#advice by cavetown
helpimstuckposting · 3 months
Song: Advice by Cavetown
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Eddie wasn’t unfamiliar with bad days. In fact, he’d say he was intimately familiar with them. Biblically, even, since they’d fucked him so often. And usually he was able to adjust, to improvise, to calm down and save any serious outbursts for the privacy of his own bedroom. Or van, depending on how truly awful the day was.
Today, he didn’t make it to his room, or to the van. Instead, he walked right out of his last class of the day and trudged straight to the picnic table in the woods behind the school. He figured he had around twenty minutes to get his anger out before someone tramped along looking to buy weed. He was too wired to sit, so he set his little black lunchbox on the table, and started pacing back and forth to try and relieve some pent up energy.
He was off to a rough start from the second his alarm went off. Or didn’t go off, in the case of that morning. Somehow, the stupid electricity in the trailer had gone out at some point in the middle of the night and reset the clocks, making Eddie an hour late to the start of his day. He’d skipped breakfast, and forgot his smokes in the process which meant that all of his teachers were more unbearable than usual.
Then, he skipped lunch to run across the street and buy a pack from the convenience store to take the edge off, but apparently his dad was in town because the man behind the counter had called him Junior with that face people made when they treated him like shit splattered across their shoes. If Al was in town that meant either he hadn’t bothered to check in on his son, or Wayne was keeping it from him and both options pissed Eddie off.
On top of that, Mrs. Click had lost his essay and then claimed he’d never turned it in which was bullshit because Eddie knew for a fact he’d turned it in on time, he’d stayed up all night writing it. In between classes, someone had graffitied “Satanist Freak” on his locker, which normally wouldn’t bother Eddie at all but then he’d gotten yelled at to clean it up, like anyone would think he wrote it himself. The authority figures in this batshit town were driving him insane.
As if that weren’t fucking enough Tommy goddamn Hagan (who Eddie was pretty sure had written the little love letter on his locker) had deliberately poured his entire water bottle on Eddie’s lap in the middle of class, and then played it off as an accident to the teacher. He’ll probably get detention for ditching after that, but Eddie was fucking exhausted. Why him? Why did everything have to hit the fan all at once? Couldn’t he just have one bad thing happen per day? He’d take one bad thing a day for the rest of his life over all the shit piled on top of him in the last seven hours.
And! Eddie was sure the fact that his father was in town would bite him even harder in the ass until the son a bitch left again. He couldn’t stand the thought of going home to see his smarmy fucking face after the last time he was in town and conned Eddie out of his savings and the contents of his lunchbox. It was fucking ludicrous that the town hated him for his father when Eddie got the worst end of the stick his whole life. At least the other people could avoid him, could walk away or, hell, even call the cops on the bastard if they wanted. Eddie couldn’t ever get away from him. Every time Eddie even looked at a mirror, Al Munson looked back.
He could feel the buzzing adrenaline bubbling up behind his eyes, stabbing its claws into his sinuses. His hands shook as he tugged them through his hair and he could not let this shitty day make him cry. He wasn’t going to let the town win, let his teacher and Tommy win, let Al Munson win. He clenched his stupid shaking hands into fists and dug his nails in as hard as he could, trying to steady his breathing, but it didn’t work. He could feel the build up behind his eyes and all the shitty events of the day clogging his throat like it was strangling him from the inside.
He let out a frustrated yell, grabbing his lunchbox from the table and using all of his energy to chuck it across the little clearing, across the lunch table, and straight into a tree. It smashed against the bark with a rattle, hitting the ground without even breaking the latch. Eddie knew the thing wouldn’t break, though it might have been sporting a few new scratches and a dent. It made him feel a little better, though. Maybe he could understand why someone would do sports. Maybe. Sometimes.
“Damn, you ever try shot put?” a voice called out through the clearing.
Eddie whipped his head around to find the king himself, Steve Harrington sauntering towards the picnic table. Schools out then, he thought, grumbling in his mind like a child. Of course The King would need to stock up, it was a Friday after all.
“With an arm like that, you’d do pretty well,” he added when Eddie didn’t respond.
“I don’t know what the fuck shop put is, but I’m not in the mood, Harrington,” Eddie called back, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping a boot onto the wooden bench next to him. The second he did, he felt like an idiot, like some kind of alpha-male posturing to seem tougher. He put his foot back on the ground.
“It’s shot put, it’s… never mind,” Steve cut himself off. “Anyway… uh.” He looked nervous, rubbing his hands awkwardly before shoving them into the pockets of his pristine blue jeans. It eased some of the tension in Eddie’s shoulders. He wanted to laugh. He made the king nervous, made him look a bit scared, even. It was comical. Wayne would think it was downright hilarious.
