#humans are awesome
tachvintlogic · 11 months
Being omnivores is very common among sapient species, since getting enough energy to fuel big, intelligent brains usually means being capable of eating whatever you can find.
Domesticating animals for livestock and other purposes also isn't unusual on the path to FTL travel. It's a reliable source of food especially when your livestock can eat things that you can't.
What IS unusual is having livestock that can easily kill you if they put their mind to it.
Aliens aren't weirded out by humans having livestock, or that we domesticated bunnies. Plenty of them built their civilizations off farms full of animals similar to bunnies. What IS weird is that we domesticated COWS. and PIGS. and later BISON.
Alien: Why are you bringing explosives on your hunting trip?
Human: I'm going to kill boar.
Alien: What are boar?
Human: Boar are just feral pigs that escaped into the wild. They're very dangerous so it's important to cull them.
Alien: And you use... explosives... to hunt them.
Human: That, and guns.
Alien: These are all ranged weapons.
Human: Well, yeah, I don't want to die trying to get up close.
Alien: ...How did you domesticate these things in the first place?
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geostelar5 · 5 months
Acclimation is actually an insane thing that our bodies do and its amazing how rapidly we adjust to a new environment.
It's like "Oh you wanna live in a place where the average temperature is literally 10 TIMES hotter than we're used to with almost 100% humidity so sweat isn't as effective? Ok give me a few days to adjust than we're good just some more sweat as we get used to it"
"What the fuck you wanna move to a place that's THOUSANDS OF FEET up in the air? A place without enough OXYGEN for you to function fuck...Ok give me a few days to MAKE MORE BLOOD AND MAKE YOUR HEART BIGGER then you'll be alright."
On a generational basis it's even funnier cause within a few dozen generations we can actually adapt to like any environment. People from Africa and Aboriginals are usually darker because Melanin acts as sunscreen in a place where they get too much sun and during a time where people didn't wear many clothes or have indoor shelters like today.
But as humans migrated north to latitudes where the Sun isn't constantly raining down an endless beam of death and cancer and started to wear more clothes due to it being colder they started lacking in Vitamin D and that leads to a whole HOST of other health issues related to births, cancers and other shit so we started lessening the pigment in our Skin in order to get as much Vitamin D that we can. This happened within a few generations as far as we're aware and like this shit is happening on a SUPER Fast biological scale.
For a kinda poor metaphor, the rate at which humans adapt to massively different environments to best live in is like how Speed runners can complete OOT within like 5 minutes compared to the 27 hours it takes to beat casually Edit:So apparently I am a dumbass when it comes to tempreture as the way we measure tempreture is not in fact liniar and is more logrimtic in nature than I was led to belive by math. There isn't a 10X increase in tempreture. But still you can go from living in Norway in the Winter to the Tropics/Sahara in a short period of time and our bodies adapt concerningly fast
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
Concept: a human having to send an urgent memo to everyone on the spaceship explaining the procedure of "trick or treat." Because their kid doesn't care that they're not on earth anymore, they are going door to door on the ships quarters and getting their candy.
Further idea: The human kid has told everyone in their class about trick or treat and they all want to take part in this amazing human ritual.
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human-facts · 21 days
Human fun fact!! Your expectations heavily influence how you react to drugs, especially psychedelics! If you’re scared of having a bad trip, you’re more likely to have one! That’s why you should always practice safe drug use and try your best to do it in a safe environment with people you trust to support you.
Also please know that psychedelics were developed by organisms as poisons to get animals to stop eating them. So was chocolate, mint, pepper spice, and citrus. You guys are eating poisons for fun. But please have fun doing so!
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human-encounters-diary · 11 months
Day 13 The human remains in medical care, although visitations by anyone except the Vitrichl are currently prohibited by the medicals, preventing me from gathering any further observations of human behaviour. I did, although, receive access to a sample the scientific unit had taken from the fluid that the human had regurgitated after her space excursion during the previous cycle, and the results of its analyzation are…rather alarming. The fluid itself is incredibly acidic, and managed to dissolve all test objects given into the fluid in a matter of moments. This obviously raised an even larger question: What was it? A bioweapon? A natural venom? Perhaps Dorag's tales were more credible than previously assumed? Assumptions that could not be proven certainly. But the most alarming aspect of this is rather another question raised by these discoveries: If humans naturally posessed such a bioweapon, perhaps naturally produced it in their bodies, what did they need it for? The existence of such an mechanism implied the probable existence of a predator strong and agile enough that it was vital for humans to develop such a mechanism.
