#get 13 on my jumper without a number
fazcinatingblog · 8 months
Gracie's pigtails!!!!
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scottpetersen · 1 year
DuckTales Double-O-Duck In You Only Crash Twice Rescue Rangers POV Fanfic Chapter 3
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Gadget’s POV:
We followed Launchpad through the hallways until we finally made it to the control room.
We’re making sure to stay high up in the ceiling in order to make sure the FOWL henchmen in the control room don’t spot us.
And also to make sure we don’t jeopardize Launchpad’s mission to save his friend Dewey.
In his disguise, Launchpad told the other henchmen, “Mr. Steelbeak wanted you 2 to check the manifold for the converter relays on sector 13.”
“I don’t know what any of those words mean.” one of the henchmen replied.
“Heavens, you don’t want them to think you don’t know what you’re doing.” Launchpad replied thinking on his feet. “Hurry along now. Sector 13.”
One of the henchmen exited the room falling for Launchpad’s trick.
But then, I saw to my horror that the other henchman is still in here.
Golly, what now?
“Is there some confusion, friend?” Launchpad asked that henchman.
“I actually try to avoid the number 13. They say it’s bad luck.” the henchman said.
I honestly don’t believe in luck. It strikes as silly superstition.
“Well, it’s certainly proving to be bad luck for you.” Launchpad said in response to that henchman before knocking him out!
“That’s one way to think on your feet.” Chip said.
Launchpad then activated the screen.
“The Fiendish Organization for World Larceny?! They’re back?!” Launchpad shouted at the alarming news. “They’re plotting against Mr. McD.”
Another screen activated showing Steelbeak getting away with Dewey on a boat!
Golly, this is really bad!
“And worse! They already kidnapped dear Dewford!” Launchpad exclaimed. “I won’t let him down again.”
Wait. Again? What does he mean by again? The obvious answer would be him being able to stop Steelbeak from kidnapping Dewey. But somehow, that didn’t sound right.
When I tried to ponder on it further, that strange empathy-like feeling from earlier started acting up again!
Golly. Focus! Launchpad and Dewey need your help right now! You can ponder on this later!
One thing is for certain now, though. That strange empathy-like feeling is somehow centers around the concept of failure.
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Dale’s POV:
Wow. I gotta admit. Launchpad is pretty cool like this.
I stumbled upon a few comic book conventions before. And usually, the way it works there is that when someone gets a big intelligence boost, they get all arrogant and become not-so-cool at all but I guess that’s not the way it works here.
“Hm. Can’t go out there looking like this.” Launchpad said looking at his disguise.
After looking at the henchman he knocked out, Launchpad grabbed him by the shirt and asked him, “Alright, you dog! Where does Steelbeak keep his evening wear?”
After finding where Steelbeak’s clothes are, he went in and started to get changed.
“Ok, everyone!” Chip shouted getting our attention. “We’re gonna need some stuff to further equip our plane! Without some real weaponry, we’re just 5 small animals in a what is pretty much a toy plane!”
Glancing around for a moment, I saw something and asked, “What about those jumper cables? They can be used to conduct electricity and zap the bad guys.”
Everyone looked at me with looks of surprise.
“What? I learned that from a comic book convention where it showed a story where Darkwing Duck stopped the villain Megavolt by using jumper cables to absorb his electricity.”
“Hm. That’s actually a good idea! Come on, team! Let’s get the plane equipped!” Chip said heading toward the jumper cables before we followed along.
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Monterey’s POV:
Once we added those jumper cables Dale suggested to the plane, Gadget also added another upgrade to increase the plane’s speed. She said that it’s in order to at least try to keep up with Steelbeak while he’s in that 300 MPH boat.
As soon as we were done, Launchpad burst out of the room he was in!
He was hurrying through the hallways as we tried to follow on the plane!
He was going faster than he was before which means we can’t keep up!
“Um, Gadget. That upgrade you made to this plane to make it go faster. Now would be a good time to use it.” I said.
“I can’t. These hallways are too short for that amount of speed. If I activate it now, we will crash and this plane will be smashed to pieces. And we can’t afford to be delayed now.” Gadget replied.
I couldn’t help but notice that Gadget is looking very anxious!
And judging by the looks everyone else is giving her, they’re noticing it too and are looking very concerned!
“Gadget, are you alright?” I asked.
