#her name is salmon ella
pierog · 2 years
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making daisy chains 🌼 i have no reason to visit turtle pope but do it anyway cos we’re mates
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bestnootella · 5 months
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Salmon Ella [She/Her], salmonoid idol who looks like a cutesy popstar but she sings heavy metal and hates Grizz Co. with a passion. Everyone clap and look at her!!!!
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dewdropstars · 8 months
I don't believe I properly introduced Ella so Here she is!!
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art by positivelyweird14
Full name: Ella Delannoy (pronouned Dell-an-WAH)
Age at the start of the game: 27
Birthday: Winter 28
Sexual orientation: Lesbian
Former occupation: Lieutenant in the Ferngill Republic Army
Love Interest: Abigail
Description: A quiet, hardworking gal from the suburbs of Zuzu City, Ella is new in Stardew Valley! After years of serving in the Ferngill Republic’s armed forces and firsthand witnessing the horror of battle, Ella is desperate for a change of environment. Will this shy woman rise to the challenge set for her by her grandpa? Remains to be seen!
Mbti: INFJ- the Advocate (keywords: intuitive, sensitive, meditative)
Loves: Potatoes, Poppyseed Muffins, Salmon Dinner, Fairy Roses, Hashbrowns, Stir Fry, Blueberry Tarts, Fruit Salads, Prismatic Shards, Rainbow Shells, Pearls, Peaches, Honey, Jelly, Cheese, Starfruit, Cheese Cauliflower, Complete Breakfast, Pizza, Pancakes, Chocolate Cakes, Pink Cakes, Rice Pudding, Sashimi, Maki Roll, Pumpkin Soup, Pumpkin Pies, Banana Pudding, Opals
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timetide · 1 year
Sail Away ϟ Bobbi
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TIMING: December 1, 2022 LOCATION: The Docks, White Crest PARTIES: @timetide SUMMARY: Bobbi takes her crew and sails away from White Crest's destruction! CONTAINS: N/A
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It was raining when the boys arrived, and Bobbi could hear the engine of John’s truck die down before a throng of footsteps began to descend upon her medium-sized fishing boat. 
She had told her crew to send their families away from town days ago and join her on her boat for one final sail. They all knew that something bad was happening to the town, and even if they weren’t sure what kind of bad it was and if it could be stopped, they were at least sure that it was time to abandon all hope. 
White Crest had been good to them, but with all the supernatural bullshit that had been plaguing the town, they needed to ensure their and their loved ones’ survival. Bobbi made her choice, too.
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John waited for her just outside the captain’s quarters, wearing a black shirt over his usual pair of jeans, the same ones he’d wear for an entire week, thinking that no one would notice. Bobbi noticed, but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t need to. “We’re good to go, Captain,” he greeted her with a wide grin, following her as they made their way to meet the others. “The last voyage of Salmon Ella, away from the town where the wicked rests.”
Her first mate no longer seemed as vaguely disappointed as he had been when they all discussed the town’s inevitable destruction. Bobbi didn’t attend the town hall meeting, having been busy with trying to retake the Jade Wind from the Lost Fleet but to no avail. In her place, Peter volunteered to go, only to return with the darkest of news. A dark cloud hung over the rest of the crew, and when Bobbi returned empty-handed, she realized it was finally time to make the choice: her past or their future. Easiest decision she had ever made.
“Are they all right?”
John nodded. “Pretty much. Families all left ahead of time, even the aunties. Your friends made sure everyone was accounted for. Didn’t know they knew each other?”
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“No,” Bobbi replied calmly. The faceless woman who owned the houseboats for rent around Finney Docks, except Bobbi’s, was an old friend of hers. The others were clientele for their side hustle in smuggling, too wealthy people that didn’t have much else to do with all their money. None of them knew what she really was, and only Mrs. Gao had any inkling that she was more than just a fisherman. The old woman even knew her Baizhou name, considering her as her lucky charm just because her houseboats started surviving every storm that tried to take the docks after Bobbi stayed. “They don’t.”
“Well, like I always say, glad we have you on our side, Captain. Docks’ been lucky that way. Wherever you go, we’ll go. Or we’ll at least try and pay you a visit, especially if it’s a country away,” John shrugged. It was no secret, especially between them, that Bobbi could have left town any time during the past year. The way she spoke too many languages made it clear to him that she wasn’t as bound to the town as the rest of them. She was the daughter of the world, and the world was now wanting her back.
She simply nodded at him in response, not even a faint trace of a smile on her lips. Bobbi had lost the very battle that made her stay in town, the very treasure that gave meaning to her life. Or so part of her still thinks. The truth was, Baozhai had been dead long ago. Ever since the Lost Fleet took her ship, the legacy of the man who rescued her from boredom in the mountains and gifted her with adventure through the seas. 
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Would he hate her for never avenging his vessel, the crew they had lost to the town? Bobbi tried her best to make it up to their descendants, the ones that stayed in town and made the docks their own. Maybe he would have hated her more for staying, for abandoning the adventures over the oceans of the world for the comfortable treasures of the surrounding waters of White Crest. But what could she have done? Piracy died with him, and there had been far more adventures without it.
“So, where do you guys want to go?” Bobbi greeted the rest of their crew, hands on her hips. Even without wearing a smile, she managed to still win them over. The boys cheered her, all excited, despite the dangling sorrow of future mourning. Some of them yelled out names of towns and cities on the opposite coast. Others went further and claimed locations outside of the country. 
From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Andrew, whose nose was broken by a newly made friend all those months ago. Bobbi had sent her a message about joining them but was politely rejected. She understood that the girl was probably busy with her own problems, she told herself all those days ago. Tracking down a loved one, your own mother, that you’ve never met was a more arduous task. Bobbi could only imagine what Christie, Cass, was going through, what she’ll be going through, but she was still proud that the kid was finding her own way.
“How about we tour the rest of the East Coast as we make our way to the West, eh?” 
The crowd cheered her suggestion, much to Bobbi’s discreet delight. She turned to John, giving him a nod, gesturing to take care of the rest of their departure. John was only too quick, and seemingly too excited as well, to take charge, fulfilling what could be his final tour as her first mate. In an ideal world, Bobbi would have kept him and all of them on her ship. With all things considered, however, especially the uncertainty of their lives outside of town, Bobbi wasn’t even sure she’d keep the ship.
