#he's like beto o'rourke to me.
mulderscully · 9 months
wild when people think alex is gonna run for president someday bc casey has said that he will not do that. if he runs for office it's gonna be governor (which tbh makes more sense for him and how focused he is on texas specifically) in the bonus chapter him and henry do move to texas right before their wedding to live a quieter life and i feel like we needed a little epilogue in the movie of alex at law school or something to showcase that... UNLESS... sequel 👀
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bensolodefensesquad · 2 years
I am fairly certain that the local election volunteers tried to supress my vote. There were 20 machines in the room, only 2 were in use, and the woman still took me over to a machine in the corner and said "this one has been acting up today."
Like... there are 17 other available machines. Why would you bring me to one you already know is not working well? For what purpose would you even risk a vote not being counted, especially if it wasn't busy???
When I cast my first vote for congressional rep, for the democratic candidate, the entire screen locked up and I couldn't select anything or progress or anything of the sort. I called someone over and two women came over. They looked at my vote and said "Is that your vote?" When I said yes, they pressed on the screen a bunch of times. They kept trying to select Republican candidates, and when the screen was finally responsive again, the selections on the first page were for all the Republican candidates, including Greg Abbott, and the screen moved to page 2.
They said it was fixed now and that they'd retire the machine when I was done. I said I was uncomfortable using the machine and wanted a new one, but they refused saying this one was fine. If it's fine, why are you retiring it after me?
I went and fixed the first page votes back to Beto O'Rourke and the other Dem candidates and in the end, it said my vote was submitted, but I have no way of knowing if that's true.
I'm not a person who tries to make myself a victim but I live in deep red south texas and I have blue/pink/purple hair and tattoos. If someone wanted to guess my voting patterns, I think they'd assume Democrat. Which is why it feels really off to me that the election volunteer took one look at me and assigned me to a broken machine when so many others were available.
I don't know. I'm not sure what to do, but I feel really uncomfortable about the accuracy of election results in Texas now. I know Greg Abbott is scared because of how much money he's pouring into political ads (I work in TV, so I see how many ads are being bought). But I would........ really hate to think that they were fixing the election by profiling people and sending them to machines that don't work.
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had a dream ab succession last night. i'm working on a school project that revolves around it, so ig it's infiltrating my dreams. it was like the characters were real people (ha ha, "real," ik ik), and there was a pic of roman out in public that went viral. he was eating one of those little plastic cups of diced peaches, and he wasn't using a spoon. so, it was just an embarrassingly awkward angle of him sticking his tongue in there to slurp up the peaches. memes were made and chaos was created. i remember quite a few tweets, but there was one tweet in particular that went viral ... it was the pic + the caption:
"awwww, wittle baby🤭🥺 still stuck in his oral fwixation stage🤤🍑"
stewy liked it, willa liked it, tabitha liked it. and for some reason, some other notable celebrities interacted with it as well (which is the part that made me LOSE my mind). jim carrey liked it, as well as ariana grande, simon pegg, beto o'rourke, drew barrymore, conan o'brien, susan sarandon, jon hamm, and cardi b liked it.
and nick frost retweeted it - with no words - then willow smith literally retweeted it with: "🥴🥴"
before roman could even delete his twitter, logan had him banned.
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indy-gray · 1 year
Living with conservatives is so exhausting because they say things like "tucker carlson was a smart guy on crossfire" and then get upset when you say things like "the state of Texas is trying to take away health care from citizens because politicians don't like the personal decisions people are making regarding their bodies" because "Why should the politicians care" I don't know Barbara why did you vote for the people who told you exactly what they would do when elected? What are you going to Do about your discontent? Are you going to write to the people you voted for? Call in? Attend a protest? Donate to a nonprofit? Talk to your friends about what's happening? Vote differently next time? Are you going to do anything but claim to be upset about how things are going in the most loud and performative way to the people whose lives are affected but nice and quietly to your conservative friends who shout their approval with their whole chests?
