#he really isn't the lois lane of wonder woman
Rebirth and the 2017 movie convinced a lot of people that you cannot do Wonder Woman stories without Steve Trevor there as her love interest, even though there's a good 45 years worth of WW comics with barely any Steve Trevor in them.
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lycheeloving · 1 month
ANOTHER MULTIVERSE FIC because I can't stop myself, apparently. An injustice!Superman one, this time. I imagine you were a small-time hero/vigilante in this one, so Superman knew (and liked) you before he turned bad, but you weren't super close, before.
-You wake up in an unfamiliar room, tied to a chair, not knowing how you got there. Kal doesn't ever let you leave the fortress. But you don't know how anyone else could have gotten in to take you here, wherever here is. Maybe it was Kal? But why would he do that?
-You spot a woman tied up in another chair next to you, it seems like she also just woke up. She reminds you of someone, but you can't remember who exactly... You want to ask her if she knows more about what's going on, when you realize you're both gagged. Shit. You can't even communicate with her!
-A man comes in, rambling something about how he's glad you're finally awake and about his plan finally taking shape. You feel like you should know this guy, but can't quite put a finger on it...
-Being unsure if you know who he is, as you're "not from here", he introduces himself. He's Lex Luthor.
-Wait. Lex Luthor? The Lex Luthor? The dead one, who was killed by Superman? Is this a prank? Because if so, it isn't funny at all. And quite dangerous for everyone involved.
-Luthor (if that is his real name) then focuses on the woman next to you. He addresses her as "Mrs. Lane".
-Lane as in Lois Lane? Like, Lois Lane from the Daily Planet? Clark Kent's, Superman's wife? Now you know something is extremely wrong. She's dead, too, and everyone knows not to mention her name unless they want to face Superman's wrath... You make a few muffled sounds beneath your gag, itching to ask about just what is going on here.
-Luthor says he's going to explain everything, don't be so impatient! He has a machine that can open portals to parallel universes, which is how he got you here. His plan includes kidnapping the person that is most important to Superman in his own universe (Lois Lane), the person most important to Superman in a second universe (You!) and then making the Supermen fight each other by threatening your lives. The only way to save you is if one Superman dies. This room is Superman proof, he can't hear or see anything that's happening in here, so they can't just swoop in and save you. After the fight, he's going to let the winning Superman enter this room, promising him that he can rescue Lois or you. Except not really, because he's going to try to kill the winner too, because that should be easier after he just fought another Superman, right? He hasn't opened a portal to let the Superman from your universe know about how he can save you, yet. He closed the portal he got you through immediately after kidnapping you, so he had more time to prepare everything. How he found you? Something about being able to detect kryptonian dna residue on you. And you were in Superman's fortress. Easy to combine that you must be important to him.
-That's... actually not a terrible plan! Sure, it might not work out exactly the way that Luthor is planning, but beating Superman with Superman is a great idea! Actually it'd be great if Luthor got a third one here. Two Supermen should definitely be able to defeat one Superman, right? Unfortunately you can't communicate any of this through your gag. Damn, you'd love to help him improve his plan...
-You wonder if he chose your universe completely randomly, or if he chose an evil Superman on purpose. You don't think he did, he didn't mention the regime with one word, and if it existed in this universe he wouldn't be working on this stupid plan. And Lois wouldn't be alive, probably.
-Before you can let your thoughts spiral even more, Luthor falls over. Huh? Is he unconscious? You spot Batman coming towards you. Ah. That explains that, then. Man, you haven't seen Batman in such a long time...
-"Are you two alright?" He quickly cuts through the ropes tying you to the chairs, freeing you. "Good thing you used your bat emergency-signal, Lois. I was able to get to you before Superman could fall for Luthor's trap." Wait, why would Lois contact Batman? Oh, right, sometimes you forget that he and Superman used to be friends, so obviously his wife would trust him too.
-He takes off both of your gags and then turns to you. "We figured out you're from a parallel universe, but don't worry, Nightwing is currently working on a way to get in contact with the Superman from your dimension, so-"
-"NO!", you scream, making Batman look at you in confusion. You quickly tell him to contact Nightwing, to make him stop trying to open a portal or god forbid, contact Kal!! Noticing the urgency in your voice, Batman quickly complies and lets Nightwing know to stop what he's doing, before asking you to elaborate. Phew! The last thing you need is an angry Superman wreaking havoc in a second universe.
-You start explaining to Batman about how your Superman started changing for the worse after Lois died (sparing the details, as she's kind of sitting right next to you), started to get darker, kill villains, everyone who did something bad, people who disagreed with him. Other heroes, even. People he used to be friends with. How everyone who didn't agree with him and join his regime, including you and Batman, had to go into hiding, trying to find a way to stop him. Clark, no KAL-EL found you at some point, but instead of killing you, he unexpectedly took you, basically imprisoned you. Kept you like a pet who's not smart enough to make their own decisions. (You never even knew he liked you like that at all, before that. Sure, he was always nice to you, but he had Lois!)
-Lois seems visibly shocked, whereas Batman just listens to you stoically. "All this to say, it's good to see you alive, Lois!" You smile weakly. She tries to smile back, but before she can respond, Batman cuts her off. "We should leave this place. I doubt it's very safe here. We should return to the Batcave, think of a plan." You spare one last glance at Luthor, who's still lying on the floor (Are we just going to leave him here? Huh. Ok.), then follow Batman outside.
-As soon as you're out of the building, something rushes past you. "Lois! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Not something. Someone. You try not to flinch as he fusses over her, while she reassures him that she's fine multiple times.
-After he's convinced she's not hurt, he turns to you with a gentle smile. "Hello! So you're close to the Superman in another dimension, then?" As he takes a step towards you, you instinctively take a step back towards Batman. Clark frowns at him quizzically. It's funny, he almost looks like a confused puppy. You would smile if you didn't know that this is all a facade to distract from his god-like, destructive powers.
-"Turns out the other version of you is some kind of evil dictator." Well, leave it to Batman to get straight to the point. Clark opens and closes his mouth a few times, thinking about what to say. "Well, I can assure you that I'm not like the Superman you know. I promise you, I'm a good person! At least I try my best to be one. You don't have to be scared." His voice is getting increasingly gentle, trying to reassure you.
-"Oh yeah? That's exactly what the Superman from my dimension would have said, before..." You don't mention his wife's death, not wanting to anger him. "The same thing could happen to you. You might be nice now, but who knows what the future holds?" As you're saying this, you slowly move slightly behind Batman. Just in case. He should have some kryptonite on him, right?
-Superman just frowns harder, then turns to Lois. "We should go home." He picks her up and turns to Batman. "Contact me as soon as you have plans for... handling the other me." With that, he takes off.
-Batman ushers you into the Batmobile, where Nightwing (another ghost, to you) is already waiting. You keep turning to look at him during the drive to the Batcave, while Bruce explains the situation to him. If they notice your weird looks, they don't mention it.
-You allow yourself to feel some hope. Maybe you can contact your Bruce? Help him out! Send a few still good Supermen! Your head is spinning with ideas, and you're sure Batman can come up with even better ones. You can't help but smile, your nightmare might finally be over...
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pluckyredhead · 8 months
How exactly was Jon Kent’s introduction handled? Did Clark essentially just bring him out like “hey guys, here’s my 10 year old son I haven’t told you about” ?
Thank you for giving me an excuse to talk about this, because it is Extremely Comics and I love it.
The short version is that Jon and his parents are from another dimension.
The long version is that prior to the New 52 in 2011, Lois and Clark had been married for years, so when that marriage was erased in the reboot, fans were pretty unhappy.
Then in 2015, DC published an event called Convergence. The plot isn't important, but basically they pulled in all these different versions of their characters from different universes: pre-Crisis Green Lantern, vampire Batman, 70s Wonder Woman, etc. And they brought back a LOT of pre-Flashpoint versions of characters. (I've always assumed it was a test to see if they should undo the New 52 and that the answer was a resounding yes.)
And so they brought back the pre-Flashpoint Lois and Clark just for this one event. In the four years since we'd seen the characters, Lois had gotten pregnant, and during Convergence, she gave birth to Jon.
At the end of the event, the pre-Flashpoint world was destroyed, but the Lane-Kent family was able to travel to the New 52 universe. Of course, the New 52 universe already had a Superman and Lois, so the pre-Flashpoint Clark and Lois decided to just...live like normal people, which they'd never been able to do before. They changed their last names to White and moved to California to raise their son in peaceful anonymity.
So Jon spent the first 10 years of his life in California as Jonathan Samuel White, and has no idea that he's from another dimension, that he's half alien, or that his father is Superman. But then his powers start to manifest, and it turns out it's really hard to keep a secret from a kid with X-ray vision, super hearing, and Lois Lane's smarts. Eventually, his parents have to 'fess up.
Here is the key point: when the Lane-Kents came to the New 52 universe, they arrived 10 years in the past. So if that story took place in 2015, when it was published, they actually arrived in 2005. Meaning that Jon developing his powers at 10 is happening in the present day. Does that make sense?
Soon after this, the New 52 Superman dies, and pre-Flashpoint Clark is like, "Well, someone should be Superman," so he puts his costume back on and introduces himself to the Justice League/the world as the Superman of another dimension.
A bit after that, the 2016 Rebirth reboot happened, which was deliberately designed to push DC canon closer to pre-Flashpoint canon.
Then the New 52 Lois also dies, and pre-Flashpoint Lois is like "I guess I'll just go to the office and pretend to be her," which is wild because she is at least 10 and probably more like 15-20 years older than New 52 Lois. Lois Lane ages like fine wine: confirmed.
THEN Mr. Mxyzptlk kidnaps Jon and traps him in a featureless void and makes his parents forget he exists. In that void, Jon encounters the souls of the dead New 52 Clark and Lois and accidentally swaps them with his parents. Then he yells "NO YOU LOVE EACH OTHER" until they remember who they really are and merge with their pre-Flashpoint counterparts to form new, cohesive versions of Lois and Clark who are simultaneously from the current universe but also have been married for years and love their son.
This also, you know, just casually reboots the universe so that everyone remembers Lois and Clark having been married with a kid for years. So Jon was incorporated into continuity as a 10-year-old, but then the rest of his life was retconned into existence so that, like, Perry and Jimmy remember holding him as a baby and stuff. (And Jon has no memory of living as Jon White or anything like that.)
Anyway, very straightforward and normal, not completely bonkers at all.
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Wonder Woman is Batman's Weakness ?
Its fun how sometimes little things make you smile.. if you let your imagination wander for a bit..
On the Cover page of DC Comics "Batman/Superman: Worlds Finest" issue 16 written by Mark Waid and Pencilled by Dan Mora a little detail picked up my attention.
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(Cover Page of DC Comics "Batman/Superman:Worlds Finest" #16)
The Cover itself is Dan Mora's artwork and pictures a fight between Batman, Superman and Newmazo's robots.
Of course, as you can imagine, the robot kicking Superman's ass had to be made of Kryptonite (his main weakness)..
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(Edited from DC Comics Batman/Superman:Worlds Finest #16)
So I wondered immediately if Batman was pictured on the cover as well and what form would take his opposing robot considering that he has no "material related" weakness ...
What could make the Dark Knight weak and hinder his fighting abilities ??
So imagine my surprise when I saw a Diana-robot on the cover..
