#he could be a white supremacist lmfao
kethabali · 8 months
stupid white cishetallo men "artists" aka the most entitled obnoxious people to walk this planet
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greeds · 5 months
oh abt the in class intervention w my prof, i appreciate that he gave me the space to speak and did not once try to stop me or speak over me. he did give what i believe is a cop out response as to why he did not make any effort to discuss palestine in class and include anything in the course material (he said its not his area of expertise which, lmfao u do not need to have a phd in history to teach palestinian literature)
he followed up w me via email and told me hes preparing a list of resources on palestine for students that i figure will be sent out when its done. he also said he will be looking into including palestine in his teachings in his future classes. its kind of insane to say but i think this was my influence. my intervention had an actual impact. my words and my actions mattered
i also told him about what happened at the conference three weeks ago. idk if i mentioned it here but um. one of my classmates said, in response to an open question on possible climate crisis solutions, that the world is overpopulated and could benefit from a few bombs being dropped on 2 million people. some students laughed. the TA laughed and ended the conference right there. i will be meeting with him via zoom on wednesday to further discuss both this frankly white supremacist line of thought, as well as my grades and assignments for the class so that i do not have to drop the class as i said i had intended to do.
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bisluthq · 3 months
I feel as though Pete Davidson is this generations John Mayer. I don't understand why all these women are dropping their panties for 'em, but I know they are!
except John is an asshole (no, that one anon not because Taylor said so but because Jessica also did and he said the Joshua Tree of vaginas thing and the “my dick is a white supremacist” thing and he was fucking Kiernan Shipka who could literally be his daughter age wise - and not like a teenage pregnancy like an “I finished college and am starting a family” and it’s not like they were owning it and being like “love doesn’t need a number” lol like they were saying they’re “friends” lmfao) and Pete’s just mentally ill af.
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laufire · 3 years
ok i haven’t watched roswell but didn’t max’s sister like murder liz’s sister or something? and he helped cover it up? idk i could be wrong but that’s what i’ve gleaned from tumblr. seems pretty wild (but unfortunately predictable) that maria is the person fandom thinks needs a redemption arc.
The idea that Maria needs a redemption arc is so ridiculous it doesn't even deserved to be argued against lmfao. People are just saying that because they loathe her, they want her gone and away from their faves, but still hadn't gotten to the point where they're comfortable saying they want her dead, I guess. Others are even further away and still are content with convenience shipping her away, althought less and less for what I've seen. Might be a good sign, the more people like them hate characters like Maria, the more it can mean the source material is actually bothering to give them something good, in my experience. I wish her luck from afar lol.
And yeah, Isobel (while being possessed, because obviously they were never going to make the pod siblings go full dark that way, she had to squirt all responsibility somehow) killed Rosa. That's not the worst part imo, but the fact that in order to cover it, they let Rosa take the blame for an accident that didn't happen, knowing that she was intoxicated. That RUINED her family's lives, and the town went full on race war, apparently. And look, I can buy the three of them were too ignorant to see the racial angle, but you can't make me believe they not only knew Rosa would be blamed, but that they USED IT because it gave the accident more credibility.
Max at least was semi-challenged for this actions by a couple of characters (I do find his actions worse because he's in love with Liz and because of how he acted afterwards, endearing himself to Arturo, Rosa's father, while the man remained ignorant. I find it vile). Isobel is on my shit list for how she acts after the fact and for how she treats people in general, and for the fact that this is not something I think the show tackled on well with her (she's not to blame for the murder, but she IS to blame for her actions afterwards). Michael is on my shit list regarding this but at least he stayed away from the Ortechos and has occasionally interesting narratives xD, although yeah, he's the one that has FULLY avoided any responsibility for it from the narrative. At least Isobel got the sliiiiightlest bit of flack from Liz and Rosa, ig. Michael is *crickets*.
And I don't think solving all that is as clearcut as Redemption Arc or that the name would fit but err. Given that those are the actions our mains do (alongside mental invasions and manipulations, for example), and we have antagonists going full on white supremacist and committing murders and experimenting on innocent people... really. You're going to argue that Maria has done anything she needs to be redeemed for? Maria? Maria Deluca?? Don't make me laugh.
