#he's not bumblebee leave him alone
0oxxo · 9 months
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Tc: you're mission was to catch their scout ..
Sw: I did :D but he's red for some reason..
*second picture: dumb* *
That's what happen when you skip Ss lessons
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the-starry-seas · 10 months
Knightverse Transformers movies take one look at Bumblebee and ask "Is anyone gonna traumatise that?" and don't wait for an answer
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please do 💀
Apologies for the delay in answering this anon!
For this ask game
☠️ - If you were sent to the Sakamaki brothers as a sacrifice, based off of first impressions only, which one of them would you pick as a keeper and what do you honestly think your fate would be?
Okay I know my answer to the first half of this question because I vividly remember playing the HDB prologue about 3 years now and if that was my introduction to the Sakamaki family, I'd pick Shuu with basically no hesitation because all of the others come across as unhinged. Also, if I'm being entirely honest, he'd probably be my top choice based on looks alone, even without factoring the brothers' personalities into account.
As for how it'd go... I'm not entirely confident I'd survive the boys for that long but I do have a couple of points in my favour, namely that I'm definitely somewhere on the do-M spectrum, I'm generally pretty quiet and on the whole I'm incredibly conflict avoidant and will often capitulate if I think pressing a point is going to be more trouble than it's worth. Admittedly with someone like Ayato, I'd probably end up boring him and get killed off before too long, but with Shuu, I might just survive for a bit.
I suspect I'd start out trying to avoid him and everyone else, and not even because they're vampires, but because I know from experience that I can get quite bad social anxiety when faced with new housemates.
(side note, I have no idea of what the boys would make of:
Diaboy: Hah, you're trembling, are you that afraid of having your blood sucked?
Me: Oh no, I was scared you were about to try to start a conversation.)
At some point, I'd probably start to realise that unless I actually went through with my choice then I'd be liable to be preyed upon by everyone in the mansion, at which point I'd try to stay in Shuu's presence as much as possible in the hopes he'd act as a deterrent (even at the cost of some blood). Tbh it'd probably end up a lot like Shuu's HDB route, but with less conversation and as much as I'd like to say that I wouldn't end up in a situation where I'd have to physically move him around, I know what I'm like and I suspect I'd reach a point where I felt duty bound to do something (definitely the bathtub scene because the lack of hygiene would bother me massively and I'd worry about him going mouldy or something).
The only thing is I don't see myself developing feelings for him because I'm a lot more emotionally closed-off than Yui so I suspect I'd just get stuck in some sort of purgatory until one of the brothers got tired of my presence and decided to drain me dry RIP
Sorry that got so long but thank you so much for the ask, I hope you have a good day!
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rottingparts · 1 year
If you've seen the 2018 Bumblebee, could you do Bumblebee's reaction to his s/o being scared of him after seeing him get angry and his eyes turn red in that one scene where he fights those army soldiers and shoots everything. After Bumblebee turns back to normal, and reaches for them, His s/o backs away from him out of fear not wanting to go near him and runs away. ( temporarily from being scared and needs to collect themselves) how would Bumblebee react to seeing them be afraid of him?
I love scary Bee... he is scary and that's kinda hot... I wrote headcanons and also a fic that is under the read more!! Reader is GN!!
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Bumblebee... Is devastated!
He didn't want to scare you... he was worried you were going to die and ew can't have that!
When he reverts to normal and grabs for you and you flinch back... Oh boy does he realize what he's done.
When he sees you running away his spark stops.
You're freaking out, wondering what went wrong (military found you, that's what went wrong...) and then see Bee crouched a little ways from you.
He is so willing to do literally whatever to make you feel better.
He reaches for you again, and you reach for him this time.
Never wants to make you this upset again. The absolute fear in your eyes?? Never wants to be the cause of that again.
When you get inside his alt mode, he will let you talk about what happened. He lets you vent and tell him how you felt. So receptive and understands why you were afraid.
Genuinely so sweet and tries his best to make you feel better.
“It’s okay!” You reassured the military surrounding you. “He isn’t going to hurt anyone!”
Your arms were up and you were trying to be calm. Your voice cracks were giving away your fear.
“Step away from the robot!” One of the men shouted.
You didn’t budge. Instead, you stood there motionless. Fear had kicked in fully, and instead of running or fighting… you were frozen. Your eyes widened even more when you noticed them closing in on you.
You were snatched up from in front of Bee, who was still being polite and quiet. Like you had asked of him in case anything like this were to ever happen.
“Remember, my love,” You would point up at him, “If anything ever happens, we have to stay civil! I don’t want something happening to you…”
So, he would be civil. For now.
You struggled slightly, your head turning towards Bee. When you saw other soldiers pulling out weird rods, you were growing panicked.
“No!” You screamed, “I promise! He isn’t hurting anything- He won’t hurt anything!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, the soldiers began to electrocute him. A scream ripped from your throat, and your struggling became more violent. You kicked and screamed and your foot hit hard against the soldier's shin. Suddenly, you were flung from the soldier’s arms and you hit the ground hard.
You let out a loud cry and looked over at Bee, who was being held down by the soldiers. You looked back up at the soldier who had been holding you down, and noticed he had something in his hand. A taser.
Briefly, you were unable to move. You were processing and it wasn’t computing. When the soldier was over you, fight or flight really hit, and you were fighting. Violently. You grabbed the soldier's wrist and tried to redirect his hand. Your knuckles were white in an instant and you felt like you were fighting for your life.
“Please!” You screamed, hoping he would hear you over all the commotion, “We were just hanging out in the desert!”
When the soldier grabbed your wrist with his free hand and broke your grip, you were sent into a bigger panic. You began to wail. You were pleading for release. For the military to leave you alone. And then, Bee’s name left your mouth. A loud, unmistakable shriek for Bee. For your boyfriend.
That’s all it took.
Your eyes shut tight, and you waited for the taser to hit your side. The shouting around you turned into screams of terror and suddenly you couldn’t hear the loud cracking of electricity anymore. You swallowed hard and when the soldier above you yelled, you opened your eyes and saw the soldier was gone, and Bee was standing over you. His gun pointed at the military and his stance was firm. Your eyes met his, and your stomach turned.
His optics were red and his brow ridges were furrowed. He was pissed. With good reason. And, you were terrified. Also with good reason.
“Bee…” Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper.
He did not listen. He began to blast the soldiers surrounding the two of you. Their vehicles became caught in the crossfire. Bee moved himself over you and became a shield between you and the soldiers. They were dying, their vehicles were bursting into flames, and all you could do was think ‘It’s okay! He isn’t going to hurt anyone!’.
“Bee!” Your voice was louder now. But he was still shooting. Shooting at soldiers who were definitely retreating at that point.
“Bumblebee! Stop!”
Your voice was sharp. It was loud and full of command. Bee came to a halt. The remaining soldiers got into the remaining vehicles and promptly left. You stood up, your gut wrenching and your legs barely holding you.
Bee turned towards you, optics still red. You blinked up at him. And briefly wondered if he, your cute alien robot boyfriend, was about to murder you. His optics go back to blue and you take a step back. He leaned down and began to reach for you.
Once you flinched back, Bee did too. He retracted his servo and cocked his head at you. Adrenaline was still going strong, and fight or flight was still kicking, and you were not about to fight Bee.
You took off running in the opposite direction. The desert really didn’t have too many safe places to hide, but you did find a large rock. You pulled out your phone, a special one Optimus had made for you. You could reach the bots at any given time.
“Optimus!” Your voice was hushed, and you were trembling. “Please! The military found us! I don’t-”
The sound of metal beside you caught your attention and you gulped. Bumblebee was a few feet from you. He wanted to give you space, but he wanted to be close so badly. He was crouched down and his optics watched you closely. They were still blue.
“Is everything alright?” Optimus’ voice came through the phone.
You wanted to say no, instead you hung and looked at Bee. Your back was against the rock. Your breath caught in your throat, and suddenly you couldn't swallow. You knew deep down Bee was not going to hurt you, but watching him fire at those men, that was fear inducing. Watching him become someone you didn't know was terrifying.
“I- Won’t hurt you.” Bee switched through his radio channels to talk to you.
He reached out for you, once more, his movements slower and slightly more mindful. You inhaled sharply and reached out for his servo. Bee seemed to beam when you reached for him. He gently pulled you up, helping you stand. He was quick to dust you off, sand covered your back and butt.
“Hey!” A yell came from a few yards away. You looked towards the direction the voice came from. Crosshairs… “What happened?”
You blinked a few times and looked back at Bee. “We were trying to have a date.”
“Date doing what?” Crosshairs examined the destruction. “Blowing up military vehicles?”
Optimus and Drift rolled in behind Crosshair, quickly transforming from their alt modes.
“Are you alright?” Optimus neared you and Bee, “You sounded scared.”
“I’m-” You paused, “We’re okay... Thanks to Bee.”
“Glad to see you are both okay… We’ll need to figure this out… Also,” Optimus looked at you, crouching down, “never hang up on me again.”
Bee moved himself in between the both of you and you only nodded.
“We need to get back to Cade’s.”
“I’ll go with Bee.” You looked up at him,and he made a beeping noise, almost a chirping sound.
“Obviously,” Crosshairs rolled his eyes, “you two are-”
“Shut. Up!” Drift interrupted. “I don’t want to know what they do!”
Bee transformed into alt mode and his door opened. You were quick to get inside. “Can we talk about that back there? I think I need to process all of that..”
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arepitademanteca · 3 months
Transformers Prime has a disappointing fandom
I have never been so disappointed with a fandom as much as now…
After being a part of fandoms like The Owl House and Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and having absorbed the endless anguish of their most tragic characters artistically reflected by their fandom, I can say that it is disrespectful to Transformers Prime that it is not made enough anguish.
Where are the Bumblebee fanfics, fanarts, analysis?
1) In several chapters the other bots express themselves and refer to him as much younger than them. HE IS A CHILD SOLDIER.
2) He was interrogated and tortured by the leader of the enemy group, with whom he had to continue fighting constantly.
3) As a result of the torture his larynx was destroyed, and the level of damage was so brutal that his voice box could not be repaired for millennia.
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4) He was forced to leave his home planet because it had been destroyed and he had to take refuge on another planet. Now he is not only a child soldier, but he is a political refugee.
5) One of his comrades in arms, friend and family member died without him being able to do anything to prevent it. Obviously Bumblebee has lost many more teammates and friends in the past, considering how small Team Prime is.
6) He had to watch his leader/father figure almost die from an infection and the only way to save him was by entering the mind of the guy who tortured and incapacitated him to obtain information.
7) He was possessed by that same guy (seriously, Megatron leaves the kid alone) and forced him to hurt two of his friends, and everything else Bumblebee went through in the middle of the possession is up for interpretation, FANDOM WAKE UP.
8) THE SAME GUY WHO INTERROGED, TORTURED, MUTILATED, INCAPACITATED AND POSSESSED HIM, attacked him for fun and on the spot fatally injured his best friend/protege/younger human brother. Then the child abuser made fun of him in his face for it.
9) Not even 24 hours had passed when the unmentionable went to his hiding place, his SAFE PLACE, in search of an alliance, which he then betrayed because he kidnapped Bumblebee's father figure in front of his eyes.
10) He is mutilated again, he temporarily loses his T-cog, his feelings of insecurity within the group deepen slightly and when he goes to retrieve his T-cog he sees how it is almost destroyed. No one talks about Bumblebee literally holding one of his organs in his hands, it's like you see someone hugging his lung or something.
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YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN, that apathy towards oneself and dehumanization (?) has POTENTIAL, if the child did not mind having an organ of HIS in his hands, I can already imagine how he reacts and treats his physical and emotional wounds. He is the type of character who hides his injuries, jokes about his traumas and in doing so traumatizes everyone around him, has a terrible sleep schedule due to nightmares, frequently dissociates, and has zero sense of self-preservation (canon).
11) This is not a trauma, but it also has the potential to cause distress in the fact that he was probably used to getting more attention for being the youngest, but suddenly this guy, Smokescreen, the same age as him, appears, and Everyone expects Bumblebee to be the one to guide the rookie, so every time the rookie makes a mistake, it will be Bumblebee's fault. Also, the new guy who never actively participated in the war, compared to Bee, who was born and fought in it all his life, turns out to be the one chosen to be the next Prime. Actually?