I am not impressed with your anger Barbara. I am not impressed with your frustration, you were a single issue voter obsessed with unimportant tax laws and pwning the libs. Your discontent means nothing to me if you won't do anything about it. It means nothing if you won't listen when politicians tell you what they will do. I don't care what you think of Beto O'Rourkes attitude towards abbot or if you don't like how he curses. You want the best of both worlds. You want to vote in people who have your personal interests at the top of their agenda but without the consequences of the people around you knowing that you prioritize yourself over the safety and wellbeing of your loved ones. You can't have both. You can disagree with the people you vote for but you don't get to act surprised when they do the things you didn't want when you didn't speak up.
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hiriajuu-suffering · 2 years
Texas Midterm Elections 2022
Disclaimer: I'm Libertarian, not a Democrat. You saying I'm a snowflake liberal just shows your internalized notions of white supremacy, whether you, yourself are white-passing or not.
it's been awhile since Texas Democrats have put forward a gubernatorial candidate that could really challenge the redness of the state.
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too bad the smear campaign against him seems to be effective. Abbot, Patrick, and Paxton have too much corporate fascist money. all riding on the prosperity Rick Perry is really responsible for. the state government is growing more Islamophobic day-by-day.
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The DFW area is a little too misogynistic for a female liberal to take the helm, that's the mistake left-leaning politics made last time
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Lizzie probably represents more of what I want to see out of Texas policy than other major political race going on, but the smear campaigns and tough on crime puffing chest rhetoric are really infuriating. calling Hidalgo and her office out as enabling criminal behavior when they're using non-enforcement and nullifying status as a political tool is just disingenuous. I feel much safer in Houston than I did 4 years ago, not to mention how much I respected Lina when we were both high schoolers in Debate on how she competed in Student Congress.
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I know the gubernatorial race indicates the lieutenant and attorney general races as well. I actually have less problems with crony Abbott than the Islamophobic Patrick and Paxton, I need Collier and Garza to win to preserve my rights, personally.
The races that are really important for rights preservation in general: turn our courts bluer to show Texans aren't crazy fetus-worshiping zealots like Abbott is.
As a Libertarian, I've always supported Tom Oxford, but he's going against the better judge in his race in Erin A. Nowell
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Who else matters to me? Well, I hate Dan Crenshaw with a passion, since he represents all the concentrated racism in Montgomery County. The Nehls brothers represent everything wrong with Texas because they've tried to arrest people for exercising free speech against Republican rule. I had hope Jacey Jetton would be decent, but he's just another Republican puppet, so vote for Daniel Lee on that alone. However, my state district got rezoned to one of the few Republicans I actually agreed with, Phil Stephenson, but he got primaried by the neoNazi Stan Kitzman and won, so I'll be voting for Larry Baggett since Mike Miller has no chance of getting my district because of how anti-3rd party my local politics have gotten.
Is it so much to ask for Republican candidates that respect my 1st Amendment rights, as a non-white Muslim American? or ones that don't want to actively control women's bodies as an extension of toxic patriarchy? Beto O'Rourke stands for something, and even though I don't totally agree with his policy leanings, it's better than treating brown, black, and feminine bodies as less than. Fletcher stands for the rational Texan that I feel represents the informed political consensus of the greater Houston area. Lina Hidalgo has been unafraid to enact the right policies for Houston in spite of the predictable backlash she knew she would get for it and I trust her more than Mayor Turner at this point.
Dan Crenshaw, the Nehls brothers, and Stan Kitzman would prefer we go back to a pre-Civil Rights era Texas, with white supremacy as the law of the land. People like Jacey Jetton enable that behavior through their loyalty and worship of Republican institutionalism.
Local politics are ruled by extremists and cushy moderates, we might never achieve real directional consensus if don't hold Republicans accountable for the anti-American values they've co-opted during the Trump administration.
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thesiouxzy · 2 years
Reminder: Vote tomorrow! If you’re in Texas like me, vote for Beto! We need change! We need a better energy grid, we need to prevent kids from buying guns until 21, we need to gain access to federal Medicaid funds, and we need to let women make decisions about their own bodies! #BetoForABetterTexas
I’m hoping the CA transplants might have an effect on the upcoming election🤞🏼 We shall see... in the meantime here is a Beto appreciation post, see comments of original post for more.
