#hes elegant. pretty enough for a girl. if u even care.
neurosses · 29 days
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And the third was — elegant. It was not the right word for him, but it was close. He was fine boned and a little fragile looking, with blue eyes pretty enough for a girl.
LIVES WERE CHANGED. Thank you, Blue.
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lesbolordo · 1 year
G'day r u aight ? Cuz I'm not.
The Hogwarts Legacy fandom lacks something. Very much.
Where the fuck are my genderbent meow meows ??? I want to see Seb with big tatas and Ominis with pretty nice thighs in witch I can die between-
I want to see Poppy as a cute beast lover boy and Imelda as a hot Quidditch player wtf ?
Urh, so much potential wasted 😔
Anyway I tried genderbending Sebinis thinking about that.
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I made several headcanons about them because I have nothing to do with my life but think about Women.
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Sebastian :
If Sebastian was a girl, I'd have no name for her. Really. What is the female version of Sebastian ? Urh.
Anyway, if she was a girl Anne would be a boy, obviously.
I feel like Sebby would be a chubby-buff girl. She's strong in all third ways : Is a bit round and could beat your ass with and without magic.
She was very close to her dad and so she hates Solomon even more after her parents die.
I feel like one summer she suddenly got curves and took some weight and Solomon -being Solomon- was too awkward to ask her her new size of clothes so he just tried something : spoilers, all of her clothes are too small but she doesn't seem to care much and since she only hangs out with Ominis -blind mf- nobody really tells her that her shirt is begging for help, threatened by her big tatas.
Honestly, girl or boy, Sebastian would beat your ass -or try to. He's not one to differentiate boys from girls after all.
Often deemed unladylike, "behaves like a boy". She doesn't care, she never will, move on.
She's self conscious about her height -even Masc! Seb is to me- and so she lies about being 160 cms tall when she actually is 159 cms tall. I see some Poppy inside of her, small but feisty... I think that these two would be friends, boy or girl.
"Fuck around find out."
Hates dresses. Unpractical. Ugly. She will wear dresses only for Ominis. End of the discussion.
What is going on with her hair ? No one knows. Legend has i that in the morning if you pay enough attention, you can hear the birds that accidentally got caught in it
She'd wear the boys uniform.
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Ominis :
Even as a girl Ominis is the mom friend. Always looks worried and tired, but don't worry she could very well beat your ass if she wanted to.
Unlike Sebastian she comes from an aristocratic family and so she behaves "properly" for a lady, but only because it's the only thing her parents await from her : As a woman she is deemed less important -Ominis hates it- but at the same time they leave her alone most of the time.
I do not have a name for Fem!Ominis but she could step on me either way.
Fabulous lashes™️.
She may be taller, but only because all of her damn curves went into her height : flat as a wall, no ass, and very much thin like her masc version. Her depression may be chronic, but her ass is microscopic.
Speaks well, could end your career with words, won't be afraid to do so. But don't you dare bring your fists to the fight, because Sebastian is always behind to save Ominis from breaking a nail -and committing murder.
Pretty hair in appearance, but do not touch it. Under. Any. Circonstances. I'll let you ponder why. Her mother loves to put ugly hats or accessories in her hair, Ominis hates it but apparently Sebastian finds it funny and pretty, so she leaves it on. Being blind, she learned very early one way to style her hair and now she ALWAYS uses it. Because she doesn't know any better.
Long elegant pianist fingers, just like her boy version. Can and will use them to either hurt you or make Sebastian cu- Cuts her nails short. More like Sebastian does it, Ominis lies saying that she can't see she can't do it herself -Sebastian believes it.
Doesn't mind dresses. Prefers comfortable clothes, may be girls or boys.
"God let me live another day. And I'm about to cry about it."
She's tall -both for a girl and a boy- but she knows Sebastian is self-conscious about her height so they don't talk about it.
She'd wear the girl's uniform.
Now that I'm done please do give me genderbent! HLC. Especially Fem! Versions because I love women.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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silversatoru · 3 years
Can i regurst a gojo x reader smut where y/n is gojo’s ex girlfriend and also a strong jujutsu sorcerer and they get back together asdfghjkl 🥺😂? Tyy 🥺
hehhee yes ma’am here u are!!! i actually loved writing this one (i think i just have a thing for writing gojo lately lmao) anyway! i! hope! you! enjoy!
to heaven and back
gojo satoru x f! sorcerer!reader
synopsis: you and your ex, gojo satoru, beat the hell out of a few special grade curses and then head back to his house to rekindle an old (and kind of kinky) flame
tags/warnings: nsfw (18+), smut, handcuffs, blindfolding, little bit of oral sex, teasing, alcohol consumption, some fluff at the end? just a little
word count: 3.1k
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You lifted your elegant glass of random wine that you could care less about knowing the name of, and took a long sip. All of these old rich bastards talked way too much about brand names, aging, and what cheese paired well with each wine. They were missing what was really important — which one would get you drunk the quickest. 
These kinds of formal events weren’t really your scene, and having to listen to a bunch of old, conservative, high-up jujutsu leaders was terribly boring — so why not take this opportunity to get a little tipsy? You deserved it for putting up with all of these assholes. After all, the only reason they invited you to this prestigious event was for protection. If that pesky band of special grade curses caught wind that all of the higher ups from both Kyoto and Tokyo were in the same place, they were sure to launch some kind of attack. The old, wrinkly douchebags couldn’t care less about your opinions of the jujutsu world and how you would change it, they only liked you for incredible cursed technique. 
And so here you were, spitefully wearing your most elegant dress and downing glasses of wine in an attempt to drown out all of the nonsense around you. There was only one thing that could make this event any worse and— 
“Hello everyone! The strongest jujutsu sorcerer has arrived — I know you were all looking forward to my appearance”. 
And there it was. There was that one thing that could make this event any worse. Gojo Satoru.
You dipped your head low, burying yourself in your glass of wine and praying to any god who would listen to not let this man see you. It’s been over two years since the two of you broke up, but he still wasn’t someone you enjoyed running into. 
Gojo was terribly notorious for having a long line of girls at his disposal, and with his incredible strength and annoyingly good-looks, it wasn’t hard to understand why. The two of you had never been in an officially committed relationship, and so technically Gojo was free to do as he pleased — but you were practically dating and your heart ached every time you caught wind of him being with another woman. And so two years ago you cut things off with him for good — you were tired of being the one he always ran back to at the end of the day. 
He’d looked at you with eyes full of pain that night, begging and pleading to stay with him. He showed you a vulnerable side to him that you had never seen before — and he swore to you that if you had asked to make things official, he would have committed himself to you fully. You declined however, because you felt like you shouldn’t have needed to ask for that kind of thing — but maybe that was just your ego getting in the way. 
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve never seen you around before, you must be from the Tokyo campus,” Some random assistant casually leaned against the counter you were sitting at and shook you out of your thoughts.
“If you’ve never seen me before then you must not be very important,” You shot him a distasteful glance, taking another sip of your wine. 
The man’s face lit up with panic — he must not have been expecting such retaliation to his pathetic attempt of flirting. 
“Are you bothering her?” A familiar voice came from behind you — a long, slender hand slapping down onto your shoulder, “Please don’t flirt with my wife”. 
“Ah- Wife? I’m so sorry, sir,” The man stumbled over his words, bowing his head to Gojo and scurrying away. 
Gojo wasted no time sliding into the seat next to you and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle you’d already been working on. 
“Really? You’re telling people I’m your wife now?” You gave him a deadpanned look. 
“It worked, didn’t it?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his glass. 
You rolled your eyes hard, “Why are you here, Satoru?” 
“Same reason as you. The old, conservative pussies are afraid those special grades might attack — so why not invite their two prized sorcerers to protect them?” 
“Fair,” You let out a heavy sigh, “Not sure that was their best move though — I don’t think either one of us is very motivated to save these fuckers”. 
“No, but I brought my students with me today. So, if anything does happen, make sure you put on a show for them,” He winked, already topping off his wine glass. 
You looked over to see a few kids sitting a couple tables away from the two of you, chatting amongst themselves and wondering why the fuck they had to be here. 
And so an hour or two went by, and to your surprise, you found yourself laughing hysterically alongside Gojo. The two of you had definitely drank a bit too much, and your personalities complimented each other a little too perfectly. You shared the same terrible sense of humor and he had quite the knack for bringing out this lighthearted side of you. You had missed moments like this these past two years. 
Neither of you were paying any attention to the current debate that was occurring between the higher ups when a loud crash sent broken pieces of glass flying through the grand hall. Sure enough, the curses had made their appearance and came flying into the building through a now broken window.
“It’s our time to shine, huh?” Gojo looked over at you, and you imagined that his icy blue eyes were swirling with excitement under that mask. 
“Yeah, let’s make this quick,” You found a warm ball of excitement churning in your own stomach — it’d been a long time since the two of you had fought together. 
Your technique revolved around the manipulation of cursed energy and converting it into light. You could wrap yourself in a shield of light, send curse-filled bursts of light at your enemies, and move at the speed of light as well — which was almost as efficient as Gojo’s teleportation abilities. You had a series of more advanced moves as well, but those required more energy output and therefore you used them a little less often.
The two of you were both able to move so fast that the curses really didn’t stand a chance. You found yourself laughing as you flipped through the air, hurling balls of light at the curses as Gojo worked closer in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, while the two of you were flying past each other, Gojo stuck out his hand and gave you a high five, both of you smiling like maniacs who enjoyed fighting a little too much. 
Between Gojo’s Limitless and your extreme agility and bursts of light, the curses were quickly forced to flee. Both of you were feeling much too drunk and much too lazy to chase after them, even with all of the higher ups begging you to do so. Gojo simply flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, saying that he did what they paid him to do — keep the curses away — and now that the curses had been scared off, he was no longer needed. 
“You want to come back with me, relieve more of our old memories together? I remember how much you loved sleeping in my king sized bed,” Gojo looked back at you, offering one of his large, slender hands. 
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was your stupid, stupid heart, but you reached out and took his hand, “Fuck it, let’s go”. 
Gojo’s house on the outskirts of the Tokyo campus was just as you remembered — sleek black interior with modern furniture and extravagantly silky sheets on his bed — his same bed that you were currently sprawled out on, laying in nothing but your undergarments. 
Gojo joined you a couple minutes later, his bare skin warm and familiar against yours. He pressed a few sloppy kisses to your lips, both of you still incredibly tipsy and unable to stop the small giggles from leaking out between your lips while you kissed. 
“Take the blind fold off you weirdo,” You pulled at the back of the black fabric. 
“Mmm, okay,” He mumbled, undoing the knot and exposing his piercing blue eyes.
“So pretty,” You murmured under your breath — his eyes really were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life
His fluffy silver hair fell down messily over his face, a drunken smile stretched across his lips. His smile quickly turned into a devilish grin as he slipped the mask over your eyes instead, tying a tight not at the back of your head.
“This isn’t what I meant,” You droned, but you didn’t argue — you certainly weren’t opposed to being blindfolded.
“It looks good on you,” He slurred, his words messy and his lips even messier as he pressed them back against yours. 
The kisses seemed to last forever, and both of you were perfectly okay with that — your hands taking their time exploring each other’s bodies for the first time in far too long. 
Gojo’s hands worked their way up your back, tracing lines along your toned muscles until he finally reached the nape of your neck. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair, soft hums coming from his lips.
“I still have handcuffs, if you’re still into that sort of thing,” he mused, massaging his fingertips into your scalp. 
“Damn, I can’t believe you remember what I like. I thought my preferences would have gotten lost among the sea of other women you were pleasing,” You let the snarky remark roll off your tongue, though there was clearly no real spite in your words — you’re both adults and what happened then was in the past now.
“It wasn’t even that many,” He defended, “And you were the only one who ever mattered”. 
“I’m flattered,” You laughed, “Now, where are those handcuffs?” 
Gojo stifled a deep laugh, his hands leaving your hair as he lifted himself up and stood from the bed. When he returned a few moments later, there was cool metal wrapping around both of your wrists. He had two sets of handcuffs, putting one on each wrist and then hooking the other side to the bed posts. 
You were entirely at his disposal now, your hands secured over your head and your vision blocked off by the black mask. 
“I could tickle you right now and there’s nothing you could do,” Gojo observed aloud, pressing kisses up the side of your torso.
“Satoru, I would kick the living shit out of you,” You threaten, goosebumps growing under your skin. 
“Yeah, but you can’t touch me unless I let you,” He retaliated, his soft hands reaching underneath your bra to feel your breasts.
You groaned in response — his Limitless really did make him impossible.
He cupped each of his hands around your firm lumps, gently massaging them between his fingers. His cool fingertips then made their way down to your lower body, swiftly removing your remaining underwear. You were now completely exposed to him, chills running down your spine as you wondered what he would do next. 
You heard a shaky breath leave his lips, his hungry hands massaging circles into your thighs, “God, you’re so beautiful. I missed you so much, you know that?” 
“I’m sure you did,” You breathed, “I’m a wonderful person to be around”. 
Gojo let out a hearty laugh, and you heard what you assumed to be the sound of his own underwear getting thrown to the floor. A few seconds later he was straddling your torso, his warm thighs wrapped around your body. You couldn’t see it, but you knew his massive member had to be right in front of your face now. 
“Remind me what that pretty mouth can do,” He cooed, pressing the tip of his length gently to your lips. 
You graciously granted him access, parting your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a few twitches from Gojo’s body. You began to bob your head back and forth as much as the handcuffs allowed, a few quiet moans leaving his throat in response. 
He began to move his hips against you, gingerly pushing his member deeper and deeper into your mouth until you were taking the full length down your throat. He groaned and let a few curse words slide from between his teeth — your mouth was wrapped so perfectly around him. Tears pricked at your eyes and a couple rough gags ripped through your throat, Gojo finally pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath. 
After that, you felt a single one of his long, slim fingers slide into your mouth, and you wasted no time wrapping it in your tongue and sucking hard. 
“Good girl,” He murmured, plucking his finger back out of your mouth and moving it down to your aching entrance. 
Between the saliva on his finger and the slick juices around your opening — his finger slid in effortlessly. He started moving in quick movements, curling his finger up into your g-spot each time. A few light moans left your lips, your fists clenching in the cuffs as your yearned for more. His finger felt good, but you wanted the real thing — you needed it.
“Satoru, please,” You practically whined his name, a tiny bit ashamed for how desperate you were for him right now. 
“Patience, love,” He clicked his tongue and your heart did somersaults at the endearing name. 
He removed his singular finger and intertwined it with a second one before sliding them back into your cavern. He picked up a steady pace again, your breath hitching in your throat. Two fingers was certainly better than one, but the continuous teasing was just making you even more desperate to feel his member inside of you. You mumbled his name over and over, small pleads and shameless whispers leaving your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hands.
“No ones fucked you as good as I used to, have they? You’re horribly desperate right now” He clicked his tongue again, removing his fingers and moving them up to your clit. He rubbed the smallest, softest circles against the small nub, your core growing warmer with desire. 
“I won’t make you wait any longer then,” He whispered, sitting back and positioning the head of his length against your throbbing cunt. 
“Please,” You mumbled fervently, any ego or pride that you once had was completely down the drain now. 
Your pleads were finally rewarded, Gojo pressing himself deep into your tight walls. The immediate feeling was complete bliss, your head rolling back in pleasure as you heard a throaty moan creep it’s way out of Gojo’s mouth. His moans were so pretty — god, you’d missed the sound of them.  
He moved in and out at a tantalizingly slow pace at first, your hips bucking and wiggling as you made fervent attempts to make him go faster.
“So eager…” He shook his head, continuing to move at a pace that was absolutely agonizing — you thought you might die if he didn’t rail the hell out of you soon. 
“Please, fuck,” You gasped, “Stop moving so goddamn slowly”. 
“Your whines are so pretty, baby. Say my name and maybe I’ll give you what you want,” He murmured, his voice low and husky. 
“Fucking hell,” You gritted your teeth, “Please Satoru, please fuck me already”. 
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath, your words sending electricity coursing through his body. 
After hearing you say that, he was quick to give you what you wanted, picking up his pace and wrapping his hands firmly around your hips. Strangled combinations of moans, whimpers, and cries filled the air as they flew from your mouth. You didn’t care how loud or desperate you sounded, you wanted him to know how good he was making you feel. 
The two of you were an entangled mess of sweaty skin and throaty moans, Gojo filling your ears with praises and compliments the entire time. His lengthy member railed into you over and over, hitting that perfect pleasure point with each stroke and sending warm surges of ecstasy through your veins. 
Your bodies moved together in sync, your breaths aligning and your climaxes threatening to arrive simultaneously. After a few more firm strokes, you felt yourself drowning in pleasure — euphoria crashing through your body like waves. Gojo reached his end point just a few moments later, his loud cuss words and strangled moans filling your ears. 
