#god do I love angst
artheresy · 9 months
I really hope Elio fulfilling his end of the deals with the Stellaron Hunters will just be in a way that absolutely blindsides them.
I mean it’s only natural that Kafka’s deal will be fulfilled in that way since she wouldn’t be able to feel true fear probably if she had a script telling her exactly the details of Elio fulfilling his end at last, maybe she’ll get everything leading up to it but no details of after. Maybe it’ll be a full script with many details left out and some noticeable absences or redactions to leave Kafka truly unaware of the fate of that specific event. Maybe even such a script could become the basis to Kafka feeling true fear, setting the grounds of paranoia which shes never truly experienced before beginning to sew seeds in her mind before she truly feels that fear. (It just… I’m excited for when it finally comes, I know it’ll be super long from now But Im still so excited for it)
But I kind of hope Blade’s is the same way. I mean his fulfillment is going to be death at last once he’s repaid all he feels that he needs to, but I hope Elio doesn’t reveal his death to him when it finally comes. I hope he goes through his scripts and plans as usual with the rest of the Stellaron Hunters and maybe somewhere along the line during the mission, Blade realizes something about how this mission feels. Somehow he recognizes the end of the line before he can truly see how it looks by feel alone. And he’d probably fulfill the mission completely without telling the other hunters (plus whoever may be involved/allied when it happens) whats about to become a him. Maybe they feel it too somehow but shake it off or simply store the thought in their mind without urgency as if it’s a casual observation.
Just, MMmmm I am excited to learn more about the Stellaron hunts and whatever else deals they have with Elio exactly bc there’s still a bit of lore for them as a group I havent totally read up on but mm yeah, I’m just excited thinking about it
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skywerse · 3 months
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wake up it's yuri o'clock
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arunneronthird · 10 months
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two different flavors of absolute menace
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I think Danny Phantom fandom is absolutely sleeping on the sheer dumb bulshittery Danny, Sam and Tucker generate on the regular and it’s a fucking shame. Like, the three of them have exactly one (1) single braincell between them, and the only one to use it at least semi-regularly is Jazz. You literally can’t leave them for five minutes without them stumbling into some new bullshit every single time. Granted, a lot of times bullshit finds them first instead of the other way around, but by god will they make the situation worse. They run into the situations with the same reckless abandon the cockchafers fly into any solid obstacle in their way, and you’d think that at least one of them will be the voice of reason, and you’d be dead wrong.
Danny? He thought pranking a murder happy millionaire with a vindictive streak the size of Grand Canyon was a great idea. And then, like a moron, he decided to use equally murder happy government agency with a huge prejudice against ghosts and a vendetta against him, personally. Absolutely nothing that could go wrong with that, obviously!
(spoiler alert, things did go very wrong very fast)
Tucker? A valid choice at the first glance, except he is always down to commit crimes for either his friends or just for funsies. Remember that time he ran an obviously illegal babysitting scam business? Or that time when he brainwashed and then dimensionally displaced the whole school into Ancient Egypt setting? Another notable instances of Tucker being a menace, in no particular order: organised o pro-meat protest in a few hours, tried to shoot a ghost with his phone as a projectile (and succeeded), sold Sam out to a ghost out of sheer pettiness, gave Skulker an alarm-induced ptsd, almost killed Danny that one time (don’t worry, Danny was fine) and in general committed to being bullshit-enabling gremlin.
Now Sam would seem the most grounded and reasonable out of three of them, but it is what SHE wants you to believe. She is just as, if not more, unhinged as the boys, she just hides it better. Remember that time she trashed the castle and antagonised a few dozen of armed guards, while having no back up, no weapons, no allies and while being in some shithole in the Ghost Zone? And then basically told a tyrannical asshole with op dragon powers “fuck you and your entire kingdom” in the face? And then rode another dragon who put said asshole through a wall? Good times.
They all seem like perfectly reasonable people at the first glance, and then Tucker and Danny would dare each other to lick that weird glowing green rock, and Sam would roll her eyes and groan about how stupid boys are, and then Tucker would dare her to lick that glowing rock too, and Danny will say, “Come on, Tuck, it’s okay if she’s too afraid to do it-”, and yes, Sam and her mother have many disagreements on a lot of things, but both her mother AND Granny did not raise a fucking bitch, move over, Tucker, or so help her the spirit of Pandora-
They all end up absolutely miserable in ecto-containment units sick as hell with ecto-flu and on all questions answer that no, they don’t know how this happened, maybe it was ghost attack last week, they did get blasted by that green goo, after all, but really, they have absolutely no idea, honest. Jazz suspects something, but she also has no proof and therefore can’t prove anything. In the end, it was one of the worst weeks in their life and they all ended up swearing to not do it ever again.
