#he’s so fucking pookie bear here i can’t STAND IT!!!!
josephtrohman · 3 months
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masterlist and important info
here we are, folks. 💕
hyunjins-orange-slice 2.0! i was forced to make a new blog, so i will be reposting all of my works from the original hyunjins-orange-slice here. and some new things im working on!
ageless and blank blogs will be blocked, no questions asked.
everything posted here is fiction and in no way represents stray kids in reality
my requests are open- the only rules i have are: i only write for skz, no noncon and no pregnancy, and obviously no minors. but i think im open to try anything else? but be aware that i dont answer every request that i receive… cause i get a little nervous. 👉🏻👈🏻 im not on a posting schedule, i just post when it feels right.
this blog has messaging! yayyy so feel free to send me any questions or concerns. i just wanna be friends with all of yous.
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domestic drabble
thank you (another domestic drabble)
am i even your bias? (3racha drabble)
his princess (my first ever tumblr post)
confessions (fake text)
random texts with bf chan
asking bf chan if he would save you from zombies (texts, request)
'connected' (chan series)
chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five
chapter six
fake texts noona request
do you still love me? (text)
minho drabble (idk if this is “angst” it’s just sad) hyunjin drunk argument hyunjin drunk argument part2
i’m not your fucking dad (fake texts, chan breakup)
toxic chan being jealous (texts)
i can’t stand to see you cry
texts when you’re anxious about a date
texts bsf chan (who may be in love with you) when your boyfriend isnt being a good boyfriend
what daddy chan says to comfort you
when you cancel plans because you’re feeling insecure (texts)
here’s the plan (period request)
my wittle pookie wookie bear
texts when you injure yourself at the gym (request)
texts bsf seungmin when you have a bad breakup
SMUT 18+
his good girl, always (my favorite piece i’ve done) safe word (hard dom chan)
sleepy morning drabble
kissing (short oral drabble)
untitled (oral backstage at music core)
reacting to his insta (fake text)
untitled (soft dom chan, somnophilia)
i said, sit (daddy chan, face riding)
karma in the shape of a god
untitled (dom minho, bondage, etc)
i like your panties
i like your cock (i like your panties part 2)
Daddy, let me help
Daddy, let me help part 2
sleepy morning drabble
untitled (soft dom hyunjin punishment)
is the door even locked? (soft dom daddy hyunjin, public sex)
wash it first (phone sex)
skz catching you reading fan fiction
skz when you say ily in bed
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- hyung line)
when you’re too shy to send a spicy picture (texts- maknae line)
skz when you text “you can come now, they’re gone.”
the one where chan teaches minho to share
if you like that, what if i did this? (minsung x reader)
calling them by their name request (texts)
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restinslices · 8 months
My Problem With The Crows
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Imma be fr, and some of y’all gonna think I’m tripping but Six of Crows should’ve never been merged with Shadow and Bone.
I love the crows. My favorite character in the entire show is Jesper and I genuinely think the Six of Crows duology is better than the Shadow and Bone trilogy. Everything about it was better to me. When I finished the S&B trilogy, I was happy. When I finished the SOC duology, I was sad because it was over. I was gonna miss my little pookie bears. That’s why it irritates me how their story is sped up in the show.
I get it. The show is called Shadow and Bone, so the story is mainly gonna focus on Alina. My thing is, why bring the crows if you couldn’t put a bunch of focus on them? Their story feels so rushed sometimes and I was honestly thrown off at some points. I feel like it doesn’t entirely work because the books take place years after Alina destroys the fold, so the things they do may not connect with her story. Season 1 they didn’t do much besides Nina and Matthias. They want Alina, they fail, they assist in a fight, that’s it. In season 2 Matthias stays in jail the entire time because they couldn’t do the actual plot of SOC because it’d be extremely rushed. Or maybe they didn’t do it so it didn’t take away attention from the S&B plot. To be honest, when I found out they were merging S&S and R&R, I wasn’t a huge fan. I was gonna say that if they spread it out, the ice court job could’ve been season 2 and Crooked Kingdom could’ve been season 3, but how much time passed in the books? In SOC Matthias has been in prison for at least a year I believe. That’s another problem, the timing has to match Alina’s story. They can’t do too much.
Also I didn’t like that Jesper and Wylan got together. I don’t mean this because I don’t think they’re cute. I love those two, but they get together towards the end of Crooked Kingdom. Them getting together so soon felt rushed and unnecessary. I guess they have the excuse of “oh, well they met before. They slept together” but lust and love are two completely different things. They had time to build up to this in the books. They’re cute in the show, but it don’t feel the same. The flirting, the teasing, the tension, the jealousy, I just feel like it would hit more if they weren’t together yet.