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(Edited from DC Comics Batman/Superman:Worlds Finest #16)
But in a way the Diana-robot makes sense ... a person can be your weakness as well ... not so long ago in another Comic mixing up the RWBY team with the Justice League we got that :
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(Edited from DC Comics DC/RWBY #5)
Lois Lane is Superman's biggest weakness and greatest strength... no debate there.
Considering Batman doesn't have any "specific material" weakness like Superman, using a "Lois Lane" kind of weakness/strength is the next best option...
The Diana-robot doesn't appear in the story but the real Diana does and helps fighting the Bad Guys. So Diana as a robot fighting Bruce isn't really plot related but has to have a more a symbolic meaning on this cover. Kind of like "Diana is Bruce's Weakness..and strenght.." ... ;)
It could have been a Dick-robot, à Damian-robot, even a Martha-robot.. anything affecting his Will to fight… it was a Diana-robot..;)
Wonder Woman as Batman's weakness as a parallel to Superman's Lois Lane ?... No wonder I liked the Idea... XD
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sisaloofafump · 10 months
There are a few very important things to remember when discussing whether Batman, or any other character, should appear in My Adventures with Superman:
1. We don't know how many seasons we're going to get. Placing all your money on something happening in season 5 is not the strongest gamble without recognizing that we might not even get a season 2
2. Cameos and team-ups can take a bunch of different sizes. However, it can be difficult to do a cameo of an important character without it seeming like foreshadowing for a larger plot
3. Cameos are a lot of fun and don't have to include the character themselves (consider the Vicky Vale clipping or the Amazo Tech billboard)
4. There are a lot of Golden/Silver/Bronze age characters in the Superman family that might get priority
These are my personal thoughts on them:
I really think My Adventures with Superman should focus solely on the Daily Planet team (Clark, Lois, Jimmy, and Perry). However, in later seasons especially, I'd love to see some Lana Lang and her uncle Professor Potter! They're such a major part of the Silver Age comics that MAWS draws clear inspirations from. However, I'd really hate to see that become a love triangle situation in any real way.
MAWS is also inspired by the 1940 radio show The Adventures of Superman which is so evident. I keep having to remind myself that in this version, Jimmy isn't a 14 year old paper boy. I am really excited to see if Flip Johnson and this new incarnation of the Newskid Newspaper takes on either a parallel role to their Newsboy Legion versions in the 70s or to Jimmy's role in the radio show.
As for Bruce/Batman, I know there's a lot of discussion on whether he should show up because he dominates all DC media and fandom spaces right now. Although I don't want him to become central to any plot whatsoever, I would absolutely love a Bruce Wayne cameo or easter egg.
If we do get a Batman & Superman team up down the line, it 100% needs to include Robin. Not immediately, but in a later season or two.
I don't want Supergirl to show up - not for a long time at least. She is very important to the Superman Family, however she has such separate origins and identities and relationships that it'd be very difficult to properly flesh her out while keeping her as a secondary character. (In comparison, other heroes from their own franchises such as Wonder Woman, Batman, etc, don't need to be fleshed out in MAWS. They could just appear as occasional support. Because Supergirl is of the Superman franchise, she would need to take up lots of space to get cemented as a character. There is a lot less allowance for her to have off-screen activities).
Honestly, all of the superpets could be super fun, but if I could only have one it'd be Krypto. Without Kara there, I don't think it makes sense to have Streaky/Supercat or Comet/Super-Horse either (also Comet's backstory is just really weird). Beppo/Supermonkey and Krypto/Superdog were primarily part of Clark's childhood adventures as Superboy. However, Krypto is a much bigger part of Superman's legacy and I 100% want to see him interacting with the MAWS team!
Lucy Lane, Lois' sister and Jimmy's love interest could easily show up. That said, I don't think they ever knew what to do with her despite being such a reoccurring character. So it'd be really interesting to see how they'd portray her!
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Pair: Diana Prince × Reader / Wonder Woman × Reader
Category: not really that much angst. fluff. Happy ending.
You were out with coffee with the one and only Lois Lane. You grew up with her boyfriend, Clark Kent that you knew was Kryptonian thanks to your adoptive sister Kara Zor-El.
Just for Clark you tried to bond with Lois and seeing as you were both free you couldn't decline when she asked to join her for coffee. You at first had no interest but Clark asked you nicely so you did try to at least befriend her.
You looked up at the plants overthrowing the cars. Villians that usually stayed in Central City, Star City or even Gotham decided to make an appearance in Metropolis today.
It was chaos everywhere.
Your eyes darted across the chaotic scene almost not hearing your phone ringing. You quickly answered the phone barely looking who it was.
Diana: Hey dear, I am afraid I'll be late for date night.
Y/n: I think me too.
Diana: Where are you?
Y/n: I went to get lunch with Lane at our cafe.
Diana: Be careful, okay?
Y/n: I'll try. Diana, please tell me you're safe. Poison Ivy and a bunch of out of town bad guys are six blocks from our cafe.
Diana: I'll be fine. Promise me you'll get to safety. Just stay out of their way-
"Y/n come on!" Lois called making you groan.
Y/n: Diana I'm with Lane right now. I can't promise you anything.
Diana: Get to safety. Please my love.
"Lex is here too!" Lois ran out of the cafe making you groan. "Lane stop!" You grabbed onto her shirt pulling her back into the cafe.
"Luthor has been gone for a year this is the biggest scoop of the year." Lois insisted and you scoffed.
Diana: These are major league villians there, promise me you'll be safe.
Y/n: Only if you promise to be safe too. When you can find me at the Kents farm.
Diana: I promise.
"He's moving!" Lois took off and pulled you along causing your arm the was in the air holding your phone to your ear to get caught in the doors making you yelp in pain. "Lane!" You looked at your dropped phone picking it up stuffing it in your pocket taking off after the crazy woman.
"You're crazy!" You called rushing after her diving and saving her from a flying chair. She quickly got up but you struggled with your sure to be bruising arm.
"Here take the camera." You groaned when she shoved it into your chest but did as told not even asking where she got the video camera from.
"This is Lois Lane reporting live from Metropolis, famed Lex Luthor has made an appearance after a year of silence..." You didn't listen to the woman as she ranted on and on.
You wanted to ask why she kept a camera around that could live stream at any time but decided against it. Simply deciding to keep an eye out noticing all the villains that were now making an appearance.
"Captain Cold? Isn't Star City far from here?" You asked mostly to yourself. Suddenly you noticed the vines that broke through the concrete stretching closer and closer to you.
"Lane!" You threw the camera down on the hood of a car and jumped forward pushing her back only to get smacked by a vine that sent you through the store window that you window shopped in earlier.
"Y/n!" Lois rushed over to you and you groaned right now wishing you had your cousins powers of invulnerability.
"I'm sorry I didn't see the vine." She apologised being careful as she knelt on the glass next to you. You knew she would never put you in danger on purpose, she even kept distance from the scene when you were around but the villians didn't have the same ideas. "You owe me a god damn ice cream, Lane." You somehow always got hurt when she was around and always forgave her after getting ice cream.
You could hear the ground crumbling and it grew louder again making you groan. "Get up, Danvers." Lois pulled your arm and you grumbled pressing your hand on the glass hissing as it cut your skin. You just managed to stand when a car got lodged through the same window you went through making you fall again.
You could hear the fighting outside but now you couldn't see who it was and your blurred vision didn't help either. You laid your head still keeping your eyes on the roof trying to say awake but the spinning was overwhelming.
"Lane!" You called panicked. "I'm right here." She quickly said. All you could think about was wether or not Diana was okay.
"Take me to the Kents farm." You didn't even have the strength to wait for a reply, shock and distress had clouded your mind and taken over.
You woke up in your 'second' childhood bedroom causing panic to subside until you gasped. "Diana!" You grabbed the sheets to throw it off only then did you notice how dizzy you still were.
"Y/n?" Your bedroom door flung open and you heard footsteps of heavy boots until the door clicked shut. You grabbed onto the bed leaning into it as you tried to walk but struggled.
"My love." You recognised her voice anywhere. "Diana." You said relieved as you squinted to see her but failed miserably.
"I'm here. Let me help you." You felt warm gentle hands on your cheeks immediately making you close your eyes and lean into her touch ignoring your own hissing of pain.
"Why didn't you let the medics help?" You opened your eyes and saw Diana wearing a familiar looking tiara making you frown. "I just wanted you. Wait when did you begin wearing tiaras?" You reached up only for her to grab your wrist with a soft gasp.
"You have glass stuck in your skin!" She scolded and you hummed remembering the pieces piercing your skin.
"Here." She carefully picked you up and when your body pressed against hers you noticed the hard clothing that made you frown.
You looked down seeing body armor but still your mind was too fuzzy to connect the dots or place the outfit. So you let your mind get hung up on it as you patiently tried to figure it out.
Diana began removing the glass pieces and you looked at her blury figure as she took out the glass using the right equipment. You grabbed onto her wrist by the third glass piece she pulled out wanting her to stop but she didn't.
"I'm almost done love." She assured but you didn't let go of het wrist in too much pain.
"You're doing good." She smiled softly as another string of reassuring whispers filled the silence while Diana pulled the glass out and sterilised the wounds and cuts gently blowing on the injured skin to ease the stinging sensation that caused the pain.
She pulled your shirt off to wrap your arm that was, as you suspected, bruised. But she worried there was more so she finished up with your arm to further her inspection.
She then did a quick inspection for any other wounds on your body but was both happy and relieved to find none. She didn't bother putting your shirt back on, yet.
"All done." Her warm hands rested in your neck and jaw making you smile and hold her hands. You stared at her in silence until something inside you called out a familiar name.
"Wait a minute..." Realisation struck you as your finally recognised her outfit. "Diana?" You looked at her squinting trying to focus entirely on her.
"You're Wonder Woman?" You asked and she stayed silent sighing softly.
"I didn't want you to find out like this but I came here immediately after the fight. Kal said you kept asking for me and I got worried and the armour slipped my mind-" You gave her lips a sloppy misplaced kiss but still it made her stop. "It's okay." You chuckled leaning forward resting your forehead against hers feeling the cold metal against your skin.
"You're not mad?" Diana wondered knowing how much you despised secrets. "No, a lot kind of makes sense now." You chukled to yourself seeing the now painfully obvious signs.
"I'm dating Wonder Woman." You gave a lazy smile making the other woman giggle. "I won the game." You grinned off into the distance making her smile wider.
"I'm not gonna lie Diana, I'm very attracted by the fact that you're Wonder Woman and embarassed that I've fangirled about you to your face." You said honestly only getting a passionate kiss in return.
"I'm not gonna lie either, I liked it." Diana whispered in your ear making you blush even more.
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popculturebuffet · 3 days
Supermay!: President Luthor Review (Comission by WeirdKev27)
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to SUPERMAY, a month long celebration of all things superman.
Today we spotlight one of the greatest villians of all time. Not even going to undersell it I LOVE Lex Luthor, in large thanks to Clancy Brown's performance as the man the myth the legend in Superman the Animated Series and Justice League. Wether he's a super scientest, a super buisness man or some combo of the three, Lex is a fascinating character.
