#hawaii golf trip
4-seasons-golf-tour · 2 months
Discover Ultimate Golf Tour Package for Your Dream Vacation
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Experience luxury, breathtaking courses, and unforgettable memories with our exclusive golf tour package. For more detail you can visit the official website about best golf tour location with affordable golf tour package.
1. The Essence of Overseas Golf Tours
When it comes to Overseas Golf Tours, 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR stands out as your ultimate companion. Picture yourself teeing off against breathtaking backdrops—the rolling hills of Scotland, the sun-kissed greens of Hawaii, or the iconic courses in the USA. Our golf tournament holidays are meticulously designed to elevate your golfing experience beyond borders.
2. Beyond the Fairways: What Sets Us Apart
At 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR, we’re not just travel agents; we’re passionate golf enthusiasts. Our team curates every detail, ensuring seamless travel arrangements, personalized itineraries, and exclusive access to world-class golf courses. Whether you’re a seasoned golfer or a beginner, our golf travel agency caters to your unique preferences.
3. Elevate Your Swing, Elevate Your Journey
Imagine sinking a birdie putt while the Pacific breeze rustles the palm trees. Envision camaraderie with fellow golfers from around the globe. That’s the essence of our golf trip packages. We blend golf excellence with cultural exploration, creating memories that last a lifetime. Trust us to handle the logistics, so you can focus on perfecting your swing.
Join us at 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR for an overseas golf adventure like no other. Let’s tee off together and explore the world—one fairway at a time!
Remember, it’s not just about the game; it’s about the journey. 🏌️‍♂️⛳️
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nhlclover · 1 year
hawaii | jack hughes
summary: you and your boyfriend celebrate his birthday in hawaii.
request: yes / no
warnings: fluff, a few references to sex
a/n: he is just so…
word count: 0.7k
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The sliding door to the balcony had been left open, allowing a warm salty breeze to roll in. The early morning sun crept in through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on the room. A ray of sunlight that snuck through the gap in the curtains landed directly on my boyfriend's face, illuminating his features.
The glow made Jack’s tan skin look even more so, accentuating the blonde highlights in his hair and the freckles across his cheeks. His chest rose and fell with every steady breath. He looked angelic lying next to me.
We had been in Hawaii now for a couple of days and planned it so Jack's birthday would fall right in the middle of our trip. What Jack didn’t know was that I had planned a day full of things that he’d been wanting to do our whole trip.
The clock on the nightstand read just past 8. I slipped out of bed, putting on Jack’s discarded t-shirt from last night’s early birthday celebration. I grabbed the phone off the nightstand, dialling room service while walking to the balcony. The cord just allows me to step out there to take the call so I don’t wake Jack.
I order us some breakfast and coffee, stepping back into our room where Jack is still soundly sleeping in bed. I crawl back into bed, lying next to him, gently running my hands over his bare chest. He stirs but doesn’t fully wake, so I lean in and press soft kisses to his neck. I look up at his face, a small smile tugging on his lips.
I continue the kisses, trailing up his jawline and onto his cheek. His smile grows and eventually, he opens his eyes. “Good morning.” I say softly.
“Morning.” He says in his raspy morning voice.
“Happy birthday.” I say.
He smiles, leaning over and pecking me on the lips. “Thank you, my love.” He smiles.
There’s a knock on the door, making Jack’s brows furrow. I get up, answering the door to a bellboy with our breakfast on a cart. I thank him, giving him a small tip and rolling the cart in.
“What did you do?” Jack asks, propped up on his elbow.
“I got us breakfast. It’s your birthday so I’m treating you.” I grab our plates, both with an omelette with some berries on the side. “I was thinking we can go hiking to see one of the waterfalls, then I know you wanted to go snorkelling so we’re gonna do that in the afternoon.”
“Wait I thought they were all booked?” He asked.
“I lied.” I smiled.
“Hell yeah.” Jack chuckled. Snorkelling was something he had been talking about doing ever since we planned this trip. However I lied to him telling him all the snorkelling trips were booked up, even though I had secretly booked us one for today.
“And then, I was thinking a round of golf?” I offer. “I packed that Lululemon skirt, y’know the white one?”
This makes Jack look up from his omelette at me, swallowing the piece in his mouth. “The short one?”
“Mhm.” I nod.
Jack groans, taking another bite of his breakfast.
A little while later we get ready for our day, which starts with the hike, then our snorkelling, followed by 9 holes of golf in which I got dominated. We came back to the room to get changed for dinner, taking a nice long shower together. Jack had on a loose white dress shirt with some jeans. He purposefully left the top couple of buttons undone, exposing the slightly burnt chest he had earned on our hike.