The two of you rode out your orgasms together, and almost immediately afterwards Gojo collapsed next to you. He lazily reached up and uncuffed each of your hands, leaving the cuffs dangling from his bed posts just in case there was a round two in his future. He rolled the sticky condom off his member and tossed into a nearby trash bin, a relaxed sigh slipping between his parted lips. You peeled the black mask off of your eyes, finally able to meet his again. 
He was staring at you with eyes filled with all kinds of emotions — the emotions that he’d been too afraid to admit to the first time the two of you were together. But he wasn’t afraid of commitment anymore, he was absolutely certain about what he wanted, and it was you. 
“Stay with me,” He asked, his eyes pleading with you, “I’m ready this time, I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me”. 
You found a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips as you looked deeper into his eyes, “Of course I’ll stay, as long as you still feel this way when you wake up sober tomorrow”. 
“I’ll feel this way forever,” He pressed his head into you and mumbled into your chest, “And I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it”. 
You wrapped your arms around him in response, the two of you fitting impeccably together. He placed a few gentle kisses to your skin before his breathes began to slow. You found your own breathing to be evening out, your cloudy thoughts pushing you closer and closer to sleep. The two of you slowly drifted off together, your heavy breaths falling perfectly in sync.
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jungwonenthusiast · 3 years
hard dom sunghoon, prompt #10 and 11 w/ female reader (btw i liked the jay one😳)
A/N: sorry this is late i’m having exams rn, i hope u enjoy :) (i’m glad u liked the jay one <3)
Warnings: oral (f recieving), fingering (f recieving), unprotected sex, degradation
Word count: 2k
“Go go go go!” Jake yelps at you to run away from the zombie.
“Fuck fuck fuck,” you try to sprint away but you only have three hearts. “I’m gonna die.”
“No you’ll lose all your shit, try to get home.” he says while killing some cows to get you guys food.
“I have one heart.” you say, still trying to get home before you die.
“Come on you can do it, you have to you have like twenty diamonds.” he says.
And right when you’re at half a heart, you make it home and immediately chomp down on some beef.
“Let’s goooo!” Jake celebrates. “Gimme some diamonds.”
“I earned these,” you say and he rolls his eyes.
“Sharing is caring.” he argues.
You feel a hand on your lower back and you turn to see who it is.
“Are you done yet?” your boyfriend asks.
“Maybe in an hour.” you say.
He groans. “You guys have been at his hell game all day.”
“I know I know,” you turn back to the tv screen. “I’m almost done I promise.”
The sun is setting when you and Jake finish your Minecraft adventure. You head up to Sunghoon’s room to find him laying in bed and watching something on his laptop. You lay down next to him and try to snuggle up to him but he gives you no response. Sunghoon could be stoic at times but he was such a sweetheart behind doors, so this was odd of him.
“What’s up darling?” you ask him, resting your head on his chest.
He shrugs, not making eye contact with you.
“Baby~” you peck his jaw. “What’s wrong.”
“Nothing.” he says bluntly. He could be like a teenage girl sometimes.
You push the laptop off his lap and straddle him. You hold his face in your hands. “Why are you upset?”
He tries to pull away from you but you keep him in place.
“Come on, spit it out.” you say.
“I don’t know, I feel like you’ve been hanging out with Jake a lot these days.” he says quietly.
You ponder on that for a moment. Oh.
“I’m sorry Sunghoon-ah, I don’t mean to.” you apologize but you can tell that he’s still upset.
“You don’t like him or anything do you?” he asks and your face twists.
“No, of course not.” you say confidently. “I’m sorry that I’ve been with him so often, forgive me?” you kiss his cheek.
He shakes his head, pursing his lips. You can tell that he’s trying not to smile.
“Please?” you kiss his other cheek, then every bit of his face you can reach.
He giggles a bit and you smile.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him tight. “I’m sorry for neglecting you.”
He laughs and pats your back. “I don’t forgive you all the way though.”
You pull away and give him a questioning look.
“You need to do one more thing for me.” he says with a smug smile.
“What is it?” you ask hesitantly.
He fastens an arm around your waist and gently lays you down onto the bed.
“Oh,” you say quietly and he smirks.
He kisses you softly as your hands find his back. You open your mouth, inviting his tongue.
He holds your jaw and pushes it up to get access to your neck. Small moans escape your mouth as he plants messy kisses all over your throat and down to your collarbones. He pushes your hoodie up and he's delighted to see that you aren’t wearing a bra.
“So pretty.” he says before kissing your chest. You stroke his hair as he runs his tongue over your nipples.
He pulls up to kiss you again as he pushes his knee between your legs.
You gasp a bit at the sudden pressure.
He kisses you while keeping a hand on your hip to guide your rocking against him.
“Already needy?” he teases and you nod. He slaps your cheek lightly. “Use your words.”
“Yes.” you squeak. You can feel the wetness pooling in your underwear.
“Jake doesn’t get you like this does he?” he softly bites at your neck.
You shake your head vigorously.
“Atta girl.” he smiles. “Look at you, grinding on my thigh like a little slut. Are you really that desperate?”
“Yeah, I need you.” you look him in the eyes. He’s gorgeous in a timeless way, like a vampire.
“How bad?” he asks.
“So bad, please I want it.” you plead.
He kisses your forehead before sliding your shorts off. He gently touches you over your underwear and sighs. “I can already feel how wet you are.” he smirks. “Did I get you worked up like this.”
You nod but your knees knock together out of embarrassment. No matter how many times you guys fuck, you can’t help but get a little shy.
He tsks you. “Enough of that, I want to see you.”
He lowers his head to kiss your thighs while keeping searing eye contact with you.
Your legs are already trembling by the time he gets to your underwear.
He kisses your clothed clit and you jolt.
He chuckles and holds your hips down. “Patience my love.”
Your whole body is tense and you’re so pent up that it hurts.
He bites at your thigh before pulling your underwear to the side. “Such a pretty cunt.”
He gives you a few kitten licks before delving in and rolling his tongue over your clit. Your thighs threaten to shut but he keeps you spread open.
Your body almost shuts down from the sudden burst of pleasure and you grab on tight to the duvet.
“Oh my god,” you whine, your breath heaving. You roll your hips against his tongue and you feel him smile.
He slowly pushes an elegant finger into you and you whimper.
“More please.” you ask him and he graciously abides, pushing another one into you.
Just the slightest curl of his fingers has your back arching.
“You taste so good.” He comes up to give you a kiss while still sliding his fingers in and out of you.
You hold his forearm tight as he looks you dead in the eye.
Sunghoon was usually pretty non confrontational, but that all changes during times like this.
“You’re so beautiful.” he kisses your neck as you writhe and whine under him.
You cover your mouth with a hand to mask your sounds but he pulls it away. “Stop that, you sound so pretty.”
“What if Jake hears?” you ask lowly. His bedroom is right next to Sunghoon’s.
He smirks. “What if I want him to?”
Your eyes widen and he chuckles. Your embarrassment is overcome by pleasure as his fingers pump into you.
“Fuck don’t stop.” you whimper and he leans down to kiss your chest.
“You’re doing so good angel.” he says and his praise only makes you wetter.
Your legs begin to quiver, letting him know that you’re close.
“Cum for me doll,” he kisses your jaw. “Make me proud.”
You hold onto him as your orgasm strikes you like lightning. Your moans definitely tear through the walls but you don’t seem to care anymore. He plants kisses all over you as your body continues to shake and twitch.
“That’s my girl.” he whispers while caressing your face. He holds his fingers up to your lips and you take them into your mouth, tasting yourself.
You kiss him slowly, still trying coming down from your high when he unzips his jeans.
He tugs his hoodie over his head and chucks it on the floor before teasing you clit with his tip.
You jolt from the sudden stimulation but he holds your hips down. He continues to tease you while sucking hickies onto your neck and chest.
“Fuck me already.” you say demand. He just smirks. “Maybe if you beg.”
You didn’t even care anymore. He took over your pride and ego.
“Please? Please I need you inside of me.” you hold his face, trying your best to convince him.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes Sunghoon, I need it so bad.” you give him puppy eyes and he smiles.
“Good slut.” he says before slowly pushing into you.
You moan as he fills you up just right.
“My precious girl, taking this cock so well.” he coos as you whimper and cling onto him from the overstimulation.
He groans into your neck. “So fucking wet.”
He starts to rhythmically thrust into you, hitting your g spot every time.
You hold onto his waist and watch his cock disappear inside of you. You’re practically gushing at his point.
“You feel so good,” you moan and he smirks.
He holds onto the headboard as he continues to grind his cock into you. “Touch yourself.”
Your eyes widen. “W-what?”
“You heard me, I want to watch you.” he says and you can’t help but look away. He grabs your jaw. “Eyes on me doll.”
You nod and trail your fingers to your clit, feeling nervous under his hot gaze. Your juices keep your fingers slick and your eyes nearly roll back when you circle yourself.
You hear him chuckle lowly. “You look so pretty when you’re fucked out like this. Such a needy sex toy.”
You feel your cheeks heat up from his naughty words.
“Isn’t that all you are?” he leans down to kiss your neck. “Just a pretty thing here to please me.”
“Yeah,” you exhale. “I just wanna be good for you.”
He smiles smugly and kisses your chest, pinching your nipples while he’s at it.
Your legs begin to quiver as he continues to pound into you. You dig your nails into his back, leaving pink streaks that he’ll probably show off to the boys later.
“Fuck please keep going.” you say desperately, your stomach clenching from the overwhelming pleasure.
Your fingers on your clit get shaky so Sunghoon replaces them with his.
“Cum for me darling,” he kisses your jaw.
You try to focus on him; his alluring eyes, perfectly sloped nose, and pretty pink mouth; his sharp shoulders, lean torso, and slim hips; everything about him.
You hold onto him tight as a hot golden fire shoots through you from your hips all the way up to your chest.
“Good girl~” he purs into your neck before releasing into you with a sultry moan.
He stays inside of you for a moment, petting your hair and kissing your forehead as your breathing goes back to normal.
He pulls out and watches his cum drip out of you. “So pretty.” he says to himself.
He kisses you from your lower stomach up to your lips. “You did so good.”
“Are you still mad?” you ask timidly and he chuckles.
“No, and I never really was, I just like teasing you.” he admits and you roll your eyes.
“I hate you sometimes.” you say.
“Why? You got a good time out of it right?” he smiles, flashing one of his sharp canines.
“I suppose.” you joke and he shoves your shoulder.
“Hold tight, I’m gonna go start a bath.” he gets up and looks back at you. “Maybe we can have a little more fun there too.”
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Saviours Coffee House [Prologue]
Summary: Negan hires a new manager.
Warnings: Language! We’re starting off tame, but get ready because future parts get dark. WC—+2.7k.
A/N: Even if you aren’t a The Walking Dead fan, you might like this story—it’s a coffee shop A/U, I really only take the characters from TWD!
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Your eyes were only on Negan as he stalked forward, his normally bright eyes dark with fury as he clenched the baseball bat in his hands. You’d never seen him so angry...you’d never seen anyone so angry. Apprehension coiled in your gut, your mind blank, a doe caught in the headlights. You knew you had to move, to stop him—but part of you almost didn’t want to.
It was the part of you that had been beaten and broken over and over screaming for it to end. Screaming for you to let it happen.
And fuck, you wanted to listen to her.
Maybe you would.
Way Back
Negan Dean was sat at his desk, staring at the computer monitor in front of him without really seeing it. His mind had wandered away from the shop's accounting, the task he needed to complete. He had reason to be distracted, though, as he was in desperate need of a new manager, and he had a few interviews lined up that afternoon.
He’d put off rehiring for too long, left the manager position open and simply worked himself to the bone, running the place and leading it. But it had been months.
He’d needed to keep busy, after Lucille...no, he wasn’t thinking of her today. He needed to get the accounts sorted, have some lunch, and then start the interviews.
That was today’s game plan, and he was sticking to it. The extra work had finally caught up to him, as he knew it would. He was ready to step back because he was fucking exhausted and wanted to focus on his role as the owner of the Saviours Coffee House, behind the scenes. He needed a full-time manager to run the floor, someone smart and competent and good with people.
Simon had been on his ass for a while now about it, but he’d resolutely ignored his long-time friend, too stubborn for his own good. He knew Simon was right. But it was going to be on his fucking orders that a new person joined the tea—his family—even if it meant he’d fallen asleep in his office some nights, slumped over his desk in pure exhaustion.
Negan finished his task and stood, stretching out the kinks in his back, before making his way out onto the loft that overlooked most of the shop below. He had a few couches up here, and a little kitchenette next to his office, the area acting as a staff room in many ways; customers could not come up. At the opposite end of the loft, a door led up to the next floor, which was Negan’s condo. He’d bought the entire three-storey after the recession, gutted the whole thing and, working with a crew of mostly friends who had various trade jobs, renovated it entirely.
Negan was proud of Saviours Coffee House, a dream that he hadn’t always had come to life in the walls of what used to be an old, relatively small, textile factory. Now situated in the heart of downtown, it was the perfect spot for an edgy, laid-back place to unwind, meet friends, go on dates. Hell, Negan loved looking down and seeing a customer stay the whole day as they worked, even if they only bought one coffee. As far as he was concerned, the moment you spent a dime in his place, you were a customer for the day. And that had been a hit with many of the locals and students from the nearby university. Open five-thirty in the morning till eleven-thirty in the evening, Saviours welcomed all. So long as you kept your feet off the fucking tables and minded your manners.
In his former life, Negan worked as a high-ranking guard at the nearby penitentiary. It was a minimum-security, well-funded place where non-violent criminals ended up. He’d loved his years there, but after getting stabbed for the second time (the first was when he was young enough that he’d bounced back almost instantly) he decided to retire.
He sunk all of his savings into this dream, and years later had a lot to show for it. He’d also met a lot of down on their luck men in his time as a guard, so after Saviours became successful, he started a hiring program for white-collar criminals who completed a local, not-for-profit reintegration program. He only kept two on at a time, and most moved on after saving up enough.
Currently at the bar was Dwight, who’d been with Negan the longest now, having started just over a year before after getting out from serving time for drug possession. If Negan was proud of anything, it was Dwight. He’d seen the man evolve from a quiet asshole who barely grunted when customers paid, to a friendly bartender who mixed both amazing lattes and delicious cocktails, even if he grumbled about it. He was a fixture here now as much as Negan—and probably more well-liked, but Negan didn’t care about being liked. As long as people were happy, he was just fine.
It was the post-lunch lull now, so Dwight was wiping up the counters and switching the signs around from daytime menus to evening. Maggie, who had been working at Saviours for about two years, was wiping down the tables while Fleetwood Mac played over the expensive Bluetooth stereo system. He’d asked Maggie if she wanted the job, but she’d only laughed before telling him plainly that she had no desire to work full time or see him that much. He’d figured as much, seeing as she was in university, but he had wanted her to know it was hers if she did want it—she’d earned it.
Dwight was happy where he was, and didn’t want to upset the balance in life he’d worked so hard for, which Negan respected. His newest employee, also a convict hire, wasn’t up to scruff to become the manager, as much as he liked Paul, or ‘Jesus’, as everyone called him. He was a nice kid, worked hard, but seemed content working three part-time jobs. That had left Rosita and Tara, both part-time and students, and then Carol, part-time and not interested as she worked as a volunteer at the Children’s Hospital and didn’t want to give that up.
Which left him where he was now, stomping up the steps to his place to have a quick lunch before back-to-back interviews of promising contenders for a job he wished like hell he didn’t need to fill.
“Jesus. Fucking. Christ.” Negan slammed his hands onto the marble counter in frustration as Dwight watched him. He smirked as he tidied up the barista station.
“That bad, boss?” Dwight was shit at keeping the amusement off of his face. Negan scoffed, glancing behind him to ensure no customers were listening, but it was busy enough now with the after-class and work rush that the cacophony of voices and music allowed him to speak privately despite the location.
Negan held up one hand, holding his thumb and index finger a sliver apart. “I’ve got this much fucking patience left. Only one candidate wasn’t a god damned catfish and I didn’t like him,” He sighed, nodding gratefully when Dwight pointed to the espresso machine, knowing Negan needed his usual five o'clock pick-me-up. “I’ve got one last one; Daryl's friend. If she doesn’t fit, I’m going to have to beg Maggie—and you know she’ll love that too much to say yes.”
With a laugh, Dwight nodded in agreement, expertly moving about making Negan’s latte. “Carol seemed pretty sure you’d like her, said Daryl thinks of her like a little sister and when he heard you were looking for someone he was adamant she’d be perfect.”
Negan sighed, “Yeah, and I like Daryl so if this doesn’t work out and I have to start hating him I’m going to be real pissed off. Thanks, D.” He added when Dwight passed over the piping hot drink, still grinning at Negan’s displeasure.
