buttercup-bollz · 2 days
I also see your a fellow Vaggie appreciator. As am I. Tell me, in full analysis mode, why she's your fav?
she gay
devoted to gf BECAUSE of shared world view / goals
not charming in an honest and blunt kinda way
grumpy bc of worry and wanting things to go RIGHT
oh she threatens with spear <3 <3 <3
oh she do it again <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
trying to be a better person, capable of doing horrible stuff and choosing Not To Anymore thanks
would rather sing her heart out alone on a ship's mast than fucking talk about her feelings
oh she do it again
so soppy around and with her gf
cute pet names for the gf~
What's The Point Of Me I If I Can't Help The People I Love
enabler of dreams via constructive reality checks
miss "i learned how to trust ppl on the battlefield now go befriend each other or die trying"
the femme "I'll fucking kill you" energy
smol protecting her tol
she so happy when her gf hold / smooch her
grumpy one who gives hope to her sunshine gf when things get hard
low raspy voice my beloved
if she ignores her problems maybe they'll go away- oh whoops no
realized she was a monster one day and was terrified
WOULD! NOT! HURT!!! A!!!! CHILD!!!!!!!!!!!
no not EVEN if heaven itself commanded it of her
not even if that child had sharp cannibal teeth and lived in hell
permanently marked by the choices she's made
for real happier being gay down in hell
i just think she's Neat ^////^
im gay
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buttercup-bollz · 2 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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buttercup-bollz · 2 days
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is this a safe space to share my redesigns
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buttercup-bollz · 2 days
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buttercup-bollz · 19 days
so... vaggie.
definitely also one of my faves YET the LEAST thought-out character out of the ENTIRE main six cast, asides from niffty, of course.
honestly, i'm not surprised- given that this is a very frequent phenomenon in media, where one of the people in a sapphic couple end up being watered down to nothing but as an accessory for their partner (uwu gay bean!!! wow vaggie so gay for charlie !!!!!). i mean. I SUPPOSE i can see the direction they were trying to aim her character towards but ... its just so... MEEH? literally, that's the BEST word i'd have to use for her character as a whole. a pretty interesting idea/take yet lacking proper execution & diligence in making consequent storylines.
the wiki page states:
Vaggie is an angel and former Exorcist. She is the deuteragonist of Hazbin Hotel and serves as the manager of the Hazbin Hotel.
Skilled in combat and very protective of her girlfriend, Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie is tough but has a heart of gold.
... pretty dry aint it
there's EIGHT episodes. EIGHT EPISODES where they'd managed to flesh out VOX better than HER who is literally supposed to become a major threat only in SECOND season. don't get me wrong, im a vox kinnie and i love him so much, but it sickens me how there's so much we can say about vox but VAGGIE???? vaggie's ENTIRE personality just basically spins around charlie.
and hey, that's fine, too! it can make up for an interesting arc- and there's clearly implications of how she struggles to separate herself from charlie, example:
episode three, scrambled eggs:
"I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality. I'm supposed to protect you.  I'm supposed to never fail you."
"If I can't help you, what's the point of me?"
like. I REALLY do recognize what they were planning out- i only feel like there wasn't enough.... flavour? emotion? screen-time devoted towards her struggles? or maybe this also could be the result of hazbin hotel's recurring problem: "show, don't tell." and honestly i kinda presume the last one to be more suitable in this case.
the thing is, a lot of stuff that viv says doesn't really make it into the show. she keeps mentioning how husk LOVES magician tricks, grew up in a casino, but... if i didnt know any better i'd NEVER have even the slightest thought that he, in fact, enjoys magic tricks??? the closest to that is him using cards as weapons but it can be easily alluded to his gambling addiction instead. or how angel dust was from the mafia. look at this pink twink and say to my face that he has an inkling of mafiosa blood in him?
