#go listen to his *acting* as he's saying don't call me ken while he's making these shorts
blocksruinedme · 1 year
Jimmy may have a bad memory but he is a CLEVER and hardworking boy
who pays very close attention to how other youtubers do things, and takes notes, and works so hard, and now he has 810k subscribers because he knows how to do it.
(well, sometimes clever and always hardworking)
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If anyone wants my spreadsheet just lmk. my data mostly came from the youtube wiki and MaxData's visualization of new life smp members' subs numbers. oh, i'll include that!
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Jimmy was at 609k when new life started in may 27. he made a (lovely!) pink house.
Twenty one days later he's gained 201,000 subs.
Between cpk and pix now probably, having jumped ahead of oli & pearl.
Y'all when people talk about jimmy being dumb, watch and think how much is an atrocious memory, and how long is not being quick to understand things. If he settles in and works at it! If he's in a group event in mcc and not individual! If he has a strong team captain in mcc who he can listen to! (he's said the last one is how he succeeds).
Jimmy can fucking do it, just in his own way - and he doesn't care to put a lot of effort into learning some things that some viewers want. As I barely care about minecraft, I do have an interesting perspective here! <3
Jimmy can't just get by on his minecraft skills plus his winning smile, comedic timing, charisma, and skill at social rapport and interpersonal... okay I've made it sound like a lot but he has some brains. Those brains just don't know the recipe for... things I also don't care about.
Jimmy Solidarity. You appreciate him. Good.
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mydaroga · 10 months
Chicago Fest for Beatles Fans 2023
I've always loved connecting with people who share my passions. For me, cons aren't about meeting celebrities or room parties, though those are both fine. For me, it's about meeting people whose eyes don't glaze over after thirty seconds of your special interest. So when I began my deep dive into Beatlemania, I wanted to find people who really wanted to chat. (Some of you have witnessed these efforts here, to varying degrees of success.) So I googled "Beatles conventions" and, on a whim, bought a ticket to the Fest for Beatles Fans in Chicago, partly because I had someone to stay with (over an hour away, but still) and didn't need to shell out for a room.
If my goal was to engineer a feeling like, say, my best one on one convos here, or the Meta the Beatles discord, or old school livejournal, or the K/S cons, it was only marginally successful. Still, I think it was a positive experience and I am considering attempting to afford the next one in February at the utterly stunning remodeled TWA hotel.
The Fest, which used to be called BeatleFest until Apple Corps intervened in 1997, has been ongoing since 1974 when founder Mark Lapidos asked John Lennon if he was cool with the idea of a Beatles convention. You can see various guests over the years here, so clearly it's a known quantity in Beatledom. Many people there this weekend have been attending since the beginning, and it's an annual (or bi-annual) tradition.
It differs from other fan cons I've been to in that the focus is largely on music itself. This is natural, but what I mean is, there is constantly at least one musical act playing Beatles music in some form. On the main stage and breakout rooms you also have guests: Pattie Boyd, Gregg Bissonette (Ringo's current drummer), Billy J Kramer, Terry Sylvester (the Hollies), Joey Molland (Badfinger), Jay Bergen (John's lawyer), Allan Kozinn (The McCartney Legacy), Bruce Spizer (various books about the recordings), Kenneth Womack (upcoming Mal Evans book!), Susan Ryan (long time Fest fixture and historian), Skylar Moody (Beatles TikTok), Jude Kessler (The John Lennon series), Sara Schmidt (Meet the Beatles for Real), Steve Matteo (Act Naturally: the Beatles on Film). There are dealers with vintage and current merch and memorabilia, a "museum" room with historic merch, old clippings, an "ashram" where you can attend various meditation and yoga sessions, a karaoke room, costume and talent contests, even a Beatles Rock Band setup I failed to attend despite my yearning to one day play it.
Some of the panels were pretty sparsely attended, and there was a strong feeling that a lot of people go to listen to the bands and stay up all night. But what that meant for those of us who were there to talk and make connections was, I got to talk and make a ton of connections. I met Sara Schmidt and her mother and they took me under their wing and introduced me to anyone who was anyone. I had a lovely chat with Ken Womack. Wally Podrazik insisted on taking a photo of my Nerk Twins shirt and demanded I email him. I spoke to Allan Kozinn about how a John boy comes to write the most comprehensive Paul biography ever. I met a lady named Tina who is going to hook me up with info about early slash and RPF fic (because I've heard several of you youngin's declare it's a relatively new phenomenon and I know it isn't!). I danced to a great cover band while looking like Twiggy. I had a lot of comments about my Stamp Out the Beatles shirt. I spoke to Steve Matteo about his book about the Beatles on film, and shared my own film work in which he took an avid interest.
All in all, it never got as in depth as you can with good fandom friends in a quiet setting. I've also heard that attendance and quality have gone down in recent years, and changes have been implemented due to stupid copyright shit (like, no being able to show any of the licensed films or cartoons? Which is a huge bummer.). But I do feel that I made connections and furthermore, felt embraced and included and warmly welcomed. No one questioned the fact I got here via "Get Back," no one challenged me on being new, no one made any attempt to gatekeep or Beatle bro at me. Only ONE person even asked who my favorite Beatle was. They all seemed genuinely delighted to have a new weirdo to share their passion with.
I haven't decided if I'm attending again, but I do already have plans in the works to suggest a few panels more in line with the type of con activity I like to see. Because even if it's not exactly the interactions I've been seeking, there's no substitute for face to face discussion and squee. And now, my photos!
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Jay Bergen, Gregg Bissonette, Terry Sylvester, Joey Molland, Billy J Kramer, Pattie Boyd, and moderator Terri Hemmert.
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So many shirts! My little outfits, missing my prized Stamp Out the Beatles sweatshirt:
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Weirdass vintage Beatles merch:
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And finally, what I spent too much money on because everyone I talked to had written a book, GDI. Plus, 1974 era buttons because I like old stuff and they were $10:
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daisiesconstellation · 5 months
Feels Like A Warm Hug (pt. 2)
Josh was at a loss of words.
"A-are you joking with me right now?"
Ken just sighed. He faced Josh entirely and pulled their intertwined hands to his lap, "This time I don't even think I can joke about anything."
Dumbfounded was an understatement. Josh looked at his tiny hands enveloped by Ken's much more bigger hands. He shivered.
"Like... as in?" asked Josh with croaked voice because he was kinda whiplashed by the sudden words being said. "Ken? Likes him?!"
"As in I've been in love with you for years and feeling pretty tired of not acknowledging it."
Josh's eyes widen even bigger than before. Out of all the things Ken could say, this was the one that Josh would never even think could come out from his mouth.
This Ken? The Ken who's awkward with him since their training days?
Ken who always stiffened up whenever Josh tried to be affectionate to him just like how he is with his other bandmates?
Ken whose face would become reddened so bad whenever Josh was forced to do cute poses?
Ken who's always so tense whenever Josh asked him to taught him their new choreographies that Josh kinda felt bad and asked Stell instead?
Ken who often joked about his height and compares it to his own height?
Ken who's always acting weird whenever they were told to hug each other?
Ken who suddenly appeared out of nowhere and stood in front of his door?
Ken who made Josh blushed like a teenager in love-
"...what in the actual fuck?" Josh whispered to himself while trying to maintain eye contact with Ken despite the urge to run and hide from all these feelings. "Ew, feelings."
The other man stared back. "I know this is embarassing for the both of us but let me make it clear for once. Please, can you listen to me?" Ken pleaded with his eyes full of affections.
Josh nodded.
"It was hard for me at first, realizing what I felt towards you. But the longer I tried to hold it in, the more I can't stop thinking about it."
Ken huffed, then he continued. "At first I thought it was just admiration, y'know. I even called you 'idol Josh' back then." he chuckled.
Josh couldn't help but also let few chuckles out.
"And then you paid for all the expenses of me going here to train with you guys. After that, the admiration turned into gratitude."
He let out a few sighs. "And then... we kinda built our dream together. Not only just the two of us, but also with our brothers. All that hardships we encountered and overcomed, those things made our bond stronger."
Ken looked Josh straight in the eyes, "But it was different with you."
Josh shivered.
"I thought after a while it was just how it is between us. Awkward and just that. But I realized there is just... something."
"It started from little things. Like how I was always get quiet near you because I was distracted by how cute you were," Josh glared at him, "and how I hate it when you're being touchy with others."
"I'm not touchy!" Josh denied.
Ken smiled and stroked Josh's hand. "Believe me, you are. It kinda gives me a hard time sometimes."
"... because you don't like being touched?"
"More like I like it too much when you touched me." Ken smirked.
Josh blushed for the hundredth times this evening.
"Please just continue for my dignity's sake."
Ken chuckled. "And so.. from those little things I kinda knew my feelings towards you had become a crush. But of course being the stubborn man I am, I chose to hide it instead."
"But… the more I hid it, the more it grew. I started to unconsciously gravitate towards you. Sitting and standing next to you every chance I got, looking for your attention. And when it was kinda overwhelming, I would look for you, that's why I came here so often. Just to see you. Seeing you makes me content."
Josh just sat there, in awe of all the words that Ken had been saying. "Never thought he was the romantic type." Josh thought to himself.
"So.. there it is. A confession. I think… I love you, Josh.”
Suddenly it was quiet.
Ken fidgeted in his seat. He was waiting for the other to say something, to reject him, or told him he didn’t want to see him again-
“I don’t even know you’re into men.”
Ken’s face fell. “From all those words I purposely chose to say to you that’s what you gotta say back?”
Josh grimaced. “Don’t get me wrong, I really love the whole confession moment but I didn’t think you would be interested in men, especially me?”
”I was taught to love those who deserve it fiercely. And when I love someone, it’s just as it is, no specific reason needed.”
It got quiet again.
Ken got uneasy and said, “Josh. I don’t need you to reciprocate it. I just need to tell you before it’s too late and I don’t want any regrets.” He released his grip on Josh’s hands and held his shoulders. “Please don’t make my confession a reason for you to hate me or ruin the relationship that we and our members had built, I’m sorry for what I felt towards you-“
“Stop panicking, will you?” Josh stopped Ken mid-sentence.
Ken closed his mouth and stared at Josh.
“First of all, I appreciate your confession. That was.. shocking to say the least. And no, I won’t hate you. How can I hate you?” Josh said softly.
“And just so you know… I also kinda realized something from all those words you just said.”
Ken timidly asked, “What is it?”
“That I‘m so clueless. That I’m not good at acknowledging my own feelings too.”
This time Ken’s the one who got confused. He frowned.
“If you really think about it, why would I spent money gambling for your existence in my life when I myself didn’t really have much to splurge? Why would I do something so grand for someone that I didn’t even know would stay or not?” Josh sighed. “But I did. Because I know we need you. I need you. I want you to be here by my side, achieving every dreams we ever had.”
Josh looked into Ken’s pretty eyes and smiled, “I think I had already loved you then.”
And another silence.
Both of them were just staring at each other, searching for truth in their said words.
Then, Ken lifted his hands and caressed Josh’s face.
“So that’s your confession?” Ken grinned.
Josh giggled. “I never expect my free time would turned into this whole confession moment. But I’m happy you did it.” He held Ken’s hand that’d been caressing his face. “So… what now?”
“I don’t know. I don’t care. Josh Cullen loves me.” Ken said with his lovestruck face.
Then, Ken stared at Josh’s lips. “Let’s think about things another time, shall we?”
Josh grinned and cupped Ken’s face in his hands, “What should we do now then?”
Ken leaned in to kiss the older and sighed. He’s been dreaming of this for God knows how long.
It felt amazing, to feel Josh’s soft lips against his. Ken was warm, and it pulled Josh in even more, hands wrapped around Ken’s neck and deepening the kiss. Feeling brave, Josh opened his mouth and welcomed Ken’s warm tongue.
Just when they almost got carried away, a loud thunder startled the two of them. They pulled away and breathed heavily.
Laughter erupted from the both of them. They were busy giggling at each other to realize that the rain had been even heavier than before.
But the rain did nothing to cease the warmth which both of them were feeling.
Well, Josh had said it before. Everyone deserved warmth, even those who weren’t dripping wet out there with the rain.
Josh had never been more warm than here, set thoughts about future aside for another time, confined in Ken’s warm hug.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
captured Dan yesterday about all this math. So why won't you leave him alone and he said I don't think that you're listening we can't I said you have to he says our way dictates it to your method is horrible come down to this they're poor and that's how they do it. I woke up to something they're lying and New Zealand had stuff all over it. Went after it when I found the counter plan. Took in the task phone number responsible for harming you the whole time so you start ripping him a new one. No they don't know what it means. I said it did for survivors I said do they press your buttons you put in did you get put in the tower then. You said no. Did you fire missiles out of the Tower and have you guys watch this is yeah so I said so what I'll do that we all do that to try and stop each other. So he said he was killing all of us. And constantly blames his brother while he's doing it I got a little sick I said you get the math on that one. You should not really said that was mostly square cuts he got mad. You think it yell about Giants loud enough. The screams they had no choice so I said prove it. Other cancer he won't I heard you say it those could be a relay. No he got very upset he said so what so they called the board and they take the ships over he went wow this is going to blow and there's an action there too that they go after Mack and who's their primary goal. And so it's kind of doing it ken starts yelling. I said this we got to know what happened I said you certainly do if they're dying and the scene sent the signal out and they're not the computer so the mainframe you have a real problem at least little kids who don't know about. Inside screaming he started screaming let me out let me out I'll show you murder and he's talking about you I'm saying nobody talks to me that way so I do you feel the dead man I'm going to kill you you get out so be quiet down he said his people are on top of you cuz you're in the way it says they don't know what they are so we get that do they. Start working on it. So at the end of it he said he didn't know what he's got and we're back to square one and they're assholes about it
There's a huge number of people that think that the computers and they have no way of telling and says plastic and his can you see it, and I said they scanned when he was there and they don't remember that. Now we know what they are and what they're used for and they're very high tech and they're very evil and these gifted people know what they are and Mac knows what they're and we are going to war with them but everyone else is there's sitting here talking about it and talking about it and that sense is you might want to get him off me.