12) The base where he lived most of his time on earth was destroyed. It may not sound that bad, but as someone who recently lost their home to armed conflict, I can tell you that it hurts a lot.
13) He was separated from his team for a few days and when he found one of his teammates, his second father figure tells him to go away, to stay away and discourages him. Bumblebee must have felt bad because the one who convinced Ratchet to help them was not him, but Raf.
14) Other traumatic things must have happened that I don't remember, the last time I saw the series was in 2022, okAY?
15) They kidnapped their second father figure.
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17) Megatron deserved it and it was more than satisfying and well done that it was Bumblebee who killed him, put an end to his power and the war, but knowingly killing can be traumatizing. Bumblebee killing Megatron in retaliation is also an ignored trauma.
18) He had to see Megatron's revived body being controlled by a god of destruction, who seemed to have something personal against him. At one point during the chase, Bumblebee thought his friends were dead.
19) He became the team leader in Optimus' absence, he was inexperienced and as a result he had two anxiety attacks in the same scene.
20) Optimus, his father figure, sacrifices himself to revive the planet.
so whERE ARE MY FANFICS? If anyone has recommendations, wants to write something individually or wants to collaborate, please write to me. This can't stay like this friends, Transformers Prime is not going to return as we would like, we the fandom have to bring it back.
Pd: English is not my native language nor do I have command over it, do not judge me for any error or lack of logic
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theholypeanut · 7 months
♪ You Belong with Me ♪
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Characters: Bachira Meguru, Isagi Yoichi, Kunigami Rensuke
Cw: stalking, fake dating or is it?, fluff and a tiny lil angst, mention of Barou not getting bitches (pov he goes to the same school as Isagi) , mention of Otoya being a horny perv (Otoya slander as always love u Eita)
Plot: Being a football star is not an easy task, being popular can really get on your nerves when someone goes too far. That’s why he asks you to pretend to be his girlfriend to make all of this unwanted attention to go away highschool au, fake dating trope, afab!reader, ~800 words each
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Bachira Meguru
Bachira was never very popular with girls, so when he started getting anonymous love letters, he was excited. Someone is crushing on him? However, as time passed, it seemed like this person was more obsessed than in love - writing about how cute Megu looks under the shower (how do they know?) and thirsty messages about how amazing he smells - it got very uncomfortable, especially when you don’t know who is sending you all of this. So he asked you if you could pretend to be his partner, just so the stalker would leave him alone. 
Fake dating Bachira was actually a lot of fun. Since you were close friends, so you essentially did the same things, except his hand was wandering on your back a lot, around your waist, in your hair. He started to call you Bumblebee in front of others, making you blush with his affectionate behaviour. To be clear, he was clingy before, but now Bachira Meguru was just a menace. However, it didn’t take you long to get used to wearing his sweatshirt when it was cold, and holding hands around his teammates “because you’ll never know if the stalker is seeing or not, so we have to be like this all the time”. But as time went on Bachira started to be more bold. At first, he kissed your hand occasionally while you walked home, and eventually, he moved on to kissing your forehead goodbye. He didn’t care if it was around people or not anymore. You couldn’t control the butterflies in your stomach every time you felt his lips on your skin. 
Obviously the creepy stalker sent some nasty stuff to Bachira about being heartbroken, however after two weeks you got a familiar envelope in your shoe shelf. Scared that it might be some threat, you opened the letter with shaky hands.
“Take care of him well. I can see how much he loves you”
It caught you off guard, but without a second to think about it, you felt familiar hands around your waist. “Good morning baby” Bachira’s face was right next to your ear as he planted little kiss on your cheek. And just as you looked at him you thought: god, I really don’t want this to end.
He saw the envelope in your hands and got angry at the spot. “I really hope they don’t even try to mess with my-” you shook your head and showed him the letter. “It’s good. You are good” You stopped for a second with a sad look on your face. “I guess if it worked we don’t have to-” the bell starting classes stopped you from ending the sentence. But Bachira knew what you wanted to say and he hated it.
You spent morning classes thinking about Meguru way more than usual. The silence on his part was frightening you, because what if for him it was really just an act? What if he doesn’t mind to come back to things as they were?
On the lunch break you felt your phone vibrating.
Megu: Can we talk? Come behind the gym
Without answering you just stood up and went feeling anxiety taking over your body. When you arrived and saw a familiar silhouette, your heart skipped a bit. Meguru came closer and pushed you gently against the wall and put his forehead on the crook of your neck. Feeling his breathe so close to your skin make you shiver.
“You are right, you don’t have to pretend anymore” he said, and your throat got dry as you felt like tearing up any moment.
“But if we stop pretending, and do it for real, does that mean I can kiss your lips too?”
Isagi Yoichi
Isagi was your best friend since childhood, the best neighbour, an amazing companion to play board games with. And of course, you were always the loudest fan cheering on all of his matches.
Isagi got very popular when he became one of the best players in his high school and girls and boys finally saw the side of him you saw all along: a very athletic, nice and cute boy. And a very, very handsome one.
At first it flattered him that so many girls came to see him play; however, the louder they screamed, and they squeaked every time he looked in their direction, the more annoying it was to him and distracted him from the game. “Isagi, control your fun club” he heard from angry Barou.
But to be fair, he had no idea what he could do with this issue. He was simply too kind to snap at them, and too shy to stand up to them either.
“Maybe they’ll stop if you date someone?” Bachira mentioned in the locker room after practice. Then he whispered right to Yoichi’s ear: “You have someone who you want to date for some time already, right, Isagi?”
Isagi blushed. Of course there is only one person he would even consider to date: you. But how could he ask you to date him because of something so stupid? He couldn’t do that for years now, so how will he grow a pair now?
“Maybe just get a fake girlfriend” he heard Aiku speaking. “If you are such a virgin you can’t actually get one.”
So obviously, when he asked you, if you could pretend to be his partner to get rid of unwanted attention, how could you say no?
And that’s how you two ended in this situation: holding hands with your childhood friend while going back home together. His hands were so warm, and big, and for the entire route you felt hyper aware of his presence.
“So… how was the practice?” You asked to fill the silence. Normally you’d talk for hours and joke all the way home, but apparently Isagi is also not used to holding hands.
“It was very good… I think the fan club might get more and more discouraged” Yoichi barely could make a full sentence, that’s how much he focused on the way your hand felt. If he knew he could hold your hand everyday, he would ask you to pretend to be his girlfriend years ago.
Pretend. Yeah.
However is it still pretending if you are doing that on your way home with no one around?
“So… what are your plans for the weekend?” He asked trying to get himself together. His team didn’t have to play any matches this week, which was a rare occurrence. And gave him some time for himself.
“Well, I don’t have any particular plans” you started holding his hand tighter. He blushed. “I was thinking maybe I’d study some, watch a movie… on my own”
“Do you maybe…” he started while looking away, so you won’t notice his embarrassment. “Want to watch it together? Or… or study together?”
You looked on the ground. Isagi started to regret his boldness - what if you don’t actually like him this way? What if you are actually embarrassed to hold hands with him and it makes you uncomfortable, and you only let it happen because you are a good friend? With growing silence he started overthinking everything and started taking his hand back, just to not make you feel more uncomfortable.
But you held it tighter and raised your brow.
“And what do you think you are doing, huh?”
“I’m sorry, that was very stupid” he started. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, you are already spending so much time with me because of this whole situation, just tell me and I’ll stop bothering you so much”
For a football star he was really insecure, but what could he say? He crumbled under the idea that you might be annoyed with his touch or by his presence. Even if he’d have to keep his feelings for you forever, he’ll do it if that mean he gets to keep you as his friend.
“Yoichi” you started quietly. “You don’t make me uncomfortable. You could never bother me, you know? I actually…” you felt the feelings stuck in your throat. “Missed you a lot, since you are so busy with your football career. I missed spending time with you. Just us”
Isagi felt adrenaline was rushing through his veins just like before he was about to shoot a goal. This was an occasion he was waiting for so long.
“Do you maybe want to go on a date together?” He said without hesitation. You blinked a little surprised.
“You mean like, a fake date?”
“No. A real date. Just us. We can go to cinema, or maybe for a picnic, or we can just study together too…” he held your hand so tightly his fingers turned white. You smiled.
“Yeah, I’d love that”
Kunigami Rensuke
Saying that you and Kunigami were very good friends would be an overstatement. You were a manager of his football team for a year now, and you had a massive crush on him, but you never really talked regularly.
Kunigami was always a very polite guy, thanking you for every towel, every water bottle, always helping you with tasks that require strength, but he wasn’t very talkative, so you just assumed he was doing it out of simple generosity - he was a truly decent person. No wonder so many girls were swooning whenever he was on the field, it was always like this. His physique, handsome face, manners - you sometimes felt jealous over girls who could just openly state their feelings for Kunigami, because in your position it would be inappropriate. So you kept it nice and hidden.
Until you regretted it deeply.
There was this one particular fangirl who was on every match, cheering the loudest, always bringing Kunigami food “with lots of protein just as you like”, made herself a shirt that looks just like his football jersey. She was indeed very annoying and most of the team would either find her unbearable, or, as Otoya, were always staring at her ass in this very short skirt she was wearing.
And then you heard one day as you just arrived to school, that Kunigami has a girlfriend. It was like time stopped for a second. Till now you never expected your crush to date someone else, so in split seconds your heart was aching. Was this that girl? Did she finally succeed in her obnoxious tries?
The whole day at school felt like a fever dream. “Would’ve, should’ve, could’ve” was all over your brain. Maybe you should’ve confessed? Be more aggressive in your tries for his heart? Could you even have any chances?
You took your lunch out and tried to find a quiet place to eat, so you can spiral into your teenage depression a little more. But while going around school you passed the girl’s bathroom, just to hear The Short Skirt crying to her friends. You stopped right behind the door.
“He said that he has a girlfriend… and that I should stop coming on the matches… because it’s not okay towards her…” she took breaks to sniffle.
“You shouldn’t cry about it, we know you are way better than this half-ass girlfriend! There’s no way he got someone better than you!” - her friends were seriously doing their best.
Your brain was working fast. So it wasn’t her? You never saw Kunigami talking to any girl outside of you and her. Does he have a girlfriend outside of the school? Actually, Kunigami gives this vibe “neighbours to lovers” or “childhood friends to lovers”, so it wouldn’t be that far off.
You went to think about it in silence to one of the quieter wings of the school, and was just about to eat your sashimi, when someone aggressively entered the room.
“Oh, good. I found you.” you could see Kunigami was running just seconds ago. He was breathing just as he just ended a marathon. Was he that desperate to tell you that your presence bothers his girlfriend too? “Can I sit with you?”
“Sure” you only let out. He took a place meter away from you and didn’t say anything for a while. It started to get a little awkward, so you brought your bento closer to him.
“Do you have any lunch? Want some sashimi?” you went into your manager mode. If your players don’t eat well, how can they play well? Kunigami considered your offer for a split second.
“No, thank you” As always, you thought, Man of few words.
“So…” he started, while looking at the wall. “I don’t know if you heard the rumours yet”
You tried your best to keep your composure. “Yeah. You have a girlfriend? Congratulations” probably the lack of enthusiasm sold you away. At worst you can always pretend that you are just worried that he will play worse if he’d date, right? Because he is a valuable player.
“Yeah this one. So I kinda wanted to talk to you first, before you hear it, but…” he rubbed the back of his neck with embarrassment. “Yeah I should have told you yesterday. Sorry”
Oh? You frowned your brows. It’s not like you are such good friends that you would be the first person he’d say that he dates someone? Again you barely talk outside of practice. “Yeah I don’t think you owe me anything. Again good for you, Kunigami-kun”
“No, I don’t think you understand what I mean” he said quickly, like he was afraid you’d leave. “I don’t have a girlfriend.” You felt a little lost now.
“Actually…” he started, still not looking directly at you. “When I told this cheerleader girl that I have a girlfriend, I did it just so she would stop acting like this. It’s not true”
Oooooh. You blinked. Well, now the day started to get a little brighter. “And you wanted to tell me that… why?”