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you're telling me this salmon is named ella??
Naming a fish a human name is one of the greatest excuses to get out of things like ‘oh sorry I can’t go, Ella wants me home by 8’ or ‘Ella is extremely sick so I have to stay home with her’
there’s also the whole ‘I ate Ella for dinner last night’
Which changes the meaning of eating Ella to three
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theyadoretree · 2 years
Sky x Trent moments. Sky fall.
Trent: So you're Cree?
Sky: Yes, I'm a Cree, and I translate in a language. I'm Native.
Trent: I didn't know that you're a Cree.
Sky: I am, you didn't know. I was on Pahkitew Island when I told the host Chris that the teams are Pimâpotew Kinosewak and Wâneyihtam Maskwak.
Trent: Oh yeah, I remember that guy Chris McClean. I used to be on Total Drama, and left the show for good. I was on three seasons. And what is that mean?
Sky: It means the Floating Salmon and Confused Bears.
Trent: The Floating Salmon and Confused Bears. That's good. You're good at translating this language, I didn't know that.
Sky: I was born a native in Saskatchewan.
Trent: Like with Cree Summer.
Sky: You know Cree Summer? I think I heard of Cree Summer.
You did. I was on the final season of Total Drama 5B.
Sky: Trent, Trent wait up. You kissed Heather, and Gwen broke up with you?
Trent: Yes, she did, Gwen told her team to voted me off for some reason and I don't want to go through it.
Sky: Because you have gone through the pain you have been suffering on the second season in Action Trent. You and Gwen had dated once, before that Asian girl Heather kissed you by the dock on the first season Island of the episode.
Trent: Because Heather thinks I'm a cliche, said about my music sucks.
Sky: She said that? To you about your music sucks?
Trent: She said something about my music sucks. Yes.
Sky: She did, said that. Did she try to sabotage you and hurted you, or did she actually made your ex-Gwen cry?
Trent: Gwen ran off crying, because she tricked me to kiss her from the help of her friend Lindsay.
Sky: So. What makes you think that you're...
Trent: I'm not the bad guy here Sky, I'm the good guy.
Sky: No you're not the bad guy here. You're innocent. Wait. You honestly think that between you and Heather kissed, now tell me the truth.
Trent: She just made it seem like it's all just a game.
Sky: Oh, so Heather and Gwen treated you so bad?
Trent: Yes, they treated me so wrong.
Sky: Trent you know what. mmm mmm. I don't even trust that girl Gwen, or that wacko mean evil from hell Heather, both of them did hurt you so badly.
Trent: Heather broke me and Gwen, but Gwen went behind my to break my heart.
Sky: You need a friend here. Listen, if you and I were dating, I'm gonna make sure that I promise that I will treat you right.
Trent: You're not gonna treat me bad?
Sky: I promise. I won't.
Trent: Thanks for comforting me Sky, I could have sometime to talk to.
Sky: You're welcome Trent, I hope you and I could make a good couple. Anytime.
Sky and Trent hug each other comfortably.
Trent: I thought you were gonna be Daveʼs girlfriend.
Sky: I told him no, I don't want him to be my boyfriend, I kissed him before so I stopped and push him away. I just want him to understand that he needs to get my name off his head. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend Keith. So Dave got really angry with me.
Trent: You had an ex? Named Keith. There's no way Dave can be jealous.
Sky: We're no longer together. I told Dave that he could be with Ella. I hope she treats him well. I just want him to stop obsessing over me.
Trent: Sometimes you just gotta move on. He was?
Sky: You had to move on, from ex-Gwen.
Trent: I clear her outta my head, and forget about them.
Sky: So no more Gwen and Heather?
Trent: No more Gwen and Heather.
Sky: Okay, from now on. I just want you to be with me.
Trent: And I feel like I want you to be with me, Sky.
Sky: Oh Trent Lennox, I could fall in love with you.
Trent: I like you Sky Chakroun.
Sky: I like you too Trent Lennox.
Trent: Let me be honest with you. Will be you be my girlfriend?
Sky: Would I be honest with you? Yes, I will be your girlfriend and you will be my boyfriend.
In few minute later. Trent and Sky had share a passionate kiss.
Trent: I think I love you.
Sky: I love you too.
Trent and Sky share another passionate kiss.
Another chat of Sky and Trent.
Sky: Mom, I would like to meet my new boyfriend, this is Trent.
Trent: Hey, good to meet you, Skyʼs mom.
Sky’s mom: Why don't you come on in and sit down.
Sky: I'm pregnant Trent. We're gonna have a baby.
Trent: We are?
Sky: Just like you wanted.
Trent: I knew someone wants a child.
Sky: We could be a family.
Trent: Like we could.
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daydreamingtomatos · 6 years
Saw a really really cute dog with heterochromia yesterday and tbh big want
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malleux · 4 years
Hey I have a request for corpse! I think during either his q&a livestream from a few years back or the one from last year he said he’s bad at cooking and I would therefore like to request the reader coming over to his place as like a ‘meal prepper’ who cooks like all kinds of meals for him and one time he invited her to stay for dinner? Idk if it’s too complicated lmao but I’m just really feeling some fluff rn
dinner. | corpse husband
-> Pairing: Corpse Husband x GN!Reader
-> Genre: Fluff, Crack
-> Warnings: Cursing
-> A/N: hi anon, i accidentally deviated from the request just a little bit, so i’m sorry! i hope it’s still okay!
send me an ask or a message if you’d like to be on any of my taglists!
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“Corpse, you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“I’m sorry! I really thought I had it this time.”
You walked into the small kitchen in Corpse’s apartment, looking haphazardly at the… creation in his cake pan. The inside of the cake looked something akin to a pudding, making you cringe.
“Did- did you cook it long enough?”
“Yeah? It said like 35 minutes. I did everything right, I thought.” Corpse’s tone became dejected and you knew he was beating himself up for messing up.
“You used the right amount of water?” You asked. He nodded. “Two eggs?” Another nod. “What size eggs?”
He shrugged. “Whatever you bought me in the fridge.”
You suddenly laughed out loud, making Corpse quirk an eyebrow. “Those are extra large eggs, so that you have more when you make them for breakfast, silly. The recipe needs regular sized eggs, that’s why it’s all weird inside.”
