#get some exercise bruh
zombotomie · 9 months
GUYS HE'S HERE. Aaaaand the first thing I do with him is make stupid poses.
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So silly
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cloisveryill · 1 year
i’m sick of seeing food on my dash constantly i’m sick of seeing the same generic white girl thinspo i’m sick of seeing exercise propaganda i’m sick of being so differently mentally ill to the other ed girlies
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beskad · 2 years
what's it called if your love language is feeding people?
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onelittlespiral · 6 months
You should definitely do a preppy boy tf!
FML: Contact
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I knew I should have charged my phone before I left, but I was running late and didn’t want to miss my study session. I know, I know it was stupid. But the walk was only supposed to be a few blocks. I have no idea how I got this lost. It felt like I was wandering for hours, but I kept just going around in circles and ending up in front of this gym. Great, just what I needed before finals week. Maybe I should stop an- ugh. My bag spilled out in front of me as I wa a knocked to the ground.
“Hey, sorry bro.”
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It seems like on about my third time around the block I finally ran into one of the gym’s patrons, idiot. For the life of me I will never know how those guys will walk out in shorts in December. I started to scoop my belongings back into my bag.
“Here, let me help- Ah fuck, that could be bad.” He picked up my laptop and handed it to me. Thankfully it seems that there wasn’t any real damage, but a few deep scratches were carved in the metal and the screen was definitely cracked.
“Just what I needed today! Look where you’re going next time!” I was nearly in tears. I was lost, I was frustrated, I think the fall tore a hole in my khakis, and now my computer would be busted till after finals.
“Hey, I said I was sorry. Didn’t mean to knock a shrimp like you down. I didn’t even hit you that hard…”
“Well sue me if I don’t have time to get swoll bro,” I spat, “but some of us have finals to study for.”
“Oh dang, that’s where I know you from! English 110, with Professor Kim. Yeah, you’re always in the front and answering shit.” Immediately the puzzle pieces clicked. I can’t blame myself for not recognizing him. He must have been one of the dudes who sat in the back, and they all basically acted, talked, and looked about the same. A bunch of gym rats struggling through the gen eds. I’m genuinely surprised he can to class often enough to recognize me. “Hey man, are you studying for this final later? I’m just like not getting this stuff. Like, why are they having Exercise Science majors out here studying English anyways?”
“Uhh, yeah maybe.” At this point I was past the point of caring about this conversation. It was such a simple class I hardly had even glanced over the study guide. I had packed my things and was making to get up and leave.
“Here bruh, lemme help you up,” and he extended his hand to me. I grabbed hold as a small shock passed between us. It was just a split second, but as his calloused, sweaty had grasped mine, I felt a jolt that stuck my hair on end. I hardly had time to notice as he hoisted me up. “Hey, if you do end up reviewing later, maybe give me a heads up. We could do a study session or something.” He pulled out a pen and scribbled on the back of a receipt. Grabbing my hand again, and pulled me into a bro hug before I could protest. Up close he was warm and humid, sweat cooling in the cold winter air. He left the paper in my hand when he pulled away. He smirked, “You should ask inside, they may be able to help. I’ll see you later tonight.” There was a confidence in his voice that sent a chill down my spine. Before I knew it he had booked it, and I was left with a piece of paper, a broken computer, and a sinking realization I was still lost.
With few options left, I popped into the gym my classmate had just come out of. Maybe they would have a charger I could borrow or be able to help me with directions. At least it was warm inside. I walked over to the man at the desk, asking “Hey, sorry to bother. Do you all have a phone charger? I am completely lost and out of juice.”
“You can bother me any time,” the attendant said with a wink, “We’ve got some chargers in the locker room, but management is struck about people using facilities without paying. You already a member with us?”
“No, do I look like a member with you all? Please, I’m tired and at this point I just need to get home.” I groaned.
“Well sorry bro, you’ve gotta get those gains somewhere… let’s see, a day pass only runs about $5,” he slid the card reader to me.
“Fine.” I thrust my card into the machine and grabbed my receipt, storming off towards the locker room.”
“Enjoy your time! Oh, sir. Those aren’t the locker rooms they are the changing ro-” and the swinging door cut him off. I cut to the first door on my left. The overhead lights activated as I walked in. The inside was warm, hotter even than the lobby. For locker rooms, there were very few lockers. Just cooler with some sports drinks, some mirrors, and a charging station. No one else was inside, so I sat down on a bench and set my phone down on the charging station. With the heat I quickly began stripping layers, till I was down to my sweater, but I was not going shirtless in this place. It looked like it would be a while before my phone would be charged. I tried to put the whole situation out of my mind as I laid back and relaxed, carried to sleep in the thick heat…
I woke up a while later, disoriented and thirsty. It may have been a bad idea to sleep in the sweater, the thing was practically dripping in sweat now. I began to pull off the damp thing when I was shocked to see what was underneath:
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Abs. Pecs. Abs and pecs. I had to be dreaming, when did I go from a stick to having abs and pecs. Not only that, but my arms. Thick and smooth, my arms looked swollen, as though I had been working them out for years. And my legs, they felt like lead beneath me, so heavy I could hardly move them. I could crush a melon between my thighs. And my poor shoes, they were practically in tatters on the floor. My toes poked out of the remains, leather torn between my meaty soles. I looked in the mirror to get a full picture. If I didn’t see it I wouldn’t have believed it, I was a whole different man.
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I grabbed my phone and booked it out the door back to the front desk. The same attendant was there, looking me up and down as I passed by:
“Well hey there handsome. How are you enjoying our amenities?”
I just about strangled him, “What the hell happened? What did you all do to me?!?”
“I did try to tell you. Locker rooms are the other side. Those are the changing rooms.”
“What’s that supposed mean?”
“Well, look at yourself. Must have gone for the muscle enhancement, eh? Not a bad look on you.” I could just about wipe that smug look off his face.
“Cut the bull crap, I didn’t ask for this. If you all changed me into this change me back.”
“So sorry,” the apology dripped from his lips, “but things don’t quite work that way. For more specialized changes you have to get a full membership.”
“That’s a fucking lie,” I shouted, “You never said shit about this. I don’t need your membership. Change me back, now.”
“Woah, calm down there hot stuff, no need to get so worked up. How about this. My boss is home for the night. I know what you looked like when you came in. I can sneak you back into one of our specialty changing rooms, and I’ll calibrate it myself. Deal?”
I was about in tears, “Deal.”
He took my hand and lead me to the changing room all the way in the back. Same set up, same bench in a mostly barren room. This one was maybe a tad smaller. His voice came on over the intercom:
“Alright, now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.”
This time, deep red lights came on and that same heat began to fill the room. It somehow felt a bit different. The other heat wrapped around, this one felt like it pierced. In moments my body was flooded with warmth. Sweat rolled down my body as the room began having its effects. But something wasn’t right. Instead of shrinking down to my lithe self, my body felt like it was bubbling, and began to swell even more.
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“Hey. HEY! What the hell! What are you doing out there? Wrong way asshole!”
He chuckled into the intercom, “What? I think it’s a good look on you.”
“You’re supposed to change me back!” I shouted
“I said I would calibrate the room. I didn’t say how. You should feel lucky, you’re getting the VIP treatment for free!”
Everywhere sweat rolled my muscles stretched as my body began writhing under the feeling of its growth. It felt… it felt… oh god it felt… so…good. But it had to be stopped. I couldn’t keep going like this. I put all my effort into standing up and lunged for the door handle. It didn’t budge, locked from the outside.
“Oh, is this not to your taste?” he teased “Well, I already did smooth jock tonight. Fine, let’s try this then.”
The red lights switched off as dull LED’s took their place. At the same time, a mist began pouring into the room. The smell made me dizzy as I slumped back on the bench behind me. The haze curled around me and stuck to my skin. It smelled like aftershave, sharp and fresh, with a coolness that made me shiver. My skin began to tingle wherever it touched. I watched as my skin turned to goosebumps, then slowly a fine layer of fuzz began to coat my pecs. It grew and curled wherever the mist lead it. It blazed a treasure trail down my abs and branched out to cover them. I could only moan as my body pushed out my new pelt. It curled around my back as a forest erupted behind me. Working it’s way up, I felt a tickle on my jaw and cheeks. It caressed my face as a five o-clock shadow pushed out from my smooth face, and in moments a full beard was pushed out. It’s curling tendrils even worked on the hair I already had. I felt the hair on top of my head stand on end before following the mist into a thick mop. It worked it’s way into my gapping mouth too, and I felt my throat stretch and adjust, my moans coming out much deeper. Then it concentrated on my groin and pits. My previously trimmed bushes grew wild, quickly becoming a tangle. As my pubes grew around, it felt soooo good. I began getting hard, but the mist only took that as an opportunity. Something else to grow and curve. It stretched 6, 7, 8, 9 inches straight out before curving distinctly up. I was in pure ecstasy, with only the thought of the man outside watching keeping me from fully jacking off.
“Wow, what a grower. I knew you had potential but, woof.”
“You… won’t… *gasp*…get away… with… with this!”
“Oh, still a little rebel in you? Maybe we can bring that out a bit.”
The mist receded, and overhead the lights began to strobe and a loud white noise began to play. The pattern was disorientating and it hurt to watch. But even when I closed my eyes I couldn’t escape. A splitting headache developed as my emotions all turned to anger. I tried to shout, to call for it to stop, but my words didn’t even reach my ears. I watched in glimpses as I began to scream, deep and primal, rage in my eyes. My arm clenched into a fist and I ran up to pound the door down. It still didn’t budge but the shock sent a ripple down my arm. In the mirror I watched as in slow motion a full sleeve tattoo stretched down my arm. I sat down in pain and fear and anger as I grew close to tears. But the back of my mind knew that I could not cry, not anymore. Then, all at once it stopped. I realized I was still shouting. I felt pissed off, aggressive. When I got out of this room, I was gonna pummel that twink into submission.
“God, that one always gets me. I love a man with tattoos.”
“Fuck OFF” I growled. I looked in the mirror at the monster I had become:
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My mind was being flooded with emotions, a sense of loss for the person I was, a rage at the man who had done this to me, an animalistic horniness from my sizable new cock, and a deep terror for what else could happen. I channeled that fury and made one last attempt on the locked door. I yanked and rattled the door with all the strength this new body could muster. I felt the handle flex beneath my grip, before a loud *snap* sent me plummeting to the ground. The handle had come off the door. I banging against the door, shouting for anyone to come help me.