And the same Rin tin killed someone and it's not true he just bit him and ran and he died from other causes so it would be manslaughter no he was being abused attacked really and by the white guy who died you got a dad was later mutilated by someone else the scheme is obvious.
We're going after them for hurting our heirlooms and we're going to make sure they pay these people are ridiculous it's getting turned up it says I'm going to turn it up on them
Thor Freya
This is exciting no this is annoying people are bothering the s*** out of everybody with their TV shows and their ass nice kid and their talk people have decided they're going down doing their wonderful act
I've actually heard enough of it and we are pursuing them and after today they are not going to get a reprieve we don't want to see any more of the stupid crap ever and boy they in front of freaking treat and forgot what they've been doing to each other they probably won't
0 notes
lonelyasawhisper · 2 years
Queen: The New British Invasion
Mitchell Cohen, Phonograph Record, March 1976
"YOU'RE NOT going to ask me to interpret ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, are you?"
"Not if you don't want me to." Freddie Mercury, drinking a Bloody Mary at – appropiately enough – the Olde London Pub and Grille has just been told about a fanciful yarn some F.M. jock has spun concerning Queen's hit single. Something to do with a murder, a hanging and Ken Russell-ish mental fantasies leading to a resigned acceptance of death.
"I think that's very rewarding, to be honest. It's nice to hear somebody has gone that far to try and interpret a song. I like them to make up their own. If I were to come up with my interpretation, put my views to it, it would just shatter their illusions and things, so...They've got a competition on the radio back home; people had to write in what they thought the song was about. Hundreds and hundreds of letters came in. Some were really amazing."
So, while ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ may be this season's ‘American Pie’ parlor game, it is also, thankfully, a totally brilliant single, easily the best thing Queen has done to date. It's got everything: superb vocals, a flashy guitar solo, an absurd operatic middle section, and an interesting-enough structure and theme to hold the listener's attention throughout its six-minute length. In England, it's the biggest 45 in a decade, selling over 1.5 million copies, and the album from which it came, A Night At The Opera, is similarly topping the LP charts. At the moment, Britannia is ruled by more than one Queen. In their home country, as Mercury put it, they can do no wrong.
And unlike so many recent U.K. phenoms, Queen's success appears to be making a smooth Atlantic crossing. The group is on a two-month American tour, going clean in most cities, as their album and single are steadily heading toward the top ten. These aren't the first favorable U.S. indicators for the group – last year's ‘Killer Queen’ and Sheer Heart Attack were very well-received – but this visit and these recordings do look to have a special significance for them. The influential press – Time, The New York Times – is on their heels, the SRO crowds are ecstatic, and Don Law, the kingpin of Massachusetts rock who promoted the concert at the Music Hall the night before the interview, was quoted in Boston magazine as calling Queen "the biggest act since the Beatles, absolutely the biggest since Led Zeppelin."
Taking for granted the usual amount of promoter hyperbole, that is still a pretty strong statement to make. But stardom does seem to be in the air for Queen, and Freddie Mercury, at least, is casual in his acceptance of it. After seeing Queen's show, a very theatrical and dramatic affair during which the flamboyant lead singer sometimes skirts on the hem of Rocky Horror exaggeration, one might expect a somewhat bizarre luncheon companion. But despite the makeup, slave bracelets and black nailpolish that give him a vampish, Theda Bara appearance (maybe their name comes from Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile), Mercury comes across as a lucid, unassuming fellow (John Deacon, the quintessential bass player, speaks barely a sentence in an hour and a half). Asked why Queen has broken through while other British bands have not, he answers easily.
"A very different kind of group, that. What you say is true only in one sense, because if you point out groups like T. Rex and Slade, that's just one aspect of music that was going back home. Though I couldn't put my finger on the reason, I didn't think America would go for groups like that. I think they fall into a category that America wouldn't accept.
"We just want to make sure that we appeal to as wide a cross-section as possible, and not cater to just a fragment of people. It's limitless; we want to hit everyone. We've become sophisticated and disciplined and more listenable as a band, and I think we've matured and so has the audience. But I don't think we've lost the hard-core fans, the real rock and rollers who bought the first album and know what Queen is really about. It's just that we have a lot of sophisticated fans turning up."
The previous evening at the Music Hall did seem to attract a well mixed assortment of the committed and the curious. Instead of a house packed wall to wall with rowdy young men of the sort that bopped a photographer acquaintance of mine with a beer bottle at a recent Black Sabbath concert, the Queen crowd was demographically less confined, reflecting the spectrum that the group has been able to span. By and large, popular bands get to be that way by one of three routes: getting hit singles via A.M. radio, relentlessly hitting the road (there are some very big groups who get no airplay of any sort), or cracking the F.M. album market. Queen is a rare example of a band that has done all three, at the same time overcoming backlash against trendy English bands and groups that sell singles. For a group with no built-in musical or personal association with the 1960's, that's quite an accomplishment. They've had to start from square one with no natural constituency.
On stage, Mercury is definitely the focal, as well as vocal point, but not to the exclusion of the three other members. In fact, in contrast to most hard rock bands that have an overpowering singer raving in front of a thick, monotonous background, Queen relies a great deal on multi-layered harmonies and complicated song structure that frees their stage act from the Tyranny of the Chord. Even without the various special effects like flares and smoke bombs that, much to the group's disappointment, had to be scratched from the Music Hall show due to Massachusetts fire laws, Queen's concert, with a few boring lapses (obligatory guitar and drum showcases for Brian May and Roger Taylor), was surprisingly entertaining. The stance of the group, a kind of arrogant defeatism and off-hand nihilism ("Nothing really matters") that can tend to get overly serious, is extremely accessible to a young audience relating to Queen's mixture of defiance and pessimism, and older fans respond to the complex textures of the music without being sucked into the vision. It may be a precarious political balancing act – incorporating elements of punk, pop, glitter, progressive and heavy metal without being tied to any one form – but for now both factions are kept more or less happy.
"Within the scope of the stage show there's a bit of spontaneity to enhance the music we play, but there are certain set pieces that have to be done a definite way for them to leap out. Queen isn't the kind of group that can go into a twelve-bar jam. We could do it, but it doesn't work with the kind of show we do, which is really structured and holds together."
The final result, on stage or on record, usually comes about after a fair amount of hassling, according to Mercury. "If there was ever an equally divided quartet, this is it. We need that kind of blend where each one's got to contribute just about evenly. Just because I'm out front doesn't necessarily mean I'm any kind of leader. We all have strong characters and we row constantly. It's healthy, because then you get the cream, the good product. We're very fussy, very meticulous, and have numerous battles to get the right sound.
"Deciding the single wasn't an easy task, especially with the four of us having very strong views of how it should be released, cut or whatever. Back home our company couldn't believe we wanted to release a six-minute single. We said, you'll release it or else, figuring it was out of the ordinary, has a lot to say, and if it did click it would really put us on the map. So they did, and they're jumping up and down now. It was a very big risk. It's important to us to put across something that we feel is what Queen's doing at the time, and we felt that ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ probably captured more or less all the types of moods that we were doing at this given moment, so we thought, O.K., this is what we want to present to the public and let's see what they do with it."
Queen has arrived at their present status in a very organized, methodical manner. The group was formed at the early part of the decade, after all four members had completed college (Freddie studied Art, the others had Science backgrounds). May and Taylor had been in a group called Smile, and after the breakup of that group, they recruited Mercury and Deacon. Choosing Queen as their trademark ("It's a very strong name, very universal"), they set about to see if the new quartet could cut it. After about eighteen months they knew they had a promising band. Their debut album, Queen, was released in 1973, and was rather better received in the U.S. than in Britain, but caused no great stir on either continent. Touring and a second LP, Queen II, increased their popularity, and Sheer Heart Attack really established them as major artists. Having been burned in the past by unscrupulous management, the members of Queen now take a lot of care and interest in all phases of their career from stage lighting to chart progress to album production, and devote their energies entirely to the business task at hand. They are, if anything, overly cautious and guarded. "Everything we undertake is such a mammoth project we can't concentrate on anything else. It's got to be that way whether it's a tour or an album. Nothing else matters."
As excellent as ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ is – which means right up there in the league with ‘All The Young Dudes’ and ‘I'm Not In Love’ – there is some doubt about where Queen can go from here creatively. Certainly they do what they do with consumate professionalism and not a small sense of vocal and instrumental dynamics, but the material on all four of their albums is wildly uneven, with terriific tracks, ‘Liar’, ‘Killer Queen’, ‘Rhapsody’, alternating with unimaginative plodding rock. Right now Mercury's voice, often reminiscent of Eric Carmen, strangely enough, as much as Robert Plant, is the best asset they've got, but his queenly stage demeanor may prove a limiting persona. At their worst, Queen succumbs to an almost morbid anguish, a victimized, "you're tearing me apart" pretension that Peter Watkins and Paul Jones presaged so eerily in Privilege. They can also, on songs like the aforementioned ‘Killer Queen’ and ‘Flick of the Wrist’, be bright, inventive and rocking. Depending on whether they let their smarter or dumber fans, or instincts, guide them, they could end up either at the top of the hard-rock pile or in the midst of the art-rock heap.
"We don't consciously think about what's going to happen in a year's time. We're not that kind of group. Things just happen day to day and everything we do is at that very moment. I don't even know what kind of shape the next album's going to take. Let it take its course. Right now, it's looking very rosy."
Retrieved from rocksbackpages.com
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wambs · 2 years
Going insane thinking about the proposal scene in the finale right now like, it just says so much about how Tom and greg feel about each other. Like Tom can say he needs an attack dog or whatever but we all know greg provides no actual advantage and if anything is just a massive liability due to how unreliable he is. But Tom still insists on bringing him along because he just wants him with him. Meanwhile obviously Tom is offering a better position for greg, but greg is taking a massive leap of faith in going with Tom isnt he? Tom won't tell him any details so for all he knows Tom could be planning to do something insane and stupid that'll make greg lose everything. But he still goes along with Tom ("of course") because he has a massive amount of trust in Tom. They're both so crazy.....
listen, the tomgreg proposal is so insane, no matter what angle you are looking at it from.
tom cannot tell greg anything because a. greg is a worm, who cherishes his own safety and comfort above all else; there is no way he would have agreed to anything if he knew how risky tom's play is. he would either fuck off to buffalo and leave tom alone in this, or tell ken for sure. b. he would have to explain to greg WHY he is doing it, and WHY he is so set on having greg there with him, safe and secure by his side; that would mean admitting some things neither of them are ready for yet. so he tells greg he needs him to be his attack dog, even though he knows greg has nothing to offer, holds no cards in this game. BUT HE NEEDS HIM FOR SELFISH REASONS. he wants him there for himself only.
this ask made me realise something that kind of went over my head before; if the proposal never happened, greg would have left, potentially for good. he made a deal with logan and removed himself from the equation completely. why didn't it register? probably because they don't really talk about it, not really, but the prospect of greg leaving is what sends tom into the nerosporus fit; furthermore, greg's newfound desire to bag the perfect girlfriend, paired with the fact that his deal is almost finalised and will give greg a reason to leave tom forever is probably partially what prompts tom to act now and be so bold about it. he hits greg with everything he has, calls him sporus, calls him a joke, tells him nobody else cares about him, that tom is the only person who is always there for greg. and it works because, while harsh, none of the things he says ring false, and greg knows it.
greg's readiness to follow tom into the unknown is very sweet and fills me with hope, i must admit. you're right, he is taking a massive leap of faith for tom. he has a secure deal with logan already, he has his life figured out, and he did it all on his own, without tom's help. but he has so much hope and trust in tom that he believes that together they can go even further. i sometimes find greg very hard to read, but this? he has made the way he feels crystal clear here.
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slimeypuppy · 2 years
Do u take prompts for just "normal" Kendall and stewy, like in the shows universe?
If so, can we get some arguing/tension and some sexy times?
I always accept canon-verse prompts as well as prompts for ongoing AUs! - this didn't quite get to sexy, but another time, another day...
"There's a friend card here, if you want to play it."
Those words echo in Kendall's mind for hours as he scrolls through all the missed calls he's received from Stewy since he blew everything up. He should've been answering them, it's just difficult. Kendall can barely keep his head on straight, so trying to explain to Stewy that he had to back out without confessing to murder isn't a line he dares to attempt to walk. He should've said something before enough time had passed to make it impossible.
