#groundwork collaborative
kp777 · 1 month
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
May 7, 2024
The Groundwork Collaborative's leader also said that "the Department of Justice should criminally prosecute Scott Sheffield," the former Pioneer CEO whom the FTC blocked from joining ExxonMobil's board.
Groundwork Collaborative executive director Lindsay Owens on Tuesday responded to U.S. government allegations of fossil fuel industry price fixing with calls for federal prosecution and congressional action to return money to the American public.
"Americans have been working harder and harder to cover rising energy costs, with the understanding that supply chain snags and geopolitical forces were keeping prices high," Owens said. "Now the Federal Trade Commission has uncovered the real source behind the price at the pump: collusion."
"The Department of Justice should criminally prosecute Scott Sheffield and Congress should tax back the industry's windfall profits and issue every American a refund," she added, referring to Pioneer Natural Resources' founder and longtime CEO.
Owens' statement came after members of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) declined to contest ExxonMobil's controversial $64.5 billion acquisition of Pioneer—which was completed Friday—but approved a consent order barring Sheffield from serving on Exxon's board of directors or as an adviser to the fossil fuel giant.
"This complaint is a wake-up call about the dangerous consolidation of Big Oil's economic and political power."
The FTC voted 3-2 to accept the order and place related documents on the record for public comment. Citing communications including in-person meetings, public statements, text messages, and WhatsApp conversations, a commission complaint accuses Sheffield of trying to collude with the representatives of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and OPEC+.
"Mr. Sheffield's past conduct makes it crystal clear that he should be nowhere near Exxon's boardroom. American consumers shouldn't pay unfair prices at the pump simply to pad a corporate executive's pocketbook," said Kyle Mach, deputy director of the FTC's Bureau of Competition. "The FTC will remain vigilant in its enforcement efforts to protect competition in these vital markets."
Pioneer toldFortune that the company and its founder "believe that the FTC's complaint reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of the U.S. and global oil markets and misreads the nature and intent of Mr. Sheffield's actions," but neither party would take "any steps to prevent the merger from closing."
ExxonMobil "learned of the FTC's allegations regarding Sheffield from the agency and said in a statement that they are 'entirely inconsistent with how we do business,'" according to Fortune. "Exxon has agreed to the terms of the consent decree," which also "prohibits the oil giant from appointing any Pioneer employee or director to its board for five years."
Still, since the FTC's allegations were initially reported by The Wall Street Journal last week and then confirmed with the complaint's release, demands for additional action by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress have mounted.
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Cassidy DiPaola, Fossil Free Media's director of communications, on Monday called the complaint "explosive" and said that Democrats "must respond with bold action to hold this rogue industry accountable," including:
Aggressive congressional and DOJ investigations into the full extent of Big Oil's price fixing;
A windfall profits tax to claw back ill-gotten gains; and
End taxpayer subsidies for oil and gas.
"But accountability is just the first step. This complaint is a wake-up call about the dangerous consolidation of Big Oil's economic and political power. We can't let them use megamergers to entrench their control and crush clean energy competition," she stressed. "Ultimately, this is about the future we choose: One where we remain at the mercy of Big Oil's greed and destruction, or one where clean, democratically controlled energy powers our communities. It's time to make the right choice."
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In response to the Journal's reporting, Tyson Slocum, director of Public Citizen's Energy Program, similarly said that "Congress must immediately hold hearings on Big Oil's alleged collusion with OPEC to raise gasoline prices for Americans."
"Congress must not only investigate Pioneer's alleged role in conspiring with OPEC, but whether there existed a broader conspiracy by U.S. oil companies to collude with OPEC nations," he argued. "Big Oil must be held accountable for any conspiracy by or among American oil companies and OPEC members."
The reporting was notably published on the same day as the U.S. Senate Budget Committee's hearing about a nearly three-year investigation into fossil fuel companies and trade groups' decadeslong "campaign of deception and distraction," which has evolved from denying the planet-heating impact of their products to pretending to be part of the solution to the climate emergency.
"The joint report and documents we discovered show how, time and again, the biggest oil and gas corporations say one thing for the purposes of public consumption but do something completely different to protect their profits," Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the ranking member on the House Oversight Committee, testified during the hearing. "Company officials will admit the terrifying reality of their business model behind closed doors but say something entirely different, false, and soothing to the public."
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nanowrimo · 8 months
Write Smarter, Not Harder: 5 Ways to Conquer Chaotic Writing
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. ButterDocs, a 2023 NaNoWriMo sponsor, is an all-in-one writing app built for productivity, collaboration, and a more joyful writing experience. Today, the folks at ButterDocs share a few tips on organizing your writing to meet your goals:
NaNoWriMo is about to start, and you're champing at the bit to get to 50,000 words. But that's no easy feat! Because life doesn't stop when NaNoWriMo starts.
You're still going to have climb a mountain of chaos to reach your goal: Chaos like not being able to find your notes and outlines when you need them since they're scattered across multiple apps, or the constant lure of internet distractions.
And of course, once NaNoWriMo ends, the writing process continues. You'll need to get feedback, be able to actually easily take advantage of that feedback, and make revisions (especially if your ultimate goal isn't just a rough draft, but a polished novel).
Here are five tips from ButterDocs to beat the chaos and make your writing workflow less work and more flow.
1. Know what you're about to do.
We know you want to start maximizing your word count from Day One, but you'll thank yourself on Day Twenty if you lay the groundwork for yourself. Take some time to organize your research, develop your characters, lay out your major plot points, and consider your themes.
You don't need to buy and learn advanced plotting software. A digital whiteboard can be as intuitive as pinning index cards to a cork board.
2. Write in the best environment for you.
You're about to spend a lot of time writing. It's a good idea to get comfortable.
Think about what environment you write best in. Do you need the hubbub and energy of a busy coffee shop? Or the serenity of a cozy nook?
Once you find the right place, put the same effort into finding a writing app you'll actually enjoy writing in.
3. Stay in your writing flow.
Focus and dedication during NaNoWriMo is the whole ball game. Lose either, and your chances of hitting 50,000 words are harder.
Whatever your NaNoWriMo goals are, give yourself the best chances to succeed with tools that will help you get and stay focused. A timer, word counter, and goal tracker will help you with timed writing sprints and hitting daily writing goals.
4. Recover from distractions.
Distractions will happen. Chaotic writing aside, the human brain wants to wander for dopamine. And life inevitably gets in the way.
What's important is how you recover. Don't let one distraction or missed writing day snowball into another and another. Give yourself tools that help you get back on track. A simple notification to come back to your writing can be a big help.
5. Pull others in to help you move forward.
You may be participating in NaNoWriMo as an individual, but know this: you are not alone.
You have the entire NaNoWriMo community, among many other writing communities and groups you can turn to for any genre of writing.
When you feel stuck or need feedback on a draft, don't be afraid to ask for help. Just be sure to invite people into a writing app where you have control over the collaboration.
ButterDocs Early Access + NaNoWriMo Resources
Conquer chaotic writing by using a writing app built for exactly that. With ButterDocs, you can plan, write, share, and edit your writing all in one place, without the chaos. It's by the team that built Arc Studio, a leading screenwriting app with hundreds of thousands of users.
ButterDocs launches today in early access and we'd love to invite you to check it out for NaNoWriMo.
All NaNoWriMo participants can receive a free year of ButterDocs if you sign up by December 1st, 2023.
We're running a free online event on October 25th for everyone who signs up: "Getting (and Staying) in Your Creative Writing Zone During NaNoWriMo." with Grant Faulkner (Executive Director of NaNoWrimo), Matt Trinetti (founder of London Writers' Salon), and Allison Trowbridge (founder of CopperBooks). If you can't make it, we'll email ButterDocs users the recording afterward.
Visit https://butterdocs.com/NaNoWriMo to learn more about ButterDocs, claim your free account, and enter an exclusive sweepstakes giveaway for NaNoWriMo participants!
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theroyalsandi · 2 months
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British Royal Family - The Duchess of Edinburgh on behalf of King Charles III, watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace with France's Gendarmerie's Garde Republicaine taking part to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale - the historic diplomatic agreement between Britain and France which laid the groundwork for their collaboration in both world wars in London, England. (Photo by Victoria Jones) | April 8, 2024
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sleeplesssmoll · 3 months
Hot Take/Analysis: Sonetto went from the Foundation's cage to Vertin's leash.
