#he would show up with like this curly naturally highlighted brown hair and these sparkling green eyes and the hollister shirts
july-19th-club · 9 months
so so mad about the hat flip too . i learned it with a cowboy hat from my locker buddy chad in seventh grade and ive been doing it ever since but now im like oh everybody's gonna think im doing a neal thing (because when i am thinking about a thing everyone around me can smell it on me and Knows)
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keyenuta · 4 years
TW Prologue: So enters the Wizard part 3
   AN// If y’all want to check out the earlier parts here ya go!  But with that out of the way lets start the chapter~ pt1, pt2
       Even after the battle ended moments ago, the feelings of both party's magic still crackled in the air. The warm fury of Grim's flames and the erratic crackling of Zoroaster's magic still seemed to battle like echoes. Rarely ceasing even as Crowley began to speak, he welcomed the new students in and congratulated Zoro on his win. His yellow glowing eyes curving into crescents as he gave a welcoming smile to all 6 of the students of NRC. Now, finally turning to his oh so trusted prefect, Crowley said,
"Oh Prefect, could you be so gracious and guide the dorm to their new home, I will join soon but I have, some, ahem, very busy-busy work I must complete, I'm sure you you understand." 
     As Yuu went to speak, each time a sound left their mouth, they saw Crowley leaving faster and faster. Either mistakenly or on purpose, the headmaster didn't hear the prefect's voice as he slithered away. Leaving Yuu to do his work once more. Relenting in a massive sigh, Yuu pinched the bridge of their nose
     Already tired and annoyed,the prefect gazed up at their dorm mates and gave a strained smile. Even though the headmaster was, shady to say the least, at least they now had more members besides Grim in ramshackle. Speaking of which, Grim now found himself once again in the accursed death grip that was, Theodore's bombardment of pets and hugs.
"Ffnnrrgh! Lemme go, I'm not some pet you know?!!" Grim hissed at the boy, digging his paws desperately into the black fabric. Frantically grasping at the green boy's cloak, trying to wiggle and nudge out the assault of love, but sadly the magician found no escape in sight. "Rragh! Tall minion, save me!" The monster called, only to be left purring seconds after.
Speaking of his "minion," Zoroaster's face cranked into a playful grin at the sight in front of him. Leaning on his cane, and resting his head in his hands the dorm leader chuckled and gave an answer.
" awwwe, why'd i do that?" He cooed before straighting up, as soon a trinkle sparkled in his gold eyes as he snapped his left hand to the air, clawing to the sky as with each inflection his voice grew in size and power. As every title he bestowed upon Grim became more explosive than the last "
     The great, magnificent and powerful! raccoon," he evened out, "looks like he's enjoyin' himself alot" shrugging, he strolled a bit forward and gave the monster a mock bow, "now, who's lil' ole me to disturb that" he snickered.
"Raccoon?! I am not-prrr, a raccoon!"
"Oh my mistake, the great kitten~"he teased
"I'm not a cat mmm-neither! Uggh, Yuu, do something!" He begged
     Giggling lightly, the perfect said "if you're both enjoying yourselves so much I can't bring myself to stop it. Sorry grim, have fun you two, be sure not to go too crazy okay?" Pausing for a moment with elation in his brown eyes, Theodore quickly gave the two a quick salute before smiling brightly.
"Aye aye prefect! Which to this, Zoro gave a two finger salute, and Yuu simply nodded before they continued with a clap of their hands.
"I guess a greeting's in order, hello everyone, my name is Yuu Nezumi, you can call me whatever you want to. Like Headmaster Crowley said, I'm the perfect. You can ask me anything pretty much, Heheh" 
     they said bashfully, they're used to being small but still. Being surrounded by so many people taller than them is still unnerving at times. They're so thankful for riddle, at least he's close to their height a bit.
"Ahem, just everyone follow me alright? I'll show you all to the dorm soon!" They brightly said, turning on their heels to lead the group. Only receiving a few few okays, sures, aye-ayes and one grunt from Dorothy as they began to walk off.
