#her biblical counsel
herbiblicalcounsel · 2 months
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When someone offends us, it is easy to dwell on our hurts and justify an ungodly response of anger or bitterness. However, just as God has forgiven us of our sins through His son Jesus Christ, we are to forgive others. To forgive means to send the offense completely away from our hearts and mind. We no longer dwell on the offense or keep a record of it in our hearts. It also means that we respond to the offender in grace, returning an offense with a blessing, even if the offender does not deserve it. Who do you need to forgive and show grace to today?
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iamprchung · 2 months
Just in time for Easter: The Dead Horse that is Biblical X-Files Simile
I need to vehemently preface this post by stating that I'm not an overly religious person. But unfortunately, a rewatch of 'Requiem' once again stirred up my dabbling in theology... Yes, yes, you're about to bear witness to an audacious deployment of simile and metaphor.
You're welcome to keep scrolling. 😁
Behold, the infamous "Last Supper" scene in 'Requiem.' Albeit, we have here only eight out of twelve persons present. However, it's been recognized, that two characters here are placed in the positions held by specific apostles in Leonardo di Vinci's "Last Supper."
Reminder: You're welcome to keep scrolling. 😆
Hey, I didn't start this, I'm just sticking my nose in to renew a haggard subject... 🤔😆 The author, Michelle Bush, apparently explored this in her book Myth-X. And of course, a perusing of Wikipedia led me down the rabbit hole... *See "Themes" in the wiki article.
Do I need to add a spoiler alert here? I'm not sure, so I'm doing it anyway. If you haven't seen 'Requiem' - get caught up! The rest of us are waiting on you. 🤣 (j/k!)
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These two characters would be Walter Skinner, in the position of Simon Peter (St. Peter, Cephas) and Dana Scully, in the position of Judas - right there I'm like "meh, what?" and it's a real stretch.
However, the simile between Skinner and Simon Peter (Saint Peter, Cephas) is interesting.
The comparisons highlight how the relationships between Simon Peter and Jesus and between Walter Skinner and Fox Mulder share themes of authority, support, challenge, redemption, and moral guidance, despite belonging to vastly different narratives and contexts.
Authority Figures: Both Simon Peter and Walter Skinner hold positions of authority in their respective contexts. Simon Peter is one of the twelve apostles of Jesus, chosen as a leader among them. Walter Skinner is an FBI Assistant Director, overseeing Mulder's work in The X-Files.
Supportive Figures: Both Peter and Skinner often provide support and guidance to the central character, Mulder. Peter supports Jesus throughout his ministry, serving as a confidant and disciple. Similarly, Skinner supports Mulder's investigations, often backing him up against bureaucratic obstacles.
Challenges and Tests: Both relationships face challenges and tests. Peter's faith in Jesus is tested multiple times, notably when he denies knowing Jesus three times before his crucifixion. Skinner faces professional and personal challenges in supporting Mulder's unorthodox investigations, often clashing with higher authorities in the FBI.
Complex Dynamics: The dynamics between Peter and Jesus and between Skinner and Mulder are multifaceted. There are moments of trust, conflict, loyalty, and doubt in both relationships, reflecting the complexities of human interaction.
Redemption Themes: Both Peter and Skinner experience arcs of redemption or growth. Peter, despite his initial denial of Jesus, becomes a central figure in the early Christian church, demonstrating repentance and devotion. Skinner evolves from a skeptical and authoritarian figure to someone who trusts and supports Mulder's pursuit of the truth, showing growth in his character over the series.
Moral Guidance: Both Peter and Skinner offer moral guidance to the central character. Peter advises Jesus and the other disciples on matters of faith and conduct. Skinner provides counsel to Mulder, often cautioning him against recklessness and urging him to consider the consequences of his actions.
Now this business about Scully being compared to, of all biblical figures, Judas!
While drawing parallels between Judas and Scully might seem unconventional at first glance, exploring the complexities of their relationships and character dynamics can offer fresh insights into their respective narratives and themes.
Betrayal: Judas is infamous for his act of betrayal, which involved identifying Jesus to the religious authorities with a kiss, leading to Jesus's arrest and subsequent crucifixion.
Critical: Judas is sometimes portrayed as critical or skeptical of Jesus's actions or teachings. In the Gospel of John, for example, Judas questions Jesus's decision to allow a woman to anoint him with expensive perfume.
Complexity: Like many biblical figures, Judas is a complex character. His motivations and actions are subject to interpretation and debate among scholars and theologians. Some argue that his betrayal was part of God's plan for salvation, while others view it as a result of his own moral failings.
The conclusion drawn from the analysis of "Requiem" and the comparisons between the characters is that the episode explores themes of sacrifice, betrayal, and the consequences of individual actions within the context of The X-Files narrative.
Overall, "Requiem" and the comparisons drawn between characters such as Scully, Mulder, and Skinner offer insights into the moral dilemmas, sacrifices, and consequences inherent in the pursuit of truth and the exploration of existential themes within The X-Files universe.
But did I really need to go into any of that? We all already knew this, but maybe just didn't see the not so subtle imagery and allusion.
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glass-expanse · 2 years
Since there is "men asking women how to find dates" discourse on my dash, I wanted to add my two cents as totally chad proof I'm destined to be an anonymous guy's relationship advice expert XD It's very general advice but in my life experience (which is admittedly limited to 19 years, one failed engagement, and playing middle man when a couple of my best friends broke up) it seems to hold true. But that is mostly because a lot of what I have to say here is basic biblical doctrine about who a good husband and just generally a good ambassador for Christ is, both of which I have studied.
Okay guys listen up. This is how it works.
Just don't. Don't meet women to date. Don't do it. It's a trap.
Make friends with women though. (Not ones in relationships of course.) That's okay. And as your friendships develop, you'll find which ones align most closely with you.
Developing strong friendships with many different people is an important part of being in the body of Christ. A strong friendship will yield a stronger relationship. But just viewing a girl as a potential girlfriend isn't treating her with the respect she as a child of God made in His image deserves.
Be a good brother in Christ to them. Don't let your mind carry your fantasies away. Stay grounded and treat the women you know like actual people. Work in the church alongside your friends-- do different things with your groups of people. This will reveal the character of your friends and you will discover which girl is worth pursuing. And if she says no, that's no. Leave it at that. Work to heal the friendship and return your focus to being a godly friend.