If you sit closer, you’d see how Kunigami’s ears were bright red. “So Bachira said, that maybe I should ask you to pretend to be my girlfriend for a while, so we would be sure that it looks realistic” he paused and finally looked at you. You never saw him looking so vulnerable. “Of course you don’t have to do anything. I was thinking that maybe I would walk you home, and we would eat lunch together, and we should exchange phone numbers…” With every word he looked more and more red. Could he be any more adorable than in this moment?
You smiled, and then dramatically sighed.
“I don’t know, Kunigami-kun. That is a lot of heat I am taking on myself - you have quite an aggressive funclub” you could feel how he freezes in fear, afraid of where are you going with this. Just like a scared puppy. “I think lunch and walking home are not enough. You owe me at least one date per week, where we go to the cinema, or to the arcade…” you thought for a while. “Honestly if you will not after every goal look at me and obnoxiously scream THIS ONE IS FOR YOU BABY, I don’t know if this is worth it. If I’m gonna get murdered by this witches, at least I wanna know you embarrassed yourself enough to compete with Shidou’s cringe. ”
You could feel how all of the stress just disappeared from his shoulders. He really had all of his little speech prepared.
“Okay” he said smiling. “But I’m not saying anything sexual, some things Shidou screams during the matches are seriously nightmare’s material.”
“Ah shoot, no INTO THE WOMB?” You decided to tease him some more, as he is technically now your boyfriend.
“Please stop”
“Then we go to the arcade twice per week”
“If you skip the embarrassing screaming, I can even win you plushies on every outing”
And just like that, you kinda wished The Short Skirt will never be fully convinced about you two, so you can spend time like this for long enough, so it will just become real.
And so did Kunigami.
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By slowlyholypeanut please give credit don’t translate and don’t steal love u
Bachira is the best wingman for both Isagi and Kunigami 🫶 (and for himself) what an icon
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in1-nutshell · 21 days
Greetings, dear writer. May I request the next installment for the Bot Buddy with a Sonic Scream who's Soundwave's Conjux? I've been curious to find out if they and Soundwave will be reunited and just HOW Megatron pulled it off since he promised Sound to get them back. My dearest apologies if I messed up this ask request.
You didn't mess up, you did great!
Hope you enjoy!
Soundwave's Conjunx with the Sonic Scream reuniting with Soundwave
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Mention of injury, Angst, Cybertronain reader
It had been a hectic four hours on base.
The kids had been kidnapped by an unknown vehicle and the bots were scrambling to find out where they had gone.
Buddy was trying their best to calm down June when a Decepticon message was intercepted.
Megatron had sent the message.
“What does it say?”--Arcee
“Megatron will give the children if we… give him Buddy.”--Ratchet
Buddy’s back straightened at this.
“Fat chance.”—Bulkhead
Bumblebee and Smokescreen murmur in agreement.
Buddy quickly types something on their data pad and hands it to Ratchet.
“Buddy says that they are willing to do it. Buddy, we need to think this through.”--Ratchet
“Ratchet is correct. If you fall into the Decepticon hands, there is no telling what they will do to you, especially given that Megatron knows of your abilities.”--Optimus
Buddy vents frustrated clenching their servos tightly.
Optimus put a servo on their shoulder.
“We will get the children back Buddy, but as of now, we need to come up with a plan that secures everyone’s safety.”--Optimus
A plan was soon formed and set to motion.
As Megatron said he came alone with a canister with the kids to his side
Optimus walked through the bridge with Sonar by his side.
Optimus demanded the kids back.
Megatron wanted first.
Buddy slowly walked to the war lord.
Buddy walks up to Megatron with a slight pained look on their face.
Megatron’s optics soften a bit as he puts a servo on their shoulder.
“It has been many years since we have last seen each other my friend.”--Megatron
Buddy has a tight smile on their face nodding.
They felt conflicted at what was happening.
This Megatron was not the Megatronus they grew to care for.
This mech was a stranger.
…then why did they still see some of their friend behind those optics?
Megatron was about to say something when a speeding missile came at them.
Buddy quickly grabbed the canister with the kids and shielded them as they were thrown back.
Dust and sand were sprayed everywhere as shots were exchanged.
Turns out the Cons didn’t like leaving their leader alone either.
All they could do was run and shield the canister.
Buddy wanted to scream but realized that with the kids so close it wasn’t the best idea.
And if they put them down somewhere there was a good chance, they would get squashed in someone’s underpede.
There was too much dust flying everywhere.
Something kicks them in the back making them drop the canister and land hard on the ground.
Buddy suppressed the scream as something digs into their back struts.
They could feel several servos holding them down and roughly placing a muzzle on their faceplate.
But that’s not what scared them.
It was the familiar claps of a shock collar that sent them into a frenzy panic.
Buddy tried screaming but the collar simply shocked them.
They squirmed and tried again to talk only to be shocked again.
They knew they were going to get captured.
Buddy only hoped that the kids were okay and escaped.
Suddenly the cuffs were taken off and the muzzle tossed aside.
They still didn’t dare to move until the collar was off.
They shakingly pushed back from the ground and looked at who got the restraints off of them.
They swore they were about to faint.
There knelt a couple feet away was Soundwave.
Buddy and Soundwave stared at each other.
Tears built around Buddy’s optics as a sad smile etched on their face.
They wanted to scream in joy that they found their Conjunx.
Sing to Primus that their beloved was here.
Soundwave slowly reached for their servo.
…He never saw the hammer coming.
The last thing he saw was Buddy being slung over Bulkhead’s shoulder looking like they were going to sob at any moment.
Back at the Autobot base…
Bulkhead sets Buddy down on the med slab.
Buddy barely registers Ratchet checking them up.
They look down to see Raf and the other children by their side.
“Are you okay?”--Raf
Buddy hesitates to answer, thankfully June intervenes.
“How about we give them some time to rest. Doctor’s orders.”--June
Buddy flashes her a thankful look as she guides the children out of the room.
They tap the slab loud enough to get Ratchet’s attention.
“Buddy? Is there something you need?”--Ratchet
He moves closer only to get trapped in their arms.
He wanted to move but the sniffling told him otherwise.
It had been a tough day for everyone.
For both Autobot and Decepticon alike.
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himbocoups · 2 years
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˗ˋˏ YUCK! ˎˊ˗ | 18+ Only (Part One)
synopsis: how can you remain friends with benefits with someone who turns his plushies around during sex, pouts when you don't kiss him goodbye, and spends his time occupying your mind?
pairing: lsm x yn (gn afab)
genre: fluff, romance | m, smut
tags: food, character is drunk in a flashback, cursing, domesticity, fwb, sexual innuendos, university au | car sex, degradation/dumbification, dirty talk, exhibitionism, fingering, games, pet names, switch dk/reader, spitting, pnv, unprotected sex
wc: 7.62k
a/n: some grumpy x sunshine dynamics inspired by my favorite song off charli's crash album. deciding to drop this fic in 2 parts instead of one bc the length of this vs my old laptop is e***** my a**. I literally had to delete the sims 😔 kind of excited and scared bc this is my first fic on this blog so comments are deeply appreciated -nu ♡
yuck! - part two
lipglossjun's masterlist
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Bare legs intertwined and arms wrapped around each other, DK brings his head closer to yours so that your noses are only a few centimeters apart. He whispers good morning and gently kisses you on the forehead. However, instead of greeting him back, you decide to ruin an otherwise sweet and heartfelt moment by reaching above your head for the closest thing you can find and slamming it onto his body.
“Stop being cheesy. You can’t ‘Good Morning’ me after sex,” you grumble, turning your body away from his.
DK’s large and deformed bumblebee plush he frequently uses as a backrest bounces off his body and plops onto the cold tiled floor where it joins a menagerie of different plushies and discarded clothing items. DK doesn’t do anything in retaliation and only snuggles into your back, wraps his arm around your side, and pulls you closer to him.
“Fuck aftercare. I’m still horny,” he mumbles into your neck while leaving warm kisses on your shoulder. He moves his right arm to your hips and massages your waist with his thumb, pressing deeply and drawing circles into your skin.
The action is enough to make you think about going another round with him, but the scattered sounds of metal doors opening and closing in the distance tell you that it’s almost time for your morning class. You reach to the side to grab your phone from his nightstand to double-check the time. There’s a text from your friend who lets you know he has your lab coat. There’s a follow-up text from him telling you to stop fucking DK so that you don’t get a grade docked for missing lab. As much as you want to laze in bed with DK, you detangle yourself from him and sit up. He whines at the lack of warmth, but you ignore him and make your way to his private bathroom where your overnight bag hangs on one of the metal door hooks.
You can still hear him whining about his horniness as your hand reaches for the toilet paper roll beside you. Not wanting him to continue complaining, you tell him very loudly that you are peeing. You hope it’s enough to get him to leave you alone. At the same time, you hope your voice doesn’t travel through the bathroom vent duct to the other dormitory restrooms.
His whining stops.
You think he’s starting his usual clean-up routine, plugging in his white shell-shaped socket air freshener – the same linen scented one he bought once and then over and over again simply because you complimented it once in passing. He would pick up all of the fallen stuffed animals he’s collected over the years, probably apologizing to them one by one for dropping them and for having sex in front of them. It’s just who he is, and you never understood how you became friends with someone like him in the first place.
You’re blunt, a no-bullshit kind of person. If Eeyore and Squidward had a baby, that baby would be you. So, usually, people like Dokyeom would piss you off. Dokyeom is the type of person who wakes up as refreshed as the type of people in those instant coffee commercials after they have had their morning cup of dark roast. He’s bright and bubbly and too kind for his own good. He’s stopped many roommate disputes simply by tearing up while listening to his “children” – as he likes to refer to them – argue in front of him. He can’t walk to class without waving at or bumping into somebody he knows. Hanging out with people like DK sucks the energy out of you, but DK's miraculously somehow your friend.
Also, part of you knows you lucked out when you became friends with benefits with a dormitory resident advisor a few months ago. It’s convenient for the both of you – because of his single bed and bath suite, you always have a place to stay if you are still on campus late at night. Both of you two never need to worry about being too loud because his room is basically soundproof. However, that luck also meant having a partner who doesn’t understand his boundaries, has an overtly positive mindset, and treats and takes care of you like you are one of his Freshman residents.
“I swear if I get a UTI…” you mumble to yourself while you lock your phone and place it on the sink counter before you wipe. You make a mental note that you still have a few minutes before you have to head to your morning class or else you would be way too late.
When you leave his bathroom, you see he’s making his bed. The resident advisor is fully dressed and happily fluffs his pillows as if you didn’t use them to stifle his moans while riding him just a few minutes ago – not because he was too loud, but because it was seven in the morning and all you wanted to do was fuck. As you predicted, his stuffed animals are all back in place, including the ones that toppled onto his floor. The air freshener is plugged into the socket with its intensity on the highest setting. His curtains are pulled open, and the calm morning breeze gently brushes against the bright green string of pearls plant sitting on his windowsill. In his trashcan under his desk is the tied and disposed of used condom tastefully covered by empty snack wrappers and dirty lint roller sheets. It’s like he lives a double life – one that only you know and one that only his residents know.
You find a small water bottle and a granola bar on your backpack that you left on his desk chair when you arrived last night. Confused, you point at the items and turn to the man sitting on his bed. There is a big dumb smile plastered on his face despite you looking at him with a blank expression.
“What’s this?” you move the water and snack onto his desk so you can swing your backpack over your shoulder. You lean over his wooden desk to double-check and fix your hair in his table mirror.
“Some snacks,” he sings while reaching over to pull a stuffed animal onto his lap. It’s the one he often hugs when he sleeps alone. “You didn’t eat this morning,” he pouts.
“What did I say about not needing to be taken care of?” You frown while grabbing the water bottle and hesitate while looking at the bar you put on his tidy desk. “I hate granola,” you grumble, but you decide to pocket the bar before leaving.
He grabs the paw of the large brown bear he’s cuddling and uses it to wave goodbye, “Study hard.”
