#greenhouse garden glory <3
happyheidi · 1 year
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kelanapermana · 1 year
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A Day in My Life Edisi Bolos Kantor, haha.
dari zaman sekolah tempat favorit buat ngebolos kalau nggak perpus ya perpus lagi, haha nyaman buat tidur dan nggak bakalan ada yang liat juga, bahkan zaman kuliah kalau nggak dibangunin mungkin bakalan tidur di perpustakaan. bukan karna aku sangat suka baca, hanya saja disana nyaman. dan diusia dewasa ini nggak ada tempat buat lari seperti dulu, mau nggak mau yah gini bolos ke gramed dan yang pasti nggak bisa tidur 🤣.
anak zombie, aku suka dengan dongeng ini. dia hanya anak yang lahir cukup berbeda dan akhirnya di kunci dalam ruang bawah tanah, dia punya masalah. anak zombie ini tidak mudah kenyang bahkan sampai akhirnya melahab badan ibunya. harunya bahkan pada akhirnya dia bisa memeluk tubuh ibunya dan bilang "ternyata ibu hangat" dalam ilustrasinya anak zombie ini sedang menangis dan memeluk tubuh ibunya.
buku dongen ini cukup populer ya karna diangkat dalam drakor juga, banyak yang bilang maknanya anak ini mengambarkan rasa rakus manusia, atau ada yang lebih serem lagi, tapi bukannya karna anak ini hampa? dan mungkin rasa itu yang membuat dia menjadi sangat rakus untuk memenuhi hati ya? ibunya juga mungkin terlalu sayang dan takut untuk mendekat dan menyelami perasaan masing-masing, dalem banget sebenarnya untuk buku setipis ini.
aku hanya bisa baca sekilas, nggak enak sama mba-mas gramednya yang bolak balik yah cukup merasa diawasi, aku juga cukup lama disana kalau di gramed rasanya memang agak nggak tau diri tapi memang nyaman banget disana, dingin, wangi buku baru, dan instrumentalnya aku sukaaaaa.
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akhir cerita bakalan seru kalau bisa share apa yang aku baca tadi, bayangin punya temen yang bisa diajak duduk berdua disini, ngobrol apa aja perihal kantor atau isu apa aja, nggak harus kopi juga buat sama-sama menikmati sore hari di rooftop ini apa aja, dengan atau tanpa kafei, aku yakin akan tetap bersyukur dan melek' bener karna ada temen ngobrol ✨ semoga satu dua hari ketemu orangnya 🤣🙏
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tremendum · 6 months
Setting the Mood ; Mr. Miller vii
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[not my gif] pairing: joel miller x fem!reader (afab, some use of she/her, use of the words girl/woman) rating: explicit. [18+. mdni] word count: 10k summary:  ❝Joel's warming up to you in the way that feral cats warm up to a box with blankets in winter - cautiously, with a rigid spine and many false alarms.❞ warnings: power outage, one mention of cobwebs lol, smut - oral (f!receiving), nipple play, teasing, overstimulation, anal fingering (brief sorry), face sitting, pussy slapping!!!, tit slapping (once), begging, choking (light), fingering, rough sex, praise, dacryphilia, degradation, threats of using sex toys, Joel is less mean than normal, pussy drunk Joel!, squirting, brief mentions of guns/canon typical trauma and violence. also fairly fluffy. emotionally constipated joel and reader <3 notes: thank u all for ur patience & here's the next part! and Joel is a MUNCHHH in this one lol. special thanks to the anon who recently sent me such kind words about this series, as well as the other anon who gave me the inspiration & all the suggestions for this fic!!! this one's for u guys <3 [this is part seven of the Mr. Miller series.] [masterlist]
[important - this is the last fic that will be using my taglist. moving on, I've made a notifs blog - @tremendumnotifs - for ppl to follow for notifications. tysm!!] ★  
"'s gettin' dark out there." Joel broods, eyebrow furrowed as he stares out the window into the dreary wink of evening, a dark gray clouding the sky as sheets of rain slam onto the pavement and pelt onto the gardens lining the block. "stormy." 
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you can't help but quirk your brow as you take in his worried form, the way he peels back the curtains like a wartime wife awaiting a letter or a figure appearing in the driveway. you have to fight back a laugh, instead putting on a straight face as you lean towards him, capturing his gaze. 
"she's handled worse." is all you say, giving him a shrug - one that's met with a glare. "I know." he retorts, voice soured; a clench of a jaw before he turns back out, brooding, sighing, gritting his teeth. okay then. 
you shift yourself, plopping heavily onto the couch - you're still not used to being in this house, even in its simple glory. Joel's boots, muddy by the door, Ellie's drawings littering the walls like little trophies Joel silently boasts about - none of them have frames, though you decide in a better world, they probably would. empty mugs of half-drank coffee on the counter next to the sink, a discarded hand knife on the dining table. 
it's almost a complete mirror of your current house - with a tickling thrill, you'd realized this faintly the first time Joel'd thrown you onto the ground in his foyer months ago. he's since grown gentler with the way he handles you, at least, when he wants to. 
even now - his tolerance, vastly expansive compared to months ago when a breath in his direction would cause a snarl within a second. now, he even initiates conversations - not often, but enough for you to feel like, at some point, things did change with him. Joel's warming up to you in the way that feral cats warm up to a box with blankets in winter - cautiously, with a rigid spine and many false alarms. 
you don't particularly mind, either - Ellie and Dina have been helping you with the winter garden greenhouses a lot, and even Joel has stopped by on his way back from patrols to check in, lingering with glares or stares depending on his mood. he even came over to help you try and fix your porch steps leading to the backyard - free of charge, though you sent him home with some of the biscuits you'd made earlier that day. 
you still get on each other's nerves - snide remarks, passes at the other's intelligence or capability. Joel criticizes you nearly every chance he gets, but you've come to decide it's a defense mechanism and not entirely in his full control. you, similarly, tease him every moment you can for his dramatics, but suddenly clam up and scamper away at any semblance of feelings or emotion. he always lets you come back though, without any mention of it. 
"are you seriously worried about her?" you ask, sighing gently. you see the uptick in his brow when he looks at you, but you quickly follow up - "because we can go find her." you add, softer.
his jaw loosens slightly and he sighs heavy. "no, 's fine. I know she's at Dina's. just bein' dramatic." 
you shoot him a look with your brows raised - no shit, Joel - but the withering look he gives you shuts your trap before you can go and run your mouth.
so you let him relax in his own way - pacing in near silence for several minutes before he stops, makes an internal decision to pour you and him each a finger of some amber whisky, and then drains it all in one go. you opt to sip yours.
the wind is what has you in a disturbed state - it howls louder in the basin of this valley than it ever has before in your life; screaming down the streets, blowing through the rush of firs that line the outskirts of downtown. and now, it uses its immense force to slam weeping drops of precipitation into the gardens hard enough to form bits of cold hail - a threat which, had it not been twenty years into the end of humanity, would likely still put gardeners to their beds with a curse to Demeter. 
but now, circumstances are a bit more dire. losing crops, especially at this time of year, could be fatal. 
"y'done with that?" his voice pulls you from your thoughts, looking up to see him standing above where you perch on the couch, gesturing to the towel in your lap. you blink, nodding, "-oh. yes, I am, thanks." 
you use one last handful to scrunch up your wet hair, handing him the towel expectantly - but he stays rooted just in front of you, eyes staring unblinkingly at you. a sense of warmth floods through you, starting in your face and spreading over your chest and abdomen. his eyes are softer than they usually are; you lift a brow, his dark gaze unmoving. "something on my face, Miller?" you ask, lifting a brow. it's snappy - you don't necessarily intend it to be, but you can never tell with him. 
he blinks, grabbing the towel from your hands which he'd provided for you when you'd arrived, sending you a grave look. "don't you start with me." he snaps back, turning to walk off towards the laundry room. the room, you think with foolish butterflies, where your jacket hangs up with its orange, janky stitching over the right side to dry. in some ways, a mark of Joel Miller. you smile down to yourself, staring at the spot he'd just stood. 
you swallow your thoughts. you were here for a reason - not to get distracted, but to make a cake for Ellie. Joel had asked you a few days ago to help him bake a cake - for no apparent reason, you don't think her birthday is anytime soon - you'd agreed because, aside from the fact that there's little you wouldn't do for the girl, you haven't baked one in a long time and the lavender you'd grown last summer and dried is begging to be used in a cake batter.
"we need to get started soon!" you call out, shifting slightly to try and find his concealed body somewhere in the house. a faint call of his gruff voice responds to you, but you can barely hear through the onslaught of rain outside; suddenly, and with a careless flicker, the lights all shut off. 
the whirring of heating stops, too, until everything is dark and silent.
you stare with shock, blinking in the dark - the house is silhouetted by the darkening sky, plagued already by thunderclouds. fuck. 
"Joel?" you call out, rising on your feet to find him - you remember him mentioning in one of the first rounds of patrol with him - before anything, back when he really was just Tommy's brother - that he'd been some sort of handyman pre-apocalypse and so how the fuck has he just tripped the fusebox- 
you feel him before you see him, unfortunately. 
Joel, for all the time you've spent intimately knowing what his body feels like, shocks you every time by his sheer strength, the size of his shoulders and the broadness of his chest - especially when you slam into him in the dark. 
"fuck," you both chorus at the same time, you stumbling back and him likely rubbing his shoulder. you groan as you hit a thumbtack stuck in the wall with your head, rubbing the spot sorely in the dark. 
"the power's out." he states, irritation laced through his words. you roll your eyes, knowing it's unlikely he'll even see them in this light anyways.
"hadn't noticed."
your voice is flat and the silence that follows turns your face hot, taking a breath as you rock on your heels. "well I didn't do it." he states obviously, causing your brow to lift slightly until you look out to see through the muggy windows against the downpour that the whole block is out of power. damn weather. 
"found a flashlight." he clicks it on, the light faint and dying as he brushes a few cobwebs from his hand - you realize the flashlight must have been from before the outbreak, with the original owners. but then the light is illuminating in your face; your eyes squint and you bat it away from you with a hiss, glaring at the man in front of you. 
"what are you, a vampire?" he's holding in a laugh, you can hear it in his voice. you roll your eyes, "you tried to blind me, that was a perfectly acceptable reaction. besides, I'm sure the batteries in that thing are a second away from corroding. don't put that near me." 
he sighs, setting it beside him on some half-wall and you cross your arms. "suppose a guy like you probably doesn't have many candles, do you?" you ask, rocking on the balls of your feet - you really don't wish to spend the evening alone in your freezing house - nor in one that is completely dark. 
"do I seem like I'd have any candles?" he asks, equally as exasperated as you. you let out a frustrated groan, leaning against a wall and jumping when you poke your hip into a table you hadn't expected to be there. you ruminate for less than a second before perking up, gasping in a sharp way that has his hand finding your elbow in alarm.
you ignore the flip of your heart at the gesture, tilting your head instead. "I have some. at mine." you say, shifting on your feet. it looks borderline dangerous to go outside right now - as you look out, it must occur to Joel that he's still holding your elbow because he jerks as if to remove it, but instead slides his hand up to hold your shoulder. it makes your heart skip a beat and you scarcely move a muscle. 
Joel huffs a long-suffered sigh, before nodding. "let me get my boots." 
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getting to your house was less of a disaster than it should have been; Joel had the foresight to stuff a change of clothing into a bag after a brief argument about him not owning any umbrellas ('you don't have a fucking umbrella?' 'well pardon me for not havin' a Wal-Mart to stock up at during a fucking apocalypse.') and had held the lid of a trash bin above your heads as you ran, avoiding as much pelting hail as possible, to your front porch. you knew he was irritated - with the weather, with the fact that Ellie wasn't home, maybe even that you didn't get to make the cake - enough so that he wouldn't even make eye contact with you as you fumbled, fingers frozen and wet, for your key.
to your embarrassment, it's too stuck in the keyhole and your door wouldn't budge. it'd grown sticky and misshapen after the heat and sudden cold of winter, the frame wholly unfit to keep a functioning front door on its hinges.  
"for god's sakes, give me them." he snapped, pushing into the frame and snatching the keychain from you, tinkering until he was able to slam into the doorframe with a grunt and burst it open.
"we needa fix that." he observes, ridding himself of his boots as you slink into the dark house after him, your face hot at his automatic assumption that he would help you fix your doorframe. he hadn't been particularly happy about fixing the steps for you, but he'd done it without being asked.  
once you're rid of your wet coat and boots, you grab Joel's arm in the cold, dark space of your entry way and start to lead the two of you rather quickly up to your bathroom.  "where the hell do you keep these things?" he grumbles until you've fumbles your way into the master bath, feeling around in the dark under the cabinets and avoiding stray screws sticking out near the drainpipes; it occurs to you that perhaps you should saw them off. maybe you could bribe Joel into doing it for you when he comes round to fix the doorframe. 
seconds later you spin, holding up thick candles triumphantly, smirking as you shove three of them into his surprised arms. the lighting in your house is interrupted by the flash of lightning, flickering brightness over the dark porcelain tiles. "good thing we like to share, right Miller?" you smirk, grabbing the rest of the candles, eyeing the Epsom salt in a mason jar in the fading light, mentally noting to use that next time you take a bath.
he grunts at your words and you grin, shrugging. "what's mine is yours, right?" you ask sweetly.
 he gives you a look as you make your way to the main bedroom to grope around for a lighter or matches - you can feel his irritation starting to wane away, slowly trickling like the beginning of a stream. "when did I ever say somethin' like that?" 
you shrug with one shoulder, sending him a dark grin, "well you sure must've thought it that night when you invited yourself in to my bathroom." 
it's quiet aside from the storm - your stomach broils in anticipation, heat and some kind of arousal tickling at your guts. there's nothing you love more than irritating him.
you tilt your head, desperately wanting to add more, but not in the particular mood to start a real fight. 
Joel, at your words, doesn't get mad - instead he just stares on at you, much too silent, brooding.
his eyes swirl seductively, as if reliving that night in his head. you sure are - his stare, the way his eyes had trailed over your body, the soap slipping over your pert tits and just begging him to join you. in your mind, you leave out the blood and the wound from your stomach, the yelling from Joel and... well, everything that happened after that. 
his eyes trail over your body, getting stuck on the curves of your hips and breasts, before meeting you again. when he opens his mouth, the words are not what you'd expected. 
"this is too many candles for one woman to have in her bathroom." he grunts, shooting you a stern look that seems nearly sinister in the dark moonlight. the rain pours relentlessly on the roof and onto the windows, streaks in the reflection sliding down his broad chest. 
bending over to reach the matchbook on your dresser, you toss him a little grin, "never said they were just for me. believe it or not, I tend to enjoy setting the mood." 
his brows raise, setting the candles on the surfaces around him - two on the nightstand, one on the bench at the foot of the bed. you light each of them gently.