     Watching the group for a time, Zoro kicked the tip of the cane and swung it on his shoulder. The movements almost second nature to him at this point. But before he could follow the group out, he soon heard an increasing rush of foot steps thunder towards him. Turning to his right, he saw a boy with golden locks and purplish highlights sway his hips in a march, stamping towards him like he did a national crime. With a slight frown on his model face, the boy simply yelled,
"Ozma! A word would you please?" Despite the question, it sounded more like a demand by his stiff tone. Eyes drifting to the group again, he shrugged and turned to face the approaching boy.
"Mmm, sure what's up pretty boy" he said casually, wonder what he needs me for the boy thought, but whatever else was tumbling through his mind, nothing prepared him for what he heard next.
"Take off, your belt!" The boy demanded pointedly
"Eh?" The Wizard asked, gold eyes widening in honest disbelief, looking to the other dorm heads, he saw the red head from befire face palm, the silver haired boy still looked as carefree as ever, and the glasses wearing boy simply hummed in amusement. "Wha- no, the heck you mean take off my belt?" The wizard chuckled, only to see on the pretty boy's face, a stone serious look, like his purple eyes are trying to bore a holes through him second after second.
"As an upperclassmen, and especially as head of dorm Pomfiore, I must advise you on wearing our schools robes properly!" He grasped Zoroaster's top robe and tried to force it together "they are our School's most formal attire, and must be respected, do you understand me? As dorm leader you are the representation of every member of your dorm" He nagged, only to find his manicured hands swatted away whilst the wizard's off hand returned to his waist.
"Alright karen, first thing, nah, I'm not fixing anything. Second of all, they're just clothes." He shrugged, clothes were just clothes to him, and he'd wear them how he decided. "Besides, who're you to be orderin' me around?" Vil's pristine eyebrows cocked up at taller boy, how rude of him, thought the model
But before the argument could continue, a voice interrupted the model before he could speak, as soon the clicks of the shorter boy approached the two dorm leaders.
"Vil, while I agree with what you've said completely, I would also like to advise Zoroaster as well" Riddle said to Vil sighing in response, walking off with Rook in tow.
"Oh it's the short one" Zoro spoke bluntly, but soon a surge of anger filled the room, as playful gold eyes met anger filled silver.
"Did, did you just call me...short?!" Riddle spat, his face instantly contorting from stern to rage-filled in seconds as his brows furrowed, glaring at the smirking boy before him Riddle slowly took in deep breaths as he tried to calm himself once more. "Huff, if it were any other day I would have your head, count yourself lucky, Ozma" he said smugly
"Oh i'd like to see ya try, though wouldn't ya just get my chest, shrimpy~" he teased, gazing as the red began to fill the second year once again.
"Grrr, My my, eager to be shown your place I see~? Well I would be happy to oblige, but for now, listen to this, as dorm leader of Heartslaybul, I'll give you this advice, as a dorm head. It is your responsibility to look after those under you. If someone shall fail it is on you, lead them as best you can!" As Zoro saw riddle's expression, for a moment he saw the stern face of the boy become lost in thought, but soon the stern walls were back up as he and the rest of his dorm made their leave.
Though as they began to walk off, a boy with curly silver locks and murky violet eyes walked up to the dorm leader as well. With a thin smile crossing his face, Azul gifted Zoro a pleasant smile, but that expression never reached his eyes as he clapped for the boy before him
"That was a fantastic show Zoroaster, it nearly brought a tear to my face I must say. It is certainly wonderful to have a..." The more Azul spoke the more muffled his voice became to Zoroaster. Every word that left Azul's mouth was coated with honey and that made Zoro's mind swim with memories. As two voices whispered in his thoughts, a faceless pair of people hovered in his mind. Memories were flooding second after second as the dorm leader spoke, being drowned out by the voices in Zoro's mind.
     A manipulative brassy voice rumbled in his ears, his father's words slithered in his mind the longer the exchange went on. "Step one, make someone comfortable, show 'em a charming face or personality, sweeten every word before going forward" Check Zoro thought, as after a while of talking Azul began to finish what he was saying.