Lex is a perfect mirror to clark: Clark had two loving wonderful parents, Luthor's were abusive. Clark has incredible power, but uses it to help people, while Luthor has incredible intellgence but uses it to crush others under his heel metaphorically or quite literally depending on the day. Clark is empathetic and belivies in everyone, while Lex belivies in no one but himself. They don't just come into conflict because Luthor is a terrible person.. they come into conflict because it's hard for these two to coexist: Superman wants Luthor held acountable and as a rich white man in america, that's a tall order, and Luthor simply can't STAND that all these people love Superman and not him.
So that lead's us to today's comic, an intresting chapter in Lex's history borne ENTIRELY out of that egocentric spite: In 2000 Lex Luthor ran for president.. and he WON. Most of you are likely aware this happened as it's been adapted a few times, the movie superman/batman: public enemies adapting the end of his presdiency, Justice League Unlimited featuring him doing said campaign (if JUST to piss superman off/further his evil plans), and Smallville has that happen somewhere.
It's an iconic storyline.. that's sadly undercollected. Yeah today's review covers trade released after an even less subtle evil billionare won the presdiency.. and the probelm is Luthor's campaign was less a storyline and more a big status quo change. As such this collection covers a handful of stories, dosen't really feel like an actual storyline, and only covers up till just after Lex is elected.
There IS a decent reason as this trade was likely reconfigured from the original trade released around the time the storyline happened, and the year after this they began reprinting the era these stories come from in "Superman: The City of Tommorow"... which stopped after two volumes. DC.. isn't great at collecting it's own history, though marvel's only a smidge ahead thanks to their Epic Collection line. They have a bad tendency to stop halfway through and this was a casuality.
Still this trade does at least provide a peak into the election of lex luthor, why he ran, who his running mate was, and how Clark took his greatest enemy WINNING. So join me under the cut for all that and more!
Our first of many stories, and pieces of stories, is The Why. And it's easily my faviorite collected here as it's simple yet brilliant. It's a story with no dialouge till the final panel, with muted colors around, that follows a day in the life of Lex Luthor.. and how no matter what he does or where he goes he can't escape superman: He sees him on a news, at newstands, an employee having a superman action figure (who he naturally gestures his assitant to fire), even a tatoo on a woman he was going to flirt with and maybe unsatisfygly do sex with. I mean lex CAN be hot but let's face it: there is no way in hells someone that egocentric is not selfish in bed.
So we get to the final page.. where he sees a headline with superman and gets an idea. A wonderful awful idea
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It's a true masterpiece and while some would say "would luthor REALLY be so petty as to run for president just to spite superman", I say "Early into this post crisis version of the character the man spent billions of dollars and had a woman kidnapped to find out his secret identity and later created a temporary cure to Lois Lane's mother's terminal illness just so she'd date him". Pre-Crisis he was sore superman made him bald and dedicated his life to destroying him. Lex Luthor is a petty bitch and always has been.
This brilliant story was by Greg Rucka, who if you haven't heard of him, you rmissing out. Rucka has done a ton of work at DC with the two standouts to me being his sadly short lived run on Wonder Woman, redefening the character, givnig her her own lex luthor and really just killing it. THen eh did it AGAIN for rebirth. The other is his run on Catwoman, which took Frank Miller's edgelord riffic Year One retcon of Catwoman having been a sex worker.. and recontexualizes it, making Selina's rough background part of her and making her a champion for sex workers and others who simply dont' have one, taking what was meant as stupid fanservice and giving it depth and weight. What i'ms aying is he's really awesome so it's not a shock some of the best stories here are him.
So we then go to part of a story called Adversaries, by JM Demattis, one half of the masterful team behind Justice League International. As Superman is having his morning meditation and thinking "golly gee nothing could ruin this gorgeous day"... Lex Luthor announces he's running for president.
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Now you may be asking "Jake how in the flying fuck is lex luthor running for president. " And while 2000's superman is one of the gaps in my comics knowledge I know enough about the time period to know what's going on here and thus why Lex has a shot, with the various storeis themselves filling in a gap or two.
Okay so a while back, Lex Luthor was dying. This was the famous "Kryptonite gave him cancer" story, which I know thanks to the Justice League cartoon. Like the cartoon he eventually escaped it, but rather than Braniac curing it he found another way out: Cloning.
Yes folks Lex Luthor cloned himself, and then pretended to be his own illgitamte child for a while. I mostly know about THIS because I did read the death of superman, reign of the supermen and return of superman all of which happen while Lex is pretending to be his own son and also romancing supergirl who was a shapeshifted alien blob who trusted him for something at the time rather than a teenage girl, which still dosen't make it less creepy as it's still lex luthor grinding up against a member of superman's family. He's also the reason she didn't intervene in said death, telling her to back off clearly hoping superman would die. Granted he ALWAYS hopes superman will die this time he just happened to be correct.
The clone eventually degraded, Luthor blew up metropolis, and he made a deal with the demon neron for a new body. He later pinned all his crimes on a "failed clone" and thus was scott free for any overt supervillany. So as far as anyone knows Luthor's record is clean.
Helping this are two factors: one is that while Luthor was shady as fuck, like most buisnessmen in the 80's and 90's he didn't go around announcing it or hoping he can get courts to ignore his crimes and put them down to "politics". He kept his hands clean like any shady billionare so superman could stop his nonsense, but couldn't really stop HIM, with superman the animated series keeping with this line of thought.
The other is that any shady stuff left tha tcould be dug up.. was erased. See something very weird I haven't read the storyline for happened right before this: at the dawn of the millnieum, braniac attacked and converted metropolis into a literal city of tommorow, a futurestic city packed with fancy tech, robots and other stuff. Braniac was beat but Luthor barganed with him: His baby daughter for the knowledge of how to work all this. Thus Lex was able to make everything run well and had the popular vote.
Finally we have the climax of the year long Batman epic No Man's Land, a story that like president luthor has been adapted a few times because it's that good an idea. Now what it was was a bit nuts.. after a massive earthquake and a plauge, the goverment, backed by some shady folks hoping to profit off the situation, decided Gotham just.. wasn't part of america anymore.
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Yeah they just.. set up guards so no one got in or out, and it was declared a no man's land, hence the title. Many evacuated but some coudln't and some like Batman, the GCPD and most of Batman's partners stayed behind to try and save the city. It introduced Cassandra Cain Batgirl, and was where Nightwing and Oracle finally hooked up.
The important part to this is towards the end, as the goverment was finally shamed into doing the right thing Luthor stepped up to help rebuild the city. Naturally this being Lex Luthor he can't do a nice thing unless it either benefits him or pisses off superman somehow, and so he tried to steal the city out from under it's citizens, foiled naturally by batman. So while Batman stopped his shit, the public at large just sees this as a huge humanitarian boost and a bane against the incumbent who you know, signed off on no mans land in the first place. Granted any presidency would struggle after electing to abandon a city and let the joker sort it out, but Luthor being the guy who went in and cleaned up the mess only makes it worse.
It's also here I want to stop and point out the obvious parallel: Lex Luthor is a buisnessman, with a reputation for putting his names on things, having heavy ties to one of america's big cities, flaunting his wealth and being pettily vengful at everyone who so much as sneezed at him wrong. As much as I don't want to talk about him, we really can't talk about this arc anymore without talking about Donald Trump.
Luthor getting elected got comparisons to Trump, to the point they threw in the story Luthor the Unauthroized Biography in here despite having happened long before this arc , simply so they could use this cover
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The thing is though while the two have SOME similarities, Luthor's campaign was done long before Trumps.. and thus Luthor presents himself as an actual human being instead of some shouty sack of skin and hair plugs who dosen't understand how anything works. Luthor may be evil.. but part of what makes him an intresting villian is the presentation: Luthor wants to be seen as a good man, to be praised. His reputation and power is everything. Thus luthor packages two evil schemes as him trying to help people, packages everything he does carefully.
Trump DOES have a carefully cultivated brand.. but also has zero filter. He never has. He flat out admitted a few months ago he'll be a dictator on day one.. and day 1001 but he didn't say that part, but he sure is thinking it. Trump is a bafoon who got into office preying on people's need for some sort of economic upturn, pandering to racists and other anti-change bigots, and getting a loyal army of fellow dumbasses to back him and whatever he does, to the point his loyalists held the senate hostage and that he's been able to use them to get away with formenting an insurrection. Would lex luthor storm the captial? yes. Would he do it in a way that couldn't possibly be linked to him? Yes.
Again i'm not saying Lex is a good person: he gave his daughter to an alien robot man. Lex Luthor is a monster. I'm saying that he dosen't really resemble trump.. because he's a FUNCTIONAL monster. Part of why this arc works is that you can see WHY lex can sell america on this as he uses a mostly pristine image. Trump had a combination of luck and racisim. Luthor actually worked at it.
Anyways one of Superman's foes The Adversary, a guy I know nothing about and whose unrelated to the trickster god from marvel far as I know, kidnaps luthor, superman rescues him.. and superman is all too happy to give him a haughty "your welcome" after luthor is a dick about it saying his people could've handled the giant flying man as strong as superman.
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Our next story is another Greg Rucka banger, The Most Suitable person and is another tie to Batman. Lex knows he can't keep his company and since he gave away his only children to use as a puppet king, he instead courts the best woman for the job: Talia, daughter of Batman superfoe Ra's Al Ghul. It's an intresting pull and makes sense: He could have his right hand woman mercy run it.... but he needs her at his side for his evil schemes and it'd still look like he was running it. He needs someone he can trust to run it and not take it from him, but also not make it less evil.
Talia at the time was on the outs from her dad and not really in a mood to accept given the centruies old head of a large terrioist group kinda wants her dead. Lex naturally takes her no.. by having a bunch of mercnaries pretending to be her dad's men. It IS left ambigious if it was really them.. but like Talia I fully think Lex set this up and despite his refusals he WOULD blow up a building and get 17 mercs killed just to get what he wants. She agrees to here him out if only because it's clear he won't take no for an answer... and there's no telling what he'd do for an encore.
Next is the great debate, a fun short story and another likely backup. This time it's from my boy Peter David, writer of X-Factor over at marvel, and Young Justice and Supergirl here at dc among a LOT more. It's a fun three pager where Luthor has a nightmare of a debate.. with two face.
Next is some forward movement with the concept, the american way by Jeph Loeb, who'd not only write superman for the luthor presidency as a whole, but would also write it's end with Public Enemies.
Lois and Clark get an ugly suprise that morning: Luthor's picked his running mate..and it's Clark's childhod friend Pete Ross, a former senator and clear pick to get the vote of midwesteners. And living in the mid west I can tell you this ploy probably woudl've worked.
Clark heads down there to find out what the hell and after LUthor exploits his sudden apperance for press, Clark asks pete what the fuck. Pete explains he's given up on dreaming: he wants to be a winner dammit and Luthor is going to win.
Clark confides in his parents, with Pa not knowing what the hell got into Pete.. I mean he was apparently always a moron but my god. Clark considers talking to his wife Lana, Clark's childhood sweetheart, and Ma tells him he should but that she's suffered enough and he shoudlnt' write a piece against pete.. even though pete did this dumbass thing himself and it's clark's job as a reporter, not to mention pete FLAT OUT ADMITTED he's only doing this because he wants to win.