Sonetto has more freedom in a physical sense. She can explore the world, experience new things, all that good stuff.
But mentally, she's still trapped.
Sonetto believes she's merely a supporting character in Vertin's story, almost admitting this to Sophia in the most recent chapter. She perceives her role as clearing the path for more significant figures capable of making an impact.
This echoes her mindset from her time with the Foundation.
Despite her undeniable prowess, Sonetto humbly sees herself as a tool for advancing supposedly "more important" causes, thus undervaluing her own worth.
When Sonetto and Vertin save Regulus and the Investigators from Manus, Sonetto's teammates express relief upon seeing her, trusting in their captain to save the day. Though Vertin initiates the action by reacting to the threat faster (her perception and ability to sense arcanum is beyond many other arcanists), Sonetto's swift response and strength play a crucial role. Despite their collaborative effort, she credits Vertin disproportionately, attributing their success mostly to Vertin's guidance and perception. It's a reocurring pattern for Sonetto to downplay her own brilliance. This leads into my next point.
LOOK AT VERTIN'S FACE WHEN SONETTO IS IN DANGER. Sonetto is so quick to defend Vertin, she ends up stressing the Timekeeper out. She was ready to die a martyr, now she's ready-- too ready to die for Vertin.
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While we know Vertin has expressions, their usually subdued because she's "stoic". For her to spring up out her chair like that and show real panic is something we haven't seen from her thus far. For example, we know she gets furious with Arcana because her bangle starts searing into her skin, but her expression just looks a little mad without displaying the full extent of her fury. Btw I go more in depth Sonetto's effect on Vertin in this post and this one I made later if you're interested.
Sonetto is highly competent, but completely dependent on others in the fact that her "purpose", her "value", is assigned to her by others.
Sonetto doesn't need Vertin to shine, but only Vertin seems to get that out of the two of them. At least she dotes on the puppy? She didn't put the leash there but at the same time...
Do you think Vertin would want to remove it? Isn't it a nice safeguard if Sonetto thinks she needs Vertin? If the puppy is happy, isn't it fine to keep the leash their so it doesn't wander too far? Maybe she'll let Sonetto break this habit on her own instead of giving her insight as usual.
Vertin asks for nothing, wants for nothing, and is always ready to share joy with others.
So can't she be a little selfish this time? Can't she have just one thing in her life that? She's already lost so much.
Is this post just an excuse to lay the groundwork for Toxic TK14 due to codependency??
Codependency: An unhealthy dependence on relationships. The co-dependent will do anything to hold on to a relationship; to avoid the feeling of abandonment. An extreme need for approval and recognition. A sense of guilt when asserting themselves. A compelling need to control others. Codependency is a circular relationship in which one person needs the other person, who in turn, needs to be needed
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cool-fancier · 5 months
Academic Duels
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Synopsis: In the halls of Daewon High School, you academic rivalry, born of contrasting styles, laid the groundwork for an unexpected connection. A tale of competition, shared recognition, and evolving relationship.
A/n: Academic Rivalry,some playful banter,Bada being kind,is a bit rushed
Word Count:3.9k
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The story of the academic rivalry between you and Bada could be traced back to the halls of Daewon High School, a prestigious institution in the bustling heart of Seoul. Both of you were prodigies in your own right, emerging as academic stars in a sea of bright minds. The competitive spirit that simmered beneath the surface of your scholarly pursuits had its roots in the early days of your high school journey.
As freshmen, you and Bada were already making waves with your exceptional performances. The teachers couldn't help but marvel at the intellectual prowess displayed by two students who seemed destined for greatness.
Your backstory was one of humble beginnings. Born into a middle-class family, you had always viewed education as the key to transcending societal limitations. The determination to succeed and prove your worth had been instilled in you by your parents, who worked tirelessly to provide you with the opportunities they never had.
Bada, on the other hand, hailed from a family with a long lineage of scholars and intellectuals. The pressure to uphold the family legacy weighed heavily on her shoulders. Her parents, both accomplished academics, had set a high bar for success, and Bada was determined to not only meet but exceed those expectations.
The first encounter that set the stage for your academic rivalry occurred in the freshman year English class. The teacher, recognizing the exceptional talent in both of you, assigned a collaborative project that would serve as a precursor to the competition that would unfold over the years.
As fate would have it, you and Bada were paired together for the project. Initially, it seemed like a harmonious partnership, with the shared goal of producing a stellar presentation. However, as the days progressed, the differences in your approaches became apparent.
You, driven by a passion for the subject and a desire to delve deep into the material, took a creative and holistic approach to the project. Bada, with her meticulous and analytical mindset, preferred a structured and methodical strategy. The clash of these contrasting methodologies resulted in a project that was neither a seamless fusion of ideas nor a harmonious collaboration.
When the teacher evaluated the project, the feedback was mixed. The creativity and depth of your insights were praised, but the lack of structure and organization drew criticism. Bada, on the other hand, received commendation for the precision and clarity of her contributions but was urged to consider incorporating a more creative element.
The experience left both of you with a sense of dissatisfaction. For you, it was the first taste of a less-than-perfect performance, while for Bada, it was an unaccustomed brush with constructive criticism. The dynamic had shifted, and an unspoken challenge lingered in the air.
The following years witnessed an escalation of the rivalry. Each exam, project, or presentation became a battleground where you and Bada sought not just to excel but to outshine each other. The competition fueled an unrelenting pursuit of excellence that saw both of you consistently topping the class.
In the crucible of academic fervor, the rivalry extended beyond the classroom. Extracurricular activities, leadership positions, and even accolades from teachers became markers of success to be fiercely contested. The once-harmonious atmosphere of Daewon High School now crackled with the electric energy of a rivalry that had transcended the ordinary.
The competitive spirit, while driving you and Bada to extraordinary heights, also exacted a toll on your personal lives. Friendships were strained as the pursuit of academic superiority overshadowed other aspects of high school life. The unspoken tension in the hallways, the pointed glances exchanged during class discussions, and the occasional clashes in student council meetings became defining features of your high school experience.
The teachers, observing the intensity of the rivalry, attempted to channel it into positive avenues. You and Bada were often chosen to represent the school in academic competitions, debates, and quiz bowls. While these opportunities provided a platform to showcase your talents on a broader stage, they also heightened the stakes of the rivalry.
Despite the competitive undercurrent, there were moments of shared recognition. The mutual acknowledgment of each other's brilliance, even if begrudgingly given, fostered a strange camaraderie. You both knew that the rivalry, while fierce, was also a source of mutual growth and intellectual stimulation.
"You did well in the debate today," you acknowledged, unable to completely conceal the admiration in your voice.
Bada responded with a slight nod. "Your points were impressive too. It's always a challenge keeping up with your unpredictability."
The recognition, however, did little to assuage the burning desire for supremacy. The rivalry continued to drive both of you to push the boundaries of academic achievement.
The banter and debates during those high school years had a different flavor. In the classrooms of Daewon High School, where the echoes of spirited discussions reverberated, the story of you and Bada unfolded amidst playful taunts and competitive banter.
"Looks like you narrowly escaped defeat in today's quiz," Bada teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
You shot back, "Narrowly? I call it strategic brilliance. Keeps you on your toes, doesn't it?"
The teachers, familiar with the dynamics between you two, often found themselves caught in the crossfire of banter.
"Ah, the intellectual sparring continues. I'm beginning to think I should assign you both to opposing debate teams," Mr. Kang, your history teacher, remarked with a chuckle.
Bada replied, "We'd welcome the challenge, wouldn't we? It might make things more interesting."
The banter extended beyond the academic realm. During student council meetings, where both of you held prominent positions, the discussions often took on a competitive edge.
"I propose we implement a mentorship program," you suggested, eyeing Bada with a challenge in your gaze.
Bada responded, "While mentorship is valuable, let's not forget the importance of independent learning. We don't want to coddle our fellow students."
The debates, while spirited, were always underlined by a mutual respect. The rivalry, though palpable, was a driving force that propelled both of you to strive for excellence.
Amidst the playful banter, there were moments of genuine collaboration. The fusion of your creative approach and Bada's analytical mindset occasionally resulted in projects that showcased the power of your combined intellects.
