#hes more uncle vibes but i read a fic with him as wallys dad (with barry ofc) and im attached
icyfox17 · 2 months
guys just rewatched justice league (2017) and idc that everyone hates it BRUCE AND BARRY ARE LITERALL YFATHER AND SON AND THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME AAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"You're Batman" "You're... Fast." "That seems like an oversimplification." "I'm putting together a team of people--" "Stop right there. I'm in." "You are?" "... I need... Friends..."
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In Your Father’s Eyes - fic
Characters: Damian Wayne, Jon Kent, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Lois Lane, Alfred Pennyworth, little bit of Clark Kent and Tim Drake and literally everyone Pairing: jondami Summary: Of all the things and all the experiences they thought Jon and Damian would have, it certainly wasn’t this. But they’re all better for it anyway.  A/N: A commission for the lovely @heraldofsong! I hope you enjoy it. :) They asked for a bittersweety fluffy story about the Batfam’s reactions/reminiscing to Jon and Damian having a baby. I chose the middle name ‘Charlotte’ because according to the internet it meant ‘freedom’ or ‘free’ and I felt that described an adult Jon and Damian very well. Barry went with Lois downstairs in case Jon and Damian emerged while she was gone, he could rush her back up. Also, it goes without saying, the Flashes brought Steph, Cass and Kara back from the gift shop the same way. Jon is petrified of holding or even touching the baby sometimes. He eventually gets over that. Some vibes for this fic are ‘Mango Dream’ by Afternoon Bike Ride. 
It was a quiet afternoon at the manor. The warm sun peeking through the curtains. Birds chirping outside. The contented crackle of flame in the fireplace as he and Alfred each sat in a recliner reading a book.
Then Tim called.
“Conner and I are on our way to the hospital. Just about there, actually.” He said urgently. “Damian and Jon were taken there by a group of Green Lanterns.”
“What happened?” Bruce demanded, jumping from his chair as quickly as his old bones would allow him. Alfred glanced up from his novel, closing it immediately.
“That’s the thing…I…I’m not sure.” Tim offered. “I’ve already talked to Damian. He said neither of them were really hurt at all. Just that he needs us there. All of us.”
That was enough for Bruce.
Tim said he’d already called the others, and was in the process of sending Bruce the hospital coordinates. As Bruce and Alfred gathered their coats and head to the car, Bruce’s phone pinged again with a text.
I think you might want to bring your credit card.
Bruce rolled his eyes at Tim’s instruction, but checked his wallet anyway.
The hospital wasn’t in Gotham, or Metropolis, but a smaller city in between. A medium-sized research hospital that the League used often. Out of the way, but staffed with the most skilled in the world, and able to keep a secret or two.
Bruce could already see the gaggle of Green Lanterns on the roof as they pulled in to the parking lot. But judging by their relaxed body language, just like Tim had said, there was no emergency.
So what…?
Lois and Barry were in the lobby waiting for them. She smirked when she saw them, crossing her arms.
“What’s happening?” Bruce demanded. “Are the boys alright?”
“Perfect.” Lois let her smirk become a wide grin. There was a giddy shriek from nearby, and Bruce glanced over. It came from the gift shop, where he could see Stephanie holding something up, showing a confused Cass and judgmental Kara. “We were just waiting here for you to take you to the right ward.”
“Well, I must say, judging by everyone’s attitude, I can’t imagine it’s the ICU.” Alfred quipped. Barry laughed and clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Nope.” Lois spun away, all but skipping as she led the way. “Barry, you ready to catch him?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She glanced over her shoulder. “We’re heading to the maternity ward.”
Bruce froze.
Barry was instantly at his shoulder, an arm hovering against his back.
“Ms. Lane…” Alfred said slowly. Laughter from the gift shop again, and now Bruce could see what Stephanie was showing the others – baby clothes.
“Wild, right?” She nodded, urging them both to follow. “But it’s true.”
“Apparently the boys were on a mission with a few of the Lanterns, on some planet.” Barry explained as he gently pushed them along. “This planet has way more advanced in vitro fertilization technology than on Earth. Than in the whole damn Milky Way. But apparently a major part of the fight was in a science lab. And I don’t know if it was from blood from injuries or sweat from exertion or what, but somehow both their DNA got into one of the machines, and literally hours later, a baby was being born.”