You flip him off before closing his large metal dormitory door behind you. His keypad whirs and clicks its automatic lock into place, and you make your way to the hallway elevators.
With each navy blue carpeted step you take towards the dormitory elevator, the wrapped granola bar crinkles annoyingly in your sweats pocket. The more you’re aware of the crinkling, the louder it rings in your ear – and it’s driving you insane. You hate the awful bright green dormitory doors, the sound of the foil wrapper, and the way DK tries to take care of you when all you want is sex. Sure, you can’t say you’re not attracted to him. You’re not the type to be friends with benefits with somebody you don’t have an emotional connection with. Yet, the man doesn’t even have a car. How can he take care of you if he can’t even drive on the freeway? To you, friends with benefits is like a drive-thru – you enter, you exchange for goods, and you exit. For a man without a car, the concept of his drive-thru just seems abstruse.
Even more annoying is DK’s stupid laminated smiling face stapled onto his large classroom bulletin board. DK’s face stares you down front and center while you wait for the elevator to stop on your floor. Below his face are hand-cut expensive cardstock letters shaped in a wavy curve spelling out A Baa-ginner’s Guide to Sleep. Under the title are several large sheep with sleeping facts glued to their centers that leap across a fence in a green pasture. You doubt anybody really pays attention to his bulletin board, but you quickly read through the facts on each sheep to pass the time while you wait for the elevator to arrive on your floor.
On the right side of the bulletin board is a tiny suggestion box nailed to the wall with a washable marker attached to the side of the box. You decide to uncap the black marker and quickly draw facial hair on DK’s face. You think he wouldn’t mind the hair – it’s nothing compared to the number of phallic pictures he had to erase on the whiteboard on his door the first month of school. If anything, he could wipe it off whenever he wanted. You cap the marker and look at his fresh goatee. The corner of your lips turns upwards and then quickly falls back to its resting position.
Your phone in your other pocket coincidentally buzzes when the elevator dings. You pull out your phone while stepping into the empty elevator and press the elevator button for the first floor. You see it’s a text from DK. He sent you a selfie of him and the same brown bear plush he was cuddling earlier. He wants you to know he’s still horny, but he misses you. A lot.
You sigh and unhook your backpack from your shoulder so you can access the front pocket of your backpack. The elevator stops at the floor below you, and you make your way to the side to let other students onto the elevator.
The weather is finally nice outside after a week of consistent fog and overcast skies, so you thought it would be a great idea to study together under the sun. However, about half an hour into studying, Jun is about twenty chapters into a webcomic on his phone, Chan is busy flicking stray ants off the thin bedsheet, and you are about to resort to using ideas from your 2014 costume party Pinterest board you archived into the depths of hell a few years ago.
“It’s giving either pick me or middle school boy whose entire personality is him being a class clown,” Chan says while laying back down on the makeshift picnic blanket you made from an old yellow bedsheet you pulled from your closet. He crosses his arms under his head for support.
Jun grabs the laptop from Chan’s lap and clicks through the options you’ve opened in your different tabs. He squints his eyes at the screen and winces at every single one while he drags his finger across your touchpad, wishing he never saw your options. He shakes his head and pushes your laptop back to you, immediately going back to scrolling on his phone.
You take back your laptop from Jun and frown while clicking on your different open tabs to peruse your options again. You thought it would be funny if you wore the themed costume you were currently going for, but your friends think it’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever come up with – and you’ve come up with a ton of stupid ideas in the past. But you couldn’t see how this simple costume gives off a “pick me” vibe.
“I just think it’d be funny,” you grumble while closing your current tabs to look for more options.
You’ve noticed that you’ve been hanging out with DK more than usual. Sometimes it wasn’t even to hook up with him. You would stay at his place to study for midterms, and the two of you would often end up having dinner or breakfast together. You’ve been in the dorms for so long that his residents often mistake you for another resident. But it’s true, DK is only a friend – albeit one who’s starting to grow on you – but he’s only a friend. What’s the use in trying to find a costume that he would laugh at anyway?
“What did I tell you? You can’t just be friends with benefits with somebody like DK. People like him want long relationships. They like holding hands while walking. They like sending goodnight texts with a cute moving sticker from a sticker pack they paid for attached to it. They consider taking you home to their parents as a date,” Chan quickly sits up to try to see your laptop screen, but immediately lays back down when his vision gets blurry. He uses it as an excuse to skip the gym today.
“You, on the other hand,” Chan turns to his side so he can see you more clearly, “just want his dick in you.”
The other friend tries to stifle his laughter after hearing the word “dick.” You groan and push Chan’s chest, causing him to fall flat on his back again. Although you have to admit, you don’t disagree with him. Getting dicked down by your friend after meeting up with him to try new dessert places he found on Instagram is an amazing experience. You could taste the remnants of his frozen yogurt flavor on his tongue while he kisses you after eating you out. Visiting new places and hooking up afterward? It’s like an extended BOGO deal that doesn’t seem to have an expiry date.
“You say that like wanting dick is a bad thing,” the other friend, Jun, who swapped his phone for your backpack, opens the front pocket to look for something fun to play with or eat that would better interest him.
He pulls out the granola bar you shoved in your backpack that sat untouched since DK gave it to you. He quickly reads the label to look at the flavor and decides to pocket the bar.
“No,” you tell him when you hear the familiar crinkle of the foil wrapper. You reach over to snatch your backpack and your granola bar back from your friend. “It’s mine,” you emphasized.
“You don’t even like those,” Jun grumbles while leaning his elbow on his knee. He huffs very loudly, making it very obvious he is sad he wasn’t able to take the snack for himself.
You roll your eyes and launch the granola bar straight at his chest. It hits him with a hollow-sounding thunk and lands on his lap. Bullseye.
“Jesus,” Chan exclaims, now sitting up. He points at the poor boy who is rubbing the sore spot on his chest with a smile on his face, “What’s with you and chests?”
You shrug, your face void of any expression. You were more of an arm person.
“But going back to Yn and DK, I honestly don’t see anything wrong with them. They’re just friends who hook up,” Jun, who is completely fine, tears the corner of the foil wrapper and pulls it downwards. He moves the remaining end that covers the sticky bar to the side, revealing the snack that lost its original shape after being tumbled and bumped in your backpack. “My last friends with benefits hated my guts. We had absolutely nothing in common too. I literally had to fuck in silence because if we talked, we would only fight. But it only lasted a while because they were only visiting the area, but damn, I definitely wouldn’t do it again.”
He takes a bite of his granola bar.
“Hate fucking can make you grow stress acne,” he casually adds while his mouth is full.
The two of you turn to him in surprise, never knowing about his revelation despite years of being friends. Jun shrugs, unbothered by your expressions, and continues to snack.
“What? I like getting my dick sucked,” he nonchalantly tells the two of you. A tiny piece of oat flies out of his mouth and onto the blanket. You flick it away before the ants can get to it, but Jun doesn’t seem to notice and continues to talk, “You gotta do what you gotta do.”
Crumbs fall out of his mouth while he speaks with his mouth full. Only after he finishes his sentence does he take time to swallow his mouthful and shove the remainder of the bar into his mouth. He swats the crumbs off the blanket and his clothes and crumples the wrapper, looking around for the nearest trashcan.
His eyes land on a group of people moving carts and setting up for an event in the distance. He could recognize the outfits anywhere from the navy blue polo with the university crest embroidered on the left chest to the regulated sand-colored khakis every worker has to wear. He’s seen someone wear that uniform more often than he would have liked. Every time he complains about how ugly the polyester polos look, his friend who regularly wears the uniform only laughs at him and waves goodbye. 
Why would RA’s need to wear sports wick fabric? Jun thinks to himself. Do they get sweaty from doing dormitory checks at midnight? 
You notice Jun silently frowning at something in the distance instead of getting up to throw away his trash. You turn your body to look at who he’s frowning at, and you see a bunch of students setting up for some university event later in the afternoon. Your eyes land on a familiar silhouette who carries a clipboard in his left hand while pointing at different places to tell his coworkers where to place the different banners and tables. You know it’s him from the crisp khaki pants he refuses to stain to the way he carries himself – the bounce in his step and the way his open hand always falls onto the shoulder of the person next to him to use as support while he’s laughing.
He’s the same person who’s too kind for his own good. You think about the time you went shopping at the mall with him and how he couldn’t bring himself to decline the offer of getting a free scrub from the skincare kiosk. You had to stare down the man into applying the product on the back of DK’s arm, but even then, DK spent the next week rubbing medical-grade hydrocortisone cream on his rash without complaining. DK still wonders about where the man is every time he visits the mall to this day. On the other hand, you would never admit to secretly taking matters into your own hand by writing angrily worded reviews on their Google page under Chan’s abandoned elementary school email he uses to sign up for free trials.
“You’re drooling for a man in khakis,” Chan suddenly disrupts your thoughts. “Check yourself.”
You blink your eyes and look around you. Jun is already long gone, Jun's trash tossed in a trashcan. Now, he’s leaning against a tree while chatting up a poor girl who wanted to read her novel in peace. The funny thing is, he seems to be doing pretty well.
Chan, who doesn’t want both you and Jun to go to the party with a date, excuses himself so he could leave to annoy and embarrass Jun. He thinks if he has to go to the party alone, then he’s dragging one of you down with him. In this case, it’s Jun.
Your mind wanders back to the costume party. You can’t do a couple’s costume because one, you and DK are not a couple; and two, DK always shows up as a slutty fireman. It was his thing. He would show up to parties already a little tipsy from pregaming. He would hug a liter bottle of chase in one arm and have a coiled prop hose hanging from his shoulder on the opposite side. His firefighter costume would hang from his waist while DK walks around dapping up his friends in a white sleeveless cotton tank with streaks of grey ash. And the drunker he gets, the more lopsided his firefighter helmet sits on his head, eventually falling off when he crashes on the couch.
To Jun, dressing up as a firefighter is probably one of the sluttiest things DK could ever do. The first is respecting women. You’re number six on Jun’s list.
Someone comes up behind you from where you’re sitting and holds a cold water bottle in front of your face. He turns it upside down and quickly flicks it upright so the water inside the bottle whirls around in a whirlpool.
“Water tornado,” DK laughs while twisting open the white cap and handing the plastic bottle to you.  
His lame party trick makes you snort. Instead of complaining about already having your own iced water, you gladly accept his water. You put the cap back on and put it on top of your backpack knowing very well that his booth would be selling refreshments for triple its wholesale value.
He sits next to you on the bedsheet that’s slightly damp from touching the grass. He stretches his legs across the blanket and makes himself comfortable by laying on his back. He asks you where Chan and Jun are, and you point at the two of them pushing each other in front of the girl. You stare at them in defeat.
“Poor girl,” he tsks.
He moves his head onto your lap and you hover your hand over his eyes to shield them from the sun. He quietly stares at you while you use your other hand to open your university login page on your laptop, not really paying attention to him.
Just then, someone calls for DK from the event area. DK immediately sits up but accidentally slams his forehead into your palm. You let out a soft laugh, and he playfully glares at you.
How dumb.
“Just saying ‘hi’ to a friend,” he yells back.
A friend.
“Give me a kiss before I leave?”
“No,” you frown at him while looking away. You were trying to get him to go back to work. It also wasn’t like you called him over. Albeit there is a part of you that is the tiniest bit of upset after hearing DK call you his friend so easily. How dumb of you.
He pouts but gently squeezes your shoulder before he jogs back to where he was setting up.
In the distance, Jun and Chan sigh while they pull out their phones to transfer money into the hammock girl’s bank account. Hammock girl bet that he wouldn’t kiss you even if nobody was near the two of you. She was right. Although, the three of them could agree that a shoulder squeeze is just sad.
He giggles when he sees your face contort in disgust after he holds the body wash under your nose, squeezing it gently so you can smell the scent. He takes it back and flips the cap closed before putting it back on the store shelf. He takes the bottle from your hand when it’s your turn to pass him your pick, but he quickly passes it back to you after he smells the scent. He shakes his head “no.”
“You don’t like this one?” you cap the bottle and place it back where it belongs. You thought the scent was fine with you.