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doomsday-architect · 2 years
Beto O'Rourke...... again.
Americans have a tendency to be one issue voters.
Abortion, guns, immigration, etc., and the politicians know it.
So, when they speak to an audience they drive their bus into the emotion of the issue.
They're EXPERTS.
Beto has been a one trick pony most of his political life.
From his rant from the top of a bar, to his rant at a town meeting.
Guns, guns are his "thing". Inflammatory rhetoric fits his character perfectly.
Now he's cursing at someone who disagrees with him.
These meetings typically, eventually uncover who the real Beto is.
I guess it's freedom of speech for me and none for you.
Democrats continue to display who they are. Republicans too.
Like it always is, it comes down to you, America.
You decide.
The rest of us will abide by your wishes.
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therussianmajor · 5 years
Debate Thoughtsssss
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princealigorna · 2 years
The more I learn about the Uvalde shooting, the more my blood boils
I never praise Border Patrol, but the border agents that breached the barricade and shot that young man dead are the real heroes. The local police didn't do shit (besides cuff and taze parents that were trying to go in and do their jobs for them!), except maybe go and allegedly, possibly, pulled their own kids out. The school district police didn't do shit. They didn't engage the suspect like first reported. He snuck in an unlocked back door. And once he did enter, they didn't stop him nor did they breach the barricade,
Disagree with Beto O'Rourke confronting the mayor and Greg Abbott for the timing of his outburst if you must, but he's absolutely right that they ain't gonna do shit. The police didn't do shit. No one did, or will do, a goddamn thing in the wake of this. And they all need to go. The town police department-the entire department-needs to be fired. Same goes for the district department. They are all guilty of a gross dereliction of duty, and quite frankly I think they should all be publicly castrated and CPS should take their children from them, but that's just me. The mayor needs to go. The town board needs to go. That gaslighting piece of shit Abbott needs to go. All of them. They're all lying, cowardly failures.
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dhaaruni · 2 years
"fixing voting rights won't help Democrats win elections" if you were in America in the 60s, I bet you'd be saying passing the Voting Rights and Civil rights act won't help Democrats win elections so Black people should shut up and wait their turn. Your anti-Black racism is not getting called-out enough because you're not white.
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These are such stupid asks lol.
I don't know how to explain to you that if your definition of "racist" is "person who doesn't always vote Democrat," we're never winning Congressional majorities or the presidency so yeah, we have to appeal to people who think illegal immigration is not great, banning calculus is stupid, and that white people aren't inherently evil. Like you can't talk endlessly about how Americans are the worst ever and then get furious when I point out that a lot of American voters have conservative views on certain issues and we still need to win enough of them over to mitigate single-party Republican rule.
I'm sorry to break it to you but once again, higher voter turnout doesn't inherently benefit Democrats and if turnout improves among Republicans, unless Democrats also improve with white voters, they'll still lose statewide and federal elections. In 2022, Beto O'Rourke needs to get about 32% of the white vote in Texas to unseat Abbott (assuming he gets 90% of the Black vote and 65% of the Hispanic vote and that the electorate has the same demographics of the state, which isn't likely) and he almost certainly won't be able to do that because he may not hit 65% with Hispanics and definitely won't hit 32% with non-Hispanic whites.
In 2020, Democrats got 16 million more votes than in 2016 but Republicans got 11 million more votes, and as a result, the election was won by 43k votes across three states in the electoral college instead of lost by 77k votes across three states like in 2016 simply because Biden did better with white men than Hillary. He did worse with every single marginalized group, including white women, but he did better with white men so he won and she lost.
We SHOULD pass voting rights and make it easier for Americans to vote, but framing the issue as "Passing voting rights legislation will never let a Republican win an election again" is extremely stupid and counterproductive! I support the Voting Rights Act being reinstated but Democrats got blown out in 2010, losing dozens of House seats and 6 Senate seats, with the full VRA in place and in 2018, Dems flipped 50 House seats and flipped Senate seats in Arizona and Nevada without the VRA in place. The differentiating factor between the two years was simply winning enough white voters like we got ~37% in 2010 and we got ~47% in 2018 and that's not a debatable fact. We should ensure that non-white voters turn out but we can't even rely on minority turnout when Hispanics are trending rapidly right, especially in the sunbelt.
