#he’ll either set off the smoke alarm
emailandpassword · 8 months
Leon being able to cook but he can literally only make variations of chicken, veggies, and rice
What’s for dinner? Grilled rosemary lemon chicken, asparagus, and wild rice
The next day? Grilled cayenne chicken, steamed broccoli and cauliflower, ancient grain mix
Day after that? Caldo de pollo con arroz
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oh-stars · 3 months
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Healthy Secrets
Love is being late to work because you can’t ever say goodbye in a reasonable amount of time
a @steddielovemonth prompt | 1012 words | CW: N/A | Rating: T
Marnie hates him. Steve can’t really blame her. The practice opens at 8:30 am sharp and for the other psychiatrists that’s a non-starter. Well. It’s not a rule, officially, at least, but Marnie’s a stickler. Her schedule may as well be a bible, dictating their lives and holding everyone to the highest standards. 
Except Steve. He uses the schedule as… a suggestion, a guide really. 
See why Marnie hates him? 
He tries to make it up to her. Honest. Steve is diligent about his appointments and doesn’t mind staying later than the others. He makes a point to keep fresh flowers in her vase at the desk (a tradition he’d started on behalf of her late husband) and he takes her out for lunch twice a month. 
None of that even softens her glare when Steve walks into the clinic with only five minutes to spare before his first appointment. Every day, like clockwork. 
Look. Steve’s a punctual guy. Really! Any other time he’d be sweating his balls off trying to get there on time or going ninety to nothing – always racing the clock. On weekends, he’s the one chomping at the bit to make it to brunch plans or hounding Eddie to get a move on so they can beat holiday traffic when they make plans to visit Wayne. 
Mornings are his weakness. 
He wakes up, twisted in sheets with his leg between Eddie’s and their arms splayed over one another. Eddie’s face is almost always close to his, either sharing the same pillows or nuzzling up to Steve’s collarbones. Their comforter is a delightfully heavy weight, although it creates a furnace beneath its shelter – one Steve never wants to leave. Can you blame him? He wakes up to his own dash of heaven every morning, just himself and the love of his life in the sanctuary they built together. 
His alarm goes off at six, then again thirty minutes later. He’s awake at the first trill, mind already racing as his itinerary for the day speeds through his mind. Steve spends these thirty minutes peacefully holding Eddie in his arms as they brace for the day. Or well, he does because Eddie never wakes to the first alarm, his heavy snores blocking out everything but Steve’s touch and his dreams. 
A bleary eye will peel open at the second blasting. Eddie’s glare lightened by the pile of curls on his head and the way he wiggles closer to Steve. “Five more minutes?” he says, syllables barely distinguishable. 
And Steve agrees. 
Eddie could ask Steve to fall off the edge of the world and Steve would do it, would sacrifice his own body if it meant Eddie would be happy, alive, and safe. 
So he sets a timer for five minutes, then another five that Eddie deems necessary and is exclusively dedicated to their good morning kiss. 
It’s arguably the best ten minutes of his day. 
“We have to get up,” Steve says, heavy limbs pulling away with the stubbornness of an elephant. 
Eddie whines, but pulls away to grab his pajama pants off the floor. “Why must you have a grown-up job?” 
Steve shrugs and quickly heads to his dresser for his gym clothes. 
They go through the motions – Steve goes for a quick run while Eddie smokes on the porch and takes languid sips of his coffee. He’ll slip inside as Steve turns back onto the street so the shower will be nice and warm by the time Stve makes it to the bathroom. Gentle hands scrub through thick hair, dragging washcloths over sud-lathered skin, all followed by sweet kisses. Okay, Steve may have lied; this is the best ten minutes of his day. 
While Steve finishes getting ready, Eddie makes a quick breakfast (usually just toasting bagels with whatever spread strikes his fancy that day and cutting up whatever fruit they have). They share their plans between bites as their free hands map out one another. Eddie doesn’t work for another few hours, so he’ll go back to sleep (even though he claims to be up for the day) but this means his fingers are still bare except for the matching band they both wear. Steve never misses a chance to feel those fingers against his. 
And then it's time for him to leave and Steve realizes it’s not Eddie’s fault. It’s his own. Because as he stands there, bag in hand and his shoes on, Steve wants to throw a tantrum and crawl back into bed with Eddie. He wants to be unreasonable and never leave their bed, ever, for any reason. 
“I love you,” Steve says against Eddie’s lips, between kisses. 
Eddie hums as he kisses him. “I love you. You’ve got to go,” he whispers. 
“I don’t want to.” 
“You’ll be home quicker if you go,” Eddie says. 
“But that means leaving now.” 
Eddie laughs softly as he kisses along Steve’s jaw. “I have to leave in a few hours, too. You wouldn’t want to be by yourself, would you, baby?” 
Steve sighs, but relents as he kisses Eddie one more time. 
All in all, Steve walks out of the door at 8:29am. One minute to spare. 
Steve drives the twenty minutes to work knowing he’ll barely beat his first client and Marnie is sure to give him hell for it. He doesn’t let it bother him, instead blaring the mixtape he made with Robin a few summers ago. It’s hard to care about appointments and being on time when his lips still tingle from Eddie’s kiss and Eddie’s aftershave and cologne still lingers in his nose. 
He’s floating on a cloud as he makes his way to work. 
And when someone asks them what time Steve starts in the morning, no matter the reason, Eddie will confidently say 9:00 am. 
Who is Steve to correct him? 
He walks through the lobby of the practice to Marnie’s icy glare. Steve just smiles and wishes her good morning. She’ll like him again come lunch, he’s sure of it. And if not? Oh well.
Ao3 Link
Thank you @lady-lostmind
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helpimstuckposting · 3 months
Song: Advice by Cavetown
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Eddie wasn’t unfamiliar with bad days. In fact, he’d say he was intimately familiar with them. Biblically, even, since they’d fucked him so often. And usually he was able to adjust, to improvise, to calm down and save any serious outbursts for the privacy of his own bedroom. Or van, depending on how truly awful the day was.
Today, he didn’t make it to his room, or to the van. Instead, he walked right out of his last class of the day and trudged straight to the picnic table in the woods behind the school. He figured he had around twenty minutes to get his anger out before someone tramped along looking to buy weed. He was too wired to sit, so he set his little black lunchbox on the table, and started pacing back and forth to try and relieve some pent up energy.
He was off to a rough start from the second his alarm went off. Or didn’t go off, in the case of that morning. Somehow, the stupid electricity in the trailer had gone out at some point in the middle of the night and reset the clocks, making Eddie an hour late to the start of his day. He’d skipped breakfast, and forgot his smokes in the process which meant that all of his teachers were more unbearable than usual.
Then, he skipped lunch to run across the street and buy a pack from the convenience store to take the edge off, but apparently his dad was in town because the man behind the counter had called him Junior with that face people made when they treated him like shit splattered across their shoes. If Al was in town that meant either he hadn’t bothered to check in on his son, or Wayne was keeping it from him and both options pissed Eddie off.
On top of that, Mrs. Click had lost his essay and then claimed he’d never turned it in which was bullshit because Eddie knew for a fact he’d turned it in on time, he’d stayed up all night writing it. In between classes, someone had graffitied “Satanist Freak” on his locker, which normally wouldn’t bother Eddie at all but then he’d gotten yelled at to clean it up, like anyone would think he wrote it himself. The authority figures in this batshit town were driving him insane.
As if that weren’t fucking enough Tommy goddamn Hagan (who Eddie was pretty sure had written the little love letter on his locker) had deliberately poured his entire water bottle on Eddie’s lap in the middle of class, and then played it off as an accident to the teacher. He’ll probably get detention for ditching after that, but Eddie was fucking exhausted. Why him? Why did everything have to hit the fan all at once? Couldn’t he just have one bad thing happen per day? He’d take one bad thing a day for the rest of his life over all the shit piled on top of him in the last seven hours.
And! Eddie was sure the fact that his father was in town would bite him even harder in the ass until the son a bitch left again. He couldn’t stand the thought of going home to see his smarmy fucking face after the last time he was in town and conned Eddie out of his savings and the contents of his lunchbox. It was fucking ludicrous that the town hated him for his father when Eddie got the worst end of the stick his whole life. At least the other people could avoid him, could walk away or, hell, even call the cops on the bastard if they wanted. Eddie couldn’t ever get away from him. Every time Eddie even looked at a mirror, Al Munson looked back.
He could feel the buzzing adrenaline bubbling up behind his eyes, stabbing its claws into his sinuses. His hands shook as he tugged them through his hair and he could not let this shitty day make him cry. He wasn’t going to let the town win, let his teacher and Tommy win, let Al Munson win. He clenched his stupid shaking hands into fists and dug his nails in as hard as he could, trying to steady his breathing, but it didn’t work. He could feel the build up behind his eyes and all the shitty events of the day clogging his throat like it was strangling him from the inside.
He let out a frustrated yell, grabbing his lunchbox from the table and using all of his energy to chuck it across the little clearing, across the lunch table, and straight into a tree. It smashed against the bark with a rattle, hitting the ground without even breaking the latch. Eddie knew the thing wouldn’t break, though it might have been sporting a few new scratches and a dent. It made him feel a little better, though. Maybe he could understand why someone would do sports. Maybe. Sometimes.
“Damn, you ever try shot put?” a voice called out through the clearing.
Eddie whipped his head around to find the king himself, Steve Harrington sauntering towards the picnic table. Schools out then, he thought, grumbling in his mind like a child. Of course The King would need to stock up, it was a Friday after all.
“With an arm like that, you’d do pretty well,” he added when Eddie didn’t respond.
“I don’t know what the fuck shop put is, but I’m not in the mood, Harrington,” Eddie called back, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping a boot onto the wooden bench next to him. The second he did, he felt like an idiot, like some kind of alpha-male posturing to seem tougher. He put his foot back on the ground.
“It’s shot put, it’s… never mind,” Steve cut himself off. “Anyway… uh.” He looked nervous, rubbing his hands awkwardly before shoving them into the pockets of his pristine blue jeans. It eased some of the tension in Eddie’s shoulders. He wanted to laugh. He made the king nervous, made him look a bit scared, even. It was comical. Wayne would think it was downright hilarious.
“What do you want, Harrington?” Eddie called. The King was still standing by the treeline, a good few yards of space between them.
“Do you have any joints left? Maybe a baggie of flower or something?” he responded. Eddie rolled his eyes. The royal court was predictable, as always.
“Like I said, I’m really not in the mood.”
“I’ll pay extra,” Steve added, shrugging his shoulders. Eddie paused, contemplating the offer. He did need the money, he always needed the money, and he knew Harrington was good for it. Eddie could probably double the price and The King wouldn’t even bat an eye.
He sighed, glancing at his toppled lunch box on the ground. Eddie rolled his eyes, deciding the money was worth more than his peace and quiet. He cracked his neck before trudging over to the black metal box, noticing Steve’s flinch as he did. The boy tried to cover it, Eddie could tell, but he wasn’t quick enough and Eddie couldn’t quite hide his smirk as he snatched the lunchbox up and walked back to the table.
He sat down, placed the container on the rough wooden surface, and gestured to the bench opposite him. The King paused briefly before joining him, sitting down quietly and pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.
“How many joints?” Eddie asked.
“How many you got?”
He glanced into the lunchbox, stomach aching as he shoved the actual lunch aside to open the little metal Altoids tin. He had four joints left, a few less than Harrington’s usual haul, but enough. He gathered them all up, pulling out an empty baggie and wrapping the joins up tight. Eddie held up the baggie for Harrington to take before grabbing another, prepacked with an eighth of flower.
“Eighth or a quarter?” Eddie asked, grabbing a second baggie.
“You got a half?” Harrington asked, squinting a little like he was sheepish to ask the question. Eddie would have found it cute if he wasn’t so annoyed at that moment. He rolled his eyes instead.
“If I had a half, I would have asked, Princess,” he snapped. If Harrington had looked sheepish before, he looked downright contrite now. It made Eddie feel a little bad, but he held his glare without backing down. The world had been shit to him today, he didn’t have to care about hurting The Kings feelings.
“An eighth or a quarter ounce, Harrington?” he asked again.
“Quarter,” he mumbled. Eddie pulled both baggies out, holding them toward Harrington to take. He didn’t. Instead he looked from the baggies to Eddie’s face, eyes contemplating something and Eddie hoped like hell that Steve wouldn’t ask, but like everything else today, the world didn’t listen.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and Eddie’s anger reared its ugly head again.
“I don’t want to talk, Harrington.”
“Are you sure? Because you kind of look like you need it. Are you okay?” he asked again.
“You want a hint?” Eddie snarked, snatching the baggies back. If His Highness wasn’t taking his gold then Eddie could keep it for himself for all he cared. “Are you hungry?” Eddie asked him.
Steve looked confused, his brows scrunching together like he was trying to connect the pieces of conversation that was running away from him.
“I… why?” he asked.
“Because you can eat my fucking shorts, Harrington. I said I don’t want to talk, so take the weed, leave the cash, and leave me the fuck alone,” Eddie spat, tossing the baggies between them on the table.
“I just mean, maybe I can help! Give you some advice or-“
“I know you’re trying to help, it’s very nice of you to pay your loyal subjects some attention but you don’t know anything about me, okay? I don’t need your advice, and I don’t need to explain myself to you.” Eddie gave up, decided this was a failed transaction and he should pack his shit and leave. He made a move to stand, reaching for the baggies on the picnic table, but he was beaten to the punch. Harrington grabbed the baggies out from under his hand, quickly tossing way too many bills on the wooden table. Forget double, Eddie’s pretty sure it was enough for a whole ounce. He stared, dumbfounded, at the cash in front of him and looked back up at Harrington. He was standing now, just a step away from the bench he’d been sitting on a second ago.