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firelord-frowny · 3 years
I’ve talked a little bit about how at least one ~negative aspect~ of white supremacy/racism that impacts white people is that it can be SO DIFFICULT to avoid being Accidentally Racist over something that really shouldn’t have been that deep, and WOULDN’T have been that deep if not for the pervasiveness of white supremacy in america, and this bit about the lil country band Lady Antebellum and the controversy surrounding their name illustrates that pretty well, I think:
The band members have always said that the band's name was chosen arbitrarily, complaining about the difficulty of choosing a name. Inspired by the "country" style nostalgia of a photo shoot at a mansion from the Antebellum South, they said, "one of us said the word and we all kind of stopped and said, man, that could be a name"[40] and "Man that's a beautiful Antebellum house, and that's cool, maybe there's a haunted ghost or something in there like Lady Antebellum."[41] Haywood concluded, "[We] had a lady in the group, obviously, and threw Lady in the front of it for no reason. I wish we had a great resounding story to remember for the name, but it stuck ever since."[40] The name was always controversial, with a critic in Ms. Magazine writing in 2011 that the band's name "seems to me an example of the way we still — nearly 150 years after the end of the Civil War, nearly 50 years after the Civil Rights Act; and in a supposedly post-racial country led by a biracial president — glorify a culture that was based on the violent oppression of people of color".[41][42]
On June 11, 2020, joining widespread commercial response to the George Floyd protests,[41] the band announced it would abbreviate its name to its existing nickname "Lady A"[43] in an attempt to blunt the name's racist connotations.[1] The band members stated on social media that, never having previously sought the dictionary definition of the word "antebellum", they now consulted their "closest black friends and colleagues" so that their "eyes opened wide to the injustices, inequality and biases black women and men have always faced and continue to face every day. Now, blind spots we didn't even know existed have been revealed."[44] Fan response was mixed, with many decrying virtue signaling or even disparaging the protests.[41]American Songwriter said, "Given that the world knows what that A stands for, to many this change does little more than add extra insult to this ongoing injury."[45]
The next day, it was widely reported that the name "Lady A" had already been in use for more than 20 years by Seattle-based African American activist and blues, soul, funk, and gospel singer Anita White. The band again admitted ignorance of any prior use, which White called "pure privilege". Interviewed by Rolling Stone, White described the band's token acknowledgement of racism while blithely appropriating an African American artist's name: "They're using the name because of a Black Lives Matter incident that, for them, is just a moment in time. If it mattered, it would have mattered to them before. It shouldn't have taken George Floyd to die for them to realize that their name had a slave reference to it. It's an opportunity for them to pretend they're not racist". A veteran music industry lawyer observed that such name clashes are uncommon due to the existence of the Internet.[46][47] The band members contacted White the next week to apologize for having inadvertently co-opted and dominated her name,[48] saying that the Black Lives Matter movement had inspired them to a collaborative attitude. They nonetheless required retaining the same name, though she believed dual-naming is inherently impossible.[49]She said "We talked about attempting to co-exist but didn't discuss what that would look like"[48] because the band members would not directly respond to that explicit question three times during the conversation or in two contract drafts. She soon submitted a counteroffer that either the band would be renamed, or that her act would be renamed for a $5 million fee plus a $5 million donation to be split between Seattle charities, a nationwide legal defense fund for independent artists, and Black Lives Matter.[49]
On July 8, 2020, the band filed a lawsuit against White, asking a Nashville court to affirm its longstanding trademark of the name. The press release read: "Today we are sad to share that our sincere hope to join together with Anita White in unity and common purpose has ended. She and her team have demanded a $10 million payment, so reluctantly we have come to the conclusion that we need to ask a court to affirm our right to continue to use the name Lady A, a trademark we have held for many years."[50]
On September 15, 2020, White filed a counter-suit asserting her claim to the Lady A trademark and rejecting the notion that both artists could operate in the same industry under the same brand identity. She is seeking damages for lost sales and a weakened brand, along with royalties from any income the band receives under the Lady A moniker.[51][52]
Like????????? this REALLY didn’t need to be a thing. 
And one thing I think black folks and other poc need to chill out with is dismissing any white person’s attempt at Being Better in how they move through a white supremacist world in a way that seeks to undo or at least not exacerbate white supremacy. I can TOTALLY believe that, in their white ignorant bliss, this band really did choose their name without realizing for a moment that it might leave a fucked up taste in some people’s mouths. Honestly like... antebellum IS a cool sounding word lmfao and if it wasn’t so heavily associated with slavery-era america, i’d wanna name something antebellum, too! 
And like, yes, it’s true that it ~shouldn’t have taken george floyd’s death~ for anyone at all to suddenly decide that they want to go a little bit out of their way to denounce or at least not seem to promote racism in some small way. But it did. And it does. And every fucking time there’s a gross act of violence and injustice acted out on a person of color in front of the world, there’s always going to be a brand new white person out there who Sees The Light for the very first time. That doesn’t mean their new perspective isn’t genuine, and it doesn’t mean it happened All Of A Sudden. If anything, it was something they’d been thinking about for a long time, but didn’t know how to address it, or what to say, or who to say it to, or how to talk about it in their own community. OBVIOUSLY that problem is WAY LESS BAD than, ya know, actually experiencing racism, but it’s still a real thing that some white folks go through, and being mad about it isn’t going to make it NOT a real thing. it shouldn’t have taken george floyd’s death. it shouldn’t have taken trayvon martin’s death. it shouldn’t have taken the instatement of one of the most vile human beings to ever assault the face of the earth for This Person or That Person to finally want to make a positive and public change, BUT IT DID. It always does. That, unfortunately, is How It Works. 
And so, this band adjusts it’s name in an effort to not seem hostile. OBVIOUSLY it’s not a grand show of solidarity. OBVIOUSLY it’s not meant to convince anyone that they’re Super Amazing White People Who Will Stop At Nothing For Racial Equality. It was literally just a small, simple gesture. They’re just modifying their image, because they were no longer comfortable with knowing how that word makes a lot of people feel. Bc like... let’s be real: probably a solid ZERO of their fanbase would have given a shit if they’d just left the name as it was. Nobody who’s going to a Lady Antebellum concert was pouting about the name. And if anything, they prolly stood a better chance of LOSING fans for ~being politically correct~ than gaining fans for changing their name to something less annoying. 
And it JUST SO HAPPENS that the slight lil adjustment they made to their name steps on the toes of an existing artist, and it JUST SO HAPPENS that this artist is black, and is also an ACTIVIST in social and racial justice. 
And so, obviously people don’t interpret it as an honest mistake. Instead, it’s a result of white privilege. And I mean like??? ok, maybe it is. But I ALSO had never heard of Anita White until I read this fucking wiki page lmfao. So like... my ignorance isn’t due to no white privilege on my part. Maybe it’s a consequence of a white supremacist culture that wouldn’t glorify her and celebrate her and put her name everywhere... but that’s a different thing from privilege. 
So now not only are the bands efforts to adjust to a world that’s becoming more aware of racial injustice being dismissed as disingenuous or too-little-too-late, but now they’re ALSO being accused of Using Their White Privilege to trample all over an artist they’d never heard of. 
i DO think that after finding out the name was already taken, and after talking with her about it and determining that she wasn’t interested in sharing - as is her right - they should have just said “ok, sorry, thanks for talking with us about it” and picked something different. i think it’s kinda ridiculous that they think they should sue her and i think she’s HELLA right for suing their asses right back, and I hope she gets her damn money. 