"set the mood." his voice is flat, twinging slightly with a hard jealousy that nearly has you floating. 
"that's right." you nod, lighting the candles with a gentle smirk. he hums, crossing his arms as you cross to his side, lighting the candles and avoiding his eyes, suddenly very aware of the central piece of furniture in the room - your bed - and the lack of any chairs or couches. 
"did you bring a lotta men into this room t'set the mood?" he asks suddenly, sending a wave of arousal through you. you hide your smirk as you turn back to him, illuminated by the flicker of candlelight. the implication of his words - did you - like he knows that you're only sleeping with him now. that he likes it that way. 
you nod, "only the nice ones." your voice is nearly a purr; his eyes are dark pools, widening in the abyss of desire that threatens to swallow you both whole. his hands find purchase on your hips as you tilt your head. 
"Ian?" he counters - both of you know the answer - but you don't mind leaning in to that curling, angry monster of jealousy that hides itself as indifference.
"maybe." you retort, leaning closer to him, tilting your head to keep eye contact. "it's always so much better when it seems romantic. they're not as selfish. less rough-" you see his eyes flicker when your hand coming to trail over his broad chest. "let me cum as much as I want." 
of course, this was a fib. there were scarce numbers of people you let into your bed as is - even fewer who ever made you cum at all. Joel surely knows this - but his hands tighten around you all the same. "s'that right?" he asks, head tilting down to stare deep into you. you swallow, nodding with a grin. "it was much more civilized. and they weren't afraid to ask me to drinks or to come have dinner." 
his smirk drops and, for a moment, a pang of guilt hits you; you hadn't meant to bring that up, in fact the prospect of going on a date with Joel scares you more than most things in the world - but he moves on quite quick. 
"how many times?" he says instead, cutting off your spiraling thoughts. your confusion must show on your visage; Joel tilts his head, staring at you sternly, expectantly. "how many times did he make you cum?" 
you blink, trying your best to continue your little white lie, but instead, your voice shakes out, "th-three." you admit. the smirk that curls under his stubble sends a flicker of dread through your gut - he's seeing straight through you.
you've cum three times with only one man - he's standing right in front of you, and he certainly knows it.
but he likes to play the game. so he nods, "okay, baby. three. I can beat three." he says simply, thumbs starting to rub slow circles into the skin exposed above your waistband. your cheeks heat, "wh-what?" you ask dumbly, watching the twitch of a grin that flickers across his skin in the dewy glow of the candlelight. 
he shrugs, "been dreamin' about tasting that pretty little cunt all week." 
your eyes widen - a hot coil of arousal swirls in your core as you stare up at him, wishing you'd swigged that whisky that lies over at Joel's in the dark like he had, if only for the courage. 
because mutely, you've realized this is the first time anything has been initiated between you without an argument - and by Joel, nonetheless. he seems almost bashful when you look back at him.
"why'd you wait this long, then?" you ask, trying to sound coy but instead sounding very aroused, out of breath. 
he lifts a coy brow. "waitin' for you to set the mood, I guess." 
you stare at him for a moment.
his eyes flicker in some foreign kind of shyness, and then it occurs to you; you nearly burst out in laughter. "-was that a joke?" 
your heart skips a beat when Joel lets out a small smile.
it's warm, syrupy - full of light. you nearly forget why you're laughing. "maybe. don't matter." 
he seems so soft, so shy - as if embarrassed that he's admitting how bad he's wanted you all week. like you haven't been the same way.
but you can't seem to let it go - "a joke, from crabby old Mr. Miller?" 
but you knew it'd come, using his name like that.
his hand is strong when he grabs your jaw, gentle but stern, and fighting his own smile - the smile lines around his eyes glowing and beautiful. you wish you got to see them more. 
"doll, I thought we've talked about bein' respectful." he lifts a brow and you nod, swallowing your laughs quickly as his hand squeezes on your cheeks. "now, we've made it look real nice in here, haven't we?" 
you take a moment before realizing he's waiting for an answer - you stand taller, nodding, "yes, sir." you agree, fighting the growing heat within you. 
he nods, "'s right. so I'll treat you real nice, just like the boys you talk about." he sneers, weakening your knees. he moves you both slowly toward the mattress, tilting his head, "do you want that?" 
does he even have to ask?
"yes, please, I want it." you agree, the desire to have him between your thighs growing unbearable. "we need'ya to come three times. you're going to count for me, aren't you?" 
you wish more than anything you could defy such saccharine, sweet condescension from the man in front of you - but you've always been weak for him and his cruel mouth. you nod, staring up at his dark eyes, letting him push you onto the mattress gently. you faintly wish you'd taken the time to make your bead neatly this morning - but the thought is pulled from you as you note Joel's sudden hesitation. you tilt your head, about to ask if he's okay, when he abruptly speaks. 
"you're so fuckin' pretty, darlin'." he says suddenly, looking at you with that exact stare from earlier on his couch; your heart flips as you stare up at him, swallowing. his hands come to your shoulders, moving until he's standing flush against the edge of the mattress, your thighs spread open for him to caress your neck gently. your heart pounds at the stark honesty of his words. 
"beautiful." he whispers, feather-light touches over your neck, your chest shuddering and breaths short, staring in silence. "d'you know that?" 
he's being uncharacteristically soft, and an inkling in your mind wonders if it's all a show - never would Joel Miller willingly be kind in such a manner. so giving, so... loving. 
that panic that often finds you in the more tender moments flares up. you swallow thickly, "are you gonna get to it, or just stand there and stare at me?" you snap, the panic rising at his words. 
his slow movements upon you stop, his eyes meeting yours sharply. something changes in him, a shift that is foreign and also familiar; as if snapping out of some trance and back into his original state.
"I'll do whatever the hell I want to." he snaps, "and you're gonna take it because I'm choosing to be nice to you." his voice is unforgiving - the cold tone with which you're used to. where you're safe, unafraid of what lies beneath tender caresses or words. "you hear me?" 
you swallow down heat, a pool leaking into your panties - you're unsure if it's the way he was softly caressing you or the roughness of his words - probably both. "yes, Joel." 
he lifts a brow, correcting you. "sir." 
you swallow, nodding. "yes, sir." he leans over, kissing the crown of your head gently. "that's good. now I don't want to hear another fucking word out of you unless you're counting for me." he stares down out you, skin glowing under the scruff of his facial hair light up by the glow of the candles. he nods at your silence, a small smirk. "always liked you better when you're fucked so stupid you can't get a word out, anyways." 
you don't dare speak, but you shoot him a withering glare, one that has him chuckling. "y'always act like such a brat, but you always end up doing what I tell you, don't you?" 
you stare at him, your heartbeat in your throat, sat below him with your neck craned up. he raises his brows, hand coming to caress your jaw, "yeah, you do." he nods, "pussy can't get enough, huh?" 
he's speaking in rhetorical, but you still want to slap him across the cheek.
you press your thighs closer but any kind of relief is prevented by his own legs as he stands between them. he leans forward, then, one hand pushing your jaw back until you're forced to look up to the ceiling; his other, snaking around your hips to thumb at the hem of your top. 
his breath is hot as it hits your earlobe. "s'okay, I can't get enough of this pussy, either." he whispers, teeth nipping at your soft skin.
you sharply exhale as his hands tug on your top, releasing the looser buttons until it's held by only two of them, near your collarbones. he hums lowly, fingers rising to undo them himself. your skin is a wasteland of goosebumps, anxiously waiting for his touch. 
he groans when you let the top slide off of you, your bare chest glowing alight by the candles. his eyes swallow you whole, amiring every part of you; your face burns warm, even as his hand trails one light finger down, over the swell of your left breast and brushing against your perked nipple. 
"knew you weren't wearin' a bra." he grunts, his teeth scraping over your throat, "saw it the moment y'walked through my door. sat all pretty on my couch, teasin' me in this top." he growls, hands sliding over your shoulders to grope at your breasts. 
you let out a sudden sigh - you hadn't noticed the baited breath that'd been held in your lungs the moment Joel'd pushed you onto the bed - you feel about to burst with need, your eyes pleading up at him. "sounds like you were just lookin' for it." you snap, eyes narrowing as you grow unwilling to play such games with Joel. 
he wastes no precious moment; the smack is delivered light and playful to your right breast, stinging in pleasure as you gasp in a breath. his hand soothes over it even as he sneers in your face, leaning into your space, "did I tell you you could speak?" 
you glare defiantly, "I thought we'd established by now that you always let me get what I want. you might even want it more than I do." 
his hand finds its old home against your throat; holding you towards him, not restricting your airway but claiming you anyways. you feel another gush of arousal at the move, his eyes glaring into you. "oh, you'll get what you want, sweetheart." he says, voice holding no kindness, but an ominous amount of sincerity. "gonna be real nice to ya. all you're gonna do is sit here and look pretty. can you count to three?" he asks, voice rude. you glare back at him, "obviously." 
he smirks, "we'll see." 
and then he starts. 
you aren't sure what you expected, but Joel wasn't lying when he said he was going to treat you nice. caresses over your skin, growing clammier by the minute- his clothes, still on and still wet from the downpour, sticking to his broad shoulders and expanse of his chest. his lips pepper over your neck, your jawline, teasing the corners of your mouth and releasing a cacophony of butterflies before dipping back down to your chest. 
his hands are so large, gentle and intentional as they slide over the warmth of your skin. "pretty girl." he mutters, leaning so that one knee corners you, pushing you backwards until you're laying back on the mattress. you shutter a gasp as his thumbs and forefingers find your nipples, thumbing over them and sending currents of pleasure through you. 
your whimpers and soft gasps are swallowed up by the sound of the storm against the roof, the cold house warming up by the second. he watches with lidded eyelids as his fingers twist your nipple, eliciting a sharp gasp of pain from you, pleasure blossoming through your body. you squirm, but he soon grows impatient, standing back and grabbing onto your ankles, tugging you towards the edge of the bed. 
"keepin' all these slutty candles around, huh? how long you've been wanting to use these with me?" he asks gently, his fingers fumbling with your waistband. you help him, shoving them down your legs along with your panties, tossing them to his left. 
"the candles aren't the ones that are slutty." you gasp as he pulls you closer to his hips, lifting you slightly of the mattress. his hard cock, separated from your yearning cunt by his denim, presses deliciously into you. he actually laughs at this; a shake of his head and a flutter of his eyelashes. "y'got that right." 
he doesn't tease you like you'd expected - no, instead one finger circles your slit, gathering the sopping slick that leaks from you before gently sliding into your desperate heat. 
you mewl loudly, eyes scrunching shut in pleasure. his finger is thick, warm; curling slightly as he slowly thrusts it into you. he hums lowly, one hand lowering you to the mattress then sliding up your skin to palm at your tits - they're stained with a few lovebites, brazen and still lined with excess of Joel's spit. it makes you shiver in pleasure. "that's it, baby." he growls lowly, "tight, real tight for me." sweat lines your brow as a low coil grows in your abdomen. 
you nearly speak out of sheer habit several times, jolting when he hits your sweet spot repeatedly, hand flying to his hair and holding tight; he groans at that, deep and sweet. your eyes fall to his bulge and your hands move to palm him eagerly; he hisses in pleasure but the fingers not inside you catch your hands.
"not right now, sweetheart. not gon' be selfish, right? 's all about you." 
when he adds a second finger, you're already squirming, regretting your doubt that he'd tease you. he's excruciatingly slow, gentle - his hand slides up to hold you by the throat, pushing you against your mattress as he starts to curl his fingers, thrusting harder. 
you moan deeply as he finds your spot; your clit aches, neglected and throbbing, and your hand almost moves to relieve yourself before you second guess yourself and remain with your hands on his bicep.
you sigh, eyes rolling back as he fucks his fingers into you, wishing more than anything that his mouth was on you. or his cock in you.
his hand is a steady warmth against your throat and you know he can likely feel all the failed words and moans as they die out in your throat. he grins, fucking you steady with two fingers, "is there somethin' you wanna say, baby?" he asks, feigning genuine concern. 
you groan out in frustration, that hot simmer growing as pleasure streaks through you. you glare at him, surely an amusing sight with the tears of frustration in your eyes. he tuts, pouting lightly. "c'mon, you can say it." 
you swallow thickly at his permission, his hand peeling away from your throat momentarily to caress your jawline with his thumb. "use- use your mouth. please," you gasp, desperate as you move your hips against his fingers. he hums, "what, y'can't cum like this?" he asks, his fingers starting to pick up their pace. you grip his forearm and neck, gasping as your back arches from the mattress. 
his fingers drag over your slick channels, the noise of your pleasure echoing as you nod, face crumpling in ecstasy. "fuck," you whimper, tugging on the nape of his neck. 
he smiles, a dark thing in the dim light. "bet you can. let's see it, sweetheart." 
you groan as the pad of his thumb finds your swollen clit; explosions of light appear behind your eyelids as he adds a third finger, his thumb rubbing circles around your sensitive bud. 
his hand leaves your throat to press against your stomach; "y'feel that, darlin'?"
the pressure nearly pushes you over the edge, your thighs shaking as you grab for the bedsheets, hands leaving Joel in the shock of your nearing orgasm.
the noises echo in your ears as his pace picks up impressively; your knees shake as they start to close, your muscles seizing in pleasure. your whine is higher than normal as you squeeze around his fingers, white hot pleasure spreading. 
you cum with your head tossed back, legs closing tightly as one of his hands tries to pry them open, fingers fucking you through your high.
you pulse, riding your high with stuttered breaths, fingers twisted into the sheets as he pumps his own into you languidly. 
you remember wryly what Joel had asked of you, and you croak through a dry throat, "o-one."
you feel a huff of breath against your cheek before he hums. "that's good, baby." he murmurs, watching your cunt twitch, your arousal leaking out of you around his fingers.
you moan lowly as his fingers leave you, rising to his own lips to taste you; his eyes stay on yours as he palms himself lightly. you eagerly swallow, shifting your hips towards where he stands. yes, you need him in you-
he shakes his head at you as throws your legs away from him - you watch in shock as he starts to move. he pulls himself onto the mattress, laying upon your pillows, looking at you expectantly. "c'mere, baby." he mutters.
you blink at him, seeing his expression and slowly crawling to straddle him. your clit bumps against the denim of his crotch as you slowly rolls your hips over his, his straining cock delicious against you. 
his hands find your hips and force your movements to halt with a strong grip. you stare at him, feeling embarrassed and confused, unsure what he wants. 
he shoots you a look when you try to press yourself against him again, his fingers digging into your hips- "if y'think I'm fucking you tonight, you've clearly misunderstood."
your face must drain of blood as you stare at him, heartbeat pounding in your chest as you squirm. he moves down slightly, nodding upwards towards the top of your bedframe. "c'mere. and hold onto the edge if you can't handle it." 
with a shaky breath and butterflies in your chest, you let him guide you upwards, until you're hovering over his face. 
you let out a breath of desire, already throbbing in need; he stares up at you, "thought you needed my mouth on you?" he sneers. "play with your tits, baby, and ride my face." your fingers rise to your breasts, teasing your nipples gently as you whimper. 