Eddie snatched the cash and tried to reign in his expression. He wasn’t really sure what his face was doing, couldn’t tell if he’d schooled it or not, but Harrington wasn’t giving anything away.
“I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, I swear.” He held a hand up, like Eddie was some kind of rabid animal Steve was trying to placate. “I just… I know what it feels like to not have anyone to talk to. So, like… if you need an ear-“
“I don’t ’need an ear’, Harrington, I need you to get out of my face, I need your court jester Tommy to leave me the fuck alone, and clean my locker while he’s at it! I need Mrs. Click to find my fucking essay because I’m already failing her class, and I need people in this godawful town to stop treating me like I’m just a clone of my father!” Eddie yelled. He huffed out a large breath, startled at his own outburst. By the glint in Steve’s eye, it was exactly what he’d been trying to pry out of Eddie. He looked pleased that he’d just been screamed at, and it just pushed all of Eddie’s buttons.
How the fuck did he even do that? They didn’t talk. Steve bought weed from him before his parties, and ignored him in the hallway. That was it. That’s all they ever were. So how the hell did he just get Eddie to tell him what was bothering him? Maybe the town was wrong, and they got the wrong witch when they put Eddie up on a pyre. He felt the sudden urge to yell ‘I saw Goody Harrington with the Devil!’. Somehow, he didn’t think that would make this conversation any better.
Eddie crossed his arms like a petulant child, and he couldn’t help but notice Steve slot his hands onto his hips like some kind of scolding housewife. Everything Harrington was doing made Eddie feel smaller and smaller.
“Just… leave me alone,” Eddie sighed, feeling deflated. “I don’t owe you anything, okay? You’re not my friend, you’re not my mom,” Eddie rolled his eyes and stared pointedly at Steve’s soccer mom stance. A blush bloomed across his cheeks, and Eddie watched as he took the hands off his hips and shoved them back into his pockets. Eddie couldn’t decide if Steve’s jeans were more dad jean or mom jean but he shook the thought from his head before he figured it out.
“Right… well,” Steve sighed, pulling a hand out of his pocket and patting it lightly on his thigh. Eddie had a sudden flash of Steve wearing horn rimmed glasses, saying ‘Welp, I better hit the road’, and Eddie couldn’t figure out when Steve had gone from King to Single Father during the span of their conversation. “Thanks for the… stuff,” Steve said awkwardly. Jesus Christ, Eddie needed to get a hold of himself and quickly. It was ridiculous how endearing he was finding this, and being weirdly attracted to a father figure act was not something he needed to be unpacking right now.
“Thanks for the cash,” Eddie said back, just as awkwardly tossing a salute in and immediately wanting to jump off a cliff. He needed to get out of here. Quickly, he packed up his lunchbox, tossing the cash inside before latching it shut. He turned back toward the direction of the school parking lot and prayed that Steve would let him go without another word. He tried not to dwell on the fact that it felt a lot like tucking his tail between his legs.
“See you next Friday!” Steve called out behind him.
Eddie was halfway back to the trailer before he realized the weight in his chest was significantly lighter than it had been all day. He tallied it up to Steve being in league with the devil. They’d go back to not speaking in the hallways, and he’d forget all about their conversation today, and that was it. Eddie just hoped he’d forget it too, and tried not to think about exactly how many witch’s marks Steve might have that Eddie couldn’t see.
This was inspired by me being unhinged and thinking of Steddie literally every single time a song came on from my playlist so I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could write 26 of them. If anyone wants to try this challenge, go for it! I just thought it would be fun. I linked the playlist above, and I might add or subtract songs to it depending on how I'm feeling
Tagging some people who might be interested or helped me out with picking songs! Thank you for the suggestions (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@estrellami-1 @weirdandabsurd42 @sirsnacksalot @devondespresso @captncalamity @sluttysteddie @blahblah-hilariousname-blah @cringevalue @thereallifecath
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bananasofthorns · 3 months
now that it's all gone
read on ao3
At the end of the day, after Ren and Big B are dead and the smell of smoke hangs heavy in the air even though the fires have mostly gone out, they return to the ruins of The Relation. Something heavy settles in Joel’s throat as they approach, squinting against the setting sun. He spent an entire fucking week on that boat, and it’s just— gone. There’s nothing left except a fraction of the hull, some scattered bits of wood and wool, and scorched grass.
He should’ve known better, really. Should’ve remembered that it’s no use getting attached to anything, not in a world like this.
He’d thought that burning down half of the rest of the server had helped, but suddenly all of his raging emotions are back, filling his chest in a way that makes him think his ribs are going to crack with the weight of them.
A furious, guttural scream tears itself from his throat. Behind him, Etho startles; he ignores it and slams his axe into the only remaining piece of their boat, cleaving it in two. The force of the strike leaves his palms buzzing.
“ Fuck,” he shouts, suddenly breathless. 
He’s on the verge of either screaming until his voice gives out or shattering into a thousand pieces. He needs to kill something, needs to feel blood on his hands because maybe this time it’ll stop them shaking and soothe the ache in his chest— if he wears out his axe enough that the blade goes dull, then maybe he’ll feel okay again. It hasn’t really worked before, but, hey! Third time’s the charm, right? Right?
He reaches up and tears a half-burned plank from what’s left of the boat. Splinters dig into his palms but he doesn’t care, just squeezes it tighter in his fist until his nails leave gouges in the charcoal.
“ Joel.”
With another scream, he flings it at the world border so hard that he sees the forcefield shiver. He does it again, and again, and again, until the remains of their boat are scattered in the field before them, highlighted in dull gold by the sunset.
Someone grabs his shoulder. He jumps and spins, axe already rising into a sloppy attack. For a moment, his brain doesn’t register anything more than threat, and he’s a centimeter or two away from chopping off Etho’s head and ending both their lives when a hand, cold and surprisingly strong, catches his wrist.
“Seriously?” Etho asks, eyebrows raised; his tone is incredulous and unamused, but Joel knows him well enough by now to see the alarm hiding in his eyes.
“Shit,” he breathes. “ Shit, Etho, I could’ve killed you! What the heck? Why’d you do that, are you a fucking idiot—?”
“You weren’t listening to me.”
Joel takes a slow, deep breath. He lowers his axe. “...sorry. I just—” He runs his free hand through his hair only to remember a second later that it’s covered in soot. Shit. “Sorry.”
It still feels like there’s fire in his blood and a wild animal in his chest, trying to claw its way out of his ribs and up his throat. If it were anyone else in front of him, they’d be dead.
“...Did you wanna talk about it?” Etho asks, awkward. He’s still holding Joel’s wrist; the freezing points of his fingertips serve to quiet some of the inferno raging in his head.
He scoffs. “What is there to say? I’m fucking pissed, Etho. I spent an entire bloody week on this ship, only to have it burn down in less than an hour! This always happens and I never learn!”
His voice rises until he’s shouting again, staring up at Etho’s ever-impassive face and wondering why it’s so easy for him to act like he doesn’t care.
“Well. Even so. It was nice while it lasted,” he says quietly, like it means something, and apparently Joel’s body takes that as its cue to stop the adrenaline keeping him on his feet.
Etho yelps when he all but collapses onto his knees, dragging Etho down with him since he’s still holding onto his wrist. With an annoyed groan, he tosses his axe aside - careful to not hit either of them on the way - and flops back to lie on the grass. 
“Dude,” Etho laughs, finally letting go. 
Joel flexes his hand. “Sorry. Kind of tired myself out, there.”
���You think?”
“Shut up.”
His anger has faded, leaving a bone-deep exhaustion that makes him want nothing more than to pass out for a week. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen, but it’s a nice thought. He lies there for a moment longer before sitting up, adjusting so that he and Etho are side by side.
This is something that’s different from every other time he’s experienced this: he’s got a partner this time. They’ll get through it together or die trying, but Joel really hopes it doesn’t end up being the latter, because he wants to win.
He glances at Etho out of the corner of his eye. Part of him wants to say thank you, but he feels like that would be weird. He wouldn’t know how to put it into words, anyway. He’s never been good with stuff like that.
“Did you know that your hands are absolutely fucking freezing?” he asks instead.
Etho laughs. “Oh, are they? Are you sure?”
Joel isn’t fast enough to dodge the hand he rests on the back of his neck. He shouts, then shoves Etho away.
“Oh, you jerk!”
It’s twilight. They’re both laughing, sitting on the grass a few feet away from their burnt-out husk of a boat. Joel still kind of wants to kill someone, but he’s exhausted and knows he needs to rest. There will be time for revenge later.
For now, with Etho by his side, he can wait.
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deludedfantasy · 11 months
Trimax Vol 3
Well, things are getting real serious in this volume and I have a lot of thoughts. Now that I’m not reading in a fevered state of obsession, the darkness of this volume hit me really hard. But more on that below the cut.
Wolfwood is faced with Gray the Ninelives and remembers his big argument with Vash! He seems to decide that he’ll try to do things Vash’s way for once, but he’s very not happy about it. But like I said before, we’re already making progress. As much as these two disagree, they still listen to each other and try to work with the other’s perspective. 
This weird centipede puppet thing is incredibly freaky. I’m actually having a hard time looking at it.
More commentary on Vash’s humanity—or lack thereof, this time by Leonof, who also directly compares him to Knives. It’s interesting that he seems to see them as exactly the same. I suppose he’s right in that they actually have pretty similar core motivations, the sorrow, suffering, and rage he refers to. But yeah, Vash resists the worst that these feelings can bring about while Knives gives into them, but somehow Leonof sees that resistance as incredibly inhuman, which I don’t know if I agree with. 
Man, Wolfwood is so bitter and hopeless. He basically says, “Your ideals don’t matter. Either way, we all end up dead. The world is a terrible place where nothing changes and we have no hope of doing anything about it, so why bother even having any ideals.” That is…so incredibly depressing, Wolfwood. What happened to this man, I really wanna know. 
Assuming Wolfwood is Chapel, was he not supposed to interfere with what Leonof is doing? I guess he didn’t interfere in the Rei Dei fight until the end when he thought Vash was going to die, and seeing as his purpose is to make Vash suffer, killing Rei Dei would be more in-line with his mission. Also, how does Legato even know about this? Is one of Leonof’s puppet creatures reporting on what’s happening in the colony?
I need to know where, exactly, Wolfwood has been hiding this spare handgun all this time.
I’m the kind of person who deeply enjoys when a man is overcome by bloodlust and then ends up covered in blood, so this chapter is just a 10/10 for me. Love me some bloody unhinged Wolfwood
I have to say it again: Wolfwood gets so unhinged when he fights and I love it. It’s an interesting parallel to Vash who so far has been a fairly artful, though not always graceful, fighter. Comment inspired entirely by this two page spread
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Vash getting tricked by puppet people never gets any easier for me to handle emotionally
“A momentary lapse in judgment can have fatal consequences.” Yeah, Vash refusing to shoot perceived innocents is a lapse in judgment, Leonof, sure. This is like the worse version of Wolfwood’s argument from last chapter
Emilio the Player? Is that supposed to be Leonof? Does Vash know him somehow?
I think this might be the cruelest of all the Gung Ho Gun fights. This isn’t just endangering innocent people, Leonof is actively using them against Vash so he can’t tell who is and isn’t a puppet. He tricks him into shooting someone! The psychological warfare is chilling and I’m starting to wonder if there’s a reason why he’s playing so much on Vash’s emotions
Oh, so Vash does somehow know Leonof! Are the names he’s saying people they both know? Why doesn’t Leonof remember being Emilio?
Either way, this is personal. That explains the psychological warfare
Whoops, Vash might’ve just made things worse for himself by bringing all this back up for Leonof
I had a very hard time parsing this page and from what I can tell, Vash either blew up a water tower or set off the smoke alarms and the sprinkler system. Either way, there is water falling from the sky
Listen, I don’t care what’s going on. I just really wanna know how Leonof and Vash know each other!! This is all very, very cryptic
Random pile of coffins? Random dead lady (or is it a puppet) in a coffin?? And so I ask, what is going on???
Listen, I know I’ve been going on and on about Wolfwood’s violence in this chapter but I think this might be the first time we really see him fight and he’s goddamn brutal. He’s practically feral. It’s a very marked difference to Vash and I’m trying to figure out exactly what this means but I’m not grasping it completely.
It definitely shows how willing he is to get his hands dirty. He’s not going to waste time with tricks, he goes straight for the kill and nothing will get in his way. But it’s also starting to feel wrong, I guess? Especially as he beats up Gray the Ninelives and has all those flashbacks to the children at the orphanage. It feels like he’s trying to give himself a reason to keep going like this when he really doesn’t want to. 
Also, love that Gray the Ninelives is literally nine dudes in a trench coat. Nine lives like a cat, right? That’s what I originally thought. Nope, nine lives because it’s basically a horrible organic mech suit powered by nine little guys
Leonof with his funky bat wings is so Dracula coded
Confusion alert: what the hell did Brad do exactly? It didn’t look like he was doing anything then the next second, what I think are the ship’s doors opened and dumped Leonof out. And then he says he did it. Does he just move really quickly in the space of a few panels? I feel like I’m missing something
Best guess for what happened to Leonof: the pain of his memories returning made him let go of the thread holding him up because he couldn’t handle the agony. But also, I have no clue. He obviously loved Isabel and I think the puppet is her preserved corpse, so losing it also broke something in him. But I want the whole backstory here, Nightow! Am I gonna get it? Probably not! I have so many questions!!
A dramatic Wolfwood monologue once again interrupted by silliness, this time in the form of Meryl and Milly. Insurance girls to the rescue! They legit save his life because he’s too busy making a brooding speech to realize he’s about to be chopped in half because Gray the Ninelives still isn’t dead
In conclusion, I have no idea what’s going on, but it was fun!
