#hell I'll kill to protect anybody's baby
spite-and-waffles · 2 years
I get so infuriated when people reduce Jason's ultimatum to "trying to force Bruce to kill someone to prove his love". The dishonesty of it. Remove all context from the situation and make it sound like an insane inhumane choice. I can do that too actually. Batman is a rich kid who whales on poor and mentally ill people instead of going to therapy. He colludes with cops to bypass due process and collect evidence illegally. He creates child soldiers and makes them into canon fodder for his obsession. It sounds pretty indefensible when you remove every single context and convention that makes a story work doesn't it? Almost like you're only willing to extend the in-universe rules to the rich white manbaby and not the child whose death he was responsible for, huh?
Also? Moral absolutism is harmful and egoistic. You shouldn't kill people, not even criminals, of course not. But that doesn't mean refusing to kill in any situation whatsoever is the moral choice. There's a difference between killing to protect and killing to avenge. Between killing an active threat who will definitely escape and slaughter a family and killing one who is safely contained. Any rule that's taken purely prescriptively and without regard to the individual context of the choice is simply dogma. Especially if the role you have voluntarily taken on requires the willingness to do whatever it takes to do your fucking job. That's why morality isn't fucking black and white.
That's the crux of it for me; why I take this defense of Batman's choices so personally. I don't trust people who see the world in such a black and white way (this includes Jason, who is exactly as myopic as Bruce, but happens to be right about the Joker imo. Fortunately he's a fictional character and also a kid who has not yet had the opportunity to grow, unlike Bruce). I don't trust people who think morality is about a set of correct judgements rather than the process by which you arrive at said judgements. I don't trust people who won't fucking choose. Inaction is complicity, bitch. The consequences of your choices exist and fall on other people regardless of your refusal to take responsibility for them. Bottomline – if your version of "mercy" results in the death and suffering of other people, maybe consider that you're the villain of the story.
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ashes-writing · 2 years
tim riggins x reader hcs of any kind🫶🏻
Okay, first of all, holy shit, nonnie mouse, I fucking love you to pieces for this. Secondly, I really hope you like random assortments because I looooove this man. I loved the character. And it's been a while since I got to gush about the series itself. I also kinda loved Matt Saracen too but Tim is babe.
tag list babes || req rules + fandoms/characters || got a req? || masterlist
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Tag List ; There isn't anybody on my Friday Nights series taglist BUT BUT... since I do really owe @adampage the next part of Hot for Teacher and we both love Tim, I'll just tag them to this too.
Warnings ; mentions of choking, thigh riding, breeding kink, biting, his childhood (alcohol and the like), and this is it. Minors, find your way outta here and go read a comic.
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-- okay, first of all. He's so much smarter than anybody realizes. He just doesn't apply himself at all times because he hates the pressure and he didn't exactly get the best luck in life when it came to parents. This is why his older brother -who practically raised him, is driven crazy all through his high school days because big brother KNOWS he's the smarter Riggins and big brother just desperately wants Tim to get out and make something of himself. But Tim does not do well in academia and while he enjoys learning, he can't learn by the book via lectures to save his fucking life. Had classes been more hands on, baby would have fucking killed it.
-- He definitely has a type. He likes 'em bossy. Maybe it's the fact that the bossy ones always seem to care just a little more and they'll fight and hold on long after they should've let go. His type does him no favors most of the time though, because the subset of his type is that he likes a lot are the girls with savior complexes (Lyla, ahem.) and these kinds of loves typically do not pan out well in the long run.
--- Serial monogamist. He longs for the stability he didn't get to feel as a child but at the same time, he always gets scared as hell, does something to implode whatever relationship he's in and then he's on to the next one. But he loves the people he chooses, deeply. So its not like you become perfect strangers after a breakup with Tim, he will not allow that. I honestly think that he came real close to being truly happy in the love department two times (Tyra and Lyla) and both times, what'd he do?
--- Alternately, I do feel that after high school, he eventually comes to terms with everything, all of it, and he'll wind up settling down. He'll make somebody a damn fine husband because he's caring, he's the kind of guy who can make you laugh one minute and stay up with you til 2 am having deep conversations, he's very good at all things handy and holy shit, protective. Family means the world to him (he literally burned his own future to the ground ,tried to, at least, to protect his brother IIRC) so if he's with you, just know that you're it for him and the man would literally take a fucking bullet for you if he had to.
-- Cannot fucking cook to save his life. Has caused more than one fire in the kitchen at his old house. The fire department see a call come in from the old Riggins residence and roll their eyes while groaning.
-- Favorite subject was actually English / Creative writing. And he was surprisingly damn good at it too. He likes poetry, but he'd die before telling anybody this aloud.
-- I see him as an amazing girl dad, oh my god. Picture it, he's always willing to cuddle (because he loves that shit) and he decides early on that his little peanut is going to learn to be self reliant. He teaches her how to throw spirals, he tries to do her hair as best as he can but her braids are always crooked, they have a breakfast ritual that includes him carrying her into the kitchen and sitting her on the counter while he attempts to make pancakes (can't cook for shit but he's learned this one recipe for his lil girl) shaped like cactuses.
--- off topic but he is totally the guy to get an outline tattoo just so he can hand his kid markers and let them go to town coloring it in. And he'll leave it on for days, carefully saran wrapping the tattoo/marker each time he goes into the shower.
-- He likes the older country.. Like Merle, Patsy, Johnny.. You get it. Will get drunk off his face and serenade his SO in the bar to some Conway in a heartbeat and have absolutely zero shame for it.
-- Briefly wanted to be a doctor as a kid. But he's a lil squeamish about certain injuries and excess blood. He'll die before he admits it, but yeah. Can't stand bones through skin or excess blood, makes him hurl every time.
-- I feel like his father was kind of a Texan version of Frank Gallagher, so when he and Billy were younger, they had to fend for themselves a lot of the time. I also feel like he spent a lot of time as a kid believing he had no other option than to grow up and become another Walt and this made him bitter. Football probably saved his life, because if he hadn't gotten on the Panthers, I can easily see him as having gone down an entirely different path. I think his drinking and partying a lot stem from the fact that he's not thinking about all of this when he's got a few drinks in him. And he hates reliving the past or thinking about it, so he just kind of never dealt with a lot of the shit until Walt came back in and fucked up again before disappeaering. So the first time Tim actually deals with his past is when his own father shows up and immediately tries to destroy things with his 'family' -the team, by stealing camera equipment.
-- I feel like Tim hates fights but he won't run from them, either. I feel like the reason he hates them is that he knows he has anger and he doesn't want to let it get too far out of pocket.
-- only goes 'hunting' for the naps and the chance to be outside. The sport he really enjoys as far as the above goes is fishing. He could fish all day, easy. But he's not too big on actually hunting, so he'll go but he's probably just doing it to unwind and isn't actively trying to get a buck or anything. He pretends to be bigger into hunting than he actually is because it's how he was raised.
-- he'd literally worship you if you took control in bed. He normally loves to be in control, yes, but.. there's this part of him that wants someone to turn him into a groaning mess beneath their body.
-- that said, he is a soft!dom. He's chill, he's got boundaries, he takes damn good care of you, but. He really enjoys putting you in your place too.
--- STAMINA. He's got it.