“Hmmm,” the attendant contemplated, “I may have gone too far with the rage this time. You’re a beast bro, but let’s reign it in. A healthy dose of this should help.”
A new cloud filled the room, this one thicker than the last. It was damp and sticky and clung to every inch of me. This one smelled rich and acrid, like an arm pit that had long since sweat through any deodorant. It was as though every patron of the gym had joined me in the room fresh from their workout. The fog was so thick I felt as though I was beginning to choke. It slid heavily down my throat and made my eyes water. That’s when I felt it begin to corrupt me. My enraged mind became calm, then addled as my brain filled with the all consuming fog. Memories flashed before my eyes as I felt them slip from my mind, replaced with false copies. I felt my college experience shift from books and classes to working out and tutoring sessions. My classes in journalism and writing were swapped for work out routines and remedial math. Then my cock began twitching as memories of hot workout sessions with my bros filled my mind, replacing my book club. As my mind relaxed and the new memories came to me easier and easier. My IQ was slipping down quickly, resting now somewhere around 75. As my mind relaxed I felt my body do so too. The cloud began seeping into my pores, filling me with its corrupting influence. My body betrayed me, greedily sucking up the cloud until the room was completely clear. I felt warm and tingly, my body pressed flat against the cold floor. I lifted my arm to get a good wiff of my funk. My cock jumped in response. God I needed to fuck. The cloud had saturated me, inside and out, soaking me in a new identity.
“How are you feeling in there big guy?” a voice was on the other side of a speaker in the room.
“Aight I guess man. I’m tired. Guess I passed out in here,” I replied. God, just waking up from a nap and I had my morning wood. The door opened, a cute bro was on the other side.
“Have you enjoyed your day pass sir?” He asked.
“Hell yeah Lil’ bro, it’s been good. This gym is stacked. I haven’t felt this worn out after a workout in a while!”
“Have you considered upgrading that day pass to a full membership? I know I would love to see you around,” he said with a wink.
“Mmm, wouldn’t mind seeing you every day. Gimme the forms.” He led me out to the lobby, I signed a few forms, and handed me a card.
“Now remember next time, locker rooms are over there,” he smirked. “Here, this is free with your sign up.”
He threw a tank top over to me. Good thing too, I think I forgot mine at home. It fit snugly over my huge chest. It made my arms look huge too. Just a shame I sweat so much after a workout, I already had some pit stains going. Shit, I was rank.
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“Thanks bro, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I strolled out the door into the cold winter air. I flexed, feeling the breeze wick some of my sweat away.
“Hey, excuse me?” Some dork walked up to me, looking desperate. I felt like I knew him from somewhere, though I couldn’t place it. “Would you happen to be able to help me? I have been going around in circles and can’t seem to find my way. I have an exam in just a few hours.”
“Nah, sorry man. I’m not quite sure I’m able to help. Never been good with directions huhu,” that’s when it clicked, “Hey, you’re in my bio class aren’t you? Ah shit, is that exam today?!? Fuck, I’m never gonna pass that crap.”
He looked a little flabbergasted, but made some excuses and was about to move on when I grabbed him. I felt something pass between us, as his gaze fell onto me, unblinking, “You should check in the gym bro, I know they can help you out.” I pulled away and the moment passed. I reached into my pocket and pulled out two receipts. The first was my receipt for my day pass. I scribbled down my contact info, and handed it off to the nerd. “Here, if you want to talk about lifting with me and my buds later you should give me a call. Looking a little scrawny bruh.”
He took the receipt before wandering towards the gym entrance. I then looked at the second paper I pulled out. Oh yeah, it was that hot gym bro from earlier. Yeah, I could meet up with him for sure. His name at the top rang a faint bell. For a split second, I remembered a friend I would sit next to in class. Smart, nerdy, nothing like the man I had met on the sidewalk earlier... But just then I felt my brain pounding, and I couldn’t focus on… whatever it was I was thinking about. Oh, right. Hot jock. Yeahhh, I’m gonna go see if he wants these rank pits shoved in his face while I ride his cock.
Maybe not what you had in mind, but I hope you enjoy anyways ❤️
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octuscle · 7 months
Could you make me a jock?
I'm lost in life , and IV never been able to fulfill my dreams
Iv always wanted to play football, but it never happened
Those jocks are hot, cocky, built and horny with leaking dicks
If I could just wear the kit , I'd be happy, but to play , I'd do anything, i would obey anyone for it to come reality
Bruh, you're 22 years old now… A bit young to be having a midlife crisis already, isn't it? It's not too late to turn things around. Your job at the supermarket checkout doesn't have to be the end of your life.
Friday morning. Almost the weekend. At last. Your transformation process starts with the alarm clock ringing at 06:00. Yes, you don't actually have to get up until 07:30, but this way you can go to the gym before work in the morning. For the first few minutes, you still think it's a terrible idea. After your protein shake, you don't think it's so bad anymore. Once you're lying on the weight bench, you can't wait for your muscles to start burning.
When you open the store at 08:00, nobody is there yet. Sure, you don't open for another hour. But you're proud to be a store manager at just 24 years old. And you take your job seriously. When the first customer comes through the door, everything has to be perfect. Shortly before 09:00, everyone is in position. You check your reflection in the mirror again. Hell yes! You look hot. You've been torturing your body every day for six years. You're still mourning the missed opportunity to start exercising in high school. Maybe then you would have become a competitive athlete, maybe even a professional. As it is, you're just a damn broad man in your mid-20s.
The place is packed. Many customers come in just because of you. You're a bit of a celebrity around here. Quarterback of the local team. Some even want selfies with you or an autograph. You go back to the gym for your lunch break. You're 29 years old. You have to make the most of every opportunity if you want to stay fit. And tonight you have to get back on the field. Your team is relying on you. Your memories fade as you pump… Supermarket? Damn it, you're not a loser! You played football as a freshman in high school. Okay, you never became one of the greats… But you have over ten years as a pro behind you. Maybe you're not the fastest on the field anymore. But you can take a hell of a lot more than all the young wimps.
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The photos for the new calendar are taken before the game. Like every year, you're Mr. February. The Superbowl month. The Superbowl will remain a dream. Let's see how long you'll still be active as a professional. But you don't care either. You're having a lot of fun. And when the damn photographer is finally finished, you wank into your helmet. That's good luck!
Calendar page of February has been published @maxx-magnum
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spadilled · 1 month
get to know the author behind the blog hehehe
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name: nev/nejvamin/nevward/nevington/whatever u want really age: 24 whole years old pronouns: they/he/she in that order of preference gfhjghjf years of writing: uhhhh since i was in primary school really so like. 18? years? oh god... that sounds like so many years wth
why did you pick up writing? i hate to say it but it was when i read the warrior cats books for the first time. i started writing my own bits and pieces surrounding my own warrior cats literally in bed at midnight in a tiny little like a6 notepad i'd been given for a birthday or something when i was six years old and it just snowballed from there. i found a warrior cats forum to rp on when i had my own pc and then i found my way to deviantART and all of the many rp groups on there! then it was tumblr and discord and the rest is history! i've been on tumblr for a While now (either unfortunately or fortunately depending on what way you look at it) and i've since had a Lot of thoughts about trying to write my own novel but i'm still debating on that with myself lmao do you have any writing routines? honestly? none at all. it all depends on whether i have the energy or thought process to get any words down. it's a lot harder at the moment with balancing my job and a horse but i'm hoping to get back into the swing of it sooner or later when my hours drop back down at work again! the most i do is i slap a playlist (or my current brainrot song) on and i pick threads at random depending on which ones i can think of a first sentence to reply with. what's your favorite part about writing? exploring characters and their actions. i really found my stride when i started writing more introspective responses to people. the idea of being able to get into a character's head and know what they're thinking (or not thinking) about is just something that i honestly can't get enough of. another thing though is the creation of a scene as a whole? i tend to 'see' the pieces i'm writing as movie scenes i'm directing, rather than a piece of writing. it makes life hard sometimes but it's just so fun to get to put what i'm seeing down on paper
i. oh jeez.... my dialogue? i like to think that the dialogue i use fits my character's voice as well as physically possible? i have pages and pages of dialogue written out for my ocs and otherwise as a fun writing exercise so i'd like to think i'm pretty good at it by now and changing it to suit what muse i'm writing. speech habits are a fascination of mine so i'd like to think that shows through in my writing ii. i try to match my style to whoever i'm writing with? if my writing partner uses more flowery language then i try to match them and vice versa. it's a good exercise for me specifically because i tend to fall into some repetitive habits so i do my best to avoid that iii. bruh this is so hard actually. i'd like to think that i'm quite good at describing emotions? i try to make them as visceral and physical as possible and i think it adds another layer to my characterisation when you can read about how they feel their grief or their joy
what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them? qr/ow bra/n/wen. i always find myself drawn towards the characters that show their affection in different ways - the tough outer shell and the soft heart. qrow was and is still fascinating to me because he's been through so much in his life and he refuses to let it get in the way of how he treats his nieces and their friends. yeah, he's rough around the edges and comes across as gruff and rude but he genuinely and completely cares about the smiles on his kids faces and that's something i just can't get enough of in a muse. i love cracking open a character and exploring who they are beneath what they show the people around them QUESTION: what keeps you coming back to tumblr rp? what do you enjoy about writing with strangers/friends on the internet?
tagged by: @forbelobog THANK UUU tagging: @finalism, @reasoncore, @vulpesly, @wingspiked. @dreamweaved, @deathsmaidens, @dreamweaved, uhhh idk who has and who hasn't done this im sowwy lmao just steal it if u want to and say i tagged you!!
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icedragonlizard · 7 months
I really genuinely feel like Susie has gotten way too much vitriol for the whole ordeal of Meta Knight being turned into Mecha Knight.
Truthfully, I don't think the Mecha Knight situation was really quite as bad as some people make it out to be. After you beat him the second time, he breaks out of the armor and quickly flies off. You don't even see scars on his face right before he flies off. He effortlessly flies off.
Some people say that Susie "destroyed" Meta Knight's body and just ruined his life. If that was really the case... then after you beat him the second time and the armor falls off of him, don't you think he would've just sat there crippled and helpless? And that his face would look ripped apart? Neither of those were the case. He quickly flies off, gets the Halberd up and going, and generally has no issue helping Kirby battle Star Dream. He then continues to get the Halberd flying around Popstar at the ending cutscene of the game before the credits.