Also Pekka? In Crooked Kingdom, that man was a menace. How is he gonna be a menace if he’s locked up like Akon? He was a free man doing wild shit. He and Fuck Ass Van Eck turned Ketterdamn against the crows. Now I’m sure they’ll find a work around, but why do any of that when we could’ve just did the actual story? And honestly, I was shocked Kaz actually told Inej about his brother. Since we’re on that though, him defeating Pekka was so satisfying because we hated Pekka since SOC. We don’t know why Kaz can’t stand him in the first season, I’m pretty sure we find out in SOC but I could be wrong. I still think his downfall shouldn’t have been immediate.
It’s late and I got shit to do tomorrow so imma leave it here but I genuinely think they should’ve gotten their own show so they had proper pacing and time to shine. They shine even now but their own show would’ve ate.
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gopped · 6 months
so… remember when I said I wanted to create the most 2015 out of character most cringe fanfic about durgetash and I had that pole asking if I should actually write it (as well as some actual serious durgetash which I will.) well…. I did it. Any bad use of grammar/ spelling are 100% on purpose, this is not a serious fic aka please don’t think this is how I actually write.
enjoy 984 words of pure torture.
Hey my name is The Dark Urge but everyone calls me Durge for short. I’m really poggers and epic because I was born from the blood of Bhaal, yeah Bhaals my dad, suck on that posers. I have ivory-white scales and eyes the color of blood being splashed on the deepest of rubies. And I’m a storm sorcerer, studying to do magic is for losers! Plus I have this super cool slayer form that literally makes me so badass. As the true spawn of Bhaal you could say I have it all, I have a whole cult at my beck and call, all the different corpses I can eat… but there’s one thing I don’t have yet. There’s this one guy….. The chosen of Bane, we made like this pact thing that says I can’t harm him but it never said I couldn’t fuck him. And by the gods I will. I want him to be my shmoopie snuggluffagus cutie pookie patootie pudding muffin, but my dad is like a total buzz kill so I have to apologize for even thinking about putting a ring on that. Anyways his names Enver Gortash but he prefers for me to call him Enver because we’re close like that and I’m special and all that fun stuff. Plus I’m so much better that the depressed pile of dust and bones we also have to work with, ugh he’s such a boomer.
So here I am walking into Moonrise Towers so we can start discussing our super foolproof evil plans for how to take over the world. My super platform docs stomp against the stone steps to enter the tower, I glare at a few of the various subjects of other cults, idk which ones though, all I know is they’re not as cool as I am. Their probably posers and preps for all I know. But again, I don’t care. I make my grand entrance into the throne like room, doves flying behind me as light shines behind me, I’m just that important to like the world and stuff. I whip off my super cool angular anime sunglasses and I look around the room I see my pookie schmookie goth fantasy man boo-boo bear sugar goober standing off to the side and I see the old decaying grandpa corpse sitting on the big chair at the end of the room. Ugh, he’s the worst, and not even in a fun way, he won’t shut up about how his daughter doesn’t want to talk to him anymore and how he’s literally only here because of her, like how boring can a backstory get? He begins to speak. “Ah how nice of you to finally join us, you’re over an hour late.” He grumbles out, I swear theres like a moth living where his brain should be doesn’t he know that you have to be fashionably late? “Umm yeah.” I say, “that’s the point, what kind of nerd actually shows up on time.” I say rolling my perfect blood red eyes, making sure I show my sharp teeth as I scoff at him for extra effect. “Whatever, let’s just start the meeting already.” The reanimated corpse groans out, bones cracking as he repositions himself in his high chair. I cross my arms over my chest because I’m mysterious and awesome as the guy begins to speak, I don’t pay attention my sister is probably around here somewhere I’ll just ask her for the spark notes version. Gods I want to kill someone. Like I don’t have to, but I’m bored and it’s something I enjoy doing. Then I notice something in the corner of the room, while the old man goes on and on I go and investigate, the something I noticed was a cultist, not one of mine of course, they knew better. Upon further inspection, they don’t even seem to be a cultist, their robes look homemade with no reference to what they’re even supposed to be wearing. And they seem to be snooping around too, ugh it’s probably some Harper spy or something. Well, might as well get my kill count up while I’m here I guess… I approach them and before they could even begin to utter an excuse I shove my dagger in their mouth, dragging it against the roof of their mouth and tongue and pushing it down their throat. I watch with glee as the fear in their eyes gets worse as they start to choke on their own blood. I wiggle my blade, making the gashes in their mouth wider as I do so. I could stop there, but where’s the fun in that? I pull my dagger out to watch them cough and sputter out their own blood, uselessly clawing at their throat. Ugh, what a poser, I bet that even before I did that they wouldn’t be able to name 3 MCR songs.. I shove the spy onto the ground as they look up at me almost pleading with their eyes. Ugh it’s disgusting. So I take my dagger and I begin to hit them, it’s at this point I notice that the boring guy stopped speaking and the room was silent except for the occasional blood gurgle. I pull out the persons intestines and that’s when Gorts and my eyes meet across the room. It’s like so romantic like I swear someone casted like stop time or something… him and his pepsi dark eyes… I tuck some of the blood around my tympanum, gods he’s like so hot. Like the hottest I’ve seen in my 40 years of dreadful existence. Then he walks over to me and my heart goes doki doki he knees beside me on the other side of the now corpse and we start making out. No lips no tongue, all teeth. And then we took control of the netherbrain and got married.