Gadget sighed. “Listen. It’s about those 2 people. I don’t want to weigh their deaths on my conscience.”
That’s definitely a big part of it. But I can also tell there’s more going on there. I’ve seen plenty of stressed people when I used to wander into casinos. So, I know what I’m talking about.
But I chose not to pry any more. That might make her even more stressed. Besides, talking about those 2 people seems to have made her at least a tad bit calmer.
So, I think we should focus on the matter at hand.
“Listen, Gadget. I think I know a shortcut that can help us keep up with Launchpad.” I said.
“What is that?” Gadget asked turning head to me looking intrigued.
“The ventilation shafts. We can use them as a shortcut out of this building.” I said.
“Golly, that might work!” Gadget replied.
After getting the air duct open, we made our way through the ventilation shafts. I still know how to use my animal instinct. So, I was able to get us to a duct that leads outside.
I used my strength and got back on the plane.
“Ok. Miniature turbofan activated.” Gadget said.
Suddenly, the back part of the plane opened up and that fan thing that Gadget installed earlier came out.
“3, 2, 1!” Gadget said.
Then, we were propelled outside just as Launchpad in a boat he took.
“Hey, everyone.” Gadget said to us. “Sorry if I made you worry.”
“It’s alright.” I said. “We’re here if you want to talk about it.”
“Thank you.” Gadget replied.
Notes: Ok. Only 1 more Chapter to go plus the epilogue. By the way, Gadget’s dismissal of luck here was a call-back to the Chip ‘N Dale Rescue Rangers episode ‘The Luck Stops Here’. Also, thanks for reading.
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Happy Wednesday
Chapter 13
You couldn’t leave the library yet, Harold refused to leave you unprotected and only went out when Bear was guarding you while you slept. You’d managed a shower, but Harold knew he could hear the distinct sound of you sitting down, your ankles were too badly hurt to stand for too long and he wished you had taken a bath instead.
    He waited for you to finish and heard the sounds of you struggling to put on the loose t-shirt John had retrieved. He wanted to help, he would have done anything you needed, but the fear was killing him.
    Harold continued to work until he heard the distinct sound of you sniffing. He looked up to see you leaning against the doorway, arms folded over your body, wearing his soft brown jumper over your t-shirt and black linen trousers. It must have been cold, it was the only reason you’d choose to wear it.
    ‘You should be resting.’ Harold stood up to offer you a chair beneath the window.
    You limped over, finding leaning on your hands to sit down an uncomfortable task to say the least. Your bruises around your neck and over your legs had gotten worse and Harold hated it. The images of what had been done to you was maddening. He brought you some water for you to drink, but swallowing you were finding difficult as well.
    Bear sat between the two of you, but his attention was focused on you.
    ‘You got a dog.’ You whispered, your voice still not quite back to normal.
    ‘Extenuating circumstances.’ Harold wasn’t sure how to explain Bear to anyone really. ‘He’s a military dog.’
    You nodded, understanding. ‘Hence Dutch commands.’
    ‘Precisely.’ Harold nodded once and decided to sit back down at his desk. The silence was uncomfortable, he didn’t know how to break it without disrupting anything. You ran your hand through your soft, clean hair, it must have been such a relief for you to have erased the layer of blood, dirt and sweat that coated your body.
    ‘Thank you.’
    Harold turned stiffly to see you, your expression unreadable. He’d never found it difficult to read your face before, but he was struggling now and his emotions were getting the better of him.
    ‘I can’t fathom what you’d be thanking me for.’ He said, sadly. ‘I’m the reason you’re in this position and the reason you got hurt. As far as I can see, you should be yelling at me.’
    ‘I can’t.’ You shook your head. ‘No voice.’
    Harold felt the tension ease just slightly, you still had a sense of humour and he thanked whatever he could that something of your playful nature had remained in tact, no matter how small.
    ‘Do you want me to yell at you, Harold?’ It had been so long since he heard his name on your lips, even with your voice compromised, it put a relief in him that he sorely needed.
    ‘Yes.’ He nodded. ‘I do.’
    ‘Because it’s my fault,’ Harold frowned, confused. ‘If I hadn’t asked you to help with the machine, none of this would have happened.’
    ‘No.’ You agreed. ‘But you still would have died… I’d still be heartbroken. And probably still working as a software engineer.’