Dwight dipped his head forward, eyes behind Negan, “I think that must be her, don’t recognize her and she’s dressed too nice for this place.” With that, he turned away and started loading dishes into one of the dishwashers. Negan turned, eyes scanning for the potential candidate, and he didn’t have to look far.
Because there you were, right out of a fucking dream.
Dwight had been right, you were dressed far too nicely for Saviours, but perfect for an interview (which instantly gave you points over a few of the previous interviewees). You were weaving by a few men who were standing at a high table and hadn’t yet noticed Negan, which allowed him to survey you.
The pretty green dress paired with a smart leather jacket and shiny kitten heels gave off an air of sophistication, accentuated your curves beautifully, and rendered his mind to mush for a brief moment. You wore your hair down, and it fell in elegant waves around your shoulders. Fuck, though, if you weren’t the prettiest woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
He thought Carol had mentioned you were in your mid-twenties, but you walked with more confidence about you than one usually saw in those formative years. Already impressed, Negan pushed himself away from the counter, stepped forward and smiled.
You looked around, his movement catching your eye, and returned the smile warmly as you approached. No doubt, you’d looked up their social media, seen pictures of Negan. Any smart candidate would do that, and Negan could already tell you were a clever girl. He called your name over the music, and you nodded, extending your hand
Negan took it into his and shook, enjoying how small your hand was compared to his. You were curvy and petite in the best ways, so much shorter than him but fully voluptuous, and you dressed like you knew you looked damn good, fuck whatever society said about beauty standards. “Mr. Dean, it’s great to meet you, sir.”
Negan grinned down at you, then pointed toward the staircase to your left, “Come on up, it’s quieter in the office.” And he led the way.
When he glanced back to make sure you were following, Negan saw you looking toward Dwight, giving him a friendly wave. He gave you a nod, a near smile, a pretty decent result from the house grump. He needed a manager who could get along with everyone, so right there was another point in your favour.
Closing the door brought the loudness of Saviours down to mere background noise, the evening crowds were always loud as shit. Negan loved it, the differences between the start and end of days, the energy. He gestured toward two armchairs he had, hating the process of sitting behind a desk to interview like he was some hot shot lawyer. He preferred the less intimidating, friendly way. It was just a coffee shop, after all.
A damn good one, though.
When you settled, Negan took his seat across from you, suddenly feeling a little distracted under the gaze of your bright eyes. “Well I’ll get straight to it; you come highly recommended by both Carol and Daryl. I won’t lie, I’m a pain in the ass to work for and I’m looking for someone who can handle hard work, long hours and most importantly, get along with my people. You really think that’s you?”
You were sitting with your back straight, legs crossed at the ankles, hands in your lap. You looked entirely at ease, meeting Negan’s eyes straight on as he spoke. When he finished, you leaned forward almost imperceptibly, your response instant.
“I’m exactly what you’re looking for, sir. I love people and get along with everyone. Do you think I’m best friends with Daryl and don’t know how to deal with a pain in the ass?” At this, Negan smirked, “I’m hardworking, and I have no other major commitments, so full time and long hours will suit me just fine.” You had a lovely voice, which was probably why you’d stayed working at the sales call centre for years before now.
In your resume, Negan had noted the year gap in wor—you had stopped working for the call centre just over a year ago, though it was noted you were a freelance writer and kept income that way. But he found it curious that you’d been working since you were a teenager and yet hadn't worked a solid job in a year. And now that he’d met you, he could see you were the hardworking type. Carol hadn’t known why you’d been away from a job for so long, stating that Daryl knew but didn’t tell her. He had said it didn’t matter, and that was good enough for Negan.
“Well, I’ll admit, on paper you’re ideal, which is why I scheduled you last today. I wanted to have time to read you.”
“And,” You interjected, a small smirk on your lips, “You know that keeping someone waiting the whole day for an interview will shred their nerves and leave them more susceptible to letting their true colours out.”
Negan stared, surprised, “Can’t get much past you, eh?”
You shrugged, “It’s a good tactic. But I assure you, I’m just as competent in the evening as the morning, and I think if you give me a chance to prove myself, you’ll be very happy with hiring me, Mr. Dean. I want to work here, you have an amazing place. It’s a part of this community, and the reintegration program is something I respect greatly, I have no issues working with men hired from there.” You paused, adjusting yourself slightly, palms falling open on your legs, “And, I’ll be frank, I want a job that has long days, that’ll keep me busy and tire me out and let me build relationships with customers. When I found out you were hiring, I jumped on the chance for Daryl to have Carol put in a good word for me. It just seems...right, to work here.”
“What about your writing, do you still do that?” Negan watched your face closely, and it didn’t waver, instead, your smile widened.
“I can write anywhere, anytime. And I make my own schedule with whatever commissions I take on, so it’ll be easy to write on my days off, or breaks if I don’t have a day off,” You pointed at Negan’s phone, which he’d set on the wide arm of his chair, “I can also help with writing any social media or website content, I know Carol mentioned you wanted to expand that presence, and I’m comfortable with that sort of work.”
Negan considered you, letting a comfortable silence fall as he thought over your words. You did seem eager, excited, and the fact that you’d researched what he was looking for impressed him further. Breaking eye contact, he glanced down at your resume once more, though he couldn’t think of anything else to ask. If he was honest with himself, he was ready to hire you after the first two minutes.
“I like you,” He said, thrumming his hands on his knees, “When can you start?”
“In the morning? Or I can go home, have my dinner and come back dressed more appropriately for work, if you need me straight away, sir.”
Negan shook his head, both as a response and in an attempt to toss away the thoughts that stirred up in the back of his mind every time you called him ‘sir’. “Tomorrow morning is perfect. And since you work for me now, you can call me Negan, asshole, or shithead, no more ‘Mr. Dean’ or fucking, ‘sir’, okay?”
When you smiled at Negan, it was the most dazzling he’d seen yet, bright white teeth and sweet dimples making his heart stutter. Damn, you really affected him. He needed to get a gri—you were half his age, for Christ's sake.
“Thank you, Negan,” You stood, holding your hand out and grasping his when he offered, your head tilting back to look at him as he stood before you. “Really, I promise I’ll make you proud.”
“Kid, I don’t doubt it.” He replied softly, and for a moment you simply looked at one another. Negan wasn't sure if you felt it, but he did; it was a spark. Fleeting, but strong enough that he knew life was about to get interesting again.
Taglist: @mermaidxatxheart @paintballkid711 @ladydmalfoy 🤍
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shoichee · 3 years
Request is about Rakuzan manager, who is a foreigner (from Russia). She is really popular in school, because the Japanese thinks that Russian are very pretty. But she thinks that she has ordinary appearance. Besides she always does her best for the team, tries to be the best manager for them and takes care of them because of her kindness. So Rakuzan boys warm up to her slowly. And Ore-Akashi slowly started coming to his sense (he's Boku-Akashi now), because she reminds him his mother.
Hi hi hi! Even after researching to portray this accurately, I am more vague on the specificality on Russian culture, especially in a Japanese high school setting, in order to make this more relatable and applicable. Still, I took care to implement some core values/general traits you’d see in Russian society // I HOPE I DID THIS JUSTICE;; 
[Rakuzan Manager f!Reader Headcanons]
you’ve always been the center of attention ever since you transferred to Rakuzan, a private school with extremely high standards
not to mention, your aura and looks completely encompasses that perfect “high-caliber student” look that every student wants so badly… so effortlessly? a lot of the students instantly took a liking to you just because of your appearances and how easily you stood out against the rest (especially in a collective society like Japan’s, where everyone is highly pressured to blend in)
but coming fresh from Russia, a society that focuses on individualism, you didn’t really see why everyone would suddenly worshipped you just because you expressed yourself freely… even so, in trying to make friends as a rare foreigner, you made sure to be kind to everyone
you made it out of your own way to always help the student council out with menial tasks, even if you weren’t a part of it, or always reached out a helping hand to other teachers, staff, and peers
so that may have shot up your popularity even more
your altruism easily reaches within earshot of Higuchi, the current 3rd-year manager of the Rakuzan’s basketball team, and he immediately soughts after you to invite you to the position of manager alongside him
after all, he’s going to graduate this year, so he wants to ensure that the team would be in good hands for the subsequent years
still, he’s quite nervous about introducing you to his… superiors, mostly because the team leadership has become quite… scary and strict this year
Higuchi brings you along as he slowly approaches Coach Eiji and the Rakuzan captain, who were both discussing about the imminent future of the team’s starting line and debating whether or not to switch around some players
Eiji noticed you first, and after hearing Higuchi’s suggestion, he immediately recognized you from how much the teachers and his coworkers had been praising you; hence, he has no doubt about you or anything… but he turns to Akashi to hear his input
all the while, the captain has been staring silently at you… and assessing you
“What do you think?” Eiji spoke up, glancing down to the 1st year in the corner of his eye.
“...” Akashi continues to sit with his hands clasped in front of his mouth
“It’d be an honor to become a manager for such a capable team!” you say, putting yourself into a deep bow to try to express your sincerity
“W-Wait, (y/n)-san, there’s no need to go to that extreme,” Higuchi says hurriedly, ushering you up
“S-Sorry, but I believe bows are used to express utmost deference and appeal?”
“Ahaha… only a few cases warrant a bow as deep as that.”
“Right, right! Noted…”
Akashi’s eventual sigh interrupted the both of you as he drops his hands into a more relaxed posture
“She’ll be useful. I have heard about her from other students within the student council. Shōta, you will keep her in line, correct?”
“Of course!”
“Then there is no need for this conversation to go any longer if this is settled with no further objections?” he turns to the coach for any further comments
“Yes,” he nods in agreement. “I hope you know this team expects nothing from the best from you, even if you’re only a manager.”
. . .
so here you are, on your first day as a manager alongside Higuchi, being taught the ropes of your duties: noting players’ favorite snacks and food, making sure there’s plenty of water bottles left, changing towels if needed… these honestly felt like normal chores to you, so you didn’t feel overwhelmed at all
“W-W-Whoa!! Our new manager is a girl?—Ow, Reo-nee!”
“Sheesh, show some respect to the manager! Quit looking at her like that!”
“Hello!” you waved at them, popping up right in front of them, and Hayama quickly jumps to gain some distance for himself out of shock
“The foreign transfer student?!”
“I’m a new manager here, and I hope we get along!”
“Ah…” Mibuchi turns to you with a hand on his chest and a slight bow of his head in acknowledgement. “I must compliment you on your Japanese. You speak as if you’re almost native—in fact, your way of speaking is more elegant than most people here.”
“Thank you!” you beam at him. “Yes…! I’ve worked to at least become fluent for the JLPT N2, so I’m very glad you complimented me so!”
“Reo-nee, you tell me to back off, but you’re being chummy with her right now! Ei-chan, look! Don’t you agree with me?—Wha, where did he go?”
“Who knows?” Mibuchi shrugs indifferently. “But it’s no wonder that it’s been a lot quieter around… by the way (y/n)-chan, are all Russians as striking as you? It makes me a tad bit envious that such beauty is effortless to you.”
“No, no!” you deny with a laugh. “We’re quite ordinary, you see? I think everyone has their own type of beauty to admire and appreciate.”
“Oh! Beautiful words spoken by a beautiful person! Ah… I’ve been called by Higuchi-san. I must part but I hope you’ll allow me to ask you more questions later!”
as you wave off Mibuchi with a smile, Hayama only frowns at you as he crossed his arms, irritated at the fact that you don’t seem too keen on using honorifics for the upperclassmen:
“Look, you might’ve gotten Reo-nee to approve of you, but don’t think the rest of us will be just as accommodating. We’re serious about basketball, so don’t slack off and bring us down.”
but you only turn to him with a smile before giving a slight bow before replying: “I will put 100% of my time and effort, so everyone can do their best on the courts with peace of mind!”
Hayama immediately gets flustered, not expecting such a warm response to his words and he scratches head and replies loudly, “U-Uh… yeah, just, just don’t screw it up for us.”
the first week of being manager was just like what Hayama spoke about: most of the players were wary of you because you were extremely different in how you carried yourself, or curious about you for that same reason… perhaps you were recruited out of pity?
there were a handful of teammates who were brave enough to ask you questions about your culture or personal background
Eikichi, on one hand, asked about your cuisine and whether there were “big guys” like himself that can be a challenge to his strength (you only laugh at him as you easily answer all of his questions)
“I heard the Russian men are unbelievably strong! *flexes his own biceps* Their muscle masses are rumored to be insane!”
“W-Well… it’s different for everyone, but I agree that we’re very strong-natured and have dignity for ourselves.”
“Ohh, (y/n)-chan… that must be why you stand out so much yourself!”
“Mibuchi-kun, you’re very striking yourself, you know…”
and here is Hayama petulantly huffing all the while, doubting you all the while still
“Here you go again, forgetting to add senpai after Ei-chan and Reo-nee!”
“Why should I?” You tilt your head in confusion. “Whether I add such honorifics or not doesn’t change how much I respect them, Hayama-kun.”
“It’s Hayama-senpai to you!”
“If you’re spending this much time fixated on this, then you can spend that much time practicing and showing me the skills to earn the respect you want! Come on! Chop, chop, chop!”
. . .
“Ei-chan! Don’t you get mad when (y/n) doesn’t address you properly?! Reo-nee, what about you?!”
“Huh? I’d never be mad at someone who doesn’t seem to mind me burping at all, and she never scolds me about this stuff like Reo does—”
“Who wouldn’t?! It’s gross, seriously! While I do not understand her tolerance of your vulgar manners, her eloquence and natural aura is equal to those of Sei-chan’s… so in my eyes, I see no need for her to use such honorifics.”
“HUH?! Reo-nee, but why?!”
his opinion of you only gradually changes when you never seem to snap at him back even though he’s being a little shit when you’re around… you remind him of a motherly figure… but a kind, level-headed one, which is slightly different from the naggy mother-hen (but good-intentioned) vibe Mibuchi gives off
besides, anyone with eyes can see how much you scurry around holding handfuls of towels and bottles for all the players, even for the bench players
people think it’s really odd that you’re so physically close to the teammates, especially when you link arm in arm with them or give little distance when you talk with them; as a result, a lot of speculation of “dating” and “relationships” pop up when your name is brought up
the Uncrowned Kings easily squash those rumors… Akashi’s presence alone is also enough to silence them LOL
Mibuchi is the main guy who always likes to link arms as a symbol of your shared friendship
. . .
it’s an odd relationship between you and Mayuzumi… no matter how much you call out to him, he ignores you, and no matter how much he ignores you, you still treat him the same as ever
“Stop pestering me,” Mayuzumi clicks his tongue, blatantly making the effort not to face you properly, and you finally smile, seeing that he finally acknowledged your presence
“Ah, you’re quite the blunt one, aren’t you, Mayuzumi-san?”
“If you get that, then go away.”
“Well, I can’t! You’re part of the lineup, so I am especially not going to neglect you.”
“Are you this mindless to help people like a saint and then expect everyone to adore you? As far as I’m aware, most see you as some ‘exotic’ curiosity and nothing more. And I frankly love myself too much to be associated with such people. If you’re only here out of pity, beat it. Now.”
“Well, it seems like you care enough to tell me that,” you muse, but your face hardens with a serious glint in your eye. “But heed my words when I say this Mayuzumi-san. I am not doing this to be a people-pleaser. I am doing this for myself and only myself. I want to be a good person because it is a decision I make for myself. When there is a choice of being a good person versus bad, I’ll choose to be the best version of myself at any moment. That is my own definition of self-respect. No way in hell I’m doing this because I feel sorry for you… I will complete my duty with my pride as Rakuzan’s manager on the line.”
he’s stunned at your words, and he instantly relaxes his posture before he turns to continue reading his novel on hand… “I see.”
he actually likes the fact that your culture allows people to be more outspoken about their opinions, since he’s all too aware how the majority of his own peers are constantly worried about collective reputation and doing things for the sake of others
Mayuzumi becomes a lot more… cooperative with you from that point on
he relates to your words of having high self-respect and pride, and he’s pleasantly surprised that you actually know how to hold your own ground despite being very kind // even if he finds it weird that being a manager makes you happy… but since it’s something you do for your own sake, he can learn to respect it; after all, he reads light novels for his own happiness
imagine his unadulterated surprise when you not only brought him bottles, snacks, and a towel (that’s the part he expected from you), you slipped in new issues of the latest light novels within the towel bundle (this is what caught him off guard)
you’re suddenly seen in a good light in his eyes
. . .
it’s been almost a month since you’ve been recruited, and most of the teammates have now accepted you as one of their own, more or less, but something bothered you that you couldn’t help but ask Rakuzan’s senior manager
“Higuchi-san, don’t managers need to do some analytic work for the team statistics? It seems that all we do is mundane tasks.”