Meta Knight is literally fine at the end of Planet Robobot! He seems to have walked off the mechanization pretty damn quickly. Immediately after breaking free of the armor, he performed a bunch of exercise without any trouble doing so. He seems to be living life just fine after the incident. I don't buy into the headcanon of him having tons of medical trauma as a result from being Mecha Knight... because otherwise, don't you think his design would've been permanently altered post-Robobot? His design has not been changed at all from it. He was not totally destroyed and ruined by being Mecha Knight.
Now, I understand people in the fandom adore angst (as do I!) and that the Mecha Knight situation does pump out some good angst for fanon content, such as fanfictions. But canonically speaking, the whole ordeal is greatly exaggerated by the fandom. Some people seem to act like it's the worst and most messed up thing that ever happened in the franchise. If I'm being honest, I don't think the Mecha Knight situation was any worse than when Hyness sucked the life force out of the mage sisters, used their bodies as weapons and then sacrificed them (and himself) in order to summon Void Termina.
I mean, to be fair, what Susie did to Meta Knight was pretty messed up... but I think people blow it out of proportion. Like said above, Meta Knight came out of it just fine. And really, there's a lot of pretty messed up shit that happens in the series. I think what Dark Matter did to King Dedede was pretty messed up... it formed a giant eyeball in his stomach, and then turned his stomach into a set of jaws. And this happened in two different games! Also, Francisca literally has a collection of frozen dead people stored in ice cubes... you can't tell me in a straight face that's not messed up. Because it absolutely is!
The level of how much Susie gets demonized by the fandom is just absolutely ridiculous. And some of the worst demonization I've seen of her is purely for Mecha Knight. I have literally seen people say that Kirby should've killed Susie for turning Meta Knight into a robot... bruh, Kirby literally rushed over to Susie to see if she was okay after she got blasted by Star Dream when she seized the machine's controller. You think he would've done that if he had any intention of harming her for Mecha Knight? Kirby doesn't want to hurt people if he doesn't have to! You will never, ever see anyone saying that Kirby should've killed Taranza for kidnapping and possessing King Dedede.
I'm not calling for people to say that, by the way. I do not at all wish to demonize Taranza, but it's just kind of sickening to see the absolute double standard that the fandom has for Taranza and Susie. People literally pretend that Taranza did nothing wrong while screaming about how much of a horrible monster Susie is. In reality, these two characters are very much on the same boat in a lot of ways. They were both minions of corrupt higher-ups and they both committed atrocities in the name of the corrupt higher-ups that they were trying to save. Their atrocities were very similar. Now, Susie's are technically worse because hers were on a bigger scale compared to Taranza's, but it's still incredibly hypocritical to justify one and demonize the other.
I suppose I should also bring up the Star Allies skit of Susie chasing Meta Knight, since people love to use that skit to try to say that he's still 'canonically' scared and/or traumatized by her. I'm pretty sure these skits are not meant to be taken seriously. And if you're insistent in acting like this skit is truth, then how about we do the same for all the other skits? In fact, there's literally another skit where Kirby, Meta Knight and Susie all pose together to basically showcase the 'Planet Robobot team', and Meta Knight doesn't appear to be bothered at all by Susie being right by him in that particular skit.
Now, to be fair, I myself have the headcanon where Meta Knight gets angry at Susie for turning him into a robot and initially hates her for it, but it's not permanent. In my interpretation, his disdain for her slowly chips away and there becomes a point where he's... okay with her. If anything, I feel like he was just really humiliated for being kidnapped and turned into a slave, and while I imagine he did technically feel some hurt for being turned into a robot, I certainly don't imagine it "ruined his life" or permanently messed up his body, or that he'd forever hold a colossal grudge against Susie over it. In my headcanons, he at least lets Kirby pursue a friendship with Susie.
Overall, I feel like people exaggerate Mecha Knight, and that the amount of negativity that Susie has received for it is unfair. Now... let me make myself clear here... it's fine if you don't like Susie. If she unnerves you because of the whole capitalism, colonization and greed themes of Planet Robobot, then that's perfectly understandable. I get that. That's fair. But I really, truly, think that many of her criticisms aren't so valid. I could go on about how I think people make wrong claims about her, like they claim that she's still just as evil as she was in Robobot and that she doesn't care that her father is dead, because I do not believe either of those things being true, but that's for another time. I think the Mecha Knight situation is the most absurd part of her discourse entirely. I've seen people demonize her just because of Mecha Knight, and say she's unforgivable literally just because of that. Dunno about you, but I find that to be ludicrous.
I think how the Kirby fandom treats Susie is as tragic as her backstory.
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jaxthepigeon · 2 years
My brain won’t stop thinking about Mamacostia, so here are some incorrect quotes that I feel represents Anacostia being a mom to the unit
Alder:How do you manage all these kids you keep adopting?
Anacostia:The secret is, I don’t. I have no control over them whatsoever.
Anacostia:This morning Tally yelled for me and when I showed up to see what was wrong Raelle hit me in the neck with a scourge
Raelle:I know you want to keep me safe, but the only way to do that is to wrap me in bubble stand hide me in a cave.
Anacostia:Believe me I’ve thought about it.
Scylla:Good morning parental figure.
Anacostia:Good morning problem child.
Anacostia:Where are you going?
Scylla:To get ice cream or commit a crime. I’ll decide in the car
Raelle:Can I bother you for a second?
Anacostia:You always bother me, but yeah I guess.
Anacostia:*going over a training exercise* If you’ve got any questions just ask.
Raelle:Who would win in a fight? A bear or a shark?
Anacostia:*sighs* If you’ve got any relevant questions, just ask.
Tally:If we went missing, you’d look for us, right?
Anacostia:I wouldn’t have to. I got you guys microchipped months ago
Raelle:I can explain
Anacostia:Can you?
Raelle:If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie
And lastly
Anacostia:We call that a traumatic event
Anacostia:*turning to Raelle* Not a “bruh moment”
Anacostia:*turning to Abigail* Not a “Major L”
Anacostia:*turning to Scylla* and not an “OOF lmao”
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tiny012 · 9 months
Honestly, hanging around those Sailor Moon facebook groups or Reddit must be an exercise in sadomasochism. But seriously, it's totally irrelevant how they "feel" about the name Usagi. It's just is. There's nothing they can do about it. I really do feel some hardcore DiC fans come across as rather cultish about the dub, and many cases, not really a fans of Sailor Moon IN GENERAL. It's not gatekeeping when RIGHTFULLY pointing out a LACK OF RESPECT and CONTEMPT for the original source material.
I don't know why I continue to do it for real.
Maybe because it's halfway entertaining
But the comments this post got on that FB page...
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It was ridiculous with the " Oh you are gatekeeping" comments
Because with three of these, if you just watch either the Japanese Sub or Viz Dub of the 90's anime you will know right of the bat.
Even a causal watcher would know these because it's very simple since it's right in your face in the show. I'm not even saying a fan of the show but just someone who just happen to pick it up.
Now with Chibi Chibi being cosmos that's in the manga so you have to read the manga for that.
Hell we are not even talking heavy heavy Sailor Moon Lore stuff that you have to find in the manga or deep in the series and seriously put your thinking cap on. ( Like what I did last night thinking that Nehellenia could be the first Incarnation of Chaos. )
Just stuff that is right in your face which is the first three.
I know that some of us ( including me) only had knowledge of DiC/Cloveway dubs since that was the only dub accessible to watch thanks to Toonami.
So yes the Japanese sub was not accessible to watch back in the day when we were kids.
But now thanks to Viz dub getting the license for all 200 episodes in Japanese Sub and redubbing all 200 episodes
Both of them are accessible and available to watch..
Yes I know certainty countries like UK,Latin America ,Canada( they just lost it on Crave), and other countries are having a hard time getting the series sub and dub into country along with the Manga.
But the United States??
Bruh Please!
PlutoTV got a whole channel that shows 90's anime, the movies, and Crystal.
You can watch them on Hulu and Crunchyroll.
You can watch Crystal on Netflix.
You can buy the episodes on Amazon, Itunes, and Mircosoft Store
You can buy the DVD's and Blurays.
Hell you can watch all 200 episodes and Crystal on fucking youtube for free! It's legal because viz put it up there!
That just the legal sites.
When I come back to the fandom in 2008 when I was 18 we didn't have that all! This was two years before the resurgence about the happen so wit was like 8 years that the license was expired and wasn't no Sailor Moon anywhere.
It was hard finding the show since it wasn't available anymore.
I am thankful for a channel on veoh that I found on a Sailor Moon FB group ( which SM FB groups was WAY better then they are now) that had all 200 episodes even if they wasn't in good condition. I was able to watch Stars for the first time which before then I didn't even know about that season at all. I was able to learn their names and found out about certain episodes that I didn't know even exist.
Shit with the manga?
We have have THREE versions that are in print right now.
Second Reprint, Eternal Editions, Naoko Takeuchi Edition
Also you can easy find the scans online thanks to Miss Dream or any other website that host manga.
It's a difference when in 2008 when I didn't know what the fuck a manga was when the only manga print US had was the Mixx which was out of publication. Which thankfully thanks to Neobilty website, found the whole mixx translation which was my first one I read before I found Miss Dreams and start reading theirs.
Like I'm going to be straight up honest.
There is no fucking excuse anymore because it is there now.
It is accessible and available especially in the Unite States. ( Which is still the main country that whines about every fucking thing.)
It's not like back in the early 90's and 2000's before the resurgence in 2010 which you could use that excuse because it was fucking hard to find shit.
Now all you got to do is do a damn goggle search and it's there.
But hell they still use it as an damn excuse.
But they cling to the dic dub for dear life and will not let go for nothing.
Which if someone brings it up they are ready to dogpile like on this post has like 230 comments and most of them are dogpiling the OP.
Yes If it wasn't for the DIC dub I wouldn't be a fan but it's not accessible and available and for very legit reasons.( Which they are very tone deaf to hearing about it) If you want to pay dollars for a damn bootleg ( since it's hard to find the legit versions) instead of just finding the torrent, that's on you. I got the dic dub along with the cloverway on my computer.
This is not about who is a true fan or gatekeeping.
It's about the fact that it's accessible and available for you to watch but you rather stay on one version while you can be enjoying multiple versions and than acting entitled and ungrateful
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queenharumiura · 1 month
I would like to know your honest opinion on ship Xanxus x fem!Tsuna.
[My KHR ship game] ||Accepting|| @squaletta Reminder: This is me just talking. I'm not even talking about RP. ((Thank you for indulging me btw!))