Even if that assumption is proved to be untrue, this discovery still turns humans into a much bigger threat than we had previously determined.
(Further note: One of the medicals has reported the human had repeatedly protested against any advances to provide her with medical care, continuously insisting she was alright and in no need of medical care. Despite the known durability of humans, she will be kept in medical care for at least one more cycle.)
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blurring-ramblimgs · 1 year
Humans as a species are fundamentally coded to find companionship, form groups, to come together in packs as a way of safety.
As they evolved, however, they met one another, they clashed, and they fought. They found the worst in companionship and found the best in it too.
They shared information, communicated, and spoke. They built towers taller than the clouds and climbed the tallest mountains. They dug into the heart of their earth, filled only with curiosity and the prospect of finding new information about their home's past. They went past where any animal in their world had been, pushed past the limits of evolving featherless, and looked to the stars.
They soon found themselves racing against one another, to push past the limits of their home, a place they'd conquered and charted many years before. They entered Orbit, then set foot on their moon.
Then it was silent.
They'd assumed they had broken all possible goals, they couldn't reach farther than the moon in any visible future.
And the humans went about their lives, still thinking, of course, but forgetting what lied beyond their clouds and silly moon.
They developed their technology, made television that could easily be mistaken for live images, broke the speed of sound, dove into the farthest depths of the ocean, and they did all this, with the help of their creations.
Humans, as a species were made to find companionship.
They found that in these lifeless clumps of wires and servos. They found this.. love and empathy for something that was little more than an empty husk with no soul.
They programmed their creations' first words to be, "Hello, World."
They gave them hearts, empathy, love. They taught them what it meant to be human, to experience boundless curiosity, and to feel the desire to find the answers to their universe.
Robots as a species were made to find companionship.
The humans knew they might not last long. They made time capsules and sent them into the boundless depths of space. They sent satellites to follow after the capsules, then Rovers after the satellites, then nothing.
Their creations were able to find that companionship their species longed for, from within the stars. The robots cheered, celebrated and quickly lead these new companions back to their homeworld, to show what their creators had been able to accomplish in such a long time.
Robots were made to find companionship, yes.
But humans? Humans were meant to destroy themselves.
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outcasts-redeemer · 11 months
The Three Rules
In the modern galactic political climate there exists three rules that all abide by. The Rules of Governance, Commerce and Conquest.
The Rule of Governance dictates that for a Stellar Nation to exist, its people, and by extension its colonies and stations, must be governed by a single governing body. There are exceptions to this rule in the form of secessionist movements, but these span entire planets and sectors of space and for the most part collapse into multi front wars needing intergalactic interventions to restore order. To date there have been only fifty one stellar nations that have successfully succeeded and went on to form their own operational governments. In a galaxy of a few thousand stellar nations with dozens more joining every decade this shows just how rare these events are.
The Rule of Commerce dictates that before any stellar nation attempts to enter the galactic market it first must be self sufficient. Again there are exceptions to this rule as many stellar nations often lack the actual resources to be fully self sufficient and thus are allowed allowances to perchance nessisary goods and resources needed for their operation. This has resulted in wars and conflicts to be reduced by 65.7% since the last galactic meeting nearly twenty cycles ago.
The Rule of Conquest states that stellar nations partaking in armed conflict with one anaother shall not engage in warfare with a defending stellar nations of a military strength less than half of the aggressor. Failure to adhere to this results in embargos, increased trade taxes and unless the conflict is ended, military intervention. If, however, the attacking stellar nation has half of the military strength of the defender, these protections and restrictions do not apply. This policy alone has stopped nearly 80.7% of wars of aggression since its implementation one-hundred and thirty-seven cycles ago.
The humans, to no one’s surprise, follow none of these rules as their “Governing Body”, the United Nations Representative Government is more fractured than that of a planet orbiting a black hole, their “Countries” colonies and stations rely on each other for goods and resources with some traveling several light-years before reaching their end destination and they often show no regard in who or what they fight with their very extensive military.