(they do end up doing it again two months later)
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lucienarcheron · 4 months
Thinking about Tharion going to find his wife who went to find her addict ex boyfriend who is basically enslaved to the Viper Queen who wants Tharion dead and how the book ends without any kind of closure and I —
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autisticlancemcclain · 7 months
so love languages aren’t real. the idea that you only have one out of five ways to love someone is a falsehood. you love in every way, it depends on the person and the circumstance.
but keith gives.
keith has always given. it’s the only way he knew how to love. his mother gifted him his blade — the only love he had from her. and his father gifted him whatever he was able for as long as he had him.
keith has nothing to give. he has had nothing for as long as he can remember. he has nothing but his knife, which is not his to give.
so he just gives of himself.
anything he has. anything he can give. his hope his love his labour his effort his care the shirt off his back the boots off his fucking feet he will give and give and give of himself. he gave his fucking lion and spot on the team the very second he thought lance needed it!
and part of that is a lack of self worth of course it is. but so much of that is an overflowing over abundance of love that is just always gushing from him. his heart has been cracked in half so many times that it just constantly bleeds from his chest always always always. everything he does is seeped with love so fucking all encompassing that he doesn’t even know how to handle it. even his most violent and angry outbursts are from a place of desperate and aching love. love for his brother love for the cause love for the unknown he fucking aches with it it tears him apart.
he cries the most. he cries so often. because it bubbles out of him. he tries with everything he has to shove it back and it has never once worked.
he was born with his heart outside of his body.
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Mobius on Don’s street. can’t stay at the TVA. Loki was literally his everything.
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havockingboo · 2 years
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My observation from reading the rp asks from these blogs……they’re so damn goofy (with a pinch of angst)
@officialpapyrus @sansofficial @gasterofficial
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dumplingsjinson · 1 year
I LOVED your new years one thank youuuuu may I request some royalty prompts/dialogue? Like maybe a royal x a royal OR royal x servant if possible please~
(happy new years btw hope you have a decent 2023). 🥂
(A late ass happy new year and I hope 2023 has been decent to you so far!)
List of “royal x royal” prompts 
“This castle’s ground is all that I ever knew, until I met you — you, who brought me a whole new perspective of the world beyond these walls. And God, is it fucking beautiful when I’m experiencing it beside you.” 
“My father hates you.” “Trust me, I know. My father hates me too, but I’m the only child who can inherit the throne so… You know. It’s rough out here.” 
“You’re indebted to me for life, love.” “…Fuck you.”
“We shouldn’t be doing this. We might run the risk of getting caught,” Character A murmurs as Character B’s hand settles on the small of their back. “Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop,” Character B says, staring into Character A’s eyes. Character A doesn’t say anything in response, and Character B smiles, hand straying further down. “Thought so.” 
“I promise you I’ll do whatever it takes to take you down.” “And so will I.” 
“I don’t want to take the throne. I don’t want any of this. I never asked for this.” “…Neither do I. Let’s… Let’s run away together? To somewhere else, where no one can find us. Where we don’t have to hide; where we don’t have to be under the control of our own parents.” 
“What the fuck are you doing here?!” “I came to see you, what do you think?”
“How did you get into my room?!” “Might have sneaked past the guards and bribed some of the weaker ones who saw me and injured the ones who tried to fight me?” 
Throwing cursory glances at each other whenever their families are in the same room as each other.
“We’re destined to be enemies, not lovers. At least not in this life. We’re not meant to be.” “I don’t care. Fuck destiny, we’ll make our own destiny if it means I get to be with you.” 
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List of “royal x servant” prompts 
“You’ve been there for me since we were kids. You’re my best friend. You’ve been through the good and the bad with me. You’ve never left my side, and maybe you didn’t have a choice in the matter, but you never gave me any indicators that you wanted to abandon me. You’re everything I could ever want. I’m not letting them you send you away like this.” 
“The thing is, you can give me anything in the world but yourself. You’ve given the world yourself, but you can’t give the same to me. And I don’t want anything but you.”
