#haha got you first trix
shslskaterboy · 1 year
So I was tagged by @ultimaid to list 10 songs I’ve been listening to lately, and as you all know I cannot resist the siren song (lol) of talking about music, so here we go
Tabun Kaze is so good I am currently listening to this on repeat because I’m pretty sure it will fix me, for real I cannot stress enough how fuckin awesome this song is please someone listen to it and agree with me. Also prime blorbo music I’m just saying.
Shin Takara Jima was my top song of 2022 and I only started listening to it in like, October if that’s any indication of how many times I looped it
Hot take the scramble is actually way better than the original and that’s saying something because the original p5 ost was bomb as hell
Seriously I would like to congratulate everyone involved in the making of this ost because it’s so good Jesus Christ
Hey can anyone tell what album I’ve been listening to a lot recently? I bet you can’t.
I have yet to play the game but in true Atlus Sound Team fashion, the music is very good
Never underestimate comedy music because sometimes it’s actually incredible
Look I loved this song in like 2015 when it first came out and I just recently discovered the remastered version and I just 🤷 I dunno man it rules
Also an incredible blorbo song if you like imagining your little guys in situations and also love sci-fi (because I know I do)
And of course no music list of mine is complete without MCR, and special mention for this song in particular because I like to listen to it on repeat and picture the persona 5 animatic that I’ll never be able to make but is so good in my head
Thanks for tagging me bestie you know I love a good indulgent music ramble, so I’ll tag @gh0str3c0rd3r @macoisinantartica @agalnamedlunasea @bare1ythere if y’all so desire
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darlenicy · 4 months
I got tagged by @rosie-love98 on this:
Tag 9 People you want to get to know better
Thank you and sorry, that it took me so long!
3 ships:
Okay, since I’m tagged on this tumblr account I’ll first go with WINX of course.
1. Driven (Darcy x Riven - Winx Club)
I’ll say it over and over again – they’re perfect. THE POTENTIAL: OMG: If Rainbow had be braver and didn’t focus SO much on Bloom, they could’ve added such an angsty storyline. They build the grounding but never made it to detail and that’s a shame. I may repeat myself, but Darcy was the first one to listen to Riven. To really listen and maybe even the first person after a long time to actually care for him. Of course, she is beautiful and she used that beauty to enchant him but what mattered in the end was that Riven finally found someone who was really interested in him. Someone who saw his ambition and talent. Someone who didn’t see the sparkly outside of perfect Sky and Brandon but who saw this man, who I bet went trough a lot to achieve the right to study at Red Fountain. Finally, someone interested in the one who trained hard to be where was and who wasn’t privileged like other people. Another thing I love about them is the trust and faith Riven had in Darcy who.. in the end destroyed that YES THANKS RAINBOW.  I mean, he never questioned her even though he knew that the Trix’ plans were evil. He did not care about that. Only for her. The betrayal must have been hard. But what about Darcy? How did she feel? Well, we never saw it but regarding her character she might be an overthinker who thinks everything through, who is afraid to show her true self. Darcy seems to be the one who is afraid of losing control and of being betrayed herself. So better destroy than get destroyed? I’m sure she opened up to Riven to some extend and got caught by her own fear of losing control and then overreacted. Maybe. Who know. But the thing is that their end came completely out of the nowhere and I wished the writers had focused a bit more on that instrad of making a cut so that another fairy had a love interest by the end of season 1. It also should have been more focus on their relationship in the following seasons. (I miss the longing stares omg. We could have so much angsty drama!) I think the end of the relationship was not easy for both of them. Darcy lost everything at the end of season 1 and I’m sure she questioned herself a lot after it. Like, what would have happened if etc. And Riven, even more broken than before. What did he think? It’s no secret, that most characters in this show need therapy but these two? Couple therapy maybe lol (now this was long, but that’s when I talk about ships haha)
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2. Brella (Brandon and Stella - Winx Club)
I don’t really talk about the fairies here, but I love Brella. They are such a healthy and dynamic couple. Even as a kid I noticed how harmonic and devoted. I loved, that they got so much attention in the show and that they were the harmonic couple and not Sky and Bloom. They had the storyline in s1 I which Brandon disguised as Prince Sky and lied to her. He was afraid, that Stella would only like him as a prince. And yes, Stella might look superficial at first glance but in fact she is not. And I think she showed a lot of strength in forgiving Brandon who lied to her for a long time. She made no big deal of it even though she is a princess who could have easily married or dated a prince. But she chose Brandon. Then there is the Downland arc at the beginning of season 2 and it wouldn’t have worked with another couple. As I said, they are devoted to each other. Stella fkn jumped after him into that abyss without a second thought? Luckily they survived but then Amentia shows up and Stella almost dies because there is no sunlight in Downland. So to save her life, Brandon agrees to marry Amentia who then agrees to let Stella go. I could fangirl over this arc a lot but I won’t because it already gets too long here. Then s3 in which Stella thinks that it might be just her beauty which Brandon loves (which doesn’t make sense after what they went through) but I think the problem Stella has, is that she was always judged by her looks. She was raised to be a perfect princess and let’s face it, before she met Bloom and the Winx, she had no real friends. However back to the show, Brandon knew that Stella was transformed into that Monster but he did not care. Of course not. He was trying to help her no matter what, just to see her happy again. I won’t focus on the later seasons, because they might still have their cute moments there but after all there was too much beef going on between all the couples and I don’t consider these superficial seasons as canon so I’ll stop here. But Brella is chef’s kiss. The best Winx couple followed by Tecna and Timmy and no one can convince me otherwise.
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3. Ethel Hallow x Nick Hobbes - Weirdsister College (Do they have a shipping name?)
Since it was rosie, who tagged me I think I have to take a ship which has nothing to do with Winx but which goes more in the direction of Harry Potter and The Worst Witch. And that is an easy one: Ethel Hallow x Nick Hobbes. OMG the potential, the POTENTIAL! Same as driven, they have so much unused potential even though they were on the best way to build an angsty couple with trust issues and all the drama my fangirl heart needs. I love how Nick noticed right away, that Ethel resembled him. She always played the nice and hardworking students but we all know that she was a devious bitch who used every opportunity to make Mildred look bad. And from her perspective, she did nothing wrong. It was always Mildred who stole the show by breaking the rules and being at school but was in the end the good girl who was appreciated. She always played by the rules (yeah not always but she tried her best) and was ambitious and just wanted to be the number one student, yet who interfered? Always Mildred. It’s no wonder she tried everything to get rid of her. Ethel just wanted a happy school life without interruptions. So she wasn’t innocent at all and Nick knew that. In the first episode of Weirdsister College, he immediately checked that he AND Ethel would not have a chance of passing the all-seeing-eye. He tricked Mildred so that she helped him and used that for him and Ethel to pass the ceremony. He’s the typical bad boy who took advantage of Mildred’s talent and gosh, I wished they hadn’t followed this weird storyline he has with Mildred. Because everything was already there with Ehtel: Both students who tried their best to become the top of the class, both power-driven and both unsure in the end. They have so much in common. And Ethel is, after all, the good girl who fell for the bad boy and she KNOWS that he’s doubtful. She does not trust him but is still fascinated by him. And I just love that trope, okay? Ehtel also gives me hardcore rl Darcy vibes and not, it’s not just because they have the same voice actress I Germany. They’re the dark edgy couple I live for. There could have been done so much if they gave us a second season…..It looked like they were giving up on the Mildred/Nick storyline by episode 9 which was again one big flirt of Ethel and Nick. (The potential!) This is why I hate the way they went on the last episode where it’s like “It’s only you who can save him, Mildred” bullshit. I’m doomed for loving couples the writers seem to hate. I could write an essay about them and I probably will on @yaviae somewhen.
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Look at them! Ethel's side eye <3
Last song:
Seventeen by Marina
Last Movie:
Crimson Peak (And again I love the doomed couple: Lucille and Thomas, omg my loves)
Currently reading:
Schneewittchens dunkler Kuss (Snow White’s dark Kiss) by Stefanie Lasthaus
Currently watching:
World of Winx season 1
Currently drinking:
Just finished my tea (fennel <3)
Currently craving:
Inspiration! It’s Sunday and that means it’s my ff write day but I haven’t written anything. I’m so tired this weekend..
And I tag: @wtfastaroth @witch-cauany @aurora-of-the-fairies @cerisia76 @stellasolaris @alex-cold17 @no-white-dress @d-arcyky and of course @evdizav
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trixcuomo · 1 year
Whatever happened to baby Trixany
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100 years from now in the Daily Mail Dalaran studio...
Haris Pilton: Trixany, do you remember when I first came back after the Kaja-Cola factory accident?
Trixany: You promised you wouldn't ever talk about that again.
Haris: I know I did. But I'm still in this chair. After all those years, I'm still in this chair. Doesn't that give you some kind of responsibility? Trix, I'm just trying to explain to you how things really are. You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair.
Trixany: But you *are*, Haris! You *are* in that chair!
Present day...
Nozdormu: So you see, Trixany. If you don't turn away from this path of chasing celebrity, it will lead to your self-destruction. But not before you hurt Haris Pilton and everyone else who has been standing in your way. A miserable, sorry end.
Trixany: Wait. So she goes down first?
Nozdormu: Well, you sort of horribly neglect her after she survives a Kaja-Cola factory accident. Then the two of you get trapped living in the same house due to a strange clause in a contract for a reality show that got misinterpreted by the only shoddy Goblin lawyers you could afford. On your B celebrity income, that is.