Knives and his goddamn BDSM suit is killing me. But like…what is he doing? Is he using his powers?
Vash expression of sheer confusion at waking up in the hospital is so good!!
He’s so shocked to see Meryl and Milly again! Like he really can’t believe these people he became friends with would ever come back into his life. He’s beaming, though, when he gets past the shock. He’s so happy! I’m not sure we’ve ever seen him smile so wide
Oh, Vash. Jumping straight to blaming himself when he learns about everyone who died in the colony. But it really seems like no one here actually blames him. In fact, I think the people of the colony are happy to see him! But he’s so used to the damage his presence causes and how people turn him away for it that he thinks the people in this place he considers home would feel the same. Argh, I just made myself sad
I’m glad Luida outright tells Vash he’s part of the family. I’m not sure he believes her, but I don’t think he hears anything like that often
Leave it to Wolfwood to get mad at being thanked for saving people. To be fair, it would be pretty confusing to be thanked for killing when you just had a big blowout about how you shouldn’t murder people
“I’ve burdened you with my own ideals. I’m sorry.” What a LINE. Vash is definitely very aware that the vast majority of people can’t live like him, and that doing so can be very difficult. He’s really opening up to Wolfwood by admitting this
They’re already coming to understand each other more and the flaws inherent to both their ways of looking at the world. Rather than pushing back, they’re opening up. We love to see it
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Vash’s pouty face here is everything
Vash looks so soft and fluffy with his hair down. It’s also very fun/interesting/jarring when he doesn’t have his coat on. It reminds you that, at heart, he’s just a guy
Vash actually letting people in is!!! He shows the girls the cold sleep chamber because he wants them to understand why he does what he does. 
And Meryl does see it. She has another moment where she weighs up everything she knows about Vash, all the contradictory parts of him, and starts to see how heavily his past weighs on him, that something dark lurks there
Wolfwood is once again confused and trying to figure out Vash’s motivations. Redemption is a good guess to make but he’s not quite seeing the bigger picture yet. Mainly, that Vash doesn’t care about himself, that this is about everyone else. Because I don’t think he believes he can be redeemed and really, Vash has a literal death wish (sometimes)
To prove Luida’s point, Vash once again uses his own body as a shield to save the girls and gets his tech arm shot off again. Wolfwood can’t get over the stupidity.
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Luida providing a Vash thesis statement right here. Kindness even in the face of endless suffering. I think maybe, right here, is when Wolfwood starts to really get who Vash is, what he’s doing, and what he stands for
This was fun! We got to learn more about Vash, see Wolfwood actually fight and get very bloody, and see some new places in this world. If I’m remembering correctly, things are only going to get darker from here, so I’m just gonna hide with the boys in their cozy little hospital outfits until it’s time to go on to the next volume. 
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anonymous1038 · 1 year
The Stars Burn Bright
@ila-appreciationweek day 5
Mariza and William Bright once had a son.
A son that was as kind and sweet as them. Happy, full of energy, the greatest son anyone can ask for.
Eighteen years later, he died.
The police and Mayor Green say that his death was caused by Noah Marshall, but they knew that something else took their son away. Something sinister, something he told them about before that fateful night. They couldn’t bring themselves to believe that a friend of their son’s would murder him, despite the hard evidence presented to them.
Something that lived in the woods. A spirit named Redfield. They once believed he was the real reason why he died.
Jasper had told them that Jane’s death was due to ‘unfortunate circumstances’. They didn’t believe it, but they decided not to pry, believing that one day he’ll open up to them about what really happened, and how the Marshalls lost their daughter.
And he did, at the end of freshman year, during homecoming.
“...Redfield snapped her neck. She was the only one who wasn’t scared...and he killed her...”
Mariza remembered hugging her son tight, while William was stroking his dyed hair. They told him over and over again that he doesn't have anything to be ashamed of, and that it wasn’t his fault Jane died.
Their words weren’t enough.
They remember the day they managed to get back to Westchester. A day after homecoming. Mariza was in hysterics, panicking over her little boy’s safety and if the police had arrested him for Cody’s death. William was the only reason why she hadn’t flown off the handle, reassuring her that there was no evidence he did the deed and that Sheriff Cunningham wouldn’t make a severe error in his judgement.
But he would lying if he said he wasn’t freaking out either.
They arrived at the police station, demanding for answers on what happened while they were overseas.
All of Jasper’s friends, minus Noah and Jane, were there. None of them were happy to break the news.
“Jasper’s dead.”
Ever since then, the Brights blamed themselves for his death. If they hadn’t gone overseas, they could’ve kept him safe. He would still be here, listening and humming some new song that came out, helping Mariza in the kitchen and failing miserably and setting off the smoke alarm, play around with Hilda in the front yard with their neighbour Cid, tell William the latest dumbest stories that happened in school...
...if only they were still in Westchester.
They locked themselves in their house for two days afterwards. And only came out for Jasper’s funeral.
The image of his body burned itself into their minds. Wide, unseeing eyes, still dressed in a golden suit stained with blood.
They cremated him. They didn’t want the last thing to remember their son by was his dead body.
When the funeral’s over, and they were about to go home, they were approached by Lucas Thomas. Who told them the truth.
“Jane was behind it all. The attack on homecoming, why Noah betrayed us...and why he killed him.”
The Brights knew of Jasper’s little crush on the boy, but chose not to say it to him in hopes he finds out for himself one day and gather the courage to tell it to him himself.
And he did.
And they weren’t there to see it.
Despite this, they were still proud to hear that he managed to do so, and accepted Lucas as their unofficial son-in-law, no matter what his parents would say.
They just wish they had more time.
A second chance. Just to hold him again.
“You know, when I was a ghost, sometimes I would come by to look at my old house. I don’t remember much, but I still remember what my parents looked like.”
It’s been a few days after the disaster at the carnival. Though there were still a few horrors roaming around, they had a cure at their disposal to save the remaining ones. They just had to hunt every single one of them down.
But for now, before Jasper can do his part, there was one thing he wanted to do.
Say hello to his parents.
Violet was with him, (who was carrying him with one arm despite his wishes of wanting to stand and walk or float), along with Noah and Lucas. But even with the support, he found himself anxious on seeing them again.
How would they react to seeing their son, back from the dead after four years of grieving?
“You sure we shouldn’t just use the cover story of you being kidnapped?” Violet asks, walking towards the familiar house he lived in since childhood. It was close to the woods. It brought a sense of comfort to him. “I know you told your parents about the whole ghost thingy, but would they believe you being resurrected and all?”
“They did a lot of research on ghosts when I told them about Jasper’s situation.” Lucas says, giving their intertwined hands a light squeeze. “They shouldn’t be surprised by the supernatural bit. They were out of town when we did the ritual both times though...”
“Yeah, but seeing your son alive would give them a shock.” Noah commented, and soon enough, they all stand in front of the doors of the house, still well maintained even after all this time.
“...so should we be standing here while you do the thing?” Violet asked. “Or do you want us to be here?”
“...I think I want to be alone with this. If you don’t mind.” Jasper responds.
“Of course love.” Lucas nods, and Noah gives a thumbs up.
“You can’t walk or stand properly dumbass.” Violet glares at him, refusing to relinquish her hold on him. “At least let me be here so you don’t fall on your ass while talking with your parents.”
“I can float.”
“And floating might cause your old man and woman to have a heart attack.”
“You just want an excuse to meet my parents, don’t you?”
“Oh shut up.”
Jasper shrugs, knowing that Violet would not let this up no matter how hard he tries. “Fine.”
The other two walk off to the side to not be seen as Jasper takes a deep breath in, raises his hand, and knocks on the door.
“Yes? I’m coming.”
God, it’s been so long since he actually heard his mother’s voice.
The door swings open. “How can I....” She trails off, her eyes going wide when she saw a face she never thought she would see again.
Jasper manages a smile, waving at his mother. “Hi mom.”
Mariza walks over to her son, her gentle hand resting on his cheek, lips trembling and eyes filling with tears. She seems to be ignoring Violet’s presence.
“Is it really you?”
He nods. “Yes mom. It’s me.”
In a blink of an eye, his mother scoops him out of Violet’s arms and into hers, hugging him so tight he was sure he was going to get crushed. He can hear her sobbing as they fell to the ground.
“What’s going on?” William walks to the doorway, confused. “Is every...” He stops when he sees him. And just like his wife, his eyes go wide, unbelieving.
“Dad...” Jasper looks up at him, smiling even wider. “I missed you.”
It didn’t take long for him to join the embrace, dropping to the ground and wrapping his arms around his wife and son, letting out years of pent up emotions.
“I missed you too son. We missed you.”
“You don’t have to miss me anymore. I’m here.”
As the Bright family reunite, Violet feels a small pang in her heart, just like she felt when she saw Elliot reunite with Harper. Her not so real family wouldn’t get the chance to hug her one last time.
But at least this family had the chance.
And she was satisfied with that.
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toulousewayne · 1 year
Green Arrow: Hunted
This is a concept for a Green Arrow movie, which is a direct sequel to the Green Arrow and Black Canary film.
Synopsis:Oliver Queen returns home after being away on League business. He finds a string of murders with arrows begins to tarnish his reputation in his city. He needs gonna help to stop the murders before he becomes prime suspect number one.
Rating: PG-13
Runtime: 2 Hour, 19 Minutes
Release: June 15,2029
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow…Austin Butler
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Roy Harper/Arsenal……Jake Austin Walker
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Malcolm Merlyn/ Dark Archer……Nikolaj Coster-Waldau
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Mia Dearden/Speedy…..Sabrina Carpenter
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Dinah Lance/Black Canary…….Chloe Bennett
Concept Art: All Artwork belongs to the original artist‼️‼️‼️
Green Arrow:
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Malcom Merlyn:
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Oliver returns to Star City and finds a string of murders have created a problem for him.
He rides to the Glades and finds a warehouse. It was formerly owned by Maxwell Lord.
He finds three prominent political leaders murdered by green arrows. The S.C.P.D. Are about to swat the building g and GA as to escape. Several swat members fire at him and throw tear gas into the building. He’s nearly captured until a young blonde girl in all black sets off the fire alarms. She tells GA to follow her, and she leads him underground a tunnel and they escape.
She introduces herself as Mia, she tells GA that Dinah asked her to follow him and watch his back. Irritated he tells her he’s not a rookie, she tells him that he doesn’t understand that with his absence that crime as skyrocketed.
She shows him news reels of the last several murders and tells him that he’s been all but officially charged for the murders. She tells him that she wants to help him. He gives her a device and tells her he’ll be in touch and leaves.
He returns returns to the cave where he’s creating a crime boards from the last four murders and examines clues and other evidence. He gets a call from Dinah, and he asks her why she sent Mia to him. They get into a fight and he hangs up before returning to his investigation.
Roy exits from a seedy dive bar and see the man he’s been following the last three nights. A man by the name of Arthur King who is somehow connected to the District Attorney and the Police Captain murder’s.
Roy is trying to find the man when a waitress , who works at the bar takes his order. She being chatting with Roy who tells her he’s busy and Mia tells him the man he’s looking for rarely comes in here but she’s heard his name a couple of times. Roy beings to think of ways to draw him out.
Oliver attends a broad meeting with several overseas chairmen the next morning. He meets Malcolm Merlyn a wise and wealthy businessman from Star City himself, but works mostly in his China department.
Oliver and Merlyn have passive aggressive conversations throughout the meeting which comes to an end with Merlyn smirking and telling Oliver they’ll have to carry this conversation later. Oliver watched him leave when when his phone buzzes with a signal from Mia.
Mia is waiting in an alley when Green Arrow jumps down from the fire escape, and asks her what’s going on. She tells him that she find all the victims have some sort of connection to Queen Industries. The DA and Captain were apart of the Queen Act to protect the Glades, the first victim was a reporter who first broke the story and the second victim was the Vice President of a company partnering with Queen Industries to support the Act.
GA asks her how she solved that so quickly and she jokily tells him because she’s just the smart. And before either of them can continue severs black arrows nearly pierce them. GA causes a smoke screen and takes Mia to the rooftops. He tells her to stay out of sight and he ventures farther into the open and quickly dodged more arrows.
A Dark Archer appears and tells Green Arrow that he is in his way of killing his remaining targets. GA and the Archer fight on the rooftop,but the Archer defeats and nearly kills GA.
Mia takes Green Arrow’s bow and scattered arrow and fires a lucky shot nicking the archer. He tells GA that he won’t be so lucky next time, and throws a smoke bomb disappearing.
Mia helps Green Arrow and he tells her she’s not a bad shot for a rookie. Back on his feet he tells her she can’t go home because the Archer will not be looking for her too. She tells him she’s doesn’t have much of a home life anyway. He had her join him on his bike and he takes her to his Arrow Lair.
He tells her she can stay here and he reveals his identity to her. She’s shocked and asked why did he do that. And he tells her any friend of Dinah is a ally in his eye, and the fact she saved him.
Mia is overjoyed to see the Arrow cave. Oliver begins patching himself up and he’s trying to talk to Mia and get to know her. She briefly tells him about her life in the Glades. Oliver tells her that he doesn’t judge her, him misjudging people is what cost him a lot of things and people. Mia noticed a display with a suit that was once Speedy’s and she asks about it which he dismisses.
Roy is suiting up while listen to several sound clips from bugs he planted. He takes his bow and fires a arrow and zip lines across the street to the Emerald Hotel. He breaks into it and is inside the penthouse. He lures around looking for evidence and he quickly dodged several black arrows.
