#guido mista scenario
josukebrainrot · 1 year
Please do more bucci gang headcannons i take anything!
a/n: I just got this and was going to save this for last, but I couldn’t sleep last couple of nights and started thinking all of the general hcs for bucci gang I have . So, here it is !!
warnings: sfw and nsfw hcs (will be separated), giorno x mista shipping, light abba x burno and fugo x narancia, mentions of risotto team.
General Bucci Gang Headcanons
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starting with my love for giomis. mista can’t sleep without having some weight on him, and somehow mista can convince giorno to sleep on top of him when they’re together. giorno won’t admit to mista he enjoys it just as much as he does
abbacchio can’t stand white wine. he only likes red and occasionally rose but only on special occasions
fugo’s way of calming down is to bake stuff, i think his favorite to make would be lemon squares for some reason
talking about lemons, despite his name meaning orange, narancia has a skin allergy to citrus fruits. he can eat them but if the juice gets on his skin it will get broken out and all
burno’s love language is remembering his loves one favorite things and giving them gifts related to those out of the blue like its just another tuesday, he will also do the same on special occasions
burno definitely helps abba put his crown thing on everyday
trish, fugo, and giorno definitely have to force mista to have proper hygiene
not saying its bad but it probably only showers once-twice a week and only brushes his teeth when they feel yucky
abbacchio loves soap operas not those crime drama ones he hates those but those dramatic cheesy ones with evil twins and shit
bruno on the other hand loves crime drama ones especially the lifetime movie ones
mista and narancia FYCKING HATE modern day mtv
narancia is somehow the only one of all the men who does in fact use 3 in 1 shampoo
mista used to use 2 in 1 until giorno came along and stopped him
burno has whole skin care routine
narancia hates the smell of axe body spray
it’s really most fragrances but axe is the one he hates the most
mista thought axe body spray was a replacement for showering for awhile
so did abba when he was a cop but thats a whole another can of worms
narancia looks like the type to collect coins and bills from different countries
bruno knows how to make excellent home made pasta, he def learned it from his father
trish makes fugo go shopping with her because she can’t mista and giorno to go in public for something like that
fugo collects different types of bugs specifically butterflies and moths
trish is pompompurin girlie tell me im wrong
mista is the my melody person of the group
btw abba is badtz-maru, narancia is kuromi, bruno is hello kitty, fugo is cinnamoroll, and giorno is keroppi
i know risotto’s group is supposed to hate brunos but i just know abba and prosciutto are friends who got together every couple of mouths to play poker/cards
fugo favorite animal crossing character is marshall
don’t get me started on the other members of the gang favorites
mista, narancia, ans trish definitely would force the others to see the barbie movie
abba sneaks out to see oppenheimer-
nsfw (hopefully this is short)
abba definitely has a dick piercing (idk which one but he does)
mista wants one
mista has collerbone piercings tho
fugo would have a tongue
(why aren’t this nsfw bc abba with a piercing got thinking about the others)
abba definitely uses his stand to replay his partners orgasms
fugos stand has definitely come out/started appearing when he was horny once
if you know of my one piece blog i once talked about how law would definitely use his devil power during sex (he can remove limbs, hearts, switch bodies, and switch places with things with it) same goes to bruno
he’s used his stand power on his partner, unzip their head off and-
fugo is the type to fuck in a library, on multiple occasions
feel like all of them would be into food play
especially fugo and bruno
i know for fact that giorno has asked mista “is that gun in your pants or you happy to see me” and its 50/50 chance of mista having his gun in the front of his pants or not
i think the whole mista needs to have a weight on him to sleep is also a sexual thing too. I feel like he likes to have his partners on top him when doing the deed 🤷🏻‍♀️
*cough* fugo’s into bondage *cough*
do you think giorno can use his stand powers on cum?
bruno and abba have strong cucking/voyeur vibes. one likes watching the other fuck someonex but its not like bruno is into abba fucking someone, its both of them. both are into seeing the other fuck
hands down, abba is consenting head pusher. he will only push a persons head during a bj if they consent to it
all these mfs are consent kings/queen btw
fugo might be into cnc tho
why am I making fugo the kinkiest
narancia doesn’t get shit, i feel like he would be very asexual in my mind like he makes sexual jokes and all but hes not really into it and all
someone here is into wax play but I don’t know who- well we know fugo probably is but abba maybe
mistas into biting and face sitting
also collars-
mista biggest no no is car sex because you know-
WAIT- no I think fugo would still be into library sex despite what happened
melone invited abba and bruno to a sex club once
also maybe a strip club
prosciutto and abba kept making bets on who would get fucked up the most, etc
guess who got fucked up the most
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sovereignjojoz · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request the bucci gang reacting to their girlfriend accidentally stumbling upon them facing off an enemy and then taken hostage? Their gf is just a normal girl who doesn’t know about their stands or criminal life, she just gets caught up in the whole fight accidentally (cause she saw her bf and followed them) and when the enemy figures out she’s their gf, they take her hostage or smth similar to that!
Bucci gang: clueless
Pairings: Bruno Bucciarati x reader, Leone Abbacchio x reader, Guido Mista x reader, Giorno Giovanna x reader, Pannacotta Fugo x reader, Ghirga Narancia x reader.
Warnings: implied fem reader in some but no explicit mention, reader CAN’T see stands, some angst so the scenarios are varied, (not a warning but Mista is 6’0”), petnames, mild violence (nothing descriptive).
Notes - awhh yeahh babey! Love this idea, love damsel in distress reader, ty for the request!
Bruno Buccarrati
“Yeah mama, I know.” You told her manoeuvring your phone, balancing it between your shoulder and your ear. “The rustling? Oh I’m just tying my shoelace, yeah, I’m out right now, I’m just finishing up some errands then I’ll- wait mama, hang on a minute.” You paused, lifting your eyes up from the concrete.
Was that Bruno? You squinted, as if that would help you see clearer into the distance. What was he doing here?
Involuntarily, the corners of your lips twisted upwards into a smile, what a wonderful surprise.
Your mother called your name from the phone, bringing your attention back to what you were previously doing. You picked your phone up, holding it to your ear, “mama? Sorry, sorry, I just saw Bruno here th- yeah, Bruno my boyfriend, remember the one I was telling you about? Mhm, I’ll call you back I’m going to go…” you faltered towards the end of your sentence, falling silent upon seeing a strange man approaching Bruno.
“Hello… [name]? Hello? Is everything alright dear?” You heard your mother ask on the other side of the line.
Your tongue felt heavy in your mouth as you failed to respond to your mama. The ambience of this person felt extremely unnatural, there was something dangerously off about this individual, just being near them sent shivers down your spine.
You clutched your phone in a vice like grip, once more glimpsing over at Bruno and that unusual man.
You brought your nail up to your lips, holding it in your teeth, momentarily bringing you relief.
Perhaps you were overthinking, you looked over your phone seeing that only two minutes had passed. You exhaled, slumping, nothing happened.
You ran your hands over your face, what was up with you today, how did you delude yourself into thinking such a thing-
“Oh my gosh!” You gasped as your phone slipped out of your hand, plummeting down to the concrete floor.
Scrambling to find your phone, you dropped to the floor, desperately crawling around on the faded slabs looking for the small device.
You felt cold metal brush your fingertips as the sound of your mother’s frantic voice gushed out of the speaker.
You snatched it from the bin it had fallen under then crawled to hide behind that same bin.
“M-mama.” You spoke, voice shaking with each word you tried to get out, “I- Bruno, mama I don’t know what to do.” You whispered hushed.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, you knew it, you weren’t wrong but nothing made sense.
You felt like your eyes had been deceiving you, as though you were going crazy, but you weren’t, you know you weren’t you’d seen it with your very own eyes.
Just when you’d decided that man wasn’t a threat and you were halfway towards Bruno, a ton of blood came seeping out from his right arm, which you had just noticed was split down the middle.
It happened almost instantaneously yet it seemed as though nothing attacked him, the other man hadn’t even moved an inch yet clearly from the fresh wound on his arm he had been attacked.
You slapped your cheeks, reminding yourself of what was presently happening.
With your head now slightly clearer, you cut the call with your mum quickly messaging: “had to go, love you, speak later.” Now that your mum was taken care of, you swiped onto the phone keypad and dialled the number of the police, waiting with baited breath as each dial passed.
Leaning forward, you took a peek at where Bruno stood, only to see him get punched in the lower jaw, his bottom lip splitting in the corner on impact.
You bit your tongue as tears limned your lower lash line, you wished you could be of more help but realistically if Bruno was struggling what would you be able to do.
Perched on your knees, you angled your phone camera so that the violent man was within frame.
You dropped your phone horrified when the flash shone brightly like a beacon of light, praying from behind the bin that you hadn’t been noticed.
You chastised yourself, how could you be so stupid as to not check!
You daringly took another look so you could get a grasp of the situation, every which way you looked you couldn’t find a singular face of that guy, all you could see was Bruno holding his injured arm; befuddled.
Your shoulders dropped as your chest deflated, releasing a breath you didn’t know you had been holding in.
Pushing the bin with your leg, you crawled out of your hiding spot cautiously, ready to run to assist Bruno.
As you attempted to stand up you felt a callous hand wrap around your ankle, causing your head to whip around to the offender.
“Hello sunshine, didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s rude to lurk around private affairs?”
Your eyes widened as you opened your mouth to scream, but before you could do so he moved behind you, clamping his hand over your mouth, muffling your scream.
He restrained you in his grip, moving back to where he stood previously.
You bit his hand, hard, in the hopes that he’d release you but it was to no avail.
The man hissed in pain, yet his grip still remained firm as the two of you came in Bruno’s field of view.
Bruno’s jaw ticked, since when were you here.
“I take it that now you’ll listen?” He spoke, his hot, smelly breath wafting into your face.
“There’s no need to involve a civilian.” Bruno said, his breath laboured.