Trixany: But I take her out?
Nozdormu: You go mad and slowly torment her for years. Your vicious obsession manifests in your horrible taste in clothing and fading looks as you neglect yourself as well. Absolutely everyone loses respect for you.
Trixany: Haha, but I finally nail the bitch. Yes!!
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
The X Survey by joybucket 
Do you enjoy watching X factor? I don’t watch it.
Would you ever audition for X factor? No. I don’t have any talent.
If you auditioned for X factor, how do you think you would do? I don’t know what I’d even audition for cause like I said, I don’t have any talent. At all. List five positive words that have an X in them. I don’t feel like attempting to do that. Do you have anything that you got from an ex? Nope.
Have you ever seen an "exit" sign that wasn't red? I have. 
What are your favorite exotic foods? I eat pretty basic foods cause I’m too picky and particular. What's your favorite form of exercise? None, ha. Do you get enough exercise? I don’t get any exercise. Would you say you set a good example? Not currently that’s for sure. Have you ever been excluded from a group? I’ve felt that way. Name someone you know who can play the saxophone. I don’t know anyone who can as far as I know. Do you like the name Jaxon? Is that pronounced like, “Jackson”? I mean, I guess. Do you like the name Alex better for a boy or for a girl? I think of Alexander first. I really like that name for a guy. List five words that rhyme with "sex." Ex, flex, text, hex, checks. Have you ever seen a real fox in person? No. 
Do you know anyone named Max? Nope.  
List five words that come to mind when you hear the word "exotic." Foreign, tropical, different, unique, mysterious.
Do you enjoy eating trial mix? I end up just eating the peanuts and M&Ms, haha. And the Chex if it has it. Which girl's name do you like best out of these: Alexa, Alex, Alexis, Alexia, or Alexandra? Alexandria. Which boy's name do you like best out of these: Alex, Axel, Paxton, Braxton, Jaxon? Alex. Have you ever used an Xacto knife? No.
Have you ever used a fax machine? Yes. List up to 5 uses for a cardboard box. Storage, stack to put things on, wrap gifts in, put recyclable things inside, kids can use them to make forts and whatnot. Do you like the cereal Trix? Yes. Have you ever worn a tuxedo? Nope. What is something you've done for extra credit in a class? A project.
Do you know what Miralax is? Yes. Have you ever accidentally ate or drank something that had expired? Gah, yes. And I’m really big on expiration dates, so I don’t know that slipped past me. In what year does your current driver's license expire? I don’t drive, so I don’t have a driver’s license.
Name five people you know who are Mexican. My mom, my brothers, myself, my mom’s best friend, my brother’s boyfriend. List three of your favorite Mexican foods. Burritos, tacos, quesadillas. Do you prefer Mexican food or Asian food? Mexican. Name someone you know who has been to Mexico. One of my aunts. Name three things you like about Mexican culture. The food, the music, the dances. Have you ever taken Xanax? Yes. What is something you get excited about? Planning vacations. Have you ever shopped at Office Max? Yeah, many times. That's all. I hope you have an eXtraordinary, eXciting, eXcellent and amazing day! :)
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justmenoworries · 3 years
Fate: The Winx Saga - How Not To Reboot A Beloved Franchise
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Okay, I think I speak for everyone here when I say: We saw this coming.
We saw this coming as soon as that godawful trailer dropped on youtube. But because I hate myself and because I wanted to give this pile of shit a chance, I watched it.
All of it.
It sucked and I won’t do it again.
The End.
Nah, I’m kidding.
Here’s why Fate: The Winx Saga sucked ass.
(Spoilers under the cut! Pfft, like anyone cares.)
The Story:
I suppose now you’ll expect me to tell you that F:TWS was a generic, boring slog-fest.
That it offered the most clichéd take on a Chosen One-story since Eragon and that it’s half-assed attempts to be scary through bringing in a zombie apocalypse made it even more painfully obvious just how hard the story was trying to be edgy and ‘’’’’’mature’’’’’’’’.
And, yeah, that’s pretty much how it went.
...Oh, I’m sorry, did you expect something fresh and surprising?
So did I when I watched this garbage.
The title says Winx, but honestly the story is more about Bloom than anyone else. At least they were faithful to the source material in one aspect, am I right fellow Winx-fans?
I hope you like Alfea, because you won’t be spending time anywhere else! Gone are the dozen colorful, unique worlds with their own eco-systems and culture.
Now we have The Otherworld, which is just earth, but with magic.
Oh yeah, and remember how each magic and non-magic users had their own, specialized schools to got to?
Cloud Tower, Alfea, Red Fountain?
Yeah, that’s all Alfea now.
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Remember how Winx Club juggled great, charismatic villains and everyday teenage-drama in a way that made both seem interesting and neither obnoxious?
Fate fails miserably at that.
The subplot about the zombies- Oh, sorry, The Burned Ones ™  slowly invading Alfea couldn’t be more dry and uninteresting if it tried. You have hints of political intrigue in the background with the Solarians scheming and taking over in the end, but trust me when I say: You won’t care.
And since the character are either miserable, unlikable or both, you also won’t care about the teenage drama.
Because it’s every single teenage drama plot-line you’ve already seen in edgy reboots like Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, etc.
To add insult to injury, season 1 ends with the villains and antagonists taking over Alfea with Solaria’s help, as if anyone would be baited into a season 2 after you just dragged us through a worse version of The Walking Dead.
I would say this is what you watch to lull you to sleep, but all the incessant whining and belly-aching wouldn’t let you.
And because this is the ‘‘‘‘‘‘mature’‘‘‘‘‘ reboot, there will be no transformations and no bright colors. Just some nice effects for magic and that’s it.
Because, you know.
No one watched Winx Club for those, am I right? /s
And because in modern, edgy reboots women can never just be friends, the Winx Club start out hating each other, until suddenly they’re the best of friends in episode 4, Stella included.
Cool, huh?
The Characters:
I’ll get straight to the point: The main cast is horrible.
Not acting-wise, the actors are doing the best they can with the script, but the way they’re written...
God, the way they’re written.
For starters, Stella is a Karen now. In the very first episode she attempts to get Bloom killed, then runs away to cry into Sky’s shoulder rather than apologize.
Flora was replaced by a white character named Terra, who the writers probably thought would be received well solely because she’s awkward and makes a lot of Strawman-Feminist statements.
Techna got straight-up written out.
Musa was white-washed and is a Mind Fairy instead of a Music Fairy now, because her being the Fairy of Music wasn’t ‘‘‘‘mature’‘‘‘ enough for this reboot.
Bloom is a whiny, spoiled brat who is willing to endanger absolutely everyone around her to get what she wants. And in the end, the plot rewards her for it.
Aisha is the only Winx Club-member who remains likeable, but she’s firmly planted in the supporting character-role.
Most of the Specialists got written out too. No Timmy, no Helia, no Nabu, no Brandon.
Sky is still there, but he serves mainly as a boy toy for Stella and Bloom to fight over, because that needed to be a thing, I guess.
Riven was changed from Jerk with a Heart of Gold who learns to be better to just a one-note jerk who never changes and never learns. He’s also not with Musa in this story. Even though their romance was by far the most engaging one in the original series, aside from maybe Aisha and Nabu.
We get a new character named Dane, but he’s just there to be either a bully-victim or a side-character for others to take advantage of. Did I mention he’s the only black guy in the main cast? Yeah. There’s also this really asinine running gag that he might be gay, to tease a possible relationship with Riven, but nothing ever comes off it.
The teacher-characters are all pretty much the same: Duty-driven, want to protect the ones under their care, but end up alienating them by not being entirely honest with them because they think their students aren’t ready for The Truth, blah blah blah, moving on.
The villains don’t fare much better.
The Trix got fused into one single character named Beatrix (haha, get it?) and she’s just... The Worst. And not in a  good way. She’s obviously supposed to be the Charming Bad Girl-type but you’re more likely to laugh your ass off every time she opens her mouth than be intrigued. Whoever wrote her dialogue clearly has no idea how teenagers talk. She hooks up with Riven and Dane for no reason in particular and it’s heavily implied these three are going to be the new Trix. Which is...no. Just no.
The headmistress’ secretary gets killed off in the third episode and doesn’t do much in the first two, so I have nothing to say about him.
Rosalind is a worse, female Darth Sidious who is trying so hard to get Bloom to join the Dark Side and I guarantee you, you will not care. The story also tries to present her as something of a well-intentioned extremist, but forgets to actually let her have a point in her murders and genocides.
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Hey, remember when Winx Club characters were different and unique?
The writers of this reboot clearly don’t.
The Aesthetic:
Hey kids!
You know what’s better than bright colors and nice, comforting palettes?
Slapping a dull grey filter on everything and calling it a day!
If I had to list all the reasons why Fate’s lack of style is so heartbreaking and disappointing, we’d be here all day.
So I’m just gonna show you a few screenshots from both the original series and the reboot and let that speak for itself.
The Original:
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The Reboot:
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Honestly, what do I even need to say?
The reboot sucked out everything that made Winx Club Winx Club and replaced it with “YA-novel palette #17247845453″.
Thanks, I hate it.
In Conclusion:
Fate: The Winx Saga could have been a new take on Winx Club’s story.
Maybe even introduced new concepts and characters tat could have been just as iconic as the original ones.
It chose to be every reboot ever instead, made everything grimdark and fundamentally misunderstood the meaning of “Gray Morality”.