Mia fires three arrows in the archery training ground. Which Oliver comments on her natural instinct. She tells him where she’s from if you can take the shot, you take it and don’t miss. Just then his computers ring with a board set.
The two see a video of a bruised and bloody Arsenal. The dark archer comes into frame and taught Ollie. He tells him he couldn’t stop him, and he’s gonna fail to save his former protégé. He tells him meet him in one hour alone or he’ll kill Roy.
Mia tells Ollie he can’t go into this without thinking it through. He resuits up and Mia tried stops him and tells him he’s walking into a trap. And Dinah would want him to think it through before charging into this blindly. He tells her that this is personal now and he grabs his uniform and bow and leaves to get ready.
He arrives at a Queen Industrial construction site and ventures into it. He makes it to the thirteenth floor where he finds and an unconscious Roy, he checks his pulse before and arrow nearly takes out his hand.
The archer appears from the shadows with his bow drawn. And he tells Oliver he’s been waiting for this. The two engage in a battle of bows,arrows and hand-to-hand combat.
Mia sneaks off the elevator and speeds to Roy who’s slowly waking up. He brings to speak but she reassures him she’s a friend and begins to cut his restrains.
Oliver fires a Arrow that releases a bright flash and he knocks the archer into a dry wall. The Archer draws a hunting knife and attack GA.
Mia frees Roy and assists him towards the elevator. He asks her does she work for the Emerald Archer and she gives him a sassy response.
GA gains the upper hand and manages to tussle and unmask the Archer as Malcolm Merlyn. He tells Oliver that he figured he remembered him from their meeting but he tells him it doesn’t matter because he has one last person to kill and take Oliver down. He throws a dart and it injects a toxic into Okie who stumps back off the roof.
Ollie regains his bearings and uses arrows to stop his fall.
He saves him self and takes an antidote. And catching his breath while laying on a support beam.
When he returns to the lair Mia manages to help a now alert Roy Harper,but when the two men lock eyes the air goes stale in the room.
Oliver tries to speak to Roy who immediately tries to leave and the two get into a heated argument. Dinah appears and tells them to stop it.
She tells Ollie to back down and he does. Dinah tells Roy to get dressed and to meet her outh side.
The two go to Big Belly Burger and she asks him where he’s been. It’s not a great conversation at first but once she gets him to open up it all dawns on her what happened between them, and she tells Roy she’s sorry she didn’t know nor did she know what fully happened between them but she tells him it’s time to make amends with Ollie but he must do it on his terms. Not hers and not his but his own.
Merlyn arrives to his penthouse and enter his Dojo. He take out a large vital and leaves again.
Mia attempts to get the true from Ollie who tells her messed up. He wasn’t the best role model and he didn’t think through his decisions. He pushed Roy away.
Roy tells him he didn’t push him away. Dinah ask Mia to come with her for a moment.
Roy and Oliver have a heart to heart and Oliver apologizes for throwing him out and not helping him through his addiction and Roy tells him he doesn’t blame. Ollie tells Roy he’s the little brother he never had and he’s proud of his recovery.
Mia and Dinah hug and Dinah tells her that she has to go. But she wanted her to know she’s glad the boys have someone just as headstrong looking after them. She tells her she figured she be staying around and she tells her that she wants her to not let her past define her, she’s her own person and deserves to live her life. She tells her the guy in the Glades who keeps coming to collect will no longer bother her.
Mia thanks her and tells her she doesn’t know what to do now. And she’s Mia that it’s her own life and it’s up to her. Oliver comes up to them and Mia tells Dinah thank you and hugs her before leaving to head back inside.
Ollie and Dinah share a sweet moment before she gets on her bike and tells her not to miss her to much, before she speeds off.
The next day Ollie arrives in his office to find it eerily quiet. Green smoke engulf his office and he collapses. The last thing he see are a pair of black boots.
Roy arrives in the Lair to find Mia training with a dummy. He ends up teasing her before helping her perfect her stance. His phone buzzes and it’s Oliver. The entire top floor of Queen Industries is on lockdown with Oliver trapped inside. He grabs her suit and tells her he has to go. She eyes a few spar bows and smirks to herself.
Oliver walks up tied to a chair with Merlyn standing before him. He reveals why he’s doing this to Oliver he wants revenge for because when he first met Oliver in the League he was overlooked by Ra Al Ghul as a successor for Oliver after the original too turned down the offer. He felt could never gain the status he worked for. He wants Oliver to feel what it’s like to have everything you’ve worked for and have it taken from you.
Roy arrives at Queen Industries and breaks into the ventilation shaft and rushes to Oliver.
He arrives in the lobby and is ambushed by Assassins who work for Merlyn. He makes quick work of them before taking the stairwell, he fires a grappling-arrow to the top floor.
Marylin tells him he has planted evidence in the room and when the police storm inside they will pen all the murders on Oliver and he will spend the rest of his life in prison. A red Arrow nearly hit Merlyn. “You’re not going anywhere”
Arsenal and Merlyn being to fight through the top floor and Oliver manages to get his restrains off. He charges Merlyn and they crash throw a window onto the rooftop balcony.
Merlyn throws smoke and flees but Oliver rushes after him with Roy in tow.
They climb onto the roof and fight Merlyn. A black chopper arrives for Merlyn who tells them it’s been fun but he’s ending it once and for all, he pulls a detonator from his pocket and warns the two men he planted explosives throughout the building and will kill them all.
A golden arrow knocks the device from his grasp. Mia in a makeshift Speedy costume winks at Merlyn who is punched and knocked out by Oliver. The chopper beings to fire at them when Roy fires a explosive arrow at the chopper which catches the tail. The chopper brings to descend towards them and Oliver tells them to run. He grabs Merlyn and they jump off the building.
Roy and Mia fire rope arrows to a nearby building and Roy grabs Oliver’s arm and they land on the building just as the chopper crashes on the rooftop.
Oliver removes his jacket and tie and tells them he has to collect the evidence but Mia hands him a black bag. She tells him she grabbed it before she came onto the roof. Oliver thanks them for their help and turns to find Merlyn is gone from his restrains.
The three of them turn back to Queen Industries building engulf in flames.
A time skip of two weeks later Oliver is holding a press conference on the steps of Queen Industries and talks about the murders of his associates, the attack on him and tells Star City he will not stop until the city is safe. Through his conference Mia is training in the lair, Roy drives red convertible passing the now leaving Star City sign with a small photo of him and Oliver on his dashboard, and Merlyn is watching from a town car from across the street and tells the driver to proceed.
His tells the reporters and press he will not fail this city before the camera pans upwards towards the city before a last short scene of Green Arrow over looking the city when Mia joins him in a new suit. He jokes with her before they fire their arrows and swing towards the city and it fades to black.
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From my desi Hadesephone
Persephone finally cares for Hades and drives out his live in sex worker (minthe)
Hades comes home and everyone tells him what a show she made.
Hades goes up to his room to change. He coincidentally has her trapped between him and the closet while he’s shirtless. He reminds her everyone in his house had a role, and with minthe now gone, someone has to make up her spot.
Hades goes out again and when he comes back, he somehow ends up in Minthe’s old room except it’s Persephone and she dances to Ang laga de re and she’s all seductive and is hovering over him, mouth close to his
Except she stops and asks him what next and he clasps a hand around her throat and says girl, you tease me like this and then ask me what next?
(She says it’s not her fault he married her. She’s a virgin.) Hades snaps and jolts out of his seat, pinning her to the floor.
Hades kisses her face saying (this is next) after every kiss and he drags his hand around her body and then either his hand or leg press in her crotch and she undulates and he kisses her
They’re kissing and she’s pulling him close and they’re being close and his phone rings and she laughs.
He reluctantly answers his phone, still over her. He says “someone better have died” and she laughs and he clasps the hand around her jaw. She bites his thumb.
The phone says something shocking and he responsively gets alert, his body drags between hers and she gasps and he places his palm over her mouth. He tells the phone he’ll be there in 20 minutes and she raises a brow. He leans down and kisses the back of his hand.
He gets up and goes to shower and she asks him what she’s supposed to do and he suggests she practice 😈
Hades leaves. Persephone finds ✨ information ✨ to practice. She’s set up candles around her room, but she goes to the bathtub to practice.
A while later the smoke alarm goes off and she runs out. She gets a small stool to reach for the alarm but it’s still too high. While she’s reaching up for it, his arm reaches up and he shuts it off.
He asks her if she practiced and she nods and he says tell me and she’s walking backwards and he has her pinned to the closet and she shakes her head. He smirks and says show me. She stares at him.
He takes her hand and glides it slowly and she uses one and he chuckled and says only one and adds 2/3 of his own and makes her come and she falls on his shoulder
He carries her to bed and lays her down and she reaches her hand out to invite him. He grabs her hand and kisses her hand and lays it aside and says not yet.
He takes off his shirt and kisses her stomach and then down and then makes eye contact as he eats her out and has her come again.
Then he finally joins her, pants off. She moans as he lays on her. He strokes her hair and warns her it may still hurt a little but she placates him and they do it
It’s a slip and slide and he has to maneuver her for grip and he loves it and it takes forever and he breaks the headboard.
Later, they’re laying together and she remembers this was only a bet and sits up suddenly, wincing. He smirks and draws a finger up her back and kisses up her back and sits up with her and asks her what’s up
She starts to tell him that this was only a bet but he interrupts her with “I love you,” and tells her he’s been in love with her since he first saw her
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hotwings0203 · 3 years
Idk what this is but the thought of you being scared of Bakugos quirk is so hot to me
Tw:noncon, predatory behavior
“I swear he’s getting to be more and more like a villain every time I see him,” you giggle with Mina as you two walk out of the class. Bakugo had yet again exploded at one of your shared teachers for correcting him in his pronunciation of a word, and as usual it was quite a scene to behold. Chairs were almost thrown, his friends had to hold him back from leaping up while others egged him on, itching for amusement in their mind-numbingly dull class.
“Maybe Shigaraki was right,” your pink-haired friend snorts and you both collapse in wheezes, clawing and slapping at each other’s shoulders as the ludicrous image of Shigaraki being unable to reign in Bakugo comes to mind.
“Hey ladies, what’re you two laughing about?” A lilting and charming voice comes right at your ear, and you turn to see Denki, Kirishima and…Bakugo walking next to you.
Just because of his proximity and how you were literally just talking about him two seconds ago, you jump away from Bakugo’s glowering face and not so subtly hide behind Mina in a half playful jest.
“Huh? Whatcha ya jumpin’ around for?” Kirishima laughs and you exchange an embarrassed look with Mina.
“Oh nothing, we were just talking about how Bakugo’s quirk is totally villainous. We’re lucky he’s on our side,” Mina singsongs, but you slap her arm in alarm.
And well placed alarm at that, because Bakugo’s scowl deepens as he turns his head to you in a death-glare. You swallow hard seeing his expression and try to nervously laugh.
“But, uh, we were just joking. Right Mina?” You give her a pointed look and she deflects it happily.
“Nope! At least you weren’t, you’re half scared to death of him, isn’t that right Y/N?”
Denki interrupts before you can sputter in horror.
“Honestly, who isn’t scared of this dude?” He claps the other blond on his back and yelps when Bakugo’s hands start curling with smoke.
“Watch it dumbass.” He cranes his head to meet your eyes, but when he finds that you’re still avoiding eye contact with him he starts moving around his friends to better talk to you.
“My quirk isn’t that scary you idiot. It’s not like I care enough about any of you to blow you up-“
But with the smoke still curling form his hands and with the permanently intimidating scowl on his face reading closer and close to your, you can’t help but squeal and scrabble around him to sink your nails into Kirishima’s shoulders for protection.
“Okay, I get it! You don’t have to come any closer, I can see fine from here.” Your voice comes out too high and strained to be deemed as joking, but nonetheless everyone laughs at your dramatic show.
Everyone but Katsuki. Because he can see you’re actually scared, he’s seen it a hundred times on civilians who try to pretend they’re fine but still have that panicked glint in their eye.
“Jesus Y/N, with a reaction like that maybe he really is a villain. Bakubro, want us to send you back to Shigaraki’s place? Maybe you should reconsider his offer.”
And finally at Denki’s quip everyone including you this time laughs again in playful agreement, but yet again Bakugo’s blood starts simmering further.
Why the fuck were you being so obnoxious? He didn’t do anything to you before, right? So why the hell were you embarrassing him in front of all his friends and making him out to be this bloodthirsty monster?
Well, whatever. If a monster is what you want, then a monster is what you’ll get.
And so he waits for you after school, trailing behind you a couple hundred feet yet still keeping you in sight. He curses when you giggle with your friends, no doubt in his mind that you’re still throwing dirt on his name and he swears under his breath when you talk to Deku and his dweeb friends.
Of course when you hang around ditzy dorks like Deku he’s gonna look like a psycho in comparison.
But at one point you’re by the vending machine alone in a deserted hallway, fumbling with your coins and trying to quickly get a soda before your friends up ahead leave.
Too bad for you, because when he’s done with you they’ll never want to be seen with you again for their own safety.
You’re shoving money in the slot when he silently walks up a couple feet behind you.
“No friends around to gossip about me?”
You shriek and jump a good foot in the air at the sudden voice behind you. Clutching your heaving chest, you whirl around to see who it is.
Your blood runs cold. It’s Katsuki Bakugo, the absolute last person you want to be alone with in a deserted hallway.
Your feet move a step back.
Wrong move.
His nostrils flare and his eyes widen at your insulting retreat. You know he doesn’t take kindly to it, but with an expression like that how could you not?
“Uh, w-what do you mean?” You chuckle nervously.
He doesn’t laugh. In fact, he does something worse.
He matches your steps and moves forward a little bit.