Dinner passed, as well as dessert where the restaurant staff brought out their signature dessert with sparklers stuck in, singing happy birthday to Jack, slightly embarrassing him. The blush on his cheeks made his already sunkissed skin look burnt.
Right at the end of dinner, the sun began to set so we made our way down to the beach to watch the sunset. We stood right before the water, our shoes discarded up the beach to let the water run over our bare feet. Jack stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my torso.
“Thank you for today, baby.” He says, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“Anything for my birthday boy.” I reply. “Was today good?”
“It was amazing.” He says. Jack places his hands on my hips, spinning me around to face him, a smirk tugging on his lips. “I have another activity that could close out the birthday festivities with a bang?”
Jack and I grab our shoes, heading in the direction of our hotel. The pair of us are giggling like idiots, running up the beach hand in hand.
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
What would all your au couples currently be doing during the offseason?
Jack and Lovie have taken El up to the lake house, but really Lovie and El just kinda follow where Jack goes! like he went to the nhl awards? they went with him. he went to do the bauer stuff? they went with him. he went to jersey with the guys? they went with him. but for the most part they’ve spent the most amount of time in Michigan relaxing at the lake house! they also went to Brady’s wedding!
Luke and Dolly have been spending A LOT of time at the lake house! they’ll go on the boat or go golfing (she literally just sits on the golf cart and watches him golf), but they also spend days just relaxing and watching movies on the couch! they tagged along to the jersey shore with Jack and the other though, and she attended Brady’s wedding with him as his plus one!
John and Shortcake have been traveling quite a bit! they went to hawaii with Dawson and his gf, and then they split up see their respective families. but then he came to visit her and properly meet her family (although they really already know him as Dawson’s teammate, but he wanted to meet them as Shortcake’s boyfriend), and then she went to massachusetts to meet his family (his brother already knew her from meeting her at a game and keeping in touch with her, and she had BRIEFLY met his dad during the mentor’s trip, but she’d yet to properly meet his parents). they then spent most of the month of June traveling and visiting other places! and now they’ve kinda split for a week to visit their respective families again and for him to get some training in!
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
This interview was just released but it took place roughly after the Met Gala in 2022 (since he talks about Tom recently going to dinner with a famous race car driver) here are some quick highlights
How do you managed fame By staying normal. Tom speaks to his family four to five times a week and no one in the family defers to him. "If our family is involved in his life and can tell him off when needs be he is much more likely to remain normal." Dom belilves this since acolytes are less likely to tell Tom the truth since they fear being fired. They accomodate Tom's fame really easily because in their world Tom is not famous.  It is only when Dom goes online he is reminded that Tom is famous
Do you worry about losing him to Hollywood? "I don't think I do because he wants to live in Britain he is in America at the moment but he hankers to be in Britain. I think Britain is much more grounding for him because all his friends and family are here.....I don't think he's of that disposition to embrace it but I do have concerns though. I don't want his window getting any bigger on his life. I want him to diminish his window now. He's going to work for the rest of his life whenever he wants to work he has enough traction now such that he will be cast and hopefully he will choose good projects that he will do well in but now he needs to manage his fame to diminish that concentration of attention on him. Cillian Murphy doesn't do chat shows for example and I think that is a good thing. Do Peaky Blinders be well paid be well regarded but don't give anything of yourself that you don't need to and I think that is a good way to be a famous person….  It's been tremendous to watch but  there is a cost to fame and the cost is that the love for Tom by so many people can be a little bit overwhelming"
Benefits of Fame Tom contributed a lot of money towards the family's trip to Namibia to make the holiday viable. He also arranged for the family to join him at the Sony golf event in Hawaii a day after they returned from Nambia
Nepotism He believes that instead of his other kids being worried about being in Tom's shadow they should use it to their advantage since they can't get away from it.  They have to perform on their own merits to prevail.  He gave an example of Harry being a must hired to now a great hire because he worked hard and proved himself to the studio
How do you make it in Show Business?  "you have to understand  that the fates are either with you or against you and you can take your opportunities only if they are presented to you. Tom took all the opportunities presented to him and smashed them."  Dom doesn't like talking about Tom's talent because it seems like parental pride but he has no problem discussing his extraordinary work ethic and professionalism.  He  gave the example of the angry dance.  When Tom was playing Billy, he was known as the kid that smashes the angry dance and the teachers use Tom's angry dance as an example for the kids coming afterwards because the teachers knew that some of the other kids pretended to be exerting themselves and they didn't max out on the dance.  Tom didn't know what the future had in store for him but he exerted himself so much on the angry dance because that is what the role required.  He used to dread it but he did it every show while other kids told Tom they weren't tired because they pretended to be tired.