im really on edge about this scene because on one hand, i can praise the team for at least making a scarce attempt at establishing her issues- on the other... jesus fucking christ, it was so out of place. i mean, if you didn't SCRUPULOUSLY inspect and examine it time and time again just like i did, and watched it for the first time, you'd be just left dumbfounded and utterly lost on "where tf did that just come from????"
this is only ONE sentence, too. we NEVER get it brought up again. NEVER. we just... then continuously ignore it up until the end. of course, charlie & vaggie talk it out eventually. it was very sweet and an example of healthy communication between the two, however quite iffy:
vaggie: " I'm sorry I got so crazy today."
charlie: " No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but, we'll figure it out, together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them."
very good apologies! i loved how apologetic both of them were and how they were instantly willing to talk it out, and that charlie respected vaggie's need for personal space & left her alone, but...
... what. in the holy. was that?
i thought the ENTIRE point was that she was UNSURE of what she was without charlie??? what do you mean "we work as a team"???? the FUCK? didn't you say some time ago "Vaggie, don't say that! You do so much! It's-" YOU INSISTED THAT SHE DOES SO MUCH OUTSIDE OF HELPING YOU BUT THEN LATER YOU QUITE LITERALLY TURN IT ON IT'S HEAD? okay. maybe you mean that this isn't ALL for charlie, and that vaggie is a distinct part of it, too. but the phrasing is so hard to decipher and in the end i can't even make sure claims because it's just so vague. was it a mistake from the writers or was it on purpose? its unclear. and im sure people wouldn't want to waste all of their brain-cells trying to make sense of what the FART this was translating and leading up to. like- simultaneously, there's this "show don't tell" problem AND vague turns of phrases, too? it's just a big mess.
"guys LOOK she's so totally dependent on charlie!!"
"so... does that mean she's basically based off charlie and is an addition to her?"
"no!!!!! she's just charlie's gf!"
honestly that's how i see it. they are trying to desperately shove something down our throat and we can't even know for sure what it is- is that chocolate or some frozen flavoured poop? okay eccentric comparison i know but i think a lot of people will agree with me when i say that vaggie deserves a MUCH more clearer storyline, without the writers having to SPELL IT OUT and assure us that this is REAL, yet provide little evidence to back up their claims.
and gosh i fucking DESPISE her name with my whole heart. the meaning/reasoning behind it makes me even more distasteful and disturbed- like there's NO fucking way sera would allow this??? she's adam's manager isn't she, so HOW DID SHE LET HIM DO THAT?? she's supposed to be in charge of this whole fucking thing and take "load" of responsibility on herself? but to me it just seems like sera fucking dumped everything onto adam and then goes whining about how "gawd guys im so stressed!!!! *wipes sweat* tis so hard sitting on my ass all day and telling adam to handle everything on a daily basis!!! *sighs* man am i tired" girl don't take ALL credit from adam away aye? considering everything, he's an amazing commander that supports his soldiers (and don't you fucking DARE tell me that he's a "misogynist", i WILL sneak into your house at night) and does all he can trying to lead an army of THOUSANDS???
vaggie's distrust for men is also unjustified... he PRAISED her and said that she was "one of his top girls", he didn't say anything along the lines of hateful, GENUINELY congratulated her for getting a gf... so where's the distrust coming from? he attacked her? it was literally lute, and all he did was take away her halo. he didn't beat her up on a daily basis or anything, at least as far as we can see? did he act-up stuck up? yeah sure, but so is lute saying that "angels don't make mistakes". and even then it's NOT a good reason to be distrustful towards men... he's just a narcissistic person that's proud of the fact he's the first man that's it. his gender literally doesn't matter in the long-run. and he's... only lowkey sexist at some points? again, it just shows more of how much of a dickbag he is rather than some predatory rapist that sees women as objects and thinks that the entire reason the exorcist army is so good is only because of him. (quote: "lute, how many demons did you kill this year?" "about two seventy five, sir" "woah, badass! pound it danger tits." he doesn't go: "man I trained you so well! gosh im such an amazing big man!" ) or wtv the fuck people think of him. and trust me, i do have the rights to argue about this as a woman who has been sexually harassed by men repeatedly. i wouldn't be creeped out by adam, i'd just think he's a sexist weird dumbass but that's it.