At this you fully take a stride backwards and clash with the vending machine behind you.
He keeps advancing, slowly getting closer and checking you out, his head tilted as his eyes roam up and down your vulnerable body.
“Don’t move back. Why the fuck did you move away from me? That’s rude, we were just having a normal conversation.”
You surprise yourself by sounding level-headed in retaliation. “‘Kinda hard not to be a little uncomfortable when your conversation sounds so accusing.”
He lunges forward and you actually scream this time, throwing your hands up above your head in instinct to protect yourself from his proximity.
Bakugo doesn’t touch you but you can still feel his breath puffing on your head, can still feel the heat from his hands on either side of your body.
“You got a smart mouth don’t you? Is that why you embarrassed me earlier in front of everyone?”
“Embarrassed you-?” You squeak but immediately cut off when he thrusts his face right in front of yours, a manic look on his face as all his facial features stretch into a irate leer.
“I guess we’ll have to fix that tongue of yours. Put it to better use than to talk shit about me, right?”
Vermilion irises move from your face down your body, lingering on your chest and at the apex in between your legs.
Bile rises to your throat as he licks his lips and lets his lips ghost over yours, oh so close yet not touching.
And in the second before he descends, you shove him off with nothing but pure adrenaline feeling your fear and race past him, blindly running down the halls as fast as you can.
Surprisingly, you don’t hear anyone behind you. That doesn’t mean you don’t stop running though.
The real reason you don’t hear anyone behind you is because Katsuki Bakugo has an eerie smile on his face at your bolt. He languidly stretches his arms above his head and relishes in the popping of his joints, and in succession the popping of sparks in his hand. He kicks one leg out, then the other just to ensure you get a fair head start.
You’ve just made this so much more interesting.
He sets off at a light jog, and even in his carefree pace his strides are enough to eventually catch up with you, instinct like an animal’s guiding him through the winding halls and ending up catching a glimpse of your feet as you turn into another lane.
You’re panting, sweat pouring down your eyes as panic makes it hard to breathe or think rationally. The adrenaline that was pushing you is now dying down but at the worst time.
You take a quick glance back and your rapidly beating heart falters as you see him with a grin on his face as he practically jogs leisurely behind you. You’ve seen this same face on him when he’s in the battlefield, blasting through enemy hearts and blowing up heads as if they were fireworks.
He’s bloodthirsty. He wants you.
“Running away again? That’s not very heroic of you babe,” he calls out, and it’s terrifyingly infuriating how he’s not out of breath.
“Leave me the fuck alone,” you half scream and sob, trying to run faster but failing miserably.
You see a bathroom sign out of the corner of your eye and frantically stumble towards it.
Katsuki knows you know he’s even you take a turn and he laughs to himself at how boringly easy this is.
Maybe he was scary.
He shakes it off and continues his hunt after you, coming forth until he faces the bathroom door in which you were cowering behind.
There’s a small window, and no other door. Just a couple of stalls, a terrified girl, and a psycho with the taste of revenge practically palpable on his lustful tongue.
He knock with faux politeness. “You wanna come out and do this the easy way or you want me to barge in and take you myself?”
You sob and wheeze in response, desperately pushing against the flimsy door in a pathetic attempt to keep him out. Bakugo merely crosses his arms and leans against the door, staring intently at it with a smile still on his face.
Judging by the weight pushing more at the bottom of the door, he can tell you’re probably sitting down in an effort to catch your breath.
You both know he can come in at any time he so well pleases, but he decides he’ll play by your rules for a bit longer, indulge you a little before your inevitable downfall.
He hums loudly and slides down to join your parallel position on the floor.
“I’m tryina be nice here, y’know. You acted so scared of me when I never even bothered you before. Aren’t I being nice right now by letting you choose for yourself?”
He sounds so conversational, as if he were talking to one of his buddies. You stay silent but your silence speaks volumes.
It serves as nothing but a means to piss him off further.
The two of you sit in silence for seemingly hours, even though it’s only around 20 minutes. Every second you feel like he’s going to break down the door any second and blast your face off, but miraculously he doesn’t.
You don’t know what you’d rather prefer: for him to prolong your strained agony by letting you be so close yet so far from him, or to end your suffering and get it done with.
But you needn’t sit in silence stewing in your own fear any further, for at the exact moment you begin to doze off with the dying of the light the weight on the other side of the door lifts and you startle awake at the scuffling on the other side.
You blink a couple of times and blanch when you see through the window the purple light indicating that you really have been here longer than you thought.
Bakugo cracks his knuckles and rolls his head, popping a few more kinks in his neck before breathing out and bracing for impact.
“Ready or not little bitch, here I come.”
“Bakugo, wait-!”
But your plea doesn’t last for more than two words. The door bangs open with such a sound that you actually think he’s blasted it straight off his hinges. You gasp and shield yourself, jumping backwards and covering your face.
“‘Thought I made it clear by now that you can’t run. So why’d you try to leave? Huh? Think you’re smarter than me? You think you’re stronger than me?”
He’s stalking forward again, and you’re left tripping back over your feet and whimpering at his salacious intent as he backs you up and corners you into a stall.
He already knows the answers to his rhetorical questions but he wants to hear you say it. He wants to hear that scornful conviction in your voice about how big and bad he was that you used earlier.
With you tripping backwards into the cramped stall, his approach quickens in hunger at feeling you, feeling the fear radiating off your body.
Bakugo presses up against you against the wall and takes up the space around you, invading your personal bubble. He’s everywhere, growling in your ear, hands gripping your waist so tight you’re sure bruises sprout from his touch, his erect penis grinding on the inside of your thigh.
Your trepidation and terror rises to an insurmountable height as he smothers you.
When he suddenly grips your chin and forces your head to face him you gasp. His touch is even more callous than you thought.
“You lookin’ here bitch? Good.”
His palm is raised towards you and before you can even widen your eyes in realization his appendage starts sparking madly. You shriek and try to throw him loose as little bits of embers fly out and made your face, his voice rough as always yet dangerously low and soft.
“S’not so scary after all is it? You’re reacting better to it than I thought.” Bakugo Blanca you mocks your writhing figure as you desperately try to evade the mini explosions.
“Okay, I get it, please stop I don’t like it!” You shrilly cry out but his hand moves from your jaw down to your neck, and squeezes the last remnants of opposition out of you.
“Yeah? Good, I’m glad you get it. But honestly, I don’t care if you don’t like it.
Because I like it. I fucking love this quirk, ‘specially when you cower so prettily under it like you did earlier.”
You choke and try to scrabble at his hands but it’s like a butterfly’s touch to him, barely producing any fruition.
“I kept wondering to myself: why do I care if she’s scared of it? And then I realized,” he leans in and lets his lips brush over your ear, lets his hand lessen ever so slightly so that your main focus is his words.
“You just looked good enough to eat when you know you’re beneath me. When you know how dangerous I am.”
He pulls back and assesses the look on your face. “Makes you look good enough to eat.”
And without further ado he lowers his hand and starts rubbing his alit palm on your clothed pussy, his erection getting harder as your screams wilt into whines.
Your legs flail uselessly as he burns a hole through your pants and his fingers hook aside the band of your panties.
Bakugo thrusts his hips forwards and grinds his straining cock on your moist lips, taking in your blubbers and teary eyes.
You can’t even speak, you can only cry out like a child as he thrusts harder and harder, so hard that your back hits the wall painful and the stall walls rattle behind you.
“You-pant-fucking scared-pant-now slut?” He rasps, his head bobbing on rhythm with yours as he practically lifts you off your toes to match his pace.
Your clit is caught between the fabric and rolled cruelly pleasurable as his tip leaks precum, staining your own panties in the process.
With your attention rapt on his now-uncovered dick sliding in and out of your folds, he takes this opportunity to take his other hand off your neck and blast the wall next to your face.
The second you open your mouth in shock as bits of tile rain down on your face he slams his steaming palm over your lips, burning the soft flesh as you weep openly.
He sets off two more near your sides and another above your head, his own face aligned right in front of yours so you can see the mean smile on his face all the while he sets your heart racing at an alarming speed.
When the smoke clears and you can start feeling glass and tile imprint on your once-smooth face, he positions his dick up so that it prods at your hole and yanks your hair back.
His eyes practically glow with the mini fires preserved in the walls with his blasts, the impact of the air rushing around him makes his hair even spikier, his body is taunt and even more imposing than before.
His teeth gleam with the orange and red light next to you. His chest doesn’t heave, because he’s at ease with your terror.
“You think you know fear?”
With one swift movement he shoves up into you, but this time he doesn’t cover your mouth.
“You haven’t met me truly yet.”
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Joe Velasco HC's
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(okay imma need some more gifs of Velsaco looking NOT heartbroken, cause there is approx one...) LMK if you want to be tagged for Joe...
Who Is more likely to end up in jail and the other has to bail them out? we’re just gonna have to go with you on this one, considering that Joe is a cop, and considering he’s also an immigrant, I think he’s gonna play pretty safe to the books most of the time. He will also probably lecture you the entire way home about whatever it was you got picked up for (if it was reasonable of course) and make sure to set you up with the best lawyer he can find if it goes that far.
Who is more likely to set the kitchen on fire while cooking? it’s a toss up, but I’m gonna go with you on this one. I think Joe’s pretty decently well versed in the kitchen, he knows the basics, he can add some flair in there occasionally and he finds cooking relaxing at the end of a long day, or in prep for the upcoming week. He just also thinks its useless to cook for one, so he does rely on take out/on the go. When the smoke alarm does go off though, he’ll quickly assess the situation, then calm you down, open all the windows and laugh it off, saying you can order a pizza and that’s more than acceptable.
If they have a test spends all night studying joe. He strikes me as a hard worker, someone who’s worked his ass off to get where he is today, so he’s going to put his all into studying for exams, working through cases and the like, he wants to constantly prove himself, whether to himself or his peers. It’s only when you wake up in the middle of the night to an empty bed that you manage to wrangle him to sleep with promise of extra cuddles and that you’ll brew the coffee in the morning.
Push the other into a pool? could go either way tbh, but I’m gonna say Joe for this one, he’s got a playful side to him, a side that even while being your partner, he’s still your goofy bff who’s not going to resist an opportunity like this.
Talk smack while playing video games
I feel like this goes both ways, both of you shooting off the most ridiculous smack talk while trying to beat the other person. Although joe’s the one who actually wins and thus deserves to talk smack, meanwhile you get your ass handed to you each and every time.
Sings along to the radio while driving this one’s much more you. Joe’s a pretty reserved person, especially when getting to know you, but even after that I don’t really think he’s into that, but he’ll always turn it up a little bit when one of your fave songs comes on so you can sing your little heart out to it.
Has to be pulled out of a pet store because they get distracted by puppies? you know what…I’m gonna give this one to Joe. I headcanon that he has some kind of rescue animal at home, whether it’s an older dog, or a cat, one that doesn’t need too much attention/taking care of because he knows he works a lot and strange hours. But he’s always felt the desire to rescue something from a less than ideal situation since he escaped one himself. And you better believe he loves that animal with every inch of his soul. So when he sees the cute little adorable puppies he’s all “please?” and you have to remind him that having a puppy is like having a literal human baby, you don’t have the time, but you definitely can go play with them in the meantime.
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on since we gave the singing one to you, we’re gonna go with Joe. As stated,  he’s a little bit more reserved, but when the radio’s on and he’s making lunch and his fave jam comes on, he’ll start to kinda nod along to the music, mumbling out the words quietly, until that slowly starts in his hips, bopping along to it until he hears you giggle and immediately blushes, attempting to stop but you fully encourage it, tugging him into a little mini dance session until the song is over.
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes okay, hear me out. Joe’s got a pretty terrible sleep schedule already. Work, combined with some ptsd and insomnia mean that he’s probably all over the place with how many hours he sleeps, when he goes to bed and when he’s tossing and turning. So he’s doing his best to sleep, to just snuggle you fall back asleep, but then he realizes that he’s fucking starving so he gets up. It’s the noise in the kitchen that wakes you and you pad out all “you’re cooking?” he’s just kinda staring at the pantry/fridge with a pout and you wrap around him and excitedly squeal at the pancake mix and plead and pout and puppy dog eye until he says yes, laughing and kissing you gently before he gets to work.
sends the other unsolicited nudes  this one goes to you. Though Joe has been known to snap a pic pre/post gym session and shoot that off to you. But you’re the one who buys a new lingerie set and sends a couple of surprise pictures to him probably while he’s still at work, stuck in a boring overnight shift or lame stakeout.
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt I wanted to put this as a tipsy joe move, but I do think he truly does know how to fuck someone up, even if it’s not technically karate, so this is going to you. And Joe just rolls his eyes, basically picking you up and dragging you back to the car/home
comes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops this one’s you. You’ve got a sweet tooth, and once Joe knows it, he will either keep the pantry stocked, or he’ll have some delicious homemade stuff for you, and that always gets replenished on a weekly basis
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit  you. Joe can’t help but smile and laugh at it though, shaking his head as you practically skip away.
wears the least clothing around the house this one can go to either one of you. Joe will for sure wander around shirtless as long as it’s not too cold, it’s just comfortable, and that way he’s not getting an extra shirt dirty before he has to put on a work one/whatever he’s wearing out. But it’s you who’s the tease, clad only in one of his oversized shirts and panties all “what?” with a cute little pout when he gives you a *look*
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason Joe. He’s still trying to figure out the whole love and romantic intimacy shit, so it kinda hits him out of nowhere. He expects it to be during some grand gesture, but it’s simply the image of you cooking for him, specifically if you’re wearing  his shirt, or the sight of you in his apartment when he comes home, all cozy on the couch calling a casual “hey” to him when you hear the door. You’re usually taken by surprise when he scoops you up out of nowhere, hugging you tightly, just breathing you in. the first time it happens you’re all “what?” but you learn that that’s simply him speaking without his words, a goofy smile on his face as he kisses your cheek before moving on to whatever the next thing on his mental list was.  
@witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @thatesqcrush @alexusonfire @teamsladsandgents
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yoditorian · 2 years
between them and out there - reverb
din djarin/gn!afab reader
when the people ask for angry sex, i will simply deliver. enjoy it, fellow sluts 💛
series masterlist // main masterlist
word count: 2.8k // warnings: swears, reader gets angry, pls know i love greef but he is a plot device here, SMUT with gn!afab reader, public unprotected vaginal sex (din left his space condoms in the car), masturbation, a little anal teasing as a treat, 18+ pls no babies
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Nineteen days.
You’ve been on this asshole’s trail for close to three weeks now, tracking and waiting and cursing to high fucking heaven every time he slips out of your grasp. Nothing but a wisp of smoke to suggest he was even there at all.
And you’ve gotten so close, a handful of times.
Missing him by a day at an old marketplace on one planet, by mere hours at the docking bays of another. You’ve been to so many places in pursuit of this guy, you can’t even remember their names.
You’ve not been a bounty hunter as long as some of the other guild members you’ve met, a lot of the more seasoned pros still sneer down their noses at you, but your track record is solid enough that you’ve made a name that’s certainly starting to echo. You know you’ll never be a Boba Fett or anything, but enough of a reputation to deter future marks from messing you about like this definitely wouldn’t go unappreciated. 
The swirling lights of hyperspace are oddly calming, almost hypnotic as you stare as far as you can down the line ahead, and you find yourself nodding. You almost don’t want to, afraid that you’ll miss your exit point and lose another three weeks to the wild whisper bird chase this puck’s leading you on. But, if you drop out of lightspeed and do find him, you know you’ll benefit from the rest. He’ll only get away again if you’re too slow on your feet, sleep deprivation never did anyone any favours. So you set the nav computer to kick in close enough to the drop that you can let yourself drift, just for a little bit, and finally grant your eyes permission to slip closed.
You’re still not used to the alarms on your new ship. It’s not even new anymore, not really. But the chimes echo through the cockpit and ring in your ears for a few long moments after you jolt out of your chair and have to scramble off of the floor to shut it off. Thankful there’s no one else to have witnessed your stumble, you settle yourself back in the seat and start flipping switches. 
You’ve got a good feeling about this next stop.
The ship glides out of lightspeed like a dream, snaking its way through the dark expanse of space as the gap between you and the atmosphere of your next stop gets smaller and smaller. A tinny voice chimes in through your comm system, and you smoothly give them a cover as a mechanic, summoned by a friend who’s having a little trouble with the modifications you made to his engine the last time you saw him. Whoever’s on the other end buys it without hesitation, without even asking for your chain code, like an idiot. And you’re being given a landing pad number before you know it. 
High wind rattles your ship as you break into the atmosphere, descending through the heavy clouds as you approach the docking bay’s coordinates. Flying planetside has always been harder than out in space, where there’s no weather to contend with, but it’s like second nature to you now. Calm and collected even as raindrops start to bead on the windows. 
You settle the ship in the landing bay, where an attendant in a heavy coat to stave off the worst of the rain waves you in with a safety light. Shit, you can’t even remember where in the cargo hold you shoved the crate of coats and your warmer clothes. You don’t even have time to go looking for it now, every second you’re on the ground is a second your mark could be using to get off of it. So, as the loading ramp lowers, you tug your thin jacket tighter around you and take a deep breath before you step out into the rain, as if either will make a difference.
A hundred extra credits get pushed to the attendant to keep all the ships grounded after you spy the bounty’s own vessel only a few bays down from your own. They nod eagerly, thanking you, and while usually you’d take another moment to judge whether they’d sell you out anyway, you’re confident in the earnestness in their young eyes. An aspiring pilot, they tell you as they tuck the handful of credits out of sight quickly, and you can’t help but smile to yourself as you leave. So what if you’re a little bit soft, as long as you can hack it when it counts?
The docking bay opens out to the main marketplace for the town where, despite the torrential rain, people of all species bustle about as though it’s nothing more than a light drizzle. 
Tarps of every colour and pattern are stretched out over the gaps between buildings to shield vendors and customers from the rain. Haggling voices raised to compete with the thunder overhead. It would be beautiful, vibrant, if you weren’t so on edge about this bounty. 
You’re trying your best to weave through the crowd, dodging distracted children and eager vendors, to find a better vantage point. A staircase, even a raised porch would do. It’s too easy for someone to blend seamlessly into the ebb and flow of a marketplace like this. 
Easy, sure, until you hop up on a crate and spot the idiot leaving an inn at the far end of the line of stalls. Pack slung over his shoulder, cocky smile proving that he’s convinced he’s evaded you once again.
Tough fucking luck, buddy.
And yeah, it is. For you.
Because in the next second, your mark is laying flat on his face in the wet sand at the feet of a Mandalorian. Your Mandalorian. 
It’s all you can do to watch him deftly secure his binders around the quarry’s wrists with one hand, hauling him up and over his shoulder in the next breath. The crowd divides, a clear path as they avert their eyes lest they be next on Mando’s list. His visored gaze scans the scene for a moment before he heads off towards whichever docking bay his ship is settled in.
He didn’t even see you. 
It doesn’t make any sense. You’ve been running the whole situation over and over in your mind as you sit idly in hyperspace, counting down the hours to your exit, stewing in your growing irritation.
Double pucks just don’t happen. The Guild has a way of dividing assets if more than one client takes out a bounty, there are rules and protocols in place for this sort of thing. The Bounty Hunter Guild runs on respect over anything else - the knowledge that you’re all there to do the same job and pucks are first come first served. Sure, sometimes hunters team up, sometimes the first one doesn’t always finish the job. But at the same time?
The drop alarm jolts you out of your thoughts, already running through the drop sequence without even thinking about it. Being angry wastes time, it makes people stupid and puts them in danger. You know that. You repeat the thought like a prayer as you breathe deeply, flicking switches to finalise your drop. And then Nevarro is in your sights, and all that peace goes flying out of the window.
You spot the Razor Crest as you pull the gear lever down to lower the struts, and your anger reignites so suddenly you almost miss the landing pad completely.
The heavy thunk of the landing gear as you hit the ground, far more roughly than you’d ever usually dream of treating your ship, reverberates through your bones and makes your teeth chatter. You catch the edge of your lip, the taste of copper at the tip of your tongue - because your day obviously isn’t going horribly enough. 
“What the fuck was that?” You’re nowhere near Karga’s table when you start, cold fury bubbling up so high you can’t stop yourself.
He’s sitting at his usual booth, draped in that dusty regalia of lifetimes past, mid-way through sliding a pile of credits across the tabletop over to Mando when he freezes at your voice. Both men turn to you, Karga cool and collected as ever, Mando just as unreadable as he always is. 
“Two pucks.” The snarl is unavoidable.
“The client was very specific,” Karga barely shrugs in the face of your anger, and it only serves to frustrate you even more, “Any means necessary. And you were too slow.”
You see red.
Before you can get a word out, before you can tell that Karga exactly where he can shove that smarmy grin, that the next time he sees fit to cheat you will be the last time he sees at all - Mando locks a firm grip around your elbow and practically drags you out of the building. He tugs you after him, a few paces down the side of the cantina, in amongst the supply crates for some semblance of privacy. Well, if he thinks the lack of audience is going to deter you from ripping him a new one, he’s got another thing coming.
“You could have called,” You spit venom at him, your anger burning even hotter as he just stands there and takes it, “Pinged me. Fucking something.”
Still as a fucking statue, Mando swallows every curse you dole out without so much as flinching. The floor is yours and you’ll take it for all its worth - because he can maintain that he didn’t know, but he’s smarter than that. You both know it. Quarries don’t run unless they know they’re being hunted, and Karga had made it more than clear that he’d told Mando the mark was on the move. Logic would reason that he’d reach out to someone who might have heard something. Instead, he’d made you look like a fool, and hadn’t stopped you from proving it right there in front of everybody.
“Two weeks. I had the puck for two weeks and I stopped off for food. I was heading back to the ship and- and there he was. Idiot fell into my lap.”
If Mando’s trying to make you feel better about it, he’s doing a piss poor job. 
He must see the heat flare in your eyes, reignited and brighter than ever, because all of a sudden his fingers are pressing a bruising grip on your waist and he’s pushing you back into the wall of the cantina. 
It doesn’t escape your notice that one of his hands abandons its hold to cushion the back of your head as he does.
The fire in your belly gives way to a different kind of flame, a deeper ache that only seems to rear its head where Mando is involved. Although you’re starting to get a little more familiar with it than you might be comfortable with. 
His hands skim over your body, still gloved and still clothed, but it adds as much fuel to fire as it would if you were wearing nothing at all. The lower section of his T-shaped visor steams with your breath and you wonder if he can feel it curl under the lip of his helmet. You wonder if he wants to trail his lips across your skin as much as you do. 
You’re not hidden by any means. Anyone walking by could just glance down the alley and they’d know exactly what you’re doing behind the precarious stack of empty crates. But neither of you can find it in yourselves to care. 
“What? You’re gonna make me do all the work and then take the credit for this too?” Frustration from your failed - no, not failed, sabotaged - hunt still burns in your blood, at least Mando has the decency to look as apologetic as he can under all that armour. 
Still, he doesn’t answer you beyond the big sad eyes you imagine he’s fixed you with behind his visor.
“Fine, I’ll do it myse-”
He catches your wrist in a tight grip before you can wiggle the hand down the front of your pants, and only then does he speak.
“Absolutely fucking not.”
You’re not sure you could defy the hushed order if you tried.
Mando presses further into you, trapping you between the solid weight of him at your front and the rough hewn stone at your back - gloved hand still clasping your wrist at your navel, not a breath of air between you. Oh, you could die here. Right here, with the grit of the wall digging into your spine and this man’s beskar crowned chest pushing you further back with every desperate heave. 
You’re wet enough already that you might be a little embarrassed in any other situation. But, actually, there’s no such thing as too eager when your sometimes colleague, sometimes fuck buddy, always nuisance is about to take you within an inch of your life in a grimy alley not-quite-behind a cantina. 
And he’s definitely not taking any prisoners. 
He’s got your pants open and shoved down to your ankles in one breath, huffing impatiently as they get caught on your boot like it’s your fault you can’t kick the leg off of one foot fast enough. The moment your left pant leg trails in the sulfuric dust of Nevarro’s surface, he’s hauling your knee up to rest just above his hip, right on top of the thermal detonators strapped to his belt. Your heart jumps in your chest, but you don’t feel anything but safe. 
Your own hands are busy at his flight suit, pawing around for the zipper you know is there somewhere, too turned on to actually focus. It takes all your willpower not to squeal in delight when you finally catch it between your fingers. The metallic drag of the teeth is almost orgasmic in itself, knowing what awaits you when it reaches the end. 
But Mando’s done waiting.
He barely takes a moment to pull his already hard cock out of his suit and swipe it through your slick before he pushes into you. 
There’s no finesse, no delicacy, to the way he’s pounding into you so hard you can hardly get a breath in - let alone a sound. Greedily taking and taking and taking because you’ll give it for as long as he wants. Because he knows that’s what you need from him right now, you need him to give you everything he has and more. Giving is something he knows how to do. 
Your breath stutters in your chest as he drops a hand from your hip, reaching around underneath you to run over the tight ring of muscle so far ignored.
“Not out here, don’t worry.” He whispers, keeping one gloved finger pressed against it as you clench down around him.
Never, if you don’t want it.
That’s what he means. You hear it loud and clear. 
And you should be thinking about how often he washes his gloves, to have them pressed so intimately against your body, your most vulnerable places. You should be thinking about how easy it would be for somebody to spot you both, barely concealed behind the stack of crates as it is. You should be thinking about a lot of things but with the way he’s spearing up into you, so deep you can feel him in your lungs - it’s difficult to think of much more than Mando. 
Mando, and how he’s somehow still so careful with you even in the smouldering heat of frustration.
“Touch yourself.” He hisses in your ear, the modulator makes it sound more static than anything else. But you can hear the desperation, the gritted teeth and steely resolve that reassure you he’s not about to even entertain the idea of finishing before you do.
It takes one, two, three circles of your finger on your clit before you’re writhing in his arms. Shaking and shuddering and begging, though you’re not sure for what. You feel high as the clouds and deep as the magma, but all around you is him. God, you’d drown in him given half the chance. He slows, though plows no less deep inside of you, as you come down. 
“I don’t-”
“It’s okay.” You’ve hardly finished giving him permission before he’s throbbing, emptying himself inside you with a throaty groan that threatens to set you alight all over again. 
You take a second, just a second, to bask in it. To let the relief of his proximity wash over you before he pulls out to tuck himself back into his flight suit. Which he does, though you suspect it might be a little reluctant on his part, and you steel yourself to face reality as you wrestle your pant leg back up over your boot. 
A hand reaches out, strokes your hip when you turn back towards the main street. Soft enough that some traitorous part of your heart swells in earnest.
“Are we good?”
“Yeah,” You glance over your shoulder at Mando with an easy smile, “We’re good.”
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TAGLIST (add yourself here):
@elderho-tan @keeper0fthestars @thevoiceinyourheadx @firstofficerwiggles @1800-fight-me @ew-erin @chatterbean @darnitdraco @greeneyedblondie44 @captain-jebi @sarahjkl82-blog @thatonedindjarinfan @thisshipwillsail316 @amneris21​ @hoodedbirdie​ @gracie7209​ @spideysimpossiblegirl​ @littlemisspascal​
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locke-writes · 2 years
Could I request a (Valentines Day) headcanon of Sonny Carisi from Law and Order SVU, in which he tries so hard to execute the perfect date, but everything keeps going wrong? (And if it could still end fluffy, that’d be nice!) Thanks in advance!