Things girls like: good listeners, kind and respectful men, good decision makers, men filled with humility and compassion, men who are responsible stewards of the money and time God has given them, and men who radiate the peace, hope, and love of God. Those traits will make you a good Christlike husband one day. More than that, these are traits that make you a good Christian. As a man seeking God, you should be seeking these traits.
Things that certainly don't hurt: keep yourself well groomed, avoid being a stupid show off, don't wear navy blue and black together, learn to cook and clean. XD
Things to avoid: starting a relationship when you are immature, unstable, just lonely, or consumed with lust. Deal with those issues first. You should never objectify anyone. Don't play with the feelings of a girl. Don't lead her on. If you start a relationship and it's not going right, you need to pray over it, then DISCUSS the issues in detail using scripture to explain your thinking. If you need to end it, don't be vague, be precise so that she can grow from the experience.
And always have an older, more mature, godly Christian man to help mentor you. So if you need to know more than this, that's one place your mentor can help you a lot. He can also help counsel you through sin issues, point you towards Christ, and generally help you when you're struggling or need wise counsel.
Beyond what's here, a girl can't help you much. This is all general advice. If you need help wooing a specific gal, this is only gonna get you so far. Individual girls have individual preferences. If you need advice tailored to your situation, that's another place your mentor can help a lot.
So go forth and grow in Christ. God has already decided your lot and He knows your story. You just have to not worry about what's coming and instead apply yourself to growing in godliness and growing into your Christian communities.
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by Andrea Lee | I’m picky when it comes to movies. (My husband would say I’m very picky.) One plot line I detest is when someone young or inexperienced trusts the wrong person. The naive heroine stakes everything—maybe her inheritance, maybe her reputation, maybe her very life—on a mistaken basis. Like Fantine in Victor Hugo’s Les Misérables, whose vulnerability makes her an easy target for the cruel. I shudder when I think about her and all she lost. She trusted people who didn’t have her best interests at heart, cared nothing for God, and were only looking out for themselves and how they could use people and manipulate circumstances to…
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
On Feb 18th, we venerate Elevated Ancestor Dr. Chloe A.W. Morrison aka Toni Morrison on her 93rd birthday 🎉
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A master wordsmith & storyteller, college professor, powerhouse editor, Queen Mother Morrison is honored as the first Black Woman winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, a Pulitzer Prize in Fiction Lit, & the recipient of President Barack Obama's Medal of Freedom. Yet above all the accolades and awards, she asserted that none was more worthy of her honor than her work in "deconstructing the master narrative"; that is, unapologetically centering her work in expressing the every day realities, history, & legacies of Black People by/for Black People - instead of black people only, sort of, existing as a backdrop in relation to White people.
She so affectionately & proudly expressed ancestral wisdom & knowledge that could be found throughout her literary works. Occultism, magic, Folklore, oral tradition, Paranormal, biblical allusions, & Catholicism were themes that were frequently immersed into her stories yet were mirrored reflections of her lived experiences and those of others. She lived in her occultic truth as a thriving product Dreamers, dream interpreters, mediums, Seers, etc. Through her work, their stories and those so frequently shared among our people - often casted out as anything but godly or good - live on forever.
"We die. That may be the meaning of life. But we do language. That may be the measure of our lives." - Dr. Toni Morrison during her 1993 Nobel lecture.
We pour libations & give extra 💐 to honor Toni Morrison on this day for being a voice of our Ancestors, for her creative vision that'll inspire us for generations, & for her love of our people x our power. May be continue to be a beacon & a blueprint for those, like me, who take up the mantle of speaking our occultic ancestral through the art of storytelling & wordsmithing.
Offering Suggestions: libations of water, flowers, & reading/sharing her literary work.
‼️Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.‼️
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thedeviltohisangel · 2 years
I Heard From The Heavens//2
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He nodded once, almost imperceptibly, but she noticed. She noticed the way it strained him to look away. She noticed the way he hit the pool balls with more force than necessary. She noticed the way he had to focus on not looking her way more than the game in front of him. Jake noticed that Daphne had blossomed in front of Bradley the moment she had seen him. Noticed that the walls in front of her heart that she had told him scared her spared no chance against the mustached pilot. Noticed she said his name like it was something fucking biblical.
Bradley & Daphne’s Infinite Playlist: What About Love? by Heart
masterlist is my url/writing or on ao3
this was a request to write about daphne and the other pilots. please send more!
The basement of the church was exactly how one might imagine it. Out of data tiled floor, flimsy paneling for the ceiling and lighting that washed out any semblance of life that could’ve been breathed into it. This was the setting for the grief counseling Daphne was currently keeping secret from Bradley. 
“Daphne, how about you start us off this week? Last week, you touched on the notion that your grief might be a cover for some other feelings.” She picked at the cardboard ring around her coffee cup and took a deep breath. Her friend from school had died and Bradley hadn’t been there. She had been sad and lost and alone and she resented him for it. It wasn’t his fault. But she told herself it was sadness over her friend’s passing to cope with the increasing anger she felt for the man she loved and was trying to solve it on her own.
“I think I’m lonely. I think my grief is really anger.”
“Is your anger targeted?” Her eyes flicked around the room. The conversations were meant to be kept inside of these four walls. Nothing scared her more than the idea that they might escape.
“Yes.” The facilitator looked at her like she wanted more but Daphne didn’t budge. She couldn’t verbalize her resentment and anger. There would be no coming back from that.
“I’d like to second something she said. When I lost a family member last year, I used grief to allow myself to act any way I wanted. I used it to amplify other actions or behaviors. It became a fragile shield in a way.” That was Jake. He had been a member of the group before her. Had helped her with the coffee machine at her first meeting. Had jumped in to talk every time the words died in her throat. She smiled at him gratefully as someone else took his words and carried the conversation away from her chair. He smiled back.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I should have never verbalized all that last week to you guys instead of the person I’m actually upset with,” Daphne said as Jake poured her a fresh cup of coffee. She had torn the other cup to shreds during the previous conversation. 
“That’s what the group is here for. Maybe it’s good practice so you can tell them,” he said, “Not to pry but sounds like boy problems.”