(Also, this is the last ask I'm answering on this topic and if you find yourself wanting to call me racist, go outside.)
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goodgrammaritan · 3 years
Gratitude Journal
Heck yeah! It looks like Beto O'Rourke might be running for governor of Texas!!
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Very good news, since that stupid fucker Abbott signed that Draconian abortion bill into law, and reopened the state too early, and refuses to allow mask mandates. I hate Abbott so much.
And Beto has already done good! Helped out during the freeze, and this:
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Just...thank goodness we seem to have a viable candidate. I mean, if it ends up being Matthew McConaughey v. Abbott I'll go McConaughey all the way, but Beto possibly running? Gives me hope. I mean, he only lost the Senate seat to Cruz in 2018 by a small margin, 48.1% to 51.2%!!
Sorry for not transcribing the text in the images, all images from here. Too low energy but there's the link.
Anyway. Hope for Texas!
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mulderscully · 7 months
do you think a rwarb sequel would be a good decision considering the state of us politics right now? how would they handle what is happening in the world i wonders
ngl. i wonder this too. i hate using fictional characters to address real life situations, but it's naive to seperate them entirely. it's a lesson i learned with b99, and how enjoying jake peralta as a character really did fuck with my head as much as i wanted to believe it didn't. so i try and am always trying to avoid that.
firstly, ugh - at the end of the day these are fictional characters created by someone real and what the real people stand for will bleed into the characters. i did see that casey has liked multiple pro-palestine posts on instagram, including this one, which makes me feel better about where their characters would stand, for example. even though i imagine that in the fictional world of rwrb 2020-present is a much kinder timeline, at least they didn't have covid ya know?
secondly, i know a lot of people feel a certain discomfort with rwrb's idealized view of us politics and i get that. i think people see ellen claremont and immediately think hillary clinton, right? but ellen is ellen, she's not real. she is a fantasy, just like alex is.
us politics are an absolute disaster zone, but i want to believe that there are good politicians or good aspiring politicians out there who want to make a real change. if we were to compare alex to anyone real i'd say he's obviously a beto o'rourke & aoc smash up type of figure. but again, he's fictional.
i don't love being like "alex wouldn't do this" or "would do this." because it feels trivializing to real issues.
i just hope if we get a sequel all these things are handled with care. i hope we see alex struggle with politics and all of the things that didn't get delved into as much in the movie, but were more present in the book.
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bensolodefensesquad · 2 years
My grandma just told me she voted for Greg Abbott and like... i knew she would, but it just fucking sucks bc greg abbott would literally let her die if it made him money while I actively had an entire conversation with Beto O'Rourke about how fucked up the healthcare system is and how my grandma was getting screwed over by it (she got the worst care in the world and lost the ability to walk because of negligent healthcare bc her insurance was the bare minimum) and Beto put his hands on my shoulders and swore to me that he would do whatever he could to help people like my grandma and like... yeah he's a politician and he's just saying whatever but the man actively listened to me and my concerns and that's more than I can say for Abbott and Cruz and Cornyn who sent me canned replies when I wrote to them. And it just breaks my heart to see this woman actively voting against her interests.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
I wish I could say that the worst thing about John Hickenlooper's CNN town hall on Wednesday night was the part where he talked about watching Deep Throat with his mom. The former governor of Colorado, who is one of roughly 173 declared candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination, explained that the porno-with-mom thing was not an accident. He said he knew that the movie was "naughty" but thought his mother might enjoy getting out of the house. Apparently after the infamous X-rated flick began she was "mortified." That poor woman.
Possibly even more cringe-inducing, though, was Hickenlooper's response to a question about whether he would consider selecting a woman as his running mate. "Of course," he told Dana Bash. Fair enough. What else is there to say? But for some reason he felt compelled to go on. "I'll ask you another question. How come we're not asking, more often, the women, ‘Would you be willing to put a man on the ticket?'" Did you hear that, Governor? That was the sound of a hundred thousand American woman groaning simultaneously.