"now." he growls, hands pulling your hips down onto his face.
you gasp in shock, forehead and hands hitting the wall behind the bedframe as you jolt to stare at him. his tongue drives a fat lick through your soaked cunt, tasting your spend as your hips buck. your clit brushes against his nose- fuck, his nose; strong and slanted, beautiful as you press against it once again. pleasure shoots through you, curling your toes as you press against him. 
all you can feel is Joel - your hands return to your breasts, if anything so that you have something to hold on to as ecstasy courses through you. his tongue circles your entrance lightly before sliding into you. you groan out, head falling back as you grind against his face; his groan reverberates in your cunt as a jolt of satisfaction causes your legs to weaken. "feels so good," you whimper, breathlessly; you don't even care that Joel told you not to speak, all you can think of is his tongue on you. the heat of your second crest starts to bubble over already; you let out a long moan. 
you feel one of his thick fingers slide over the globe of you ass, gathering your slick before prodding gently at the tight ring of muscle below your cunt.
you gasp in shock, desire flooding you as need spurs you on, "fuck- please, sir, yes." you gasp, hoping the honorific will inspire him to give you what you really want.
he does. his finger breaches your hole slowly as you keen forward, gripping onto the headboard. he moans into your pussy as gushes of pleasure gather from the sensation and you whimper lowly, the feeling of his nose against your clit mixing deliciously as he slides his finger deeper into your ass.
if there's a better thing than having Joel's mouth on your cunt, it's that he can't speak like this; you start to move your hips, riding over his nose and fucking back onto his digit as he groans lowly.
"fuck- fuck." you groan, legs quivering, threatening to give out. he hums, leaning to chase your pussy as you move up, starting to move his finger inside your tight channel, his eyes staring up at you; you lock eyes as you thumb a nipple and your eyes roll back at the wide-blown pupils that meet you. 
his hands, large and strong, pull you back against him, cementing you as he laps at your pussy, fucking his finger into you quicker and bringing you so close to your orgasm that you fall back slightly; your hand stabilizes yourself on his clothed chest; rolling your hips, the new angle sets your cunt into a wild frenzy of clenching, feeling incredibly close and chest stuttering as you near your high. 
his finger leaves you suddenly as he pulls you towards him again - you barely have time to whimper at the loss of feeling before his tongue is flicking over your clit again, sending streaks of hot pleasure through you.
he's delving into you once again, his nose rubbing against you, your hips sliding over his face and finally pushing you over the edge. 
your yelp of pleasure tails into a moan as you roll your hips, cumming on his face as you ride it out once again, legs shaking impossibly. you're muttering swears mixed in with his name as you ride out your second orgasm, shaking in desire.
"two," you whimper, sweat breaking on your forehead as one of his hands slides over your thigh, raking blunt nails over your skin. but he continues, your cunt sensitive as you jolt away from him as you catch your breath; you slide off of his chest to the mattress, your whole body tremoring with pleasure.
his face is flushed, chin glistening with your juices as he sits up, muttering, "don't you move." 
you stop your movements, staring with hot cheeks and a swollen cunt as he turns, hands finding one of your pillows. 
he leans forward to prop your head upon it; you gape at him in confusion, still pleased at the relief of strain in your neck but knowing you'll cum one more time before he's satisfied.
your body already yearns for it - you realize with a hot flash of arousal his intentions as he slinks backwards then, sliding to his knees. 
your legs, despite yourself, spread for him. he smirks, "look at you, sweetheart, so willing for me."
you bite your lip, "just make me cum again," you say breathlessly, finding your strength again. 
he raises his brows, "you sure you can handle it?" he asks, his palm sliding to cup your puffy cunt, the stimulation making you gasp. and then he slaps you, landing a harsh pressure on your clit that has you yelping, knees closing.
his other hand parts your legs, smacking you repeatedly until you yelp out, "yes!" 
he stops his ministrations, instead rubbing your mess of juices all around you, causing you to sigh a gentle moan. he presses a kiss to your inner knee as he hums. 
"I want eyes on me, sweetheart. can you do that?" 
your eyes flick down to him as he settles between your quivering legs with a grin. a gentle kiss above your mound that has your eyes fluttering. "yes," you say breathlessly. 
he rewards you with his lips against your cunt once again; it's immediately sending you over in stimulation, your legs tightening around his head before you gasp at the feeling, his tongue flattening over your swollen clit and plunging again into your entrance. 
it's not long - your body is buzzing with electric desire, throbbing and jolting every time Joel's hands spread your legs open wider; your ankles curl and press into his back as his tongue alternates between flicking your clit and stroking as far into you as he can.
he's groaning into you, using his fingers to spread you further open for him; eating you out like it's his favorite meal. you're not sure if you'll stay conscious after your next high - you feel it creeping towards you and you whimper to Joel, starting to feel too sensitive. 
"Joel- it's-" you whimper, pulling back and starting to crawl away on your hands, your legs tremoring with pleasure, moving up the mattress. he growls, hands grabbing you and pulling you back to him.
"not done with you yet." he murmurs, lips attaching back to your cunt. you buck your hips at the pleasure of overstimulation, hips moving away. 
his hand grabs your ass, pulling you once again towards him, "stop fuckin' squirming. thought you wanted to get to three." 
"I do," you whimper, gasping as his tongue traces around your pussy lips, tasting you and groaning into you. his face glistens with your juices and it's everything you can do to keep staring at him; he glares at you, "then don't complain." 
his tongue licks a stripe up you again, swirling and sucking on your clit, and within moments you're nearing your high.
then suddenly everything - your fingers twist painfully as your body goes rigid, hitting your orgasm with a scream, your legs shutting around him and muscles spasming.
"that's right, sweetheart, ride it out." he mutters into you as you shutter, unable to form words but babbling his name incessantly as you push yourself up the mattress, away from the stimulation again as pain and pleasure swirl around your body.
fuck, you almost- you felt something different about that last one. he pulls himself until he's leaning over you, "think you're forgetting somethin'." he teases, his hands running up until they palm your tits.
you groan, hands shaking as they push against the mattress, the warmth of his body delicious. your eyes are fluttered shut, "two." you realize your miscalculation as it leaves your mouth -"n-no-" your eyes widen at your slip-up and you shake your head, embarrassed; your mind too consumed by Joel to fully function.
you wish he would just fuck you - his cock is unbelievably hard straining against his jeans and you urge to take him in any way you can. you'd let him have anything. 
Joel sneers at you, amused by your flustered state. "d'they teach kids to count in these fuckin' FEDRA schools anymore?" he growls, slapping your pussy once more and making you yelp.
if you'd been paying more attention to his words, you'd have snarled that you learned how to count in public school, before the outbreak - and that he's a fucking idiot; you can't, however, as you're slapped on your sensitive clit once again.
fuck - a streak of euphoria through you at the jolt has your back arching. 
"shut up, Joel." you whimper, "can you just- please, can you fuck me?" you ask, brows knitting together. he sighs, pulling back to stare at you with a stern stare. "just a little bit?" you beg, a ravenous force spurring in your blood. you need him.
"god damn it." he snaps, "I'm bein' so good to you, and all you can do is bitch and moan about my cock. got you so fuckin' obsessed, don't I?"
you groan in frustration, half of your body screaming to let yourself rest and half of you searing with desire and frustration. his words fluster you; even more so as he leans forward, hand spreading you apart to roll his clothed hips against your bare ones gently.
you let out a mewl, hips jerking back at the directness of the denim on your clit, the sharp sensitivity hitching in your throat. you ache and clench around nothing, your cunt begging to be filled by him. "please, Joel. I'll do anything." you insist smally, eyes fluttering shut. his lips ghost over your hairline and then peck your cheek in a shocking show of kindness. 
"you can take it?" he murmurs against your lips. hope sparks in your heart and your bare ankles wrap around his his, pressing him against you, "yes, yes." you promise, nodding eagerly. he hums in thought.
"I'll fuck you with my fingers, then." 
you gasp, hips jolting when his fingers spread your sopping lips, his eyes intent on your face as he circles your entrance. the tip of a finger notches against you and you flutter around him; your hands grasp onto his forearm and shoulder, staring up with a gasp. you're aching - you need him, any of him. 
"Jesus, look at'you." he groans, muttering as his head dips to watch your pussy suck his fingers in with ease. he slowly pushes until he's knuckle-deep, groaning, "greedy little thing." 
but his eyes stare and he doesn't move; you take it upon yourself to rock your hips, gasping at the pleasure you find as you take him even deeper.
he looks desperate, with his eyes wide, curls wet, mussed, and peppered on his head. "baby, I've gotta taste you." he grunts, suddenly sliding back down to lay between your legs; you mewl in shock as his mouth attaches to your clit in moments.
his fingers, then, start to thrust. gentle, at first, but you're so stimulated you shake your head, "can't-I can't." you whimper.
he shakes his head, the action notching his nose once again against your clit and sending shots of euphoria through you. you feel numb and on fire, eyes rolling back.
"you can, and you will." he mutters into your pussy, tongue sliding across the sopping plane of you as his fingers pick up their pace; your thighs clench shut around his head and squeeze - you can't help it - and he moans a genuine sound of pleasure at the feeling. 
"you were so ready to when it was my cock. maybe I should use some of your toys you love tellin' strangers at bars about so much." he grunts, "make this little pussy cream even more."
your face burns as your eyes snap to him; a shiver of interest is soon overcome with the knowledge that you couldn't handle that; you glare at his words, anyways. that was one time, to him. when you were drunk. sure, not the best first impression, but- look where it got you. 
you shake your head as you writhe below him, his lips returning to your sensitive mound to suck harshly as his fingers start to pump harder into you. he decides for himself with a hum, pulling away slightly, "no, you taste too fuckin' good. gonna stay here all night." 
you believe him. 
he tears you apart, tongue lapping you up, twisting his fingers, curling them as he slides them into you; the noise of your cunt wetly taking Joel's fingers and mouth make your eyes roll back.
he's everywhere - your fingers twist once again into the bedsheets, your toes curling as all of your muscles tense. 
his fingers leave you suddenly, the feeling leaving you to suck a gasp into your lungs as he trails his hand over the valley of your breasts and into your mouth; you suck your juices off of his fingers eagerly, your mouth falling open in a yelp when he nips gently at your clit. 
you jerk away, knowing you're sharply close to your next orgasm, your body tremoring and tears forming in your eyes.
the overwhelming pleasure is building immensely and you squirm away from him with a gasp hands coming to cover your pussy as it spasms, aching and leaking arousal.
"J-Joel- I can't," you wail. 
he tuts, "c'mon, taste fuckin' amazing. love this little pussy." his arms snake around your hips, dragging you back and smacking your own hands away from your core. you sigh at the gentle swirl of his tongue through your swollen folds, hands carding into his hair and gripping tight. he mutters it quietly, "jus' one more, sweetheart, you can do it." 
you whimper, a tear streaming down your cheek and onto your neck, "I can't, it feels so good, I can't-" you whimper, a direct contradiction to the shaking quiver of your thighs as you roll your hips, savoring the feel of Joel's thick tongue against you. 
he hums lowly at your hip's movements and it makes you scream; the vibration and the nudge of his nose on your clit too much- 
it hits you all at once. 
you can't see anything; your hand flies to the sheets as one hand pushes Joel hard away, euphoria slamming into you harder than you ever have.
you feel the pads of his fingers, swirling over your clit as your hips buck wildly. you're sobbing, a state of bliss you've never felt before. your orgasm lasts much longer than you'd expected, euphoria rolling in waves that keep coming to shore.
when you come to, pussy still clenching in residual flutters, you have to suck in a deep breath.
through your tears, you see Joel's face; the bottom half is soaked in your juices, even the mattress is damp from your high - oh. you didn't know you could do that. 
he presses a kiss to your thigh - you jolt, whimpering lightly. he shushes you, hands finding your hips as you shake, trying to come down from that high. "four." he mutters, smirking as you groan, your head falling back. "fuck." you hiss, throat raw. 
"that wasn't so hard, was it sweetheart?" he snarks, still not moving from between your thighs, though you're sure they're dead weight on top of his shoulders. says him.
"fuck you, Joel-" but your words stop short and you gasp, hands flying as you feel Joel's tongue lick up the side of your cunt; "I can't Joel-" you sob, shaking your head, "'s too much."
you're so overstimulated you feel like you're floating -  but after your shock you realize he's avoiding the sensitive areas, gently swirling his tongue in your wetness. tasting you just for the sake of it. he just shushes you once again- "hey, hey," he soothes, hand petting your hip gently, "just tastin' it. gotta clean you up." you shouldn't, but you feel a hot flood of arousal just at his words. your hands relax in his hair as he slowly moves his mouth around you, avoiding your oversensitive clit mercifully. 
"you just rest. did real good, sweetheart. was so fuckin' sexy." you can't rest, though your body slumps and your eyes shut - his tongue runs lazy, thick circles around your pussy, gentle. you can tell - it's not for you, and maybe it never really was; Joel's loving it, and he's not planning on stopping anytime soon. 
and you stay like that - eyes closed, catching your breath and calming your tears, as Joel's hands run soothing shapes over your side and thighs, his mouth not leaving you for a second.
it was minutes, could have been almost an hour, and you slowly fell from your teetering edge of unraveling; instead, a slow burn was once again ignited in your stomach as Joel lapped away at you, eating you out gently and devotedly.
occasionally there was a groan or a moan from him, gentle - or a mutter into you about how good you tasted. you'd move your hips gently when something fluttered deliciously and you chased that feeling, thinking of all Joel's words tonight which have made you flush - and most of them praise. 
he's like a man starved. 
and by the time you start to climb that hill again, your muscles aching but pussy fluttering in desire, you're burning up. you cry again, gently.
he brings you to orgasm a fifth time with a moan into your pussy and your hand gripping his own for dear life.
he laps everything that spills from your weeping cunt as you let out a scream of his name, swallowed by the noise of the outside thunder. you shake and tremor, blissed beyond anything you've felt, tired and spent.
he holds himself to you and you have to twist, crawling away from the devilish mouth that calls your name, his hands gentle as he lets you go; finally having mercy on your destroyed body.
you feel like you're floating, unable to stop shaking. 
it's then that he chooses to strip down to his boxers; you watch him with shock as he does so, unsure if he's going to propose you take his cock now - you don't know if you could.
instead, he drops a kiss to your forehead. "I'll be back." 
he's in there long enough for you to deduce that he's decided to take care of himself on his own, in the shower - a decision that disappoints you but also seems very thoughtful. there's that flicker of selflessness you see sometimes in Joel - the things he tries to hide.
you hear the faucet running in the bathroom and when he comes back, there's a washcloth and a cup of water for you.
he doesn't wipe between your legs until you're done shaking - and after, you sit there, your hand curled around his bicep, while he soothes over a few strands of your hair.