its just.. okay, maybe im getting a little overboard here. let's change the subject and talk about the whole ordeal with "out for love".
what the HELL was the point of that song? WHY did vaggie need to hear it? ALL she did up until that point was SOLELY because of charlie... she doesn't need to be taught to remember to protect her because THAT'S ALL SHE FUCKING DOES THROUGHOUT THE SHOW? she tells charlie not to trust angels not because of a personal vendetta/prejudice but because she's worried for charlie and her ending up disappointed by the fact that heaven isn't as carefree as she thinks? and she literally has every right to do so, her fucking lieutenant severely injured her to a point she became disabled? at least that's how they demonstrate it.
onto her backstory.
why did she spare the sinner child?
i mean... it may be a silly question but in the end it has A LOT of weight to it. she was taught that demons are HORRIBLE, eldritch creatures that deserved nothing but eternal punishment, and then suddenly she sees a kid and then refuses to kill him? i really don't believe that's how it works. what would be the difference if it was an adult crying and being scared? what was the thing that spurred her on to give mercy to a demon at that moment, "the embodiement of pure evil"? she was one of the exorcists' army's "top girls", meaning she had a very high body count, and this was another Extermination like any other, so what in the WORLD stopped her? i really don't fucking believe the delusion that she DIDN'T kill a demon child at some point before that or witnessed someone doing it instead. it's just... god i'm fuming so bad because so many things are thrown into our faces but they don't end up getting properly explained.
and guys, please explain to me how the fallen angel thing works? like... the process of becoming fallen? why does lucifer get funky horns + a tail and vaggie doesn't? is it because he's a seraphim and she's an exorcist? why has no one noticed that she's vastly different from the rest of sinners? literally carmilla makes a jab at that in the show itself and breaks the fourth wall, which is icky icl. HOW NO ONE FIGURED OUT SHE WAS AN EXORCIST AND WHY CHARLIE NEVER QUESTIONED THE FACT THAT SHE WIELDED A RANDOM ANGELIC SPEAR? how did she NEVER see vaggie's golden blood when she first found her? so confusing.
why the hell does she wants to help charlie? like, okay yes, she saved her and she's her girlfriend and she wants to support her and everything, but how did vaggie came to terms with the fact that hey, maybe redemption is possible? and even then the wiki says that it's " unclear whether Vaggie fully buys into Charlie's concept for redemption". and it makes her flat as a character. she doesn't have her own goals besides helping charlie.
hello rosie!:
"Perhaps this girl, was trying to redeem herself too."
since this is taking long enough and im worn out, i'll be separating this into two parts; the first is this, the critique, and the second half will be about the rewrite.
let me know if you'd enjoy me making a fanfic out of this and be sure to check out my charlie morningstar post!
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buttercup-bollz · 22 days
charlie has to be my second favourite character- yet alas, her writing isn't THAT great in the show despite the amazing arc potential she possesses and she gets really thrown to the sidelines even if she IS quite literally the protagonist which is like so fucking disappointing???
we know next to nothing about her. ANGEL DUST'S WIKIPEDIA PAGE HAS SO MUCH MORE WRITTEN THAN HER??? and god i know viv SUCKS at writing female characters but it just still baffles me. HAZBIN HOTEL IS SUPPOSED TO BE A SHOW "4 THE GIRLS" RIGHT??? RIGHT??? THEN WHY IS THE MALE CAST X10 TIMES INTERESTING THAN THE WOMEN WHICH THE SHOW IS SUPPOSED TO FOCUS ON??? in general its js stupid to separate shows into "male-focused" and "female-focused". bruh whats the difference, its still a character no matter their gender. viv just wanted to make an excuse of why she's so shit at making girls w good lore & etc tbh (it did NOT work). like... i can see she's TRYING but its still fucking awful. its like shes in this constant state of living off her gay mlm fetishes... we BARELY have any wlw rep in hazbin/helluva. AND VIV IS SUPPOSED TO BE A BISEXUAL WOMAN WHICH JUST HURTS LIKE A BITCH IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT. god im so fucking sick of gay ships i cant handle it. FIZZMODEUS, STOLITZ, HUSKERDUST, VOXVAL, FIZZBLITZ. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!!