But I’m also cognizant of how emotionally/psychologically upsetting it can feel to have to just Change Your Name after so many years of living with it. It makes sense that despite their desire to adapt and choose a new name that doesn’t make people cringe, they still want to try to hold on to the feeling that THEY associated with their own name. “Lady A” seemed like a happy medium: They can remain Who They Are while also showing that Who They Are is someone who’s not trying to glorify a disgusting era of history. But if “Lady A” isn’t an option... what’s left? What else could they call themselves that wouldn’t feel like a totally new, alien identity?? 
So, I understand how, on an emotional level, they want to fight to keep it. 
But uh. They really need to just Be Sad about it and let it go. Just consider it one of the small, upsetting sacrifices that white folks may sometimes have to make as we ALL struggle and stumble through this fuckin long-ass road of Making The World Less Terrible For People Of Color, and move on. 
But yeah, like. 
It’s fucking ridiculous that this was even an issue, and it was only an issue because of racism!!!!! If white supremacists didn’t manufacture a culture that oppresses people of color and glorifies the pre-civil-war era SPECIFICALLY for the good ol slavery, then perhaps people could wax poetic about the artistic and environmental aesthetic of that era without it being assumed that they Must Be Racist. Bc like??? idk if yall know this lmfao but i LOVE????? colonial american music. like, the kind of stuff with that Ashokan Farewell vibe. I think it sounds beautiful. And i really fuckin love the black spiritual music that was developed in that time. and i think so much of the architecture and fashion was so???? Nice. Just pleasant! But I can’t even get myself to fully enjoy it because of all the fuckin connotations that have been stuck to it. 
A band should be able to name theirself a name without it being such a goddamn fucking cultural crisis. 
But they can’t! And it is! 
Thanks, White Supremacy! 
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youtuberswithalex · 4 years
hold on i found all of my old Christian music and im emotional, the nostalgia, so im just gonna do a react post--
first song was Hope is Coming by Nate Deezy and oh boy. oh boy. i met the dude and knowing how he talks and listening to his music. oh boy, he was kind of mimicking AAVE and it’s. not great to listen to now. the song is a bop music wise but. yikes
Overcomer by Mandisa. I used to BOP to this song and you know what? I still do. I saw her in concert and she was AMAZING
The The Earth Is Yours came on, which already was one of my favorites, and it was the cover by Gungor (or their original? I can’t remember) and I almost started crying because. Gungor’s music always made me feel really close to God, like He was my best friend. and now I kind of feel like I’ve lost a friend in stopping being Christian, and though I know I can still pray and stuff while still not being Like That, it just... hurts too much because it was so weaponized against me. I miss relying on Him for everything though.
Pause to get lunch
Good Morning by Mandisa and TobyMac. Hearing “top of the morning to ya” set off a visceral reaction to high five the air. also hearing them interact at the end is adorable
could i......... do a sanders sides animatic to this
i just copied and pasted a link to the song on facebook jfkdlsjf pray for me (no pun intented)
Beautiful Day by Jamie Grace... I’m pretty sure I first heard this song on Veggietales? or maybe i freaked out when I saw it on Veggietales bc I already loved this song lmao. But it is still... you guessed it... a bop
i also just realized how much more diverse my music was back then versus now... out of the four artists I’ve listened to, half (if not 3 of them? i don’t remember what Gungor looks like) are POC. bruh current alex, I know all you listen to now is the RWBY soundtrack, but like. Diversify my dude
oh my god. oh my god jesus freak by newsboys. this song is fucking WILD to see in concert. the drummer goes up on a platform that goes sideways and starts SPINNING. while he’s going H A R D. also this song totally matches up with what i listen to now, style wise??
oh my god im getting dizzy from jamming to this one
if anyone’s wondering what im doing as i listen to these, i’m currently checking out these artists’ twitters to see if they’re like... White Supremacist christians. Michael Gungor has made me happiest by blatantly retweeting and talking about the BLM protests, along with a tweet stating firmly that he accepts LGBTQ+ people. I knew I could trust this guy. I followed him. Crowder didn’t have anything blatantly for or against but he did make one post about not hating people using that one Dr Suess book, so like. he can slide for now but im not following him
please be my strength by Gugnor? I don’t remember thohhhhh my heart i remember now
i used to harmonize to this all the time. it was one of the first ones i did that with :(
Steal My Show!! it’s pretty alright still. TobyMac didn’t really Get Me Worshipping like he did with a lot of other people, but I respect him at least-- wait let me check his twitter
alright i can respect him, he’s alright
Ah. Oceans by Hillsong United, AKA the song that every church-goer in 2015 hated because everyone played it every week. good reason to-- it’s really good still. are people still sick of it?? I remember holding my hands up to this a few times. and harmonizing many more
.......but oh man is it long. i do remember that now. eight minutes.......... why....... i definitely cried my eyes out and calmed down at conference one time during the length of this song
just realized that Jesus is a Friend of Mine isn’t on this playlist. Wow, Alex. Wow. What a waste of a Christian playlist.
it’s so unfair that so many Christian artist put out That Kind of christian music, while Newsboys just. stole all of the talent. like come on guys spread it a bit. not EVERY song has to be a bop, you know /j
Speak Life by tobyMac. i... think im gonna skip this one jfkdlsj im just so not in the mood for this. He is definitely that That Kind of Christian Music style
LORD YOU ARE GOOD AND YOUR MERCY ENDURES FOREVERRR OH HOW WE JAMMED TO THIS AT CONFERENCEoh god it’s a live version and you can hear the Presbyterian Clap in the crowd
i wish it brought back more than just the bridge before the chorus lmfao
alright skipping the rest of this because oh boy is it repetitive
STRONGER BY MANDISAAAA i forgot about this one omg. i loved this one, it used to be my Uplifting Song
Got another tobyMac and just skipped it jfkdsl
OH GOD’S NOT DEAD BY NEWSBOYS the movie was a lot of christians-are-oppressed propaganda but the song is pretty good still, i catch myself singing it sometimes still tbh
this was another one we had a dance for!!!! i remember this one more bc it was so much easier lmfao
HAPPY DAY!!!!!! THIS WAS MY FAVORITE ONE TO SING AT THE BIG MORNING AND EVENING MEETINGS AT CONFERENCE!!!!!! but this version is so slooooow but i couldn’t find any other version
....You Have Me. The song I always said that, when I die and go to Heaven, I’m going to find God and dance with Them to this song. Maybe, if They’re up there, we still will. This song gave me so much comfort in a time when I felt so alone.