He grinned from behind you, “oh but you and me both know this isn’t just any ordinary civilian don’t we?”
Bruno looked at him straight-face, “I have no idea what you’re implying.”
“Oh really?” He challenged.
He moved his hand from over your mouth to the sides of your jaw-
“Stop.” Bruno demanded unable to take his taunts anymore, “we’ll release your team member, however, first hand the civilian over to me.”
You looked at your boyfriend, feeling slightly lightheaded.
“How can I trust you.” Snarled the enemy user.
Bruno chucked a small device at him, from the corner of your eye it seemed like a GPS, however your pounding head left you unsure on what it actually was.
Seemingly satisfied, he released you from his hold, chucking you to where Bruno was leaving you stumbling as you tried to catch yourself.
Bruno rushed forward, catching you in his arms allowing the enemy user to escape. Later, that’d be a nuisance to deal with however your safety was of much more importance.
He looked at you as you wrapped your arms around him, you hadn’t even had the chance to cry with everything happening all at once.
He placed his uninjured arm around the small of your back, holding you close as clung to him.
You looked at Bruno, your eyes still limned with tears, “Bruno… I-”
He shushed you, stroking your cheek with the back of his hand.
Your eyes flutter shut as you leant into his hand, unaware of the fact that you were losing consciousness, your stress now catching up with you.
Quick to react, Bruno scooped you up in his arms, holding you close to his chest; bridal style.
He frowned, kissing your forehead remorsefully, “I’m sorry Carina.”
Guido Mista
Seeing how a viel of darkness had now taken over the previously clear blue sky, you started to pack your things up into your colourful customised beach basket, courtesy of Mista.
He really was so cute.
You grabbed your cover up skirt, tying it tightly around your waist before putting your baby blue flip flops on.
Squatting comfortably, you grabbed your phone and skimmed over your unanswered notifications.
You smiled as your eyes took notice of a notification from “mi-mi;)”, immediately tapping on it.
Mi-mi: hey pretty baby
Mi-mi: u headin home
You: yeah babeyy I’m omw now
*mista sent one attachment*
Mi-mi: missin u wifey ( o ⊰ o)<3
You: 🤣🫵
You: ew.
Mi-mi: hey.
You: are you coming home soon?
Mi-mi: yeah I just gotta deal with smth first, then im all yours
*you sent one attachment*
You: kay babe, I’ll be waiting for ya at home, be quick :( I love you
Mi-mi: promise
Mi-mi: I love you too ;)
You smiled, biting the inside of your cheek as you powered your phone off.
Dusting the sand off of your cover up, you picked up the basket and started walking to the beach’s exit, a slight skip in your step after having talked to Mista.
You set your bag down on the bench as you checked the time on the bus stop. 25 minutes, kinda long, but not too bad.
You sat down one the bench, one leg crossed over the other, and re-reached into your bag for your phone.
You lifted your gaze up, halting your scrolling when you saw a flash of zebra print enter your vision.
Gingerly, you grabbed your bag and stood up, turning the corner where you saw the zebra print flash by.
“Mi-mi?” You called out affectionately, rounding the corner.
The man paused in his tracks at the sound of your voice, your nickname.
You knew it was him, there was only one man in Italy who’d be bold enough to wear zebra print pants, that man being Mista of course.
Dropping your bag beside you, you ran, or at least attempted to run in your flip flops to meet him, and pulled his head down to kiss him lightly as a greeting.
You felt him kiss you back until his eyes widened in recognition, as though something had just clicked in him.
He pushed you back, away from him as you furrowed your brows, confused.
“No, no, no.” He lamented, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Amore, what are ya doing here, you’re suppose to be at home?” He asked turning towards you.
Completely out of the loop, you responded, “what do you mean? I told you I’m heading home, and to do that I need to catch the bus?”
You pointed towards the direction of the bus stop as Mista processed your information.
“Ah, right! Well you need to get going, now!” He informed, pushing you towards the bus stop by the small of your back.
“Hang on!” You spluttered exasperated, “Mista! Wait , wait a minute!” You stopped in your tracks, panting.
“What’s your deal?” You demanded, wanting to know what was causing such unusual behaviour.
“Nothing! It’s just late, you should get home now c’mon.” He told you pulling you by your hand.
Mista notice how your eyes bore into him, trying to figure out what he was thinking however when your hand tightened around his he figured you’d disregarded the matter.
The two of you ran hand in hand past the bus stop, and continued running till you were about half way home or rather until you couldn’t keep up with Mista’s freakishly high stamina.
“Mista,” you panted, ridding yourself of his hand, “I’m tired, can’t we just wait for a moment.” You told him slowing down, putting your hands on your knees.
“No babe! I-” he sighed exasperated, “look I promise I’ll tell you later but for now please, work with me.”
You heaved out a frustrated sigh but listened nonetheless, “alright alright, I-” a shrill scream left your throat before you could even finish your sentence.
Within seconds, Mista had his pistol aimed and ready to fire, his eyes instantly locked on the target behind you.
“Merda.” He cursed under his breath, how could he have let this have happen under his watch, “the hell do ya want huh!? I thought I finished you off earlier.” Mista spat venomously, fed up with the individual who had been pursuing him for 45 minutes.
You looked at Mista alarmed, “Mista…w-what-”
The man behind you, who up till now you still hadn’t seen squished your cheeks with his calloused hand, mocking both you and Mista.
“Get off of me!” You exclaimed in disgust as you pried his fingers off of your face, only for him to latch onto to your wrist like a leech, drawing you much closer to him than necessary.
He grabbed his phone out, flicking onto his camera roll, “Oi, I already told you, you messed with the boss’s daughta’ this is what happens when you mess with anything associated with the boss.”
Mista scoffed, “what the fu- you’re delusional! Who is that!” He asked seeing he had no recollection of this woman.
“stupido coglione, che razza di organizzazione idiota è questa. (stupid jerk, what kind of idiotic organization this is).” He muttered under his breath, pulling the reload trigger on his pistol.
“Ah, ah, ah.” The assiliant clicked his tongue in disappointment, “drop your gun, all the boss wants to do is talk.”
Mista’s brows drew together at the absurdity of this lacky, “what is wrong with you, just give me back my (s/o)/(girlfriend), stop being such a prick.”
“No seriously creep, leave us alone.” You chimed in scolding whoever that guy was.
“Hey.” His face contorted into an expression of distain, prompting Mista to fire a warning shot behind the enemy. “Drop the gun.”
You parted your mouth to speak in retaliation, when a cracking pain spread throughout your wrist, causing fat clear tears to roll down you cheeks.
Mista watched helplessly, he would have aimed and fired however you were moving around too much for his pistol to get a clear shot which would immobilise his target.
Heaving sobs wracked your chest, the pain within your wrist throbbing more intensely each second.
“Alright!” Mista exhaled, choosing to comply. He lowered down his pistol slowly, raising his hands up in surrender as he got up.
“Now kick it away.”
“Mista, don’t.” You sniffed, stray tears still running down your cheeks.
He kicked it slightly to the side of him, just far enough so he could get to it within a second.
“Good boy.”
The vein in his temple pulsed out as the other man started to speak again, “come here once more tomorrow at noon, bring 100k as compensation, y’know for the heartbreak and we’ll trade you back your bella, capisce.”
“Mist-!” You attempted to reach out to him, to tell him not to make any rash decisions but as you attempted to do so a bright white flash engulfed you.
Mista grabbed his gun, “Naw-!” Yet as soon as he looked up you were gone.
“Bastard!” He grabbed his hat, squeezing his head in disbelief.
It’d only taken him one second, however he was one second too late.
Leone Abbacchio
Sighing in relief, you pulled apart the flimsy black strings that held your apron together in a neat bow.
Your checked your phone with heavy eyes, a result of working a 6am shift, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it was only 2pm.
Hopefully Abbacchio would be home by now, his schedule always varied due to his mysterious occupation, so you never really knew when you would see him.
You especially wanted to see him since today you received some freebies from the makeup store you work at, one of those freebies being pink lipstick.
You bit your lip in contemplation, huh, you’d never actually seen Leone in any other lipstick colour than purple. Perhaps you’d pull a misplaced prank on him today so you could see him wear pink.
Giggling to yourself, you checked your phone, and low and behold, to your surprise there actually was a message from your boyfriend.
The thought of him texting made your giggles resurface, he was awful at texting.
Leone: where are you?
You: at work, just finished, why?
You furrowed your brows in confusion. This is why you preferred to call him, in fact that’s what you’d do now.
The dial tone obnoxiously rung in your ear thrice before Leone picked up, you called out his name as he finally picked up yet in return all you received was the deafening sound of static.
“Hello?” You shouted into the phone, drawing out the “o” sound.
You shoved your belongings in your bag, a frown etched on your face. “Leone? This isn’t funny, is this a prank because it’s not a good one. What’s going on?”
“You’re scaring me!” You confessed even though all you got in return was that ever present heavy silence, “I’m leaving work now, I don’t know what you’re doing but we’ll talk later.”
Your nails clinked against your phone screen as you roughly tapped the end call button, your eyes glued to your phone as exited the makeup store.
As soon as you stepped out, you felt your wrist being yanked to the left causing your whole body to fall.
You braced yourself for impact but it never came as you collided into a strong lean frame instead of falling onto your knees.
Tendrils of silver hair tickled your nose as you steadied yourself.
You looked up at Abbacchio, annoyance and slight panic carved onto his face, his temple vein pulsing in anger.
“Leone? What’s goi-”
Immediately, he slapped his hand over your mouth, muffling out the rest of your sentence.
He leant down to your hight, his breath hot on your ear as he whispered, “they’re tracking us, my phone was taken, just stay close to me and stay quiet so you don’t get hurt.”
Despite not having a clue about who “they” were, you nodded.
“Give me your phone.” He commanded, his large palm outspread ready to receive your phone.