Why are Democrats so weird? Only a few days after his long-shot candidacy had begun to attract some interest from the mainstream press, Andrew Yang came out strongly against circumcision, surely one of the most pressing political and social issues of our time. He even doubled down on this by agreeing on Thursday to debate right-wing Wunderkind Ben Shapiro on the subject. Last month Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) told a painfully obvious lie about listening to Snoop Dogg and Tupac while smoking weed in college (she graduated many years before either of them released their debut albums). Even her own father told her to cut it out. Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (Mass.) insistence on releasing the results of a DNA test in the hope of vindicating her past claims of Native American heritage was one of the most bizarre events in recent political history.
Meanwhile, there is Beto. I don't particularly care that in 1988 the young Robert Francis O'Rourke posted some erotic verses about cows ("Oh, Milky wonder, sing for us once more, / Live your life, everlusting [sic] joy" is one of the only bits I can quote on this family website) online. I didn't even know until yesterday that there was such a thing as "online" in 1988. Nor am I going to get all worked up about his weird murder spree fantasy story, which is the kind of thing stupid teenagers write every day. But what I do want to know is whether he actually took a handful of green feces, put it in a bowl, and served it to his wife once, telling her that it was avocado. Asked by a journalist recently to confirm the anecdote, which had been reported by a supposed friend of the candidate, he responded that while he didn't remember this happening it "sounds like the kind of thing I would do." Come again? If you fed excrement to the mother of your children, I feel like you would recall. I almost certainly think she would. If there was ever something to lie about as a politician, this is it.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that no one in this gang of hardcore porno-with-mom-watching, pretend-weed-smoking, bovine-horny ex-teenage hackers could ever be elected president. The guy they are all running against is a twice-divorced serial philanderer and pathological liar addicted to social media and fast food who once bragged about the size of his genitalia during a formal debate. Maybe Democrats even think that by embracing their inner weirdness they can channel some of Trump's electoral magic. Or maybe they just think that the American people can no longer be bothered to care about the sorts of things that would have been career ending for any politician back in the remote past — 2014 or so.
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returnsandreturns · 5 years
TULSI GABBARD: Killer smoky eye. Dead dead dead actual eyes. Equally as scary as she is hot. Claims not to be a Russian asset but, frankly, that sounds like something a Russian asset would say. 
I don't know enough about foreign policy to address her answer on Syria but it felt very yikes.
CORY BOOKER: Did drop to his knees at one point and scream, hands held high to the heavens, "WHY MUST WE FIGHT." 
Is silently furious that he's a charming and prominent young Obama type and yet he's polling the same as Beto O'Rourke, who once wrote weird murder fanfiction on the internet. Has resisted casually interrupting Pete to tell him that he is also a Rhodes Scholar.
Remember he's going home to Rosario Dawson after this so, ultimately, who is winning here?
KAMALA HARRIS: Inexplicably tried to come for Warren because she didn't agree that Twitter should ban Donald Trump; Warren says, "We're talking about breaking up tech companies and sacrificing Zuckerberg to the ancient ones in exchange for universal pre-k but go off, I guess." 
Is much better than she had the opportunity to be and could win any debate that hinged on devestating one-liners, though. Klobuchar wishes she could.
AMY KLOBUCHAR: Is from the Midwest and would like to remind you. Will punish you for having dreams. Did not tell her children they could be anything they wanted when they grow up; did tell her children they could exclusively be steelworkers.
Best performance from her so far.
ELIZABETH WARREN: Will not say the word taxes if you put a gun to her head but, luckily, Beto would be there to confiscate it. Fox News will never get their soundbite, though. 
Showed everyone why she's the frontrunner by taking the brunt of the attacks. The grace needed to not physically attack Joe Biden for interrupting her to tell her she did a good job only equal to the beauty of thanking President Obama without acknowledging him.
Could break one of Pete Buttigieg's limbs with a well-timed glare.
PETE BUTTIGIEG: Showed up ready to fight everyone on that goddamn stage in a real heel turn moment but Elizabeth Warren broke one of his limbs with a well-timed glare. 
Real good with words. I liked watching him and Beto fight.
Should they kiss? Maybe.