basically charlie summed up: well, she's.... kind...?? and um.... bubbly? and she believes in redemption & thinks everyone deserves a second chance FOR AN UNKNOWN REASON, she just does okay!?!? we need her to believe in it so that we'll actually have a plot and a purpose/morale of the story! dont make unnecessary questions! and shes UNREASONABLY naive & childish despite living in hell for 200+ yrs seeing all kinds of fucked up people, even RAPISTS. I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN THE AMOUNT OF SECOND-HAND EMBARRASSMENT I INITIALLY FELT WHEN SHE MADE ANGEL READ THAT ONE SCENARIO SCENE W SIR PENTIOUS... LIKE.... UMM WHAT??? ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY ITS FULL-BLOWN EMBARRASSING😭😭😭😭 its... devastating. you see & interact w actual serial killers, addicts, sex workers ON A DAILY BASIS, and you... you... YOU THINK THIS IS HOW THEY BEHAVE? fucking CHRIST on A STICK.
she also likes to sing and likes musicals, so hence the show is a musical too!
TELL ME WHY IN HAPPY DAY IN HELL VAGGIE & ANGEL WENT "yeahhhhh shes singing ewww!!1 cringe lOl". GUYS YALL LITERALLY DO THE SAME THING LATER ON? it just RUINED the entire vibe for me. it doesnt make ANY sense... so the characters KNOW they're singing in universe? then that's ridiculous bc tell me why would charlie, emily n sera sing at the damn COURT? Y'ALL OUT HERE QUITE LITERALLY DEBATING THE FATE OF ALL SINNERS AND YOU'RE COMPLETELY FULLY PERFECTLY AWARE THAT YOU ARE... SINGING????? you did NOT need to humiliate charlie like that just to poke fun at her. WHY NOBODY MADE FUN OF ANGEL WHEN HE STARTED SINGING POISON? HUH???? its obvi it was said to make her look cringe, which, okay, characters CAN be cringe, BUT NOT WHEN YOU PRESENT IT IN A SERIOUS TONE? LIKE IT WASN'T JUST A FUNSY PROD INSTEAD OF A DEADASS INSULT MAKING THE PERSON LOOK LIKE A WALKING JOKE?? she BARELY gets treated seriously by the writers. shes that stereotypical stupid blonde and not in a hilarious way, meant to move the plot forward.
another clear ICK i have is when husk starts to immediately point out everyone's insecurities in "masquerade". DO WE NOT KNOW THE "SHOW DON'T TELL" PRINCIPLE? if you just SMACK it into our faces without bothering to SHOW it, but INSIST that "charlie solves everyone's problems except her own trust guys 100%%!!!!!!", THEN IT HAS NO POINT. words are MEANINGLESS without actions to prove it. you literally DESTROYED her entire character arc with a single sentence. in SOME cases, there's an exception to the show dont tell rule, BUT CLEARLY THIS ONE WAS UNCALLED FOR. its the FOURTH episode and you're already laying out to us their weaknesses? GODDAMIT HUSK I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR ONCE. Y'ALL DEFEATED THE PURPOSE OF HER CHARACTER WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO EVOLVE AND BE EXPOSED TO US AS WE MOVE ALONG. THAT'S HOW YOU GET THE AUDIENCE HOOKED. THEY WANT TO KNOW MORE; WHY are they acting this way? HOW does this affect them on a psychological level? how do they cope with this and that but NOPE. we get it served on a silver platter and SHOVED down our throats in the first season (WHICH HAS A TOTAL AMOUNT OF EIGHT EPISODES. EIGHT. EPISODES).
oh, wait, we get some crumbs of her emotional vulnerabilities! apparently she has a bad relationship with her dad as we're PERSISTENTLY TOLD.
