietum Plus.
Dong Quai: According to the manufacturer, Dong Quai promotes brain cell health and helps sharpen hearing while acting as a superior ear tonic. Dong Quai has been highly regarded in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years for its ability to support various aspects of health and wellness.
Muira Puama: Quietum Plus pills contain Muira Puama, a Brazilian and Amazon rainforest native extract. Muira Puama, which is widely used in Brazil, is gaining popularity in the supplement industry as a natural energy booster. The Muira Puama in Quietum Plus, according to the supplement’s creators, has strong antioxidants while protecting against free radicals and promoting nerve regeneration.
Catuaba Powder: According to the makers of Quietum Plus, Catuaba powder can balance blood flow, provide strong neuroprotective properties, and protect the brain against aging.
Benefits of Quietum Plus
It helps to maintain the ear’s natural defense system, that is, the cerumen.
It heals damaged cells in the ears. 
It soothes the nervous system and maintains its functions. 
The anti-inflammatory ingredients start the healing process. 
It provides a healthy supply of nutritious blood to the inner parts of the ears. 
It reduces the inflammation in the brain and repairs neural connections. 
It reduces brain fog and damage. 
It improves focus, concentration, and memory. 
It reduces headaches and episodes caused by tinnitus. 
It improves your hearing regardless of your age. 
It works as an antioxidant to strengthen your immunity.  ​It is available at an affordable cost, so anyone can easily buy it.
​For each purchase, you will get a 60-day of 100% money-back guarantee.
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spoilertv · 16 days
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majalatsalsabil · 17 days
The best orthopedic doctor in Egypt
Orthopedics represents a vital field in healthcare, as it plays a major role in treating injuries and diseases that affect the bones, joints and muscles. Doctors who specialize in this field are known as orthopedists, and they specialize in providing specialized medical care to patients with bone and joint problems.
The specific specialization of the orthopedic doctor varies, as he may specialize in precise fields such as orthopedic tumor surgery, or a sports injuries doctor who focuses on treating sports injuries, and also other specialties such as an orthopedic doctor who specializes in the knee or shoulder.
The process of choosing the best orthopedic doctor in Egypt is important for every patient, as this choice plays an important role in the success of any surgery or treatment plan. Choosing an excellent orthopedic doctor, who has extensive experience and an excellent professional history in the field of orthopedics, helps determine the optimal procedure according to the patient’s condition after examining and evaluating the patient in the orthopedic clinic.
There are a set of criteria that can be relied upon in the process of choosing the best orthopedic doctor in Egypt, including:
- Institutions to which the doctor belongs: Working in solid medical institutions known for quality and efficiency is an important factor in evaluating the most brilliant orthopedic doctor. Dr. Ibrahim Shaarawy, who works in major hospitals in Cairo and the United States of America, is considered among the most distinguished doctors in this field.  دكتور عظام تخصص ركبة He works at Al-Demerdash Hospital and Ain Shams University Hospitals, as well as the Saudi German Hospital in Cairo, and the Cleopatra Hospitals Group. Working in prestigious hospitals ensures that the best results are obtained by working with an integrated medical team. Dr. Shaarawi also worked at Ohio University Hospital in the United States of America.
- Academic certificates: You must review the certificates obtained by the doctor, and verify the academic degrees and accreditations he holds. Dr. Ibrahim Shaarawi is considered one of the few orthopedists and joint doctors in the Arab world who has practiced the profession in the United States of America in addition to Egypt. He obtained his doctorate and master's degrees from one of the most prestigious universities in the Arab world, which is Ain Shams University.
Patient reviews: Patients’ opinions reflect the orthopedic doctor’s excellent success in his work, and Dr. Ibrahim Shaarawi’s relationship with patients is characterized by good listening and interest in their condition before and after treatment. This was reflected in patients’ evaluations on all social networking sites and patients’ satisfaction and testimonials.
Services provided by the orthopedic doctor include:
Limited interventions such as joint and tendon injections and also treatment of bone tumors with injections.
Evaluating and following up bone and joint conditions and developing an appropriate treatment plan for each case.
Careful follow-up of orthopedic patients and ensuring that their needs are met in terms of re-evaluation, rehabilitation, and follow-up for improvement until complete recovery.
Treatment of injuries to the knee joint.
Dealing with fractures, including conservative treatment and making a cast or splints.
Procedures to replace the knee joint and artificial pelvis.
Knee arthroscopy and treatment of knee cartilage tears.
Arthroscopic cruciate ligament reconstruction.