“Ah, most of the analytic work is done by Akashi.”
“But why? Does he not trust the managers with this work? Does he see us as not capable?”
“Not exactly… he’s very… particular about ensuring the best possible strategies for victory. So far, whatever he’s been doing has earned him complete trust from the entire team and even our coach.”
“Wow… that’s… a really impressive feat for a 1st year…”
“No one’s really surprised though. (y/n)-san you may have just transferred here so you might not know, but he was Teiko’s previous captain and the main public face of the Generation of Miracles…”
after he finished giving a crash-course on their prodigal status in the basketball world, you’re more fired up to work harder for Rakuzan as the manager
“Besides, (y/n)-san, our main duty of being a manager is to maintain the well-being of our team. All these little things add up, and surely, the team knows to appreciate these gestures from us.”
you actually later approach the Uncrowned Kings to playfully complain about why they didn’t tell you how prestigious they truly were on the courts (after learning about their status from Higuchi)
“Huh? (y/n)-nee, now you wanna show respect to your senpais, huh?”
you don’t miss the playfulness in his complaint as he tries to ruffle your hair… and also the way Hayama has recently addressed you differently
“This is different, Hayama! You have such titles under your belts because of your skills and accomplishments on the court… that is extremely admirable!”
“D’awww, it’s nothing, really.”
of course, they all have pride in their titles, but they all immediately turn the direction of the conversation to Akashi, saying they were nothing compared to him
that only made you more curious about the captain
you actually never made conversation with him throughout the month because you were so busy with your duties and helping out everyone… but you finally decided to try to help the captain in any way
Akashi has been observing you for the entirety of your time in the team… that much is to be expected, considering that he needed to evaluate your performance and compatibility with the rest of the teammates to make sure that there is still unity even with the addition of a new person (after all… as much as he doesn’t want to admit, he is still fearful of the possibility of his team crumbling from the inside again)
the fact that you even got Mayuzumi to approve of you in his own way actually impressed him; even he himself had to be authoritative to get Mayuzumi to be cooperative on the team
it’s the little things you do that reminds him of the tickles of nostalgia, when he first played basketball with his late mother, within his mind: the way you were the only one giving positive encouragement to the players in a club filled with cutthroat competition and perfection; the way you made sure that everyone was calm and collected before they walk into the courts; the way you diligently remember and cater every care package and preference to every unique player, in addition to your minimum duties.
he unconsciously mellows out whenever you approach to him to speak, and he only realizes that fact every time you leave the conversation to continue your next to-do on your schedule
he turns to look at you impassively, but he stands to wait to hear what you have to say
“Can I help you with anything in any way?”
“Are your assigned duties of manager not enough?” he asks, but he continues to give little away from his blank expression
“No, no, that’s not it,” you reply. “I was wondering how I can extend my hand to also help out the captain of the team as well. After all, it’s important for the managers to care for the well-being of every team member… you’re no exception!”
“Do what you think is best to ensure victory,” was all he said before he left
you’re now confused… did he mean for you to keep up your work as normal? did he trust you enough to let you decide what to do on your own? his vague words certainly threw you in for a loop
still, the Rakuzan teammates were able to breathe easier whenever you were in the same room as Akashi, because there’s always a gentler aura around him when you’re near the vicinity
sometimes his Orekashi side slips out, whether he gives an open compliment to a good play (albeit, delivered in a calm, spartan way) or when he gives an occasional perfect-rhythmed pass that leaves his teammates in a stupor
Akashi’s mannerisms towards you as the manager is as subtle as a speck of dust, but he’s grown a quiet sense of respect for you and the atmosphere you’ve brought to the team
however, it will only be at the final game where his Orekashi side will fully reawaken again
if any student dares to approach you with insensitive questions and comments about your race and culture with stereotypes, they should be expecting all hell breaking loose from the basketball team in 3… 2… 1…
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liannelara-dracula · 3 years
🛍Victoria Secret shopping with their gf? smt
Ohhh I’m so glad you asked this cause I was dying to do this. Sooooo thank uuuu. Also I think I’m just not going to put gifs of them anymore? Idk let me know.
He doesn’t mind tagging along.
Like he usually sleeps through everything but not when this is going on.
He’s coming with u.
I think he likes black, red, and even the color beige on you.
Shu likes silk, Lacey patterns or minimal diamonds or sparkles on your underwear.
He likes if the underwear style is cheeky too.
Or better yet a thong.
He won’t tease you to much at store but like he’s helping you chose.
I think he’d walk around with you and just pick up things and picture you in them.
if he sees you looking at a thong or skimpy things prepare yourself.
“What dirty girl you are, planing to wear that for me.” He’d smirk.
“I don’t buy my underwear for you, I buy it cause I like it.”
When the girls at the store ask for your size to help you.
he cuts in to correct you on your size.
which leads you both to argue and the helper just laughs.
“I’m a c/s.”
“No you’re c/s, have you forgotten?”
“Reiji I’m pretty sure I know my size.”
but you of course you are shy about it and let alone annoyed.
I know most people would say he didn’t want to come but I think he’s the one that dragged you here.
This is because he doesn’t think you have refined taste to the degree he does. So he’s taking you so he can pick it out.
It’s an excuse to see you in the dressing room tho.😏
He really likes corsets but since we are no longer in those times he likes the bra bustiers.
Omg I have so many of those and I love them as sets.😂😂
He loves all the lacey kind and even elegant body suits.
He likes if the straps are elegant with detail to.
Reiji also likes if their are silky ribbons/bows or shiny trims to enhance the style of the underwear.
He’s favorite colors on you are black and dark purple. He also likes white.
Despite what he likes on you, he would also buy you cotton underwear bc it’s actually better for your body. Even if there not the cutest.
Follows you into the dressing room but luckily you stop him.
“Uh, ladies only Laito?”
Likes black as well as some bright colors and red. I think he likes evergreen color as well.
The material is either lace or mesh. Or barely covering honestly.😂😂
He actually knows your cup size and isn’t afraid to help you.
Tho he will pick out super sexy kinds of sets and body suits.
“How about this one, I know it doesn’t cover much but it looks sexy.”
So you might have to stop him since you don’t feel comfortable.
He also backs you up in the dark corners to try and kiss you.
Tho you have to remind him this is not the place.
He picks out perfume too.
I think he also likes to see hot pink and black furry things on you as well.
He likes bras that show your nipples as well😏
All the cutest colors ever and just sweet looking babydoll dresses.
He loves lace, silk, and cotton.
He likes the pinks and purples as well as white the most and some baby blues to.
He likes the frills and ruffles and some sparkling trims.
Kanato prefers you where soft bras and not the cup kind.
He will also like if you buy some socks or garters to match.
If you ask for his suggestion he likes the ones with bows.
Most of the time he isn’t doing much but waiting for you to finish.
He thinks it’s kind of a drag.😂
But maybe if you try it on it’ll get him excited.
Just wants to know your cup size honestly.
Seriously is just an ass about it.
He likes red, pink, and black. I see him liking neons too.
The material can be any honestly.
I think he likes the sporty sets
And push up bras.
He also likes the small pj shorts on you to.
Likes to pick up random underwear and show it to you.
He will put the bra or underwear on himself just cause he’s so stupid.
“Look I’m Y/N.”
“Really Ayato?”
Of course it makes you both laugh tho.
He waits for you to try on things, he won’t go inside unless you want.
Might blush if you show him.
He pays for you and holds your bags.
Cause he’d never let you pay
He’d feel so bad if you did.
A blushing mess.
At least if you two are in the beginning of your relationship.
I think he likes the pinks and lilacs on you the most.
They have this signature lilac color and I just love it honestly.
anyways,  I think he’d try to help you only if you asked.
you honestly have to drag him cause he didn’t want to go.
tho if you two have been together for a while, he actually likes going with you.
minimal teasing.
I could honestly see him grinning at the thong in his hand.
He’d whisper in your ear for only you to hear what he had to say.
“You should wear just these tonight.”
Wants to know your size.
He likes to pick out cheeky underwear for you.
I totally see it.
He likes to see different blues and probably pink as well as like nude or cream color.
He likes silk the most.
Loves when the undergarments don’t cover much.
He likes some floral patterns or just plain colors.
Also likes the sporty stuff too.
If you don’t know your size he just a bra up to your boobs to see if it fits.
Can be really sweet or just a dick about it.
He doesn’t care about what you like he’s getting you what he likes.
And that’s that.
He loves blue, black or nothing on you.
Preferably dark blue.
Loves lace omg do not get me started.
Like that is his fav.
Loves small ribbon bows or minimal sparkles on your underwear.
Ruki likes the fancy bras and bustiers on you but he likes fabric bras on you as well.
He likes when the underwear is cheeky.
Likes the body suits that are lacey.
If see’s you picking some panties that he likes on you he will whisper in your ear only telling you they will come off later.
He likes that you invited him.
Was willing to help and doesn’t care about the color.
Or material he just cares about the style that’s it.
So he loves thongs or the bikini cut underwear the most.
You can’t change my mind about it.
He likes bras that flatter your body so something that shapes it well.
He mostly cares that your comfy.
If you don’t know your size don’t worry he knows.
He’s got it all covered.
Yuma will make you blush though.
“I like these.” He’d say playing with the bands that crosses in the back of the skimpy underwear he was holding.
“I don’t.” You say a little uncomfortable.
He’s dragging you everywhere, making you try on so many different types.
Is pretty helpful.
Loves neons or bright colors
His fav on you is pink and he likes bows and patterns.
He likes flower prints and plain things too.
Knows your size and just never forgets it.
If you moved up in size he’d congratulate you.
Making you very embarrassed.
“Aww babe you got bigger.”
He’s just so weird like that.
He tried to get cute underwear over sexy underwear for you.
It’s just what he likes I guess.
He also thinks the babydoll dresses look cute.
He says he’ll wait outside but since you ask him he goes.
Azusa follows you around the store and just has no idea what you need him for.
He likes to see soft colors like white, beige or turquoise on you the most.
But he’s not opposed to other colors.
He doesn’t care about material he just wants you to feel comfortable.
And he thinks you look great in anything so don’t worry.
If you ever forget your size he tries to remember.
He likes to buy you perfumes there.
If you ask him which one he likes he gets confused since he doesn’t mind honestly.
He just wants you to be happy.
So sweet someone protec him.
He doesn’t mind helping you.
He’ll do anything for you and if this what you need he’ll do it.
likes white and red on you the most.
Prefers lace but is okay if you don’t wear it.
He doesn’t care too much about your underwear he just wants you to match.
And feel comfortable.
He likes elegant underwear the most.
And likes the perfume they sell.
Also loves ruffles or frills or bows on the undergarments.
Pretty much leaves everything to you and just pays.
Doesn’t mind giving his opinion if you ask.
Tells you look great in anything.
Perv omg.
You didn’t tell him to come with you he just came.
He wanted to help but he also wanted to know your size to see if he was right.
Loves black and red on you and pink.
Shin likes lace as well as mesh.
He likes the sporty underwear too.
And push ups cause he never thinks you have enough of anything.
Of course he’s joking tho.
He will walk into the changing room and you will have to push him out of their.
Cause he sucks like that.
“Get out.”
“You don’t want me to help you put it on?”
“We are at a store, Shin.”
♤ ˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ♤
♤ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~present day ♤
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fluffomatic · 3 years
Danganronpa Tickle Headcanons
Makoto Naegi
. Literally the most ticklish person in the group!
. Has the cutest, squeakiest laugh ever. If tickled for long enough eventually he'll start hiccupping.
.Veeeery squirmy! Tries to hold back tho because he's accidentally kicked his sister when she was tickling him whoops!
.This boy cannot hold his laughter in. Just saying you're going to tickle him will start him giggling, and after u start? Boy is he a giggling FOOL!
.Teasing causes his brain to shut down. Like he gets flustered easily when teased even if it's not about tickling. Someone calls him cute? Face is red af
.Worst spots are his belly, knees and the arch of his feet
.This little guy LOVES tickling people as much as he loves getting tickled.
.He is quick and nimble and can luckily find peoples worst spots very fast
.Will tickle pretty much anyone at anytime but mainly targets Byakuya and Kyoko because of their attitudes.
.Despite not being able to take teases himself he can still dish em out! Tends to lean towards more cute softer teases like calling their laugh cute, commenting on how ticklish they are or just giggling along side them
.Though he is average in build and strength he is able to pin people down! Well most people at least. Or the lee just fears if they try to get unpinned they'd hurt Makoto and no one wants that
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Byakuya Togami
.You may not think the Ultimate Afluent Progeny is ticklish but you'd be DEAD wrong! This guy is crazy ticklish. Because of his childhood and lack of positive contact from his family he didn't even know he was ticklish for a long time. In fact he didn't know what if felt like. So the first time he was tickled in the academy he was so confused lol
.He tries to hold his laughter in but is trash at it. Since he's not used to the feeling he breaks in less than a second.
.His laugh is wild and frantic but still has a sense of poise to it. When tickled he just can't control himself!
.Squirms quite a bit tho not as much as Makoto.
.Tickling is the only way to get this man to beg. His egotistical nature goes out the window!
.His worst spots are his ribs, hips and spine
.This boy can tickle y'all. After his many encounters with people tickling him he eventually picked up on what to do!
.He is ruthless! He likes the control he can have over people. He starts slowly with torturous slow tickling to ready his lee for the absolute wrecking that is coming their way.
.He won't stop until he gets what he wants from his lee which is usually either them begging or paying him a compliment lmao
.His teasing is more stern. He likes to make his lee admit to their own ticklishness or comment on how dumb they are for not seeing this coming
.Typically goes for a soft to hard tickling approach
Kyoko Kirigiri
.She is moderately ticklish. Kyoko isn't normally peoples go to target but when she is they go all out! Hearing her laugh is so uncommon that people just tickle her to hear it.
.Her laugh is soft and elegant but jumps in pitch and pace when tickling her worst spot
.Doesn't squirm much because she sees it as giving in and will try her best not to move
.She is very weak to surprise tickles! They catch her off guard always and it's the only time you will get her to jump!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Doesn't tickle people that often but when she does she goes all out!
.Her main targets are Makoto, Celestia and occasionally Byakuya
.When she's bored she'll sit next to her lee and trace shapes and words on their back, belly or palm. It surprisingly helps her concentrate. Usually it's Byakuya because he has the most ticklish back out of the group and he hates it but let's her since it helps in the case
.Since her hands are covered in scars she likes not to use them that often so she uses a lot of tools. She likes using feathers and paintbrushes the most
.Her teasing method is what you'd expect from a detective. Likes to ask questions and can easily tell when someone is enjoying being tickled, which she quickly points out
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Aoi Asahina
.Extremely ticklish! This girl is the second most ticklish person in the group
.Will kick and squirm when tickled and doesn't hold back like Makoto so her ler better watch out!
.Her laugh is full of cackling and snorting and is very cute! (Tho she doesn't like it)
.She likes being tickled as a form of exercise and/or motivation! If she feels she hasn't preformed well enough she will ask someone to tickle her as punish (usually Sakura)
.Her ler cannot touch her knees. With how many sports she does her knees are a little messed up so even if their careful it'll still hurt her
.Her worst spots are her hips, belly and armpits
.She is the group tickle monster! She is so ruthless and gets into ler moods constantly. Tends not to stop until her ler mood is satisfied
.Will target anybody at anytime but especially during vulnerable moments. If she sees someone reaching up, stretching, stuck somewhere or holding something breakable she will tickle them
.Is the only one who knows Sakura is ticklish
.She is strong and can easily pin her lee down. The only people she cannot pin are Sakura and Mondo
.Despite how ruthless she is she can give softer sweeter tickles! (I headcanon that she acts like a big sis to Makoto and if they're hanging out she'll gently tickle him but tracing his back or scribbling over his belly)
.Master teaser! Even can make Sakura flustered. She uses the classics a lot "tickle tickle tickle!" or "coochie coochie coo!!" But can also pick up on what teases work the best on each person
.Typically goes for a mean and aggressive tickle style
Sakura Ogami
.Barely ticklish but most of the group doesn't know she is at all. She does have a few spots that'll get her giggling tho!
.Her laugh is rough and low
.She's only tickled by Aoi so she usually just takes the onslaught. Despite that she does tend to squirm if her ler finds the right spot!
.Her worst spot is her lower back
.Another ruthless ler
.When her and Aoi are together and in ler moods the others have to watch out. They're unbeatable together!
.She is likes to tickle people to get them up and moving, sees it as another way to exercise like Aoi does.
.If she sees someone misbehaving she will take it upon herself to punish them with tickles!
.It's no suprise she can pin everyone down. Even Mondo isn't strong enough to stop her. She likes to pin her lees hands above their head with one hand and use the other to tickle all over!