" Come place your fate in her inexperienced hands, as she tries to work through her daddy issues by fixing you!" WE'RE BARELY FIVE MINUTES IN THE FIRST EP. YOU'RE. JOKING.
and as we witnessed her in the pilot say "i think dad was right about me". thank godsmack for this heavenly sent, GORGEOUS scene that didn't spit into our faces everything instantly. (the fact that the pilot is 10000x times better than the show itself is my #1 reason.) another SEMI-good example (DUE TO THE FACT THAT HUSK GOES: "u got daddy issues or smt?!?!!?" HUSK YOU MOTHERFUCKING BITCH I SWEAR I WILL NEUTER YOU) is when charlie says: " No, we just have never been close. After he and mom split, he never really wanted to see me. He calls, sometimes, but only if he's bored or like needs me to do something." but thats about it.
and the worst thing?? we NEVER see lucifer ACTUALLY being a bad father. WHY IS HE EXCITED WHEN CHARLIE CALLS HIM EVEN THOUGH "HE ONLY CALLS WHEN HE'S BORED AND NEEDS ME TO DO SOMETHING??" DID YOU HIT YOUR HEAD AND FORGOT? HE WANTED TO SPEAK WITH CHARLIE? THAT JUST WIPES & INVALIDATES CHARLIE'S STATEMENTS AND MAKE HER LOOK LIKE A SPOILED ATTENTION-SEEKING WHINY BRAT. not to mention the: "this is the first time she's called you in years!" so is it lucifer neglecting charlie or is it charlie neglecting lucifer and being an abhorrent daughter? pick a lane?
"I told you when you called me five months ago, or did you not listen?" im SORRY? lucifer is literally SO desperate to see her yet.... he forgets when his daughter told him where tf she is which technically allowed him to visit her with NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER? WHAT IS THE ISSUE? DOES HE NOT KNOW HOW TO TRAVEL ON HIS OWN TO HER RESIDENCE?
aaand they solve their problems THE EXACT SAME EPISODE LUCIFER APPEARED FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER. we NEVER got to see him being a bad dad. if anything, he's just a bit close-minded at best THAT STILL TRIES TO CHANGE. this doesn't make him bad at ALL, it makes him look like he's "misunderstood" which, in turn, like i said before presented charlie as a crybaby that threw a hissy fit just bc she felt like it.
more than anything is beautiful, the vocals are fantastical, the soundtrack is heart-breaking, but. WHY SO SOON? why you couldn't do it before if it's so easy then? after that they act like there was never a rift between them ever in the first place. wow! good for you! soo i actually barely give a DAMN about this bc you didn't even give me enough time to digest everything that went down.
so... how can we improve charlie to make her likeable, enjoyable and interesting to watch?
what i have in mind is:
Charlie is a kind-hearted person who dislikes brute force and prefers to solve things through peaceful terms. why? because her entire life she has been isolated in her own home, therefore only ever interacted with her servants that treated her like she was made of glass, her parents, and razzle & dazzle- lucifer nd lilith were afraid that hell's harsh reality would make her cruel, so they never let her out on her own UNTIL she turned into an young adult. it also makes her socially inept, so she has a hard time understanding/reading others & their feelings; generally low empathy. so she treats sinners as simply misbehaved & misled children that didn't know any better, because she CAN'T fathom what else could it be. she imagines redemption to be easy; she has a very idealistic & abstract idea of it, which is something she picks up from her father who was also an oblivious dreamer like her once in his youth. she doesn't know how it works or what qualifies a sinner as "redeemed" (which can create VERY interesting conflicts & plot points). HOWEVER, she's ALSO perfectly aware that the majority of people in hell are irredeemable, that some people are just unfixable assholes after living on her own & interacting with REAL asses for twenty years. yet she still keeps hope that SOME of them may be GOOD, some of them are CAPABLE of change. why? because ever since she was a child, lilith taught her love towards her people. LILITH was the one that instilled the care & the need to protect she feels for demons, as bad as some of them are. not only that, but she knows that redemption is possible because she changed.