Best advice? The next galactic meeting establish new rules solely for the humans to adhere by.
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suprsbg · 1 year
Aliens: So what was the first thing you launched into space?
Human: Well, we think we might’ve kinda accidentally sent a 4 inch think circular steel plate to space.
Aliens: … how do you accidentally send something to space?
Human: Nuke.
Alien: Why is it always explosions with you?
Inspired by @jpitha and this video: https://youtu.be/NSeL5c65v-g
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tachvintlogic · 9 months
Imagine aliens being introduced to ice skating.
"Welcome everyone to the 94323th annual Talent Show! We have contestants from species from all across the galaxy showing off their amazing talents! For our first contestant, we have Kalk, a human from Earth, the first human to be our contestant!"
"Yes, Zill, unfortunately Kalk could not show off their talent live on stage, and instead sent us a video. We did send a witness to verify and record their performance so it wasn't faked. Our witness did tell us before the show that we really needed to see this."
"We are starting the video. There's Kalk outside on a frozen lake. Their giving us a bow which is a customary human greeting, and—are we sure this isn't faked? There's no way they could move across ice like that."
"I think they can, hold up they just lifted a leg—ARE THOSE BLADES ON THEIR FEET????"
"That must explain how they're moving like that. Kalk is turning around very sharply and dancing on the ice, which is very impressive and very terrifying. Our witness do not mention if Kalk was injured, so I don't think they're going to fall in the water—okay how are they balancing on one leg like that for so long??"
"Humans have been known as daredevils to use their term, but I've never seen something like this and KALK JUMPED AND SPUN IN MIDAIR! To use a human turn of phase, what the fuck??"
"I completely agree, and Kalk seemed to be about to do another jump... and it was a perfect landing! I've never been so terrified that a contestant may hurt themselves, but this is amazing!"
"And Kalk started to spin on the ice, very very fast, and I'm worried their blades will crack the ice underneath them... and they're moved away from that spot thank goodness."
"And they're about to do another jump and... they land on one foot! That appears to be the end of the performance! Kalk gives a bow... and that's it! Well, what did you think of that Zill?"
"I thought it was terrifying but spectacular. Our other contestants have to really step it up if they want to surpass Kalk."
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greenheart-anon · 9 months
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fluffer5 · 1 year
How Protective Terrans Are
So... I might've dropped a few trauma bomb in my previous entries... but we won't further open those particular can of worms *smiles brightly while throwing the proverbial can at the traum-- ehem, garbage disposal*.
Anyways, this is my 5th entry to Humans Are Space Orcs! For today's human documentary, we're going to talk about what adult Terrans can and will do to you if you touch their young, family, close friends, pets, or special mementos given to them by a special someone (which doesn't have to be from a dead anybody or a romantic somebody). We all know people wouldn't hesitate to throw hands just to keep their people or stuff safe.
So, let's refer to my list, cuz it's easier to do lol. Again, I've used movies, series, podcasts, and a writer's angst-filled mind to type this. Should I warn the rest of you for further reading? I guess I should (I was so used to reading things without the warning that I'm sometimes confused of the TW tag on some stuff lol).
TW: Gore, violence, theoretical bodily harm even though I censored most of it, death, stabby people, bullying, the insanity train.
Kill the threat. Bit of an extreme one for the first thing to pop in my head, yes? But it is true. Wars were waged for lesser things. See this news article for one example: "Mom fatally shot home intruder to defend kids, she says". This one was published on August 18, 2022. In 2012, cuz I'm too lazy to search recent ones, there's another news articles featuring the same thing but focuses on a mother shooting an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby. In 2015, an 11-year-old boy also shot an intruder trying to defend his 4-year-old sister from possible harm. I could go on and on about this but in countries where guns are not accessible, the next possible thing to use in defense would've been something sturdy and blunt or something extremely sharp. Actually, if we were in a time wherein tribes or kingdoms exist instead of cities, I can surely say that killing their young would definitely put you and your family in said people's sh*t list.