One such project, where you both collaborated on a research paper exploring the intersection of literature and science, garnered praise from your professors. The recognition, albeit shared, did little to quell the ongoing rivalry.
— — — — —
The hallways of Seoul National University echoed with the hurried footsteps of students rushing to their next classes. Among them were you and Bada, academic rivals whose competitive spirits fueled a perpetual race for excellence.
In the realm of academics, you and Bada were often neck-and-neck. Your prowess in the sciences matched her linguistic finesse, and each test became a battleground where victory was never guaranteed. The atmosphere between you two was always charged with unspoken competition, and your grades were the scoreboard that determined the winner.
Today was no different. The air buzzed with anticipation as the university prepared to release the results of the latest round of exams. The stakes were high, and both of you knew that this could be the moment that tilted the scales in one direction.
The backstory of this rivalry traced back to your first year at the university. Both you and Bada were standout students in your respective high schools, used to being at the top of your class. When you found yourselves in the same university, it was inevitable that your paths would cross.
The competition began innocently enough, with friendly banter and subtle attempts to outshine each other. However, as the semesters progressed, the rivalry intensified. Your accomplishments became the measuring stick for Bada, and vice versa. The stakes were not just about grades; they were about asserting dominance and proving who was truly the best.
As you entered the lecture hall where the test results were to be announced, a knot of nerves twisted in your stomach. The room was abuzz with whispers, and the tension was palpable. Bada, with her customary stoic expression, sat a few seats away from you. The unspoken challenge hung in the air like an electric current.
The professor walked in, holding a stack of graded papers. The room fell into a hushed silence as he prepared to distribute the tests. The moment of truth had arrived.
One by one, the professor called out names and handed back the exams. The tension in the room escalated with each passing moment. As your name was called, you reached out to grab your test, trying to hide the tremble in your hands. You quickly scanned the pages, relief washing over you as you saw the coveted "100%" at the top.
A triumphant smile crept across your face as you turned to glance at Bada. "What did you get?" you asked curiously, a mix of excitement and anticipation in your voice.
Bada's expression remained impassive as she received her test. She glanced at the pages and replied, "99%," her tone cold and unaffected.
A surge of exhilaration coursed through your veins. For the first time, it seemed victory was firmly in your grasp. "Well, looks like I finally got the upper hand this time," you said, unable to conceal the wide grin that spread across your face.
Bada met your gaze with a steady look, her poker face betraying no emotion. "Congratulations," she replied simply, her voice devoid of any hint of rivalry.
You couldn't resist the urge to boast. "I guess I've broken the cycle. Maybe this is the beginning of a winning streak," you declared, reveling in the momentary triumph.
As the news of your perfect score spread through the lecture hall, whispers of congratulations and admiration filled the air. Friends patted you on the back, and the sense of accomplishment lifted your spirits.
However little did you know the true nature of Bada's response. While she maintained her cool facade, there was a subtle glint of satisfaction in her eyes. What you didn't realize was that she had intentionally missed one question, not out of negligence, but as a calculated move. Bada had liked you for a long time, and this small act was her way of creating a moment of joy for you.
As you continued to bask in the glory of your achievement, Bada sat there, seemingly indifferent to the numbers on her paper. In reality, her heart carried a secret that she had guarded for far too long. The satisfaction in her eyes was not just about letting you win this round; it was about creating a moment that would make you smile, blissfully unaware of her feelings.
The rivalry between you and Bada had always been more than academics. Beneath the competitive banter and shared challenges, a connection had quietly blossomed. Bada had admired you for your dedication, your passion, and the genuine kindness that you extended to everyone around you. It wasn't just about being the best academically; it was about being the kind of person that made her heart skip a beat.
The backstory to this unexpected gesture traced back to a moment of vulnerability. Bada, with her sharp intellect and disciplined approach to academics, had always been perceived as an unyielding force. However, beneath the exterior of stoicism lay a desire for connection and understanding.
One day, as you were preparing for a particularly challenging exam, Bada caught a glimpse of the stress that clouded your usually confident demeanor. Instead of seizing the opportunity to press her advantage, she recognized the humanity in your struggle. It was then that she made a silent pact with herself – to occasionally let you taste the sweetness of victory, even if it meant deliberately missing a question.
In the weeks that followed, as you continued to revel in your newfound success, Bada observed from the sidelines. She saw how your confidence blossomed, how the taste of victory spurred you to even greater heights. And in those moments, she found a peculiar satisfaction – the satisfaction of seeing you smile, even if it was at the cost of a single percentage point.
The days turned into weeks, and the routine of academic rivalry persisted. However, an unspoken understanding had developed between you and Bada. She continued to be the formidable competitor, pushing you to excel, but every now and then, a subtle gesture hinted at a connection that transcended grades and competition.
In the midst of this dynamic, a friendship, unacknowledged and yet quietly thriving, began to take root. The rivalry that had once been fueled by a desire for supremacy now carried the weight of shared victories and unspoken gestures of camaraderie.
As the semester progressed, the academic challenges continued, but the relationship between you and Bada took on a new dimension. The hallways that were once silent witnesses to whispered rivalries now echoed with the occasional laughter and shared insights.
The library, with its hushed whispers and the scent of old books, became an unlikely setting for the next chapter in your evolving connection with Bada. As you both immersed yourselves in your studies, the atmosphere was charged with an unspoken camaraderie that had gradually replaced the intense rivalry of your earlier encounters.
One day, as you were engrossed in your textbooks and notes, Bada looked up from her own stack of books. "Do you want to grab a coffee after this?" she asked, her tone casual but carrying a warmth that transcended the usual competitiveness.
The invitation caught you by surprise, but the genuine sincerity in her eyes made it impossible to decline. "Sure, I'd love that," you replied, offering a genuine smile and a light blush. The idea of sharing a coffee, something that had started as a casual outing, had now become a symbol of the connection you were building.
As you both ventured into the campus café, the familiar aroma of coffee beans enveloped you. The atmosphere was light, free from the usual undercurrents of rivalry that had defined your interactions. The conversation flowed effortlessly, weaving through topics beyond the confines of academia.
"I never knew you were into literature," you remarked, genuinely intrigued by this new side of Bada.
She chuckled, her eyes lighting up with enthusiasm. "Yeah, I've always loved getting lost in a good book. There's something magical about the way words can transport you to different worlds."
The exchange of personal interests continued, revealing shared passions for travel and a mutual appreciation for the intricacies of the Korean language. The coffee outings became a regular occurrence, each one peeling away another layer of the barriers that had once defined your relationship.
As weeks turned into months, the initial wariness between you and Bada melted away, paving the way for a genuine connection. The unspoken pact, where occasional victories were traded for moments of acknowledgment, remained intact.
One afternoon, as you sat in your usual corner of the café, sipping coffee and sharing laughs, Bada seemed a bit more reserved than usual. The air carried a subtle tension, and you couldn't help but notice the thoughtful glances she occasionally directed your way.
"You seem a bit quiet today," you observed, your tone gentle. "Everything okay?"
Bada took a deep breath, as if gathering her courage. "Yeah, everything's fine. Actually, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about."
The shift in her demeanor caught your attention. "Sure, go ahead. We're friends, right?"
A hint of relief but quick sadness flickered in Bada's eyes. "Yeah, friends," she affirmed, her gaze meeting yours. "I wanted to say... I that I really love our time together, and I don't want to mess it up, but I need to be honest with you."
Curiosity tinged with a touch of concern filled your expression. "Of course, Bada. You can be honest with me."
Taking another deep breath, she confessed, "I've liked you for a long time now. More than just as a study partner or a friend. I wasn't sure if I should say anything, but I didn't want to keep it from you."
Surprise registered on your face as you absorbed her words. Bada, the once stoic academic rival, had just revealed a vulnerability that spoke volumes. The café, with its low hum of background chatter, seemed to quiet down as you processed her confession.
The pause lingered for a moment, tension hanging in the air. Then, unexpectedly, you found yourself smiling. "Bada, I appreciate your honesty. I didn't see this coming, but I have to admit, I've liked you too."
Her eyes widened in genuine surprise. "You do?"
"Yeah," you chuckled, the weight of the unspoken tension lifting. "I guess our connection goes beyond just acing exams and grabbing coffee. I like you, Bada, more than I thought."
Relief washed over her, and a genuine smile graced her lips. "I was worried I might mess things up between us."