even if she was raised to be cheerful and bubbly by her parents, she was also HEAVILY spoiled, so when she reached puberty it went as well as you'd expect. she began to date seviathan who was an absolute DICK and enabled her mindset of "im the princess of HELL goddamit i can do whatever THE FUCK i want!!!!". of course, lilith & lucifer being the doting parents that they are, let it slide- lilith TRIED to explain to her that NO, being a princess didn't give her free pass to do everything she wanted, but in the end she conceded bc she just rlly fucking loves her kid and it never went beyond a few scoldings. and lucifer just... never cared. which basically... worsened charlie x2 times, being left unpunished for every shit she did. secretly trying out drugs that sev gave to her, treating her servants like they were nothing but dirt underneath her feet, being self-entilted as fuck and etc and etc. BUT!! sev & charlie DID like each other for real. there was no intentional abuse whatsoever, they were dumb teenagers that kinda exacerbated each other's horrible tendencies & had no damn idea how to communicate properly so sometimes it went like:
sev: shoves beer cmon lets try this charles you'll like it!!!! (no ill intention, only happy excited vibes of a curious teen boy that wanted to be cool like adults)
charlie: ummm idk i dont think we r allowed to do this ..
charlie: welp okay! shrugs (gets drunk beyond belief together with sev)
what made her change?
lucifer and lilith's divorce.
lucifer was the one that took custody of her at first. but as you can guess it was NOT great. lucifer fell into depression after losing his wife that he lived with for EONS, became neglectful, angry & started to drink to cope. seeing her dad change so drastically and start to treat her like SHIT (lashing out at her on several occassions due to inability to deal with his own emotions, distancing himself away from her), she finally got a reality-check. like... holy FUCK was she also like that??? people DIDN'T think that even breathing wrong in her direction would get them wiped off the face of earth? THERE WERE CONSEQUENCES FOR HER SPOILED DEMEANOR?
lucifer FINALLY paid attention to how much of a dickbag his daughter became, but he dealt with it horribly. instead of trying to help, explaining why it was wrong, he screamed at her bloody murder. he made snide remarks towards her ALL THE TIME... and at some point, he thought he recognized humanity in charlie. he gave them so much, yet they repay him with this?? it didn't help him with his abusive tendencies.
charlie broke down after they've had a huge fight again & BEGGED lilith to take custody of her instead. lilith accepted it NO HESITATION whatsoever, and comforted her. she reassured her that she wasn't a mistake, that she can become a better person and people were capable of improvement. so she did. she didn't see lucifer bc she became anxious of him, and he was so stuck in his self-deprecating thoughts (the cherry on top being that his own daughter abandoned him) he didn't visit her either. and, despite never being the embodiement of "evil" as everyone presumed him to be & truly regretting/being shameful of the things he did, he was also arrogant. so, even if subconsciously he felt guilt and self-hatred for being such a jerk, he kept convincing himself that it was all charlie's fault (he is the sin of pride for a reason)
charlie eventually broke up with sev, subsequently. they left off on an... okay note. then she gained something akin to depression and took time to recover from the freakshow that her life became. she turned into a merciful person who DESPISED fighting, arguements and everything (for obvious reasons).
once upon a time a day came that turned her life on it's head.
lilith disappeared. went to a "meeting" and never came back after that. no traces, no notes, no nothing.