Lois goes to work where Perry, SHOCKINGLY isn't happy. Also she ignores Jimmy, expect that to be a theme here. At any rate, Perry is pissed, but Lois is more concerned about a ticking time bomb: she agreed to kill any one story luthor asked and is afraid the bill will come due. This.. dosen't come up strangely. I THINK it plays into the arc, but I can't be sure as it's missing here.
Superman decides to deal with his own issues with this whole situation the way he does.. by battling a giant monster in the atlantic. He wins.. but finds a bigger problem, Aquaman, whose still in his angry phase but is ANGRIER than even usual: turns out it's Lexcorp that's been causing creatures like the giant monster thing to go nuts, and he's going to do something about it even as Clark TRIES To get him to calm the hell down. Thankfully this isn't bad character writing as there's a reason for Arthur being mopeier than usaul.
For now Clark swoops into an event for Lex, but before he can talk to Lana, Aquaman shows up with a giant net to kidnap lex luthor
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Superman naturally goes after him only to find THE ARMIES OF ATLANTIS led by former aqualad and current tempest garth, who orders superman to stand down or he'll flood the city
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Garth is the key indicator somethin'gs up: arthur does have a tendency to be a grumpus in this era, him doing this isn't SUPER out of character.. but declaring war and Garth participating in it and activating a giant wave machine? Something's fucked.
Superman may be faster than a speeding bullet.. but he isn't fast enough to stop garth.
Thankfully he gets some help from the boys YOUNG JUSTICE IS HERE! Specifically the comics version, which I love dearly and which is nothing like what got on screen. Nothing against the cartoon, Weisman did a great job, it's just based more on the teen titans with bits of greg's own ideas. Young Justice is more like the teen titans cartoon , which was intended to be a YJ adaptation but they coudln't get the rights to some of the cast.
The lineup for this crossover is the core of the team: Robin (Tim Drake), Superboy (conner king) Impulse, and Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandmark), along with their mentor and advisor and babysitter my boy red Tornado. Clark is.. less than enthused, but takes the help as they hit the streets. Naturally things don't go on too long before robin and cassie get eaten by that big thing from earlier.
This is on purpose though: Tim revs up the super cycle, had cord attached to it and superboy and later superman PULLL PULLL while he revs up, allowing them to pull the thing back into the ocean. Superman sincerly compliments them, which is nice: clark may be mildly frustrated with them.. but he's still superman. He's not a dick and as weird as the plan was, it worked. He quickly saves lois , as he do then goes to rescue Luthor.
This being Luthor though.. he spins it in his favor. He claims he had no idea the braniac tech he was using was turning sea life mad.. including the atlantians, explaning why Arthur done did a war crime, and vows to actually fix it, spinning this pr disaster into a win.
Then he gets another PR win.. the hard way. He gets shot. The culprit is Jenny Hubbard, a minor character I had to look up, a waitress he once offered a million dollars to spend a month with him... then left long before she could accept the offer, it being a cruel prank he does to fuck with people. Naturally the media spins it as her being delusional... it also uses the same shot for an entire page but i'll only show you 4 panels
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Also for some reason they didn't think to not have a shot wher eluthor looks like a preist getting down instead of having just taken a bullet... he smiles in his hotel room. It's as if he planned it.
The next story is another Loeb story, and another backup, tales from the Bizzaro World. Batman shows up and he's understandably nettled: As I mentioned, and learned from this story, the braniac 13 thing wiped Luthor's records. That means there's no dirt to dig up, the planets records also wiped and Batman wants to know if Clark personally has anything.
Clark dosen't.. but is pissed Bruce would even ask, pointing out this isn't the usual try to take down luthor thing: their talking about a political canditate running for office and this isn't something they should be doing.
I see both points: Luthor should be stopped and Batman is right ot question the american people's judgement when they let no man's land happen. But Clark is right: he can't just suddenly DECIDE who can be president or can't. He's not king superman. He put away the pope hat ages ago. He can vote, he can use his power at the planet to TRY and stop this.. but they can't just start deciding who runs america. Even if the people choose wrong they should be allowed to choose. Granted i've now seen how bad the people choosing wrong can go.. but the whole point of elections is to prevent a dictator ship, just like this one and likely others after it given the way the republican party is going. If someone else is sinking canditates ;using their billions and connections and bat skills, that's not freedom and clark is aware of it.
We move on to election night as everyone prepares.. and we get a really nice moment with Clark and Jonn
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A reminder the leauge isn't thrilled about this either. More on that in a minute
In the office Pete White considers two headlines: Luthor Loooses.. or Luthor wins.
We then get Triumph Over Tragedy, a heavily doctored detaling of luthor's past, leaving out that he killed his dad, that the evil clone was him, etc. It's a neat piece that goes over his history and shows just how mnuch he's buried..a nd he buries it again as he asks cat to cut out the piece. This ending is chilling.. especially now as we have full channels like fox news dedicated to telling blatant lies and propping up people like luthor.
We then get the results as Jimmy is assigned to do a story on where they were when they heard about his announcment.. only for him to be interuppted. Perry announces, comparing it to other disasters.. that luthor has won. They have to press on because shit is going to get bad.. but they ahve to. While the Luthor trump comparssions don't really work for the most part.. this part hits as it's the reality most of us faced that day: that someone truly bad won.
Next up is another greg rucka story. Batman shows up , wanting the kryptonite ring. Luthor can have it or the presdency. Luthor says nah he can have both.. and shows just how bad things are now. While he said in the cartoon "you know how much power i'd have to give up to be president" this shows how much he GAINS: every wet works orginzation in the us now responds to him and he threatens batman: come after him again and he can track him and his allies 24/7 and he will. Bruce says he'll be back.. but it's an empty threat. Luthor.. has once again won. It's a great shor tlittle story, showing WHY Batman was so afraid of this and how even Superman's equal... can't lay a finger on him. Luthor.. has won.
We get a jeph loeb short story next: have you heard the news. it's a fun short three pager as Superman goes into an absolute RAGE on saturn's moon. He's.. not happy and luthor can see that. I also would like to take a minute to praise Ed McGuinnes, who did the art on Jeph Loeb's story. He has this nice bombastic cartoony style i REALLY love and it's always a pleasure to see him when he pops up and we'll be seeing him again when we cover public enemies at some point.
Next is the confrontation with Lana. Turns out part of Superman's understandable bafflement is that he kidnapped her like I mentioned.. and she never told pete as she couldn't without compromising clark's identity and admits they have NOTHING on luthor and that maybe pete will make it better and her marriage has to be mor eimportant. In other words.. it's all justifications: while Lana COULD have told Pete what happened and it's on her to not trust her husband enough. Clark would've let her. The truth is she just didn't want to and cries as she hopes he won't be president. Unsuprisingly this marriage did not last.
We get one final piece of election night: Superman storming in.. and admitting defeat
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I love this image as it just convey's both how little clark wants to do this.. and how much he has to. To show america he won't undercut the president even if that president has cameras on saturn just to see if superman has a venting session.
Next up is a snippet of an issue, where Luthor has his big innaugration parade. He even hired an old friend to help celebrate
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Trust. It's interuppted by some protesters from the Suicide Slum, a poorer area of Metropolis that got left behind by the Braniac updgrades to the rest of the city. Luthor dances a little sidestep saying he's not in charge of Lexcorp, he'll look into this, bullshit bullshit.
Clark and Lois go to talk to John Henry Irons, aka Steel aka Lana's next better husband. Then we cut off but we'll be seeing my boy here soon
For now we have my other faviorite story in this collection, a very close second to our first: Help.
Help is set at christmas and follows Clark as he talks with the other members of the Justice League about the shit that just went down, clearly stressed to hell given the people he protets and tries to inspire.. just willingly choose an egomaniac with a shady history to be their new leader. We also get a murder's row of artists for each vingette, written again by Jeph Loeb.
The first is the Martian Manhunter.. and Plastic Man as he was the only member of the expanded league from Morrison's run to stick around because he's awesome. Fun fact; Ben Schwartz has apparently campaigned to play him. James Gunn.. get.. get on that buddy.
Jonn is TRYING to help Clark relax but he can't because he's a boinger. And again a sociopath is in the white house. Clark wonders if he shoudl've done more to stop this.. but Jonn helps put it into perspective: Clark is integrated into this world a bit better than Jonn is, something he envies... especiallys ince what happened made no sense. But he assures clark the second Lex does something illegal, he's there... which also feels like his way of assuring his friend he did the right thing. We also get a sweet moment as plastic man makes him smile. Clark gives the two a gift: rubber bands fo rplastic man, choco's, jonn's faviorite oreo stand in, for .. well guess. It's a fun runner as I love the idea Clark gives his friends each a cheesy gag gift.
Next up is aquaman, by rob liefeld, which is shockingly passable. Clark and Arthur both look pissed off and dead at the same time but at least their spines are in tact. Arthur is actaully on lex's side since he's the first world leader to both promise trade with atlantis and offer commuincation and while Clark admits those are probably lies, Arthur warns they better not be, implying Luthor would be kinda stupid to do anything. Arthur then gets his gift a snowglobe and cracks the closest thing he can to a smile.
Next is a talk with green lantern drawn by Mike Wirnego, who i'm less familiar with but whose art looks sensational and expressive here. Granted anything is expressive after Rob Liefield but still, it's good stuff.
The League's green lantern is Kyle Rayner, imaginative boy and 90's guy. So naturally his stance is Luthor is crooked.. but so was the last guy and so will likely be the next guy. Things really don't change. Kyle still votes though as he has to hope things will be better. It shows Kyles' character off well: he's flip and easy to crack a joke.. but he's an optimsit at heart. His stance here is honestly mine: the system is broken, our vote only pivots thing slightly in elections where a known criminal and tyranical narcsist isn't running.. but it's worth voting just to TRY and make things better. There's no reason not to vote even if sometimes it's the lesser of two evils. Kyle's gift is ring polish, which he cracks up about.
Next up is Wally West, the flash by art motherfucking adams, an artistic legend and a genius at the pen. Truly fantastic stuff as always. Wally is picking up some chcoclates linda wanted, last minute of course since when your the fastest man alive you can do that cliche without coming off like a douche. Also when you have undiagnosed ADHD. Wally's stance is voting early and often, as that's the american way and admits he'd drag luthor out if Clark asked.. but he won't ask that because that's not the american way. The American way is putting your faith in something and hoping it works out. Wally gets tube socks for some reason.
Next is Diana, Wonder Woman and it's by Ian Churchill who i'm less familiar with.. but i'ts not drawn great. Diana also has large fake nails for some reason. It's this weird tendency i've noticed: artists tend to give long painted nails to women even if it didn't fit the character back in the 80's through the 2000's. I don't mind it if It fits and I could see diana doing it for a fancy occasion or fun, but not for a sparring session.
Diana dosen't care about the electoin and while she probably did vote she's more worried Clark is slipping and has already let Luthor win mentally. He hasn't but it's good of her to worry. She does have a valid suggestion that comes off as more in character though: take some time off. Granted i'ts written as "as a woman and as your only friend whose a woman " which just tells you a 2000's man wrote this. He gives her a tiny mjonr, which I again don't get but gets him a hug. Awww.
We end on Batman whose still pissed at Clark, rubbing the whole "letting humans have free will thing' in his face and saying when the time is right we will take down luthor. In other words prime bat dick behavior, not suprising for the era wher Batman was extra dickish at times.
