#gif credit to captain-flint
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can we talk about this gif i think i need to talk abt this gif
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saltpepperbeard · 8 months
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tagged by the immensely talented and lovely @blakbonnet & @bizarrelittlemew. thank you so much for tagging me, beloveds <3
my no pressure tags are: @stedebonnets, @captain-flint, and @rainbowcrowley
I'm so very glad such a fun little demonstration is circulating around, because as Ida and Meow both said on their versions of this challenge, gif stealing is in full-force right now. With so many new scenes and so much subsequent excitement to match, people are very excited to share whatever footage they can for use in metas or just General Screaming™. Which, is totally understandable! But there are so SO many ways to do that that aren't just outright reposting an artist's work, effectively stealing the excitement away from them. I've mentioned it a few times before, but I'm more than happy to offer a refresher; the tumblr "add gif" function is a lovely tool! It allows you to search for a particular character, a particular episode, or even a particular user. You just find whatever gif you're looking for, add it to your post, and it automatically credits the op by mentioning them, as well as linking back to the original set! And if, for whatever reason, the particular gif you're looking for is not showing up with the "add gif" function, reposting a gif is fine WITH CREDIT. It takes just moments to add a small (gif by @ so-and-so) beneath whatever gif you choose, and is so so appreciated by the original artist. Why are we so adamant about credit? Gifing is a lot of work! Yes, it's very possible to throw a short clip into an online gif converter and get a quick something, but legitimately sitting down to beautify can take hours. Between coloring, lighting, typography, captioning, sharpening, gradients, and grading, it can turn into a very lengthy process. Take all of my gifs above for example! The differences on them, particularly the darker scenes, are quite stark. OFMD Season 2 is dark as HELL in a lot of places lol, so it has a lot of us fighting for our lives trying to make scenes look beautiful and visible. We take great pride in our work, and subsequently get very very excited to share it with you! And when we see said work reposted by someone else without any sort of credit, it can be very disheartening. Because it feels thankless, or outright disrespected. Again, you wouldn't take someone's photography, or someone's painting, or someone's fanfiction. So please, don't do so with ANY sort of digital art, gifs included. Mistakes happen. "We're all whim prone." But if we could maybe take it slooooww, and sit back to appreciate the artists in the fandom and the time they put into all their projects, that would be very much appreciated! <3
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justanoasisimagines · 1 month
Never Again
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Summary; After a violent encounter with another ship. James blames himself. You decide to set the record straight Pairing; Captain James Flint x Reader WordCount; 608 Warnings; Mentions of injury. A/N; Requests are open. Request guidelines are pinned at the top of the page Credit to @cafekitsune for the banner and the divider
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James stared into the calm sea. Exhausted, however, remained determined to keep his eyes open. No one would sneak up on him or his crew, again. The seas were calm yet danger could lurk on the horizon patiently waiting to attack them.
"Why don't you let someone else keep watch for a while?" James refused to turn around. To take a glimpse at the real reason he'd become extra vigilante, so paranoid.
"I'm fine. Go back to bed. You need to rest." James was met with silence. He couldn't hear anything except the waves crashing into the boat while it glided across the ocean.
"I thought I told you to go back to bed" James turned his neck taking a brief glimpse back at you.
"When have I ever enjoyed listening to orders?" James would usually find your attitude endearing, he enjoyed the way you kept him on his toes. However, you could have died today. He could have lost you today and it doesn't bear thinking about.
"Do not disobey your Captain!" James snarled, choosing to turn his body towards you. Your arm was wrapped close to your chest, your lip busted open, and the left side of your jaw had a fresh purple bruise covering it.
Failure. James had failed to protect the most precious and important person in his world. The person who kept his life threaded together. Unable to bear it any longer. James faced the stern once more. A hand slipped its way into his rough, calloused hand. How could someone so pure love someone like him? He was broken, cruel, ruthless and relentless. He did not deserve it.
Selfishly, he kept taking the love you were so willing to give. "You can't keep avoiding me-None of this was your fault. Life on the ocean is not easy. It's ruthless and dangerous; only the strong survive." One by one fingers entwined, delicate between calloused., calloused between delicate.
"I am the Captain of his ship. It's my duty to protect the crew-"
"James, you did protect the crew! Everyone is-" "You got shot! You could have died and it would have been my fault! Why do you constantly put yourself in harm's way to love me!" Teeth clenched, veins popped. To anyone else, Captain James Flint was one of the most ruthless pirates to sever sail the seven seas. To you,, he was James Flint, the man you loved. Yet without unlacing your hands, you stepped in front of the Captain. James looked away, unable to meet your gaze. "James look at me- look at me" James reluctantly glanced at you, momentarily before looking away. "Would you risk your life to protect me?" "Yes! I'd move the heaven and the earth to ensure your safety. Anyone who dared to hurt you would die slowly. Do you question my loyalty to you?" "No of course not. Why do you question why I would do the same? We are not young anymore. I knew of the risks when I agreed to sail the seas with you." Untangling your hand, James placed a tender hand on your cheek. "I do not know what I would do if I'd lost you" "You'd show everyone why it would be the biggest regret of their existence. Do not think about that now We're alive and we're together." James swept his arm underneath your legs, scooping you into his arms. Worry remained prominent in his mind and the next ship who dared to cross him would feel his wrath. He'd remind everyone why he obtained his reputation. No one would dare to dream about looking wrongly in your direction.
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Maybe it's sign for him to have hot ginger pirate captain as whitening model? Maybe! Maybe like this.. ?
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Or this beautiful villain...
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or badass gay pirate Captain Flint?
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Also credits to all people make this wonderful gifs here (wish I could remember, saved them long ago for fun part 😀)
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Monthly Muppets/Pirate Month: Muppet Treasure Island Review!: The Darkest and Most Tim Curry Muppet Film of All (Comission for Emma Fici)
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Hello all ye swabs and welcome back to pirate month, my look at a bunch of pirate media as we sail out of summer, as well as Monthly Muppets, my monthly look at muppet media as comissoined by my good friend emma. 
Today’s film is one I did see as a kid but hardly remember as did my co-pilot for this one @jess-the-vampire. I dont’ remember hating it but I do remember drifting off, findng parts boring and only remembered cabin fever and part of Kermit and Piggy’s duet. Little Me was just ambvalient to it unlike say Problem Child , Heavyweights or  Little Rascals which conversely i’d watch on loop at my grandmas. Classics one and all that i’m bound to cover someday (Or sooner if you want to comission it, wink wink)
So it took me until the tender, innocent age of 30 to not only watch it again.. but to truly enjoy it. Dosen’t mean kids can’t, i’ve heard plenty of people loved and grew up with this one, i’ts just the weird ass path i’ve taken in life I suppose. On rewatch.. this film was excellent if not at all what I expected. I mean it is in ways; i’ts an adaptation of a classic british novel , done because Christmas Carol was a huge hit so the Muppet Crew wanted to keep going down this road, and as far as I could tell production went well. While Tim Curry wasn’t the first choice in mind, they also had the equally great casting of David Bowie and the baffling casting of Mic Jagger (who is a great musician but just dosen’t have Curry or Bowie’s Charisma), in mind, otherwise productoin went well and while the film didn’t do great in the box office, thus leading to muppets from space, the first film covered for this feature, it as should be clear did great on home video. 