"But just so you know, if you ever need any help feel free to visit the Monstro lounge at any time. I'm certain we can come to some sort of deal. Heheh, especially for such a treasured underclassmen such as yourself~" he sang, but as he went to continue, a tsk and three simple words broke his concentration.
"shut up bitch!" At this Azul's eyes widened as he tried to make sure he heard Zoroaster correctly.
"E-Excuse me? I'm sorry what did I ever do to upset you?" Azul prodded. Scratching the back of his head, Zoro lazily kicked the ground beside him as he sighed and looked dead into Azul's glasses covered eyes.
"Huff, I'm guessin' as soon as you make a deal, you bleed 'em dry and leave them with nothin' huh?" Every word and accusation that left Zoro described with venom as once more memories flooded in his head, images of begging and destitute people snapped in his head before he asked the second again, "How's my guess Azul, accurate?" Cocking his head to the side, he eased forward towards Azul, nearly getting eye to eye with the robed dorm leader, like he was daring the octopus to prove him wrong.
"Oh, it saddens me that you think so dear Ozma. Why, I don't know what you could be talking about, I own a very respectable business, I simply give aid to our fellow students, to help such unfortunate souls as best I can. I assure you, there's nothing to fear" Azul said, feigning being insulted by Zoroaster's guess as a genuine smirk soon began to cross upon Azul's face. Soon followed up by an obviously fake smile of Zoroaster's in return.
"Oh~ but of course my mistake, you're quite the philanthropist indeed~" Zoro mockingly copied azul's cadence and voice as he spoke, exaggerating every inch of falseness with every syllable. "But, I must say, you've inspired me, Azul"
"Oh ho? Well I'm happy to be of assistance Zoroaster"
"Mmm, as am I, for the longest I was wondering if I should reopen my shop, but seeing you has made my decision clear in reopening it. Honestly, I wouldn't mind offering you a break once in a while, I'm sure you must be tired being so, so kind" now standing before each other, both smirked a fake grin, teasing and challenging the other in a cordial manner.
"My goodness, that is certainly quite the decision, I wish you the best in that endeavor Mr.Ozma~"
"And as to you, Dorm leader~" after bidding the three adieu, Zoroaster began to walk off, not just because of his mood, but also because the longer he stayed, the farther the group was getting. But right before he left completely, the new dorm head paused for a moment, before turning to the last remaining dorm and vice dorm leaders before saying this.
"oh, almost forgot!" 
     He chirped, turning his head back around a wicked fast weight pf magic filled the room, crackling erratically has Zoro's eyes once more blazed green. "If any, of my dorm members are hurt because of y'all. I'll pay you back two times what you did. I promise that" He threatened, but just as soon as that pressure arrived, it left in a snap as just like that, Zoroaster became easy going once more.
"Buuut yeah i should head out, dont wanna be lost now do I?" He hummed, chasing after the prefect.
Ramshackle Dorm~
"And this, is the dorm, home sweet home...heheh" behind Yuu was a leaning, nailed window having, wood chipoing and web wrapped dorm, as to add insult to injury, a plank of wood fell in a dusty heap. A knowing sensation weighed on Yuu's shoulders when they turned to their dorm mates. Walking farther a creak followed Yuu as a rainbow of expressions shone from the foyer. Utter terror(Regis), belly aching laughter(Zoro), oohing curiosity(Theodore), blinks of confusion(Solon), and a look of anger and neutrality from Dorothy and Fiyero respectively. "The headmaster said it had, character" they deadpanned
"Pfft, this-this is way too much character heheheh, but that definitely explain a lot" lumbering over, Dorothy pushed passed his cackling dorm head , as the floor cried with every stomp he took eeeer, eeer. Like it was threatening to just drop him then and there.
"You mean to tell me, we fixin' to lay here for the night?!" Dorothy barked, his eyes folding into a scowl as his fists balled at the prefect. Knuckles on his waist, and red eyes boring into Yuu's, the brunette snarled at the prefect. But by this point, Yuu was beyond tired, and paid the country boy no mind. Instead, they gave a high pitched laugh, and a thin grin, stepping up to taller boy groaning,
"Haha, if you want to sleep outside be my guest" they motioned before plopping down on the couch, kicking up dust. But that wasn't all, as in a flash three milky white forms erupted from the seats. Soaring and whirling around the students like a hurricane of laughs and jeers.
