#he’s so cute for releasing the ep on his birthday
lesmiserablol · 1 year
“the announcement of shows will begin in the coming days” NO ONE FUCKING MOVE I WILL DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SEE HOZIER LIVE
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
My heart keeps on
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pairing: na kamden x secret s/o reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canonverse  (finale), angst ish, fluff
tw/tags: long distance relationship, very emo in general, a lot of tears LIKE A LOT, you surprise kamden twice, citing ep 12 as my ref for all this, kinda secret relationship, realities of dating a trainee/idol, reunions so more emo, cuddles, cheek kissing, using a pic as a page break, yes the title is fr kam’s rap in switch ty for noticing 💜
wc: 2178
summary: kamden hasn’t seen you in over a year. you surprise him.
a/n this was supposed to be a gift fic for 101 followers but y'all are 200 now 😭😱 omg so thanks so much for supporting my little blog!!! I know this took a little longer than expected so thanks so much for patiently waiting! 💜Special thanks to the anon who sent me an ask about missing kamden and especially to @seok02 for giving me the motivation to finish this fic and kinda just helping me with the overall process 💜💜💜
check my pinned for more fics!
“Star Creator, we always thank you and love you!”
They wrap up the pajama party livestream, thanking the staff and staying to chat as the cameras are switched off. (Or so they think, lol)
“The vibe was pretty good,” Kamden tells Matthew. The other boy agreeing instantly.
“I think we were able to show new sides of ourselves.”
Suddenly the staff play a recording, surprising them all. It’s video messages from Star creators all over the world for them to watch. Kamden grabs a fluffy pillow as he watches everyone slowly get emotional. Seungeon cries. Zhang Hao cries. Yujin cries. Almost everyone is crying. 
Kamden gets a message from a fan in Norway, which is pretty cool. Then, something he never expected happens. He recognises your voice before he even realises it’s you.
“Kamden, annyeong~”
The pillow falls off his lap.
It’s you. It’s really you. You who he hasn’t been able to video call in a few days because of practice and your schedule and the time difference. He almost calls out your name but it sits tight in his throat, unable to reach you. 
You’re on screen, wearing one of the shirts you’ve stolen from him, holding onto the plushie he bought for you at that silly little shop after you insisted it looked like him. God, he hasn’t seen you in over a year.
“Dude, you okay?” Jay asks him softly.
He must look like an idiot, eyes blown wide, mouth slightly open, hanging onto every word that comes out of your mouth.
“I’ve been watching Boy’s Planet since the teasers were released. And you’ve always been my favourite.”
Kamden knows. You’ve been spamming your chat with him with all these little clips from the PR videos to the behind the scenes footage. Screenshots of you voting for him on the Mnet+ app, comments you’ve left on his fancam videos, even the funny memes you found of him on Twitter all greet him when he opens his phone after practice.
Hope my favourite trainee is doing well and staying healthy! Take care of yourself and know I’m always rooting for you! I love and miss you so much! Hoping for your debut!
Your messages are his favourite. And speaking of:
“I’ve made a little compilation of photos right here. I hope you like how I decorated them, I really tried my best~”
All the trainees ooh and ahh over the handmade album you bring up to the screen compiled with photos of him from the program and cute little notes and stickers. Kamden can’t move, can’t talk. 
Because that’s your album, the one you had insisted on starting when he and you began dating. He knows that if you flipped to the other pages, it would be full of photos of both of you, dates, anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, awards that either of you might have won, events that were important to you or him or both of you, everything carefully labelled. It was one of your favourite things to print out all the photos and he’d help you decorate them.
He can’t believe you kept that up after he left for Korea.
“You’ve stood out to me in every performance. You’re so talented and so many people are cheering you on so please remember to have confidence in yourself.” Your voice wavers a little towards the end of the sentence and as slight as it is, he catches that. He knows you.
Kamden only registers the wetness on his cheeks when the tears are already going, fast and furious. He reaches up, trying to dab them away gently with his sleeve. On screen, you blink rapidly and he knows you’re trying your best not to cry either. Even thousands of miles away, on a video you probably recorded weeks ago, you and him are still in sync. Maybe the rest of the trainees don’t see it but he does. Of course he does.
“I hope you take care of yourself always. Make sure to eat enough and get enough rest. I’ll be voting for you everyday so just do your best in practice and performing and us Star Creators will take care of the rest. We’ll support you so you can achieve your dream of debuting~”
To everyone else, you were just a particularly supportive fan. But to Kamden, you were his person, the one he was devoted to and he can’t help it, sobbing a little into his sleeve. Several pats on the back as the other trainees around him try to comfort him. He can’t help but cry even more. Why were you so far away? Why couldn’t you be here where he could hug you and kiss you and just be with you?
“Na Kamden hwaiting! Saranghae~”
That’s it. He turns and buries his face fully into his hands as if doing that would soak up all the tears that won’t stop coming. Matthew and Jay have scooted over, voices overlapping as they rub his shoulders and back and ask what’s wrong. Even Zhang Hao’s hovering a little on the side, equally concerned.
Maybe he’ll say something later, when there are no mics and no cameras. He’s been training for years and you’ve both agreed that in a career like the one he aspires to get into, keeping it quiet would be the best. Idols don’t date. Idols don’t have a significant other in a whole other country that they call when they can find free time. Even when it comes to casual conversation where there isn’t a camera directly trained on them, Kamden just doesn’t say anything.
They do ask him later. And when he says you’re a close friend he hasn’t seen in awhile, their faces light up in recognition. He leaves it at that.
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You walk into the arena with a little trepidation. 
It’s all been a blur. Packing your things, flying to Korea, meeting up with Kamden’s mom and brother who have been kind enough to get you a ticket pass for the family section. Of course, he has no idea you’re even here.
You’re quite a bit more nervous about surprising him than you thought. While you’d give anything to see him again, it was a little risky in such a public venue with so many people watching and cameras everywhere filming almost any angle. Maybe you can be discreet enough if you do break down but Kamden’s on stage, the spotlights bright and on him. Fans are probably filming him on their own devices.
At this point, you’ll just have to trust your boyfriend to keep his reactions to a believable level. You don’t stand too close to his family, trying to keep your distance but also staying near enough that you’d be in the same general direction if Kamden glanced your way.
You end up on the side, along with a few other people who seem to be dressed as discreetly as you, masks on too. The looks you exchange seem to come to a general understanding of why you’re all here and who you’re here for.
Kamden doesn’t notice you when the Top 18 first file in. You don’t expect him to but you see him though. There’s a growing knot in your stomach, emotions welling up from actually seeing him not through a screen but so close that you could walk on stage and touch him. You don’t do that, of course. But still, he’s so near that it almost hurts not being able to throw yourself into his arms for a hug.
You’ve wanted this so much, especially after more than a year of not seeing him. But right now, you feel frozen. You only watch as they start getting into positions for the signal song. Fans are cheering, even the family members and friends of the trainees are calling out words of support. Still, your voice sticks to your throat, as much as you want to shout out, something keeps you from doing it.
Good thing Kamden’s brother does it for you. It probably surprises you and his mom more than it should but who can blame you when he almost never does that? Kamden’s surprised too, maybe it’s a twin thing but he immediately stands up straighter looking for where his brother’s voice is coming from.
And then he sees you.
His eyes meet yours and they widen considerably. His mouth even drops open a little. You’re smiling so much and you’re sure it shows from how your eyes crinkle, just a little glossy. But you’re not going to cry just yet. Instead, you wave at him. He can’t do much more than give a little wave back before they seem to be ready to start filming. 
Suddenly, your heart feels just a little lighter. You step back and watch him dance the signal song. You’ve seen him do it a thousand times, every time you stream his video. It feels so surreal, being able to see it like this, right in front of you. When the song ends, you see his eyes flick back in your direction, searching for your face. When he finds it, his expression brightens.
It’s amazing, watching someone you love do what they love. Sure, you’ve seen Kamden dance, you’ve gotten him to sing and even rap for you a little before. But it’s different with the stage and the lights and the crowd and he looks so comfortable there. You laugh when you see the Jelly Pop teaser, maybe you’ll get him to wear that dress again, just so you can get photos. The final song is almost bittersweet and you try your best but a few tears do slip out.
He’s messaged you about barely making it to the finale, you’ve monitored the program, watched his rank. You both know his chances are slim. But they’re possible. Still, he’s told you that he’s prepared for the equal possibility of not debuting. His company should have plans, he assured you. You watch him walk over to every one of his fellow trainees who’ve made it to debut, offering hugs and congratulating them. And as the number of spots dwindle, you keep your hopes up but you begin to accept it as well.
By the time they’ve called third, you watch as he walks over to Matthew, one of the trainees he’s closest with from what he’s told you. Maybe he lingers a little longer. Maybe you catch his eyes as he looks over. Hwaiting! You mouth, shaking your fists a little in encouragement. The emotions are swirling inside you. When the camera pans over to him, he’s teary eyed, covering his face the way he always does when he gets like that. You can’t help it. The emotions are starting to spill over and you breathe between the occasional tears.
After they announce the ninth place, everything suddenly starts moving so fast and so slow. They wrap up filming. The audience begins to file out. The cameras switch off one by one. You go backstage.