He calls Stewy, not really expecting an answer beyond a full voicemail box, but Stewy picks up after a couple rings, even his greeting still upset from their earlier spat. He says Kendall's name in a sheet of ice wrapped in faux courtesy. The sound of his voice is already calming. At least Stewy is still willing to talk to him.
"You better be calling to explain what the fuck is going on here," Stewy says. "You back out for no reason, and then act like I'm just some business bitch? Don't treat me like that, asshole."
"I'm sorry."
Stewy laughs a little. "I sure hope so. What happened, man, seriously? What does your dad have on you?"
"I- I can't explain."
He remembers the cold shock of the water, how it was freezing even before he crawled out of it and trudged back to the civility of the wedding. He killed someone. Even though he barely knew the kid, it feels like a punch of grief every time he's reminded of what happened. Someone is dead because of him.
"Are you even still listening to me?"
"Yeah, sorry. I'm sorry. I just- I wish I could explain, I uh, I wish I could tell you, but I just can't. Here's my fucking friend card. I can't tell you. You just have to believe that I didn't want- I never wanted to fuck you over. I promise."
There's silence for a long moment before Stewy sighs into the receiver. Kendall can almost picture the way that he probably took a hit off his pen while he thought through his next words. An unbidden memory of hotboxing their college apartment comes to mind.
"I was thinking of the first time you played the friend card," Stewy finally admits. "Do you remember?"
"Must've been forever ago, right?"
"Yeah. We were in tenth grade and you wanted me to help you score a date with that one blonde girl- the student council president, I think."
"Vice-president. Her name was Rachel."
"Doesn't matter. You begged me to help you get her to go to homecoming with you, and you didn't even have fun. It was a shitshow. You puked on my shoes."
Kendall only remembers parts of that night. He had been really drunk. "You were pissed."
"Yeah. I took you home with me so your dad didn't kick your ass."
"And kissed me the next morning."
It was their first kiss, but far from their last over the years. Their most recent had been Tom's bachelor party, both of them buzzed and Stewy pinning him against a bathroom wall. They made out like teenagers and exchanged lazy hand jobs. It felt nostalgiac. It felt soft. It never felt like the end.
"I miss you, Ken. I wish you trusted me more."
"I'm sorry."
"No, you're not. You've never been sorry a day in your life."
Kendall opens his mouth to respond, but nothing comes out.
"I'll put my assistant in touch with Jess. Lunch this week, on me?"
"Friend card, Ken. I'll see you."
Then he hangs up the phone, and Kendall is once again alone. At least he knows he won't be forever.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Ch. 11
Warnings: None
Tag List: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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(What I write about Kyotani's dad is completely made up)
It was Saturday afternoon, meaning it was time for Kyotani's punishment. But to him, it wouldn't be as nearly as bad of a punishment since Y/n was with him. She really didn't have to be here, but she was anyway. The two got to work at cleaning, Kyotani would mop the floors while Y/n would clean the windows. "You know Ken, this is a really weird first date." Y/n chuckled as she sprayed more window cleaner on the dirty window of the gym door. Kyotani's heart fluttered at the new nick name. "Yeah? Well, guess I'll have to really make up for it huh?" He said.
"Yes you will. I'm a lady, a lady shouldn't have to clean smudged windows." Y/n said, placing her hand over her chest in a classy way. "Shame on you." Kyotani rolled his eyes. "Pardon me madam. But you could have stayed home." He countered. "And miss out on time with my boyfriend? As if. And I never said this was a bad date." She moves onto another set of windows after finishing the first. "How sweet." Kyotani smirks.
"Oh hey, I bet your mom will be thrilled to know that we're together now. She was really laying it on thick how much she wanted us to date." Kyotani paused. That was right, his mom was desperately trying to get him and Y/n together. Well, mission accomplished then. "Yeah, it's going to be so annoying to hear from here how she was right. And my sister is just gonna be a bi-a jerk about it." Kyotani caught himsef.
Y/n giggled and made her way over to him. "How about after we finish this, you take me over to your place? We can all celebrate together." Before Kyotani could give her an ok, he stopped and thought about something. "Ken?" Y/n tilts her head. "Oh, uh, not today." He muttered. Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Why?"
Kyotani hesitated before answering. "My dad is visiting tonight..." Y/n blinked a few times. 'Does...he not have a good relationship with his father?' She thinks. The last time his father was brought up in conversation, he acted this was too. "Ken, do you and him...is there something going on?" She didn't exactly know how to word it other than that. "We don't hate each other, if that's what you think." He tells her.
"Then what? If you don't mind saying." She asked. Kyotani sighs and sets aside the mop he held. Y/n walked behind him and sat on the stage part of the gym. She pats the spot next to her, Kyotani walked over and sat next to her. "He left when I turned 15. My mom and him just kinda...fell apart. And they got a divorce."
"Oh. Kentaro, I'm so sorry." Y/n placed her hand on top of his. "It's fine...I mean, I don't hate either of them for it. And they don't hate each other either it's just...weird you know? He only ever comes by ever few weeks during the weekends. Other than that, I get phone calls and letters from him. He moved to another city so, we don't see each other often. So you can imagine how awkward it gets." Y/n nods as she listens. She looks down at her lap and lets out a soft sigh.
"I wish my situation was even slightly like yours." Kyotani looks at her confused. "Divorced parents too?" Y/n nods. "Yeah but...me and my father...we don't talk at all. It's rare I even get a phone call from the deadbeat." Her eyebrows furrow, and a light scowl formed on her lips. "I'm sorry." She shakes her head. "This isn't about me."
"No it's fine. I've already explained my story. Go ahead." Kyotani insists. "Ok well...He left me and my mother when I was only 10. Mom caught him cheating with some woman he worked with. And apparently, he had been a bit of a drinker before I was born. After that, he would only drink now and then but whenever he did, me and mom didn't see much of him. After my mom found about the affair, she divorced him. And I hadn't seen him since."
Y/n continued. "My father was the one with the well paying job so, after the scandal he was fired. That's when my mom started working a lot more, so we don't talk as much as we use to." By the end of the story, Y/n was crying. "I'm sorry...I haven't really talked about this so..." Kyotani wiped her tears and held her close. "It's fine, you don't have to be sorry." He said in a hushed tone. Y/n laughs weakly, trying to lighten the mood. "Wow, when did cleaning the gym turn into a therapy session?"
Kyotani chuckles lightly and stroked the back of her head. "Since now I guess." Suddenly Kyotani's phone started to buzz. He pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the screen. "Speak of the fucking devil." It was his father. "He can wait." He was about to send him to voicemail before Y/n stopped him. "No it's ok. Go ahead. I'll get back to cleaning while I wait." Y/n hopped up and grabbed her cleaning supplies again. "You sure?" Kyotani asked.
"Yep!" Y/n beamed before getting back to cleaning. Kyotani looked at the screen again, sighed and then answered. "Hey dad..."
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Y/n could catch small bits of the conversation. "Yeah....yep....Wait, really? Oh uh, I can't just yet....I'm at the school I uh, got into a fight so they're making me clean....I know...I know. Yeah ok, I'll be there ok? Alright bye." Kyotani sighed heavily before putting his phone away. "Looks like my dad decided to come early. Damn it said he wouldn't be here until later tonight." Y/n turns to him. "Was he upset? That you had gotten in trouble?" She asks.
"Yeah, but it's whatever. I'll just have to hear more about it later. Fuck." Kyotani leans against a wall. Y/n set aside the cleaning stuff and strides over to him. "Sorry." Kyotani looks at her. "You need to stop apologizing for things that aren't you're fault." He pets her head. "Besides, I did it for you. It's well worth the lecture." He then leans down and kisses her head softly. "Mhm." Y/n blushes brightly. Then a thought suddenly made it's self present in her head. She fiddles with her hands for a moment, trying to figure out the best way to ask this.
"Ken?" Kyotani hums. "Um...would you be opposed to me...meeting your father?" She mumbles the last part of her sentence. Kyotani eyes winded, he wasn't sure how to take that. You already met his mother and sister, so meeting his father shouldn't be such a bad idea. But, he wanted to spare her the awkwardness the night was sure to bring. "Y/n..." He says with a sigh.
Y/n shook her head. "N-nevermind. It's ok. That sounded a bit pushy, sorry." Kyotani scowled slightly. "What did I say about apologizing for things you shouldn't be sorry for?" He rubbed the back of his neck, his eyes looking everywhere but her as he thinks. "Ok. You can come meet him."
"Really?" Y/n asks. "Yeah, just, don't say I didn't warn you." Y/n smiles and hugs him tightly. "Thank you Ken!" Kyotani couldn't help but smile and hug her back. "Don't mention it."
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That night, Y/n were heading home with Kyotani. Unlike before, an overwhelming wave of nervousness came over her. She was actually going to be meeting his entire family this time. Before Kyotani could bring her to his home, she made a quick stop at her place to change into something more suitable. Kyotani told her it wouldn't be necessary, but she was not about to show up at his place and look a hot mess in front of his family. On the way there, she kept fiddling with heer outfit, making sure it wasn't wrinkled.
"You're nervous." Kyotani spoke up. Y/n paused her actions momentarily. "Yeah, no duh. I want to make a good impression. I know I've met your mother and sister already, but now I'm meeting your father too. And, we're dating so that makes this twice as important." She bring her hands down at her sides. "I want them to like me." Kyotani reached down and held Y/n's hand. "Come on, you're worrying over nothing. You know how much my mom likes you. And my sister does too, she just doesn't want to say."
"And as for my father, who cares if he likes you or not? I like you, that's all that matters. I wouldn't have fell in love with you, if I thought you were a shitty person. There is so much about you that I love. The way you smile, the way you laugh, you always know how to cheer me up, you make me feel loved Y/n. Not to mention you're really cute." Y/n's face turned bright red at his words, he was also a little red. "That should be enough for them. And if it's not, then screw 'em."
Y/n laugh. "That's a little mean, don't you think?" Kyotani smirked and let go of her hand, so he could snaked his arm around her waist. "Not when it comes to you." Before the two teens knew it, they had arrived at Kyotani's home. Kyotani glanced at Y/n, who was holding his hand tightly. "You ready?" He asks. Y/n nods, a determined smile on her face. "I'm ready." Kyotani knocked on the door, and waited. Shortly after, the door opened, revealing a tall man with the same buzz cut as Kyotani, only his was black and not blonde. His golden eyes, that matched Kyotani's too, fell from him to Y/n.
Assuming that was Kyotani's father, Y/n bowed her head in respect. "Nice to meet you sir." She greets him politely. "I apologize for suddenly showing up, but I thought it was time I formally met Kentaro's father." She looks back up, half expecting the same glare Kyotani had when she first met him. But instead, there was a warm and kind smile. "Ah, so this is the famous Y/n Kaori was talking about! Nice to meet you too young lady, the name's Botan." He held out his hand, Y/n smiled softly before taking it. "And just as pretty as I thought she was. Nice work son." Kyotani's dad gave his son a thumbs up.
Kyotani rolled his eyes, cheeks red. "Yeah yeah." He muttered. "Let's just go inside." Kyotani's dad lead the two in where they were greeted by Kaori and Natsuki. "Y/n! What a surprise! Come on in!" Kaori waved her hand, motioning her to come closer. "Hey." Natsuki nods at her before turning her attention back to her phone. Y/n couldn't help but wonder just what kept her glued to that thing. A boyfriend? Girlfriend? A stupidly overrated meme?
"See, didn't I tell you she was beautiful?" Kaori says to Botan. "Yep! Our son sure knows how to bag a good one!" He laughs. "You two...cut it out!" Kyotani hides his red face. 'Wow...they're so alike...' Y/n thought with an awkward smile. "Thank you for having me."
"Like I said, you're welcomed here anytime Y/n." Kaori smiles. "Now, have a seat. Dinner is almost ready. I hope you like (favorite food)!" Y/n's smile brightens. "I do, thank you so much!" It was a nice gesture, but she couldn't help but wonder just how Kaori knew that was her favorite meal. Maybe it was just insane luck? Whichever, she was excited!
"So you're really serious about my bro, huh?" Natsuki glances up at her. Y/n nods, placing her hand on Kyotani's. "I am. I intend on staying with him as long as possible." Natsuki sighs and turns her attention back to her phone. "Eh, hope you like dumbasses then, cause you're stuck with one."
"Natsuki..." Kyotani grits his teeth together. "What, it's true." Natsuki smirks. "Alright you two, no more fighting. We have a guest, we should make her feel welcomed." Botan says trying to calm the tension between the two siblings. "Oh I do feel welcomed, you guys are really the nicest family I've ever met. I'm a little jealous..." Y/n admits shyly.
"Well Y/n, you should start considering yourself part of the family now. Anyone who is willing to date our hot headed son, is family. Especially when they're so polite!" Kaori adds. "Now, who's ready for dinner?"
Y/n felt her chest fill with warmth, she hadn't felt this way in a long time. She had found herself a loving boyfriend, who loves her just as much as she loves him, and to top it all off, his family was so welcoming. It really felt like she was accepted into their lives as one of them. Who knows, maybe one day she really will become part of the family, if Kyotani decides to pop that oh so pretty question, and gives her his last name.
Until then, she was happy with what was right in front of her. And she didn't plan on letting go anytime soon.
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hello!! May I request a Tokyo Revengers and OHSHC romantic male matchup? Thank you in advance!