What caught me off guard.. was the tone. See I forgot just how seriously Christmas Carol took things, essentially being an almost straight adaptation of the book but iwth some muppety jokes and the various muppet cast members dotted about and playing apporirate parts. Still fully muppety but far more serious than the usual madcap antics. Treasure Island takes that and runs with it, but while Christmas Carol’s darkness comes from the fairly dark subject matter, a bitter greedy old man, the things that he lost becoming this way and the horrible things to come for him and those around him should he stay th ecourse, this is an adventure story and being an adventure story written before censors stepped in for children.. it’s one shockingly paved in blood and something that the movie mostly stays very close to. The OPENING SCENE is a dead serious and wicked cool musical number, and as has been standard since Labyrinth i’ll get to those later on their own, about pirates, dead men telling no tales.. and that ends in Captain Flint MURDERING most of his crew to keep the treasure secret. We don’t see it but most muppet productions don’t open with cold blooded murder for pure greed, nor are most bits of mupet violence played dead seriously like this
And this isn’t a tonal clash: While there are PLENTY of jokes, and all time great ones for the muppets as a whole the story and it’s stakes are mostly played dead serious. And you’d THINK this wouldn’t work.. while the muppets can have truly good truly deep stories, see the 2011 movie, usualy their more in the line with personal drama when drama does crop up. The muppets usually don’t do big sweeping adventure stories. Yet.. it works pefectly. The jokes are spaced out well from the dramatic scenes and the action set pieces, so the transition isn’t jarring. For instance at one point Tim Curry’s Long John Silver valiantly holds back his traiterous crew to save Jim, our human lead more on him in a sec, we get some space to progress the plot more with Jim, and then we cut back to an all time great gag as his crew literally hand him a black spot (a black spot, aka the black death, was seen as a polite vacation certain doom. Full credit to jess for just casually knowing that) The film can be as madcap as a muppet film needs to be, with it’s all time best bit being the roll call
I saw this on tumblr years ago and it’s lived in my head with ME paying it rent for the pleasure of staying ever since.  One of the best muppet bits period and one of my personal faviorites. I mean you have this, yet it dosen’t detract from the story. 
Getting into the story so we have context, and because it makes it easier to get into some bits, the story follows Jim  Hawkins, a young lad played by the equally young at the time Kevin Bishop. He is incredibly good in the part despite his age, being a bit shouty (as child actors tend to be) but still earnest, heartwarming and when needed steadfast in his convictions. And i’m proud to say Bishop had a career after this, mostly tv but he IS the current voice of 2D of the Gorillaz, and that will never not be the highlight of anyones resume. 
Jim is an orphan, a slight change from the original where his parents both lived and his dad only died shortly into the story, but one that makes sense: it streamlines things and makes his close friendship with Gonzo and Rizzo, who are apparnetly also children? It’s Vauge, and both were SUPPOSED to be in jim’s part entirely, but the execs figured the two just didn’t fit for the emotoinal core of the story.. and were right. The two are amazing characters but they just don’t WORK as a wide eyed 12 year old boy. Granted that leave sme scratching my head why they didn’t just use robin, the actual child in the muppet troupe, but Bishop was great, so it worked out. 
Jim toils at an inn for a selfish boss who can always tell what anyone says “how does she do that”, listenting to the stories of Billy Bones played by Billy Connoly, who has pride at being the only person killed in a muppets film to die on screen. The landlady, Mrs. Bluvridge is played of course by british icon Jennefer Saunders. Always a delight to have her pop up in something. While most of the pub thinks bones is full of rum soaked barnacles, turns out he was righ tin the tale he tales, of being one of the only ones to know where Captain Flint’s treasure is via a map he stole. Naturally he gets beset by other pirates, and Jim and co barely escape thanks to Jennifer Saunders FIGHTING THE PIRATES OFF. God I love this job. 
They convince the son of a lord, played by Fozzy, and his assitants played by bunsen and beaker who naturally had a gunpowder mishap shortly before meeting our heroes, to fund a trip. Unfortunately the rich dimwit son trusts the tiny man in his finger to hire the crew
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So while the captain is the utterly stalwart, kind and resonable Smolett, played by Kermit the frog here, and his first mate the stick in the mud who wants to commit attrocities in Smolett’s name only for Kermit to say
Or somethign like that, the rest of the boat is a wretched hive of scum and villiany, and to no ones shock are both the ones behind the attack on bones and the former crew of the traitorious captain, all lead by the MVP for the film, the man with the sexiest non-keith david voice in the world, the sexiest man to ever put on panty hose, and that’s a long list, and one of the coolest guys to ever live, Tim Curry, playing Captain John Silver. 
Curry is the best part of the film, and yes i’m aware it’s a film filled with the muppets at the top of their game. He’s the rare actor who upstages the fucking muppets, and he does so with gusto, playing the roll of Long John Silver to the hilt, and doing so better than I’ll wager anyone ever has. I could be wrong as i’ve barely seen any adaptations of treasure island, but I doubt I am. 
He plays Silver as smooth, charming, able to easily bond with young Jim and quickly taking the kid on as a surrogate son, genuine in his love for the boy and care for him. That said he’s also cunning, ruthless and when he goes full ham he goes FULL HAM, with a wonderful song we’ll get to later to show that off. He’s at the same time threatning and charming as all hell because i’ts tim curry, it’s what he was born for. He’s clever, ruthless, and cool, yet also can be funny as seen with  the black spot scene and his musical number, without ever breaking character. He plays off the muppets without missing a beat and the film would not be as good without him as it’s core. And that’s INCREDIBLY rare to say for a muppet movie, but it’s the truth; Tim Curry takes the film seriously when he needs to and has fun the whole time, and this is to this day one of his faviorite rolls and makes me even sadder he’s retired. He’s a swashbuckling badass bar none and the gold standard for pirates for me now on... well okay much like the gold standard for sexy voices it’s a tie but in fairness.. his competttion is VERY steep
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So yeah Curry rocks as silver and rolls easily, with him and Kermit playing move for move. Kermit is also amazing in this, being a tough but fair captain, only taking jim’s map when it’s clear the danger of someone stealing it is too great and almost, ALMOST beating silver: after Jim overhears he’s behind the mutiny, Kermit plans to MOTHERFUCKING MAROON THEM FOR A YEAR. It only dose’nt work because silver, being tim curry, is one step ahead and takes jim. 
And Silvers relationship with Jim is another key part of the film, as the two geninely bond and the only thing you can trust about silver.. is that he cares for the boy. His attempt to make jim join them dosen’t seem born out of ego or neceisity, he could simply just toruture the boy into it or have his crewmates back on the ship bring someone as a hostage.. but he dosen’t. He wants Jim to join him because he wants his son back, gladly defends the boy and kills poor dead tom at gunpoint when that fails, and the final confrintation between the two is truly heartbreaking. We’ll get to that. Curry and Bishop play off each other wonderfully. 
For now though, our heroes thankfully sent a landing party of Steed, Gonzo and Rizo. Unforutnatley they run into the weakest part of this some wild pigs
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Not you pal, but it IS nice to see you again. 
No it’s another stock “savage natives’ sterotype , who have made piggy, aka Benjamina, a CHOICE for a name instead of just calling her benni since she’s adapted from a male character. I am so fucking tired of running into this crap in my reviews. Like i’ts not just general racisim. I’ve seen plenty of that too. but this kind of stupid shit was in everything and i’m glad i’ts gone because this was irritating and Piggy really adds nothing to the film. She has a romance plot with Kermit.. and that’s about it. Their number as they hang off a cliff together is also a crime for the ears. 
So with that we cue the music for a second. And the music here is mostly really good.. but what isn’t grinds the movie to a halt. So let’s talk about them
The opening number, Shiver Me Timbers, is an omnious, forboding and perfectly mood setting piece, and easily the films second best number, with only one we’ll get to topping it. It woudlnt’ be out of place in any work with pirates and should be mandatory for pirate works but alas, not the world we live in. 