You reached across the table, gently taking her hand. "Bada, our connection is stronger than that. I'm glad you told me. Let's see where this takes us, without the pressures of academic rivalry."
From that moment, the dynamics of your relationship with Bada shifted once again. The coffee outings, once symbols of friendly competition, now became a canvas for the blossoming romance. The barriers had crumbled, revealing a connection that transcended the expectations of academia.
As the days turned into nights, you and Bada navigated this new chapter with a shared understanding. The unspoken pact, built on the foundation of occasional victories and heartfelt acknowledgments, had paved the way for a love story that had quietly unfolded beneath the surface of academic competition.
— — — — — —
The test results, once a source of tension, became a mere formality in the journey of your academic and personal growth. The rivalry that had once defined your interactions now stood as a testament to the transformative power of unexpected connections.
One day, as you and Bada sat in the same lecture hall where the initial rivalry had taken root, the professor announced another round of test results. The atmosphere, once thick with tension, now held an air of camaraderie.
As the professor called out names and distributed the exams, you and Bada exchanged knowing glances. The competitive spirit remained, but it was no longer fueled by a desire for supremacy. It was a shared journey of growth, each victory and defeat a stepping stone in the evolution of your friendship.
When you received your test, you scanned the pages, your heart pounding with anticipation. The familiar "100%" greeted you, and you couldn't help but smile. Turning to Bada, you asked, "What did you get?" Curiosity and genuine interest colored your words.
Bada, maintaining her composed demeanor, replied, "99%," with a hint of a smile playing on her lips.
The realization hit you – this was not a defeat but a continuation of the unspoken pact. You smiled widely, not as a display of triumph, but as an acknowledgment of the shared journey you and Bada had undertaken.
"I guess we're maintaining the balance," you said, your voice filled with a newfound understanding.
Bada nodded, the glint of satisfaction in her eyes mirroring your own. The professor, unaware of the intricacies of your connection, continued with the announcements, and the hall filled with a sense of collective achievement.
As you and Bada walked out of the lecture hall, the sun casting a warm glow over the campus, the unspoken pact between you two lingered in the air. The rivalry had evolved into a friendship, a connection that defied the expectations of competitiveness.
In the heart of Seoul National University, where the halls echoed with the pursuit of knowledge, the story of you and Bada became a testament to the transformative power of unexpected connections. The rivalry that once fueled the academic landscape now stood as a symbol of growth, shared victories, and the enduring bonds that emerged from the unlikeliest of beginnings.
Now, with the acknowledgment of your mutual feelings, the dynamics between you and Bada shifted once again. The coffee outings, once symbols of friendly competition, now became a canvas for the blossoming romance. The barriers had crumbled, revealing a connection that transcended the expectations of academia.
As the days turned into nights, you and Bada navigated this new chapter with a shared understanding. The unspoken pact, built on the foundation of occasional victories and heartfelt acknowledgments, had paved the way for a love story that had quietly unfolded beneath the surface of academic competition.
The exchange of glances had become laden with unspoken meanings, and every shared moment held a layer of intimacy that went beyond friendship. The sunsets over the campus felt warmer, and the laughter shared in the cafés echoed with the resonance of newfound affection.
One evening, as you both strolled through the campus, Bada couldn't resist a playful jab at your once intense rivalry. "Remember when you used to boast about being the smartest one in class?" she teased, nudging you lightly.
You chuckled, playing along. "Ah, those were the days when I had to remind you who the real brainiac was."
Bada raised an eyebrow, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Brainiac? Please, I seem to recall someone struggling to keep up with my brilliance."
You feigned offense, a playful glint in your eyes. "Oh, please. Your brilliance couldn't even match my wit."
The banter continued, each remark carrying the weight of shared history and a newfound camaraderie. As you both reached a quiet spot under a tree, the playfulness took a surprising turn. Bada, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, suddenly lunged at you, causing you to stumble backward.
Laughter echoed through the campus as Bada pinned you down playfully, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of challenge and affection. "Who's the brainiac now?" she teased, a playful grin on her face.
You couldn't help but grin back, the rush of the unexpected moment adding a layer of excitement to the playful banter. "Alright, you got me this time. But let's see who emerges victorious in our next academic duel."
Bada leaned in, her breath mingling with yours. "Oh, I'm looking forward to it. But for now, let's enjoy this little victory, shall we?"
As the playful banter lingered under the shade of the tree, Bada's eyes held a warmth that transcended the teasing. The laughter, the shared history, and the unexpected twists in your connection had brought you both to this moment.
Bada, still playfully pinning you down, leaned in with a gentle smile. "You know," she whispered, "sometimes the best victories are the ones we least expect."
A grin played on your lips as you replied, "I couldn't agree more."
In that suspended moment, the air between you and Bada crackled with anticipation. The playful rivalry had seamlessly transformed into a shared understanding, and the lines between competition and connection had blurred.
Without another word, Bada closed the distance, and your lips met in a tender kiss. The world around you seemed to fade, leaving only the soft rustle of leaves and the warmth of the embrace. The kiss, a culmination of unspoken feelings and the journey from rivals to something more, spoke volumes.
When you finally pulled away, a shared smile lingered between you. The playful banter, the academic duels, and the unexpected connection had led you to this moment, where the heartbeats echoed a new chapter in your evolving story.
In the heart of Seoul National University, where academic excellence met the uncharted territories of playful romance, the story of you and Bada continued to unfold. The once fierce academic rivals had discovered a bond that went beyond the confines of competition, and every banter-filled moment added a layer to the narrative of your evolving connection.
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usnatarchives · 11 months
Fire Safety in the U.S.: The Story Behind the Posters 🔥🧯
Fire safety in the United States caught fire (not literally!) after the Great Chicago Fire of 1871. This event prompted the creation of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in 1896, laying the groundwork for fire safety regulations.
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However, it wasn't until the mid-20th century that federal agencies really stoked the flames of fire safety education. During World War II, the U.S. Forest Service, in collaboration with the Ad Council, introduced Smokey Bear, whose "Only you can prevent forest fires" message would later become iconic.
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So, why posters? Well, they're a visually striking way to catch people's attention and convey important messages succinctly. They use a combination of strong imagery and memorable slogans to imprint key safety messages into the public consciousness. These images and words, once seen, can be recalled in crucial moments, aiding in both fire prevention and appropriate response.
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Through the years, the government and various organizations have leveraged the power of posters to reinforce fire safety principles. From the 1970s' "Learn Not to Burn" program by NFPA aimed at children, to modern campaigns focusing on smoke alarms and fire escape plans, posters have been instrumental in these educational drives.
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The history of fire safety programs in the U.S. is a testament to the power of public education. And the posters? They're the colorful champions, the unsung heroes, carrying the vital messages of these programs to the public eye. Because, after all, prevention is the best firefighting strategy!
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unseemingowl · 8 months
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I am so goddamn excited that Dr. Karikó has received the nobel prize that she so richly deserves for her pioneering mRNA work today.
What a study in academic endurance, what a trailblazer. Everyone should read this New York Times profile on her.
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quidfree · 2 months
have u seen the bear bc i need ur analysis on sydcarmy dynamic
i haveeee i love that show. prestige dramedys save me. save me prestige dramedys. <- guy who is not over the end of succession
honestly the bear has such a ... naturalistic quietness? to its character dynamics, between the loud antics and family tragedies, that it's almost hard to sit and break it down. i can go either way with sydcarmy because i really enjoy their relationship as is but i also think despite what the showrunners say they have (if accidentally) laid down the groundwork for The slowburn romance of the show
sydcarmy are just so interesting man. i adore relationships of equals, especially when what they share is a specific talent or passion (see: all my anime rivalries). their respective damage & the way they as a unit have such an ease despite the built-in friction is so compelling. they act like theyve worked together forever but really theyre only just learning to know each other. sydney as the newcomer and carmy as the guy suffocating under the weight of a tiny world who knows him inside out. carmy shuts her out of his psychodrama but it's her he thinks about to ground himself through panic attacks. sydney has fears/resentment re carmy as the guy whose vision she's giving 110% of herself to but also defends her trust in him staunchly when others question the choice. it's like they're doing some of it in reverse.