I hope They aren’t mad at me for abandoning them. I hope They understand why I stopped going to church and listening to my parents about Them. That I remember who They truly are supposed to be, and that it’s not Them I left, but the church, and I struggled to disconnect the two. If They’re real... I hope they know that. And I hope They aren’t upset with me. I hope They know I’m sorry.
Fuck. I’m crying.
They DO still me. They DO still have my heart. But it’s the people that pretend to know Them that ruined me. I need to find a way to sever the connection. I want my best friend back. I miss Them. I miss being able to talk to Them about things and trust that They’ll take care of things and take care of *me* because They love me, no matter what my parents say, and They know who I am and They don’t love me despite that, but because of it.
THAT’S what I was taught. THAT’S the God I worshipped. Not the fake one the White Supremacists have taken hold of and ruined. The God that gave up Their only son to prove to us that They love us.
I don’t understand a lot about religion anymore. But I miss Them. I miss that comfort and love.
Fuck. Maybe that’s a good place to end this. If you made it this far, congrats! Thanks for coming on this journey with me. It was a long one. You’ve seen a piece of my heart that I’ll probably stamp back into the closet within a couple of hours lol
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
stans say we’re sexist bc we don’t like aelin but like chaol&dorian. if I say Aelin is becoming a tyrant, they’re like “well Kale used to work for the tyrant king!” Which is true but that’s the difference? Kale realizes he’s fucked up about everything, & then joins the rebels. Meanwhile, Aelin starts off like a vigilante but then gets power hungry. She threatens to burn ppl alive & wants to conquer them. Her post h0f storyline has this (white) supremacist vibe that just makes me...uncomfortable
Well. Okay. This is a lot to unpack that I flat out disagree with and you definitely came to the wrong blog to chat about Chaol’s redemption because I don’t think there was any. 
Not liking Aelin is sexist when you dislike her for her arrogance and snark etc when you still support characters like Dorian or William Herondale or The Darkling or Kaz Brekker. Like it’s sexist when you’re disliking her for being a bitch but like other characters that are bitchy men. THAT is when not liking her is sexist. It’s fine to not like a character, I can see why Aelin isn’t going to be for everyone and why she’s not everyone’s cup of tea. 
1. Chaol doesn’t join the rebels because he fucked up about everything. Chaol joined the rebels because he escaped the castle and had no other choice if he had any hope of saving Dorian. But he didn’t leave because he realized he’d done anything wrong. He doesn’t think he did anything wrong until way later when he kind of redeems himself but to me he just doesn’t really. He’s an entitled jackass for the majority of that series but that’s just my personal opinion. I do not like Chaol Westfall, I never have, and I probably never will.
2. Aelin wasn’t ever a vigilante. She was flat out an assassin for hire theres nothing else to even say on that topic. She was purely an assassin for hire until QoS because she was only in Wendlyn BECAUSE she was an assassin. She was never trying to do any good until after that. She was content to keep being an assassin until Maeve forced her to become herself.
3. Where tf are you getting that she’s power hungry? She didn’t want any of her power. She stayed under the wing of an abusive psychopath for like 8 years because a) people were trying to kill her and b) she was escaping the weight of her crown. When she ran away from Marion to avoid being murdered she never looked back and she didn’t want to. She was completely fine with never having to be queen. When everything started to come out that she had to do all this shit to save the world, she didn’t want that either. She says it so many times. Her life was never her own to deal with, and she never wanted any of that responsibility. Even when she was little and the princess she did not want to become queen. This entire narrative does not make sense and if you truly believe that then you did not read the same book. 
4. Aelin threatened to burn people to prove a point. When she did it in HoF, it was to prove a point and manipulate the situation to get what she needed from Maeve. I think she maybe threatens something similar at the end of QoS to keep the people in Adarlan from misbehaving until Dorian was ready to take back over.
5. Conquer them WHERE? Literally what? If she wanted to conquer people and cities she would have very, very easily. She could have conquered far more than Adarlan ever did if she wanted to. That was never her agenda. She loved Terrasen. She grew back into her role as a queen to protect Terrasen. If she really wanted to conquer and was power hungry she would have taken over Adarlan while she had the chance. 
I’m not even going to comment on the white supremacist thing because it’s just…actually so stupid that I can’t wrap my head around it. 
If you don’t like books or characters or whatever like it’s fine, nobody is forcing you to. You don’t have to read the books, you don’t have to talk about the characters. I will never understand like anti culture because I only talk about how much I don’t like Chaol when it gets brought up. I know he’s a character that so many other people enjoy and love and I think that’s great and when it’s called for I dive deeper into that reasoning. But I wouldn’t ever go to someone’s blog that I know loves Chaol and like pick anon fights about why I don’t like the him or whatever. I just don’t get the point, I think you’re entitled to your opinions and that’s fine but what’s the point in going to blogs that you know it’ll just start an argument with the person that runs the blog, y’know? It’s just stupid and exhausting to me and antis put some much time and effort and energy into disliking whatever thing they’re against that it makes ME tired. Like take a nap and read a different book lmfao. 