Something Better is a VERY boring, very typical “I WANT A BETTER LIFE BY GOSH BY GOLLY” number. It’s nowhere near the best in it’s genre and just wasted 2 minutes of my life instead of really adding anything. Could’ve been cut without any real issue. 
Sailing for Adventure on the other hand captures the spirit of adventure the other song was going for MUCH better as the crew of the hispanola sings their hearts out about the voyage and it is awesome. Flawless, no notes. 
Cabin Fever is the most fun song and a wacky number where all the muppets aboard not part of the plot bar fozzy and the ambigoiusly gay duo have a party have a ball. A true bit of fun. 
Professional Pirate is my faviorite. It’s also tim Curry’s main song and as should be clear anytime tim curry sings it’s fucking trancendant. Though we already knew that LONG before this movie
It should be also mandatory tim Curry sings this in every work he’ sin, but sadly not the world we live in once more. 
Love Led Us Here Blows. It’s a power ballad between kermit and piggy, and we’ve not only got better love ballads from both, but this one goes on for an enternity. The only entertainmetns is the weird cuts to the pirates findign the gold and partying, the best being the shot I used as the main one for the review: Tim Curry grinning ear to ear while making it rain. As bad as that song is, it gave us that and i’ll give it that. 
The final song is Love Power by Son of Bob Marley. It’s a generic Reggae Song and is only MARGINALLY better than Love Led Us Here. It dosen’t fit the film at all, feels horribly out of place and feels like the most “Stuido Mandate” thing i’ve seen since the Iluminati section of Multiverse of Madness
The climax to the film before that though is great as we get a full on action scene that works with the muppets.. and Sam, who was sent away on a dinghy but I forgot, who is THE ONLY verison of mr. arrow to surivive suprisingly enough, boogtey boogetys the pirates into fear and allows our heros to save the day. we also get kermit swordfighting tim curry and doing backflips
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It’s the scene after that’s the real climax, as Silver attempts to sneak away with a few treasure chests.. only for Jim to confront him. It’s utterly heartbreaking, with Jim wondering why Silver did all this, and Silver admitting he can’t turn back, it’s too late for him.. but that his love for the boy, for his son.. was never in question. Both are clearly heartbroken.. but both have taken a path the other can’t follow; Jim has found a family who values his honesty and inegrity and Silver can’t be a part of it. The best he could do is stay and be executed.. so go he must as the two tensely stand off, Jim with a whistle, Silver with a pistol.. and Silver backs down, unable to hurt his son. Turly effecting stuff, especailly Kermit who was there.. and who says Jim did the right thing. Our heroes take off for wherever adventure takes them, Silver ends up with his boat sinking (an original additon though him somehow escaing is part of the story. Weird), and we’re out
As you can probably tell this film is awesome it’s only problems being love lift us up and the piggy subplot that feels tacked on just to get her into the movie. Seriously cutting that could help the film’s pacing amazingly and get rid of some good old 90′s racisim. Everyone wins. But otherwise.. this film is a masterwork, it’s rightfully loved and I recommend checking it out. As for where it ranks with the muppet films i’ve covered so far, well thanks to letterboxed instead of typing you, I can just SHOW ya
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It sits at a comfy #3 as while having a weaker plot, I felt most wanted was slightly stronger, though both are pretty close in quality. 
Next Month: It’s time to hit the big apple as the muppets take manhattan! Will I like it better this time than I did first seeing it years ago?
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But find out next month and thanks for reading. 
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chaoticrebels · 9 months
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NAME : James Pleiades Hawkins NICKNAME : Jim AGE : 15 - 19 GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Bisexual LOCATION : Space. Benbow Inn, Montressor. PROFESSION : Explorer, Cabin Boy SPECIES : Human SPOKEN LANGUAGES : English HEIGHT : 5’9″ WEIGHT : 147 lbs HAIR : Brunette EYES : Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : Ear SCARS : None FACE CLAIM : Tanner Buchanan
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Jim is a very adventurous, rebellious, and caring young lad. During the beginning of the film, he was a stereotypical, alienated teenager, constantly in trouble and "like a stranger" to his mother Sarah. In the DVD's Visual Commentary, the directors said that to emphasize Jim's "Bad Boy" reputation, they added the black jacket, and the shadow or "eye-mask" over his eyes. By the end of the movie, however, he no longer wears the jacket, and the eye-mask is gone. At first, Jim is stoic and guarded, but as time goes on, he begins to open up, and at the end of the movie, he becomes a much more open, confident and happier young man.
Jim is also very brave, selfless, strong-willed, independent, and loyal to his allies. He is also friendly and willing to help strangers, especially if they are injured or lost; this is shown when he encountered Billy Bones, a creepy but harmless and wounded salamander-like alien pirate who was in need of help, and Jim immediately tended to the poor old alien without hesitation, and according to his mother, Jim would always find stray pets and beg his mother to let him keep them, showing that Jim is kind and compassionate towards animals. Jim is also very intelligent for a lad of his age; so intelligent that he is very skilled in technicians and mechanics and was able to build his own solar surfer all by himself when he was 8 years old, and he was able to fix up the late Captain Flint's spaceship in just a few minutes when he was 15 years old. He is also pragmatic and logical, more than people give him credit for.
Despite his great intelligence and pragmatism, he can do very stupid and reckless things, such as him breaking the law countless times, which caused him to get into trouble with the police; when he flew Silver's space longboat into a passing comet regardless of the possible dangers the comet could have caused to the longboat or Silver or Jim himself; and when he recklessly insulted Scroop without taking any regard for his own safety or even what it would do to his mother if he were to be killed by Scroop because of Jim's reckless behavior. Regardless of his reckless side, Jim can be very cautious and serious if the situation presented itself. At first, Jim was quite spoiled, broody and pessimistic, but in the end, he became much more mature, responsible and optimistic (he can be described as a pragmatic optimist).
He is also fun-loving, jokey, sarcastic, mischievous, charismatic, and very dreamy. He likes playing around with Morph, but he can get annoyed by the little floating pink blob of mischief sometimes, and the same can be said for B.E.N., who gets on Jim's nerves fairly often, especially when B.E.N. talks too much or touches Jim too much. Nevertheless, Jim does consider B.E.N. a good friend and a useful sidekick (also, Jim learned to accept B.E.N.'s hysterical and annoying habits somewhat and even enthusiastically hugs B.E.N. back when B.E.N. hugs him for saving everyone from Treasure Planet's destruction). He is also usually honest, yet quite private, and hardly ever lies; he only lies if he feels that he really has to. Jim can also be very sweet, innocent and polite, and cares greatly for his allies and will protect and defend them from anything and anyone. Jim is also very forgiving, shown when he forgave Silver for his antagonistic actions throughout the film and particularly when Silver chose to save Jim's life instead of Flint's treasure. Jim also allowed Silver to sneak away from the RLS Legacy, instead of informing Amelia and having Silver arrested, showing that Jim has completely forgiven Silver and accepted him as his friend and father-figure again.
Ultimately, even with his few flaws and his bad-boy exterior, Jim has got a heart of gold and refuses to embrace the typical greedy and ruthless pirate life like his pirate enemies, especially his nemesis Scroop, who is the exact opposite in personality to Jim.
When he was a toddler, Jim was very energetic, lovable and obsessed with reading pirate books.
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
Making A Disney Hero Party in DnD 5e
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Jim is a lot smarter than people give him credit for. He builds his own solar sailer, unlocks the map to Treasure Planet, figures out how to repair B.E.N., hotwire an alien vessel, and get the crew to safety after setting off Captain Flint's booby trap. I chose Artillerist because it's the only Artificer subclass focused on building machinery. Artificer only has four subclasses, and sadly, only one of the four actually amounts to actually building contraptions or working with machinery.