So Clark takes the advice of a friend who didn't want him to interfere with free choice and takes a few days off in kandor with lois, content for now to accep tthe situation
We then get World without Superman by Mark Schultz... and this story is just..
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The IDEA for the story is good: Around christmas time we see Clark depressed that Luthor won. Granted it dosen't jibe well with the previous story: Luthor won, but clark at least tried to take some time away from. I can still allow it though thanks to personal experince. Like with Perry's line before CLark depressedly watching the tv as Luthor makes good, butters up to the league and geninely seems to have america's approval hits harder after the 2016 election. Anyone on the left.. was left dismayed and shocked this actually happened, that this openly racist, sexist, homphobic pile of hair and spray tan won. I can sympathize with Clark having GENUINELY belivied in the people.. and them having let him down. I can buy that Superman, one of the most hopeful and hope inspiring characters in all of fiction.. could be laid low by this.
So the followup, Lori Lee of the time traveling Linear Men who i'd only vaugely heard of before this, shows up because things are going VERY bad thanks to decisions clark makes soon, that he quits being superman and gives up.. and the world goes to hell as a result. This idea.. is brilliant. While the it's a wonderful life riff is common, I like merging it with the future segment of a christmas carol here.
The problem is that they go WAY too far in this distoypian future to the point that it defies logic and sense. A good bad future has to have some sort of logic to it. To use an X-Men example because I got x-men on the brain now and always, Days of Future Past was effective because it was so simple how things went wrong: a mutant killed an anti-mutant senator, that ramped up anti mutant tensions, and things slowly escalated to the regestration act and the sentinel program going public. It took TIME for the world to go to hell in a realistic fashion.
This story does try to do that, it's 15 years later, Lexcorp runs the world. A large part of this is due to Our Worlds at War, a massive crossover and interstellar war that happened next year. During that war a powerful being named impereix decided to unmake reality due to a percieved imperfection in the cosmos and given his drones were incredibly powerful and if defeated detonated like nuclear bombs it took ALL of earth's superheroes as a united front, along with a few villians of course, to fight it back. Luthor proved his presidential chops by directing the conflict. The idea that this war goes badly without supes is a good one.
The problem is it dosen't really make sense with the storyline next year or even objectviely: Luthor apparently spent through a bunch of heroes with costly battle strategies.. but while Clark being gone DOES impact the superhero community severely and his clear replacement, Wonder Woman, was also gone, replaced by her mom, they still have the rest of the league, and if they coudln't inspire hope, there's the justice society of america, who the whole superhero community looks up to and who have vetran clout. Sure Lex could TRY and send them on a suicide run and did send them on a risky mission in the actual war, but the fact of the matter is it'd be a bit hard to both overtalk and cover up the deaths of world war II vetrans. Heroes who as far as I can tell have a unviersally good reputation. It's also overlooking the younger generation like DIck Grayson or Wally West, both of whom have enough collections across the various dc heroes to rally them.. and rally tem against luthor if he went to far.
Even putting that aside.. the second step, putting in laws to fuck with all them, is more plausable.. but the fact their ALL gone but batman and co by this point dosen't make any sense to me. Only one league member wasn't against luthor's election on some level, Arthur, and even his terms were VERY conditional. Luthor would have to do a lot of state sec killing to get the heroes down to a point where they couldn't just overthrow him and while he has the b13 tech, the heroes have geniuses like Oracle, Steel, and Batman on their side to help reverse engineer things. I also don't think bruce would remotely wait to go commando on Luthor and is smart enough. I'm not saying batman's a god : many a weak story has made batman a gary stu by forgetting he's a flawed man.. but he CAN beat lex luthor even with the world against him and wouldn't let Luthor get this far.
With days of future past the X-Men are a bunch of average people, with only charles having any political pull at the time. Batman.. is a billionaire. Wonder Woman and Aquaman both rep whole nations. Kyle and Wally while average joes are both gods. The only reason the justice league didn't say, remove Luthor the second he got elected.. is he was rightfully elected and they respect that. Even Batman, as pissy as he's been, knows better than to do that. But if things got bad enough they would and would let america hopefully pick someone better. Even if they ended up jailed.. they'd expose luthor if it killed them. Maybe i'm just an optimist, maybe the world would beat them all down.. but i've read enough dc comics of all kinds to know these characters.. don't give up and would fight their hardest for a better world even if it killed them. So it feels reductive to say superman being gone instantly means their all fucked. It'd mean they'd be more depressed, might go to darker places without clark, and some MIGHT give up.. but I can't imagine everyone giving up because superman decided.
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And yes folks.. THAT'S what they went with. Superman just GAVE UP ON earth. I could buy Clark giving up on being superman if pushed enough: the world is full of heroes and as seen with the later storyline up up and away, which I hope to cover one day and might save for the next supermay, the dcu.. didn't burn down because he was gone a year after being depowered. He can still do good as Clark Kent. I can't buy Clark being SO fed up he'd leave. Retire maybe, and even then that's hard to buy.. but it's PLAUSABLE. Superman abandning his parents, wife and friends to fend for themselves and NEVER coming back is ludcirious, especially since the imperix war ended up spreading wide enough hat there's no way he wouldn't speed back to help. Darkseid pitched in for fucks sake: you think he'd let Superman sit out a war he had to humble himself to get help for? No. Darkseid is. Darkseid would be PISSED superman gave up and demand he come help or he'll kill his ass. I get the writer probably didn't have all the pieces, but said pieces really hurt htis series longetivity
What also hurts it is the present day part: Lois, Jimy and Perry try one last hail mary to save journalism.. and fail, as Luthor saw it coming a mile away and has his personal hit squad kill them. and some tigers. I don't buy Lois being this dump or thinking cozying up to luthor would remotely work. He took satstifaction in Lois, Jimmy and Perry joining his propoganda.. but he never forgot.
We also get another insult with that.. see some heroes.. sold out to luthor.. and who they choose...
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Yeah normally on this blog I try to be positive. I will point out when a work is bad or not great.. but I try to be constructive. Explain why it is or at least thrown in a joke. I try to avoid nerd raging.. but my GOD does the choice of having Plastic Man, Booster Gold and Huntress honk me off. Part of it is i'm a big fan of the latter two thanks to JLI and Birds of Prey, respectively. So I admit to a little bias. That being said, said bias is from having actually read the characters apperances and not just picked who would make a good edgy shocking luthor justice league out of a hat.
I get WHY each one was picked: Plastic Man comes off a tad shady and entirely unserious, Booster is both not all that serious and was introduced as a willing corprate shill: he had standards but DID it for the fame and to escape his criminal past and once bought an island with justice league money, while Helena often clashed with the bat fam at the time due to her more violent methods and bruce being a tad dickish.
The problem is NONE OF THIS MEANS THEY'D SIGN UP WITH LUTHOR. Plastic Man is loosey goosey.. but he's not so loosey goosey he'd agree to work for luthor to opress people. Booster sold out.. but he both grew past that and already fueded with Luthor in his solo: he knows he can't trust him and if he's going to make money, he'll do it on his own and if things are going THIS bad he'd either go back to fix them.. or just go back entirely to avoid this crap if the's that cynical. He also wouldn't blow up a building full of people under any circumstances that aren't accidental, and even the latter is a bit much for Booster. he may be a fuckup.. but he's not a "murder a bunch of people fuckup" and is a good guy, i'ts just buried under layers of self intrest.
Finally Helena.. has a super strong sense of justice: she DID start her career killing and went after the mob because they murdered her family. She'll do things Batman won't , or at least would at this point in her career.. but I can't remotely buy her selling out to luthor and not trying to put a bolt in his head, even if he is the law. She went outside of the law in the first place, why would she trust it enough to work under lex? This feels like the writer picked three characters he thought might do it and didn't bother to think thorugh how their fans would feel, which happens a LOT and always feels cheap and has only gotten worse since booster and helena got furhter fleshing out in the later 2000's that makes this somehow dumber.
Our last few stories cover his actual swearing in and right after and i'm going to rapid fire them as they aren't BAD stories, but mostly either small one offs clearly designed to set something up later.
The first is the actual innugaration which is a full story.. but I simply don't have much to say about it. It's by the same guy who did the previous dumbassery, but he does a good job here. I'ts innaguration day and Steel and his niece and future steel herself Natsha plan a protest. They even run into some othe rheroes: Pat Duggan, formerly Stripsey sidekick to the star spangled kid.
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His daughter courtney, bitter about having to move when her mom married pat and being a bit of a brat at the time found the equipment and became a costumed hero just to piss him off. Pat used some powered armor he was making to become S.T.R.I.P.E. to keep an eye on her. That's where we are here, with Courtney and Pat having bonded but still not being on the same page a lot of the time. This would soon change as Courntey realized her bio dad was a piece of shit, and accepted pat as her dad, becoming Stargirl and taking up that legacy.
For now though their just at the inagguration because history and all that, but naturally superhero stuff breaks out as Steel's protest was leaked to team luthor. HIs bodyguards mercy and hope attack, but with an assitn from Courtney Steel wins the day.. and asks how they knew. He figures out itw as a setup.. just in time for someone else.
A supervillian attacks, having been created by the same circumstances that John Henry and co were protesting: luthor's devistation of the suicide slum. Naturally superman sweeps in as he planned not to attend, a silent protest but WAS nearbye just in case. He, Steel, Stargirl and Stripsey win of course, and Luthor also wins of course, getting a photo op with superman as "you wouldn't deny your president would you". A masterful dick move sir.
The next one is cleaning up a loose end, courtsey of Karl Kessel, long time superman writer and superboy co-creator and writer.. the connor kent one. Luthor was actually married once to the Contessa, an immortal buisness woman he secretley married who is the mother of his child and once took over his company. Luthor blows her up with missles as you'd expect.
The last two are setups for later... that i'm baffled are in here. The first one I get a little. Cerce, wondy's arch enemy I mentioned (one of them anyway, she has a few contenders) waltzes up planning a partnership but Luthor shoots her down and is naturally a dick abou tit. Some shady man offers her his help and.. that's about it. It's a decent story showing that Luthor's old criminal buddies aren't getting any free rides by this administration, it just baffles me it's in here. You could've used the pages to finish one of the other stories from earlier or put in a story from his adminstration. We also get one setting up his bumbling assitant Mercy is bitter about. That's.. really it. That's how it ends.
So overall this trade.. was a bit better on the second go round. The first act, while pieced together, does tell a cohesive story.. they just felt for osme reason the need to include the innguration and some other stories to pad it out at the end. It would've been better to end at luthor becoming president, maybe at the justice league story dealing with it. We really didn't NEED the terrible future story or the innaguration and tales. The rest tells a good story of how luthor GOT here, how he won, and how Clark feels about it. Throw in the unathorized biography and it would've been enough. Still if you have a few bucks the trade IS worth picking up, and did the best it could with the space it had. IT's an intresting look at an intresting storyline and has some real gems: like I said "The Why" and "Help" are really great stories and worth the price of the trade alone. Thanks for reading
Next time: We get super serial as we look into "The Clan of the Firey Cross"
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smww4ever · 5 months
The Nephilim and Damsel in Distress Tropes
The Nephilim Trope and The Damsel in Distress Trope
This is the driving mechanism behind the Superman/Lois relationship and why it's been in the forefront and psyche of our comic pop culture for so long. You often hear of their 80-year romance and how that itself confirms it's virtue. Understand that yes his creation was based on Moses, a savior to the Hebrews and his creators were Jewish. The humble origins of this character gave hope to the creators, Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster. It is my understanding that the Lois Lane character was inspired by a dominant female person in their lives. Think it was a spouse or a real-life feisty reporter. Either way, Superman has evolved over the decades in the Silver Age, Golden Age, Post-Crisis, Infinite Crisis, New 52, Rebirth comics even in the Snyder films, he mirrors a Christ-like figure in scene motifs of the church and space by sacrificing himself.
