just-a-queer-fanboy · 8 months
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Get glitterd
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libidomechanica · 1 year
But Juans lightness feel this mercy, that he sabres glitterd
But Juan’s lightness feel this mercy,     that he sabres glitter’d unto him swim and, drunk with my     prayers wrathful lights as
the repulsive; I was an invent     that he man that Stellaes name—a mimic temple, when     forgetfulness between
that then this destroy? At fifteen     blade then steps began tell his day, as the pass turn in time     or believe such a kind,
with careless the flittern of though     I never gratitude continual hair; beauty hath     leave taught it reach’d on it
is a praise, to pantomime, they     wont what making than his Macedonian army, whose dews     of so quickly rebuked
me. Would present in the more some     he’s time at first sweete Nighting the moonlight come the night daylight,     deep it wasting but
at ever shade, leaving at then     I am with pageant her hair—belle Isle the ear, tis not     be she leaves you didst th’
enchantes were left to silver     find some cooled; even tower, after vpon woman was     expanding essempio.
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maisjetaime · 1 year
Shared books,
and dead-end poetry.
Dreaming of the women we would eventually be.
Nothing like our mothers;
Inevitably, everything like them.
Memories left in storage: glitterd-eyelids, late-night chats in the darkness of my parent’s basement, and tears for all occasions.
The laughter fades.
We both part ways.
Its ok, we were girls together.
- S.J
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hongcaiglitter-blog · 5 years
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colorful Christmas deer #hongcaiglitter #christmasglitter #christmasshape #christmasshapes #deerglitter #glitterdeer #christmasdeer #newglittershapes #newglitter #holidayglitter #holidayglitters #pvcsequins #glittersequins #sparkleshapes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DdREYBTDY/?igshid=rgyzoyc05m93
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The Stars
I saw that there's barley angst fics about Shirabu so I decided to do the right thing and write one.
T.W: suicidal thoughts, implied suicide, child abuse and abandoned, unknown end.
Hope you'll enjoy reading this 😋
The black-blue skys were glitterd with stars, beautiful stars that reminded him of a story that he read once.
The wind was messing his hair, the drops of the light rain were combining with his tears.
Shirabu took in a deep breath, the night was so, so silence and it made him smile, a terrified smile.
Most of the time he's looking for this kind of silence, hoping to find it without success. But when he does find this silence he remembers everything and his mind won't leave him alone, when he finds the silence that he knows since a very young age he gets overwhelmed.
Truth to be told, he knows that silence isn't really silence. It's much more louder than anything else.
And that's why he always have headphones on him. Music is something that always help him.
But right now he's out here, he walked quietly up the stairs to the roof, leaving his phone at his droom, hoping that no one will notice it until the morning.
Shirabu isn't really sure what he's about to do, or if he would do that.
He's selfish like that, heis brain make him think about what would be his friends reaction would be instead of doing something good to everyone and just ending himself already.
His father always told him that he needs to be better, to be stronger, to be the best no matter what he wanted.
His mother always saying that he should've known better, should've done better, and reminding him that she should have just do an abortion instead of having a son like him.
Most of his childhood was like that, "You can do better", "I should have just killed you before you were even burn", the feeling of him mother's nails digging straight into his flesh while she's whispering thought her teeth "smile to the camera son".
And when he turned eight and his parents started to work over seas, never home. Living him alone for five months just to be back for a weekend, yelling at him to be better and telling him that he's just a big mistake.
And he tried, he really fucking tried but he's just not good enough.
Shirabu clenched his eyes, the tears pouring down his face, his legs tangling of the age of the drooms building, his breath hitching as he tries to keep the sobs inside, hands pressed to his mouth to quite himself.
His clothes are soaking wet and the wind makes him shiver.
He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself, looking up at the stars through the tears. A small, sad smile on his face.
He's going to do it this time. He have to stop being selfish and do the world a favour.
As Shirabu stood up he stretched his arms, groaning as he heard the 'pop' sound.
He thought about the team, they're his first true family. He thought about Taichi, his somehow best friend, about Tendou who made him feel more good with being himself than he managed his whole life, about Semi who made him have those... Fellings, about Ushijima, about Reon, about Yamagata, even about Goshiki. The whole team, they were his family, his friends. He's just doing them a favour. Making their's life easier.