Hate it | Am Neutral to it | Ship it | love it! |
Mandatory readmore
Let’s see… this one is a lil hard because this is a fem!Tsuna which is your portrayal specifically. I suppose the disclaimer is that this is entirely based off how I personally view your muse from what I’ve seen. I am liable to be incorrect about things, so apologies if I get some things wrong or understand things wrong of your portrayal of Fem!Tsuna.
I said neutral and ship because well, it’s hard for me to ship something if I don’t know much about it or I don’t have a strong understanding of a character. I’m also in general very ehhhhh about (M)Tsuna and Xanxus. I don’t hate it, but I don’t like it either. Like we’ve discussed before, there are differences when it comes to gender altered characters, so tentatively, after thinking some things through, I think I could like the ship- though it would depend on how it was done.
In the previous one answered, I sorta mentioned it, but I write these based off how I think a ship could feasibly work and be developed. So this isn’t to say I know anything about canon events or know about BG of your Tsuna. This is more of a thought exercise, so do keep that in mind. The Xanxus is also possibly different from how some may portray him because again, this is based off how I think it could work—so some things may differ because that’s how I’m choosing to think of him to make a ship work. Kk. Disclaimers done.
So, some of this talk will make sense if I also preface with (M)Tsuna. The reason I don’t like the ship is because every time I see (M)Tsuna and Xanxus, they always make him the most uke to have ever uke. The megaladommed of ukes. I hate it. Tsuna is a fearful lil dude and pretty timid but he’s not like that. He has some back bone to him. He knows when to take a stand. Moreover, he would at least put up a bit of a fight. He’d ba panicking at the very LEAST not just crying through everything. Bruh.
That’s how every single person portrays the (M)Tsuna x Xanxus ship for some reason, however. Idk. It does sometimes involve funny art though, I’m not gonna lie lol.
So, with that, we have the contrasting Tsu-chan as I like to call her. We’ve established before in a ‘how do I see your muse’ kinda meme that happened a while back. [x] Linked for reference. I enjoy the fact that she has more fight in her in the form of sass/sarcasm. She’s more willing to just take charge initially as opposed to Tsuna who normally takes a more nuanced neutral stance at first before he finally decides ‘okay I need to act’. I am going off on a limb to assume that some of this can come about due to the fact that Tsu-chan is a woman.
She likely had people who doubt her ability to take charge and to lead a massive famiglia like the Vongola. Not to forget that she was quite young when Reborn first came into her life to train her to become the 10th. Women in general are usually told to just be pretty and it is best to be subservient to a degree. Just let the men do all the work, or to simply listen to men as that’s their place. That is a mentality that a lot of places tend to have though things are better in more modern times and in some countries.
I think, Tsu-chan had to take the stand and had to prove herself time and time again to the point where she’s just so used to having to prove herself that it resulted in her faster and stronger response to altercations than Tsuna did. He has a more passive kind of attitude to things but she does not. She’s also seemingly more ambitious than (M)Tsuna likely was. That’s the vibe I get. She may be respectful towards others, but she can easily take it back. She will take shit from NO ONE. Honestly? DAS RIGHT GIRL, YOU DO THAT. GO AND KICK SOME ASS BECAUSE HE WAS A FUCKING DUMB ASS. DO IT. FOR ME.
It isn’t to say that (M)Tsuna doesn’t have fight in him. It isn’t to say that TYL him didn’t have ambitions either. However, canon him was always shown to be more gentle and passive until you went over a line and then he acts. Then everything he was holding in comes forth and he’s a force. Tsu-chan, I have the gut feeling, has a much lower threshold, than (M)Tsuna. Also possibly had less insecurity issues than that of (M)Tsuna. I cannot speak to all iterations of how you write her, but at least based off the premise of our interactions, Tsu-chan had a childhood friend and one she got along well with.
Haru is such a positive bean (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE!!!!) and she’s such a caring and supportive person (THE BEST WAIFU OF MY LAIFU!!!!!!!!) and so I think that as opposed to (M)Tsuna who didn’t have friends, she would certainly have a bit less of the sociability issues that he had. From this, you could say that she has more emotional intelligence than he does. This may turn into her having a stronger sense of self, which then means that she’s more willing to assert herself. So from a younger age, she was PROBABLY (I’m just guessing) more willing to be honest and speak up than (M)Tsuna was.
Why am I saying all this and why is it relevant? It’s VERY relevant. Xanxus cares a lot about power and authority. He also cares about image. Something that I think some people often forget is that Xanxus may be ‘old’ comparatively to the others, but he’s also quite young too. He was frozen for many years in ice. He had lost many years that could’ve been used to experience more in life. When he was thawed, he was still in the heat of the anger of realizing he’s not of blood relation to Nono. He lived his life as a lie, almost. This wasn’t even something he was told in confidence by Nono. It was something he had to find out indirectly. That is such a huge blow to someone, especially someone as prideful as him.
People don’t realize just how much that kind of thing can mess with someone. You’ll feel a lot of anger, hurt, and even betrayal in many cases. It can be traumatic and this is things that I’ve been told from people who had such circumstances happen in their family. It is trauma, despite how little it may seen on the outside. It shapes the way you view the world and your familial dynamics. For Xanxus especially it also changed the political game. It changed his stance, it changed his ‘ranking’ in a sense because he NEVER had the placement of being the next heir to the Vongola like he thought.
Tsuna/Tsu-chan being the rightful heir (due to no other living relations surviving) is not only a thorn in his side but a painful reminder of himself. They are the opposite of him. They lived the majority of their lives not even knowing about the Vongola or about how they had right to the ‘throne’ so to speak. It directly contrasts himself. The thing about (M)Tsuna is that he’s timid, he shows a lot of fear. He’s very ‘soft’ in the way he goes about things. That is not something the Vongola needs- that’s how he’d see things. Sure, Nono is also a pretty tenderhearted person, but he is a mafia boss.
I’m very sure that he knew how to harden his heart and do what must be done. It’s evident in the way that he literally caged Xanxus in ice. He will ultimately do what must be done- but he’s also very tender in the sense that he only caged Xanxus in ice instead of revealing the truth and ousting him or getting rid of him. HOWEVER, it also shows how cruel he can be. To be caged in ice, to be trapped in that time of your immense anger and hurt? That’s truly cruel. To not even allow Xanxus the time to really process through his grief and hurt, to rob him of YEARS of his time, possibly condoning him to being a man-sicle for years until maybe Nono’s death. Hard to say whether the ice made from Nono’s flames won’t melt after his death.
If so, imagine how awful that is? Xanxus may wake up in a totally different time, everything is different, and the one person he may have wanted to get answers from—is dead. No chance to even get any form of closure! That, to me, is INSANELY cruel.
Sorry, back on topic. If I’m correct in thinking Tsu-chan had more back bone when younger holds true, then at least Xanxus would take that into account and hate her less on the account of perhaps acknowledging that she may be a fit for the role. That she could possibly lead the Vongola. She won’t just lead them into the shitter like he probably thought (M)Tsuna would do with how soft he is. He probably hates Tsuna so much because of who he stands for, what he has the privilege of (and doesn’t even WANT- HOW DARE. FK YOU. I WISH I HAD WHAT YOU HAVE), and for how weak he seems. It would be a bad image for the Vongola. HIS Vongola, the one that SHOULD’VE been his—entrusted to this lil baby boy fledgling. It makes him so mad.
Though I think he’d have a better impression on Tsu-chan which would help. With her stronger emotional intelligence (bc frankly, Tsuna is very emotionally dumb as hekk but it’s understandable due to his lack of socialization. That’s a common result of a lack of socialization) she’d be able to perhaps notice how much pain he’s in. How much inner turmoil he’s going through with the impact of the news of his real bloodline being not of the Vongola. He isn’t truly Nono’s son.
From here, I think Tsu-chan would have a better way of dealing with Xanxus. I strongly doubt he would want to be consoled directly, because of his pride and his great disdain of the reality. How he found out. The betrayal. If Tsu-chan can navigate that well, break down some of his walls, become a small pillar that helps him on that road to healing from his hurt. The damage is done already, for sure, but it can get better. I mean, think about it. Tsu-chan also was never told about her lineage. She was suddenly thrown into a new life, one that she wasn’t warned about. One that she literally has no choice in the matter of. It’s a direct opposition of his situation, but it’s still very vexing.
I think in some way if she’s able to talk to him, and he can learn about her situation and how it affected her, it can open him up to some things. Not pity her situation, because it is something he wanted (to be the boss), but he can sympathize with the fact that they were both in a sense victims of the circumstances of adults not telling them things. Not giving them the time to warn them of what was to come, and certainly not giving them the time to truly process things. Tsuna was quite literally told lol you’re the next boss, no you have no choice in the matter. Oh by the way all these people are after you because of who you are. Ye you gotta fight. You gotta watch your friends suffer.
OH!!!! Sending you off to the future. You could die. BRO. Tsuna had NO TIME TO REST. nO TIME TO REALLY HEAL. NO TIME TO PROCESS HIS LIFE. NO WONDER he was so adamant about wanting out. No wonder he gets so prickly with Reborn. It’s very reasonable! (Fite me world, it’s reasonable. I think the ending where he’s like nah I don’t want this was actually quite fitting. The WORLD can fite me on this. I don’t think that part was a bad ending. I hate the yakisoba scene and that’s what made the ending bad for me lol)
Depending on how things progressed between them, I can maybe… see Xanxus trying to offer some help to her. Give advices or help with resources if she needed it. She may be stuck in a situation she didn’t want to be in, but based off what I’ve seen of her, I think she is more accepting of it than Tsuna was. Assuming that to be true, that isn’t a demerit towards her. IF she is trying her best despite being so new to things and not having been born into the life like a lot of them were- he’d have to give her some credit for trying. He would ultimately decide that for the sake of HIS Vongola, he wants her to be the best and strongest boss that she could possibly be.
In doing so, they form a stronger sense of trust and respect for each other. It’s wayyy more subtle in canon because of how much he hates Tsuna lol. I think in Tsu-chan’s verse it may be more obvious, depending on how things played out.
If it plays out in this sort of way, I do think they could be a ship. It would need a lot of work and it may not be the most wholesome of ships because of there being differences in rank, his pain, and the fact that he probably will forever be angry about the fact he couldn’t be the boss. Though, what can you do? It’s the mafia. It won’t all be pretty rainbows.
If I had to say, the theme for this kind of ship is one where they see each other through an inverted mirror and see how the other is struggling through the reality they didn’t want. Seeing that, it makes them want to help each other in small ways and from that comes the respect and comfort.
Let’s see… I did promise some(?) cute(?) ideas perhaps for a ship.