SELF BELIEF It is extraordinary to Dom and Nikki that Tom has so much self confidence in himself since  both his parents lack it and Tom is more confident than his brothers
Jo Elvin - Fame
Thank you Anon! I haven't heard this podcast interview yet.
It seems (from what you summarized) that what we've been suspecting about Tom and fame is pretty much on the nose.
I think it's overwhelming for him sometimes, and it seems his dad is confirming that.
Was it just me, or does it also seem like Dom was hinting that Tom has kind of declined attending certain events, or even taking certain roles because he kind of wants to reel in the massive-ness of his fame right now? 🤔🤔
Maybe it's just me, but that's the impression I was getting....
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ncisfranchise-source · 7 months
Mark Harmon said goodbye to the CBS hit NCIS almost two years ago — but don’t look for him on the golf course. 
“I left the show, I didn’t retire,” Harmon tells PEOPLE in this week’s issue.
Instead, the father of two adult sons with his wife, actress Pam Dawber, pivoted from 19 seasons as Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs to a new passion project that had him sifting through piles of research about World War II. 
Next month, the 72-year-old will release his first historical nonfiction book, Ghosts of Honolulu: A Japanese Spy, a Japanese American Spy Hunter, and the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor. “I've always thought you can learn from history,” he tells PEOPLE. “Things tend to repeat themselves.”
Ghosts of Honolulu unearths the true story of Douglas Wada, a Japanese American born in Hawaii who became a spy for the U.S. Navy, in his greenest years posing as a local newspaper reporter for what was then known as the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI). Ultimately, Wada would chase rival Japanese spy Takeo Yoshikawa across the Pacific following the coordinated attack on Pearl Harbor.
"This is the first story (leading) to the birth of what became (the real) NCIS,” says Harmon of the  Naval Criminal Investigative Service. "These agents are really a different breed. I hope that there’s a story revealed here that you don’t know. It was important work they were doing, and no one knew about it.”
Harmon calls Wada a trailblazer: "He was a very specific guy in a very specific time" with a skill set to match, working to uncover Japanese infiltration while striving to protect the innocent Japanese American community being targeted by his own government.
The book is a labor of love from Harmon and co-writer Leon Carroll Jr., the latter who spent 20 years as a real NCIS special agent before becoming the CBS show's longtime technical advisor.
While in the agency, Carroll Jr. "was their No. 1 interrogator," says Harmon. "I was always asking him about the right way to do something or the way he would do something. There wasn't any interrogation I ever was part of on this show that I didn't talk to him about. So when this idea came to me, I wanted it to be real. I said I wouldn't touch this without him." 
Harmon's broadcaster father fought as a pilot in WWII, and in his youth Harmon had three years of ROTC training in high school before going on to play quarterback for UCLA. But he says it was his casting as Gibbs that led to his current passion for naval spy history.
“I was trying to research it, and there was just not much information about this agency," he says. "It was really asking questions and meeting people and then grew from that.” 
Now, after spending almost two decades on NCIS, Harmon says he is using his free time to explore new pursuits. “I always find things to do," he says. "I think for the longest time I was just tired, to be honest. My workload was heavy every week. I took it seriously, and there were a lot of people there who did the same. I miss the camaraderie, the lunches at the tables and hearing about people’s families and what they’re doing away from the show. But it’s a job.”
At this stage in his life, Harmon continues to feel lucky. “I've got time to do whatever I want to. I can plan a dinner with the boys, we can take a trip. I'm so fortunate, I don't ever wake up not thinking that."
Ghosts of Honolulu: A Japanese Spy, a Japanese American Spy Hunter, and the Untold Story of Pearl Harbor is out Nov. 14 wherever books are sold.
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teamfreewill2pointo · 5 months
Remembering last trip Jensen took to Sony Open in Hawaii when the Grifter had boots on the ground (literally trying to track what secret filming locations he might be visiting, because he couldn't just be there to--yanno--golf)
There's a really funny golfing story I hope he says in public. Ask him about his golf adventures sometime.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
You hit the nail on the head with that ask. We never hear Colby complain just show hes tired, yet Sam literally is seen out more and has commented that he has panic attacks and Colby has to come help him out with that. I just had a talk about this with someone on reddit and we were saying how as soon as they returned from Europe, Sam left to have another trip with his siblings while Colby stayed behind to edit. Yet when he returned it was Sam who made the post about not needing to vacation and preferring to work than have time off. When Colby is finally seen out, Sam always has to post some version of a story or snap to show hes editing yet all we see on the screen is the thumbnail. Colby looks so down and depressed sometimes it worries me and where is Sam? Golfing? Or taking Katrina to Hawaii? Colby barely took time to see his family in Arizona because he needed to get back to editing. Just know many of us don’t say this because parts of the fandom are so toxic you cant get a word in but we all see it, and many of us feel it. You though hit the nail on the head.
