#goddess frigga
30 Days of Deity Devotion: Frigg
Day 1: a basic introduction
I decided to start the 30 days of deity devotion thing with Frigg because as a stay at home mother who also works remotely AND is a student and a witch, Frigg is the kind of multifaceted goddess who inspires me to find power, peace, and magic in the so-called "mundane" of daily life.
But I digress. Here's a general introduction to Frigg, keeping in mind I am by no means an academic, this is just what I know of her.
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(Unsure of artist, comment if you know who it is)
Who is she?
Frigg is a Norse goddess associated with:
Hearth and home
Weaving and spinning
Frith-weaving (community building and managing)
Magic, especially having to do with wyrd (seidr; volva)
Psychic skills, especially seeing fate
The grief of loss, especially of a child
Liminal space
Her mythology includes:
Her sometimes hilariously competitive but loving relationship with Odin
Her doomed struggle to protect her son Baldr from death
Her team of "handmaids" who are all powerful in their own rights (there is some speculation they're all actually different aspects of her)
Her ability to see the web of wyrd, but her refusal to speak of it to those it affects
Her home of Fensalir, which is marshland
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songs-of-fensalir · 1 year
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Wood burning of Frigg by Ýdalir: http://ydalir.ca/norsegods/frigga/ - a small kindred of family and friends based in Ontario, Canada. With respect to the original creator, please keep this credit.
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obsidian-pages777 · 11 days
Asteroid Frigga in your Astrology Chart. Where will you go above and beyond for?
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Frigg, known as Odin's wife and the queen of the Aesir, holds a prominent yet complex role in Norse mythology. Despite limited primary sources detailing her characteristics beyond her relationships with her husband and children, Frigg was revered for aspects such as fertility, marriage, home, and wisdom. She is often portrayed as a pacifist and gentle figure, a reputation that is somewhat challenged by her association with seidr, a form of magic linked to shaping fate. This powerful practice, often performed by a völva (a trained practitioner of Norse witchcraft), highlights Frigg’s deep-seated magical abilities, which include shape-shifting, fate-spinning, prophecy, and rune casting. Notably, despite her immense power, Frigg is depicted as using her gifts benevolently and never to cause harm.
Frigg's most significant display of power and maternal devotion is evident in the Prose Edda, where she exhaustively attempts to protect her son Baldur. She extracts oaths from fire, water, earth, trees, sickness, animals, venom, metal, and more to ensure Baldur’s safety. However, Loki exploits a loophole, leading to Baldur’s death. In her grief, Frigg convinces Hermod to journey to Hel in an effort to retrieve Baldur, though Hel ultimately refuses to release him. This narrative underscores Frigg’s profound influence and her relentless, albeit tragic, efforts to shield her loved ones, demonstrating her dual role as a nurturer and a powerful, proactive force in the Norse pantheon.
Asteroid Frigg, named after the Norse goddess of marriage and motherhood, can offer insights into themes of nurturing, domestic life, and marital relations when it appears in different houses of the astrology chart.
First House (Ascendant): Frigg here emphasizes personal qualities of nurturing and caring. You may have a strong sense of responsibility towards family and domestic matters, and these qualities are integral to your identity.
Second House: With Frigg in the second house, there’s a focus on providing for family and loved ones. Your values and sense of security are closely tied to your ability to nurture and support others, especially in a material sense.
Third House: Frigg in the third house can indicate a nurturing communication style. You might take on a caregiving role within your immediate environment, such as with siblings, neighbors, or through teaching.
Fourth House (IC): This placement highlights the importance of home and family in your life. You likely have a deep attachment to your family and place great importance on creating a nurturing domestic environment.
Fifth House: Frigg in the fifth house suggests a nurturing approach to creativity, children, and romantic relationships. You may find joy and fulfillment in caring for and guiding children or in creative pursuits that involve nurturing.
Sixth House: This placement can indicate a nurturing attitude towards daily routines, health, and work environments. You may take on a caregiving role in your workplace or feel a strong need to create a harmonious and supportive daily routine.
Seventh House (Descendant): With Frigg here, nurturing qualities are brought into partnerships and close relationships. You may seek a partner who embodies caregiving traits or find that your relationships thrive on mutual support and care.
Eighth House: Frigg in the eighth house can signify a deep, transformative approach to nurturing. There may be themes of healing and support in intimate relationships, and you might be drawn to helping others through crisis or transformation.
Ninth House: This placement brings nurturing qualities into areas related to philosophy, higher education, and travel. You may feel a calling to support others through teaching, mentoring, or expanding their horizons.