Perhaps by TYL time or even after that, where Xanxus has processed a lot of his trauma and has seen Tsu-chan blossom into a respectable boss that she is, he has to (secretly begrudgingly) accept the fact that she’s a good boss, one fit for the Vongola. She is his boss. (In canon I think Nono will forever be his boss, fuck Tsuna. You aren’t my boss you lil fuck. That’s his energy, I feel) IMAGINE? Just a scene of him taking her hand kissing the back of it and ‘Though you aren’t the one I wanted at the mantle of the Vongola, you have proven yourself to be worthy. To the Boss, I pay respect.” JUST IMAGINE THAT. The prideful guy admitting that after years. I FOAM at the mouth.
So, a part of my HC is that because he is so full of rage that it morphed his flames, imagine that with prolonged exposure and association with Tsuna, he calms down some and his leadership skills are a lot less violent and angry. He calms down and is more of a vision of who he was before. The very Xanxus that Squalo wanted to support and follow. Just imagine others noticing how his rage flame is less and less prominent as he heals by her side and his sky flames eventually become purer and they all know that it is due in part to her influence. That is until something happens to Tsu-chan and then the full brunt force of the rage flame resurfaces again. Ahhhh YESSSSSS I LIVEEEEEEE for when guys just SNAAAP!!!! GO GET EM TIGER! THAT’S THE ENERGY I LIKE. The chaotic destruction. Ahhhhhhhhh Sorry that’s not cute, is it? (IT IS TO MEE!!!!!!!)
I don’t see Xanxus being the type to really fluster. I can see a scene where maybe she tries to flirt with him and doesn’t get much of a reaction from him because he doesn’t feel like reacting (lol) and so she maybe one day surprises him with a surprise lil kiss. He goes silent and stares at her—and it’s so disappointing bc like REACT, YOU FUCKING WALL OF A MAN!!!! GET FLUSTERED! But no. He just grabs her and kisses her as a response because he’s more retaliatory than reactionary. Yess… is what I want. I like. I want it.
So yeah, those are some of my thoughts. No idea if any of that made any sense but I tried!!!
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aritamargarita · 2 years
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*makes my return, all the things she said plays in the background, holds up women’s championship* HEYYY GUYS.
AGHGHGHG. that’s basically how i feel about this chapter. there’s a lot going on but at the same time everything is awesome. decided to just put attitude out first smh im already late asf on everything WHY NOT⁉️ i hate tumblr. sorry if this seems short i was scared to even post this bruh
now ik u guys are wondering. some superstars randomly disappeared (coughEDGEcough) but they’ll be back soon lmao..including more superstar appearances like nwo, eddie, all that jazz.
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You feel okay.
Like you’re hanging off the edge of a cliff. There is no way to get back up. Your only choice is to fall down.
You’re laying on the floor of the locker room. Nothing could ever replicate the feeling of Raven’s touch. No, nothing could ever replicate his presence.
You’re not even sure if you have the energy to go out for any matches anymore.
The sound of banging at your door doesn’t make you jolt even a little bit. Austin’s voice behind it doesn’t make you move a muscle either.
“Open this damn door!”
You still make no moves, instead tilting your head upward. The room is upside down. But the feeling of blood rushing towards your head feels fantastic.
After a few more minutes of banging, the door eventually comes off its hinges.
Wow. He actually took the door down this time!
You smile seeing not only Austin, but Debra coming into the room. There’s a cameraman right behind them, so you figure you have to play things up a bit.
“The hell’s gotten into ya’?!” He yells. There’s a scowl on his face but it only makes you laugh. “I don’t think this shit is funny...”
“[Name], I’m very concerned about you…” Debra trails off nervously. “You were rude to me earlier and Doctor Smiley said your session went terribly.”
Austin decides to yank you up off of the floor. All you have is a goofy smile on your face. He narrows his eyes at you. “Ya’ got anything to say?”
“I’ve never, ever, felt so alive.” You answer, voice calm and collected. “I think Doctor Smiley’s classes were enlightening. However…I’m sorry, Debra. If we’re being honest, Austin’s the one who started it. It was such a cruel, cruel attack on Raven, who was only participating in the exercise. I feel like Raven did no wrong. I feel like he does no wrong whatsoever.”
For a moment, the other two look at you in confusion, before brushing it off. Debra looks over at Austin and crosses her arms. “Do you have anything to say about this?”
Austin scoffed. “Listen, the guy was gettin’ a little too handsy. You would’ve done somethin’ too.” He doesn’t exactly apologize. “That ain’t the point. Chris Jericho’s my opponent tonight and ya need to get it together before we lose again. Do whatever ya’ can to help me out.”
You nod, the liveliness slowly coming back. “Of course! We won’t lose. There’s no way we’d lose.” For a moment, you feel like you’re back to your mood from earlier tonight. Just full of happiness and excitement to be here.
“Don’t worry, I’m fine. Totally don’t know what got into me. Listen, I’ll distract the referee or something!”
Debra seems fine with your apology, walking over to you with a frown. “Sweetie, let me fix you up a bit..” She tries to fluff your hair with her fingers, then dusts off your shirt a bit. If only she had an iron... “There’s dark circles under your eyes! Did you get any sleep last night?”
You thought you did. You wonder if earlier might’ve………….
“And pull your pants up, you look like Lita.” She points out.
“I’d look cute with Lita’s style though.” You sigh, pulling them up.
“The hell you would.” Austin cuts in. “I’m gonna get changed. Ya’ have 5 minutes to meet me in gorilla. I’m leavin’ if you’re not there.”
“Okay.” You give a thumbs up as he exits the now doorless room.
Debra gave you a small smile. “You can tell me anything, you know.” She says. “It doesn’t make sense for you to be so…you know. What happened after I saw you?”
“I’m just nervous.” You quickly say. “I uh, I keep hearing that I’m going to get a match at Vengeance. I’m not sure how to feel.”
“I see. Don’t let it bother you too much. I’m sure you’ll give whoever you’re going against what’s coming to them. I don’t want you walking around like you don’t have any sense.” Debra comes over one more time to make sure you look presentable.
“I’m frustrated with you two…but all I can ask is that you two try your best.”
Just as she asked, you’ll do your very best.
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RAW IS WAR // 8:49 PM
The sound of glass shattering was your cue. You follow right behind Austin, waving to the crowd as you go. You probably weren’t supposed to, but oh well.
Austin quickly gets into the ring and starts attacking Jericho with strikes. You want to hop on the ring apron for a closer look, but instead you stay outside of the ring. Austin irish-whips Jericho into the ropes but the latter clambers out to get some air.
Not for long though. You turn him around and slap him, reminiscent of a couple nights ago. Austin comes out and shoves Jericho into the corner of the steel steps.
He gives him a few chops on the chest and turns towards you. “Hit ‘em!”
You’d be more than happy to! You lick your hand before tearing it back and slapping him across the chest as hard as you could. The crowd sitting nearby winces at the loud sound.
You shake your hand out with a smile and smack him one more time before he falls to the ground in pain.
Austin takes back the reins, pulling Jericho up and slamming him into the guardrail.
That was enlivening! All you can do is laugh. Bringing him pain was the highlight of your night. You hope there’s more opportunities to rough him up.
Back into the ring they go. You’re on the outside, watching ever so carefully. The more you watch them go, the more you take notes. You think Austin’s wrestling style is a bit too hard hitting for you, but it’s still good to learn.
Austin attempts to hit Jericho with a stunner, but the latter reverses and tries hitting him with his own stunner. It fails, and Austin takes him down with a double leg sweep.
You jump for joy as Austin starts twisting him over into the Walls of Jericho. This is fantastic! Your partner has been on fire all night! He didn’t even need your help right now.
But alas, the moment is short lived as Jericho reaches over to the ropes, grabbing it and causing the referee to make Austin drop the hold.
Jericho was holding onto that bottom rope for dear life, so you come over and smack his hands. “Let go of the ropes!”
Austin stomps on his back and you take a step away. You could hear someone from the crowd call your name, so you turn on your heel to face them.
The girl from the crowd seems star struck, but nervously waves at you. You wave back. It wasn’t over, the girl ushers you to come closer.
She raises her voice so you can hear her. “D-Do you think you’ll get the Women’s Championship?”
That was a good question.
“I don’t know! You think I should go for it?” You have a big smile on your face, one that makes her feel more relaxed. “What’s wrong with Trish and the Championship?”
“I don’t really like Trish….” She admits. “I think you’re just the coolest! You’re awesome! Oh, hey, do you have a crush on Jeff Hardy?!”
It’s the nicest thing you’ve heard all night from a fan. “Thank you!” You exclaim. “Listen, Trish is a good champion though!” You’re not sure how to reply to the Jeff comment, after all, Raven is your one and only! “Mmm, I’m not sure.”
Jericho is getting the better of Austin in the ring. This time, he tries pulling him into the Walls of Jericho as revenge for earlier.
Turning your attention back to the ring, you felt scared. You hope he doesn’t tap out. Just incase, you hop onto the ring apron in an attempt to get the referee’s attention.
“Hey!” You call, giving a wave. “Over here!” You make a fuss long enough for Austin to crawl over to the ropes and grab it. Once you notice he’s got it, you jump off. The referee yells at Jericho to release his hold.
He does, dragging Austin to the center of the ring and tries to put him in the submission again. Luckily, Austin kicks him right in his face.
Jericho staggers for a moment, but gives the finger to Austin as he’s still down on the mat. He instead runs over to the ropes and jumps off to try and give him a moonsault, but Austin rolls out of the way and Jericho lands on his feet.
Austin recovers much to your relief, and before you knew it, he hits the stunner on Jericho. Just like that, you hear the crowd scream “1, 2, 3!”
The match was over!
You’re almost brought to tears. Even commentary refers to this win as something you’ve both needed. You roll into the ring, excitedly jumping up and down before holding your hands up.
Austin hesitates for a minute, unsure with what you were doing at first, but gives you a high five with both hands once he realizes. He then walks over to the side and catches two beers that were thrown at him.
He cracks one open and tosses another to you. You crack it open with ease. Now, you weren’t a big beer drinker, but the swig you took was the sweet taste of victory.
This is a night that we all deserve!
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RAW IS WAR // 9:01 PM
“That was awesome!” You yell, turning over to Austin. The camera pans over to you. “You won! No, we really won! I mean, when you hit that stunner, it was like BAM! Jericho didn’t even know what was coming to him! He tried it, then you got back at him! Like ugh!!!!”
Austin gives you a smile, a genuine one. He finishes his last bit of beer. “Hell yeah we did.”