-- He's not overly kinky, but he enjoys holding your hands down an pinning you under him. Or tying them.. because yannow, he likes to watch you come undone knowing you can't touch or anything until he allows it.
-- breeding kink, oh my god. tell him you want to have his babies and this man turns into a feral slut.
-- decently equipped. He's girthy and veiny. Average length though but that doesn't matter because holy shit, he knows how to use what he has.
-- he never actually slept around, it was reputation. He slept with a handful of people, tops and he was in relationships with them. This makes me think boy is a romantic. And a huge sappy one at that.
--- BUT BUT... he will rail you, oh my god. His hand at your throat, deep and slow. He likes missionary or cowgirl the best because of this. He likes to watch you come undone.
-- this man will spend hours between your thighs edging you until you're trying to shove his mouth away.
-- Ride his thighs. Fuckin loves it.
-- Will leave handprints all over you, ugh, your honor, I'ma down bad.
-- Likes to pull hair, but does it gentle enough that it wouldn't hurt you.
-- Always has to be touching. And has zero shame in copping a tits or an ass feel right out in front of God and everybody, esp when he's got you molded against him and slow dancing.
-- if you praise him he will fucking melt.
-- anything to do with calling him baby, praising him or kissing him in certain areas / playing with his hair are all it takes to get him going. Or kiss him in the middle of an argument to shut him up.
-- Loves makeup sex.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Between Us Episode 3 Commentary and Review
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Previous episode reviews can be found here.
We start the series with Team playing basketball. He misses. In the book, he is actually a very good basketball player.
Yup, you stink, Team. Bet we have Team second guessing if Win really meant they were in a relationship. Remember, the UWMA Team needs reassurances. Why? Well Win is perceived by many to be a fuck boy. Is anybody surprised? Bisexuals are often perceived this way. It will be interesting if that actually is being kept. Guess I'll have to continue watching to see.
This is what I mean by the dominant Team. He isn't really, but he does feel the need to puff up. He is concerned with being seen as weak.
Look at that pissy Win. I know a lot of people have made comments that they feel Win is different. Remember, you were only seeing snippets of Win with Team, whom he is soft with. Outside of Team, he is tough. These coconuts.
Too late! Win has already eaten him alive! The slow mo! Love it, but I love Win waiting on Team even more! Did that dead ass actually run. 🤣🤣🤣 Is there really a product placement for iqiyi! ☠️ Team, you are so brave when it isn't Win. These lovely bunch of coconuts.
New nickname is drama king, and I'm not talking about the actor. The nickname fits. Look at him freaking out, then raising his hand.
Oh, T-rex, you risk losing your head. Look at that stare from Win and also him going Dom Daddy. Telling his friend not to talk about his man like that again. 🤟 I mean, he used the guise of him being a member of the club, but that's for Team's sake. Dean is coming in with words of honesty and humor. T-rex, seriously, you are trying to dye. Poor Win, though.
Fucking coconuts 🥥 Pince don't ditch your education! Bee is gone 🤣🤣🤣 Is he even gonna wash his hand. Okay, Team, I'm pretty sure you know why Win is concerned about you and not Bee. He might not be your daddy, but he is your Daddy.
I am dead. The ABC gang is making fun of Team. Rightfully so cause he damn sure not as brave as he talked. Love how Win just bluntly asks Team if he was avoiding him. Guys! Win's sad face is killing me. I'm gutted. He doesn't want to wait for Team.
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Staaaaap, don't hurt me like this. Okay, I can't judge alcohol therapy. I've been there and done that. Get ready to embarrass yourself. The coconut gang really wants to help Team. Poor Win.
Why did you have to call him out on calling him Hai. It's their version of Daddy. Don't ruin it for us! Hell to the fucking yeah! Flashback, baby! Yup! They making Win a perceived fuck boy.
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These fucking drunk white crayons are singing the abc song. I'm so dead. You fuckers really went to attention and dropped your friend. Niiiice. You assholes left him with the person he was just talking about!!! You white crayons have better read the room and know the situation. Otherwise you deserve an ass kick.
There is no time like the present for a conversation. Oh, you lucky that finger didn't get bit. That's straight up disrespectful. Don't put a finger in my face unless you are ready to fight. Fuck! I love their openess. Win wants to know why he has to report. Win explains he worries. That's what Team wants to hear. That arm on the shoulder is a signal of a wall coming down. He is still guarded, but he is listening. Who is Win to Team to worry. Win wants to know what title would allow him to be protective over Team.
They were so close to kissing, but Team pulls back. It's alright cause Win is starting to put two and two together, and he knows Team is still interested in him.
Win putting the helmet on Team, so cute. Getting on a bike drunk, though, is a recipe for disaster. Kids, don't try this at home. Yeah, we were really lucky he didn't fall off with being this drunk. Go take a shower!?!? You want him to drown! You are a brat, Team.
Parasomnia is a bitch. It can be caused by sleep apnea. So imagine your body has fought sleep so long that it's just fucking wore out, right. Then exactly what you're afraid of happens, the nightmare, but your brain is past exhausted. It locks you into place so you can't wake up. It often does take someone else.
Sub trio! Swimming makes you so hungry. Team, don't tease your friend! Nah, it's cute. Continue!
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Open house! Poor Team. This is gonna kill me. Poor tired, baby. Win buying his basket. He's so worried. Ha! Daddy, husband, wifey! Just call him special. Ha! He bought him healthy food too.
Dean, leave my baby alone. I can't handle it. ABC gang are pretty good friends. Come on, brat, you gotta talk. Ah, see, that step towards Team. He was going to cage, but Team talks before he has to.
Yessss!!!! Take him to your room. To sleep. Baby needs it. Move closer. We've done more than this. 🤣🤣🤣 That's it. He does puff up like a cat! The care, though! Team how can you not see it!
There you go. It's better not to wake them up but sooth instead. Help them to find comfort while sleeping. Which Team does. Instinctively seeking comfort. Aww, he completely wrapped himself around Win. Pay back!
He kicked him off the bed and called him a squid!! This fucking brat. Dead. Team lies. Here is this Dom that has put up with being ignored, run from, bad mouthed, and kicked, but the instant Team doesn't talk or lies he goes Dom. And goes straight to caging.
See that smile at Team gonna wear his shirt. Me too, Win, me too. Did Win really grab Team's pillow to cuddle and sleep with. Cuteness overload. 😍
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How did you forget! 🤣🤣🤣 The love. Damn. That kiss was so damn cute. They are so damn cute.
Hope you guys enjoy! 💜💜💜
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THIS IS SO CUTEEEEEE SKAKSLKS!!!!! For this, I'd pick Mitsuya and Chifuyu since I haven't written about them for so long...
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characters: 𝕄𝕚𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕪𝕒 𝕩 𝟜'𝟙𝟙 F!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 || ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕗𝕦𝕪𝕦 𝕩 𝟜'𝟙𝟙 F!ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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🇲‌🇮‌🇹‌🇸‌🇺‌🇾‌🇦‌ 🇹‌🇦‌🇰‌🇦‌🇸‌🇭‌🇮‌
This boy literally finds your short height so endearing. You're like his doll that he always designs and makes dresses for.
The reason he fell in love with you was how aggressive, yet so adorable. Whenever you're on the verge of losing, you cross your arms and pout which makes your cheek puff up.
He loves giving you head pats and lightly pinching your cheeks.