“An…alien child?” Alfred asked.
“You’d think that, but no. One-hundred percent Damian and Jon. So, only twenty-five percent alien, Kryptonian, from Jon’s side.” Barry hummed. “It wasn’t like their DNA was being added to an already incubating organism. Its creation came about because their DNA got combined.”
“At least,” Lois interrupted. “As far as we know. That’s why we’re here. They’re getting the baby checked out.”
Suddenly, Tim’s text made sense. “We have…nothing for a baby at the manor. Do…you and Clark have anything from when Jon was born?”
Lois’s grin softened. “Not enough to have everything they’ll need. But enough for the first day or so. Clothes-wise, anyway.”
“They’ll…they’ll have to come stay at the manor.” Bruce turned to Alfred, mind already in hyper drive. “Their…their apartment isn’t big enough. Right?”
“They live in a penthouse, sir, not an apartment.” Alfred smiled. “But I’m sure if you asked they wouldn’t mind coming home for a while. Especially with all the foot traffic of new aunts and uncles that they can surely expect.”
“You already know which room Clark and I are staying in, right, Alfred?” Lois teased.
“Of course, Ms. Lane.” Alfred chuckled. Barry suddenly dashed forward, holding the door open for the three of them. “I’m already devising the floor plans for everyone in my head as we speak.”
And even with the three women in the gift shop, the maternity ward was a madhouse of Supers, Bats and Leaguers alike. Tim was talking with Dinah and Ollie, showing them cribs and mobiles on his phone. Conner was talking with Diana, Donna and the two Wally Wests. Lois was already rejoining Clark, who was speaking with J’onn. Jason had already grabbed Alfred and was gently pulling him towards Koriand’r and Roy.
Barry was stepping up behind him. “Has Dick been…?”
Barry pointed, but it was useless, since Bruce had just spotted him. He was away from the crowds, further down the hall, staring into one of the closed doors, his arms folded across his chest.
Bruce nodded and gave Barry a short grin. Barry gently squeezed his shoulder before disappearing into their friends. Bruce inhaled and slowly walked forward. Everyone immediately gave him passing congratulations, and he smiled softly to each of them in return.
Dick didn’t look at him as he approached, kept just staring into the door. Bruce silently stood next to him, and glanced inside himself.
Damian and Jon stood there, next to a plastic crib. They were in matching teal scrubs that barely hid the few bandages they each had across their bodies. Nothing serious, like everyone had told him so far, but still enough that made his heart beat a little faster.
Jon’s wrist hung over the crib, and Bruce could see tiny fingers clinging to his middle one. His other hand was around Damian’s waist, rubbing calming circles against his hip. His head was up, nodding at whatever the doctor standing across from them and the crib was saying.
Damian, surprisingly, was opposite. His head was down, watching the child. His hand was cupping the baby’s head, stroking gently across its tuft of dark hair.
Bruce couldn’t see any other features on the baby. Its face was blocked by its fat belly and gleefully kicking feet. The hand not latched on to Jon’s waved every so often, where he could see a tube connected.
God, he couldn’t even see it and he adored this child already.
“Can you believe it?” Dick suddenly whispered. Bruce turned his head towards him, but kept his eyes on the door. He heard the baby give a loud squeal. Watched as Jon glanced down and grinned, shaking his captured finger. “Damian’s a dad.”
“So it appears.” Bruce smiled.
“He wasn’t one yesterday. There was no plan for him to be one, yesterday.” Dick continued, practically in awe. “This is…incredible.”
“The universe is an incredible place.” Bruce agreed. “…How long have you been here?”
“About an hour.” Dick admitted. “Damian called me when they hit Earth’s stratosphere.”
“Did you get to see the baby at all?” Bruce asked. In his periphery he saw Dick shake his head.
“They were already in there by the time I got here. Jon came out for a hot second to ask me to bring Lois to the ward when she arrived. But otherwise I haven’t talked to them.” Dick sighed. He shifted nervously from foot to foot. “…It’s almost laughable.”
“What is?”
“Damian’s the first of us to be a dad.” Dick smiled wistfully. “Mr. ‘I-Don’t-Need-Anybody’, Mr. ‘I’m-Not-A-Family-Person’, Mr. ‘Jonathan-and-I-Are-Too-Busy-To-Raise-Children’…and he’s the first of us to have a kid. A biological kid.”