Debra claps her hands for you two. “You two were wonderful tonight. Congratulations!”
“I say we go to McDonald’s!” You recommend. “In celebration! I can drive!” As you head down the hallway, you stop suddenly stop in your tracks.
“Ohhh my god.” You mutter, hitting Austin’s shoulder. “OHH MY GOD!!”
“What’s the problem??” He yanked away from you, a confused look on his face.
“Look! Down the hallway!!” You point. “That’s Bret fucking Hart!” You were completely starstruck, hell, completely in awe. The crowd too, popping for the mention of his name. “Oh my god.” You wanted an autograph. You wanted an autograph bad. Really bad.
Austin doesn’t even know what to say at first. For the first time in a while, he’s speechless. All he can do is laugh. “Ya’ serious?”
Debra gasps. “Oh my! We are in Canada after all, no wonder he’s hanging around. I can’t remember the last time I saw him…”
You’re still freaking out. “Holy shit. I think going to faint. It’s really him!”
The Rattlesnake realizes that you are indeed serious. He points a finger towards the Hitman. “You’re a fan of him? …Debra, you seein’ this shit?”
Debra hits his shoulder lightly. “Let the girl have this. He’s a good wrestler! Good man, too.” Austin crosses his arms and she threw her hands up in defense. “What? I’m just saying.”
He scoffed. “I’m your husband, god damnit.”
“I’ve seen a lot of your matches with him! In Your House was my favorite one!” You hoped you looked good, instinctively straightening out your shirt. It’s safe to say you’ve always had a TINY crush on Bret Hart.
Just a tiny one. He’s very inspiring!
“I really want to go say hi.” You say.
“Go ahead.” Debra lightly pushes you. “We’ll wait for you right here.”
Austin looks like he’s going through all five stages of grief in one fell swoop. “I need to take a blood pressure test. Debra, where’s the cuff link?”
The woman rolls her eyes at him, but you take a deep breath and head towards Bret. You need to hype yourself up. Make it seem like you’re really cool. You take a deep breath as the camera follows you over to his spot.
“Hi…!” You wave.
He turns around curiously, giving you a warm smile at the sight of you. You’re feeling lightheaded, good god. “Hey, how are you? Do I know you?”
“I’m greood! I mean, I’m great, good!” You inwardly curse at yourself for mushing your words together. You were nervous as hell. “No, you don’t know me. I’m [Name], a WWF wrestler. But I know you! You’re Bret Hart, and I’m a really big fan.”
“Really now?” He grins. “You’re really a fan? “Now that I think about it, I may have saw one of your matches as I was watching Raw. If you’re who I think you are, you’ve got some spunk to you.”
“Thanks! Stone Cold Steve Austin said the same thing to me, actually.” You say. “I’m like, his supporter or something. I’m just here.”
“He’s right.” He confirmed. “I think you’re a star in the making. You keep up the good work, you’ll win a title in no time.”
“I really want to. Gonna do the best I can with what I got for now.” It makes you think back to what that fan said. If you went for a title, you’d sure that she’d be elated. “I totally didn’t know you were going to be here! I-I mean I know we’re in Canada but oh my god. Are you wrestling tonight?”
“Don’t plan to. Maybe a promo or two.” Bret says. “I’m taking a bit of a break from wrestling, waiting for the right time to lace up my boots again.”
“Totally understandable.”
It’s quiet between you two before he puts a hand in his pocket, sliding out a pink pair of glasses. “Hey, I don’t suppose a big fan of mine would enjoy a souvenir?”
Was he going to give those glasses to you??? You look at him eagerly. Fuck yes, you’d enjoy a souvenir! “I don’t have a pen on me though.” You say. Even if he couldn’t sign it, you were just thrilled to even get something from him.
“That’s fine. If anyone asks, you can just tell them talk to me.” He reassured, sliding them on your face.
The clicking of heels makes you look over with a smile. Debra’s rushing over to you two with a disposable camera. “How cute! C’mon, let me get a picture. For the memories!”
“Can I get a hug?” You blurt out.
Bret nods. “Bring it in.” He puts his arms around you and you feel like you’ve just accomplished all your goals. That’s it.
….You’re keeping that picture for the rest of your life.
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RAW IS WAR // 9:05 PM
“Looking sharp!”
Your compliment makes RVD turn around, shooting you finger guns at the same time. He had his Hardcore Championship around his arms, completely drenched in sweat from his match.
You were going to give him a hug, but he was a little too sweaty for your taste. “You need a towel?”
“Two, probably.” He nods. There are quite a few sitting on a makeup vanity nearby, so you grab two and hand it over as requested.
Seeing him with one title confused you. “You won? Where’s that European title?”
“Yup. They changed the rules a little…Christian didn’t lose his title. I didn’t lose mine either.”
“That’s confusing.” You didn’t get why. Well, if they didn’t want to change it, they didn’t want to change it, oh well. “Whatever. Congratulations!” You cheer.
Again, you’d hug him, but you didn’t feel like changing at the moment. He’s still kinda sweaty!
“Thanks.” He holds his hand up for a high five, and you’re willing to give him one. Woohoo! Hopefully you’d be able to talk to him later. If there’s any tag team match, you’d definitely want him as your partner again.
A couple of minutes later, you find yourself back in gorilla awaiting Trish and The Rock. You were a little earlier than expected, so the Women’s Champion arriving first wasn’t a shocker.
“[Name], you’re early!” Trish chimes. “I’m glad you’re here though. I’m really scared. I hope we can win tonight.”
“I told you, I’ll be here to help! I’ll make it end in disqualification if I have to.” You reassure, taking her hand into yours. “Mr. McMahon is going to get what’s coming to him, I promise. I think his little club is disgusting and he needs a taste of his own medicine……Trish?”
“…I’m gonna kick our boss in the nuts.”
Trish couldn’t even respond before she fell into a fit of laughter. “No! Don’t do that. Actually, you’re more than welcome to. You wouldn’t believe the things he’s made me do. Bark like a dog…embarrassed me by dumping guck onto me with Stephanie and William Regal…”
“Don’t even get me started on Stephanie.” You groan. “She’s a witch.” You were lucky enough to have not seen her after your match. “Maybe Chris Jericho was onto something. I mean, bottom feeding trashbag hoe….what a choice of words.”
“You know, you two would be an unstoppable duo if you two became friends.” Trish points out. “I think it’d really work out!”
“Over my dead body. I’m not becoming friends with that egotistic self-absorbed asshole.” You roll your eyes, letting go of her hand.
Trish relents, letting out a sharp breath of air. “..Oookay! Maybe you guys should have a promo going back and forth….”
“You ladies look like you’re having a good time.”
The voice of The Rock makes you look over. You easily give a thumbs up. “Absolutely! Hello, Rocky!”
“….” He doesn’t know how to feel about your little nickname, but goes with it anyway. “Hey. Heard you were on our side tonight. The Rock appreciates that.”
It’s kinda weird to hear him talk in third person, but you roll with it too.
“Of course! I was just telling Trish that Mr. McMahon was gonna get what’s coming to him. You’re gonna win!”
And if luck is on your side, tonight would still be your night.
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YAHHH READER GETTIN IN THE MIX! IF THIS POSTED.. WOOHOO!!! split it up again im sorry but this really was just a test run, sorry if it’s a little all over the place grrr.
anyone down for a battle of words with jericho? im sorry but reader would eat him up so quickly
to make it better. i give you more raven in the next bit. and this time i will elaborate on why triple h gave reader lingerie LMAO
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buttercup-bollz · 1 month
charlie has to be my second favourite character- yet alas, her writing isn't THAT great in the show despite the amazing arc potential she possesses and she gets really thrown to the sidelines even if she IS quite literally the protagonist which is like so fucking disappointing???
we know next to nothing about her. ANGEL DUST'S WIKIPEDIA PAGE HAS SO MUCH MORE WRITTEN THAN HER??? and god i know viv SUCKS at writing female characters but it just still baffles me. HAZBIN HOTEL IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SHOW "4 THE GIRLS" RIGHT??? RIGHT??? THEN WHY IS THE MALE CAST X10 TIMES INTERESTING THAN THE WOMEN WHICH THE SHOW IS SUPPOSED TO FOCUS ON??? in general its js stupid to separate shows into "male-focused" and "female-focused". bruh whats the difference, its still a character no matter their gender. viv just wanted to make an excuse of why she's so shit at making girls w good lore & etc tbh (it did NOT work). like... i can see she's TRYING but its still fucking awful. its like shes in this constant state of living off her gay mlm fetishes... we BARELY have any wlw rep in hazbin/helluva. AND VIV IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BISEXUAL WOMAN WHICH JUST HURTS LIKE A BITCH IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT. god im so fucking sick of gay ships i cant handle it. FIZZMODEUS, STOLITZ, HUSKERDUST, VOXVAL, FIZZBLITZ. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!
basically charlie summed up: well, she's.... kind...?? and um.... bubbly? and she believes in redemption & thinks everyone deserves a second chance FOR AN UNKNOWN REASON, she just does okay!?!? we need her to believe in it so that we'll actually have a plot and a purpose/morale of the story! dont make unnecessary questions! and shes UNREASONABLY naive & childish despite living in hell for 200+ yrs seeing all kinds of fucked up people, even RAPISTS. I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN THE AMOUNT OF SECOND-HAND EMBARRASSMENT I INITIALLY FELT WHEN SHE MADE ANGEL READ THAT ONE SCENARIO SCENE W SIR PENTIOUS... LIKE.... UMM WHAT??? ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY ITS FULL-BLOWN EMBARRASSING😭😭😭😭 its... devastating. you see & interact w actual serial killers, addicts, sex workers ON A DAILY BASIS, and you... you... YOU THINK THIS IS HOW THEY BEHAVE? fucking CHRIST on A STICK.
she also likes to sing and likes musicals, so hence the show is a musical too!