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fatenumberfor · 4 years
@dreamaux​ replied to your post “dreamaux replied to your post “where’s that thread about some...”
i feel your frustration matt with your dad TT and i’m still very much in the learning phase too! about the laws thing — i think the big thing w police/prison abolition is that we need to rethink not just how legality (and the designation of “crime”) has always been conditional, but also how we see “enforcement of laws” as even protecting.... anyone! esp in pertaining to survivors of rape
law enforcement and prison have never been about stopping or lessening societal harm, while police+prison abolition focuses on actual community rehabilitation, accountability, and welfare, which would actually mitigate harm from the start and stop the cycle of retraumutization for survivors
even the pro-law enforcement argument about “what about the bad few” fails to account for how the current system doesn’t rehabilitate anyone or prevent “the bad few” from existing in the first place. help tldr; you’re totally right in that white supremacy/capitalism needs to be upended because it’s capitalism’s failure to address societal ills that fosters a never-ending cycle of violence rather than mitigating anything
ofc you already know angela davis for suggested readings! @/queersocialism on twitter’s article is a really good current articulation https://www.hamptonthink.org/read/understanding-the-role-of-police-towards-abolitionism-on-black-death-as-an-american-necessity-abolition-non-violence-and-whiteness
also idk if you’ve seen this doc making the rounds but it is helpful as a guide and resource! https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1kwDGZFH2-jFr4xZ2ynxQkihYwIVh_uZlp1-Q73uXzso/mobilebasic
yes to all of this! I was ready as hell to detail how police neither validate nor alleviate victims’ traumas, while either coddling (cos they’re 1 of their abuser or white supremacist own) or literally pushing aside the responsibility of redressing the societal issue by simply incarcerating the perpetrator. but I think my dad knows all this already- like that’s why he was like “defund and disband ALL police right now because these current ones don’t do jack SHIT to help us”
instead, the example he gave to justify having a New set of police “from scratch” was: “who, if not people in a community whose job is to enforce laws, would keep speeders in check on a road with a speed limit?” like, people who joyride cos they got a need for speed. my first reaction to this specific example was that I think it matters what comes after the hypothetical New Police stop the speeder from speeding. I spent a bit explaining that the whole ticket + court process is plain classist, and jail/prison literally uproots people from their communities to isolate them + worsen their physical + mental health, etc. so punitive systems of law enforcement don’t work (I hope that I made that point w/ my dad lol).
however if we assume that the New Police prioritise community care + accountability, would they simply remind the speeder that their speeding could directly harm or even kill others in their community? if people call in violators instead of punishing them right there, does the community need to designate people specifically to enforce the laws at all? I think the prerequisite for this, though, is trust + a social safety net in your community to even have these non-punitive conversations. his follow up question was: “what if the speeder just shows that they don’t care?” that might be what’s holding my dad up- given his affinity for surveillance, I got a feeling that he doesn’t trust anybody with anything lmfao. that’s definitely a conversation that I’m incrementally having w/ him
traffic safety prob constitutes a small fraction of “public safety”, but speed limits seem like rules instated to keep everyone safe, like genuinely? maybe speed limits got a history that I don’t know about. but, as most know, it’s the enforcement of traffic laws that is undeniably racist + oppressive: police disproportionately pull over, intimidate, + charge BIPOC for traffic safety violations. and I really think that as long as white supremacy exists, then any New Police From Scratch can still suppress + oppress. which is why my rebuttal to my dad was more like “why get anyone to enforce laws at all?” and I guess my question of, “what would it take for a community to not need anyone to enforce laws?” is a whole world-building conversation that probably requires more transformative justice readings for me lol
thank you for this article + the readings doc! i’ve always liked queersocialism’s tweets (even though sometimes they can be jargon soup) + now I can follow them as an author
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dare-i-say-asexual · 6 years
Oh my fucking god so this fucking dude was super racist to me today at work. So I work at a movie theatre, and crazy rich asians is currently one of the playings (discourse aside) and this white guy wearing a “rogue nation” shirt comes up and is like “one for crazy rich mexicans” and I was like “sorry we don’t have that sir :)” and he pointed up at the screen and I said “oh that’s crazy rich asians” and he got all puffy like “buh! who cares they’re all the same i don’t care whatever the hell they are” and he gave me a hundred and I didn’t have any change so I needed to call down a manager. I made him wait 3 minutes and he was FURIOUS and I was like talking to my coworker giggling and all that talking shit about this racist dude in front of him (my mic was away). apparently he’s also been super misogynistic in the past which doesn’t surprise me in the least. So yeah my manager comes and I was like “yeah this dude was being racist to me and to (my coworker’s name) and disrespecting the title racially. Can you talk to him, because you’re white?” And I mean yeah I think she was a little shaken I had mentioned she was white because maybe she hadn’t realised this could happen on her first day as manager lol but nonetheless we gave him his tickets and she took him aside in the front and was like “you can’t talk to my employees like that or else you won’t be served here anymore” or whatever badass shit. Yeah he listens and apologised but he said it was because he was frustrated and I was just correcting the title lmfao?? But yeah it’s so funny because earlier I was like “I wonder if white supremacists would watch this movie” and low and behold ask and you shall receive a white supremcist walks up to me litcherally during the last minute of my shift like. The devil is real and he is white
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blackvalyrians · 7 years
Racism & Anti-SJWS
I may not be an sjw, but I will never call myself an anti-sjw. Your community is just as hypocritical as the other side and just as racist. Y'all hate the ignorance and racism directed at white people but many times you idiots have no problem doing the same thing to black people.
Let’s see: mass generalizations of black people (black people were useless, lived in mud huts and never had any civilization, and without Europeans would be in mud, swinging from trees, etc. And of course, people acting as if black people didn’t contribute to America. I saw one supposed logical decent anti-sjw say something like this and then delete it like the coward he was. You guys always beat your chests and say We Wuz Kangs n Shiet for anything. Even when someone is trying to correct and give actual information on African History. FYI there were actual black African civilizations. 