You rummaged through your bag, plucking the cold device out when it met your finger tips.
Once in his hand, Abbacchio smashed your phone against the brick wall, instantly shattering it on impact. You pouted seeing your precious device crumble before your very eyes.
“Hey, stop with the long face. I’ll buy you a new one okay?” He asserted, stroking the top of your head.
You sighed in compliance, however there was one question that kept nagging at your brain. “Why did they track me though.” You blurted out, you couldn’t help but feel slightly worried there was something wrong with your phone security.
He grunted already foreseeing what would happen, “because… you’re the only number actually saved under a name in my phone.” He reluctantly admitted.
You grinned at him, pleased. “I knew you loved me, at home I’m rewarding you with a fat kiss.”
“Please don’t.” He frowned, exhibiting mock discontent although the tale-tale redding of his ears gave him away, making you smile wider your grin.
“Stop talking chatterbox.” He reprimanded as though he were your teacher, “c’mon let’s just get out of here before they try something idiotic like taking you hostage.”
Narancia Ghirga
You blew hot air into your hands feeling the cold air kiss your face and hands. You’d just finished watching a new film that’d just aired in the cinema with your fiends but as you exited the cinema, the temperature had dropped significantly.
Pulling your hood up, you waved goodbye to your friends and started making your way to the nearest train station.
You tapped your card onto the card pad on arrival and went through the gates, waiting on the platform for the train.
Just as you were about to get on the train you noticed a man of similar stature to narancia, actually on further inspection, you found that it was narancia.
You hopped out of the carriage, running after Narancia. It made you worried that he was out at such a late time, where’d did he have to be running off to at ten pm at night?
As you ran after him you noticed he was amongst a group of other men, you presumed they were his friends as you’d seen them amongst him before however you couldn’t be sure, it’d be better to follow him rather than allow him to get himself into trouble.
They took so many twists and turns that at one point you almost became confused and lost them, then finally they stopped after arriving at a secluded area in town.
You took a peak at what they were doing from behind the corner of the brick wall nearest to them.
Pressing yourself up against the brick wall in hopes of staying hidden, you wonder Narancia was even doing here, just being here gave you the chills, rather than be here he should have come to your house for a sleepover where the pair of you could have made a pillow fort and cuddled.
You frowned at the thought.
“The heck man? Where’d this guy go!” A voice, who you recognised to be Narancia, exclaimed.
“Why you asking me like I know! You’ve got Aerosmith, start looking!” Someone shouted in retaliation.
“Oi quit it.” You heard the sound of clothes rustling as the person scolded Narancia and his friend? “Get a grip, they couldn’t have gotten that far.”
A light slap, perhaps even slightly playful, resonated though the air, “knock it off Abbacchio, get off me.” Narancia jibed.
You bit your lip in fear, was someone hurting him.
You clenched your fists by your side, that’s it, your mind was made up. You were going to go over there.
“Nar- mpgh!”
“Hey guys!” Narancia beamed excitedly, “I found something!”
“Well then lead the way.” Bruno probed drawing out his stand.
“Right here-!” Narancia gasped audibly, meanwhislt lil bomber released a huge puff of black smoke.
“How did you- what do you think you’re doing!” He stammered firing lil bomber at the men who held your unconscious body captive.
“HEY! Calm it!” Mista shouted restraining the black haired boy.
“Mista. Let go.”
“Narancia.” Giorno called sternly, “don’t be rash. Mista’s right, you need to calm down, look.” He pointed at the enemy users, “we’re outnumbered we can’t afford to be rash.”
“He’s right.” Bruno informed, “let’s hear out their demands first.” He turned to face the mob members, “what is it you gentlemen want?” He asked.
One member, dressed in all black, stepped up, “we’re actually proposing a very fair deal, one measly girl for your amore eh, give us the boss’s daughter and we’ll give back this girl we saw following you, yeah?”
Bruno’s lips set into a thin line.
The pitying eyes of his team members all met his as he realised the ultimatum.
“Narancia,” Fugo probed, trying to be as gentle as possible.
He sharply turned his head to the side, not wanting to meet anyone’s gaze, “you can’t.”
“There’s no other option.” Abbacchio comment.
“The heck you sayin’ that’s not fair! Civilians aren’t like us stand users and-and that’s my-!” He pointed at your unconscious figure, his tongue heavy in his mouth. “That’s my-!”
“We know!” Fugo spat raising his voice, he hadn’t meant to, he was just stressed and little by little his frustrations were leaking out of him.
“Alright!” Shouted the enemy user who seemed to be a stand in leader, “you’ve made your choice,” he sharply tapped Narancia on his cheek, blood quickly tinting his soft skin red, “sort your friends out bud. No Trish, no trade.”
Giorno Giovanna
“Gio Gio!” You yelled seeing Giorno dart around a corner.
“Hey wait up!” You dashed after him, skidding right as he took a sharp turn.
Just narrowly dodging a lamppost, you called out for him again. He was much further ahead of you due to his impressive, almost inhumane, agility
You were intrigued as to what he was doing running all over Italy during mid day, just the other day he told you he’d got a part time job at the ice cream van so why wasn’t he there?
A small gasp escaped your mouth upon seeing that he was within reach, hence why you picked up the pace and ran as fast as you could after him.
Just as he was about to take off again, you grabbed his wrist, firmly holding it in your manicured hand.
“Gio Gio,” you greeted shyly, your face hot after chasing him down. “Where are you going, don’t you have work? Isn’t it your first day.” You looked at him expectantly awaiting an answer, how could he have run off like this on his first day. For such a responsible guy this was a very irresponsible action.
He looked at you horrified, “it’s lunch.” He stated, unsure, seemingly trying to convince you as well as himself.
“Oh right…” you quietened down, peering at him through your lashes, “well would you like to have lunch together.”
“He won’t be able too but I certainly would.” A coarse voice chimed in, as a strange figure wriggling their grubby fingers started to approach the pair of you.
You squealed and jumped closer to giorno, locking his fingers with yours, hoping being near him would calm your erratic heart.
Giorno remained silent, his lips pursed and brows drawn together, dissatisfaction radiating off of him.
A startled shriek left your lips as the figure pounced towards you, you shut your eyes and squeezed giorno’s hand tightly until you heard a loud thud near your feet.
You jumped on Giorno’s side upon seeing his hand touch your ankle yet just moments their hand went limp.
Your lip protruded outwards as you concentrated hard on the now unmoving figure. In the span of 3 seconds the figure had ceased all movement yet… nothing happened in between those three seconds- how-.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by Giorno clearing his throat, “now about that lunch amore?”
Pannacotta Fugo
“What are you talking about!” Fugo snapped at the most unbearable enemy stand user he’d ever encountered. Undoubtedly that thing was just spewing out lies so he’d falter and lose his concentration.
“Rather than speak, why not just show you.” The enemy stand user shrugged and snapped his fingers.
Two of his henchmen followed suit with you in their grasps, Fugo felt his mouth go dry.
Your eyes widened upon seeing your boyfriend, “F-Fugo! What is this, this isn’t some sick cruel joke is it.” You asked trembling.
Fugo leaned his hands on the building in front of him, head down, his sturdy frame being supported by his hands.
How did it all go wrong?
Reflexively, he turned his head to the sound of your voice as your eyes bore into him.
He rose to his full height and glared at the enemy user, “What would you like me to do for-”
“Beg.” He interrupted, his mind already set on his answer.
“No-” a lacky caressed your dainty finger, bringing it-
Fugo grit his teeth, “Wait! I’m sorry! I’m sorry, okay, please, please just stop.”
“On your knees.”
He opened his mouth to retaliate but then snapped it shut seeing your fearful gaze on him and lowered down to his knees.
“Please just release the civilian.”
“Now give us that piece of paper with the details on it.”
He wished he could have his stand aid him, however as you were in the vicinity it would also be harmful to you, perhaps even lethal as you were only a citizen.
He threw the paper at the enemy users head and muttered out one last “please.”
The lackey’s kicked you forward now they had what the wanted in hand, rapidly making a move to escape before backup could arrive.
Your lip trembled as you made eye contact with Fugo.
He ran forward and embraced you, feeling slightly better when you threw your arms around his shoulders.
“Fugo.” You sniffled.
He cupped your cheeks, using his thumb to wipe away your stay tears. .“I know.”
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gauloiseblue · 3 months
Since I reblogged like a ton of stuff, it's only fair that I create some kind of navigation for my own posts.