He didn’t say much, instead looking down at the tile floor. You felt bad for laughing, but you couldn’t help it. He truly was trying his hardest despite knowing that he wasn’t the best chef in the world. You stepped forward and placed a hand on his cheek, making him look at you. You pretended not to see the blush on his cheeks and fought to keep your own at bay.
“Tell you what. Tonight, I’ll come over and teach you how to cook my favorite dish. We can hang out and eat together, too. How does that sound?”
Corpse only leaned his cheek into your hand and nodded.
A few hours later, Corpse opened his apartment door, letting you in and helping you with the large bag of ingredients that you had brought with you from your own apartment down the hall.
He grabbed a large pack of uncooked chicken from the bag and looked at you questionably, but you just beamed up at him.
“Chicken parm!”
“So we’re cooking fancy shit, huh? Didn’t take you to be the high maintenance type.” Corpse teased.
You slapped him on the shoulder and he had a supress the small shiver that ran up his spine at the touch. “You know I love cooking- of course I’m gonna know some decent dishes. You just never eat anything other than takeout, but once you get a taste of my cooking you’ll never go back.”
“That or I’ll die from how bad it is.” You gave him a look. “Kidding. What do I need to do?”
You thought for a moment. “Coat the chicken in flour, then in egg, and then coat it in the crumbs I’m about to pull out. Sounds easy enough, right?”
Corpse nodded and got the supplies out, filling a bowl with flour while you pulled out a pan and began heating up the stove. He grabbed one of the chicken breasts and examined it for a minute before putting it in front of his upper lip and turning to you with a childish grin.
“I’ve got a moustache.”
“Corpse!” You snorted, covering your mouth to hide a laugh, “Get that away from your face! You’re gonna get salmon vanilla.”
“Salmon- what? Fucking salmonella? Say it right, you dunce.” Corpse laughed.
“You say it right! I don't want you to get Sam and Ella!”
Corpse was nearly crying at this point, doubling over from laughing as you threw your head back in another cackle. He could barely catch his breath as he grabbed a small bit of unused flour and flicked it in your face, giggling out a small “shut up!”
You gasped, suddenly feeling the powder cover your face and Corpse stood up straight, ready to apologize if he’d upset you.
Instead, you grabbed a handful of the flour and tossed it on him, running away laughing as he processed the white powder now adorning his black shirt before smiling and taking off after you.
“No! No, let me go, I’m sorry!” You cried out as he caught up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and hoisting you up to bring you back into the kitchen. “Give me your shirt, I’ll wash it! I promise!”
Corpse smirked, still holding onto you as you struggled in his grasp. “You want me to take my shirt off?”
You flushed, realizing what you’d said. “No- oh my God- Please! Put me down and we can finish the chicken permission!”
He laughed again, “Only if you promise to start saying words right.”
“Okay! I promise!”
Corpse set you down gently and you both stayed silent, taking a moment to catch your breaths and soothe the ache in your cheeks from smiling so much. It seemed like every time you were in Corpse’s presence, you were smiling. You were the happiest when you were with him and you certainly weren’t complaining about it.
The rest of the dinner preparation went without a hitch, despite Corpse’s nervousness about messing something up. You watched him out of the corner of your eye often, checking on him and making sure he was okay. Not once did he mess up. You were proud and made sure to tell him often.
Finally, the dish was finished and plated. Flour covered most of the kitchen, but the dinner was complete and looked delicious. You couldn’t wait to chow down.
“You’re- you’re staying for dinner, right?” Corpse looked back at you as he headed to his couch to sit down
“No, I was going to simply leave.” You responded sarcastically.
He rolled his eyes, holding back a grin as you grabbed your own plate and followed him to the living room. You both ate your first bites of chicken at the same time, Corpse watching you for your reaction.
“It’s perfect!” You exclaimed, “At this rate, you’re gonna be like that chef off of Ratatoodie. What’s his name? Linguine?”
Corpse let out an incredulous breath at your purposefully awful pronunciation. “Shut the fuck up, oh my God.” He joked.
You laughed and leaned your head against his shoulder. “For real, though, it’s amazing. You did amazingly and I’m super proud of you.”
Corpse stayed silent, only reaching an arm around you and squeezing your shoulders as he scrolled through Netflix to find a movie to watch with your dinner before finally speaking up.
“If I’m Linguine, then you’re the little rat helping me out and supporting me behind the scenes.”
“Aw, Corpse- wait, did you just call me a rat?”
corpse taglist: @namjoons-crabssss @lookingforaplacetosleep @teenloves @princess00wifi @pillowjj @nvm-idgaf @creativedogs @wildflowerwhore @chillininahottub-withaghost @whyisquill @holosexualunicorn7000 @ourheavenlyemotions @corbins-kinda-smart @harryhighkey @sokkaspaintings @saturn2000 @a-dot-dev @bean04 @helena-way07 @tooturntashbash @locallolli @simonsbluee @redperson58 @reddeserths @annshit @corpsie-bby @emperor-pizza @vacaprincess @adorably-sweet-hufflepuff @rolls-and-rolex @supernovavision @bestgirlkonan @hughugh20 @theolwebshooter @johnjacobjingleheimerschmidt @shinyyoonie @milybones @propertyofdindjarin @qatiee @sunshineandrainyflowers @dontlookatmeidk @kxsmicsmain @corpsesgirl @witchybarb @princessnnylzays @petit-chausseur-detoiles @mmonamona @heartbroken-writer @squintyangel @crapimahuman @honestlyimstilllivinginthe90s @mute-chaos @bluewneptune @yongboxerrr @emmapotato88 @devilish-ducky @marmaladebreadwithhoney @chimchimsugakookies @redlikeiron @crystalbaby12 @persephoncs @btsiguess-kpop @utopiakys
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www-ghost-com · 3 years
sbi/bench trio but its actual quotes from my friend group
wilbur: i don’t want to get salmonella! phil: yeah, but if you met a salmon named ella you’d probably want her wilbur: SHUT
ranboo: wait tommy do you know shapes? tommy: uhh
tubbo: yeah tommy, do you know basic shapes?
tommy: YES??