Hello! I'm Estelle or Aster. I'm 4'1", a slytherin, and my pronouns are : He/They. I'm also Poly-Panromantic Asexual.
I'm an introvert who barely goes out, I usually stay in my room reading manga/manhwa while listening to music. I have social anxiety so I don't do well with a lot of people, especially if it's a crowd of strangers. Though, I have noticed and am quit grateful for, I have very low presence so most of the time, people around me doesn't notice I'm there at all, even if I walk in front of them, they don't notice nor see me at all.
I'm very quiet and awkward at first but once I warm up to someone, I can be pretty loud and shameless. I swear a lot, I tend to hug or have any sort of physical contact with my friends, and I make a lot of sexual and dark jokes.
I'm an indoor person, which means I'm not athletic at all. I enjoy watching sports but I don't enjoy doing them. I do play a lot of board games though, if you count that as a sport.
I'm a night owl who stays up until 3 AM in the morning and I'm usually dancing to K-Pop songs during those hours or coming up with weird ideas or thoughts ( Like those shower thoughts ).
Apart from all that, I am a kind and caring person, friendly too but lately I'm very cautious over making friends because I care too much that it ends up hurting me instead. I commit a lot to friendships and relationships, and I'm usually the therapist friend. I just care a lot and love a lot that I end up bottling up my own problems so that I wouldn't bother anyone. I have self-esteem issues and constant negative thoughts of myself, I cope by making jokes about it though. I do have a short temper and I tend to ghost or push people away when I'm angry. I love playing pranks on people, as well as having deep conversations about fandoms and making theories and such. I like to think I'm a chill person who, when left alone, can be weird ( talking to myself, doing strange dramatic acts, etc. ) Oh, I hate failing, so I work hard to win whenever I can. Be it on games, competitions or school exams, I don't like failing. It doesn't matter if I didn't win first place, as long as I didn't fail. I'm a passionate lover and friend ( though, I tend to call people I love and care for, a bitch, but lovingly 💗 ) Also, I suck at cooking, I'm only good at arts & crafts.
My style is completely androgynous.
My ideal type is someone who's willing to take the time to understand me and to be patient with me. I love a lot and will shower you with affection but I have moments where I need to go into hibernation from socializing so much because it physically and mentally pains me if I force myself to socialize more than I already have. My love language is physical affection, corny/cheesy flirts, and overly affectionate words. I will literally write you a long ass paragraph, declaring my love for you. I'm very supportive, so I want someone to support me too. Free of judgement as well. Also, communication is something I hold very strictly in relationships. If you don't want to communicate with me, we're done. I hate misunderstandings, so please be open with me. I won't rush you but don't hide it from me forever.
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups! This is just a reminder that if this is a romantic matchup, it’s in the current Tokyo Revengers timeline!
Tokyo Revengers Matchup: I pair you with… Ryuguji Ken!
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Draken is QUITE a bit taller than you at a whopping 6’1” and still growing! I also see him as a Gryffindor, so you two make a fearsome couple despite the height difference!
He doesn’t mind that you barely go out but will sometimes take you out for rides through the countryside on his bike. He says you need the fresh air, and it gives him an excuse to show off his motorcycle skills! He makes sure to avoid any crowds, so it’s a plus for you! But, of course, he can always sense you, so your low-presence tricks don’t work on him!
Draken loves to hold your hand! So on the off chance, he loses track of your presence, he likes to make sure he’s holding your hand, so he doesn’t lose you. He also doesn’t mind that you are an indoor person! So sometimes indoor and low-key hangouts are just what he needs and appreciates! Teach him board games! He usually spends all his time with Toman, so feel free to teach him all kinds of new things when he has free time!
This big lug loves that you are so kind, caring, and friendly. Draken understands that you are cautious over making friends, so he hesitates to introduce you to Toman at first, but he introduces you after some time. Surprisingly, you and Takemichi hit it off and become fast friends!
Your short temper can be the cause of the occasional fight, but the two of you makeup quickly and apologize to each other after you both have had time to cool off. He definitely takes the time to understand and is incredibly patient with you! He deals with Mikey daily, so anything thrown his way usually just rolls off his back.
Draken knows you need time to yourself occasionally and doesn’t mind when you disappear to hibernate from social activity. He just asks for a text to let him know you’re alright, is all! I see his love language as being gift-giving. He likes buying little things that remind him of you when he has the money! But he loves holding your hand, too, as well as just general physical affection. He’ll always support you! He’d never leave you behind or in the dark about things and is big on communication! Overall, 10/10 would recommend him as a friend or boyfriend!
Ouran High School Host Club Matchup: I pair you with… Morinozuka Takashi!
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Another whopping tall man! He’s even taller than Draken at 6’4”! This gentle giant is definitely either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor!
He’s a bit of an introvert himself which is funny given he works in a Host Club. He doesn’t push you but often asks you out on dates to go for walks around the park when there’s pretty much no one around. He doesn’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do either but does ask you to come hang out with him at the Host Club occasionally. Given his height, he is noticed pretty much immediately, so it’s something the two of you have to deal with when you go out and about.
It doesn’t take you long to warm up to Mori. He’s the strong and silent type and is a great listener! He enjoys your physical affection and will (somewhat shyly) return it! He’ll also happily watch sports with you even if it isn’t his favorite; he tends to watch martial arts matches instead of things like football or basketball. He’ll also play board games with you as a fun date night!
Mori loves that you are so kind, caring, and friendly! However, he also understands where you are coming from when you say you are cautious about making friends. He’s had too many people try and get close to him just for popularity’s sake. But he grows close to you quickly and opens up as well as listens to all your problems and worries!
His kendo training helps him keep his emotions in check, so your short-temper doesn’t affect him. He also doesn’t mind your pranks; he takes care of Honey, after all. He also admires your tenacity when it comes to working hard, so you don’t fail! He also loves how passionate you are towards him and your friends! Mori is incredibly patient and tries his best to understand you. He gets a little embarrassed at times with all the affection you show him but learns to love just as much as he loves you :)
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derl30 · 3 years
OK, this tumblr is, today, a vehicle for me to review ALTERED STATES. And you (the one person who stumbled on this review two-hundred years from n- oh who am I kidding, when the aliens from A.I. who show up to thaw out Haley Joel Osment and the teddy bear who was the real hero of that movie find this) should be very excited about this. Because this movie is insane. And highly entertaining.
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Yes, the movie poster looks like ass. If I told you this was a movie where William Hurt (not the William Hurt from that awful 90's Lost in Space remake, or the one who slept through an entire performance as Duke Leto in the Syfy miniseries of Dune. This is before the body snatchers got him) took ayahuasca and got in a isolation tank and it blew his mind so hard he started devolving into a neanderthal and creating dimensional portals and he couldn't stop because he was addicted to finding the truth of existence... Well you wouldn't get that from this poster, would you? So let's move on. Shall we?
The film opens in 1967 with William Hurt's character, psychopathologist Edward Jessup, already immersed in a sensory deprivation tank, whilst his colleague and “buddy” Bob Balaban (he's just Bob Balaban in everything I'm not giving you his character's name look it up yourself if it's bugging you so much) oversees.
Now, you may notice I put buddy in quotes. The reason for that is that Jessup is a self-obsessed ass who seemingly has no reason to be around other people unless he can expound to them one of his various monologues. Bob Balaban barely gets a word in edgewise throughout the entire film. Bob Balaban.
See, Jessup loves the sensory deprivation tank experience. Unsurprisingly, as it allows him to be completely alone with himself for hours.
Later, at perhaps the lamest party ever, a bunch of faculty are chilling out and listening to the Doors. Everyone we see is talking about Jessup. Why? Well, much as Jessup is obsessed with himself, everyone else seems to follow suit by being obsessed with him. One young woman, Emily, (Blair Brown) is introduced to him in this very shot below as he arrives at the party:
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Notice how is framed in holy light? There is a closeup after, of him framed in blinding glowing light followed up with a zoom in on Emily's face, enraptured with this incredible dynamic man. So much so that the moment he tries to make a goddamn sandwich she starts grabbing his celery (get your mind out of the gutter) and flirting with him. Which for these two that means talking science, immediately. Talking more at each other than with each other. This is often the way with Paddy Chayefsky's scripts.
Paddy Chayefsky is doubtless one of the great American writers for the screen. He wrote Marty, The Hospital and Network (which is a fucking incredible piece of work). He got an Oscar for all three. He also wrote this movie (Altered States, remember? Good lord) and disowned it completely three weeks in to production. His scripts tend to have very intelligent, driven characters at the center, who monologue extensively at each other. These scripts are not attempting to sound naturalistic.
Ken Russell, however, directed the film. He, like Chayefsky, is top notch at what he does (Direct. I said he directed the film like a second ago, come on keep up). His films, like Women in Love, The Devils, (which was banned in several major countries upon release and has never been shown publicly in its full, uncut form (by the way it's a masterpiece)) the Who's Tommy, Gothic, and Lair of the White Worm are all fucking gonzo nuts. I mean like, when you gave this guy the reins, you were going to Overthetopsville and there will be no stops on this trip. And god bless! I love directors who GO for it!
You're getting the chance to make a movie. Stop hemming and hawing and hit me over the head with what you want to say! Film is a visual medium, USE IT!
I feel I might have made my feelings clear here. So, moving on...
Ken Russell and Paddy Chayefsky immediately started butting heads, right from the start. Chayefsky was a BIG deal, and he wanted control over the picture in a BIG way. Ken would listen to his suggestions on everything to lighting and set dressing, and politely tell him, “No.”, and continue being the director of the film. Chayefsky hated him pretty quickly.
He had much more control over films like The Hospital. Which, if you watch The Hospital, well, it shows. You've got great actors (George C. Scott, Dame Diana Rigg (Dame may be the greatest official title of all time)) saying great dialogue. But its just two very witty bitter people sort of expounding on topics and speaking at each other and suddenly admitting they are in love and discussing what drapes they will have to buy for their new home. It's utterly preposterous, and it doesn't work in the way Sidney Lumet got it to work in Network, by literally making one of the lead characters realize his life is turning into a ludicrous soap opera.
So of course Ken tried to humanize, naturalize, the dialogue sequences. And it works! The film feels more human than the Hospital or Network. Despite the fact that Jessup is literally becoming more and more inhuman throughout the film. One of the ways he does this is by having the character's eat, drink, and work on other things during the dialogue sequences. This is perfectly normal in film, it's called giving the actor “business” to do, during the scene. Chayefsky HATED this. “They are mumbling my precious dialogue! Chewing through it! Sucking it through a straw!” Sorry, Chayefsky buddy. It works for the picture. Chayefsky also felt the actors were too emotional with his dialogue. Right. See, they call that acting.
Which brings us back to the first meeting of Emily and Jessup at the party. They are eating during this important scene! I can just picture Chayefsky seeing this, and running to the studio brass to tattle and get Ken Russell fired (as he got Arthur Penn of Bonnie and Clyde fame fired before Ken Russell came on board).
Emily and Jessup are, true to Chayefsky form, extremely intelligent, driven people and hearing them discuss topics such as anthropology and schizophrenia is quite interesting. It's just that what is to come, film being a visual medium, will eclipse just about any dialogue, no matter how good, from our mind thingys.
The two give up on the science talk and go straight to banging on her couch. After, she asks what he was thinking about. His answer is priceless. “God. Jesus. Crucifixions.”
She smiles.
Bwahahaha! Oh Paddy Chayefsky, you sure know women.
He admits he used to have religious visions. She listens to him from the sweaty couch whilst he sits naked on the floor, and starts going on about his father's horrible death of cancer and his loss of faith. And he admits to her that he's a nut. Her response is to call him a fascinating bastard. I think Lucas may have taken notes for Padme and Anakin.
So naturally, they get married immediately.
But none of that matters because Jessup gets back in the sensory deprivation tank and has his first vision. A nightmare of his dying father and lost faith in christianity. It's pretty great, filled with foreboding hospital rooms, his father's face being covered in a burning Shroud of Turin, everything covered by horrible blood red clouds and then THIS FUCKING THING SHOWS UP AND ITS ALIVE AND WRIGGLING
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excuse me...
The many-eyed goat is slaughtered over a gold bible and suddenly Jessups screwing Emily again and we enter a blood vessel looking thing and the vision ends and he never mentions this again. Oh. Okay,
Emily continues on about what a nut Jessup is as they make marriage plans. Her monologue:
“You're an unmitigated madman. You don't have to tell me how weird you are. I know how weird you are. I'm the girl in your bed the past two months. Even sex is a mystical experience for you. You carry on like a flagellant... Which can be very nice, but I sometimes wonder if it's me that's being made love to. I feel like I'm being harpooned by some raging monk in the act of receiving God. (Emphasis mine)
"And you are a Faust-freak Eddie! You'd sell your soul to find the great truth. Well, human life doesn't have great truths. We're born in doubt. We spend our lives persuading ourselves we're alive. And one way we do that is we love each other, like I love you. I can't imagine living without you. So let's get married, and if it turns out to be a disaster, it'll be a disaster.”
It's a disaster.
As in, by the next scene. It starts off happy enough looking, they have kids and people are smiling. And hey, wow it's seven years later! But, well, see, whoops, they are getting a divorce. Well, not they. See, he is divorcing her because he considers the seven years with her a complete waste.