my thing is, i'm not saying he doesn't deserve time off. if anything, i would love for him to find someone that could take some shit off his plate. both him and colby work their asses off, they BOTH deserve to have editors do their parts so they can focus on other things. my issue is that when colby edits, he sits in his room and does nothing else but edit. maybe you see him go out at night, maybe he goes on a walk or something. but even that's rare. sam on the other hand…. he's out with kat, or her group of friends. he's out drinking. he's doing a bunch of stuff. but then comes back and complains on not having enough time to edit. in one breath he will say he loves editing and it's his favorite thing to do, but in the next breath complain about needing an editor or showing all the shit he had to do just to get to the point where the video is almost finished.
both of them do a lot of editing all the time, but only one complains about it. and then that same one complains about not finding an editor that can copy his style, or that he has to give notes and 20 page documents on how to do his style. and it also seems like at times that he "deserves" an editor bc he has a gf and since colby doesn't, that's why who cares if he has to do his part in the end regardless. that's my issue.
and as i've said before, usually when snc are in a time crunch is when sam likes to pull out the "let's try something different with the editing", and it usually just makes the video feel a bit off, even if the thing that changed seemed somewhat interesting. there was just no follow-thru bc YOU DIDN'T HAVE TIME.
again, i don't care if sam wants time away from work. i IMPLORE both of them to take breaks. but do not come back from a 5 star vacation talking about "i love working, idk why anyone would want a vacay, you shouldn't live for them".
some of us only work to live here, samuel. you think i love working in retail for slightly above minimum wage? fuck no lol
yo highkey i think my issue with sam is that he is just such a capitalist and i'm just… not. this man wants to be rich like elon but doesn't realize what that means to get that rich. but then it's funny bc he doesn't even realize looking up to assholes like elon or bezos is ridiculous bc neither one of those fuckers are working. they just profit off of those that work under them without lifting a finger. they exploit which is why they make so much fucking money. they care about no one but themselves and their fucking pockets. money makes them soulless.
okay i'm gonna stop ranting now.
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List Of Resident Requests to Anomalous Enrichment
The dropbox and surveys have barely been open, and I'm swamped with ideas. Some are bad, some are good, some just make me wonder about who I work with. Here's the list so far, in no particular order. See who asked for what, if you feel brave.
A karaoke machine. Denied due to lack of vocal chords or a body 90% of the time.
Operation. Yes, the old tabletop game. Granted.
A 55 gallon fish tank, and supplies. Pending approval from Command.
An ice cream machine. (Trick entry, multiple suggestions on this one) Granted.
A huge screen tv, DVD player, and several monster movies. Denied on the grounds of encouraging bad behavior, at least the monster movies were.
A Ninja Warrior training course. Approved, merely for exercise purposes.
One of those stupid inflatable clown punching bag things. Granted.
A surfing trip to Hawaii. Granted, as entity is a Safe class.
An ice cream social for the kids and sentient non violent anomalies. Granted, locating supplies.
A shooting gallery, for bow shooting. Granted, with non lethal arrows.
Golf clubs. Granted. But... why?
Giant bounce house. Where the hells would we inflate it safely here? Denied.
Treasure hunt. Granted.
Glitter. Denied. Nice try, though.
A rubber chicken with squeaker. Granted.
A half dozen live ducks. Pending.
A flock of sheep, a pasture to graze them in, a nice little quiet hut nearby. Pending, but... sounds good to me, man.
Twelve dozen donuts. Granted, but not in one sitting.
Dance lessons. Granted, and I might just sign up too.
A literal buttload of red wine. Denied due to the no alcohol policy. Sorry. Besides, over 1300 gallons might be a bit much in one go.
Drawing tablet. Granted.
A rabbit. Granted.
A catnip mouse, new plush bed, and window perch. Granted, with laser pointer bonus.
A dartboard. Pending. Not sure we can trust the recipient with pointy objects, but... with good behavior it is possible.
Queen sized four post bed with curtains. Do they even make those still? Pending.
Giant chocolate donkey. Not sure where to even find a mold for that.
Rats. Denied.
An idiot from the Chaos Insurgency. Pending, next raid I promise.