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Let's be real, the sword does 90% of the work. That being said, Taran isn't as clueless in the books. Taran aspires to greatness and renown, which falls under the Oath of Glory. The main reason I give him any Paladin is because Dernwyn is supposed to glow with fire and light when held by a worthy warrior. Sounds like a Paladin's Smite.
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Ah, Robin Hood. A veteran of Disney’s odd affinity for Furry awakening characters. Honestly, any of these three or combination of these three works for Robin. Rogue makes him a skillful acrobat, cheat, and swindler, Fighter gives him the Archery fighting style and multiple attacks to make good use of it, and Ranger... gives him Hunter’s Mark. Which you could technically also get with Magic Initiate or Fey-Touched. Regardless of which one or combination of class options you choose for playing Robin, as long as you’re sneaky and good with a bow, you’ll be playing a masterful Robin Hood.
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Ringing the bells of Notre Dame has made Quasimodo superhumanly strong like a Barbarian. The boy breaks through iron chains with his bare hands. Barbarians are also stereotypically dimwitted, and although he uses big words like contrition, Frollo was in charge of Quasimodo’s education, and at the age of 20 was still practicing his alphabet. The Zealot is a barbarian who rages in the name of God, so it felt like a fitting choice for Quasimodo.
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No, his patron isn’t Tinkerbell. According to the wider lore of Peter Pan, the boy’s ability to fly was a gift from Queen Mab, ruler of the Fey. Who by DnD standards may be the Queen of Air and Darkness. Still, his ability to fly is a gift from a powerful otherworldly figure, and he was given a sprite familiar to keep him company as he upholds classic fey practices by kidnapping children for Fey to leave changelings in their places. No, not DnD Changelings. Fey changelings. 
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allisoooon · 3 years
The way Klaus gradually zones out (dissociates) in 2.03 right before his flashback is /chefkiss
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Gif credit: captain-flint
He just kind of vacates his own body and it’s beautifully done.  No major drama, just that thousand-yard stare, that blank numbness right before it hits. And you can see where he’s been through this enough that he can tell it’s coming, because he braces himself at the last second.  You feel yourself empty, and fear rushes in to fill the void.
And when he walks out to the car, he is tired and irritable.  It’s not just because Dave is a loaded subject for him, it’s because he just had a flashback.  And I love that sometimes Ben is able to tell when he’s had a flashback, and sometimes he isn’t, because episodes don’t all look the same and people aren’t paying attention 100% of the time.
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athenaeyes · 7 years
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black sails looks so good
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hello world! (pt. 1)
I had a Tumblr acc two four-five years ago, and I had to leave cause life was a lot back then. 
But I’m back now....for good. 
There are things I should say here...sentences about my favourite shows and books and songs. The things that I root for and relate to, things which have shaped me in a way. And they’re coming, worry not. (Run- this is your only warning)
In my time away though, there are other things that I have found: new parameters for measuring people, and in turn my own self. I’ve experienced a lot too: grief, loss, struggle, perseverance, quote unquote pain. 
All of this to say that I would love to talk about things like these too. Along with all the things mentioned below. 
(Come over to my blog for a chat, if you want?  Uh....if you’d like to- Cause I would like to.)
Without further ado, let’s bring on the list. *tiny person brings long list and topples over*
1.Harry Potter
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(Credit to @Luke-skywalker)
*Harry Potter theme plays in the background*
Me: dances, cries, tries to sing along, dodges incoming owls...
2. Sherlock
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OMG the cheekbones never disappoint. 
(credit to @smarthily)
3. Pokemon
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(credit to @pocheroes)
You still gotta catch ‘em all- And be the best that you can be!
4. Teen Wolf
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(credit to @im-just-as-sane-as-you)
“My cousin...Miguel.”
5. Destiel
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(credit to @captain-flint)
I have only ao3 to blame. They did it. 
6. PotC
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(credit to @potctriology)
tbh, this is probably Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley. 
(This is already really long...so I’m gonna post the rest later. Also please don't be annoyed with the tags....I just rlly want to see all the rest of my brethren...
Unrelated: I had a blast doing this!)
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
My Last Name - Ralph Anderson x Reader (The Outsider)
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Author’s Note: I was supposed to get this off the ground before the Holiday period so I could write my winter wedding fic and like... completely forgot about it until it was a little too late.  So while you won’t get the Wedding this year, though I’m not promising inspiration won’t strike late, or... y’know if there’s demand, I thought I would still give you the proposal. Special shout out to a very good friend who keeps giving me SO much Ralph Anderson inspiration. I needed it and didn’t even know. Keep doing what you’re doing!  💕
We stan the pure form of ‘Daddy’ on this blog. 
My Last Name - Dierks Bentley 
Disclaimer: The Outsider (Book/HBO) Nothing to do with me / gif not mine / lyrics not mine / I’ve had this in my head so long and I’m not really sure this is the pay off but... here we are!
Premise: Ralph Anderson has a lot on his mind and that list is only going to get bigger. He’s not one for believing in confluence - it’s up to Yune to remind him sometimes things do just work out...  
Words: 4517
Warnings: ....Insulin warning? For a buncha reasons. I mean I know you guys know what’s coming but reader doesn’t! / Swearing
I learned how to write it When I first started school Some bully didn't like it, He said it didn't sound too cool So I had to hit him And all I said when the blood came It's my last name Daddy always told me far back as I recall Son, you're part of somethin', You represent us all So keep it how you got it, as solid as it came It's my last name Passed down from generations Too far back to trace I can see all my relations When I look into my face May never make it famous But I'll never bring it shame It's my last name So darlin' if you're wonderin' Why I've got you here tonight I want to be your husband, I want you to be my wife I ain't got much to give you But what I've got means everything It's my last name Oh, it's my last name
Whenever Ralph used to be woken up in the middle of the night it was usually a call. The kind where he would groan and for all of 10 seconds - whilst glancing bleary-eyed at the clock flashing some ungodly hour of the morning - wish that he wasn’t a man of the law. It still happened occasionally these days, but a little less and less; people seemed more respectful of his situation now and wouldn’t call him unless absolutely necessary. Or unless the scene really needed both of you on it, and right away. Instead Ralph was woken by the tugging of sheets. You were still fast asleep, and he wasn’t surprised; the case you’d been working on meant putting in the late hours. He was at least glad you’d hauled Yune onto it with you, even though as your partner (in every capacity) Ralph felt a little guilty about it. You kept telling him not to be silly, he had bigger things to focus on right now. But he couldn’t help it, and he always thought ‘bigger than this case, though?’ As he sat up to figure out what was going on, Ralph came face to face with your adopted daughter Renée. “Oh, oh, Renée, sweetheart, what’s wrong are you okay? Honey?” Although also half asleep she was currently crying and whimpering and Ralph was immediately alert and concerned, “Oh, honey… honey it’s okay… what happened?” He wound his arms around her and hoisted her up into bed, and she kept crying, burying her face in his soft sleep shirt, “Daddy… don’t let the monsters get me, daddy…” “Shhh… Shhh… It’s okay, sweetheart it was a bad dream… I promise it’s just a dream.” It better have been, because if anything like that shapeshifter ever came for the people he loved again Ralph Anderson would give it more than just hell. But Ralph couldn’t help but be a little flustered. She had never, not in all the time you’d been together, nor in the joint decision for him to move into your house, called him ‘daddy’ before. Not even on accident. ‘Ralphie’ was as close as he got to a cute nickname - although he despised it from anyone that wasn’t her. He couldn’t help but be overcome with joy as he wrapped her in his arms, rubbing her back, nor that it spilled to his heart, now beating faster. Ralph had wanted to hear it from Renée for a long time, he certainly wouldn’t deny that. But he wouldn’t force it out of her until she was ready - he was just a little concerned that it had come to her after bad dreams… Ralph’s eyes flicked to you, luckily still fast asleep, he didn’t want to worry you with this if he didn’t have to. Kissing her forehead gently he was glad to see that she wasn’t crying anymore, but she was still holding him so tight and whimpering every so often. “It’s okay, Renée… they won’t get you I promise. I’m here…” That only caused her to hold him tighter, mumbling into his shirt, “Can I stay with you and mommy?” Ralph chuckled gently, another spike to his heartrate that he knew was ending with a stupid grin, he wiped it off to be appropriately concerned, “Of course you can… C’mere, we’ll protect you…” She snuggled in the sheets between you, and Ralph put his arm around both of you, feeling your body move under his touch and your subconscious hum of content. “Goodnight Renée…” He mumbled, hoping he’d be able to settle back to sleep easily. “Goodnight, Daddy…” She already sounded like she was drifting. Ralph smiled again before kicking himself. Don’t get ahead of yourself… she’ll forget by tomorrow morning...