“What do you want, Harrington?” Eddie called. The King was still standing by the treeline, a good few yards of space between them.
“Do you have any joints left? Maybe a baggie of flower or something?” he responded. Eddie rolled his eyes. The royal court was predictable, as always.
“Like I said, I’m really not in the mood.”
“I’ll pay extra,” Steve added, shrugging his shoulders. Eddie paused, contemplating the offer. He did need the money, he always needed the money, and he knew Harrington was good for it. Eddie could probably double the price and The King wouldn’t even bat an eye.
He sighed, glancing at his toppled lunch box on the ground. Eddie rolled his eyes, deciding the money was worth more than his peace and quiet. He cracked his neck before trudging over to the black metal box, noticing Steve’s flinch as he did. The boy tried to cover it, Eddie could tell, but he wasn’t quick enough and Eddie couldn’t quite hide his smirk as he snatched the lunchbox up and walked back to the table.
He sat down, placed the container on the rough wooden surface, and gestured to the bench opposite him. The King paused briefly before joining him, sitting down quietly and pulling his wallet out of his back pocket.
“How many joints?” Eddie asked.
“How many you got?”
He glanced into the lunchbox, stomach aching as he shoved the actual lunch aside to open the little metal Altoids tin. He had four joints left, a few less than Harrington’s usual haul, but enough. He gathered them all up, pulling out an empty baggie and wrapping the joins up tight. Eddie held up the baggie for Harrington to take before grabbing another, prepacked with an eighth of flower.
“Eighth or a quarter?” Eddie asked, grabbing a second baggie.
“You got a half?” Harrington asked, squinting a little like he was sheepish to ask the question. Eddie would have found it cute if he wasn’t so annoyed at that moment. He rolled his eyes instead.
“If I had a half, I would have asked, Princess,” he snapped. If Harrington had looked sheepish before, he looked downright contrite now. It made Eddie feel a little bad, but he held his glare without backing down. The world had been shit to him today, he didn’t have to care about hurting The Kings feelings.
“An eighth or a quarter ounce, Harrington?” he asked again.
“Quarter,” he mumbled. Eddie pulled both baggies out, holding them toward Harrington to take. He didn’t. Instead he looked from the baggies to Eddie’s face, eyes contemplating something and Eddie hoped like hell that Steve wouldn’t ask, but like everything else today, the world didn’t listen.
“Are you okay?” he asked, and Eddie’s anger reared its ugly head again.
“I don’t want to talk, Harrington.”
“Are you sure? Because you kind of look like you need it. Are you okay?” he asked again.
“You want a hint?” Eddie snarked, snatching the baggies back. If His Highness wasn’t taking his gold then Eddie could keep it for himself for all he cared. “Are you hungry?” Eddie asked him.
Steve looked confused, his brows scrunching together like he was trying to connect the pieces of conversation that was running away from him.
“I… why?” he asked.
“Because you can eat my fucking shorts, Harrington. I said I don’t want to talk, so take the weed, leave the cash, and leave me the fuck alone,” Eddie spat, tossing the baggies between them on the table.
“I just mean, maybe I can help! Give you some advice or-“
“I know you’re trying to help, it’s very nice of you to pay your loyal subjects some attention but you don’t know anything about me, okay? I don’t need your advice, and I don’t need to explain myself to you.” Eddie gave up, decided this was a failed transaction and he should pack his shit and leave. He made a move to stand, reaching for the baggies on the picnic table, but he was beaten to the punch. Harrington grabbed the baggies out from under his hand, quickly tossing way too many bills on the wooden table. Forget double, Eddie’s pretty sure it was enough for a whole ounce. He stared, dumbfounded, at the cash in front of him and looked back up at Harrington. He was standing now, just a step away from the bench he’d been sitting on a second ago.
Eddie snatched the cash and tried to reign in his expression. He wasn’t really sure what his face was doing, couldn’t tell if he’d schooled it or not, but Harrington wasn’t giving anything away.
“I wasn’t trying to pick a fight, I swear.” He held a hand up, like Eddie was some kind of rabid animal Steve was trying to placate. “I just… I know what it feels like to not have anyone to talk to. So, like… if you need an ear-“
“I don’t ’need an ear’, Harrington, I need you to get out of my face, I need your court jester Tommy to leave me the fuck alone, and clean my locker while he’s at it! I need Mrs. Click to find my fucking essay because I’m already failing her class, and I need people in this godawful town to stop treating me like I’m just a clone of my father!” Eddie yelled. He huffed out a large breath, startled at his own outburst. By the glint in Steve’s eye, it was exactly what he’d been trying to pry out of Eddie. He looked pleased that he’d just been screamed at, and it just pushed all of Eddie’s buttons.