i love all the disparate little scenes we get with them outside of the kitchen context. them under that table in s2 was really so beautiful an homage to the connection they have. carmy just patiently rolls with almost all of sydney's probing and arguing. sydney takes almost all of his ups and downs with a sort of blasé can-do attitude. they flow in and out of agreement in the kitchen but everyone else there would flippantly tell you theyre the wondertwins who think as one.
and of course you have the cooking of it all. the metaphors. the symbolism. the fact that the bear is Literally an act of collaboration and creation with them at the heart of it... ok ate
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gffa · 1 year
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The absolute worst thing about Batman comics is that trying to just lay the groundwork instead of having a single good starting point, is kind of a nightmare.  Like, I have to explain the mindset going into them! I have to explain that stuff doesn't always "count" as a canon!  I have to explain the different continuities and constant retcons! The thing about DC comics is that you can't approach it the way you would another source material, there is no one "true" source, there is no one "true" author of the characters, there is no one "true" canon. There is a central timeline, but it's constantly being rewritten both in-universe and out-of-universe. You have to jump into it accepting that there's no good starting point in terms of reading the story unfolding in sequence. And you have to accept that, even googling "best Batman comics to start with" has a list of comics that kind of made me moan in horror, like noooooooo those comics will not hook you and so many of them are comics that are stand-alones because they're plays on the tropes and established status quo, like The Dark Knight Returns or A Serious House on Serious Earth won't really work unless you're already familiar with Batman stories and also they're absolutely not what fandom will be posting about. I mean, I'm not your mom, you can start there if you want, but I personally think they're pretty difficult places to start. Instead, if you want to get into what the fandom is into (which may be very different than what think pieces write about), instead I think it helps to find someone who knows comics reasonably well, ask them some questions you have about the lay of the land (ie, "So how do these Robins all work? Why are there so many of them?" is a question I answered for a friend recently because I love to talk about this stuff, most comic fans do!) and then get yourself some recs once you have a general idea of who's who and why they're going around as the costume they're in. (You can always ask me, too!  I'm happy to nerd out about helping gain traction with a lot of these things! I may not be able to answer finely detailed questions yet, but I can give you a bird's eye view that'll get you on your feet, too.) You'll also want to get an idea of what era you want to read in, because there's this thing called the "New 52" (or Nu52) and it's kind of a line in the sand, a "before" and "after" that's helpful to keep in mind whether or not something "happened" to the character. So, in 2011, after many many decades of convoluted comics history, DC decided that they wanted to completely reboot their entire universe so that new readers could jump on and not have to read a thousand backissues from the 70s and 80s or earlier.  All existing books were cancelled and an all new lineup of 52 different comic series were announced--hence, Nu52. In theory, an idea with potential! The problem was that they gave too much free reign to the creators and not nearly enough collaboration, so nobody knew what was still part of a character’s backstory and nobody knew what anyone else was writing. And it cut out a lot of elements of the stories that people were really invested in, so despite the initial splash it made, sales slowly dropped and dropped because people just didn’t care. So, what does DC do?  Basically, since then they’ve had company-wide events that have been slowly chipping away at the divide between the “before” the Nu52 and the current storyline, that they’ve had multiverse-level events that have absorbed some of people’s favorite stuff back into the storyline, so some stuff now has happened again. And that makes it extremely confusing to just pick up an issue of a comic and know whether something “counts” or not, so you kind of just have to roll with things and understand that there is no one “true” canon set of events, it’s constantly shifting, and you just gotta read for the things you enjoyed reading. That’s kind of a high bar for entry and I hope this isn’t scaring you off, it’s genuinely an attempt to explain the lay of the land so you know what to expect when you pick something up and can enjoy it for what it is!  Once you get a feel for the set-up, I think it’s really easy to just pick up any comic at any time and start reading! I’m assuming there’s a fair amount of basic cultural osmosis for Batman, but if anyone needs a 101 course, let me know!  In the meantime, this list of recommendations will assume that you’re familiar with things like, “Dick Grayson is the first Robin after his parents are murdered, but eventually Bruce fires him because Dick got shot by the Joker, then eventually he became Nightwing and now he and Bruce have a complicated but generally good relationship, nobody holds the family together like Dick Grayson does.” or “Jason Todd was the second Robin and he died, but then Superboy Prime punched reality so hard that Jason was jolted back to life (or at least that’s the version I go with, I don’t care for the one where Talia dug up his lifeless body) and he was real mad about it for awhile but he’s getting better” or “Tim Drake was the cutest super genius stalker who ever was and he’s got his issues but also I love him DC LET HIM KISS CONNER YOU COWARDS” or “Damian was raised by his mother in the League of Assassins and that fucked baby bird up pretty good until Dick took Damian under his wing to be the Robin to his Batman for awhile and showed him that Damian didn’t have to prove himself to be worthy of being loved, he was loved just because he was Damian, not because he was a Wayne or an al Ghul, and the others are coming around, but those two will always be the most special to each other”. Some good places to start imo: (Note:  Pay attention to year numbers and authors, because many of these titles have earlier runs that are not the ones I’m recommending as good starting points!) - Robin & Batman (2021) by Jeff Lemire, a three-issue mini series set during the early days of Dick’s training, when he and Bruce are still getting the hang of understanding each other, featuring some truly gut-wrenching emotional moments and absolutely stunning art. - World’s Finest 2022-current by Mark Waid, an on-going series of Batman and Superman working together and being friends, the current volume is set during the young-ish days of Dick being Robin and it’s utter joy so far, so many good moments of Dick and Clark bonding by being the most annoying people Bruce has ever had to work with. - Robins: Being Robin by Tim Seeley, a mini-series where the various Robins (Dick, Jason, Tim, Stephanie, and Damian) are all working together on a case that’s tied up in the story of the role of Robin, featuring some top-tier sibling dynamics that had me howling with how much I love these idiots and a story I genuinely liked. - Nightwing vol 4 2016-current, started by Tim Seely, currently by Tom Taylor, which skips over a lot of the timeline, but I think it’s a better starting place.  Dick’s solo title is usually pretty entertaining for me (and I do like the previous volume, from 2011-2014, but I think the 2016 one is a better starting place) and is has some absolutely gorgeous art and a good amount of Dick working with other superheroes that are friends and/or family.  The writing is fun, charismatic, and just a good ride.  (The wiki has a list of trade paperback collections with their titles to read them in story chunks instead of flinging yourself at individual issues.)  You can also start with “Leaping into the Light” if you want to read something more current and skip over some of the middle issues that are a bit of a slog.  (The 50s to the 70s are not the greatest time on this run.) - “Court of Owls” and “City of Owls” by Scott Snyder are from across various Bat-related titles (like Batman and Nightwing and Batgirl and such) and you can find the two collections/tpbs under the quoted titles.  I’m currently reading this one so I can’t comment on the whole thing, but I’m enjoying the interaction between all the various Bat-family members immensely and it has a really strong story at the center of it, and it’s just a solid place to start for stories in this universe, rather than just characters. - “Batman and the Night of the Monster Men” by various authors is another tpb with a self-contained story that’s kind of wild (comic book logic is basically “Wheeeeee!”) but had some excellent Batfamily interactions and some fun fights against giant monsters, and was an all-around self-contained good time. - “Batman: Cold Days” by Tom King (from the Batman series) is probably a bit of a controversial rec, I know so many people who dislike King’s writing, but I had an amazing time with this book, because it’s the lead-up to Dick getting shot in the head, so there’s extra emphasis on his interactions with Bruce, to really rub salt in the wound of how necessary this kid is to Bruce’s life.  Only background context you really need is: Bruce and his long-time love interest Selina were about to finally get married, but she stood him up at the altar for various reasons, and he’s in a dark place because of this.  Dick comes along to annoy Bruce into a better mood, but one of Batman’s villains is trying to destabilize him so that he can take over Gotham and Nightwing is fucking up his plans by making Batman too stable, so he has KGBeast shoot Nightwing in the head (which will lead to Dick’s amnesia arc, which is not the greatest time for us readers), and the emotional stuff of it was great.  Includes flashbacks to Dick’s early days in Wayne Manor that were really good for me.  (I also enjoyed “Batman: The Rules of Engagement” by the same author, set just before Bruce and Selina’s marriage, it’s the run up to it, and it had a lot of great family interaction stuff, including Selina’s take on how she loves Bruce in a way that really sold it for me.) And a final semi-rec:  While the characterizations might differ a little and the dynamics aren’t a 1:1 match for the comics, the Young Justice animated series from 2010 was a lot of fun, included some great characters, had some genuinely good stories, and you can actually watch it in order!