charlie was HEARTBROKEN. she found out that her dad literally didn't do shit as a ruler of Hell this way; she was FLOODED with papers and meetings that her mother needed to do after a week of her disappearance. so, she took comfort in being a workaholic and surppressed her grief by solving Hell's problems days on end- (this is where she got her "fixing everyone's problems BUT her own" mentality) partially, the other reason for that was because she knew how much lilith cared for demonkind, so she couldn't fail her. now that she was alone, though, she had the ability to move out and live on her own. that's exactly what she did, she bought a shabby gigantic house (which soon became the hotel but we'll get to that part later.).
that was how she ended up witnessing an Extermination first time ever.
she was HORRIFIED beyond belief and was so fucking confused why would heaven do this? yes they were bad but murder couldn't be the only solution to their problems, could it?
lilith would hate to see her people being torn apart like that.
she spent days on end thinking of an alternative, something that would stop these inhumane purges, and that's how she came up with the idea of the hotel.
some years passed. she met valerie (vaggie; i changed her name bc jesus i know there's a reason (which honestly only WORSENS my distaste) behind it but its awful no matter what i cannot stomach it in any form), they fell in love. their relationship only furthened her determination to find out how to get sinners into heaven, because she knew that valerie deserved it 100%, and she couldn't be a singular exception, could she? valerie acted bitter and hostile towards her at the beginning when she took her in, because she was scared and distrustful as valerie had admitted, but softened and warmed up to charlie. so how much people out there were the same as valerie, scared and hurt & misled to a point they resorted to bad choices?
fun little ideas i thought abt this charlie's version:
just like in canon, she's very fascinated with humans, therefore sinners since they were one before their death. imagine charlie just... BOMBARDING valerie with questions when they first met. "do humans eat pork!?!?!? do some of them ACTUALLY not believe in hell/heaven?!?!? DISCRIMINATION BASED ON SKIN-COLOUR IS REAL?!?!?!? tellmetellmetellme" (valerie had a VERY hard time figuring out what to tell her if ykwim.)
2. her design and the canon design are vastly different. she is an ACTUAL doll that was brought to life by her parents (bc .... weren't sinners incapable of giving birth? so how did lilith....) and looks fucking unnerving as hell, literally a dead walking zombie. she tries to appear more innocent and friendly by changing/tweaking her looks to her best abilities, but in REALITY her TRUE form is the definition of antichrist and everything unholy. she's so insecure about it but valerie always reassures her <3
3. she has a tiny piece of each seven sins inside of her which get more difficult to control as she becomes more powerful, they really fcken stress her out and she thinks she's a freak for ever thinking of something like that, but she can't control her thoughts. she had a really bad crisis when she started to fall in love with valerie because her sins would just go WILD, but somehow managed it with her gf's support. and yes, charlie was the one to fall first. since; oh lord!! pretty woman!! that is kinda nice in comparison to everybody here!!! OH GOD IM NOT GONNA BE ALONE ANYMORE!!!!!!
4. girl has abandonment issues. it makes her into a sorta of a people-pleaser that would do anything to keep her loved ones with her. she does know boundaries, and she isn't a complete pushover, but... she's obviously anxious all the damn time, this also adds onto why she FLIPPED OUT when she found out valerie was an angel. first, DOES SHE NOT TRUST ME!?!??!?!? second, WILL SHE LEAVE ME FOR HEAVEN?!?!?!?!? she DID want to get valerie into heaven, but it seemed so far away that she kinda didn't think too much abt it + now that she knew that she was actually an ANGEL it made her fear so much more raw and realistic.
5. she's demisexual. because i wanted her to be, and it just makes sense okay?
thats it for my charlie rewrite. if anything else comes to mind, ill be sure to write it out. next up will either be valerie (vaggie) or lucifer! but for now thats it.
if you felt interested in my original take on the hazbin hotel, please let me know if you'd like me to write a fanfic!