tommy: yeah i think i’m gonna get out of this tree
ranboo: yeah, me too
tubbo: what do you guys mean, i’ve been up here for weeks!
ranboo and tommy: *confused and concerned silence*
-------------------------- wilbur: actually all of the ocean is sexy thank you very much wilbur: ... wilbur: i don’t mean that in a romantic way, i am not a fish fucker. techno: gettem, boys! ------------------------- tommy: *watching ranboo and tubbo doing their platonic husband shit* tommy: i love being a third wheel
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Demario Ellis *Supporting character
Voice Claim: (John Boyega) https://youtu.be/BXcVT-Gwd8s?t=92
Partner(s): In a relationship with Millie Sheperd. Parents: Imani Ellis and William Ellis. Kids: None. Siblings: Kofi, Coco, Yara and Kamil. Age: 23 (2021) Birthday: 10th of August. Height: 168cm (5.5ft) Body type: Slim but muscular. Eye color: Dark brown About: Athletic, Cheerful, Open-minded, Protective, Spontaneous, Playful, Outgoing, Confident, Friendly, Charismatic, Flexible, Active, Caring, Helpful, Reliable, Fun-loving, Competitive, Popular, Self-conscious, cheeky and Loyal. ~ Law student/professional dancer. ~ Sexuality: Bisexual. ~ Has short dark brown/almost black hair ~ British. ~ Once broke his toe dropping a 5 kilo bag of carrots on it. ~ Lives with a work buddy. ~ Is very close to his family. ~ His little brother Kamil is his biggest admirer. ~ Grew up in a wealthy family, father being an Orthodontist, and his mother being a Psychiatrist.  ~ Was best friends with his girlfriend for several years before they became a couple. ~ Is very determined to make something of himself in life. ~ Always pleasant to be around. ~ Is crazy about fruity cocktails/soda’s/teas. ~ Barely drinks anything but iced tea in the summer. ~ Used to work at a donuts store, now can’t stand the smell of them. ~ Is a very uplifting person to be around. ~ Has a loud warm laughter. ~ Can be quite flirtatious in his way of communicating, but it’s just his nature, he isn’t really flirting. ~ Horrible cook. ~ Always the center of the attention in large gatherings. ~ Parties every weekend. ~ Radiates confidence and good vibes. ~ Probably wins you over within 5 minutes with his charm/charisma/cheekiness. ~ Could go several days without showering and still smell great, as he hardly sweats. Showers every day though. ~ Smells like: Some expensive perfume, you can smell he spent money on. ~ Is always getting into tickle fights with his girlfriend. ~ Would love to take Millie to UK one day, and show her around. ~ Dislikes ketchup. ~ Laughs a lot. ~ Can’t stand the smell of wet paint. ~ Often forgets people’s names, doesn’t mean to, he’s just forgetful when it comes to names. ~ 9/10 would dance away from his problems if it were a real possibility. ~ Sleeps on the right side of the bed - it’s not a debate. ~ Loves: Millie, dancing, fireworks, fries, partying, honey, peaches, paprika, people with a good sense of humor, spicy food, scuba diving, graffiti, basketball, inline skating, rutabaga, salted peanuts, grilled salmon, watermelon ice cream, mango smoothies and going clubbing. ~ His style is expensive but relaxed. He doesn’t have a lot of clothes, cause he prefers quality over quantity. ~ Doesn’t like to make promises, cause he hates letting people down, if he doesn’t manage to stick to them.
Demario’s tag Demario’s house/home Demario’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One song to describe him: Jason Derulo - Take You Dancing Personal Playlist: 1. Pa Salieu feat slowthai - Glidin' 2. Missy Elliott - Cool Off 3. Gorillaz - Ascension (feat. Vince Staples) 4. Russ Millions x Tion Wayne - Body 5. Nadia Rose - Skwod 6. MEDUZA - Paradise ft. Dermot Kennedy 7. Gorillaz Feat. Snoop Dogg and Hypnotic Brass Ensemble - Welcome to the World of Plastic Beach 8. Rihanna - Where Have You Been 9. Ocean Wisdom - Walkin' 10. Sex Murder Party (feat. Jamie Principle & Zebra Katz) 11. Dizzee Rascal - Bassline Junkie 12. Missy Elliott - WTF (Where They From) (feat. Pharrell Williams) 13. Bruno Mars - 24K Magic 14. Skepta - No Sleep 15. Gorillaz - Strobelite (feat. Peven Everett) 16. N.E.R.D & Rihanna - Lemon 17. Octavian - Lit ft. A$AP Ferg 18. Usher - Don't Waste My Time (Official Video) ft. Ella Mai 19. Calvin Harris - Feels ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, Big Sean 20. Gorillaz - Sorcererz Bonus: JUNGLE - KEEP MOVING
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muttnick · 3 years
Five star chef lady, specialty is salmon, her name is Ella, they cal her 'Salmon Ella' siri post that immediately
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STUDIO CITY, CA – August 3 – Tom Everett Scott (That Thing You Do!, “13 Reasons Why”), Mía Maestro (“The Strain”) and Ella Ballentine (The Dark and the Wicked) star in the new original drama, “Rise and Shine, Benedict Stone,” based on the novel written by Phaedra Patrick, premiering Sunday, October, 3 (9 p.m. ET/PT), on Hallmark Movies & Mysteries.
Benedict Stone (Scott) and his wife, Emilia (Maestro) have separated after 10 years of trying for a baby. Benedict wants Emilia back, but Emilia needs space to figure out what she needs. So, when Benedict’s teenage niece Gemma (Ballentine) mysteriously arrives on his doorstep his life is turned upside down. Benedict and his brother have been estranged for two decades but Gemma assures him her dad knows she’s there. When Gemma finds out that Benedict and Emilia are separated, she makes it her mission to get them back together. Love conquers all, doesn’t it?
“Rise and Shine, Benedict Stone” is from Crown Media Productions, LLC. Nancy Bennett is executive producer. Charles Cooper is producer. Peter Benson directed from a script by Melissa Salmons based on the novel of the same name, by Phaedra Patrick. The novel is published by HQ in the UK and Park Row Books in the United States – both publishers are part of HarperCollins. The film rights were optioned through Sheila David of the Darley Anderson Literary, TV and Film Agency. 