“Wow black people are really regressive aren’t they? Backwards ass, bigoted, stuck in the 60′s assed morons.” A popular anti-sjw 
Question: Why are the black racists on this site called black tumblr and white racists get other titles such as white racists, neo-nazi’s etc? Really? You think saying black tumblr is appropriate when referring to racists that are black people? Can white tumblr be used to mean all white racists on this site? (which no, I don’t think it would right either).
Anyways, moving on, disturbingly enough some of you people hang around white supremacists and even defend them, or use them as sources. You, the same people who bash liberal websites such as Huffington post (which is trash that’s true), have blogged and used white supremacist websites as a source. And then say, it’s not the source but whether they are correct. -_- 
It’s very interesting to see you guys interact and defend for instance, elegantbeardedchaoscollection, who spewed anti-semitic holocaust denial and said racist things about black people, and interracial relationships but he was still in this community for some reason.
Tumblr media
How lovely, how lovely for you to be against racism, yet time and time again, I have seen this gif pop up. Disgusting. 
"It amazes me that people think being cautious of blacks is racist. The FBI statistics show it's just good judgement." another popular anti-sjw
Oh and I do enjoy you using intra-community issues to boost your own egos and then engage in hypocritical behavior. Let me expand on that, people like me get called uncle tom or coon or house nigger, and you valiantly ride in to say that behavior is wrong. That’s true of course, but then several of you have no problems using the n word (even sometimes the hard er) and will call other black people that word because you don’t like them or to provoke them. That’s hypocrisy! How can you call out black people for using racist slurs against black people they don’t like, and then you turn around and use slurs against black people you don’t like?
So, then going on, we hear that racism is just a minor issue in this country (except when it happens to white people), and that black people aren’t oppressed and need to stop bringing up slavery, and then several of you will turn around and say:
Well the Democratic party has black people enslaved. Their being pimped out, or they are in chains. What in the hell? I am conservative myself and I don’t like democrats, but can you be consistent?? If half of the country (Democratic party) is conspiring to keep black people in chains and its a modern day slave plantation, then there is a serious problem regarding racism against black people in this country.
Oh and another thing, posting false history. Like that Anthony Johnson case.  So what’s going on here is that you prop him up to try and say that black people started slavery and got what they deserved huh? First of all, even if this was true, you would have to be a fool of the highest order if you think that slavery in America did not affect black people on a racial context. And what about afterwards? Black Codes, Jim Crow, etc? Oh so I am meant to believe slavery was equal opportunity and there was racism and then segregation, etc just happened to pop up and just happened to be targeted at black people?
By the way, it is disgusting to try and say that black slaves were living the good life and had free food and healthcare. That’s just absolutely disgusting.
Also there is the hypocrisy involving indentured servitude. Either it is slavery or its not (which it isn’t, even though it wasn’t a good thing). However you hypocrites will pick and choose when it is slavery or when it is indentured servitude. When you want black people to shut up, you say oh that was slavery, when you are arguing the Anthony Johnson case, you will revert to it being indentured servitude again, because indentured servitude had existed before him and if it was slavery, then well Anthony Johnson, a black man can’t be blamed for starting slavery in America, now can he?
Back to Anthony Johnson, Anthony Johnson set the precedent that a slave owner could black. He did not start slavery himself. In 1654, when an issue of whether John Casor was his slave or not arose, and John Casor became his slave, he set the precedent that a black man could own a slave as well.
John Punch was a slave who started out in indentured servitude and escaped his plantation, as a result, he was sentenced to a lifetime of slavery. This was in 1640.
Also, another thing that is concerning to me. The Barbary Slave Trade. I have talked about this before, but I will mention it again. There is some hypocrisy going on here as well. In general, y'all will say that there were no black people in North Africa, but when you want to bring up the Barbary Slave Trade, all of a sudden there was black people up there, and not only that, they left the continent and went raiding along Europe for white people. Which is it? The Barbary Slave Trade was wrong and atrocious, there is no doubt about that, but again, which version of it is the truth? You can’t pick and choose whether or not black people were in North Africa depending on your narrative.
And also disturbingly enough, several of you seem to actually believe that interracial rape is only black on white. You actually believe that white men don’t rape black women and the rate is 0. I am profoundly disturbed by this type of stupidity and racism. And even if it was true, even if it was. Like no, no, you are not getting credit for white men not raping black women. They still rape white women and women of other races, so no. I mean what the hell? What kind of moron would even try and brag about this?
And some of you seriously need to learn how to read statistics.
“Lmfao at “black Tumblr” talking shit about the way people look. Oh honey at least our dads didn’t abandon us.” - another popular anti-sjw
I may have just mentioned black people, but that’s not the only group from which anti-sjws direct racism against. There was one idiot that was talking about how Mexican illegals should be shot crossing the border (including women and children). 
"I wish black people took jokes as well as they take government assistance.” another popular anti-sjw
I am not happy about this nonsense at all. Targeting black people as a whole, just because you hate the black racists is not fair and it is still racism just as it is not fair to target white people as a whole because of white racists.
And when I say anti-sjws, I mean anti-sjws. Not white people, but ant-sjws. I am aware that not all anti-sjws are white.
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rhapsody-in-heaven · 3 years
An Open Letter about Racism and the Term Banana
First Incident sometime last month i referred to myself as a banana and was told it was subtly racist. i *thought* i had adequately explained why it was not and why i identified as such. i had also explained that i would never actively call someone else a banana unless they also referred to themselves as such.