Oh, yeah, there's no doubt that people always mistake you as his little sister. Especially, when you two are going out on a date with Mana and Luna, his cute little sisters.
But, when his friends tried to pick on you- especially Mikey. You literally punched him in the face which left a bruise on the side of his lip.
"Y/N-chan, Y/N-chan, you're so short, huh? You're like Mitsuya's little sister. You're almost as tall as Mana (mana is the slightly older sister)"
You were slowly getting pissed at Mikey, so that was your last straw. He got a little scared of you and immediately said his apologies.
Well, it was somehow your fault to put your hair in pigtails.
Anyway, Mitsuya will be so protective of you. Because you might be his little devil who's not afraid of anything, but you're still his overly sensitive and delightful girlfriend.
He makes sure to let you feel so beautiful despite your short height that makes you look like his little sister.
Mitsuya will love you and will constantly reassure you that your height is not a flaw, but rather, something that he fell in love with as well.
+++ Because you're small, it's easy for him to make clothes for you. (designing and making clothes slowly became his love language for you though)
So, you have an overprotective boyfriend who loves you very much and your own fashion designer. ^_^
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🇨‌🇭‌🇮‌🇫‌🇺‌🇾‌🇺‌ 🇲‌🇦‌🇹‌🇸‌🇺‌🇳‌🇴‌
Oh, Chifuyu has it worse.
He has Baji, who would literally bully anyone. So, Baji enjoys how annoyed you usually get. That is also the reason why Chifuyu is stuck with two bickering children, trying to win against each other. What's worse is that those children were you and Baji.
"Aren't you like Mr. and Mrs. Matsuno's lost daughter? You and Chifuyu look like each other, you're small, so it makes sense that you are his little sister rather than his girlfriend." Baji nonchalantly commented as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend.
"Y/N, baby, Baji-san is just like that." He knelt down in front of you as you were looking away from him. "No, I'm gonna kill him and give him hell." You answered in a sassy manner and stood up...
You gave Baji a taste of his own medicine and kicked him in the nuts.
Baji groaned in pain and reached out to Chifuyu, "Hey, your girl is feisty. Okay, I'll stop teasing her about it."
So now, every time you and Baji see each other, you'll just raise an eyebrow at him and he'll almost pee his pants.
Chifuyu finds it hard to believe that Baji is afraid of someone, let alone his 4'11 girlfriend.
Your date with Chifuyu consists of going to the park and playing on the equipment. You were small so you definitely fit in every small space though.
He actually enjoys having you around. Sometimes, he can't take off his eyes on you.
To be honest, Chifuyu wouldn't trade you for anything. He's content with whatever you two have. And, he doesn't give a crap to anyone who always gives rude comments about you.
He has patience when it comes to his friends teasing you, oh but when strangers do it? You'll have to stay by his side that night and clean up all of his wounds. (Because this baby boy will fight anyone who disrespects you)
But, sometimes, you tag along with him on the fight which became something you two enjoyed.
"Can't wait to tell the whole world that my future wife could beat anybody's ass despite being a little short in height. I love you, Y/N. I love everything about you." He said as he softly kisses the part of your head that was swelling from a recent fight.
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cheekbites-moved · 3 years
How crazy was it to experience the hell that is the consecutive cliffhangers Mochijun gave in the form of the late 60s to maybe mid-70s chapters?
ab don't read this KTJRTKJ
also tw for suicide mention//
anyway. oh, man. so. that's "the truth" arc, or at least, that's how i've always referred to it. & it is my personal most painful arc bc of all the pain it provided the golden trio, primarily oz and alice, though.
it's the arc i rmr the most releases from.
chapter 70 and 74 i remember most specifically, though.
chapter 70 for what is, for me, the most fucked twist in the entire series. like. the impact learning that had on oz... still haunts me, to be completely honest.
i also distinctly rmr that the page where alice says "i love you" was accidentally omitted from the upload to the website i read the translations on, so i didn't find out she said that until later, and got to experience a whole nother whirlwind of emotions when i did lol that was a time.
chapter 74 i rmr for a whole shitload of rather apparent reasons, but also. i made my first ever mmv with that chapter bc it impacted me that much. no, that video is not still up bc it was BAD lol & ive switched channels multiple times since, but i would like to remake it someday. it was very painful kjtkrtrtkj
it also has the second most fucked up twist in the series for me, personally. and the OZLICE SHIT... BROOOOOOOOO
alice was the one "who killed poor alice" all along and she did it to protect oz and oz was crying out for her and it was so painful for her and "i won't let anyone take away what's mine! i'll protect you until the very end!"
"alice. i loved your smile. i felt warm when we were together. you were more precious to me than anything or anybody. i wanted to protect you. i wanted to protect you." OVER OZ CRYING OUT TO HER AND REACHING OUT HIS HAND, WHILE HER LIFELESS HAND FALLS OVER AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
but, also, like. the worst part of having to read it as it was released was
AND I COULDN'T JUST BE LIKE "well he's the main character she wouldn't do that" BC YES THE FUCK SHE WOULD?!?!
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newmysterygirl · 4 years
Warning: Strong language and possibly graphic details.
A/N: This is not all sunshine and butterflies. I would recommend listening to Grenade by Bruno Mars but the slowed and revered version :)
"He's Dead"
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I see the person point the gun to Oscar's head. I go to run towards the building, cocking my gun when I feel arms wrap around me, grabbing the gun and I let him because that wasn't the only gun I had on me and I wasn't gonna let Oscar die. Definitely not because of me.
"You can't" Sadeyes whispers
"Yes" I elbow him in the gut "I can" I whisper then start running.
As I'm running the person pushes the gun further into Oscar's temple which makes his head move and we lock eyes.
The guy grabs his chin roughly and puts the gun in his mouth. Which send me running again but I'm tackled. They wrapped their arms tightly around me.
I freeze and stare at him. His eyes widen then go back to normal. He looks behind me then looks at me again.
"Let me go" I say in a low voice but sternly
"No You aren't thinking straight. We can't just bust in" Joker says
"Yes the fuck we can. You know what you guys" I look at Sadeyes "don't got to but I'M not letting him die."
I see Sadeyes look up. I'm assuming at the guys and Oscar then I see him nod. He walks over to me and covers my mouth. I start squirming and try to bite,hit,kick,pinch whatever I could till I hear
I freeze, look at Sadeyes and see it in his eyes.
He's dead.
I give up on fighting Joker and close my eyes, lean my head back on his shoulder and start sobbing. I try to be quite but at this moment I don't care and I could feel it. Physically in my chest. I've felt this before and I NEVER wanted to feel it again but here I am.
After I don't ever know how long Joker says "You gotta get up baby"
I don't respond in any way. I keep my eyes shut and cry.
Joker sits up and I feel Sadeyes pick my up bridal style. I put one arm around his neck and lay the other on my stomach "I gotchu mana" he whispers as I cry in his neck.
I hear a car pull up as Sadeyes is walking. I lift up my head and see Carlos,Tito,Benito and Cruz get out the Impala and Julio,Oso and Benny get out the van.
Sadeyes turns around real quick and we see the place on fire.
I jump out of Sadeyes arms and this time I only hear foot steps behind me.
I hear the other's cock there's. We see the guys walking to their cars
I pull out the gun from my bra and cock it as I'm walking.