He was standing in the kitchen with his what felt like his fourth cup of coffee when you returned from dropping her at school. “You best be careful with those today… what with your Captain’s interview!” You chided, pouring what was left into a cup of your own, before kissing his cheek. Ralph’s smile came off as more of a grimace, “I’ll need all the help I can get.” You shook your head at him, leaning against the counter, “Come on. Don’t be ridiculous, you’ll ace it.” He shook his head, “No.” You sighed, taking his hand and tugging him to you, forcing his eyes to look at yours, “Ralph Anderson, I’ll tell you good luck if that’s what you really want, but you don’t need it.” He laced his fingers with yours, “It’s only contention, Y/N. It’s not a dead cert.” You raised an eyebrow, kissing his knuckles, “Nope. You’ll get it.” Ralph’s eyes flicked back to the garden and he chewed the inside of his lip frowning, you tried searching his face for any clue as to what was on his mind besides the interview. But this detective had you stumped. “What’s wrong?” “Renée called me daddy last night.” You froze, and not only because that was so out of the blue, you knew what that meant to him. How many times you’d teased him about the moment it would finally happen. Now she’d done it, but it wasn’t the FIRST thing he’d said this morning?! “And you weren’t gonna tell me-!?! Ralph, that’s-! That’s so good!” Ralph squinted at nothing in particular, “Look, she… she was half asleep. I don’t think she’s gonna remember it.” “Does that matter? You do.” You pushed yourself up on your toes to turn his face back to yours and you smiled, “Babe… tell me how you felt. Right now, tell me how you felt.” “Like when you first told me you loved me.” You scoffed, but Ralph continued, “My heart kinda… went on overdrive. I know I was grinning like an idiot. Just… overjoyed. I guess, but Y/N she won-” You pulled him to your lips to stop him from getting negative, “Channel it. That feeling and that positivity. Into your interview.” “Y-Yeah okay.” Ralph sighed, knowing he wouldn’t get away with it, and then couldn’t help but smile, “I’m sorry I didn’t wake you. But it was bad dreams, I didn’t wanna worry you.” “Ah, I did wonder why she woke up in our bed.” You kissed him again, “I gotta go, daddy, but I’ll see you after your interview.” Ralph hesitated in your arms at your repeated phrase; “...I’ll need 20 drinks at this rate.” You laughed, but the fact that he was now blushing didn’t escape your notice, “Me too!” “How’s it all going-?” “Oh no.” You shook your head, “Interview first, case later. I got some more interviewing of my own to do!” You turned to him at the door with a smile, and blew him a kiss, “Later, Mr. Anderson.”  
Flint City PD needed a new Captain. This rumour of retirement had been circulating a while with absolutely no weight to it. But earlier this month the Captain had announced that this time, those rumours were true and he would be retiring in a few months’ time - interviews starting imminently. Ralph hadn’t needed any encouragement to sign up, he knew he was getting to the age where he ought to be thinking of desk work as the main part of his job. Also, how often did the opportunity come up? You’d had one simple chat with him about it, that one where he tried to convince himself of all the reasons why he shouldn’t apply, and you told him to shut up and go for it. So Ralph had, and his interview was today. He knew he wasn’t the only one in the precinct to apply for it, and he knew that there were applications coming in from outside Flint City - heck he’d seen a bunch of ‘em walk in to be interviewed. (Always with you and Yune looking at them and throwing comments around that Ralph thought were supposed to help encourage him, but wasn’t always entirely sure) But from what he’d gathered, most of the FCPD wanted it to be him that got the position. Ralph was - obviously - humbled, but he wasn’t one for counting his chickens.
As his interview approached, he’d broached the conversation more seriously with you. Right now you were his detective partner. There wasn’t a lot of conflict of interest there, because you always worked cases together.   But if he was the Captain, and you were a detective under him, he could see why that would cause an issue. You’d moved to Flint City PD to further your own career, and Ralph didn’t want to put a halt on that just because he was the Captain of the department. And Ralph liked working cases with you - aside from you actually being his girlfriend - so there was that element that might disappear too. And he wasn’t sure he wanted that: “So, if I do get it - theoretically - I’ll have to promote you into a senior role. Otherwise you’re a ‘junior’ detective working cases that someone of my current role should be doing. Or I can just put you in my role… But then, do I pull someone else in? Y/N, I want to partner with you still. Would that be okay?” You raised your eyebrow and played into his ‘theoretical’ world: “You’re the Captain.” “Yeah, but conflict of interest.” You frowned, considering it, “Well, no-one has exactly said anything before now. But I see when you’d be in a position of authority over me why it’d cause trouble.” You shrugged, “See what the general consensus is; at work, with the people of Flint City. The DA’s office.” The legal side was very important. You couldn’t risk cases getting thrown out. “I don’t give a damn if the DA’s office cares-!” With that jokey tone - and the inference of your friendship with Samuels behind it - Ralph leant across and kissed you, “Good idea, Ms. S.S. Andersson.” You smiled, but shook your head at his nickname, he was always after that double-S. “I do have them, occasionally!”  
Ralph knew that he wouldn’t get the peace and quiet he really required to prepare, when he rolled into the parking lot and Yune was standing outside the precinct doors, arms folded. ‘Just perfect.’ He took a deep breath, running his hands through his hair - really Ralph wasn’t sure why he was panicking so much about the interview; he knew enough that was fairly certain. Maybe he wanted it too much… maybe - with the consequences of your relationship - he didn’t want it enough. He chewed on his lip, sitting in silence for a minute. You were likely right about him being a dead cert, but Ralph was not about to bet on it until that paper arrived on his desk officially.