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Sonny always tries his best when preparing for date with you whether they be for special occasions or not
He loves and cares about you deeply so having a good date night is one way of showing that
Valentine’s Day is meant to be about love, meant to be about spending time with the ones you love
What better time to go all out for a date then on Valentine’s Day, is what he thinks and he’s been preparing for the three weeks before the holiday
Of course can change on a dime and as soon as one thing goes wrong, everything seems to go wrong
He’d purchased flowers to be sent to your office and had been waiting for the confirmation email from the florist all morning but it never came
When he called to check in the florist had apparently never put together the bouquet, having run out of one of the flowers Sonny had chosen
They refunded his money but that was one surprise ruined already
He had planned on getting you a gift, something that was ordered from a store online because it was out of stock in person
But then he’d found out that shipping delays were occurring and it wasn’t set to arrive until after Valentine’s Day
You’d understand when he explained it to you but of course it meant that he was going to be empty handed
They’d been out of your favorite candy when he’d gone to the grocery store to pick up something for dinner
And he knew that the candy had been an afterthought but he still had been disappointed
Of course he’d been texting you throughout the day, telling you that he loved you
But the day was meant to be special, not just made to feel like every other day
He was in the middle of cooking when you made it home
Everything was either in the oven or resting on the stove and it seemed as he went to welcome you home, that for once something was going right
A break was taken to sit with you on the couch while you spoke about your day and it hadn’t seemed that long the two of you were talking when the fire alarm went off
He swore he had set the timer on the oven but the smoke that began pouring out and the burnt food that he had to remove from it spoke otherwise
Sonny frowned at what was meant to be dinner while you laughed and led him away from the kitchen, making sure everything was off
You ordered dinner instead, telling Sonny that it didn’t matter what happened as long as you were with him then it was a good Valentine’s Day
Still Sonny wanted to make it up to you so while you waited for the food to arrive he put on some music and the two of you began to dance around the apartment
Later he’ll tell you all about his plans, and the two of you might watch TV or some rom-com but for now he’s just content to be there with you listening to the music and swaying to the beat
Because at least you know he loves you, and at least he knows you love him
Tag List: @scarletsoldierrr / @opalsandlacemain / @teamsladsandgents / @aryn-the-bearheart / @andreasworlsboring101 / @violetcoloredlies / ask to be added
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corrupt-fvcker · 3 years
Stoner!Levi Ackerman Headcanons
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Stoner!Levi HCs ( Levi Ackerman x AFAB!reader )
Warnings: drug use, marijuana, fluff, cuddling, spicy themes (both parties consented pre-intoxication), AFAB!reader, levi and reader are both 21+, unedited whoop whoop
Word Count: 1.0K
Author’s Note: some random thoughts that have been rollin around my brain that need to set free. please don’t read if the topic of marijuana makes you uncomfortable!! i pretty much expanded my previous “what they’re like high” HCs
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Levi’s icy exterior melts when he’s high, he becomes so soft compared to his usual surly deposition. All of his tensed muscles relax and all his frustrations ease off his mind. He just feels so incredibly in the moment— peaceful.
Gets so sleepy when he smokes. He struggles to keep his eyelids open and can’t help but continue to wonder why his head feels so heavy. Don’t expect him to stay awake throughout the entire high, it’s more than likely that he’ll fall asleep within the first hour.
Levi isn’t particularly fond of the smell of weed, and he really don’t like how it stains all the furniture and his clothing. He’s a frequent customer of Bath & Body Works, owns over a dozen candles. His favorite scent is Champagne Toast, he has three candles in this scent.
Doesn’t experience bad cases of the munchies, but definitely gets some serious cotton mouth. Drinks an alarming amount of water and Gatorade. Also, he’ll love you forever if you pick him up a Slurpee on your way home from work. He likes a mixture of cherry and blue raspberry, but if one of the flavors is out, he just wants it to be all Coca-Cola flavor.
But if he does have the munchies, he’s going to either want chips or candy. It really depends on his mood, so make sure you have him clarify before you drive over to 7-Eleven. If he wants chips, he’ll definitely want Takis or Flamin’ Hot Funyuns. If he wants candy, he’ll either want something sour or something sweet— but never chocolate, it makes his cotton mouth worse. His favorite sour candy for the munchies is Sour Patch Kids, and for sweet candy he really likes Jolly Ranchers.
He definitely gets clingier when he’s high. Even if you have some friends over, he doesn’t seem to mind PDA as much as he usually does. Hold his hand as your rub circles on his palm with your thumb, let him throw an arm over your shoulder as you watch as stupid movie— Superbad is his favorite movie to watch while tripping. If he decides that he needs to lay down, please lay down with him or at the very least let him rest his head on your lap. He will appreciate it if you play with his hair to help lull him to sleep.
He tends to ramble quite a bit when high, though he does go through strange periods of time when he falls super silent out of the blue and opts to stare off into the void. He might feel like opening up and letting some weight off his chest. Regardless of whether or not you’re high, don’t waste time trying to give him advice. Your best option is just to listen, nod, and offer him some random yet sweet sentiments if the topic gets a little heavy.
With Levi, it’s really hit or miss depending on whether or not he’s going to have a bad trip. He’s horrible at knowing his limits and often over does it. If he starts to get overwhelmed, just put on a mindless movie to distract him and try to get him to fall asleep. If you’re lucky, he’ll wake up by the time the high has worn off.
Levi gets really sentimental and appreciative when he’s high, almost to the point where he turns into a romantic. Any act of kindness you offer him, he’ll take it to heart. Little things like pouring him a glass of water or wrapping his favorite blanket around him is enough for him to start telling you how much he loves you and how he couldn’t live without you. But with his emotions being so heightened when he smokes, please be careful with him, he feels vulnerable. Try to keep the conversations light because he’ll dwell on the subject for hours after.
Levi’s mind has trouble connecting the dots when he’s high, so little revelations blow his mind. He will over analyze just about everything, so try not to play a heavy or dramatic film. Again, try to keep the topics of the evening light. When he’s tripping, even the smallest, most obvious discovery feels monumental to him. Just smile and nod if he starts to make zero sense.
Now is your time to call him all the embarrassing nicknames you want without having him roll his eyes or make a jab at you. Call him your sweetheart, darling, short stuff, handsome, sweetie, hot stuff, baby, sweet boy— pretty much any name that you wanted to call him but couldn’t without facing his wrath.
Levi can get pretty handsy when he’s high. He usually won’t try anything too cheeky, but will definitely be feeling you up the entire movie. Grabbing handfuls of your thighs so that he can pull you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist and squeezing— literally just wants to feel close to you. On top of that, he will definitely be groping your breasts the majority of the movie. This motherfucker must think that your tits are stress balls because he will not take his hands off them.
If he isn’t experiencing some serious cotton mouth, he wouldn’t mind a lazy make out season. He’ll want to be in control but he’s secretly putty in your hands and will let you subtly dominate the situation.
Dresses super comfy, will most likely be wearing a large hoodie and gray sweatpants. Feel free to steal some of his clothes, he’ll think it’s cute and probably make some mindless joke about you two matching or you being a “mini-me”. Yes, in case you haven’t been paying attention, this man is adorable when high.
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tales-unique · 3 years
Spicy spicy spicyyyyyyyy! Minors DO NOT enter here!
@buckysbaby1 && @chelseareferenced ♥
Chapter 5
The world spins when you finally pull away; motion blur. You lick your lips, savoring the bitter sting that he leaves behind. Strong liquor and cigar smoke. It’s intoxicating and it takes all you have not to dive back in for more. “Well, well,” he drawls, voice low with desire, “I didn’t know you had it in you, kitten.” A deep chuckle rumbles in his chest and you’re suddenly aware of how close you are to him. He has you pressed against the wall, an iron grip on your hips keeping you in place. Your arms are wrapped around his shoulders, gripping the fabric of his coat. Being this close you can feel the heat that radiates through his clothes, amongst other things. The grin he gives you is downright filthy, making your cheeks burn. God, you want to slap him. You want to kiss him again, too. It’s a strange kind of feeling, a constant state of push and pull that throws you off balance; a subtle kind of vertigo. Even though he’s the one in control again, the one with the power , it’s not quite the same as it was before. The dynamic has shifted between you; now you feel as though you can keep pace with him, perhaps even outdo him. You realise, suddenly empowered, that you rather enjoy the idea. You also realize that you’re not in the mood for his mocking pet names. Looking up at him, you fix him with a piercing glare. “Fuck you, Heisenberg.” The words dart off your tongue before you realize you’re saying them, briefly gripped by mortification before you realize how good it felt to say. You’ve never cursed, not in your whole life, but you’re not about to take shit from him anymore. Fuck his teasing, fuck his attitude, and fuck him . You feel giddy, knowing your parents would be turning in their graves, you assume if they were buried, over your blatant disrespect. It’s short lived, though. “What the fuck did you just say to me?” It’s dangerous, the tone of his voice like a razor's edge. It makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand to attention. You stiffen, adrenaline coursing through your blood. You’re drunk on it, feeling like you can take on the world and then some. “I—” you swallow the last of your panic, puffing up your chest, “you heard me.” In his circular glasses you see yourself reflected; resolution hardens your features, but it quickly morphs into shock when his hand shoots up with alarming speed to grip your chin. It reminds you of when you were first brought before the Lords, but now the memory is tainted with a deliciously sinful filter. He pulls your head up sharply, throat bared in a beautiful expanse of unblemished skin. Your pulse dances wildly under his fingertips and it takes every ounce of control that he has at his disposal not to sink his canines in up to the root. It’s the innate drive of the beast within that cries out to mark you up, his boiling blood demanding it. “Y-you’re hurting me,” you whimper, hands coming to claw at his wrist, though it doesn’t make a difference. “Oh? Am I now?” he purrs, feigning remorse. There’s a pause in his predatory movements and you think for a gleaming moment that he’s going to let you go, only to be pulled headfirst back into the fray when feel his knee shift to pry you trembling legs apart. It’s a more direct pressure than you’ve felt before, searing heat coalescing downwards to a single point. Your breath hitches and you struggle against him, painfully aware of just how worked up he is over this. It’s driven home with a derisive rut of his hips against you and your stomach twists in pleasure. The friction of the movement, deliberate in it’s languid pace, sets your whole body on fire. You were already on the cusp of something foreign and intense, but this was going to send you hurtling over the edge before you even had a chance to savor it. Heisenberg takes in your dishevelled appearance; how flushed your skin is, red hot to the touch, set alight with the sinful desire he’s eliciting from you and growls in satisfaction. You whimper and whine for him to let you go, but it isn’t from pain so he isn’t inclined to pay you any mind. Even as aroused as he is he can control himself with strict discipline, so he knows that his grip is just enough to have you squirming underneath him, but not be in any real danger. Turning your head just so, he takes the opportunity to scent you. You’re a tantalizing mix of adrenaline and lust, with a sprinkling of naivety that makes him ache. You may have known enough to enter the race, but you’re nowhere near ready to compete with the likes of him. You couldn’t even take a little grinding! Heisenberg smirks; a fumble in the hay with a village nobody didn’t mean shit in the face of what he could do to you. “H-Heisenberg—” You say his name in a fervid whisper, clutching desperately at him. You tug on his coat sleeve, nails biting into the skin of his arm. It’s the kind of pain that only serves to spur him on. Especially when he feels how tight your thighs are pressed around his knee, locked in a grip that betrays just how much you’re enjoying yourself. “That’s it, just like that.” He caresses your hip with his free hand as he praises your eagerness, gingerly dipping his fingers beneath the hem of your shirt to slide over your bare skin. The lilting moan this little touch elicits from you is almost enough to have him throw caution to the wind right then and there, but he stays his hand. He can’t give in just yet; he needs you near boiling point, when the only thing you see and hear and feel is your desire for him. "Please, stop," you beg, breathless, but it lacks conviction. In response Heisenberg presses his tongue flat against the junction between your neck and shoulder, licking a burning path up to your jawline in a swift, sensual stroke. "Do you really want that?" He murmurs against your skin, temptation prickling his skin. God, he wants you so bad. He grinds into you again, delighting in the way you writhe against him. He can feel the way you tremble, the curve of your body fits against him so perfectly. It’s like you were made to be his. You’re so close to giving yourself over to desire that he can practically taste it. That’s why he’s so fucking pissed when everything suddenly goes to shit. It’s bedlam in a matter of seconds. Something deep in the bowels of the Factory explodes in a spectacular fashion, causing damage so profound it makes the very foundations of the building rumble. Emergency power is tripped in the fallout and everything is abruptly bathed in an ominous red glow. “Are you fucking kidding me!?” Heisenberg howls, practically feral, “what the hell is going on now !?” His hands are suddenly ripped from your body to slam against the walls either side of you in anger so hard it indents the metal. You jolt at the sudden burst of sound, but it’s all on autopilot. You’re stuck in sensory overload, mind in a tailspin, still on the cusp of a euphoria that has turned from sweet ecstasy to bitter shock. It paralyzes you in place and leaves you with a terrible case of longing. Watching with pupils blown wide, you see Heisenberg look over his shoulder down the corridor with a snarl curling his lips; the distant cries of his Lycans sound, a call to their Master. In this lighting his scars seem to glow, just like his eyes do when you catch a glimpse of them behind his signature glasses. In that moment he’s wild and untamed and you don’t want to let him go. That smouldering gaze turns to you and you forget how to breathe, electrified. A part of you hopes that he’ll ignore the mayhem, but you know that he can’t. It could be serious, likely is, and he has a reputation to maintain, and a hoard of monstrous Lycans to keep in line. Your lips part in a would-be plea, but he doesn’t give you the chance to speak it. His lips are immediately on yours in a bruising kiss, all teeth and tongue and hot-blooded hunger. You soak up the seconds, your fingers knotting in his hair, desperate for more. It doesn’t last. It’s forced to be over before it could really begin. “We aren’t done here,” Heisenberg growls, catching your lower lip between his teeth for an instant. It feels like an electric shock, leaving static in its place when he pulls away. Searing heat swells in your stomach anew and all you manage is a shaky nod in reply. With a handsomely devilish smirk Heisenberg pushes himself back from you, turning fluidly on his heel to investigate just what the hell is going on in his Factory. It’s only when he’s turned the corner at the end of the hallway that all the momentum finally overwhelms you. Your knees grow weak and wobble and then you’re crumpled in a heap of jellied limbs on the cold metal floor. Your mind reels— oh merciful Mother Miranda what have you done?