Fight the threat. Whether is be physically punching them on the face of the place where the sun doesn't shine, nobody cares as long as the deed of letting them know their place is done. Exhibit A that a lot of us know would be bullies ganging up on a younger sibling in school. We know that younger sibling are the proverbial pain in the *ss of older siblings. It's a love-hate relationship between them. But it's also an unsaid rule that only the older siblings can threaten or push around younger siblings. Anyone else touching them aside from the close family ties should be prepared to taste someone's fist. Or feet. Or the pavement. You get the gist of it. Though as long as the child in question can take care of the bullying on their own (which I did in my experience) then the parents or older sibling would gladly back off until the time they notice that things are going too far. Though, sadly, some kids prefer not to talk about their problems which leads to behavioral issues in the future, sorta trying to get attention from their elders but in a negative way.
Threaten the threat. I see this as the tamer version of protection actually lol. I don't know about other countries but in my country, the smart kids in school can threaten your life as a student. We have the usual bling-bling kids with the money and huzzah but they don't last long in the face of being a social pariah at school. They can throw money all they want but the smart kids wouldn't be threatened at all cuz they hold the key to higher GPA. Even the teachers complain about them nerds but action speaks loud and their compilation of evidence speaks louder lol. You'd be lucky if the nerd assigned to you has the patience of a saint cuz if not... well, I've had to stop fights from breaking out from simple arguments. Not just in school though. If you've got connection in higher places then that could also be a way to threaten someone (it does happen in real life so it isn't far-fetched). Though it is more effective to threaten the threat if you're in the same place as them. Another thing would be holding blackmail on said person (though that only works if they're not an immediate threat). If you have enough social influence, well, you can destroy their entire life without touching them even once.
Torture the threat. A friend says I'm too kind for ending their lives easily. Well, watching too many action and horror films prepared me for this part lol. I don't know which one would be done but interrogators have done the worst to get information from their victim. Too gory for this though and I don't know how many kids or emotional teens are in here so I have to censor a ton of the juicy details. Let's say it would be a bit similar to Saw, Jigsaw, and war interrogations. Chemicals, acids, peeled skin, salt, knives, and hammers might also be in place. Just know that it would be a bloody, unforgiving event that would take place in that particular room with that unfortunate victim.
Play the long game. Another said killing them quickly was... well... too quick XD. This one centers heavily on having money and patience. Know who the threat is, where they live, who they interact with, and what makes them tick. For this to work, you need to give up who you were before and settle on anonymity. This is... a bit more drastic than torture but works well if you have too much hate in your chest or the deed done was something you can never forgive. It's more on watching them physically suffer with their injury or doing the threatening on their family (gets messy very fast), but since this threat had amassed A LOT of enemies, they won't exactly know who did the evil deed on them. Shoot them on their legs, feet, and shoulder. Their spine if you're a good shot and know where to hit. Places that aren't close to their vital organs but would render them disabled. You'll let them live, but it will be a life of pain and agony.
Talk to the threat. The most peaceful type and probably the most boring out of this chaotic list > v <. This should be the first thing we do and not escalate to violence if some of us can help it. Again, your patience and wit will be tested here. If your threat is minor (like another child), then talking to their guardian would help with keeping the problem from going through a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes that doesn't work and the problem turns into an adult fight.
In summary, you have 2 kinds of Terrans. One would shoot before asking; the other would talk before shooting. Which is why you should never step on this particular deathworld if you were thinking about making Terran slaves or using our young in experimentation. We haven't given chase on aliens yet. Don't make yourselves the first intergalactic specie the Terrans would obliterate.
Meanwhile in a fast approaching spacecraft...
This alien reading this How To Deal With Terrans manual : Why did we want to go to this deathworld again?
Another alien turning yellow from anxiety : To befriend them and learn about the resident Terrans?
Yet another alien wilting as they feel faint from the information : Oh, thank the stars we won't be terrorizing them.
The alien commander whose frills are flaring in alarm as they read through the unredacted version of the manual : They will torture and skin us for taking their young and their pets?!
This particular scientist whose skins are changing colors in excitement : See? I told you their famous quote of "If predator not friend, why friend shape?" also applies to them!
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injuries-in-dust · 10 months
Reddit turns out some nice stories.