When he walks in, mic gone, still in that uniform that you keep teasing about, you don’t hold back. His arms wrap around you and you fall into him, holding him so tightly you wish you didn’t need to let go. And then both of you start crying.
“I missed you so much, Kam.” You’re holding onto the fabric of his jacket, gripping at it so desperately you’re almost afraid it might rip.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” He manages, his head somehow buried on your shoulder, tears soaking the cloth of your shirt.
“Surprise?” It comes out weak, a little shaky as you both laugh brokenly through your sobs.
“I can’t believe you’re here.” He holds you even tighter, like he’s afraid you might fade into thin air.
“I’ll be here for a while.” You tell him. “I wish I could’ve come sooner but-”
“It’s okay seriously, you’re here now.” If he squeezes you anymore, you feel like your heart might burst. “I’m so happy to see you.”
He goes back with you. There’s few brief introductions to Jay and Matthew and a few other trainees he’s grown close with, nudges and knowing looks and raised eyebrows. But it’s nothing to stress about, you manage to make it back under the radar.
You feel him watching you as you grab a few more things from your suitcase after both of you have showered and you’re wearing another one of his old shirts. Before you know it, your legs are tangled together, your head resting on his shoulder, your hands intertwined. 
“I don’t want to sleep,” he says quietly. “I don’t want to wake up and find out this is a dream and you aren’t here.”
“You aren’t dreaming, Kam.” You reassure him, lifting your head to kiss his cheek. Even in the privacy of this room, he blushes.
“Even if I didn’t make it, at least I have you.”
“You do, Kam. You always do.” And you know he will make it, one day.
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hooked-on-elvis · 3 months
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Okay, so... Sometimes special things cross our ways unexpectedly. I feel we gotta keep ourselves sensitive enough so we can catch the drift or special things can go unnoticed.
I'm gonna share something that just happened to me, so it has nothing biographical about Elvis here -- but in a way it has everything to do with him and his magic pouring onto his fans when we less expect it. ✨
It all started with:
I have a huge Jensen Ackles crush aside from my Elvis Presley burning passion. A few minutes ago I was peeping Jensen's Instagram profile and his last post was one congratulating his wife, Danneel Ackles for her birthday, which is one day previous to mine (March 18) ♥ -- Yes, today, March 19, is my birthday. Okay, very cute but so what?
Then I went to Danneel's Instagram , just because I was already there. Scrolling through her feed, I crossed a funny video of Danneel and Jensen reproducing the video clip of "You Can Call Me Al" by Paul Simon. It was a celebration for their 10th wedding anniversary. 🥹
Danneel and Jensen Ackles video, shared on her Instagram account:
Official music video:
Cute, isn't it? I love those the Ackles, oh god. They are such a match! 🥹🩷
Okay, since I've never heard the song before, and I loved it very much, I decided adding it to my Spotify's playlists (yes, to some of them, not just one... it's a real good track this one!). But... talk about how surprised I was when I learned the title of the album that song was released in is "GRACELAND".
Isn't this odd? I know, some people just don't believe in nothing like magic... to some folks everything is just coincidence but I can't help but think this... this album getting to me today, and the way it happened, was kinda a gift from EP to me, on my birthday. 🥹
It's nothing related to his own work or anything but I'm a huge music lover, huge, and I love discovering new songs, specially if they are from the past. I think somehow, someway, this was kinda a gift to me. "Oh, just because the title of the album?" -- Sure but also the way that album crossed my way so randomly like that.
I gotta say I haven't checked on Jensen Ackles' instagram profile in a long while -- no kidding -- let alone his wife's IG! I'm actually not checking anything on Instagram for some months now. So why today? Why clicking on THIS specific video on Danneel's IG? Why visiting her IG, by the way?
You can say all you want as think as you'd like... call me silly, it's fine... but I'll take it as a special gift from Elvis to me. Songs I didn't know before, an entire new album for me to appreciate on my birthday and forever on. ♥
One can spend its life thinking such thing as magic is BS, that it doesn't exist. One can chose to spend its live life in such uninspired, cold, lame way, sure, but... appreciating the little things and believing every little thing is a miracle and a gift to make me smile a little more it's the way I chose to spend MY life -- I feel it's not even a choice, actually. It's just who I am.
Anyway... I know it's a silly, small little thing but this was so random it surprised me greatly.
The song "Graceland" doesn't directly mentions Elvis by name, but ya' know... Elvis and Graceland are a single thing. Anyway... I just felt like sharing this here because:
1. It really impressed me how randomly this thing happened.
2. The album is amazing, so I recommend you to listen to it.
Listen "Graceland" (1986) by Paul Simon on Spotify:
I have felt Elvis Magic in some occasions before, but today it was so special. I feel he's just being a friend and giving me a record for me to enjoy my day. Awwww. I'll never forget this. 🩷✨🎂🥹
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bengiyo · 9 months
Minato's Laundromat 2 Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we went to an onsen! Shu made Asuka study, and Minato made everyone awkward. We missed a golden opportunity for some hot spring action (unlike Be Mine, Superstar), but Minato got drunk enough to admit that he doesn’t want Shin to leave and wants Shin to call him Asuka. We make progress in this show, but it’s so slow. I ache for Minato and Shin. At least Asuka seems to be settling into his dynamic with Shu.
Oh my. Shin’s 19th birthday is coming up. Of course Shin suggests they stay together forever as his birthday gift.
Noting that Shin has not switched to calling him Akira yet.
Aww the swim team made a card for Minato and all thanked him.
I wish I had time to support my old school’s Academic Games team. This is making me nostalgic.
I’m glad Minato has been able to develop a functional relationship with Sakuma-sensei because Sakuma’s open sentimentality is really so beneficial.
Asuka got all A’s! Time to get it in!
Working? Minato, you better give that boy a smooch if you’re gonna keep looking at him like he hung the moon!
I’m so proud of Shin. My man even manages to flirt over a crossword puzzle.
Of course Asuka and Shu are on an architecture walk as a date.
WELL HELLO THERE, TAKAMATSU ALOHA. I am having so much fun with the BL cameos lately. (Takamatsu played Ren in Tokyo in April is…)
Okay, well that date was so cute.
I love Minato doing a surprise party for Shin. And now we’re wearing festive hats!
Minato got them engraved couple’s bracelets. Finally, an overt expression of his affections that Shin can take with him.
Minato finally asked for Shin to give him the physical affection he usually dodges, and yet he still panics in the Now Kisstm moment.
Maybe it’s because I just finished the Pornogrpaher series, but I think they should just shove each other’s hands into each other’s pants to release the tension and work through that instead.
Minato, you can’t just give that man the James Kirk double-shoulder grab if you’re not going to kiss him.
Good, we finally said the things and have agreed to stay in the house together. What nonsense is coming next?
Oh shit! The kiss from the preview wasn’t a fake out!
Now, what in the hell is this????
What in the Jack o’ Frost is this?????
Okay, besties, I’m gonna be honest. I have been really patient with Minato’s slow progress because I see so much of myself in him. However, I despise amnesia plots in romance dramas. Only Jack o’ Frost has ever done this in a way I genuinely appreciated. I understand the dramatic tool this presents, because now Minato is the one with stronger feelings than Shin and the new dynamic forces Minato to be the one who pursues him. Still, it has always felt contrived and stupid to me. I am not happy about this development.
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
FirstKhao Content Index
Started: Sep 12, 2022 || Updated: Nov 11, 2022
this is... a content index? idk it’s like random compilations and dynamics and thoughts, so not like my other content indices 
I love that they and their fan service remind me of kpop shipping which is like “we’re besties :) i love you a lot best friend” because I’m not really into “ooh are we dating? maybe” fanservice/dynamics, so I hope it doesn’t change.
First crying or getting emotional during sentimental moments
First crying when they pranked(?) him about Toe Laew breaking up
First Birthday IG Live last year where Khaotung wishes him well: "It will be emotional. No. stop." Didn't cry but was basically like stop before I do
First and Khaotung Workshop where they develop emotional intimacy. Khaotung's doing fine but First starts crying. This was the first time I'd seen him cry and was slightly taken aback wondering why he was crying when everybody else was chill but after following him for like 1 month, I was like ah
First and Khaotung event that was live online where Khaotung was wishing First birthday wishes this year and First was like "Tears are coming. Enough."
First expresses wanting "to build a house with the same fences as [Khaotung's]." This is the only time I've seen where Khao's crying too, wonder what the full video will be like.
First getting emotional when reading Tay’s comment to him in Safe House 4 + trying to not cry later when the group sings together
I think it's so endearing that First gets emotional/cries so easily and will sometimes put a stop to sentimental things before he ends up crying.
My longass thread of Khao taking care of or helping First because of his injured arm. It’s sooo important and pleasant to me when people just casually are helpful and attentive to someone’s needs T.T An NCT J/J fic made me realize it and wow I’ve not been the same since because Jeno quietly looks after Jaemin and just... so arrow to the heart fr (the spring i've been waiting by forlilcrickee). Anyway, Khao helping First with everything is adorable.