"gonna need new candles." you mutter, nodding to where they all sit, dripped down to within an inch, wax splattered atop your table and over the side of the foot chest. 
"I'll get you a million candles 'f you let me taste you like that again." his chest rumbles as he speaks. a flicker of butterflies once again appear in your chest and you shrug, "I know I said I like when it isn't rough..." you trail off, face burning, "-but none of them ever did... any of that. and I really liked that." 
besides, you both knew the moment it left your mouth that your words weren't true - in honesty, Joel has done nothing but rough you up and you always crawl back for more. you wouldn't have it any other way.
he scoffs, "good thing you're mine now." he mutters, "taste like fuckin' heaven. could watch you squirm all day." he drops a kiss to your temple and your eyes bore down at your lap; his words hold a semblance of possessiveness - not unfamiliar to this thing that you have with him, but now much more meaningful to you. why is your heart fluttering so fast, a grin growing on your face? 
he clears his throat after a moment, shifting to sit up. in the process, your arm falls from his and you turn to look at him. 
"do you remember last time I was in here?" he asks suddenly and you have to snort. "was dying of infection, yes I remember." 
he sends you a look. "you were not dyin'. don't be dramatic." he counters, eyes narrowed.
you grin, rolling your eyes, "you were the one who was acting like it was such a big deal." you defend with a shake of your head. he sighs, "well I-" he stops short and it occurs to you that he's having trouble getting words out.
you look into his eyes gently, and he's searching yours. you're not sure what he's looking for. "shit," he mumbles, looking slightly lost - you've seen him like this, before - once. 
"I'm tryin' to be less...mean. when it counts." he says intently, looking at you. "y'know, after we talked, and I..." 
he trails off but you wait patiently for him to find his words.
he finds them eventually. "-well, that time I was here, when I helped you with your bandage..." he stutters his way through it and takes a deep breath. "I said something, that night." he starts again, running his hand over his face.
"you tend to say a lot of things when we're together." you supplement, your heartrate picking up. you're starting to feel your fight or flight kick in. 
he rolls his eyes. "yeah, well. I said... that you were probably hopin' I would want t'make you my girl." oh. yes, you remember that. "-and I said that it was pathetic you'd think that." he says, not looking at you.
you too look away; yes, he's said many cruel things to you - that one, in particular, has haunted you many nights after waking up from dreams of warmth and sunshine and Joel's hand in yours. 
"one of your best lines yet." you say, unsure what else to do. your gut twists in rejection at just the memory - then, it'd been in the heat of an argument and you'd just used it as kindling to fuel your fire, but it has since become a more prevalent proof every time you start to think too much about the what ifs. 
Joel isn't amused by your words. "I'm just saying, if you did ever want somethin' like that - not that you would, but...it wouldn't be pathetic." he finally finishes. "it was a stupid thing to say." he mumbles quickly, still looking away - through the dim glow of the dying candles, you can see the red on his cheeks. 
you feel hot, the implications of his words. he wouldn't mind if you wanted him to be yours. if you wanted to be his. your stomach flips.
grazing your hand over his back, you brush your lips to his shoulder. "you didn't mean it. we say a lot of things we don't mean. both of us." you answer softly, your lips caressing his bare shoulder. you feel the goosebumps under you across his skin at the touch and fight a small smile.
“remember when I tried to hit you?” you ask, thinking back to that disastrous dinner and the delicious aftermath on his foyer floor.
he smirks, finding the courage to look down at you. “think ‘bout it a lot.”
you hit his shoulder playfully, shaking your head with your own wry grin. of course he does.
he looks at you faintly, a hint of a smile flickering over his face. "we've been through a lot of shit together." he murmurs. he eyes the dresser across from you, lit up by a candle; you don't know how, but somehow he pinpoints exactly where you've hidden your gun, in your sock drawer. and he probably knows exactly why it's hidden.
"-don’t get me wrong, I like this thing we got goin’ for us, with the teasing and fighting - but I just want you to know I trust you. and I care about you." he says just as gently, his face flustered. your face heats at his words, a gust of affection blowing through you at his bashfulness.
you smile, leaning in to him; your hands snake around his neck as you gently pull his face to you. he finds more words, "sometimes you're a pain in my ass-" he raises a brow before you can snap back at him- "-but nothing you could do is... pathetic. 'specially not thinking something like that."
his eyes are large and hold none of the desire that they did thirty minutes ago; instead they hold something much deeper, more vulnerable. you don't feel scared by it.
you smile, "I trust you, Joel." his eyes stare into yours unafraid. "thank you. I care about you too."
and you're not ready to say everything else to him - no, not yet, even though your heart's known it for a while and so have you, somewhere in the back of your mind. 
you do want something like that. you want exactly that. 
"-and," he starts, "since this was your idea of something more civilized," he sends you a look through the corner of his eye; you know this isn't the worst of your sins committed with Joel, but you recognize his sentiment with a smirk, thinking back to your earlier words. you hide your growing smile as he adds:
"-maybe we could get drinks sometime." 
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taglist closed - this is the last fic that will be using my taglist. moving on, I've made a notifs blog - @tremendumnotifs - for ppl to follow for notifications. tysm!!]
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
Smile - Papa IV / Copia (The Band Ghost) x Reader Fluff
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Hiya! Thanks to the amazing response on the last Ghost post (Thank you all so much by the way <3), I'm back, but this time, with Copia! Please enjoy and don't forget to interact if you feel like it xx
Reader's Pronouns: Unspecified but typically more feminine descriptions. (Is labelled as ‘Sister’)
Prompt: 'There it is, there's that smile'
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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The gardens of the ministry were by far the most peaceful area you had access to. The soft sound of water running from the pond complimented the streaming lights through the trees and the fresh smell of blossoms. The garden terrace was home to many arches of dahlias and vines, draping over the greenhouse beautifully. You were sure that even the resident birds had gotten used to your presence. It was times like this that you took to reflect or create art alone.
If someone needed you, they definitely knew where to find you.
In fact, Sister Imperator was so insistent in your involvement in that side of the ministry that she essentially made you Sister of the Satanic Garden, if there was such a thing. But it wouldn’t have surprised you if the kind woman simply wanted to keep you busy while Copia was away performing rituals. Nevertheless, you enjoyed tending to the flowers in all their glory, chopping the heads off of roses to keep the stems or watering the nightshade.
Though, this time around, you were swept with a wave of loneliness. Even the flowers appeared to be in sync with your emotions, the trees groaning with disapproval. The watering can you held clung loosely to your side due to slumped shoulders. Sighing, your eyes flickered across the garden beds, mood deflating. It had been weeks since you had seen Copia, felt his embrace or delighted in his conversation. It was always hard, especially as the job of Papa was so taxing on him, but this particular ritual cycle took everything out of you both. With little time for letters or any other form of communication, you felt yourself begin to drift from the members of the ministry and spend more time outside. Even when he was home, he tended to be distant.
It hadn’t been for lack of trying, of course. Many of the ghouls and ghoulettes had attempted at cracking through your hard shell but did not succeed. Cumulus would bring plates of dinner to yours and Copia’s room, only to find yourself curled in layers of his blankets, fast asleep. She would place the plate on the bedside table, stacking a pile of untouched food as high as the sky. Aether, who believed he would be the one to get through to you, would come on walks with you in the garden, eager to hear your ramblings about your latest endeavours. He would smile and nod, occasionally engaging in a handful of inquisitive questions. Even Rain, Fire and Mountain had their fair share of attempts.
To find the motivation to get out of bed, you would count the days. With each sleep, the number would fall ever so slightly, much to your satisfaction. When the number reached seven, your mood had lightened, coming down in the morning for breakfast. After indulging in a conversation with one of the Sisters, you found yourself in the garden again, picking a bouquet of flowers for the morning sermon held by Sister Imperator. The number echoed through your mind, taking a permanent seat there.
“Just seven, then there will be rest period” you repeated, grumbling and mumbling as you worked. Unbeknownst to you, Sister was peering through the window of the ministry, arms folded while watching you, face twisted with concentration. Your heart ached for companionship. Even if one of the ghouls had approached you, you would have never turned them away. And the company would have been lovely on such a harsh day, wind whipping against your face and your hair flying wildly. The clouds had darkened, shadows cast over the ministry. You were partial to this type of weather, the untameable and unpredictable kind. It was the kind that meant you could sit on the windowsill in your room with a hot drink and a book, shrouded in a blanket and Copia resting between your legs while brainstorming songs.
Without him, you felt as though you were suffocating, Copia was your air. You understood well that his religion was crucial to him, meaning rituals were a top priority, as they were to you, but the man worked tirelessly with little to no reward. Even when he was home at the ministry, you would catch him in the library or in his office at godly hours of the morning, face lit by candlelight as he studied Latin. The corner of your mouth turned upwards at the thought of him sleepily making his way back to bed.
Too entranced to notice the subtle crunching of leaves, you pursed your lips and continued working. A patter of rain beat against your body.
"Cara mia, what are you doing out here, eh? You're going to catch a cold". Your heart skipped a beat at the voice, the pet name, the inflection of the words, the speech pattern. You whipped your head around at the sound, eyes landing on a familiar figure. Barely able to hide your beaming smile, you observed the man. Copia still had the same salt and pepper hair, makeup smudged across his face and was still in the more relaxed ritual clothing. "There it is, there's that smile"
"Copia! What are you doing here?" You quizzed, suddenly feeling awfully insecure about your appearance. Since you thought you had a week before his return, you hadn't prepped to look your best to give him a proper greeting. Upon seeing this behaviour, Copia shook his head and stepped toward you, his gloved hand snaking up to your cheek.
"I am the Papa of this ministry, am I not, bella?". His innocent statement prompted a fire to break out across your skin, your cheeks covered in a hot blush.
"You know that's not what I meant"
"Si, the rituals ended early". You paused at his hand on your cheek, embracing the man with haste. The scent of fresh incense filled your nose, warmth radiating across your body. The desire to hold your partner and never let go was strong. His face found its way into the crook of your neck, hot breath against your skin. "So pretty, as always. I see nothing has changed"
"I missed you so much" you mumbled, pressing your hand to the back of his head to savour the hug.
"I missed you as well, Cara Mia. Sister told me you would be here... and oh my, the gardens have flourished under your care". He always knew how to compliment you in the right way to make you blush. His arm pulled out yours, extending it and his lips briskly brushing against the fabric of your sleeves. Soon, he left a trail of kisses in his wake, making his way up your arm and to your shoulders before placing a peck on your lips. A fire burned in your belly.
"I needed something to do while you were gone" you replied bashfully, squinting as the rain fell into your eyes. "I do get rather lonely sometimes". That was perhaps the biggest understatement. His eyes flickered with an unrecognisable emotion, eyebrows arching as he took his hands in yours, holding them to his face.
"Come with me next ritual, please" He begged.
You timidly smiled, "I don't think Sister will let us"
"We will make her listen". Another peck was planted on your drenched forehead.
From the window of the ministry, Sister could barely make out two figures, silhouettes blissfully reuniting in the haze of rain. Under the branches of a willow tree, the figures took each other's hand and the smaller figure was spun, falling into a twirl in the other's arms. Their devotion was sealed with a kiss.
Satan had blessed you with a smile once more, and Copia thanked him gratefully for it.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
928 notes · View notes
dewedup · 9 months
Anon here again. Upon seeing one of your reblogs, I know what to request :) Rain/Dew daddy Rain. Go wild. <3
you said go wild and i took that to heart
i was going to use this as an excuse to try my hand at writing some absolutely filthy smut, i hope you enjoy!
earthly delight (raindrop)
“Thank you,” Dew whispers, looking down to the ground submissively. Rain’s gloved hand wraps tightly under Dew’s chin, tilting his head back up to stare directly into his eyes.
“Thank you what?” Rain snarls, his lip curling back to reveal his fangs in a predatory manner. If Dew wasn’t already turned on, the look of disgust on Rain’s face would have him rock hard instantly.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
or Rain's just in the greenhouse trying to get some peace and quiet but Dew is bored and horny.
18+ ONLY
Pairing: Dewdrop x Rain (Raindrop)
Fandom: The Band Ghost
Words: 2,490
Tags: Daddy Kink, Face Slapping, Improvised Sex Toys, improvised lube, Spit Kink, Facials, Come Swallowing, Come Eating, Spanking, gardening kink?, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Explicit Sexual Content, Anal Play, Semi-Public Sex, Dewdrop Is A Little Shit, Smut, Overstimulation, Daddy Rain, Bratty Dew
Read below the cut or AO3 link
a massive, love-filled shoutout to @jimothybarnes for being the best beta, smut-writing guide, cheerleader, for talking about ideas and motivating me to work this out and catching things my terrible eyes missed (any remaining errors or mistakes are all me though!)
Something about the feeling of burrowing his hands into soft dirt, cradling the roots of a new bloom with a touch so delicate it could ghost the surface of a body of water without creating as much as ripple, gives Rain the deepest sense of peace. He knows exactly why Mountain chooses to spend so much time in the greenhouse, the fresh oxygen tinged with the gritty smell of fertilizer is calming. It’s why he doesn’t hesitate to take Mountain up on his offer of helping with repotting some of the seeds that had started to take root. 
He's a natural, and his ability to sense the level of hydration in the plants comes in handy, instantly learning how much water would suffice for each species. He even found a plant identification textbook in the library and will lay in bed at night, absorbing the information like a plant absorbs the sunlight.  
Mountain left a little while ago, Aurora was trying to build an IKEA shelf for her room, but it was getting a little too tall for her to reach. Mount, taking pity on the vertically challenged ghoulette, left Rain to his own devices in the greenhouse. 
Rain places the seedling into the larger pot, covering the hole with dirt and singing softly to the plant in ghoulish as he restores it to its former glory. Mountain insists that singing inspires the plants to grow and Rain hasn’t read that in his textbook, but as a novice gardener he has no right to question Mountain’s ethics. He therefore calls forth the soft lullabies of his childhood for the lives he holds in his hands. 
Rain startles as a handful of dirt hits the back of his neck, knocking over the watering jug beside him in his surprise. He turns around to see Dew smirking from a few feet away, brushing his hand onto his pant leg to remove any lingering debris. 
“How long have you been there?” Rain demands, his voice cracking slightly in embarrassment at having been caught by surprise. Dew shrugs his shoulders, taking a few steps closer as his claws trail along the leaves of the plants in his direct vicinity. 
“I’d say I’m at least three songs deep,” Dew chuckles, coming to a stop in front of Rain. “I haven’t heard those in centuries, do you take requests?” Rain flushes brightly at being caught in the act. Mountain was definitely fucking with him about the singing, he’d have to address that later. 