Five minutes alone with Dr. Clef's ukulele. Denied, not worth the risk of 4 gage slug to my head. Sorry.
A cricket bat. Granted.
Wild strawberry plants. Granted, there's a ton around here.
Huge Snorlax plushie. Granted.
Full set of kitchen pots and pans, new kitchen, and "ingredients" for a gourmet dinner. Denied due to choice of protein.
Massive smoking apparatus in the guise of the Grim Reaper. Denied, but it looked badass. Policy is policy. Sorry.
Deep red corset dress. Granted, but... why? Corsets are painful.
Patent leather platform boots, blackest black. Granted. Nice choice.
A hammock. Granted.
A rock hammer. Denied to to weapon policy.
5 kites. Granted, go ahead and pick designs.
Cast iron clawfoot tub. Granted, pending plumbing install.
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aureaaviation · 1 year
Travel place Idea 2023
Maui is a small island in Hawaii, with white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters. It's a popular tourist destination for its beauty and variety of activities. You can enjoy breathtaking views from the top of Haleakala volcano or hike through rainforest trails on the slopes of Haleakala.
Maui has some amazing waterfalls like Wailea Falls or Wailua Falls which are both part of the Hawaiian Islands National Wildlife Refuge (HINWR). You can also visit Lana'i or Lanai if you want to see some more beautiful beaches like Black Rock Beach or Kukuiula Beach Park where people come here during summer months because there is no waves so it's very safe for swimming too!
Another great place to visit while staying in Maui would be Wailea Golf Club where there are lots more things besides just playing golfing games such as tennis courts where players get together after they finish their day’s play; facility includes catering services available 24 hours per day seven days per week including bar service available at various locations throughout property during normal business hours only not available off-site due to liability issues associated with serving alcohol outside licensed premises when customers aren't present within immediate proximity so please make sure everyone behaves responsibly before drinking any alcoholic beverages
Alaska is the 49th state of the United States and one of the largest, most mountainous, and least densely populated states in the United States. It has been named by Lonely Planet as one of its top 10 destinations for 2019. You can visit this beautiful place by flying to Anchorage or Fairbanks or even by driving through Denali National Park and Preserve.
Iceland is a country in northern Europe. It's made up of many islands and volcanoes, so it has a lot of natural beauty to offer.
Iceland is home to some of the best hiking trails in all of Europe, as well as some fantastic restaurants and bars that serve traditional Icelandic dishes like whale meat and puffin eggs (which are served on toast). You'll also find plenty of waterfalls if you're looking for something more adventurous than just relaxing by the pool with your friends!
Maldives is an island country in the Indian Ocean. It is situated between India and Sri Lanka, atolled by 1,192 coral islands (1,190 if you count the minor atolls). This tiny country has been known as “the land of water” since ancient times because of its vast amounts of water surrounding it.
Maldives offers tourists many things to do: diving with sharks and turtles; snorkeling on coral reefs; walking through tropical forests or exploring ancient temples; eating seafood cooked over coconut husks while taking in the beautiful scenery around you...
Monaco is the second smallest country in the world. It has only about 324,000 people and it’s located on the coast of France.
Monaco has a lot of casinos and hotels, but it also has museums like The Musée National des Châteaux de Malmaison and Musée Guggenheim du Design.
France is a beautiful country that has many different cities and towns. It is an excellent place to visit if you are looking for culture, history, or even just some good food!
Here are some ideas for your trip:
Paris - Paris is one of the most famous cities in all of Europe. You can visit any one of the museums there and see amazing artworks from around the world! There’s also plenty more going on besides just sightseeing—you could check out some concerts or performances at Les Etoiles de la Rue (the Stars of La Rua), which offers theater performances throughout its three venues: Théâtre de la Bourse; Théâtre du Vieux-Colombier; and Studio Kino. Or if you have time left over after touring these places, why not take part in something like cycling through Montmartre? This hike will take about 2 hours roundtrip depending on how fast/slow paced you want your ride!
We should go traveling with my friends
Traveling with friends is a great way to have fun, relax and meet new people. It’s also an exciting experience that will make you feel like you are living life on your own terms.
Traveling by yourself can be very stressful if you don’t have anyone to share it with or take care of when things get tough. Traveling with other people who care about each other can help relieve some of this stress when traveling together as well as making sure everyone has what they need during their trip (food & water).
We hope this list of travel ideas has given you some inspiration for your next trip! We know that it can be hard to decide where to go and what to see, but these places offer something special for everyone. Whether it's the beautiful landscapes.