    Harold could see your point, but he wondered if the painkillers were interfering with your ability to think clearly.
    ‘The machine gave you my number, didn’t it?’ You asked, watching like a hawk for the answer.
    Harold nodded, typing on his keyboard to bring up the file he had on you. ‘The machine saw a total of six life threatening situations heading your way, but only chose to give us your number once. Perhaps because where your security had been able to neutralise those threats, it perceived this time to be different.’
    ‘And it was right.’ You let your head rest back for a while. ‘The machine is never wrong. I got your message when John came to my office.’
    ‘I didn’t know how else to warn you.’ Harold felt the shame building.
    You said nothing for a while, the pain in your face starting to make an appearance again and Harold wondered if any conversation was a good distraction for you.
    ‘What did they want?’ He asked. ‘We’ve been trying to figure out what information you could have that the Russians could want, but so far nothing has flagged as important to them.’
    Your heavy eyes remained on Harold. ‘They’ve been trying to get me to build a security system that allows them to move money around without raising suspicion. Something that would make it look like they were legitimate businessmen so that they wouldn’t raise any eyebrows.’
    ‘That doesn’t explain what they did to you.’ Harold couldn’t imagine anyone going that far for what you were saying.
    You swallowed thickly. ‘I already built it.’ You confessed. ‘On an air gapped computer, and then I deleted it, destroying the computer to make sure no one could ever find it. But I memorised the code. I memorise every code I ever write, and they knew that.’
    ‘So, the information isn’t lost and they knew you could build the system again if you wanted to.’ Harold concluded, but something else was creeping towards the front of his mind. ‘You could build almost any system again, couldn’t you?’
    You lifted your head, knowing that Harold was reaching the same conclusion you had reached all those years ago.
    ‘You’re the most important person in the world,’ he said, cracking your heart just a little. ‘Your capabilities mean you can do anything you like and the more people who know that, the move valuable you become and the more danger you’re in.’ Harold half laughed. ‘That’s the real reason you’ve always hated money and material things, because what you value, you already have.’
    ‘Had.’ It was an instinctual whisper and one that Harold caught, but you shifted uncomfortably in an attempt to erase what had slipped out. Harold decided not to press on old wounds.
    ‘Your security team are very good and I know you had very specific reasons for hiring each one.’ Harold continued. ‘You’re an expert in security, you know exactly how to build each component of a system, it goes without saying that you would know exactly what is needed to protect yourself.’
    You inhaled deeply, tears beginning to build behind your eyes. ‘Protecting myself never used to be so difficult.’ You said, pulling your legs up, revealing the scruffy bandages on your ankles. ‘Especially when the only thing I was protecting myself from was office gossip.’
    Harold half smiled, remembering the days spent in your early relationship where you’d spend whole evenings and weekends together, only to turn up to work the following day, pretending as if nothing had happened.
    ‘I remember feeling jealous.’ Harold mused, sitting back in his chair. ‘A visitor had come to the department to talk to Dave about some database or another, it was something you had been tasked to work on, so your presence during a meeting was entirely warranted. I remember seeing you in the conference room, sitting opposite this young gentleman, who I thought was completely suited to you, and he made you laugh.’
    ‘Why were you jealous?’ You asked.
    ‘Because the laugh was genuine.’ Harold once again felt ashamed. ‘I knew at the time it was ridiculous, if you were unhappy, you would have said something, but the idea that someone else could make you laugh when I had spent the night before trying to make you happy. If people had known about us, if they could see that I was succeeding in making you happier than anyone else could…’ Harold stopped, shaking his head. ‘I’m sorry. It’s a silly thing to bring up.’
    You continued to watch Harold for a moment. ‘I don’t remember that meeting.’ You said. ‘But I get the feeling that you were jealous a lot more than you ever admitted to.’
    ‘I was.’ Harold nodded, slowly. ‘You’re a beautiful woman, you’re smart and creative, you’re kind, you’re hilarious and not a day went by that I didn’t know how lucky I was. To throw that away, for… for what?’ Harold felt his frustration building. ‘I spend days sitting in this chair wondering what it was all for and if it was the right decision. I never did reach a conclusion.’