“My…boyfriend,” she grimaced as the word fell. That word had been the reason she had gotten no sleep the night before.
“Sounds like vinegar coming out of your mouth,” he teased as he took a sip of his own drink.
“Story for a different setting,” she answered. A quick glance at her watch said she needed to get home soon. Her excuse of working late at the office was only going to last so much longer. 
“Let me walk you to your car,” Jake offered with an extended hand. Daphne nodded and led him in the direction of the parking lot, chatting about simple things as they made their way outside. 
“My two cents, Daphne, is that you talk to him. Keeping it inside is tearing you up more than the actual emotion. And if you love him-”
“I do. More than anything,” she interrupted. She couldn’t let the universe think for one second her heart had faltered.
“-then he’ll help you heal,” Jake finished with a smile as they reached her car. “I’ll see you around.” She swallowed as the air between them suddenly felt thick. It made her heart tighten, the way he was looking at her. It was too intimate. Too vulnerable. Too honest. All she could do was nod and look away as the heat of his gaze became too much. Driving home that night, she couldn’t get the weight of his eyes off her skin. Couldn’t get the way his muscles strained as he stopped himself from touching her out of her mind. Couldn’t play her music loud enough to get the words he spoke of acknowledgement to stop them from echoing around her mind. The words she so badly wished she had the courage to say to Bradley but had only said to Jake. And the words he had said back that soothed an ache within her. And the way it was just one more secret she had promised never to keep.
Her and Bradley had been two ships crossing in the night for the past week. She had spent every day working herself up to finally talk to him about the lead of emotions sitting in her stomach only for him to get stuck doing extra PT or taking a new candidate on a certification flight or or or. It had only served to exacerbate the exact reason she had been dying to sit and communicate with him. But he had promised he would stick to their plans to meet at the Hard Deck Friday night so here she was, in one of his favorite shirt dresses with orange and purple flowers, nursing a beer at the bar. She was staring into space in the direction of some naval officers playing pool when she felt a towel hit against her arm.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Daphne smiled. Even though the on and off between her father and Penny Benjamin was in an off phase, she had always found her presence to be warm and welcoming. Especially now that she was here with Bradley while he worked to graduate TOPGUN, she could use all the familiar faces she could find.
“Bradley is meeting me here. Haven’t been seeing much of him lately,” she mused. 
“Training must keep him busy,” she offered. Daphne nodded, only imagining the picture of melancholy she was currently painting at the bartop. Did she expect too much of him? Was she not as understanding of this life as she thought she was? Was her mother right all along that it wasn’t worth loving a man who would always love the sky more?
“Must be,” she spoke back without any inflection in her tone.
“Well, well, well, I told you I’d see you around.” Her neck almost cracked from whipping around to see the voice behind her.
“Jake,” then her eyes absorbed his uniform, “you never said you were Navy.” It sounded like an accusation rolling off her tongue. 
“Not part of the program,” he smirked back. “Besides, you’re in a Navy bar.” He leaned on his forearms next to her and signaled for two beers.
“Don’t tell me you’re a pilot,” she groaned as he handed her one of the glass bottles and clinked their necks together.
“Best there is, sweetheart.” This was an entirely new Jake to her. He was self-assured, openly flirtatious and carried himself like the weight of the world on his shoulders was a single feather.
“Hate to break it to you, Hangman, but that seat’s taken.” She doesn’t think Bradley could have had worse timing. If she could crawl inside of her dress and never face the world again, she’d be happy.
“Bradshaw.” Jake’s eyes flicked to Daphne’s and lingered. “This your girl?” 
“More than that,” he replied evenly. Jake, for his part, stayed silent as he took a large swig of his beer and tried to read her expression. It was pleading. Pleading for him to walk away. Forget everything he had ever heard her say at group. Forget that he now connected a live wire.
“Enjoy the night, beautiful.” He winked and followed her wishes by departing. Daphne could finally breathe again.
“You good? If he was bothering you or tried anything-”
“You’ll shoot him out of the sky for me tomorrow?” she smiled as Bradley took Jake’s place and leaned on the bar next to her.
“Something like that.” He leaned in to kiss her hello, her hands interlocking at the nape of his neck to keep him there longer. Life always seemed simpler once they were together. As if the times they were apart allowed the shadows to creep in. “I’ve missed you lately,” he murmured as she let him come up for some air. 
“Me too. I don’t like this distance between us,” she whispered as if it was the most sacred thing. 
“I’ve felt it,” he admitted, all of sudden focusing on her fingers in her lap and twisting them with his. “I never want to let you down.”
“I’ve been letting myself down,” she chuckled as tears began to prick at her eyes. “I’m so lost here.” Moving to North Island has been hard.  Not only had she lost a close friend but Bradley wasn’t around to keep her busy. And everywhere she looked were memories of her parents. Her father, who had distanced himself after a particularly taxing interaction with Bradley last time he visited, and her mother who had grown to hate the man she met here. Bradley had noticed her struggling. Longer nights at work. No more dancing with him in the kitchen. The smallest of tasks exhausting her. He had noticed but he hadn’t wanted to ask. He was scared. Scared that this life wasn’t for her anymore. That he was on the verge of losing the one thing he had left. That was a loss he knew he would never be able to move on from.
“We’re gonna make it better. You and I are gonna fix this. I’ll fix it, I’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel safe here.” She nodded as the tears trickled down her face. “I can’t fucking lose you, Daph.” Bradley quickly pinched his nose to keep his own tears at bay. He hadn’t realized how much he had been keeping locked away himself.
“You won’t. Not ever, Bradley, I promise.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her as tightly against him as their rib cages would allow. Over his shoulder, she caught eyes with Jake. He nodded once, almost imperceptibly, but she noticed. She noticed the way it strained him to look away. She noticed the way he hit the pool balls with more force than necessary. She noticed the way he had to focus on not looking her way more than the game in front of him. Jake noticed that Daphne had blossomed in front of Bradley the moment she had seen him. Noticed that the walls in front of her heart that she had told him scared her spared no chance against the mustached pilot. Noticed she said his name like it was something fucking biblical.
And when Daphne held tightly to Bradley’s arm as they walked to his Bronco later that night, Penny noticed another pilot’s eyes trailing after them. And she knew heartbreak when she saw it.