Nsfw contents would be marked with [ 🔖]
The Man Who Stood By The Ocean (Bruno Bucciarati × Reader)
Ch 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 🔖Finale
🔖Private Love Hotel
Kakyoin | Giorno | Jotaro
🔖Ruined Date (Jotaro Kujo × Reader)
🔖I'm hungry for something else (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Cruel Summer (Kakyoin Noriyaki × Reader)
Ch 1
🔖Ménage À Trois (Giorno Giovanna × Reader × Guido Mista)
Keep Your Eyes On Me (Giorno Giovanna × Reader)
Specific songs for COD character's scenarios
🔖TF141 + König | sensory deprived sex
🔖TF141 + König, Graves, Alejandro | Body Worship
TF141 + König as Ghibli Studio Men
Interactive Fiction / CYOA
Fate / Endless Cycles (König × Reader)
Captain Price
How would he stop smoking
John Price as a personal bodyguard
General HQ | Part I | Part II
Red Lipstick
First Meeting | Second Time The Charm | Hearsay | The Garden | A Loyal Dog
🔖I don't care if you don't want me / I'm yours right now
Sea, swallow me
🔖Stray dog's behavior
Unveiling König
🔖I'm Only Flesh And Blood
If I were a good man / I'd understand the spaces between friends
For though I am a sinner / You call me to your table
🔖réchauffer un serpent dans son sein
🔖Just Like Animals [req]
You carved your love on mine / And left a wound / That refused to heal
Gaz × cook!reader [req]
🔖And at every table / I'll save you a seat
Every Day, You'll Hear Me Say
🔖Despicable Man
Oral Fixation
Medic!Reader × Poly!141 (Platonic)
Part I | Part II | Part III
Snippet Collection
Dark hair (Price × Reader)
Favorite food (Price × Reader)
Oversized things (Soap × Reader)
🔖Clogged milk [TW] (König × Reader)
Blue Velvet (König × Reader × Horangi)
Red Grave City Gothic
🔖Hellgate (2!Dante × Reader)
The Arcana
🔖Asra Alnazar | Modern AU
Yassified Ghost
COD men as Party Animals characters
König × Reader
König × Reader pt. 2
König × Reader pt. 3
Graves pt. 1
Simp Kakyoin
Jotakak 'Comrades'
2p Japan
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
Lord Jesus you gotta give me a piece of this. Bella, what are the sluttiest and most perverted things the bucci gang members have ever done? (i.e: public masterbashawn, etc) Headcanons pls
Omg thank you for this ask 😩😩😩💓 sorry it took me a while to get to. You’re in for it now because I have so many headcanons. Everyone prepare themselves because I’m about to turn up the heat 🔥
Important Note: I didn’t add Abbacchio because I don’t see him that way. I did add Trish Una because she’s part of the gang in my book and she’s my wife. Also characters are all aged up
Bucci gang Most Perverted Secrets & Sluttiest Actions
Headcanons 🔞 NSFW
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Fugo Panacotta
Fugo Panacotta
He’s shy and awkward but look how sexy and attractive he is. He’s also gentlemanly too. He’s definitely got people chasing him.
That being said I think the most shameless and sluttiest action he’s ever done was sleep with someone he’s tutored. I feel it in my gut. He’s definitely done it.
He doesn’t teach piano lessons anymore due to the reason above
I think he has a collection of sex toys too. Cock rings, dildos, and some other ones that go into some crazy kinks. He reveals it to whoever his bedroom partner is
He’s totally checked out sexy nerds and flirted in hopes of eventually hooking up
Look at that suit and tell me he doesn’t want to draw some attention. Real talk, I’m sure he showed off the hickeys without realizing it. He gets embarrassed about it. He’ll ignore it and go to a restaurant like that without a care in the world after he gets over the embarrassment
Fugo doesn’t care if his thong is showing. It’s obvious he’s wearing one. It’s gotten him plenty of attention. He bought his from an expensive online store. They’re either black, red, or purple. Narancia and the others get grossed out. Especially Mista and Abbacchio.
He watches porn with student and teacher scenarios. He also watches sexy librarians masturbate. However he watches these at libraries in private areas.
He carries strawberry flavored lube
He’s had sex with an enemy once but it was hate sex. He only did it because they were coming onto him and he was horny, wanting to blow steam
Fugo masturbates in the morning sometimes thinking about this one hot professor he used to have a crush on. She was beautiful and wore clothing flattering to her figure. Someone he hooked up with left their undergarments behind that happened to be the same type as said professor. He keeps it somewhere secret
Guido Mista
The sluttiest out of the entire gang. We don’t slut shame, we slut appreciate Mista ❤️❤️❤️
This man is such a huge flirt he’s always having one night stands when he goes out at night.
One time during a mission he hooked up with a girl and got into the back of her car with her. Giorno and Narancia caught him and dragged his ass back to the mission. Narancia jabbed him in the stomach and Giorno gave him a hard time since their mission was important.
Mista has woken up between two girls in his bed and did not remember the night before. This has happened multiple times.
He keeps a condom in one of his boots most of the time, depends on how risky the mission is
He masturbates in the shower because he’s too lazy to clean up his room if he makes a mess.
He doesn’t care where he’s at if he’s having car sex. The most public places being at club parking lots, movie theater parking lots, and fast food parking lots but in those cases it has to be at night since he doesn’t want kids seeing
He’s masturbated at Lebeccios restaurant before. It was in the restroom of course
He’s been in an orgy on rare occasions
He’s definitely sneaked peeks at women if he gets the chance. Like he’s a bit of a pervert and if he likes what he sees he’s staring. He will think about them when he’s masturbating without a doubt
Mista has most definitely slept with the enemy if they were sexy and hot. He feels no shame.
Mista wears men’s thongs too, he don’t care who see’s. He’s too confident
Bruno Bucciarati
Bruno is pretty popular and sometimes he uses it to his advantage to get a hookup. Even if it ends up with him paying for a hotel.
Bruno likes guiding the hand of the person he’s flirting with to his chest then unzips his top to show off the rest of the lace downwards..
He has had sex in an alley multiple times. He gets away with it because of his stand
He has used his zipper abilities to snatch the panties of the person he hooked up with. He feels very lucky if it was lingerie or lacy.
Bruno is a panty sniffer
Bruno masturabates with said panties
He has had sex at clubs and parking lots before
Bruno likes wearing different lace under his outfits because he looks forward to the reaction of any bedroom partners
He has a modest collection of dildos he doesn’t want anyone knowing about
Trish Una
She has slept with rich boys on multiple occasions. They have to really impress her for her to be interested. She keeps their numbers in her diary for whenever she’s in the mood. A sort of list if you will
She has a similar list for women too
She loves putting on a show for whoever she’s flirting with at the club
She has worn lingerie and angel wings as a costume. She totally did it to get a hook up
Trish will only have sex in the back of limos and sports cars but she does make acceptions to luxurious cars as well
She’ll wear one bra size down and panty size smaller because one, it makes her feel sexy and two, sometimes she has a dildo in her. She goes into public with it secretly on because it gets her going. When she’s close she’ll masturabate in the dressing rooms or restrooms of nice restaurants.
She has masturbated in the dressing room of Victoria’s Secret multiple times
She likes huge designer bags because there’s room for a few sex toys.
She likes hello kitty or other Sanrio character sex toys
All her sex toys are pink, including the fuzzy handcuffs she uses on her partners
Giorno Giovanna
He has had sex in hotels during the day on multiple occasions, with the window open
He has masturbed with his window open before without a care in the world (RIP his fan girls/fanboys)
He’s had handjobs at restaurants underneath the table during a date. He’s good at hiding it but he’ll “cough” sometimes.
Giorno has had sex under a bridge before, it was at night time
He has had hickeys revealed thanks to his boob window and doesn’t care who see’s
Giorno likes going to the beach and having fun in the changing tents if they caught his interest
He likes using his stand to create flowers with aphrodisiac affects for himself or his partners
Sometimes Giorno has hidden condoms or sex toys that are turned into one of his ladybug broaches
He sometimes accidentally gets glimpses of people fucking in alleys when he’s used his tree growing ability to go onto roofs. If it catches his interest or he’s feeling horny he’ll watch
When he wakes up late next morning and he’s a disheveled mess he doesn’t care if he has to get to work like that. Messy braid, lip prints, scratches, or hickies? Oh well
Narancia Ghirga
He definitely has porn magazines under his bed
He has also hate fucked an enemy during a mission but unlike Fugo he’s done this multiple times. He hasn’t gotten caught thanks to his stand
He’s got one serious knife kink. He doesn’t need a sex toy he’s got a separate collection of pocket knives specifically for his knife kink
He’ll only masturbate if his tangerine, orange, or a lemonade scented wax warmer is on
He likes to masturbate in front of a mirror too but only the one in his room
He secretly wears thongs but unlike Fugo and Mista he is more decent about it. Narancia also wears leather undergarments hidden under that clothing too.
He’s gotten a BJ in a movie theater before
He’s also had sex in the bathroom stalls of a theater and in a janitor closet
Narancia’s magazine stash is dirty like he accidentally got some of them filthy, don’t touch them for your own sake
He has most definitely had sex in alleys before. He’s thankful his stand allows him to detect others but unlike Bruno he don’t care half the time unless it’s children or police.
Narancia has received blow jobs under tables at restaurants but he whimpers and begs for sex in his partners ear
His nudes were leaked thanks to a shitty ex of his. No one in the gang knows and he’s thankful for it
He gets turned on by the smell of coconut and mango
He once received nudes from a hook up and sexted. He keeps the photos in a special file
He perchased lingerie for a girl once and was sure to pick it up after ordering it online. Unbeknownst to her he masturbated with them before giving them to her. He couldn’t help himself he thought it looked sexy
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stardustcrustaders · 11 months
Pampering (Mista x gn!reader)
Cute fluffy one shot where reader takes care of Mista after a long day at work.
It is unfinished, but it’s finished enough to be enjoyed 🩵
Warnings: nudity (bath scene), mild profanity, blood, very mild angst (hurt/comfort)
Word count: 1.6k
The apartment was empty. Unusually empty. Sat on the balcony you look up through the towering Neapolitan buildings, it was easy to believe the dark sky was endless, and it went on forever. The stars look especially close tonight. You shift uncomfortably in your seat as a cool breeze kisses your cheek, prompting you inside soon after to the cramped confines of your apartment.
“Damn it, Guido.” You whisper to yourself as you lock the balcony door behind yourself. The clock was nearing 1am and he was still nowhere to be seen. No calls, no texts, nothing. It’s not unusual for Mista to be late coming home considering his line of work, but you still can’t help but worry.
1:39am. Anxiously pacing back and forth in the kitchen, worries swarm your thoughts. The worst case scenario repeating itself like a broken record. You’ve already done what you could to take your mind off his impending arrival; reheated dinner, swept the floors, made the bed… now all that’s left to make it complete, is him. Heart aching with longing and your stomach in nervous knots, you lean against the kitchen counter. The low hum of the radio beside you filling the silence.
2:10am. A dirty coffee cup sits in the empty sink. Sprawled across the couch with your legs up on the top cushion you stare at the ceiling thinking to yourself. Thinking about how this man would certainly be the death of you, I mean, he usually has half the decency to call and let you know he’s going to be late… this is a first. You pick up the landline from the coffee table beside you, wondering if it’s worth calling him for the 10th time tonight.