“A biological child conceived and born in hours, from what I was told.” Bruce murmured. He chuckled. “Quite a…peculiar birth. Just like him.”
They lapsed into a silence then, as they continued to watch through the door. They could see both Damian and Jon conversing with the doctor, and suddenly, said doctor was lifting the baby from the crib, taking it out of view. The baby clung to Jon’s finger for as long as it could, even pulling a little as it was pulled away.
Almost immediately, Jon turned to Damian, and the two began to speak softly to each other. Damian’s face looked tired, nervous. Jon’s looked similar, but he smiled anyway, cupping Damian’s face in his hands. Damian clung to his wrists, closing his eyes as he leaned into one of the hands.
“…Do you remember when he was little?” Dick asked softly. “So tough and angry. I’d ruffle his hair and he’d try to cut my arm off.”
“He was a little…prickly.” Bruce smiled warmly. “Focused on nothing but Batman’s mission, and being the best. But you freed him from that viciousness.”
“I had help.” Dick laughed, watching as Jon leaned down and kissed Damian, before the two engulfed each other in an embrace. “Don’t sell yourself so short, old man.”
“Don’t sell yourself short either, Dick.” Bruce bumped his elbow into Dick’s side. “For as much as I loved him at the time anyway, much of his growth was because of you.”
“…Look at him, B.” Dick whispered after a moment. Bruce actually glanced at him now, and saw tears in his eyes. “Look how much he’s grown.”
Bruce put a hand on Dick’s shoulder, gave a squeeze as he glanced back towards the door. Damian was twenty-seven now, Jon twenty-four. Both tall and muscular, though Jon slightly more so, and both perfect mixtures of their parents. Each with their own lives, their own identities, creating their own legacies, their own destinies.
But right now all Bruce could see was the children they were. The friends forced together by their fathers, but almost instantly inseparable. The kids who were stronger than any man, and whose favorite game was to climb a life-sized replica of a tyrannosaurs rex that was nestled in a cave, and eat lunch in its mouth.
Damian said something and Jon laughed. Damian’s eyes lit up and his cheeks turned red as Jon kissed his forehead.
Bruce smiled too.
Friends from childhood. Lovers in adulthood.
And now, fathers.
Clark’s baby was a father. His baby was a father.
“I’m so proud of him.” Dick murmured, voice trembling in joy. “He’s just so happy, Bruce.”
Dick turned away, embarrassingly wiping at his eyes.
“God, don’t let him see me like this.” Dick laughed weakly. “It’ll ruin my chances of being the baby’s godfather.”
“It’s endearing.” Bruce promised, turning to look at him. “If nothing else, it’ll heighten your chances. Besides, you’ll still be its uncle no matter what.” A smirk. “And grandpa, depending on who you ask.”
“Oh god, Bruce no.” Dick laughed, wiping faster at his eyes. “I’m too young to be a grandpa.”
“How do you think I feel?” Bruce asked incredulously. “I just got told by Superman’s wife twenty minutes ago that I’m a grandfather!”
Dick looked over at him, eyes soft, the crinkles around his eyes more noticeable with his smile. “You’ll be a great one, Bruce. The very bes-”
There was the sound of a doorknob turning, a latch unhooking. Dick and Bruce both spun back around towards the door to the exam room to find it opening.
Suddenly, the whole hallway was silent, save for a light whooshing, electric noise. Clark was there instantly, Lois in his arms. Conner appeared with Tim, Jason was just finishing pushing his and Alfred’s way through the Justice Leaguers, and the Flashes were each dutifully helping Stephanie, Cassandra and Kara to their feet.
They all waited with baited breath.
It was Jon who was opening the door, and held it open for Damian to walk through. Damian, who had a swaddled bundle tight in his arms, stepped tentatively into the hallway. As soon as he was through the threshold, Jon was at his side, a protective arm around his back.
When Damian glanced up with his wide, shocked eyes – he looked at Bruce first. Then Clark, then Lois, then finally landed on Dick.
“I…” He croaked. Closed his mouth, cleared his throat. Let himself smile slightly as he returned his gaze to Bruce. “We…we have a daughter.”
He turned the baby outwards slightly. Her eyes were closed, but skin was the perfect mixture of Damian’s tan tones, and Jon’s pale colors. She had Jon’s wild curls, but very clearly Damian’s nose and eyebrows. There were immediately a few gasps and coos among the nearby Leaguers.