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grimmstar-grimmoire · 11 months
History of Witchcraft Timeline: Witchcraft in the Ancient World
As long as there have been written records, there have been records of those who had abilities or magic that went beyond those of ordinary people.
As far back as 3000 B.C.E., there are records from both ancient Sumaria and ancient Egypt about magical systems and spells.
Just from ancient Egypt alone, historians have found texts full of spells, including The Pyramid Texts, The Coffin Texts, and (most well-known of them) The Book of the Dead. There are also references to certain priests who were tasked with keeping the Pharoah safe from harm or curses (a clear form of protection magic), and there were even spells to try to raise a dead Pharoah and bring them back to life.
And then, of course, there's The Bible. One of the earliest references of witchcraft in the Bible was written sometime between 931 B.C.E. and 721 B.C.E. The text is found in the story of King Saul taking counsel with the Witch of Endor. The witch summoned Samuel's spirit to assist Saul in defeating the Philistine army. Instead of giving Saul advice, Samuel's spirit foretold of Saul and his sons dying in battle. The next day, Saul's sons died in battle, and Saul killed himself. And that's just one story of many; in general, The Bible��is full of mentions of witchcraft, divination, and magic, demonstrating how commonplace such practices were.
And, as in more modern times, some places were more fearful of witchcraft than others. In China, the Empress Wei (129 B.C.E. to 91 B.C.E.) and daughter of the Emperor Wu (ruled from 141 B.C.E. to 87 B.C.E.) were accused of practicing the dark arts. The Empress was exiled to the capital city for practicing love magic in her attempt to become pregnant. The woman helping her, along with 300 other people involved in creating magical potions, were executed.
Ancient Romans and Greeks are credited with making witchcraft a concept of magic and superstition. The Greeks tended to view witches in a negative light, while the Romans practiced and cast spells, believing in various superstitions. Romans are credited with making magia (magic) a type of generalized concept that was first used in literature sometime between 23 and 79 B.C. by Virgil, a poet.
Indigenous American and African Witchcraft
Witchcraft is an ancient world practice. Timelines are difficult to pinpoint for closed cultures, such as Indigenous Americans, and to those that are a mix of religion and magic, such as those found in Africa (Vodou). Vodou migrated to Haiti, Brazil, Cuba, and America, specifically New Orleans, which evolved into Voodoo. America became a vast melting pot of cultures, religions, and beliefs, especially witchcraft and magic. A unique form of religion and witchcraft, Hoodoo, combined Indigenous American traditions/practices with African and even European magical rituals that included grimoires. Biblical context was added to this New World hybrid religion that was Christian based to disguise the ancient magical practices.
History of Witchcraft Timeline: The Middle Ages
People often associate the Middle Ages with witch hunts and the like, but the fact of the matter is that many of those happened in the Early Modern Period, after the year 1500. While far from being a tolerant free-for-all, the Middle Ages were clearly an age in which a good part of the population believed in magic.
While it was widely condemned by both religion and governments, the sheer number of books and texts that include magical formulas, spells, and rituals makes it clear that it was a popular belief system among many laypeople. The Church, largely concerned with ridding the world of paganism (and making it clear that God and the Saints due to their holiness, and not man, were the only ones capable of magic), went from considering magic to be nothing more than superstition to accepting that witches do exist, though this didn't officially happen until 1484. This, of course, led to trials and executions.
However, things only got worse during the late 1400s, and those things led up to the witch hunt craze in the 1500s through 1700s. Once the Church said that witches exist, it didn't take long for witches to become scapegoats for all manner of things and in 1487, a German inquisitor named Heinrich Kramer released a text called The Malleus Maleficarum, which soon was second only in sales to The Bible itself. The book detailed the various offenses of witches and recommended punishment for those offenses.
Before long, witch hunts were the trend, in Europe and then, later, in the New World.
History of Witchcraft Timeline: The Early Modern Period
Things got bad in Europe, to say the least, for anyone suspected of being a witch. While it was mostly women, some men were tried as well. Older women, single women, and those who kept to themselves were especially vulnerable, made worse by the continued popularity and expansion of the Malleus Maleficarum, which was reprinted multiple times between 1487 and 1669. Each release added new offenses. As the popularity of the book grew, even most laypeople started to see witchcraft and magic not as harmless superstitions, but as the work of the Devil.
And it wasn't just the supposed witches themselves. No, in the height of the witch hunt obsession, even those who were suspected of knowing a witch could be tried and found guilty. The rise of Protestantism only made it worse, since both Protestants and Catholics alike believed that witches were in league with the Devil. And, because religion was so strongly tied to everyday life in the Middle Ages, that meant those accused were ostracised and often lived in fear of those around them. By the time the hunts and trials finally ended in Europe, it's estimated that somewhere between 40,000 and 50,000 people had been executed, most of them women.
Over time, the obsessive witch panic eventually died down in Europe... just in time for it to rise in the Colonies.
American Witches and Salem Witch Trials
The boiling pot of Colonial America brought a myriad of cultures, superstitions, and, of course, witchcraft. The fear associated with superstitions, magic, and witchcraft grew into a frenzied panic when three young girls from Salem Village, Massachusetts accused three women of witchcraft. Elizabeth (9), the daughter of Reverend Parris, along with her cousin Abigail Williams (11), and Ann Putnam (11) claimed to be possessed by the devil. The girls accused -- Tituba (Parris' Caribbean enslaved laborer), Sarah Osborne (poor elder), and Sarah Good (homeless beggar) of casting a spell on them. This started a hailstorm of accusations and resulted in the Salem Witch Trials. After days of interrogation:
Tituba confessed and was eventually pardoned.
Sarah Osborne died before trial.
Good was the first hanged for witchcraft although she never confessed.
The paranoia spread to other townships and before it subsided, over 200 people were accused of witchcraft. Twenty were hanged. The paranoia came to an end in the Colonies in great part due to an article written by Benjamin Franklin, which ridiculed the entire situation. And by 1700 in Britain, belief in witchcraft was cause for derision, with laws being passed instead saying that anyone who claimed to be a witch was a fraud, because of course witchcraft wasn't a real thing!