Do yourself a favor and re-watch the original instead.
It’ll be a much better use of your time.
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dorizardthewizard · 3 years
Would you rather: Winx edition
- Be stuck in an elevator with Stella or Musa
- Be lab partners with Flora or Tecna
- Fight Bloom or Aisha
- Have Icy or Valtor as your boss
- Have Darcy or Stormy as your employee
- Receive life advice from Riven or Brandon
- Spend a day with Helia or Nabu
- Read the inner thoughts of Faragonda or Griffin
- Free Diaspro or Bloom (from Sky)
- Gain Enchantix through Tecna’s method or Flora’s
- Have Stella lose her face forever or Tecna lose her emotions forever
- Break up Stella x Brandon or Aisha x Nabu (assuming he’s alive)
- Break up Flora x Helia or Tecna x Timmy
- Break up Bloom x Sky or Musa x Riven
- Make Blicy or Driven endgame
- Cancel Fate or reboot the cartoon
- Reveal who’s behind anon asks or never be able to send anon asks
- Be stuck in an elevator with Stella or Musa
I love Stella but I don't think my social energy could survive being in a small enclosed space with her for so long 😂 It would be a good opportunity for Musa to share some music, haha
- Be lab partners with Flora or Tecna
Flora because she'd be a lot more patient with me not knowing anything.
- Fight Bloom or Aisha
Oh man, I'm dead either way. Uuuhh maybe Bloom? At least I'd be up against a cool fire dragon. But if you mean like an argument, idk maybe Aisha? I'd never want to argue with either of them and Bloom would be more likely to internalise things said to her.
- Have Icy or Valtor as your boss
Valtor, he's less likely to make my life a living hell whenever he gets bored.
- Have Darcy or Stormy as your employee
Both would be a pain but Darcy, she'd be less destructive at least.
- Receive life advice from Riven or Brandon
Brandon. Riven's had plenty of life experience, but he'd probably project too much and not consider how others might process/ experience things differently. Also I feel like Brandon's a lot more emotionally intelligent than most give him credit for, so he's good at judging when someone needs a firm reality check or when they need comforting reassurance.
- Spend a day with Helia or Nabu
I feel like I could just chill with Helia, maybe do some art and debate random issues from philosophy to ice cream flavours.
- Read the inner thoughts of Faragonda or Griffin
Griffin. I wonder about her perspective on things in season 1 and how it changed. I mean, at first she was chill with the Trix almost murdering an Alfea student, and actively encouraged the witches to mess with fairies. How did that change after the Trix invasion?
- Free Diaspro or Bloom (from Sky)
Diaspro I guess. Whether she's redeemed or stays a villain, I'd rather she have some storyline that doesn't revolve around Sky for once.
- Gain Enchantix through Tecna’s method or Flora’s
I hate the cold so Flora's it is! Over quicker and back by dinner.
- Have Stella lose her face forever or Tecna lose her emotions forever
Brandon and the others have shown that they love Stella for who she is inside and not for her looks, and Stella has grown a lot in that losing her face wouldn't keep her down as much as it would have at the start of the series (as we've seen in the Crystal Labyrinth episode, where she was able to joke about her "mug", compared to her reaction when she got spelled by Chimera). She'd still be Stella without her looks, whereas Tecna would lose part of her whole identity without emotions, so yeah I'd prefer Stella losing her face. Also my tecmy heart wouldn't be able to handle Tecna losing her emotions right after coming back from the Omega Dimension :')
- Break up Stella x Brandon or Aisha x Nabu (assuming he’s alive)
Ah maannn okay I'd break up Aisha and Nabu just because I feel like they'd be able to handle it and still have a respectful friendship later. With brella, I think the heartbreak would be too much? Like, they wouldn't be able to just stay friends.
- Break up Flora x Helia or Tecna x Timmy
Tecna and Timmy are a set, do not separate. At least I could give Flora a girlfriend, since she seemed queer-coded to me in season 1.
- Break up Bloom x Sky or Musa x Riven
Bloom and Sky. It would be interesting to see the main couple split up, and could teach a lesson about falling out of love and knowing when to recognise it. It would be even more potent given their relationship is kinda modeled after a child-like fantasy of a perfect royal couple.
- Make Blicy or Driven endgame
Eh, I'm neutral on both of them so I guess Blicy? The ice/fire contrast is fun and very poetic.
- Cancel Fate or reboot the cartoon
Welp, however much I complain about it, Fate will still exist even if cancelled. I would rather we could at least compare it a well-written, faithful reboot that appeals to older audiences without being offensive. Hopefully, other shows would follow its example rather than do what Fate is doing.
- Reveal who’s behind anon asks or never be able to send anon asks
Eh, I wouldn't want to invade people's privacy and I'm not too fussed about sending asks off anon, so the second option.
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heyyyharry · 4 years
Drunk Harry calls Y/N up to tell her he loves her, but he accidentally calls the wrong number
(from the Flatmate Series)
This happened after the iconic moment in the chapter "Does He Know" in book 1, and before the chapter "Be Here" (in which Y/N finally got to hear Harry say he loved her, and ironically, he also said it on the phone when he was drunk haha 😂)
“The party sucks, let’s go to the club, bitches!”
“To the club!”
“No, Harry, stay!” Niall caught his best friend’s arm and pulled him back down on the sofa. 
Layla raised an eyebrow as the boys burst out laughing. “Why is he already wasted? We just got here,” she asked, pointing to Harry.
“He’s going through a phase,” Liam said.
“A phase?” Layla scoffed, putting her hands on her hips. “Lemme guess. It’s that girl again?”
“She has a name!”
“Okay, drunk Romeo. Calm the fuck down.” Layla raised her hands as she sat down next to him.
Before she could ask, Trix quickly got her updated on what she’d just missed, “Y/N went out with a guy and Harry got upset.”
“So your potential girlfriend is someone else’s girlfriend now?”
“What? I’m just trying to catch up.” Layla flipped her hair over her shoulder, glaring at Louis. 
It was only then that Harry spoke, “she didn’t like the guy. And...and I think...she might have told me that she liked me...”
“You should be happy then. It’s good.”
“No, it’s not!” Harry grumbled at Niall, his eyelids fluttered as he tried to keep both eyes open. “I don’t think I’m ready...I don’t...don’t want to hurt her, because I will...But when the next guy comes, she might like him back! And then...and then I’ll...I’ll lose her forever.”
“That’s a little dramatic.”
“It’s easier for you to say, Layla. You’ve never been in love!” Harry grumbled, making Layla turn to look at Niall, who was too concerned with Harry to notice that. 
Thinking for a second, she heaved a sigh and tugged at Harry’s sleeve so he would look at her.  “Listen, dumbass,” she said. “Alcohol is not gonna solve your problem. You’re gonna lose her anyway.”
“Shut up, Louis! I’m speaking!” 
Louis’ mouth clamped shut and Layla continued, “if I were you, I’d finally grow some balls and--”
“And tell her how you feel!” 
“No!” She shot Trix a death glare. “I was gonna say, move out of the flat.”
“What?!” Niall pushed Layla’s hand off Harry, his face scrunched up. “Why are telling him to move out? What’s wrong with you?”
“I never like that girl.”
“Who the fuck cares if you like her or not?!”
“Stop it!” Harry shouted and grabbed their hands, squeezing them tightly. “I’m gonna tell her how I feel!”
“Yay!” Trix excitedly applauded, but everyone else was frozen in their seat.
“That’s great, right?” Liam was the first to react. “You should totally do that, mate!”
“Y-Yeah. I’m with you,” Louis reluctantly punched the air, faking a grin as he gave Layla a nudge to remind her not to say something mean. But before she could even come up with a response, Harry pulled out his phone and immediately made a call.
“Oh my god, someone stop him!” Layla cried out. 
“Harry, give me the phone.” Niall stood up when Harry jumped away from the sofa. “You don’t want to do this when you’re drunk. Trust me.”
“Hello, Y/N?”
Ignoring his friends’ reactions, Harry rubbed his eyes with the heel of his palm and chuckling happily when he heard the female voice. “Hey, it’s H...I-I’m sorry if I woke you up...”
“I can’t watch this,” Layla breathed, burying her face into her palms. 
Niall, Liam, and Louis were on the edge of their seats while Trix was smiling as big as she would every time she was watching a Disney movie’s happy ending. Harry, however, didn’t even remember they were there. 
“I just want to say that...I-I love you and we should be together...” he whispered into the phone, but was loud enough for his friends to hear every word. “I’m sorry I waited too long to say this...but...but I don’t...don’t want to lose you...I-I want to take care of you...”
“I’m feeling major secondhand embarrassment right now,” Layla said, and everyone but Trix nodded their head to agree.
“You don’t have to answer me right away. Just...just think about it, okay? Okay. Goodnight and...and I love you,” he slurred, laughing drunkenly and putting his phone away with a huge grin on his face. Then, he flopped back down on the couch and snuggled into Niall’s arms, drifting off right on the spot. 
Everyone was still processing what they had just heard and witnessed. It took them almost a minute to break the silence.
“He’s not gonna remember this, is he?”
“Nope.” Niall blew out his cheeks as he agreed with Layla. “I can’t bring him back to his flat like this. He needs to be sober when he talks to Y/N in the morning.”
“Do you think she’ll reject him?” Liam asked.
“Of course not!” Trix said quickly. “I don’t know if any of you noticed, but every time Harry looked away, Y/N would look at him and vice versa. Trust me, I know love when I see it. Just like how Layla looked at Niall earlier.”