“Healthy?” Clark asked. “She checked out okay?”
“Completely perfect.” Jon exhaled in excitement. “Doc said she looks like every other baby he’s ever seen, all the way down to the DNA.”
“Anything about…powers?” Clark pushed.
“Dad.” Jon rolled his eyes. “She’s only a few hours old.”
“The doctor told us to monitor her as she grows, and go over your, Jon’s, Kara’s and even Conner’s personal histories.” Damian explained instead. “And if she does at any point present powers, it will likely follow the same timeline as the rest of you.”
Lois stepped forward, gently pressing her hand to the baby’s head. Like always, she asked the question everyone else was too nervous to.
“What’s her name?”
Jon and Damian glanced at each other, and Jon let out a light laugh.
“Martha.” Damian whispered, looking straight at Bruce, with a quick glance to Clark. “Martha Charlotte.”
“Hello Miss Martha Charlotte.” Lois cooed, leaning down to kiss the baby’s head. Martha just yawned, and curled back into Damian’s chest.
“Whose last name?” Dick asked gently, taking his turn to step forward. “Martha Charlotte Kent? Martha Charlotte Wayne? Hell, Martha Charlotte al Ghul?”
Damian smirked and Jon looked heavenward as he mumbled, “To be determined.”
Dick laughed as he looked between the two men. He let his laughter die out and asked, “You two nervous?”
“Is it that obvious?” Jon countered incredulously. “I mean…jeez, I’m still afraid to hold her!” He leaned into Damian’s back. “What if I…I don’t know, squish her, or something?”
“You won’t, Beloved. I promise.” Damian teased, leaning back to kiss at Jon’s cheek.
Dick smiled, and couldn’t help himself. He leaned forward and pressed his temple against Damian’s, looking down at Martha. She gave a contented sigh.
“I am so, so, so proud of you, Damian.” Dick whispered, squeezing Damian’s arm. Lois nodded in agreement as she ran a hand through Jon’s hair, before returning her attention to the baby. “”I am so proud of you both.”
Damian let himself smile, let himself exhale in what almost sounded like relief as he leaned into Dick. He stood there a moment, let Dick and Lois fawn over the baby, before glancing up again. Clark was watching with a bright smile, one almost too big for his face. Waiting excitedly for his own turn, but clearly quickly losing his patience.
Then he looked to Bruce. Bruce who had just been staring silently since they stepped into the hallway, eyes wide, lips parted. A faint, awed smile was etched gently into his face, and it made Damian’s own smile widen. He slowly stepped away from Jon, Lois and Dick and towards his father, angling towards Clark in the process to include him too. “…Father?”
Bruce looked up at his face, the adoration clear in his old blue eyes.
“…I have a daughter, Father.” Damian breathed, looking towards Martha. She smacked her lips sleepily, and Damian’s smile, impossibly, grew. Let himself smile wider than Bruce had ever seen. “And I just…she is already my whole world. I…I’ve never loved someone so quickly.”
“That’s what having a child does to you, son.” Clark smiled.
Damian’s grin faltered, just slightly. “I’m sure it was not this way when I arrived in your life.”
It was a self-depreciating joke, made to downplay Damian’s importance to every single person in this hallway. But Bruce didn’t take it. Bruce didn’t dare play into the darkness that still plagued his youngest’s mind.
“On the contrary.” Bruce hummed, taking hold of his elbow. “I might have loved you even quicker.”
Damian snorted and closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he just kept looking at Martha, shifting his hand to run across her tiny cheek. His voice was barely a breath. “…I have a daughter.”
“And she looks like you.” Bruce noted, poking at Martha’s nose. She scrunched it up and shook her head. Damian laughed, and held her even closer. “…I’m so happy for you.”
Damian looked up then, almost in surprise.
“You’re going to be a great father.” Bruce whispered, squeezing Damian’s elbow. “The best of any of us.”
Damian turned back towards his husband just in time to see Dick grab Jon and wrap him in the biggest hug he could. As Dick released him, Jon glanced over at him. “…And he will be an even greater one.”
Jon, who of course heard the whole conversation with his powers, grinned sheepishly.
Damian giggled as Jon stepped towards him, and kissed his forehead, then leaned down to do the same to Martha. A moment later, he allowed himself a deep breath. “Well. You ready?”