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4-seasons-golf-tour · 3 months
LA Korean Travel Agency || 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR
Embark on a golfing adventure like never before with 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR, your premier LA Korean Travel Agency specializing in custom golf tours across the USA. Experience the thrill of playing on top-notch courses, booking the best Las Vegas golf packages, and securing exclusive Las Vegas golf tee times through our dedicated services. Let us be your guide to a memorable golf vacation with our carefully curated golf vacation packages tailored to your preferences.
Discover the beauty of the USA with our custom golf tours that cater to golf enthusiasts and travelers alike. From exploring iconic golf clubs to indulging in luxurious stays, our expert team ensures a seamless experience from start to finish. As a trusted Korean travel agent, we pride ourselves on being a renowned and famous Korean travel agency in America, offering unparalleled services and unforgettable journeys for our valued clients.
Experience the ultimate blend of luxury and leisure with 4 SEASONS GOLF TOUR, your gateway to unparalleled USA golf travel experiences. Whether you're seeking a personalized golf vacation for a group tour, we have the expertise to turn your golfing dreams into reality. Trust us to elevate your travel experience and create lasting memories with our exceptional services.
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pappydaddy · 2 years
get to know me better
tag 10 (or 4 if you're like me) people you wanna know better
thank you for the tag lovely @purple-flamingo ! i was just thinking about how much i missed doing tag games!
relationship status: single and not ready to mingle
favourite colour: earthy colours (forest green/safe/browns/reds/etc.), lilac, and other flowery colours
favourite food: dill pickles, spinach pizza (a specific frozen pizza brand tho) and cheese pizza (with mozzarella) both with ranch (don’t knock them before you try them - i know they are weird)
song suck in my head: earlier: spider-man cartoon theme song ; at the moment: good looking by suki waterhouse
the last thing you googled: when is the next full moon
time: 2:04 in the morning (when making this)
dream trip: california then a nice tropical place like hawaii if the tourism industry would stop ruining sacred lands and bulldozing nature, and then scotland (for multiple weeks). also, bc
last thing you read: the love hypothesis
last book you enjoyed reading: the love hypothesis
last book you hated reading: people we meet on vacation (it is taking me so long to get through the book, idk why bc it’s a good book), novella i was forced to read for a class that the format made it very confusing to read - good meaning and story that was being told tho, and the tempest (one of my least favourite shakespeare plays)
favourite thing to cook/bake: cook - I make this really good mushroom dish (yum), sloppy joes, dill pickle grilled cheese, and a really good bbq chicken wrap with naan bread for the wrap ; bake - pastries/anything where i work with yeast, blueberry muffins
most niche hate/dislike: cherrys/cherry flavouring - i had medicine when i was a kid that was cherry flavoured and it made my tongue and throat numb so now when i taste cherrys/cherry flavouring, it feels like my tongue and throat are numb ; golf carts - i will not be elaborating, no further questions regarding the matter at this time please (read it as an official saying this)
opinions on circuses: uh, never went to one, never plan to go to one. just not my cup of tea.
do you have a sense of direction: a little. i can navigate the woods and i can navigate if i have been to the place before, but i get lost easily when driving in the city
d&d character: do not play bc i have nobody to start playing with (also cannot afford another thing to be obsessed with and co-dependant on)
no pressure tags lovelies! @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @k-k0129 | @diademsandtiaras | @alistair-strange
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chlorine-queen · 11 months
My father is arguably the luckiest person I've ever met in my entire life, and the luck inverted itself upon me at my birth. He's a guest at a Golf tournament and buys $20 in raffle tickets, wins 5k tech package (I use that iPad Pro every day). He wins a week-long trip to Hawaii TWICE.
I, however, stub my toe on a 2mm bump at least 5 times a day, I drop things like I'm Linus, and when I was supposed to have s few days of solitude to recuperate, I come down with pneumonia. In June.
Now I am thankful because this is double digits on pneumonia diagnoses in my life, and had I waited any longer I would have ended up in the hospital with a bill I most certainly would not have paid.
I'm being only a little dramatic, when no one's looking I catch objects like a monk but the instant I'm observed I fall to pieces
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yoori-ya · 1 year
Aloha means the "breath of life."
Fuck, what a trip.
I showed up to Hawaii with a suitcase, a backpack, and a vague idea that I'd like to chill at the beach if I could. Maybe go on some hikes. Musubi was a thing there, right? Zero allies, and zero expectations. Why'd I do it? The thought of it made me nervous, which was reason enough--I guess I wanted to figure it out.
I thought, Well, if it goes south, I can go drink at the bars, eat some poke, and hit practice a few times.