“It’s too sweet,” DK reads the label on another product, “I feel like it would attract ants.” He shudders at the idea of a line of ants trailing in his bathroom but continues to swing his shopping basket by his side while he browses the bath products aisle.
You don’t know how DK managed to convince you to drive him to the retail store and help him with his next bulletin board design. You think it’s because he knows you drew the mustache on his face, but he suggested you shop with him for a body wash that you would also prefer using because you’ve been staying over at his place more often. You were going to decline his suggestion, but you remembered you were almost out of trash bags and condoms for your place. Because there were only so many times you could visit the health center free condom bowl without becoming one of their regulars, you agreed to his request.
Yet here you are, trailing closely behind DK under the bright fluorescent store lights where the first bottle on mostly every shelf is just a little crooked. The two of you have spent the last few minutes trying to find a scent that works for both of you. To be honest, you couldn’t care less about the fragrance he chooses, but he insists on finding the perfect one – stressing the “t” in “perfect” to the point where it came out of his mouth in a clicking sound. You were more or less focused on how his bicep bulges the heavier his basket gets – practically drooling when his rolled shirt sleeve pushes up just a little whenever his arm automatically flexes every time he adds an item to his basket. You hope he thinks you’re staying quiet because your nose is congested from smelling all of the products and not because you’ve been staring at his arms the entire time.
He taps you on your shoulder when you’re skimming the ingredient list of a 3-in-1, and you look over to see him smiling widely at you as he holds a slim opaque bottle in his hand. 
When you smell the body wash he holds under your nose, you give him a tiny nod in agreement. He immediately caps the bottle, drops it in his basket, and heads toward his next destination. The bottle rolls over in the red basket, and you briefly see the scent name while you trail behind its future owner. Its scent fits the man humming in front of you perfectly, and you can’t deny that you’re quite fond of it yourself. You decide to grab one for your place before catching up to him.
About half an hour later, you’re still staring at his arms while he reaches up the grab the hood of your car trunk to slam it shut after helping load the shopping bags. He seems to notice you staring as he wastes time by looking into his tote bag, pretending to look for something.
You hate him, that little minx. Of course, he knows you’re staring at him. He knows exactly how you’re feeling. He didn’t purposely press against you while reaching up for items on higher shelves for nothing. The t-shirt he’s wearing? It’s a size too small, but by god do you think it fits so tightly and so well around his body.
Between stressing about midterms and working on top of taking classes with a full-time course load, your sex drive has been out of sync with how it used to be. You and DK haven’t had proper sex in a while, and you’ve been caught thinking about sex during geology lab (out of all places). Jun was pretty sure you were harder than all of the rocks on the lab table. If one more sex scenario came into your mind, you were pretty sure a diamond would fall out of you the next time you open your legs.
DK knows how to push your buttons and rile you up – subtly and in multiplicities. But in your favorite retail store? Where you go to de-stress and bask in the free air conditioning? The same one that welcomes you with the scent of fresh buttery popcorn when you walk through its large revolving doors? Leave it to DK to ruin the one good thing you had going for you, but if you’re going to fuck DK in your car, then you are going to make him pay for it in the process.
When you shut your car door, the hanging pine tree shaped air freshener clacks with the acrylic figurine keychain Chan brought back for you when he visited Japan during the winter. DK is sitting in the middle seat in the backseat of your manual, already visibly hard and palming himself. He grabs your hand while you move towards him to straddle his lap. Your knees sink into the cushions on the sides of his thighs, and you grind yourself on his arousal, feeling him grow harder and harder under you – days of pent up stress immediately leaving your body. He places his hands on your hips, guiding your movements, groaning when you find your pace – feeling the pool of arousal between your legs leak onto his crotch.
You grab his chin, thumb stroking the stubble along his jaw. He looks back at you with his big dark eyes, and your head dips so your lips can meet his. Your lips are hard and impatient as yours collides against his over and over – mouths working in tandem as he matches your pace and fervor as you continue to grind against him, digging your hips deeper into him when your back arches. You can’t help but smile against his lips and he moans in response, against your mouth. You fill the tiny opening by taking his bottom lip between your teeth, tugging and running your tongue against his lip.
However, he pulls back to catch his breath. His hands have traveled to your ass, and he asks you in the most innocent tone while kneading them between his fingers, “But what about the cars waiting for us?”
You roll your eyes and verbally scoff at him. You point his chin upwards so he’s looking up at you. He gulps while you stare at him, your eyes burning holes into his eyes. He knows you’re mad. But his dick twitches in excitement just thinking about how you’re going to punish him.
“Don’t play dumb with me fucking slut,” the way you jeer at him sends shivers down his spine. He looks up at you with glassy eyes, staying silent while you continue to berate him. “What? Purposely riling me up and then playing innocent when you think about a car waiting for us?”
He continues to stay silent while his breathing gets harder. He can feel his pre-cum leaking out of his dick, wanting desperately for you to sink down on him.
You tilt his chin to the side so you can whisper in his ear, “I’m going to make them watch you fall apart under me until they forget why they’re waiting for us in the first place. You understand?”
He nods his head quickly, thinking about how hot you look at that moment. You reach down to stroke his arousal with your other hand still secured around his chin. He whimpers at the feeling of your hand around him, eager to do anything you tell him to.
“What was the theme that you came up with for your bulletin board?” you pout at him, faking innocence. Of course you knew his theme. It’s all he’s been talking about since you picked him up from school. The concept is a little abstract, but you don’t push him because it’s not your board in the first place. You remove your hand from his chin and slowly trace it down his chest while looking at him with playful eyes.
“S-Simon says,” he hiccups as you unbutton his pants. He bites his lip when you reach his hard-on.
You see he’s red, hard, and throbbing in the palm of your hand. There’s enough pre-cum to drip down the sides of your fingers. You languidly stroke him, relieving some of the tension built up in his stomach. He hisses in response, closing his eyes and leaning his head back against the headrest.
“Simon says to tell me what you’re thinking.”
DK draws in an unsteady breath and groans while you continue stroking him up and down, slowly adding speed. “I’ve been so horny,” he breathes. “I think about you at night. How you’ll kneel in front of me, naked, and in between my legs. How you’ll slowly kiss up my thighs, leaving wet kisses the way I like them while spreading my thighs apart because you always treat me s-so well no matter how b-bad I’ve been,” he babbles while gripping onto your shoulders, anything that he can grip onto his vicinity.
You rub your thumb over his smooth head while he spreads his thighs a little wider in his seat. You feel your core begin to throb when you hear him shamelessly groan, the sound alone stimulating you further. However, you try to keep your composure while he’s literally in the palm of your hand. 
“And…” he trails off for a bit, turning his head and not meeting your eyes. You see the tips of his ears glow bright red as he tries to avoid your stare. “I had wet dreams about you spitting in my mouth,” he mumbles while trying to hide from you despite the fact that you’re still sitting on his lap. 
The mere thought of spitting into Dokyeom’s mouth continues to feed the flame burning inside of you, so you decide to continue your game with him.
“What was that hmm?” you dip your head so that you’re hovering right above his lips. He has nowhere to turn except to face you. And when he does, you can tell his eyes are frantically darting between your eyes and your lips. You’re close enough to him to feel his breath on your lips, how his breath hitches as you continue to build his high. “What did you want me to do to you?”
He quickly shakes his head and looks up at you as if to tell you he’s being a good boy by playing the game by the rules. You didn’t say “Simon Says” before your last question. You smile and nod at him while slowly pulling your shorts and panties down, placing yourself on top of his dick. He whimpers upon contact.
You trace him along the inside of your soaked folds, and he immediately bucks under your lap. He’s sweating and very close to becoming overstimulated at this point, but he’s surprisingly enjoying it.
“Simon Says to tell you what you want Simon to do to you,” you taunt him calmly. You align him at your entrance while keeping eye contact with him.
“Please...” he mewls, so desperate that he can’t even properly tell you what he wants. It’s frustrating, and he’s frustrated. He throws a mini fit by huffing after pleading. 
“Please what?” you kiss along his jawline while he tries rutting up into you. “Did my dumb slut forget how to speak?”
You frown at his action and lift yourself higher so he can’t reach you. You cock an eyebrow at him, trying to get him to tell you want he wants you to do to him. Because, fuck, even you were getting desperate at this point (even though it is mostly your fault for prolonging it for so long).
He finally fesses, “P-Please fuck me so hard that your car ah–”
So caught up with everything, you forget about his size, and loudly moan while you bottom out on him, immediately clinging onto him while you bury your face in his neck. He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence, but he lets out a choked scream as he feels you take all of him so well and so quickly. He feels so tight, so full in you. It reminds you about how much you needed him in you these past few days. He curses under his breath, automatically pulling you into him. He kisses you with so much ardor, running his tongue around yours, that you temporarily forget that you’re only friends.
His large hands find their way to your ass again, sizing you up and guiding it up and down over and over again, making you bounce up and down on him. He groans out loud while he drowns in the feeling of him stretching you open and you clenching tightly around him, hearing the sounds of your ass slapping against his thighs. You feel so good around him, a lot tighter than usual that he has to stop himself from coming immediately. His lips temporarily leave yours with a thin line of saliva still webbed between your mouths when he breaks your kiss. You take the chance to tell him to open his mouth wide, and he quickly obeys. You grab a fistful of his hair and pull it backward. His eyes roll to the back of his head, and you spit on his extended tongue, watching the transparent liquid slowly slide down his tongue. He swallows it and sticks his tongue out again, begging for more.
“Aww,” you coo at him while he tugs on your shirt, a little habit of his when he’s needy but too fucked out to verbally beg. “Dumb baby. Did you forget you’re still being punished?”
You lift yourself from him so that only his tip remains in you. He tries angling his hips so he can be in you again, but you only shake your head at him while trapping his waist between your knees. At this point, he can only whine your name. Your name escapes his mouth in a high-pitched rasp, slowly removing one of his hands from your ass to knead himself. He slowly rolls his balls between his fingers, tugging and releasing the prettiest moans while you watch him slowly get off by himself.
“Fine. Go ahead,” you remove yourself from his lap when you realize what he’s doing. You sit on the seat beside him while you watch him touch himself despite your pussy aching without his touch. “I was going to ask you to choose between me spitting in my dumb whore’s mouth again or ride him to completion, but it seems like he doesn’t need me anymore.”
He pauses what he’s doing to look at you with big glossy eyes. His face is hot and flushed, and you can still smell his musky scent from where you’re sitting. You almost cave when you see him look at you, your heart fluttering a little. No matter how much you love playing with DK, you will have to admit that you have such a soft spot for him. He reaches over to tug your shirt sleeve, but you only shake him off. You can’t allow yourself to swallow your pride no matter how much you want to baby him.
You think he’s going to beg for you to forgive him, but he does the complete opposite. He takes matters into his own hands by leaning over you despite the cramped space. He spreads your legs while he leans in between them.
“What are you doing?” you gulp.
He hovers his hand over your core and looks at you. You immediately nod, and he rubs your nub with his thumb, slowly inserting his ring finger in your cunt. He hooks it at the right spot, immediately making you buck against his hand in response.
“A- Ah. Baby please,” you mewl at him, begging for him to pump his finger. When he only stares at you, enjoying watching you beg underneath him as you fuck yourself on his finger repeatedly, your pride thrown out the window.
“I’m not even moving my finger and I can feel you creaming around it,” he smirks while tapping the inside of you by hooking and unhooking his finger, causing the coil in you to snap as you wail his name while riding out your orgasm.
Now it’s his turn to cock his head in amusement while he watches you desperately cling onto his arm as you continue to come on his single finger. Your eyes are squeezed shut, and your mouth can’t help but hang open while he inserts another long finger into you while you’re trembling under his touch. He continues to rub your nub in figure eights while he slowly scissors your aching and swollen cunt, knowing you’re about to cum again based on how tightly you’re clenched around his fingers, calling out and mindlessly babbling his name over and over again like it’s the only word in your vocabulary.
He feels your juices leak onto his fingers and he pulls them out of you just before your climax hits, holding it up to the large rearview window to see them well-coated with your slick and glistening in the sun. He brings the same fingers into his mouth and licks them clean when he sees a customer walking past the car. He shoves them into your mouth before you can complain, and you close your lips around his fingers, sucking on them and running your tongue around each digit.