History of Witchcraft Timeline: The Late Modern Period
It's safe to say that witchcraft never fully went away. Sometimes, it was practiced in secret. Sometimes, it was folded into Christianity and called "folk magic." There are people who have always been drawn to the old ways, the old beliefs, and it was in the Late Modern period that those people began to step into the pubic eye and reclaim their beliefs.
Much of modern witchcraft (as well as the creation of Wicca) can be traced directly to English Egyptologist Margaret Murray, who wrote a book called The Witch Cult in Western Europe (1921). Murray wrote that a coven was made up of 12 witches with the devil as the coven's leader. She proclaimed the witches practiced animal and child sacrifices. However, in her 1933 book, The God of the Witches, Murray's opinion about witches and the devil seemed to have changed. In her second book, she referred to Satan as The Horned God and renamed the witch-cult as the old religion that predated Christianity.
Not too long after, this led to the creation of Wicca. Gerald Gardner wrote a book in 1954 called Modern Witchcraft, which gave the modern blueprint for the practice followed by those who ascribe to the Wiccan religion. Gardner drew heavily on both the work of Murray, as well as the work of Aleister Crowley, who, like Gardner, called for a resurgence in the old pagan beliefs, as well as a yearly schedule of rituals and celebrations based on solstices, equinoxes, and seasons. Gardner's book was later reworked by future Wicca leader Doreen Valiente, who removed much of the Crowley-inspired information in the book.
Wicca rose in popularity in the United States in the 1970s, and has only grown more popular as time has gone on.
However, Wicca isn't the only form of witchcraft to rise in modern times. Modern druidism also saw a resurgence, with druids inventing, borrowing, and creating rituals to connect them to their druidic roots.
Witchcraft Today
All of this brings it full-circle. Today, books, websites, blogs, and even courses and conferences about witchcraft abound, and you can find information about any facet of the craft that interests you, whether it's Wicca, green witchcraft, hedge witchery, kitchen witchery, or good old-fashioned folk magic. It's worth noting here that not all Wiccans consider themselves to be witches, and not all witches are Wiccan. Wicca is a religious belief, and witchcraft doesn't necessarily tie itself to faith. That's up to each individual practitioner.
The world has expanded. With the rise of the internet and social media, it's so easy to connect to those things that call to you, to form one's own belief system and practice, and that is something the witches of old would have appreciated.
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wutbju · 2 months
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I started with the ridiculous because Dr. Dionne's actual lecture gets dark and frightening really fast.
But his entire talk can be understood in how he imagines his listener.
In rhetoric, we talk about the "first persona" -- that's the speaker, their ethos. Their credibility.
You remember how we reviewed it: The effective speaker is a person whose character, knowledge, and judgment command respect.
But then there's the "second persona." That's the way the speaker creates, curates, or directs his audience to be a particular kind of person. For instance, a 1st grade teacher says to her class, "Friends, lets go outside now." In calling them "friends," she directing to act friendly. If she said, "okay stupids...."
Well, you know how that would go. But the rhetor is creating the second persona; he's directing how they should be in the world.
And Dr. Dionne is pretty bald about it.
To him, his audience is ... well, look (3:25):
So oftentimes when I talk, I'll talk about you all as biblical counselors and really, uhm, you might be a biblical counselor, or you might be a friend, or you might be a loved one. But really, this is for you as you are talking to people about depression, the other thing that is great is that Dr. Hand's first message was very helpful for just describing what it feels like to be depressed. What a person's heart does, and … how deep the suffering can be. So I always like to ask, is anybody … have you ever known somebody that suffered with depression? Yes. So we almost all know somebody. And so this is going to be hopefully helpful for you as you think about how to be helpful to them.
The people in front of him are not actually depressed nor have they ever been depressed. It's the people "out there" who are depressed (we rhetoricians actually call that category the "third persona."). The people he's talking to are the ones who don't get depressed. They've got all the answers.
Dionne is consistent too (27:31):
We can talk about that. So here's the thing. When you're counseling people that are depressed, it can be very frustrating and discouraging. And so you, as the counselor, need to have a long term view of the process in order to keep from getting off track…. So I always tell people if you get a counselee that's depressed, this is not going to be a quick fix. It might take them a year, it might take them longer to really see change in their lives. And so that can get discouraging for you as a counselor because you might give them some really good homework. And for a couple weeks, it seems like it's working and then all of a sudden they're back in the dumps again.
He's empathizing with the untrained, unlicensed counselor who "feels discouraged" that their "homework" isn't working.
That's not how educated experts talk, Doctor. That's how MLM huns talk.
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mytho-nerd · 6 months
My fav Crucible quotes because I said I’d post them then promptly forgot also! Some commentary!:
Proctor: Abby, I may think of you softly from time to time. But I will cut off my hand before I ever reach for you again, wipe it out of mind. We never touched, Abby.
The whole reason John proctor is compelling is because he’s done wrong and I feel like this is a key moment in his character. Also (I may be wrong) I think this is the first time we learn about him and Abigail so there’s that.
Parris: I hope you do not mean we go to satan here!
Rebecca: I wish I knew.
I am Rebecca Nurse’s number one fan. I just love her sass especially when she talks to Parris.
Proctor, lost: aye. He is failing for it
Elizabeth, delicately: adultery, John.
Proctor, as though a secret arrow had pained his heart: aye…
I feel like this scene because it perfectly shows both of their characters perfectly AND it shows how Proctor genuinely does regret is actions. Also, it’s just very funny - my friends and I repeated it for like a week after.
Proctor: if she is innocent? Why do you ever wonder if Parris be innocent, or abigail? Is the accuser always holy now? Were they born this morning clean as God’s fingers? I’ll tell you what’s walking Salem - vengeance is walking Salem…I will not give my wife to vengeance!
Specifically the vengeance part is what I like. It feels like a breaking point almost.
Parris: I think not, or you surely know that Cain were an upright man, and yet he did kill Abel.
I LOVE a good biblical reference especially when it’s twisted to make pretty bad people seem right. Also this line is just so good? Parris had no right.
Proctor, his mind wild and breathless: I say — I say — God is dead!
Parris: hear it, hear it!
Proctor, laughs insanely then: a fire, a fire is burning! I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours, danforth! For them that quail to bring men out of ignorance, as I have quailed, and as you quail now when you know in your black hearts that this be fraud — God damns our kind especially, and we will burn, we will burn together!