Everyone turned to Layla, who widened her eyes in shock. “What?! I looked at Niall because he pissed me off, alright?”
“What did I do?!”
“Whatever.” She waved him off and got up, pointing to Harry. “Just take him back to your place or something. He might need emotional support in the morning.”
“I did WHAT?!” 
Harry held his head and collapsed onto Niall’s bed. The hangover was already killing him, but it was nothing compared to what his best friend had just told him. His head hurt so bad, and he couldn’t remember anything at the party last night. He wished Niall was joking, but he knew for certain that his best friend wouldn’t joke about something like this.
“Do you want me to repeat what you told her.”
“Oh no, please don’t!” 
Niall took a deep breath and began anyway, “I just want to say that I love you and we should be together...”
“I’m sorry I waited too long to say this, but I don’t want to lose you.”
“Shoot me now!” He covered his face with a pillow as Niall went on.
“I want to take care of you. You can answer me in the morning. Good night and I love you. And, scene!”
Harry immediately sat up and grabbed Niall’s shoulders. “You have got to help me! Tell her it was a prank, a dare, whatever. Just make something up!”
“I wouldn’t lie if I were you.”
“Why not?!”
Niall calmly took Harry’s hands and put them back on his knees. “If you told the truth and then said it was a lie, then when you're ready, you won’t be able to tell her the truth anymore.”
“But I won’t ever be ready...”
“You don’t know that.” Niall gave a shrug, pursing his lips. 
Harry sighed into his palm, but after a moment of thinking, he nodded his head. “You’re right though. Maybe I should own up to it.”
“That’s my boy!” Niall burst out laughing and stood up, pulling Harry with him but Harry didn’t budge. “What now, H?”
“Can I...um...stay here one more night? I’m not--”
“No, Harold! Get up!”
“No, wait! Give me an hour then!”
“Fuck no!”
Harry tossed his head back, shouting and kicking like a little boy as Niall dragged him on the floor out of the flat.
Harry felt as if he and Niall had just teleported to his flat. One minute he was forced into Niall’s car, and the next one, they had arrived at his place. He would give anything to delay this confrontation, but now he was already standing outside his flat and Niall was guarding the lift so he wouldn’t run away.
Giving his best friend one last look, Harry pulled out his key to open the door. His heart was pounding so hard it was difficult to breathe. But before he could unlock it, the door was pulled open and Y/N appeared, looking surprised to see him.
“H-Hi.” He smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hi,” was all she said. But why was she so relaxed? If he was her, he would have been either angry or shy after that phone call. She was too chilled about this. And Y/N could never keep her composure in this kind of situations.
“Oh, hey, Niall! What are you doing over there?” Y/N said, but Niall stayed right where he was, awkwardly waving back at her. 
“What’s up with the two of you?” She breathed out a laugh, looking even more confused now.
Harry pinched the bridge of his nose and sucked in a breath as he told himself, here goes nothing. He finally gathered his courage to take her hands and press them against his chest. Her eyes were wide with shock, but she was too stiff to move.
“About last night, I...um...I just want to say that--” he stuttered, struggling to find the right words but his mind was completely empty. 
Lucky for him, she could see that and decided to interrupt. “It’s okay.” She pressed her lips into a smile. “I know, H.”
As she said those words and her fingers slipped out of his, Harry’s heart nearly stopped for he thought she was going to turn him down. He’d had one chance and he’d blown up and she’d probably changed her mind by now. 
But then, Y/N said, “I know you spent the night at Niall’s.”
“I can explain--Wait, what?!” Harry squinted his eyes at the girl who looked utterly ignorant as she let out a soft laugh.
“I know you feel guilty about not telling me you’d stay out last night. But don’t worry, I was too tired to wait for you so I went to bed early.”
“Oh...” His mouth formed a small circle as he paused for a second. “But...you didn’t...get a call or something at around 2 AM?”
“No.” She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed. “You know I put my phone on airplane mode when I sleep, right? I wouldn’t have known if you’d called me. Wait, did you call me?”
“Holy shit,” he cursed under his breath and released her hands immediately. 
Niall rushed to his side, quickly apologized to interrupt and pulled Harry away from Y/N. “If it wasn’t her, then who did you confess your love to last night?” Niall whispered to his best friend, whose face was entirely pallid.
Harry hurriedly pulled out his phone to check his recent calls. But before he could even unlock the screen, his sister’s name appeared. 
He exchanged looks with Niall before answering it. “Hello?” 
“Have you told her?” Gemma's unexpected question caught him by surprise.
“What are you talking about?” he asked, giving Y/N a fake smile which was suspicious as hell, but the girl didn’t seem to bother as she walked back into the flat.
“Y/N.” Gemma giggled. “Have you finally told her how you felt?”
“Shit. Did I call you?”
“Yes, dumbass.”
“Shit, shit, shit!”
“I was with mum and Robin so I put you on speaker.”
Harry smacked his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut.
“Was it Gemma?” Niall asked.
“Yup.” He gave a single nod. “Gemma, my mum, and my stepdad, actually.”
“Oh, shit...” Niall covered his mouth, but from the look on his face, Harry knew he was trying his best not to laugh and embarrass him even more.
“So did you tell her already?” His sister sounded enthusiastic and probably wouldn’t give up until he gave her a proper answer.
“Not yet.”
“It’s none of your business!” He huffed and shoved his hand into his hair. “Just...forget about last night, okay? And please don’t quote it back to me. Niall did it already.”
“Actually, I’m feeling like doing it right now,” Gemma said as she cleared her throat to impersonate a drunk Harry. “Hey, I didn’t wake you, did I? I just want to say that I love you and I want us to be together--”
He immediately ended the call, letting go of the longest sigh as he massaged his temples and put his phone back into his pocket.
“Well, at least it wasn’t one your hookups,” Niall said, making Harry snort.
“Y/N is on my favourite contact list and so is Gemma. I must have called her by accident.”
“So now what? Are you gonna tell her?”
“I still don’t think I’m ready yet,” he breathed, his eyebrows knitted together. “But when I finally do it, I will not do it on the phone, especially when I’m drunk.”
Oh well, little did he know...
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Freshcomic part 2
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Comic woke up wrapped in a blanket, they looked to the side to see if Fresh is awake.
Fresh is passed out next to them, mouth wide open and snoring softly. His glasses are a touch askew and his hat's come off.
Comic smiled softly, they took of Fresh' glasses and hugged him.
Fresh let out a huff in his sleep when Comic hugged him and his arms wrapped around them, his face nuzzled into the crook of their neck. He lets out a content sigh and starts purring.
Comic is smiling, a quiet purr is coming from them.
A few minutes later Fresh groans squeezing Comic for a second and slowly blinks his eyes open. He's startled a bit by the lack of glasses, but relaxes when he sees it's just Comic. He looks at them blearily and smiles. "G'morning brah."
"good morning, how did you sleep?"
Fresh rubs at his right socket "Mmm just awesome." He yawns "You?"
"great" they snuggled a bit more to Fresh.
Fresh strokes Comic's head softly.
"Yo what if we like... stayed here forever. I could be chill with that." Fresh smiles at Comic, blushing at how cute they look snuggling into him.
"we could" Comic is smiling.
Fresh closes his eyes and nuzzles Comic, giving them a light squeeze. "Could we tho?" Fresh chuckles.
"we can" They are looking at his face.
Fresh opens his eyes meeting Comic's gaze. His expression is soft and sweet.
"but I'm hungry . . .so we have to get up" Comic doesn't really like it.
Fresh squeezes Comic tightly "Noooooooooooooo! The need for sustenance has totally forsaken me. Babe why? So un rad." Fresh laughs.
Comic chuckles "sorry"
Fresh sighs dramatically and lets go of Comic "It's aiight. I forgive you."
"hehe" They are still hugging Fresh.
Fresh smiles happily and pats Comic on the head head fondly. "Lets like, go get you some breaky then. Whatcha want?"
"hm . . ." Comic is thinking "maybe . . . pancakes or cereal?"
Fresh grins "Both radical ideas, why not both? Cerealcakes"
Comic laughs "sure"
"Aww heck yeah! Lets go." Fresh suddenly wraps his arms around Comic tight and barrel rolls the two of them off, landing so he cushioned Comic from the small drop.
Comic is giggling, their cheekbones are covered with a blush.
Fresh giggles too, his own blush present on his face. He raises his head and plants a chaste kiss on Comic and whispers "Now, what did you do with my glasses brah?"
Comic handed him the glasses, "i just took them off, you looked uncomfortable . . ."
Fresh chuckles "Maybe, thanks either way." Fresh plops the glasses back on his face the signature YOLO blinking on. "Now let's go make some heckin radical pancakes."
Comic got up and slipped on a sweater so they won't be cold, They looked at Fresh, a smile on their face.
Fresh sprung up and took Comic by the hand leading them to the kitchen.
Comic looked around for their glasses.
Fresh noticed Comic lookin around. "Whatchu lookin for babe?"
"my glasses, those regular ones"
"Ah!" Fresh lets go of Comic's hand and plucks them off a table, turning around and presenting it to them. "Here ya go."
"thanks" They took their glasses and put them on "better" Comic looks cute in glasses.
Fresh stares at Comic and blushes, his glasses displaying heart eyes. "totally..." He snaps out of his trance, blushing harder and takes Comic's hand with a grin, continuing on to the kitchen.