The end.
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twst-vampire · 2 years
For Arma (all of these being with Temperence) 1,2,9,11,12 and 13
1. what’s the first thing they usually do to get each other’s attention?
arma calls temperence by a nickname more often than not. sometimes he’ll whistle, sometimes he’ll nudge her.
“temp, babe, teeeemp! would ya still love me if i was a worm. would ya put me on the dash of yer car and make me a little worm bed?”
2. how comfortable are they with touching/being touched by the other?
arma has no shame in touching temperence and doesn’t mind her touches in the slightest! when it comes to someone he likes intimately, he doesn’t care!! he and temperence interchangeably being big spoon and little spoon because they slay like that!
he’s partial to holding temperence by the waist ever so casually!
9. how do they react to the other not realizing danger? (ex: oncoming traffic)
it’s no secret that temperence loves an adrenaline rush, which can definitely lead to some reckless decisions at times. that already stresses arma out so if she seeks out that kind of danger on purpose, arma will definitely have some choice words.
“temp, are ya fuckin’ crazy? listen, i love how outgoin’ you can be but be more careful. over here givin’ me a heart attack!”
in terms of actually not noticing, arma would definitely move her out the way and if the situation called for it, take the fall. the strange circumstances of his toon abilities would get him hurt, sure, but way less than the average person. so, he’d rather he get hurt than her.
11. how do their arguments usually play out? do they make up quickly?
arma can be kind of a dick sometimes so he’ll often say some really harsh things, especially if he’s mad. when he feels that he’s right, he stands his ground and refuse to apologize to temperence….at first.
he’s the type to distance himself. arma needs some time to collect his thoughts because after an argument spewing things he felt in the heat of the moment, he tries not to do it again.
how he argues is a product of his childhood but how he remedies situations is something he’s constantly trying to be better at doing. he can’t be like them.
approaching her to apologize, he’s honest.
“look, i said a lot of shitty things to ya i didn’t mean. i’m sorry for blowing up on ya like that. i ain’t asking for instant forgiveness but i wanna work this out somehow.”
on the other hand, he totally understands if she’s angry enough to slap the shit out of him. he’ll be like “what the fuck!” but knows damn well he deserves it. cybug babe get his ass.
12. how do they react to terms of endearment/each other’s nicknames?
arma purposely starts twirling his hair and giggling like a school girl in the most obnoxious way possible. he does love nicknames from temperence a lot but he loves to embarrass her about it. especially when it comes to nicknaming her.
“omg i’m a cutie patootie? really? *swoon* guys, i can’t take this shit! she’s such a charmer~”
“how are ya, my sweet sugar darling sparkle muffin~~~~ don’t look at me like that, pookie bear~~~”
13. what do they do to make each other smile or laugh when they have bad days?
arma is just the funniest guy on the planet. he exists and it’s funny.
but for real, there’s lots of things he’ll do. he’ll offer to race with temperence, despite the fast pace not being his thing at all! he knows how much she looooves a good race.
he’ll also perform something just for her. make up a little ditty about her in five seconds and sing to the rooftops. obnoxiously, in hopes of flustering her and getting her to giggle. i can see him putting on a good song and pulling her into his arms to dance together.
if arma is in a sour mood, he’s easy to cheer up with if temperence gives him some sort of sweet attention or brings him some food.
they’ll sit together and share and he’ll be a happy camper!!
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iwaqchan-archive · 4 years
Sero headcanons because there is not enough Sero content on this cite- SFW I want the cute cuddly feels rn.