Yune came strolling over the second Ralph opened his car door; “How you feelin’?” “Honestly, pretty terrible. I’ve had more cups of coffee this morning than I can count. I haven’t had a real interview in years. I don’t even know what I’m expecting in there. Usually I’m the one asking questions.” “Well don’t act like a suspect and you’ll be fine!” Yune chuckled, but the quirk of Ralph’s eyebrow told him that wasn’t helpful, so Yune jogged his arm instead as they walked towards the precinct, “Man you got this in the bag!” “Look, can I just have the interview first-? Speaking of, I thought you were helping Y/N today?!” Yune shrugged, “I offered to get everyone coffee.” “So you could stand outside and wait for me?” Ralph pushed open the door, turning to his friend, “A little. But while she’s in there I can talk to you!” Ralph’s smile was a little crooked as he opened your office door, “About what?” Although he knew full well where this conversation was going. “C’mon man! About what!”  Ralph threw his jacket over the back of his chair and booted up his computer. His interview notes were still on top of his desk where he’d left them yesterday; you had little cue cards you’d been asking him questions from and he’d been able to answer with a confident smile on the drive home. Maybe he just had to pretend the Captain was you - Ralph had second thoughts on that helping. “Can I just get through today before you get onto me about any of that.” “Geez, what are you so worried about today for?!” Ralph bit his lips together and again blurted it, “Renée called me daddy last night and I- I just… I dunno what I do with that.” Yune’s eyes immediately widened, “Holy shit-” “Don’t get ahead of yourself. It was after a bad dream, she wasn’t properly awake-” Ralph waved his hands towards the floor to calm Yune down, but it didn’t work. “-This is all falling into place! Especially when you’re thinking of…!” Yune’s face lit up, “HA!” Ralph shook his head, “Geez, but it’s all a little too convenient right? Like it’s all just happening a little too… at the same time.” Yune let out a frustrated sigh, making sure the door behind him was closed, “For fuck sake Ralph, just propose to the girl already, you’re killing me here-!!” Ralph looked panicked for a second as he waved his hands once more and pressed his finger to his lips to shut Yune up, looking pretty stern, “Shush!” “She loves you, her kid loves you, you’re gonna get this Captain’s job. It’s all gonna work out. Sometimes things just work Ralph. I know you’re not a big believer… even when you know there’s other forces at work out there.” “...Things don’t just work… there’s gotta be reasons!” “Yeah, I just gave you three, they aren’t connected, they’re just happening at the same time. Stop looking for trouble where there isn’t any.” Yune crossed the room and shook his friend’s shoulders, “Cheer up! Ace this interview!” Then he chuckled, “Now I’m gonna go get coffee before Y/N kills me.” Ralph couldn’t help but chuckle back, “Yeah. I would, and I won’t be stopping her!” “Aw,” Yune feigned hurt as he walked back through the door, “now that’s unfair-! After all my support!?”
Ralph sat back at his desk, finding himself needing to take an even bigger deep breath and wishing Yune hadn’t brought up the proposal. It had been a tentative idea thrown out there the last time the two of them had after work drinks, and Yune had immediately leapt on it. He liked asking if Ralph had thought about what he was going to say, and where, and how, and if he’d got a ring yet. And although Ralph was serious, and he knew in the back of his head such a proposal was imminent, he didn’t know anything beyond the fact he was going to do it. He placed a hand to his forehead and groaned, turning back to his notes - this was priority one, everyone was right. Once Ralph knew what his future was going to hold, he could start thinking about what his future with you would look like - and exactly how he’d change that last name of yours.  
Anderson and Andersson had been a running joke between nearly the whole damn city since you’d arrived here. Yune had refused to tell Ralph your name until the Captain had introduced you. And you’d had to on the spot explain to a surprised looking Ralph that ‘mine is spelt with a double-S’ - hence his sometime-nickname for you. With Yune standing by trying his very best to hold in his laughter with a poker face. How you had to introduce yourselves as “Detective Anderson & Andersson” and everyone got that look on their face. And how you started adding the quip of “Yes, we’re partners.” when you’d started dating. But people started to think that you were already married - and then began the process of explaining the spelling, to every person in Flint City who gave the same little amused smile.
When Ralph had started to joke with you about the possibility of getting married, he’d always said something along the lines of; ‘We need to get rid of that extra S - shouldn’t be too hard!’ You’d never really known - or particularly cared - if he was serious or not. You never seemed to be fishing for marriage, the only time you’d brought it up semi-seriously was when you’d had a tentative conversation of having kids of yours own, your comment being ‘At least change my last name first-!’ Your main concern really was his influence on Renée’s life - and you didn’t need to be married for that to continue the way it was going. She didn’t need to refer to Ralph as her father, but he was certainly a father figure for her. Although ever since that night he’d wanted her to say it again, accidentally, or maybe again in a half-asleep state; it hadn’t happened. And you’d watched Ralph try not to look disappointed, or try not to look like he was wishing for it so hard… You both knew it would take her time, but it looked like it was killing him.
He got the Captaincy easily enough, it was barely even an interview; basic competency questions before what felt much more like a chat. Although Ralph was very cautious of slip ups even then. Of course the Frankie Peterson case was brought up, and all Ralph really had to say was that lessons were learned, no-one was perfect, Terry was done right by in the end. We got the guy - though for obvious reasons he didn’t add that. Ralph was fully prepared to admit to mistakes, but thought the rest of his career would speak for itself. And it clearly did. Basically the whole precinct had been called together when it was announced and had a party for him. (Your little family and his closest friends had a more relaxed and intimate dinner together afterwards, where Ralph let himself go a little bit). Ralph was very humble about accepting it, and careful about his transition period. Especially when it came to you, everyone seemed alright with things as they stood - they had watched you both for several years as partners and how the relationship had played out there. It was all very ‘let’s see how it goes’ - and Ralph would take any complaints or comments about professionalism, favouritism or conflicts of interest very seriously. He had sent a general enquiry to the head of county police, but hadn’t heard anything back yet. Ralph just didn’t want to have to move you somewhere when you were so settled. You joked about going to the DA’s office, but that didn’t go down well - for obvious Bill Samuels related reasons, but also because Ralph thought that might make things even worse. You only ever rolled your eyes at him, “For the millionth time I’m not gonna run off with the guy-! He’s a very good friend.” “I thought he was your best friend.” “Ralph Anderson.” You smiled gently, brushing your lips to his, as if he didn’t know. “You have gotta be out of your mind.” Of course, once the position was in hand, there was barely a day that went by that Yune didn’t give him a look of significance. Ralph quite often had to kick him under the desk or strategically hit him with a folder. ‘Now isn’t the right time.’ ‘No, now is perfect! Don’t tell me you’re scared!?’ ‘I’m not scared-!’ ‘Good, cuz you faced off against a shapeshifting thing in a Texas cave, you can propose to your partner.’ Ralph’s laugh was choked, ‘How is this less scary than that-!?’
Ralph was a little scared of getting down on one knee. He had no plan. No game play. Heck he didn’t even think he knew your ring size - some detective he was! - and Ralph didn’t think he had the skill to enquire nonchalantly, or steal one from your jewellery box to get measured somewhere without you noticing.  And he wanted it to be a surprise for you - another reason why Ralph wanted Yune to keep his damn mouth shut. Either you were bound to overhear, or gossip would get it back to you. But it was his last name. Would you want to change yours? It might have been one letter, sure but… you’d still be taking his name. You’d often said of his last name that it was ‘lazy’ when he told you yours was spelled wrong: ‘Somewhere along the line someone got lazy and decided they couldn’t be doing with that second S.’ ‘Why can’t yours be spelled wrong!?’ ‘Most popular surname in Sweden, definitely not spelt wrong.’ Then you’d look up at him; ‘Or you’re Scottish. Anders-son. Son of Anders. Vs… I think yours is Andrew. With that missing S.’ He’d quirked his eyebrow ‘Something wrong with that-!?’ ‘No.’ Though you gave him a teasing little smirk as you’d mused on it for a minute, ‘I’m still going for that lazy angle!’ Not that Ralph thought that would factor any into your decision to marry him, but it was a conversation that kept flooding his brain as he got more and more anxious about asking you. 