.Her main target is Aoi obviously. She loves hearing her laugh and thinks her laugh is adorable
.Not a teaser and tends to just watch her lee the whole time
.Typically goes for pinning her target and hard tickles
Yasuhiro Hagakure
.Weeeeeak to tickling!
.He's pretty ticklish and laughs almost immediately. His laugh is loud and wild! He also tends to snort a lot!
.A kicker but he tries his best not to. When being tickled he will bang his hands against things and pull at his hair
.If the others plan to tickle him they either have to pin him down or tickle in groups because he is fast and will grab at his lers wrists to get them to stop
.Claims he gets visited by tickling ghosts
.His worst spots are his inner thighs, belly button and right underneath his toes
.Not a very active ler due to his lazy nature
.Tho when he is in a ler mood he's very playful!Likes to play tickle games a lot. Like pop quizzes where if his lee gets the answer wrong he'll tickle them or he'll test to see how long they can last
.Basically the big brother of the whole group and will tickle the others to embarrass them
.He teases occasionally. Goes for a lot of "oh woah man! You're like, craaazy ticklish!!"
.Typically goes for a laid back kinda tickling style
Kiyotaka Ishimaru
.Oh ho boy he's a ticklish little guy!
.Thinks it's super embarrassing being tickled
. His laugh is so loud, he has no filter on it and tends to lose control when tickled
.Is really good at holding his laughter back
.When he's being tickled he tends to bounce and shake a lot. Tends to hide his face in his hands to muffle his laughter and hide his blushing
.Mondo targets him the most and loves to give him tickly kisses. This only flusters him more.
.Weak to teasing
.His worst spot are his ears
.Loves tickling people as a motivator!
.Sees it as a good way to bond with his friends despite him being embarrassed by it
.He's very no nonsense however so he tends to only tickle people when he sees it's appropriate
.He's the most merciful ler out of the group and stops immediately when asked. People actually like to go to Taka for tickles because of this
.If he's tickling for long enough he will ask how his lee is doing and of they need a break
.He also is an accidental teaser. Tends to ask his lee of their enjoying themself, not to tease them but he's genuinely curious
.His main targets are Mondo and Chihiro
.Typically goes for a softer tickling approach
Mondo Owada
.Holy crap this guy is a scary lee
.Sounds weird right but he is so ticklish it's dangerous. Super strong so he tends to throw people of of him
.He punches to. He accidentally punched Taka once and felt horrible for the longest time. Which is why Taka and Chihiro are the only two who are safe when tickling him. He will try his best to stay still when they tickle him so he doesn't hurt them
.Will NEVER admit it to the others but he really enjoys softer tickles. When cuddling with Taka he (very nervously) asks him to lightly tickle him cause it helps him relax after a hard day
.Taka thinks this is adorable which flusters Mondo more
.His worst spots are his armpits and feet
.Just like he's a scary lee he is also a scary ler
.Because Taka yelled at him for using violence to solve everything he switched over to tickling
.If someone pisses him off he will knock them down and destroy them with tickles
.Once he starts it's impossible to stop him. He's too strong to knock off and too stubborn to just give up
.His main targets are Taka, Chihiro and Byakuya (he's only on here cause he pisses Mondo off the most)
.If Taka is being too strict he will lift him from behind and tickle his sides until he promises to relax. If Chihiro is being hard on herself he and Taka will tickle her until she promises to give herself a break
.His teasing is very aggressive like "Hey punk you want me to tickle you more huh? Better watch your mouth then!" "Come on! You can't be that weak, or are you just gonna sit there and take it?"
.Typically goes for a aggressive and hard tickling style
Chihiro Fujisaki
.Somft girl. Very ticklish.She squirms and giggles so much. Doesn't kick at people but does kick her legs when tickled
.Ger laugh is so tiny and soft. Its the sweetest thing you'll ever hear. Covers he face when tickled and sometime bites on her knuckle to stop her giggling
.it doesn't help her
.Despite her squirming she doesn't need to be pinned down since she never fights her tickler
.Too soft for teases! Gets flustered so quickly
.Her worst spots are her toes, arches and belly. Surprisingly her hands are also super ticklish
.Not a great ler but when she does tickle people she's very sweet about it
.Most of the group knows she doesn't get into ler moods often so when she does they just let her do her thing
.She likes to tickle bellies a lot! She loves tickling Makoto, Aoi and Leon because of their very ticklish tummies. But her prime targets are Taka and Mondo
.She love hearing them laugh! Especially Mondo because of his normally crass and hardass nature
.She can't tease for shit tho. She tries but ends up fluttering herself!
.Typically goes for a soft tickling approach
Leon Kuwata
.Fairly ticklish dude!
.His laughter is pretty average but it jumps octaves alot based one where he's being tickled.
.He is also a grabber so group tickles are a must or he needs to be pinned
.He's decent at holding his laughter in but once he breaks he goes down hard. This dude erupts with laughter it's almost startling
.The others like to target him when he's singing! Hiro likes to see how good he can sing or how long he can sing when he's being tickled
.He can not take teasing well and will yell at his ler the whole time to shut up
.His worst spots are his hips and belly
.Tho not as bad as some of the others he is still a rather mean ler
.His go to move is to sit on his lees legs or hips and poke all over their torso. Will also lean down into his lees neck and nuzzle, using his goatee as a tickle tool. He loves giving raspberries funnily enough, he thinks the sound and reaction it gets is funny
.He likes to target Sayaka, Makoto, Kyoko and Byakuya the most
.He doesn't tease very often but if he does he goes for basic teases "ooo someone's ticklish!" "Tickle tickle ya big softie!!" "Can't get away from me!"
.Typically uses a mix of softish and harder tickling and also raspberries
Celestia Ludenberg
.Tickling Celeste is hard. She is moderately ticklish but had everyone convinced she wasn't for the longest time
.Is so good at holding in her laughter and fooling the others it took them forever to get her to crack. And the person to do that was Aoi! She refused to give up and eventually she broke. (Aoi was so proud of herself). After that she decided there was no point in holding back much anymore unless it was a competition
.Her laugh is elegant and smooth. Unless you tickle her bad spot! Than it gets higher and squeaky
.She's able to sit still for the most part but her ler can tell when she starts to break if they see her playing with her hair
.She's practically unaffected by teasing. The only ones who were able to fluster her were Aoi and Kyoko
.Her worst spot is between her shoulder blades
.Wicked ler but doesn't tickle often
.She mainly only targets Kyoko cause she loves her laugh
.Likes to use her pointed finger ring as a tickle tool
.Uses slow but hard tickling on her lees
.Is a very teasy ler! "Oh dear what I'm Into do? I can't just not tickle you now can I?" "Please someone as sensitive as you are deserves this! Now just sit still and let me have my fun dear!"
.Typically uses a slow and torturous tickle method
Toko Fukawa
.Have mercy on this girl. Not as ticklish as Makoto or Aoi but she cannot handle it
.She's a giggling fool right away. Her laugh is full of snorts, squeaks and screaming and she absolutely hates it
.Will try desperately to get away, squirms and is not afraid to slap
.The others like to tickle her when she starts getting annoying or too self depreciating. They have to be careful tho cause if she switches personalities when being tickled the ler could lose their fingers. The more she learns to control Jack the more the others tickle her
.She wants Byakuya to tickle her but he refuses
.Komaru however tickles her all the time. (I know she's not in the first game and not on my list but I love these two very much)
.She's weak to teasing
.Her worst spots are her armpits and the backs of her knees
.Not a great ler since she struggles with social situations
.When she does tickle people it's soft and quick. Unless it's Komaru since she's very close to her
.She gets over Byakuya and develops feelings for Komaru instead. She thinks her laugh is adorable and loves being close to her
.Only when she stops obsessing over and creeping out Byakuya she was able to get close enough to tickle him. Tho he didn't let her do it for long but it was a way of showing her he's beginning to trust her more now that's she's not being a creep
.She doesn't tease. She thinks its childish
.Typically she uses a softer fast tickling method
Sayaka Maizono
.Fairly ticklish!
.She thinks tickling is fun, likes being on the receiving end of it
.Squeals and laughs loudly when tickled. Has a surprisingly loud and chaotic laugh when tickled
.Is the only one in the group not even remotely embarrassed by tickling
.The others like to sneak up on her when she's cooking and poke her sides
.Squirms a bit but mostly just let's her ler have fun
.When she's had enough she'll lightly swat at their hands
.She likes being teased! She likes the attention and being told she's cute
.Her worst spots are the back of her knees and the sides and back of her neck
.She loves tickling people as well!
.She has long nails she likes to keep painted which make for nasty ticklers! She loves using them to scrape and scribble
.Usually when she's in a ler mood she'll just walk up to someone and be like "I need to tickle you! I know you want me to! I'm psychic". If she's set on tickling that specific person and they put up a fight she will either whine until they let her or just knock them over and pin them down
.She can be a mean ler but is fairly merciful
.Her teases are sweet and she loves to pepper her lee in compliments
.Typically goes for a moderately mean tickling method and uses her nails a lot
Junko Enoshima
.Crazy lee! No like she's crazy. Will trash and scream when tickled and threaten her ler
.If she's not pinned your screwed cause she will hurt you
.Out of everyone in the group she hated being tickled the most. Hates the lack of control but likes the despair the lack of control brings
.Her laugh is loud and crazy. She screams, snorts and swears a lot
.She hates being teased
.Her worst spot is her hips
.The most vicious ler
.Loves to tickle people until they vmbeg for mercy
.She doesn't always give it to them
.Uses tickling as a punishment and/or torture
.The others are frightened of her when she's in a ler mood
.She's also referred to as a tickle monster but she's more of a monster than Aoi is. She's ruthless and merciless
.She also wears long stiletto nails which tickle like crazy
.She targets everyone. If one of them piss her off the others won't see them for hours because she is absolutely wrecking them
.Typically goes for an evil torturous tickling method
Mukuro Ikusaba
.Isn't really that ticklish
.Trained her body to fight against the feeling for the military
.There is only a couple places she's ticklish but only Junko knows of them
.If she's tickled there she'll release soft bubbly laughter!
.Covers her mouth when laughing
.Kicks a lot but can control it for the most part
.The only teases she can't handle are compliments
.Her worst spot is her jawline
.Not as mean as Junko but tends to be her sidekick
.Will mainly pin down lees for Junko but will occasionally join in
.She's not that good at tickling so she mainly focuses on her lees death spots because no matter what it'll usually tickle
.Doesn't tease because she thinks it's foolish and dumb
.She sometimes laughs along tho cause she thinks it's funny
.Typically tries to go for a rougher tickling method
This took like 2 and a half hours oml
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ddalgi-yong · 4 years
Hi I think my ask may have gotten eaten by tumblr bc I didn’t see my req on the list so sorry if you alr got it and this is a duplicate... I wanted to request Taeyong with Smut 16, fluff 6, and angst 20 please :)🌹❤️💊🩸✨💦
never hurt you
genre: yandere; angst
pairing: taeyong x reader
“hurting you is the last thing I’d do; you know that.” + “i may or may not have left some… marks.” + “why can’t we just talk about it?” + taeyong
taeyong and you were invited to some party. you had no idea, what kind of party it was, but your boyfriend told you to wear something elegant since you had some kind of important role at this party.
you did not know what he actually meant, but you just said, you would get ready and went to your shared bedroom. taeyong followed you a few minutes later, had lied himself down on the bed.
you were looking through your dresses but only shook your head, since you did not really like them or thought, they are not good enough for being 'elegant'. "which one will you wear?", taeyong asked you. you startled a bit, because he was silent all this time and eventually you even forgot that he was lying on your shared bed.
"i actually have no idea. what do you think?", you picked two dresses, one of them black and was pretty short. the other one had a dark tone of red and was even more revealing than the other one.
you arched one of your eyebrows. "and what do you think, i should wear?" taeyong sighed and got up, mumbling something like "do I really have to do everything?" and looked through your dresses. he picked one, which was actually really long and was not really revealing; exactly the way he wants you to dress.
"no fucking way", you said, laughing at his choice. the dress was actually really pretty but you declined, chose to wear the red one.
your boyfriend did not talk to you anymore that night.
the party took place at a huge hall. it was actually pretty dark in there but you just sat silently at your table, looking to taeyong talking to some unknown men. you had no idea who they were but you just sat there; you knew you had disappointed him. taeyong was someone who got disappointed and angry really fast and you were kind of scared, he might hurt you. but as always you remembered that he could never hurt you.
that was something he had promised you the day you two started dating. and he never broke that promise.
you startled as someone sat next to you. it was not taeyong, he was still talking to these unknown men. “hello, beautiful”, the man was actually really handsome. you ignored him, since you did not want to make taeyong angry. your boyfriend was so jealous at some times but you got used to it.
“it is really rude to ignore a person”, he said and you sighed. 
“what do you want from me?”, you snapped, you were pissed that your boyfriend ignored you. 
“i just did not want that a beautiful lady like you stay alone at this kind of party where it is full of dangerous men”, he chuckled, “i am daesung. what is your name, princess?”
“leave her the fuck alone”, your boyfriend approached behind you and pulled daesung up. he was furious. so angry. he was so angry and jealous. no one should have talked to you like that. “Who are you to tell me what to do?!”, daesung snapped, making taeyong even angrier than he already was. “i am her fucking boyfriend and if you don’t get the fuck out of here, I swear to god, I’m going to kill you.”
you were actually scared at that one moment. taeyong was capable of things, you could never imagine. he could and would actually kill someone, if this person really provokes him and makes him angry.
“fine”, the man said, rolling his eyes. he got up and smiled softly at you. then he was gone. taeyong looked at you, he said nothing. “we’re heading home soon. get ready”, he ordered and you nodded. 
“i’ll be back in a few”, you said and got up. you went to the bathroom and checked how you looked. 
“hello sweetheart”, someone said, pinned you against the wall. It was daesung, grinning and you were basically disgusted by it. “i thought your boyfriend interrupted us during our conversation. what about… we continue it now?”, he said.
“leave me alone”, you said, tried to push him away. but instead he kissed you. hard, not even close to be like the way taeyong kissed you. and then… your boyfriend saved you. But he was not angry at daesung. he was angry at you. he was angry, that you did not listen to him, that you wore this short, revealing dress that drove him crazy.
“go to the car, y/n”, he said. his voice was so calm, but you knew he was angry. as you did not move, he yelled at you: “go to the fucking car, y/n!” you flinched, nodded and ran away. you sat down as he unlocked the doors and you were shaking so hard, you were so scared. He drove fast to your shared apartment.
taeyong pinned you at the door, right after he closed it. he seemed so calm, but you knew, he was so angry. the short dress you wore drove him crazy and after you both returned home, he wanted you to wait for him. after an hour he was back at your shared apartment. you were shaking, scared, that he might hurt you. but you knew, he would never do that. he loved you too much to hurt you. he could never see you suffering.
but the second taeyong entered the apartment drunk and with blood on his white dress-shirt, you were not really sure about it. he pinned you against the next wall and his fist landed right next to your head. You flinched and looked in his eyes.
“he got what he deserved”, taeyong whispered, “you’re mine and nothing and no one will ever be able to change that.” you gulped and nodded, you weren’t able to speak.
“i killed him.”
those were the last words he said to you this night. He just let you go and went to sleep. You were to scared by him so you just slept on the couch.
“wake up, baby girl”, he softly whispered into your ear. “please, wake up.”
“what, taeyong”, you said rolling your eyes. you just wanted to sleep more. but then, as you woke up and knew where you were, you sat up and looked at him. “i missed you having in my arms”, he said softly, “i couldn’t sleep properly because you weren’t there.”
“i don’t care, taeyong. you… you just killed him. because he was close to me. do you have a clue about how scared I was?!”, you screamed. he just sat there, said nothing. “and now you’re sitting here, saying you missed me having in your arms?”
“i’m sorry, Y/N… i was so angry because i had warned you but you did not listen to me. this all happened because of this damn dress and you fucking know it! why can’t we just properly talk about this?”, he yelled. he pinned you down and lied himself on you. his hands were roaming on your body roughly and you hated that you actually did like this feeling. Still, you tried to push him away, but he kissed you. Softly. he was so soft, you basically melted because of his touch.
“let me show you how much I love you, babygirl”, he whispered and kissed over your neck. “i promised you a long time ago, that I would never hurt you, baby. it’s the last thing i’d ever do in my life… did I ever broke this promise?” you shook your head, smiling a bit. 
your boyfriend was crazy. but you knew what you were doing when you two started dating. you knew about his crazy jealousy. you knew about his weird mafia shit. but still you loved him. and he loved you. he proves this to you every day. even if he had killed many, many people just because of his jealousy… you still loved him. it was crazy, yes, but it was like that and you did not want anything to change.
because you loved him.
“i love you”, he murmured, his voice weak: and as you turned yourself to him, you saw him closing his eyes in exhaustion. he probably didn’t sleep well since he always had issues to sleep when you weren’t with him.