Second Incident it happened last night. to her defence, before i start, she was a bit drunk and i also know shes super passionate about this topic. however, i do have to say i think shes too “politically correct” sometimes to the point where she would be offended by how i view myself - but well get to that later. anyways, she was a bit drunk and we somehow came to the topic of xenophobia vs racism and that somehow spiraled into “reverse racism” and how it, in her opinion, doesnt exist, but i didnt agree. i mostly was content with letting the topic go but she really wanted to convince me otherwise. she got frustrated w me enough tho that she said something along the lines of “this is like how u call urself a banana and think its not racist and that its okay, but it is racist and its not okay” to which i yelled back “i talked to my asian american friends about this and they all tell me that you dont understand my experiences”
Open Letter
Part One - Our Conversation About Xenophobia, Racism and “Reverse Racism”
First, I want to say about the whole issue of xenophobia and “reverse racism”, maybe youre right. And certainly you believe so. Maybe white people cant experience racism. And i certainly understood your point about how its only the oppressed class or classes who could experience it. 
But I also believe that they can be oppressed in non-white dominated countries. Maybe you see it as discrimination and not racism. And that’s fine. But I do not claim to know everything that happens in the world, and so I cannot say for 100% certainty that they do not. 
Even if in a societal scale they “cannot” experience racism. Can you then say it doesnt happen on a personal level? If my moms telling me she rather me marry Chinese>Asian>White>Black, to me, that is racism not just “discrimination” or “xenophobia” (which was by ur definition a rejection of anyone whos different) why isnt it just “i rather u marry a chinese guy”? why are there tiers? 
Maybe you have a sound explaination for this. Maybe i still dont fully understand the subtle differences between the term racist, or xenophobic. Again, im more than willing to play with the idea im wrong. But its not something youre going to convince me of in a 15 minute half drunken conversation. 
Side Note: Did you know white europeans used to be enslaved by muslims? these are the stories we never hear about because being a victim at any point in time doesnt fit the narrative of white people always being on top or the narrative of whites being the “evil colonialists”.
Part Two - The Term Banana
I thought you understood me the last time we talked but I guess not because you called me racist last night. I want to preface this by saying at the time I read what articles I could find, written by asian americans about how they either accepted or rejected this term. I also went to ask my asian american friends what they thought as well.
All my friends and I identify with the term banana. There are some, in the articles I read who do reject this term. And i will reiterate that I would never call someone a banana unless they themselves do and it comes up in conversation like “im such a banana.” “lmfao its fine we can be bananas together”. 
I remember you thought it wasnt a term I should use because “i will always be asian” and i cant “make myself white”. I have never wanted to be white. I was a pretty weird kid, and I always knew i was different from others, I was always very aware of the fact that I was Asian and I was always proud of it.  My Experiences from Canada
I know for some of my friends it was a shock learning that they were different from their peers. One example i can give is the comedian Joe Wang tells this story about how his son thinks hes white and was shocked to learn he was actually “yellow”.  But for me, anytime someone asked me where i was from, I would say “China” (at this point i didnt know the difference status Hong Kong held). Now, part of this I attribute to actually being born in Hong Kong and therefore saying i was from “China” was true to me. The other part is that I never really experienced racism. Then again, maybe i did and i was just too dense to realize.  But i never had the thing where kids would go “ewww whats that stuff ur eating”. Certainly i would get weird looks sometimes, but, to me it was just like i like eating broccoli but hate carrots, u think broccoli is gross but u love carrots. I never took it as a racial thing. I even remember i brought mooncakes once for my class to try and almost no one took me up on it but the teacher. The ones who did expressed they really didnt like like w their face. But i didnt feel bad. I remember carrying the box of mooncakes back to the car and telling my mom they didnt wanna try and immediately both of us said “oh well, more for us”.  I will say when I was young, I really wanted to have blond hair and blue eyes, curly hair even. I saw a friend and thought it was so pretty. But even as i imagined myself with blond hair and blue eyes, i still saw myself w asian features not white features. A little later I started watching anime and wanted purple eyes so i can say with certainty it wasnt a me wanting to me white thing. My Experiences in Hong Kong and with My Family in General 
Growing up my parents and my family back in Hong Kong, would always call me a “gwei mui”. From wikipedia, “Gwei [xxx] is a common Cantonese slang term for Westerners. In the absence of modifiers, it refers to white people and has a history of racially deprecatory and pejorative use, although it has been argued that it has since acquired a more neutral connotation. Cantonese speakers frequently use gwailou to refer to Westerners in general use, in a non-derogatory context, although whether this type of usage is offensive (i.e., an ethnic slur) is disputed by both Cantonese and Westerners alike”. Yes, in the past this word was racially charged, but in the present, its just another way to refer to westerners. I don’t really wanna get into it right now because theres a lot more to break down, but just know that its just a common way to refer to foreigners and the term “gwei mui” specifically refers to white girls. 
I grew up like this. And I grew up knowing that it was a very neutral term for people to call westerners and I also grew up being called such. Just as it was a fact that I was a girl, or that my moms name was Elsa, I was a gwei mui. 
Hong Kong is an international city. And there are foreigners everywhere. I remember walking into a store and before I even said anything, the shop assistants would ask “oh, youre from overseas right?” “yeah, how did you know?” “oh i can just tell by the way u carry yourself”. I had a friend tell me that she could tell i grew up overseas from the way i stood waiting in line, have ppl tell me they could tell by my make up or by how i dressed.  My “Thesis” on the Matter
In Hong Kong, and in my family and my extended family I was always the “white girl”. You once said that I couldnt be white no matter what, that i would always be asian. Can you tell my family that? Can you erase the fact that I was heavily influenced by western culture? I will say again, i never wanted to be white. And to be quite honest, when you said that I couldnt be white, and that i would always be asian, I felt angry. Angry that you could even imply I would want to be white, that i would want to be anything other than asian, that you assumed to know how i was feeling. 
But you need to understand, its not about “wanting to be white”, its about “not being asian enough”. You need to understand, that it never came from white communities, it came from my parents and my family back home. 
It was never racially motivated. It was just a fact. I’m currently 25 years old, I’m 5ft5(ish), I weigh about 117lbs, I was born a girl and identiy as such, I’m from Hong Kong, I grew up in Canada and i’m a banana. 