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felixvile · 2 years
you know how the amazon rainforest has more biodiversity than some continents?, like i read somewhere that the amazon has 90% of the species on the planet or something like that.
now imagine if this is the case with Earth compared to the rest of the universe, we have more variation in climates than other planets with life, especially intelligent life, most planets have a few hundred animal and plant species on each continent, but we? we have thousands of different species in just one forest
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human-encounters-diary · 11 months
Day 8
Doubts regarding whether or not the Terran liked me where certainly and indisputably diminished at the beginning of the next cycle.
Quinn seemed to have predicted my intention of speaking to her as soon as possible, given that she sought me out shortly after the new cycle had begun. She was walking towards me in a rather strange manner, faster than normal walking, practically jumping with small flying phases in between taking the next step. I could not discern the purpose it was supposed to serve, but I was not given time to put too much thought into it.
She bared her teeth at me once again, although this time I did not recoil. One of her hands hit me languidly slightly above the juncture where my first pair of legs joined my upper body. I was uncertain what this gesture was supposed to convey. Was it an attack? Was she trying to notify me of an imminent danger approaching?
"I wanna show you something", she informed me. She waved her hand from my direction towards her body, which, if I inferred correctly out of the previous records, was supposed to signify me to follow her.
I trailed after her, letting her lead me to the emergency in question. As it turned out, there was no immediate emergency. The Terran came to a halt in front of one of the few windows built into the outer layer of the SIIR Noxos. She pointed to it as I joined her side, leaving a (as I aimed) respectful distance between the two of us. I followed her extended arm with my visual organs, ending up staring out of the window. 
I blinked. If there was an immediate threat outside the window in close proximity, I was not able to glimpse it. The human spoke up: "It‘s beautiful, isn‘t it?"
She had sunken to the floor, a rather alarming sight at first, but she seemed unharmed. 
I searched for an appropriate response, but in the end, I simply answered: "I suppose. Although my species does not linger in the beauty of transient things."
The human‘s face morphed into a grimace of displeasure. "Then what‘s the point in life?"
"My species believes that there is more to life than oneself, and that intelligent life is supposed to be dedicated to the exploration of science.", I eludicated.
"Hm. I guess y‘all aren‘t too different from some humans. Y‘know, we humans have the phrase 'Appreciate the little things'. I mean, the universe isn‘t exactly small, but…it‘s definitely nice to look at." "I suppose", I repeated.
I lowered myself onto the floor as well, as it seemed appropriate. I gazed upon the universe outside the window. I suppose there was something quite beautiful about it. 
Eventually, I broke the silence.
"May I ask a question?", I requested, careful not to be impolite. 
"Yeah, sure", she answered.
"I watched the video recording of your work in Sector 3, simply to control your work, and you…seemingly began to sing? While continuing to work? I am merely trying to understand the reasoning behind this. Does it serve a religious or cultural purpose?You were not bored by your task, were you?" My front pliers rattled quietly. Something about the thought of the human being bored made me…rather uneasy. Perhaps it was due to my mind imagining what the human might come up with to pass the time in case of boredom.
The Terran blew air out of her nostrils rather aggressively, but there were no other signs of irritation.
"Oh, no", she answered. "No, it‘s actually just because…well, my dad taught me everything he knows about handling machines, so when I used to help him out in the workshop in the afternoons, and we‘d be like…fixing a car engine or whatever, we always used to turn up the radio and sing along. It was kind of our thing. So nowadays, when I‘m working on something, I might start singing. Not out of boredom, just a habit."
"Your…dad.", I repeated, uncertain what that term was supposed to mean. 
She looked at me in a indiscernible manner. "Yeah, my father, my parent, whatever you wanna call it."
"I apologize. I was unfamiliar with that term.", I stated.
"Oh. Sure."
She opened her mouth once again to say: "Y‘know, um…I mainly just wanted to show you this and also thank you, y‘know, for…giving me something to work on."
"It was my pleasure. I admit I might have given you a rather simple task to begin with, but that was merely because, while the Vitrichl stated you were competent, he and I have…differentiating views on the word 'competent'."
She bared her teeth once again, although shortly, before raising to her full height and, for some inexplicable reason patting down her clothes as if to remove any dust, although her clothing was perfectly clean.
"Well, Cap wants to see me again today, so, I guess I‘ll see ya tomorrow."
"Indeed.", I retorted.
Without another word, she turned and waved one of her hands behind her as if to signal her departure.
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