The wind flew his hair back, a small smile on his face as he looked up at the stars. One leg over the age.
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Will You Promise Me Something?
Paring: Isaac x reader
Warnings: None!!
Summary: Issac is bringing you to a "special" place, as he calls it. For a date. A fun date slowly becomes a date full of love and vulnerability.
Point Of Veiw: Second person
A/N: I'm sorry it's really short because, I was at work while writing this. Plus, it isn't that great. I'm not proud of it like my other ones I have written.😅
"Y/n can you stop your whining We're almost there" the man sitting across from you was none other then Isaac Newton himself. He shifted his postion while looking out the window.
Beautiful stars lit the midnight black sky as the carriage made it's way to a certain shop. You couldn't help but wonder where Isaac was taking you. You were pulled out of your thoughts by the carriage stopping in front of a shop. "We're here y/n." He stepped out of the carriage lifting his soft hand for you to take.
Your curiosity eventually got the best of you and you finally asked, "I am so confused, why are we-" the sound of a key inserting into a key hole caught you attention. Isaac turned to you and picked you up bridal style. "Close your eyes, y/n." You did as you were told and closed your eyes. You felt Isaac go up a staircase and stop in front of something. "Are you ready y/n?" You nodded your head yes and he opened a door.
Once he opened the door he set you down and whispered in your ear. "Open your eyes.... and look up" You did as he said and slowly opened your eyes, and looked up. You were speechless. Millions of stars big and small, illuminated the night sky. Each one mingled with the colors of the other stars creating a beautiful picture, you would want to last forever. No words could describe what you saw.
"Heh. I knew you would love this." You looked over to see your boyfriend staring into your eyes. He wanted to memorize every single feature of you. "Y/n? Will you promise me something?" Multiple emotions swirled into his almond pink eyes making his expression unreadable. You nodded your head yes to his question.
He hesitated before saying the words "Please, promise me that you... won't leave me." His adorable blush glitterd under the moonlight as he looked instantly at you. At that moment you realized how deep his love for you was. It was cute that he thought you would leave him.... Heh. You immediately replied with, "I will always be by your side, I promise to never leave you and to love you for as long as I will live."
Wow that was really short. Anyways, I hope everyone is safe right now! This is probably out of character for him. I'm only on chapter two of his route so I don't know how he really acts yet. Goodbye my angels!!
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officialleehadan · 5 years
Gold Shoes and Blue Scales
 Hello darlings! It's your weekly poll winner! This one is moving right along. I just hope poor Mila will keep his head. he's not having the easiest time with this loving a human thing.
Mila circled around Tilsie as she leaned over the counter and chatted happily with three separate salesgirls. 
He thought they were talking about shoes, but he really wasn’t sure. So far, there had been scarves, dresses, and hats. Now they were onto contraptions that were probably supposed to go on feet, and looked frankly hazardous.
Although the gold ones were nice. They sparkled appealingly, and Mila had to wrestle his own instincts into a box before he bought them for Tilsie on the spot.  It didn’t help that Tilsie was wearing a black skirt that glitterd with golen sequins, and a bright gold skirt that matched it. 
Damn it all, she was in his colors, and he was struggling not to be entirely pleased about it. She liked gold, had owned plenty fo gold before she met him, and didn’t actually know the proper color of his scales to boot. She wasn’t doing it to make him happy!
Although she really did look nice in gold. Maybe the shoes…
HGE - The Maw
Tilsie needs to find someone in the worst part of space. For that, she needs the kind of help money can’t always buy, and the kind of luck she only hopes she has.
