#good bad movie
creekfrog · 2 years
after the disaster that was the goldfinch movie media can never burn me again i’m impenetrable 
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dafukdidiwatch · 4 years
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Sometimes you have a vision that you need to bring into this world, no matter what it takes
I’m not even going to bother with a fucking overview this shit is already wild enough. Literally like a minute and a half in I’m already blown away by how wonderfully awful they made this movie. And don’t you dare convince me otherwise. There are movies where they tried so hard to be good that it sucks ass. THIS movie tries VERY HARD to be bad but in the “no look we’re trying to be good see lol” kind of way. It is setup like a satire, but of what I have no idea. Bad movies I guess. Or the “so bad it’s good” genre.
I don’t even know where to even begin. To many wonderful things to point out like, the fact that their montages is just the same shot over and over again just starting at different angles. The fact that all outside scenes were obviously made in someone’s backyard, watching him travel through China in a midwestern wood. The fact that they used up their entire budget on the ONE semi-decent special effect and it wasn’t even the dinosaur. The fact that they literally had the “insert burning car here” caption in the movie. The fact that any and all people in background fights were moving in the “fighting character screen-saver” mode. And this is just some of the shit that I can remember. There is a lot more that I know, and a HELL of a lot more I probably forgot.
But we can’t continue this movie without our lovely list of characters such as
Pastor Doug
Pastor Doug’s only Pastor Friend
Hooker Doctor Lawyer
Freddie Mermaid: Swimming in Bitches
Wei Chang: The Chinese Christian Ninja
The Ninjas
That one random TMNT skateboarder
Aurelio Voltaire 
Yeah, no idea how the FUCK they got Voltaire in this movie. And it wasn’t like a cameo role two bit 5 minute slot either. He was an actual secondary character specialty exorcist to try and banish the dinosaur from within. I have to at least give this movie credit that they let Voltaire keep his aesthetic in his role. He certainly fit the bill.
This movie feels a lot like “Fuck It.” Like they obviously didn’t have the budget to make it professional, so they decided to make the movie anyway and poke fun at itself along the way. In the middle of meeting Voltaire we get a Vietnam flashback with the old Pastor Friend guy who all they did was literally dye his hair blond. Then later they have a ninja having a flashback for similar reasons!
It’s just, bad. But they knew it was so they owned up to it. The cheep effects, the exaggerated characters. There were lines that just killed me watching this because they would have worked if the movie was good! My favorite one by far is:
“I don’t know much about God”
“I don’t know much about dinosaurs”
That shit still cracks me up!
This movie is not good. No way in hell is it good. But it was funny. It’s like a “spot what’s wrong” as a movie. It has a plot, it has beats, it has the semblance of a story, it’s just weird and low-budget as hell! Basically, the director says it all, “ The movie is made to be fun, and anybody looking for deeper meaning in the man-turns-into-a-dinosaur genre is probably on a fool's errand.“
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nitrateglow · 5 years
You know, I never necessarily recommend my favorite movies to people, because tastes vary so much. I mean, I loved The Favourite, but I know better than to try to show it to my grandparents.
However, Midnight Ride is the exception. Just about every person I befriend, I get them to watch it at some point. It’s just-- such a masterpiece of cinema. It enriches the lives of all who are exposed to it.
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lesbianspeedy · 3 years
the best movie genre is heists where everything goes slightly wrong but in the last 10 minutes they show in flashbacks that actually everything was planned and they meant to break every bone in their body then go to prison or whatever
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emilysobservatory · 3 years
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“ Second star to the right … And straight on ‘til morning. ”
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mkzmerryfriend · 2 years
Okay I’m not Asian and I’m not a child of Asian parents, but I fully started crying at “I see you Meimei. You try to make everyone happy, but you are so hard on yourself. And if I taught you that… I’m sorry.”
Because to be able to hear that from your mom, the person you’ve spent your life trying to make proud of you, is so validating.
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makohjey-moved · 2 years
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in his villain era
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archivelikely · 3 years
netflix deserves at least half the shit we give disney for churning out soulless garbage tbh
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dianas-shortgalpal · 3 years
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she’s simply the best
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beif0ngs · 2 years
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macaulaytwins · 2 years
People will say “here’s a dark academia recommendation” and list The Secret History or Dead Poets Society… come on, switch it up, recommend this:
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aq2003 · 2 years
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obi-wan's conversation with anakin before leaving for utapau
owk week day 2: favorite movie moment
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devilsskettle · 2 years
dani midsommar is so sweet and kind and really trying to stay positive and polite to others in literally unimaginable circumstances and nobody in the whole movie is even a little bit nice to her except to manipulate her. kms
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tinyufoboss · 3 years
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Found another poorly-rated horror movie to get attached to, and actually, the thing is, if u think about it, Brahms did nothing wrong
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brizie-doodles · 2 years
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Hyperbeams a good bad boy your way
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wordfather · 2 years
i know things can be bad but today at work (i work with kids) an 8 year old came up to me and confidently said he didnt believe the magic in harry potter is real. i asked why not and he explained to me that magic is not fancy words in movies. magic is the sun and the ocean and animals and land. magic is the thing that helps our hearts live and our eyelids blink and it helps us think thoughts. he then danced around a bit and went 'see! i can do that because of magic!' and god damn it i almost cried because that is the cutest worldview i've ever heard
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