The sound of the door unlocking sends your ears perking straight up. Tumbling off the couch clumsily, you make a b-line to the front door, smiling with your hands behind your back waiting for your beloved boyfriend to enter.
The front door creaked loudly.
“I’m home.”
Words couldn’t begin to form, your eyes shoot wide open, jaw dropping to the ground as you let out a loud gasp upon seeing the state in which Mista was in. He is filthy, his sweater torn—caked in blood and dirt, a bullet hole is left on his shoulder and he stinks to high heaven.
“Oh my GOD, Guido, are you okay?! What happened!?” You mentally curse to yourself as you gingerly place a hand on his back, helping him into the apartment and onto the couch. It tortures him to move, so he keeps his movements small and steady.
“I’m fine, *carina.” He speaks tiredly, flashing a warm smile as he sits down onto the couch— hissing in pain while doing so. (*carina= dear/beloved)
“All in a days work.” He winks as you walk over carrying a pair of tweezers, rubbing alcohol and a ceramic bowl, shaking your head, you sit beside him.
“You have to be more careful, Guido.” You dismiss his playfulness with a serious tone. This isn’t the first time he’s come home looking like a walking pin cushion and stinking like a pig in shit. “I was worried sick you know…”
There’s a heavy silence that falls between the two of you as you use the tweezers to pull the bullet out of his shoulder. Once you manage to dislodge the bullet, you soak a cotton ball in alcohol and begin to clean the wound. Mista feels your hands trembling and looks up to meet your eyes holding back tears.
“Oh sweetheart…” he speaks softly and brings your hand to his cheek where he turns to gently kiss your palm. The tears spring loose from your eyes and you throw yourself onto him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. Gut-wrenching sobs tear through your chest, body wracked with an onslaught of tears. You hold his body firmly against yours as you reach under his cap to cradle his head, stroking his hair and neck lovingly— almost as if he would disappear at any second.
“I—I was so scared.” You whisper into the crook of his neck, melancholy weighing your voice down, making it tremble.
“You usually call… I thought—“
Using all the strength he can muster up he lifts up his injured arm to rest on the small of your back, his uninjured arm following suit. Thumbs rub small circles against your clothed flesh. Having you in his arms, even like this… it fills him with an overwhelming sense of warmth— euphoria, even. For just a second the horrors he witnessed today are forgotten. Turning his head slightly, he speaks into your shoulder.
“Deep breaths, carina. I’m here now. I’m sorry for making you worry… my phone got completely destroyed on the job today.” He explained in a gentle tone, kissing your shoulder between every couple of words. Seeing you like this isn’t easy for him.
“I’m so sorry.” His breath hitches for a second. Moving his hand to your head, his fingers tangle into your hair as he continues “I tried to find a payphone but it was no use… I just thought to come straight home.”
Pulling yourself away from his neck, you wipe the tears from your cheeks. Immediately, Mista is flooded with the overwhelming urge to pull you back in, but he resists for the time being.
“Don’t apologize. It isn’t your fault, my love.” You smile sadly as you caress his cheek. Realizing then how badly his condition truly is. He is pale and his cheeks seem to have hollowed out due to many sleepless nights back to back. This is also probably due to the gunslinger forgetting to properly take care of himself while under the constant stress of work. And you don’t blame him, being a mafioso isn’t easy.
“You sleepy?”
Guido only nods into your palm, his dark eyes beginning to shut.
“Kinda… but I can be up, if you need me to be up.”
You bite your bottom lip in contemplation, looking away for just a second— not realizing the growing smirk on your boyfriends face. He loves watching the faces you make when you’re thinking.
“Okay, wait here. I’ll be right back.” You get up from your seated position, kissing Guido on the cheek before leaving the room.
Once you leave the gunslinger alone to his own devices, he begins to shut his eyes. Blissfully unaware of the fact that his Sex Pistols are hot on your trail, following you into the bathroom.
“Y/N!” They shout in unison, swarming your body. Number one tugs on your hair, two pulls on your ear, three punches five— making it cry and hold onto your cheek, six and seven take turns playing hopscotch across your knuckles.
“We missed you todayyyy~ ueeeuueee ueee.” Number five cries out as it mentally recalls the events of the day. Obviously still very much stressed. Smiling softly, you pull number five off on your cheek and brush the rest of them away from your busy hands.
“Long day huh, Pistols?”
You’re sat down on a stool beside the bathtub as you fill it up with warm water. Though currently, you’re looking through the under sink cabinet for some Epsom salts.
“Really busy, you should have seen it.”
“I think Mista shot 5,000 bullets!”
“5,000 minimum!”
“… got shot 5,000 times too.”
“If it wasn’t for Giorno—“
“Mista would be dead!”
“I’m hungry…”
“Me too!”
“I want salami!”
“I want melon!”
You manage to sound out the Pistols as they begin to talk amongst themselves. Now just souly focused on preparing the bath for Mista— but there’s just something you can’t seem to shake… a gnawing burning in the pit of your stomach forms. A wave a nausea rushes over you in that moment.
“If it wasn’t for Giorno. Mista would be dead.”
Ten minutes have passed. The water in the bathtub has reached a pleasant lukewarm. The Pistols have long since left the bathroom to raid the kitchen— on any other day you would have been annoyed by this, but not tonight. Tonight you let them eat to their hearts content, willing to sacrifice your full pantry to satisfy them.
On your way back to the living room, you stop in the doorway to admire Guido’s peacefully sleeping figure. His head is tilted back against the top cushion of the sofa, mouth hung ajar. Chestnut colored curls peek out from under his slipping cap. A part of you wanted to leave him asleep, he looked like an angel. So peaceful, ethereal even. To say that Guido was just, beautiful, is a gross understatement. He was a work of art, painstakingly chiseled from blood, tears and passion. Simply beautiful beyond comprehension… to you at least.
Sitting beside him on the couch you contemplate what do to next for another moment. Fingers absentmindedly tracing the pattern of his pants.
“He had a long day… sleep is important, but if he doesn’t have something to eat he could feel sick in the morning. Especially if he doesn’t treat his wounds properly and wash up…”
Deciding it was for the better, you place a gentle kiss against Mista’s cheek, cradling the opposite with your hand. This immediately forces the gunslingers eyes wide open and he looks to you; first in concern and then with adoration. Letting out a low chuckle he sinks deeper into the couch and closes his eyes again, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“Is your surpise ready for me, bambina?” He asks through droopy half lidded eyes, his voice is heavy and laced with the reminisce of sleep.
“Come, with me.”
Standing, you take his hands to help him up. You guide him slowly to the bathroom, sitting him on the toilet lid. Crouching to his eye level you examine his face closely for any bumps, bruises, or cuts. Narrowing your eyes and furrowing your brows in concentration. A smile plays at the corner of Guido’s lips. Leaning in, he places a small kiss on the tip of your nose, and then on your cheek- causing you to blush.
“Am I going to live, Doctor?” He chimes sarcastically. Chuckling and rolling your eyes you push against his chest with a sigh.
“Take your clothes off and get in the bath before the water gets cold.”
Mista chuckles and gets a stupid look on his face. Leaning in for a kiss, he begins to undo his belt. “I love me a lady who knows what she wants.”
Putting a finger against his puckered lips you raise a brow and glare jokingly, which almost immediately causes the gunslinger to smile mischievously.
“I could use a bit of help y’know… It hurts to move too much.” he shrugs his injured shoulder then eyes the undone-clasp of his belt much longer than necessary.
“You’re such a pervert.” You laugh breathily as you give in and place a soft kiss against his lips. And then gently linking arms with him you help him into the bath.
“Ah, ah..” he winces in pain, hissing through his teeth before fully submerging himself in the warm water. You frown, deep lines now appearing on your forehead.
“I wish I could do more for you.” You sigh and begin pouring the water over his hair gently, using a nearby plastic cup. Guido only groans and leans into your touch as you begin to shampoo his hair. Poor thing is already half asleep again.
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fiercewiings · 1 year
♡ Introduction and Rules ♡
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Hi there! My name is Topaz, I’m 22 years old, and I go by she/they pronouns! I’m an illustration student who also enjoys writing, hence why this writing blog was born haha (▰˘◡˘▰)
I enjoy writing just about anything, but especially hurt/comfort, fluff, and angst ! I also love to write headcanons, ships, platonic stuffs, and even some nsfw on occasion ;) all of my work is going to be gender neutral unless stated otherwise !