How the fuck did he even do that? They didn’t talk. Steve bought weed from him before his parties, and ignored him in the hallway. That was it. That’s all they ever were. So how the hell did he just get Eddie to tell him what was bothering him? Maybe the town was wrong, and they got the wrong witch when they put Eddie up on a pyre. He felt the sudden urge to yell ‘I saw Goody Harrington with the Devil!’. Somehow, he didn’t think that would make this conversation any better.
Eddie crossed his arms like a petulant child, and he couldn’t help but notice Steve slot his hands onto his hips like some kind of scolding housewife. Everything Harrington was doing made Eddie feel smaller and smaller.
“Just… leave me alone,” Eddie sighed, feeling deflated. “I don’t owe you anything, okay? You’re not my friend, you’re not my mom,” Eddie rolled his eyes and stared pointedly at Steve’s soccer mom stance. A blush bloomed across his cheeks, and Eddie watched as he took the hands off his hips and shoved them back into his pockets. Eddie couldn’t decide if Steve’s jeans were more dad jean or mom jean but he shook the thought from his head before he figured it out.
“Right… well,” Steve sighed, pulling a hand out of his pocket and patting it lightly on his thigh. Eddie had a sudden flash of Steve wearing horn rimmed glasses, saying ‘Welp, I better hit the road’, and Eddie couldn’t figure out when Steve had gone from King to Single Father during the span of their conversation. “Thanks for the… stuff,” Steve said awkwardly. Jesus Christ, Eddie needed to get a hold of himself and quickly. It was ridiculous how endearing he was finding this, and being weirdly attracted to a father figure act was not something he needed to be unpacking right now.
“Thanks for the cash,” Eddie said back, just as awkwardly tossing a salute in and immediately wanting to jump off a cliff. He needed to get out of here. Quickly, he packed up his lunchbox, tossing the cash inside before latching it shut. He turned back toward the direction of the school parking lot and prayed that Steve would let him go without another word. He tried not to dwell on the fact that it felt a lot like tucking his tail between his legs.
“See you next Friday!” Steve called out behind him.
Eddie was halfway back to the trailer before he realized the weight in his chest was significantly lighter than it had been all day. He tallied it up to Steve being in league with the devil. They’d go back to not speaking in the hallways, and he’d forget all about their conversation today, and that was it. Eddie just hoped he’d forget it too, and tried not to think about exactly how many witch’s marks Steve might have that Eddie couldn’t see.
This was inspired by me being unhinged and thinking of Steddie literally every single time a song came on from my playlist so I wanted to challenge myself and see if I could write 26 of them. If anyone wants to try this challenge, go for it! I just thought it would be fun. I linked the playlist above, and I might add or subtract songs to it depending on how I'm feeling
Tagging some people who might be interested or helped me out with picking songs! Thank you for the suggestions (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
@estrellami-1 @weirdandabsurd42 @sirsnacksalot @devondespresso @captncalamity @sluttysteddie @blahblah-hilariousname-blah @cringevalue @thereallifecath
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watercolour-blur · 1 year
"people will talk but that's not what i want
i can be myself without explanation"
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fuckineedacoffee · 2 years
Yes ik i am like super tired and shit but like should i pull an all nighter???
I have candy and The Owl House and thoughts that if left alone with in the dark with the silence will result in me crying to Cavetown and way too many kids cartoons to catch up on...
So like should I???
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soonysy · 1 month
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Day 125 is wip of (i hope) series of drawings for song Advice by Cavetown
Or he just lost all his lunch and is trying to get some golden apples from Scar
It will make sense later, I hope :p
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mildly overdue intro post!!
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hello! my name is iris :)
i use any pronouns!! i'm trying out adding he/him to the list so if you use that/mix we're friends for life
i'm bisexual and a minor
things you should probably know about me before you interact!!
-i'm very anxious and awkward and will apologise for everything i say
-i might not understand if you're joking, so if you plan on jokingly teasing/arguing with me please use tone indicators :)
-i don't like flirting online. at all. ever. i don't make exceptions.
-i dm friends/moots quite a lot and i really, really love talking to people!!
-i'm quite a positive person! you can vent but please do be aware that although i won't dismiss anything you feel, i will be friendly and try to give you advice probably and i won't joke about it/"haha i can relate". if that's not what you want please don't vent to me.
-i don't do serious venting on this blog!! (or anywhere publicly online :) ) i might mention relapsing in my dni, i'm okay :) and i'm genuinely happy rn. i've struggled with lots of things in the past, but i'm in recovery and i'm okay
-nsfw blogs (if you occasionally post nsfw things with warning that's cool)
-pro-ed/sh blogs (please, please please please, if you post mainly about eds/sh, encourage other people, and you don't want to recover, please don't interact with me. i will be triggered and i will possibly relapse.)