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A/N: You want fluffy headcanons that are so sweet they will make you vomit? well i am here to deliver!! sit back, relax and keep a bucket by your side bc oh boy you gonna need it hun!! also i apologize for taking my sweet ass time with this, again!!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 。゚・ ───
• hanta loves burying his face into the crook of your neck, if he could he would never, ever leave your bed if it meant he could stay in that position forever. this is also his prefered sleeping position whenever you would share a bed.
• while the above is his all time favourite sleeping (and cuddling) position, he also enjoys spooning very much, especially when he gets to be the little spoon. there is just something so comforting about having you bury your face in between his shoulder blades, while your arm losely drapes over his torso. it makes him feel warm and safe.
• in my dating headcanons post i never got around to mention what kind of pet names our boy would use. so let me just say, they would be super cheesy. obviously he would only call you these things in the privacy of your rooms.
• those nicknames would be things like: cuddle muffin, care bear, sweetie-pie or even pookie. yeah i know, he goes all out with the names. and honestly at first he started using them ironically, as a way to tease you but after a while they turned less and less ironic until they eventually turned into his forms of endearment.
• loves eskimo kisses, you can't convince me otherwise. in his eyes, they are the epitome of love and affection, and nothing could ever come close to being this intimate.
• your classmates adore your relationship. they think you guys are the sweetest, most adorable human beings and mina even has an entire folder on her phone with pictures of you guys. mostly of you guys cuddling, sleeping in the couch or just being adorable in general
• there were so many times when you two would chill in the common room, intending to study for an upcoming test, only to fall asleep on the couch, all tangled up. honestly it was awfully cute and like i said, mina has a lot of pictures as proof for this.
• sero is a fucking giant, and if you happen to be shorter than him, he will tease you about it. but secretly he loves it that you are shorter than him. it gives him the excuse to carry you around school whenever you feel like it. your feet hurt? no worries he is there in no time and will either give you a piggy back ride or carry you around bridal style
• constantly complimenting you!! he can't help himself, you are amazing and wonderful and just overall an incredible person, so it is only natural that he will tell you all of that.
• loves hugs, so much. most of the time you guys will just stand by your lockers and just be all cozy and cute with each other, with your head tucked under his chin and his arms around your waist/combing through your hair, while you just hold each other.
• he is the cutest baby, and loves you very much (also sero deserves more love!!)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆ 。゚・ ───
requests: open
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flameontheotherside · 5 years
Why Did I Move To Texas?
Cost of living in Waco is cheaper. Waaaay cheaper.
I love how the town isn't completely made up of condos, private communities and houses that look the same.
People here are generally nicer. I took a chance and got in a car of a dude willing to drop me off at my destination. He wasn't creepy or hitting on me. He was genuine and interested in why I'm here. Still probably shouldn't have gotten in the car but the bus system is atrocious. One thing I hate about here.
Yes. I have a new boyfriend. Matthew Sean. Yeah we are best friends and more. I have so much fun with him. We both have a passion for immaturity, being healthy, God, music and artwork....Especially passion for music. He plays piano like me, selftaught in a lot of our interests. He plays like a beast.
I'm 31 years old and I really have NOTHING to lose but so much to gain. I have a new awesome boyfriend Erik totally approves, a new start, and soon I'll have my disability hearing and my first check. Even a small part time job.
Today was a good day.
I walked out of the Respite Center on my own accord. Technically tomorrow was my discharge date but I couldn't stand another day/night without my pookie-bear. 😝❤️.
Matt is so fucking adorable. Sometimes I see Erik in him. Especially when he skateboards and how he wears his hats. He's got my wearing hats too. Only because I see how comfortable it feels being that it's so hot out. I've picked up a few so when I'm not in dresses, I'll pull it out and my aviators. We are so good together.
I've had a premonition that I will have a few miscarriages.
... And or maybe one still birth. I'm hoping it's just a fear. I'm at a time in my life that I want a kid. Even if it goes south between me and Matthew, my mom eagerly and excitedly chirpped up and said she'd help me. She's having baby fever too but since she can't have any and I'm the only one capable of producing at the moment, she's kinda bugging me.
Erik has introduced me to my future husband and it's really this one. Piecing all of the clues he's given me over the year it all comes together. Lots of puzzle pieces and crap.
😘❤️ Good night!
Check out my store where I offer detailed and credible readings. Please note that pricing is subject to change.
Please visit: Twin 🔥 Medium
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧Don’t forget to take a look at Erik’s blog ran by his amazing mom Dr Elisa Medhus. Lots of stuff about his afterlife and 💩 at channelingerik.com.
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chrkrose · 7 years
What signs would you be able to provide that Caryl is romantic/going canon?