Tenth House (MC): Frigg in the tenth house emphasizes nurturing as a public or career-oriented quality. You might be drawn to professions involving caregiving, social work, or any career that allows you to provide support and guidance to others.
Eleventh House: With Frigg in the eleventh house, you are likely to play a nurturing role within your social groups or community. Your friendships and group affiliations may revolve around mutual support and collective well-being.
Twelfth House: This placement indicates a more hidden or subconscious approach to nurturing. You may find fulfillment in caring for others behind the scenes or through spiritual and charitable endeavors. There might be a need to address subconscious patterns related to caregiving.
In summary, Asteroid Frigg's placement in your astrology chart can offer valuable insights into how you express nurturing and care in various areas of your life. Understanding this can help you align more closely with these energies, fostering growth and fulfillment in your relationships and personal development.
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fornasedensgudar · 1 year
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"Promise me"
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fernthewhimsical · 9 months
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Made two tiny drop spindles as offerings for Frigg-Frija and Holle. They are so smoll! (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
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morablackbird · 4 months
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portrait of Frigga/Frigg for a friends dnd character goddess of choice.
hopefully I'll be able to do more art on time next week, I love you all and hope your day is going well.
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roostersmustache · 6 months
Songs of Silence Masterlist
A/N: Here is the masterlist for all things SOS! Thank you for reading! Blurb requests for this series are currently CLOSED! Don't hesitate to check out my other works!
18+ only please, minors dni! if i find out ur a minor reading my stuff i will block u! my content contains sexual themes!
Synopsis: Ingrid was born the goddess of song. Her voice was unmatched in talent. When using her voice one evening, her voice suddenly leaves her, leaving her completely mute. Seeking out help in finding her voice, she's led to a fortune teller, who offers her more than she initially bargained for.
Series Warnings: Swearing, adult themes, angst, possible MCU spoilers, possible Loki spoilers, SMUT (18+, minors dni).
Full Masterlist Here
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Part One: Ingrid, the goddess of song, attends a feast to celebrate her engagement to Thor, but after a few glasses of wine, she confides in the god of mischief about her concerns. She awakes the next morning with her voice completely taken, leaving her stripped of her powers.
Being wine drunk makes Ingrid spill on some things she should've kept to herself.
Part Two: Ingrid finally starts to accept that she doesn't want to marry Thor, and the thought process nearly drives her mad. Its even worse because she can't communicate with him, and whoever took her voice from her is still out there.
Ingrid still can't speak but Loki sure can get into her head.
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atrxides · 8 months
you know what makes me genuinely sad? that everyone is so obsessed with ship wars in this fandom and all I can think about on a daily basis is the fact that Sylvie will probably never get her family back or get a chance to know the family she could've had, she'll never meet her would be parents, Frigga will never get to teach her magic, she'll never have Thor, or even Hela.
She'll never get to live her actual normal life, and I hate that season 2 made out as if a normal life for the Goddess of Mischief would be working in a McDonald's on earth in the 80s instead of her seeking out a normal Asgardian life where she would be truly free to be who she is.
And we know she still thinks about that life and she hasn't really moved on from it, especially in ep 3 and 4 of season 1 where she makes fun of Loki's magic and immediately changes her entire demeanour when he mentions his mother taught him. She instantly becomes soft and wants to know more about her because she can't even remember her mother. She says in ep 4 that she can remember parts of her life and it's just sad that she'll never get any real closure for it and instead of seeing that pain and trauma people just constantly hate her character for 'getting in the way of their ship' and equate her to just Loki's love interest or variant when she actually has real character depth and background that people are just to blinded by the obsession with romance to see.
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grimnirs-child · 1 year
Masterpost: Frīg's Handmaidens Project
Who are the Handmaidens?
In the Prose Edda, twelve Goddesses are listed after Frigga as Ásynjur: Fulla, Gefjon, Hlín, Syn, Eir, Sága, Gná, Vár or Vór, Snotra, Vör, Lofn and Sjöfn. Modern Heathens sometimes refer to Them as Frigga's Handmaidens. (This is a piece of shared gnosis, not an historically attested term.) For many of the Twelve, this is all that survives in the way of attestations.
What is the Project?
Gradually over several years, and more intentionally recently, I have been building a devotional cultus around these Goddesses. As part of that, I've been putting together primers on each of the Twelve on my longform blog -- detailing Their surviving attestations, Old English God-names and epithets for Them, my own personal experiences and upg, a prayer, and devotional icon art -- as well as essays and modern myths exploring other aspects of Them and my cultus to Them.