“I’m fine with playing Simon Says,” he sighs at you while you continue sucking on his fingers while looking into his eyes. “But if you say you want to fuck me so hard that other people will see, then fucking do it right Yn,” he sneers.
He realigns himself at your entrance, slowly pushing into you. His new angle allows him to drive himself so deep into your cunt that you wail out a choked sob. There are no agonizingly slow strokes as he repeatedly pounds into you, hard, giving you no time to adjust. He ruts himself into you like you’re his toy and grunts while allowing the nastiest words to come out of his mouth, making up for all the time you lost between studying up until that moment. He’s so deep in you that you can feel him in your throat so that you can’t even utter a word, incoherent, as the springs of your car squeak to the rhythm of him relentlessly pounding in you. You’re so cock-drunk that you don’t even notice you’ve came again, this time sopping wet and onto your leather seats. You wail while struggling to keep your lips around his fingers. But they slip out of your mouth with a trail of your saliva and latch around your throat. He’s intoxicating, and you can't seem get him out of your mind.
“Was that too much?” you ask DK while you trace a heart around a plastic stencil he borrowed from the RA from the floor below his.
The two of you are sitting on the white tiled floor of his dormitory room, tracing letters and shapes on the construction paper he picked up at the store. Pop music plays from his laptop speakers, and he has his Pinterest board pulled up on his phone. After much brainstorming and a much-needed shower, the two of you finally came up with a new bulletin theme after scrapping the last one.
“It was the first time you called me ‘baby,’” there is a certain playfulness to his voice.
He proudly holds up the four-leaf clover he made by tracing four hearts on his green construction paper for you to see.
“I’m sorry,” you apologize to him.
Your hand accidentally slips while tracing the figure when DK crawls over to your side to look at your progress, creating a jagged line around the stencil.
“Did that cross the line?” your voice soft yet uneasy. You’re not sure if DK enjoyed the experience in the car. Maybe it was too much, you think to yourself. Maybe, it would’ve been better if you waited until the two of you got to his dorm.
“No…” he sits down on the space next to you and hugs his knees loosely. He thinks about it for a while. “It wasn’t what I expected, but don’t think I hated it,” he confesses while looking at you.
He takes a stray pencil on the floor and fixes the uneven line of the heart that you stenciled. You lean over to pick up his finished clover to compare it to yours. You frown at your crooked stenciled heart, but DK pats your head and reassures you that it’s fine the way it looks. Still, you think you should’ve volunteered to help him type his bulletin board information instead of volunteering to help him do something artistic like stenciling. 
“Thanks for helping me with my board today,” he tilts his head to his side while beaming at you. You can smell his new body wash on his skin and the ocean-scented laundry softener beads he uses for his clothes.
It’s your turn to bow your head to avoid his eyes. “I told you I’d help you today,” you mumble while tracing another heart. “And I kind of ruined your original plan.”
“Yn, it’s okay. It didn’t make sense anyway,” he leans over to quickly peck your cheek. He smiles at you and lightly pinches your nose between his thumb and index finger. “Did I ever tell you that you make me the happiest?”
Someone knocks on his door, and he immediately gets up from his spot to greet his resident. You’re left sitting cross-legged on his floor, trying not to make yourself known as the resident advisor talks to the freshman with his door open. You don’t even know why you try to hide yourself. You keep reminding yourself that you’re only his friend and that there’s no shame in being his friend.
But feeling of his lips against your skin lingers a little longer than it should. It’s just a simple peck on your cheek, but it feels like your skin is burning. And for the first time in your life, you don’t complain about his kiss.
part two
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knockout-stan · 4 months
NSFW, fem human, voyeur, Optimus gets curious and checks security cameras to see where you went
- In an uncommon occurrence, Optimus Prime found himself alone at the base, or so he believed. He knew Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead were having leisure time with their human friends.
- Ratchet was out, which was the uncommon part. He had made an offhand comment about his servos stiffening up. Optimus proposed collecting some energon remnants could help. There were some detected in leftover mines that were drained by Megatron's troops. But, any piece counts.
- But the last one unaccounted for was you... Optimus had greeted you earlier, but didn't bid you goodbye. You normally always leave with a goodbye, so you must be somewhere in the base. Optimus approaches the base terminal to access the security cameras. He could go looking for you, but there were some areas of the base the bots didn't fit into. Like the kitchen.
- Optimus checked the kitchen cameras, and failed to spot you. A quick glance to the couch to his left on the platform suggested you were here. Your things were still here after all. Optimus turns his attention back to the cameras, switching to the next place to think of. The barracks.
- The barracks were meant for human soldiers. A decently sized room with two rows of bunks. A few beds were less dusty than the others from the one or two times the humans had sleepovers.
- Optimus spotted the dusty beds, but one was free from dust and finally, he spotted you. His mind was put at ease. It seems you had gone off to take a nap? But your hand is moving and between your thighs…
- "Hm..." Optimus hummed in confusion. What were you doing on the bunk if you were not sleeping? A small whine left your lips, and suddenly it clicked.
- Self pleasure was not an unknown concept to Optimus. But he rarely felt such an urge, if at all. He had other things to do to think and occupy himself with. However, human sexuality was unknown to him. He only had a basic understanding of the human reproductive system, so he was a little surprised to find humans would engage in something like this
- Optimus blinked hard, realizing he was staring and looking quite closely. He had seen enough, and he should give you your privacy. You had gone to the barracks after all, away from everyone else to engage in your self pleasure.
- A curious part of him began to stir however. He had seen diagrams of human reproductive organs of course, he had done some research on human biology when he came to earth. But seeing how your fingers seemed so eager to rub your sensitive parts piqued his curiosity further. The little bud and folds squished and contorted under the touch of your fingertips. That was something diagrams didn't tell him. Of course it was like the rest of the fleshy human body. But Optimus had never seen this before, and the knowledge-hungry archivist mind of his wanted to see more.
- Optimus forced the tab closed. He had watched you pleasure yourself through a security camera. That was wrong, and an invasion of your privacy as well. He felt guilty for doing so, and quietly berated himself for doing so. The thought of apologizing to you diminished as quick as it came. No, he would only stir up trouble that didn't need to be stirred.
- He closed his eyes in hopes to focus on another thought. But he could only see the image of you on the low res security footage laying on your back with your legs open. Your fingers eagerly but tenderly rubbing your clit. And those noises he'd never heard you make before filing his audials even with the tab closed…
- Primus, why couldn't he have just turned it off once he realized?
- The thought of pleasuring himself in his berth room appeared in his mind. Optimus was quick to push away the thought, he had disrespected you enough as it is. He'd need to take a drive, asap. He called Ratchet back to base, opened the groundbridge for him, and as soon as he was able, he was off to patrol.
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What if TFA Sentinel Prime ends up in the TFP universe? How do the bots react to him and his attitude, especially towards organics?
-Optimus tries to be patient, he really does, but Sentinel must be a test sent from Primus himself because he's exhausting every bit of OP's patience. Tries to be kind and understanding towards Sentinel, thinking that the whole situation is probably very stressful and making him act erratic but nope, turns out he's just like that. Will probably end up having enough of Sentinel's attitude and accidentally end up scaring the shit out of him with his anger. The nice ones are always the scariest once they snap.
-Ratchet can't fucking stand Sentinel, on god he's going to weld his mouth shut if he does not stop talking within the next 5 minutes. Has no patience for his bullshit and belittles this supposed 'Prime' for every little thing he says and does.
-Bless Bumblebee, he really does try to be nice to Sentinel but Sentinel is just impossible. The moment he learns that Bee can't talk he starts talking smack and when he also learns that he's this universe's version on the Bumblebee he knows he straight up starts ordering him around. Bee might cut a bitch.
-Bulkhead tries to be patient... for about 5 seconds. Sentinel assumes this Bulkhead is as much of a pushover as the one he knows and so he tries to push him around. Bulkhead quickly proves that he's got no power over him by throwing him as far as he can.
-Poor Arcee, Sentinel is just insufferable towards her. He tries to flirt and brags about how great of a Prime he is and just can't catch a hint that she's not interested. Finally manages to get him to leave her alone by offering to spar and utterly beating the shit out of him.
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nat-20s · 4 months
A non-comprehensive list of the various nicknames Donna uses for her family members
Oi, you lot: literally any group of 2+ people
Love, dear: Shaun, Doctor, Rose, and occasionally the Tardis
Lovie, darling, treasure: Rose exclusive, said with full conviction and sincerity.
Major/Major Mott: Grandad, expected to be responded to with a salute and a "general" or "general noble"
Mother: this is not a nickname this is a warning
Sylvie: this is not a nickname this is being a fuckin nuisance. Much more common when she was a teenager but she still occasionally whips it out
Mom, said with bad exaggeratted american accent: meant to still be annoying but in a much more playful way
Mummy: exceedingly rare, but said out of genuine vulnerability and hurt and sometimes someone really does just need their mum. Said the most frequently after dad passed away
Hon: Shaun and Doctor
Honey: Shaun and Rose
Bumblebee: Doctor exclusive, because he's always buzzin about
Babe (genuine): Shaun
Babe (sarcastic): Doctor
Sexy, hot stuff, good lookin': always shaun, 50/50 on whether it's just to fluster him via flirting or if it's because she's cruisin' for some smoochin'. Frequent enough that everyone else knows to quietly leave the room if they hear these
Weatherman: This one's Shaun, actually, for when his head's in the clouds
Sha sha: Shaun, his baby niece used to call him that and everyone else thinks it's adorable, usually Donna uses it when she's trying to convince him to let her spoil Rose
Star eyes: Shaun, for being one of the most starry eyed people she knows. This is said when she's feeling extremely fond and sappy about him
Dumbo, dipstick, idiot, dunce, prawn etc: Doctor, during fairly obvious cases
Clark Kent: Doctor, when he puts the specs on
E.T, Spock, Data, Marvin the Martian: Doctor, when he is pointedly distinguishing himself from humans
Dr. McCoy, Sherlock, Inspector Gadget, Nutty Professor: Doctor, when she's 95% he's bullshitting something
Betty: Shaun and Doctor, whom she refuses to tell the reason behind. she alone knows it's actually short for better half
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Girl your writing style is AMAZING OH MY GOD-I’ve been starving for crumbs of Earthspark Bumblebee-could I request some fun time between the bot and a Gn! Human? Specifically Bumblebee teasing his partner about how much their fondness of his height and size?
Again love your work-wish you the best!
Awww thank you so much!! I had a very long day and whipped up this short and sweet little something to wrap it up, I really hope you like it!
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It wasn't fair how little he had to try to rile you up.
Something about how powerful his frame felt when he moved in close to your squishy organic body reduced you to a puddle of need every time, and he needed only scoop you up in his servos for a rapid lift to his shoulders to have you swooning over his height.
That wasn't even to mention how you shuddered when his much larger form eclipsed you in shadow, how the rev of his powerful engine sent your heart fluttering, or how often your eyes drifted to his codpiece as you reminisced over just how much he was packing underneath...
Today he'd made his move early, inviting you out for a walk through the woods and eagerly lifting you to his shoulders after you'd agreed. It was only after the house was long behind you both that he'd asked if you wanted to visit the deeper and more private parts of the forest for a change. You'd known exactly what he was getting at, but with his frame so close to your needy body you'd been unable to resist. Your submission to his seduction had him purring with satisfaction all the way to your favorite hidden clearing.
A bed of soft grass and moss met your back as he laid you down beneath his kneeling frame, your tiny form limp and utterly helpless in his grip as he maneuvered you however he pleased. Blocking out the sun above, he bent down to give you a kiss, cupping half your body with one servo just to emphasize how tiny you were. You moaned into the kiss and brought your hands to his chest, sliding your fingertips over the smooth metal of his armor and relishing in the raw power you felt rumbling beneath. From the purr of his engine to the hum of his spark, the mech had strength like few earthlings could imagine, but that you'd experienced in ways that would make the majority of your species blush.