Safe House Season 4
They’re just cute and together all the time
First’s voice in his head saying Khao is cute and the older guys hosting an interview about it 
Not KhaoFirst but Tay and First are soooo cute and clingy and kissy together. With OffGun, I fell into OffGunTay and GunTay and seems like it’ll happen here too lol KhaoFirstTay and TayFirst. Anyway, here’s a reddit post about it on r/ThaiBL, search up tayfirst on the blog for more, I liked some tiktoks as well. This "tay thought first was asking for a kiss on his cheek when he was telling there's something on this face” TayFirst kiss is sooo good, especially because it’s practically what happened in 21 Days Theory recently like seriously straight out of a BL.
Also Tay/First/Khao are good and cute too. 
IG/Bilibili Lives
The Aug 26, 2022 IG live was a whole Time, spawned some iconic moments as shown in these tiktoks that got hella lotta views/likes and are high up in the firstkhaotung hashtag one two
[Fave] April 29, 2020 Bilibili live. Saw this clip where they’re extremely flirty for no freaking reason, they’re not even a cp, absolutely unhinged. this other clip of first calling khao handsome and them having a mini crisis
May 22, 2020 This Ohm and First IG Live before The Shipper ep 1 release where First is at Khao’s house. They got questioned and teased about it lol like hello it’s supposed to be Ohm/First because of The Shipper yet this KhaoFirst stray agenda T.T Khao didn’t even appear much in the live
Times When First Says Khao Plays Tricks On Him
I think people generally tend to think First would be the one playing pranks on Khao and my mans is on a mission to let everyone know that Khao is, in fact, a trickster and a prankster behind the camera.
Sep 1, 2022 Galaxy A53 live: “First’s happiness is teasing Khaotung, right?” “ Actually, he teases me. I don’t tease him. This is him in front of the camera that everyone sees. He’s not acting but this is a part of him when he’s working. When he's behind the camera, he likes teasing.”
Safe House 4 Day 5 clip: Khao pushes First, First tells the audience to look and see First isn’t the one teasing, Khao drags First out of frame
Before Becoming CP
The IG lives they did before then
July 7, 2020: first tweeted he wanted to see the stars and tagged khaotung
Twitter thread by  swwwwii: A thread of #firstkhaotung 2018-2021
To Watch
StarStruckxFirstKhaotung - It’s an English interview, so I can actually watch it instead of catching a few translated tweets here and there
Praew Magazine Interview of FirstKhaotung
KAZZTalK Interview
เมาท์เรื่องเกินคาธ จากกอง "คาธ" กับ เฟิร์ส ข้าวตัง หลุยส์ นีโอ 
Oct 12 ArmShare KhaoFirst
(ENG SUB) ชวน “เฟิร์ส-ข้าวตัง” มา REACT
Let’s Talk BL Interview - another English one and this time for a podcast I regularly listen to!
Episode 0 Eclipse
ชวน “เฟิร์ส-ข้าวตัง” มา REACT ซีนสุดพีคในซีรีส์ คาธ The Eclipse - Watching this after the LITA Cast reactions. Interesting to see First point out certain things like Neo flexing his muscles or Khao tilting his head a certain way to make a tear fall. First is soooo cute here, my babygirl
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toshiakikijima · 1 year
夜ふかしルーム:EP 281
Night 281: Tonight’s talk - Toshiaki Kijima’s festival
Tachibana: It’s been a long time since we been in a late-night room. How is everyone? 
Araki: I was too invested in preparing for the festival that I should of taken a break. 
Maki: I agree. Kijima’s birthday party is quite late. 
Maki: I am sorry, Kijima. I was planning a party filled with mushrooms, but...
Kijima: It is okay. I celebrated in the most peaceful way, please do not worry about it. 
Mitsuura: Rather, I am glad the mushroom party was not held. 
Kamiki: I am little curious as to what kind party its going to be.
Kiriya: Are you serious? 
Hayama: Before introducing the birthday messages, can we talk about tonight’s festival? 
Kijima: Of course. 
Hayama: it’s getting cold, isnt it? What perfect for the season when you are missing human touch? 
Hayama: Do you think one night [together] is a mistake? 
Okubo: I don’t consider what happened. [Hayama] that way of speaking... 
Asaoka: You might say “I want a lover,” but it’s not easy to say, “Last night was a mistake.” 
Kiriya: “Let’s introduce [the event] in a better way, I will explain it clearly. 
Kiriya: Alright? Right now. we are holding a “Your festival” event. 
Kiriya: Firstly, you can read parts of the main story for free for all characters. The guy you are reading right now is a great choice. 
Kiriya: Even if you are not interested, take a peek at his story. 
Kiriya: One of the 10 men, I think there is at least one guy you will like. 
Kiriya: Like me, a man with a devoted mouth [affective mouth]
Mitsuura: Did you just wanted to brag about yourself? I’ll take it from here. 
Mitsuura: 80% off for every character’s main stories. 
Mitsuura: If you enjoyed the main story, you can continue reading their story for a reasonable price. 
Araki: Can I read it for free and get points? What happened with maintaining profit? 
Asaoka: It’s a festival... 
Maki: Most importantly...
Maki: Shun’s new season “Love That Repeats Over and Over Again” is now available. 
Maki: Even so, his love for her is straightforward and delicate, their bond between them is strong. 
Maki: Have I finally been defeated? 
Araki: It doesn’t look like there’s the slightly change to take advantage of them. 
Tachibana: It hasn’t been like that since the beginning. I’m always looking at her. 
Maki: I’m defeated. 
Kamiki: Next. I really liked the Chat style response. 
Kamiki: How we all respond to the truth of a tipsy girlfriend... 
Okubo: It’s fun, right? She’s so cute... 
Okubo: They can be bought separately, and there is a set. So you can choice who ever you like! Please try it out! 
Kijima: Event’s are held for VIP Rooms. Isn’t it? [XXX Dream]
Kijima: It is said that needs are hidden in dreams. 
Hayama: It’s a must to see who has what type of dream and how to recreate it.
Hayama: It is amazing how you dream. 
Tachibana: Also, I want every to participate and have fun. 
Skipped line. 
Skipped line. 
Tachibana: I don’t mind what your memorable night is like. 
Okubo: There are many nights, but every night has their own drama. 
Asaoka: Come to think about it, even sometimes, adults needs funs at night. 
Mitsuura: Araki’s “Love Lessons Until Morning” is released. 
Okubo: Sound bad ass. According to what I heard, that so called “self-restraint.”
Kiriya: It’s almost over, but over 20 story are on sale tonight. 
Kamiki: Do Love Lessons Until Morning sounds dangerous. 
Araki: I would not forgive you. 
Araki: I’ll make you cry in many different ways, so you must read it. 
Skipped line. 
Asaoka: the festival isn’t over yet, so enjoy it until the end. 
Kiriya: I should had finish with a brief explanation, but there is a lot to share. 
Kiriya: But next is Kijima’s Festival. 
Hayama: This year again, we’ve received message from you all! Please enjoy! 
Happy birthday, Kijima Toshiaki! 
Message: Bluntly, I’ve been short of Kijima. I get withdrawal symptoms, I would like to go on a date soon! I love you, Kijima! 
[SN: If he was 34 in 2017, wouldn’t 1983 be his birth year? This year he will be 40! He will be forever 34 in my eyes!] 
Kijima: You’re right. I am sorry for making you feel lonely...
Kijima: I miss you too, but keeping it in moderation is bad for my body. 
Kijima: *sound of love* 
Kijima: I do not mind keeping it inside the house, but outside. Well, let’s think about it because it’s your request...
Kijima, Happy birthday! 
Message: This year is the first time we have a birthday together. Maybe that’s why it feels a little different than usual. However, my feelings for Kijima will never change. I will always love you. 
Kijima: Ah. As our family grows, so did my happiness. 
Kijima: To have such happiness. I wouldn’t have known it if I hadn’t met you. 
Kijima: I really appreciate you. Thank you. I will love you forever. 
Kijima, Happy Birthday!
Message: For me too, October first is the day when the month first starts every year. I alway will love you too! 
Kijima: I am more than happy enough with you, who cherishes my birthday more than I do, 
Kijima: Thank you for every year I will spend with you. Being able to spend time with you is the best gift. 
Kijima: So please stay by my side every year from now. I am always happy with just that. 
Tachibana: Kijima, I am late, but congratulations again. 
Kijima: Thank you 
Tachibana: I apologize for the late birthday message. I am sorry. 
Kijima: Each message is care for and thank you. 
Kijima: It is getting cold lately, so sleep warmly so you would not catch a cold. 
Kijima: Enjoy tonight’s festival! 