I ADORE this part!! I love love love Proctor calling out Danforth, I love the way things are phrased, I love seeing proctor hit his limit, all of it I just love it.
Hale: I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!
This line is actually attached to the second above but I decided to separate it because I love Hale, he’s my favorite character. He has the best Arc throughout the crucible and he’s just so well written. Also, if you have seen the movie it makes me so mad that this line was cut because this is such a pivotal moment for not only Hale but like all of Salem.
Hale: why, it is all simple. I come to do the devils work. I come to counsel Christian’s they should belie themselves. His sarcasm collapses. There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!
Again, Hale is my favorite. I was so glad to see his return, I think this part is honestly what solidified him as my favorite.
Proctor: I cannot mount the gibbet like a saint. It is a fraud. I am not that man… my honesty is broke, Elizabeth; I am no good man. Nothings spoiled by giving them this lie they were rotten king before.
Elizabeth: and yet you’ve not confessed till now. That speak goodness in you.
Proctor: spite only keeps me silent. It’s hard to give a lie to dogs…
Every scene between Elizabeth and proctor hurts me. Also “spite only keeps me silent” is the realest line ever written ever.
Proctor: would you give them such a lie? Say it. Would you ever give them this? She cannot answer. You would not; it tongs of fire were singing you you would not! It is evil. Good, then — If it Is evil, and I do it!
This part (and the next) is why I like Proctor in the book. He is fully aware he has done wrong before and is going to do wrong again and that’s what makes him so captivating.
Proctor, with a cry of his whole soul: because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust in the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!
I did in fact almost cry when I saw this part in the movie. It is just an incredibly powerful moment and it’s so eloquently put together. Argh I love the crucible.
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harrelltut · 8 months
1st Eye of TUTANKHAMÚN [E.T.] SEE Archangel URIEL of SARAQAEL’S [U.S.] 144,000 SACRED ALUHUM [USA] SKY ANUNNAGI [USA] ROYAL [Ur] PRIESTHOOD [UP] of SIRIUS [U.S.] Quantum Electronic Encryption DNA CREATIONS [D.C.] from Ancient ALGAE-MELANIN of URANUS' [MU] APHRODITE’s [MA’s] Vibratory Energies of Nanascopic Uranium from the SATURNIAN [VENUS] MINES of kingtutdna.com’s Iridescent METAL [I’M] DYNASTY [I.D.]… Alkhemically + Genetically Engineered [iAGED] by Mother [I’M] NINTI's Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Primordial Biochemical-Alkhemical Crystalline Light Body RNA Cell Structures of Invisible 9 [i9] Ether Stem Cell Memory Neuromelanin Perfection DNA… since I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com from Inner Earth’s Most Darkest [Occulted] SHAMBALLAH City of Aghaarta.com’s [CA’s] Biblically Ancient [BABYLONIAN] FUTURISTIC 9th Interplanetary Dimensional [I.D.]… 19th Interstellar MOON [I’M] GALAXY of the ILLYUWN's GOLDEN Island [IGIGI] SUN PEOPLE of Tri-Solar Black Sun planetrizq.tech WISDOM… who Subconsciously Envision ANU [SEA] Heavenly ARCHANGEL [HA = HARRELL] SOUL Prince MICHAEL in ANU Geographical Ecosystem [MAGE] of ENQI [ME] NUDIMMUD’s Black SUN Island Continent of ANUNNAGI [CA] GOLDMINE ESTATE MANIFESTATIONS [GEMS] DEEP IN:side ZARANTU's Restricted Airspace [RA] Coordinate Continents of DARNURIYYA & KUSMUSTA… Surrounded by Constellation ORION’s Atmospheric Water Pressure from Volcanic Vents DEEP Underneath Our Ancient Atlantic & Pacific Ocean Motherlands of Mysteriously UNSEEN [MU] 9 Ether [ME] Aquatic BLACK SUN Life Forms… Organically Crystallized by the Atom [ATUM] Particles Embedded DEEP IN:side Molecular [I’M] 9etherjunkdna.tech Nuclei Surrounded by Electronic Light [EL] ILLUMINATION... like My 1968 Mnemiopsis Leidyi Species Created by 1698 quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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Aphrodite, the Oceanic Daughter of GOLDEN URANIUM WATERS
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soonintheclouds · 8 months
The Media Refuses To Acknowledge The ‘Wave Of People Detransitioning’ And Coming To Christ | Harbingers Daily
““We have people contacting us from all over the world,” Laura said. “We offer Biblical counseling services remote or locally, and we can refer them if needed. We encourage them to find a local church home and study the Bible. This will help them understand God’s will for their lives.” Memorizing Scriptures has been key for Laura. Two of her favorite passages are: “He who began a good work in…
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herbiblicalcounsel · 2 months
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Worry and anxiety are unbelief. They focuses on trusting in self, rather than trusting the sovereignty of God. Worry and anxiety dwell on what God teaches us not to dwell on [Phil 4:8]. They lead to complaining and grumbling, which God hates [Phil 2:14]. Worry and anxiety encourage us to take control over our own situations instead of trusting God, fooling us to think that we are wiser than God. The opposite of worry and anxiety is to trust God. Trusting God shifts our attention from self to God’s love, wisdom, and power. We recognize that God is in control and that He is worthy to be trusted during our trials. Trusting God gives us the strength to love and serve others, even when things are challenging for ourselves. 🙏 If you are worried or anxious today, repent and pray to God with thanksgiving, making your requests known to Him, and He will guard your heart and mind with His peace [Phil 4:4-7].
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troybeecham · 9 months
Today the Church honors St. Bernard of Clairvaux, Monk, Theologian, Doctor of the Church.
Ora pro nobis.
St. Bernard de Clairvaux, (born 1090 AD, probably Fontaine-les-Dijon, near Dijon, Burgundy [France]—died August 20, 1153 AD, Clairvaux, Champagne; canonized January 18, 1174; feast day August 20), was a Cistercian monk and mystic, the founder and abbot of the abbey of Clairvaux, and one of the most influential churchmen of his time.