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ultrameganicolaokay · 8 months
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Animal Pound #1 by Tom King, Peter Gross and Tamra Bonvillain. Cover by Gross. Variant covers by (2) Yuko Shimizu, (3) Gabriel H. Walta and (4) Bill Sienkiewicz. Out in December.
"When animals grow tired of being caged, killed, and sold off-it's only a matter of time before they've had enough… When an uprising puts a pound in control of the animals, they quickly find themselves as comrades, united against everything that walks on two legs. But with this newfound power comes a sudden challenge: how best to lay the groundwork for this new democracy as they write their first constitution! Discover an epic graphic storytelling event from celebrated New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-winning writer Tom King (The Human Target, Love Everlasting) and New York Times bestselling, Eisner Award-nominated artist Peter Gross (American Jesus, The Books of Magic). King and Gross collaborate for the first time ever to bring this enduring Orwellian allegory to life for the 21st Century."
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mariacallous · 6 months
Henry Kissinger, the former secretary of state and national security advisor who died on 29 November, lived out the latter part of his life among celebrities and hangers on, basking in a curious prestige that overshadowed his war crimes and the amoral support he proffered to fascist dictators. Indeed, until his final days Kissinger was able to command a large and sycophantic audience wherever he went - an audience that included influential journalists and scholars, former presidents and presidential candidates as well as various other powerful figures.
Proximity to power invariably exhibits its own gravitational pull. But much of the reverence afforded to ‘Dr’ Kissinger is a product of the Kissinger Myth, a carefully constructed tale of strategic genius said to have taken place while he was at the helm of one of the most powerful offices in America. The myth has been propagated by Kissinger himself and by countless others. The late historian Tony Judt summed the Myth up succinctly some fifteen years ago:
‘We found the world in a mess, [the Kissinger Myth] says: the cold war still frozen, the US trapped in a hopeless war in Southeast Asia, incoherent and contradictory American alliances and dealings with allies and enemies alike. In six short years we executed two truly radical departures: the opening to China and détente and arms agreements with the Soviet Union. We extricated the country from its Asian imbroglio, we propounded the “Nixon doctrine” whereby the US would support foreign allies without getting militarily embroiled in local conflicts, we set in place the basis for Middle Eastern dialogue, we established enduring personal and institutional relations with foreign statesmen, and we laid the groundwork for the great changes of the decades to come.’
Not all of this is without merit (as Judt notes). The opening of American diplomacy to China as well as arms control agreements with the Soviet Union may be seen as significant foreign policy achievements. But when setting those achievements against the carnival of violence that Kissinger unleashed on the world - indiscriminately raining bombs on civilian populations and pursuing policies whose bills would fall due in subsequent years - his record looks far less impressive. The illegal bombing of Cambodia was accurately described by William Bundy, foreign affairs advisor to presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson (and himself an architect of the Vietnam war), as‘a black page in the history of American foreign policy’. During the 3,600 B-52 bombing raids carried out in Cambodia over a four year period (and kept hidden from Congress) hundreds of thousands of civilians were killed. This ‘grand strategic thinking’ on the part of Kissinger - together with Nixon and Alexander Haig - created the conditions in which the genocidal Khmer Rouge would come to power. It’s hard to look at this sequence of events without concluding that Kissingerian realpolitik failed on its own terms.
Of course the biggest myth of all holds that Kissinger, by his strategic genius, brought about an end to the Vietnam war through the Paris settlement of 1973. This is an inversion of actual events. We now know that Nixon and Kissinger deliberately prolonged the war in order to trumpet their own peace deal - a deal they oversold to the American public and which subsequently unravelled soon after as South Vietnam fell to the Communists. Again, not exactly a resounding victory for grand strategic thinking.
The stated aim of such policies was (often enough) to prevent smaller nations from ‘going communist’. Nowhere did this policy bear as much rotten fruit as in Latin America. In the late 1970s human rights groups estimate that nearly 30,000 people were ‘disappeared’ by the American-backed junta of Jorge Videla in Argentina (in collaboration, predictably, with the hierarchy of the Catholic Church). Victims of the regime reported seeing swastikas and pictures of Hitler on the walls of their torture chambers. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger granted $50,000,000 in security assistance to the junta. “If there are things that have to be done, you should do them quickly,” Kissinger told Argentina’s foreign minister. He would later inform the junta that it had done ‘an outstanding job in wiping out terrorist forces’.
Nearly a decade earlier Nixon and Kissinger had helped an equally revolting cabal of military officers to overthrow Chile’s democratically elected Socialist president Salvador Allende. Kissinger played a direct role in a plan that involved the kidnap and subsequent killing of Gen René Schneider, the conservative head of the Chilean armed forces who had pledged to stay loyal to the Chilean constitution. Following General Pinochet’s subsequence coup, 17 years of fascist rule would follow in which thousands of innocent people were murdered, tortured and imprisoned by the military dictatorship. Unsurprisingly the Chilean ambassador to the United States greeted Kissinger’s death with a show of contempt: Kissinger, he wrote on Twitter (X), was ‘a man whose historical brilliance never managed to hide his profound moral wretchedness’.
Support under Nixon and Kissinger for the Shah of Iran had a similarly baleful affect on America’s reputation in the Middle East, while America’s influence over India is coloured to this day by that administration’s support for the Pakistan dictator Yahya Khan in 1971 as the latter violently suppressed riots in East Pakistan (which would culminate in the region breaking away and becoming Bangladesh). Such support was proffered to Pakistan on the basis that the latter was on good terms with China whereas India (one of Asia’s few democracies) was neutral and not sufficiently hostile toward the Soviet Union (‘Why is it our business how they govern themselves?’ asked Kissinger of Pakistan). Not only were 3 million Bengalis killed by the Pakistani junta, but as with so many of Kissinger’s ventures, the enterprise failed on its own terms: the US backed the wrong side and subsequent American leaders were dealt a hand of reduced influence in the region.
One also does well to remember that peripheral nations do not always remain peripheral. Venture south of the Rio Grande today and a suspicion of North American motivations still emanates from the democratic parliaments whose existence Kissingerian diplomacy was often a bloody impediment to. One reason the United States is finding it hard to get countries such as Brazil and Chile to support Ukraine against Russia is due to a deep well of suspicion that has some of its origins in the Kissinger years. Anti-Americanism in the region did not start with Kissinger and Nixon, but like a pair of arsonists they doused the fire with enormous quantities of combustible fluid.
Big power politics - and the contempt for small states and ordinary people that flows from it - is not the preserve of the right. In recent times sections of the left have taken to viewing the world through the prism of ‘spheres of influence’ and big power blocs. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022 both the reactionary right and the isolationist left rushed to giddily cite the ‘realist’ scholar John Mearsheimer. Russian aggression was the West’s fault for attempting to ‘move Ukraine out of Russia’s orbit’, as Mearsheimer had written. Whose ‘orbit’ the Ukrainians themselves wished to be in was considered immaterial. The beauty of realist theory is that such concerns - considered beneath the purview of the sweeping strategic calculus - may be loftily brushed aside.
While Kissinger gave American backing to dictatorships and death squads - in places including but not limited to Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay and Brazil - he did so under the guise of eradicating ‘Communists’ and ‘terrorists’. Yet Kissinger was more than happy to cosy up to Mao Tse-tung and side with his hardline successors as they butchered thousands of students in Tiananmen Square (hosing their remains down nearby drains). ‘Since no government in the world would have tolerated having the main square of its capital occupied, a crackdown was therefore inevitable,’ wrote Kissinger, the mythical foe of dictatorial Communism. While Mikhail Gorbachev was opening up the Soviet Union to his ‘new thinking’, Kissinger steadfastly sides with Beijing’s unreconstructed Stalinists.
Kissinger effectively became a paid asset to China in later life. The increasingly toad-like Kissinger would show up regularly in Beijing, squatting next to some Stalinist gargoyle who’d taken the afternoon off from sending people to forced labour camps. This dynamic had been set in motion much earlier. The former assistant secretary of state Richard H. Solomon described Kissinger’s memoirs as ‘replete with almost awestruck recollections of the personal escorts, elaborate tours, and lavish banquets meticulously arranged by his Chinese hosts during his nine visits between 1971 and 1976’.