Yet his story plays out more as a Nephilim type. It is sold as that in the Rebirth and TV shows where he marries a human woman and has children with her.
As a god from heaven that fell for a human woman and saves her. For some this may sound romantic which is why these types of stories are repeated over and over again. People romanticize something greater than themselves. They are stories that rescue them out of futility. Unfortunately for the story of Nephilims was not a good one. It too originates from Old Testament times where angels who’s job was to be watchmen over humanity decide to leave their posts and have sexual relations with human women. This in turn produces giants or men of reknown like an alien-human hybrid. They weren’t good but evil.
Angelic Heroes and Wings
I explored this concept of angelic heroes in a previous series which is why I decided to put wings on Superman. And Wonder Woman as well. Her wings were different from the golden eagle armor costume. Even tho one rendering made them look like it. The intention was angelic wings. I extended the wings to bring in the Greek myth of Pegasus in a later series. (The AI struggles with it in some cases so I made edits as best as possible).
Let me be clear, I don’t see Superman or Wonder Woman as evil beings. The wings truly represented them as angels that save and help mankind. Which is why when I saw that concept being copied on IG by other AI peeps, they weren’t doing it because of this reason but because it looked cool and would garner them likes and clicks. I found it especially repulsive when they hashtagged their work with “SuperLucifer”. I hope you understand why I was pissed. But IG is rampant with intellectual theft. Heck Mark stole the idea for FB so this spirit carries on. Reddit has numerous horror stories. I've done makeup blogging and photography work, so I have horror stories of my own.
But back to why DC dropped SuperWonder. The Nephilim myth carries weight in popular culture. Kal and Diana almost mirror a “Zeus and Hera” dynamic. In one way, yes they are like gods but you don’t want them as that couple. Zeus was a philanderer.* Which is another aspect to this why you see people say they don't like it because they would be overpowered. Humanity at it's core is selfish and easily threatened. People who say stuff like this, whether consciously or subconsciously see these characters as "golem" meaning they are mythical beings that should serve humankind only. That they should be centered around a single human love interest or they will go off their leash, off the rails and destroy everybody. It's a strange fantasy. Almost like a psycotic desire to be saved and destroyed by the same superhero. We really have issues with ourselves. Frankly I can understand this, the world is so messed up. The Nephilim and Damsel-in-Distress is a bubble that people want to run to. They don't want mature stories. And DC isn't capable of that. They have a formula like a cookie or fried chicken recipe and they don't want to muck it up. In the case of Gunn, they want Marvel's recipe but I don't think the seasonings pair well with the offerings of DC. Time will tell but the whole thing stinks. Trust your nose guys. Some of you are hip to senses like smell. :D
* I also should say that being the SMWW pair are equals, they could be new Zeus and Hera creating their own new pantheon of gods. But there can be so much more to that. They really are made for each other.
Also wanted to add that again DC isn’t as creative as they think they are and are scared of this couple. Easily manipulated by rabid "Nephil-Damsel" fans on X. Every time I look at my feed, it's back and forth war between Snyder and Gunn fans. Knowing that they just do that to farm impressions to get paid makes it all the more vile when you look at it. It would take time to shift the general population over to seeing SuperWonder as a viable couple. It's so ingrained in the movie and comics world that when you see Superman, you automatically think of Lois Lane. Many consider it abhorrent to think of this character with anybody else. So much so that they've lifted Miss Lane up to a level of godhood. This Nephilim trope also applies to Wonderbat. Bruce is a mortal albeit heroic man. Diana is a demigod/goddess. That doesn't work either because I've explored explained that in another post.
Really the only way is Kingdom Come but with who we have at the helm of DC, I wouldn’t be holding my breathe.
I've worked at Cons. I've seen the people who create the comics and the general vibe. Our whole society is shifting into dark areas and comics reflects that. We've gotten The Boys, Brightburn and even the Snyderverse is considered "dark", so it's not surprising that the Gunnverse is promising to lift everyone out of that abymssal void to a form of inspirational, fun heroism. Snyder should have finished his verse, it's just going to. be another gaping hole like SuperWonder is. Marvel and many other cherished properties are experiencing an erosion in interest and fatigue from the general audience.
There would need to be a serious paradigm shift to get people to see SuperWonder. Part of the reason why I did an exploratory in the AI with Diana and Clark which we have never seen in any live-action. And I say see SuperWonder because I was a Superman-Lois fan, I consumed, watched repeatedly all the shows and movies. (Except for Smallville and new show Clois show, couldn’t get into that). I immersed myself into that but felt that something was amiss. I don't even remember when I saw Superman and Wonder Woman together but it clicked and made complete sense. Like scales coming off the eyes. Seriously. I respect differences. My daughter isn't a SuperWonder fan, but she supports me and will wear my art. It would be great to call a truce between the two ships but that might take a while. That takes maturity and right now there isn't much of that going around.
Until next time… ✌️
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ntshastark · 8 months
.......hello 👀
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MAWS liveblog: part 1 (1x01-1x02)
Episode 1
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BABY BOY!!!!!!!! BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT'S MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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MY WIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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she's angry and also a vicki vale fan, i love her 😭
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AND SO DOES HE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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YES HE'S BABY!!!!!!!!!!
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hmm i like lois having a more established career at the point she meets clark, but i can work with this (sv!lois hadn't even graduated yet and she's my fav so)
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he's so in love with her already, we love a man with taste
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loving this dynamic already
everything is so ultra-tech-y, there's tablets with holograms, computers with stupid transparent screens, all weapons are laser
and yet, the newspaper is not only still printed but also delivered by kids
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love the uncanny blue of clark's eyes
gotta admit, i'm not a fan of lois also being instantly into clark, i like when he's instantly into her but she's too career-focused to even pay him any attention, and is also a bit mean to him (but he likes it) (bonus points if there's a bit of a rivalry going on bc he keeps getting scoops and she can't figure out how)
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now that's better >:3
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omg captain america
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what do these lasers even do, his clothes are intact????
this poor man experiencing pain for the first time in like 20 years probably
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wait then whose tie was it??????
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Episode 2
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now i REALLY want to know how they developed the language, bc i don't think it's ever been spoken before
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NOOOOOOOO THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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isn't that the name of, like, that one kryptonian hero that was nightwing's sidekick or something?? (don't wanna google it in case there's maws spoilers)
wonder if it's gonna be a plot point or just a easter egg
wait i think the base for the spoken kryptonian was latin (which is a pity, i was hoping for hebrew)
i'm not saying i dislike this lois, but... she's a bit too quirky and immature... :/ i get that they're younger here than in most adaptations but i mean, smallville!lois was even younger and she's perfect
but it's ok, it's a children's cartoon, i can live with it.
oh my god they gave him a magical girl transformation
full disclosure: i'm not really into anime, so this does nothing to me except make me :/ that we're not getting the "baby blanket sewn by martha" version
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ma'am the word you're looking for is definitely not shorts
the animation on this series is really not that good with expression tbh, like, the voice actors are going hard and the character is just =[]
i wasn't huge on the art style bc i thought it was too anime-like but one thing you definitely can't say about anime is that it's not expressive, so it's feeling like a lose/lose situation over here lol
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i mean, come on
ugh, references to the classic superman theme always Get Me
wait, there's a regular bedroom but also a bunkbed in the living room? who designed this apartment????
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ok the woman is probably amanda waller and the military guy is very likely general lane, but who tf is this tumblr sexyman-looking bitch supposed to be
ok, final impression? it's cute, it's fun, most of the issues i have with it can be answered with "it's a children's cartoon". i'm glad a new generation of kids is being given a new superman series, which is the important thing here (and i mean, the cartoon that got me into superman was fucking krypto the superdog, so). can't wait to get my little cousins and nephews into it!!
the biggest disappointment is probably lois and clois, tbh. she might even eventually develop into a more accurate version of the character, but the get-together that they're going with is definitely not how i'd prefer (and the early-on identity-porn era is my favourite for them, so it's double the :/). but it's ok, there's tons of other adaptations and comics out there that do show them that way (and more on the horizon! here's hoping 'superman: legacy' delivers, the casting is already amazing so 🤞🏻)
anyway, i'm gonna be going through the eps kinda slowly bc i'm pretty busy, so it's definitely not gonna be like my usual half-a-season-in-one-sitting liveblogs (god i miss having vacations)
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What do you think of Justice League: Gods and Monsters? Especially its version of Superman.
Of the movie in general I'm a fan. It's the only post-DCAU work from Timm that made me believe that he's got some of his old spark remaining inside.
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Story moves at a rapid pace so you don't get to spend as much time in this universe as I'd like. But what's there is solid and works within the timeframe given. Someone is framing the Justice League for murders of scientists, scientists who are all connected to a mysterious "Project: Fair Play". Sounds like a typical Justice League story, except this isn't your typical Justice League. Instead of the Trinity we know, here Superman is the son of Zod, Batman is a vampire, and Wonder Woman is a princess of the New Gods. Other differences abound, such as a Lex Luthor who is older and not power hungry, Amanda Waller being the President, Lois Lane not being in Superman's corner, and more. Such a shame that we never got to see this movie spun out into a full fledged animated universe the way Timm clearly was hoping, because the world building is in place to support a JL show.
Animation here is in the Timm-DCAU style and that helps the quality level markedly. Fight scenes are on par with some of the best in the DCAU, particularly the final fight at the end between Superman and the Metal Men. I'm not one for nostalgia over the DCAU but watching this movie, I must admit greater appreciation for how Timm's style results in more fluid animation. The DCAMU struggled to animate the more detailed style of that universe in ways that often led to choppy fight sequences, and watching a return to the old style helped me understand why many disliked the change. Think this was also one of Andrea Romero's last animated projects, and as expected from anything with her involvement, the voice acting was great.
I talked already about Superman here, and this movie's take on Batman and Wonder Woman are just as enjoyable twists on familiar archetypes.
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Batman is still a weird figure of the night, and also someone who is connected to the traditional Batman Mythos: Kirk Langstrom who is normally Man-Bat. Not the first time Batman has been a vampire but Kirk being the man under the cowl makes for an intriguing change. For one he's a killer who feeds on criminals in order to sate his bloodlust, but isn't a sadist like most killer Batmen become. While he and Bruce have similar issues with social interaction, Kirk is less messed up emotionally because he isn't motivated by trauma. Telling Tina that he cares for her and won't let any harm come to her is that kind of confession that takes Bruce enormous effort, but Kirk makes it look easy despite his default emotional tone being rather deadpan. While Hernan gets focus as well it's really Kirk who is the main protagonist given he has direct ties to the villain responsible for framing the League, and is the one who takes point investigating the connection between the victims.