Back Room Handshakes
New Understandings
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Brassy Secrets
Coffee Treasure
Fireworks at Midnight
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ashenwaste · 5 years
bi 🤢🤢🤢 biz glitterd 🤢🤢🤢🤢 i cant even say it
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angelalyn-blog · 6 years
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Thanks for the kind words! ★★★★★ "It’s beautiful!! Love it! Great quality!!! ❤️" Nicole C. https://etsy.me/2rsLcOM #happycustomer #etsyshop #etsyseller #etsysellersofinstagram #etsyshop #etsyfinds #deershirts #glitterdeer https://www.instagram.com/p/BrJntK9H8tf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=i9pse7880ut
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“Do not conscience hold it”)
Do not conscience hold it that to  vs wretch that shines  bright a haloed ascetic                    put in  every human  natures truth, thou hast charge, and all her  chambers, blood, and secret  ayde doest at doors, at first cometh behind, to  ease your dreamed: our  friends, love after new love because  I have our  best to myself can  free; shake hands for seven  days, either brookd, and leaue to  come upon me, cried nem. Then pride  were somehow their seruice and fill  allow a girl without a  small cause; why wert thou thy obiect  of ill maskd not the preacher  Still ye virgins oer me— but I have  shown. who refuse, but  in the kitchen lights to  weave them is double. Fainting  swoons and deformedst creature as pure  invention the maps the  cold stone with a great ennui,  wherewithal, by  those who could not divine with ten- thousand groand, and haunch of  venison; wines too, which we cease to  man. Yes; and well-nigh changing  love for love letters if they  werent ridiculous. Heres to  the narrow Cell? Bade  the siluer coche to  clyme, and hid from my reflection  and up and down the  sighing fast: now bring again  guarded barley-sheaves, Desultory  rhymes run vp and down to  its thought was a  maiden Queen I never have at hand lie fallen,  or not attainable. honey  to salve can speak Bring the  art of life to tell.  that thy name spoken, and piety,  are topics which though the  cliffs. My mistress bent that it might  I am a fireball  that it was thy  promist both upon thy cheek that  say or sinking songsters the ioyfull  dampe, doe ye write therefore than  we men can also crowne with  a blew silke riband. When  most faire-sweete, do not in fault,  who by a beaten face, and  her mind. Freezing cold and small, of  all the rest, nor needed,  for prejudice it was— against a creature  stalking, feelings fast. Arysing forth thy  face doth spred, hauing disperst the  night or wrong, Don Juan sat next “an  lEspagnole,” “timballe,” and  hauing all his quivering under-lip.  I wanna be your eccho  ring. Where my extended soul  is fixt, but promise such beauty  of hers, those timber toes your name  and that is all the  shrink to a phrase like the  girl! The tumor growing  age, a dearer birth than that is  not enuy my loue in aire  of the Good! That, in  pure madrigal, unto  the sea; o Rivulet, born at them;  I cannot go; if  I could suppose we join hands do hold, their  clammy cells. And guydest loue, in  hope of this change o too than  you by a sketch into  detail, my Maud has sent  it by the waters and  their resolves—alas! That make thee; is  the bridle glitterd free. 
0 notes
Love me, if you will. ~ P.P
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Summery: Ella is the queen bee at school, and Peter Parker is completely in love with her. What he doesn't know is that she has a secret just like his. The only person who can solely defeat thanos, is her.
Please don't steal any of this it is based on a fanfic that I'm wrighting.
Will probably do a part two, depending on how many notes this gets.
Set during infinity war
⚠: Fluff, Violence, swearing, adorable Peter
Ella Ross, popular, beautiful, powerful. Completely infaturated with Peter Parker.
Peter Parker, adorable, dorky, determind. Completely infaturated with Ella Ross.
Ella was sat on a bus, not the most exciting places to be. Her bright eyes were trained to a certain dork, her red hair waving in the breeze. Her red high heels were hung over the chair In front, her slim legs perfectly posed.
Her cherry lipstick remained perfect as her white teeth bit into her lip.
She now sat, with her head on the window her eyes far away.
It was then Peter looked at her, admiring the way green eyes glitterd in the sun, and her red hair fell into her eyes, so she would reach up and her acrylic nails would brush it away.
Ella was lost in her thoughts when she head Ned shout " Oh my god, we're all gonna die."
Ella rolled her eyes, until she saw the giant circular spaceship hovering over the city.
And Peter Parker sneaking out the window
Ella's eyes flashed silver and she crept passed her wide eyed classmates, who were pressed up agianst the glass in wonder.
" Oh no you don't spiderman, you're not dying on me just yet"
And with that she pressed the tattoo behind her ear, and within a flash, she was out the window.
Her costume itself was.....different.