"19th street" the guys whisper
I watch them closely. I see one guy start to walk into the woods with the gas tank. I go into the trees. One or a couple of the guys follow me. The guy turns around and sees me and whoever followed me shot him then we dropped to the ground as the rest shot the 19th street Members.
Once the guns stopped I got up, grabbed the gas tank and walk towards the 19th street Members. Some dead some almost. As I get closer one that's sitting against the car say
"You couldn't show up could you? You're the reason he's dead. You killed him."
Then he get shots. Once in the neck, 2 in the stomach and 1 in the thigh and nun of those were from me.
I look at the boys on the floor and ask "They all dead"
Sadeyes says "Nah. Watcha thinkin"
I hand him the gasoline and pull out my lighter. He starts dumping it on the body's when Carlos walks up with another gasoline tank and starts pouring it on them.
After they are drenched. We all stand infront of the body's, take our lighters out and throw them on them. We step back as we watch them burn, squirm and some make some noises.
After a couple minutes we hear sirens so we run the other direction towards the cars and jump in. I get in the back of the van because I felt like I would feel to claustrophobic in the back of the Impala.
As I'm sitting in the back of the van I start thinking about this whole day.
That Morning
I wake up and Oscar's not next to me so I get up and walk into the hallway. I'm about to call his name when I hear
"They won't get her. I'd die before I'd let that happen"
I move up against the wall and continue to listen.
"They were wanting you but apparently figured it would be worse if quote 'both the King and Queen died'
"What's that supposed to mean" Oscar ask
"They plan on either taking you and making her go rescue you or take her and make"
"Me rescue her"
I close my eyes and think great. I step out where they can see me and Oscar turns around "buenos días mi Reina" he says moving towards me with a smile.
We kiss and I say "Mornin." Then I turn towards the guys "Morning guys"
They all bid me a morning and I look back at Oscar and ask "You really busy"
"No what's up?"
I nod my head towards the bedroom. He nods then turns back to the guys telling them he'd be back as I was walking down the hall. I walk in the bedroom and then he does and closes the door. I turn around and say "I heard"
He closes his eyes,rubs his chin and takes a deep breath before looking at me and saying.
"What you don't understand is I'd catch a grenade for ya. Throw my hand on a blade for ya. I'd jump in front of a train for ya. You should know I'd do anything for ya. I would go through all the pain in the world for ya. Take a bullet straight through my brain. Yes I would die for you. Your telling me you wouldn't do the same"
"I would bu"
He interrupt by saying
"So. Let. Me. Handle it."
And he walks out slamming the door. I fall back on the bed with my arm over my eyes.
A Few Hours Before He Was Taken
Oscar says "I love you and I just want you safe"
"And I love you and I just want YOU safe. I can't let you die because of me. You got Cesar to think about. I'LL be ok."
Oscar says "NO. It's not up for discussion. You don't have to protect yourself anymore. I gotchu. I'LL handle this."
I just stare at him. He moves closer, grabbing my hand pulling me towards him, looking me in the eyes he says "I love you. Your el amor de mi vida princesa"
"I love you but" I look down at his chain
"I'm not used to this"
"I know" he tilts my chin up "but I gotchu"
I just nod because I know he's as stubborn as me so I know how this will go if I keep going. We kiss till there's a knock at the door saying it was time for him to go.
Back To Her In The Van
I didn't realize we had made it to the house because I was lost in my thoughts but when I snap out of it I see the guys standing there looking at me. I get out and walk into the house not saying anything to anybody because I know we are all fucked up right now. As I'm walking down the hall I check Cesar's room but don't see him. Thankfully.
I go to Oscar's room, get one of his shirts and boxers and take a quick shower. Once I get out I brush my teeth and get in bed. I smell him and it all hits me like a bat out of hell. I just can't stop the tears. I don't even hear to door open. I feel the bed indent and I gasp and sit up fast. I see Sadeyes
"It's ok. Sorry."
I wave him off then wipe my tears. I look at him and give him a sad smile. We all need each other right now it's not just me that lost someone.
"You can talk to me. We're all hurting."
He nods and gives me his best smile but I can see it in his eyes. "What that guy said"
I cut him off by saying "I should of been taken not him"
Sadeyes puts his hand on mine stopping me from talking.
"The plans changed and it was a last minute decision. He didn't die because of you. He died FOR you. He never looked,saw,treated or loved anyone like he did you. You were his Queen and your still his Queen and OUR Queen." He gives my hand a squeeze "We gotchu."
I give his hand a little squeeze and give him a small smile before saying "I gotchu guys too. If you want or need to vent. Like always I'm here.
He smiles "We know" then he kisses my forehead before standing up "I'll be on the couch tonight if you need me"
I just nod and he walks out. I grab Oscar's pillow and bury my face into it as I cry myself to sleep.
2 Years Later
Cesar is now the Leader of The Santos and I am a mother of 2 beautiful, Evil children.
I found out 5 weeks after Oscar died that I was 2 months pregnant.
With Twins.
I was soooooo lucky to have them because of the stress I was under I was worried but The Santos and Cesar were and are great.
I had a Boy named Mateo Spooky Diaz and a Girl named June Marie Diaz.
They are going through the terrible 2's right now so they are far from Santos.
Unless June is getting candy or money from one of her tíos or Mateo is getting whatever he wants at the moment from one of his tías. I lost the love of my life, felt like I lost everything but I honestly believe he's with me everyday because of those kids.
The End👩‍👧‍👦
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casmybelovedass · 4 years
The Destiel Folder: Season 7
[Season 4; Season 5; Season 6]
This season is mostly Dean being a depressed bi who can't cope with his crush's death.
This is, in my opinion, the season where Dean actually starts realizing he might for real think of Cas as something more.
Episode 1:
Cas is basically gone, both Bobby and Sam (almost) are ready to compel to whatever he says, but Dean still tries to get him to come back. "You can turn this around. Please!" (3:13) Denial
Dean has no idea how to deal with God!Castiel, but desperate to find him, and getting emotional "I don't even know what book to hit for this." "Then figure it out!" (5:47) Anger
As we have said many times already, angels don't have a sex, Castiel is not a man, and as he states, he is "utterly indifferent to sexual orientation" (8:03), and so is Chuck, God himself, who has admitted having had both girlfriends and boyfriends.
Dean turns off the news the moment he hears a woman describe Cas as "young and sexy", while doing that jaw clentch thing of his (10:14) ... huh... [and this doesn't really matter, but after this we immediately see Dean in a purple flannel. PURPLE! Go Bi!Dean]
"He's not a guy, he's a God [...] Cas is never coming back. He's lied to us, he's used us, he's cracked your gourd like it was nothing. No more talk. We've spent enough on him." (11:09) Dean trying to jump to the 5th stage of grief. Yeah, no baby that's not how it works
Dean tries so hard to convince himself that Cas's gone so he can kill him, but can't really. "Just kill him now!" and struggles hard to hold Castiel's glare. And as soon as Death offers a second option to killing him, Dean takes it. Bargening
"Dean, look, I know you think Cas is gone." "That's because he is." (31:22) Again with trying to jump to acceptance. Not doing great, Dean. In fact, "Yeah, you know how I'm gonna deal? I'm gonna stuff my pie hole, I'm gonna drink, and I'm gonna watch some asian cartoon porn. And act like the world's about to explode, because it is." (32:17) There it is. Depression.