It did not go south. Infact, it felt like I got yanked into a riptide, a powerful current dragging me along for the strange ride. This happened the moment I stepped off the plane and realized the Uber from the airport to the hostel was too expensive. Public transportation was a fraction of the price at $3 and arriving--now. I looked up, and the bus that I needed sighed to stop on the street across from me. When the driver told me the fare was cash only (or a Holo Card), I threw up a prayer and, upon opening my wallet, found it answered in exactly three one-dollar bills. Lucky me, I thought, and then found myself saying this over and over again throughout the week. A bottom bunk opened up on my second day the hostel. As soon as I shut my laptop after work, a friend would walk by and ask me to head to the beach. As soon as I finished dinner, I'd get a text about going out. I made brief but quality connections with many bright and restless souls. I ran into locals who were determined to drive me around and show me an island most visitors didn't get to see. Despite my utter lack of A Plan, everything kept flowing so well, it gave me goosebumps.
I asked a local about my experience. "Is this normal?"
"Uhm..no. Maybe you're just really lucky?" he said.
Maybe. It's a little corny, but I got the weird sense that the island was taking care of me, holding me in a warm hug, dumping one thing after another into my lap out of sheer generosity. I felt loved by that place. Maybe it knew I was hurting, I don't know. My spirit was very, very badly corroded, and I was made a little more whole on this trip.
(Weirdly, this continued even after I landed back in LA. I got randomly asked if I wanted a golf cart ride to the end of the terminal since the walk was long. The bus to the LAX-IT was just about to pull away from the curb before I hopped on. Trying to grab an uber didn't end up being the Kafka-esque nightmare it usually was. Etc. Etc.).
I always used to think "going with the flow" was a passive thing, to float there and let life drag you along, to just let things happen to you. I think it's more of knowing how to pick your way along different currents. This time, out of sheer curiosity, I steered myself onto something I knew I'd have a little less control over. It gave me some serious butterflies, but at the end of it, I killed it and picked up some new skills and a lot of confidence along the way--absolutely worth. it.
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kailuakonaestate · 1 year
Standard post published to Kailua Kona Estate at April 25, 2023 22:00
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Silent Retreat Kailua-Kona
If you want to be in a quiet, exciting place, visit Kailua Kona Estate in Hawaii. Our fully furnished facility is well equipped with private spas, luxury bedrooms, full kitchens, bathrooms, a heated pool, surround sound systems, flat-screen TVs, and more. Besides the amenities, we have a trained team of managers and support staff who work hard to ensure you enjoy your stay and trip to the Big Island. So when you come to our silent retreat in Kailua-Kona, expect to live like a king. In addition, our team will support you in all ways and help you visit beautiful sceneries from beaches to Akaka Falls. We will also help you engage in fun outdoor activities like snorkeling, whale watching, and golfing. Visit our website or call us today to make a reservation.
Learn more
source https://local.google.com/place?id=10739599270069556930&use=posts&lpsid=CIHM0ogKEICAgIDRnta0Yg
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jjjreirt · 1 year
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무 링크<<
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방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무
In January 2020, Joo Jin-mo announced through the media, "I will take legal action against the hacker's threat [17] who hacked his cell phone [16] and demanded money." However, some of Joo Jin-mo's private life text messages [18] that had already been leaked were circulated [19] through stock market inf방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무ormation magazines, and 'colleague actor A' who exchanged text messages was confirmed to be Jang Dong-gun, causing a great social stir. The text messages (captured version) that were circulated were exchanged between 2013 and 2014 bet방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무ween Jinmo Joo and Donggun Jang. The circumstances of what happened were intact. They shared bikini profile pictures and nude photos of the women [21], commented on their faces and bodies, and their conversations were full of obscenities and profanities degrading wom방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무en. What was more controversial was that Jang Dong-gun was married [22] at the time, and that it coincided with the time when her wife Ko So-young was pregnant with her second child [23] and gave birth to her [24].
The public's attention was focused on the reaction of her wife Ko So-young, who closed her Instagram comment section without comment. At the time, Ko So-young was on a trip to Hawaii with her family, and it was reported that she l방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무eft the country on the same day that Joo Jin-mo announced her position to the press [25]. And when she left the country, there was also a witness [26] that her couple used her economy seat and the atmosphere looked unusual. However, a refutation report came out saying, "I used a business seat, and it is an annual trip to the United States for the 방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무children's vacation." A week later, Jang Dong-gun, who returned to Korea alone [27] due to schedule reasons, did not announce any further stance.