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cutielatias · 2 years
this ep 1 scene(the sean's screenshots that i took on his birthday) kinda have history💔💧,this scene, the scene where Sean is trying to cheer up Daniel when he's whining, was the scene that made me start to have a (a little) crush on Sean👉👈😤~🌸 when I was watching the game for the first time (on its release), at first i didn't liked sean,i remember like it was yesterday me watching the beginning of 1 (seattle part) and being like "aargh💢, another asshole teenager from this franchise/"chloe" to put up with😒💢 but at least the little brother looks cool",but then later comes the forest part and i remember seeing sean there trying to cheer up daniel a little, i remember finding it very cute when he keeps telling daniel that when he go to school (daniel) that he could tell everyone how much miles he(they) had walked(the conversation was something like that💦) then daniel starts to get more excited, then sean keeps smiling, I remember seeing this scene and thinking "hmm...the teenager is kinda cool, even...cute, but it seens that he act/is kinda asshole because of his friends influence"💢😑at first I didn't confess(to myself) that I was starting to like him😤🌸 but then I started to see more videos of this game, and I was like "OK!OK! I admit, I'm starting to think this teenager is kinda cute~👉👈.There are many other scenes(of ep1) that made me start to sympathize/like sean, but this was the first one, so it has a special place in my heart/mind❤💧
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gnatlistens · 1 year
shye's live gig @majulah block party: my experience!
this was such a great show!! exams are finally over so I can do a write-up 😋
setlist performed (30/7/22)
i’m fine, no
i’ll be honest (w Dru Chen)
days to morning glory
how r u sleeping (feat. Charlie Lim)
hi, hello (unreleased)
corduroy (encore)
this was my first ever live concert/show/gig! it was an amazing experience and the energy was SO HIGH. I sang (or shouted?) along, and based on the videos I recorded, I was a lot more in tune than I expected 🤨��. but I also ruined the recordings because all I could hear was my voice LMAO
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kicking things off with i'm fine, no and phonecase! at the chorus of phonecase, the crowd sang along so loudly 🤩
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up next were I'll be honest and days to morning glory. I'm surprised I knew the words to I'll be honest without actively searching up lyrics, and it was only released a day ago! I could sing along to dtmg although I haven't looked at the lyrics once, and I obviously misheard a few HAHSHA. after the concert, I looked up the the lyrics and they are really meaningful! I definitely like it more now :)
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to my surprise, Charlie Lim sang how r u sleeping with shye!! he had to look at the lyrics so it might have been unexpected for him too LOL, but he KILLED IT! I'll be expecting an official recording now 😌
also I'm not surprised Charlie Lim likes this song, I saw that how r u sleeping was playing on indiego (the radio channel), and he's the music director HAHSHA. now that I mention it, I should start listening to indiego,, just that scrobbling to lastfm is going to be a problem 
shye performed an unreleased song next, titled hi, hello! she mentioned that it's going to be part of her next EP (or album, I forgot), and I can't wait
notgonnalie was so fun to hear live! the lyrics "feeling like I wanna cry, feeling like I wanna scream" fit the vibe exactly.
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999 was supposed to be the ending track, but we all requested for corduroy as an encore :D
shye didn't prepare for it at all and played the track from spotify HAHSHA. I'm so glad she did and i got to hear it live! also someone gave her shades 🕶 they were so cute!! she signed them afterwards too
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shye got a birthday cake from the organisers/her mum (I don't really know :p), so the last song we sang for her was happy birthday 🥰
after the event, she gave all the fans some of the cake and met us to take photos! she moved everyone away from the loudspeakers which was so thoughtful 💟 
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overall this was an amazing event and I'm definitely going to her next gig! (if it's not during my exam period). it felt different to listen to her songs in such a hyped-up environment, usually they are quite soft and comforting. it's really cool that they can be enjoyed both ways
i'm glad that this smaller-scale gig was my first, I know what to prepare next time! I'll definitely give shye something 
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chuluoyi · 6 months
Same.... I've never spent a single cent on games, so I only can grind.. And I'm failing badly... I've grinded like 1000 s-chips in 3 days and I still need 200+ before I can do a 10-pull... YEA they've come so far... Lukerosa is so the best ship in my opinion! I love Vyn and Rosa dynamics too... Like I didn't like Vyn at the start cause he's so sussy (Vyn girlies don't come after me please) but after seeing him and Rosa rely on each other so much I feel like Marius's and Artem's relationships with Rosa are just pretty normal (Again this is my opinion so don't come after me please 😭😭)
It's about $8 for me... And woahwoahh again?! Are you like in Japan rn? And I would advise you to save your money... BUT if you don't get a Gojo coaster then spend away! Anything for the husbands 💖
YEA like I had no idea... I thought people disliked Suguru so I went into Animate all happy and shit but I guess I was wrong... Cause where I'm from everyone hates Suguru I'm just that one crazy fangirl AHHAH- And I share your sentiments... I think I just dislike that group of Kenjaku homies... I'm not wrong tho??!? Volcano man has ONE eye and is BLUE SKINNED but he gets all that the girlies desire 🥲🥲
HUH VENTI TOO 😭😭😭 Okay I probably would've done that too if I HAD Venti... But I lost 50/50 to Qiqi in all of his banners... But FR Genshin is so... Money leeching.... I have so many friends who want to quit but can't cause they already spent so much...
AHAHAHAH RIGHT WRIO SUPREMACYYY!! And it's always the men ahhahah!! I started cause of Diluc and Ayato omg... I only stayed till Sumeru cause of Alhaitham.... yes, I agree... These men are probably too... too holy? Throughout Heaven and the Earth, they are the honoured ones... 🥲🥲
hehehe it's really nothing!! 😍😍
And 'once' ..? You sure about that babe...
Also NO I have not seen the newest ep... I stopped for like 4 weeks cause I knew Nanami's end was coming... But guess what I was spoiled on Instagram anyway... Nobara is so precious like tf she's just 16 Mahito leave her tf alone!! Yuji too! Like he already killed Nanami in front of him... And he had to bring Nobara there too... He's despicable like please stop 😭😭😭 Leave our babies alone!
P.s. Chu I really enjoy talking with you omg like you're probably the only writer on Tumblr that I've interacted so much with!! Love you!!!
HOW did you grind 1000 s chips in three days?!😭 disco anon i barely could grind 100 daily so how sskskks you must teach me😩
actually i agree with you!!🥹 in my personal opinion, it’s their chemistry due to the childhood friends trope that makes things already intimate between the two of them. ahh, i’m still not used to vyn i’m sorry🥲 partially bcs of the sus part HAHAHA
for me it’s luke - marius - artem - vyn 🥹 but i’m not saying vyn is bad! i actually love his birthday cards and the main story in the cruise ship! it’s just i’m not used to his calm persona HAHAHA marius is a big baby so he is dear to me and artem is the epitome of man every mother wants for their daughter so i go for him to delude myself into having the perfect man☺️
omg why?! suguru is so precious he didn’t deserve the ptsd imposed by the jujutsu world *sigh* VOLCANO MAN PLSSS😭😭😭😭 it’s so funny ahahahhaha
venti is not as useful ever since kazuha is released imo🥲 it’s just his burst skill is fun and you can fly. tbh i pulled for him just because he’s cute and anyway why do we pull for genshin men at all? not bcs of their usefulness, certainly. it’s just they’re so easy in our eyes😩😩🫶🏻
i agree!!🤧 like well everything is pricey, and the rate off possibility is just too much sometimes🥹
too holy lmao🥹🥹🥹 i think i’m logging in genshin again just to see my luck and primo… i honestly forget if i still have any left or not…
…sure. i’m totally sure. pls pray for me to be sure 💀
HAAHHHA there are many of my friends who haven’t even started the 2nd season at all bcs they already know what’s coming😭 but yes it’s so painful like nothing good comes in this season *sigh*
hshshsjjs i enjoy talking to you too disco anon!!🥹🫶🏻 thank you for stopping by omg i’m always happy to answer asks and i’m glad i’ve found kind friends in this hellsite because tbh i’m a bit spooked by several discourses i’ve seen in this fandom🥲 like pls i don’t ever want to be involved in any of that😭
love you too!!!✨
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c-40 · 9 months
A-T-3 258 Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart Red + Blue Mix
The Owner Of A Lonely Heart story always begins with Yes were washed up, seen as rock dinosaurs, relics. Trevor Horn is often quoted saying “My wife [co-founder of Sarm Studios Jill Sinclair] was furious with me for wanting to do Yes,” she protested “Yes are finished! They’re old farts! Who’s interested in Yes?" Let's pause here. 'Rock dinosaurs' was a phrase that was thrown around a lot in the 1980s and 90s. Yes were formed in 1968, so by 1982 when the album 90125 was being made they'd been around for 14-years. To put this into context Stormzy released his debut EP 9-years-ago, Ed Sheeran has been around for 12-years, Adele's debut album was 19 she's 35 now, Nicki Minaj has been releasing solo records for 16 years, Taylor Swift's debut album is celebrating its 17th birthday, Kanye West's The College Dropout was released 19-years-ago, Beyoncé's solo career has been going for 20-years, Wu Tang Clan's Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) is closer in age to Elvis’s Return To Sender than it is anything released today, none of their music has strayed much in all that time
Is hip-hop the only music genre that's celebrated a birthday? I don't remember a birthday for heavy metal 5-years-ago... anyhow, so with hip-hop celebrating a milestone I've heard Marley Marl and others talking about how he was the first to sample and sequence drums, this claim is only true for hip hop because the honour of the first goes to JJ Jeczalik and Owner Of A Lonely Heart a few years earlier
It wasn't just synths that pulled Yes into the 1980s. Jon Anderson had already made three albums with Vangelis, Short Stories and The Friends of Mr Cairo, and Private Collection which are electronic prog. Trevor Horn and Geoff Downes (later of The Buggles) replaced Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman respectively at the last moment for Yes's previous album 1980s Drama and that was completely prog. 90125 and Owner Of A Lonely Heart was Yes meeting Devo in what was then a studio at the bleeding edge of technology and a production team encouraged to experiment. By 1982 Trevor Horn had become one of the hottest producers around which gave him more influence on the band and steering the band to go with a new way of recording
Jeczalik was Trevor Horn's Fairlight guy, he had been in Landscape and had worked for Trevor Horn's partner in The Buggles, Geoff Downes. Jeczalik, Anne Dudley, and Gary Langan, the production team Horn had put together for Malcom McLaren's Duck Rock and ABC's The Lexicon of Love came together again for 90125. Trevor Horn wanted a drum tone inspired by Stewart Copeland’s tight snare drum on The Police’s Synchronicity so JJ Jeczalik spent a lot of time messing with around with samples of Yes drummer Alan White's drum recordings. The Fairlight's Page R sequencer had just been released, this was a real game changer, they could now lock instruments to programmed arrangements, make millions of edits, and save their work to file. Trevor Horns team would become The Art Of Noise and their first release Into Battle With The Art Of Noise is outtakes from their 90125/Owner Of A Lonely Heart work. The similarities between AON's Beat Box and the Red + Blue Mix of Owner Of A Lonely Heart are plainly clear. They were spending a long time on Owner Of A Lonely Heart, the song had been shelved and was the final track from 90125 to be worked on... according to Trevor Horn it only happened because of his persistence and insistence it would be a hit. This bit from an interview made me chuckle “Ahmet Ertegun stopped them and made them put out our mix of it,” Horn added. I've read the whole drum track on the Red + Blue mix of Owner Of A Lonely Heart is constructed of samples
One thing that doesn't get attention (other than being a cute dig at Jon Anderson's dodgy lyric) is Owner Of A Lonely Heart is probably the first track to use a gunshot sample, there had been tracks that had gunshots on them before, but a sample?