“Let’s elope.” “I can’t make you throw away everything just to—” “I don’t want any of those things anyways. I never asked for them. I want you, and only you.” 
“Can you come into my room for a second?” “But—” “Do as I say before I make you.” 
“What’s all of this?” “I bought all of this for you.” “You know you can’t just worm your way into someone’s heart with money, right?” 
“Me or the throne?” “God, don’t fucking do this—” “Did I stutter? Me? Or the Throne?”
“Sir/Madam—” “I told you to use my name.”
“Did you ever think that maybe this isn’t going to work out? If you truly loved me, then you’d let me go and find someone I can actually be with.” “…But do you really want me to let you go?” 
“You need to get off your high horse; you’re not better than anyone else just because you have your whole life planned out for you. Destined to sit and die on that throne, or have someone murder you in cold blood to take your place, and then being remembered as the one who died to some backstabbing asshole; a little sad, don’t you think?” “…No one else other than you speaks to me like this. It’s hot. Keep talking.” 
“Status? That doesn’t mean shit if you’re not by my side.” Character A sighs, running their fingers through their hair, their head drooping. “Just— I’m sorry, I know it’s selfish for me to say, but please don’t leave. I’ve only ever had you. You’re the only one who can look me in the eyes and tell me how it is; the only one who understands what I really want. The only one who understands the real me.” 
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trashmakerarticle · 8 months
Fanon vs canon tim and Damian
Damian: what am I doing,,, why do I wanna hurt you so bad,,,
Tim: ….
Damian: I’m supposed to be your friend,,, I just want to be your friend.
Tim: Damian I- I’m sorry.
Damian: why are you so ugly
Tim: why are you so annoying
Damian: go to hell
Tim: Alfred made pancakes
Damian: okay let’s go
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1pcii · 6 months
my fave alabasta shipping dynamics is pre-established zolu playing matchmaker (how successful they are? eehhhh) for pining namivivi
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calamity-unlocked · 1 year
Glenn and Jodie are level 20. What if. Henry is also level 20.
Which means I get to put a spotlight on one of my favorite angst-inducing 5e class features:
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Let's say Henry got to level 20 when he was 50 years old. At the start of season 2, he's 65.
Assuming the average natural lifespan for a Californian man to be 79, Henry could go on to live for another 275 years.
275 years. That means he'll outlive his kids, his grandkids, Mercedes. It means he will see the world change in so many different ways, until it's unrecognizable from what it once was. I think Henry never would have wanted this fraction of immortality, but if there's anyone who sticks around a bit longer to take care of the world, I'm glad it is him.
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roomy-ghosted · 9 months
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My feelings towards ao3 this morning.
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twinkalicious · 8 months
no cause the fact that richter thought alucard was a myth is absolutely killing me. he grew up hearing stories of his ancestors' heroism, but for some reason a central figure of those stories was merely a legend to him, an immortal fantasy creature who he never got to meet. honestly i'm willing to bet his own mother and grandfather and any other belmonts before them didn't either. they only told the stories of defeating dracula as their parents did before them, thinking them dramatized and never literal. it became a game of telephone, with each person doubting the existence of a friendly dhampir ally more and more because alucard wasn't there to corroborate it. alucard separated himself from the belmonts at some point. he wasn't there to see trevor and sypha's lineage despite the fact that they merged their houses and literally founded a city together. speculating the when and why is going to drive me absolutely insane, you don't understand.
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lunataurora · 20 days
forever amazed and confused at how often transformers franchise just straight up depicts suicide attempts. like not even considering the superhero trope of "i have to save everyone!!! by choosing to die!!!!!" thing. like. non-allow-yourself-to-die-to-stop-a-thing-from-killing-everyone-immediately type situations. which tbh i wish more ppl talked about but not the point here
like. sure mtmte, a comic abt mentall illness and war, i expected it to be aware of the concept. but its not handled well and mostly used for shock value or "im better now i swear! i have a husband and everything" BUT ITS IN THE KIDS SHOWS TOO??? MY BESTIE G1 RODIMUS?? BEAST WARS DINOBOT???
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psychicdisaster · 1 month
I think one of the reasons why I love God Troubles Me is because it's a story about a woman living with two male gods and... there's zero implied romance? Like, absolutely none. Su Moting is never treated any differently for being a woman, and their friendship is never weirdly tainted by forced romance because she is a woman. It's something I rarely see with anime (I don't watch many donghua) so it's so refreshing to see strong friendships between men and women.
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