In line with her counterparts, Wonder Woman is similarly still a Princess from a utopian society blessed with divine powers. Furthermore she abandons her perfect home because of her love for a man. Unlike Diana however, Bekka is a deity herself, and a New God instead of a champion of the Old Gods. Her "man" is Orion of Apokolips, and it's his death which she helps facilitate that convinces her to break ties with New Genesis and flee to Earth. She's less kill happy than her teammates, or even when regular Diana is waving around a sword, and also less uptight and regal. Sad to say but while I think Timm had good ideas about Bekka, and I would love to see another movie or a series that picks up where this movie leaves her, much like her DCAU counterpart she is the weakest of the Trinity character-wise. Hernan and Kirk get little characters arcs that leave them in different places by the end, while Bekka doesn't change, something she acknowledges herself at the end. Clearly Timm wanted to do more with her which sadly doesn't seem likely to happen.
Far as Elseworlds go I thought this was one of the better ones, certainly a much more nuanced and interesting take than I would've expected from Timm. If we had only gotten the shorts/series he had planned I think this absolutely could be a universe strong enough to support further stories. Definitely recommend it as one of the "good" DC animated movies for anyone looking to kill an hour or two.
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things-get-stranger · 2 years
*puts tinfoil hat on*
during Mike's analogy in the van about Superman & Lois Lane he was really (he let it slip) saying that Will is "Superman". Mike is "Lois Lane" in this analogy but he doesn't actually think he is as amazing Lois is.
(I won't even talk about how Mike chose to reference Superman instead of Wonder Woman here but...)
when he says that he thinks he was the first to realize Jane was special he wasn't talking about her at all. Wouldn't he have already realized that? I mean hell Jane was literally in a program for kids with superpowers. Course he isn't the first one to realize.
I think Mike was talking about Will. HE realized Will has powers, he realized that Will is special when others didn't. Maybe this goes back to the light flickering in the garage or Will keeping himself safe in the UD but my bet is Mike is talking about Will's true sight in S3. I think after the pattern of Will touching his neck, looking out of it and staring ahead, and lying Mike realized Will's true sight was a superpower. That Will was special.
Also, I think in S5 we'll be able to see Mike realize (whether from Will or just being heroic) that he IS Lois. He isn't exactly Superman but he IS a hero.
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15 / 12 / 2022
I shouldn't have any specific reason to talk about Henry Cavill, famous British actor who - as you know if you've read my TOP 10 MOST HANDSOME MALES CELEBS - is for me the most handsome man in the world on a par with Chris Hemsworth.
So I've blogged about Henry Cavill before, and even written a personal fictional story about him. Here, I admire him, he seems arrogant and humble, gentle and dominating, seductive and a great fucker... In short, he is more complex than he looks. He has evolved physically, mentally and also in his acting and his choice of roles.
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The news has arrived: he will not be reprising his role as Clark Kent / Superman in the DCEU (DC Extended Universe, i.e. the DC Cinematic Universe). For those who have seen the movie Black Adam (2022) - which I reviewed on my blog - this news is surprising. I wouldn't say more. Let's just say stay until the end of the credits.
Either way, it seemed obvious that Henry Cavill was going to return, but nothing was official. It was then formalized but now that James Gunn (director of the Guardians of the Galaxy saga in the MCU) has become artistic director of the DCEU, plans have changed. In addition to Wonder Woman 3 which will not take place (to my great regret), Superman will no longer be played by Henry Cavill, but that does not mean that there will not be a Superman film, or even that he could one day appear if we create a DC multiverse.
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Well, I'll stop with the details of cinema and I advise you to read an article to which I put the link, and which explains the situation.
So here it is, if I regret this decision it's because Henry Cavill is my Superman. Yeah, that's the version I would have known growing up. There is also the interpretation of Superman in the Lois and Clark television series, but that is something else. We are talking about movies here.
And honestly, Henry Cavill was perfect. In addition to the fact that he is physically perfect (very tall, very muscular, harmonious face, dreamy smile, as handsome in Clark as in Kal-El), he had a perfect conquering look. I loved his couple with Lois Lane who is excellently played by Amy Adams.
It was already planned that Amy Adams would not resume her role as Lois Lane (under the pretext that she is too old when honestly she is sublime for her age), but this is really too bad for Superman, who is a fantasy as much as a model.
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Superman is a hero who is admired for his kindness and courage, but he is the one who defends the weak and fights against powerful villains. It seems naive said like that, but he is a model and also a living god whom we admire for his complexity. Especially since he has a turbulent private life.
As far as I'm concerned, it's always his physique that I imagined when I wrote about Superman several times.
Films and television series where Henry Cavill are always successful, and I understand better the frustration of fans of the series The Witcher (Netflix). I'm not one of them, but I understand their regret at no longer seeing Henry Cavill.
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For my part, I think that a character is more important than an actor, however the way a person plays a character influences our view of the character. So Henry Cavill was a real fan of the character he played, like those who had the privilege of playing Peter Parker / Spiderman.
Well, the fact that an actor no longer plays his role is not the most serious news in the world, but that does not mean that we cannot regret that an actor as handsome and charismatic as Henry Cavill can no longer play a character as admirable and brave as Superman.
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Do not hesitate to react to my article and tell me your position on its dismissal: are you satisfied with the artistic revival of the DCEU or would you have preferred Henry Cavill to remain Superman?
Je ne devrais pas avoir de raisons spécifiques pour parler d'Henry Cavill, célèbre acteur britannique qui - comme vous le savez si vous avez lu mon TOP 10 DES PLUS BEAUX MÂLES CÉLÈBRES - est pour moi le plus bel homme du monde à égalité avec Chris Hemsworth.
J'ai donc déjà parlé d'Henry Cavill sur mon blog, et j'ai même écrit une histoire fictive personnelle sur lui.
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Voilà, je l'admire, il a l'air arrogant et humble, doux et dominateur, séducteur et grand baiseur... Bref, il est plus complexe qu'il n'en a l'air. Il a évolué physiquement, mentalement et aussi dans son jeu d'acteur et son choix de rôles.
La nouvelle est arrivée : il ne reprendra pas son rôle de Clark Kent / Superman dans le DCEU (DC Extended Universe, c'est à dire l'univers Cinématographique de DC).
Pour ceux qui ont vu le film Black Adam (2022) - dont j'ai fait la critique sur mon blog - cette nouvelle est surprenante. Je n'en dirait pas plus. Disons simplement qu'il faut rester jusqu'à la fin du générique.
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De toute façon, il semblait évident que Henry Cavill allait revenir, mais rien n'était officiel. Cela avait ensuite été officialisé mais maintenant que James Gunn (réalisateur de la saga Les Gardiens de la Galaxie dans le MCU) est devenu directeur artistique du DCEU, les plans ont changé.
En plus de Wonder Woman 3 qui n'aura pas lieu (à mon grand regret), Superman ne sera plus incarné par Henry Cavill, mais cela ne veut pas dire qu'il n'y aura pas de film sur Superman, ni même qu'il pourrait un jour apparaître si on crée un multivers DC.
Bon, j'arrête avec les détails de cinéma et je vous conseille la lecture d'un article dont je vous met le lien, et qui explique la situation.
Alors, voilà, si je regrette cette décision c'est parce-que Henry Cavill est mon Superman. Oui, c'est la version que j'aurais connu en grandissant. Il y a aussi l'interprétation de Superman dans la série télévisée Lois et Clark, mais c'est autre chose. Là, on parle de cinéma.
Et honnêtement, Henry Cavill était parfait. En plus du fait qu'il est physiquement parfait (très grand, très musclé, visage harmonieux, sourire de rêve, aussi beau en Clark qu'en Kal-El), il avait une allure conquérante parfaite.
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J'ai adoré son couple avec Lois Lane qui est excellemment jouée par Amy Adams.
Il était déjà prévu qu'Amy Adams ne reprenne pas son rôle de Lois Lane (sous prétexte qu'elle est trop vieille alors que honnêtement elle est sublime pour son âge), mais là c'est vraiment trop dommage pour Superman, qui est un fantasme autant qu'un modèle.
Superman est un héros que l'on admire pour sa bonté et son courage, mais il est celui qui défend les faibles et combat de puissants méchants. Cela paraît naïf dit comme ça mais il est un modèle et aussi un dieu vivant que l'on admire pour sa complexité. D'autant qu'il a une vie privée mouvementée.
En ce qui me concerne, c'est toujours son physique que j'ai imaginé quand j'ai plusieurs fois écrit sur Superman.
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Les films et séries télévisées où Henry Cavill sont toujours réussies, et je comprends mieux la frustration des fans de la série The Witcher (Netflix). Je n'en fait pas partie, mais je comprends leur regret de ne plus voir Henry Cavill. Pour ma part, je pense qu'un personnage est plus important qu'un acteur, cependant la façon dont une personne joue un personnage influe sur notre regard sur le personnage. Ainsi, Henry Cavill était vraiment fan du personnage qu'il jouait, à l'instar de ceux qui ont eu le privilège d'interpréter Peter Parker / Spiderman.
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Voilà, le fait qu'un acteur ne joue plus son rôle n'est pas la nouvelle la plus grave du monde, mais ça ne veut pas dire que l'on ne peut pas regretter qu'un acteur aussi beau et charismatique qu'Henry Cavill ne puisse plus jouer un personnage aussi admirable et courageux que Superman.
N'hésitez pas à réagir à mon article et me dire votre position sur son renvoi : êtes-vous satisfait du renouveau artistique du DCEU ou auriez vous préféré que Henry Cavill reste Superman ?
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godstaff · 11 months
You did go one about how Clark will benefit from the relationship with Diana, but what will Diana benefit from the relationship with Clark? How will Clark be better for than Trevor and Batman?
Will WW still have her own story and enemies even if she’s in a relationship with Superman, how can she be prevented from just being a love interest?
Oh. You are adorable...you poor soul.
You really think that Diana with Batso would have anything of her own lore? Or, as usual, everything will revolve around Gotham City, Batso's extended gallery of foes and his personal drama?
C'mon, man!! Get real!
You are as naive as to think because she's much more powerful he would listen to her? Oh,yeah...(LOL).
The character is a black hole, sucking every peculiarity other may have or converting them into what his character needs. There's no place for anything else in a Batso story. Writers will make sure of it.
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Go ahead and read JLA 90, from 2004 and previous issues. Just look at it: it's "Batman and Woder Woman", not the other way around. DC wanted to hop on the romance of the JL Unlimited cartoon. It didn't work. Good.
Trevor is not as an main character as the Bat, but still demands a lot of accomodations for him to be into a Wonder Woman's story.
Look at Clark's relationship with Lane: everything must be downgraded so she can be a part of the story. Look at myself: I purposely changed "Kal" for "Clark" (as Lois knows him) before talking about their relationship. It will be the same with any human.
Fortunatelly, Kal is not a pusillanimous character as Clark. He can be in a Wonder Woman's story without beeing always watched by her to rescue him. Same with her. Their worlds are the same, so there isn't need for a division. He can confront godslike foes and she can deal with Doomsday and the like. And work together.
I am positive Diana will be a thousand times better with Kal.
You don't think so. Feel free to educate me. I am always in need of a good laugh.
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jheselbraum · 2 years
Injustice is dumb not because "Superman would never do wrong!" but because Superman isn't an idiot and would never blame himself so hard after Joker killed Lois. Like yeah Superman failed to stop the deaths but he has zero blood on his hands until he murders Joker later but both Superman and by extension the audience are expected to believe that he does?