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lateknightsimmer · 3 years
Sims Tag Game
Pick a sim of your choice
Tell us about them
Tag someone else (if you want to!)
I was tagged by @lilyshadowwriter to do the Sims Tag Game. Aww, haha, my first little thing I’ve been tagged in since I started paying attention to my Tumblr again. Thanks! You’re a sweetie. I’ll tag @freckled-pixels because I ♥ wuv her. LOL.
I’m choosing my Generation 3 heir from Echoes of Eternity, the current generation I’m writing.
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Name: Armand Decimus Hunt
When is your sim’s birthday? Mimicking LilyShadow here, I’m a bad Sim Mom. I have a super nerdy reference sheet of everyone’s ages, from Generation 1 - Generation 3 (both main and supporting characters, yes like I said I’m super nerdy), but I didn’t give them any specific birthdays. I do know that as of the most recent chapter, Armand is 22.
What is your sim’s zodiac sign? *has to go in game to look it up* *pretty sure I just randomized it* *so if Armand’s personality that I wrote has nothing to do with his zodiac sign, that’s fucking why* ----  VIRGO.
Marital Status: Single.
Does your sim have any nicknames? No. I have bad RL experiences with nicknames, so I tend to not nickname my Sims either. Unless it’s like an obvious shortening that’s something like Maximus (my legacy founder), and he gets called Max. But no nicknames like he has a quirk, so he gets a nickname. None of that shit. LOL. Armand’s name is two syllables and calling him “Arm” or “And” just sounds stupid. LOL.
Do they have a job? Armand just graduated from college, and he is still looking for a job.
Where does your sim live? Armand lives in this three story split level house in Twinbrook, Louisiana.
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Who does your sim live with? Armand lives with his best friend, Remy, a Louisiana native.
What environment did your sim grow up in? Armand had a neglectful, spiteful mother, and a kind, loving father. They couldn’t have been more polar opposite from each other. Literal environment wise, Armand grew up in Silicon Shores, California.
What is your sim’s favorite food? *goes in game again to look because doesn’t know* *again probably randomized* *shitty Sim Mom, knows it* --- GRILLED SALMON. Armand is damn fancy.
What is your sim’s favorite drink? Alcohol - Armand likes screwdrivers, they’re pretty simple yet delicious. Non-Alcohol - Armand likes 2% milk.
If they have one, what is your sim’s favorite color? *goes in game again* *doesn’t know* *you know the drill now* --- LIME.
Is your sim introverted or extroverted? Introverted.
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What is your sims favorite woohoo position? Armand enjoys being on top of the girl he’s woohoo-ing with so he can see her reactions. He wants his partner to have ultimate pleasure, and the girl’s face often reflects whether the pleasure is there or not.
Is your sim a pet person? No. Armand is often lost in thought in his head, he’s self-aware, but he has a lot of things to think about. He doesn’t really want to put his mind in a place where he might accidently neglect a pet just because he’s spacing off about something.
Does your sim have a best friend? Yes, Armand’s best friend is also his roommate, Remy.
What is / was your sim’s favorite school subject? Art class, anything that has to do with painting, drawing, or sketching.
Are they planning to go or have they already been to college? Armand just graduated from college. He’s been done for about a month.
Does your sim have a favorite TV show? Armand likes Penn & Teller’s Fool Us. It’s a magic show where Penn & Teller try to guess how a magician does his trick. They also give magicians whose tricks they cannot guess a chance to perform at their venue in Las Vegas. This is Armand’s favorite show because it reminds him of his father (a magician), whom he loves and adores dearly.
Does your sim like books? Armand has mixed feelings about books. On one hand, they remind him of his terrible mother, but it’s not like he won’t touch the things. The memories suck, but he did read his textbooks when he needed to for college. However, he wouldn’t turn to books for fun.
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What is your sim’s personal style? Armand has a bit of a rock star style, he has some shirts that are ripped in just the right places, and he’s not afraid to wear something that looks a little messy. Armand’s family has a dark hot pink hair gene, started from his great-grandfather, Alexander Hunt, which makes Armand not shy away from bright colors in his outfits.
Is your sim religious? Not really. Patrick (Armand’s father) raised Armand with good values, but they weren’t tied to religious ideals. Although some of them might have similar ideals, like treat others with kindness and respect, it wasn’t religion that was the driving force behind it.
What kind of music does your sim listen to? Armand likes when he plays the guitar, although he hasn’t written anything himself, he does like what he plays. He also likes pop music, like the song Ghost by Ella Henderson.
What is your sim’s favorite type of weather? Armand likes California weather, sunshine, a light breeze, 70s for the high, 40s for the low. He doesn’t like a lot of humidity, he’s finding out as he lives in Louisiana for now. LOL.
Does your sim have a dream job? Armand would love to paint and be a famous artist, selling his art to high end galleries. He just wants to let his creativity out and be paid for it. LOL.
Does your sim have any siblings? No. Armand’s parents didn’t get along very well after he was born, so they never came together long enough to make or want to make any siblings for their son.
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Does your sim get along with their family? Yes and no. Armand’s always gotten along with his father, grandfather, and grandmother. He never got along with his mother, who is now deceased. He does get along with his new step-mother.
What is your sims favorite hobby? Armand loves to sing and play his guitar.
What does your sim look for in a romantic partner? For now, Armand has just been playing the field, he’s slept with a few women without searching too hard for romance. All he knows is he doesn’t want anyone who remotely resembles his crazy dead mother. 
What is a flaw your sim has? Armand has a traumatic past so he has a bad habit of getting into cycles where his brain makes him think he hates himself and that he’s worthless. He knows at this point that none of that is true, and he’s working on it.
Does your sim have a greatest achievement? Armand is still young and he has his whole life ahead of him, but he would probably say his greatest achievement for now, is that he was able to overcome the bad memories that he associated with his childhood home. He recently visited his parents’ home for Thanksgiving break and he was able to feel happy while being in that house, which is something he’d never been able to do until now.
If they have one, what is your sim’s greatest regret? Armand’s mom died young, and their relationship had always been super shitty. His regret is that he couldn’t patch things up with her (if that was even possible) while she was alive.
Wooo! Thanks for tagging me! ♥ This was great fun.
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humanbra · 3 years
Tagged by @mego42 (thank you! I exist???????)