-terfs (you're just not welcom here, fuck off)
-anyone with romantic/sexual intentions
things i like!!
tv shows/movies
-young royals
-osemanverse!!! (i love osemanverse. please talk to me about osemanverse. i've only read half of loveless and i haven't read radio silence but i LOVE iwbft, heartstopper, and solitaire
-taylor swift (her music, not her as a person. if you make your entire personality hating her, please stay away from my blog)
-conan gray!!! (i love conan gray so much)
-noahfinnce (i watch his yt a lot too :3)
if you have read all this and still want to talk to me for some reason, please do!! i love making new friends :)
under the cut is just a very long list of whatever the "this user is" box thingies are
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Can you make Kenny x Fem reader dating headcannons please?
Thank you so much!
-✨ anon
Ofc ✨anon! Thank you for your suggestion!
Kenny McCormick x Fem!Reader Dating Headcannons
(aged up, SFW, fluff)
This was all I could think of, I hope you enjoy 🫶
You are the most important person to him (apart from Karen, of course)
He would, and has, died for you
He loves cuddling
He prefers being the little spoon, but would be the big spoon if you asked
He can cook REALLY well, although he didn’t have much practice as a kid
He is DOWN BAD for you.
Genuinely believes he’s the luckiest man in the world to be with you
Wouldn’t hesitate to punch someone messing with you
Enjoys having music nights with you, either suggests Cavetown or CupcakKe depending on his mood
AMAZING listener and always gives the best advice
He LOVES when you play with his hair
Always lets you paint his nails, do his makeup, dress him up, and do his hair
Would definitely cancel any plans to chill with you
Skips school to hang out with you while you’re sick
Not afraid of germs, so he’ll still hug, kiss, and cuddle you while you’re sick
His whole family loves you, especially Karen
Him and Karen like to bake with you
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that-bisexual · 3 months
So I guess I should get around to making an intro post... .・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
My names are Nyx and Alex
Just a mentally ill queer :)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Genderfluid Demigirl
Pronouns: She/they
My friends and know I'm bi but only two of them know I'm a genderfluid demigirl.
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
Anxiety, ?ADHD maybe?
Uhh I like frogs and queer stuff...My favorite band/artists are Def leppard, addison grace, madilyn mei, Cavetown, and foo fighters...I LOVE the hunger games...I'm a big drama club and orchestra kid...I play cello and bass guitar...uh yeah...I don't like to talk about myself...oh and I draw and write stories/poetry. I'm like you're typical burnt out gifted kid but I can't stand to fail™
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
This blog is like my safe space to be myself because my mom doesn't let me show I'm bi at all because according to her "it's a phase"
if you have questions regarding my gender or sexuality, your gender or sexuality, need advice, or just want to talk my ask box is always open. Hate asks will be deleted!
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
DNI: Homophobes, transphobes, terfs, sexists, racists, pedophiles, rad fems, exclusionist, zoophiles, haters in general
.・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・..・゜-: ✧☾ ☽✧ :-゜・.
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 6 months
Can I join your game? The song that I pick is is your bedroom ceiling bored?, while the genre would be idiots to lovers and the group that I chose is Enhypen. Thank you! 💕
CUTE okay!!!
is your bedroom ceiling bored? | jake
It's 5:34 in the morning, and you can't sleep. instead, you're staring at the ceiling trying to get your brain to shut off, but you just can't. because, like an idiot, you're wondering what jake is doing.
you figure he's probably asleep, like most people are at this hour, but that doesn't stop your mind from picturing it: the way he curls around himself on his side, his hair falling in a shaggy mess onto his forehead, half-smiling even in a dream. you shouldn't be thinking about him this way -- shouldn't be as stupidly, recklessly, embarrassingly down bad as you are. and yet...
you pull out your phone, not surprised to see not a single notification from your best friend, whose sleeping image is the one destroying your mind slowly one minute at a time. you open up your messaging app and have to scroll to find your last conversation with him, which hasn’t happened in years.
the last text he sent was the one that said, “I love you. You know that, right?” just before everything went up in flames. just before the one and only fight you’ve ever had with him. just before you stormed away from him and refused to answer the phone when he called. and this was a week and a half ago.
you start to type.
im sorry.
i miss you. can we talk?
why can’t i stop thinking about you?
ultimately, it never feels like enough. frustrated, you sit up, sliding the covers off you and moving to the window. you wrench it open, stepping out onto your roof in the cool night air, and look up at the moon sinking lower in the sky, preparing for the hints of summer sun you see on the horizon.