    ‘You did it because you and I can do more good like this.’ You told him, but it sounded off, like you’d rehearsed it. ‘It was painful and it was awful,’ the tears silently streamed down your face. ‘It was cruel and I cannot tell you the amount of times I thought about giving up...’ Harold felt his own tears starting to get the better of him. ‘But it was right. Given everything that has happened, all the people we’ve helped, the things we’ve seen and built, it has to be worth it.’
    Harold noticed that you had started fiddling with your bandage on your ankles, it was coming loose and he couldn’t bear both the pain of the past and the pain of knowing you were right.
    ‘Can I help you?’ Harold indicated the bandage. ‘Please?’
    You wiped your tears away, nodding. Harold didn’t waste any time, you knew he needed the distraction and you needed to heal properly. He went to the room you were staying in and came back a spare bandage.
    ‘May I?’ He asked permission before touching you. You nodded and watched him kneel down, gently lifting your trouser leg to get better access.
    The thing about Harold was that he would always follow your lead, not because he was scared to do anything to you, but because he believed you deserved to dictate every aspect of your life, and he was happy to watch it unfold. Now, he knew that your relationship was sensitive and he couldn’t just presume that you would be okay with him touching you again. Or anyone for that matter.
    ‘Did you…’ You went to ask the obvious question, but stopped yourself.
    ‘Did I what?’ Harold gave a small frown as he brought your leg to rest on his knee, unwrapping the old bandage. He looked up at you when you didn’t answer.
    ‘It doesn’t matter.’ You shook your head, trying not to look so disappointed in yourself.
    ‘My promise still stands, despite everything broken about it.’ Harold swallowed nervously. ‘I will never lie to you. You can ask me any question in the world and I will give you the honest answer.’
    You thought for a moment. He was right, he’d never technically lied to you, never given you cause to distrust his answers when he gave them, there was no reason to think he wouldn’t try to maintain that reputation now.
    ‘Did you,’ you paused, once again. ‘Was there ever anyone else?’ You could feel the discomfort in your question, you hoped he would just ignore it and pretend it never happened, but from his small smile, you guessed that wouldn’t happen.
    ‘There is no one else.’ He said it so simply, so precisely that believing him was the only option.
    You sat quietly with each other. You watched Harold change the bandage, being so careful around your wound, trying not to make contact with your skin, but any time he did, it was like a blessing. Harold was the only thing that could take away the grime you felt coating your being.
   ‘What about you?’ Harold eventually asked.
    ‘You don’t know?’ You would have thought that Harold would have kept tabs on you, probably listened to your conversations, he had every ability to do that.
    ‘You’re a very private person.’ There was a playful glint in his eye and a small smirk at the corner of his mouth.
    You felt your lips curl up into a soft smile. Harold’s warm fingers securing one bandage with some tape, pressing gently to keep it in place, then moving to the other side to do the same.
    ‘Don’t stop.’ You whispered, hoping it was quieter than breath, but Harold was listening.
    He stilled for a moment and you kept your eyes shut, hoping once again that he would ignore your request. Harold gently wrapped his fingers over the bandage, the warmth seeping through and somehow removing the filth that the Russians had left behind. But he suddenly stopped.
    ‘I can’t.’ Harold breathed, you opened your eyes to look at him, his focus on where his hand had stopped caressing close to your skin. He looked up at you and said again, simply: ‘I can’t.’
    You understood. You weren’t upset, you weren’t even surprised. Harold always had a way of keeping your dignity, respecting your body like no one else had, complying with it’s needs and wishes and it was no different now.
    Harold stood up slowly, part of him not wanting to stop, but this was best for all involved.
(Chapter link)
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Show Me [Part 2/2]
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Summary: Spencer finds out his girlfriend’s a virgin. But she wants him to change that.
A/N: This is Part 2 of an anon request. I was shocked by the response to Part 1, and I’m so excited for you guys to read this one! (I also set up an 18+ sideblog @spenciebabie if you wanna check that out)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Mostly smut, and a lil fluff
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sexual acts, oral (female receiving), fingering, masturbation (female), penetrative sex, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed
Word count: 4.1k
Request: “Omg I’ve just found your account, you’re an amazing writer! If you’re taking requests, could you write something with virgin!reader and like season 13/14 Spencer?”
Read Part 1 Here
He’s booked a hotel room. A nice one. A really nice one.
They spent the whole week hoping that they wouldn’t get pulled away on a case. Just counting down the days until the weekend hit and they could finally release all of the pent up tension that had been building in each of them.