"G-g-g-g GHOSTS!!! Oh-oh no, let me go, please don't possess me!" Regis stuttered racing for the door, his sandled feet only getting so far to just get yanked back a second later by the top hat ghosts teasing him all the while.
"Awww stay a whi- yeep!" As Ghost A pulled the cat, he had to dart away dropping him in like a sack. As a bolt of lightning near blasted him away as from the group, he saw a dark skinned boy with crackling green eyes smiling wildly in the chaos, aiming a black cane to the sky with a toothy grin.
"What in the sam hill, boy get yo' self up ya lion, shoot ya claws out or something, it's ghost punchin' time" Dorothy called yanking up Regis, who only clung back to his tree trunk of a leg. Though since both are brick houses, it was more a wrecking ball wrapping around a bucking tree. "motgetdjb, let go 'o me ya varment!"
"Ooh! Ghosts are so cool, maybe they're friendly!" Chirped Theodore "Heya big guy! Hows it going!" Theodore waved happily at Ghost B
"Gah! Ghost, save me~" grim cried, still even now trapped inside Theo's arms.
"Hohoho, nice to meet ya too kiddo!" Chortled ghost b, as in the case of Solon, he only gazed around in bewilderment, raking his silver arm through his ginger hair. And as for Fiyero, well the scarecrow only shrugged and said,
"Welp, guess I'll die" as he watched the ghosts fly, but soon enough a shrill whistle tore through air, as Yuu stood,
"Hey! Everyone calm down, those guys are friendly, and for you three, those are our new dorm mates. Huff" they sighed. This is way too long a day thought Yuu. But after that break, all the ghosts could do now, was just hug the new arrivals. Laughing and (if they could) crying as they glomped the new residents. As of they didn't just haunt them all a second earlier.
Ghost A: sniff, hahaha, told you two these were special!
Ghost B: hoho, I'm so glad to see this, after all this time, if i still had it, my heart would've skipped a beat
Ghost C: nyheheh, who's dorm leader now? Laughing in confusion from the switch, and gazing at the group around him, Zoro wiggled his cane free and raised it to the air, waving it saying,
"Sup, it's me!" Zoro grunted, a ciruois chirp left the thin Ghost's mouth as he descended to the gold eyed boy. Inspecting and floating all around him from every angle. "Uhhh, everything alright here?" Zoro didnt know what to think honestly, this was the weirdest introduction of his life, but dang was it fun so far.
Ghost C: hmmm, so far, so far, tell me new Dorm leader! How, tall are you?
The ghost's nasally voice became straight and serious, pausing snd adding weight to every word as ge got closer to the brown boy. His sunken eyes staring deep into Zoro's blinking ones.
"Uhhh, 6'2"??" He shrugged
Ghost C: you are, perfect! Nyeheheh, you remind me of my past self!
Ghost B: hohoho, but you were never dorm leader
Ghost C: Shush, I was in the running, I'm certain next year i would have been in charge! No doubt about it!
     Resting his white fists proudly on his...waist, Ghost C puffed out his chest as through a smirk, Zoro said, 
 "heh, it's nice to meet y'all too, but can ya guys back up? I think Regi's 'bout to feint" and true to his guess, the dread having lion was a pale brown and was leaning-or rather falling on Dorothy, who was currently trying(and failing) to punch a ghost and keep the Lion upright at the same time. 
     But thankfully the three ghosts let up and finally the group eased back down, some sitting on the ground and in Theo's case, bouncing on his feet to meet the ghosts as quick as possible, talking among st the Ghosts as Grim once lire tried to gain freedom, but once more met his dreaded enemy, head pats. Though really after a quick meet and greet, Yuu gave them all a tour of the dorm. Or rather what needs to be fixed. As winding through the halls, multiple cobwebs, fallen parts, and scattered clothes, dust and more stretched as far as the eye could see. Scratching the back of his head, Zoro talked as they went down the crotchety steps.