“hi again,” you whisper at it. “can’t sleep.”
this has become routine for you. every once in awhile your thoughts about jake rose to a volume you couldn’t keep to yourself, so you’d mount the roof and tell the moon — even if it hung thin as a fingernail in the sky. and now that you weren’t seeing jake every day, you had a lot more time to talk about him.
“i really, really miss him,” you whisper, even though you want to scream.
across town, jake stirs and wakes from a fitful sleep. his dreams are all about you these days, and it aches.
no matter how much he fights the thoughts of you, or tries to be angry, he still wakes up thinking about you every morning. he’d hoped things would get better — hoped the hole you carved in his heart would relax, would heal. instead he finds himself suffocating in the dim light from his window, so he flings it open to welcome in the sunlight that will come peeking over the skyline in seconds.
“hi,” he says softly as it shines through the open window. “any advice for me today?”
but as always, the sun says nothing, leaving him alone to think.
and think he does — about how well he knows you. how spending his time with you is the best way for him to spend it. how he doesn’t care about your excuses for why you’d be a terrible couple.
“they’re the one,” he finally decides. “they just have to be.” and he races from the window to pick up his phone.
you’re still on the roof, watching the sun rise, so tired you can barely sit upright but also somehow knowing you won’t be able to make your eyes close if you go inside.
so you stare at your cellphone. you can’t even blame jake for not speaking to you. you wouldn’t want to speak to you either.
but oh, my goodness. you want to speak to him so bad. even the memory of his voice on the other end burns like an insult, like bitterness burns in your belly. you wonder if he feels the same way you do. you hope he does.
just as you make up your mind to call, his name pops up on your screen.
your heart beats — once, twice — hard in your chest before you answer it with a shaking hand. “hello?” you rasp.
“i miss you,” he says. “i’m coming over.”
for the first time in days, you smile.
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idkanymor33 · 4 months
H I :0
I feel like doing an intro for the mAnY pEoPle that are gonna read it-
So if ya want
U can read it :>
Nicknames: Mando/anything really lmao
Pronouns: He/She/They (I'm genderfluid:))
Sexuality: Still not completely sure but for now I go with pan :)
Age: hOw RuDe Of YoU tO bE aSkInG tHaT >:) (I am a minor tho so yk- dont be creepy)
Birfday: 11th o march ✨
Fav film: probably one of the Spiderman into the spiderverse ones (I'm sorry- but the animation, HAVE YOU SEEN IT??)
Fav TV series: Anne w an e (I refuse to believe anyone wouldn't love this and yes, I do wanna murder netflix for canceling it T-T)
Musicians I likez: Em beihold, Lovejoy, UPSAHL, vampire weekend, Green day, ✨Cavetown✨ (varied ik) :3
Hobbies: Art- (literally all I do w my time even tho I still suck), I'm trying to teach myself some basic animation, Does listening to music count??
Fav ice cream flavour: (yes this is important) RaSbErRy SoRbEt
Random stuff U might like to know:
Instruments: learning electric guitar and singing (Not in a choir, never in a choir.)
•I will genuinely not interact w u unless u interact w me first.
•Im happy for ppl to ask me things/ vent but in terms of advice it may not help. 🤷
•My friends recently got me into cavetown music. 🎶
•I love everything fantasy and run a campaign of D&D w my friends.
•I'm british. :^
•Im also kinda shy talking to ppl i haven't talked to before but I love talking to ppl and once I'm cool w talking to them I will just transform from a shy lil introvert to an insane extrovert- have fun w that :>>
Feel free to ask me anything else u r curious abt :33
I like ppl asking me things
Didn't think it would be this long-
Bye :^
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Juliet • Lullaby • Boys Will Be Bugs • Waves (Piano) • Advice • Noise in my Head • Self Control • hh • Hug All Ur Friends • Somebody's Baby
Spotify ♪ Bandcamp: Sandy, Comet, Ash, Shells, Jackson ♪ Youtube
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What are your guys' favourite songs?
*camera shoots onto Jim, as he stretches, caffeine rush finally over*
Jim: Shameless by Camilla Cabello, Train Wreck by James Arthur or the whole of the Atlas album by the Score. I can't choose.
*camera turns to Claire, who's holding Jim's hand to stop him from running off*
Claire: Anything Papa Skull. Probably Breaking Heart.
*Toby pokes his head in, grinning like the maniac we know he is*
Toby: The Rita and Rolli theme song >:)
*Jim turns to Toby, gasping at the Trollhunter*
Jim: NO!
Toby: *sighs* It's a good song!