"Superman accidentally killed Lois Lane" no you idiot she died when a criminally insane clown and his equally criminally insane psychologist girlfriend performed amateur heart surgery on her and shoved a nuclear bomb into her chest cavity. There's no way she wasn't already fully dead by the time Superman got within a hundred yards of her. All he did was pummel her dead body into space. Fucked up? Yes, very, but it's not murder. There is no reason for Superman to act like the situation is in any way his fault, let alone for his view on killing to go from "killing bad" to "in for a penny, in for a pound" that quickly
Furthermore, Supes is fast but he's got just enough "fuck, should I kill? Killing seems bad. Also, did I just kill? Like, I want to kill, but I haven't killed yet I don't think" to get through for Wonder Woman to beat him to the punch and just kill Joker herself. Like Joker shouldn't have even made it to prison. If you think Batman could protect Joker from Wonder Woman long enough to even get him into a squad car you're wrong.
Not to mention, like. Batman canonically has contingency plans for this. For this exact thing? Like he just carries Kryptonite on him, at all times. And like yeah yeah batman vs superman yadda yadda, but Batman either has enough kryptonite on him to stop Superman from becoming a dictator at the drop of a hat after one (1) fight or he doesn't, and if he doesn't there are very few reasons Batman should survive the encounter, especially against a superman who's this unhinged. Batman's resistance would not have been this long drawn out thing.
And the parademons, are you kidding me? Batman and Superman's codes against killing very rarely apply to parademons, and if they do for Batman it's usually "I can't kill them but that doesn't mean I can't use my batarang bombs to explode them into Wonder Woman's sword or that exposed rebar or off of this really tall building" and for Superman it's more like "officer they few into my laser vision, they flew into my laser vision thirty-seven times." Why does batman care if supes kills a bunch of them? Why is this decision to kill the parademons seen as further evidence of Superman's descent into just. Endless amounts of murder.
And none of it feels like Superman, it just feels like Zod in primary colors. The only person on Clark's side who really feels like themselves in all this is Wonder Woman, so why isn't she the dictator? You're telling me wonder woman, in the face of a nuclear disaster, wouldn't just go "okay y'all aren't responsible enough to handle this, I'm in charge now." A dictatorial superman is infinitely more likely to just go completely ham with the phantom zone, which is basically killing, they're basically dead, and you can do a lot of things about prison abolitionism with the phantom zone, but like, if Superman does start killing people, I don't think he'd go so far as to kill a kid, like Shazam. Batman, maybe. We've had a lot of precedent for Batman really wanting to murder people but choosing not to because of either his gun phobia or the whole "if I start killing I won't be able to stop myself" thing, usually some combination of both. But Superman? Superman getting really indiscriminate with the whole murder thing takes away the nuance of why half the damn justice league is siding with him. Wonder Woman kills, yeah, but she's got like, standards about it. This was also, coincidentally, one of my many problems with Wonder Woman in Flashpoint Paradox (why is she homewrecking Aquaman of all people, she can do better than that). Wonder Woman is the Justice League member most likely to try to take over the world but as far as her killing code goes she'd probably be a few more rungs up the ethical ladder than ancient Greece.
Not to mention, Injustice has both cop batman out in full swing, and "please get therapy I'm begging you" batman... but not for Superman, which is. An interesting take, because although I hate cop batman on principle, the only reason a story like Injustice holds any weight to it is because of the complete history of these characters. Injustice Superman could've had dickish tendencies the whole time but we know he didn't because we know this is generally "big blue boy scout" superman up until he kills joker. It doesn't hit the same way if it's not. So we have the implied narrative of batman, up until and even after the point where superman fucks up, being cop batman based on how he treats clark. But then we get "go to therapy" batman when he teams up with Harley, you know, the lady who's half responsible for nuking an entire city and by extension Superman's turn to authoritarianism. Oh, but Superman, he's beyond saving.
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So I watched the Justice League movies...
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Not entirely sure why, considering I did not enjoy Man of Steel or Batman v Superman. But I wanted something to watch while I was crocheting, and there it was. After finishing the original theatrical version by Whedon -- which I didn't think was THAT bad -- I was so curious about the Snyder cut that I watched it in chunks. I don't think I got much out of it in terms of expanding my DC knowledge, but as a video editor, I found it fascinating to see so much of the same movie with such different executions.
Overall? Both films are mid. I would say that the Snyder cut is better, as it fixes several problems with the Whedon cut -- but at the same time it introduces new problems, such as an unforgivable runtime. The ideal version of the movie is honestly somewhere between the two cuts -- and frankly, that ideal version would probably still just be okay.
The Good! Both Versions
Both versions of the film are leagues better than both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman. This mainly comes down to the characters, who are actually charismatic in this movie and show signs of life. It's not a complete chore to sit through it, and you do become invested in things as they go along.
Some of the cast is excellent -- Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Jason Momoa as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Ezra Miller as Barry Allen (I know they suck but the performance was good).
The Bad! Both Versions
The story doesn't follow well off BvS, at all. The movie wants you to believe that Superman was a great symbol of hope for the entire world, but a large part of the plot in BvS was that people were terrified of Superman. The Whedon cut also wants you to believe that Clark and Bruce were good friends, when they only knew each other for five minutes.
Also, the DCEU is just fundamentally broken. It feels like this film wants to jump straight to what Marvel didn't get to for a decade. These characters barely know each other -- you have to earn these kinds of relationships and stakes and massive plot moments. The groundwork simply isn't laid for this story to be satisfying.
Steppenwolf is an underwhelming villain, and he so rarely interacts with the main characters that he doesn't really feel like a threat.
The core characters are still just really bland -- Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne, Henry Cavill's Clark Kent, and Amy Adams' Lois Lane.
The Good! Whedon Cut
For the most part, I prefer the color grading of the Whedon cut. Sometimes the lighting is too flat and doesn't have much depth, but I appreciate that the movie is allowed to have color.
Bruce had a nice moment with Barry, telling him to just save one person and that he would know what to do after that. I was sad to see that gone in the Snyder cut.
The Bad! Whedon Cut
Things just aren't explained. It's never to the point where you can't follow along, but watching the Snyder cut really drove home how many basic things simply aren't elaborated on. The mother boxes aren't explained. Cyborg gets the bare minimum, and that's it. It's like the speedrun version of the story.
A lot of the humor doesn't work. A few moments here and there did -- Flash saving one truck while Superman moves an entire apartment building made me laugh -- but when every character turns into a joke machine during moments that are supposed to be serious, it doesn't work.
Superman's upper lip. I know it's a meme at this point, but it really does look so bad. It's so distracting.
The Good! Snyder Cut
Things are given proper explanations! It feels like a full movie here.
Cyborg actually gets to be a character in this one. Honestly, he's probably the best character with the most complete arc.
The group feels much more like a proper team. There's even brief moments to explore some of their individual dynamics.
Instead of every character being a joke machine, Barry is more clearly the comic relief character, with everyone else only getting an occasional zinger. This work so much better and actually suits the tone of the movie.
The Bad! Snyder Cut
This movie has no respect for your time. It is four hours long for absolutely no reason -- it could be and should have been three hours. Many scenes can be cut entirely. Even more can be significantly trimmed down. You're frequently given repetitive info, or moments that just aren't necessary. The overall pace of the movie is slow and methodical, with lots of slow motion. But not every scene needs this. This is by far what drags the movie down the most.
The soundtrack is awful. Many scenes have grating guitar noises that don't suit the tone whatsoever, and any time Wonder Woman shows up there's an ethereal wailing sound that the captions called "ancient lamentation" -- it got old fast.
The movie is incredibly desaturated and visually unappealing. I understand that it suits the tone he was going for, but as Cosmonaut Variety Hour on YouTube said -- if you can't even tell that someone's hair is supposed to be red, it's too much.
The more square aspect ratio also didn't work for me. There were a lot of awkward framings to accommodate it, and it made certain shots feel weird -- especially action shots with multiple people.
I hate Superman's black suit. I hate it so much. He's supposed to be coming back as the symbol of hope -- so he wears all black, instead of his usual bright ensemble? Terrible decision.
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sisaloofafump · 4 months
AUs I keep thinking about but will never write:
Bruce, Clark, (and Stephanie) coparenting a toddler. This comes in two variations:
A) Stephanie gets contacted by the adoption agency her child went to. They are wondering about her genetic history as her child has developed fairly dangerous powers and has gravely injured and scared her adopted parents. Bruce (the one who organized the adoption with the agency and is a public JL liaison), Superman (superpowers and JL resident Dad), Steph, and Tim (Steph's moral support) have to figure out how to provide the right support for this kid while maintaining appropriate boundaries with the adopting family and, you know, handling dangerous super powers
B) a villain has been making clone hybrids of Clark and Bruce to use as his own weapons. Because the more powerful powers develop later in life, these clones were rapidly aged after creation with only a few surviving the process. Clark and Bruce find one remaining clone, a baby who has not yet been aged up. They are faced with figuring out childcare but also a moral dilemma: if they let the kid age naturally, she will grow up in an unstable body and a face much higher likelihood of dying when the powers develop. If they age her up now, she will miss all her childhood years, but will have a notably higher (though not guaranteed) survival rate when the powers develop. Additionally, who will raise her? This would take place in the current comics world where Bruce is out of resources and family connections, and Clark has just adopted two new twin kids (while dealing with the ramifications of an aged up Jon). Lana Lang and John Henry/Steel have the resources and experience, but can they take this kid? Do they want to? Stephanie plays a smaller role but she is one of the most involved bats in the discussions and early childcare.
More ideas:
Lois Lane as a gun Batman. Bruce's parents are never killed, and he grows up as a philanthropist. Lois, however, has to grow up with her own mother's death and her father's militarization, and raising her sister. As an adult living in Gotham, she starts doing her most dangerous investigative work under the mantle of Batman. She works closely with Bruce (funding her) and Harvey Dent (legal support and her husband). When Harvey's accident happens, it kick starts her turning further and further into violent and vigilante justice, rather than her previous detective-oriented work. She forms a deep friendship with Superman, and helps Bruce raise Dick, Damian, and Tim. She doesn't adopt anyone herself, but she is a mentor to the self-starting hero's in the city, especially Harper and Steph. She has a fairly long fling with Talia. It would really explore how her style of investigation would work within the constrains of her Silver Age ethics. (A variation is where her and Kate grew up as childhood friends and Kate took on the Batwoman mantle in Gotham while Lois became Mothwoman something else in Metropolis)
Golden Age Clark being transferred to Gotham. (This would mix a lot of Pre-Crisis ideas but) radioshow-inspired Clark who isn't really Superman yet; and Superman is an unknown public figure. Most of his work is done as this adventurous yet mild mannered "human" hero, with Superman being an ominous alien form. Early on he strikes up a partnership with a solo Batman (pre-Robin), and a friendship (w benifits) with Bruce Wayne. Lois, despite being given very clear instructions to stay in Metropolis, is brought by her own work to Gotham and into investigating Bruce Wayne. The main center point of this would be the friendship between Clark and Lois, and the loneliness of Bruce
1987 Wonder Woman run where everything's the same except Julia Kapatelid and Diana become a couple. (I have too many thoughts about this it needs its own post)
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