Jon glanced over his shoulder, towards their waiting brothers and sisters, to the entirety of the Justice League waiting behind them. He exhaled sharply. “As I’ll ever be, today.”
Dick laughed as he and Lois helped pushed the new parents forward. As Clark stepped closer to Bruce and hugged him in quiet glee.
“Welcome to the family, Martha.” Dick grinned, gesturing out to everyone, before looking down at the sleeping newborn in Damian’s arms. Damian and Jon looked happily at each other. “We’re so happy you’re here.”
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killervibe · 5 years
There Are No Secrets That Time May Not Reveal
Written for 12 Days of Killervibe 
Summary: A thanksgiving killervibe 5x07 missing scenes fic. 
You can also read my fic on ao3, with the same username thatkillervibe
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Barry is caught off-guard when Cisco knocked on their door the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. “Hey man,” He said, opening the door. He turned to look at Iris who shrugged at their table, equally curious. “Hi Cisco!” “Hey Iris,” he said, then lowered his voice. “Barry, can we talk alone?” Barry frowned, “Is there an emergency?” “No,” Cisco reassured, “Nothing like that, um,” He peered over Barry’s shoulder where Iris was still watching them. “Can we take a walk?” “Sure,” Barry grabbed his coat and keys and told Iris he would be back soon.
They’re halfway down the block, shoving their cold hands into their pockets, pretending they’re not cold when Cisco finally said, “It’s back.” “What’s back?” Cisco shot Barry a look, a timid, uneasy one, and suddenly Barry understood everything.
“Oh,” he said. "That.” It shouldn’t have been that surprising. Barry knew for quite some time about Cisco’s on again off again feelings for Caitlin. Years, actually, and yes he will always be Caitlin’s best friend, but the way he pushed and pushed with her dad... “Yeah,” Cisco sighed, then elaborated, “I guess they never really went away? I just buried them under because I had to. Because of Cynthia, y’know.” “...Right.” “But I can’t now. I think it’s showing too much. I don’t know what to do.” Barry said what he does every time they have this conversation. “I think you should tell her, Cisco.” He scrunched up his face, as if already anticipating the pain that would bring. “You love her?” “Yeah,” he breathed, then looked down, nodding. “Oh God, Barry. Yeah. I wanted to murder her father. I wanted to vibe her far away and swaddle her in bubble wrap to keep her safe.“ Barry gave him a wry smile, “Yeah, I know the feeling. But, this is Caitlin we’re talking about. Whether or not she loves you the same way, she does still love you, and she’ll listen to you.” Cisco didn’t say anything, squinting up at the moon. “And Caitlin’s been single for a while...” “Barry. ” Barry threw his hands up in defense, “I’m just saying.” “Yeah...” Cisco trailed off, “I don’t know. We’re closer than we’ve ever been, but something still feels off. Like, I’m not what she needs right now.” Barry’s face softened.
“But I need her.”
“You still have her,” Barry reminded Cisco gently.
Cisco didn’t look at him. “I know.” “So,” Cisco said after they walked around the block. “I need your advice. I need you to make sure I don’t, y’know, go overboard or become crazy obvious. Like, I need you to tell me when to reel it in. I'm having trouble with it.” “...You want me to watch you two?” Cisco kicked at a pebble. “Yeah, I know how it sounds.” He stopped and touched Barry’s jacket arm. “Would you do it anyway? Please?” Of course Barry will. Caitlin might be Cisco’s best friend, but Cisco was his.   “Of course.” Just those words alone seemed to give Cisco some peace.
“Thank you,” he said with feeling.
“It’s different this time, isn’t it?” Barry couldn’t help but ask. Because, yeah, Cisco crushing on Caitlin happened sometimes, but it didn’t get him like this.
“She’s my Iris,” Cisco said simply. “I know she is. I just don’t think I’m her Barry.”
Barry thought, if Cisco really was that far deep, this job that was asked of him is going to be a little harder than he thought.
So. Killer Frost may have been right. Thanksgiving at the West-Allens’ was where they belonged. Not getting pity-drunk by themselves at Star Labs. But still, ever since Sherloque flung out his shitty year at him, he’s been a bit in a mood.