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
To start off, here are some of the main fandoms I am in and who I will write for in said fandoms, everyone listed can be written for NSFW requests unless otherwise stated:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed/TGMoDC) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Lan Zhan
Wei Wuxian
Lan Xichen
Jiang Cheng
Jiang Yanli
Jin Guangyao
Nie Huaisang
Wen Ning
Wen Qing
Jin Ling
Lan Sizhui
Lan Jingyi
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official’s Blessing) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Hua Cheng
Xie Lian
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Faraway Wanderers (TYK/Word of Honor) *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Zhou Zishu
Wen Kexing
Ye Baiyi
Gu Xiang
Cao Weining
Zhang Chengling
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Chainsaw Man *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Devil Hunters:
Aki Hayakawa
Kobeni Higashiyama
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Spy x Family *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Loid Forger (Twilight)
Yor Forger (Thorn Princess)
Franky Franklin
Sylvia Sherwood
Fiona Frost (Nightfall)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* My Hero Academia *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Izuku Midoriya (Deku)
Katsuki Bakugou
Ochako Uraraka
Shouto Todoroki
Tenya Iida
Eijirou Kirishima
Hanta Sero
Mashirao Ojirou
Denki Kaminari
Mina Ashido
Momo Yaoyorozu
Fumikage Tokoyami
Tsuyu Asui
Kyouka Jiro
Hitoshi Shinsou
Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
Himiko Toga (NO NSFW)
Tomura Shigaraki
Mr. Compress
Pro Heroes:
Keigo Takami (Hawks)
Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
Shinji Nishiya (Kamui Woods)
Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead)
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic)
Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum)
Toshinori Yagi (All Might)
Nemuri Kayama (Midnight)
Emi Fukukado (Ms. Joke)
Mirio Togata
Tamaki Amajiki
Nejire Hado
Nana Shimura
Sir Nighteye
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jujutsu Kaisen *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Yuuji Itadori
Megumi Fushiguro
Nobara Kugisaki
Maki Zenin
Toge Inumaki
Kasumi Miwa
Professional Sorcerers:
Gojou Satoru
Nanami Kento
Ieri Shoko
Special Grades/Vengeful Spirits:
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Demon Slayer *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Tanjiro Kamado
Inosuke Hashibira
Zenitsu Agatsuma
Nezuko Kamado
Kanao Tsuyuri
Hashira (NSFW OK):
Giyuu Tomioka (Water)
Kyojuro Rengoku (Fire)
Mitsuri Kanroji (Love)
Obanai Iguro (Serpent)
Shinobu Kocho (Insect)
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Koichi Hirose
Reimi Sugimoto
Mikitaka Hazekura
Yukako Yamagishi
Giorno Giovanna (Haruno Shiobana)
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
General Characters (NSFW OK):
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
Joseph Joestar
Caesar A. Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Suzi Q
Jotaro Kujo (after Part 3 ONLY)
Muhammad Avdol
Noriaki Kakyoin (after Part 3 ONLY/AUs)
Jean Pierre Polnareff
Holy Kujo
Rohan Kishibe
Tomoko Higashikata
Shinobu Kawajiri
Bruno Bucciarati
Leone Abbachio
Guido Mista
Jolyne Cujoh
Ermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Narciso Anasui
DIO (all parts)
Hol Horse
Yoshikage Kira
Risotto Nero
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
General Characters (ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW):
Nene Yashiro
Minamoto Kou
Mitsuba Sousuke
Akane Aoi
Nanamine Sakura
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* The Arcana: Visual Novel *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The Main Six:
Asra Alnazar
Julian (Ilya) Devorak
Nadia Satrinava
Portia (Pasha) Devorak
Count Lucio
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* THE RULES ! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
What I will write:
Song fics
Plus size readers/characters
Body insecurities
Mental health (anxiety/panic disorders mostly but I will put warnings!!)
LGBTQ+ readers/characters (including poly and ace!! I am queer myself ^-^)
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TW// What I will NOT write:
Any kind of p*dophilia (aka romantic relationships between adults/minors/teachers/students)
Illegal drug use (weed/marijuana is ok)
R*pe or inc*st
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Don’t be shy to pop in my inbox and request something or just to talk ! :> Anyways, I hope you will enjoy your stay and remember, you’re loved!!
♡ Requests are officially open! ♡
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garden-of-violets · 2 years
Writing oneshots for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure part 5 characters.
Characters I will write for:
♡︎ Giorno Giovanna
♡︎ Bruno Bucciarati
♡︎ Leone Abbacchio
♡︎ Guido Mista
♡︎ Pannacotta Fugo
♡︎ Narancia Ghirga
♡︎ Trish Una
I may add more part 5 characters in the future, but not at the moment. I will only be writing for Bucci gang right now.
What I will write:
♡︎ Headcanons
♡︎ Oneshots
♡︎ Scenarios
♡︎ Hurt/Comfort
♡︎ Reader insert (Only female or gender neutral reader)
♡︎ Fluff
♡︎ Angst
What I won’t write:
♡︎ Yandere scenarios, headcanons, oneshots
♡︎ NSFW scenarios, headcanons, oneshots
♡︎ Smut
♡︎ Character x Character
♡︎ Male reader
♡︎ Unless requested personally with a detailed description of your oc, I will not be writing an oc insert. You may request specific details, but not your oc.
( I am just getting back into writing at the moment, and I do have school so I’ll update and answer requests when I can ♡︎ )
Requests are open!
Masterlist for Jjba part 5
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v0mitgh0st · 1 year
Hello, this is my F/O list ! ✨
The ones that have locks on them simply mean that I don’t wish to share them. Of course, anyone is absolutely free to ship themselves with any character but I might interact very little with those who ship themselves with these locked characters ! Thank you for understanding ! 🙏💖
Will be updated in the near future !
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure F/O’s:
🔒Rudol Von Stroheim ⚙️
🔒Robert E.O Speedwagon 🎩
🔒Giorno Giovanna 🐞
🔒Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli ���
🔒Josuke Higashikata (part 4) 💎
Vinegar Doppio 💖
Dio (part 3) 🌙
William Anthonio Zeppeli 🌼
Jonathan Joestar ☀️
Risotto Nero ✂️
Enrico Pucci 💿
Joseph Joestar (part 2) 🌟
Funny Valentine 🇺🇸
Jean Pierre Polnareff 💔
Secco 💙
Rohan Kisibe 🖋️
Okuyasu Nijimura 💲
Bruno Buccirati 🤐
Yoshikage Kira 🐱
Guido Mista 🔫
F/O’s from other media (in order from locked to not locked):
🔒Sora (Kingdom Hearts) 🌥️
🔒Alucard Tepes (Castlevania) 🩸
🔒Emperor Mateus (Final Fantasy II) 👑
🔒9s (Nier Automata) 🤖
🔒Loki (Marvel) 🐍
Xemnas (Kingdom Hearts) 🍆
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil) 🥚
Raven (Teen Titans) 💜
Alois Trancy (Black Butler) 🕷️
Akira Kusuru/Joker (Persona 5) 🃏
Young Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts) ⏳
Ryuji Yamazaki (The King of Fighters) 🔪
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) 💚
Madara Uchiha (Naruto) 🔥
Ciel Phantomhive (Black Butler) ☕️
Mavis (Hotel Transylvania) 🦇
Riddle (Twisted Wonderland) ♠️
Terry Bogard (The King of Fighters) 💥
Ryuji Sakamoto (Persona 5) ☠️
Harley Quinn (DC) ♦️
Vergil (Devil May Cry) 🗡️
I do mention dead dove content and Nsfw scenarios with a lot of my F/O’s, even the ones that are considered underage. They are fictional and are not real people. Please do not interact or follow if you are uncomfortable with proship/dead dove content. Thank you !
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cockneydio · 2 years
its probably because you ship giomis? That's a common problematic reason people tend to give
I'm not sure what activities these kids consider "shipping" anymore I'll be completely honest, the goalposts change every week to accommodate some new pairing they hate (and excuse some new "Comfort pairing" they blindly worship). Altho I suspect it's more of like, a nebulous feeling in your heart and loins that they object to than any set of criteria for appropriate or inappropriate material surrounding the pairing. That's why all this is just ship wars repackaged with conservative Christian moral absolutist messaging, but I digress.
But yeah, that kind of scans with the way that anon approached my blog. Cos if you search "giomis" here you'll get results, but they're not gonna be the "ProblematicTM" boogeymen like, idk, hardcore pornography or vociferous discoursing. I don't give enough of a fuck about any of this, let alone Giorno x Mista, for all that. On that my position hasn't really changed. Compare this to, for example, brumis, a ship for which I and my compatriots are currently in production on a whole fuckin rarepair fanzine because it got in my brain and got in there good. Nihilism does not preclude passion.
....altho I do approach giomis in the same way as brumis in that I am quite inconsistent about whether I'd want them to be happy or not......Does it count as "shipping" if I only enjoy scenarios in which both parties suffer due to their own and each other's moral and emotional failings? am I just really really mean to guido mista
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kirieshhhka003 · 3 years
Pairing: yan! Guido Mista x GN! Reader
Warnings: yandere behavior, general abuse, isolation
Sleeping with you
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The feeling of somebody’s arms sliding under your back and beneath your knees, then wrapping tightly around them woke you up. You felt this person lifting you up, gently holding your body in their arms and carrying you somewhere. You barely opened one eye to see who it was (not that you didn’t know the answer yet). Of course, you saw no one else but Mista, his face features were indistinct because of soft darkness of the room, so you could barely recognize him
- What are you doing? - you muttered quietly, your voice was little bit hoarse from sleeping and long lack of use. Brunette slightly rose his eyebrows and looked down at you, a wide smile plastered across his face, revealing cute dimples on his cheeks
- Oh, sugar, I woke you up, sorry. You fell asleep on the couch, so I decided to carry you to our bedroom. Or you thought that I’d leave you all alone in the living room?
Oh yes. You spent almost all day on the soft cushions of huge sofa in the living room, reading some shitty book you found in a closet. You’d never pick out something like that, but there’s not much of a choice actually
For some reason, you liked living room the most out of all rooms in Guido’s apartment, which you were locked in. It was a spacious room with a huge window, peach-colored curtains on it added some cozy atmosphere, pleasing to the eye. This room always was full of light, and most of the day you preferred to spend here, doing whatever you wanted (not really, just those things that Mista allowed you to)
Mista usually comes home at about 7 pm, but this time he was really late. At one point you even thought that mafioso had a log-termed mission, what meant that for at least three days you were all by your own. But, alas, Guido was there, holding you in his arms, not intending on letting you go
When mafioso finally reached his point of destination he proceeded towards your shared king-sized bed and gently laid you on your side. He gave you a loving kiss on a forehead and then crumbled over you, laying himself on the other side of the bed. Guido settled down right next to you, threw his arm around your waist, drawing you closer to himself
You felt Guido nuzzling his face into your hair and taking a deep breath. This freak loved the smell of your body, and you knew that
- I hate sleeping without you next to me so much. I won’t let you go anywhere until morning, - his hot breath against your bare skin caused thousands of shivers running down your spine
His words were nothing but truth and, yes, you knew that too...