I find the making of Owner Of A Lonely Heart as interesting if not more than the track itself, the process would go on to not only define music production but graphic design, motion graphics, film making, architecture, finance etc... this has been the practice for my whole career, you're constantly learning the new tech advancements that keep capitalism limping along... I've heard Damian Hirst is selling 'ai' prints now, that's a grift innit
There seems to be some confusion over Trevor Horn and co sampling Funk Inc's Kool Is Back, and I can see (or hear) why. I can't find Trevor Horn or anyone else involved saying the sampled Kool Is Back, the drum crash is similar but not quite the same, so if they did sample Kool Is Back they chopped it, and the dramatic stab is a synth rather than a horn
90125 became Yes's comeback album and Owner Of A Lonely Heart went to number 1 in the US. Storm Thorgerson directed the video which sees the old hippies Yes with short haircuts looking more like Eno post-Germany, or Fripp around the time of Exposure, or indeed Trevor Horn. It's an odd video but it got a lot of MTV play. When it came to the sleeve artwork the band wanted a clean break from the image they had created with Roger Dean who had returned to do the artwork for 1980s Drama after the band switched to Storm Thorgerson for two albums Going for the One and Tormato (which still kept the Dean Yes logo.) For 90125 they used ZTT designer Garry Mouat who redesigned their logo on an Apple IIe. The 90125 project began as a Yes offshoot Alan White, Chris Squire, with Trevor Rabin forming a new band Cinema. The original logo Garry Mouat designed was for Cinema, what we now see as a 'Y' began as a 'C'. When Jon Anderson joined the project it was decided that 90125 would be a Yes album
Of course the Roger Dean artwork came back into fashion in the late 1990s and retro rock obsession
The Red + Blue Mix
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For New Monbebes
Full name: Yoo Ki-hyun (유기현)
Position: Main Vocalist, Visual, Dancer
Birthday: 22nd November 1993
Zodiac sign: Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp
Height: 175 cm (5’9″)
Weight: 63 kg (139 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Kihyun facts:
– Kihyun was born in Goyang, South Korea.
– He has an older brother (2 years older) that lives in Japan. (vLive)
– He was the 3rd trainee confirmed as a member of Monsta X (after survival TV show “No Mercy”).
– He’s the best vocalist of the group.
– He graduated from DIMA, Dong’Ah Institute of Media and Arts.
– He likes composing songs and writing lyrics.
– He helped composing some of Monsta X’s songs.
– He can play the piano and the guitar.
– He released a single with Sistar’s Soyou & Giri boy titled “Pillow”.
– Kihyun said he would like to release a duet with fellow Monsta X member Hyungwon.
– He has a baby niece (and he loves her a lot).
– He can speak a bit of Mandarin.
– He says he’s the best cook out of the members, since he has experience as a chef.
– According to him the rest of the members are horrible cooks.
– He’s especially good at making ramen.
– He keeps peach water in the dorm fridge (the peach water was given to him by his mom and grandma).
– He is the cleanest member in the dorm.
– In the old dorm he shared a room with Minhyuk, Jooheon and I.M.
– Update: In the new dorm he has his own room.
– He said his cleaning nature came from his father whom he takes after.
– He shared his favorite song is Joe Hisaishi’s “Merry-Go-Round” from the Howl’s Moving Castle soundtrack.
– When Kihyun appeared on “Masked Singer” the fans recognized his voice right away.
– He said he’d like to be like artist Kim Gunmo.
– Kihyun listed Michael Jackson as a foreign artist whose vocals he admires.
– Some of Kihyun’s nicknames are: “Cutie” because he is cute, Kirange, which is a combination between his name and his orange colored hair and Tinie, due to his small size.
– Only Kihyun and Shownu consider themselves very attractive, the rest of the members consider themselves as being “ok”.
– He has cute dimples on his cheeks.
– Kihyun has a habit of tilting his head back when he laughs loudly
– He can speak English
– He can’t do aegyo.
– He owns a few bottles of perfume.
– Hobbies: Dancing and hanging out with friends.
– His favorite color is Blue.
– One of his favorite food is chicken.
– He doesn’t like cranberries.
– He’s most thankful to Shownu recently
– He’d like to share a room with I.M because they’re both light sleepers and because I.M doesn’t do a lot
– These days he wants to hear people say that his stage was cool
– Kihyun holds one of the title 3 legendary finger-flickers among the idol because it hurts so much that can lump when it hits. (The other are Onew Shinee and Jimin BTS)
– He wants to change into a president for one day
– Shownu gave him the best first impression
– For his doljabi (Korean tradition for when a baby is 100 days old) he chose a pen
– He’s not sorry/regretful towards of the members
– He wants to sing lullabies for monbebe
– He said Hyungwon is the hardest to wake up
– During fan signs, the thing he wants to do the most is hold fans’ hands tight and talk with them
– He said his weakness is that he gets stressed easily
– Members voted Kihyun as the member who acts like a maknae. (Qmentary)
– Kihyun said Wonho knows everything about him because Kihyun and Wonho stay at home a lot together (Amigo TV season 4 ep.3)
– Kihyun and BTS’ Suga are close friends.
– He can’t eat fish because it has a strong smell.
– Kihyun has a cooking show he does on their Vlive and also used to host Mon Happy Radio, a radio show of sorts, alongside Minhyuk and can be viewed on Vlive.
– He sang the “One More Step” OST for “She was pretty” Korean drama.
– He sang “Love Virus” together with Cosmic Girls’ Seola as the OST for “What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim”.
– He also sang several other OSTs: “Attractive Woman” OST. for “Orange Marmalade” (ft.Jooheon);
“Can’t Breath” OST for “Investigation Couple” (ft.Jooheon); “The Tiger Moth” OST for “Shopaholic Louis” (there are 2 versions: Kihyun sang the acoustic version, and MONSTA X the rock version); “I’ve Got a Feeling” OST for “Suspicious Partner”
– Kihyun’s ideal type: a girl who seems like a baby and has a lot of aegyo.
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absolutebl · 2 years
This Week in BL
Jan 2022 Wk 1
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. I’m gonna start posting these recaps on Sundays instead of Fridays for reasons. 
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Gen Y 2 (grey) Ep 3 - it’s up but locked to members of the YouTube channel. I can’t be arsed find it elsewhere and I’m not sure I’m tempted enough to join. I’m was trash watching and live blogging it here, but that’s on hold now. 
Paint with Love (Gaga) Ep 7 - Why am I still watching this? The sex scene was kind of sweet but I’m just not into them. Although I did like how very adult they were about it. This show is nicely grown up but boring. 
Not Me (YouTube) Ep 4 - airs tomorrow
Love Area Part 2 (GaGa) Ep 1 - didn’t drop, not sure why. 
You’re My Sky (Viki) Ep 1 - Viki should be banned from acquiring Thai pulps until they instal a 1.5 watching feature. Anygay, this had a good opener and has a bit of $ behind it but falls squarely into pulp territory fast, by which I mean... SLOW. The main uke is a cutie and if you’re into sports romances this is for you but otherwise, this will be a case of how much patience do we have?  
Bad Buddy (YouTube) Ep 10 - fantastic episode, sins of the past are uncovered, there’s a great claiming sequence, some GL love, AND a redemption arc involving lesbians. I’m live blogging it here.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Tinted With You (Korea - Viki) Ep 5 & 6 -  Cute kiss. Very picturesque. All in all this drama specializes in pretty. It’s nonsensical, but pretty about it. There was a bit of a love triangle reconciliation and it’s great to see men in flowing pastel robes actually kissing for a change. (Yes that’s a dig at China.) 