Cisco sat on the couch as they waited for the turkey to do its final minutes of cooking, watching Killer Frost have a blast with Sherloque and Barry. He emptied the last drops of red wine onto his tongue and tried not to think about how Killer Frost’s curls were falling against Caitlin’s blouse. Nora approached Cisco with her notebook in hand. “Hey, can I sit next to you?” “Sure, baby flash,” Cisco said, scooting to the left to give her more room, “take a seat.” “So...” Nora started, “Don’t get mad at Dad, but,” she lowered her volume and leaned her head toward his.
“He told me about your dilemma....” Nora jerked her head in Killer Frost’s direction. Cisco sighed deeply, and watched as she began leafing through her special notebook. “If you’re here to show me the picture of Caitlin’s future husband, I’d really appreciate wallowing in peace without literal proof that I’ll always be a bit hung up on my best friend.” Nora shook her head and gave him a little frown, her big Iris West eyes looking completely wide. “No! No, that would be mean!” Cisco wasn’t stupid. “....So, Caitlin’s future husband is in there....” Nora began to protest, but just like her father, she was particularly bad at lying.
“Yeah,” she eventually whispered, biting her bottom lip.
“Shrap. I’m not supposed to spoil. I was just going to show you the picture that you guys took at my parents’ housewarming party. This one.”
She pointed at a familiar picture. The one where Caitlin was wearing that velvet green dress and her head was tipped against his. When he gave her the snowflake power dampening necklace and tried to fight his conflicting feelings about Julian’s sudden interest in Caitlin. “I wanted to remind you that Caitlin will always be your best friend, and for that you should be thankful, because, I would kill to have a Cisco to my Caitlin.” Cisco put a hand on her shoulder. “You don’t have a best friend? No ride or die?” Nora shrugged. “I have friends, but I guess it’s not so hard to see why I’m reluctant to go back, huh?” Cisco gave her a hug. “Oh gosh, you’re going to be an adorable kid. I can’t wait.” Nora smiled ruefully. “You always were one of my favourite uncles.” Cisco tilted his head to the side. “You only have one. Wally.” “But you made all the best toys!” That made Cisco cackle. “And that’s not true! I did grow up knowing you as my uncle. Uncle Cisco, Uncle Ralph, Uncle Harry.” “Oh god,” Cisco groaned, still chuckling. But she was right, he did have family, right here, and for that he should be forever grateful. “Okay,” Cisco said, a few minutes later. “Show me Caitlin’s guy.” Nora looked uncomfortable again. “You sure?” Cisco took a deep breath, clapping his thigh. “I’m a big boy, I can take it. I did once before. Just—Please tell me I’m at least friends with him.”
It might have been unrealistic to expect them to be as close as he was with Ronnie, but, it would be nice to know future Cisco actually approves.
Maybe he could move on for good, this way. Nora made a funny face. “I’d say you know him well.” “Oh,” Cisco let out. “Good.” Nora flipped through her notebook close to her chest and slowly opened it at the correct page. She looked at him, then back at Killer Frost talking animatedly with Iris. “Here,” she said softly, pushing the brown leather book into his hands. Cisco stared down at the photograph. And stared. And stared. And stared. “Cisco?” He felt like he was about to have a heart attack.
Because it wasn’t just Caitlin in red lipstick and a beautiful wedding dress. It was him in a tuxedo standing next to her, unmistakably looking like he just married the love of his life. His grip loosened on the book, and he’s suddenly blinking back tears. “No,” He whispered, in absolute disbelief. His fingers touched the plastic film over the photograph, right over his beaming face. Nora’s thumbnail was in her mouth, gauging his reaction. “Uh huh.” “Nora, I—“ “It’s real.” She told him. “That’s the future. It’s going to happen.” “What’s going to happen?” Caitlin asked, popping out of nowhere. Cisco jumped out of his skin as Nora snatched her book and flashed it closed.
Cisco was surprisingly quick on his feet.
“Nora was just telling me she’s going to find our embarrassing photos to put in her notebook.”
“Ha,” Caitlin laughed, sitting in the space between them on the couch. “There’s no such thing as an embarrassing picture with me in it.” Cisco’s mind was still floating with her hair in a veil and arms around his neck, looking like a goddess. “There sure as hell isn’t,” he agreed, his voice a little too dangerously soft. Caitlin flashed him a happy smile and Cisco wanted to kiss her. Caitlin. His future wife. His best friend. Caitlin. Caitlin, who he has had a massive crush on for several long years, who he’s in love with, who he has his most dearest, important relationship with. There’s nothing Barry can do that will save him from himself now. Cisco dared to touch Caitlin’s arm, leaning into her side and getting a whiff of her vanilla perfume. He pulled his hand back.