TELL ME WHY IN HAPPY DAY IN HELL VAGGIE & ANGEL WENT "yeahhhhh shes singing ewww!!1 cringe lOl". GUYS YALL LITERALLY DO THE SAME THING LATER ON? it just RUINED the entire vibe for me. it doesnt make ANY sense... so the characters KNOW they're singing in universe? then that's ridiculous bc tell me why would charlie, emily n sera sing at the damn COURT? Y'ALL OUT HERE QUITE LITERALLY DEBATING THE FATE OF ALL SINNERS AND YOU'RE COMPLETELY FULLY PERFECTLY AWARE THAT YOU ARE... SINGING????? you did NOT need to humiliate charlie like that just to poke fun at her. WHY NOBODY MADE FUN OF ANGEL WHEN HE STARTED SINGING POISON? HUH???? its obvi it was said to make her look cringe, which, okay, characters CAN be cringe, BUT NOT WHEN YOU PRESENT IT IN A SERIOUS TONE? LIKE IT WASN'T JUST A FUNSY PROD INSTEAD OF A DEADASS INSULT MAKING THE PERSON LOOK LIKE A WALKING JOKE?? she BARELY gets treated seriously by the writers. shes that stereotypical stupid blonde and not in a hilarious way, meant to move the plot forward.
another clear ICK i have is when husk starts to immediately point out everyone's insecurities in "masquerade". DO WE NOT KNOW THE "SHOW DON'T TELL" PRINCIPLE? if you just SMACK it into our faces without bothering to SHOW it, but INSIST that "charlie solves everyone's problems except her own trust guys 100%%!!!!!!", THEN IT HAS NO POINT. words are MEANINGLESS without actions to prove it. you literally DESTROYED her entire character arc with a single sentence. in SOME cases, there's an exception to the show dont tell rule, BUT CLEARLY THIS ONE WAS UNCALLED FOR. its the FOURTH episode and you're already laying out to us their weaknesses? GODDAMIT HUSK I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE. Y'ALL DEFEATED THE PURPOSE OF HER CHARACTER WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO EVOLVE AND BE EXPOSED TO US AS WE MOVE ALONG. THAT'S HOW YOU GET THE AUDIENCE HOOKED. THEY WANT TO KNOW MORE; WHY are they acting this way? HOW does this affect them on a psychological level? how do they cope with this and that but NOPE. we get it served on a silver platter and SHOVED down our throats in the first season (WHICH HAS A TOTAL AMOUNT OF EIGHT EPISODES. EIGHT. EPISODES).
oh, wait, we get some crumbs of her emotional vulnerabilities! apparently she has a bad relationship with her dad as we're PERSISTENTLY TOLD.
" Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands, as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!" WE'RE BARELY FIVE MINUTES IN THE FIRST EP. YOU'RE. JOKING.
and as we witnessed her in the pilot say "i think dad was right about me". thank godsmack for this heavenly sent, GORGEOUS scene that didn't spit into our faces everything instantly. (the fact that the pilot is 10000x times better than the show itself is my #1 reason.) another SEMI-good example (DUE TO THE FACT THAT HUSK GOES: "u got daddy issues or smt?!?!!?" HUSK YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH I SWEAR I WILL NEUTER YOU) is when charlie says: " No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." but thats about it.
and the worst thing?? we NEVER see lucifer ACTUALLY being a bad father. WHY IS HE EXCITED WHEN CHARLIE CALLS HIM EVEN THOUGH "HE ONLY CALLS WHEN HE'S BORED AND NEEDS ME TO DO SOMETHING??" DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD AND FORGOT? HE WANTED TO SPEAK WITH CHARLIE? THAT JUST WIPES & INVALIDATES CHARLIE'S STATEMENTS AND MAKE HER LOOK LIKE A SPOILED ATTENTION-SEEKING WHINY BRAT. not to mention the: "this is the first time she's called you in years!" so is it lucifer neglecting charlie or is it charlie neglecting lucifer and being an abhorrent daughter? pick a lane?
"I told you when you called me five months ago, or did you not listen?" im SORRY? lucifer is literally SO desperate to see her yet.... he forgets when his daughter told him where tf she is which technically allowed him to visit her with NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER? WHAT IS THE ISSUE? DOES HE NOT KNOW HOW TO TRAVEL ON HIS OWN TO HER RESIDENCE?
aaand they solve their problems THE EXACT SAME EPISODE LUCIFER APPEARED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. we NEVER got to see him being a bad dad. if anything, he's just a bit close-minded at best THAT STILL TRIES TO CHANGE. this doesn't make him bad at ALL, it makes him look like he's "misunderstood" which, in turn, like i said before presented charlie as a crybaby that threw a hissy fit just bc she felt like it.
more than anything is beautiful, the vocals are fantastical, the soundtrack is heart-breaking, but. WHY SO SOON? why you couldn't do it before if it's so easy then? after that they act like there was never a rift between them ever in the first place. wow! good for you! soo i actually barely give a DAMN about this bc you didn't even give me enough time to digest everything that went down.
so... how can we improve charlie to make her likeable, enjoyable and interesting to watch?
what i have in mind is:
Charlie is a kind-hearted person who dislikes brute force and prefers to solve things through peaceful terms. why? because her entire life she has been isolated in her own home, therefore only ever interacted with her servants that treated her like she was made of glass, her parents, and razzle & dazzle- lucifer nd lilith were afraid that hell's harsh reality would make her cruel, so they never let her out on her own UNTIL she turned into an young adult. it also makes her socially inept, so she has a hard time understanding/reading others & their feelings; generally low empathy. so she treats sinners as simply misbehaved & misled children that didn't know any better, because she CAN'T fathom what else could it be. she imagines redemption to be easy; she has a very idealistic & abstract idea of it, which is something she picks up from her father who was also an oblivious dreamer like her once in his youth. she doesn't know how it works or what qualifies a sinner as "redeemed" (which can create VERY interesting conflicts & plot points). HOWEVER, she's ALSO perfectly aware that the majority of people in hell are irredeemable, that some people are just unfixable assholes after living on her own & interacting with REAL asses for twenty years. yet she still keeps hope that SOME of them may be GOOD, some of them are CAPABLE of change. why? because ever since she was a child, lilith taught her love towards her people. LILITH was the one that instilled the care & the need to protect she feels for demons, as bad as some of them are. not only that, but she knows that redemption is possible because she changed.
even if she was raised to be cheerful and bubbly by her parents, she was also HEAVILY spoiled, so when she reached puberty it went as well as you'd expect. she began to date seviathan who was an absolute DICK and enabled her mindset of "im the princess of HELL goddamit i can do whatever THE FUCK i want!!!!". of course, lilith & lucifer being the doting parents that they are, let it slide- lilith TRIED to explain to her that NO, being a princess didn't give her free pass to do everything she wanted, but in the end she conceded bc she just rlly fucking loves her kid and it never went beyond a few scoldings. and lucifer just... never cared. which basically... worsened charlie x2 times, being left unpunished for every shit she did. secretly trying out drugs that sev gave to her, treating her servants like they were nothing but dirt underneath her feet, being self-entilted as fuck and etc and etc. BUT!! sev & charlie DID like each other for real. there was no intentional abuse whatsoever, they were dumb teenagers that kinda exacerbated each other's horrible tendencies & had no damn idea how to communicate properly so sometimes it went like:
sev: shoves beer cmon lets try this charles you'll like it!!!! (no ill intention, only happy excited vibes of a curious teen boy that wanted to be cool like adults)
charlie: ummm idk i dont think we r allowed to do this ..
charlie: welp okay! shrugs (gets drunk beyond belief together with sev)
what made her change?
lucifer and lilith's divorce.
lucifer was the one that took custody of her at first. but as you can guess it was NOT great. lucifer fell into depression after losing his wife that he lived with for EONS, became neglectful, angry & started to drink to cope. seeing her dad change so drastically and start to treat her like SHIT (lashing out at her on several occassions due to inability to deal with his own emotions, distancing himself away from her), she finally got a reality-check. like... holy FUCK was she also like that??? people DIDN'T think that even breathing wrong in her direction would get them wiped off the face of earth? THERE WERE CONSEQUENCES FOR HER SPOILED DEMEANOR?
lucifer FINALLY paid attention to how much of a dickbag his daughter became, but he dealt with it horribly. instead of trying to help, explaining why it was wrong, he screamed at her bloody murder. he made snide remarks towards her ALL THE TIME... and at some point, he thought he recognized humanity in charlie. he gave them so much, yet they repay him with this?? it didn't help him with his abusive tendencies.
charlie broke down after they've had a huge fight again & BEGGED lilith to take custody of her instead. lilith accepted it NO HESITATION whatsoever, and comforted her. she reassured her that she wasn't a mistake, that she can become a better person and people were capable of improvement. so she did. she didn't see lucifer bc she became anxious of him, and he was so stuck in his self-deprecating thoughts (the cherry on top being that his own daughter abandoned him) he didn't visit her either. and, despite never being the embodiement of "evil" as everyone presumed him to be & truly regretting/being shameful of the things he did, he was also arrogant. so, even if subconsciously he felt guilt and self-hatred for being such a jerk, he kept convincing himself that it was all charlie's fault (he is the sin of pride for a reason)
charlie eventually broke up with sev, subsequently. they left off on an... okay note. then she gained something akin to depression and took time to recover from the freakshow that her life became. she turned into a merciful person who DESPISED fighting, arguements and everything (for obvious reasons).
once upon a time a day came that turned her life on it's head.
lilith disappeared. went to a "meeting" and never came back after that. no traces, no notes, no nothing.
charlie was HEARTBROKEN. she found out that her dad literally didn't do shit as a ruler of Hell this way; she was FLOODED with papers and meetings that her mother needed to do after a week of her disappearance. so, she took comfort in being a workaholic and surppressed her grief by solving Hell's problems days on end- (this is where she got her "fixing everyone's problems BUT her own" mentality) partially, the other reason for that was because she knew how much lilith cared for demonkind, so she couldn't fail her. now that she was alone, though, she had the ability to move out and live on her own. that's exactly what she did, she bought a shabby gigantic house (which soon became the hotel but we'll get to that part later.).
that was how she ended up witnessing an Extermination first time ever.
she was HORRIFIED beyond belief and was so fucking confused why would heaven do this? yes they were bad but murder couldn't be the only solution to their problems, could it?
lilith would hate to see her people being torn apart like that.
she spent days on end thinking of an alternative, something that would stop these inhumane purges, and that's how she came up with the idea of the hotel.
some years passed. she met valerie (vaggie; i changed her name bc jesus i know there's a reason (which honestly only WORSENS my distaste) behind it but its awful no matter what i cannot stomach it in any form), they fell in love. their relationship only furthened her determination to find out how to get sinners into heaven, because she knew that valerie deserved it 100%, and she couldn't be a singular exception, could she? valerie acted bitter and hostile towards her at the beginning when she took her in, because she was scared and distrustful as valerie had admitted, but softened and warmed up to charlie. so how much people out there were the same as valerie, scared and hurt & misled to a point they resorted to bad choices?
fun little ideas i thought abt this charlie's version:
just like in canon, she's very fascinated with humans, therefore sinners since they were one before their death. imagine charlie just... BOMBARDING valerie with questions when they first met. "do humans eat pork!?!?!? do some of them ACTUALLY not believe in hell/heaven?!?!? DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SKIN-COLOUR IS REAL?!?!?!? tellmetellmetellme" (valerie had a VERY hard time figuring out what to tell her if ykwim.)