“I’d like to request that you fuck off and go bother somebody else,” Rain replies, irritation seeping into his tone at the interruption of his peace and quiet. He realizes his mistake as Dew’s eyes flash dangerously, the challenge written in the way his lips tilt upwards.
“Oh yeah you’d like that wouldn’t you?” Dew teases, reaching out to push the hand trowel Rain had left on the counter, knocking it onto the floor while never breaking eye contact. Rain’s entire body tenses as Dew smiles up at him innocently. He takes a deep breath through his nose, taking his time to respond as Dew continues to stare at him, raising his eyebrows suggestively.
“Pick it up.” The authoritative tone Rain uses seems to be exactly what Dew’s looking for as he grins up at the water ghoul. But then again, he also isn’t one to give in that easily. 
“I don’t think I will,” Dew argues, but the words have barely left his lips before a resounding smack echoes across the greenhouse, Rain’s palm making firm contact with Dew’s left cheek. The fire ghoul’s head snaps to the side at the force and he shakes it slightly before looking back up at Rain’s stoic face.
“I said, pick it up.” Rain repeats, using a gloved hand to point to the ground where the trowel lays. Dew swallows loudly as he breaks eye contact, ducking his head as he slowly lowers himself to the dirt-covered floor, kneeling to pick up the tool he knocked off the table. He remains on his knees as he holds the trowel in his palms, raising it to Rain. The water ghoul runs his eyes over the offering, seeming to weigh the meaning of the gesture with an almost bored look. Dew tenses in anticipation the longer Rain towers over him in consideration, his cock hardening in interest at the blatant display of disregard, as if he’s not even worth Rain’s time.   
Rain seems to reach a verdict, his hand snapping out once again, making contact with Dew’s cheek again. The back of his knuckles hit the hardest and Dew’s a little disappointed that Rain’s still wearing gardening gloves, he relishes the sweet sting the pretty rings he wears leave with each brush against his cheek. 
“Thank you,” Dew whispers, looking down to the ground submissively. Rain’s gloved hand wraps tightly under Dew’s chin, tilting his head back up to stare directly into his eyes. 
“Thank you what?” Rain snarls, his lip curling back to reveal his fangs in a predatory manner. If Dew wasn’t already turned on, the look of disgust on Rain’s face would have him rock hard instantly. 
“Thank you, Daddy,” Dew corrects, shifting slightly as the water from the spilled jug seeps into his pants at the knees, cold and uncomfortable as Rain just watches from above with disinterest. He takes note of Dew’s discomfort but makes no move to let the ghoul rise from his position, instead watching as the wet patches spread over the material of his pants.
“Good ghoul,” Rain praises, moving his hand from Dew’s chin to his cheek, caressing where it’s stained red from the attention he’s given it. “A treat for such a good boy,” Rain murmurs, circling Dew’s mouth with his thumb before resting it on his bottom lip. Dew eagerly bites down on the material, keeping a hold of it as Rain tugs his hand back. They repeat this process with each finger, Dew’s teeth clenching around the fingertips of the gloves as Rain works his hand free until the glove falls off completely, Dew letting it hit the ground as he readies for the second glove. 
The backhand across his cheek is more powerful than the previous, the rings no longer being covered leave two small cuts on Dew’s cheekbone as he looks up at Rain in confusion. 
“I didn’t say to drop it,” Rain drawls in disappointment, gesturing to the glove on the ground. Dew reaches to grab it but freezes as Rain tsks, the sound of his tongue echoing in the empty greenhouse. "Not with your hands.”
Dew glances warily at the glove, now sitting in the same puddle of muddy water that he is currently kneeling in. Rain growls low in his throat, the warning clear as Dew braces his hands on the floor, lowering his upper half to the ground as he stretches his neck, teeth securing the glove for a second time. He returns to his kneeling position, the glove dripping dirt-tinged water onto his clothes as he presents the prize back to Rain, feeling more like a dog than a ghoul as he waits. Rain pauses for a minute, before reaching out, pinching the glove by a small, clean corner as he raises it to his eye-level, observing the object longer than necessary as Dew looks up at him, waiting eagerly for the next instruction. 
“It’s dirty,” Rain declares, lowering the glove back to hang dauntingly before Dew’s face. The fire ghoul hesitates briefly before he darts his tongue out, licking tentatively at the piece of clothing. The water tastes earthy on his tongue; the grittiness of the dirt is mixed with a slight tang that must be the Miracle-Gro Mountain denies using. Dew thanks his lucky stars he’s a ghoul and not human, his superior body able to break down the toxins that would surely leave a flesh bag with some lasting side effects. Dew looks up at Rain from beneath his eyelashes as he continues to clean the garment, the water ghoul’s eyes glued to every flick of his tongue. Just when he’s getting into a rhythm, Rain pulls back with a satisfied look. 
“Is that good, Daddy?” The words come out in a desperate plea as Rain adjusts the obvious bulge in his pants. Dew absolutely preens as Rain smiles down at him, the sight as gorgeous as it is every time Dew’s on the receiving end of that look, filled with love and adoration. Rain offers a hand down to the ghoul, which he gladly accepts, being pulled up from his kneeling position. 
As he rises the smile shifts, Rain’s lips tilting into something else, mocking the beautiful smile he’d worn only moments before with a devilish twist. 
In one swift movement Rain spits onto the glove, pulling Dew close and shoving it into his mouth. Dew makes a noise of surprise that’s muffled by the makeshift gag as Rain turns him around and bends him over the edge of the worktable. 
“You know you were being naughty,” Rain drawls, his fingers making quick work of Dew’s pants and exposing him to the humid air of the greenhouse. “And you know what happens when you’re being naughty, don’t you baby?”
The ‘yes Daddy’ is unrecognizable with the glove in his mouth, but Rain can put two and two together. His hand runs teasingly along the ghoul’s ass before he raises and brings it down firmly, the skin-to-skin contact tingling his palm with the force exerted. Dew moans loudly into the glove, wiggling in pleasure. Rain coos softly, rubbing at the red marred flesh. An idea hits him as his eyes land on the forgotten trowel and he’s grabbing it in the next second, admiring the tool as Dew looks back over his shoulder in anticipation. 
“I think your punishment will be that you don’t get my cock,” Rain muses aloud, ignoring the muffled whine the fire ghoul releases. He tuts softly as he bends down scooping up a handful of mud from the floor. He coats the handle of the trowel in the mixture, making sure it’s completely covered, before bringing it to Dew’s tight asshole. 
Dew’s eyes widen in surprise as he watches the best he can, his dick twitching at the malevolent look on Rain’s face. Rain pushes the handle, forcing Dew to open up to let it in. Dew lets out a hiss at the breach, the handle is big enough to burn without any prep and the grittiness from the mud catching his skin in a stinging pain. Rain eases it in, twisting and pushing as he works open the ghoul below him, the layer of filth around the puckered hole building the further he pushes in. He brings his hand down again, spanking with the same palm he used to gather the ‘lube’. The dirt leaves a perfect image of his hand on Dew’s ass cheek, the splattering flecks surrounding it creating the most beautiful work of art. 
Rain wishes he had a camera to capture how perfect his ghoul looks right now. 
“So good for Daddy,” Rain purrs, and Dew clenches tightly around the handle of the trowel. He’ll need at least three showers before he feels any semblance of clean again, but the added texture of the dirt feels unholy now, as Rain starts to fuck into him in earnest with the gardening tool.
Dew can feel the drool that manages to escape the glove sliding down his chin, every pant and moan coming out like ancient ghoulish, unrecognizable. His eyes roll back into his head as Rain angles the trowel so that it’s brushing right against his prostate, pleasure sparking all the way to his fingertips from the inside. 
Dew yelps as Rain’s hand finds it’s home around his painfully hard cock, the dirt adding to the sensation as he jerks him off furiously, the overstimulation of both movements pushing Dew over the edge almost instantly. 
Rain doesn’t let up, continuing to move his hands as Dew writhes under him, flinching with each movement. 
“C’mon baby, do it again for me,” Rain begs, Dew mewling pathetically in response as every touch feels like an electric shock. He knows he won’t be able to cum again so soon, but fuck would he do anything to please the water ghoul above him. Unintelligible babbles leave his glove-filled mouth as Rain continues the torturous touches, milking his already spent cock. 
Rain finally releases the ghoul before him, removing the hand trowel and leaving wet open-mouthed kisses along Dew’s neck as he runs his fingers over his slim frame, resting them lightly on the dip of his hips. He pulls the ghoul into him, using the sharp edges of Dew’s body to bring himself closer to the edge of his own pleasure.  Dew whines at his lack of involvement and Rain shushes him, turning his body around until Dew is kneeling before him once again. He carefully removes the glove from Dew’s mouth, the fire ghoul licking his lips with the new-found freedom before he discreetly wipes the drool from his chin. 
“Are you thirsty, baby?” Rain purrs, running his claws delicately down Dew’s cheek, brushing over the cuts from earlier, earning a hiss from the fire ghoul. Dew stares at him, eyes wide, and nods his head.
“Yes, Daddy,” Dew whimpers, pleading eyes staring up at Rain from underneath his lashes and Rain has to bite his lip to stifle the filthy groan that tries to escape. His gaze drops down to Dew's lips, and Rain can't help but admire how pink and inviting they look. He licks his own lips unconsciously, and Dew's eyes follow the motion. 
Rain’s hand moves from Dew’s cheek to his chin, grasping tightly as Dew keeps eye contact as he slowly opens his mouth, stretching as far as he can and sticking his tongue out slightly. Rain leans closer and spits directly into his mouth, the saliva landing on Dew’s tongue and he swallows like he’s been in the desert heat for days without water. 
A hungry roar rips from Rain’s throat as he jerks off furiously, pointing towards Dew’s open mouth as he comes with a shuddering groan. Dew tries to catch everything on his tongue, opening as wide as he possibly can. Rain watches in fascination as Dew uses his tongue to push the mess almost spilling out of his mouth, before he swallows slowly, sticking his tongue back out to show Rain his hard work. Rain’s breath hitches at the deliberate movements, his lips spreading into a delicious grin before he leans down, stopping in front of Dew’s mouth, before licking out at the corner, collecting some of the seed he hadn’t managed to get into the hole. He keeps the mess on his tongue, showing the fire ghoul his own cleaning skills before he swallows down the taste of himself. 
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sims4clutterchaos · 2 months
Culzean Castle... Greenhouse!
Living in a Castle Greenhouse.... why not?
Yesterday I posted about my inspiration for a build: the greenhouse at Culzean Castle ... I had a lot of fun with this build- I mean.... a mini castle, that's a green house, as a living space with a loft bedroom overlooking the living area?!? What's not to love?!?!
The exterior uses some of the "castle kit" and @felixandresims "gothic" build set.
This build is on the Gallery: Culzean Castle Greenhouse, ID: daniandnick. CC List is below the images
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CC List:
Culzean Castle Greenhouse CC List
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Morning Glory By The Window 3.package
Onion(for wall) by Granny Zaza.package
M-Geo_Classics of the genre_books2.package
M-Geo_Classics of the genre_books3.package
NA_Sumeru outdoor plant 3.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - Merged.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - stack of books # 6.package
KHD_Fleur Candle 01.package
MXIMS Vitra Eames house Bird II.package
[awingedllama] Boho Living CC Pack.package
kardofe_Eliot Living Room_Vase.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Wall Lamp.package
[MB] Canning Jars - Sauce.package
KHD Victoriana Two-Seater Bench.package
HARRIE Bougainvillea Override.package
[Moriel] BG_GCW_flower_02.package
Padre Altanta Bonsai.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Toilet Paper Holder.package
RubyRed Greenhouse - Rose Plant.package
[Severinka] TS4 Agata livingroom - candle v02.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Toilet.package
[novvvas] Desierto Bedroom - Olive Tree.package
rrtt-preserved food.package
[DSC] - Femme De Luxe Lamp.package
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Happy Wild Flowers.package
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Classic Painting.package
[Severinka] TS4 Agata livingroom - candle v01.package
[Severinka] TS4 Tao bedroom - vase.package
[Moriel] Stable set hay on floor.package
ShinoKCRS4 PB Slippers.package
KHD Linen Jars.package
NA_Dirt rug.package
KHD Ghibli Egg Basket.package
Destruam - marquis residence - women statue.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - stack of books # 5.package
evi Boho Tapestry3.package
[Severinka] TS4 Agata livingroom - candle v03.package
Seimar How Does Your Garden Grow Foxglove.package
[Moriel] EP11_foxglove_replacement.package
kardofe_Modernist Dining_DiningTable.package
Schwerin chimney 1 v2.package
Schwerin chimney 1 v2.package
Crown Princess Augusta Of Prussia Bust By AnniQ.package
KHD Autumnfell Bowls.package
ArwenK - Arran - Plant 2.package
Pierisim_THE OFFICE_mini_kit_higher_plant.package
[Syb] Gabrielle - Handbag.package
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Best Friend of Plants.package
RubyRed Romantic Gazebo - Hydrangea Outdoor planter V2.package
KHD Avonlea Cabinet.package
Arte Nova Armchair.package
[Syb] Maya - Rainboots.package
HARRIE Heritage Traditional Dining Table.package
[W] Flerovium Ceiling Plant.package
ArwenK - Arran - Plant.package
BlueTeas - Lyon - Slippers.package
MG Vase 03.package
KHD Avonlea Candlestick.package
kardofe_Blue Coast_Firewood.package
KHD Ghibli Honey Pot.package
Novembre2020-Petite console.package
CWB Josephine Plate Setting.package
[Severinka] TS4 Tao bedroom - bamboo.package
Gilded Bronze Candles Stick WDecoration 19 Cent By AnniQ.package
CWB Rooster Hand Bell.package
RubyRed Greenhouse - Garden Shed Wall Planter.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - candle holder.package
Philo_Arcane Illusions_Unicorn Tapestries.package
SV Lawrence diningroom - cupboard with dishes small.package
kardofe_Blue Coast_Pot.package
Petit Trianon door4 SMALL 2x1.package
Petit Trianon door4 SMALL 2x1.package
[novvvas] MCM Living Room - Ficus Elastica.package
RubyRed Greenhouse - Hydrangea.package
[novvvas] Holz Kitchen - Vase.package
KHD_Fleur Candle 03.package
[MB] Canning Jars - Carrots.package
Master Bedroom Tapestries By AnniQ.package
[W] Tennessine Garden Trowel.package
Seimar How Does Your Garden Grow Hollyhocks.package
HARRIE Heritage Traditional Console.package
eniosta -- sugi trinket dish.package
[W] Flerovium Plant.package
[Moriel] Dishonored papers 01.package
rrtt-Witchs Atelier.Metal Mortar.package
[Severinka] TS4 Monica bathroom - sink.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Wall Mirror.package
Seimar How Does Your Garden Grow Sunrose Bush.package
[MB] Canning Jars - Pickles.package
Philo_Victorian Throw Pillows.package
[Severinka] TS4 Estrella livingroom - sofa pillow big.package
CWB Framed Art Collection.package
ShinoKCRS4 Art Nouveau Sidetable HO.package
KHD_Fleur Candle 02.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - stack of books # 3.package
oh my goth Pilar Avila CandleHolders Floor.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Toilet Brush.package
Destruam - re2 rpd secret room - book # 3.package
NA_Mondstadt plant.package
RubyRed Romantic Gazebo - Hydrangea Outdoor.package
ShinoKCRS4 PB Tissues.package
[Severinka] TS4 Verena living - mirror.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Bathroom Sink.package
Philo_Natacha Throw Pillows.package
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Roses for Betty.package
Swing Chair GoodWood (MAX20).package
Sundays - Berawa Candle V2.package
[Sims4Nicole] Sue Toddler's Pillow 1.package
Pilar Mediteraneo ChandelierFloor.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Bathtub.package
Jean-Antoine Houdon Statue By AnniQ.package
Jean-Antoine Houdon Statue By AnniQ (1).package
Versailles Spirit Of Life By AnniQ.package
[Joyce]Summer Garden - Rose, Don't Forget Me.package
Destruam - holmes bedroom - fireplace accessories.package
HARRIE Heritage Traditional Dining Chair.package
ArwenK - Snugnook - Plant 2.package
KHD General Store Bucket.package
[W] Tennessine Pruning Shears.package
Felixandre Schwerin_Pinnacle.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas End Table.package
CWB Salton Vase with Eucalyptus.package
[Wondymoon] - Daucas Cabinet.package
Pilar SinbadTetera.package
KHD Little Women Sconce.package
HUGE thank you to all the amazing Custom Content Creators that keep making this game more and more fun to play!