The fawning eulogies to Kissinger are I suspect a reflex action; some people can’t help but transform into a pool of sycophantic mush when they fall into the slipstream of a powerful individual. It is not a conscious or calculated thing so much as a product of a certain sensibility. The merest whiff of power and status and the cliches start to roll off the tongue in a great torrent. Here we have ascended the soaring peaks of what is sometimes called ‘civility’ politics.
I suppose this was inevitable. After all if you accept that Kissinger was a monster a lot of your other assumptions about the world will necessarily unravel. And so you cling faithfully to the shore, mechanically disgorging a few carefully road-tested pieties at the appropriate time. Kissinger meanwhile goes back to the dust from whence he came, the dust to which his victims long ago returned. In a just universe they would be there waiting for him, the little people contemptuously written out of history by the Historical Giant™. In our imperfect version it falls to the living to try to drown out the ingratiating wail of Henry Kissinger’s sycophantic hangers on. We owe that much to his victims at least.
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theroyalsandi · 2 months
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British Royal Family - The Duchess of Edinburgh on behalf of King Charles III, watch the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace with France's Gendarmerie's Garde Republicaine taking part to commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Entente Cordiale - the historic diplomatic agreement between Britain and France which laid the groundwork for their collaboration in both world wars in London, England. (Photo by Victoria Jones) | April 8, 2024
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science-sculpt · 2 months
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A snip, a splice : Power of rDNA Technology
Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), the blueprint of life, holds the secrets to the intricate workings of every living organism. But what if we could manipulate this blueprint, adding, removing, or tweaking its code? This revolutionary concept forms the core of recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology, a powerful tool that has transformed biology and medicine.
The story starts in the early 1970s with two brilliant scientists; Stanley Cohen at Stanford University and Herbert Boyer at the University of California, San Francisco. Cohen, a microbiologist, had been studying plasmids – small circular DNA molecules found in bacteria. Boyer, a biochemist, was an expert on restriction enzymes – molecular scissors that could cut DNA at specific sequences. Their collaboration proved groundbreaking. They envisioned combining these tools to create the first ever recombinant DNA molecule. Cohen provided the plasmids, which would act as vectors to carry foreign DNA into host cells. Boyer, on the other hand, used restriction enzymes to cut both the plasmid and the desired foreign DNA, allowing them to be pieced together. Through meticulous experimentation, they successfully created the first recombinant DNA molecule, forever altering the course of biology.
Cohen and Boyer's work wouldn't have been possible without the earlier discoveries of restriction enzymes. These "molecular scissors" were independently identified by three separate research groups in the 1960s. Werner Arber in Switzerland, along with Hamilton Smith and Daniel Nathans in the US, unraveled the role of restriction enzymes in bacterial defense mechanisms. These enzymes helped bacteria defend against invading viruses by cutting up their foreign DNA. Recognizing the potential of these "genetic scalpels," the groundwork was laid for their application in rDNA technology.
Here's a simplified breakdown of the rDNA process:
Isolation of DNA: The journey starts with isolating DNA from a donor organism.
Cleavage with Restriction Enzymes: Specific enzymes cut the DNA at defined sequences.
Selection of Vector: A carrier molecule (often a plasmid) is chosen to transport the recombinant DNA.
Ligation: The DNA fragments and vector are stitched together using DNA ligase, an enzyme.
Transformation: The recombinant DNA enters a host cell (usually bacteria or yeast).
Selection and Expression: The transformed cells are selected, and the gene of interest is expressed, leading to the desired protein production.
Since its inception, rDNA technology has played a pivotal role in several groundbreaking advancements. Let's take a whirlwind tour through some of the most significant moments in R-DNA history:
1978: Birth of Insulin on the Factory Floor: Scientists achieved a feat of genetic engineering by using R-DNA to produce human insulin in bacteria. This marked a turning point for diabetics, offering a readily available and more consistent source of this life-saving hormone.
1980s: Gene Wars and the Rise of GMOs: The 1980s saw the development of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Plants were engineered with genes for insect resistance or herbicide tolerance, sparking debates about the safety and ethics of this technology. R-DNA research continues to be at the forefront of discussions regarding genetically modified foods.
1990s: The Human Genome Project Sets Sail: This ambitious international project aimed to sequence the entire human genome. R-DNA techniques played a crucial role in deciphering the 3 billion letters of our genetic code, opening doors for personalized medicine and a deeper understanding of human health and disease.
2000s: Gene Therapy Takes Center Stage: The first successful gene therapy trials for inherited diseases like severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) took place. R-DNA technology offered a glimmer of hope for treating genetic disorders by introducing healthy genes to replace defective ones.
2010s and Beyond: CRISPR Takes Over: The emergence of CRISPR-Cas9, a revolutionary gene editing tool based on R-DNA principles, has ushered in a new era of genetic manipulation. With unprecedented precision, scientists can now edit genes in various organisms, holding immense potential for gene therapy, crop improvement, and even the eradication of diseases.
But with great power comes great responsibility, and R-DNA raises a host of ethical concerns.Tinkering with the building blocks of life carries the risk of unintended consequences. Engineered genes could escape and disrupt ecosystems, or modified organisms could have unforeseen health effects. The ability to edit human genes opens the door to designer babies, raising questions about social equity and the potential misuse of the technology for eugenics.
Who Controls the Tools? Access to R-DNA technology could be restricted to wealthy nations or corporations, exacerbating existing inequalities. Biosecurity is also a concern, as the technology could be misused for bioterrorism. Creating entirely new organisms forces us to confront what it means to be "natural." Should we modify plants and animals for human benefit, or preserve their original forms? R-DNA technology is a powerful tool, and we must have open discussions about its ethical implications. Scientists, policymakers, and the public all need to be involved in shaping the future of this technology. As we move forward, open dialogue and collaboration between scientists, policymakers, and the public are crucial to ensure the safe and ethical application of this powerful technology.
The journey of rDNA technology is a testament to human ingenuity and its potential to reshape our world. From decoding the secrets of life to creating solutions for healthcare, agriculture, and beyond, rDNA technology continues to evolve, promising a future filled with exciting possibilities.
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Harnessing Stability and Prosperity: The Impact of the Moon in Taurus on Business and Finances
As an astrologer and business consultant, I understand the profound influence celestial movements can have on our professional lives. The Moon entering Taurus signifies a period of grounded stability and financial focus, offering valuable opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses alike to thrive. Taurus, an earth sign ruled by Venus, brings an energy of practicality, determination, and material abundance, making it an optimal time to assess and solidify your financial strategies.
During this transit, businesses may find themselves drawn to long-term investments and sustainable growth initiatives. Taurus encourages a steady, methodical approach to financial matters, emphasizing the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving lasting success. It’s a favorable time for cultivating relationships with clients and partners, as trust and reliability are highly valued under this influence.
To make the most of the Moon in Taurus transit, consider implementing the following tips:
Strengthen Financial Foundations: Take this opportunity to review your business finances meticulously. Create a budget, assess expenses, and establish realistic revenue goals. Focus on building a strong financial foundation that can withstand fluctuations and support long-term growth.
In today’s dynamic business landscape, it’s paramount to fortify your financial foundations by conducting a thorough review of your business finances. Utilize this opportune moment to meticulously analyze your cash flow, scrutinize expenses, and craft a comprehensive budget tailored to your unique needs and aspirations. Establishing realistic revenue goals is key to steering your business towards sustainable growth, ensuring it remains resilient against unforeseen challenges and fluctuations. By prioritizing the cultivation of a robust financial infrastructure, you lay the groundwork for long-term success and prosperity, empowering your business to thrive amidst an ever-evolving economic landscape.
Embrace Practicality in Decision-Making: Taurus encourages practicality and sound judgment. Before making any major business decisions, carefully weigh the risks and rewards, considering both short-term gains and long-term implications. Avoid impulsive actions and instead opt for strategies that prioritize stability and sustainability.
Embracing practicality in decision-making is imperative, especially under the influence of Taurus, which emphasizes grounded sensibility and deliberate action. Before venturing into any significant business decision, it’s crucial to meticulously assess the risks and rewards, taking into account both immediate benefits and long-term consequences. By prioritizing stability and sustainability over fleeting gains, you can steer clear of impulsive actions and instead opt for strategies that align with your overarching business objectives. This methodical approach not only mitigates potential pitfalls but also lays the groundwork for enduring success, ensuring that your business ventures thrive with steadfast resilience and foresight.