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
owl house may have ended, but it'll always be in my heart. this show has got me through depression and anxiety (i mean it), and i will never forget it. i will stay in this fandom til the moment i die.
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
Saw this in my feed today and all I could think was "This is about Kacchan"
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I've seen a lot of antis say how Bakugo bullied Izuku is unforgivable and we shouldn't idolise him let alone even like him at all and
Here's the thing. I've been in Deku's shoes. I have been an unchill asshole punchbag my entire life and guess what
Half of those people are my friends now. They did horrible things to me when we were kids and I'll never forget it, but I did forgive them.
Because they changed. Made actual effort to apologise and be better to me in their own ways and that kind of growth is what we've been seeing so clearly in Katsuki.
I have yet to meet a 15 year old who isn't fucked in the head (bully or bullied) so the next time an anti calls us out for respecting a character with so much growth and emotional maturity ima virtually slap this post on their dashboard because Kacchan fuckin earned it.
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
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cal-amity heheheheehehe
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
Im gnny cry Camila you legend
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Wait I went back and got a clean shot this time and there are so many things in this frame.
She’s still got a box of her late husband’s things in her bedroom after all these years.
She’s thrown out a broken flat iron, so yeah, she used to straighten her hair (and maybe Luz did too).
She has photos of herself with both her daughters on the wall.
She has parenting a queer child books
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
Love her so fcking much
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dana akdjfjckfjfm
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
Needing that Rn real helpful Ty
flowers, plants and their meanings
Abatina - Fickleness
Acanthus - The fine art, Artifice
Aloe - Affection, also Grief
Amaryllis - Pride
Anemone - Forsaken
Angelica - Inspiration
Apple blossom - Preference
Arborvitae - Unchanging friendship
Aster - Symbol of Love, Daintiness
Bachelor’s button - Single blessedness
Basil - Good wishes
Bay tree - Glory
Begonia - Beware
Belledonna - Silence
Bittersweet - Truth
Black-eyed Susan - Justice
Bluebell - Humility
Borage - Bluntness, Directness
Butterfly weed - Let me go
Calla lily - Beauty
Camellia, pink - Longing For You
Camellia, red - You’re a Flame in My Heart
Camellia, white - You’re Adorable
Candytuft - Indifference
Carnation - Fascination, female love, mother’s love
Red carnation - Alas for my poor heart, my heart aches, deep love
White carnation - Innocence, pure love, sweet love
Pink carnation - I’ll never forget you
Striped - Refusal
Yellow carnation - Disdain, Disappointment, Rejection
Chamomile - Patience in adversity
Chives - Usefulness
Chrysanthemum, red - I love you
Chrysanthemum, yellow - Slighted love
Chrysanthemum, white - Truth
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buttercup-bollz · 1 year
Y’all, Crossovers are super underrated wtf. 
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buttercup-bollz · 2 years
Gayness overload no Homo guys remember
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There is no non-lgbt explaination for this
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buttercup-bollz · 2 years
marcy wu’s character is scarily accurate to my own personality
The only time Marcy is ever seen shoes with laces is in the timeskip. This, I propose a theory: Marcy Wu didn’t learn to tie her shoelaces until she was 23
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buttercup-bollz · 2 years
1. Cocky and narcissistic himbo that’s just too smug for their own Good
2. Typical chaotic villain with Snide sarcastic attitude
3. Manipulative charismatic antagonist with psychotic tendencies
4. selfish with an accent towards money
5. Grumpiness and pettiness with a sprinkle of Distrust
my favorite negative character traits
some of these aren’t necessarily negative in all contexts, and actually, lots would be really great to have in certain scenes, but there are plenty of situations in which these traits are seen as generally negative :)))
reblog with yours, i wanna seeeeee 
self-absorbed or very self-oriented
prankster/bully (when it’s taken too far, that is)
liar (especially if the lies are for someone else’s benefit)
overly selfless
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