Born of Burgundian landowning aristocracy, Bernard grew up in a family of five brothers and one sister. The familial atmosphere engendered in him a deep respect for mercy, justice, and loyal affection for others. Faith and morals were taken seriously, but without priggishness. Both his parents were exceptional models of virtue. It is said that his mother, Aleth, exerted a virtuous influence upon Bernard only second to what Monica had done for Augustine of Hippo in the 5th century. Her death, in 1107, so affected Bernard that he claimed that this is when his “long path to complete conversion” began.
He turned away from his literary education, begun at the school at Châtillon-sur-Seine, and from ecclesiastical advancement, toward a life of renunciation and solitude. Bernard sought the counsel of the abbot of Cîteaux, Stephen Harding, and decided to enter this struggling, small, new community that had been established by Robert of Molesmes in 1098 as an effort to restore Benedictinism to a more primitive and austere pattern of life. Bernard took his time in terminating his domestic affairs and in persuading his brothers and some 25 companions to join him. He entered the Cîteaux community in 1112, and from then until 1115 he cultivated his spiritual and theological studies.
Bernard’s struggles with the flesh during this period may account for his early and rather consistent penchant for physical austerities. He was plagued most of his life by impaired health, which took the form of anemia, migraine, gastritis, hypertension, and an atrophied sense of taste.
Founder And Abbot Of Clairvaux
In 1115 Stephen Harding appointed him to lead a small group of monks to establish a monastery at Clairvaux, on the borders of Burgundy and Champagne. Four brothers, an uncle, two cousins, an architect, and two seasoned monks under the leadership of Bernard endured extreme deprivations for well over a decade before Clairvaux was self-sufficient. Meanwhile, as Bernard’s health worsened, his spirituality deepened. Under pressure from his ecclesiastical superiors and his friends, notably the bishop and scholar William of Champeaux, he retired to a hut near the monastery and to the discipline of a quack physician. It was here that his first writings evolved. They are characterized by repetition of references to the Church Fathers and by the use of analogues, etymologies, alliterations, and biblical symbols, and they are imbued with resonance and poetic genius. It was here, also, that he produced a small but complete treatise on Mariology (study of doctrines and dogmas concerning the Virgin Mary), “Praises of the Virgin Mother.” Bernard was to become a major champion of a moderate cult of the Virgin, though he did not support the notion of Mary’s immaculate conception.
By 1119 the Cistercians had a charter approved by Pope Calixtus II for nine abbeys under the primacy of the abbot of Cîteaux. Bernard struggled and learned to live with the inevitable tension created by his desire to serve others in charity through obedience and his desire to cultivate his inner life by remaining in his monastic enclosure. His more than 300 letters and sermons manifest his quest to combine a mystical life of absorption in God with his friendship for those in misery and his concern for the faithful execution of responsibilities as a guardian of the life of the church.
It was a time when Bernard was experiencing what he apprehended as the divine in a mystical and intuitive manner. He could claim a form of higher knowledge that is the complement and fruition of faith and that reaches completion in prayer and contemplation. He could also commune with nature and say:
“Believe me, for I know, you will find something far greater in the woods than in books. Stones and trees will teach you that which you cannot learn from the masters.”
After writing a eulogy for the new military order of the Knights Templar he would write about the fundamentals of the Christian’s spiritual life, namely, the contemplation and imitation of Christ, which he expressed in his sermons “The Steps of Humility” and “The Love of God.”
Pillar Of The Church
The mature and most active phase of Bernard’s career occurred between 1130 and 1145. In these years both Clairvaux and Rome, the centre of gravity of medieval Christendom, focussed upon Bernard. Mediator and counsellor for several civil and ecclesiastical councils and for theological debates during seven years of papal disunity, he nevertheless found time to produce an extensive number of sermons on the Song of Solomon. As the confidant of five popes, he considered it his role to assist in healing the church of wounds inflicted by the antipopes (those elected pope contrary to prevailing clerical procedures), to oppose the rationalistic influence of the greatest and most popular dialectician of the age, Peter Abelard, and to cultivate the friendship of the greatest churchmen of the time. He could also rebuke a pope, as he did in his letter to Innocent II:
“There is but one opinion among all the faithful shepherds among us, namely, that justice is vanishing in the Church, that the power of the keys is gone, that episcopal authority is altogether turning rotten while not a bishop is able to avenge the wrongs done to God, nor is allowed to punish any misdeeds whatever, not even in his own diocese (parochia). And the cause of this they put down to you and the Roman Court.”
Bernard’s confrontations with Abelard ended in inevitable opposition because of their significant differences of temperament and attitudes. In contrast with the tradition of “silent opposition” by those of the school of monastic spirituality, Bernard vigorously denounced dialectical Scholasticism as degrading God’s mysteries, as one technique among others, though tending to exalt itself above the alleged limits of faith. One seeks God by learning to live in a school of charity and not through “scandalous curiosity,” he held. “We search in a worthier manner, we discover with greater facility through prayer than through disputation.” Possession of love is the first condition of the knowledge of God. However, Bernard finally claimed a victory over Abelard, not because of skill or cogency in argument but because of his homiletical denunciation and his favoured position with the bishops and the papacy.
Pope Eugenius III and King Louis VII of France induced Bernard to promote the cause of a Second Crusade (1147–49) to quell the prospect of a great Muslim surge engulfing both Latin and Greek Orthodox Christians. The Crusade ended in failure. Bernard’s inability to account for the quarrelsome nature of politics, peoples, dynasties, and adventurers left him unable to truly understand what he was being asked to support. He was an idealist with the ascetic ideals of Cîteaux grafted upon those of his father’s knightly tradition and his mother’s piety, who read into the hearts of the Crusaders—many of whom were bloodthirsty fanatics—his own integrity of motive.
In his remaining years he participated in the condemnation of Gilbert de La Porrée—a scholarly dialectician and bishop of Poitiers who held that Christ’s divine nature was only a human concept. He exhorted Pope Eugenius to stress his role as spiritual leader of the church over his role as leader of a great temporal power, and he was a major figure in church councils. His greatest literary endeavour, “Sermons on the Canticle of Canticles,” was written during this active time. It revealed his teaching, often described as “sweet as honey,” as in his later title doctor mellifluus. It was a love song supreme: “The Father is never fully known if He is not loved perfectly.” Add to this one of Bernard’s favourite prayers, “Whence arises the love of God? From God. And what is the measure of this love? To love without measure,” and one has a key to his doctrine.