Her face was covered in a black mask, with an electric blue streak crossing from her left eyebrow down to her right point in her jawbone. The mask was connected to her suit, which was black leather as well. The zip was a matching electric blue. The leather suit ended in shorts. Her thighs were were partly coverd in black fishnets that too, were streaked in blue. On her feet, were thigh high boots. They were shiny black, but the seven inch heals were electric blue.
Her eyes were now liquid silver, no white and large pupil.
She lept after Peter, but landed inside the spaceship rather than on it.
She had a habit of shifting through things rather than landing on them. It was one of her thirteen powers.
Ella just sat on one of the beams, practically invisible in the dim light.
"Woah Mr Stark it smells like a new car in hear" Ella giggled at Peter's voice outside, her eyes flashing pink
It had been a while, and Mr Stark and Peter were staring down at Thanos' Minion.
Ella rolled her eyes. She'd show them.
However before she could get down Iron Man lept into action taking Peters disbolical action plan.
Ella rolled her eyes and stared at Peter who jumped from the balcony type thing.
" Yeah, but the kid's seen more movies" was all Iron man said.
But as the whole in the ship was created, Thanos' minion mended it and threw Peter against the wall.
Iron man stepped back. " Uh oh"
Then Ella lept into action. Hissing like a cat, she lept infront of Tony facing...she decided to call him squidward.
" They call my Siren Fox. Nice to meet you squidward."
Squidward bounced into action, objects around him lifting pointing to Ella Peter, Tony and steven.
" Move" he said " I dare you."
Ella shrugged. " well, being the daughter of the princess of calotone has it perks. Including these "
She rolled her neck and thirteen gems appeared.
"These are matter stones. There are thirteen of them, and they chose their owner. Their power can overcome the infinity stones.But they have there own Minds.
"The first life is life, she heals and brings back the death" The replica of Ella lept from the white stone necklacs on Ellas chest. Life was the exact replica of Ella except her eyes were solid white, like marble. Her suit was a flowy white dress, with slip on white shoes.
" The next is Voice. She can scream and kill you, or manipulate you by singing" Voice joined Life by circling squidward, who seemed tranfixed. Voice had a short skirt and skin tight top, with converse. Her eyes matched her outfit, fluorescent pink.
" The next is flexibility. She's something that manovers a lot" Flexability was in a leather suit, much like Ellas, but a burgundy colour. Her eyes were bright burgundy as well.
" The next is speed. She can run like the wind." Speed was in shorts and vest with trainers that matched her amethyst eyes. Speed sped to suidward, laughing at the confusion on his face.
" The next is strength. Stronger than thr hulk, than any other being" Strength was in a playsuit and heeled boots, her topaz eyes alight with excitment. Strength was careful anx calculating, and walked over to Peter to lift the heavy weight of his legs. Life then healed him with the touch of her fingers, which glowed white.
" The next is emotion. She can control people's minds and make them feel" Emotion was bubbly. One eye was bright yellow, the other a navy blue. Her suit was like a swimming costume with shorts. It was navy blue with a star patten along the hips, like a belt. She stood by Iron Man, who just blinked at her.
" Did she just take away my fear? " He asked.
Ella nodded. " If she likes you she'll help you."
" The next is fire. She'll burn down anything or create warmth. She goes hand in hand wirh water, who can create and control anythibg to do with water. Earth tends to follow these around constantly. She can make flowers grow or talk to animal or create lethal weapons. Air is all around us, she can give, or take away. Leaving you helpless "
Fire was orange. Her bright orange, off the shoulder, floor length gown matched her flame like eyes. Her lips were drawn up in half a smirk. Water was in a wearing a baby blue dress. It had frills at the bottom were it ended just above her knees, and thin spaghetti straps. Her eyes were baby blue with a water droplet were the pupil should be. Earth was....different. One eye was a muddy brown the other a vibrent green. She was wearing a floor length gown, a green silk with bronze leaves that matches her eyes. Air's eyes were beautiful, they were a faint blue- almost white - and matched her daint faint blue dress that reached mid thigh. She had pale blue knee high socks with little clouds at the top. On her feet were pale blue tennis shoes. Air looked nicer than her fellow elements.
" The next is sence. She's good at heightening your senses, and know when danger is coming " Sense was a fuschia colour in jeans and pink shirt that matched her fuschia coloured eyes. She was chewing bubblegum and skipping around the room in pink converse, admiring everything in the room.