Masterlist | Smut Masterlist
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lenawritesjojos · 4 years
hiya! could i quite possibly get mista taking a future s/o on her first date? thank you!
Hi! I really loved writing this ^^ hope you like it too!
First date
Pairing: Mista x (future) fem!s/o
Word count: 451
“You’re nervous.”
“I am not!”
“Yes, you are.”
Mista tried hard not to groan out loud, putting his hands into his pockets in what he hopes was a nonchalant gesture and trying to appear as casual and unfazed as possible. Since when did he get nervous about stuff, anyways? He was the chill guy!
Her laughter pulled him out of his thoughts. Mista loved the way she laughed, how her face scrunched a little and her eyes shone with mirth.
In other words, Guido Mista was fucked.
“I kinda like it, thought.” She said, a hint of mischief on her smile. “Shows that you care.”
He was at a loss for words.
They soon arrived at the pizza restaurant, a local and cozy place where they made the best pizzas in Italy, according to Mista. He had managed to regain his usual confidence, trying not to think too hard on how pretty she looked that night, and the two of them bantered happily as they sat on a table.
“Salami is a must on pizza.” He stated as they decided what to order.
“And mushrooms!” She said excitedly. Mista frowned.
“Mushrooms? No way in hell. Those are nasty.”
“Or maybe you’re just a child.” She argued, sticking out her tongue childishly.
Who gave her the right to be so cute?
After a bit of arguing, they settled for salami only, and Mista laughed hard as she pretended not to like it for the sake of aggravating him.
The night went on and the pair of them kept poking fun at each other, having fun and, from time to time, getting lost in the other’s eyes. Mista could feel himself falling more and more for her, which prompted the return of his earlier nerves.
However, there was something about her that made him feel at ease, after a while, when he tried not to think too much about what she thought about him. And that was great.
“I could walk you home,” he offered after dinner with an easy smile that she returned, “you know, in case there is some scary dude or whatever.”
“What would I do without you?” She replied, with only a small amount of sarcasm in her words.
As far as dates went, Mista thought theirs had been special, and great. He didn’t recall having laughed that much in a long time, and she was just so beautiful, both physically and on the inside.
“I’d like to kiss you.” He whispered as they stood outside her house, the dim light of a streetlamp falling over them.
She smiled.
“I’d like you to kiss me.”
Mista did not hesitate, ending their already perfect date in the best way possible.
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considergoldenkamuy · 5 years
henlo,, i'm new here and i'm thorsty for some passione,, i love the way you wrote mista, (it made me realize he was my favorite,,!) anyhoo can i get a scenario or headcanons (not sure how this works ehehe) of mista with a s/o and they have a lazy day? like everyone's out or just in their rooms or hanging around the living area and reader is doing some chores and he helps for a bit but convinces them to stop and cuddle. bonus points if nara teases them somehow but then gets burned back! ty!
I LOVE THIS THIS IS CUTE also i’m glad to hear my mista is ok! i love my best boy. also ,,, narancia ,,, my feeble heart ,, i had to set this before the beginning of vento aureo :,) this uh ,, kind of ended up being a drabble in length, sorry ,,
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A day off from Bruno wasn’t common. Granted, the team wasn’t always active, but when the leader declared they would have a day where they had no obligation to do anything for the gang was a big deal. It was especially important for Mista, though, because that meant he could crash at his lover’s place and just spend the day there without any chance of being called away for work.
He was pleasantly surprised when he entered his room, though, and found them cleaning up the floor of his room, clothes tucked under their arm as they put more laundry in a designated bin. It took them a second to notice his presence, having been standing in the doorway for a few moments. “Oh, hi Mista - I didn’t hear you come in.”
“What’re you doing here?” He raised brow, walking over to them. “You don’t visit that much.”
“Well, Buccellati called and told me you were free today, so I figured I’d come to you instead,” they smiled and he stared at them for a moment before snorting in amusement.
“Shoulda known. He’s the only one who leaves me in peace about our relationship,” he mused and the other laughed a little, before they turned back around to keep tidying up. “You don’t have to do that, you know.”
“Your whole place is a wreck,” they pointed out. “I’m glad I decided to drop in. Wait a little, I’ll be done soon.”
“Soon is a long time,” Mista didn’t sound amused. “Where else do you have to clear up?”
“Well, the main room is done, you might want to sort through your mess of a dresser or something, though - I don’t know how you can tell where anything is in there. Why do you even have it if you never where them?” There was a joking tone in their voice and he rolled his eyes.
“The only reason I keep any of those clothes at this point is because you like wearing them,” Mista replied, but went over to the dresser nonetheless and opened a few of the drawers, taking everything out so he could organize it. “If you stopped stealing my shirts all the time, they’d all be long gone.”
“Not my fault your shirts are comfortable,” they stuck their tongue out at Mista. He just shot back an unimpressed glance. There wasn’t much for him to go through, really - especially since he didn’t bother folding anything. His lover wasn’t looking, though, so he was saved the earful he knew he would’ve gotten had they seen.
Mista flopped down onto his bed, gazing at the blank and boring ceiling for a few seconds before tilting his head to watch the other bring more things to the room - laundry, random items, trash. Anything that bothered them, really. Despite Mista wanting simple pleasures and usually having not that many things, he didn’t bother to clean up that much.
His black eyes kept following them to and from the door, waiting for what felt like hours before they would appear again. Again, and again, and again. Until he felt bored out of his mind, admittedly left a little lonely, knowing that they were right there together and yet they weren’t as much as looking at him.
It only took a few more back-and-forths before he stood up, sneaking up on them when they were folding an old sheet. He wrapped his arms around their waist from behind, resting his chin on their shoulder. They tensed for a second before breathing out a chuckle, putting down the cloth and placing their hands on his, leaning into him.
He called their name. “‘Soon’ already came and passed,” he muttered, nuzzling his face into the crook of their neck. “Can’t you just be done now?”
“You want my attention that badly?” They teased lightly and he grumbled quietly, refusing to let go when they tried to escape his grasp. They turned their head toward him with an amused smile. “Alright, alright, I’ll stop for now. What do you want to do?”
There was no hesitation on his part in lifting his head and kissing them. They laughed softly against his lips and he allowed them room to turn around and gain access to a less awkward angle. A few seconds passed before he pulled away and stared at them a few seconds longer. “Can we just sleep?”
A soft snort.
“Of course we can. C’mon, you big baby.” They pulled him back over the bed and he laid down, suddenly pulling them with him, earning him a slight sound of surprise before they landed right next to him and he embraced them again. He pressed his face against their bare neck again, shutting his eyes as he took in the familiar scent. He’d been waiting days for this.
Fingers slipped his hat from his head, careful to keep the bullet rounds inside before playing with his hair lazily. It was all so calm, so peaceful.  They simply watched him for a moment before slowly falling asleep as well.
Narancia may have teased Mista the next day, accusing him of sleeping with his lover “the other way,” as the younger boy had put it, but all he got was a whack on the head. What did he know about being in relationships?
The way Mista looked at them, the way Mista treated them - he didn’t need to say “I love you,” so he rarely did. All Mista needed to do was hold them close and fall asleep in their arms, as if the rest of the world didn’t exist.
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abellaheart-blog · 1 year
i love the pickup line idea so much that I can't wait to see what people send in!"hey wanna play heads or tails...looks like I got tails so you get head"
with mista ofc ( i just think it would be funny lmao)
Oh damn Mista would be such a sucker for this pick up line! 😆 Thanks I’m glad you liked this idea, and thanks for sending this in. Here’s some food for you. Don’t ask where I got these pictures 🤭😳 sorry, not sorry 🏃🏻‍♀️ He’s got the best butt and thighs in part 5 👌🏼
Guido Mista x Reader 💙 Scenario
Warning: Nsfw content ahead 🔞🔞
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Mista was wandering the house in only his red tiger print leather pants. He removed his cashemere sweater and hat for the day since he was tired from the job he had today. He wanted to cool off so he sat in the living room chugging down his can of sparkling water.
He was reading a magazine until he realized he dropped his bag of chips on the floor. They’re unopened but he was annoyed he had to get up. He bends down to pick them up. You giggle watching from the other side of the room. You wish you could fondle him. He has such a nice bubble butt. You know he probably wouldn’t mind but you want to go about it differently. After he sets his snack back on the table you threw him your pick up line. You wanted to make sure he’s in the mood.
You stood half naked since you tossed your dress to the recliner nearby. You hold a coin in your hand and flipped it being sure it would land on the table beside him. He noticed the coin then looks over to you. His sexy smile didn’t go missed by you. It looked ever more handsome without his hat. His dark hair frames his face so perfectly.
“Wanna play heads or tails... looks like I got tails so you get head.”
His smile widened and he sits on the couch patting his thigh. His welcoming arms are so inviting. You sat facing him covering him in kisses. His hand is on your hip and he’s enjoying himself.
“So heads or tails huh? Why not both?”
You’re now laid on top of Mista with your private area spread out across his face while you’re faced with his thick cock. You swirl your tongue around his tip and lightly pump him with your hand. Mista’s tongue doesn’t stop licking across your outer lips. His thumb pleasures you as he does so, eliciting whines from you. His thick lips and nose press against you so he can hear you whine louder.
As you whimper you moan his name. You feel his smirk against you and decide to wrap your mouth around his tip. You begin to bob your head as you pleasure him. He groans against you causing you to have plenty of goosebumps. Your thighs tremble but he caresses them in such a gentle manner. His hands are firm as he holds them up for you.
His tip is wet so you’re able to handle his thick length in your mouth. Mista really needed this. He feels like the luckiest man on earth getting to do this with you after a long ass day. He didn’t care how sore he felt. Right now you’re what’s on his mind. His lips suck against you causing you to twitch and squirm as you whimper. He knows you’re close so he sucks hard. Your legs tremble as you squirt in his mouth.