Of course she was still nervous, but the good kind of nervous. The kind that made you giddy more than it made you worried. Since she’d opened up to Spencer he’d been nothing but kind and supportive. It sort of made her want to sleep with him even more than ever, but he insisted that they wait, he wanted it to be special.
And now that she had time to prepare, she did all the things she thought you were supposed to do before having sex. She got waxed for the first time, and it hurt. It hurt way more than she was willing to admit. She bought lingerie. She had no idea what Spencer’s taste was when it came to things like that, but she did what Spencer would do and she made an educated guess. She knew that he liked it when she wore dresses, he would always compliment her when she wore pale colors. He said she looked pretty in everything, but especially in white.
So she picked out a set that was white, with lots of intricate little lace details. No one warned her that lingerie was so expensive, but Spencer was paying for a hotel room, so she figured she could spring for some pretty underwear. It wasn’t just for him, when she tried it on in the dressing room she knew she couldn’t leave without it. Something about the lace and the way it hugged her body just made her feel amazing.
Not that Spencer would’ve minded if she’d done none of that. He’d still find her sexy if she turned up in sweatpants and a t-shirt with stains on it. She was perfect to him. Which is why they didn’t want to jump into it right away. Where was the sense of occasion in that?
Instead Spencer had planned out the evening, he’d pick her up from her apartment, and they’d drive to the hotel, drop their bags, then head out for dinner. When they returned to the room that evening, then they’d have sex.
She didn’t have the heart to tell him that it didn’t sound so sexy when he gave her a regimented list of activities like that. But she knew he just wanted her to have the best possible time, and she trusted him. As always.
And she was right to trust him, but Spencer had been losing his mind about that all week. Stressed that he was going to be a let down. She’d never been with anyone else before and what if he was underwhelming? What if it was the worst first time anyone ever had? He knew the statistics, how few women cum their first time, how few cum from penetration alone. And in spite of himself he was determined. Determined to make this the best it could possibly be for her.
She was perfect, and she deserved no less than perfection.
He thought about filling their hotel room with roses, so many that you’d hardly be able to see the room. Or maybe just rose petals, scattered along the bed and the floor. Would candles be too much?
Instead he stopped himself, and he kept it simple. He bought a bouquet of roses before he went to pick her up. When he showed up at her door, flowers in hand she wasn’t quite ready to leave yet. Her hair and make-up were pristine, but she was still in sweatpants and an oversized jumper.
“Are we staying in tonight? I could’ve sworn we had plans?” he jokes, stepping inside and handing her the flowers.
“Haha, very funny. I just need 10 minutes to change.” she swats his arm, “Aren't you a walking cliche, a dozen red roses?” she admires the bouquet, bringing her nose to them to take in the sweet scent.
“Nope” he says with confidence, “Only 10. While red roses signify love and romance, the number of roses given actually carries it’s own significance.” he explains, “And the message that 10 roses sends is, ‘you’re perfect’, which you are”. He can feel the heat rising in his cheeks as he says it. He feels so sappy but from the way she looks up at him he can tell she’s just as sappy.
“You’re too much” she says, and pulls him in for a short kiss, “Will you put these in some water for me while I get dressed?” she asks, and he wants to tell her not to bother, they should ditch the plan and he’ll just scoop her up into his arms right now and take her on her bed. But he just about manages to stop himself.
When she emerges from her room again she’s in the sweetest little dress. It’s white, and the bodice hugs her while the skirt fans out once it hits her waist. She looks like a fucking princess. He loved her, he loved that this was what made her feel confident, and sexy. And he can’t escape the little gasp that falls from his lips. She just giggles at him.
“Close your mouth” she teases.
“No way, come here” he reaches out for her and settles his hands on her waist, pulling her in close and pressing their lips together, slow and deliberate. Taking his time to taste her, making sure she can feel exactly how excited he is to be with her. It takes longer than it should but she has to press her hands on his chest and push him away gently to break the kiss.
“If you keep kissing me like that we’re not gonna make it out of my living room” she says, and it’s supposed to be a joke but they both seem to know it’s only just shy of the truth.
— —
The hotel’s not far from either of their apartments, but it feels like a completely different planet. It’s expensive looking, and it’s such a stark contrast to all of the motels they have to stay in across the country.