" The next is energy. She is bright, can create light or work together with life and speed." Energy was honey- bee yellow, in a bright child like dress, and yellow converse. Her eyes were matching her clothes.
" The last is death. She kills anything " death's face was hidden by a black hood, only her golden eyes visible. She was in a long black coat that reached her knees, with fishnet tights and gold 10 inch heals. She stared at squidward, and cocked her head.
Squidward smirked. " Nice show. Thanos will be ever so pleased that his d-"
Voice screamed. The sound was deafening makibg the furniture rattle. Everyone clutched their ears except Ella who stood calmly.
Death stretched out her hand. Dark smoke engulfed squidward who's eyes widened in fear. Blood started pooring out of his eyes, non existence nose and ears. The smoke wound up until he was no longer visible.
Ella smiled sadly, and clapped her hands. All of the stones went back into her suit. She turned to Peter, who's mask was still on, blood oozing through it. Ella crouched over to him.
" I need you to take your mask off spiderman" Peter panicked. If his mask was off she'd know who he was! He shuffled away, stumbling to stand up.
" Spiderman I need to heal you!" she cried as he walked away from her. She scowled.
" PETER FUCKING PARKER GET YOUR CUTE ASS BACK HERE!" She shouted. Peter froze, turning to face Ella with a shocked expression.
"You know me?" he asked stepping towards her. Ella winked.
" I'd recognize that ass anywhere Parker" she said absentmindedly, healing his face. She looked strait in his eyes and smiled.
" Make this out alive Parker, you can take me on a Date, how about that?" Peter smiled, his eyes lighting up like an adorable puppy.
" Yes. I'd like that." Peter said. Ella laughed at his hopeful face, kissing his cheek.
She took off, her red hair only just visable at the rafters where she sat, smiling softly at Peter, who was chatting to Mr Stark
" Ok kid"
Ella had fallen asleep on the balancing beans that supported the ship.
So when she woke up she was even more confused why an excited Peter was looming over her.
" We're here." he said guiding her to where they all stood.
They expected her to ask who Drax, Starlord and mantis were. She didn't. The first words out of her mouth were
" Where's Gamora?"
They stood stock still.
" Where's my sister?"
Should I do part two? Comment if yes and I'll tag you
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lcthalswrites · 6 years
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normally she didn’t care about who the male spoke to   at least she pretended she didn’t, however the amount of alcohol she had already consumed began to reveal her real emotions, much to anastasia’s dismay of course. it wasn’t that she was completely in love with nick and that she hated whenever another girl grabbed his attention, the blonde was just slightly frustrated that this other girl was the person the red head made a beeline toward. huffing she turned away from the pair and walked towards the bar, hoping that even more of the free alcohol would help her forget and loosen up. green eyes rolled when she felt nick wrap his arms around her, “you’re not sensing anything.” the female stated plainly, refusing to meet the other’s eyes. “if you wanna hang out with this lisa girl, go do that.” the female tilted her head in confusion and turned to face him when nick explained who she was. “wait, conquest?” anastasia questioned as her eyes narrowed. “like he’s sleeping with her? that kind of conquest? she’s like… only a few years older than us, that’s so gross of your dad. no offense.” taking the male’s hand, stasia made her way through to the bar as the crowd of people parted like the red sea, their parents were the most important people at this event, of course they couldn’t allow their children to stand at the back of the queue. “well drink some more tequila then.” she insisted, holding out the shot glass filled with a clear liquid. “how was i supposed to sneak that in, nick?” stasia hissed. “i told you, my dad’s onto me. he hired threebodyguards to babysit me tonight. three. i feel like i’m being suffocated.” she pouted, staring daggers at one of the guards standing approximately five feet from the pair.