“i love you, too”, you said and hugged him tightly.
“also… i may or may not have left some marks on your neck”, he said biting his lips to keep himself from giggling.
“you asshole!”, you laughed and hit him softly on his naked chest. he acted like he was truly hurt but you knew he was just joking around.
“let’s just sleep. they’ll fade away anyway”, he said and placed another kiss on your neck before pulling you closer to himself. embraced in his warmth, you fell asleep again.
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ibijau · 3 years
jin ling / oyzz 32 pls!! :3c ❤️ u!!
so blocked on other things that I’m finally getting back to my prompts yay
If there was one thing Jin Ling had learned early on, it’s that fate hates him. His familial situation is good proof of this, though it is his love life that makes it the most obvious.
At twelve, he developed a crush on a girl from another sect who was staying in Jinlin Tai as a guest disciple. She was about two years older than him, pretty as the sunrise on Yunmeng’s lake, and strong enough to break a fierce corpse’s neck with her bare hands. It took Jin Ling weeks to decide how to talk to her, and when he finally did, an enormous pimple appeared right in the middle of his nose, disfiguring him. Jin Ling tried every remedy he could buy to bring his face back to normal, but only managed to make things worse. He never had a chance to talk to that girl, and she soon returned to her own sect, leaving Jin Ling completely heartbroken and ready to swear he would never love again.
A few months later, at thirteen, Jin Ling fell in love with a Yunmeng Jiang disciple. He tried to impress the older boy by showing off his diving skills. It was a common game for his uncle’s disciples, and Jin Ling had played it often enough as well. He liked to think he was good at it. His uncle had said he was good at it! And yet when he tried to dive in a very cool way to impress that one Jiang disciple, Jin Ling hit his head against something and nearly drowned. After that, he refused to come again to the Lotus Piers for ages, not until his uncle dragged him away from Jinlin Tai and forced him to go to a rather ill fated Night Hunt that changed his life.
If Jiang Cheng hadn’t taken Jin Ling to Dafan Mountain, he wouldn’t have met Mo Xuanyu. If he hadn’t met Mo Xuanyu and been rescued by him, he wouldn’t have had a debt toward him and helped him run away from Jiang Cheng in Qinghe. If he hadn’t angered his uncle like that, Jin Ling wouldn’t have needed to lay low for a while, and he wouldn’t have stumbled upon a group of juniors from various sects. And then…
Then he wouldn’t have met Ouyang Zizhen.
Meeting Ouyang Zizhen had been both a blessing and a curse. Well. Mostly a curse, actually.
Jin Ling, fourteen, with a bad ego, an even worse temper, and about to be hit in the face by more family secrets than any fourteen years old boy ought to have dealt with, just didn’t need the added horror of being in love again. It really was unfair and needlessly cruel of Ouyang Zizhen to be just that perfect, and handsome, and eloquent, and kind, and…
For a good while, Jin Ling managed to keep himself under control. He had bigger things to worry about, such as not getting killed by Xue Yang, or not getting killed by fierce corpses, or not getting killed by his uncle, and also discovering that his family was an even bigger mess than he’d ever realised, which was really saying something. And yet even with all those much more important things to keep him busy, Jin Ling couldn’t stop thinking about Ouyang Zizhen’s smile, his heartfelt tears for that ghost girl in Yi-City, the fierce way he’d fought in the Burial Mounds, how he hadn’t hesitated to stand up for Wei Wuxian… and also how he had firmly sided with the Ghost General against Jin Ling.
It really was Jin Ling’s fate to be eternally unlucky in love, he’d thought after that. And then, when he’d learned what kind of men his uncle and grandfather were, he’d figured that maybe his bad luck was just so his family would end with him, and stop making a mess of things.
And yet, in spite of being clearly cursed with the worst luck in the world, a few weeks after suddenly becoming sect leader, Jin Ling had received a letter. Not just any letter, either, but an invitation to join some other boys on a Night Hunt, among which Ouyang Zizhen who had been the one writing that invitation. Jin Ling’s broken heart had mended on the spot, delighted to find that Ouyang Zizhen had thought of him for this. Considering their last interaction hadn’t been too great, it had to mean something if he was invited, right?
It took some effort to convince the Jin elders, but in the end Jin Ling was sect leader now, and so nobody could really stop him from going wherever he pleased. He flew as fast as he could after leaving Jinlin Tai, and arrived less than a day later at the residence of the Baling Ouyang sect where Ouyang Zizhen welcomed him with that beautiful smile of his.
“You arrived a little early,” Zizhen said as he guided Jin Ling inside. The Baling Ouyang sect wasn’t very big, nor was it very rich, so the place they lived in was not much when compared to Jinlin Tai. Yet because Zizhen was there, Jin Ling found that simplicity charming, and that smallness cozy. “My father has a guest with him,” Zizhen explained, “but they’ll be leaving to their own Night Hunt soon enough. Well, they say Night Hunt… mostly Yao zongzhu and him like to head out and find a nice place to drink without my mother and auntie Yao bothering them.”
Jin Ling grimaced. Sect Leader Yao wasn’t very high on the list of people he liked to deal with. Zizhen noticed his expression of course, and laughed.
“I know, I know,” he said, leading Jin Ling inside a reception room decorated with rustic charm. Or at least, so Jin Ling chose to call it. “Jin zongzhu, just wait here and…”
“You can call me Jin Ling.”
“Wouldn’t that be disrespectful?” Zizhen asked. “I imagine people already give you a hard time for being so young, I don’t want to be too familiar and undermine your authority.”
Jin Ling’s poor heart started beating faster in his chest. Ouyang Zizhen really was too perfect, kind, courteous, clever… Even other kids in Lanling Jin were sometimes making a fuss about using Jin Ling’s title, especially those older than him, but here was Ouyang Zizhen, worrying about his image!
“I don’t care what others think,” Jin Ling said with all the haughtiness of a teenager with too much power. “You are my friend, so you can call me as you like.”
“Then maybe Jin Rulan?” Zizhen suggested. “It would be less…”
“You can call me anything you like, except that,” Jin Ling promptly corrected.
“Ah. Well, Jin Ling it is then,” Zizhen said, giving in. “Listen, I do have to tell my father that you’re here, or he’ll be cross later. He’ll probably want to drop by, but I’ll do my best to make sure it’s short. And then… it’s still early, and I don’t expect anyone else to arrive until tomorrow, so we could try to have some fun in town together?”
Jin Ling eagerly nodded at that proposition. Time alone with Zizhen sounded like the best thing ever. If he played this right…
While Zizhen left to go see his father, Jin Ling started pacing the room, trying to plan a course of action for the evening. He didn’t know what they might end up doing, since he’d never spent any time in Baling before, but surely he could hazard a few guesses. They’d have to eat, for example, and Jin Ling would of course offer to pay. Zizhen might protest, being the host, but Jin Ling would use the rank card and treat the other boy to any and all delicacies could be found in these parts. And surely there were interesting sights to see, or a scenic place perhaps? If they could go walk somewhere pretty, then Jin Ling would just have to take Zizhen’s hand and…
Or would it be better to talk about his feelings before? Jiang Cheng always said it was better to be direct in those things, so there could be no misunderstandings. Of course Jiang Cheng was terminally single, so perhaps not the best example to follow. But directness had seemed to work pretty well for Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji in that temple in Yunping, so clearly there was a merit to that idea. But how to confess? Zizhen was an eloquent person with a poetic turn of mind, whereas Jin Ling… well, Jin Ling knew where his strength laid, and it definitely wasn’t in eloquence. It ran in the family, apparently.
On both sides.
It was fine though. There was no shame in having a practical turn of mind. When they were married, Zizhen would be eloquent in his stead, and Jin Ling would do the accounting, and they’d be a perfect team. For that reason, it made sense that his declaration should be a reflection of his personality: direct and to the point. He just needed to stay calm, find the right words, politely express his intentions, and everything would be fine.
Jin Ling just needed to keep his cool.
All things considered, he should have remembered that this was not something he’d ever been good at.
So when he saw the door start to open again, when he caught a first glimpse of Zizhen’s beautiful smile, of his elegant eyes, Jin Ling panicked.
“Zizhen, I like you a lot!” he shouted. “Please allow me to court you!”
Ouyang Zizhen froze on the spot, while the door finished opening, revealing sect leader Ouyang and sect leader Yao behind the teenager, both of them staring at Jin Ling in shock.
Realising what he’d done, Jin Ling nearly fainted.
This time his reputation was ruined for ever, and he was never going to live it down.
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sugar-petals · 4 years
Can u introduce yuzuru to us the caro way?👀
so you want to know about the one and only. ♡😌
yuzuru hanyū (25) of sendai, japan: the most beautiful ice prince with a heart of gold.
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….an artist clearly not of this world, he’s been sent to us from another realm. 19 world records, two olympics won, dubbed the greatest figure skater of all time. and the most precious bean on top of that.
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but let’s start from the beginning, shall we ♥︎
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so, want to spot yuzu on the ice? use this checklist. slender silhouette, an even slimmer waist, feather-like outfits (he sketches those himself; the fandom lovingly calls him swanyu), soft blushy face. he has great androgyny.
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outside of performances, you see him either with a deer’s gaze or the brightest, biggest eye smile. also, he’s usually found sitting with his wife: 
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which is the ice 😄 these two are together forever. you can discern yuzu from a mile away by how he treats his working ground. 
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there is a purity to him. you’d not guess that this is one of the most ardent athletes if you didn’t see what’s around his neck after competitions. the guy’s cuteness is as compelling as his skating technique.
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look for it: yuzu’s face is super suave and rosy up close, even after his most energetic performances. some men are handsome, others pretty, he is both. 
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even acoustically, he’s hard to miss. applause is all around, and he’s highly expressive. if you see a crying young man getting the high score, that’s yuzuru hanyu. you’ve not seen more beautiful happy tears.
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and score reactions, anyway:
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so, aye loves, the rumors are true. a cutie-pie off the ice, animated, a real unabashed meme — yuzu is easy-going, talkative. cheery, cheeky, one of a kind. his facial expressions are a league of their own.
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if you thought this is the sort of guy who watches cat videos, you are correct 😄
yuz-uwu hanyu, everybody:
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his undoubtedly feline behaviour is often unexpected, it stands out with its adorableness, too. a sweetheart par excellence. 
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and, how else could it be: vice versa, the big beast on the rink. he’s cutesy, dorky, very well-spoken in daily life, but when it comes to skating, his seriousness escalates. you blink once and suddenly hanyu is a bedazzling, strutting lion :’D his performances stun with confident elegance.
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he becomes full of ardor, drama, and focus. you’d never suspect so much fire burns in him. a showman and ambition icon, hands down. 
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his skating is dynamic, perfected, and emotional. if you want to see art and the extra mile, tune in when hanyu competes.
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the downside is; more light, more shadow. it leaves him crawling on the ice afterwards. yuzu performs so hard, it’s worrying.
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he delivers it all. you won’t believe it:
this guy is an asthmatic.
the symptoms aren’t as bad as they used to be, but there are still regular attacks. he said that he’ll never take it as an excuse and often recalls how he started skating because of it. he’s a badass, extremely inspiring. yuzuru defies all limits, including gravity. his jumps have legendary status. 
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off the rink, you guessed it: he turns into a wholly different person. 
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it all dissolves completely when he’s dorking around again. 
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don’t let it deceive you, he’s the no other option than first place type. he could not be any more decorated with titles, he achieved the grand slam in all competitions as of 2020. and still, king of sportsmanship hanyu is respectful and smiley towards all colleagues and never lets anyone feel left out. especially when it comes to his juniors (e.g. yuma kagiyama, 16, below) which says a lot about him.
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he bows in every direction before an audience, too. lower than a 90° angle, even. this is more polite than any existing formality in japan.
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talk about audience: i introduced fellow japanese skater shoma uno last week, who’s more uncomfortable with social contact and aggression. yuzu, extrovert he is: the exact opposite. he withers away with no people and competition. he’s befriended rivals, had crises over not having someone who could challenge him. when a competitor retires, he’s the one crying in their arms (e.g. with team mate and bff javier fernandez from spain below).
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beside his competitive spirit and princely wow factor, hanyu is popular for his winnie pooh tissue box that he caresses, squeezes, and carries everywhere. he loves good luck charms & rituals, pooh is the most important one.
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fans throw pooh plushies on the ice after his performances because of it. since it’s gotten so intense, yuzu recently started cleaning them up himself on top of the flower girls for the upcoming skater who could get delayed otherwise. (more about what happens with the piles of plushies later.)
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so, the burning question is. 
what made yuzuru hanyu emerge so outstanding an entertainer? how does someone causing so much uproar become like that? it’s not just what kind of appearance he was given, although he really looks his part to a T. you don’t have to be an insider to see it right away.
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like literally to a fault. and you can tell the way his blades sound on the ice is different. it’s soft even if he does the most hardcore quadruple jumps. i think it’s because his drive to do this is a higher one, hanyu has an altered relationship with the ice. where his devotion comes from has a more severe reason so, massive trigger warning. 
this is no exaggeration: yuzuru is considered a hero to the japanese. a survivor of the earthquake 2011, he narrowly escaped the collapsing rink in his hometown on that very day. he’s often talked about how the ice shattered underneath his feet and it was the moment that defined his life forever. he could have been dead by the age of 16. his motivation has been set ever since. this man is compelled by something bigger, that’s why you hear it and you feel it. he wants to skate not just for himself but others and seize every day. 
much of his copious charity work — that’s where all the pooh plushies go — went to mend the consequences of the tsunami ever since, he’s looked upon as a great hope in japan. the minister gave him the people’s honor award in 2018. 
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now you know why yuzuru has such a fanbase and treats the ice as sacred, you see it in every gesture. his manners are without a single flaw, he helps staff repair the ice after performances. 
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you might think it’s odd, but he honors the ground. he’s invested in the integrity of it. that’s why he’s the best skater. it’s gratitude and the will to live fully.
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he hates to fall on the ice, he hates to damage it. alongside his feathery weight, that’s why the sound he makes while gliding along is so tender. 
i think that’s also why hanyu’s signature element is the ina bauer. it doesn’t rely on brutal force, instead this element slides across the rink like a swan. yeah, oh my god.
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it’s his most well-known dramatic move. the way he surrenders into it. 
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hanyu’s back arch and perfect split allow him to do elements no other male skaters can. his biellmann spin, for instance. i know, it’s ridiculous.
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and those are just two elements of dozens and dozens. hanyu is a kinetic wizard. i highly rec this record-breaking delivery of his olympic program. in front of his home crowd! he’s just… mind-boggling. i live for his smiles here.
exceptional skater, exceptional mentor: it’s time we look at another puzzle piece that made yuzu the way he is. the masterful brian orser is hanyu’s beloved coach. missing gold by just one mistake at the olympics 1988, brian is now committed to give others what he couldn’t have— successfully so.
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orser took the ice prince to gold twice, this hasn’t happened in 66 years. brian is the nicest and most supportive pooh carrier and yuzu’s utmost rock. hanyu’s talent rests safely in these hands.
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he gets strict about punctuality lmao! but other than that, his guidance is gentle. canadian he is, brian’s courteousness mixes well with yuzu’s politeness. their bond is strong. as. hell. 
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brian picked up yuzu from rock bottom several times. most fateful being hanyu’s accident with a fellow skater during competition warm-ups nov 2014. they collided at a high speed, it was unspeakably nasty. yuzu got knocked out for half a minute and had grave breathing problems but still decided to skate on with what later turned out as an almost-concussion. brian was the most worried ice dad in the world that day.
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yuzu cried and crouched and bled like mad and my heart has been broken ever since. i hope he never suffers like that again. promise me you don’t search up the video, it’s a harrowing watch like a stab to the chest. sadly enough, hanyu’s body has still been a notorious wreck, esp. ankle issues regularly give him a hard time 😔
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it hurts like a bitch with every jump landing but he takes meds and still manages to win, god knows how. sometimes even with crutches on the podium. at his worst, he’s still the best, it’s a tragedy.
he’s been recovering, or always is, but he pushes himself through injuries. his ambition and perfectionism are boundless. the cause is more important to him than his well-being. this is not an easy guy to stan once you see how he sacrifices and self-destructs. so, it’s good someone protects him. 
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mostly from himself because nobody has profoundly surpassed hanyu. he has let himself no choice than to contest himself. not even health, only age can stop yuzu. i think that brian understands this ‘curse of a genius’ effect. his mere presence can make hanyu say these rare words:
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his two other coaches contribute to that. tracy wilson (left) has proven to understand his playful side the best while ghislain briand (right) helps yuzuru deal with his fears. so you got 3 people taking care of the golden boy. brian once said: “he is very sheltered” and you can see it’s true.