13 notes · View notes
papasbaseball · 1 year
Primo x Reader (Tillandsia Bulbosa)
Pairing: Primo x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Plant Aphrodisiacs so dubcon. Plant Tentacles.
Summary: Your search for welcome home presents for the band leads you into the vines of a plant with a salacious appetite. Maybe you shouldn't have stolen from Primo's garden: he thinks you'll make an excellent host.
Word Count: 2,438
Notes: I am continuing my AO3 migration of works written before I created this account. Enjoy!
AO3 Link
Clip. The pruning shears cut through another yellow rose. You'd snipped it near the base of the prickly bush so it'd be extra long, matching the others. So far you had collected 11, just one short of your bouquet for Aether.
All the ghouls, ghoulettes, and Papa were coming home to the Ministry from their latest tour leg. Your bank account was sitting at zero, so you had to get creative for the homecoming party. Raiding Primo's garden was the only solution, especially since the gifts needed to be over the top with their latest success.
Clip. The final rose fell into your hand. Fishing into the pocket of your habit, you pulled out a turquoise satin ribbon you'd nicked from the costuming department. You tied a pretty bow around the thorny stems and began the hunt for your next gift.
Sodo would probably like something fun and spikey. Walking the gravel paths, you searched for something to please the feisty ghoul. There were so many different plants and flowers, growing into the walking path as if they were begging to be chosen. None of them seemed to speak to you, so you kept looking.
Past a bush of hydrangeas, you noticed a worn wooden and glass door. The peeling paint on the glass read "Exotics" and something else that was no longer legible.
That's exactly what I need!
Creaking the door open, a rush of humid air clung to your face. It was warmer inside this section of the greenhouse and you found yourself wondering how the temperature controls of it worked. The heat acted like steroids to these plants, Monstera leaves the size of your torso fluttering from the air pressure change.
Closing the door behind you, you looked for something reasonably sized and not too conspicuous. While you wanted to wow, you weren't looking to raise any investigations into prized plant disappearances. A few Birds of Paradise should do the trick.
Batting away tropical fronds, a curious flower caught your eye. Red tendrils curled and swirled, tangling with each other and the green tendrils that must have been its leaves. It was an impressive sight, reminding you of a blown glass sculpture you'd once seen.
Carefully, you reached out to touch it, dying to know what it felt like. To your surprise, one of the red tendrils curled around your pinky. It must have been one of those moving plants, like a Venus Flytrap or Morning Glory. While it was cute, you needed to untangle the tendril and continue your search.
No sooner had the bouquet of yellow roses touched the wooden edge of the plant bed, than another tendril, this time green, wound its way around your wrist. Prying it up proved to be impossible, so you tried tugging.
The plant gripped tighter with each pull to its tendrils. You turned back, looking for where you'd set your pruning shears: if it wasn’t going to come off willingly, you'd cut the damn thing off. The pruning shears were on the bed opposite your clingy plant.
Your ankle caught on something as you tried to walk over. Horror filled your body at the sight of two thick vines wrapped around both ankles.
Heart quickening, you struggled harder and harder, trying desperately to reach those life-saving shears as more and more vines wrapped around your body. You were going to meet your Dark Lord below. There was only one reason a plant didn't let go of its prey.
"Help!" you cried out. It was a long shot attempt to be saved as you'd specifically snuck in during lunchtime when everyone would be in the cafeteria.
You were at least 3 feet in the air now, probably about to be thrown into the plant's hidden maw, when you felt the vine curl further up your leg to rest on your ass. There was a prickly sensation as it pressed harder into the flesh, but it quickly subsided, a wave of calm passing over you.
More tendrils extended from the plant and you watched in spaced-out fascination as they snaked into your habit. They pulled and ripped at seams and fabric, soon leaving you bare.
Usually, you'd be shivering in the cool fall air, but the warmth and humidity of the greenhouse felt like a warm embrace to your naked form. Two flower-tipped tendrils came up to complete the embrace, latching each to a nipple.
A small moan of pleasure escaped, stamens dancing about and around the stiffening peaks. The feeling was unlike any other: touches featherlight but expert as you felt the warmth rapidly pooling in your core.
The third flower against your clit had you pulling at your botanical restraints. The ghosting touches were bringing you closer and closer to your edge, but you needed more. Pussy dripping, you begged the plant for harder stimulation or something to fill the emptiness.
Obliging your whining, a sizable vine crept up, probing the opening of your soaked cunt. The teasing was torturous, hands gripping at the tendrils that restrained them. Satisfied with your state of arousal, it pushed up into you. You whimpered at the girth, perfectly thick and writhing.
Your legs shook helplessly in their plant supports, body wracked with cries for pleasure and mercy.
"I see you've found Tillandsia Bulbosa, little dove."
You should have been embarrassed by your state of undress, but the wriggling of the vine against a sweet spot inside of you was more important.
Trying to form a response, you only managed an unintelligible grunt as the plant thrusted into you, brushing against your cervix.
"There’s a reason this room is off limits. It looks like it’s already administered the aphrodisiac, considering I could hear your cooing from my office on the opposite side of the greenhouse."
His linen gardening robes pooled on the ground as he examined the base of the plant "The seed pod hasn't been deposited yet."
"Seed pod?" you drooled out, trying to focus on the pleasure at hand.
"Sì cara. This is a parasitic plant. It needs a host to reproduce. Usually, it finds a wild animal, but in this case…" He traced a pointed but groomed nail on the skin above the thicket of hair at the apex of your thighs. "Just relax, suora."
Something larger sought permission for entrance into your folds. You struggled, unsure if it would fit. The stretch was tight, and you felt tears prick your eyes.
"Guardami ragazza, you're doing good. Just breathe. The plant gives un anestetico. Breathe."
The stretch stung less the farther the knot traveled inside you. When you were certain it couldn't go any deeper, blunt pressure was applied to your cervix.
Thoughts of fleeing crossed your mind but we're quickly banished by the redoubled efforts of the stamens on your nipples and clit. The vine inside you bent, applying more pressure to where you desperately needed it.
"I'm going to cum," you gasped, almost as if asking the Satanic Pope for permission.
"Vieni. It will help with the placement."
Your walls clenched hard around the vine for what seemed like forever. The teasing had gone on for so long that it would be impossible to know when the pulsating would stop. Joy flooded your bloodstream as the seed pod was pushed into your womb with barely any effort. The pod was a little heavy and felt like a bag of marbles.
You took deep breaths, trying to ground yourself from the intense sensations. The experience had been a lot and you weren't sure how much more you could take.
"Libera la ragazza dai suoi strumenti di contenzione," Primo incanted. Refined hands swirled and dark ribbons of mist took form around the plant.
Slowly, the plant retracted, untangling its tendrils and vines from your body. You rubbed at the indents on your wrist, going to pick up the remnants of your habit.
"We're not done, dove," Primo said.
You turned to see him holding the bouquet of yellow roses for Aether.
"These are from my personal collection aren't they?"
Toying with your shredded habit, you avoid his gaze. It would be best to keep your mouth shut to avoid further incrimination.
"Thou shalt not steal is a commandment made to be broken, child. However, there are... penalties for stealing from my collection."
Were you to be flogged before all your siblings and the ghouls? Perhaps you would be sentenced to weeks of back-breaking garden labor. Both thoughts turned your blood cold.
"It just so happens that I was looking to breed this plant," he said, gesturing to the now docile tendrils. "However, I was in need of a host for it."
Your hand rubbed above your pubic bone, cradling where the seed pod now lay.
"So, I am free to go?"
"No. There is a second step to the reproduction process of Tillandsia Bulbosa. After it has embedded its pod, the pod will secrete mimic hormones until the animal completes the insemination process with another of its species."
Watching him explain it you wanted nothing more than for him to wrap his bony hands around your throat and use you like a needy whore. Clearly, the mimic hormones were fast-acting.
"What does that mean, Papa?" His linen robes felt rough against the palm of your hand. It crossed your mind that perhaps he wasn't wearing anything underneath.
"It means that in order to get my seeds in three months, someone needs to inseminate you today."
"You could fuck me, Papa." Lust dripped from your voice as you sank to your knees. You dragged your nails down his thighs, looking up at the man in skull paint to bat your eyes. "Pretty please?"
"Is that what you wish, Suora?"
"More than anything in the world." You nuzzled a cheek against his groin, relishing in the scratch of the fabric.
"Then you shall have it."
Lifting the hem of his robes, you took his semi-hard cock into your mouth. He was big, and you struggled to fit him in your mouth, trying your best to salivate and coat the rest of him with your one hand. The other hand raked nails into his thigh. He staggered back at the contact causing you to curl your tongue in amusement.
He groaned gently, removing his robes so he could better guide your head on his cock. His face was folded in pleasure, cryptic long dead words tumbling from the agape mouth. Hands threaded through your hair as he assisted you in your task.
"Smetti or I will have spent myself down your pretty throat before our task is finished."
Sliding him out of your mouth, you swirled your tongue one last time on the rosy head. His salty precum was so delectable that it upset you that you couldn't swallow the rest of it.
"Don't pout, la mia colomba," he said. "You can still have Papa."
Gravel sticking to your knees, you rose, stroking him eagerly. You wanted to feel him in your veins and filling you more than you already had been.
Gripping your shoulders, Primo turned you away from him. A hand glided down your spine as you felt him compelling you to bend forward. The wood of the planter bed was roughly hewn, and you prayed to Satan that it wouldn't leave splinters in your palms.
Worn hands secured themselves on either side of your hips. You wriggled your ass, testing the strength of the grip and excited at how exposed you were.
Stinging sung in the flesh of your bottom. It felt good and you wanted more.
"Be still."
"But I want you to fuck me. I need you to fill me. I feel so empty."
Slowly he sank into you, obliging your wish. "Cara, there is a reason for going slow, but if you want it now I will not deny you."
He was bigger than the vine, but not as big as the seed pod had been. Tilting your hips forward, he bottomed out effortlessly. The head of his cock was nestled behind your cervix, and you felt the seeds inside shifting.
You involuntarily moaned as the marble-like seeds knocked against each other, sending deliciously light vibrations throughout your womb.
"The seed pod of the Tillandsia Bulbosa is not a solid structure." He began rocking himself into you at a slow but steady rhythm, jostling the seeds with each thrust. "This can lead to overstimulation in its host if not careful."
Your nails dug into the wood as you tried to keep your legs up. The seeds swirled and stirred, pushed by Primo's movements. Their vibrations intensified as he picked up the pace.
Screaming, you sank to your knees, taking Primo with you to the ground. Your walls were spasming in irregular spurts with the occasional womb contraction.
"You can take it, my little dove," he groaned. "You will take it for the price you must pay."
Fat wet tears rolled from your cheeks to the gravel. "P-please Papa! Use me! I want your cum inside of me! Please breed me! I- I don't know how much more I can take!"
"We're almost done. Be a good girl for your Papa."
Hips stuttered, moving faster, and your vision became spotty every time he railed into you. You pressed your cheek into the cool gravel, grabbing handfuls of the tiny rocks. This had to be Hell, but you didn't want it to stop.
A few more jolts had Primo roaring, digging his talon-like nails painfully into your hips. You were barely cognizant of anything other than the warmth flooding you slowly.
"Once the insemination process has been completed, the pod interacts with the sperm to create a psychotropic sedative effect. You'll probably want to sleep very shortly. Let's get you to my office."
Pulling out, he redonned his robes and scooped up your torpid form almost effortlessly. Primo was stronger than he appeared, so you didn't feel too guilty lolling your head back to rest on his shoulders.
"Feel so good," you slurred. The slick that coated your inner thighs didn't bother you. It almost felt like a trophy, one that you'd earned through hard work.
"Shhh," he hushed.
The boundaries of sleep and waking had robbed you of the memory of getting to his office. All you knew was that he was laying you down on a cot that was meant for a garden ghoul.
"Sleep, amore," he said, tucking a lightweight blanket over you. "I will go find you new clothes and some nourishment. Rest until then."
The last thing you remembered was the gentle kiss planted to your temple before he left.
Sì cara - Yes dear
suora - Sister
Guardami ragazza - Look at me girl
un anestetico - an anesthetic
Vieni - cum
Libera la ragazza dai suoi strumenti di contenzione - Free the girl from her restraints
Smetti - Stop
la mia colomba - my dove
amore - love
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ash-and-books · 3 months
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Rating: 3/5
Book Blurb: Mexican Gothic meets The Lie Tree by way of Oscar Wilde and Mary Shelley in this delightfully witty horror debut. A captivating tale of two Victorian gentlemen hiding their relationship away in a botanical garden who embark on a Frankenstein-style experiment with unexpected consequences.
It is an unusual thing, to live in a botanical garden. But Simon and Gregor are an unusual pair of gentlemen. Hidden away in their glass sanctuary from the disapproving tattle of Victorian London, they are free to follow their own interests without interference. For Simon, this means long hours in the dark basement workshop, working his taxidermical art. Gregor’s business is exotic plants – lucrative, but harmless enough. Until his latest acquisition, a strange fungus which shows signs of intellect beyond any plant he’s seen, inspires him to attempt a masterwork: true intelligent life from plant matter.