"All that character huh, ain't the headmaster help at all?" He asked, only to get a dry laugh from Yuu,
"If by help you mean nothing, yeah, he helps a whole lot." They droned, drooping down. Zoro patted the prefect on the back as Grim gnarled angrily
"Nrggh, that cheapskate still owes me my tuna to this day!" raising an eyebrow Zoro looked to Yuu who only shook their head,
"Long story, I'll tell it later"
"Got ya, alrighty" coming to a pause in the living room, Zoro twirled his cane while talking in pace "since we got a lotta stuff to clean, and sadly fix, let's at least get everyone somewhere to sleep. Unless y'all wanna share a couch that is" he smirked, looking at the group, he saw a shakey hand raise up, pointing the handle of his cane at Regis, he said "Oh what's up Regi? And just so ya know, you can just go out with it man, ain't gotta raise your hand" leaning on the cane, he listened to the stuttering lion.
"i-im fine sleeping on the couch." He nodded "w-what if there's a poisonous spider in my room or-or" cutting him off Dorothy said
"can it, there ain't gon' be nothin' there ya varment!" He huffed
"u-um right away-you'll never hear a peep out of me again, i-im ready to clean Zoroa- I mean dorm leader sir!" He saluted
"Good! Cause Dorothy's on cleaning duty first!" He smiled cheekily, to which the boy in question looked at him like what in the heck did you just say?!
"tsk, the heck I am?! Who the heck you think you are?!"
"I'm a guy who don't wanna share a couch with 5 people, but here's a deal, how ' bout I help ya clean, that'll make you stop complaining?"
"Feh, fine fine ya skunk lookin' silo" he grumbled to a still smirking Zoro who have him a thumbs up, saying
"Wonderful, well no time like the present, come on~ let's go~" he sang, guiding Dorothy upstairs, "For now, I leave down stairs to Yuu, good luck everyone!" He called.
Minutes later~
With cleaning in full swing, from both the living and dead members of the dorm, soon enough there was knock at the door. Dust cresting their brow, and sweat soaking their robes, Yuu with a now finally freed Grim on their shoulder, walked over to see who it was. Turning the faded knob, there now stood Crowley walking in the foyer.
"Ahh, greetings prefect, I hope the students have adjusted well to...their character filled home"
"Yeah, at the moment we're cleaning out rooms for everyone." a light chuckle left Crowley, while his glowing eyes peered at the dorm at work. Regis was shakingly dusting spider webs, Theodore spawned all sorts of little creatures, helping him clean the rooms in the back, and up stairs the low echoes of Zoroaster and Dorothy bounced back and forth as they moved bits and pieces of debris with Solon in tow.
"My my, this does bring a tear to my eyes, I never thought I'd ever see this dorm return. What a fortunate day indeed Heheh, ah but prefect, I must say, you are so gracious for offering your aid to this dorm~"
"Hm? What do you mean? We live here too, it's the least we could do" but turning to the old crow, they saw his face going serious.
"Ah, that is why i am here, I'm terribly sorry Prefect, but you and Grim cannot stay. "
"Wait what?!" They asked incredulously
"Hey! What the heck are you talking about!" Yelled grim, but as the prefect looked at Crowley's masked face, their stomach turnt and spiked like it fell down a brakeless elevator.
"With this dorm once more being active, I am sorry but i cannot allow you to stay here. Oh, but do not worry, for I am gracious I've found a lovely spot in the gardens for you both" cooed Crowley, soon enough a pair of feet thumped against the creaking floor as Zoroaster, covered in soot and dust walked over to the foyer as well.
"Oh, Heya headmaster, what's happenin?" He asked, as his gold eyes trailed over Grim and Yuu, studying their faces as Crowley repeated what he just said. Zoroaster's eyes narrowed as his gloves fingers dug into the palm of his hand. Through gritted teeth, then wizard said "That's bull shit!" In a roar, causing everyone else to pause, trying to see what the commotion was about.