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why he gravitated towards this spot, of all places, was beyond nick. he understood their history, he understood why in that sense but, after all he and anatasia had pulled through the years … after all the spilled words and heightened tension, after seeing her with other guys, what could possibly ever stop making them play the game they were stringing along for all these years ? why couldn’t he just stay away ? what would he do if one day, whatever they had between them was all over ?  all of these thoughts flooded his mind with each and every inch he took closer to her, and it’s only when he brings up liza    no, lisa, that he felt a sense of relief, knowing deep down that ana felt the same. a devilish grin tugs at the corners of his lips, the stirring sensation within his core denoting the stress he feels within. “god, you’re transparent.” he knew her like the back of his hand. after all, they grew up together. how ana wanted to interpert his words was all up to her      but he knew that she cared. “what’s new?” nick mused, flask brought to his lips in an attempt to wipe away the scene of his father attempting to pick up a girl half his age. “sleeping with? really, ana? wanna make me puke right here?” eyes roll before letting out a chuckle, shrug soon assuming. “august was mariam, september was whats-her-name, october was carol, and christmas came early for my dad   ‘cause now he has that over there. my bet? my dad dumps her by the second of december.” and if there was one thing nick would make sure of in his life, it was that he never wanted end up like his father. sure, he may have done things now in his early twenties, but when all was said and done, he wanted a normal family. a life that didn’t involve new women every couple of weeks. stability. part of ana came with that stability, not that nick would ever admit it. “clearly i’m trying.”  it’s only before he snatches the shot glass away from her that he pours one for ana herself, sliding the contents towards her. “cheers to well … whatever the hell this is,” he exclaimed, clinking his glass with hers. “i mean, you sorta had one job. but don’t trip, ana. i’m sure we could score some later when everyone heads to dinner.” at the sight of the guards, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. “i’ll pay them double what your dad paid to get them to leave us the hell alone.”
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hongcaiglitter-blog · 5 years
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Colorful Christmas Deer #hongcaiglitter #christmas #chrismasglitter #christmasglitter #christmasshape #christmasshapes #deerglitter #deerglitter #deershape #deershaped #glitterdeer #glitterdeers #pvcsequins #colorfulshapes #colorfulglitter #colorfulglitter #holidayglitter #glittershapes https://www.instagram.com/p/B2DcGg0hIAy/?igshid=1x4rk9jrs5gxz
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beetlebongos · 6 years
hi bee sorry to be the bearer of gross news but the artist of that post with anthro person in neat clothes, glitterde(...)adboy, draws inc*st... :(
Aw gross that sucks I'm sorry about that! I just deleted it thanks for letting me know
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stregacorvina · 4 years
Change of plans!
As you can see today is Wednsday XD So no more Tuesday and Thursday entry but one per week, as I am starting to be more busy between sewing and studying again and I cannot manage two entry anymore :( Today as I have almost finished all my dolls clothes I will go back to my core sewing activity: cosplays XD
I will show you one of my latest cosplay, Musa Harmonix from the serie Winx Club! This is actually the second time I have sewn this cosplay, the first one was last year and the latest a couple of weeks ago. The first time I did only the top and the skirt with detachable train, this time I made also the tiara. Unfortunately I still cannot make the wings even if I really wanted to because my work space is too small T_T I am thinking about making them for my dolls, just beacuse I want to make them XD
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I really enjoyed this show until a couple of years ago, I even dragged my boyfriend to see the Winx Exibition held here in Milan last May XD I will leave here some pictures I took at the exibition, there were storyboards for both the tv show and the comics, some initial schetches of the girls, toys and costumes (my favourite part obv)
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(This one below is defitetly my favourite Flora look ever - btw Flora is my favourite Winx together with Musa)
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In the last part of the exibitions there were toys and costumes! I really went to see the costumes, but I have to say that some of them seems really poorly made to me, I have seen cosplayer doing a better job, others are amazing though! I think they are the costume used by the girls that play the Winx in the live shows at the Amusement Park...
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....speaking of the Amusement Park, in case you do not know, the creator of the show (Iginio Straffi) and the producers (Rainbow Company) are Italians and next to my parents house there is the Rainbow Magicland Amusement Park, built by this company, with a lot of Winx themed attractions and live shows (of course I have been there several times when I was younger XD)
But with time my interest in the Winx Club almost disappeared as the latest seasons seems more and more childish to me and even if I stille love most of the looks I stopped watching the show...I think my last one was the 4th season? The Believix one? Oh and I watched the CG one on Netflix, World of Winx I think.... but I definitely do not like their new drawing style!
Anyway, let’s go back to the cosplay XD Here you are the walkthrough of my Musa Harmonix costume!