2. her design and the canon design are vastly different. she is an ACTUAL doll that was brought to life by her parents (bc .... weren't sinners incapable of giving birth? so how did lilith....) and looks fucking unnerving as hell, literally a dead walking zombie. she tries to appear more innocent and friendly by changing/tweaking her looks to her best abilities, but in REALITY her TRUE form is the definition of antichrist and everything unholy. she's so insecure about it but valerie always reassures her <3
3. she has a tiny piece of each seven sins inside of her which get more difficult to control as she becomes more powerful, they really fcken stress her out and she thinks she's a freak for ever thinking of something like that, but she can't control her thoughts. she had a really bad crisis when she started to fall in love with valerie because her sins would just go WILD, but somehow managed it with her gf's support. and yes, charlie was the one to fall first. since; oh lord!! pretty woman!! that is kinda nice in comparison to everybody here!!! OH GOD IM NOT GONNA BE ALONE ANYMORE!!!!!!
4. girl has abandonment issues. it makes her into a sorta of a people-pleaser that would do anything to keep her loved ones with her. she does know boundaries, and she isn't a complete pushover, but... she's obviously anxious all the damn time, this also adds onto why she FLIPPED OUT when she found out valerie was an angel. first, DOES SHE NOT TRUST ME!?!??!?!? second, WILL SHE LEAVE ME FOR HEAVEN?!?!?!?!? she DID want to get valerie into heaven, but it seemed so far away that she kinda didn't think too much abt it + now that she knew that she was actually an ANGEL it made her fear so much more raw and realistic.
5. she's demisexual. because i wanted her to be, and it just makes sense okay?
thats it for my charlie rewrite. if anything else comes to mind, ill be sure to write it out. next up will either be valerie (vaggie) or lucifer! but for now thats it.
if you felt interested in my original take on the hazbin hotel, please let me know if you'd like me to write a fanfic!
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ink-asunder · 4 months
I'm just obsessed with how poorly athletes recover. (Context: I'm watching Pit Babe and they're all like "oh you're so fit; you'll heal faster than a normal person!") Not fucking true, in my experience. Like, the only athletes I really talk to anymore are the ones getting antibiotics infused for a month in the infusion unit, and the way these people talk just blows me away. Like. The way they talk about their bodies. The way that chronic exertion breaks down the body because no one knows how to fucking rest in this country. And they're lucky if they're even self-aware about feeling dysphoric about being sick, but even then, they have no fucking idea how to advocate for themselves. You mean to tell me that you have a bone infection because you broke your foot once, and one of your toes is necrotizing, and the doctor told you to just let the toe self-amputate slowly and painfully over two months (which never ended up happening) and you didn't even get a second opinion?? You didn't even question them a little bit?
And then almost every single one of them both aspires to return to their athletic activities, yet they all talk like their life is over just because they have one (1) broken foot. Like they can't *fathom* not being able to do martial arts anymore over one minor injury. I personally don't get why they can't, but even if they can't, it's weird that they feel like they have no quality of life now. Bruh, you're literally gonna recover. You're gonna be able to walk again 100% fine. What are you talking about.
And to that I usually say, "Oh that's cool. I've been getting a chemo drug here since I was 14. I never got to do any of that stuff ever. And now my spine is completely deteriorating, probably because of the chemo drug ."
AND THEY ALWAYS, without fail, give me the "oh you poor thing" talk. The patronizing, coddling, infantilizing shit every disabled person (especially ones disabled from childhood) get to hear. I do this to myself and it's like kind of narcissistic and unsympathetic to go "cool, I have it worse." But like. You're still a fucking healthie. You'll fucking live.
And yeah, when it comes to "the chronic wear and tear of athletics" you can always say "oh, well if you KNOW what you're doing and you KNOW what your body needs, then that won't happen to you." But like?? I really think everyone needs a shot of the chronic wasting disease humble pie at this point. I think everyone deserves to wreck their bodies. Imagine having the privilege to wreck your body over a sport instead of a job or iatrogenesis? When I was still well enough to do some exercise, I rode horses in a sport bra and let myself freeze after working out because I preferred that to cool-down exercises.
I'm not being held accountable for that. So why should they?
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beelzzzebub · 9 months
so. my anxiety was really ramping up in rehearsal today right. so i go out to the hallway to sit on the floor in a corner bc that's just what you do. i didn't realize how much time was passing but after like fifteen minutes this other girl from the group comes out to like check on me and stuff, and i'm super embarrassed bc i tried to be quiet leaving and i didn't actually know if anyone had really noticed, and this girl is very cool and pretty and talented, so i'm like uhh yeahh i'm good, so we go back to rehearsal.
i'm in there for like three minutes and i start hyperventilating, so she comes over again like hey do you need to go out and get some air again, which i obviously do, so i'm back in the hallway and my coat is too heavy and i can feel everyone's eyes on me and i'm somehow too hot and too cold at the same time and my arms are pins and needles, and i'm like shuddering and shivering and stuttering, once again very anxious (duh) and incredibly embarrassed which is not helping the anxiety at all. so this girl is like.. do you want to go through some breathing exercises? ..like what can i do to help you out rn? so we're trying to breathe etc etc and she's like hey.. by the way, just letting you know, i'm totally here like as a friend, but also.. i'm training to be an EMT
so uh. i spent like half an hour getting it together and we walked around and talked until the end of rehearsal and i was going wild with my tics the whole time and like running my mouth (which i always do when i'm anxious. either that or shut down completely, depends on the situation but this time the jitters were jittering and i was talking) and she's just being very nice and we're talking about like cicadas and shit and like. ah. it was a strange and stressful experience bruh. i dont even know rn what to make of it. it's the second time this week a Thing has happened around other people and just. idk. the emt girl texted me a bit ago anddd idk what to say! so! we'll just have to see.
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makerofmadness · 6 months
tbh I fxcking hate a lot of posts I get on my dash about fat stuff and I say this as a fat girl. Like no I'm not gonna fxcking kill my maman for calling me her little chunky monkey that's comforting for me I like it stop trying to take happiness away from me stop trying to tell me how I should feel about it my maman loves me and I love her. Maybe words like "chunky" and "chubby" are a matter of personal taste and you shouldn't just say that they're bad when some people might like them (like I do), but you can still establish boundaries and say if you don't want others to call you that those things can coexist just don't try to say that everyone should be mad if anyone ever says those words of that no one should ever use them. "You don't have to say chunky or chubby you can just say fat" Let me be happy. Just let me find my own happiness I'm not hurting anyone I'm not hurting you.
Maman calling me chunky affectionately never hurt me or anyone it made me feel warm and it still makes me feel warm it's comforting for me. The only shzt that's made me feel bad about my weight happened recently and it came from ANOTHER FAT PERSON who I had at first thought as a friend but long story short has continually been really fxcking weird about me and my stomach basically always bringing it up in conversations saying how he wants to RUB IT. Something about how apparently he thinks my stomach looks like it's in pain or something. like bruh no it's not the only pain I'm feeling is fxcking psychological after all of this. This is the only thing that's made me actively want to LOSE my body fat/have a smaller stomach, because I just want him to stop treating me like I'm just a walking talking stomach.
maman never did this to me. She made me feel loved. She didn't make me feel like a freak. But according to the posts I saw SHE would've been the enemy because she calls me chunky and sometimes she makes me exercise (because we have type 2 diabetes in the family. From her own maman. And she wants me to be healthy and happy). But she never makes me feel horrible for my size or my weight. But that other fat student at my school does. And we're supposed to have some kind of "solidarity." But he just won't treat me normally. And he won't leave me alone.
And now I just want to go home to my maman.
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skz-suki · 2 years
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abilities and skill !
suki is the second fastest female idol rapper
her rap tone is a bit nasally, and strained; something she perfected in order to stand out
she is really good at freestyle especially with hiphop
she’s trying to get back into other genres of dance, more specifically ballet
she’s very good at snowboarding
she can sew! She also sometimes posts her work on Instagram! She's made pieces for the members that the stylist has used on stage.
she has a really pretty and unique vocal tone that people fawn over
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interest and habits !
she collects all kinds of stuff but her biggest collection has to be her Bratz Doll, sanrio, and Kirby collections.
shes likes reading manga and watching anime, her favorite mangas are Nana and Paradise Kiss and her favorite anime is Soul Eater.
she’s very very interested in fashion and keeps up with it. she wants to walk in fashion week at least once before she retires.
shes a silver jewelry girl for sure.
suki is a marvel fanatic and often talks about her love for spiderman (she’s obsessed truly)
she does pilates with hyunjin in order to stay in shape and she’s learning pole dancing as another form of exercise!
she is an extremely deep sleeper and usually has to be woken up with force
she says “bruh” a lot, it’s basically a natural reaction for her
suki loves loves loves the sims and even has a segment in vlive where she’ll go live for like 2+ hours and play
she can draw really well and has some of her own characters and oc’s, she started a cool comic as well that she wants to release later on down the line
she is a HUGEEEE fan of ru paul’s drag race having watched all the seasons including all stars! her favorite queens are alyssa edwards and violet chachki!!
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misc !
if she wasn’t an idol, she’d be a stylist or fashion designer
she did a lot of modeling work predebut and even has a picture with gigi hadid!
her dad is a famous tattoo artist and her mom is a chef
she has a new york accent when she speaks english (the members often poke fun at her about it)
she has an obsession with the character Kirby (hence the nickname ) stays even compare her to him a lot
she lives with 3racha-hyun
although she is very cheerful, she’s also very strong-minded and refuses to let go of her morals to please anyone.
she’s in love with everything 2000s from fashion, to music. She loves it all and you can often see her love for it in her style.
her favorite singers are Lee Hyori, Namie Amuro, Rihanna, A$AP Rocky, and Deftones! She's also been into the artists from the opium label (Playboi Carti, Ken Carson, Destroy Lonley, etc.) and Yeat these days.
her inspirations are CL, Lee Hyori, NaNA Devon Aoki and Rihanna
she takes a lot of fashion inspo from bella hadid and rihanna
she has a bad potty mouth and is often caught swearing on camera (much to chans demise even though he’s just like her)
she and hyunjeonglix are shopping buddies and give each other tips on fashion and whatnot
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