Comic giggles.
Fresh gets to the kitchen and goes straight for the pantry to pull out the pancake mix and cereal .
In the meantime Comic took out the pan.
Fresh turns around and holds out two boxes to Comic, his glasses displaying ????
"Hey babe, should we do like, trix? Or fruit loops? Both are pretty radical and I can't decide."
Comic gave a quick answer "froot loops"
"Fruit loops it is!" Fresh grabs the items and dumps them on the counter and does the same for the ingredients in the fridge.
Fresh lets Comic handle mixing the ingredients and decides to be useful by getting the pan ready and heating it up.
He turns the heat on all the way to high and puts an entire stick of butter in, watching it melt into a soup and bubble and brown. this looks right.
Comic soon started cooking.
Fresh watches Comic over their shoulder in excited anticipation.
After a while the pancakes were ready.
Fresh grins at Comic "These look totally amazing. You're like, so talented!" Fresh breathes in deeply "They smell so good too."
"yeah" They looked up at Fresh, they are so Tiny in comparrison.
Fresh blushes. cute.
Comic placed the pancakes on two plates. In the meantime Fresh fishes through the fridge and pulls out whipped cream, he absolutely buries his pancakes in it.
He hands the bottle to Comic.
Comic chuckled "i don't want any"
"Ok more for me then." Fresh grins and sprays whipped ceam directly into his mouth and puts it back in the fridge.
Comic took their plate and went to the table, Fresh followed and sat down immediately digging into his with a groan of delight.
Comic began eating too, a slight smile on their face.
"Thisf waff a goo ieaaa" Fresh says with his mouth full.
Comic chuckled again "yeah"
Fresh snarfs his pancakes down enthusiastically and lets out a satisfied sigh. "Oh man, dude, that was so good."
They soon finished eating too "really?"
Fresh wiped some whipped cream from his face and grins at Comic. "Yeah! You made 'em totally perfect."
Fresh smiles at Comic "No, thank you." Fresh chuckles. "So what does my cute little home skillet wanna do today?" He asks, leaning on the table and resting his chin on his hand.
"honestly just lay down and not do much"
Fresh grins "I'm down." His face lights up in a bright blush "Wanna cuddle on the couch and watch re-runs?"
Comic nodded with a smile on their face.
Fresh slapped his hands on the table "Aww heck yeah!" He stands up excitedly... and halts looking at the dirty dishes.
He has a second of deleberation and quickly tosses the plates through a small portal. "Haha! Totally not our problem now!"
Comic snorted and looked at Fresh.
Fresh moves to Comic and scoops them up out of their seat, nuzzling their face and carrying them to the couch.
They wrap their arms around Fresh, they are thinking about something.
Fresh flops on the couch and makes himself comfortable, keeping his arms wrapped around Comic.
Comic feels really comfortable, but they are still lost in thoughts.
Fresh nuzzles Comic some more "You good babe?"
"um . . . actually no, i don't feel good . . ."
Fresh' glasses diplayed "?!?!?!".
"What's wrong?"
"i just feel bad about myself . . ." Comic hugged themselves.
Fresh frowned "Why?"
"i just remembered a few things . . ."
Fresh pushed his glasses up on his head so he could make eye contact. "Are you remembering about what happened before we met?"
Comic nodded slightly, they aren't looking at Fresh.
Fresh shifted the way they were sitting and cupped Comic's face, gently nudging them to look at him.
"Hey..." He leaned his forehead against theirs. "Babe, nothing they ever said about you was true... you're the coolest, raddest, awesomest, most totally fly as heck monster I've ever met."
Fresh closes his eyes and his brows scrunch up. "And they can't hurt you anymore." His other hand grips Comic tight. "I won't let anyone hurt you ever again. I promise."
He opens his eyes and stares into Comic's "I love you... and yo, honestly that's a new experience for me. You gotta believe me when I say you're special babe... you're the peanutbutter to my jelly... you're- you're cooler than the flip side of my pillow." Fresh half chuckles.
Comic hid their face in Fresh' clothes.
Fresh kissed the top of Comic's skull and wrapped his arms comfortingly around them. He closed his eyes a soothing purr rumbled from his chest.
Comic quietly sobbed into Fresh' shirt.
Fresh pet their back softly and let them cry it out. He nuzzled their skull occasionally and whispered soft words of encouragement.
After a long while Comic calmed down.
Fresh plants another kiss on their skull. "Better?" He asks softly. Comic nodded.
Fresh nuzzles them again purring louder "Still wanna watch re-runs? Or do ya wanna nap?"
"how about both? we can watch until we fall asleep? or you can watch and I'll take a nap . . . "
"Sounds chill to me." Fresh single handedly rearranges throw pillows and flips tv on, not letting go of Comic.
He repositions the two of them so they're both spooning facing the tv with Comic being the little spoon.
Fresh then flings a blanket from the back of the couch over the two of them and snuggles in.
"can you stay without your glasses for a bit?"
"Yeah, anything for you." Fresh nuzzles Comic purring loudly.
"i like looking at your eyes"
Fresh blushes "Thanks babe. I like it when you wear your regular glasses, it's hella cute."
"Hehe, well only you can see me like this"
Fresh's blush darkens and buries his face in Comic's shoulder.
"i was really ready to show this side of me to many people, but only you saw it"
"You should let more people see all of your sides babe." Fresh kisses their cheek "Every part of you is awesome."
"yeah, but I'm scared"
"people are dangerous"
"You think I'm gonna let some scrub even look at you wrong? No one's gonna touch you." Fresh's eyes shimmer with rage at even the thought.
"but what if you won't be there?"
"I'll be there, all you gotta do is call for me and I'll be there." Fresh squeezes Comic.
"mhm" Comic is watching the re-runs but they are slowly falling asleep.
Fresh closes his eyes, he wasn't paying attention anyways. "I want you to be comfortable first and foremost though. It's cool whatever you wanna do."
Comic didn't respond
Fresh nuzzles Comic and drifts off to sleep as well.
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adozentothedawn · 3 years
Winx Club Rewatch Log Part 7 (s. 2, epi. 9-16)
I hate the episode about the weird birdman prophecy. It tells you you're stupid for suspecting Avalon, only to backtrack that a few episodes later.
I do like it that Stella is never dieting. In fact whenever food is mentioned she just goes 'Oh hell yes!'
I don't like the weird sexual tension they have going on with Avalon and Bloom. I know they turn this up to like 100 with Valtor, but it annoys me less because he's not a teacher, he’s just evil.
Techna why are you suspicious. I'm suspicious, and you're right to be suspicious, but not for the reasons you are. You also have wings sometimes. Why does that weird you out? I'll stop complaining about this episode now, or I'm gonna need a separate post complaining about it.
I was wrong! Palladium is back! Also they're all assholes to him. Leave cute elf man alone. Also I love his clothes. A+.
I do love the episode where they learn to dodge. And yes, Stella deserved to be the first victim, we literally met her being hit by an easily dodgeable attack. And Griselda is pretty badass. She's a dick, but very impressive.
j/ No nipples for Sky!
I weirdly enjoy the Trix heist show. I'm also very impressed at how Icy identifies what the trinkets stand for, I sure wouldn’t have gotten that.
The Timmy is a coward moment is stupid. He's not a coward, he's just not a fucking dumbass. Techna, you're getting really bad this season.
I think Palladium may be my favourite thing about this season. He's extremely cute, and now also way more confident. His clothing choice is immaculate. At this point I may steal him for something else. I'm not sure for what, bit I just really like him. Way more than I did as a kid. But I'd watch a show about him.
Jared is a creepy stalker. I'd be much less weirded out by him if they hadn't shown us his wall of pictures he has of Musa.
I like the convergence episode. Honestly what most stuck with me about season two in general seems to be the lessons. That and the concert. That was fun.
This season has so many useless episodes. And I liked those from season 1, but these are neither useful nor fun. And even the ones that have useful information feel like filler. I do appreciate that they're showing that Bloom still loves her family though, I'll give them that.
j/ How did they get the license mention Harry Potter? xD
j/ It is very funny that they get saved from commong goons without magic by Griselda and Faragonda.
I do remember Musa's rain dance, I completely forgot about Diaspro being kidnapped by these weird ass Beetle superhero types.
Since when is Eraklyon Japan? A guy named Yoshinoya and some ninjas, but the rest of the planet doesn't have this down.
I like the little reference elf. There's really no reason for her to be there aside from giving the parents something to laugh about, but damnit she's funny. Zing is my bonded pixie.
I live that the Musa Stormy scene is basicall just 'Haha, you're so laaame, oh fuck that worked!'
I know I've been complaining, but Musa's backstory always makes me cry.
j/ Still no nipples for Sky, and also no nipples for Brandon!
Oh no, the Halloween episode. Another horror of my childhood, because I was (and am) an easily scared baby.
I want to complain about why Bloom wants to got to a party of a girl who she knows hates her, but then I remerbered where I went to in my childhood.
I do love that Stella just calls Mitzi out on her bullshit.
Okay, the elves are taking that ghost is really funny. I like Jolly.
I think part of the reason why the filler episodes worked in season 1 but not 2 is the villain. In season 1, the Trix were the driving force of the conflict, they wanted something, the Winx just wanted to finish their school year. Thus it doesn’t feel jarring when they go do normal things, because they don’t really have an issue, the Trix do. And though in season two Darkar is also the driving force, the Winx know about him from the very beginning, and at least the teachers know what he’s after, but they never really do anything about it, aside from that one firat mission to save the pixies. I’m sure something else will come later, but for now, there’s this huge tone shift between trying to save the universe, and skipping school to go to Gardenia and then battling nonmagical goons in a club. That just really doesn’t mash well.
