#harry potter and the socerers stone
dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Teacher Harry: *kicks open the door to his classroom*
Harry: You learned hundreds of ways to kill people by the time you finished your first year. The next step is being aware of the weapon you wield with every basic charm, and how to use them to your advantage.
One of the most basic examples is a levitation charm. This was one of the first spells taught to you and guess what? It doesn’t have a height or weight limit. You could levitate a grown man a hundred stories up and simply release. Can anyone else think of any?
students: *many hands raise bc they’re like 13*
Minerva: *cracks open a bottle of firewhisky*
Minerva: *pounds down half the bottle*
Minerva: *deep breath*
Harry: Shan’t.
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nerds-yearbook · 7 months
On October 31, 1981, the evil wizard Voldemort killed James and Lily Potter but failed to kill their one-year-old child Harry. The giant Haggrid collected the child and handed him over to the master wizard Dumbledore. Dumbledore in turn handed the child over to his non-wizard relatives the Dursleys to raise him. ("Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone", Bk)
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corkybitch · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Harry potter and the socerers stone.
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stljedi · 2 years
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sternennebel2001 · 5 years
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Harry Potter und der Stein der Weisen
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone
Pictures not mine
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Ranking of the Harry Potter Books based off my Reread
For anyone who is not aware, this is my 4th or 5th time reading the Harry Potter books (I honestly don’t know). I started rereading it during my senior year of college, read the first one and then stopped in the middle of the second one, sometime, the following year I finished the Chamber of Secrets, I have no idea when I started Prisoner of Azkaban, but I didn’t seriously start rereading them until the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020. It took me a little bit to properly get back into reading, where it was enjoyable, and I could sustain reading more than just reading a few pages before putting down the book. And luckily I can now say I have repaired my relationship with reading that college oh so nicely damaged, anyways now on to my ranking. 
For this ranking I want to focus more on how enjoyable it was to read each of these books, and less on how much I enjoy the storyline of each of these books, I feel like another reread will be required to properly reform my list, but it does feel like it has changed.
Starting from the bottom:
At 7th Place is
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
While this book has always been one of my favorite books of the series I did not find it as enjoyable this time. Since I read HP1 and started HP3 in 2018 I feel like they are unfairly placed at the bottom, 1) because they were read during a different time period 2) They were read at the beginning of my trying to fall back in love with reading (the question is could I finish a Harry Potter book in 2 or 3 days like I used to, maybe, but now I feel too anxious if I’m not cleaning, going to the gym or what not on a down day)
(I remember 2 things about my rereading, in 2018 thinking ????? when I was reading a Lockhart scene, and in 2019 finishing the book on an overnight when I think I was the only other *** and Au was the nurse on)
in 6th Place is
Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
This book has always been my least favorite book in the series because it has been the most difficult for me to read, I find myself consistently losing my attention span around Platform 9 and 3/4. If I’m not mistaken I did not find this re read as difficult, and I definitely cried at the end of rereading it. 
in 5th Place is
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
This book has always been my favorite, it may have fallen because of my expectations for it, but I think it had to do more to do with my lack of expectations, or more like me forgetting plot points in books 3-5 which enhanced my reading of the book. 
So far I’ve mostly been talking about the negatives about the book, in part because I don’t remember my reread of the 1st two books, but here is what I like about the Half Blood Prince.
The Half Blood Prince has always been my favorite book because it gives you a little bit of everything, the trio, the classes, Quidditch, Harry at the Dursleys, love interest, friendship, Voldemort, harry’s relationship with Dumbeldore, and a good balance of our antagonist.
This book is interesting because Voldemort isn’t in the book, and yet a decent portion of the book is about him. The memories weren’t quite as amazing as I remember them being, I particularly found the Marvolvo flashback difficult to read. When best sellers like Harry Potter come out, once you read the big storylines, it’s not as easy to forget them, and as this has been my favorite book it could’ve been harder to forget these parts, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if my head wasn’t quite at the same place as books 3-5. And then again, maybe I don’t want to admit to myself I’m not as in love with book 6 as I used to be, anyways.
Ginny and Harry and beautifully written in this book, Ginny’s character development starting in book 5 is enjoyable to read. I think reading this book, and 7, made me more uncomfortable with Ron and Hermonie, it just kind of happens, and it doesn’t feel as natural, but then again were in Harry’s head and not theirs. 
After having read HP5, I think I was disappointed in the length of this book because I wanted more, I especially loved reading about the classes, and the story of the Half Blood Prince, and while at the beginning I just said I enjoyed having the many storylines, I wish there was even more emphasize on the classes, and what Harry needs to do to become an Auror.
in 4th Place is
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Unlike HP6, I find this book to be perfectly paced. I was surprised when we were suddenly at Hogwarts, I for some reason thought there was more time before jumping off the dragon and apparating to Hogsmead. I didn’t cry as much as I have in the past while reading this, but I think it was in part from taking a month to read this book and continuously changing locations to read this, and COVID, that defs slowed down my reading.