The controversy gradually spread, and rumors spread that a person named 'Bin-yi' [29] (presumed to be Hyun Bin), a member of the rounding member, and the celebrity golf club Smile [28], which was mentioned in the conversation in the tex방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무t, was also involved, and Hyun Bin took legal action against it. The response [30] was foreshadowed. On the other hand, unlike the other members who chose silence, Gong Hyeong-jin, who was also called 'Jang Dong방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무-gun's butler', drew a line saying, "It's been a long time since I haven't seen them often" when their acquaintance with them was mentioned, and was frowned upon.[31][32]
It is clear that Joo Jin-mo and Jang Dong-gun were victims of unauthorized hacking and leakage of their personal information to an unspecified number of people.
In particular, Jang Dong-gun was greatly loved by the public as the original sculptural handsome man, good personality, and the perfect husband of the wannabe Django방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무 couple [33]. The fact that spelling errors [34], the use of vulgar language that sexually harasses and evaluates women, and the broken morality of enjoying lewd acts and adultery with other young women in a situation where they have a spouse and children are thoroughly hidden is a big 방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무hit to the public. I was shocked and deeply disappointed. Perhaps because of this aftermath, he has not appeared in front of the public for more than two years since the incident occurred, and there has been almost no news of his next film for a while, but in 2022, when the production of the Asdal Chronicle season 2 was confirmed, he mad방과후 전쟁 활동 다시 보기_티빙 2023 티비나무e a comeback as an actor.
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theavscout · 1 year
Hmm.. I don’t know why but my hashtag says
#animalcrossing now I am sitting here with a bit of bewilderment.. which animal is crossing. Not going to lie since I have lived here I have seen more coyotes then I have ever seen in my life. When I was younger my father would take us to Phoenix, Arizona every summer. My father had a business trip and my mother would take us adventuring, site seeing and giving us lessons on the culture in that specifics state environments. Anyways at the water park hotel they had a kids club there that the kids could join if their parents were in their own clubs. Which I feel like my dad was in all the social light “clubs” the first class airline private lodges etc..
VIP rewards first in line, free lodging between flights.. you pay into these clubs or you get a certain amount of points. I really do feel like I am running out of time. So I hardly relax now a days but I do feel like when I am in peaceful environments like the beach in Hawaii or it could be a local one all my worries drift away with the sounds of the sea. I really am sleepy but in the Phoenix kids club there was sick games we would play. We also had to learn vapid information in and out Arizona and the desert. Of course basic survival skills how to live in the desert, horseback riding and other fun activities and of course Indians!! I love learning about Indians they are super bad ass. My grandmother Marlene growing up had a nice time share in arizona that we would stay in. It was one of my favorites because the decor was very Pablo house and made of clay rocks vibe and then we had the Indians turquoise everything, but my favorite about the spot was the golf course, the pool, and the in house ms Pac-Man that I would play none stop. I learned how to golf at the la Quinta and ever since there age 6yrs old I fell in love with it. I have played at a local course almost every place I have been too. Man it feels good to let my self free write it has been so long since I have had the chance to do this. I really which I had a man in my bed right now to cuddle with I am so lonely.
Back to the airport clubs: All the free snacks perks etc.. it was a good time networking with all the major players in the field. My favorite beyond favorite was the take your daughter to work day. He had been training me as his personal assistant since I was a small baby, teaching me how the proper way to answer the phone is. Having me always record the family messages, learning to take notes and how to carry out quality customer service skills.
I know my grammar is trash but I know it will only improve in time. I truly am my worst critic, I just can’t help myself I have been tough on myself like this my whole life. I hold myself to the high standards I hold others that doesn’t mean I always oblige either. Right now I am wondering how safe it is for me right here. And when I die am I going from natural causes? Is my husband going to murder me but really we both go live in another country happy ever after. I was always hoping my hero would come save me. Take me away for 6mths to a year and learn about another country while I am alway. I do i do i do speak it into reality I know my dreams matter and I know they can in fact come true.
Body check: my hips and neck have been a highlight of pain today. We all know a body in motion stays in motions.. however I was having a tough time today. I got rid of my dads old bed it was gross and we needed to do that long over due. I was happy to also cut up old furniture that smelled like dog piss because the wood had been saturated in the dog urine for so long. I was so happy to see it burn it had a funky smell to it though and my chimney through off a high alert to everyone during the day they are pain in the ass complaining about my chimney smoke. Whatever, right now I am in bed and I am so happy to be. I don’t know how comfortable I feel with the bed on the floor but I do.
Man I really wish someone who enjoys hanging out with me would come back over. Sweet dreams, may God bless your life tonight and may we all get the rest we need. Amen.
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