[Remember this: Dean has no shame in watching porn in front of his brother. Wait a few seasons and see]
Just moments earlier, Dean was all "That's not Cas, Cas is dead" and shit, and now he goes "What? You need something else?" worried-husband-mode the moment Cas asks for help (34:50). Also#MARRIED (35:16)
Bobby: "Where's Sam? It's go time." Dean: *looks back at Cas worried* (37:12)
MUST HELP HUSBAND (38:06) look at Dean's eyes!!! They're like 'It's okay, it's okay. You've got this.' "I'm sorry, Dean." Cas chose these words to be his last, thinking he was going to die. LOOK AT DEAN (38:21) ICWAW this would MEAN SOMETHING ELSE
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"CAS! [...] Is he breathing? ... Maybe angels don't need to breathe." says the one who was going around saying Cas was gone for good. "He's gone, Dean." "... damn it... *tears up* Cas, you child... Why didn't you listen to me." #MARRIED (39:15) Then he goes "CAS?!" as soon as he starts breathing again. ICWAW, we would SCREAM "LOVE" in this scene
"Imma find some way to redeem myself to you *looks at Dean straight in the eyes*" "*looks at Cas up and down*... Alright, well, one thing at the time, come on. Let's get you out of here." "I mean it, Dean." *eye love-making* "... Okay." (40:30) ICWAW, oooohhh, the meanings this scene would have...
Dean's face when the Leviathans tell him Cas is dead. Again. (41:18)
Episode 2:
Dean looking at the Leviathans occupying Cas' body. The HATE (1:44)
"... okay... so he's gone. *shakes while tearing up* [...] Dumb son of a bitch..." (5:14) Here we go again... I'm fine, shut up
Dean picks up, washes, folds and keeps Cas' coat (5:23) SWEET
"You just lost one of the best friends you've ever had." this hurts me. "... I'm fine, really." (12:11)
"You asked me how I was doing? Well, not good." (38:54)
Episode 5:
Dean progressively drinks more as his nightmares get worse and he misses Cas more and more. 3 times we see him drink, only in the first 12 minutes.
Sam can tell Dean feels like shit, and bet one of those reasons is Cas "Like it or not, the stuff you don't talk about, it doesn't just go away. It builds up." (39:33) Yeah, and not only problems or grief... even love
Episode 7:
Not a destiel moment, but Dean totally got hit on by the waiter. LOL (7:30)
And again. What is it with men in this town and Dean. "We're looking for a necklace." "Romantic. *looks at Dean*" (12:17). Is it an energy reading thing or something? Can they feel the bi energy?
"The Campbell brothers. [...] They weren't actually brothers. That was a cover for their, uhm... alternative life style." (22:40) Huh... I guess calling your lover "brother" runs in the family
"Ever since Cas... I'm having a hard time trusting anybody." (40:44) ouch
Episode 9:
Dean is drunk/high on Leviathan juice, and the first thing he thinks and blabbers about, is Cas (19:48) "I don't even care anymore." Oooohh ICWAW... the possibilities for this scene
Episode 12:
Dean totally checked out that man in uniform. FIGHT ME (16:27)
Episode 13:
"You're head's not in it, man. When Cas died, you were wobbly, but now-" "Now what!!" (39:35) as soon as Sam mentions Cas' death, Dean gets snappy
Episode 17:
Dean keeps getting snappy whenever Sam mentions Cas
"OH my God the love of my life is alive!" (13:02-13:06)
Dean's face when Daphne touches Cas (13:25), and when he calls her his wife (13:41)
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You mean to tell me that ICWAW this wouldn't be seen as a mini desperation moment from a man seeing his lover in this situation? Yeah, I don't think so
"What if you were some sort of... I don't know, bad guy." "I... I don't feel like a bad person." Dean's face is like "Damn right you aren't" (16:50)
"He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend?" Dean looking at him... can't even answer the question (19:59)
Dean says Cas' betrayal is something he cant get over like everything else. And that he doesn't know why. "It doesn't matter why." "Of course it matters!" (20:25)
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Dean gets visibly uneasy about Meg being so close to Cas (25:34) jealous boyfriend is jealous
Dean doesn't want Cas to remember, afraid he'll leave again (32:18)
"I've known you for years!" (32:34) poor baby. Also "You're an angel." "Uhm, I'm sorry? Is that a flirtation?" DEAN'S FACE (32:42)
Dean doesn't want Cas to be hurt by his own memories and past actions (33:00)
"You used to fight together. Bestest friends, actually." Yeah, look at that reaction. Let's see how he reacts to being called his boyfriend later on (33:09)
#MARRIED!!! I'll just leave this. No comment (33:41)
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As Cas regains his memories, only 2 of the ones we see are not of Dean. And the only one we hear is the "I'm sorry, Dean." . That is what matters to Cas (and this looks like a slash video. Kudos to the editors) "I remember you... I remember everything." Yeah, no-homo save (34:35)
Not even an hour earlier, Dean was ranting about Cas betraying him, how he couldn't forget and forgive him, and now he is saying Cas did "the best you could at the time", but Cas actually feels guilt and doesn't want Dean to defend him, but Dean does anyway (36:53)
"We didn't part as friends, Dean." "*looks at Cas up and down*... So what?" "I deserved to die." the look on Dean's face (37:18)
Dean gives Cas his trench coat back. The trench coat he kept, folded and all the the truck, for weeks. And that's not even Baby. So he moved the coat, to always have it with him (37:26). I'm not crying, shut up
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Also, here, have a deleted scene that breaks my heart
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Episode 20:
Let us all appreciate that one time Dean helped a lesbian flirt with a dude (24:27-25:03)
Episode 21:
Dean is devastated about Cas' mental state, that he did that to himself to save Sam. Look at his eyes in this scene (16:08). Also, Dean still resents Cas for the whole 'New God' crap, but it feels like the real reason is the fact that he left (19:18)
"Cas! Don't make me pull this car over!" "Are you angry? Why are you angry? *puppy eyes*" "... No I-I'm..." #MARRIED (27:28)
Cas says he won't fight anymore, but as soon as Dean's in trouble, he FLIPS
"The angels... they don't care... I think maybe they don't have the equipment to care." (31:49) Touchy much, Dean?, are you trying to convince yourself about that? It feels like he's making excuses to not let himself feel anything for Cas. "It seems like when they try, it just... breaks them apart." ... OK, fuck everything, ICWAW this would totally be seen as romantic angsty reference to Cas
Cas is so lost in his guilt for what he has caused. He looks like a baby, and it gets worse when it comes to Dean
"Why should we give you anything? After everything you have taken from us? The very touch of you curropts. When Castiel first laid a hand on you in Hell, he was lost!" (36:50) okay damn, ICWAW all of this would seem as if they were talking about a love relationship between the two and you can't tell me otherwise
"The bone of a righteous mortal and the blood of a fallen angel" ... shut up, I'm dying over these clues (39:11)
"What are you gonna do, Cas?" Dean's eyes are begging him to stay. ICWAW, we would point that out without a shadow of a doubt (39:40)
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Episode 23:
"Dude... on my car. He showed up naked... covered in bees!" ... come on, ICWAW this would be a HUGE deal (5:10)
"Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first." (8:51) LISTEN HERE. I study psychology, and one of the first things they teach you is that jokes are based on the truth. HOW MANY OF THESE JOKES WERE MADE?! HUH??!! (plus all the "Dick" jokes Sam made) Also Dean's reaction with the jaw clentch... just saying
Cas keeps stating he doesn't want to fight, but again, Dean's in trouble? FIGHT MODE
"*soft shoulder touch, puppy eyes, serves Dean a sandwich*" ... SOFT #MARRIED COUPLE (18:27)
"You got anything to say on the topic of dicks?" you'd like that, wouldn't you, Dean? (26:42)
Cas is afraid he will do something to cause Dean more trouble. Let's remember he chose what he believed were his last words to be "I'm sorry, Dean.", but as we know, Dean deals with feelings by showing anger... Cas gets upset and copes by playing twister... pathetic. "I can't help. [...] I destroyed everything and I will destroy everything again!" for a moment, Cas is lucid, and expresses his fear, but as soon as Dean gets angry with him, Cas gows back to hide in his world of crazy (26:47)
"I'm not good luck, Dean." "... You know what? [...] I'd rather have you. Cursed or not." Look at Cas' soft little smile as it grows. ICWAW, this would be read as another confession (32:38)
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"I'll go with you." SOFT
SEE??! The MOMENT Dick threatens Dean, Cas goes full Angel of the Lord on his ass. MUST PROTECT HUSBAND (36:52) and the utter shock on Dean's face is priceless
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And here comes PurGAYtory
[Season 8>>]
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
RP Meme from The Lost Boys
I told you to stay off the boardwalk.