Behind Cut (Korea - Viki) Ep 3 & 4 - it’s gotten really cute, I wish we were getting more, it’s on of those what will transition to movie version well. There was a nice kiss and the chemistry between the leads is good. There’s a lot more physical affection than we usually get from Korea, it’s almost (dare I say it) Thai. It feels like this is 2022′s Tasty Florida. 
The Next Door Crush (Vietnam - YouTube) Ep 3 - cute, but dull, but cute. I like the framework better than any other aspect. 
Mr Cinderella (Vietnam - YouTube) Ep 6 - Remains very cute. A bit contrived on the faen fatal manipulative ex moving into the house as a plot device, but this is BL, what can you do? Nice flirting scenes used for good communication, tons of domesticity, and bonus lap sitting (a favorite of mine). 
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In Case You Missed It
In completely unrelated fandom news BTOB continues to be the silliest group in all Kpop, their happy birthday to their fandom song is so Monty Python-esk. 
K-BL short coming Half a Kiss and Half a Spice. 
Light On Me’s Shin Woo & Tae Kung (looking fine af) have a cameo in Best Mistake 3 ep 4 at ts 15.00, currently airing on Viki. Here’s an annotated cut of their too brief appearance. Choe Chan Yi plays an exiting character, so they added him playing his own doppelgänger as Daon for a cameo crossover. Just to play with us. It’s rather fun, but not worth watching a whole series of highly insipid disaster hets. They cleverly fade out the cameo with A.C.E’s Spark, AKA Light On Me’s OST, playing on the cafe tannoy - cute touch. 
News flash: Kang In Soo & Lee Sang (Wish You) remain ADORABLE. (Bit of meet up, spot themselves on a subway poster, + muckbang.) 
Taiwan to release 49 Days With A Merman, in a 12 ep run starring Bruce He AKA Bruce Hung (no BL back catalogue but a big name) and Kent Tsai about a high school student who ends up having to live with a domineering merman. Based on manga series Merman in my Tub. So Splash! but gay? Yes please. Plus an adaptation is rare for Taiwan and story is their weak point so that’s exciting too! 
What Did You Eat Yesterday: New Year's Special 2020 is now streaming on some Netflix (not mine here in the states). 
New Thai BL My Tempo a collaboration series from The Brothers Thailand and Proxie Thailand with director Chookiat Sakveerakul (Love Of Siam).
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Where Your Eyes Linger star, Han Gi Chan, confirmed to be in Korea’s Ocean Like Me which stars Kpop’s best known out gay singer, Holland. 
Korean BL Judo Boys got a complicated updated description. Basically: boys who meet as competitors in high school judo become lovers on the road to olympic gold. After one of them confesses and is rejected, they part for years only to meet again at university.  Bad boy/good boy, friends to lovers to enemies. 
New KBL Kissable Lips just came on my radar. No further information. 
You Light Up My Life Again colab project between Thailand's Studio Wabi Sabi and Mainland China. Directed by New Siwaj for WeTV in Thailand and Tencent in China. Filming at Dhurakij Pundit University known for having more students from China than any other Thai uni. Mandarin language. (Promo Trailer)  Rumors it is a proper kissing BL and will not actually be distributed to China to avoid censorship. Other rumors that Tencent will distribute a different version. Regardless don’t trust this one to HEA. I have a list of BLs that are cross country projects here: BL Without Borders. 
Thai Y-novel Hot Bamee And Yummy Gyogung by 'Jamie will be adapted into a series. I don’t normally report acquisitions but this one looks like it could be fun. Bamee is an intern in a 5-star hotel where he falls for his trainer since their first meeting. I like older uke younger seme anda hotel setting, so I’m intrigued. 
New Thai BL announced: I Will Knock You for Ch3Thailand starring unknowns, adapted from korean_rabbit's Y-novel with the same name and directed by Champ (2gether & Kiss Me Again). A college student and part-time tutor confronts the leader of a gang who then turns out to be his next student. (Younger seme, older uke, enemies to lovers, bully romance?). 
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2021 Round Up & Awards Posts
My 2021 BL Wrap Up - pretty much all shows I watched and reviewed last year
Next Week Looks Like This:
Kei×Yaku (Japan) starts a 10 ep arc on Thursday, no word on international distribution. Rainbow Prince is supposed to start Saturday, it’s a MUSICAL BL. 
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Upcoming 2022 BL master post here. I keep a full record there of everything I announce in the weekly updates. 
This week’s best moments?
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Vietnam is so generally poor at captioning, when they get an innuendo sport on I gotta give them props. Not sure if this was entirely intentional, but cute no matter what. 
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Don’t worry Wai yours is coming.... 
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h2bakugou · 3 years
Yes yes yes yesyesyesyesyes ok!! So then can I request present mic? Doing anything??? No I’m kidding I do actually have a prompt. I was thinking abt mic’s radio show and specifically, if he had an s/o who wrote music. Bc u know he would help them produce it and then play it nonstop on air aaaaaa
a/n: yes!! present mic love!! i love him so much i swear! <3 he has my heart dkdkmn this is such a cute request please- i apologize for the late posting!!
summary: you're an ambitious, gleeful, songbird at heart, and though you're quirkless, you've captivated the heart of the music-loving, radio show hosting, loud, sweetheart, present mic!
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff
word count: 1.3k
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
You started as an intern. A beaming smile on your lips most days, always happy to be in the studio with Mic when he was teaching you the ins and outs of radio hosting.
You'd majored in music business, the end goal in mind of writing and releasing your own music, though most of your plans had fallen through, the only opportunity to get you back on your feet after college being this deal you couldn't pass up.
Co-hosting with Present Mic on his own radio show.
The offer had actually been given to you by one of your superiors at the studio you worked at, having seen your optimism when it came to writing music and your love of music in general.
They wished you good luck and would always welcome you back if things didn't go so well. But you kept your head up high and marched into that studio ready to take on the world alongside the loud blonde.
And down the line, three years later, you were surprised to say the least.
"Your coffee as usual." Hizashi sets down the patriotic blue U.A. thermos sent out to the teachers at the beginning of the year. Since you'd practically moved in 'unofficially' with Mic, unofficially because you weren't technically allowed to stay due to the fact you didn't work for the school, rather employed by Mic himself in his private studio, but you were the tiny exception since you did technically work in the school.
"Thanks! Hey, I was wondering if you could check this new thing I've been working on and give me some criticism, it's just a rough draft, the lyrics just kind of came to me after a shot or two at Vlad's birthday party the other night." You giggled as you tossed him the flash drive containing your latest project, the sensitive information contained on the tiny disc landing in the palm of your boyfriend's hands.
"Another song? You're blessing my ears so early in the morning. I'm dreaming! Pinch me!" He teases. Mic's been the biggest supporter of your music since he overheard the pipes you had.
You'd had that kind of night the second week of your internship, battling the oncoming hangover after drinking with your cool new pro-hero teacher friends, your thoughts turning to lyrics as you worked in the studio, the only light being the small lamp on the side Mic kept when he worked late too.
He'd forgotten his room keys in the studio again, something you realized he did often and as he stopped by to pick them back up, that's when he heard you. You sounded so angelic, almost as if you were some sort of angel.
At first, he thought maybe it was just a recording or some sort of dare he say, Melodyne filter while you were messing around in the mic at night.
But you weren't. Your authentic voice shell-shocked him, and he sort of listened to you the entire night until you nearly pissed your pants turning around and seeing him.
“Yeah, it’s nothing special really-” You’re back to reality as Mic quickly has his headphones over his ears, a large grin on his lips as he listens, his fingers tapping away to the beat already.
You work on other tasks, filtering through requests and putting them in the queue while Mic listens to your song, his heart pounding. You were so talented and he’d wish you’d give yourself a bit more credit. You have what it takes to make it big, and he’d support you every step of the way.
“You know with this and the other tracks you have, you’d have enough to push out an EP. All you need is a bit of marketing and producing, and I’d be more than willing to help!” Mic smiles, wheeling over to you, pressing an encouraging peck to your cheek.
“It sounds great, but who would wanna listen to what I write?” You giggle, toggling an advertisement as you glance over at the blonde.
“How about this, You let me help you, I’ll spread the trial around here at work and if it gets good reviews, we publish.” Hizashi is nothing short of persuasive, and for the rest of the week he has you in his studio, adding layer after layer, fine-tuning and weeding out bits of the collection of songs you’d written until you have an EP.
Long nights fueled by coffee, water, and tea, and takeout eventually land you with the very first copy of your own EP. 
In your hands, it’s palpable. It’s real. It doesn’t have any cover art, or a title, let alone who sang it, but Mic hands you a sharpie and you feel this fire coursing through your veins.
You feel more than accomplished.
You scribble some title down that you’d work on later and messily sign your name for Mic to make copies and then throughout the next week, you’ve got dozens of messages flooding your inbox telling you to drop it on some streaming platforms.
And the following night Mic is consoling your tears as you hit your first 100 streams. 
“I’m so proud of you.” He coos, kissing your cheeks, wiping your tears away with his kisses, patting you on the head.
“You’re so cheesy.” You tease him.
“Says you! You named an entire song after me.” Mic huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
“What if ‘my beloved’ was about Marty?” You giggle. Marty, the sparkly, beautiful, elegant, beta-fish you’d adopted as the studio mascot swam around in his tank, decked out with super cool aquatic music themed stuff.