St. Bernard was declared a Doctor of the Church in 1830, and was extolled in 1953 as “doctor mellifluus”, i.e. “honeyed speech”, in an encyclical of Pius XII.
O God, by your Holy Spirit you give to some the word of wisdom, to others the word of knowledge, and to others the word of faith: We praise your Name for the gifts of grace manifested in your servant Bernard, and we pray that your Church may never be destitute of such gifts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, forever and ever.
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yieldfruit · 1 year
ok i want your opinion. I have a friend who is deeply catholic (im agnostic and we respect each other's beliefs) who was dating her first real bf. She was dating to marry and he led her to believe this too, they literally met at bible study. However after nearly a year of dating, he revealed to her he had a porn addiction and went into the relationship hoping she would break her chastity beliefs for him. She was gutted and left. (I am deeply anti-porn myself because statistics show it ruins men's sexuality, so I was proud of her for leaving.) HOWEVER months later her other catholic friend tries to tell her that if she was "really practicing wifehood" she should have stayed and helped him with his porn addiction. This friend wants her to go back to the porn-addict. think that's sexist bull even for the catholic church. What does the catholic church say on this?? He clearly is not respectful of her or of women. They aren't married. She has no obligations to him, right?
Hi, I am not Catholic, but this is a tragic story. This woman did the right thing by not staying with him- he sounds incredibly unloving and immature. He has a problem with sexual sin and needs to get help on his own. This woman made the right choice and her friend's counsel was very off biblically and unwise. I am sorry she went through this, but she made the right choice- if seeing or potentially seeing someone, run from a man with a porn addiction once that comes to light. He needs help. He has to get help on his own and overcome his addiction. Pornography is incredibly harmful, a great evil. It harms women, children, families, men, and our walk with God. It's heartbreakingly tragic and I don't mince words about the evil of pornography and I don't coddle men who willingly walk back into it again and again. I believe in men rising up and being strong men who know their weaknesses and safeguard their hearts, souls, eyes, and lives against a sin that harms so many. Men need to be accountable as they will be accountable before God for this. This isn't being unloving saying this, I believe it's loving to speak the truth and warn about the dangers. 1 Corinthians 6:9 says that those who willingly live in sexual sin are destined for Hell. I think it's loving to say so because to care about a soul is important.
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hobbitsetal · 2 years
What is a christian response to cheating/adultery? I honestly don’t know what I’d do if that happened to me
You know, I think it depends very much on the couple, the situation, and the adulterous partner's response? My parents tell the story of counseling a couple when the wife caught her husband cheating. It turned out he'd been carrying his affair on for something like twenty years and essentially had a whole other family.
Over the course of counseling, he came to realize how he had hurt his wife and family, and he changed utterly. He made no claims on her, but stepped back, acknowledged his wrong, and set out to provide for her and care for her however she wanted without asking anything in return. Ultimately, they reconciled and rebuilt their marriage.
In other cases, the cheating spouse isn't repentant, or is only sorry they got caught, or blames their spouse for the steps that led to the cheating. I think depending on the couple, the counsel received, and the attitudes of those involved, sometimes divorce is the Biblical option.
Adultery is a breaking of trust at the most fundamental level. If the cheating spouse doesn't understand and respect that, doesn't recognize how they hurt their partner, I personally would find it very difficult to see a path forward for them.
If they do, my hope would be that the wounded partner could find a way to reconcile, to set new boundaries and build trust again, and to forgive their spouse.
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wgpetersindia · 1 year
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Marriage is an important ceremony in the human life.
Preachers used touch on how God created Man & Woman but not what basis God created man & woman?
God created man by His image & also He created woman comparable to man, meaning in the image of Adam God created Eve. So, both were ultimately in the image of God, the point is that comparable or compatibility is what His methodology & the same is still exists, as human beings are born based on this methodology both men & women.
God created plants, animals, fruits, vegetables, and all of those creations are continuing till day, the similar way God created Adam & Eve, and all of the humans continue to be born, having the same methodology or pattern. So, according to God's method or pattern only both men & women are born but through sin & sexuality which isn't a God's way but sinful or satanic way.
Therefore, if anyone plans for a wedding 💒 then he has to go with a method or pattern of God & apply in search of his/her life partner. In this method, it's fixed that there is a man born for a particular woman and the same is vice versa. There's no need of looking or seeking a life partner out there in the school, college, workplace or in the places of worship or any other places.
There's no need to get counseling from the parents, elders, pastors who promote traditional counselling to look for a woman or man who is humble, gentle, honest, God fearing, loving & caring etc., In these kinds of method are seems moral and good but it's not a biblical wedding 💒. These sorts of weddings are moral & worldly, and it may seem successful b/c couples who got married may live happily for 50 years or 70 years, and until death & in this sort of couples may be found among all religions & even among atheists. Thus, it's not a biblical wedding.
In the Biblical Wedding 💒, both man & woman who have been born for each other shall be brought together at an appropriate time, this is well known in advance to the one who initiates a biblical wedding 💒 by discovering the creation law of God & apply in search of the life Partner. However, in this sort of biblical wedding there's a threat as the adversary of God isn't allow anyone to proceed such a biblical wedding, and take action to destroy such a life Project by destroying the lives of a couple. This might be noted in the meeting of JESUS with a Samaritan woman who have been born comparable to JESUS as a bride & her life was destroyed due to her fiancee's attempt of a biblical wedding 💒, wherein it's known the Samaritan woman depicts the entire mankind and JESUS has been depicted as God the Father who created the heavens & earth 🌎. In the beginning Adam & Eve were supposed to be fruitful, multiply & fill the earth through Godly way but missed out & joined with a adversary thus, the kingdom of heaven wasn't started its journey.
Finally, in these last days, anyone attempt to build a Godly life then he choose Biblical Wedding 💒, rather than traditional weddings of men, and in this way his life would be lost but there's a promise of God in Matthew 16:25…whoever loses his life for my sake shall find it, meaning he will find his eternal life & JESUS will return within his life time & commence the kingdom of heaven wherein both a man & woman start their eternal journey of a biblical wedding 💒.
So, whatever the wedding 💒 that happened throughout the ages are all both moral and immoral irrespective of their religious affiliation but nothing to do with a Biblical Wedding 💒.
-William G Peter [email protected]
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