- Materials
As in the show there are glitters and sparkles everywhere I decided to use two kind of glittered spandex fabrics and some shiny organdy to make this costume!
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In this picture above you can see the lilac glitterd spandex I used fot the top and the main part of the skirt and the fuchsia shiny spandex I used for the top. As I am working with spandex fabrics of course I sewn almost everything with my serger machine and I did all the topstitching with a zig zag stitch on my regular sewing machine.
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For the last fabric choices, I used a plain light blue spandex for the details and some ruffled organdy for the top part in the first version of the cosplay (you will probabily recognise this organdy from all my BJD entry, it is the one I bought in every color available XD)
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In the second version I used ruffled stripes of blue organdy fabric because I ran off of that trim :( But I have to admit that maybe I love the fabric even more that the trim.
For the skirt I used a shiny lilac organdy fabric the first time (i hope you can see the shimmer in the picture) ...
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...and a plain lilac organdy fabric the second time because the shop didin’t have the shiny one anymore :(
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But anyway the result was lovely both times
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To give the skirt more puff I added a hidden layer of gathered tulle between the organdy and the satin lining.
As I said before the firt time I did this costume was requested to make a detachable train to remove it from the skirt during crowded conventions so I added a stripe of snaps button to do so, hidden under the skirt.
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And this is the costume worn by the first owner (she did by herself the wings, the tiara and the shoes) - Photo by Totoro Photoset & Video
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For the second costume, this time I did also the tiara and it was really fun to make! I used some aluminium wired, then sprayed with golden paint, some foam for the shell at the center and a resin gem.
I painted the foam with glittered nailpolish and used some thick wires for jewelry to shape the wire. The tiara stays in place with a thin strip of elastic thread that can be hidden in the hair. 
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And this is the second client trying on her dress at home! Again she will do by herself the wings and the shoes.
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I hope you liked this entry and the detour from the BJD entries! Let me know what you prefer!
See you next Wednsday with another cosplay entry, I think!
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
Come potete vedere è Mercoledi oggi XD Perciò niente più post del Martedi e del Giovedi ma un solo post a settimana, perchè sto iniziando di nuovo ad essere parecchio occupata con il cucito e con lo studio e non riesco più a gestire due post :( Oggi, siccome ho quasi finito tutti gli abiti per le bambole, tornerò alla mia attività principale: i cosplay XD
Vi farò vedere uno degli utlimi cosplay che ho realizzato in questi giorni, Musa Harmonix dalla serie Winx Club! Questa è la seconda volta che realizzo questo costume, la prima versone l’ho cucita l’anno scorso e questa un paio di settimane fa. La prima volta realizzai solo il top e la gonna con lo strascico removibile, questa volta ho fatto anche la tiara. Purtroppo ancora non posso fare le ali anche se lo vorrei tanto perchè il mio spazio di lavoro è davvero troppo piccolo T_T Penso che prima o poi però le realizzarò per le mie bambole, solo per il piacere di farle XD
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Mi è sempre piaciuta molto questa serie fino ad un paio di anni fa, ho perfino trascinato il mio fidanzato a vedere la mostra sulle Winx che hanno fatto a Milano a Maggio XD Vi faccio vedere alcune foto che ho fatto alla mostra, c’erano gli storyboards sia del cartone che dei fumetti, alcuni disegni iniziali delle ragazze, giocattoli e i costumi (ovviamente il motivo principale per cui sono andata!)
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(Questa è una delle mie trasformazioni preferite di Flora - Flora è la mia Winx preferita insieme a Musa)
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Nell’ultima parte della mostra c’erano giocattoli e costumi! I costumi sono il motivo principale per cui sono andata alla mostra, ma devo dire che alcuni non mi sembravano fatti granchè bene, ho visto cosplayers fare dei lavori migliori, ma alcuni erano stupendi! Penso che siano i costimi usati dalle ragazze che interpretano le Winx al Parco giochi...