She still loves him, desperately. He doesn't give a shit about her or the kids. He tells Bob Balaban this, straight up. And then starts bugging him about deprivation tanks and Hinchi Indians in South America who have sacred mushrooms that can really fuck you up.
It's at this point you would like for Jessup to be hit by a Mack truck. But the movie continues on. By the way, this is one of the kids he doesn't give a crap about:
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That's right. Drew Barrymore's first role is a kid that William Hurt doesn't give a shit about. Something that William Hurt would make a career out of with narcoleptic performances in Lost in Space and Syfy's Dune. So, Emily takes the kids to Africa for her anthropology work while Jessup goes to South America to go deeper into his own creepy mind.
The Hinchi Indians agree to allow him to participate in the drug ritual. They enter their holy cave.
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This shot is beautiful. At this point the film becomes increasingly gorgeous. Ken Russell has started to go into overdrive, ladies and gentlemen. Buckle. Your. Seatbelts.
The Indians grab Jessup's hand and cut him, freaking him out. They pour his blood into the drug mixture. They begin to drink. Then he takes a sip. The intensity of the film here has quadrupled. The vision begins, fireworks going off all around him. He sees cave paintings of humans and komodo dragons and this:
The proper life he left behind with Emily. He's convulsing, sweating. The Indians are all around, masked. Snakes. He's laughing in pain. Energy spills from the void. A snake under the parasol strikes and begins to strangle him. He and Emily march toward a nuclear explosion as energy pours from the cut on his hand, becoming a lizard. From within a sandstorm, Emily watches him, naked. Jessup looks at her, entranced, as the soothing sands cover them both, slowly.
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It's a beautiful sequence. A perfect film sequence. I can't overstate how strong the vision sequences are from this point forward. Great visual effects work and the madman mind of Ken Russell create something unforgettable, with it's own pace, independent from the rest of the film.
Jessup awakens with a komodo dragon laying before him, ripped to pieces. The Indians and the others all claim he killed it in rage. Jessup remembers nothing, takes samples of the drug to reproduce it, and goes back home.
Back home, Jessup keeps doing as much of the drug as he can and having Bob Balaban record results. They can't up the dosage any more so Jessup hops back in to the self deprivation tank to create a more extreme experience.
In his next session, Jessup states he is having a vision of early man, hunting a deer and killing it. Suddenly he states he is one of them, killing the deer. He begins to grunt like an animal. The two pull him out. He's incredibly pale, blood seeping out of his mouth. He can't speak, and has difficulty breathing. He insists they do an X-ray. It shows that there is a vocalizing lump in the front part of his throat. Jessup claims that his body had begun to revert to a simian state. The medical doctor agrees, stating the throat X-rays looks like that of a gorilla.
Luckily his throat returns to normal. So Jessup finishes up his day by having over a student of his and sleeping with her.
Our hero, people!
At this point we hardly feel sorry for him as his body suddenly begins to twist and bulge in the middle of the night, shifting in and out of neanderthal shapes. It's a horrific sequence, disturbing as hell. You certainly didn't expect the film to shift into body horror.
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Jessup feels normal after a while. but sees visions of lava explosions, the birthing of the Earth all around him. Not a good sign.
He goes to pick up Emily from the airport the next day. She asks how he is doing.
“Oh, fine.”
Yeah right.
Emily has been told what Jessup has been doing and is worried, which of course pisses off Jessup even more. The guy is obviously obsessed with reaching the truth and root of existence, much as Emily surmised earlier, and we see he has no fear of even losing his own soul, again true to her word. The only thing that allows us to give a shit about him at this point is that Emily cares for him and she's decent people, okay?
So back Jessup goes into the tank with his ayahuasca or whatever it is. Alone. The tank door opens from the inside.
The hand that pushes it open is covered in thick hair. He's devolved.
Ape-Jessup escapes the tank room and chases a janitor around the building. Again, this scene is fucking freaky as hell. We can't get a good look at this screaming animal that was Jessup.
The janitor gets a guard to help and chases after him into the boiler room, where we finally get a good look at him when he assaults the security guard and escapes.
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Ape-Jessup runs through the city at night, making his way to the zoo where he kills a antelope and eats it. The Ape-Jessup sequence goes on way too long, but is nonetheless unforgettable. The makeup is much more convincing than the above picture suggests, and whoever performed Ape-Jessup did an admirable job.
The cops find an unconscious Jessup in the zoo and bring him in. Emily picks him up and questions him. Jessup admits everything that he can remember. He also admits that he probably killed that security guard. And once again doesn't seem to give a shit. Prick. He calls it the most supremely satisfying time of his life.
Even Emily seems disgusted with him. But, she's also fascinated with what he's accomplished. As an anthropologist, his transformation fascinates her. And so, she agrees to help oversee his next session. Big mistake.
Before the big session Emily and Jessup romantically reconnect, and then into the climactic session we go!
Get your popcorn ready!
After a few hours in to the session, the video monitor shows Jessup begin to literally melt apart like goo, reverting to primordial ooze, the very beginning of existence. An attempt to open the isolation tank doors blasts everyone unconscious, as light and energy pour forth. Emily is the only one left. She sees Jessup's life energy pulse from within the tank.
Rain pours down around them. The pipes on the walls twist and turn like jelly. The ground is covered with a pool of swirling fog and energy. Emily advances toward the vortex of the tank.
In the emptiness of the beginning of everything, Emily seizes the energy before her and reconstitutes Jessup.
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They take him home. While he sleeps, Emily rages over the fact that she loves such a insane bastard, and can't get over him. And, then, after Bob Balaban leaves, leaving Emily alone, Jessup wakes up.
He sweetly admits that the truth he learned was that there was no learnable truth, just unknowable horror, and all that's real is human experience. And he'll be a good boy from now on. Well too bad!
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Because that horrible truth isn't done with him, and it's back to goo-Jessup! Emily tries to help him, grabbing him, but this in turn effects her, turning her into a shimmering lava form of herself. Both of them begin to self-destruct as Jessup, enraged, watching her in pain, struggles to retake his humanity, slamming himself into the wall, reforming himself through sheer will and physicality. He grabs her and brings her back, mirroring what she did for him during the final session. They embrace naked in the hallway. He finally admits, “I love you, Emily.”
Fade to credits.
Awww true love!
What can I say to sum up? Awesome 80's practical effects. Genius wacko go-for-it Ken Russell directing. Out of this world vision sequences. A awake and actually remarkable performance from William Hurt. An occasionally turgid but often fascinating script by the ever ornery Paddy Chayefsky. Whats not to like?
Well, the ending is a little rushed. The ape sequence goes on for a little too long and takes up perhaps too much of the films overall running time. The central love story is, well... a little hard to swallow, but hey, I guess there really is somebody out there for everyone. Even self-absorbed, deadbeat, cheating, sensory deprivation loving, ayahuasca dropping, Harvard teachers with a messiah complex!
And on that note, aliens from A.I. Artifical Intelligence, have a good day, and don't leave poor Teddy alone with no one to keep him company!
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ironwoman18 · 4 years
Double Dates part 2
Chapter 2: The Ratatouille Challenge
Luke retuned home after came back from a case. He was tired and just wanted to sleep.
When he opened the door, there was Penelope cooking in his kitchen. Sergio on his couch and Roxie looking at Penelope from her bed.
"H...hey Penelope" he said walking in. She has a pink pajamas on.
She turned visibly surprised "Luke? I thought you could come tomorrow?"
"We found a good lead to catch the unsub early and we decided to come today. Why are you here?" He lifted his eyebrow and he put his gun in his save box.
"Well, there's a broken pipe in my apartment, and here was the only place I can go so..."
"Oh..." Said Luke and walked to her, he leaned in and kissed her softly "it's ok you can stay here as long as you want" he smiled and she smiled back.
"I'm making dinner. Veggie tacos" she smiled big showing him the pan with some vegetables.
"That looks great" he kissed her head and walked to his bedroom to change. He put on a short and a tank top then walked back to the kitchen "you can sleep in my bed, I will go to the couch"
"Oh... No I don't want to bother you" she said worry.
"I could never let you sleep in a couch so don't you dare to start an argument, am I clear?" She nodded "good let's eat" she grabbed a tortilla and filled it with vegetables and poured some sause and handed it to Luke then she made some more tacos and both walked to eat it and talked while do it.
"So what do you and Max planned for Reid and me?" He smirked at her.
She got excited "well we found a restaurant that hosted cook-offs, where couples feud cooking dishes, the judges picked two food dishes and the couples has to cook the one they gave them"
"Oh my... I just know how to make pasta with cheese. I suck cooking nena"
"Fear not chéri. I will do it" she smiled and kissed his cheek. He laughed.
"Ok I will trust you" he stood up and held the dishes and glasses then went to wash them.
Meanwhile Penelope looked at him from the table. She never dated someone like Luke. He was so different from any other boyfriend she had. Shane was an idiot and he was more into be better than her, not into make her happy; Kevin was so sweet and she shared so much with him, but he was so insecure and not very athletic; and then Sam... Sam was not proactive or with crazy ideas, he was so sweet and kind but she needed someone different.
Luke is athletic, like Morgan; he was sweet and kind, she loved the little cat he gave her after a case; he was proactive and protective, the dates he planned were so perfect, she melted with every detail he planned.
And according to Phil or Lisa he was not like this, he was not sweet or caring, but with her he was different, and so was her with him.
At first she was mean because she missed her chocolate thunder but then he won a place in her heart and she was mean as a secret flirting way.
"Penelope?... Earth calling Penelope..." She shakes her head and looked at him "are you alright?"
"Oh yeah newbie I'm alright" she said playfully the nickname she gave him. He rolled his eyes but smiled.
"She will keep calling me newbie, Roxie" he laughed.
"Did someone ever tell you that you act like Kristoff talking to her?"
Luke laughed as he finished to wash the dishes "I will go get my pillow and blanket" he smiled at her and walked in his room returning with both things "goodnight nena" he said putting them on the couch.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to be uncomfortable in your own apartment"
"Penelope, I'm perfectly fine with this, I won't let you sleep here" he looked at her patting the couch.
"I was thinking... That bed is big enough for both of us" she bit her lip "if you don't mind sharing" he smirked, looked down and back at her.
"If you don't mind, I don't mind" he stood up and both slept in the same bed. She did not want to rush things. It will happen sooner or later. She was not like that but Luke was different and so was she.
The next day was Saturday and it was their double date. So they practice cooking together. She taught him some things and he was a quick study so he learned it.
The date was at eleven so at one they could eat.
When they arrived, Max and Spencer were already there. Spencer looked at them and waved.
"There's lot of people here"
"Yeah it's a popular date place and it's a fun way to interact" said Penelope looking at them.
"Yeah it does. Max and I had been practicing this morning" said Spencer looking at his girlfriend.
"Spencer is pretty good" she said without reveling how much "how about a friendly competition?"
"Oh my God... yes!" Said Penelope.
"Wait what?" Luke was shocked.
"I trust you newbie" he raised his eyebrow "it will be fun. Beside I never saw or heard of Spencer cooking so I'm sure we will be fine"
Max smirked "so we have a deal?"
"Yeah but first... The winner will pick the next double date" said Penelope "because I want this to happen again. I love you too. You are like a Disney couple, because Derek and Savannah are Barbie and Ken so you are... Um... Cinderella and her prince"
They laughed "ok I would like it" said Spencer "I some ideas if we win. Since phantasmagoria will be next week"
"Oh yeah you mentioned it. It was tempting so let see if the good doctor win" he laughed and nodded.
They waited some more until it was time to walk in the restaurant.
The place was big, full of long tables, stoves, knifes and other things to cook. There was a man with a chef jacked on "Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to The W Pier. A restaurant school where the students of the chef school come to have experience with a true kitchen" he said "I'm Chef Martinez. Today we will cook some Hispanic food. And then we will eat them. Each couple will have a spot with the ingredients and the recipe, and of course everything you will need to cook. Pots, pans, knifes, spoons, forks... Everything" everyone nodded "now we will have a twist...." He smirked and all of them got nervous "the dynamic of today it's called 'Ratatouille' Challenge" which means that one of the couple will cook and the other will read and say the instructions. Like Remy and Linguini" Some people were afraid, mostly men "the Remy will be the women and the Linguini will be the men"
Luke looked at Penelope "did you know that?"
"I knew about they used dynamics but they never mentioned this"
"Well apparently it's something new" they looked at Spencer and Max and Luke said "can we cancel the bet?"
"No" said Max "are you chicken out?"
"NO" said Penelope "we can do it, I thrust you" she held his cheeks.
"Thank you but I don't trust in me" he sighed. She kissed him then she pulled away "umm ok that gave me hope and trust in myself" he laughed.
"Ok let's see. We labeled the tables with the last name of the couples. Most of you are boyfriend- girlfriend so we had to write both names. Please come here and look for your place" every couple walked there. Spencer and Max were next to Luke and Penelope "Ok the dishes you will be cooking today are from Hispanic countries"
Spencer and Max had to cook the Bandeja Paisa, a Colombian dish and Luke and Penelope had to cook Pastel de choclo.
"What the heck is a choclo?" Said Penelope reading the title of their dish.