The second half of the book is, ofc where the book shines, as we find out a lot of information, everyone is coming out of isolation and fighting, and there is more action. My one disappointment is where the book ends, I enjoy the epilogue, minus the kids names, but the final chapter left me wanting more. Like yes I wanted to see more about the aftermath of the war, but with the final last few words saying that Harry wanted to sleep and hoped Kreacher would bring him a sandwich didn’t quite hit the heart strings. But I do like that the epilogue brings us to the place where it all began, and where we now know, that Harry is happy, and no longer has this hurt he has carried with him for years (not to say the boy didn’t have PSD).
While they mention the flaw of Harry never trusting in others, or relying too much on Dumbledore, at times it was frustrating at the lack of information he gave others, it’s like you could just say youre on a secret mission as to end voldemort, but then again I guess it might have made it easier for voldemort to figure it out the more he talked about it. I hated reading the Lupin scene I cringed so much.
I forgot that Dean was captured by the snactchers, and was upset they couldn’t have added this ti the movie, but I also get it, kind of
I’ve never understood the hate for the camping scenes, they really aren’t that bad, but youre also not wrong that they’re not the most exciting scenes in the book, because ofc theyre not
in 3rd Place is
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
I picked this book up at the beginning of the year, starting from the place I had left off on weeks (or months) ago. It took me a few chapters before I was fully submerged back into the wizard of world of Harry Potter and I was soo happy.
There were elements that I forgot such as the extended backstory of the maururders. I wasn’t a huge fan of the chapter focused on scanners and crookshanks, by I also wasn’t mad at it.
Reading 3-5, as I progressed from book to book I loved what I was reading more and more.
in 2nd Place is
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
I was surprised by how much I had forgotten in this particular book including the rolls or Ludo Bagman, Winky, and the killing of Bart Crouch.
Ron being upset at Harry didn’t feel as drawout as I remember (compared to the movie, that is always a question when it comes to thinking about the book, am I actually thinking about it or am I just thinking about the movie?) and SPEW wasn’t as annoying as I remember it being. This book has a different storyline as it’s following the twiwizard tournament so naturally I feel like most people find this book more exciting. The book creates the perfect building blocks for the next book, something in which the movies fail to do, but even with that, I feel like they could have done a better job at joining together the two stories even it it was coming from OOTP
in 1st Place is
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoniex
People always complain that this book is too long but I found it perfect. Right after this random event happening at hogwarts we need normalcy, we need hormonal relationship, and we have that foundation of politics which leads the book. My hatred for the book is what made me enjoy the book the most upon reread, because it really wasn’t that bad. I have been watching a booktuber review the books after I have finished each consecutive book, and Inthink she said it well in that, when you are younger you don’t understand the book as well, I’ve now experienced loss, and forms of depression. Not on the level of Harry, but on enough of a level that I can understand. I now know the intensity of your teenage years. And now emphasize with his anger at the government, and more people should be upset, he should be more upset, and again as this youtubers said Ron and Hermonie let him know when he was becoming to much or when his anger became misleaded and directed towards them but it was not in fact them who he was mad at, especially when given the full facts. I believe this is the book that I cried like the last 100 pages. The dialogue at the end of the book is brilliant.
*when comparing the books to the movies, 5-7 had the worst adaptation of the battle at the end. I was never a huge fan of OOTP battle, but the half blood prince battle made me the most upset, and everyone said that David Yates did the action scenes the best. I’ve just never been a big fan. He did a decent job at the l dealthly hallows but 5 and 6. 👎🏽
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dailyflicks · 3 years
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) dir. Chris Columbus
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catboylupin · 3 years
d*mbledore groomed remus the same way that he groomed h*rry. offered him an education and normalcy and safety via hogwarts in order to use him later to fight a war. d*mbledore foresaw voldemort’s rise, and was like oh well i guess it would be useful to have a werewolf on our side... so he sent remus to hogwarts to ensure that he would be forever in his debt and thus useful and exploitable
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allthingspotter61 · 4 years
Check out these killer Harry Potter covers!! I’m in love with them!! They have SO MANY DETAILS!!!!
Book 1
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Book 2
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Book 3
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Book 4
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Book 5
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Book 6
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Book 7
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inconvenientmuggle · 7 years
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Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
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And the horses are stoned. ✌🏻
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shelbsss · 4 years
i remember it like it was yesterday, i was 5 years old, going to see harry potter and the sorcerers stone in theaters with my dad after he had read the book to me, this is where my love for reading and harry potter started, and i have my dad to thank for a lot of my interests!
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cancer-moongirl · 4 years
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Harry Potter and The Socerer’s Stone (2001) dir. Chris Colombus
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“It's leviOsa, not levioSA! She’s a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she hasn't got any friends.” - Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone
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stljedi · 3 years
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sternennebel2001 · 5 years
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Ginny (Ginevra) Weasley
Pictures not mine
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