*camera turns to Douxie as Jim and Toby continue to cuss and shout at each other*
Douxie: *interrupts* Sorry about my brother- he's a bit of a heathen nowadays- has no utter shame, honestly. Anyway, if I had to give a song that wasn't ADP, it has to be either Advice by Cavetown or I Wanna Be Yours by Arctic Monkeys :)
*Darci grins, next to the wizard*
Darci: Papa Skull or Arctic Monkeys. If I had to give a song though, I would say Daylight by David Kushner.
Douxie and Darci: *high five*
*Mary looks up from filing her nails, looking annoyed*
Mary: Papa Skull- Grey Roads. I'm not as uncultured as Jim.
*Jim lets out a shocked scream*
Mary: SHUT UP!
*camera turns to Eli, who had clearly had enough*
Eli: *fixes glasses before speaking* Hail to the Geek by Deaf Pedestrians. Next.
*Steve sighs*
Steve: The Horrid Henry Theme Song. And that was when I was twelve- OI, BUTTSNACK, WHY YOU LAUGHING?! WANT TO GET PUNCHED?!
*camera turns to Jim, who's cackling*
Jim: And people call me an uncultured swine-
Steve: FUCK OFF!!!
*camera turns to Shannon and Zoe*
Shannon: Taylor Swift. Her 1989 album. Or any anime or K-Drama music.
Zoe: Anything ADP. My music is the best.
*camera pans out to look at everyone, sitting side by side*
Douxie: That's because you love the sound of your own voice.
Zoe: *rolls eyes* Shut it, Casperan.
Douxie: *gulps* Yes, ma'am.
*suddenly there is loud music being played through the speakers, and everyone is shocked to find it's Shameless*
Speaker: So many mornings, I woke up confused, In my dreams, I do anything I want to you, My emotions are naked, they're taking me out of my mind....
*camera turns to an exasperated Eli and Claire as Darci, Shannon, Steve, Toby, Mary and Zoe all join in*
Eli: And that's it from the Guardians of Arcadia. See you next time, guys.
Claire: And if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to hit that ask box and write them out.
Douxie: Now to go kill my idiot brother for hacking into the speakers.
*camera cuts to black*
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araekniarchive · 1 year
aaa ok it says rqs are open so i’ll trust it
can you. this might be odd but can you do a web about california. good bad ugly weather history love sunshine winter storm fire california please
if not that’s totally cool & have a good night!!! ✨✨
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The Eagles, Hotel California
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Die Hard (1988) dir. John McTiernan
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Mary Schmich, ‘Advice, like youth, probably just wasted on the young’ (also known as ‘Wear Sunscreen’) in the Chicago Tribune, June 1997
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Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
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Cavetown, Idea of Her
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Janet Fitch, White Oleander
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Rebecca Solnit
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Joni Mitchell, California
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Michael Connelly, The Brass Verdict
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S. E. Hinton, Rumble Fish
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The Neighbourhood, Sweater Weather
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pinktom · 8 months
this is for that random character asks post you reblogged, but SPECIFICALLY for tom, harry, and the twins from lover's spit! 13, 17, 19, 24, 50
I've held onto this ask like a little treat for a special occasion. Thanks for asking, anon! These are really interesting questions.🐍💚
This is for the real ones, so it's going beneath a 'keep reading' cut. x)
13. Dumbest thing they’ve ever done
OK. They've definitely smoked nutmeg, and tripped so badly, they were running naked, sweating, crying. (For those who don't know: never smoke nutmeg lmao. It's notorious for the most vivid and horrific hallucinations, as well as painful side effects afterward.)
Can't you just see him doing some Mission Impossible nonsense and tearing down the entire banister? Or causing a small but highly damaging fire in the kitchen?
However, it will be outdone in coming chapters. Rest assured of that.
Well. Okay, aside from the obvious. He's definitely that kid who won't just take your word for it; he has to touch the hotplate to know it burns. Has to feel the blade to know it's sharp. A lot of going stone cold silent as his father yells and his nan quietly looks for a bandage.
17. Quotes, songs, poems, etc. that I associate with them
I absolutely love the music of Bloodhound Gang, and I think many of their songs capture their whimsical, chaotic, silly energy. Let's go with "A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying."
Cavetown dominates my playlists for Harry — top picks being "Meteor Shower," "Lemon Boy," "Advice," "This is Home," and "Sweet Tooth." And most of all, "Talk to Me":
It's so dark outside tonight Build a fire warm and bright And the wind it howls and bites Bite it back with all your might
His beautiful hoarse adolescent voice fits perfectly, as well as the understated purity and warmth of his lyrics.