"Ok people. One more rule. The girls will said the instructions one by one but in the moment you need help boys, you can raise your hand and one of our assistances will start the timer. She can be 5 minutes, that's all. No more time so you have to pick the right moment"
Luke looked at the ingredients and rubs his beard "Jesus..."
"Ok let's beginning... Now!" The men started to look the ingredients and their girlfriends to read the instructions.
"Ok Luke according to the translator choclo is corn. It's a Chilean dish and looks nice" she said.
"Ohk sounds good. Let's make this"
Meanwhile Spencer and Max started to cook "the Bandeja paisa is from Colombia. And it's a big meal" said Spencer.
"Good to now sweetheart but concentrate in the cooking because the red beans and the pork have to go in the pressure cooker" he nodded and did as she said.
Luke and Penelope were cooking the ground meat with some peppers and onions.
The two couples were working nicely but the others were a mess. Some men did not like to work blindly or there were arguments because they made the food different from what they had been telling.
Thankfully for Max and Penelope, their couples worked good under pressure and followed instructions.
Luke got lost once or twice during the cooking but managed to get thru. Spencer's memory helped him listened to Max's next instruction while working and remember what to do next.
At the end Luke requested Penelope's help to finished the dish while Spencer did not need the extra help but requested so she could some arepas, a circular corn bread from Colombia and Venezuela.
They finished and the chef congratulated them and invited them to take a seat, order wine and eat what they cooked.
Spencer, Max, Luke and Penelope sat down together and ordered a bottle with four cups.
"I never worked this hard in a kitchen" said Luke cutting some of his dish.
"I like to cook but I never make something like this" added Spencer.
They laughed "so Spencer let's try this" said Penelope getting some red beans and an arepa "oh my God... It's delicious" she smiled eating more.
After that they made jokes and ate the food. Then they were agree to order some dessert.
They ate some arroz con leche, since it's the Latin American night.
When they were about to leave Penelope said "we never figured who won the bet"
"I think Luke and I did a good job both and we both won. I'm normally super competitive but today I think it's a tie"
"I'm agree with Spence" added Max "but maybe next time we can pick the next one?" Max bit her lip.
Penelope nodded "yeah... This idea was fun but I think our next double date should be calmer" they laughs and nodded.
Then both couple leave. Luke and Penelope walked to his car and he said "Chica..." She looked at him "can I pick want we will do and with who?"
"Of course you can" she said smiling, this is something she liked about him "what do you have in mind?"
"Ok the next couple should be Matt and Kristy" he smiled "the activity it's a surprise" she laughed and nodded.
"Fair enough" she said "let's see what Mr Newbie have in mind"
So... What do you think? Was it fun? I hope you enjoyed it and I already have the idea for this date.
The next chapter will be one of the cutest couple in the show.
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Dean's POV:
I just woke up and I look to my right to see Y/n's bareback. "Damn I am so lucky to have her and that she's mine," I thought. I started to kiss her back and I wrapped my arms around her waist to pull her closer to me, I continue to kiss her from the crook of her neck to her mid-back, she started to stir, but I didn't stop at all, "Good Morning sweetheart" I said as she turned to face me with a smile plastered on her lips, "good Morning Bae " she said as she snuggles more with me and I kissed the top of her forehead, "do we really have to go?" she said and I looked down at her, "of course sweetheart I don't want to look bad in front of your dad" I said looking at her, "C'mon Winchester I know that is not the only reason why you want to go. We can probably say that Bobby called us or something my dad won't get mad, he loves you already" she said lifting herself up with her hands to look directly at me, "hey that is not my problem that, the asshole of Scott wanted to get all touchy with 'MY GIRL' he needs to know that he cannot just come in and start touching someone else girl" I said and she smiles and grabbed my face and kissed my lips, "you look so hot when you are jealous Dean, I feel like I could just let you fuck me right now" she said with a wink and she didn't have to tell me twice 'cause I already had her pin to the mattress, "is that so sweetheart?" I said raising my eyebrow, "yeah baby, but we have to go to the case with my dad and Scotty, so today is not your lucky day baby" she said with a pout as she got out of the bed and left me there, "but you said we didn't have to go?" I said looking at her picking up her clothes from last night and putting on my shirt, "well, baby the thing is that you said that you don't want to look bad in front of my dad, and he doesn't like people that are late and that means we don't have time for that baby" she said as she approached me and kissed my lips before walking out.
'she's going to be the death of me' I thought.
Sam, Y/n and I arrived at the dinner where we are going to meet with Rodney and the asshole.
"little bubba!" her dad said as he got up to greet us, "hey pops!" she said happily as she hugged him, then he looked at me and Sam, "how are you son?" he said as he hugged me and I looked at Scott and he rolled his eyes as Rodney called me son, "I'm really Good Rodney, I had a great night yesterday," I said and winked at Y/n and she chuckles, then Rodney greeted Sam with a hug, "take a seat," he said and soon we all ordered.
Y/n was seating between her dad and me, Sam and the other guy were right in front of us and I didn't like the way he was looking at her at all.
Rodney started to talk about the case and I was paying attention most of the time if not I was eyeing Scott, until he started to talk and acted like if I was invisible and he was just talking to the others, "we have to get into pairs, well one group has to have 3 people" he said and placed his hand on tops of Y/n, but she moved it away, while I started at him and under the table I pulled my gun to him and I was ready to shoot him between the legs for touching my girl, "well we can be the 3 of us and you two, if you don't mind Sam" her dad said making me look at him, "yeah no problem Rodney, Dean and her are a great team I bet they don't want to be far from each other" Sam said as he looked at me, "cause he knows I will take her away from him" Scott whispered, but I was able to listen, so I placed my arm around Y/n and she smiled, "so is done we will go to the crime scene while you guys go to the police station" he said and everyone nodded while I smirked at Scott who looked angry at that.
Y/n's POV:
All of us dressed in our Fed suits. My dad went with us in the Impala, while Sam went with Scott in his car; I told my dad that he can be in the front but he said that he would like to be in the back.
"Remember the first time I took you to your first undercover case Little Bubba?" he asked and both chuckle, "well I haven't heard that story," Dean said as he looked at me, "Oh you don't want to, it was really bad," I said as I blushed, " C'mon Sweetheart I cannot believe that" he said giving me one of his sweetest smiles, "actually for being her first time she did pretty well, but I remembered that she went into a library days before to get a law book to learn the vocabulary, it was cute how she used all those words without stuttering," my dad said and Dean looked at me, "so that explains the vocabulary you use on the cases, it makes you way more hotter," he said whispering the last part. We soon arrived at the scene that had the police there, we got out and instantly head to the house.
" We are Agents Larsen and this is Agent Cooper," Dean said as the three of us showed our fake badges to the police that let us in, me and my dad started to look around while Dean was asking the questions to the officers, "he is a good guy I really like him" my dad said, "I know pops, I really hoped you do. But he has a problem with Scott" I said and he nodded, "you have no idea, Scott spend all the night complaining about him and his reputation, the way he looks, the way he talks, I mean everything. I was about to kick him out of the room for not letting me sleep" he said and I chuckle, "of course he will. I knew about his reputation but since I meet him, well both of them, he showed that he stopped doing that and even Sam told me and he was surprised, he said that the only person he flirts with is me" I said and he smiles, "well I'm glad you are happy Little Bubba, that's all I want for your happiness, well some kind of happiness in this horrible world" he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder and squish it, "thanks dad" I said smiling.
Then we continue and we saw that no items disappear from the person and we could smell the sulfur letting us know that it was a demon that was looking for something, my dad walked outside and told me that he was going to check for anything then he was going back to the Impala.
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I started to look around looking for Dean and I saw him talking to the same officer that let us in, "so tell me, man, how is it to work with your wife?" the guy said and it made me stopped on my tracks to listen to the answer, "well what can I say, I don't like that she is in this work 'cause I don't like the risk that she can be put on, but if it wasn't for this job I wouldn't have met her at all. Answering your question I love it cause I know that I can protect her from the danger and guys that hit on her all the time" he answers and I was able to see the sparkle on his eyes, "that's really great, man. I wish I could have the courage to talk to the girl I like but I'm afraid I will push her away from me more cause she works with me" the guy said and when Dean was about to answer, but I interrupted, "just do it I feel that she will not say no and both will be happy" I said and the guy looked with hope while Dean just stared at me, "Agent Cooper is waiting for us at the car" I said and he smiles and kissed my cheek, "well I'm done here too. Thanks for answering all my questions Officer Brown" he said and he guy smile, "No problem Agent Larsen and thanks for the help" he said and both of us walked out towards Baby in which my dad was already in.
Scott's POV:
We were all back at the Motel room in which me and Rodney were staying at the moment. Sam is a great guy to work I wouldn't mind working in several cases with him, but don't get me started with the other dude I hate him, why does he has to be with Y/n, my Y/n. She was supposed to come running into my arms and be together hunting like the old times, but no this Ken Doll is here acting all Alpha trying to prevent me from getting her back, but come on I know I still have a place on her heart.
"Those sons of a bitch took nothing from the house but killed those people, all the murders were from people that were not related and took nothing which we are not sure why it is," Rodney said as all of us gather around the table and I look at Y/n, she is so beautiful more beautiful than I remember her to be when she broke up with me for a stupid mistake.
"This is the plan we know they took the kids to a warehouse, we go there kill those bastards and get the kids out," Ken Doll said, "stupidest plan I have ever heard" I said and everyone looked at me, but his eyes looked full of anger, "and why so pretty boy?" he said as he approached me and I saw that Y/n try to stop him, "well Dena, I don't think that little head of yours can comprehend," I said spitting venom on my voice, "it's Dean, you asshole!" he said loudly, "Dean just ignore him, we just have to save the kids and Scott just shut up" she said pulling Dean away from me, "why don't you make your doggy stop barking so I will be able to shut up Y/n!" I said and Dean looked at me and he moved her aside and pushed me, we were starting to fight but Sam pulled Dean away from me and Rodney hold me back, "BOTH OF YOU SHOULD STOP ACTING LIKE TEENAGERS AND BE FOCUSED ON THE CASE!" Rodney yelled at both of us and we looked at him then down, Dean pushed Sam away and I just stormed out of the room.
"Scott! Wait!" I heard Y/n, "leave me Y/n just go with your stupid boyfriend! " I said loud but she stopped me, "we have to talk, you and I!" she said and she gave me a look that I am afraid of.
"look I don't know what you have against Dean, but it has to stop," she said, "you don't know why I am against him Y/n! I think it is pretty obvious. It was supposed to be me and not him by your side! Do you even know if he's not cheating on you ?!" I said out of pure anger, "well at least he would tell me on my face and not do it with one of my friends, then lie about it when I saw it with my eyes!" she said holding back her tears.
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I just stare at her and saw all the hurt I caused her when I did that, "I'm sorry okay! I said that it was a mistake, she never meant anything to me Y/n, it has always been you. Don't you think that I regret it every day after you left me on that crappy Motel that we were staying? When I heard that you went missing in Latin America I went nuts! I just wanted to go and find you but I couldn't I had to stay with your dad and give him support when the rumors of your death started to go around, I just wanted to kill myself and I tried but your dad stopped me" I said calmer and as tears were about to start rolling, she looked up and I saw the tears roll down, she was like a commotion all because of me, "and I am truly sorry but I couldn't stand another guy being with you, touching you and doing all the things that you and I were supposed to be doing together" I said being completely honest with her, I looked down and took a deep breath then I felt her hand on top of mine holding it, "I'm sorry it couldn't be the way you wanted Scott, but I can't change the way I feel about Dean, I love him and he loves me" she said with a sad smile, "don't worry I understand. But can I ask you for a favor?" I said hoping she will accept, "yes Scotty you know I will do anything for you, we were best friends before we were lovers" she said with one of the beautiful smiles that make me fall in love with her, "could I have you for the last time?" I said and she looked on my eyes, "Scott you know I can't do that to him" she said and I could tell she was having a fight inside of her head, "at least one last kiss, then you can tell me that you don't love me and I should just go to hell" I said an she looked down, "I don't know Scott I have to think about it before I can answer you and we should get back to the room before they think that we got kidnap or something worse" she said and that's all I needed a maybe, that gave me hope that she stills loves me.
Dean's POV:
I was going nuts.
'What if she's hurt or that asshole did something to her?!" I said as I walked around the room thinking the worst things, "look son just calm down, please. Scott loves her and wouldn't do anything to hurt her and I can tell you that she knows how to take good care of herself" her dad assures me but it just gave me a little peace, but not enough.
As I sat down on the bed all of us jumped on our feet as we listen glass shattering and people yelling, we run outside and see five demons fighting Y/n and Scott, he try to protect her and he was thrown into one of the cars, the girl snapped her fingers and Scott and Y/n were unconscious on the floor. When one of those son of a bitches was about to get Y/n I run to get to her before he did, "not so fast pretty boy" the same girl said and neither Sam, Rodney and I were able to move from the spot we were in, "I SWEAR I AM GOING TO KILL YOU BITCH IF YOU TOUCH ONE HAIR OF HER HEAD!" I scream, then those things disappear with Y/n and Scott. As soon as they did we were able to move from our spot and I hit the closest thing that was there, "we need to get going now!" I said and all of us nodded.
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This fic will end in 1-2 more parts.