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asimpforarmin · 3 years
You don't have to do this if you don't want to. But can i have the aot gang with a y/n who gets paid very well but works during the night and sleeps in the day but not on their bed mostly on the couch, how would they react? Again you don't have to do this if you're not taking request or to busy.☺
Character(s): Armin Arlert, Connie Springer, Bertholdt Hoover, Jean Kirstein, Mikasa Ackerman
Genre: Fluff kinda, modern!au
Warnings: None
A/n: YES OMG MY FIRST REQUEST THANK YOU!!!! This is such a good idea I had so much fun writing it out! ☺️ I’m sorry I got this out so late 😖 I tried to get it out Saturday but I’ve just had a busy week. Also I apologize if ur a Sasha simp, I just couldn't think of something for her for the life of me.
💛 Armin
You two had just moved in at roughly the same time you got promoted.
Armin was ecstatic for you until you told him your new work hours.
For the first couple days you two were in the same home, you slept in the same bed, but that changed when you needed to go back to work.
After you were done with your first day, you were absolutely exhausted, having stayed up late to finish your shift. Because of this, you collapsed on the couch and it just became a habit.
You get home at like 7 in the morning, roughly an hour after Armin wakes up. He never gets to see you anymore, it seems like you’re not there.
Your back starts hurting from sleeping on the couch and when you tell Armin this, he starts sleeping there so you’re forced to sleep in the bed.
When you’re sleeping and he’s home, he does a lot of the chores. Even though he knows you’re getting enough sleep and your schedule’s just different from his, he still wants to make things easier for you.
He starts altering his schedule so you can spend more time together. He tries to get different hours at work and tries to get you to bed with him.
He doesn’t want to ask you to do something because it isn’t your fault and he just feels like he’s being clingy.
He does eventually tell you what’s been on his mind, but only after you ask him.
Afterwards, you take a break from work. You have a lot of vacation days saved up so you use some of them to take Armin on a roadtrip to the beach.
From then on, you make sure to make time for him and get different hours soon.
💛 Connie
He’s alright with you being up in the day and asleep in the night, he’ll excuse you not being able to spend as much time with him, but he draws the line if you start slacking in self-care.
He knows you get paid well and you’re good at your job, but he still wants you to be happy and safe.
He finds creative ways to get what he wants.
He asks you to start coming to bed instead of sleeping on the couch. You agree, but ultimately end up on the couch again.
The next day when you’re at work, he puts sand and rocks all over the couch so you either have to a) deal with it when you’re tired or b) come to bed.
So you come to bed and he cuddles you and thanks you for it.
On your days off, he takes you on dates and tries to cook for you.
I say “tries” because the last time he cooked, he set off the smoke alarm.
He loves spending time with you when you’re not working. Whether it be one of your hobbies or something he wants to do.
When you’re at work, he’s usually sleeping, but sometimes when he can’t, he starts thinking about more ways to spend time with you.
After some weird workarounds of your schedule, he just asks you about it.
He finally voices those concerns he has for you and he feels as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
Afterwards, you take into account just how much you cherish him and wouldn’t want to upset him.
💛 Bertholdt
Since you stay at home for your work, Bertholdt thought he would be able to spend more time with you, but it was quite the opposite.
You worked at your desk all night and either slept in your chair or the couch because it’s closer than the bed.
During the day, Bertholdt keeps everything quiet. If he turns on the tv, he has the volume low or has headphones in.
He also takes away any dishes you might not have cleaned up. He doesn’t do the dishes while you’re asleep though, because that makes a lot of noise.
He doesn’t stay up as late as you, but he is more of a night owl.
If he’s still awake, he makes you both a drink, bringing it to you and checking in on how you’re doing.
He checks on you a lot. He’s just irrationally thinking you’re not taking care of yourself.
He’ll come in every once in a while and kiss your head or see what you’re doing. Then, before he leaves, he’ll ask you to come to bed tonight.
Some nights he stays up a couple hours longer so he can carry you to bed if you sleep on the couch again.
If it’s one of those nights and you do decide to go to bed, he’ll just pretend that he’s not tired or couldn’t sleep.
It’s rather easy to see through him though.
He’s willing to do a lot to keep you comfortable. By the time you’re awake, he’s made breakfast already. He just wants to make your day easier.
💛 Jean
At first it didn’t bother him that you were at work so much.
He stays up late too so your schedule doesn’t really impact his.
But soon, he notices how little you guys are talking. You don’t come to bed anymore and don’t really talk to him because you have to stay up hours after he goes to bed.
He asks you if maybe you could get your hours changed or if you can somehow make your sleep schedule more like his.
You say you’ll try but nothing really changes.
So, he takes it into his own hands.
He just keeps asking and begging you about it.
Then, one day he calls you while you’re at work, asking what you’re doing.
You say you’re not doing much, so he drives over and texts you he’s here to pick you up.
Since you’re on break, you go out to see what he needs and he has a bouquet of roses in the passenger seat and says he’s ready to take you on a date.
At first, you decline, but he keeps insisting. You give in and text your few coworkers that you need to leave. They can handle a night without you.
He didn’t think this would actually work so when you ask where you’re going, he has no clue. It’s very early in the morning so not many things are still open.
He decides to just go to the store, get some food, and go back home to watch a movie with you.
You fall asleep together on the bed. When you wake up, you realize just how much you’ve been missing out on, so you request your hours be changed.
💛 Mikasa
Mikasa never knew why you were always up at late hours of the night and wouldn’t respond to her during the day. She just thought you were a night owl until she stayed over for the first time.
It was a hassle to try to figure out when she could be over because of your unconventional schedule so she just ended up arriving at some odd hour of the night.
It was a day off for you so Mikasa came over and you both watched a movie on the couch. She fell asleep during it, and you had to somehow get out from under her without waking her up.
Once she did wake up, you talked for a while and it got brought into conversation how you sleep on the couch a lot.
She didn’t think much of it until she started coming over more and eventually moved in.
Whenever she find you on the couch, she’ll gently wake you up and try to coax you to bed.
If that doesn’t work, or you’ve had a hard day, she’ll just pick you up and take you there.
Anything you need she will bring you.
You forgot your lunch? She will drive out there in the dead of night just to give it to you. You need to go somewhere but you’re tired? She’s on it. She’s happy to help you out because she knows a job during the night can be taxing.
But, if it gets too bad, she’ll just insist you quit your job. She cares about you and doesn’t want your job to keep you from being as happy as you can.
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strawberry--bride · 3 years
DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal ー Sharon’s Route [MANIAC 06]
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Location: Ryoutei Academy ;; Sophomore’s Classroom
English teacher: Now, repeat after meーー
*Ding ding ding ding ding*
Sharon: ...!!
( W-What’s going on...? )
( The fire alarm...!? )
English teacher: Please stay calm everyone. 
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Female student A: Is it just a drill?
Male student B: I’m not sure. I haven’t heard anything.
Female student B: So there’s actually a fire then!?
The class grows restless.
English teacher: Once again, stay calm! Leave your stuff behind and form a queue in the hallway. 
Sharon: ( I hope it’s nothing serious... )
( I guess for now I should just follow the teacher’s orders. )
Location: Ryoutei Academy ;; School Yard
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Ayato: Geez. I was havin’ such a nice nap too. 
Kanato: Teddy does not enjoy loud noises. ...Say, Teddy. Let’s destroy the alarm later on, okay? Fufufu...
Sharon: Y-You guys! This could be serious! What if one of the other students got hurt...?
Reiji: Ah, there you are.
Sharon: ...Reiji-san!
Laito: Heya, Ichigo-chan~ 
Subaru: ...Hmph.
Sharon: Laito-kun and Subaru-kun as well! I’m glad to see you’re all safe.
Reiji: From what I picked up, a certain someone lost their temper during a science experiment and set the lab on fire.
Laito: Nfu~ Now who could that be...~?
Subaru: ...
Ayato: Oi, Subaru! Are you the one who ruined my nap!?
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Subaru: F-FUCK OFF! It’s the other guy’s fault! He was makin’ fun of me!
Reiji: While I would love to praise you for actually attending class for once, if you are only capable of destroying the school property, I would much rather you skip.
Haah...I do not even want to imagine what Father will have to say about this.
Sharon: ( So it was Subaru-kun who caused the fire... )
Hold on, guys. Aren’t we forgetting something?
Kanato: And what would that be?
Sharon: ーー Or rather, someone!! Shuu-san’s nowhere to be seen!
Reiji: Oh dear, now that you mention it. 
That man has so little presence, I did not even notice his absence.
Sharon: T-This is bad...! What if he’s still inside the building!?
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Ayato: Well, that guy’s a Vampire too, I’m sure he’ll be fine.
Laito: Knowing Shuu, he’s probably napping in the music classroom again. Nfu~
Subaru: Oi, hold on. The music classroom...
Reiji: Happens to be right next to the science lab. 
How unfortunate. ...Fufu.
Sharon: ( ...Did Reiji-san smile just now? )
( Anyway, now isn’t the time for that! )
( We have to go rescue Shuu-san! )
I...I’ll go look for him!
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Reiji: Excuse me? None of the students are allowed back inside the building until the teachers give us permission. You are going nowhere.
Sharon: Butーー!
Ayato: Oi, are you mental? It could be a sea of flames in there!
Laito: Nfu~ A toasted strawberry...Perhaps it could be a new thing?
Kanato: If you want to die that badly, I think you would be much better off joining my collection...
Sharon: Uu...
( Reiji-san’s right. However, if none of the guys are going to act...! )
She suddenly dashes towards the school building.
Reiji: ーー Halt!
Laito: Ah-aah~ There she goes. 
Subaru: O-Oi...! Shouldn’t we like...go after her or somethin’!?
Kanato: You seem awfully worried, Subaru.
Subaru: ...!! I-I’m not! ...I just don’t want to lose free food, that’s all.
Reiji: That good-for-nothing...Does he not know how to do anything but cause trouble!?
Location: Ryoutei Academy ;; Hallway
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Sharon: Cough, cough...
( Thank god, it seems like the actual fire has been extinguished... )
( However, the smoke’s still pretty bad... )
( I can barely tell where I’m going... )
Location: Ryoutei Academy ;; Music Classroom
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Sharon: S-Shuu-san...!?
Shuu-sanーー!! If you’re here, please answer me!
( No response... )
( Maybe he did evacuate after all...? )
Sharon: ...Hm? 
Shuu-san...? Is that you...?
Sharon: ( Ah! There he is! )
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Shuu: ...Ah.
Sharon: S-Shuu-san?
( He seems absolutely terrified...Huddled in the corner. )
( I’ve never seen him like this. )
( Is he afraid of fire, perhaps? )
She slowly approaches.
Shuu: ...!
Sharon: ( He doesn’t even seem to recognize me... )
Shh...It’s okay, it’s me?
I’m not here to harm you. 
The flames have already been put out too. So you’ve got nothing to worry about.
Shuu: ...
Sharon: ( It’s no use. My voice isn’t reaching him at all. )
( If I can’t put him at ease through words, I’d just have to use actions instead. )
She kneels down besides him, slowly wrapping her arms around the Vampire.
Sharon: You must have been terrified, huh?
Shuu: ...
Sharon: Everything will be okay now though.
Sharon starts to stroke his head.
Sharon: ( This feels so surreal... )
( I never thought I’d have to comfort a Vampire like this. )
( However, I just can’t stand seeing him like this... )
( It doesn’t matter if he’s a Vampire or a human. I can tell by his eyes. This is real fear. )
( I always thought Vampires had nothing to fear since they’re immortal. )
( But I suppose that was naive of me. )
( Perhaps Vampires and humans...Are more similar than I initially thought? )
Shuu: Uu...
Sharon: ( Hmー He’s still shivering. )
( Is there nothing I can do to soothe him? )
She begins to loosen her ribbon and collar.
*Rustle rustle*
Sharon: Shuu-san...Please have some of my blood.
( I can barely believe I’m saying this but... )
( I’m sure this is the best way to calm a Vampire down. )
Sharon carefully guides his face towards her neck.
Shuu: ...
He bites her.
Sharon: ーー Uu! 
( He’s not holding back at all... )
( As if he’s desperately trying to get every single drop... )
( It hurts butーー )
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Shuu: ...
Sharon: ( His expression softened...His shoulders aren’t nearly as tense anymore either. )
( I guess my plan worked. )
She tightens her grip around him.
Sharon: ( I’m sure we’ll both get scolded by the teachers later... )
( But for now...We can stay like this just a little longer... )
ーー MANIAC 06: END ーー
<- [ Maniac 05 ] [ Maniac 07 ] ->
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