1. Name/Nickname: Alice
2. Pronouns: she/her
3. Star Sign: Capricorn
4. Height: 1,74m
5. Time: 13h25
6. Birthday: January
7. Fave Bands: Queen, The Pretty Reckless, The Beach Boys
8. Fave Solo Artists: Adele, Ava Max, Billie Eilish, Ella Mai, Khalid, Lady Gaga, Clara Luciani
9. Song stuck in my head: well now that I’ve written the beach boys I have I get around in my head, who knows how long that’s gonna last
10. Last Show: The Good Fight
11. Last Movie: rewatched avengers: endgame for crying and pain purposes (: 
12. When Did I Create This Blog: about a year! still don’t understand shit!
13. What Do I Post: next to nothing! because i don’t understand this hell site! :)
14. Last Thing I Googled: intestines inflammation (i’m having issues. it’s painful. this tagging game is getting way more personal than intended)
15. Other Blogs: i already can’t manage the one i have
16. Why I Chose My URL: inspired by the icon liz lemon <3
17. Do I Get Asks: i don’t think so?????
18. Following: idk :/ not much
19. Followers: idk :/ NOT much
20. Average Hours Of Sleep: 8 to 9
21. Lucky Number: 10 I guess?
22. Instruments: used to play the piano now i play a little ukulele, way easier, except i don’t have any rhythm 
23. What Am I Wearing: jeans & long sleeves (but they are pretty items alright?????)
24: Dream Trip: away from my house and everyone i know
25. Favourite Food: if it’s FOOD then rice, if it’s MEAL then idk too many choices why do you ask, but also salmon spaguetti
26. Nationality: French
27. Languages: well french, english, and spanish (trying to learn german *clown emoji*)
28. Favourite Song: oh come onnnnn that’s too hard (bohemian rhapsody)
29. Last Book Read: Tina Fey’s biography
30. Top 3 Fictional Universes I’d Like To Live In: 30 Rock, Harry Potter (unless I’m a muggle that shit’s embarassing take it back) annnnnnd wandavision 60′s? idk sounds fun
I’m late to the party sooooooo
thanks for coming bye *hand emoji*
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frostsinth · 4 years
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- Ends with Jazz Hands, panting. Comically slips and falls onto floor, but is too tired to rise again-
OK I FINISHED THIS BITCH! Here’s a group shot for my current (and first!) Dnd campaign group! The lines took a century, and my hand kept cramping. And let me tell you, FIVE CHARACTERS HAVE A LOT OF HANDS!! I think I only fully hid one hand of 10. But let me introduce them!!
On the far left, we have Orion Vidar; Rogue Chaotic Neutral Elf! Currently attempting to steal the Spirit Weapon (that is most definitely not his). Bi, flirtatious, and all around spontaneous trouble maker. He’s not quite sure how he ended up in the group, but as he’s slept with half of it, he’s content to stay for now. 
In the middle back: Vesper [Redacted]. Half-orc cleric, Lawful Good (I think). Running joke in the group that as the player has never picked a last name, hers is a well kept secret. A lot of her personal history is slow coming, and even her favorite color is [redacted]. She’s begrudgingly become the group mom, as she’s the only one with any common sense! Asexual, does not want anything to do with shenanigans; often stays back at the inns when the troublemakers go out. That’s her spirit weapon Orion is trying to steal.
Far right in the back; Abhilash Graystorm (MINE!). A true Neutral tiefling monk who was raised in the wilds by a band of monks displaced from their ancestral home. Abhilash has a complicated past, but all the party has discovered so far is that he is woefully naïve of the world (and not afraid to question it), and is a hoarder. Seriously, the man picks up freaking EVERYTHING and keeps it. Currently, he has a small birds egg (probably rotten by now), a multi-colored di, a small candle, a broken piece of a chandelier, a small wooden figure, and some random mirror shield. He may be attempting to take Ella’s feather from her cap here to add to his collection. He’s very playful and childish, but becomes very quiet when asked about his life prior to the group. He’s asexual as well, absolutely uninterested in anything or one that isn’t new and exciting (the boy can’t sit still).
On the bottom right is Ella Char, halfling bard extraordinaire! I believe she is a Lawful Neutral or Neutral Good. She’s sweet, bubbly, and always up for some fun. Possibly the glue that holds the group together, since she keeps the peace. Wingman to Orion, the pair get up to a lot of trouble together! However, her friendliness has gotten the group into trouble more than once, as she insists on talking to strangers and monsters rather than attacking them, losing the group the element of surprise!
Finally, on the bottom left; Mica Mossflower who is a Lawful Good barbarian class of the Otterfolk of New Riveria. Mica has a lot of wives he left behind to come on this adventure, and likes to hit things hard and fast with his sword. He’s a master carver, and wants to see the world before he goes back to settle down at home. He is pretty friendly and level headed, but simply does not get the world of “humans” as he puts it (which is funny, as no one in the group is human). Loves salmon without shame, and is one of Orion’s past sexual partners.
This was quite the undertaking with so many different characters. But I had a lot of fun doing it. I would definitely do it again. Orion and Abhilash I’ve drawn separately before, but it was my first time drawing the rest, and they had no real references. It was fun to get to try my hand at all the different varieties!
Want to commission me for your own DnD character? DM me for details! Check out my stories on my MasterList, and click the #monster doodles to check out more of my artwork!
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sassylilnobody · 4 years
Mistress Tremaine
Extravagant silk pooled around my ankles in the most feminine fashion as I stepped from an old, well-used carriage. The smell of rusted bronze trimming danced around me in a light breeze, raising the hair on my exposed neck and rustling my pinned hair.  A footman gently held my gloved hand in attempted assistance, but I snatched it from him, suddenly irritated. Quick apologies spewed from his mouth, doing little to hearten my dampened mood.  
I walked ahead, just as I had been taught to decades ago, with my shoulders back, spine straight, and chin high. A woman, and most especially a lady, must always carry herself with a sense of dignity and poise, even when carrying the heavy burden of grief.  
Dignity and poise. The words rang throughout my head as I continued my journey up a stone walkway that led to what was supposed to be my new home. The change of scenery seemed to be of little consequence to my daughters Anastasia and Drizella. They stumbled behind me, their obnoxious laughter and snide remarks towards the working staff of the chateau bearing great indication towards their entitlement and ignorance of the world. My mouth pulled tight at the edges, my face flushing at their remarks.  