*soft voice* "we cut the son of a bitch open. Made sure"*carol cries* *daryl gets up in the middle of the night to search for sophia*"A flower?" "It's a Cherokee rose" *tells a beautiful story to give her hope* *comments on how Sophia will like the trailer all clean **searches for Sophia until he almost dies. Then continues search because he took the responsibility for himself to find Carol's daughter*"You did more for my little girl than her own dad did his whole life" *literally puts Daryl in the position of a father on Sophia's life."You're every bit as good as them""I can't lose you too" *daryl fights with Carol, later brings her to the Cherokee Roses bushes, to apologize and stare at her the whole time * "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened this morning" *all of this while not giving 2 shits about apologizing to the rest of TF or treat anyone nicely*"You're afraid. You're afraid cause you're all alone. You have no husband, no daughter. You ain't my problem. Sophia wasn't mine" *deals with his pain by lashing out, not understanding why he puts himself in the position of protecting carol like Rick did with Lori and responsible for Sophia like a father is responsible for their kid**goes back the next day, listening to Carol's advice and staying around the group cause she wasn't going to let him pull away**Carol is definitely his "problem", since he rescues her at the farm and always keep an eye on her, as we'll see in the future**Massages Carol shoulder/suddenly the air shifts when he notices he is touching her and looks at her while doing it* pretty romantic. Screw around? *stops to make sure carol is really serious* "I'll go down first" "even better"*Grieves at Carol being possible dead, can't stand see a drawing with Sophia's name, almost can't stand the possibility of having to put her down if she is dead* "What do you want us to tell Carol?" *even Glenn knew* "She'll understand""Daryl's gone? He left?" *cue to Carol trying to hold herself together at the realization Daryl left* "Daryl has his code, the world needs men like him " *she understood* "I'm glad you came back" *ten minutes of whispered conversation while eye fucking each other, and giggling at the end*"Just so you know, I liked you first" "sorry pookie" *domestic Caryl cause why not**Michonne teased him, Daryl didn't even bat an eye to that. Carol does, goes 10 shades of red in 2.5 seconds**rick banished her and ran away from seeing Daryl the best he could cause he knew he was fucked**Daryl finds out carol was banished, and wants to go find her, also almost hits Rick, also doesn't care anymore about her being the killer, he knows her, knows she had a reason, wants to deal with ty, takes responsibility for what happened and for the kids too* *almost cries**is dead inside while stuck with Beth**cant even believe when he finally has her back, hugs her in front of everyone, didn't want to stop until Rick cockblocks him**carol was dead inside since she was banished/lost the girls, but Daryl makes her smile again**cant pretend that everything is ok next to him**carol almost leaves, he stops her**keep an eye on her the entire time**their bottle episode is dedicated to show how much they know each other and how he wants to start over with her, and how she just can't bear to lose him, and how she's scared of losing people specially him**his search for Beth goes to the background, his focus is carol**beth dies, Carol stops him for killing everyone**Carol swallows her pain to help daryl, because he is her priority**carols tell him to try even though she can't**carol does everything to keep the group safe, specially Daryl as we'll see in the future**carol avoids Daryl cause she knows she can't fake nothing around him and he knows her better than anyone around**cant pretend she is ok when he asks her and hugs her**their life is completely messed up without the other's presence**Daryl thinks about her when he is about to die* *Carol admitis she is running away from love**Daryl is devastated when he hears she left**Daryl wants nothing more than revenge and praises Carol to everyone at how she would fucking end this shit if she was there**almost kills Richard for her and threatens even the weather if carol as much as has her hair wet because of the rain, in case she is upset by it**still, in front of her, can't hide how hurt he is by her decision of leave HIM**carol opens up to him even though she pushed everyone else away**cant contain herself in front of him**confesses to him she couldn't lose him and that he was the main reason she left**Daryl, who wants nothing more than just win this war, knowing full well Carol is not only necessary, but maybe the person who could help them win this shit for real, lies to her to protect her and keep her safe, because between losing everyone and dying, or having Carol losing herself or hurting herself, there isn't even a debate**almost can't leave her, goes back to hug her and NUZZLES HER SHOULDER**carol nuzzles him as well I mean the fuck, they smelled each other**carol almost goes after him**its stated in canon by Morgan that the same way his philosophy is what keeps him grounded and who he is in this world, Carol is the reason why Daryl keeps holding on*All of this with two characters that don't behave like that with anyone else besides each other. What I see between them that it's romantic? Let me ask you something back: how can you see them as anything but romantic?There is some serious inverse dynamic here in this fandom. Carylers don't have to prove a thing. Haters, on the other hand... 🤔🤔🤔
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