lewis-winters · 6 months
here's an excerpt from the Harry Welsh/Kitty Grogan Canon Divergent AU where you have Kitty on the front lines with Harry because I felt like it... and also because I don't think I'll be finishing this this year because of work and... Baldur's Gate 3. Heh.
The thing about Kitty is: she hates beating around the damn bush.
It's a by-product of her mother's mind games, she thinks. Nothing quite like weaponized bluntness to incite the Queen of Pennsylvanian Roman Catholic Passive-Aggressiveness into actually spitting out the god-awful truth for once. It might've earned her a slap or two in her younger years, but the second she learned to dodge and run, then later on sneak back into the house through her little brother’s open window, her mother has been powerless against her.
Of course, she tried other tactics after that. "No good boy's going to want you and that smart mouth of yours."
But Kitty found ways to fight those, too. "Lots of good boys like smart mouths, Mama, on account that they belong to smart girls. Not that you'd know, of course."
Her Mama had scoffed and sputtered at the idea, raising a hand out of habit, faltering badly when all Kitty did was laugh in her face and dance right out of her reach, reveling in her impertinence instead of cowering. A year after that, Wel—Harry, with all his smitten smiles and dopey eyes, had dropped into their lives, and suddenly her Mama didn't have much to say at all. What could she, when Harry was everything she'd told Kitty she'd never have and more? Marisa Grogan never did like being proven wrong.
By the time Kitty enlisted and was on the train to basic, neither mother nor daughter had said a single word of substance to each other for nearly a whole year.
Kitty likes to say that the silence didn't hurt. It'd been used as a weapon enough times for her to get used to it, after all. When she was younger, it came intermingled with hunger, too, on account of being sent to bed with no supper every time she was impertinent. Which was a lot. Kitty had joked at dinner the Christmas she'd gotten lucky enough to score a weekend pass, with the part of the family that still wanted to joke with her, that those childhood punishments had done the bulk of preparing her for the inevitable starvation she'll face out on the front. Her Mother had gone sheet-white upon hearing it. It wasn't a surprise that the joke fell flat with her.
She'd tried to talk to Kitty after dinner that same day, though. And Kitty didn't want to hear a single word out her mouth, and had decided to go back to camp a day early, annoyed as all hell that her mother had given up the game so easily. Not the most rational of responses. Her brother, Andrew, had even gone so far as to point out in a letter that she was acting exactly like their mother. Good, Kitty had written back, infuriated enough by the comparison to lash out at her longest ally in this particular fight. Let her have a taste of her own medicine. She can have her chat if I get back.
If. Needlessly cruel. Just to drive the point home. War and all its brutality had been naught but a distant future, then. She still had it in her to be foolish.
After Normandy, Kitty remembers telling Harry; "I don't think I regret it."
Harry had scoffed at her, something akin to disappointment mixed in with his concern. "We lying to each other, now?"
He doesn't like beating around the bush, either. It's what they most like about each other.
Today, the elderly couple at Harry's billet are out to church and won't be back until supper, so it's Harry who answers her incessant knocking. He's clearly expecting someone else. Nix, perhaps, on account of the sour tells of a hangover hovering over him like a cloud, and the curse that's halfway out of his mouth. But when he sees that it's her, he snaps out of it and immediately goes still in surprise. "Sgt. Grogan."
"Lieutenant," she stands at attention in greeting. "We need to talk."
"At ease," Harry says, blinking up at her before rubbing at the back of his neck. "Yeah. Yeah, alright."
He steps aside, and lets her in.
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bromantically · 9 months
i cant stress this though but people have to relearn how to start creating for the joy of creation instead of creating for the sake of skill. art is supposed to be for fun and its up to You to indulge ur appetite for creation as sincerely and candidly as u can
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fatmenpls · 2 months
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Kitty-Kim def drags him around by his tie when dog-harry gets distracted
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klaasje · 1 year
it’s so funny when jean groups him & harry together like “ze two of us… we are so pathetique… two depressed old men…” babygirl HEEEE is a depressed old man YOU are a sprightly young buck with a six pack
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evidenceof · 11 days
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Good ol' Harry "Am I Interrupting Something?" Welsh. Quite possibly had to match both their freaks.
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chrasilla · 1 year
you know it's a good fic when you wish there were fanfics for that fanfic and that there were movie/show adaptations of it 😔
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bleedingcoffee42 · 2 months
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alwaysthesunflowers7 · 6 months
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Lily and Reg
-taken by James
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eightyuh · 2 months
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POV: Calico boops you
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lewis-winters · 6 months
May I get "Kitty/Harry on the Frontlines" and the Parenting Winnix People-Like-Us AU for the ask game!
Oh, fuck, I'm so sorry! for some reason tumblr didn't show me this ask in my notifs, so I only saw it now!
Um. Ok. So, no mood board for these ones bc I'm kinda busy rn. For the Harry/Kitty on the Frontlines AU, I've posted an excerpt of it before, over here! Here's a different section, though!:
Harry hollers; "Grogan! With me!" and Kitty doesn't think twice.
She really fucking should, though.
"You," she hisses, lifting the bazooka over her shoulder and pointedly ignoring the menacing, lumbering force that is that panzer tank, slowly aiming its massive canon in their general location. "You are going to get me fucking killed, Welsh!"
And the PLU, Tab & the mortifying ordeal of being parented by Winnix WIP is what it says on the tin! Context: my OC, who happens to be a trans girl, breaks up with Tab via letter and then runs away from him for 2 years bc she doesn't think she can give him the life she wants, being who she is. Tab struggles to understand that, so Nix has to help him understand. Here's the excerpt!:
Tab glares. First at Nixon, then at Dick, who is politely loitering outside of the diner with his hands in his pockets and his face turned inconspicuously to the side, pretending with all his might that mere seconds ago, he hadn't been turned toward the window they're sat in front of, with eyebrows furrowed in barely concealed worry. Any other time, Tab would've found this hovering reassuring-- knowing that Dick has his six, just as much as Tab has his, was always the very crux of their relationship. But that's been as good as shattered, tested to its limits and broken one summer day in Amish country, Pennsylvania, when Dick had revealed that he'd known where Natalie was this whole time and never told Tab. Now they're doing what men do best: loiter around the edges of each others' lives and pretend like they aren't devastated.
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bloomellaa · 2 years
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Disco Pawlisium
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mewthr33 · 25 days
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Bizarre Disco Elysium/Warrior cats crossover drawing i did?? Maybe i just needed to see Harrier DuBois in cat form...
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Also! Cat Garte!
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basiatlu · 9 months
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Raven was also an honorable mention. To be fair there are lots of dog breeds that are fitting for the H-ster aesthetically or temperament speaking. I just like these two lots. All of these is black duh
Who’s next I wonder? ;)
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staud · 3 months
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guys named harry simping over their wives | bofb ep 3 & mota pt 2 ↳ requested by @paratrooper56 🤍
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flashnthunder · 3 months
harry welsh once again staying the only HBOwar man winning the loving-his-wife-competition, harry crosby this post IS about you
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bleedingcoffee42 · 3 months
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