Resection of benign and malignant tumors
Wiring the tendons in the trigger finger
Nerve wiring
Fixation of fractures
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wyatt-06 · 27 days
Best Pet Grooming Tools Recommended by Professionals
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The expertise of the groomer depends on skill and experience, but the right grooming equipment can enhance efficiency and trust. A pet's coat, skin, and nails must be maintained regularly to help avoid health issues like infections, matting, and growing nails. With this awareness, pet parents visit professional groomers to provide expert-level grooming.
There is undoubtedly a plethora of pet grooming tools on the market, be they online or offline, as they are vital for every fur friend. However, using tools from global brands that are designed specifically for professionals can boost your performance and work recognition.
Investing in quality grooming equipment for pets is important because it improves overall efficiency, enhances the pet’s beauty, eliminates potential issues, and makes grooming more fun for both the pet and the groomers.
How About We Tell You That The Global Pet Grooming Industry Is Likely To Reach USD 2.5 Billion In The Coming Ten Years? Sounds Great, Isn’t It? 
However, there is no guarantee of authenticity, as many of these tools don’t serve their purpose correctly. Markets are filled with low-quality and unoriginal grooming tools with low durability and inefficient finishes.
Amazon Reviews
For a seamless grooming experience, you need original, high-quality tools with longer life and efficient functioning. ABK Grooming brings you some of the best top-quality global products for higher durability and optimal performance.
These products are used by some of the most trusted pet professionals globally. We provide you with a list of basic, advanced, and electrical categories of tools for a seamless grooming experience. Keep reading until the end of the article to learn about them in detail.
Let’s start with some basic must-have grooming tools for professional grooming
Basic Grooming Tools Every Pet Professional Must Own
1. Slicker Brush:
Slicker Brush: A slicker brush is a grooming tool primarily used to remove unwanted hair, dirt, and tangles from a pet's coat. The brush is designed with fine wire bristles that are packed closely together and angled to avoid scratching the animal's skin.
It is ideal for pets with medium to long hair, particularly those with wiry, thick, or curly coats. The brush also features a self-cleaning button that allows easy hair removal from the bristles. When using the slicker brush, it is important to be gentle and start by brushing in the direction of hair growth.
2. Comb
A dog comb is a grooming tool that is used to remove tangles, mats, and debris from a dog's coat. It typically has wide teeth for detangling and narrow teeth for finishing and smoothing the coat. Different types of combs are available at ABK Grooming, each designed for specific coat types and purposes, such as wide-toothed, fine-tooth, flea, and slicker combs.
It is important to note that when using a dog comb, you should always start at the tips of the hair and work your way up to the roots, being careful not to pull or tug at the hair. Always consult with a veterinarian or groomer to find the best comb for your dog's specific coat type.
 3. Nail Clippers
Nail clippers are essential to the pet grooming kit. It is used to trim the nails of furry friends and keep them healthy and clean. These clippers come in various types and designs and can be used as per the need. However, there are a few things to keep in mind while trimming the nails. 
It is important to be careful not to cut the quick (the pink part of the nail that contains blood vessels and nerves) as it will cause pain and bleeding. If you're unsure of how to clip your pet's nails or if they are very sensitive, it's best to consult with your veterinarian or a professional groomer.
That's All About The Basic Grooming Tools.
Advanced Tools Used By Professional Pet Groomers! 
1. Clipper Blades 
Clipper blades are essential for pet grooming. They are designed to cut through fur quickly and efficiently, ensuring an even trim. Most clipper blades come in two parts: the comb and the cutting blade, which work together to guide the fur into the cutting blade.
Clipper blades also vary in their edging, or the composition and coating of the cutting part of the blade, which can help reduce irritation to the pet’s skin. Single-speed clippers are great for beginners, while multi-speed clippers can help experienced groomers work more quickly.
Pet grooming mostly revolves around trimming and cutting your pet’s hair. We have made a variety of brands available for all types of blades and comb set
2. Scissors 
Pet grooming tools cannot be completed without including scissors since they are essential grooming tools for professional groomers and pet owners alike. They are specially designed grooming tools used to trim and shape animal fur. 
These scissors come in various sizes and styles, including straight, curved, thinning, blenders, and chunkers, to help groomers create the desired look for their pet. 
Made from high-quality stainless steel and is designed to remain sharp and precise, even after multiple uses. They feature a ball-point design for added safety and come pre-sharpened for maximum cutting efficiency.
3. Thinning Shears 
 Thinning shears, as its name suggests, offers a technique for you to thin your pet's coat so that it has a more natural appearance. 
 Thinning shears, which are different from conventional scissors in that they have a textured blade, assist in separating the fur as you cut so that it looks less jagged and doesn't need as much finishing work when your grooming session is through. For the unversed, thinning shears are also known as thinning scissors. 
Electric Pet Grooming Tools! 