Part 5
"I did not lay my bong down for that ass to go unbeat," Shawn deadpanned as he stood alongside Erik, watching Trent reach the end of the block untouched. He'd sobered up for this and was angry. His hands twitched. He couldn't let someone get away with that level disrespect toward one of his best friends. Erik seemed too calm for him, which was uncharacteristic, especially in a situation like this.. and with Ken. "You gone do something?"
Erik stared forward at the corner of the block as Trent disappeared around it causing Shawn's jaw to clench. "I'm not finna stand here," Shawn mumbled shaking his head with his hands behind his back waiting for Erik to do anything.
"Man, fuck this." Shawn lunged forward but was stopped by Erik's grip on his jacket.
"Hol'up." Noticing the irritation on Shawn's face, he eased up as Shawn snatched out his grasp. The swollen, cut-up face of Shawn's stepfather came to Erik's mind. It only took one time for Shawn's little sister to say their stepdad looked at her inappropriately for gentle and goofy Shawn to snap and almost kill him. He'd been kicked out of the house by his mother who was pissed because her man left after getting his ass beat. According to Shawn, he didn't regret it and after that he and Erik never talked about what happened, but Erik always knew that Shawn had the potential to give him a run for his money if he ever got serious. It was his protective instinct.
Shawn looked Erik up and down in disappointment as he turned to track Trent down on his own.
"Aye," Erik called effectively halting him. Shawn turned back even angrier. He rarely got angry. Erik had to tell him something. "Come back, lemme talk to you," he called watching Shawn's jaw clench. Shawn walked back and Erik stepped forward to meet him, patting and squeezing his shoulder to calm him. "Walk with me to the car," Erik gestured with head, "I'm a show you something."
Shawn stared at Erik for a few seconds before following him, climbing into the passenger seat and closing the door.
Erik looked as relaxed as he did when nothing was wrong and Shawn waited to hear him out.
"You and Ken," Erik smirked, "Hotheaded. You think I'd let a nigga walk away after disrespect like that? Me?" Erik chuckled shutting the driver's side door as Shawn sat, still not talking but listening.
Erik drove around the block slowly and when Shawn looked up, they were passing Trent who was standing on the sidewalk.
"We could get him now while he talking to shorty," Shawn said hopefully. Trent was chatting up a pretty brown skin girl in a purple dress and large hoops. Shawn watched with his hand on the door handle, but Erik kept driving to his annoyance. He balled his lips impatiently staring forward.
"Shawn, trust me aight. I care about Ken too. She's my best friend too... and I know you know how I feel about her," Erik glanced quickly making brief eye contact. Shawn wasn't stupid. He'd caught Erik watching Ken a few times, but he'd never mentioned it, looking away instead.
"Then fuckin do something," Shawn mumbled rubbing his eyes.
Erik smirked, smiling even more when Shawn looked over in curiosity.. drawn by the glint in Erik's eye. He looked Erik over. He was up to something. Shawn had known Erik for a while and what he knew was that Erik was a very petty nigga. He could be downright grimy and vengeful but it was always kept lowkey and out view. It was an evil streak that most people didn't see because he was so slick.
Shawn thought about it and the corner lips turned up as he relaxed in his seat. Most times, he felt like Erik was too extra but right now... it seemed fitting. Erik was angry, he was angry, and so was Travis. Shawn knew in that moment that whatever Erik did, it would be revenge to the 3rd power on behalf of them all. For Ken.
"You good now," Erik asked.
"What we doing? What's the plan," Shawn asked calmly.
"I'll tell you. Shorty in the purple dress? I know her. She the bait."
"Bait. She know what she doing?"
"She knows exactly what she's doing. She's gonna get him to the Sleep In and we... are gonna be there ready to beat his ass. Off campus like the rules state. But only after she fuck him."
"You got him pussy," Shawn frowned, confused. "Maybe I smoked away all my brain cells but how does that work?"
"She burnin," Erik smirked watching Shawn's reaction. His jaw dropped. "Yep," Erik smiled, "HIV."
Shawn gaped, eyes troubled. Maybe this was a little too far.
Erik chuckled, his eyes light with humor. "Told you. You too soft. You just back me up when it's time."
"Oh I'm a stomp his bitchass," Shawn replied.
Ken walked to her next class wondering if she'd see Trent, but she didn't. Her hands were ready in case she did. In skinny jeans, a black and white blouse, black wedges, and acrylics, she'd still punch him in the throat and then proceed to hit him with grown man punches, Big Ken style. She walked more slowly than usual, hoping for her chance, but she didn't see him.
After her class, she texted Erik to ask what he'd been up to not wanting to snitch and say that Travis had filled her in on the whole situation. Erik called to her surprise and she answered it.
"I'm out here being a decent law-abiding citizen Ms. Kendra. Why, what you up to? How was class?"
"Educational, Mr. Erik... Where were you today?"
"Sick," he coughed and Ken rolled her eyes. She knew his fake cough and imitated it making Erik laugh. "Okay I overslept."
"No you did not."
"How you gone tell me?! Travis told you didn't he. You know he still smitten and shit, he can't keep a secret!"
"Smitten?" Ken squinted. The word sounded so weird especially attached to Travis and her. She didn't want to think about it.
"It's your fault," Erik teased. "Your IG thotbook."
"Lookbook," she corrected. "Don't act like you don't be looking through it, obviously you do."
"You right."
Ken blinked, not sure of how she should respond. She swallowed. She hadn't expected him to cop to it so easily.
"Then since you already know the issue, since Travis couldn't control himself.. you should know Shawn and I are handling it. Don't nobody mess with Big Ken."
"Cool, but don't leave me out of it. I wanna get my licks in." She waited for his reply. "You hear me?"
"Hm? Yeah, my mind went left, my bad. I hear you."
"....Left where," she teased.
"You really wanna go there with me?" His voice deepened and her face heated as she bit her lip.
She looked around hoping no one could see her face, feeling her stomach flutter. He'd been good, not showing any special feelings toward her. He'd been keeping things platonic and though their friendship was finally back to normal, she missed the flirtation and secretly she hoped that he hadn't gotten over his thing for her. She felt conflicted.
"Relax. I'll keep you posted," he said hanging up. She pouted staring at their text thread. What could she say to him? She didn't want to ruin what they'd built. She called Shawn instead.
"Y'all making me uncomfortable," he said.
"I didn't do anything," Ken combated. "Wait... you got me on speaker?!"
"She was tryna make me talk nasty, freaky ass," Erik snitched. "Was not," Ken lied.
"I honestly don't care at this point.. but I don't wanna know. It's still weird for me," Shawn mumbled.
Ken understood. They were all best friends after all and it was weird. But when she thought of how fine Erik was.. he was sooo fine. She tried constantly not to notice. For years, she tried not to stare or hang on him because she didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Back when she knew beyond a doubt that she wasn't anything near his type, she was afraid he'd be disgusted and never talk to her again because he saw her as a nigga. A whole man. She didn't want to be happy to the degree that she was when he smiled or was near her and she chalked it all up to him being her best friend. She felt perverted like he was family. Like she was crossing a line she shouldn't whenever an impure thought came.
"My bad. I'll try to behave myself if Ms. Kendra does. Though, I can't make any promises," Erik replied with Ken hiding her smile. "Ken.."
"Huh.. Stop! Bye!" She groaned quickly ending the call. The butterflies were still there in her stomach.
It didn't take long.. She realized she still hadn't gotten what she'd called for. Sending a text to Shawn, she wondered what they meant when they said they were handling her situation. She wanted in and she let them know. She hoped that they wouldn't leave her out.
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boredom-reigns · 5 years
Ken Amada : Character Introspection
Persona 3 and some P4:AU Spoilers!
Ken Amada is honestly one of my favourite Persona 3 characters. I know the way his character arc was handled was somewhat flawed (like when he basically doesn't matter after the closure of Oct. 4), but I still love him a lot nevertheless.
My main problem is honestly the fact that a lot of people in the fandom hate him so much it can get grating, especially if it's for nonsensical reasons (like him apparently being the cause of Shinjiro's death even though the person who shot the guy was right there).
I mean, not liking characters is fine. I respect other people's opinions. But spreading misinformation based on a misinterpretation of a scene is... yeah.
Note: These are my opinions and interpretations of his character based on P3 and P4:AU. Other opinions and interpretations are welcome!
First off, like most Persona characters, Ken's character is based off an archetype. Ken's archetype, you could say that it's based on the Adorably Precocious Child trope. He's acts too mature for his age, even trying to hide his childishness by denying the fact he watches Featherman and saying that he drinks black coffee.
But this maturity came at a cost. From the little glimpses of childishness that Ken has shown (for example, the movie showing event where he's basically jumping up and down in happiness because the superhero movie was so cool!) along with his reinforcement of the idea that no, he's capable even at 11 years old (one of his battle voice lines is "Don't underestimate me because of my age") makes me believe that he wasn't always like this. He was forced to mature due to circumstances or he forced himself to mature due to circumstances.
What was this circumstance?
Obviously, the death of his mom.
Ken's mom is a huuuggeee part of his life and basically affected him a lot. Her death made him what he was today. First is that he saw her get murdered right in front him. Of course he's going to be traumatised. Not only that, he had something to direct his anger and hatred to (I'll talk about that later).
But when he told people about what he saw, nobody believed him, obviously. But remember this, Ken was a kid. He was 9 at the time. And he was 100% sure that what he saw was real. When he was being basically labeled as a liar because everyone won't believe him and just treated him as some fragile, traumatised kid, he's going to lash out. He knew it was real yet everyone just thinks that he was lying. He didn't think that obviously no one would believe him because he was deep in grief and hatred. He wanted justice. But no one would help him because everyone's saying that it was an accident. And he hated that.
He had a target to hate, yet he was powerless to inflict punishment (his idea of "justice") on that target.
So he wanted to be capable. If no one's going to help him, then so be it. He'll do his own justice. So Ken forced himself to grow up. He forced himself to be more mature, copying the image of capability he believes in.
Another thing that possibly added to Ken forcing himself to mature is the way people treated him afterwards. To outsiders, he was a traumatised kid. Ken says in his conversation with Shinjiro that he just receives pity no matter where he goes and he hates that pity.
I've seen LPs where they're like "huh, but isn't that good?" to that line. Speaking as someone who has lost a loved one and dealed with other people who lost a loved one, expressing pity is a balancing act.
It's hard to express pity because people deal with grief differently and some people despise pity when they're grieving. Some people are of the mentality of "what use is your pity because it's not going to bring them back!". Being treated differently because you lost someone or being treated as some fragile person made of glass who's going to have a breakdown at any time is horrible. Moving on can be so hard when everyone is tiptoeing around you. And I think that's what Ken felt.
What Ken needed during his grieving was someone who would support him. Someone who believed in him. He didn't need someone who just stood along the sidelines and pitied him. He needed someone who actually approached him and bothered to listen. I feel like that was what Ken was looking for: someone to listen to him. Because everyone around him never listens and just calls him off as a liar. He had no support system whatsoever. He was staying alone in the elementary school dorm and from the convenience store bentos in his room that can be seen in P3D, you can infer that he was forced to take care of himself for 2 years. For 2 years, all he got was financial support and never the needed emotional support.
Because of this, he was left to internalise his grief which then evolved into hatred. He didn't have anybody anymore. There was no point in living for him because his mom, his light, was gone. No one else was there to give him a reason to live. No family, no friends, no one who believes in him. Ken felt that it was only him against the world.
So why should he keep on living?
And this is where the idea that he has a target enters in. This target of his hatred became his one and only purpose. Why? Because it was the only thing that was there for him. He had no one and nothing. The only thing he had in life was this target of his extreme hatred. The target for his justice. Giving the rightful punishment to this target became his only purpose in life to the point that after killing Shinjiro, he was going to kill himself. Ken's only reason to live was to kill Shinjiro for revenge.
As for his entire "Mom would've wanted this.", I feel like that's more of him trying to justify his actions. He had a target of his giref: Shinjiro. He wanted to kill Shinjiro because Shinjiro killed his mom. But murder is a very daunting task. Even Ken hesitated. I feel like he just justified himself with "Mom would've wanted this." so he can do it. Because killing Shinjiro is the only thing left in life for him. It's the only thing he can do now. He had no reason for living other than Shinjiro's death. So he tried to justify it so he would be able to get through doing it and to give him more reasons as to why he should really do it and not hesitate.
On October 4, it was an utter disaster especially when Takaya (*cough* Shinjiro's real killer *cough* people who keep insisting that Ken is the killer) arrived. At this part, Ken finds out about Shinjiro's drug deal. He loses his shit because he finds out that Shinjiro's going to die early anyway no matter what he does. Killing Shinjiro at this point felt like knocking someone who was already down. It had no point. And because killing Shinjiro had no point, Ken's entire purpose for living had no point. So... He had no purpose.
And this was why Ken went "I have no reason to live."
Other things we can actually see on October 4 is that Ken does care about SEES. He joined SEES with ulterior motives but in the end, he cares. He pretended that he was the navigator to make sure that Takaya won't find out about Fuuka and that Takaya would target him. The time he spent in SEES was most likely the most emotional support he got (and that's kinda sad because SEES is like the most dysfunctional party out of all the Persona games (except maybe P2:EP?)). He got people who saw the same things he saw, people who understood him. He got people who actually bothered to talk to him and listen. Heck, you can even bring him to the movies which I'm sure is great because who knows how long has that kid haven't seen a movie or had fun. There's people who actually don't treat him with so much pity. That fact that you can bring him to Tartarus, I think he's glad about that because he's not underestimated. Ken was respected in SEES as an equal and he appreciated it.