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
I’m curious. How’s your team in Pokémon Sword and Shield looking? I’d imagine they’ve grown a bit since the introduction post you made.
Thanks for asking! I got really busy with Christmas and work after that first introduction post and I kinda forgot to ever follow it up. The roster has expanded quite a bit, because I can’t confine myself to a team of 6. It’s more like a team of 12 now.
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Trix has grown into a lovely Cinderace and she kicks all the butt. She was invaluable against Rihan in the Championship. My beautiful girl is all grown up!
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Metaknight was also a key player against Rihan, as well as Zacian. He’s a beast and I love him.
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Badger has become such a tank! His Obstruct saved me from a lot of trouble against Leon’s team, and the lead-up to the fight with Chairman Rose.
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Winston didn’t get a chance to be on my Championship team, unfortunately, but only because I have 3 electric types on my roster and I didn’t really need him. Strong Jaw + Thunder Fang = A very poweful pupper!
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Applebloom DID get to be on my Championship team and was invaluable in so many battles. She’s such a powerhouse, I love her! She might be my favorite pokemon of this run! (don’t tell Trix)
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Muddybuddy didn’t make it onto my Championship team either, due to the fact that I already had ground and water covered. He’s still a great buddy though, and Yawn makes him my go-to for catching.
Now for some new team mates!
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Wirt had actually joined my team as a temporary member against Nessa. I wasn’t expecting to keep him on at first, but I’ve always loved Lanturn and I realized this was probably my first chance to raise one in-game. He was my ace in the hole against Leon’s Charizard, being water and electric against a fire/flying type. He did a great job!
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Next is DougDimadome, owner of the Dimsdale Dimadome! Haha, I couldn’t NOT have a Galarian Weezing on my team. Weezing’s a great tank, and Neutralizing Gas is a great ability. He was a great help against Bede.
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I was also lucky enough to catch a Gigantimax Butterfree named BigStink. I’ve always been a fan of Butterfree, so of course I HAD to get a Gigantimax one. She was a pain to catch, but she was so worth it. She was my go-to against Bea, and remained a fun team-member afterwards.
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I didn’t want to raise the Toxel i got from the daycare at first. But when I got to Ballonlea, I realized I had nothing on my team to answer against fairy types, and quite a few weaknesses against it. So I dumped all my EXP candies into that little guy, and was pleasantly surprised by how good Toxtricity became once it evolved. He helped me take down Bede on several occasions.
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I caught Jenny early on, but didn’t add her to the team until I lost my first try against Bea. I realized I needed more against fighting types than just Metaknight. Thus, I added Jenny and BigStink. Jenny’s a great support pokemon, with both Reflect and Lightscreen, plus U-Turn. I’ll usually send her out first to set up, and the U-Turn out to whoever I want.
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The latest addition to my team is Rarity, a Galarian Rapidash I traded from my cousin. (Yes, I realize it’s male. I took what I got and I did what I wanted) While DougDimadome is a fairy type, he hasn’t really learned any fairy moves, so this is my first time raising a fairy type. They’ve been fun.
I also just started a Nuzlocke on another file, so I’ll be posting about that in the next week or so.
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deckerswings · 5 years
Hello! You were wanting asks, and you seem great, so: a) who is your favourite character in "Lucifer" other than Chloe and Lucifer, b) any Deckerstar fic recs?, c) tell me what would happen if the "One Day at a Time" characters met Lucier and Chloe. :)
Hey! Thanks so much! 👋🏼❤️
Oof these are all really good questions I want to try answer them all (kinda briefly if I can haha)
a) Ella - she’s such an adorable, happy-go-lucky character and I really relate to her tbh
b) Ahh so many. So so many. I LOVE a good, well written angst so 100% @ariaadagio ‘s Castaway if that’s what you like. ElenaCee’s entire Devils Trap series is amazing. It’s got about 30 works - majority one shots - of a beautifully developing deckerstar relationship post-reveal. I could go on and on so maybe I’ll do a rec-list later x
c) The first thing I thought of was how Penelope would take absolutely none of Lucifer’s shit and would be 100% a deckerstar shipper even if she (and Lydia who are we kidding) won’t stop flirting with him. I can definitely see Elena and Alex becoming like older siblings to trix that’d be so adorable.
Thanks again for the ask! Sorry my reply was so long hahahah they were great questions 💗💖
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darlenicy · 8 months
winx SEASON 5 gives me physical pain part III
And here I am back again complaining about s5 and ignoring all the asks I'm flattered by and not yet ready to answer shame on me
EP 5x5
my bbs being fancy right in the beginning of the show
sad that Flora needs to think of Helia to believe in herself. Shouldn't self belief come from the inside and not your boyfriend?
tbh I lost my notices from this ep but I will say, that I can totally relate to Mitzi rooting for the Trix. Yet again, bitch move, bitch shame on you (but come on if you had your whole lifetime an argument with bloom, you'd too root for the people who try to harm her)
EP 5x6
Faragonda does nothing but sitting in her room and wants to see the Sirenix Book. This woman has the most chill job ever. Does nothing, gets it all
Diaspro got a new voice :(((( [German dub, the old voice was the same as Kim Possible's and I always loved that]
Haha, bye Bloom you're out
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we're in the midst of the episode and suddenly Faragonda has a new voice too [still German dub] what happened to the old one? It was perfect??
okay the winx are THE BEST fairies of Alfea and therefore of course go on the mission.... also a funny coincidence that just now as we need a tool to open the Sirenix book this contest takes place..
I'm #team gothfairies
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Wait I am not. The Trix come around and are sassy and evil and the #gothfairies do nothing? I thought they were THE BEST fairies? Transformation you guys? You should at least have Enchantix if you are THE BEST from your school
magical strawberries, flora are you fkn kidding me? we know that the target audience gets younger by every season post s3 but MAGICAL STRAWBERRIES come on
Icy vs Horsey, sorry queen, you just lost all your sympathies for hurting lil horsey
ughhhh the horse got UGLY. Icy, love, you are allowed to fight this ugly creature
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sirenix book: to find the first gem you have to prove that you have the virtue of self confidence - so Flora will fail with this one
what an ugly barbie pink plastic yacht
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Layla is green again! (Harmonix)
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dwtspd · 5 years
SYTYCD 16 Top 8 perform
Love me some district 78. Gino slayed that. Ah, so we’re having a travel theme. Each dance inspired by a different country or something like that. Oh boy, this will be 2 hours long?? I rather they have shorter episodes and eliminate 2 people every other week, let us know the dancers longer. Also that is less rehearsal for them each week which is more physically sustainable.
Plus, I record my episodes on an online DVR that tends to buffer a lot the longer episodes are...so its gonna take me like, 3 hours to get through this. Anna and Benjamin Tahitian dance: nice. Bit of stumble in the middle. Benjamin’s Long Limbs were an asset this time as he could accentuate the moves a lot. Whereas Anna would lose the hip and knee action once she had to travel. Don’t know what Nigel was going on about having seen a great Tahitian routine before therefore he couldn’t enjoy this. By that logic, he shouldn’t be able to even glance at the thousands of modern and contemporary bits on this show. 8/10 Sophie has very nice floorwork I’ll say. But I think I saw the same leg lift like 3 times in that solo Madison and Ezra hip hop: damn, that’s one way to enter the stage. I loved this dance and I think the dancers saw the choreographer’s vision through. They were very effortless and floaty in the slow parts but then the beat would drop and they would be hitting it hard. I thought both were good, dunno what the judges were on. 10/10 Is that my first ten of the season??? Insert some dwts gif here. Gino you are fantastic and all but please no more andra day Bailey and Mariah Cha Cha: aww he got her flowers. I like the theme and costuming of this dance. Oof, I wanted this to go better. Dimitry gave them a HARD routine. Bailey was...stiff? Like, he was visibly trying very hard and was stamping the ground really hard with his footwork. Lacked hip action but he had good body rolls. Props to him for doing all the tricks. Mariah has the best ballroom out of all the non-ballroom dancers. He gets her flowers every week!!!!!! They are adorable in a completely wholesome, platonic way. 8/10 Madison has a nice solo then Ezra has a fantastic solo!! That pirouette with his leg in second going into that spinning jump and landing into a roll. Except for his all red costume. You know I’m not a fan of those. I think it’s the red Cuban shoes I can’t get over. Maybe if he had a different colour I could get pass this look. Gino and Sophie contemporary: Gino can cook??? Important skills. Dear Evan Hansen! OH WOW. WOW. TAKE A BOW KC MANNING. if the show suddenly ended here I wouldn’t be mad, because this is the best dance ever. I love the use of the props, setting, and blocking. Holy crap Gino’s leaps...I swear he jumps Sophie’s height. Sophie had such lovely smooth transitions and turns. I like the choreography too. It had lots of technique but also some simple but memorable phrases. 12/10 Oh Mariah, I wonder how she gets her solos because they always feel emotionally disconnected. Benjamin and Anna Broadway: oh man, Anna has that lovely hairdo and dress but why did they give her those shoes? They made her feet look clunky. That said she looked pretty good despite that. I actually think one of her turns was better than Benjamin’s! They got all the nuances of a soft, elegant piece like this perfectly. 9/10 Madison and Ezra Argentine Tango: I’m confused, Madison said Ezra reps death but he is also “giving her little pieces of life” as she is dying?? Madison looked stressed in rehearsal and even Ezra a bit tepid. AT has a different feel from ballroom when you are doing it. Despite how scared they were this was actually a very good dance! They were both so sharp and precise. It might have been better if they had closer body contact, and Madison sometimes was hunching forward slightly. AT is HARD to learn though. 9/10 ps Ezra has decent guyliner. One of the better ones. I’ve had enough of rum boy run but I like the whole ancient warrior theme Benjamin had going on. And then Anna follows up with another piece of music I’m not a fan of. Bailey and Mariah contemporary: slide into your arms/DMs. There are so many innovative routines tonight! Wonderfully done and staged, and beautifully executed by the dancers. Bailey’s feet are as nice as Mariah’s. He is one of if not the best b boys at contemporary. Oh wow. I don’t want to see them apart either, Mary. 10/10 Gino and Sophie Jazz: another good one! This was such fun. Sophie got the character spot on. I feel like she got the mood of the dance more than Gino, though he was moving better (could blame Sophie’s pants though). Did they take out the hat trick (haha, hat trick, geddit? Cos Gino called it a soccer ball). D trix doing the tamale train lol. 9.5/10 Madison Mariah Ben Gino Contemporary: Another song that I’ve had enough of. Ugh. And I thought we were having such a good second half of the show. Okay, music aside, that was fine until they took the guys shirts off. What was the point of that? I felt random and gimmicky. Can’t believe I’m rating Talia Flavia this low. 5/10 Time for some results. Gino and Mariah are safe, so Benjamin and Madison are in danger. Anna Sophie Bailey Ezra Afrojazz: Hmm, I feel like this dance was very short? Like, I was just getting into it and then it ended. 7.5/10 Oh right, we’re we supposed to have a travel theme? I kinda forgot about that in the middle of the show. And the dances did too. Damn, 5 pieces in 6 days. Jeezus. Ezra is in danger again as is Anna. So Ezra or Benjamin, Madison or Anna... I feel like Ezra’s solo might have saved him this week although Nigel might have a soft spot for the broadway routine. Madison had a very strong night especially with that tango routine but Anna was lucky that the show was so long her weak showing in the opening Tahitian routine would have been forgotten by that point. The judges save Ezra. That’s two eliminations he’s survived now. I thought he’d be more popular. They save Madison too, so that pairing gets another week together.