Hey, I liked that song.
I don't see any boogeymen or nasty guys.
Wait. That's from my era!
That's the ocean air.
Smells like someone died.
Looks like he's dead. No, he's just a deep sleeper.
If he's dead, can we go back to [PLACE]?
What's wrong with this picture? There's no TV. Have you seen a TV? I haven't seen a TV.
You're the only woman I ever knew who didn't improve her situation by getting divorced.
A big legal war wasn't going to improve anybody's situation.
Ouch. My hair.
Talk about the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
We've got some rules around here. Second shelf is
mine. That's where I keep my root beers and my double-thick Oreo cookies. Nobody touches the second shelf but me.
There's another rule around here, and I want you to pay
close attention. Don't touch anything. Everything is exactly where I want it.
There are some bad elements around here.
You're telling me we've moved to the murder capital of the world?
If all the corpses buried around here were to stand up all at once we'd have one hell of a population problem.
I just like to read the TV Guide. Read the TV Guide, you don't need a TV.
I was so worried. Don't run off like that.
We were that age, too, once. Only they dress better.
You have a generous nature. I like that in a person.
So how may I help you this evening? We have it all.
I look that needy, huh?
You're chasing that girl, aren't you?
I'm at the mercy of your sex glands.
Don't you have something better to do than follow me around all night?
Just scoping your civilian wardrobe.
Listen buddy, if you're looking for the diet frozen-yogurt bar, it went out of business last summer.
That's a very serious book, man.
Only five in existence.
Where the hell are you from? Krypton?
Nobody drives this baby but me.
We have to let it warm up a little. Hear that sound? Just like a baby pussycat.
That's as close to town as I like to get.
It's a pretty cool place. If you're a Martian. Or a vampire.
Are you guys sniffing old newsprint or something?
You think you really know what's happening here, don't you? Well, I'll tell you something. You don't know shit buddy.
This is just our cover. We are dedicated to a higher
purpose. We're fighters for Truth Justice, and the American
Think of it more as a survival manual.
There's our number on the back and pray you never need to call us.
I'll pray I never need to call you.
If you want your ear pierced, I'll do it.
I came this close to being called Moon Beam or Moon Child Or something like that.
I can't beat your bike.
You don't have to beat me, [NAME]. You just have to try
and keep up.
Just you! Come on! Just you!
That's what I love about this place. You ask, and then you get.
I can never sleep with the closet door open, either. Not even a crack.
Don't sneak up on people like that!
What, you don't like rice? Tell me [NAME], how could a
billion Chinese people be wrong? Come on!
You're eating maggots. How do they taste?
Sorry about that. No hard feelings, huh?
Drink some of this, [NAME]. Be one of us.
Give me those sunglasses.
You need sunglasses to talk on the phone?
Are you freebasing? Inquiring minds want to know.
Anything in here that might pass for after-shave?
Have a big date tonight, [NAME]?
Lose the earring, [NAME]. It's not you. It's definitely
not you.
All you do is give attitude lately.
Go take your bath.
What did you do to my dog, asshole?
I didn't hurt him. He bit me. This is my blood.
Why did he bite you, huh? What did you do to him?
He was protecting you.
Look at your reflection in the mirror. You're a creature of
the night, [NAME]. Just like out of a comic book.
My own brother/sister/friend/etc, a goddam shit-sucking vampire.
You wait 'til[NAME] finds out!
Just let me talk. Wait a minute! [NAME]!
You did the right thing by calling us.
Does the sunlight freak him out?
He wears sunglasses in the house.
He always had bad breath, though.
He's a vampire all right. Here's what you do.
I can't do that! He's my brother/sister/mother/friend/etc!
You better get yourself a garlic T-shirt, buddy. Or it's
your funeral.
I think we have to have a real long talk about something.
[NAME] help! He's coming to get me!
[NAME], help me! Open up! Help me! [NAME], open the window!
So what are you, the flying nun?
We're gonna work this out. We*re gonna work this out. Trust
me, okay?
I thought I saw something on my window, but I guess I got carried away.
I would like to have a personal life too.
Can I sleep in here with you tonight?
You smell like garlic.
What's happening to me, [NAME]?
I don't know how to help you.
Aren't we friends anymore?
Then let's act like friends. Let's talk.
We could talk about anything you want to talk about.
I have more serious things on my mind than girls and school. Things I'm dealing with.
Looks like I wasn't the only one who got lucky last night.
The dog chased my mom like the Hounds of Hell from Vampires
We've been aware of some very serious vampire activity in
town for a long time.
[PLACE] has become a haven for the undead.
As a matter of fact, we're almost certain that ghouls and
werewolves occupy high position at City Hall.
Kill your brother/sister/boyfriend/aunt/best friend/etc, you'll feel better!
Look, it says here that if you kill the head vampire all half-vampires will return to normal.
Does he know who the head vampire is?
You'll have to kill him. And if you don't, we will.
Vampire require a daytime protector, a guardian to watch
over them as they sleep. Fierce dogs, the Hounds of Hell,
are often employed for this purpose.
Truth, Justice, The American way triumphs.
Smells good. When do we eat?
Are we gonna have company again?
Well, you are the man of the house and I'm not coming in until you invite me.
He promises to behave if you come back.
I didn't know you were having guests.
Our batting average isn't terrific, is it? Zero for two.
You're so sweet to him.
I don't know what got in to him. He's not like that.
If you ever want to see [NAME] again, you better come with
us now.
Initiation's over, [NAME]. Time to join the club.
Don't kill me, [NAME]. I'm basically a good kid, so just
don't kill me.
Just work with me and I can help you. You'll be okay.
Is she one of them?
You shut the window and lock your door.
She's one of them! And don't tell me it doesn't make her a
bad person, [NAME]!