The bed is plush, and high off the ground with crisp white sheets. And even if they weren’t planning on having sex in it, they’d still be excited to sleep in it. As they enter the room Spencer drops their bags while Y/N all but sprints over to the bed, throwing her body onto it with such force that she bounces back up off it just a little.
Spencer laughs at her, and her giddy excitement. There was still a nervous energy present in her, but nothing like before. There was no worry, no uncertainty.
He can’t help but admire her, the way she’s spread out on the bed, her hair fanned out around her like a halo, her dress spread out, blending into the white of the sheets as she giggled, her chest rising and falling with her deep breaths.
“You’re perfect, you know that?” he says, walking over to the bed, standing so that he’s looking down on her. She just shakes her head from side to side.
“That’s you” she turns it back on him and he smiles. He leans down over her bracing his hands on either side of her head as he leans down to kiss her. Her own hands move up to cradle his face, holding it gently as their lips move against one another. When they break apart she’s just looking up at him adoring.
“How did I get so lucky?” she asks this time, and his heart just about explodes in his chest. He leans in again, kissing her with a little more force than last time. Climbing onto the bed instead of hovering over it so that he can be closer to her, feel more of her pressed up against him than just her lips.
He moves so that they’re both on the mattress, so that he can wrap an arm around her waist and pull her so tight against him while they kiss. He uses his other hand to roam around her body, down her shoulder, trailing delicately along her arm. Along the curve of her waist, gripping her hip just a little when he passes it. He uses that hand to slowly pull up the skirt of her dress. Not with an intentions, just so that he can have a hand on her bare skin. Resting so gently on her thigh so that he can feel the goosebumps that he leaves behind.
That’s one of the things he loves most about her, just how responsive she is. It never takes very long before she’s gasping and moaning beneath him, even if his hands are gentle. And that’s exactly how they end up. With her writhing beneath him, tiny moans passing from her mouth into his as his fingers dig into the skin of her thighs. Hiking up her dress, further and further until he could see her panties. Just like that evening on his couch.
“Spence?” she moans out as his hands creep further and further inside of her thighs. He pauses for a moment to look down at her, to check in.
“Are you okay?” he rasps, his breathing shaky, and she nods quickly, putting him at ease instantly.
“I just— could we— can we do it now?” she’s looking up at him completely doe-eyed, her hands draped lazily around his neck, she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth in anticipation. And all he wants in the world is to say yes. Fuck it, yes of course, anything she wanted. But he couldn’t.
They’d waited this long, what was another few hours. Besides, they had reservations, he didn’t want to have to rush anything to make it to the restaurant in time. He wanted to give her all of the attention she deserved. So he shook his head.
“Nope” he says, telling himself as much as her, “We’ve got dinner in 30”
She pouts immediately, and he wants to give in right away but he pulls himself back, removing his hands from her thighs, and freeing himself from her soft grip. She pouts even more as he stands up off the bed completely.
“You’re really gonna leave me like this?” she asks, more brazen than usual, sitting up on her elbows a little so that she can see him as he walks across the room.
“I don’t want to start something I can’t finish” he jokes, but she doesn’t look impressed.
“You already did” she counters, his eyes darting to her exposed white panties between her legs, but he shakes his head again.
“I’m gonna go to the bathroom, you better start getting ready for dinner” he points at her as though he’s trying to be stern, but they both knew he was wrapped around her finger.
She’s got absolutely no intention of using this time to get ready. Instead she reclines back in the bed, resting her head amongst the pillows, and she takes up right where Spencer left off. Pulling her skirt up and tucking her fingers into the waistband of her panties to find herself soaking wet. She trails her fingers between her folds, her lips softly parting to let out a small moan at the overall feeling that was building in her already.
She can’t help but cry out just a little as she sinks one of her fingers inside of herself, burying it as deep as it will go and curving it up to hit that spot she knows so well. By the time she’s added a second finger Spencer’s back in her line of sight. And he looks like he’s almost frozen in place when their eyes lock.
“Y/N” he just gasps, so small, she’s mentioned that she was the only other person who'd touched her like that, but for some reason he’d never thought to picture it. And thank god he hadn’t, it wouldn’t have held a candle to this.