Shame flooded through my body, twisting my stomach into knots and causing my legs to stiffen. Nevertheless, my posture never wavered, even as I stepped through the threshold of the grand home. An innocent smile of a child greeted me, her head a mop of blonde curls that cascaded down her back.  
I frowned, looking to my newly wedded partner beside the girl. “You didn’t tell me you had a daughter.”  
Screaming, I threw an empty vase against the hearth, reveling in the explosion of shattering porcelain. Fire danced in the brick flue, reacting to the moving air it was meant to breathe. The contrast between the two scenes was almost laughable, but my rage was brighter than a forest succumbed to orange flames. Yes, fire could be gentle and warm, but it was also capable of unleashing chaos.  
Ella, the only piece of my late husband I had left, stared around the doorway to what was now my bedroom. Her mourning soul reflected my own, her eyes being the only ones to truly understand my anguish.  
“Is there anything I can do to help you through this?” she asked, her voice hoarse from what had to be crying. She was very quiet and couldn’t meet my eye.  
Rationally, I knew that she needed someone to cry on just as much as I did. Her father and my husband, a man whom we’d both loved with all we had, was suddenly and viciously ripped from us without so much as a goodbye. Despite this, my voice spoke of its own accord.  
“Get out.” I didn’t look up from my place on the floor, but I knew she was hurt by the words. Softly, she walked away. Her steps seemed hesitant at first, but as she moved, they gradually became heavier. As the sound faded away, I knew that she had to be running.  
The rest of my body sunk to the floor, dignity having been long forgotten. I curled around myself, choking on tears. Everything shook, making it hard to breathe. Devastating, convulsing sobs push their way from my mouth before I could think to stifle them, my heart pouring every piece of wretched, grief-stricken emotion I’ve ever felt out into the world.  
Poets often speak of pain and tragedy, but never do they explain how one is meant to pick themselves up after they fall. I suppose the descent is often easier to express, for great heroes die like stars. But what they don’t talk about is what you’re supposed to do when you’ve been stabbed through the heart, but survive the steel scraping the organ. What do you do when you’re expected to get back up?  
I found myself slipping farther and farther from sanity as time passed. Days turned to weeks, and weeks to months. It all passed quickly I noticed, but each individual day progressed agonizingly slow. Ongoing insomnia enhanced my irritability and my body ached in the strangest of places. I soon found that socializing was beyond exhausting, so most of my time was spent in the massive chateau my husband left me, my only company being his ghost.  
Since dismissing the working members of the household, Ella was scarcely seen. She ran to and fro about the space, maintaining the house as best she could with nothing but elbow grease and her bare hands. She managed to put aside her grief while she worked, and she took demands without the slightest hint of frustration or anger.  
Somehow, her calm angered me. Ruthlessly, I commanded her to complete the most overwhelming amount of work. Whether I wanted her to scream, fight, or simply leave, I didn’t know. Day after merciless day, I howled at her. I called her the most hideous names and mocked her pain. I knew that I was being cruel, but I had lost the ability to care. Despite this, never once did she complain or show that she was upset. She would smile, and simply say, “As you wish, Madame.”  
Even the day she ran away, the only reaction she would give me was a smile. She had mounted her horse in the middle of a blizzard, tears trailing down her ash-streaked face. With bloodied hands from cleaning up broken glass and a dirt stained gown, she rode hard into the distance, crying the name she had been reduced to: Cinderella.  
The entire town was in an uproar. Seamstresses bounced around their shops, reveling in the surplus of business that had been provided by the grace of the King. Streets swarmed with bustling people, each one making haste to prepare for the upcoming event. The King had not only declared that there will be a ball held at the palace for the prince to find a suiter, but that there was an open invitation to every maiden in the kingdom.  
My girls squealed with excitement over the news, and for once, I agreed with the sentiment. If one of them, and it was a long shot that it would be, were able to snag the prince, then they would be saved from the squaller that my husband’s death had reduced us to. We would no longer be eating scraps. We could hold parties again. I just might be able to manage an estate for myself, never having to worry about my children having a roof over their heads.  
The days preceding the ball were a blur, but I can recount that they were some of the most exciting of my life. The girls finished last minute touches to their hair and gowns, and my heart welled up with pride as they descended the stairs and met with me in the parlor.  
“Oh, my beautiful babies,” I sighed, fanning my face with my hand to keep from crying. “I never thought I’d see you both dressed this extravagant again. Since your stepfather’s passing, I had begun to worry that you wouldn’t be able to live the life of luxury you deserve. I-,” my was cut off at the sight of a third body coming into the parlor.  
She held up a hand, silencing my rising questions. “It cost you nothing,” she said in a reassuring tone. “This dress used to be my mother’s. I’ve taken it up, and with it being the finest gown I own, I would very much like to wear it to the ball tonight.”  
She grinned, and for the first time in months, there was hope in her eyes. Now that I saw her, I noticed that she held herself differently then she had been. Her head was up and not once did her gaze fall to the floor. She assumed a confident posture and her complexation seemed to glow. Though the pale salmon fabric that hung from her shoulders didn’t flatter her much, it was easy to see why she was known through the town as an angel. She was truly one of the most beautiful young women I had ever seen.  
My eyes narrowed at her, gaze distrusting. “For what reason do you wish to attend the ball? Do you have hopes of meeting the prince?” I rested my hand on my hip, feeling as if I was scolding a small child. “You do know that he would never take a peasant such as yourself as a bride.”  
The girls snickered behind me. Ella’s expression wavered, but she didn’t lose her composure. “No, not at all. I was hoping to meet a... friend,” she answered shyly, blushing. “He’s an apprentice at the palace.”  
The way she spoke about him was concerning to me. Her smile was ever so slightly warmer and she her eyes drifted, almost as if she wasn’t even there anymore.  
I, myself, knew the feeling well. The butterflies, the tenderness, the excitement. Both the men I married, I loved with all that my heart could give. The first had been the sort of romance you read about in books; children slowly falling for each other. We were happy. The second was entirely different. I didn’t care for him at first, only sought the protection he could give. It wasn’t until I got to know and understand him that I started to fall. To think he only had to die for me to realize it.  