Then, suddenly, the perfect idea came to him…
You’d had another day visiting smaller ‘crime scenes’ and filing legal paperwork. Overjoyed when Bill kept congratulating you on being the only one who actually did half this stuff yourself. “One of a kind, Y/N, I tell ya!” “Anything for my favourite DA, of course.” “Which is why we gotta work against those idiots in the PD, right?” “Team work!” You grinned, “Although one is about to be the permanent Captain.” “Ah yeah, well, I’m still the DA. So, if he gives you trouble-!” Although Bill’s smile was warm - Ralph and he had their differences in the work place, but would certainly consider each other friends out of it. You laughed, “Oh, I’ll be right over!” Now you were back at the precinct and pretty buzzy with good energy. All your work was done for the day, and there was nothing too strenuous to pick up from the crimes either.
Your new Captain was standing outside, hands on his hips and smile on his face. You stopped in the grass and tilted your head at him. Ralph looked so happy, but also a little shy about it. You wondered what was up. But couldn’t help but think how lovely it was to see him looking like this. “Captain.” You grinned as he crossed to you, “You need me for something?” “Well I have been waiting for you.” “Oh, not long I hope?” “Well, I mean, I guess I’ve been waiting a while but… better now than never.” “What is?” Ralph reached into his jacket pocket and held out a little booklet for you. It looked like a detective badge, although you wore your own on your belt you always liked the ID booklet ones. Maybe you’d start using one more if this was a new one. You knew that your own promotion was imminent, in line with his own. “It’s about time you started spelling your last name right.” That smile on his face was gorgeous, and yet altogether quite indescribable and you couldn’t help but smile back.
A little confused at first, you took it from him delicately, opening it up. At first you noticed the title at the top. Quite correct: you’d been bumped up a rank; that didn’t surprise you, Ralph already had discussed with you that was something he would do if he got the Captain’s position. Then you scanned the rest of the document and paused. 
‘Y/N Anderson’. You stared at the name for a good few seconds, even though you knew exactly what this was. Your small smile ended up stretching across your cheeks and you could feel your blush rise as you looked back up at him again slowly. Ralph looked like he was trying to fight a smile until he had the answer, although how he could think he’d even need one was really beyond you. “Yes.” “Yes?” Somehow he looked surprised, even at the confidence in your voice. “YES!” You threw your arms around him, perfectly aware that you’d just shrieked it and you were about to start crying. “God, I love you SO much Ralph Anderson!” Ralph held you close with a laugh, “I mean I don’t have a ring; we’ll have to go shopping. but I-” “Are you kidding!?” You pulled back for a second looking back at your new badge, that wasn’t something you cared about right now, “What were you going for, most original proposal ever!?” “I mean I can get down on one knee and actually ask the question, if you want me to. Heck maybe I should I just--” You shook your head and wiped your eyes, “Just ask me. If you want to ask, you don’t need to. This is… perfect.” Ralph chuckled again, and took a deep breath, “Y/N, will you please let me take that damn ‘S’ out of your last name?” You couldn’t help but cackle, thinking that he might just ask you straight, “You may!” “So you’ll marry me?” He grinned, and instead of answering you pulled him into a kiss. Wrapping your arms around his neck as Ralph pulled your body closer to his. He would change her name too, that significance was not lost on you. If he was your husband, he would be Renée’s step-dad… and maybe he’d get called it regularly. Time would surely tell if Ralph Anderson would get his unspoken wish.
Your making-out in the parking lot had not gone unnoticed by Ralph’s best friend, and Yune’s whistle broke you apart. “Hey! Captain! Did she say yes!?” You both looked to each other and then to him. You were still holding that little booklet in your hand and you looked from Ralph to Yune and back. Ralph’s eyes remained on his friend, grinning although he didn’t answer, arms still around you. Of course Yune knew about this, of course he was in on it. You left your very-new fiancé and sprinted across the parking lot to hug the police lieutenant, very nearly screaming: “WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!”
Ralph shook his head watching you almost drag Yune to the ground with your hug, but laughed. Oh, he knew what he was getting himself into alright. He crossed the parking lot to help his friend before he got too smothered. Day 1 of the rest of his life, and that proposal hadn’t been so bad. You had just specifically agreed to take his last name, and Ralph’s heart swelled. If he was a crier, he’d let the happy tears he could feel prickling at his eyes fall.   He guessed the jokes would have to change now… Still, he’d trade those jokes for this.
Detective Anderson & Anderson didn’t sound so bad to him, after all.
Thank you for reading my precious babies! 💙💙
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fangirlings-things · 4 years
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anon said: If you’re still taking music requests for your 1k celebration, can I get Charles Vane + We Found Love by Rihanna?
A/N: this was such a nice request, anon, I loved it!!! Hope you like it 💕
Fandom: Black Sails
Word count: 702
Warnings: none
gif credit: @daeneryssansa
Summary: you just can't deny what you are feeling for Charles
“I have to go meet Jack, he wants to speak about something related to the management of the brothel” Charles sighted as he said so, as if leaving that place and you was the very last thing he desired to do.
“Stay a bit more” you tightened your grip in Charles’s shirt, at the same time as you kissed him again on the lips, the taste of him always keeping you insatiable. As he leaned in to deepen the kiss you pulled slightly away, teasing. “I am sure Anne can handle Jack on her own”
“I have no doubt about that. But still, I told him I would be there” Charles caressed your left cheek with his fingertips as he licked his lips for a brief moment. “You know I am a man of my word”
“That, I do know” you rolled your eyes and released him from your grip, sighting so exaggeratedly that it made him laugh. “Will you have time for the later, Captain Vane?”
Charles frowned for a moment, as if he was thinking about it. Then he leaned in and whispered in your ear. “Do you want me to have time for you? Or should I enjoy some time in the brothel, since I will already be there?”
“Do that, and I will have your balls” you threatened and without waiting for an answer, turned to walk away. Before you could go very far though, you felt his arms closing around your waist and pulling you behind, his chest pressing against your back.
“I will see you later, love” he kissed your cheek dearly making you sight in appreciation and then walked away into the night, soon disappearing in the streets of Nassau. As you watched people come and go, drunk alone or laughing with mates, you only thought about how anxious you were for the ‘later’ Charles had just promised you.
“Are you certain being with Charles Vane is the smartest thing to do?”
You recognized that voice even before turning around to look at it’s owner. Crossing your arms over your chest and you leaned back against the closest wall of the tavern. Coming from the inside, you could hear the sounds of cups being filled and coins being exchanged. From time to time, Eleanor’s voice would rise up to scream to some unrespectable costumer. “I know what I am doing, Billy”
“You sure?” he reached the place by your side finally, looking at you with a deep frown. From the expression on his face, you saw that he had witnessed the whole moment between you and the pirate captain.
“Did the Captain tell you to keep an eye on me?” you questioned, raising your eyebrows in his direction. The thought of that would not surprise you at all. You knew very well that history between your Captain and Charles was long and old.
“No, Flint has been so caught up in his own business that he doesn’t even tell me what to do anymore” Billy also leaned against the wall, his gaze going to the fort in the top of the hill, far away from where you stood. “I am serious about what I asked, (Y/N). Play this game with Vane, is it worth it?”
You squeezed your lips in a thin line for a moment. You understood your friend’s concern about you, it was reasonable at most. But still, Charles had never treated you wrong. He was as unperfect as any other man, and you loved him. “It is the way I am feeling, Billy” you shrugged, smiling a bit. “I cannot deny it. Maybe I will have to let it go at some point but right now, I am just going to enjoy his very pleasurable company”
Billy chuckled, shaking his head. “Very well, then. You know what is best for yourself. You found love in Nassau, (Y/N). Who would have thought” he looked at the inside of the tavern through a window, inspecting as an idea seemed to cross him mind as you laughed at his statement. Moments later, his gaze went back to you. “What about a drink?”
You smiled and slapped him playfully in the shoulder. “There you go, mate”    
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flintsjohn · 7 years
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— Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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“do you have to be so damn careless all the time?” Flint groaned, wiping the blood on the dead mans clothing.