Yes, and it's my fault. You would've not met me, if I
hadn't liked you. I tried to warn you.
You drank someone's blood? Are you crazy?
We're not them.
Why didn't you kill me last night?
You're supposed to be my first.
What are you doing here? What do you want from me?
Don't kill anybody until we get back to you!
I got connections.
The night crawler. The bloodsucker. El Vampiro.
I don't want you going down there.
Look, this isn't a comic book, [NAME]. These guys are
brutal killers.
Who'd you rather go down in with you? Them or me?
If something happens down there, I won't have the strength
to protect you.
This time I'll protect you.
Even though you're a vampire, you're still my brother/sister/friend/etc
If you try to stop us, or vamp out in any way, I'll stake
you without even thinking twice about it!
Where did you say you met these guys?
Don't you touch her. Stay away from her.
Flies and the undead go together like bullets and guns.
There must be coffins here someplace.
I thought they'd be in coffins.
That's what this cave is. It's one giant coffin.
Right now they're at their most vulnerable. Easy pickings.
Remember. You just have to kill the leader.
We don't know which one he is.
I guess we'll just have to kill them all.
What's that, a little vampire humor? It wasn't funny.
Good night, bloodsucker.
We blew it, man! We lost it!
We unraveled in the face of the enemy!
They pulled a mind-scramble on us!
We don't ride with vampires.
"Burn rubber" does not mean warp speed!
Your dog knows a flesh-eater when he smells one.
The sun goes down. They'll be looking for us.
[PLACE] is crawling with vampires
They're coming to the house as soon as it gets dark!
I'm gonna see [NAME] tonight, and you're trying to ruin it for me.
I don't know what you don't want me to see.
I'm not talking about [NAME]! To hell with [NAME]!
Good. That's just the way we like it.
We've got a date tonight?
They'll be coming for all of us.
It's just old memories coming back.
Why are you so jumpy tonight?
He seemed so sincere, but it's insane.
Tell me. I promise not to laugh. Honest.
I think I should warn you all when a vampire dies, it's never a pretty sight.
Some yell and scream. Some go quietly. Some explode. Some implode. But all will try to take you with them.
Don't go out there! Stop him!
I say we terminate them right now.
You're mine. You killed [NAME]
Try the holy water, dead breath!
I nailed one of them downstairs with a bow and arrow.
We trashed the one that looked like Twisted Sister.
We totally annihilated his night stalkin' ass!
Death to all vampires!
We are awesome monster bashers!
Holy shit! The attack of Eddie Monster!
Stop! Get away from him! Just stay away from him! He's just
a little boy.
You're afraid to face me, [NAME]?
I tried to make you immortal.
You tried to make me a killer!
Stop fighting me, [NAME]. I don't want to kill you. Join us.
It is too late, my blood is in your veins.
Don't let them see me like this.
What happened to your face?
I knew it. You are the head vampire.
You're the secret [NAME] was protecting.
Don't ever invite a vampire into your house, you silly boy/girl/etc.
It renders you powerless.
Has everyone gone crazy? What's the matter with all of you?
It was you I was after, all along, [NAME]
It was all going to be so perfect, [NAME]
Just like one big happy family.
Great. The bloodsucking Brady Bunch.
I still want you, [NAME]. I haven't changed my mind about that.
I didn't invite you this time, [NAME]
Don't you touch my mother/father/son/dog/etc
Don't fight, [NAME]. It's so much better if you don't fight.
How much do you think we should charge them for this?
One thing about living in [PLACE] I never could
stomach--all the damn vampires.
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teamfreewilllover · 5 years
Almost Lover: Part 4 - Xavier Plympton Imagine
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
Y/N was happily seated in between Xavier and Chet, as the group roasted marshmallows by the campfire. The nurse, Rita, had joined them a few minutes earlier, much to Y/N’s annoyance. Rita soon brought up the night stalker, as Y/N watched Brooke grimace at the mere mention of his name. However, clearly she wasn’t the only one who noticed. Xavier quickly stood up and walked over to Brooke, placing his arm behind her back as he leaned in closer to her.
“Rita. I totally understand the tradition, and usually I'm cool with that, but our friend Brooke here had a for-real assault, and we're just not in the mood for a bullshit ghost story” Xavier explained, a protective tone in his voice.
Y/N practically bristled as she watched Brooke give him a grateful smile. If it wasn’t bad enough that he still seemed to like Montana, now his attention was drifting towards the new girl.
“It's not bullshit. And there was no ghost. I'll be honest with you. I've never been a nurse at a summer camp before. And you've never been counselors. So how did we get these jobs with no prior experience? That's because anybody that knows anything about Camp Redwood doesn't want to be in Camp Redwood” Rita announced, as Y/N gave her a dubious look.
“Then how come your here, Rita? If it’s so dangerous?” Y/N accused.
“I like a little danger” Rita shrugged, as Y/N brushed off the comment, turning her attention back to Xavier.
Xavier seemed to notice she was staring at him, as he straightened up a little, a somewhat guilty look on his face. Y/N was barely listening to Rita’s ghost story about some weirdo named “Mr Jingles”, as she gave Xavier a confused look, which he shrugged to in response.
“Am I boring you two?” Rita questioned, noticing neither of them had been paying attention.
“I was listening. He was a freak who liked to cut peoples ears off” Y/N shrugged.
“You’re wrong. There was a lot more to him than that” A voice told her, as they all turned to see Margaret had snuck up on them.
“Don’t take it personally, Margaret. When these two are around each other, they don’t really pay attention to anything else” Montana teased, as Y/N had to restrain herself from stepping over the fire and strangling Montana.
“Duly noted” Margaret mumbled, as she walked over to Y/N and raised an eyebrow.
“If you want to hear what really happened then I should at least get a seat” Margaret went on, placing a hand on her hip.
Y/N rolled her eyes, as she reluctantly stood up from where she was seated on the log. She could see that there were nowhere else to sit, so she marched over to Xavier and got ready to kneel on the muddy ground.
“If you’re going to tell a story, tell it right...” Margaret began, whilst Y/N stopped listening when she felt a warm arm wrap itself around her waist.
She looked down and realised it belonged to Xavier, as a blush began to rise on her face.
“You can sit with me” Xavier mummured, not looking at her, as he was trying to listen to Margaret’s story.
“There’s no room” Y/N pointed out, as Xavier pulled her onto his lap.
She sat on his thigh, as he kept his arm still wrapped around her waist. By now, Y/N could tell her blush had grown, not to mention her heart rate had sped up. She tried her best to listen to Margaret’s story and ignore her current position, when Xavier began to unconsciously stroke her hip with his thumb. Y/N bit her lip, as she wondered whether Xavier really didn’t know what he was doing. She was brought of her trance as she saw Margaret stand up, as Y/N guessed she had finished her story. From what Y/N’s preoccupied mind could gather, Mr Jingles had killed everyone but Margaret, who had gone on to be the star witness and send him to jail. Y/N was beginning to question this, when she felt Xavier rest his chin on her shoulder.
“She’s kind of spooky, huh?” Xavier teased, his cool breath on her neck.
“Uh...I’m...I’m going to check on the hiker...” Y/N stuttered, as she quickly stood up.
“I’ll come with you. I want to make sure he’s alright” Brooke informed her, standing up.
“I’ll come too” Xavier announced.