There was no such thing as forever and the sooner she realized this, the better. The good men always die young and all that are left are heathens that are desperate enough to attack children to experience the vast pleasures of the flesh. With that aside, her diminished social status would never allow her to marry any respectable man, let alone an apprentice at the palace. She had once been the heir to a thriving estate and her dowry would have been bountiful enough to pass blessings on to her family for generations. Since the passing of her father, she had been reduced to nothing more than a servant girl.  
My head rose, mind finally reaching a conclusion. “How can you expect to be seen at such a gathering dressed in rags? You are hardly fit to be seen in a brothel, let alone the palace.”
Ella drew back, visibly struck by my words. I was instantly flushed with shame, but some small, sickening part of me reveled in the reaction she gave. Never had she shown to be anything other than busy or content. I had gotten through her skin and the feat was delicious to me.  
“You are little more than a slave. You are nothing and let me make myself clear: you will not go to the ball.”  
I opened the grand front doors of the chateau, curtsying so low my knees brush the floor. “Your Grace, Captain,” I greet the bodies before me, a frown threatening to crack my stoic expression. Two men step into the lively abode at my invitation, one of which reaching into a bag at his side, slowly pulling out a rolled sheet of parchment.  
The man cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his military uniform in what looked to be exhaustion. “I’m sure you’ve heard this spiel before; news travels fast in this town. While it seems to be a moot point, I am required to read you the King’s official proclamation.”  
The Duke behind him smiled, feigning an heir of slight acquaintance towards me. I quickly reciprocated the gesture, waiting for the Captain to continue.
“By penalty of death, as a subject of His Majesty King Kristopher the Second, you are hereby mandated to present yourself, as well as any and all other maidens residing in the estate (placement on the social hierarchy notwithstanding) to an elected member of His royal court. Should the original holder of the abandoned glass slipper collected by the King (on this night, three moons prior to this initial declaration) be found, King Kristopher the Second shall forthwith marry her, should she be willing.” The Captain paused, looking up at me from the creased paper he read from. “Do you understand the order that has been given to you?”
 I nodded, already preparing to call out for my girls. We had known that this day would come, and we had prepared accordingly. After all the universe had put not only me through, but my daughters as well, this had to be a gift. This was the last chance the girls had to prove that one of them could win the heart of the King, or else they would have to turn to other means to survive.  
My eyes drifted towards the Duke, who still smiled at me, and my stomach dropped. I would do what I must to keep my children from the streets but doing so would surely kill me. He and I became very well acquainted after the ball, though whether that was a good or bad thing, I was still debating. Our social circles overlapped so naturally we knew who each other were, but not by any means were we friends. During the ball, I had more to drink than I should have, which led to me stumbling down the right hall at the right time. I overheard some things that could have been damaging to his reputation, as well as the then-prince, and as compensation for my discretion, he vowed he would help get my family back on their feet. Of course, this meant that I must marry him, as well as offer my daughters to men of his choosing.
This was a last resort. First, I must try to trick the Captain into believing that either Drizella or Anastasia were the princess from the ball. If I could manage to do that, then everything would be alright.  
I called my girls from their bedroom, staring daggers into them. We had spoken about maintaining a certain level equanimity before the Duke and Captain, knowing that they would be asked to try on the glass slipper. They tried to carry themselves with dignity, but one could see the stress they felt about the situation. They knew how high the stakes were and would do anything to make this plan work.  
They both greeted the men politely, going about trying on the slipper with little to no comment. It did not fit Drizella, for the slipper was too large. She looked up at me defeated, most likely hoping to find some semblance of comfort. I tried to be encouraging, but my tension must have been visible. She looked down, trying not to cry, and excused herself from the room.  
Anastasia was met with a similar reaction when we found the slipper to be too small for her feet. This struck me as extremely odd, considering the girls has always had the same size feet, even as children. Drizella was technically older, but the two had almost synched up perfectly when it came to their development.      
After pleasantries were exchanged and goodbyes said, I walked the men to the door. My heart stopped and the contents of my stomach went cold. The Duke scrutinized me as he went to leave, a guise that I’ve never been able to unsee, even decades later. A smile unlike any warm expression I had ever seen cracked his perfectly constructed face. Dread creeped through me, almost crippling me with nausea.  
A kind voice broke through the haze, though in the moment, I struggled to focus on what he said. “What?” I asked.  
“I said,” he replied patiently, “are there any other maidens in your home? Perhaps a maid or servant that hasn’t been accounted for?”
I once again looked towards the Duke. I knew very well that Ella was locked in the attic. I was also aware that she was the girl that the King had danced with at the ball. The girl he had every intention of marrying.  
The Duke also knew this.  
I answered the Captain, never taking my eyes from the Duke, “No sir. I’m afraid I had to dismiss the household when my late husband died.”  
As if on cue, soft singing rang from above us. Without a word, the Captain pushed back into the house, searching for the owner of the voice. I remember the house breaking out into a flurry of chaos, though beyond that point, I can’t remember many details. When Ella was found, she was taken into a different room for a private audience with the Captain, and I remember the doors being closed.
Due to my shock, I barely registered anything else happening before Ella spoke to me. She stopped at the door, hesitating before turning towards my spot on the stairs. Her eyes were glazed over, but I saw nothing but empathy and understanding on her face.  
“I forgive you,” she said. She waited for a moment, possibly for a response, then left.  
There was so much that I wanted to say to her, but I couldn’t find the words. Regret, sorrow, mourning, grief, tenderness, maternity. All of it hit me at once, knocking me to my knees. The Captain followed behind her, leaving me with only the Duke. Both Drizella and Anastasia hid somewhere else in the house, and I prayed that at least one of them walked by. Of course, they didn’t.  
He walked towards me, a sick look on his face. I let out a sob, overcome with dizziness. Ella. My Cinderella. My mind repeated her name. For years after my union with the Duke, I would see her face in everything I did. Her joy, her understanding, her forgiveness.  
Despite my soul willing it to be so, I never saw her again. 
Sorry for the long post, but this was an essay I wrote for my Creative Writing course last semester, and I got really high marks for it. I’ve been thinking about writing a full-length extended version of it, but we shall see. Hope someone gets something out of it :) 
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