Driven by the glory he’ll earn from the Royal Horticultural Society for such an achievement, Gregor ignores the flaws in his plan: that intelligence cannot be controlled; that plants cannot be reasoned with; and that the only way his plant-beast will flourish is if he uses a recently deceased corpse for the substrate.
The experiment – or Chloe, as she is named – outstrips even Gregor’s expectations, entangling their strange household. But as Gregor’s experiment flourishes, he wilts under the cost of keeping it hidden from jealous eyes. The mycelium grows apace in this sultry greenhouse. But who is cultivating whom?
Told with wit and warmth, this is an extraordinary tale of family, fungus and more than a dash of bloody revenge from an exciting new voice in queer horror.
Frankenstein meets Fungal horror with a touch of queer romance in this story about two Victorian gentlemen, a botanist and a taxidermist, who have hidden their relationship in a botanical garden and have begun to experiment on creating a "daughter". Simon and Gregor are unusual men, they live together in their own botanical garden, dividing the space for each of their own separate work. Gregor is a botanist who yearns to get a place in the Royal Horticultural Society and has begun working on a new plant... a plant that he uses on a recently deceased corpse... a plant that is growing and becoming "aware." Simon is Gregor's partner and a taxidermist who spends most of his time working on his art in a dark basement. Together Simon and Gregor craft together a "Daughter" from the corpse, they create Chloe, an experiment who is growing and flourishing at an alarming rate... yet there is a cost to this growth and the maintenance of what Chloe is, is only becoming harder. Can Gregor and Simon figure out how to maintain their new daughter and keep prying eyes away... or was it a doomed experiment from the start? This was definitely an interesting fungal horror take on Frankenstein with a touch of queer romance in it. The story definitely had a ton of potential on some parts but other parts were really lacking. I loved the fungal horror and the experiment a la Frankenstein story, but what I really wish was further worked on and fleshed out was the relationship between Simon and Gregor, they might be called romantic partners but they didn't even feel like partners, there was no romance, there was barely any real relationship shown between the two and I just don't think that it works out well in the story without a strong relationship. I wanted their story to be explored, I wanted their strained relationship, their ethical dilemmas and fatherhood mentality to be explored in their relationship, especially since they are two queer men having a forbidden relationship outside the bonds of regular society. I feel like the book definitely is a good read it just isn't a great one and it has potential and fans of Frankenstein should definitely give a go though!
*Thanks Netgalley and Titan Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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List of All the Plants I'm Growing in my Apartment this Year:
A guide to help you maximize small spaces for a bountiful harvest with easy, low-maintenance crops & flowers.
* = Plant and do not touch.
** = Plant, harvest, and replant seeds.
*** = Plant and harvest over the summer & fall.
+ = Natural mosquito/aphid repellant.
! = Need to watch for aphids and ants (ants can put aphids on your plants to harvest the nectar they produce by eating their sap).
Small Set-up to Grow Plants with Little Space:
Balcony: Hanging baskets, fence planters, pots, 3-tier raised bed, big shelf for your small plants/sprouts/succulents.
Stairs: Pots for big plants.
Inside the apartment: DIY greenhouse made from a shelf from IKEA, DIY hanging shelf in front of the west-facing window.
Please note that I have a long list since I have two balconies and three 3-tier raised beds, plus all of the above.
Front Balcony: 3-Tier Raised Beds (2):
Thai peppers (Full sun) *** / +
Jalapenos (Full sun) **/ +
Habaneros (Full sun) **/ +
Lettuce X3 (Rotation - Semi-shade) ***
Kale X3 (Shade) **/ !
Coriander Full sun) **/ +
Rosemary (Full sun) **/ +
Dill (Full sun) *** / +
Basil (Semi-shade) *** / +
Parsley (Semi-shade) ***
Peppermint ( Semi-shade) **/ +
Arugula X3 (Shade) ** / !
Front Balcony: Fence Planters
Green onions **
Chives *** / +
Lemon balm *** / +
Lemongrass *** / +
Eucalyptus *** / +
Kitchen Lavender *** / +
Chamomile ***
Thyme ***
Marigold * / +
Purple (#6) ***
Morning Glories *
Tradescantia *
Front Balcony: Small Planter Under 3-Tier Raised Bed
Snack bar of herbal cuttings for my cat (licorice roots, dill, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley). */+
Front Balcony: Hanging Baskets
Wild strawberries or Alexandria strawberries (require less sun) **/ !
White strawberries (pineberries) **/ !
Rainbow chard ***/!
Spider plants *
Tradescantia *
Front Balcony: Potted Plants
Dwarf lemon tree *
Celery **/!
Forget-me-nots *
Back Balcony: 3-Tier Raised Bed
Hardneck garlic **/+
Shallot **/+
Radish **/+
Back Balcony: Fence Planters
Sprouts & new succulents *
English Ivy *
Morning Glories *
Back Balcony: Potted Plants
Cherry tomatoes ***/ !
Rhubarb *** / !
Perilla ***
Edamame ***
Yellow strawberries ***/ !
Dwarf raspberry bush ***
Inside the Apartment
Green onions: regrow
Succulents, Aloes, Cactus (will go on the shelf outside)
I hope this helps start your own garden!
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hottubraccoon · 2 months
Kamikita; Land of Patience and Glory
south west corner of the continent, primarily human citizens
Character SHORT List:
Alaric Suke
Daiki Suke
Dragonrider 1.0
Hisao Suke
Hoshiko Suke
Jaimie Shiratori
Peter Okiku
Sabo Suke
Satoshi Rin
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Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash.
Kamikita is based on the UK islands physical geography.* Out of all Klenith nations, Kamikita has the most obvious seasonal changes in its colours, summer is green, autumn is red, winter is brown/white, and spring is pink. Lots of Kamikita is seasonal including religion, trade, and magic. Its animals often migrate through here on their way either to Solistal for summer and Birkina for winter, so seasonal appearances are special. It rains less in the summer here but that doesn't stop its natural growth throughout. Earthquakes don't affect Kamikita much, neither do tsunamis with Birkina island being off their coast on the west. Their most dreaded disaster is drought, is truly devastates the nation even when prepared for as their livelihoods are built around their agriculture and rivers.
*but only when I feel like it lol
Kamikita has fields of crops as far as the eye can see, most wild because there is simply too much for farmers to tend to. Roads in the nation are winding to give you time to take in the view; to 'stop and smell the roses'. The nation's natural beauty and power is it's biggest draw for travelers as there are limited wonders. The most popular two being, Kamikita's 'ever glowing' lake that has been dragged many times and still there is no physical magical source besides the water itself; and the man-made wonder of Klenith's largest greenhouse tempts gardeners from all over Klenith. Inside, there are flowers for everything; flowers that can raise the dead, cure any illness, to kill with a glance, to give beauty and grace, to strengthen your body. Its capital city, Maashi, is a founder of garden cities* alongside its sister city in Birkina. Many of Kamikita's cities are bustling garden cities now, with farmhouses being sparse overnight buildings dotting the landscape. The actual architecture of the buildings follow traditional japanese patterns, the most common motifs are dragons, the sun, and floral designs.
*a real thing, research garden city planning for more
Kamikita's primary export is food; wheats, mango, pineapple, apple, peach, and other such fruits. This can be in its fresh whole form, or as jams, pickled, fermented, or juice. Their largest imports are GK's artisans, Solistal's magical seals, and Birkina's dyes. They hold the majority of trading across Klenith in their control due to the physical trading routes being within their borders, and their merchants guild being strongly supported by their royal family. It is funded by the royal family, possibly because their nation would crumble without the constant economy flowing for them.
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Raphael Lopes on Unsplash.
Other Parts:
For Great Kettering. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Solistal. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Kamikita. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
For Birkina. 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
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danceofdragonsrphq · 1 year
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In the vibrant city of Highgarden, nestled amidst the lush fields of the Reach, a normal day unfolds with the gentle sway of blooming flowers and the cheerful hum of bustling activity. Residents and visitors go about their daily routines, strolling through the enchanting gardens, engaging in lively conversations, and relishing in the splendor of the grand Highgarden Palace. However, as twilight descends, an unexpected shift in the atmosphere sends a shiver down their spines. The sky darkens, thunder rumbles ominously, and torrential rain begins to pour.
Panic ensues as the storm intensifies, trapping everyone in their respective locations. Fear grips their hearts as lightning illuminates the city in flashes of blinding light and thunder reverberates through the air, transforming Highgarden into a labyrinth of uncertainty and danger. Trees limbs crash to the ground, powerful winds knock over anything that is not tethered down. The once tranquil streets and idyllic gardens become treacherous, forcing individuals to seek shelter wherever they can, clinging to one another for support, and collectively braving the perils of the powerful storm that now holds them captive.
Various characters have found themselves trapped into various locations to shelter in the storm:
This group of characters had found themselves out amongst the gardens of Highgarden before the storm descended upon them all. There was little time to get anywhere safe within the castle and all of them individually made their way into the relative safety of the greenhouse. Outside the storm still is raging on, threatening to break it’s way inside. However as time passes the group begins to realize a dangerous creature may also have sought refuge from the storm inside the greenhouse. The group must decide how they want to proceed. Do they fight off the unknown creature inside or brave the lightening, powerful winds, and falling trees?
Location 2: RIVER MANDER
This group of characters had found themselves near the markets set up near the Mander River. Perhaps some getting ready to arrange their transportation back home or others just enoying the wares of the market place. When suddenly the storm hit them harder than anyone expected. Perhaps being by the water’s edge was the most dangerous place to be but there was little time to find shelter. All of the group finds themselves in the building of the dockmaster as he tries to calm everyone inside. But slowly the water begins to creep under the door and it seems the level is getting higher and higher. What will the group do?
Those lucky enough to be in the main market square when the storm hit was able to find themselves within the warm walls of one of the main inns of the city.  Everything seemed calm, as people kept to themselves or chatted with those around them. Drinks and food were served to those who wanted it and all seemed well. Until one mother begins to panic trying to figure out where their small child ran off to. Some people seemed worried the child ran off into the storm but that seemed unlikely as the door was being closely watched. Worry really began to sink in as another child goes missing. The group must decide if they will help and what is happening
Location 4: A SMALL SEPT
For those traveling back towards the castle they needed to take shelter in a small sept along the road. The sept is mainly meant for those traveling out or into the castle to stop and have one final prayer before they venture out of the city. But today it is filled with people from all over. At first all seems peaceful until the septon who oversees the sept notices a group of people from the westerlands. He demands they must leave since they are not allowed in the septs according to the high septon. However, going outside might as well be a death wish with how the storm is picking up. However the septon is insistent they must leave and is trying to rally support behind him knowing the High Septon may come down on them all.
Happy three year anniversary! We wanted to do a fun dash event for everyone to enjoy and bring together some interesting pairing of characters.
Now this plot can be done however is best for your group. However our suggestions could be to:
-Do small banter style threads between individual characters to start
-Come together as a group banter to tackle the plot happening in your location
However this is your plot too! If you have another idea you’d like to do run with it. This setting and initial plot is just a jumping off point for you all to get creative with. There is no right or wrong answer here, just have fun!!
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happyheidi · 2 years
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xneontragedyx · 22 days
Shadows House Wiki
in: Spoilers, Locations, Terminology
Shadows House (Place)
This place has many spoilers!
Shadows House
Soot Island
Shadows, Living Dolls, Veiled Dolls, Scorches and Morphs
The Shadows House (シャドーハウス Shadō Hausu?) is a manor built atop of a cliff, in which Shadows live as nobles, serviced by their Living Dolls. It is composed of two buildings, namely the Children's Building and the Lord Grandfather's Wing. The buildings are connected to each other by the Passageway of Glory. Living Dolls and Shadows who try to escape the Shadows House will be attacked by arrows. Even if they dodge the arrows and head to the entrance, they will only be greeted by the bottom of the cliff. The only thing that connects the Shadows House to the outside is the Soot Train.
2Children's Building
2.1Main House
2.2West Wing
2.3Star Bearers' Residential Tower
3Passageway of Glory
4Lord Grandfather's Wing
4.1Basement Floor
4.2First Floor
4.3Second Floor
4.4Third Floor
5Hierarchy System
Over 50 years ago, the Shadows House was once Mirrors House before it was attacked by Morphs.
Children's Building
The Children's Building (こどもたちの棟とう Kodomo-tachi no Tō?) is the building in which Children of the Shadows House live, including those who have yet to Debut. The Shadows and the Living Dolls are separated into two different wings depending on their gender – the Boys' Wing and the Girls' Wing. The Star Bearers have their own rooms, with allowed visits, but they close at 6PM.
The house is divided into multiple teams, each having 3 or 4 members. So far, the only teams shown have unilaterally consisted of 4 members. Among these teams, the Star Bearers are the ones with the highest authority, and they essentially watch over the house as a whole.
Aside from the Star Bearers, there are also 2 special teams, namely the Research Team and the First-Aid Team. The former is dedicated to researching and creating inventions, while the latter is dedicated to treating and taking care of sick Dolls. The leaders of these 2 teams are both Star Bearers, though it's not certain whether being part of the Star Bearers is a strict pre-requisite to leading these teams.
Main House
Great Hall: The main room of the house. Living Dolls organize in teams to clean the immense hall.
Hall of the Cleaning Implements: It is where the cleaning tools for the Living Dolls are kept.
Classroom: A classroom where new Living Dolls learn about their cleaning duties.
Maze Garden: The place where Kate and her friends debuted. Its a big garden ideal for meetings or relaxing, it has a few small greenhouses where they can cultivate fruits like oranges.
Conservatory: One of the Hobby Rooms. A place to cultivate flowers and fruits like oranges. Patrick and Margaret visit here frequently.
Library: One of the Hobby Rooms. A place for Shadows to borrow books to learn more about different topics, like marriage.
Music Room: One of the Hobby Rooms. Shadows with interest in music can pass their time here. Some of the instruments include violins and a piano.
Dance Hall: One of the Hobby Rooms. Shadows with interest in dancing like Maryrose can pass their time here.
Training Room: Supervised by Susanna, a large room where Shadows with their soot power awakened can receive special lessons and train. Shadows without soot power don't know about this place.
Soot Management Facility (Sootmain): An important facility that pulverizes the soot from the children's building at conveys it to the Lord Grandfather's wing.
Intermediate Facility: A facility that manages soot-blowing fans, conducting the soot in the rooms to go until the soot-crushing room.
Soot Pipes and Soot-Crushing Room: All the clean up soot collected in the Shadows' rooms and the training room goes through these pipes. A pipeline goes under the Passageway of Glory where the soot-crushing room process it to be used as an energy font in the Lord Grandfather's Wing.