Perhaps I'll hold on to the top song -- as it will surface in the penultimate chapter. :D
I'm also very fond of listening to "Icicles" by The Scary Jokes to get in the LS!Tom mindset. Every lyric fits, particularly:
Icicles don't soften when they die They sharpen into sabers, and they stab you in the eye
The tone from light-hearted and self-confident, to freaking out like a teenage girl - it's perfect.
19. Vices/bad habits
Smoking cigarettes, making bombs, dealing drugs. Probably watch a lot of porn (not together; or at least I hope not).
He is quite saintly. He often distracts himself from his problems by exhausting himself physically, so perhaps that.
The porn is getting a bit out of hand for him too, though.
He not only hyper-fixates on the person he loves, but also, on the many people he hates. Like, Cedric has clearly been living in his head rent free lol.
24. Most annoying habit
I can just hear them smacking their food. No manners, these two.
I think, if you asked his parents or friends, it would be his inexplicable mood swings.
But readers spend a lot of time in his head, so I think it seems a lot more understandable from that angle, lol.
He requires you to clarify yourself, literally, if he takes issue with anything you've said or otherwise wants you to reconsider.
It's probably not always purposeful; I do think he can struggle with subtext. Sometimes it is purposeful, and he's being difficult on purpose. Perhaps it's a lingering habit from childhood, where he usually could not pick up on subtext at all.
50. A memory they’ve blocked out
Hey, they have no recollection of tying Ron to that lamppost during the winter storm. He probably did that himself, the little squealer.
He has—with above-average success—ignored many memories relating to his gay attraction LMAO.
When he says (I think in Ch. 4?) that he's quite sure he isn't gay, let me be cleary: he is eyeball deep in denial.
He does know he's gay by that point. He knew it for years. He's just masterful at repressing that little voice inside his head.
His memory is extremely sharp, '99th percentile' sort of sharp. But I still think he manages to block out quite a bit of ages 10-13 alsjdlfkj 💀
I think he can remember it all if he wants, but he does have some very selective blockers covering up to months of time: portions of his trial, his nan and aunties crying, several of the mandatory therapy sessions he went to, the works.
Most of all, I think he really blocks out any memory of Harry during this time, to the extent he can barely remember him being at the trial at all.
I would argue this is where he varies the most from canon!Voldemort. For me, it's not the limitless twinkiness, nor even the capacity for romantic obsession, that makes LS!Tom fundamentally different from Voldemort. It is his ability to compartmentalize, and move on.
If anyone made it to the end of this, I love you - simple as that.
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basilssunflow3rs · 8 months
He identifies as a demiboy with pronouns they/he
He is a vegetarian
He is gay and demisexual
Basil isn't his birth name, he chose it when he realised he was ftm
He has freckles over his cheeks and nose becuse of how much time he spends in the garden. In the winter they fade a little bit
After the good ending he dyes his hair blue
He has dyslexia and adhd (this is literaly just me projecting)
He prefers cats over dogs and ends up adopting a ginger cat. He calls it tomo
Has a Nintendo switch that he saved up for, his favorite games are stardew Valley, coffee talk, deltarune, and botw
His Polaroid camera broke so he gets a new digital one
He has a bit of an obsession with scented candles and owns too many. Most of them are some kind of forest scent
He drinks peppermint tea religiously
Is actually a really good cook (not as good as hero but still close)
Has really cold hands so he wears gloves/hand warmers in the winter
After the good ending he becomes really close with sunny again.
Loves studio ghibli, his favourite film is 'when marnie was there'
Sometimes writes letters to sunny instead of texting him. These letters will have photographs in and pressed flowers etc.
He has his ears peirced. Aubrey went with him to get them done.
Wears gold jewellery instead of silver.
Has really old friendship bracelets he never takes off
Tried to learn how to crochet but couldn't focus on it long enough
He listens to cavetown and mitski (and taylor swift but that's his secret)
Carries around crystals for luck
He only ever wears converse and has had the same pair for years. He can't let go of them.
Still sleeps with stuffed animals
Hums to songs when doing jobs
Always forgets to do homework so he ends up doing it last minute, on the bus.
Can't go anywhere without headphones, like is never seen without them
Sometimes when he needs advice he will call hero. (His older brother fr)
He visits maris grave often to place flowers for her. He still feels guilty for what happened but knows she would have forgiven him and sunny so he tries to not give himself a hard time. He often tells her about how sunny is doing.
Plays genshin and mains venti
He has blonde eyelashes and eyebrows that match his hair naturally
Had to have braces at one point
Watches horror films alone for fun. (Everyone finds this a bit disturbing but it's harmless)
Will cry when he finds anything overwhelming, positive or negative.