"Now mr.Ozma, while your concern is admirable, I cannot have the prefect stay in an active dorm, they're not apart of any dorm after all" and as this discussion went on, so too did the rest of the dorm begin to crowd, and right after hearing a quick explanation of what's happening, a mix of reactions sparked. First Theodore snatched Grim and held him close to his chest. Saying,
"If you throw out Grim you'll have to pry him from my cold green hands!" And as for Dorothy, he was in the opposite camp, he did care two ways about it, he went back off to clean. Fiyero was a little better, but not by much, as the scarecrow merely said,
"Awww, that's a shame" he groaned, though even during that, it was like he could feel for a brief moment, the headmaster eyes following him closely, but when he went to look, they were elsewhere. Geez, those crows got me paranoid he thought, and for Solon, he stepped close with his clunking parts and said,
"Well headmaster, there has to be Some way they can stay after all." But to this the tin man received a solemn shake of the head from Crowley. And as for what Regis felt about this, whatever he wanted to say was choked up by his fear. But just as Crowley was about to make his leave, about to lead grim and Yuu away, Zoroaster grew a devilish smile and in a song song voice said,
"Oh~ just like that headmaster? It's a shame really, I mean, just think of the headlines to come." Ahem clearing his throat, Zoroaster mockingly spoke like a news anchor, straight, and falsely shocked at the headline "NRC headmaster cannot find a place for his staff to sleep, such a tragedy~" he wailed, but walking up to the old crow, Zoro smirked and shrugged his shoulders, as his voice got long and sly,
"though ya knooow, there seems to be plenty of room here, wouldn't be a problem at all to have em stay. Especially since most of us ain't got a problem with it. But sadly, it's such a tragedy you have to throw them out, but eh, i'm sure the news would love to have a field day with this~" resting a hand on his chin, Crowley began to envision the paparazzi, all the questions and the loss of revenue, frantically shaking his head, returned back to the dorm leader and gave a coy smile.
"Oh hohoho, Mr.Ozma there's no need to take this to the news I assure you. What is your proposition, I swear I shall hear it out, for I am gracious" at that last word, Zoroaster's eye twitched as in his mind he thought, I'm gonna start counting everytime he says that. But back to reality he held up two fingers,
"Its a simple bet, nothin' to worry about. Here's what I got, if I win, ya have to allow Yuu and Grim to be part of the dorm no questions asked, they're full members." For a moment, Zoro paused as he thought of an idea, bringing back his smirk once more "Oh, and one more thing, ya gotta refer to me by my full name for a month, middle ones included." And when he finished, a voice from the back yelled,
"Make him give me ten cans of tuna too!" Chimed grim
"Heheh, that too" Zoro chuckled, but now was time for Crowley to interject,
"And what if I win?"
"Simple really, all of us don't let this bad press out, in fact we'll do the opposite, we'll give you glowing reviews and recommendations, and you can still go with your original plan. So how 'bout it teach, whether or not you win or lose, it's a win-win. "
"Hmmm, hmmm, very well, let us begin the bet, though what will we be playing Ozma?" And with a chuckle from his throat, the dorm leader sifted through a pile of belongings and pulled out a deck of multi-colored cards.
"Uno, a cards game"
"I see, let us begin!" Yelled the crow, as for minutes the game went on, plus 2s, skips, reversals, and yes, the dreaded plus 4 rained everywhere. But as the two reached their last hand of cards, Crowley held one, and Zoroaster held 4, but when yuu and Grimm saw behind the dorm leader, they honestly felt a bit sorry for the headmaster. As in the boy's hand was a row of hell and destruction, 4 plus 4s in a row!
"Heheheh, it was a pleasure doing this deal with ya teach, but I gotta say one thing, Uno!" Thump right atop the webbed coffee table Zoro slammed down his hand, as you saw the color drain from the headmaster's face. As a cry of elation from Theodore filled the room as he bear hugged grim, followed by a pair of more and more subdued cheers, but it was on this day, the new ramshackle dorm was truly formed, over a game of Uno.
Everyone in Dorm uniforms-
Zoroaster(Dorm leader)
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Yuu Nezumi(1/2 Vice Dorm Leader)
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Dorothy Squal
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Theodore Elphaba
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Fiyero Corbin
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Solon Argento
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Regis Anakh
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(The reason why some wear kilts and others wear cloaks will be explored in a short story coming soon)
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