Research Room (Laboratory): A room where Oliver and the Research Team build and test their inventions. It is located underneath the house but is rarely used, with the Research Team instead opting to use a large cabin in the garden for the extra space.
Washing Room (Medical Wing): A place where Dolls can clean themselves. There is a lot of rooms with bathtubs and showers for Dolls to bathe in pairs. There is also another room where they can change their clothes properly, check their heights, size height, and others details. The medical wing that Susanna and the First-Aid Team take care of is also located here and they can treat ill Shadows who are sick with Soot Sickness.
Veiled Dolls' Rooms: Underneath both Children's and Lord Grandfather's Wings in confined and dim individual rooms for them to only sleep, wake up, and dress up. It is also where the Kitchen and Laundry of the house is located since neither Shadows nor Living Dolls need to cook or wash clothes.
West Wing
Boys' Rooms: contains the rooms of the male Shadows which are connected to their Living Dolls' rooms. Shadows that haven't debuted yet can't leave their rooms.
Girls' Rooms: contains the rooms of the female Shadows which are connected with their Living Dolls' rooms. Shadows that haven't debuted yet can't leave their rooms.
Star Bearers' Residential Tower
Meeting Room: Star Bearers use this room for their reunions about important matters to their decisions. They can also call the members of the children's building to make announcements
Coffee Room: Where the coffee beans are brewed for the Rejoicing Party, it's located in the first floor of the tower.
Gym: The place where Benjamin and his Doll train their physical body with equipment supplied by Oliver.
Passageway of Glory
The Passageway of Glory (栄えい光こうの廊ろう下か Eikō no Rōka?) is the place that separates the Children's Building from the Lord Grandfather's Wing. It also leads to the underground of the Lord Grandfather's Wing.
Lord Grandfather's Wing
The Lord Grandfather's Wing (おじい様さまと共ともにある棟とう Ojī-sama to Tomo ni Aru Tō?) is the building in which Adults of the Shadows House live.
The building is split into 3 floors, with the Shadows living on higher floors holding more power and authority than those living below. It also have a basement where children gathers together after a new debut ends.
Basement Floor
The Basement Floor is where the Debut Hall, the place Shadows test if they match with their Living Dolls, is located. If they pass, the Shadow gets access to the rest of the children's wing (aside from their own rooms), and the Living Dolls can act as their faces. Else, they are disposed of. This floor also have an audience room, where the Star Bearer reunites with the Children's Building warden, an Unification Room for the invited Shadows to fuse, Veiled Doll's quarters, a prison and access to the garden.
First Floor
On the First Floor, residents are undergoing or have recently completed Fusion. As of now, the only known member of the First Floor is Lewis.
Second Floor
On the Second Floor, residents aim to become part of the Third Floor. When a Shadow reaches the second floor they may gain duties such as organizing a Debut, being the Children's Building Manager, carrying out an Obligation, or having an administrative job over one of the House's many villages.
Third Floor
On the Third Floor, residents gain maximal influence; those who currently reside there are, specifically, The Lord Grandfather, Dorothy, Joseph, Ryan, and Sophie. They are the ones who have the highest power of authority in the Shadows House and, since they rarely show their faces, nobody, include the others adults in the house, knows their appearances.
Hierarchy System
Faceless Shadow: These are Shadows who have yet to debut. They are unable to leave their rooms since they are still incomplete Shadows. They are to be tended to by their Living Dolls who clean and influence their personalities. The Dolls are to give a goodnight kiss every night to help stabilizes the mimicry process.
Debuted Shadow: After the debut, the Shadow can finally leave their rooms and interact with the others members of the house, having a schedule of hobbies and activities during the day. The Living Doll of a debuted Shadow is called a Face and when using the portrait attire, they need to show their master's feelings.
Team Leader: A Team Leader has to report the activities of the members of the team they are in charge of to the star bearers. One will need good leadership skills to become a team leader.
Star Bearer: Originally a step before reaching adulthood, the current Star Bearers are the ones who lead all the others children in the house and report current events to the adults (more specifically, only to the current manager of the children's building) to check who can be invited. Only they can lead special teams like the Research and First-Aid teams.
First Floor Adult: The first stage of adulthood. After the Fusion, they need to stabilize their transformation and get used to having their own face.
Second Floor Adult: Here is where important adult Shadows live; however, most of them stay outside of the manor to keep order of the villages. Another important role a second floor Shadow can have is becoming a Children's Building Manager: the Star Bearers needs to report to them and they are also in charge of "welcoming" the invited Shadows.
Third Floor Adult: The most influential Shadows in the house. For unknown reasons, different from first and second floor Shadows, they never reveal their faces, except if they are in charge of the Selection.
Lord Grandfather: The ruler of the Shadows House and said creator of the Living Dolls. A mysterious figure with unknown goals.
The ambience of the manor resembles the Victorian Era (around 1850).
According to Chapter 80, there currently are more than 50 children living in the building.
The official English localization differs between Funimation's anime and Yen Press' manga in some terms as well:
Hall of the Cleaning Implements is called Utility Room
Classroom is called School Room
Washing Room is called Washroom
Soot-Crushing Room is called Soot Processing Room
Lord Grandfather's Wing is called The Building at Grandfather's Side
After Volume 5 Team Leaders are called Team Captains
Star Bearers' Meeting Room is called Star-Bearers' Conference Room
Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
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rewaso · 11 months
Creative DIY Garden Projects for Upcycling Old Items
Do you remember the day when you bought your first plant in a pretty pot? If yes, then you might know your this gardening hobby can turn into an expensive hobby. So, it would be better to turn the focus to upcycling. Get ready to turn all your garden ideas into reality without even burning a hole in your bank account.
It is a rewarding and creative activity to create upcycled garden projects by using junk, otherwise, that junk will end up in a landfill. Also, you can elevate and decorate your yard on a budget. From creating tire planters to repurposing window greenhouses, let our inspiring ideas turn your boring garden into a stunning one. 
Creative DIY Garden Projects for Upcycling Old Items
1) Tire Planters
You can transform your old tires into charming planters which will suit your garden perfectly. First, clean your tires thoroughly, then paint them using weather-resistant paint. After they get dry, you can stack multiple tires on top of each other. You can secure them by using adhesive or drill holes and use zip ties. At last, fill those tires with soil and small shrubs, herbs, or plant flowers. 
2) Pallet Vertical Garden
Wooden pallets can be easily repurposed into a vertical garden. Just stand the pallet in an upright direction, then on the back and sides attach landscaping fabric by using a staple gun or staples. It would be better to use potting soil to fill the spaces left between the pallet slats and then plant small flowers, herbs, or succulents. Remember to lean the pallet against a fence or wall, and finally, you can watch your vertical garden getting flourish.
3) Vintage Toolbox Herb Garden
Yes, you heard right, your worn-out and old toolbox can be turned into a beautiful herb garden. For this, clean your toolbox thoroughly and make sure there is no chemical residue left. If there is a requirement to add drainage holes, then go for it. Also, line it by using small pots or plastic sheets because they will prevent your soil from leaking out. Now, use potting soil to fill the toolbox and plant whatever is your favorite herb, like rosemary, basil, etc.
4) Bicycle Wheel Trellis
In the case of climbing plants like morning glories, you can utilize your old bicycle wheel for creating a unique trellis. As a next step, attach the wheel horizontally to a wall or fence, then secure it by using wire or screws. With this growth of plants, you can guide them by the wheel spokes, which will allow them to create a stunning visual display by climbing.
5) Tea Cup Bird Feeder
Use your vintage tea cups and saucers to transform them into adorable bird feeders. Through the center of the saucer and cup, you can drill a small hole. To secure them, you can thread a wooden or metal dowel through the holes and use nuts on both ends. Use a strong adhesive at the bottom of your cup, then attach it to the saucer to create a perch for the birds. You can hang the feeder from a shepherd's hook or a tree branch, and now, you can use birdseed to fill the cup.
6) Colander Hanging Basket
It's time to give a new life to your old colander by turning them into a hanging basket for flowers. Look for a colander having handles and must consider their drainage. You can make drill holes at the bottom and around the side. Use a landscaping fabric or coco liner to line the colander. Finally, add potting soil and start planting vibrant blooms such as pansies. For hanging the colander from a pergola or a porch, you can attach sturdy ropes or chains to the handles. 
7) Repurposed Window Greenhouse
For plant propagation or seed starting, you can convert your old window frame into a mini greenhouse. Make sure to clean the window thoroughly, then remove any kind of broken or loose glass. Now, take one side of the window frame to attach hinges that allow it to work like a door, such as opening and closing. You can place the window frame over your raised garden bed or just build a custom frame and secure it by using screws. Finally, at the top, add a glass sheet or transparent plastic. Your charming greenhouse is all set to nurture the plants.
With these above-mentioned fantastic ways, you can add an eco-friendly and unique touch to your garden. Don't forget to consider the suitability and weather resistance of the materials you're using outdoors. All you need is just some upcycled materials and little creativity. After that, you can turn your garden into an environmentally friendly oasis.
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lilworkerbee · 2 years
blue flowers appreciation post!
here are some from around the greenhouse...
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plumbago "dark blue" and petunia "dekko blue"
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bacopa "gulliver blue" and felicia "cape town blue"
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ipomea "heavenly blue" and echeveria "caribbean blue"
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calibrachoa "double blue" and nemesia "bluebird"
and lastly,
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evolvulus "blue my mind" and lobelia "techno dark blue"
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
pairing: cordelia goode x reader x wilhemina venable
word count: 1060
notes and warnings: title from “garden of eden” by billie marten. im actually kinda proud of this one idk if its any good or not but its my favorite oneshot ive written so far.. i did get a bit carried away with metaphors tho so be aware of that lol. also! @fancyflamboyantfruity didn’t request this but i’m dedicating it to him anyway because he’s just the coolest person ever <3 also the paragraph spacing is really weird bc i copied and pasted from google docs but idk how to fix that so
summary: a date at a botanical garden with cordelia and wilhemina. pretty fluffy shit tbh
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Cordelia Goode was the embodiment of sunlight.
Like the morning sun, her light shone upon the world in rays of gold, gently bringing life to the day, the stillness of the dark disrupted by the gentle awakening brought each morning. Nothing could overthrow the rule of the light – though the sun was bound to set at the end of the day, it inevitably rose again, and with each dawn of a new awakening came the promise of renewed joy.
Cordelia Goode was the embodiment of sunlight.
She was the embodiment of the serenity that engulfed you as you drifted through the vast gardens, ever so often peering up at the sky and watching its light close in on you and your girlfriends, trapping you in the glory of the moment before you.
Cordelia’s hand grasped your own. She was telling you about some sort of orchid, yet you could hardly pay any attention, for you were completely overcome by awe at everything surrounding you, in awe of the women you were standing between, dazed as if your existence were a dream.
Every so often you would hear Wilhemina beside you utter some sort of remark, a question or criticism, prompting Cordelia to continue lecturing the two of you, telling you of the origins of the plants and their meanings and what medicinal properties they did or didn’t have. Her excitement was contagious, even the plants seemed to be uplifted by her, they put on their finest show for her.
Contentment rippled through the gardens. Nothing could abolish the sanctity of the morning, nothing could take away the tranquility clothing everything around you.
The sky began to cloud over, graying, the sun met with rest. A storm was on its way, the air smelt of rain.
A hand rested on the small of your back and you turned slightly, now facing Wilhemina. She had followed your gaze to the sky, had noticed the start of rainfall, the first few droplets cascading down to the garden path. She gave you the slightest smile – it passed quickly, just the slightest change of expression, and you knew that you and Cordelia were the only ones who could’ve interpreted such an expression with accuracy.
If Cordelia was the embodiment of sunlight, Wilhemina was the embodiment of rain. Her love came by means of the darkening sky, and you could hear its cry from miles away. Destruction was bound to follow if its gravity were not understood, as it follows all things that have escaped the monotony of expectation, yet in its wake life would be left in a state of ethereality.
She interrupted Cordelia’s tangent, looking past you to meet her eyes. “Loves, we should move into the greenhouse, a storm’s on its way.”
The three of you followed the garden’s path a few feet more, making your way toward the greenhouse – you were in no particular hurry. Your love of the rain was as potent as that for the sun. In the presence of each you felt just as at home, just as free, and watching the sky change was your life’s song.
The three of you were some of the only ones visiting the botanical garden that day. It had been a surprise trip you and Wilhemina had been planning for Cordelia for weeks, ever since you found out that Cordelia had been wanting to visit the gardens for some time but had never found an excuse to. There was no special occasion other than the immense love between the three of you… yet no other excuse was needed, for your love had become the center of your lives, nothing left untouched by it.
The greenhouse was immaculate. The rain had grown into a slight storm, its droplets becoming heavier, the sound of it echoing through the empty greenhouse. Hundreds of plants awaited you, hanging from the ceiling and covering the floor.
You had never felt more at peace than in this moment, cut off from the rest of the world because of the rain, engulfed completely in paradise with the loves of your life.
What little light was left reflected through the glass walls in a hazy gray hue, casting shadows over everything.
Yet though you had found paradise, when you looked over to Wilhemina your joyous expression faded. She seemed extremely troubled, and whenever you attempted to meet her eyes you looked away.
Cordelia noticed this as well, and the two of you exchanged worried glances. She stepped toward Wilhemina carefully, gently taking her hand. “Mina, darling, are you alright?”
“Of course,” she snapped back automatically. Anyone else would’ve left it at that, would have taken her tone as a warning. Yet you knew as well as Cordelia did that every storm could be soothed, that thunder had no weight.
“There’s no reason to hide, my love, not from us.”
She contemplated this for a moment. She still hadn’t met the eyes of either you or Cordelia. “The rain, it’s killed the afternoon… the two of you were so immersed in the garden, and now we’re stuck in a storm.”
Cordelia attempted to stifle a smile. How lucky she felt that the only source of the day’s heartache had been brought about by compassion. “Darling, look around us. This greenhouse is beautiful – the rain makes it complete, in a way, doesn’t it? The way it wipes away everything else. There’s nowhere else I would rather be, no one else I would rather be with than here with the two of you.” she extended her other arm, beckoning you to her, and you complied, everything falling into place.
You smiled in agreement, and when Wilhemina still seemed unconvinced you moved forward, closing the space between you and capturing her lips with yours.
The fragility of a storm, above all, is what is perpetually forgotten. Thunder has no weight, and the sun will always keep it company, nothing able to diminish the stability of their love.
You pulled away, moving to Cordelia, meeting her lips as well, melting into her touch.
You had never been more content.
For Cordelia Goode was the embodiment of the sun, Wilhemina Venable the embodiment of the rain, and you were vivaciously between them, your life hanging in the perfect balance of the elements.
This garden of eternal sunshine, eternal rainfall, was yours for all of your life.
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