“You wouldn’t dare!” Mic laughs, his long blonde hair sweeping over his shoulders. 
“Your hair always looks so nice down.” You snuggle into him, your fingers twisting around the ends. Hizashi shakes his head and stares down at you.
“And you’re as radiant as ever, my love.” Hizashi pulls you into him, snuggling his head into your neck, placing a gentle kiss to your skin as he holds you near to him.
“Do you sing, ‘Zashi?” You ask quietly.
“No comment.” Mic giggles, his laughs tickling your skin.
“Would you work on a song with me?” You ask sweetly.
“I would love to.”
Callers chime in every so often for requests, since Mic loves to annoy the listeners by playing your EP track by track almost daily. You have to knock some sense into him telling him that there’s a quota to fill and while you love how he supports you, you’ve got them stuck in your head too.
And when you play them every so often, your heart warms when someone requests one of yours to play. Even more so, when your songs rise to much more notable fame, you’re working on your own album, with the lovely producing of Mic, and it even features a lovely duet between the two of you.
In fact, something you’d found out with having so many connections to pros, was the amount of hidden talent.
You’d requested a song with Kyoka Jiro, the beautiful voice you’d heard at the school festival had belonged to her and you’d been wanting to work with her since she also shared a love for music, and though she was young, she seemed rather happy to sing, even if she might’ve been shy about it first.
An unlikely duo might’ve come from a dare, Hawks. While he was rather against the idea at first, his voice was smooth and mellow, and it clashed with yours perfectly for some sort of sappy anti-romantic love song. Whatever the case, it made charts. 
But Mic continued to be your biggest supporter, no matter how or if you got big. You’d always find your way back into his arms, messing around with him on the radio show, and dodging paparazzi whenever you two left campus.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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hooked-on-elvis · 5 months
"Cotton Candy Land" from "It Happened at the World's Fair" movie soundtrack (1963).
Every time I see Elvis singing to children in his movies I picture him singing to Lisa Marie Presley. What would Elvis sing to his baby girl, I wonder. Either it was his own songs, one of those he sang in the movies, or traditional children songs, that would've been so cute to watch! 🥹
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But... Elvis' love for children is dated way back to when Lisa probably wasn't even a dream to Elvis.
Elvis' love and affection for his young fans was visible. Any time he met with his fans and there was a tiny new born/infant, a toddler or a child among them, the little one immediately caught Elvis' attention. He is seeing in many, many moments, holding his fans' babies in his arms. Not only his fans babies - I have to say this because you can think he used to hold his fans babies just to 'put up an image' and make himself more likable to his adult audience but it wasn't the case, believe me. Since the 50s (at least, as we have photos to attest only after he begun his music career), Elvis loved children. He was so tender towards any children since always! There's pictures of him with his friends' babies, his family's babies, his coworkers' babies and even playing with his children costars between filming his movies. He was a natural with them. Elvis loved kids and the kids loved Elvis back. ♥
By the way, Elvis also did stand for such vital, important causes for children, over the years! Talking about the Polio vaccine and the 'March of Dimes' campaign, to which EP was one of the voices to, a supporter and a great asset to this cause since the 50s.
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Elvis is pictures with Mary Kosloski (photos 1 -2), Joanne Wilson (3) and Robert Marquette (4); all three children victims of the Polio disease and the faces for the March of Dimes campaigns over the late 50s. But that's another story (an excellent and specially lovely one chapter in Elvis Presley's and the world's history).
Is that clear yet? ELVIS LOVED CHILDREN.
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Look at how he mimics his little fan's expression. This is a guy who was genuine interacting with people. 🥹
That being said, did you know there's Elvis albums specially made for children?
Previously I already knew there was (at least) one Beatles album for children ("All You Need Is Love: Beatles Songs For Kids", released in 1999), but now I found out Elvis too has albums specially for his young fans. That is what I truly intend to share with you today. ♥
There's at least two of them: "Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!", released by RCA Victor in 1978 — You can hear the '40th anniversary edition' full album here (Youtube); and "Elvis Sings for Kids" released in 2002.
"Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!" (CD):
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"Elvis Sings for Children and Grownups Too!" (Vinyl... way cooler!):
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"Elvis Sings for Kids" (CD)
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There must be more of these "Elvis for Children" albums, but there you go. You got the picture. ⚡
One thing's for sure: If you have a children's birthday party to attend or you're a happy parent or at least has a child in the family (or close friends group) and wants to give them the best gift they will be thankful for, specially when they grow up — believe me, the first CD/VINYL a child is gifted with is unforgettable for them (mine was a Britney Spears' one, 90s child haha, and I love it but I'd rather it have been one of the King's ones, sure) — you can take the opportunity and gift that lucky child with an Elvis Presley album specially designed for them. ♥
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To end this special post, look our baby Elvis, that cute precious little thing! 🥹
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eunwhore · 3 years
An (Un)helpful guide for ASTRO
Oh you just discovered ASTRO and you want to know more about them ? First of all, welcome new fellow Aroha ! I’m glad you chose to stan these beautiful men because they deserve it ! Hope you’ll like them even more after that ! Have fun ! 
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ASTRO is a South Korean boys band under the label of Fantagio
- They debuted on February 23, 2016 with the single “Hide & Seek” from their debut EP called “Spring Up”
- Their official colors are Vivid Plum and Space Violet
- The name of their fandom is “Aroha” which comes from ‘Astro’ mixed with the korean word ‘hana’ that means ‘one’ or ‘only’. In short, their fans are their only one. How cute ! 
- They released 9 albums and EP:
1) Spring Up - February 23, 2016
Track List: 
Ok! Ready ! 
Hide & Seek 
Innocent Love
Morning Call
Puss In Boots
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2) Autumn Story - November 10, 2016
Track List:
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3) Winter Dream - February 22, 2017
Track List:
Should’ve held on
Cotton Candy
You & Me
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4) Dream Part.1 - May 29, 2017
Track List:
Dreams Come True
You Smile
Because It’s You
Dream Night
I’ll Be There 
Every minute
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5) Dream Part.2 - November 1, 2017
Track List:
With you
Crazy Sexy Cool
Better With You
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6) Rise Up - July 24, 2018
Track List:
Always You
By Your Side
Call Out
Stay With Me
Real Love
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7) All Night - January 16, 2019
Track List:
Starry Sky
All Night
Role Play
1 In a Million
Love Wheel
Heart Brew Love
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8) Blue Flame - November 20, 2019
Track List:
Blue Flame
All About You
When the Wind Blows
You’re My World
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9) Gateway - May 4, 2020
When You Call My Name
We Still
12 Hours
Lights On
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- Their slogan is ‘Wanna be your star’
- The group is composed of 6 members, lemme introduce you to these bad (actually soft) boys
Jinjin - Park Jin Woo (진진)
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Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Lead Dancer
Birthday: March 15, 1996 
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Social Media: - Instagram
Is the mom of the group really
His favourite colour is green.
His nickname is Angelic/Puppy Smile
He can play drums and do beatboxing.
He speaks Korean, English & basic Chinese.
He composed and wrote the lyrics of “Lights On” their sidetrack for their album “Gateway”.
JinJin’s ideal type: a girl with her own opinions and attitudes.
Jinwoo gets called slow rapper because of how slow he talks.
He gets teased by the other members a lot
MJ -  Kim Myung-jun (엠제이)
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Position: Main Vocalist
Birthday: March 5, 1994
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Social Media: Instagram
His nickname is “The Happy Virus”, because he’s always laughing and smiling.
He makes jokes all the time, he’s so funny really
Oldest member of the group (Hyung)
“Hello my name is MJ, I look younger than the other, but I am not”
He’s Eunwoo’s son (Even tho he’s older than him)
Terrible English 
He calls himself “Smile Engine”.
The first person he befriended when he joined Fantagio was Sanha.
He’s also part of a trot K-pop group named Super Five
MJ’s ideal type: A girl with a nice smile, a good sense of humour and who is similar to him.
He’s the most talkative in Astro
Infectious laughter !!!!!!
Cha Eun Woo - Lee Dong Min (차은우)
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Position: Vocalist, Visual, Face of The Group
Birthday: March 30, 1997
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Social Media:  Instagram
His nickname is “Morning Alarm” because he always wakes up earlier and starts waking up the rest of the members.
Eunwoo’s other nickname is “White Tee Guy” (because during Breathless era, he always wore white t-shirts).
He’s consider to be the ‘normal’ one in ASTRO but don’t underestimate him ! 
He’s called ‘Face Genius’ (meaning someone who has crazily handsome face)
He’s more shy and reserved than the other members
Eyes smile
“Gachi Gallae”
English King
He played in many Kdramas: My ID Is Gangnam Beauty, Hit The Top, True Beauty,..
He’s a literal angel who fell from the sky
Like, we don’t deserve him
Cha Eunwoo’s ideal type: A girl that’s curious, wise and intelligent.
Moonbin - Moon Bin (문빈)
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Position: Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Center
Birthday: January 26, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Social Media: Instagram
CEO of being Sexy but also cute af
His nicknames are: U-Know MoonBin, Binnie, Sleepyhead, Puppycat (because he can make the face of a cat and the face of a puppy)
He loves playing video games
His favourite colour is Black
Moonbin’s ideal type: A girl with a good sense of humour.