Mista devoured you eagerly as you suck him off. It encouraged you to pleasure him some more so you fondle his sack like you know he likes it. Pretty soon his muscular thighs are twitching and trembling. You finish him off by stroking him and licking his tip while fondling him. Tears poke the corners of his eyes in delight and he’s whimpering your name like a song. Afterwards you both tiredly lay in eachothers arms.
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Taglist: @syntheticseraton1n @noaltbruh @danielle-marie @shxftxng @fugos-lil-fork
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dilftaroooo · 3 years
Ok hear me out 🌚- gun play with guido mista 🤚
tags/tw: gun play.
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😳 oooh-
mista cares for you dearly, he’s very vigilant when it comes to protecting you and making sure that you’re free from any harm (being the partner of a mafioso has its downfall).
so imagine his shock when you bring up the idea of gun play, wanting to roleplay the threats of being held at gunpoint, the last thing mista wants to see you in. but seeing how excited you are about it and after he feels a slight bit comfortable with engaging in such things with you, he’d make sure his gun is unloaded before stuffing it in your mouth as he slowly enters himself in you.
“stay still or i’ll shoot.” he spoke tentatively as he held the gun, you could hear the slight tremble of his words but you bypassed it, relinquishing your body to the glory of your boyfriend’s cock filling you up to the brim.
after he sees tears roll down your cheeks he’d immediately pull the gun out, a look of worry painted on his face. “y/n? are you ok? d-did i hurt you?” him breaking out of character will happen a lot when you both perform stuff like this. he just wants to make sure you’re ok 🥺
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bebegi · 3 years
𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐠 - 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫.
bruno - abba - mista - narancia - fugo - giorno - trish
warnings: swearing, mentions of a gun , bad english hehe
requests here ˃ᴗ˂
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a/n: i want to dedicate this one to the anon who said that these fake texts make them feel a lil bit less stressed abt their exams; this is for you baby!! hope you are feeling better now :[ ily ♡
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booty-lati · 3 years
Bucci gang Boyfriend Scenarios: Sickness!
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When Bruno's s/o is sick:
Takes the day off to take care of them 😩
Will not let them move around until you're feeling a bit better >:(
More pillows? More blankets? He got em' 😉
He's gonna be so touch starved because they're feeling ill and he's trying not to catch your sickness 😔
But what can I say? He's already love sick for them 🤷‍♀️
He'll help (s/o) take a bath but beware; he'll get a bit handsy 😳
"Bruno, don't do that, you'll-ah, aH AH, AHH CHOO!"
"Sorry amore, but you just looked so cute that I got carried away 😏"
He'll have them snuggled in his lap 😍
Will sneak in a kiss on their forehead a few times when he can't take it anymore🤧
It's an excuse to "check their tempurature"
If only they weren't sick, it would be their lips 😔
He probably still has some paper work to do at home, so when snuggle time's over he'll have Sticky Fingers take over.
Sticky will gladly massage them if they're having any muscle pain :)
Once he's done with his paper work he'll sleep next to his (s/o)'s bedside
Finds it adorable that his (s/o) babbles in their sleep even while they're sick LOL
"N o o o , please... Bruno is the best medicine.."
"..Am I actually sick? Or.. am I lovesick for him"
Just being able to take care of them and hear how much they love him makes his heart jump and skip a beat 🥴🥴
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When Abbacchio's (s/o) is sick:
Becomes slightly more strict on them, but he's just showing his soft side, he's worried that they're sick 🥺
Like Bruno, he's not going to let them move until they're feeling better, BUT he doesn't wanna get sick either so he avoids touching them until they're not sick anymore.
He'll actually boil some hot tea for you LMAO no pranks this time 😅
Lowkey loves when they're tired like this because he gets to treat his (s/o) with breakfast in bed 💞💞 (not in that sort of way, get your head out of the gutter 🙄)
He's like a full-on nurse 😳
Checks up on them from time to time
Although he never leaves them alone unless they need privacy or needs to get something for them.
"How are you feeling caro/cara?
"A little better. My head doesn't hurt as much. It's a bit hard for me to sleep though."
"Hm, would you like me to have Moody Blues to play some music?"
"That would be lovely Abba, grazie- COUGH COUGH"
"Here, have some some bella/bello, there's a tissue box on your bedside. If you need anything else just text or call me, but DON'T step out of the bed!"
Moody Blues is more than happy to help them, gurgling tape deck noises right before playing a relaxing, smooth song that lulls (s/o) into a deep slumber.
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When Giorno's (s/o) is sick:
Donut boi is on da way take care of them 😩
I mean, he was pretty much neglected by his parents so he learned most things independently, he knows what he's doing and how to get (s/o) back on their feet 😊!!
Although Golden Experience can only recreate and replace things from using living organisms, partially being able to heal. Him and his stand will try their best to figure out a way to make them get better :)))
Goldie is gonna entertain the heck outta them by making flower crowns, butterflies literally anything to distract them from knowing that they're sick AHH 🤯
Meanwhile Giorno is getting medicine for (s/o) 😌✨
By the time he makes it back into the bedroom it practically turned into ✨mesmerizing nature✨
By that I mean lots flowers taking over the whole room because a certain stand got carried away LOL
Also only to find (s/o) giggling with butterflies gleefully flapping their wings around them and some are even resting on their hair and-
"FWOOOSH" The butterflies flew away once they sneezed!
"Dio mio! Are you okay tesoro/tesora? Sigh, look at this place.."
"Sniff, yeah, just the pollen-"
"No it's not just the pollen (s/o), and your cold is acting up. C'mon bella/bello let me take care of you."
Giorno gave Golden a side look and they playfully stuck their tongue at him as they helped (s/o) too💗
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When Fugo's (s/o) is sick:
A/N:LMAO sorry I couldn't resist using that GIF-
He's basically the doctor and they're his patient 😳
Instructs them to stay in bed for the whole day, they need to ✨relax✨
From time to time he'll drop by to soak their facial cloth while they're taking a nap 😴
Purple Haze can't exactly do anything to help them so he's behind Fugo with a sad face ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Although when they're not in the same room they'll be doing small favors for him like bringing medicine and soup (HHHH they have to be careful to not contaminate it 😥)
Fugo has a gigantic list on what to do and how to reduce the sickness 😳
..and a plan for a movie date with them at home 🤧
He doesn't wanna get sick so he'll be wearing a mask and a pair of gloves 😷
He's still gonna kith them with his mask on tho 😉
"How was your sleep bellisimo/bellisima?"
"Mm, it was alright, not the best.." (s/o) replied as they croaked.
"Here, have some tea. I put honey in it to reduce the inflammation in your throat amore."
"Cough-cough, grazie love"🤒
"..Which movie do you wanna watch on the television?"
"Hmm, how about (favorite movie)?"
"Sure. Oh! If you'd like I can get the heating pack for you"
"I'll have a bowl of hot Minestrone soup for you too and--(s/o)?
"..Oh my gosh, you planned this super cute date all for me haven't you?"🤯
"D-dont ruin the moment, hush."🙄😳
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When Mista's (s/o) is sick:
Ironic as it is, this stinky boy is gonna help them bathe while they're sick- (Oof he stAnKY)
Actually does research on their symptoms :DDD
Even though that he's hiding it a bit in the outside, the Sex Pistols are sCReaMInG and flying around in circles AAAAA
(s/o) is gonna be treated like. a. QUEEN/KING.😩😩✨
The Sex Pistols are not going to let them move out of the bed or couch!
They'll bring them extra blankets, pillows, re-soak the towel on their forehead, literally💗anything!💗
Mista's stands are like his little nurses LMAOOO
Like Fugo, he'll have something for their (s/o) to spend some quality time together!
It's gonna be a whole day of cheesy pick-up lines and strawberry sponge cake😳😳😳
"You're not the only one who's sick (s/o), cause you got me love sick for you~"
"Whoo! You're like, really hot (s/o)"😦
"Wanna know what's also contagious? Your adorable smile-"
"SniFF, thats-COugH, enough Mista-"
Mista was too busy being entranced by their cuteness that he let them lay their head on his shoulder while watching a movie-
🎶PuT yOur HeAD oN mY ShoUuuUULDeEers!🎶
..The next morning he completely forgot that they were sick and now it was his turn to catch a fever 😔💗
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When Narancia's (s/o) is sick:
Once he's calmed down and figured out what he should do he starts off by comforting their (s/o)
Although he's still a bit nervous 😅
Uses Aerosmith's fan to cool them down a little to lower their body heat 😌
^^Wowie you're so smart Narancia 😳😳😳
Gets protective of (s/o) whenever the cramps start kicking in✨ It worries him🥺
Is actually not as hyper than he usually is 😮
Somewhat like Mista and Fugo, he'll have something for their (s/o) :DDD
Will most definitely do favors and run errands the whole day for his poor, sweet (s/o) 😩💞
Trust me it's not gonna end up like last time when he had to buy stuff for Trish-
Of course he'll buy things needed like medicine, canned soup, tea (OOP-), icy-hot/muscle pain patches, cough drops, tissue boxes and etc..
...and a little surprise for them.
"Amore, I'm home~!...(s/o)?
Their (s/o) was in a deep slumber, now's the time for their surprise! 🎁
Narancia quietly opens their door, carrying the things for his (s/o) and along with some gifts.
"Psst, wake up tesoro! I have a little something for you!"
"Mmm..what is it?" They lazily mumbled As they yawned. 🥱
"Open your eyes and see for yourself mia dolce ragazza :)))" Narancia hands them their boxed gifts and bags
As they open the box and bags they see a card with a doodle of him and themselves along with a container of chocolates and a bouquet with a tag stating "Get wel sewn, I luhv yuo lots"
Welp he tried his best to spell-
"Awe, sniff, grazie amore, ti amo anch'io❤️"
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