He can’t do this.
“Hey, I’m going to get a refill of wine. Would you like some?” Caitlin nodded, “Thank you.” “Nora,” he said, “Wanna help?” He sent her a secret look and she got up immediately, following him past the kitchen. “Mom and dad keep the wine in the cabinet,” Nora said, a little confused. Cisco kept walking. “I know,” he replied, strained. “Then why are you taking me to the front door?” Barry must have developed a sixth Daddy sense, because he’s by the doorway looking between the two. “What’s going on here?” He asked, “I was just about to carve the turkey.” “Yeah, that’ll have to wait a minute. Barry, come.” Cisco dragged them both out into the hallway, closing the front door behind him. “Give me your book,” Cisco ordered Nora firmly and she obeyed, giving them a meek look. Cisco’s hands shook as his eyes took in the image again. He wasn’t even embarrassed when his tears start to fall in earnest. He wordlessly jutted the book to Barry, whose jaw dropped to the floor. He didn’t stare at it forever like Cisco did, but his mouth did clench closed, angry at his daughter for Cisco’s sake. “Nora.” “I’m sorry! But isn’t this a good thing? Dad, Cisco was looking miserable! You asked me to cheer him up!” “Yes, Nora, but not like this. The future isn’t certain. We don’t know how any of this will play out. This isn’t cheering Cisco up, look at him! It's doing the opposite! It’ll drive him crazy. He’s going to analyze every minute, every conversation with Caitlin from now on. It has happened to me once when I saw a future I wasn’t supposed to see. We don’t do spoilers! Especially not anyone that is outside me and your mom.” Nora looked properly chided. Cisco interrupted Barry’s dad talk before anyone else started to cry. “Hey, Barry, she didn’t think. And I asked her to show me, we’re both at fault.” Barry ran a hand through his hair. “Cisco, maybe you should tell Caitlin now.” “No!” Cisco exclaimed too loudly, forcing out a bitter laugh. He pointed at Nora’s book. “No. Look, I don’t know how or if that comes about, but I do know if it does, it’s not supposed to happen like this.” Cisco turned to Nora. “You’re taking me back.” “What?” She cried. “Back in time. 20 minutes ago. I continue to wallow in my own feelings secretly and you show me nothing. You don’t ever say anything to anyone either.” Barry made a noise, but closed his eyes and covered his mouth over with his hand as if to prevent himself from talking. Cisco glared at Barry. “It’s twenty minutes. The timeline won’t explode because of twenty minutes.” Barry nodded reluctantly. “Do you know how to time travel that slowly?” He asked his daughter. Nora blinked. “Pretty sure.” “And you, Cisco. You sure you don’t want to just, pretend to forget about it.” Cisco laughed, sounding like a strangled cat. “Is that a joke?” Barry sighed. “Yeah, okay. Nora go back and fix it.” Nora crossed her hands over her shirt, with a very guilty face. “I’m really sorry Uncle Cisco. I was really trying to help.” It was the first time she ever called him that, and yeah, Cisco was having an emotional meltdown, but the poor girl was just so sincere. He stepped forward to give her another comforting hug. “Yeah, sobrina, I know. Thank you. It just isn’t what I need.” “Okay,” she whispered. Cisco was shy to ask Barry for Nora’s notebook again. “I just want to see it,” he explained himself, opening it to the perfect page. “One last time.”
                                                                                                                    “Hey,” Killer Frost smiled, nudging Cisco’s shoulder. “Want some wine?” Cisco peered into his glace, “Is this chilled?” “Well, mulled wine comes for Christmas. It’s only Thanksgiving.” She winked at him, then walked away to give a glass to Iris. Cisco sat down on the couch, waiting for the turkey to do its final minutes of cooking and watching Killer Frost have a blast with Sherloque and Barry. He tried hard not to think about how Killer Frost’s curls were falling against Caitlin’s blouse.
Nora approached, empty handed. “Hey,” she said cautiously, “Can I sit next to you?” “Sure, baby flash,” Cisco handed her the wine glass and scooted over to the left give her more room, “take a seat.”
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