1. Clipper Electric 
 Clippers are specially designed grooming tools used for cutting and styling the fur of animals. They are equipped with a motorized blade that spins at high speeds, allowing for precise and efficient trimming.
 These clippers come in corded or cordless options and typically have various blade attachments for various coat lengths and styles. They are suitable for various animals, such as dogs, cats, horses, and other large animals.
Some features that may come with an electric pet clipper include adjustable blade speeds, detachable blades, and quiet operation, which can help reduce stress on the pet. Pet owners, breeders, and groomers use them to keep their pet’s coat neat and clean. 
2. Electric Trimmers
Pet trimmers are another type of grooming tool for animals. They are typically smaller and more compact than clippers and are often used for trimming and shaping smaller areas of an animal's coat, such as the face, paws, and tail. 
They are also equipped with a motorized blade that rotates at high speeds, allowing for precise and efficient trimming. Some of the features that may come with an electric pet trimmer include quiet operation, easy-to-grip handles, and detachable blades for easy cleaning. 
They are particularly useful for touch-ups, fine grooming, and detailed work such as paw and face trimming. Our dog hair trimmers have an entire collection of authentic and trustworthy brands like Andis, Kiss Grooming, Aeolus, Artero, etc.
3. Dryers Electric 
Dryers for pets are a type of grooming tool that uses hot air to dry an animal's coat after a bath or grooming session. They typically consist of a motorized fan that pushes out hot air and can be adjusted to different temperatures and fan speed settings. 
They are particularly useful for pets with thick or long coats that take a long time to dry naturally or for pets with medical conditions that make it difficult for them to air dry. Some of the features that may come with an electric pet dryer include variable heat settings, a wide range of airflow settings, attachments for directing the airflow, and a filter to prevent hair from clogging the motor.
They can be quite powerful and dry your pet quickly and effectively, leaving it looking and feeling great. ABK Grooming has dryers which you don’t need to take  in your hands while grooming. You can mount these dryer on a drying stand and have a hands-free grooming experience. It is highly flexible to help you to adjust the height as per the requirement. It helps you to dry dogs easily, increase efficiency as well as save more time.
Buy dryers on ABK Groomings now!
How To Choose The Right Tool For The Job? 
Well, here’s the trick, go through the following pointers, and you are good to go! 
● Animal Type: 
Different tools are designed for different types of animals, so make sure to choose one that is suitable for the pet. For instance, clippers are better for large animals with thick coats, while trimmers are more appropriate for small areas such as paws and faces. 
● Coat Condition: 
The pet's coat should also be considered when selecting an electric grooming tool. For example, a tool with a powerful motor and adjustable blades is needed for pets with thick and coarse coats. 
● Grooming Purpose: 
The purpose of grooming should also be considered when choosing an electric grooming tool. If you're planning to give your pet full grooming and shaving, then a clipper is a better option. While if you're looking for a touch-up or fine grooming, then a trimmer would be a better choice.
 ● Features: 
Look for important features to your service, such as adjustable speed, detachable blades, and attachments.
 ● Brand Reputation
Choose a reputable brand when buying any kind of electric grooming tool. Look for brands that have a good reputation for quality and customer service. 
 However, with advancement comes the great responsibility of knowing the precautionary measures for these electric tools to protect your client’s pet. But don’t worry. We have got you covered! Below are some points to keep in mind while using them!
 Always read and follow the instructions for the tool before using it. 
Make sure the tool is properly plugged in or charged before using it. 
Keep the tool away from water to avoid electric shock. 
Keep your fingers and other body parts away from the blades while using the tool. 
Use the appropriate attachment or blade for the task at hand, and make sure the blades are sharp and in good condition. 
Keep the tool clean and in good working order to prevent accidents. 
Be aware of your pet's behavior and stop using the tool if your pet becomes agitated or uncomfortable. 
Use a tool with a safety switch or lock to prevent accidental start-up. 
Do not leave the tool running unattended why your pets are around. 
Grooming Accessories For Pets 
Shampoos and Conditioners
List of pet grooming tools cannot be completed without adding shampoos and conditioners. Since bathing is a vital part of the pet grooming routine, it is important to use the best quality shampoo and conditioners for the same instead of reaching out for some random crap. 
These items are made to clean and condition a pet's fur, skin, and nails and care for certain problems, including dandruff, sensitive skin, and flea and tick prevention. There are many different smells and formulas for pet shampoos and conditioners, including medicated alternatives for animals with skin issues. 
It's crucial to pick a product that's suitable for the specific pet's breed, coat type, and any particular skin or coat issues they might have. When choosing grooming products for your pet, it's important to consider pet's coat and skin type. 
Tips To Choose The Right Grooming Product 
Buy original globally recognised brands: ABK Grooming is only importer of top grooming brands such as Hydra, Andis, Aeolus, etc. 