Although I use Old English names for Them and honour Them in a syncretic heathen practice drawing on influences from across the British and Irish Isles, I hope these may be useful and/or interesting for practitioners working in a Norse, Continental, or other context. Or for anyone worshipping and building cultus to lesser-known and lesser-attested Gods!
I will update this post periodically, but if you like you can subscribe to my longform Wordpress blog for updates when I post.
Geofen (Gefjon)
Hlēowen (Hlin)
Ār (Eir)
Lofen & Siofen (Lofn & Sjöfn)
Snotor (Snotra)
Wearn, or Syn (Syn)
Wær (Vör)
Essays and other posts
Introduction to the Project
Essay on abundance, ānanda, and Fulla
Essay on Frīg and Her importance to my cosmology
The Wren and her sister: a myth of Frīg feat. Ār and Gnæ
Essay on marriage as initiation, feat. Lofen, Siofen and Āþ
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legionofchaos · 3 months
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The Goddess of Death: Hela
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The Unsealed Skies (Epilogue)
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AN: This is the end of The Unsealed Skies. I hope you enjoyed the journey!
Warnings: spoilers for Thor Ragnarok.
Frigga watched as the younger versions of Hela and Fenrir played on the floor of the throne room at Odin’s feet.  Frigga hadn’t known Hela as a child and had only heard stories about her thirst for conquest as an adult but gazing at her now, the child was acting just like Frigga’s own children had at that age.
“I am indebted to you, my queen, for reuniting me with my daughter.”
Frigga smiled at Odin’s words, “It is our daughter you must thank.  She chose to give love a second chance.”
At Frigga’s words Hela looked up, “I have a sister?”
“And two brothers.”  Frigga informed her.
“Two brothers too!  When can I meet them?”
“When they return to Asgard.”
“When will that be?”
“When I summon them to celebrate (Name)’s marriage to Ares. They said their vows to one another in private.” Frigga's smile broadened as she remembered the jolt of magic she had felt when Ares swore to be only yours for the rest of his immortal life and when you had made the same vow.
“Will there be a feast?”
“A grand one,”  Frigga promised the child, kneeling down to pet Fenrir.  The wolf cub bumped his head against her hand as she rubbed his fur.  “Fenrir likes you,” Hela whispered conspiratorially to the goddess.  “He’s just not sure about Father yet.”
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30 Days of Deity Devotion: Frigg
Day 2: How I first became aware of this deity
I first became aware of Frigg when I was researching Hel, funnily enough. In reading Hel's mythology - which bleeds with Loki's, which bleeds with Odin and Baldr's, which bleeds with Frigg's....(you get the picture) - I became increasingly interested in Frigg as a woman who, far more than being simply a domestic goddess in the conventional sense, is a figure much more complicated than an initial look betrays.
In this way I felt a resonance: here was someone who is so often reduced to "Odin's wife" and "desperate mother of doomed son Baldr" in superficial descriptions of Norse mythology. Yet, scratch just a bit below the surface, and it is clear that she contains multitudes. I felt I could relate to her, as someone who also feels reduced to only my most superficial faces by many, though I have a rich and varied inner life.
So, because I was so new to deity work and wasn't sure yet what the "rules" were, I asked Hel if she could ask Frigg if she'd like to chat. Three days later, Frigg and her son Hodr both appeared very vividly in my dreams. While I didn't pursue a relationship with Hodr, from there I welcomed Frigg into my life with a shrine, offerings, domestic and magical devotional acts, and research into her many different facets. To this day she inspires me to work on myself in relation to adulthood, magic, wyrd, and community, and reminds me that nothing is truly completely mundane: magic is a vast tapestry and ALL parts of me and my life are imbued with it.
But I digress. I became aware of Frigg thanks to reading!
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songs-of-fensalir · 1 year
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Finding my relationship with Frija/Frigg prompting me to remember my heritage and doing ancestor work. The goddess Mokosh is very similar to Frigg… finding myself and my studies running full circle.
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bowldrips · 1 year
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A triptych of divine parents.
(All of these are available as prayer cards or small poster prints on my Et$y~)
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fornasedensgudar · 2 years
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The queen of the gods seend out her messenger, to watch over those she wish to see protected and to bring her will to those she wish to know it.
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fernthewhimsical · 8 months
Prayer to Frigg-Frija
Allmother, Spinning Goddess of magic and fate Falcon-clad Queen of the Valkyries Thrice-burned witch, thrice reborn, Weaver of clouds and mysteries Traveling witch who sheds golden tears Lady of love, adorned in amber Golden shieldmaiden, shining bright I love and honour you
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