JULIAN CASTRO: Needs to take the "I AM THE TRUE OBAMA" jab he sent at Biden a debate or two ago and run with it. I have thoughts. Take my calls, Julián.
Had what felt like a pretty inspired comment on the problem of involving police in mandatory gun buybacks that nobody will ever talk about again. Is frequently very presidential.  
ANDREW YANG: Probably would be a good pick for a cabinet position. Potentially ahead of his time. Yelled "YES" in the background when Beto mentioned giving weed to veterans. 
Is possibly assembling an army of robots to make a point.
JOE BIDEN: Interrupted Elizabeth Warren talking about creating the CFPB by yelling that he supported it; throwback to Cory Booker being, like, "Sure, Kamala supports reproductive rights but you know who else does? Me. A man." 
Seems content not to speak unless necessary which is, like. Fine. Good. Probably for the best. 
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angstylittlecatboy · 5 years
I'm 98% sure I'm voting Andrew Yang in the primaries.
I love and agree with Williamson's thesis about how American culture is sick and needs healing, but her comments about video games and secularism give me cold feet, also she in general seems to suffer from what I call "wealthy hippie syndrome," in which she clearly means well, but has an overly optimistic view of humanity among other things and appears ignorant as a result.
If I scored the candidates based on how much I agree with them, Sanders probably would win if every issue was worth one point. But some things are more important to me than others, and if issues more important to me scored higher, Yang would win. If I were being ideologically purist, I'd never vote. Still, Sanders is the most likely to sway me.
I can't say that Gabbard is different enough from Sanders for me to be swayed by her. Stronger on foreign policy, but isn't different enough from Sanders for how much more steam Sanders has for me to be compelled to consider her over him.
Warren just seems to be riding Sanders's coattails while still being bought and paid for and not having the clean record that Sanders does.
Establishment democrats (Biden, Beto, Harris) and Trump are only superficially different from establishment Republicans. I have individual issues with them too, Biden's a bumbling idiot who thinks appealing to Boomers by being a comical degree of up-with-the-status-quo will win him an election, Harris's history as an attorney general reveals her to be a pro-police state psychopath, and as a general statement, Trump looks to the past too much and not enough to Europe and Canada, and O'Rourke... honestly I don't have any issues with him that I don't with the other establishment candidates, he's quite possibly the most boring candidate in the race. But in general, technofeudalism is impending, and corporate whores like these don't have plans to change anything, because they'll be the profiteers. They never really had a chance of getting my vote.
I consider every president since and including Reagan to be "Reaganite," because their economic policies are not fundamentally different enough from his, and I'm a firm believer that many of America's biggest problems are a result of the long term effects of Reaganomics. Not the ones you hear about on Forbes, but the ones that affect everyday people. Minimum wage, healthcare costs, housing costs, school funding. Reaganites get scarier when you realize that automation is coming, and to stop it would be regressive, a roadblock to the continuation, if not the final step, of humanity's history of making life exponentially easier for itself. Sanders' jobs guarantee will work in 2022, but what about 2032? 2042? Trump's push to bring back coal jobs is regressive because coal mining jobs are largely lost to automation and better energy sources like renewables, nuclear, even natural gas is cleaner than coal. To bring back a job lost to innovation is essentially to lie to people, deny that things have changed. Some others have brought up the idea of retraining people whose jobs are vulnerable, but it's not realistic for the older ones, and also most jobs will likely be vulnerable someday. I don't think there will be enough jobs to go around in the future. We need to prepare, else we be subjected to technofeudalism, if not worse. We need fixes, not band-aids.
Yang also has the added pluses of being able to acknowledge that there may be issues specific to men and whites without being ignorant to those affecting the groups traditionally seen as marginalized, he wants to focus on early autism intervention (this is a personal thing, I was a victim of the ADHD med push big pharma did in the 2000s, I'm actually autistic and not ADHD, but big pharma wanted to cash in, so I wasn't diagnosed properly until 15,) recognizes that Trump panic is not an asset to a political campaign, and I'm a huge proponent of his democracy dollars idea, a first step to reducing the wealthy's influence over politicians by giving people $100 vouchers to give to a politician of their choice.
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