If we were to go back to what u were trying to explain about racism and xenophobia then you could make the argument that “gwei mui” and “banana” had xenophobic roots - but to tell me its racist? because im itching to be white? i thoroughly reject that and i find it offensive.  If we were to take this stance tho, that it had xenophobic roots, and is therefore xenophobic, I would say “yes, maybe. but if im reclaiming it and seeing it as acknowledgement that I am a mesh of two different cultures, who are you to tell me its wrong?” Furthermore, i would make the argument that the n-word most definitely had racial undertones. but black ppl proudly call themselves the n-word. Why cant I call myself a banana without people telling me im being racist.  The final reason on why that statement about how i will always be asian and never white disturbs me to the core is the way that statement lumps all asians together. And maybe you didnt mean it like this or didnt even notice. But my experiences are vastly different from my cousins who grew up in Hong Kong. And yes, by the colour of my skin i will always be asian. But the experiences that make up who I am and my personality are very Canadian, very western based. And to basically overlook that, is to overlook my existence and the existence of Asian Americans.  I know you would never do this, but to basically put all Asians in one category is the same mind that would white supremacists' would tell us to “go back to our country” not acknowledging that most of us were born or at least grew up here. 
Thoughts from My Asian American Friends. Like I said, I talked to this with a lot of my asian american friends. Most of which identified w the term banana and actively call themselves one. Others who don’t, but are not offended when others identify themselves as such.  They reiterated that the term banana was never about “wanting to be white” that it was never an issue of “want”. That it never came from white communities. It came from their families back in asia. That they were “too white” or “not asian enough”. As one friend put it, “i mean in honesty we say it cause we feel like we don't totally belong to our culture, it's not saying it in means to erase our race.” another friend added “ This is true. I’ve seen posts about struggles of other Asian Americans who feel like they’re too Asian to be accepted as an American but too American to be accepted as an Asian lol”. They also said that to deny us of calling ourselves bananas is to invalidate our experiences and our existence as asian americans. That we are not the same as our counterparts who grew up in asia. That we were heavily influenced by western culture. “ Lmao did they just forget that as much as Asian blood runs in you, your whole life has been in CA? For that person to say that to you feels like she’s already making you feel invalidated for being Asian AND Canadian”. Who are others, who are not asian americans, to tell us, asian americans, how we can or cannot identify ourselves. Who are non asian americans to tell us this is racist, to say that we “want” to be white when they dont understand how we feel at all. my one friend said and i quote, “yeah I don’t think calling myself a banana is racist, like dude I’m talking about myself and how I see myself, who tf are you to say anything”.
one friend said it played into the white savior narrative. that we dont know better and that not specifically you, but that in general white ppl are getting angry for us, trying to educate us and inform us because we dont know better.  Another friend agreed that it probably started off as a negative but then ppl accepted it cuz it made sense - similar to how gweilo started off as having negative connotations but is now just neutral. She said, “banana imo is one of those words that started off as something bad but gradually (some) people accepted it and started referring themselves as banana because it makes sense lol”.  Closing Statements
I’m not trying to make you feel bad and i honestly hope i dont. But I remember you telling me it was important to have these conversations so I hope this isnt too  uncomfortable. honestly tho, i dont even know if im ever going to send this to you or if youll read it.
But I really need you to understand where this comes from and where I’m coming from. If you dont agree, I can’t really change that. But to essentially call me racist for how identify myself with the things i struggle with, is 100% not okay. To tell me I’ll always be asian and to imply i shouldnt want to be white is 110% offensive. and to lump asian americans with asians is 100% denying our experiences. to tell me how i can and cannot see myself, is also 100% not your call, its mine. And it really hurt to know after our conversation last time you still thought i was ‘wrong’ that you thought I was being racist instead of truly respecting where it comes from.  At some point you might be able to gradually convince me ‘reverse racism’ doesnt exist. but there is no way in hell, you will convince me that how I or other asian americans see ourselves is the “wrong” way to see ourselves. 
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555amantha · 7 years
I have to escape this fucking house lmfao. My room is right across from the kitchen, I have two sliding doors leading to the kitchen, and one of the doors is right next to the table where this dickhead keeps his desktop. First of all? Who the fuck keeps a desktop at the kitchen table? And he's on it at all hours of the night watching fucking trump videos and smoking weed. So I just walked out to go wash my face and he jumps up and tries to hide what's on his screen. I didn't have my glasses on but I could clearly see it was porn. I've had this inkling for quite some time now that he was a pervert, white supremacist asshole, but this just solidified everything. My mother has defended him thus far. Not seeing anything wrong with him using my fucking washcloth and bath products (who the fuck does that), making sexual jokes to me and around me even though he's "known" me since I was 12 or 13, I've suspected that he's gone into my room when I'm not home, and just the general feeling I get when he's around is so fucking unsettling and I want to rip my skin off. I cry for my poor nephews when they go out with their grandmother and this fucking jackhole piece of shit. I can only hope they aren't brainwashed and put down by the shit I KNOW they talk about around them. I wanna see what the fuck she's gonna say when I tell her he was watching porn and possibly touching himself right outside of my room. The thing is, what can she even do about that? And what WOULD she say? She herself is abusive, she's married to this guy, she can't stand me because I'm the only person that sees her for what she really is and because I'm the only person that tried to tell everyone else. My mother is a BLACK Puerto Rican woman, with two BLACK Puerto Rican daughters and two BLACK Puerto Rican grandsons, and she's on this pervert, xenophobe, racists DICK for god knows what. My mother can be kind, but I can't trust her for shit and that hurts me the most. I'm 23 now, and for the rest of my life I will blame her for any plight I'll ever have, because she cut me like no one else could ever since I was small. She is fucking spineless. I can't even rely on anyone. I can't ask for help or change. I can only leave and I will wish them the worst.
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