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yuzu eased into learning english and communicates well with his coaches. like with everything, he studies hard and often forces himself to speak during interviews to practice. his skills are astounding. his speaking voice is also very soothing, very amicably low and high alike. yuzu is highly intelligent. he always says something eloquent and interesting.
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now, privately, hanyu is very much like you’d expect someone so devoted to skating would be like. he doesn’t go out, has no social media, can’t eat nor sleep very well. no cameras allowed during practice. it figures he is attached to winnie pooh, think about it. in the cartoon, pooh is someone who sleeps, eats, and engages with friends plenty. 
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these are the things hanyu can’t do, doesn’t have time/energy/incentive for. he is barred from balance in life but can at least admire this little carefree plushie for it. especially because pooh represents eating lots while yuzuru doesn’t have a good relationship with food (he says it doesn’t go well with jumps etc.), hanyu lives vicariously through him. 
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what’s more, you have to see how he throws himself onto others and never wants to let go, yuzuru is extremely cuddly. 
to the degree that mere social customs can’t meet how much he really needs. so, what else can he resort to, he loves mascots and plushies. it’s how the tale goes in japan generally, tough work ethic, high responsibility, high pressure, so people turn to cute fluffy things.
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he always fondles pooh’s head, even pretends he’s come to life so he has someone to snuggle with. i think that his isolated lifestyle doesn’t help. so, he gets his affection at least there, you can see how happy it makes him. and again: he does this all for charity.
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that’s why fellow skaters are so important to hanyu. it really brings out his social spirit and comforts him best, it’s so wholesome. i’ve not seen someone react so relieved to being embraced, like he’s not been touched for months. skating this, skating that. at the end of the day, hanyu wants love.
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as he once said, what motivates him is to express himself in the first place. hanyu is a romantic. it’s written all over him. it reflects in his music choices, his elegant motion, how he designs his outfits:
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… and how thoughtfully he talks about marriage. he has big plans for starting a family and coaching after he retires. i won’t be the only one squeezing lucky charm pooh in my imagination so it turns out well for him. please make this heart of gold heal and see all his wishes come true ♡🐻
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seoafin · 3 years
The countless of time jjk fanarts by kr n jp artists that appear on my twit tl up until twitter do their algorithm algorithmying and there's no more eng twit appear on my tl 😭 lmao help me! Your girl barely remember every hangul alphabets (self-thought and I'm a bit slow in learning langguage) and didn't know ANYTHING about japanese 😭.
Don't thank me, thank those big brain fanartists. I'm just delivering their wonderful works to yall 😇. Love the fact that we all go ham because of geto's back muscle. I mean it's a valid reason. 👀 Geto and rip!mc continuing massaging each other eventho they realise the thickening tension between them aNSKDBAKSB I am living!! Get on with the program, Geto. I know u can do it. I also pretty damn sure rip!mc wouldn't mind.
Aside from gojo's (pretty) hands, I also def see rip!mc fascinated by geto's hands and always comparing their hand size bc my god his hand just swallowed her hand when they intertwined it. Geto always laughed bc his thumb and pointer finger touch when its wrap around her wrist (her arms not that small, it just his hands are just big)
rip!mc goes around comparing her hand size to everyone else's. all gojo and geto can think about are how their hands are big enough that they could easily pin your wrists together
out of the blue you ask gojo to hold up his hand and when you put yours up, your eyes go wide bc his your fingers reach the middle of his!! you’re moving onto geto before gojo can even react. you leave him standing in the middle of the hall.
geto’s confused at first but goes along with it anyway. his hands are a bit thicker and rougher than gojo’s, but roughly the same size. when you move to pull away his hand wraps around your wrist, stopping you, and he stares.
geto has to excuse himself right after.
and then shoko's hands!! they're dainty and elegant and the perfect size to hold!! she takes good care of her hands too so they're manicured and soft to boot. for the next couple of days the two of you stroll the college holding hands 🥺❤️
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sykuui · 4 years
glint | kuroo tetsurou
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Kuroo x gn!reader
Genre: angsty. very angsty.
Warnings: none!
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Saturday 12:16p.m.
“Take two, tetsu!” You crouched on the dusty floor, holding your stomach from laughing so hard, surrounded by empty cardboard boxes.
You pulled yourself off the ground, the sweat making your tshirt stick to your back. Dust from the surroundings making your skin feel dry. However, the discomort was nullified by the presence of the tall, bed headed boy standing in the middle of the room. You and kuroo were finally moving in together after 2 years of dating.
He looked at you with one brow raised, amused at the sight. “This is the fifth time you’re making me do this.” He rolled his eyes, a mischievous smirk played on his lips. Getting back on your feet, you tiptoed towards him, sliding your hands into his hair.
“Come on. One last time.” You whispered putting your forehead against his. The sweat and grime creating a mingling tickle.
Hands wrapped around your waist. A short release of breath was felt on your lips, sending tingles down your spine.
“One. More. Time.”
Breathing a sigh of content, you lifted your eyes to meet his, a grin threatening to break out. God, the things this boy did to you.
“Tetsu..” you started. “What do you see when u look into my eyes?”
Kuroo chuckled, his eyes glinting in that special way that made your blood pressure drop. The grip on his shoulders tightened as you steadied yourself.
He looked into your eyes like he was staring directly into your soul. You, like an open book, with chapters upon chapters of writing and endless thoughts with your conciousness being the only thing binding them together. And kuroo, the one who reads you, studies you like the most complex yet delicate being known to humankind, with a catlike grace and elegance as if he might shatter you like with the slightest touch like the wing of a butterfly.
You two were like the sun to each other’s moon. Yin and Yang. One completing the other. Nothing could ever, and will ever, get between the two of you. At least that’s what you hoped.
Monday 6:59a.m. 3 years later
The blaring of your alarm clock woke you. Groaning in your still half asleep state, you throw a hand out to the right side of the bed, expecting a warm chest or back to meet it, but to no avail.
Your arm lands onto the cold sheets next to you. Eyebrows furrying at the lack of of your boyfriend on the bed you both shared.
He must’ve woken up early. Did he say he had his practice earlier than usual? You couldn’t recall.
But it was a Sunday, there was no practice on sundays. You shake your head out of annoyance. Memory was never your strongest suit.
Slipping out of bed, you head to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
The person staring back at you in the mirror looked different.
“Were my eye bags this bad?” Pulling slightly at the thin skin under your eyes. Dark circles evident on your usually even toned skin.
Kuroo had developed a habit of going out with his friends recently and you, being the worrywart that you are, would stay up till odd hours of the night waiting for your beloved to return.
At first he would be back by 11pm, but as the months progressed, so did the time he came back home. You tried not to let it bother you. Why should it? You loved and trusted him and you knew that he was capable of taking care of himself. But was his safety concerning you? Or was it perhaps..
The sound of running water paused your train of thought as you splashed cool water onto your face. You couldn’t bring yourself to ever talk about it with him. Something would always come up whenever you both found time for yourselves.
“Sorry, my friends and I planned to meet up.”
“Not today, sweetie. I’m taking some extra time with the team. I’ll be back soon.”
“I’m at kenma’s house. Wont be back till late.”
Every line followed by a chaste kiss to your forehead and a wave of goodbye while you stood there, eyes cast down with a meek smile on your face. You’ve pretty much heard every excuse in the book. So there was no reason as to why you couldn’t just confront him about it.
Wiping your hands on the towel, you stepped out of the bathroom and exited your shared room.
“Tetsu?” You called out into the halls.
No answer.
“Tetsu baby, are you home?” Maneuvering past the furniture and into the kitchen, your eyes searched the house. Empty.
He hasn’t come back.
You feel the same gripping feeling creep its way into your stomach, twisting your intestines into knots.
“Where are you?”
There’s one person who knows where he’d be if it wasn’t you. Kozume Kenma.
You pulled your phone out of the pocket of your shorts. A slight tremor in your hands as you unlocked it.
The line ringed thrice before a soft voice was heard. “Hello?” A sleepy voice spoke.
“Kenma! Im so sorry to wake you up like this but do you have any idea where kuroo is?”
“K-kuroo?” His voice’s tone much louder than before.
“Yes..” your fingers tapped anxiously against the back of your phone, awaiting a response.
A few moments of silence passed.
“Uhh I think he crashed at Lev’s place. Why? Did he not come home last night?”
“He didn’t. I’m sorry. I didn’t know who else to call so-“
“No, no. Please, don’t apologize. I’m always here to help.” Kenma cut you off. “It’s what friends are for.”
A sense of relief washed through you at his words. “Yes. You’re right. Thank you, by the way.”
You ended the call and grabbed your keys from the basket near the shoe rack.
Everything is ok. He’s probably just got drunk and stayed over at one of the boys’ house. Nothing to worry about, you affirmed to yourself.
Lev’s house was about a block away so it took you not more than a couple minutes to arrive.
You parked the car on the curb just outside of the house and pulled the keys out of the ignition.
You stayed glued to your seat for a minute, fingers drumming against the steering wheel.
“You can do this.”
A click of the car door was heard followed by the sound of your shoes against the asphalt.
Nervously biting your lip, you press the doorbell.
No answer.
You weren’t about to spend the next who knows how long waiting for one of them to open the door, so you gently push down on the knob. It’s open.
You stumbled inside, almost tripping over a pair of heels that were messily thrown right in front of the door.
A familiar pair of shoes lays near them. Also messily thrown around.
Kuroo’s shoes.
It’s Alisa’s shoes. It has to be. But doesnt Lev live alone?
Your heart started to race as you tried to convince yourself that it was nothing to be concerned about. Taking a deep breath, you decided enough was enough and that you were going to have to talk to kuroo about this.
You wandered further into the house, in search of your boyfriend, carefully avoiding the spilled juice in front of you.
The place was a mess. Beer cans and fast food packages littered the floor and tables. Broken glass and used napkins too. A party of some sort must’ve taken place. Surely no person can live like this.
After a couple minutes of looking around, you saw kuroo’s jacket hung on one of the chairs.
He’s here.
“That’s enough kuroo!” A female giggle resonated through the halls. You froze.
No. No it can’t be. You’re hearing things, the stress of the situation is just messing with you.
“Tetsu!” The female voice chimed again.
Tetsu.. that was the nickname you gave to him. The name that only you, were allowed to call him by. The name you gave him when you both had first met all those years ago. So who...
A breath escaped your lips, a burning feeling developing in your throat. The sound came from the room right across you.
Your mind now clouded with adrenaline.
Loud footsteps were heard as you speed walked towards the source of the sound. You didn’t care anymore. You just wanted your boyfriend back.
Your hand met the cool wood of the door and stopped. Eyes stinging from the tears. It’s now or never.
Pushing the door wide open, your breath caught in your throat at the scene in front of you.
Kuroo was on top of another girl. She was a giggling mess and he was no different. Their backs were turned to you.
They didn’t even notice you.
He didn’t even notice you.
Your emotions came crashing down like a tsunami as you stood there in silent pain. Watching the love of your life, with another girl.
A loud sob escaped past your lips. Slapping a hand over your mouth, you crumpled onto the floor on your knees.
Your eyes slowly lifted themselves up to meet his.
“How long... how long have you been..” It hurt. It hurt so bad that you couldn’t even finish what you wanted to say. What emotion were you even feeling? Anger? Sadness? In that moment, You felt everything and nothing at the same time. You lifted up your hand. The one which had the engagement ring on it. His promise to you. Did it mean nothing to him?
“No- it’s not what-“
“No, Kuroo. Don’t say anything.” you cut him off.
“How about you do one last thing for me, yeah?” Tears streamed down your face and onto the floor. Blurring your vision ever so slightly.
“Baby please-“ he started.
“No. No don’t.. don’t call me that, ok?” Forcing a smile onto your face, you gestured for him to sit down in front of you.
His mouth opened like he was about to say something, but he stopped and obeyed.
“Okay..” you wiped the tears from your eyes, not that it helped in any way.
Placing a hand under his chin, you tilted his head to the side. Hickies covered the nape of his neck down to his collarbone. Taking a sharp inhale, you let go.
“You don’t have to do this y/n. Just let me explain.” He grabbed both of your hands with his. The familiar feeling of his warm hands felt like home to you. He felt like home to you.
“Kuroo please. Just stay quiet.”
“Tetsu.. what do you see when you look into my eyes?”
“No, not right now not this.” He pulled you into his chest, arms coming in contact with your back. “Y/N please just listen to me.”
Breaking out of his hold you hold his arms in place.
“Kuroo. Im begging you. Do it for me. One last time.” Sobs escaping your lips. “One. More. Time.”
Your searched for that familiar glint. The one that would appear every time you asked him this question. It never mattered how many times, the glint and the look of pure love in his eyes kept you alive. It was your energy source and you needed it. You needed him.
His eyes stared into yours, but not the way that they used to, the love, the admiration, everything that kept you going... was gone.
And at that moment you knew, that you were fighting a losing battle.
It was time to let go.
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A/N: ahhh ok this is my first ever haikyuu short fic! I hope you liked it (`・ω・´) constructive criticism is always welcome and pls feel free to leave any comments!
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TW - mention of suicide on the last point
regulus hc
* doesn't drink too much, can hold his alcohol when he does drink which is only at social events
* smokes a LOT like he smells like a mix of muggle cologne and cigarette smoke but its actually a nice combo when u think of it
* he's fluent in German, the Blacks are ethnic Germans that fled to England during the early 1800s due to witchcraft pogroms. he also speaks french but that's because french is a symbol of elegance in magic circles
* openly says mudblood, he thinks of oc as an exception and throughout their relationship his dislike for muggleborns decreases yet increases, like he KNOWS now they aren't all primitive and illogical but he still hates the fact that he loves a muggleborn with everything in him. he resents them but he looks at them with a better lens now.
* he actually gets along really well with bellatrix and narcissa but he genuinely appreciated how logical and calm andromeda was, and he was like 12 when she left so he just later viewed her as some treacherous bitch but after falling in love with oc he appreciates andromeda deep down.
* he actually values blood purity, like he's not batshit enough to intermarry and is averse to incest but even in a perfect world, regulus would want pureblooded children.
* he genuinely doesn't CARE for blood traitors, in his eyes they are pureblood like the weasleys annoy him but at least they marry pureblood. anyone can change their belief systems and ideologies, no one can change their blood tyle and identity phenotype.
* the black brothers are tall idgaf, regulus is a solid 6'2.5 and regulus prides himself on the fact that he's seen as attractive he's extremely vain.
* regulus looks a LOT like his uncle cygnus (father of narcissa, bellatrix, and andromeda) and that's a good thing because regulus' father isn't attractive at all, regulus heavily takes after his mom's side (which is technically his dad's side but who's counting)
* regulus genuinely didn't feel comfortable killing muggle/muggleborn women directly because everytime he saw one, he thought of oc. he definitely liked killing muggle men though.
* regulus has a great relationship with his mother, it was initially built out of fear bur now its like an actual, almost healthy relationship because they share the same values and objectives. he'll never tell her about oc though, like ever.
* regulus likes lucius enough but everytime he sees lucius, who genuinely loves narcissa and vice versa, he is so fucking bitter and jealous because lucius and narcissa, as much as he likes lucius and loves narcissa, are such vapid individuals why the fuck do they deserve a love they can flaunt and show off while he has to hide his relationship with someone who is so genuinely pure and accepting?
* their relationship isn't healthy but regulus replays every mean word, every condescension, everything after her death and that is probably why he was so negligent with the horcrux, regulus couldn't have lived with the guilt
* his boggart is her dead body, regulus is deathly terrified of her dying because regulus always thinks she deserves better than what she has
* his patronus is a black crow, oc's is a raven
* she once told regulus she'd like to meet narcissa, she knew regulus' family were very blood purist but she always thought narcissa was so gorgeous and looked so pretty. regulus then scoffed and asked her "narcissa wouldn't even like you why do you have such an idiotic fascination with meeting my family when they will never like you?" and thats when she learned to never speak about his family.
* narcissa finds out, she knows that regulus completely separates his duties as a death eater/house of black scion/pureblood aristocrat from his relationship so she doesn't fear him running away like sirius did, and in a way she knows how angry regulus is and how conflicted he is. she constantly gets on his ass to break up with her but narcissa will never tell anyone how bad she felt when she heard from bellatrix on how reg had to torture and kill her. narcissa understands genuine love and she's vapid and bigoted and hateful, we won't pretend otherwise, but she feels deep down that this muggleborn girl didn't deserve all that, that she deserved a more humane life but she'll never tell anyone that. narcissa secretly felt happy that regulus found LOVE because she didn't want her evil death eater cousin to be lonely, even if it happens to be a muggleborn. narcissa was close to regulus, he was her favorite cousin. and when she found out, she made regulus tell her everything
* if regulus survived the horcruxes, he would've committed suicide i'm sorry but idk how he couldve moved forward. he feels an astronomical amount of guilt not only for killing her, but that he was a coward, he didn't treat her better. more than anything regulus wished he had a semblance of some courage and loved her the way she deserved.