Cultivate a Sense of Security: Use this transit to instill confidence and security within your business operations. Offer reassurance to your team members and clients, emphasizing your commitment to their well-being and success. Building a sense of trust and reliability can foster loyalty and strengthen professional relationships.
During this transit, it’s opportune to cultivate a profound sense of security within your business ecosystem. Take proactive steps to bolster confidence and assurance among your team members and clients, demonstrating unwavering dedication to their welfare and prosperity. By fostering an environment of trust and reliability, you not only inspire loyalty but also fortify professional relationships, laying the groundwork for enduring collaboration and mutual growth. Investing in the cultivation of such security not only safeguards against uncertainties but also paves the way for sustainable success, fostering a resilient foundation upon which your business can thrive and flourish.
Focus on Quality Over Quantity: Taurus values quality and craftsmanship, making it an ideal time to focus on delivering exceptional products or services. Shift your focus towards providing value and excellence in everything you do, rather than chasing quantity or immediate gains. Investing in quality now can lead to long-term prosperity and customer satisfaction.
Amidst the influence of Taurus, prioritizing quality over quantity emerges as paramount. This period champions craftsmanship and excellence, urging businesses to redirect their efforts towards delivering unparalleled products or services. By shifting the focus from quantity-driven pursuits to prioritizing value and distinction, businesses can forge lasting connections with customers and clients, ensuring satisfaction and loyalty in the long run. Recognizing that investing in quality yields not only immediate gains but also lays the groundwork for sustained prosperity, this transit underscores the importance of upholding standards of excellence and integrity in all endeavors, fostering enduring success and fulfillment.
Appreciate the Beauty of Slow Growth: In a world often driven by speed and instant gratification, Taurus reminds us of the beauty of slow, steady growth. Embrace the process, knowing that every small step forward contributes to your ultimate success. Trust in your abilities and remain patient, knowing that your efforts will yield fruitful results in due time.
In the fast-paced landscape of today’s world, Taurus encourages us to embrace the beauty of slow, deliberate growth. Amidst a culture often fixated on immediate results and instant gratification, this transit serves as a poignant reminder to honor the journey and appreciate the incremental progress. By embracing the process and acknowledging that every small step forward contributes to our ultimate success, we cultivate a sense of patience and resilience. Trusting in our abilities and remaining steadfast in our pursuit, we align ourselves with the natural rhythm of growth, confident that our efforts will bear fruit in due time.
By harnessing the stabilizing energy of the Moon in Taurus, businesses can lay the groundwork for lasting prosperity and financial security. Embrace this transit as an opportunity to fortify your business strategies, cultivate valuable relationships, and pursue your goals with confidence and determination. With patience, perseverance, and a focus on quality, you can navigate this lunar influence with grace and emerge stronger and more prosperous than ever before.
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filmyfact · 4 months
Pathaan 2 Confirmed: Shah Rukh Khan to Start Filming in End of 2024
It’s official: Pathaan 2 Confirmed. Shah Rukh Khan would play Pathaan again in a follow-up, according to a new report. Apparently, the movie will start shooting later this year. According to rumors, Aditya Chopra directly collaborated with his team on the script and is laying the groundwork for larger confrontations in Pathaan 2, which may lead to further espionage flicks under the YRF label.
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murdereddoubt · 10 months
Sleep Token: A Mesmerizing Discography of Harmony and Depth
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In an era where musical cohesion and thematic storytelling within albums seem to have taken a backseat, Sleep Token emerges as a breath of fresh air. Their discography, consisting of "One," "Two," "Sundowning," "This Place Will Be Your Tomb," and "Take Me Back to Eden," stands as a testament to the band's unwavering commitment to crafting aural experiences that transcend the ordinary.
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The journey through Sleep Token's discography is akin to embarking on a profound spiritual odyssey. From the hauntingly ethereal "One" to the enigmatic "Two," the groundwork for their sonic universe is laid. However, it's in the final trilogy – the awe-inspiring progression from "Sundowning" to "This Place Will Be Your Tomb" and culminating in "Take Me Back to Eden" – that the band's genius truly shines.
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It's an experience like no other to listen to this trilogy in succession. The albums are woven with a meticulous thread, each song seamlessly transitioning into the next, creating a coherent narrative that's both immersive and captivating. It's a rarity in today's music landscape to find albums that not only possess individual standouts but also present a holistic journey where each track complements the others, all working together to amplify the overarching theme.
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At the heart of Sleep Token's captivating allure lies the extraordinary songwriting prowess of their enigmatic lead singer, Vessel. With an uncanny ability to delve deep into the recesses of human emotion, Vessel crafts lyrics that resonate on a profoundly personal level. His songwriting transcends conventional boundaries, exploring themes of spirituality, vulnerability, and the human experience with a poetic eloquence that leaves an indelible mark. The lyrical tapestries he weaves evoke a sense of introspection, drawing listeners into a world of intricate narratives and haunting melodies. Vessel's gift for storytelling, coupled with his literal emotive delivery, results in songs that not only captivate the ear but also touch the soul, leaving a lasting imprint that lingers long after the music fades.
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An integral facet that elevates Sleep Token's discography to unparalleled heights is the impeccable music production and audio engineering work contributed by the talents of Carl Brown from Treehouse Studios and George Lever of G1 Productions. Their collaborative efforts have played a pivotal role in bringing the band's vision to life, with every note and nuance meticulously crafted. The albums bear testament to their skilful touch, as each instrument resonates with clarity, and every whisper of Vessel's vocals is imbued with raw emotion. Brown and Lever's expertise acts as the invisible hand that guides the listener through the intricacies of Sleep Token's ethereal soundscapes, making the auditory journey as enchanting as it is immersive.
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When it comes to translating their studio brilliance into live performances, Sleep Token is nothing short of exceptional. The band's stage presence is mesmerizing, drawing the audience into their spellbinding world. Perhaps even more astonishing is the fact that Vessel's vocals remain untouched by the heavy hand of autotune or vocal correction software. His voice, heard live, is a mirror image of what you've come to adore from their recordings, showcasing the band's authenticity and musicianship.
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A noteworthy aspect of Sleep Token's artistry is their visual identity, thoughtfully brought to life recently by Alex Tillbrook Design. The graphics for their albums and merchandise resonate harmoniously with their musical essence. The attention to detail is evident, reflecting the band's commitment to a holistic experience that extends beyond just the auditory realm.
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In a musical landscape dominated by singles and fleeting trends, Sleep Token's discography stands as a masterpiece of cohesion, depth, and unadulterated passion. Their commitment to crafting albums that weave a seamless tapestry of themes and emotions harks back to a time when the 90s music scene was known for its dedication to storytelling through albums.
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I am deeply enamoured by the captivating allure of Sleep Token's enigmatic anonymity, a sentiment beautifully encapsulated in their profound statement, "Our identities are unimportant. Music is marketed on who is or isn't in a band; it's pushed, prodded, and molded into something it isn't. Vessel endeavours to keep the focus on His offerings." Within the realm of Sleep Token's music, the conventional fixation on individual personas is gracefully set aside, allowing the divine essence of their artistry to take center stage.
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This intentional detachment from personal identities enables a pure connection with their music, permitting listeners like yourself and myself to be swept away by the ethereal melodies without the distractions of the mundane world. As I immerse myself in the mystique of Sleep Token, I find solace in the idea that their music is an offering, a sacred creation meant to transcend the limitations of the known, inviting us to experience a profound and unifying journey guided solely by the resonating notes and unspoken emotions.
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As a dedicated listener, I can't help but yearn for the day when I can witness Sleep Token's magic on stage in person. The anticipation of their live performance is enough to send shivers down the spine. And as the music world eagerly awaits their future creations, there's a sense of excitement and curiosity about where their artistic journey will lead. Here's to hoping for a chance to witness Sleep Token's live magic and to eagerly awaiting the next chapter in their evolving musical saga 🥂.
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(All images taken from their facebook page and, my guess, by their touring photographer Adam Rossi)
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If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Hope I can produce an album of this magnitude some day. - worship - Murdered Doubt
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