So Anna and Benjamin are going home. I would have picked Ezra I’m a heartbeat, but I find this is a little harsh on Benjamin, who had a good night. And I feel like he had a very cool personality under that hooded-eyed, floppy haired, laid back exterior. That’s why we should have a TOP 20!!!!!!!! Or at least a longer season. This episode was SO. LONG. would have been better cut in two. Then we’d have these guys around for at least a 1 more week.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What’s your favorite chocolate in the valentine box? I don’t like assorted chocolate boxes, honestly. I’m too picky. Just give me milk bordeaux and white chocolate strawberry truffles from See’s Candy. What color hair did your first crush have? I’m pretty sure he had brown hair. What’s your favorite thrift store? I don’t go to any. Would you ever share your most embarrassing moment publicly? Nah, I’m good. Would you ever consider wearing your mother’s wedding dress? My mom doesn’t have a wedding dress, she’s never had a wedding or been married (she and my dad have been together for over 30 years, though). I don’t plan on ever getting married anyway.
Do you eat yogurt a lot? I don’t eat yogurt, I don’t care for the texture. It’s weird cause I liked Go-Gurts as a kid and I remember eating those Trix yogurts, too. *shrug* What’s a condition you have that you haven’t been officially diagnosed with? I think I’ve been diagnosed with everything I have as far as I know. Could your town be nicknamed Hell? Yes. It’s shitty and also very hot. Are you mad at someone right now? No. Have you ever been told by the police to stay away from a certain church? No? What’s your favorite version of the Bible? KJV. Do you have clubbed thumbs? No. Do you think pineapple belongs on pizza? Nooo. Which one of your parents do you think is smarter? They both are. Which parent do you think you inherited your intelligence level from? They’re both intelligent, but I feel I’m just very average. Do you store your bike in a garage for the winter? I don’t have a bike. What were your favorite gym class activities in elementary school? I didn’t enjoy gym. What is one of your favorite items that you’ve got from Goodwill? I don’t go to thrift stores. Do you own Lulalore leggings? Nope. They’re super expensive. Would you rather wear a tunic top and jeggings or a crop top and high-waisted jeans? Tunic top and jeggings. Do you think hoodies look better oversized and long, or cropped? I like mine to be oversized. What’s one style you hate? I don’t feel that strongly about a style, but there’s a lot I don’t like/care for.  What’s one trend you haven’t caught up on? A lot of them. I don’t even really know what’s trendy anymore, I’m old. ha. Where do you discover new music? Spotify mostly. Do you eat popsicles in the winter or only in the summer? I don’t care for popsicles. Unless they’re Otter Pops/Freeze Pops/whatever you want to call them. It’s been a few years since I’ve had any, but they were my favorite during the summertime. I’m not a big ice cream person in general, though. Which season’s colors do you look the best in? I don’t feel I look good in anything, but I love fall and winter clothes. Have you ever had a professional make-over? Yeah. Have you ever had a professional photo shoot? Yes. My mom had my pictures done a lot when I was a kid, plus the yearly school photos. I have a cousin who’s a photographer and he did my college grad photos. Did you ever want to be a model? No. I couldn’t be one anyway. Are you jealous of anyone? No, but I am envious of some people. What’s your favorite way to style your hair? It’s always just in a pony tail or braid. What irritates you about your daily life? Health related crap. Do you have a doctor you can trust? Yes. What makes you feel awake? I’m always tired and have no energy. What makes you feel more creative? I’m not creative. Do you sunbathe? No. What’s your anti-depressant? The beach helps a lot during the time I’m there. Do you stretch or do yoga? Nope. Who’s a youtuber you would like to collab with? I don’t make videos and I wouldn’t want to be in someone else’s. I’d be waaaaay too self-conscious.  Could you come up with 100 random facts about yourself on the spot? No. I do not want to even try. Do you wish the message boards were more active? I don’t go on message boards anymore, but I used to when I was like 11 until about 16/17.  What are five things that would make you happier? Just good health, mentally and physically, would really help. Financial stability would be great, too. Do you ever curl your hair? Nope. Have you ever straightened your hair for a dance? No. I curled (well someone else curled it for me, ha) for the dances I went to.  List all of the colors of dresses you have worn to school dances. I didn’t wear a dress for the middle school dances, but in high school I wore a white dress with gold specks and a red flapper dress (the theme was roaring 20s or something like that). Did you enjoy school dances? I had fun. The middle school ones I went to hang out with friends and eat the snacks, haha. Pizza, soda, and desserts were especially great at that age and having it at school felt even better for whatever reason lol. Listening to the music was fun, too. I enjoyed prom and winter formal were fun, too. I just went with friends to those as well. What is something you want to be for Halloween? I don’t dress up anymore. Who is your favorite parent? I don’t choose favorites like that. I’m closer to my mom, but I love them both.  Do you have chronic pain? Yes and other chronic health issues. What is your favorite part of going to the dentist? Absolutely NOTHING. The dentist has always been awful for me. Have you ever not been able to see the big E at the eye doctor? No. Have you ever worn cat-eye glasses? Yeah. What year do you want to go back to? I miss my childhood. Honestly; though, if I could just go back like 5-10 years ago that would be fine cause I could change so much that would make such a difference in my life now. Who have you been missing lately? I always miss my maternal grandparents that have passed away, as well as my doggo, Brandie. Which school year was best? Elementary school in general, probs. 
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swearronchanel · 6 years
7.01 aka I have yet to stop crying
I’m back with my live commentary, what an episode. Let’s get it 1963.
it’s still brick out, long ass winter
Trix, Val and Sister Winnie dancing I love it
Helen is obvs pregnant but I’ll attempt to ignore 
Angela is so cute and Teddy aww, love the historically accurate unsafe back seat
“I don’t know about these American pop groups, there’s such a lot of slang in their songs” LMAO SHELAGH STOP IT, the 60s are swingin
Tim rolling his eyes like same
the 60s bops man, gotta love them
Christopher bought her Miss Dior MY KINDA MANN😍
Patrick and Teddy 😭 aww
if you go to a strip club in the afternoon you really have no life lmao
this poor woman I know I’m going to cry
I love Nonnatus table scenes
When will Lucille show up?
Lmao damn Phyllis was ready to redecorate and all
cancer spread fuck
Elastic roll ons are fajas/spanx I assume
but damn she can’t hide it anymore
I’m not knocking stripping but yea don’t go back, this lady is a bitch and this club is nasty
Christian Dior made the scent to smell like love
Trixie is me when ppl don’t appreciate my nice perfume either
“Do I smell furniture polish?” LMAO omg stop
Miss Dior smells good tho, Miss Dior Blooming Bouquet is one of my scents. A fav
“Look and Listen” lol looks like the MTA signs
He made strudel aw
“Everyone has a different way of coping” I love this show but I hate this show. This is too close to home/reality for me rn it hurts
demolishing the whole street shit
can shelagh turner wear something that isn’t blue god?