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beyoncesdragon · 4 years
Aaaaaaaaah Babee i need part 2 of “Over now” please please 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hello sweet anon! 💕🥺 Well...because you asked so sweetly, i decided to write this for u...I hope you like this. Just know that Over now never meant to have a sequel, means when I wrote it, I kinda sabotaged myself by making it hard to...turn around. HOWEVER, please tell me what you think:) All the love, Nica💘
Over Now pt.2 (Sirius Black) 
Requested: yes! 
Warnings: the big sad, fluff, my writing 
Summary: Love always hurts at some point. Not always immediately, at least not with Sirius. But granted that at some point, love hurts. This is how it went.
My Masterlist
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Part 1
Sirius wasn’t sure what exactly it was or when it happened. He just knew that that giggling on the seat next to him had to stop, about right now. Before, he had not really taken notice of it, not really. Yet however…it annoyed him to no end. As he looked over to his right, it finally struck him; she annoyed him. Sweet, cute little Marls annoyed him to the point where he would’ve almost left the table early. Remus almost immediately picked up on Sirius’ change of demeanour (James was currently occupied with sneakily casting hiccup spells towards the Slytherin-table), the sudden frown that appeared on his pretty face and how tense he suddenly sat there. His unfinished piece of roasted chicken slowly sunk back down to his plate as he gave Marlene and Lily an annoyed glance.  Sirius couldn’t help himself but roll his eyes as they broke out in loud giggling over seemingly absolutely nothing again. Or maybe poor Ted Griffin, a sixth grade Ravenclaw that had somehow been cursed with the girls attention. And when Marlene suddenly leaned over, affectionately draping her arm around his shoulders, Sirius felt as if he would have to explode. He shrugged her arm off and got up, immediately earning a surprised look from Marlene. Remus merely looked up at him, he simply exchanged a meaningful look with James (who now had successfully caused enough trouble to turn back to his friends).
As Sirius stumbled up towards the common room, in a hurry he could not quite explain himself, his thoughts were all over the place. All over the place and with you, somehow. Not that they ever fully left you, how could they. After all, you still were important to him and the time spent together was nowhere near forgotten. Barely muttering the password he staggered into the common room, past the fire place and the comfy sofas and arm chairs, past the deserted tables and stacked up books and parchment. There was almost no one around, apart from…Sirius stopped dead on his tracks, almost like a deer in the headlights, eyes wide and glued on your frame. You just came rushed down the stairs from the girls dormitory, in a visible rush to get to dinner. You were already half an hour late and incredibly hungry. And you had promised your girlfriends to finally spend dinner with them again, it’s been a rough six days you had not joined them. When your eyes found Sirius, you as well stopped. But it wasn’t as abrupt as Sirius though, you held yourself with a more elegance. Maybe not confidence, seeing him still hurt more than you wanted to process. But looking at Sirius…he suddenly seemed to cope with it even worse. His eyes were still wide, now glassy and his face had lost almost all colour. He looked incredibly…lost all of a sudden. The silence was deafening around the two of you, tension as thick as the black liquorice pudding they always served on Halloween. Why none of you said something was not entirely clear: you had not parted in a bad way, no cheating, no fight. Just a bitter breakup. You had no reason to hate him, not really a reason why you should be mad at him. And he had no reason not to talk to you. He never despised you, had never been annoyed by you or felt mistreated. Still, silence. Until you finally cleared your throat, forced a smile on your face and nodded at him. Then you left, as quickly as possible and out of breath. Why you were out of breath you couldn’t tell; maybe because the tension had been too thick to breathe properly, or maybe it was because your throat had tightened up with a lump the second you saw him.
But Sirius? Oh Sirius was worse. After the quick encounter with you, he felt like someone punched him in a gut. Immediately after he entered his shared dorm, he crawled into his bead, pulled the curtains shut and buried his face in his hands.
He missed you.
It was a painful realisation, but not one that came out of the blue. First, he had just thought that it maybe was just him feeling sorry for you. Because he did, he felt sorry for you and he felt like an ass for breaking your heart like that. He hated making people cry, especially if he cared about them. And he cared about you, greatly. He never actually intended to just completely cut all strings but at the same time, he had not dared to somehow approach you. How could he even? It wasn’t his place to try to be friends with you, you had to be ready first. He had even hesitantly talked with Moony about it; hesitantly because he hurt as well, and because it had been two in the morning and Remus threatened to fall asleep even whilst he was talking.
But he missed you so much.
It was as if he lived through all the phases of grief at once. He couldn’t believe this was really it. He couldn’t, he didn’t wanted to. It was as if the time that had passed would mock him for his sudden low. It’s been a week, had it not? Sirius couldn’t think straight about it. With every breath he took he grew more and more angry at himself. He’d been stupid, wasted away in a crush, threw away what was so much more meaningful than a crush. Every angry breath he took seemed to cut off more and more of his airways until he found himself clinging to a series of short, forced breaths. Then sadness came, like a blue, thick silky wave. As soft as she was, she as well seemed to choke him the second she arrived. And with the sadness and the regret there came the memories: your scrunched nose when he first ran into you and ruined your notes, the grin when you watched him set up one of the marauders pranks, the little specks of colour in your eyes when the sunlight hit them right. He remembered how sweet you smelled and tasted, he remembered the feeling of resting his head in the curve of your neck and the tickle of your hair. He remembered your groggy voice in the mornings and your sleepy gestures of affection when you had too little sleep. He remembered you telling him how you loved him. He remembered always saying it back…until one time where he had not. He remembered the worry in your face when he told you that he had to talk with you about something. And he remembered the terror and hurt in your eyes before he turned around and left the classroom.
It got even harder to breathe when his mind wandered back to the moment in the common room. You still looked like you cried every night, but a bit better. You still looked hurt but yet more confident. You still looked like home to Sirius. But a home he had abandoned.
He jumped up, pushed the curtains of his four poster bed aside in a hurry and stormed out of the dorm. He needed air, he needed space just somewhere…
James, Remus and Peter were just about to approach the door and jumped back at the sight of Sirius storming out. James called after him, but Sirius wouldn’t even turn around before he disappeared.
He was gone for hours now. The three friends were concerned, (James not so much, simply because he knew about Sirius ability to get through about everything) they had looked for him everywhere. Sirius had taken the map with him, so they couldn’t even look him up there. There was one place where Remus suspected he could be. But that spot was sacred, for Sirius and well…you.
Remus felt shame bolt through his body as he looked over to you, curled up in one of the chairs around the fireplace. You were reading a book, Jinxes for the Jinxed, he meant to recognise. He knew it would be unfair approaching you about Sirius. He knew it would be wrong, not his or anyone’s place to now ask you to look for him. To look out for his wellbeing after you had struggled so much and were still struggling with the break up. It felt wrong even talking to you about Sirius’ possible feelings. But you were the only one Sirius would tolerate right now, so Remus assumed. So he went over, red cheeks of embarrassment and unable to meet your eyes once.
The air grew cold and colder as you stepped started to climb up the spiral staircase of the astronomy tower. You were out of breath from the fast pace you set for yourself as you exited the common room and headed straight towards where you knew he would be. The two of you had often spend your time here, cuddled up on the highest tower of the castle, as close as possible to the stars above you. You almost always had to sneak back, using the marauders map to track down Filch and patrolling professors, since you often got lost in time and stayed way past curfew. McGonagall once almost caught the two of you, but you somehow got away last pretty sure that she knew exactly who she was dealing with, but simply chose to turn a blind eye.
Sirius sat by the balustrade, feet dangling over the edge and the gaping black. He had heard you approach, of course he had. However, he couldn’t turn around. His shoulders visibly tensed up though, his gaze however remained somewhere in the far distance. He had his arms placed on the lower iron railing, his head rested right on to of them. From behind you wouldn’t be able to tell if he cried or not, but truth was that his face was stained with silent tears. Only when you walked closer, stopped behind him, unsure of what to do, he finally turned to you. Again, this thick, heavy silence poured over the two of you and hovered in the air around you. It was like the clingy smell of cigarette smoke, seemingly impossible to drive out and everywhere. Finally, Sirius rose his gaze, eyes meeting yours. And as he looked up to you, tousled curls and vibrant red lips from chewing them to bits, paired with his red rimmed eyes, a beautiful mess, you connected again. It was a weird, raw and vulnerable moment, a moment where somehow, in between all this grief, anger and hurt, all the love the two of you still felt for each other, gleamed up. Not gleamed like a star, more like a shy, hesitant candle after a cold blow. Greatly struggling to stand up straight again but still burning. As you dropped down next to him, carefully extending your hand for him to take it, the air around the two of you changed completely. It was no longer tense – though still rich with unsaid truths – it now was now calm and more vulnerable. He gripped your hand wordlessly, almost desperately intertwining his fingers with yours. His were icy and stiff, a sharp contrast to your warm hands.
“I’m sorry.”
It wasn’t quite clear for what Sirius was apologizing: him breaking up with you or for still being in love with you, perhaps for dragging you back into his mess or giving his superficial crush on Marlene so much weight. But whatever it was, you carefully leaned towards him, placing your head on his shoulders. You did not know what to respond anyways, but what was there left to respond?
Now, a relationship always hurts someone, doesn’t it?
And this time, Sirius Black, was the one.
But hurt passes, right? And with you on his side…maybe faster than anyone could predict.  
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Oh my gosh what about 40 except it’s her who texts the wrong person? With any of the boys I can’t choose lol
40. Called/texted the wrong person but she he was into it anyway.
Okay babe, this was a Very Good prompt. Originally didn’t plan to have quite so much smut but hhhhhhhh its midnight and i am worked the fuck up after a day of writing these things. Also it’s like 1500 words so I’m gonna chuck this one under a cut.
Also also, I went with Gwil because I haven’t had any gwil recs so blease be kind I don’t write him so often.
“u up? I need u” you sent the text quickly, hoping the guyyou’d had an off and on fuck buddy setup with would be around to answer.
“It’s 1am, why do you need me?”
More words than you’d expected. Normally he’d reply with athumbs up or down. But you didn’t think about it too much before replying. “myvibes out of batteries and my fingers aren’t working”
There was a long pause. Also unusual. Normally if he wasfree he’d reply within seconds. You glanced back up at the previous messages.Why was there a text in there about leaving your sweater at his place? You hadn’tbeen to his place recently. Your brain ticked over, slowly putting the piecesof the puzzle together until you realised your mistake. You took another lookat the name of the person you’d texted. GWILYM. Oh fuck. With all the speed youcould muster you began typing out a quick apology and explanation but beforeyou could hit send he’d responded.
“Poor baby girl. Can’t leave you like that, can we. Yours ormine?”
That was the last thing you’d expected him to say. Youshould let him know you’d texted him by accident though, shouldn’t you? Thatwas the polite thing to do. Your thumb hovered over the send button but youdrew it back again. The thing was, he was apparently not opposed to the idea.And if you told him you’d been thinking of someone else then he’d probably loosehis nerve or his interest. And really that would just leave you to booty call aguy who may or may not respond. But this was an almost guaranteed fuck. Sure,the potential for awkwardness was much higher but Gwil was very attractive andit wasn’t like you hadn’t considered it before. You deleted half the apologymessage and stopped again, reconsidering. Maybe he’d been joking. You retypedthe next three words of the apology. But he didn’t sound like he was joking. Sofuck it. Right? Yeah, fuck it. You’d just fuck Gwil instead of the guy younormally went to. You finished deleting the apology quickly typing back “mine?”
“I’ll be there in 10,” It came through a lot faster than theprevious messages. Okay. So he was coming over and he was eager. You lookedaround your room to make sure it was tidy enough for company, swinging yourlegs out of bed and walking towards your front door to wait. You stood, armsfolded over your chest for a couple of minutes, but the chill of the tiles creptup your bare legs, so you began pacing up and down the corridor, waiting forGwil to arrive. Around ten minutes later you heard a knock on your door, startlingyou from your reverie. You didn’t bother pretending to wait a few minutes,instead opening the front door before he’d managed to lower his fist. You weretoo worked up to worry about whether or not you looked desperate.
“Hi,” he said as soon as he saw you, “apparently you needme?”
All you could manage was to nod as you stepped out of thewalkway, letting him in.
“You that needy you can’t even talk?” He chuckled softly,dropping his overnight bag by the door and stepping in close to drag his thumbover your lips. You watched his eyes slowly creep up your body, taking in your nakedlegs and the oversized shirt you wore, “Good thing I’m here then, isn’t itdarling? Your room’s down this way, if I remember correctly?”
He laughed again as he let you go, turning to walk towardsyour room, trusting you’d follow. Which you did, of course.
“I think I know what the answer to this is but I’ve gottaask anyway, I was a wrong number right?”
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly, closing your bedroom doorbehind you.
“But you’re still okay with me being here?”
“Yes. I just really really need a good fuck,”
“Don’t worry about that, darling, you’ll get what you want.But you need to understand something. I’m not just some fuck. I don’t expect usto date after tonight or even for this to happen again. But I’m not just arandom booty call you can use and then lose. Okay? So if that’s a problem foryou, speak up now.”
“No, there’s no problem. I understand.”
“Good girl,”
You felt a shiver run through you with his praise. Or maybethat was because he was once again standing in your personal space, slippinghis hands under the hem of your shirt. You had to grab onto his arm forstability when his elegant fingers came into contact with your core.
“You poor desperate little thing. Completely soaked already.”
“Please Gwil, I want you so bad.”
“I know sweetheart. But, while you might be ready, I’m not. Youable to help me out?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth you were droppingto your knees, making short work of his fly and pushing his pants down hislegs. He calmly told you to wait as he stepped out of them and added his shirtto the pile before finally allowing you to touch him. With a look up at him tomake sure he was okay with the morning’s events you leaned in and ran yourtongue along his half hard length. You went as slow as you could manage consideringyou were running on pure need, trailing hot open-mouthed kisses up and down hisshaft until he grew impatient enough to warningly say your name. You took thehint, switching to suck on his tip as you pumped him slowly. He tangled his fingersinto your hair, making you hum as you slowly bobbed your head over him. He hadto remind you to be patient n a few times, his voice a low growl and his gripon your hair tightening slightly. But you could hardly be blamed for want tomove things along a little faster. You were just about dripping with how badlyyou wanted him in your pussy.
Eventually he relented, praising you for being such a goodlittle cockslut, sucking him off so well.
“But you want more, don’t you darling? Want me to fuck yourneedy little pussy?”
“God yes Gwil, please.”
He held his hand out to help pull you to your feet, “How doyou want me?”
“I don’t care,”
“Alright, I suppose you’ve waited long enough. On the bed,on your back. I’m going to watch your pretty face when you cum and I expect tohear you moaning my name.”
He didn’t have to wait long to hear it, a rough, “oh fuckGwil,” falling from your lips as soon as he entered you. The slight burn fromthe stretch only made it more delicious as you finally got what you’d so badlyneeded. Another shaky moan was pulled from you as he readjusted your position,lifting your legs up over his shoulders, letting him sink even deeper. Hestarted carefully, giving you a moment or two to adjust to him before he beganrolling his hips against yours. Almost gentle at first but your pleading formore, faster, harder had him changing his pace, thrusting into you roughly,making you cry out with every one. And he kept up a string of praise, callingyou a good girl for being so vocal for him, telling you how turned on he wasbut how fucking wet you were, how good you felt. You shook when you finally came,finally got the release you’d been craving, Your voice caught in your throatand you grabbed at the sheets so tight you thought you might have ripped themwith your nails. He kept fucking you through it, even when his own release hit,his grunts puncturing the air until you were choking out his name.
Carefully he pulled out of you. You were vaguely aware thathe’d got up, left the room, half expecting to find him gone when you finallysummoned the strength to move. But he returned a minute later with a glass ofwater and a warm cloth.
“Do you mind?” He asked, holding the cloth up. You shookyour head, and he cleaned you up as carefully as he could. When he was done hegave you a hand to sit up and handed you the water.
“Drink, Y/N.”
You mumbled a small thank you and gulped down the entireglass.
“Yes, thanks. Are you staying?”
“If that’s alright. I brought an overnight bag but I wasn’tsure.”
“I’d like it if you did. Plus, you must be tired after that,can’t ask you to drive now.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m gonna go pee. I’ll grab a change of sheets on my wayback.”
“Wait, put this back on,” He handed you the shirt you’d beenwearing when he arrived and you noticed his underpants were back in place.
Together you managed to get the sheets changed, and thencollapsed onto the bed, snuggling in close to each other.
“I don’t know if I want to know but can I ask how I compareto the guy you meant to text?”
“So much better. He usually leaves as soon as we’re done.”
“Maybe you should forget his number. Call me again.”
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