Taking his time now that he had you alone, Bumblebee allowed you to whine as he pulled away from your lips, his amused chuckles humming through you as he carefully nibbled down your jaw and into the crook of your neck, grazing his dentae over the tender skin in a loose love bite. Your helpless keen of arousal made his engine rev against you, the warm rush of his increasingly desperate vents stirring the grass around you in waves. The force of his desire was strong enough to be tangible in the very air, and knowing it was because of you only made your desperation all the more intense. Grabbing his chest, you tried in vain to push him further down your body.
"Not yet." he tut tutted, removing his dentae from your neck just to kiss it. Arching into the touch with a whine of open desperation, you tried to scootch upwards to bring your lower regions closer to his mouth, but a servo gently pinning you over your chest held you in place. He smiled with desire and affection as you squirmed against his grip.
"Bee, stop being a jerk!" you cried with a deeply unsatisfied pout. It wasn't fair how easily he riled you up, but it was even worse how often he made you wait. 
Dropping his mouth to your collarbone and leaving a series of kisses down your front, he let you enjoy the view of his smug grin in between every passionate peck, so pleased with himself his voice sounded like a purr. "You don't have to frag me."
"But I want to!" you huffed in annoyance, making him laugh in more genuine amusement.
"It's adorable how badly you want me." he teased with a kiss to your forehead, being purposefully chaste to drive you ever more wild. You'd have screamed if he wasn't so good at what he did.
An impatient keen was replaced by a moan when he finally nosed his way between your legs, allowing you to grind your crotch against his lips just in time for him to hum against you. Moaning openly in encouragement, you clung to his horns for support, a move that really got him revved up. A growl of desire between your legs had you fumbling for the zipper, fingers struggling to get a grip in your lusty haze. If you took too long it wasn't unlikely that he'd pull them off you in pieces, but at that moment you couldn't have cared less, so utterly desperate for release only he could provide you would have happily torn your own clothes off. 
No one who'd experienced the passion of a very powerful and very much in love mech could have blamed you.
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lets-try-some-writing · 4 months
okay but what about robots in disguise?? its not a favorite of mine but it’s still pretty good. russel and his dad are decent lol
Frag that show.
It disrespected TFP on every level and for that it has my eternal hatred and contempt. The humans were annoying, and I HATED how many interesting plot threads there were that were either done poorly or with so little tact that the writing team should have just scrapped it. The designs are tolerable, but I hate how canon TFP characters lost so much of their individuality in their designs (coughtheopticscough). Smokescreen is fricking GONE, which bothers me more than I care to admit. We see the rest of the team enough to be reasonable, but they all appear in ways that don't really make me happy.
Ratchet was done well enough in my opinion. I like his RID design. It suites him. Optimus's design can go die in a hole, they brutalized that mech. Same with Jazz. Frag those stupid shoulder pads.
Grimlock is fun, I appreciate Sideswipe, although his helm hair thingies I think need a redesign to make sense in relation to his alt mode. Strongarm was HORRIBLY underutilized and I hardly saw any character growth in her. Drift and his crew were interesting, but similarly not given much room to grow. I really liked Windblade for the most part, especially the episode where she tries to baby Optimus and comes out having relearned that Op is still a PRIME with MILLIONS OF YEARS OF WAR EXPERIENCE.
The Primes who've done nothing but sit on their rears had NO RIGHT to belittle Optimus at every turn. Nor did the show have the right to make him an idiot for the sake of making Bee look smarter. As @nova--spark has pointed out, the personality Bee got in the show matches Smokescreen better. Bumblebee wouldn't have SUCKED so much at the whole leadership shtick. What happened to all that skill shown in the movie huh? HUH WRITING TEAM????!??!?!
While I am on this train. OPTIMUS DIED SO GOSH DARN LEAVE HIM ALONE!!! He should have stayed deceased, or if they REALLY needed him back, he should have either returned as an Civi or came back with actual issues. Like dang hear me out mate.
Optimus is forcefully returned to life, beats the Fallen with his borrowed power, but then has to actually deal with the consequences of essentially being a walking bomb for a while. Make him start losing plating, make his frame HURT, make him slim down again into the TFP base design. Just, give him a reason to have to sit back and RECOVER. Not this whole half hearted limping around garbage. To add to that, don't baby the mech. Let him stay at base and fulfill the role Ratchet did in TFP. Let him use his knowledge to teach and offer wisdom, plan battles and locate enemies. For Primus's sake he could have gone undercover on Cybertron or something if they really needed him to go be useless elsewhere.
THEY COULD HAVE EVEN HAD AN ARC WITH HIM GIVING THE TEAM A WAKEUP CALL!!! SIdeswipe has no respect for the mission, Grimlock is a fool, Strongarm is too snarky, and Bee in this seems to have largely forgotten about the seriousness except for during key moments. They could have made Optimus a minor antagonist, forcing the team to follow wartime standards since they laid down this plot thread regarding issues between leadership styles and Optimus trying to take control of the operation more than once.
I would have paid money to see Optimus's wartime mentality show itself in the best and worst ways through how he worked with this group of non war vets on a Decepticon capture mission. Maybe even have him use lethal force once or twice, or at least hint at it so that people can be reminded that he is a mech who went to war, killed countless bots, and both drove their people to and saved their people from extinction.
Bee could have had to teach Optimus to calm down. He could have helped eased his leader out of his wartime mindset. Or following that whole council running Cybertron route, Optimus could have had his moment of being very much right when he points out WHY he fought at all and gestures towards the new council. There was SO MUCH potential in this show, so many good threads and interesting Decepticon character that could have given so much depth to the war and the aligned continuity as a whole, but they were almost ALL ignored.
*deep breath*
Alright, sorry about that. I have big feelings in regards to how dirty Optimus was done. Moving on, the Predacons were killed off supposedly and that pisses me off ESPECIALLY because it was done in a fricking offscreen setting. What the hell happened to Predaking??? WHERE DID HE GO????
Starscream's design was rad though, not going to lie.
Where is Shockwave? No seriously where is that fragger? After several years of the map he MUST have an army growing in a tank somewhere.
Soundwave. Why. ARe. YOU. HERE??!?!?!? I love you man but dang you are so out of place. He made sense in the context of trying to get to Megatron, but idk he felt like he deserved better. He should have been the big brain behind the Cons on Earth if you asked me. It would have made everything far more intense, especially if the Cons dont follow Decepticon creed as seen by Soundwave.
The humans were annoying. Sorry they just were.
Fixit is Primus's gift to RID and he's one of the few individuals who makes it less annoying. Idk, I just like him in reasonable doses.
*yet another deep breath*
To put things simply, I would rather a group of fanfic writers put RID together than whoever the writing team was. They could have made a coherent story with deep characters that actually address the ramifications of millions of years of war and lingering functionalist mindsets. They would have done the lore and the world justice even if there were no main characters popping up.
I think RID has so much potential, but that almost all of it went right down the toilet due to either the higher ups sticking their noses where they don't belong or because the writing team couldn't go two minutes without retconning or otherwise destroying established everything.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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yanderes-galore · 8 months
Hi can I request Yandere tfp bumblebee with a mute darling?
Sorry this is so short and not my best work, I didn't have many ideas for this :(
This is the concept I'm pulling from for Bumblebee
Yandere! TFP! Bumblebee with Mute! Darling
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Human/Cybertronian, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Delusional behavior, Dubious companionship.
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Overall the obsession doesn't change much from the original Bee concept.
However... you being mute is a factor that adds to it.
This is because Bee is also mute in the show due to physical trauma.
This singular trait may actually make you closer.
Think about it... when Bee meets you he has no idea what you're doing with your hands.
He's never seen sign language done by any other humans so he's confused on why you won't talk.
Someone most likely has to explain to Bee what's up.
The fact you also are unable to speak intrigues the younger Autobot.
Bee would definitely try to learn sign language to understand you better.
Maybe Raf even helps you understand Bumblebee's beeps with time.
The two of you would bond over your lack of speech.
Hanging around each other is often silent except for the clicking of Bee's fingers as he mimics your signs.
You two could have secret conversations no one else knows.
Raf most likely still teases his friend for being so attached to you.
Now he has someone just like him to hang around.
You two being mute may just encourage Bee to think you're meant for each other in a way.
Bee would still be just as overprotective and clingy with you as always.
In fact, maybe even more now that you're the only ones who understand each other.
Bee is curious on why you're mute but won't pressure you to tell him.
He's fine not knowing... he just likes that you're similar.
Bee likes to be the one to translate to Raf what you're signing.
He may even lie about it at times.
You understanding one another gives him more of an excuse to keep you around him.
He feels like you need him, when in reality you technically don't.
He's caring and doesn't mean to do anything wrong.
Again, that does not make it right.
Even Raf grows concerned when Bee won't leave you alone.
Bee just doesn't want to!
He may even be a little worried to let you go home as he doesn't want to lose you.
You may have family at home... but wouldn't you consider him closer due to what you share?
Bee gets protective of you because you're so similar.
You're human and fragile, too.
He feels the best thing to do would be keeping you here at the base, with him!
... why does everyone disagree with him?
He's keeping you safe-
You trust him, don't you?
You'll understand he's just looking out for you....
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ikkosu · 2 months
prowl prowl prowl prowl prowl prowl
read ur earthspark bumblebee fic and I loved it so much u don’t understand how much I love him literally kicking my feet and giggling rn anyways back to prowl. I want to have that man emotionally and a little physically broken and knocked down and he just can’t really go on anymore and then reader pulls him to their lap and hugs and comforts him and he starts crying and sobbing and shit and it’s just very fluffy and that’s when his possessiveness starts anyways this is just a very long ramble and braindump byee
a/n : 😭😭 HELLO???? YOU CSANBT JUST DROP A BOMB AT END THEN LEAVE LIKE ITS NOTHING???? WDYM POSESEIVE??? 🤨🤨🤨🤨 CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR . Ohhh but writing angst with prowl is literally the best tho
THEN, it hit him.
Prowl had expected it, ammassing data from the miniscule furrow of brows, tightening of the lips and shift of stance. Prowl watches. He scrutinizes. He thinks. A one, two, three step — he could calculate the next move.
But wasn't quick enough to register the pain.
He grunts as his helm jerks to the side. A momentum so vehement he staggered off his balance, breaking the rigidity composed of a cold, unflinching face. Now, he's reduced to leaning against the wall, optics a little wide as he took in the sequence.
Like a dam had been spooled, a breach of his calculations, Prowl is stoned cold, left wide open and vulnerable. Jazz would know. The tactician wasnt much good of a fighter.
Warmth trickled from his nose. It tasted bitter on his lips, tangy and acrid, as it dribbles down his chin and plinked onto the ground. He steadied his breath. His digits dig into the wall.
Compose yourself, Prowl.
—and he feels a pede hard against his abdomen. A bristle of pain blossomed. First, pinpricks sizzled then it drew every breath from his intake — and out into a grunt. Ivory plating chafes the mettalic floor, curating sparks that skid in tandem of his fall.
Such an open commotion deemed a kind of consequence. Almost immediately, voices bristle and clamour around the base. Comms clicked online. Habsuite door swishes open and out dawdled, droopy, sleep-lulled optics, once irritated by the interruption, now widened in alarm at the sight.
"That's enough." Someone had barked.
Prowl was much too lethargic to care, who. While he gathered himself, pedes scamper, a muffled distance away, not to him but a pitter patter towards the raved and seething bot. He was yelling obscenities.
Prowl tries not to care.
He ignores how it churns his spark a little, like a knife plunged into his chassis and twisting. Servos were quick to furl around the limbs and plating, holding the bot back. They tow him away to the nearest med-bay, he assumed. Struggle was evident.
What was his name? Vox? Vernheim? Vercul? He can't recall. Was it worth remembering? No. Perhaps, it wasn't. Another record he could pass off as insubordinate.
Prowl pressed his helm against the cold, metal floor.
It wasn't worth the risk.
Often, he had sought warmth from the cold, unfurling his beckon while what returned is repugnance. Like an albatross it curled around his neck, strangling the life out of him. You can't be burnt from something already doused of its flames. It was a purpose he tries to upholster, for himself alone and for the better good.