Consult with a veterinarian: Your vet can help you determine the pet's specific coat and skin type and recommend appropriate products for different pet's needs. 
Look for products specifically formulated for the pet's coat type: For example, if the pet has a long coat, you'll want to look for products designed to detangle and add shine to long hair.
 Avoid harsh chemicals: Avoid products that contain harsh chemicals, such as sulfates, which can dry out the pet's skin and coat. Instead, look for products that are formulated with natural and gentle ingredients. 
Check for allergies: Before using any new grooming products, it's important to check for allergies. You can do this by applying a small amount of the product to a patch of skin on the pet's ear or leg and observing for any adverse reactions. 
 Read the label: Make sure you read the label and understand the ingredients in the products you're considering purchasing. This will help you ensure that the product is safe and appropriate for the pets.
By considering these tips, you can choose the right grooming products for the pet's coat and skin type and ensure that they stay healthy and look their best.
 Tips For Effectively Using Pet Grooming Accessories!  
Brush or comb the pet's coat before bathing: This will help remove any tangles or mats and make it easier to work the shampoo through the coat.
Follow the instructions on the product: Be sure to read the instructions on the product and use the recommended amount for the pet's size and coat type. 
Massage the shampoo into the coat: Gently massage it into the pet's coat, ensuring it works well. Pay extra attention to areas that tend to get dirty, such as the legs, belly, and tail.  
Rinse thoroughly: Ensure to rinse the pet's coat thoroughly to remove all traces of shampoo. Any leftover shampoo can cause irritation and dryness. 
Use a conditioner: If the pet has a long or thick coat, you may want to use a conditioner to help detangle and add shine to the coat. 
Dry the pet properly: After bathing, make sure to dry the pet thoroughly. This can be done with a towel and an electrical pet hair dryer. 
Also, it is advisable to consult your veterinarian before using any random product on the pet to get the best results and avoid any kind of harm. The pet parents put a lot of trust in us as pet professionals. 
Pet parents know that keeping an ill-groomed pet is unhygienic for them and brings a lot of discomfort to the pets. Pet grooming is essential to keep their pets clean and healthy. 
Grooming not only implies hygienic living but also promotes a longer and stress-free life for pets. Therefore, we highly recommend using quality products and serving them only at a premium level.
You can shop premium imported grooming products and tools from ABK Grooming. With over 3000+ products from over 30+ international brands, we ensure pet professionals get the only original high-quality grooming tools and products.
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[ad_1] Navigating the Home Inspection Process: 5 Tips for Homebuyers Buying a home is an exciting and nerve-wracking process. One crucial step in the homebuying journey is the home inspection. A home inspection is a thorough examination of a property's condition, typically conducted by a professional inspector. This process can uncover potential issues that may not be visible to the untrained eye, allowing buyers to make informed decisions about the property they are considering purchasing. Here are five tips to help homebuyers navigate the home inspection process: 1. Hire a reputable home inspector When choosing a home inspector, it is essential to do your due diligence. Look for a reputable inspector with experience and a good track record. Ask for recommendations from friends, family, or your real estate agent. Make sure the inspector is licensed and certified, and inquire about their qualifications and expertise in inspecting homes similar to the one you are considering purchasing. 2. Attend the inspection While not required, it is highly recommended that buyers attend the home inspection. This allows you to ask questions, get a firsthand look at any issues identified, and better understand the inspector's findings. You can also gain valuable insights into how the home's systems operate and learn about any potential maintenance needs in the future. 3. Review the inspection report carefully Following the inspection, the inspector will provide a detailed report outlining their findings. Take the time to review the report thoroughly, paying close attention to any repairs or issues identified. Consider discussing these findings with your real estate agent to determine the next steps and whether any negotiation with the seller may be necessary. 4. Prioritize safety and structural issues When reviewing the inspection report, pay particular attention to safety and structural issues. These can pose significant risks and may require immediate attention. Common safety concerns include electrical hazards, faulty wiring, and mold or water damage. Structural issues such as foundation problems or roof leaks can also have serious consequences if left unresolved. 5. Consider the long-term implications In addition to addressing any immediate concerns, consider the long-term implications of the inspection findings. Will the property require ongoing maintenance or costly repairs in the future? Are there any potential hazards that could affect your quality of life or the resale value of the home? Factor these considerations into your decision-making process and weigh them against the overall value of the property. In conclusion, the home inspection process is a critical step in the homebuying journey. By hiring a reputable inspector, attending the inspection, reviewing the report carefully, prioritizing safety and structural issues, and considering the long-term implications, homebuyers can navigate this process with confidence and make informed decisions about the property they are considering purchasing. [ad_2]
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