“if i remember correctly, i’m the one who just saved you.” John grinned, wiping the blood from his face.
Flint rolled his eyes, “please. that’s not what happened.”
“if you hate me so much, why did you tell Y/N you’d make sure i didn’t get killed while we were away?”
“well... because she asked me to.”
****** gif credit @captain-flint THANK YOU to this gif maker for giving me permission to use their gifs! I’m watching Black Sails right now and these gifs are amazing <3
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tinypiratebastard · 5 years
The sail comes first, the disembodied concept of pirate. Then the name of Flint, of course: the sailors recognise his sail, and it scares them.
You know who that is out there? That ship flies the banner of Captain Flint.
Then we see his crew, or rather first of all we hear them. (I think this is important because so often in art that which is without words/is incomprehensible carries the greatest meaning, especially in revolutionary art and Black Sails is nothing if not a song for the revolution).
We see the blasts and death and violence, and then we hear their cries. An organised crew who know the power of fear and the unknown, who use their perceived monstrosity/otherness to deliberately intimidate - yells and rhythmic thumps, teeth, warpaint, bare muscled chests etc. It’s a carefully designed sensory assault.
[Incidentally, what I find most interesting about the crew in Episode I. is that almost immediately we are shown that being a pirate is not who you are or even what you do, it is a fiction designed to deliver to you the outcome you seek. A means to an end.]
Back to the captains perspective, and we see Singleton slicing and murdering as hard as he can. To the captain, this man is the embodiment of the idea that he has most feared; this man is a ruthless pirate captain. It is this idea of a pirate that he thinks will be his death, and this idea that we are, for a heartbeat, meant to think of as The Dread Pirate, Captain Flint.
This is where I come to the point of my ramble.
Because the thing is, whenever I watch Black Sails it makes me so happy and stunned to see the threading of themes right from the start of Ep. I. - themes of identity, legacies, the myth of the monster, what ‘monster’ means, to whom, and why.
This one scene alone shows, in a burst of action, the freedom and protection these men represent, how they live in reality and fiction, and demonstrates the power created by the clever manipulation of both.
It is a wonderful, allegorical portrait of Captain Flint.
Speaking of - finally, we meet the actual Flint.
First, we see his action; the thrust and clash of a cutlass.
We then hear his voice. ‘It’s done’.
We see his head, a splash of colour, shrouded except for his eyes.
It’s terribly enigmatic and honestly, the green, his calm voice and his reason appear like a drop of beauty and steel in amongst the smoke and bloodshed.
Then he pulls away the cloth and we see Flint, finally (though of course neither we nor the captain actually know what Flint looks like, so he is still just his actions, shouts, the fear he musters and the men he commands).
So now we have the juxtaposition of a reasonable, articulate man - wouldn’t you agree? - and the chaos of pirates behind him, and yet despite appearing nothing like the frantic, bloodthirsty captain they’ve been fearing, he’s clearly in command, and terrifying. So again, the apparent dichotomy of Civilised Man and Feral Pirate is shattered and muddled, the clear identity of this enigma is lost, blurring fear and reality and clarifying nothing.
Of course I love this because it plays right into Black Sails’ whole thing re. Legends and Monsters and Stories but I also love it because to me, this is a demonstration of the layers upon layers in which James has wrapped himself, in order to protect himself from the world, become Flint, and survive.
His first visible interaction is physical, and it’s violence. (Come close, cross me, touch me and you will die).
His first words are spoken by a literal disembodied voice (I have no body, I have no identity).
He turns and is seen, finally, yet he is still hidden except for his eyes (and the eyes are symbolic of truth and protection all over the world. Perhaps the eyes belong to James but they see you far more clearly than you see him, and they see your cracks before you see his). (Also, and perhaps I am reaching here, but it struck me that green is often associated with safety and ambition and that is Flint. That’s just exactly why Flint exists).
He has so carefully removed himself from the actual person that he is, that even when we see and hear him, we are really seeing the concept, not the man.
He’s a flag, the terror of the high seas, death and blood, a monstrous pirate, the clash of swords, ruthless, powerful, unknown.
Anything to be anyone other than James.
And that’s how we meet Captain James (McGraw) Flint and it breaks my fucking heart.
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All credit to @jamesflintmcgrawhamilton for the beautiful gif, without which this post would just be a terrible, weighty block of nonsense.
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flinthamilton · 7 years
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the hamiltons telling james to have no shame ( on love and acceptance ) ( mini meta under the cut )
I have a slight bone to pick with the concept of Silver being the "first one to see both sides of James accept him." But I can't ever agree with that. No, I am not taking swipes at anyone or anyone's ship here, but to me, saying that Silver was the first/only one takes away a lot from his relationships with Thomas and Miranda and implies that James didn't have complete love and acceptance with them and that they didn’t fully know him. I can't really buy into that. And yes I am aware of what the writers said, but for me, it just doesn't hold water when I look at canon.
First with Thomas;
The book inscription very much implies that he knew of James' darker side. One could argue that he is referring to James' internalised homophobia, and regardless of whether James truly does have internalised homophobia or not, that still suggests that James shared all of that with him. And it makes sense; if you're in that deep of a committed relationship, those are the kinds of things you share with your partner.
I've written about it a million times before so I won't keep repeating myself (http://flinthamilton.tumblr.com/post/153544129377/i-want-to-share-every-single-one-of-your) but I feel like people constantly make Thomas out to be far more naive and innocent than he is and like James and he have absolutely nothing in common but they do.
Also, many people currently like to argue that Flint still exists within James even after the finale, pointing to the tavern fight scene as evidence. Which is true, so if it existed even back then, then it makes sense that Thomas at least knows about it. You could argue Flint wasn't comfortable being that way around him, but I would counter and say that there wasn't much need for the Flint side of himself, as evidenced by the fact that "Flint" mostly unravelled when he reunited with Thomas.
And another interesting thing: Flint was "born" when he lost Thomas and unmade when he reunited with Thomas. Miranda speaks (which is James' subconscious, so this is coming from James himself) of telling James to let go of his shame and then Captain Flint being born into the world. So if his shame is wrapped up in his being Flint, and he let go of his shame and became Flint, and Thomas told him to have no shame, isn't it very possible Thomas knew? And okay, even if you don't want to take my word about Thomas, Miranda absolutely knew him inside out and loved and supported him and I feel like she's being swept away also.
Miranda met him as McGraw, and knew him for ten years as Flint. Nothing he did was hidden from her. He even credits her as being the person who finally helped him let go of his shame.
She stood by his side for ten years, never left him no matter what, even when she didn't like what he was doing (and indeed accepting someone doesn't always mean you approve of everything they do), she still supported him and helped him and loved him. And she knew him well enough to always know how to get through to him.
They both shared the same darkness, Miranda was simply better at keeping hers at bay. But it was there; they plotted revenge murder together, and Miranda was ready to burn the world down after learning everything Peter did to Thomas, her, and James. She also shared his pain and sadness at losing Thomas, who she loved as much as he did.
And lastly, the fact that there were others who had to know Flint's darkness and understand him and know him as an equal was a huge plot thread in season 3.
"What he wants what he needs, what he fears. [..] I'm acutely aware that I'm not the first to have been there. To have been a partner to him in this way. And that the ones that have seen those depths before, they never surfaced again."
Thomas is added to this line of thought during 3x10:
"Before today, I knew of two people who managed to truly know you, to gain your trust, to be your partner, and they both ended up dead while playing the role. And now you're telling me there's a third member of this class?" They are specifically characterised as having "seen his depths" and "truly knowing him." And knowing that all dialogue is no accident...
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