“You really don’t need to. We’ll be fine” Brooke stated, as Y/N crossed her arms and looked away.
“It’s no problem. I’ve got to keep an eye on my best girl” Xavier teased, making Y/N rolled her eyes.
“I’ll just leave you two to it then” Y/N mummured as she began walking away.
Brooke shook her head fondly, as she saw Xavier watching her go with puppy dog eyes. The pair were so clearly pining for each other, but neither seemed to realise it.
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Y/N burst into a fit of giggles as she watched Montana all but drool over the new arrival. Trevor had clearly captured her interest...or at least a certain part of him had. Whereas Brooke seemed uncomfortable as he stretched in front of her, his crotch more or less in her face. Not for the first time, Y/N couldn’t help but question if Brooke was even interested in men.
“You’re a legend” Montana informed Trevor, a dreamy look on her face.
“Thanks” Trevor replied, with a small smirk.
“You’re welcome” Montana said, in a breathy tone.
“Okay, down girl” Y/N giggled, as she nudged Montana.
“It’s cool. I’m used to fans” Trevor grinned.
“You better be careful on your way out...I’m not sure your head is going to fit through the door” Y/N retorted.
“Ah...but which head?” Trevor joked, as Y/N laughed.
“You got me there” She giggled.
“Cute...he’s mine, Y/N” Montana whispered, but was still loud enough for everyone to hear.
“Don’t worry, she’s not my type, baby” Trevor winked at Monatana.
“Rude!” Y/N exclaimed.
“Hey, you’re a good looking girl, kid. But your still...well, a kid” Trevor pointed out.
“Montana’s only four years older than me” Y/N scoffed.
“And you know what that means...four years more experience” Montana smirked at Trevor.
Later that night, Y/N was sitting on the floor, her back against the bed Xavier was lounging on, while they watched the beginning of the Olympics.
“I heard the male athletes outnumber the females five to one. That's some tough competition” Brooke teased Chet, who had a devestated look on his face.
“What the fuck would you know about it?” Chet retorted, in an angry tone.
“Woah!” Xavier exclaimed, as he pushed himself upright.
“Dude, shut up already. You’re being a dick” Ray told him, as Chet scrunched up the can he had been drinking from.
“Fuck You!” Chet yelled, as he threw the metal can at Ray, who held up his hand to protect himself.
“Chet, what the hell?” Xavier gaped.
“You need to calm down right now” Y/N told him, pushing herself up.
“Shit...” Ray trailed off, as he saw his hand was now bleeding.
“My bad...I...I didn’t mean to-” Chet began, approaching Ray with a concerned look on his face.
“Back off!” Ray shouted.
“I’m sorry, man” Chet sighed.
“Damn roid rage” Ray mummured, as Chet shook his head and stormed out of the room.
“Chet, wait up!” Y/N exclaimed, following close behind him.
“Y/N, just leave him. It’s not worth it” Xavier insisted, as Chet left the cabin.
“He’s our friend, X” Y/N retorted, as she rushed outside.
“Chet, it’s okay-” Y/N began, but he cut her off.
“No, it’s not! Ray’s right, look at me! I’ve ruined my life and for what? I have no career, no girlfriend, no future...” Chet trailed off, almost sounding like he was going to cry.
“Hey, it’s not all bad. At least you’ve still got your abs” Y/N suggested, as Chet chuckled.
“Yeah, they are pretty rad” Chet nodded.
“Just come back inside, okay? Apologise to Ray, and just...chill” Y/N told him.
“Yeah...thanks, Y/N” Chet smiled at her, as he pulled her into a hug.
“Uh, Chet? You’re kind of crushing me” Y/N giggled, ushering to his arms wrapped around her tightly.
“Oh, sorry” Chet laughed, as he pulled away slightly.
Just then the cabin door opened, revealing an annoyed looking Xavier, who frowned as he saw how close the pair were standing.
“Am I interrupting something?” Xavier questioned, gritting his teeth.
“No. Uh, is Ray still in there?” Chet asked.
“He’s gone get bandages” Xavier replied, with an angry tone.
“I’m gonna’ go after him” Chet announced, as Y/N nodded, watching as he went back inside the cabin.
“Seriously, Y/N? Chet?” Xavier accused, as he shut the cabin door so the others couldn’t hear their conversation.
“Nothing happened. Jesus, what is with you lately? One second your avoiding me and the next your breathing down my neck? Are you that pissed that I’m leaving?” Y/N retorted.
“Maybe...maybe I am. Your my best friend...I don’t want to lose you, okay?” Xavier sighed.
“Just because we’re not going to be living in the same state doesn’t mean we won’t still be best friends, X. I’ll be home all the time” Y/N explained.
“That’s not why I’m worried about losing you” Xavier admitted.
“What do you mean?” Y/N frowned.
“I care about you...a lot. More than I should-” Xavier began but was cut off by Y/N.
“Did you hear that?” Y/N gulped, as she looked out into the forest.
“Hear what?” Xavier inquired, following her gaze.
“I thought I heard...nevermind. Let’s go back inside” Y/N mumbled, as she opened the cabin door, with a frown.
Was Margaret’s story just getting to her or did she just hear keys jingling?
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kayah16 · 5 years
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Marcie watched her husband pack his duffel bags. He's been quiet. He's been out of touch. He hasn't been sleeping. His gun stayed by his side 24/7. She knew her husband.
This was eating away at him. She also knew when Cameron was overwhelmed he starts saying things he wouldn't say normally. Cameron wiped his face from the tears that had fallen from his eyes. He needed to leave.
Stepping in the room Marcie sat on the bed. Her husband was crying. He never cried. This was bothering him badly. Marcie placed a gentle hand on his arm and Cameron let out a shaky breath.
"I gotta go. Nobody knows but you. I'll keep in contact with you. Don't say anything to anybody. Alright?"
"Okay Cam. Let me ask you something did you mean what you said about Lainey being Candace."
Cameron yelled in frustration cause it seemed like his siblings heard what they wanted to hear.
"I ain't say she was like Candace! This is what I said "You know what between Benny and Candace and y'all two. Y'all don't deserve my Mama at all. I'm not blaming my parents but I will blame Esperanza cause she been fucking up since the beginning. My PARENTS did what they always do and tried to make sure everybody was protected. The part about them not deserving Mama yes I said it! And I said that about all of them! Why the fuck would I say some shit like that??? Huh?"
Marcie jumped as Cameron continued to breathe deeply.
"I literally watched Lainey grow the fuck up. I can't stand Candaces ass and I'm glad she's dead. Why the hell would I wish harm on Lainey? That's my little sister I don't care how much we argue and fight that's still my heart."
Cameron let more tears fall down as he tried to control his breathing. Marcie has never seen Cameron be so vulnerable and it honestly killed her.
"Then why don't you try to explain to them."
"I'm not explaining shit. My nieces, my Mama, and my little sister is gone and I can't protect them. I need to separate myself from my family for a while."
"I don't want you to leave."
"I know but it's better if I do. I'm going to keep in contact with you. Alright? Don't you leave this damn house with our baby."
"I know Cam. We love you. Stay safe."
"I love you and CJ too."
Marcie continued to watch Cameron pack his bag. When he was done they shared a kiss and Cameron hugged her tightly then left without nobody seeing him. He needed isolation.
AN: Angst. Sucks. Sorry.
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