Nadine’s fur coat is freaking fab
-   my blood type is o- and my mom never fails to remind me I’m gonna need an rh injection if I have a baby
Eat that cake 😂 what’s Nonnatus without cake
Sister MJ saying her first responsibility is to eat the cake. I love her
but here her eye problems begin 😭😭
sister Winifred driving is legit me LMAO I suck at driving and I need my license already 😂
Alexandra is so cute aw
my heart hurts for this man
Trixie’s outfit is on point, love the coat. The fur hat is funny, but still on point haha
“My mummy says only tarts paint their nails” guess I’m the biggest hoe there is
Sister MJ and Alexandra watching tv SO PURE
Like what a Bitch I never met.
Hotel getaway👀👀👀 say yes Trix😉
but ofc I respect you so if you don’t want to, don’t ofc & don’t feel pressured no matter what Christopher says!
but also this doesn’t make sense, Trixie and Christopher should’ve already had this discussion if they were already supposed to have gone away together (??)
Hi Sister MJ is crying and I’m not okay!!!
Finally some mention! But wth are Patsy and Delia doing in Botswana? African adventure? lit
Lucille! ❤️ Look at this gal I love her already! We have the same earrings on too
Sis (-ter W) we don’t say colored
Oh shit she passed out
Bladder infection what a blow
Sister MJ and Lucille reciting Keats IM FUCKIN CRY
the nuns singing again ❤️
Poor Ruth omg my heart
Oh shit Nadine’s water broke
Phyllis you badass bitch I love
oops she lied without knowing
Ruth is killing me, too relatable rn
Sergeant asshole keep it pushin before Phyllis clocks you
Sister Winnie still crying, still relatable
Lmaoo Churchill reference, he sucks tho
“It’s called cobblestone” friendship brewing
“In my head, fresh as paint” I love her  
Flashbacks to when Chummy delivered the breach baby
Take a shot every time someone is called “clever girl”
Shelagh’s best job where she at
Trixie and Shelagh talking my bbys, give them a scene together
Val’s back hurting from teaching ballet and tap omfg love her 😂
Give Nadine the studio
“Patrick what’s your fav European language” English “wrong answer” LMAO SHELAGH LOVE U BB
I’m free btw ^ college won’t stop me
“My uniform is going to talk to your uniform and not the other way around” FUCK YEA PHYLLIS CRANE
she compared him to nazis, ultimate drag
Sergeant’s tragic backstory partially unlocked
trix in aa
“You think you’re putting on armor, but in truth you’re building a cage” that one hurt
I’m sobbing
I can’t take this episode
“If I never said I was grateful for you I say it now… Miss you. I will talk about tomorrow.” good fucking bye I’m drowning in tears
Lucille making me cry more how is this possible
guess she had a change of heart then huh
I’m down for it but I don’t think they should’ve had her decide in one episode, especially since she was just v conflicted ya know. Reminds me of how too unrealistically resolved the Christmas ep was tho   
maybe she’s not actually going to go in the end
the Herbrew prayers I’m fucking crying again, I thought they’d show sitting shiva but this is more emotional ahh
legit my permit is 2 years old I gotta hurry
Trixie’s lingerie 👀
“Darkness makes the heart’s case fragile, pain breaks it open, courage teases out the leaves and life unfolds and expands. Thrusting upwards into light.”😭😭
“A kitchen, you wouldn’t believe” stop💔
Phyllis making a move omg
I can’t take this I’m crying so hard. What an episode 😭😭 tune in next week if I haven’t drowned in tears
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thotyssey · 6 years
On Point With: Cicatrix
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From the swamps of North Carolina comes this fierce, campy horror queen of musical theater. Having overcome a major health situation when she was younger, Adam aka Cicatrix is ready to make her mark on this city in the most fabulous and terrifying ways!
Thotyssey: Greetings, Cicatrix! Thanks for talking to us today! Where in the world are you right now?
Cicatrix: Oh hey girl! I’m actually sunburnt walking down 46th... just got her full bagel life. One could say it's Everything!
We’re seeing a lot of “Christmas in July” stuff happening this week. Do you support this, or is it Basic?
That's a thing? I live! Adam loves Christmas ... Cicatrix finds navigating other holidays” trixy,” lol--you know, a bit partial to Halloween. However, we can all use a little holly in the window, okurrr? (It’s poisonous, by the way!)
It’s safe to label Cicatrix as a spooky queen, right?
Yes and no, lol. Cicatrix lies somewhere between spooky, campy, and musical theater. She's starting to really understand that what makes Adam happy makes Cicatrix thrive! As my Momma Stacy [Layne Matthews] would say ... I'm the odd duck!
Quack! So where were hatched--I mean born--originally? And was musical theater always your thing?
I was birthed in North Carolina in the swamps! Musical theater was always what I trained for and really loved doing. But once I was blessed to tell Peter Van Daan's story in The Diary of Anne Frank, I became very very serious about my acting chops
So you’ve dabbled in more serious drama as well.
Absolutely! I recently got my Fitzmaurice certification for voice production. I live for a good, keening scream! Which I try to utilize in drag as much as possible now
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So, a “cicatrix” is a surgery scar, and I understand this term has played an essential role in your life.
Oh yesss, henny! Cicatrix means “scar” in so many languages... I had open heart surgery at 14. Go support the American Heart Association!  S. strength C. Character A. Artistry R. Respect  Okurrr?
I love that! What was your condition that prompted the surgery? I was born with Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) so they thought it was just a condition of that. But I was lucky enough to have a Dad who really pushed me to do "something" besides theater, and I ran cross country for about two minutes and passed out  Cut to, my left Aortic valve was actually growing onward causing the "bag bump" heartbeat flap to rip. They took such good care of me! And I now have such a different fervor for life. 
Specifically, Duke Hospital has been a place I know well growing up. We have to remember to always support great institutions like that! They helped my family out a ton!
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You mentioned Stacy Layne Matthews, a fellow North Carolina queen. How long have you known her?
I grew up with Miss Henny! I met her doing Fiddler on the Roof when I was 11. She was playing Grandma (and quite brilliantly, I might add). When I asked her the first day if she was a man or a woman, she simply said, "Henny you are a homo, figure that out first" (paraphrasing and emphasizing how it was said with her signature warmth and acceptance). Yesterday was her birthday, so happy birthday mamma!
Wow! How was Cicatrix the queen born?
When Stacy got on Drag Race back in 2010, it opened up the world of wonders (pun intended). My first name was going to be Skela Tones Matthews. However, I'm so glad I waited ‘til last year and truly found CICATRIX, which was forced out by a combination of the brilliant Melissa Rain Anderson (an amazingly innovative and gritty director I was honored to do The Little Mermaid with), Marti Cummings (who I absolutely could not be prouder of), Godiva Romance, and Stacy Layne Matthews... just all believing in Adam and teaching me who Cicatrix was going to be.
Godiva’s a great NYC queen!
I met Godiva in 2010 through Injoy Fountain. She painted my face after one of her shows last April. ”Beat by a black man!” We love that joke, haha! It's crazy that my two drag mommas’ actual birthdays are back-o-back. Oh, those Cancers!
And Marti of course hosts the Ultimate Drag Pageant at the West End, and your big drag debut in NYC was competing in a cycle of that. It must’ve been incredibly challenging to have created all those looks and numbers during the pageant out of nothing!
Haha! It was soooo fun! I really have utilized UDP both times to find Cicatrix... and with my “Donna Summer's child eating cake in the rain" I found her.
After that cycle of the Pageant, you returned by invitation for the recent All-Stars season. Did that feel much different than your original run?
VERRRRRY. I felt like I was actually making progress. Season four, I HAD NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING, lol. I'm still finding my way! But I’m much more malleable and confident in “Cica.” She's trying to earn that hashtag #cicaning!
Brand that shit! Godiva’s actually doing the current season of UDP... what’s the best advice you could give her?
I told her this last night, actually... and brace thyself!, it's real talk. [First,] she told me to stop trying to be different ‘cause I'm weird AF! Anyway, lol... I told her, “you have the talent and capacity to be a queen of color and stay true to yourself while still adapting to different audiences.” There is this added pressure for queens of color at times (in my opinion, and from being so close with Godiva). We are always talking and digging into what that is. I mean, we saw it with The Vixen on Drag Race this season. An extreme example, but I was so happy to see the storyline fleshed out. Our community has to be so extra careful to never segregate, but to congregate! Can I get an Amen, Church?
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It's an honor to have you on the lineup of Thotssey's Second Anniversary show Night of 1000 Thots at Stonewall on July 28 (7pm)! It’s gonna be a great night! Are you excited to mix it up with all the other amazing performers on the lineup?
The lineup is what? CICANING!  I am so honored to be amongst that lineup. But I am obsessed with Poppy, so that's always a treat (not “trix,” ha) and I'm also really excited to finally meet Vita and Pissi!
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Yazzz! So is there anything else you wanna mention?
Next week you can catch Cicatrix playing with Poppy at Poppy's Playhouse on Wednesday at the West End, your show Saturday at Stonewall, and Marti's show at 11 at Hardware Sunday! But I also wanna really make this Halloween, what? CICANING. so come forth with thy bookings, childrens!
Werk! Okay, last question: Will you be first or last in line for Mamma Mia 2 this weekend?
I'm dead... Asia O'Hara butterfly dead, ha! I will be watching Cher and Meryl's friendship compilation videos on YouTube this weekend.
You’ve chosen wisely. Thanks, Cicatrix!
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Check Thotyssey’s calendar for Cicatrix’s upcoming appearances, and follow her on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
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