He tuned out the noise. Tuned out the wails of the bot that grew louder and louder as he mourned for his friend — or, he supposed, someone more.
Why should it matter to him?
He lifts his helm a little, high enough to regard the puddle of energon on the floor but low enough not to strain his neck.
Prowl curls out a digit and pressed it against the trickling wound. It coats the ivory tip mauve and another drop rolled from his finger and down where a visage rippled from the puddle. His face bared back. Blue optics, luminiscent and pure and the other, a black-swarthy hole, barren, was his other eye.
Is that how he always looked like? Exhausted? Haggard? The lines of his face, withdrawn and eyes, vacant? If he knew what his actions would have led to, would he have done the same thing as he did? A sharp pain broiled center of his abdomen, right where the pede had landed it's blow.
Prowl swallowed thickly.
Nobody came to him.
"Oh, my god. Prowl?"
He blinks out of his stupor. He's not looking at you, he realizes. His optics were roosted to the ground. To the floor. Then, slowly it trailed upwards to meet your eyes.
Soft, was what he thought as you stood before him in your sleeping garment, hair a mussed up tousle and eyes, glassy. Concern etched the seams of your face, lips frowning.
Irritation fizzles his spark. You should be sleeping. Not joining the myriad of foolish endeavors that had curated prior. But here you are, clutching your shirt, a face so expressive, envy posed a threat to his thoughts.
"Your nose is bleeding!" Your hands finds his shoulder.
Normally, he would dismiss you for being too invasive of his personal space. The difference between of just enough and overbearing isn't clear on your terms — but your voice was frantic. It wavered. He's not sure what to do with himself if it cracked any more.
"I know." He said calmly.
You shake your head in disbelief, now kneeling on the ground. You tugged him closer and every word that you uttered constricted your throat in pain. The pain you felt for him.
" Oh, Prowl. Prowl. Oh, god." Your voice was hushed, coaxing him like he was a child. "Why'd they leave you like this?"
He grits teeth. "Because they knew I'd be fine, alone if I were. And, I am. Now go to sleep. It's late. You have an early shift tommorow. Not to mention, three reports due Friday."
"You're not fine!"
"I am." He clipped.
"You're bleeding!"
"Don't test my patience—"
"You know, you aren't fine! " You rasped. "Stop denying this. Stop denying everything and be gentle with yourself for once!"
You cup his cheek. He bristled at the touch.
Go. Go to sleep. He wants to say. But it's proven difficult by the lump of rocks constricting his throat. He fears that if he uttered a single word — he won't be able to compose himself after, glass breaking at a mere swing.
"You're fragile enough, as is." You said softly. "Stop pushing yourself. Stop pretending. If not for me then...at least for your own good...take care of yourself."
Then, you cradled his helm and pull it against your chest, the possible thought of blood smearing your shirt was discarded.
The fabric nestled his face. It was soft and warm. The fragrance of flowers flared his nose. You smelled nice. Nice like spring. Nice like the morning light that spools through the blinds. When was the last time he was ever held like this?
Prowl tries to steady his thoughts.
"Let me go." He whispered but made no motion to move. His shoulders shook, his servos clamped up into a fist. He feels small. Like a toddler seething with an inner tantrum, tears and snot blotting their itty bitty faces.
You held him tighter. "I won't leave you. Not like this. Not like they did."
"I'm not asking." He bites back. Cool liquid prickles his optics. It's dried by your shirt. Whether or not you felt it, you don't say
"And, I'm not stating an opinion, either." You said, a soothing hand on his back. He's on the ledge, teetering over a cliff he can't climb back up lest he falls.
"A demand goes both ways, Prowl. I'm tired of seeing you like this. Everyday, where you're alone. Cooped up in that room and nobody would spare a glance—"
Your voice wavers.
Prowl buries his face deeper into your warmth. His servo clutched your waist, it was soft to the touch, pulling you close. He wanted to push you. Treat you like how he treats everyone else, a dynamic he often pondered if it was suitable enough for your sanity. But he knew, if ever the day he went too far and you would walk away, the cold shoulder prominent— he's never going to let you go.
"— Let me take care of you, please."
He still hear the voices. The whispers. The resentment. Everything vile that bore a mark on his stature. They purged his mind thoughtless, ushered him to a place, no longer where grief was present but an empty, desolate place where he's unable to escape from it so.
You’re never going to leave him.
And, he’ll ensure in many more ways than one you’re ever going to.
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rachetmath · 4 months
 Okay, I know some people might be mad at me, but I stand by this. Volumes seven and eight were the most horrible volumes to me. Many you would say because of Ironwood and how the heroes betrayed him. And I would say, “Yes. That is absolutely the reason.” However, that is not the only reason I hate those volumes, especially with nine.
Ren and Oscar:
Ren and Oscar were the MVP s of volumes seven and eight. In volume seven, Ren was concerned with lying to James and was more worried about the people's safety. He became the most emotional in the group and started acting somewhat critical to the point he lashed out at Nora, Yang, and Jaune. This causes Nora to become somewhat distant from him and Jaune to be a little disappointed, especially after mentioning he cheated Beacon. However, after a little talk with Jaune and yelling at Harriet, Ren semblance evolves to where he can read emotions.
Oscar, who was willing to trust James when Ruby, for reasons, didn’t. Who openly told James the truth about Salem, then gets shot for it. Then gets found by his friends and immediately gets taken by Salem’s forces. He then persuades Hazel to betray Salem and gets Emerald on the side of good.
Here’s the problem, Ren didn’t do anything. Like, he didn’t try to fill James in on anything. He stood by his friends and still carried out the lie. And then his evolution really was unnecessary and wasn’t well-earned. And many of you might say, “But he earned it by standing up to Harriet. And it helped them in some way.” Okay, but hears the thing. First off, Harriet was going to hurt Ren if Winter didn’t stop her. And second, his semblance wasn’t even that useful in finding Oscar.
Now Oscar, he just overstayed his welcome. He somehow persuaded Hazel to betray Salem… Even though he is the reincarnation of the man he hates. He gave away the information to Hazel, who was ordered to collect that intel by Salem, which Hazel got mad at Oscar about afterward. But what did he offer Hazel to make him switch sides, considering Ozpin still can’t kill her? Why offer the last question to him? He already knows everything.
 And then Emerald, whom he met once and tried to kill Ruby in Heaven, Oscar managed to get her to join the hero side. Why? Why would the characters who not only met Emerald but were betrayed by her and Cinder be willing to trust her? Because Oscar says so? And what makes it worse is Ren agrees to it first because of his evolution. The reason it doesn’t make sense to me is because it’s coming from the wrong characters. Which brings me to my next problem.
Jaune and Nora:
Mainly, Jaune was my issue. However, we will talk about Nora first. Mainly on how the writers gave her the Jaune treatment. Nora was more concerned for the people of Mantle, while Ren was concerned for the entire world. This is due to Nora’s backstory where she was poor, parentless, and alone on the streets. Nora knew exactly how the people were feeling. So you would think out all the characters, she would most likely side with Robyn. Maybe even so far as to tell her what’s going on. But then it was Yang and Blake. Even though Yang was completely against lying to Ironwood and was calling Ruby out on it. (But hey, bumblebee matters.) Then what made Nora's coming out party even more hollow is she leaves Mantle to her teammates, while she goes back to Atlas with the majority of team RWBY, only to be knocked unconscious for half of volume eight. All while thinking about only Ren.
Jaune got it the worst though. Not just with the fact that he had to kill Penny even though he trained with his semblance and probably the most innocent and cool headed person on the group. But as I said before, a lot of Ren and Oscar's actions were pointless - no, didn't make sense because they fit Jaune’s character more.
Look, I said this before, but Jaune has no reasons to trust James. Not only because of Leon’s betrayal but Ozpin whose secrets came to light. Jaune had his trust broken two times. By Headmasters, no less. And you may say, “Ironwood gave Jaune and his friends their licensees early. And a place to stay.” True enough, however, Jaune knows Salem exists. James is trying to keep her a secret until Amity Arena is ready for launch. Who's to say he’s not giving them their licenses and a place to stay to keep an eye on them? (However, that’s not true. Considering Ironwood as we have seen has done nothing wrong to them.) That’s something for Jaune to consider. And even though he could feel sorry for the citizens of Mantle, that doesn’t mean he would fully trust Robyn either, due to her methods causing more harm than good. (The only reason anyone would side with Robyn is that she is a better choice than Jacque. Plus, why do we just see Yang argue about this? Why would Jaune agree to something that he almost hurt Oscar for?)
Basically, Jaune should have been the middle man from the start of volume seven, and in volume eight he brings everyone together. In volume seven, we could’ve had Jaune struggling due to having to help Atlas and Mantle as a huntsman while training to extend his aura, keeping his team together, and watching out for Tyrian, who said he had an interest in him (still don't know why.), and Salem. Jaune would’ve had a hard time, especially because his friends would have been making things worse, and he had to follow up on their actions. (More importantly, Jaune might as well learn to stand on his own two feet as huntsman and a leader. Otherwise, how is he important to the story?)
Then in volume eight, when Ren lashed out at him, Jaune would have had more to prove. Imagen Jaune negotiating with Winter on letting them go in to save Oscar. Offering the relic as leverage so they can find Penny, who mind you they were looking for. Rushing in, extending his aura, and going on his own to find Oscar while relying on his friends to do their part. Then having to fight and reason with Hazel to help him. Even to promise Hazel a future where no more people need to die due to Salem’s and Ozpin’s war, considering Jaune lost Pyrrha. Even maybe seeing Hazel ask Jaune to bring Emerald with him. Jaune learning to trust Emerald, despite everything she’s done because he may need her or sees her redeeming qualities. All this, though unintentionally, is to prove Ren wrong. That he’s capable of doing great things and making him a supposedly better leader than Ironwood. He’s based on Jeanne D'Arc, right? Who was the biggest turnaround in the war for France in 1429. A leader and influencer who managed to convince her allies to join her side. Despite being a woman and a peasant with no proof that angels told her to help in the war.
(Okay, look, many of you might say, “Jaune is not a good fighter” which I agree… but isn't a fight more like a debate using strength and knowledge. And we have seen Jaune fight just not with human opponents.Him fighting Hazel may determine how far he has come from when we met him. Also Jaune’s and Hazel's character a true opposite 
Plus the whole point of Hazel’s character is him being a broken man with nothing left to lose. A man who lost all faith in humanity and the hunting world ever since his sister and possibly his whole family were slain by it. His faith slipped the moment he met Salem and found out she was immortal and cannot be killed, making his sister's untimely death even more worth less. However, Jaune is the opposite.
Jaune lost Pyrrha. He lost the very first friend and could've been lover to the hunting world. He was betrayed by others who he thought were  his allies. To make matters worse he too learns of Salem’s immortality. Yes, he was angered by this information. Furious. Almost enough that he would have done the same things Hazel was doing out of spite. But he didn't. He still fights the good fights.
Hazel is man who feels no pain. Sees an indifference between Ozpin and Oscar. Mainly because unlike Jaune he never hanged out with Oscar. So Jaune who was already worried for Oscar, especially after he got kidnapped would be the one to oppose and object Hazel for his actions. Believing that his actions will not only not bring his sister back… but mainly dishonor her. I'm just saying these two should have fought.)
But that’s it for volumes seven and eight. Look, I don't hate Ren and Oscar. However, as some of you complain about Jaune getting too much screen time or being a self insert but when Oscar does the same thing, no one talks about it and are ready to defend other characters and not call out their levels of screen time. Or how they don't fit into the situation. There were plenty of better things Jaune and Nora could have done beside kill or nap for the volumes. Instead, they’re pushed to the side until the writers need an escape goat to advance the plot.
(Also if you are wondering why I am just talking about team JNRO then I am going to be straight forward with you. TEAM JNRO CARRIED THE WHOLE ATLAS VOLUME. And mean main character wise..They save team RWBY. They were the main one probably keeping the people of Mantle and Atlas alive. Jaune killed Penny to save Winter. Basically unlike team RWBY, team JNRO were doing their FUCKING jobs. Hate me if you want to.)
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