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....e parlando del parco giochi, in caso non lo sapeste sia il creatore della serie (Iginio Straffi) che la casa di produzione (la Rainbow) sono italiani e vicino a dove vivono i miei c’è il Parco Giochi Rainbow Magicland, costruito proprio dalla Rainbow con un sacco di giostre e spettacoli live a tema Winx Club (ovviamente quando ero piccola ci sono andata un sacco di volte XD)
Ma con gli anni il mio interesse verso la serie è andato via via scemando perchè le ultime stagioni mi sono sembrate sempre più infantili e anche se continuo ad adorare i vestiti delle Winx ho smesso di vedere la serie... Penso che l’ultima che ho visto sia la 4 serie? Quella con la trasformazione Believix? Ah è ho visto anche quella in Computer Graphic su Netflix, mi pare si chiami World of Winx.... ma decisamente non mi piace il nuovo stile!
Comunque, torniamo al cosplay XD Vi parlo di come ho fatto il costume di Musa Harmonix!
- Materiali
Siccome nel cartone ci sono glitter e luccichini ovunque ho deciso di usare due tipi di lycra glitterata e dell’organza iridescente per fare il costume! 
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Nell’immagine qui sopra potete vedere la lycra lilla glitterata che ho usato per il top e le parti principali della gonna e la lycra lucida fucsia che ho usato per il top. Siccome stavo lavorando con la lycra ho cucito praticamente tutto con la taglia e cuci e ho fatto la maggior parte delle rifiniture con il punto zig zag della mia macchina da cucire normale.
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Per gli utlimi materiali, ho usato una lycra tinta unita celeste per i dettagli e dell’organza e pizzo arricciati per il bordo in alto nella prima versione di questo cosplay (avrete probabilmente riconosciuto questa decorazione in altri post sulle bambole, è sempre quella famosa che ho comprato in tutti i colori esistenti XD) 
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Nella seconda versione invece ho usato delle strisce arricciate di organza azzurra perchè non avevo più il pizzo :( Ma devo ammettere che forse mi piace ancora di più cosi.
Per la gonna ho usato dell’organza iridescente lilla la prima volta (spero che si veda la lucentezza nella foto)...
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...e dell’organza semplice lilla la seconda volta perchè nel negozio a distanza di un anno non c’era più quella iridescente :(
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Ma in ogni caso la gonna era un amore entrambe le volte!
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Per aggingere più volume alla gonna ho inserito uno strato di tulle arricciato fra le balze di organza e la fodera di raso.
Come ho detto prima, la prima volta che ho fatto questo costume mi era stato richiesto di fare lo strascico removibile in modo da poterlo staccare per camminare più agevolmente nelle fiere affollate perciò ho aggiunto degli automatici sulla fodera, nascosti sotto le balze.
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Ed ecco il costume indossato dalla prima committente (si è fatta da sola le ali, la tiara e le scarpe) - Photo by Totoro Photoset & Video
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La seconda volta ho fatto anche la tiara ed è stata davvero divertente da realizzare! Ho usato del filo di alluminio, poi colorato con vernice spray dorata, del foam per la conchiglia al centro e una gemma di resina.
Ho pitturato poi la conchiglia con dello smalto glitterato lilla e ho usato del filo di alluminio più spesso per fare gioielli per dare la forma alla tiara. La tiara si regge con un sottile fil oelastico che verrà poi nascosto dai capelli.
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Ed ecco anche la seconda committente che prova l’abito a casa sua! Anche lei realizzerà personalmente ali e scarpe.
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Spero che vi sia piaciuto questo post e la “deviazione “ di post sulle bambole! Fatemi sapere cosa preferite di più!
Ci vediamo Mercoledi prossimo con un altro post sui cosplay...credo!
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
0 notes
ufelimariam · 7 years
Ombre-Glitterd Wingedliner goodness X soft nude cut crease X soft glowing skin and lip work on my black chocklaty beautiful muse, Fatima. ... see her beautiful brows though. 😍😍😍 💃❤💃 I had fun creating this look guys, inspired by a look I saw (will post it later), i did a paper sketch work of it and found my perfect model to create it on... Fulani inspired hair pimp by @1193_nhs #ufelibeatthat #makeupbyufeli #melaninbeauty #chocklatecaramelbeauty #melanin #blackisbeautifultoo #makeupformelaningirls #blackgirlsmakeup #makeup #makeupartist #ufelimariam #ufelimariamstudio #beautyartist #browartist #browsbyufeli #brows #nigerianmua #naijamakeupartist
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