Wears cardigans all the time, some of them are from his grandma
Really loves sweet food and doesn't like sour things at all
Has a surprisingly high spice tolerance and will eat spicy food without any problems
Has a photography account on Instagram
His lockscreen is a picture of pot plants in his garden. The one in the centre is a white tulip.
Has a small collection of CD's in his room and prefers to play them instead of listen to music online.
Has an annotated copy of 'the picture of dorian grey'. Hero bought it for him becuse of the character basil in it. He loved it and has read it multiple times.
Sunburns easily so he wears sunscreen constantly
He's a little bit afraid of dogs but gets over it when he gets to know them
Gets car sick on long journeys so he sleeps to avoid it
Mint chocolate chip is his favourite ice cream flavor
Shows up early to everything so he can't be late and miss out on something.
Had a pokemon phase as a kid
Loves bugs, especially moths. he takes pictures on his phone whenever they land on him.
Spends most of his time at school in the library as he doesn't have many friends there. (Aubery doesn't bully him anymore after the good ending but has a new friend group, kel also has a new group)
Goes to therapy now !!!
Relationships with the main cast after the good ending :
Aubery - doesn't bully him anymore and talks to him outside of school (Took him to get his ears peirced and helped him with dying his hair)
Kel - not close anymore, they don't speak often but he will always say hi when seeing him.
Hero - becuse he is at college they don't see each other often but they have exchanged phone numbers and basil calls him often.
Sunny - similar to hero becuse he moved away but still extremely close with him. Basil considers him still to be his best friend. They call often and meet whenever they can. (Honestly he still has a small crush on him)
Mari - he goes to her grave quite a bit to talk to her. Despite everything he still tells her about everyone, what they are up to and how they are getting on. He finds it peaceful talking to her like he used to before the incident.
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trollocs-ooc · 3 months
I would make them actual playlist videos if i had enough songs for everyone but i dont lol (only slashr has enough)
Also these aren't done in any order so vibes could be way off in-between songs sorry lol
Eleven / Eileil
-Cupid by jack stauber
-nimbasa core
-alone by cavetown
-Woof Woof by ARTHUR
-Louise by TV Girl
-small hands by Keaton Henderson
-Boys Will be Bugs by cavetown
-muzzle by Destroy Boys
-Advice by cavetown
-SLASH/ER (kevin cover)
- lotta true crime by Penelope scott
- saint bernard by Lincoln
-final girl by graveyardguy, slayyyter
- my ordinary life by TLT
- abbey by mitski
-animal cannibal
terreneAssiduity / Emhoji
-Terrible things by AXIE
-Disposable girl by weevildoing
-harness your hopes by Pavement
-the distortionist by Ghost
-RORY by foxing
-Six Feet Under by Vane
Balkantroll / Rastko
-Whose Eye Is It Anyway? by Jhariah
-New Normal by Jack stauber
-chronic wasting disease by R.I.P
-American Healthcare (glitzy) by Penelope Scott
-O, Superman by Laurie Anderson
-Who's sorry now? by Connie Francis
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raemeh · 1 year
And now may I present to you.
✨Kiddad duo that aren’t talked about✨
(Most of these are written as platonic duos, however I do love rare pairs so please do not shy away from adding on to this and using this as shipping fuel, I will be more than happy to hear.)
Nick and Sparrow - They seem like they grew up into completely different people so they were probably best friends at one point. It probably would’ve started as them recommending songs to one another and then build off from there. (I like to think they were both fans of cavetown)
Lark and Terry - Terry ever since the driving test in s1 has been terrified to touch the steering wheel again. So whenever Veronica is busy and he’ll ask lark to take him somewhere. At the beginning Terry just did it because grant was busy and they would just sit there in awkward silence. But the more slow traffic days and car jam outs they had the more they started to enjoy each other’s company. Also the more they started to hang out Lark started to realize that Terry is one of those people who are calm and chaotic at the same time. (He didn’t mind of course)
Grant and Nick - Nick was Grant’s ultimate wingman. Whenever Grant didn’t know what to do with a guy he’d rant about it to Nick and he’d give him advice like the guardian angel (or well devil) he is. I say was cause after he married Marco his job was done. They still got drinks together though.
Terry and Sparrow - Whenever Sparrow wanted to info dump when he was younger about anything, he’d go to Terry because he’d always listen. When they got older Sparrow did it less cause he was worried with all the info he was giving him he’d get a headache. And so Terry will just sometimes bring up a random fact that sparrow told him and anytime this happens Sparrow is super surprised that he still remembers that.
Grant and Lark - They have no idea why they hang out together since they don’t have much in common but when the other needs to chill after freaking out they’re usually there to hang out and distract them.
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