Binwoo is the best ship (Him and Eunwoo)
He acted in Kdramas: “Boys Over Flower” (2009), “Perseverance Goo Haera” Ep. 1 (2015), “Moments of 18” (2019).
Stomach on legs
Personality: tender and warm-hearted
Moonbin’s ideal type: A girl with a good sense of humour.
Rocky -  Park Min Hyuk  (라키)
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Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist
Birthday: February 25, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Social Media: Instagram
His nickname is “Chef Minhyuk”
Dancing skills ON POINT !
“Oh my gad no no no !” 
Rocky Swaaaaag
He created the choreography for most of the group dances. 
He acted in the Kdrama “Perseverance Goo Haera”
Personality: quiet, very reliable and hardworking
Fantagio staff named him “Dancing Machine”
Rocky’s ideal type: A caring, cute and nice girl.
Sanha - Yoon San Ha  (산하)
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Position: Vocalist, Maknae
Birthday: March 21, 2000
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Social Media: Instagram
His nickname is “Beagle”
He’s the youngest member of the group (Maknae)
Aegyo king
Evil Maknea
His favourite activity is to annoy the other members
His favourite color is Pink
He’s too pure for this world
He’s a giant (185 cm / 6′0″)
Sanha’s ideal type: A girl who thinks about him a lot and asks him about his day.
Okay ! I think we’re done now, i hope it helped you (At least a little) and rather if you’re a new fan, or you’ve known for a while, I would like to thank you for taking interest into them in the first place. They deserve more recognition really ! 
See you ! Wanna be your star !
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potterology · 4 years
fave dylb scenes bc I can't get over and I’m already rewatching and noticing little things heheee 
- first meeting outside the restaurant. ohh how I love how awkward yet endearing they both were when they finally introduced themselves to one another. rewatching it made me realize that JY was already smitten by SA since the start. (like literally since the start y'all!!! he didn't even know her yet and wanted to stop the car to get SA an umbrella and this was in the first ep!!)
- when JY switched coffee cups with SA bc she spilt her cup and he started drinking it so she can’t refuse even though he doesn’t like coffee. Like he just did it bc he was compelled to do so?? like dude what if she already drank from it??? This scene was so funny to me and I love it cuz I dont think SA is used to being the one taken care of like that so it was just v cute
- when the noona was trying to get them to talk banmal but SA was like oh noooo he’s a superstar. This was cute bc you can actually see that JY was disappointed. Also they keep sneaking peeks at each other lol cute fools 
- waiting for taxi scene- this was so freaking adorable. shows how considerate they both are for each other and it’s so freaking awkward when they both realized they were standing there waiting for each other to get a taxi- but like in the cutest way
- when they were both outside that restaurant and SA asked if JY enjoyed his performance at granny’s house and I think this was the first time someone asked our boy if he likes what he does for a living and you can just tell his heart went soft for her(same dude same)
- spontaneous non-date date. ohh I love the first time they ate together at that beer place. they really started to get to know each other there. the mood and how that scene was filmed was just chef’s kiss~~
- rehearsal room we should be friends scene. when homeboy transitioned from moonlight sonata to happy birthday, y'all knew it was over for SA- god damn I would have swoon over too
- by the river “I wanted to see you” scene- high key JY sucks at communicating but I love how he is just so taken by SA that he just flat out says he misses her and as soon as he says it he was almost shocked himself. so pure
- the midnight call. I MEAN. guys. guys. he wanted to just talk to her and ask her out but tried to be nonchalant about it. ahhh they literally portrayed the first stages of dating so well I'm goo for it !!!!!!
- first walk together in the walkway. this was just so adorable. the almost hand holding. the chemistry!! the shy smiles :’’’) 
- SA’s birthday when she thanked JY for just being there for her. I love how she quietly acknowledges him and it was such an intimate interaction between them. I replay that scene a lot in my head
- when he ran to SA to give her his signed CD. He was so worried about her he forgot about JK lmaooo. Also the fact the he validated her as a violinist when SA was at a very low point... I mean... boyfriend material ugh
- the scene when SA told JY every little thing he does concerns her and that she didn’t want to feel that way about him anymore. As soon as SA said that homeboy PANICKED!!! I don’t even think he knew how much he liked SA until she said that :’)
- the lunchroom scenes 1) when they were teasing each other and 2) when JY announced that they were dating lolol I love how stoic he normally is but for SA he becomes a softie hehe
-ice cream day date; lol when SA won’t let JY tie her shoelaces bc she didn’t want to fall for him lol ok girl
-night ice cream/ stairs date. y'all know already. shit was just adorable. SA going for the kiss. I melted with the ice cream
- when JY asked SA for her handkerchief!!! it’s such a small gesture but they both knew it had a special meaning and I love how it put SA over the moon. (Also let’s include all the other times we see JY actually use that handkerchief- especially after they broke up. like homeboy was holding on to it for his dear life bc it was the only thing he had of SA~~ my fragile heart!!) ps did we ever see SA get a handkerchief from him???? No??? Sbs give me that pls
- when MS was telling JY in the car that SA has only openly confessed liking two things in her life and one them was JY. He was so flustered and couldn’t hide his smile and dimples... bruhhhhh he was full on swoon. Also when JY heard SA say that she really likes JY like he was so proud of himself lmao he’s like “yeah my gf LIKES ME” lolol
- when the lovebirds fought who was gonna clean up the broken glass at JY apartment. I love loveee this one bc SA has been beaten down so much by everyone calling her talentless that she didn’t even consider how important her hands is to her as a musician. And JY being like honey ur a violist and a musician too- UR HANDS ARE PRECIOUS. This was just v touching. Again showing how JY has always considered SA as an equal despite all the shit people say about his gf. luv him :’)
-all the moments JY just stood by SA’s side and held her hand when she needed comfort. I love how he’s just there for her. His silent support was just enough. (One thing that would have been nice is if we saw SA do the same thing, I felt like the writers were almost there but just didn't go all the way which is a shame tbh)
- Their lil day trip to JY’s hometown. I like how JY was so open to SA here. When he proclaimed that he never felt “this way before”  I screamed!! It was at that moment you clearly knew as a viewer that JY never really loved JK. He might have he loved the idea of her, yes. But he never truly loved her the way he loves SA. And his realization of this in that particular episode just made me so so so happy
- Handholding in the bus scene. That shit was so freaking tender bc you can tell how content JY was. He was beyond smitten- homeboy was IN LOVE AT THIS POINT
- when JY dropped SA home. I mean everything about this scene really makes ur heart soft right?? How both of them were beaming? How SA feet probably hurt bc homegirl was wearing heels the whole day and walked another 30 min just so she can spend more time with JY? How she literally ran back to him and JY just had this impression watching her like “my gf is cute af”?? How SA said something along the lines of JY having somewhere to belong to now and you can tell this had a double meaning for him bc at this point he prob considered SA as his home..I was literally mush oh my god. 
-break up scene. I know, v painful- but this was a rare one in kdramaland where I actually thought it was necessary for them to split (still wish it was done earlier but alas I'll take it) It was a graceful and needed breakup. Also when JY pulled out that umbrella for her.... bish it was over for me
- SA’s recital. I MEAN HOW IN SYNC COULD THEY BE. I normally skip the musical performances whenever I watch dramas that are music related- but this show makes it so magical I simply could not. PEAAAKKK ROMANCE
- JY’s recital- when he played that last song I was a big mess cuz we all knew it was dedicated for SA :’’) (I listen to this piece all the time now and im so emo when I hear it bc like god WHEN)
- First I love you scene. JY just going for it and chasing his happiness without caring if SA might reject him. We love to see it
-Second I love you scene. YALL. YALLLLL the way JY just releases his breathe when SA said she can't be friends bc she loves him more than a friend will forever slay me. Kim min jae’s acting here was real good. I love how JY said I love you four times and just went for it. top kissing scene in a krdrama for me hehee 
- dubokki date. lmao at JY with the spicy level. just plain cute
-the quick side by side peek to JY new album in the last episode. the way it showed how their relationship evolved. how he signed it as “for my love song ah” BISH I WANNA DATE A MUSICIAN TOO NOW
- that lil scene where JY wrote SA’s name as the planner bc he knows she works just as hard as the musicians and deserves the recognition. get u a boy who will vandalize a program notice for u :)
- basically all the scenes at the end of ep 16. I wish all of them were longer. I wanted to see more of them dating and happy!!! But I just love how they are both so INTO each other and you can see how happy JY is bc he finally has that person back that understood him since the beginning and it makes you feel so warm knowing they’re each other’s support system ahhhh I love their love !!
- also just all the scenes that JY looks at SA lovingly ~~ which literally happened since ep 1 I mean they are literally heart eyes emoji for each other every time :’)) 
- oh oh OH special shout out to ep 11 when JY just can’t stop holding SA’s hands !! the way he does it is so freaking INTIMATE like if I can only describe how I feel whenever I see compilation gifs of that episode where JY just reaches out and holds SA’s hands so steadily and tightly...it’s literally the most heartwarming thing.. idek how to explain what I’m trying to convey but I just vibe with it so much?? it’s so intimate and romantic.. Kim min jae I will die 4 u my love
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