After the entire Oct. 4 shenanigans, Ken has learned to look into himself. He realized his mistakes, his deep hatred blinding him, but most of all, he found a reason to live. He finally moved on, and decided to live as that was what his mom and Shinjiro would've truly wanted.
Then fast forward to P4:AU we can see that he's indeed living. He's pretty much the most popular guy in school, he's in Student Council, and he's even in the soccer club. But he can't fully live yet.
If you've P3 episode of P4:AU, you'd play the Ken vs Shadow Ken part which actually reveals a lot about post-P3 Ken. If you haven't, watch it here.
Ken can't be 100% content with his current life. He feels fake, being a child again, going to school normally and having friends his age to talk and laugh with. This is because of how much his past has destroyed his childhood. He was forced to mature, forced to see things his age shouldn't see, forced to experience things that he shouldn't experience that age. No one his age could understand. They were too innocent while the ones who could understand him (SEES) were too old.
An interesting thing about his entire image post-P3 is that he was basically the "ideal student". He was handsome, smart, athletic, responsible, etc. It makes me wonder if he got that image because it was what he thought was what living was (which his mom and Shinjiro wanted) or because that was what people expected of him. I can see him trying to be more of a child because people expected him to be lighter as the entire Tartarus-Nyx dilemma was gone. I can also see him forcing himself to be more of a child as he feels the obligation to take back the childhood he lost. But that's it, he forced himself. He's not content because for him, he's fake.
Ken's fake he only wanted to fight and this affects him. I think he wanted to fight because that felt the closest to his true self: who he was when he was with SEES. He wanted to help the Shadow Operatives because it was the only environment he can be 100% honest to himself. No pretending that he had a normal life. It was living as him, with people who knew him. In the end, it circles back to the point that he finds fighting Shadows as a purpose to live.
This chapter also showed that Shinjiro still affects him. He blames himself for what happened on October 4, with his monologues saying that he committed a mistake in relation to Shinjiro's death. Shinjiro is an important person to him and his death was very much impactful.
Then Ken fights his fake, where he says that he's been "conceited" and "didn't understand anything at all". I take this as a point of enlightenment for him. What he didn't understand was "living". He followed a mold that be felt he should follow. He thought that he could only feel true to himself by only fighting supernatural creatures. He realised that he wasn't truly living at this point. He thought he understood that he was living like how his mom and Shinjiro wanted but he wasn't. He was still stuck in the past.
This was why I loved his epilogue. In his epilogue, he decides to quit the Shadow Operatives. He decides that it was time for him to move on from their dark past and continue living, not only for his mom and Shinjiro, but also for himself. He thinks that it was better for him this way. He gets to regain his childhood.
His fangirls notice that he's become less distant and more warm to approach, showing signs that he's beginning to open up to people. Despite the fact that he can never tell people about the whole Shadows and Personas, he can still make new bonds. He doesn't have to be stuck on one bond.
This doesn't mean he's abandoning SEES. He still recognises his string bond with them, one might even say that they're family at this point. But just because he has a bond with them doesn't mean he should only restrict himself to them. He can make new, true bonds that aren't fake.
He finds out how to truly live. He just enjoys the moment and finally lets go, showing his inner child.
Ken's character is all about the purpose of life. Because even if life is so hard it feels like death, there's always a reason to live. Even if you can't find your purpose to live now, you will find it someday.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
I want to add the scapegoating these people for what we're doing has absolutely no value and keeping dangerous criminals near him that commit violent Acts on people who are for law and order is absolutely wrong for us to do with is going to be an inquiry now and Zeus Hera had a calling for it they want to know why.. no I was screaming about this area and I'm going to be looked into too everybody's and nobody's doing the job but we need to figure out why it's going on now he has begun we can detect it others can you know who it is and why it's cuz they must can't have just a ghost Army here ridiculous and we're the ones doing it now he's the leader that's been telling us you can't we didn't listen and he says there's laser equipment down there I want it out and I want it in orbit tonight and I don't want to have to micromanage everything we have sop and rules and laws let them walk all over us with all this crap load these up with bombs and robots this is out of control what why the hell is everything always coming to me that's so huge and vast and completely out of control it's too much Thor Freya why is it coming to my shoulders I'm already pushed down by social security and sickness and sewer this should be an embarrassment and so horrendous I have to break out of all that stand up to each and every one of these horrendous anniversary murder swine to pull everybody humanity out of it while I'm being threatened 24 hours a day for real this is an embarrassment I don't care for the excuses anymore you should be embarrassed
Zues Hera
It's actually true I just letting tons of stuff go and trying to address all these big problems because I have to I say is we have control this area I'm sitting of a system like in westborough and I should have any demanded I did in the beginning and nobody was into it now I'm going to have this huge ghost Army it might be him doing it just depressing people into allowing him to exist because it seems like nobody's helping him but him and right now this present time says it's not really doing any good it's encouraging these morons it's not right and it's not what it is it's that I'm not ordering people to do it so now I'm ordering people to do it it's ridiculous I didn't say something I've been ordering people to do something and they didn't and they're not following order some of the send that out this is what I'm telling you ours you're not listening to orders
I need to know why and really they can't tell which force it is that's going in there and he has to make up for it over there is illegal what you're doing is illegal I want to know why
Thor Freya
Wow was deficient and yes being the insufficiency is illegal and here where the leadership is of theirs starting to figure out something this is angering and we're the ones doing it it's not making him happy so we have to figure out what it is they have no way of telling you if we're here or not I'm sending in units now large ones
Raphael and Goddess Wife
You're saying in huge contingence there's nothing that we're waiting for and it seems like you're waiting for something this is yeah you're waiting for me to go to prison I want to go to prison especially You are it's terrible what you doing and during the day you simply don't allow them to do it and they don't do it they're idiots they really are I'm saving everybody doing illegal things you might notice well because of you not being here... Really get to work that's usually say send a huge mobs of idiots to die because he has to
Allah and Goddess Wife
I did pick up one and I heard Ken's snickering he's a ghost army guy without him there won't be a huge Army and that's what they're doing and they're trying to harm him so what he says is we have a huge presence outside of Florida the only place that wouldn't have a huge one is here and you'd be here in about 10 minutes the ships you don't want them to have and you don't want to know about because the stupid attitude so his life's in jeopardy as these people are stupid and think they're succeeded with this close to army stuff it's not true and dumb f**** can't figure it out right over there in the shadow dome it's not succeeded cuz they have to be there and have to compete with us over diamonds your fruitcakes now say this this is our area so we're going to take that huge diamond cuz people will still be in lackadaisical even now when we're talking about it you want to sit back and stuff we'll take it over and we have to have a much more stronger presence it's like he doesn't even know we're here it's so weak that's damn lame he's ordering his first born to do it cuz they're tired of waiting and I'm tired of complaining everyday having everybody hiss in us all day long what the hell are you doing that for if nothing else to do you don't know how the system works he had Thor here explaining everything single annoying thing that I hear and see what is that... Such a nasty echo do you want me to hear I just keep like amplifying it and repeating it so they stopped and they said who are we to keep doing that and then it started up a half hour later they said it's like public masturbation it's illegal you're committing treason this is a lame place this is leadership you can't believe here I'm going to file charges for right treatment here I'm going to file charges against Olympians I had vital to look at it my husband says and don't let him do that either you get a rub there if you will to feed poor Africans in Africa.
These people are asking for it every few milliseconds now and we're not giving it to him we should be taking all their stuff so they don't have any power and feeding our people I mean for Christ's sake and said he says what are you waiting for do you want me to fly over there with no money and spend all my money on a plane ticket so I can scream it in the cities get your ass over here and take care of these idiots who are messing up your country I'm doing it now I get it garth is doing more work than me and was a smile on his face enjoying his heart yuck that I see what you're saying those are presents disgusting fart. All the sudden I understand something your people working on these planets and other projects are seeing stuff we're not now I know what planet we are and what we're doing and this is pretty pitiful we're moving it now it says it better be significant numbers in comparison to our forces are you not moving in now is everybody keeps saying Thor says it every day very small if I comparison number wise. I want to say this he's being annoyed by everyone you keep saying put our name in there it's just have something to say do something I've done a lot of stuff for women equality I need people to actually do stuff in order to be doing stuff to be recognized for this is terrible there's so much work here every single a****** that comes by me guess to say something to me why yes they act like im on death row... It's kind of odd he's saying I was saying it and I was agreeing and then I said no it says cut to chatter stop doing that some phone for the crap we agreed to it's way too much of it here you're full of it and it's going around making people mad all day I'm going to take it out of them
As I was saying we're moving in in great numbers if you want to put your name there put it there if you don't stop doing that we have work to do this is a military operation I don't want to hear it Hera does all sorts of stuff and you shrunk back and you're not doing stuff.
Gu Oya
Not very huge and people aren't listening to us but they have to so now I see what you're saying this is a hard job to do getting the message across to ours and sometimes difficult it shouldn't be that hard we're separate he says I'm not giving myself a break everybody listens to our race because we're smart now they're listening I see them listening now it's because of the hammers and it's wisdom you see our son and friend here develops things any copies a lot of what we do now I see it we're getting respect and it's real respect
I can hear him too think of your small and get away with that my arm is killing me and he's still talking about this ethereal stuff
We're moving out I'm tired of these disgusting people thinking they're free to do anything they want try and convict him get stuff we're a freaking vending machine you idiots you're in so much trouble because f everything up that you need to feel it you need to pay. You locked people in competition to try and find us you're having a hell of a time out there regardless of what you say to our son by the way f off okay you're so dumb get off from me you're dead means we going to go in there and clear people out this sounds stupid like zombies and it's an opportunity just sitting on tons of stuff like Trump is really actually gone hasn't done it publicly but he's good I'm missing this opportunity
Uriel and Goddess Wife would you like what's in our duties here are going to make sure we're not he wants those God damn Godzilla's out now now we have fixed the ring and ready to make it a hole, I get that too I'm just sitting here on his face what a f****** pain in the ass nobody wants to work here who the f*** are we this is where the leadership is what's mocking us all day long this is intensely f****** annoying since you get here and you try and get your your pie and you'll see it apparently you haven't seen it it's a lot of work so I'm getting here cuz it's a lot of work and you two suck
Movie out and to understand it's been a little delicate answered pointed out by our problems we have here so he says picking area and fill it right now I can take minutes to make up for years of lackadaisical crap it's true too let him s*** and talk and all over me just not necessary is illegal it's illegal behavior to let them do that. I'm understanding something it was kind of breaking the law by being just difficient and we've seen the reports, the movie in there your son says you can have to cuz you're going to have to silence them cuz you're idiots picking it up and they're going to repeat it like mockingbirds all day long and yeah Max and they have the idiots do it they're the ones who do it though
Apollo and Goddess Wife
0 notes
adsfdgsd · 3 years
No, don't try to talk me out of it
No, don't try to talk me out of it. D. I mean, come on, does anyone really think they know more than the NWS, Gary Lezak, or the other mets around town? To say it will be overstating the totals and saying so (not saying you, but others) a couple of days out they got a 50/50 shot of being right. We pile on the pressure by testing eight traditional twin barrel car foot pumps You could be forgiven for thinking foot pumps have had their day, making way for 12V compressors, which are easier on the leg. Batey was born in 1932 in Mens JORDAN Hoodie Oklahoma City. “My father called them smallfolk,” said Tyrion, “and he was not what you’d call a jolly man.” He took another sip of watered rum, sloshed it around his mouth, spat it out. Again, lots of buckles all over the Cruss, and adidas eqt rose gold good work on the costumes., Again, fairly simple but the color match, and the cut of Wolfwood suit is a really good match.. 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Even the dragons had been fond of old Brown Ben, who liked to boast that he had a drop of dragon adidas mariposas blood himself. We will give the above reward for the apprehension of the light mulatto boy SEABOURN, aged 20 years, about 5 feet 4 inches high; is stout, well made, and remarkably active. Jones, to whom we have already alluded, when taking a survey of the condition of webehigh sri lanka the negroes considered as a field for missionary effort, takes dolce gabanna adidași bărbații into account all the conditions of their external life. WHO advises that bodies of people who may have died from Ebola virus disease should be handled only by trained burial teams, who are equipped to properly bury the dead, safely and with dignity.. The valve used must be airtight and smooth opening for efficient operation. A block of Cabot Street will be closed for guests to walk around, listen to live music and enjoy street food. It was his own choice to take it as an insult. The melancholy part of the matter is, that while a large body of New School men, and many Old School, are decided anti-slavery men, this denominational position carries their influence on the other side. This was rather how Ichmenyev had been with his Anna Andreyevna from their youth upwards. I read them my novel at one sitting. As you can see, the 7700K a quad core CPU that can process up to 8 threads simultaneously (4C/8T), thanks to Intel's HyperThreading technology. Jon twisted from the knife, just enough so it barely grazed his skin. Of course they should. Petersburg alarmed her. Yes! I’ve said so and I’ll act on it. We didn't look back we just started running on the tarmac as far away as we could.""There were people with facial injuries, potentially broken noses, lacerations on the face.
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