“You started it,’’ she whines, “so I’m finishing it” her chest it heaving as she takes in long, labored breaths, her back arching up off the bed as her fingers continue to move inside of her panties. When it looks like she might just be about to cum her intervenes, sitting next to her on the bed and grabbing her wrist softly.
“Let me” he breathes, and she lets him pull her hand out of her panties. Instead of leaving it down by her side he brings it up towards him. Taking the two fingers that had just been inside of her and sucking them into his mouth. His soft lips sealing around them. She didn’t even know what to say.
“I’ve wanted to taste you for so long” he says once he lets the digits out of his mouth, and she's not only speechless, but she’s breathless now too.
With that he repositions himself on the bed so that he’s lying in-between her legs. He pulls at the sides of her panties and slides them down her legs so that she’s exposed to him. Now that he’d gotten a taste of her he was desperate for more.
Reaching further up under the skirt of her dress so that he could rest his hands on her hips, he uses the leverage to pull her a little closer. So that his face is right up against her centre. He places lingering delicate kisses all along the inside of her right thigh, and then her left. Agonizingly slow, teasing his way closer and closer to where she wanted him.
Once he’s run out of spots to kiss he’s finally at her core, and he introduces his tongue in one tentative lick right through her folds, tasting her even better now. Thankfully he’s got her hips pinned down with his hands or else they’d have sprung up off the bed.
“Fuck” she moans already, and that’s a good sign.
“Do you like that?” he asks, not playful or teasing, just genuine.
“So, so much” she affirms, and he dives right back in.
His tongue swiping between her folds, just grazing her clit every once in a while so that he could feel the way she squirmed beneath him. When he wraps his lips around her clit and begins to suck, with just the lightest pressure, she’s moaning so loud they’re probably going to get a noise complaint.
“Oh god, oh god” she starts to whine, “I think I’m close” she manages to force out. So he takes that as his queue to release his grip on one of her hips so that he can slowly push one of his long fingers deep inside of her. The stimulation from it, coupled with his lips in between her legs is enough to kill her she thinks.
Before she can think about it she’s cumming around him, on him, her hands fisting the sheets for any kind of purchase. Unable to control the moans the ripped through her.
When Spencer reappears from beneath her skirt a moment later his lips and chin are glistening, and there’s a dopey smile on his face, so she can do nothing else but pull him down on top of her for a kiss, tasting herself on his tongue. She wonders for a second if this turned Spencer on as much as it turned her on.
“Spencer” she breathes once they’ve broken apart, “that was amazing.”
“Yeah?” he looks at her, and delighted is the only word to describe his expression.
“Yeah” she tells him and he doesn’t miss a beat before he's on her again, diving in and placing feverish kisses all along her neck, down her collar bone, right to the cleavage that’s just exposed at the neckline of her dress. He starts to pull down the straps on her shoulders, doing anything he can to get it off her without having to move from his position, so perfectly situated on top of her.
“Spencer” she giggles, pulling his face up out of her chest, “What ever happened to dinner?
“We’re already 9 minutes late” he just laughs, “fuck dinner” and he dives back in. And she can’t fight him on that one. He’s sick of working around the fabric of her dress so he sits up the the bed and pulls her up with him.
“We’ve gotta get this off” he says, frantically searching for the zipper, and she wants to laugh at his eagerness, and she would, if she weren’t just as excited to be undressed. She has to help him find the zipper at her side so that he can slide it down. The dress goes slack around her just enough that he can pull it off over her head.
And now she’s just lying down in front of him in nothing but a bra and he thinks he might pass out. It’s a pretty one, white, and lacy, with a little satin bow in-between the cups. It’s so gorgeous against her skin that he almost wishes he hadn’t taken her panties off earlier. So that he could properly admire the whole set.
“I like this” he bites his lip, “I like it a lot” she doesn’t have to ask ‘what’ he’s looking so unashamedly at her breasts that she can’t mistake it.
“I bought it for you” she gazes up at him. And it makes this heart melt, she’d bought it for him, for him to see, to touch, to admire, to remove. “Can we take off your clothes now?” she asks then, and he feels stupid that they’re still on. He was so caught up in looking at her he’d almost forgotten he was even there. So he moves quickly, hopping up for a moment to rid himself of his clothes.
Once he’s in front of her in nothing but his boxers she starts to feel nervous again. She’s seen his cock before, she’s held it, tasted it, but this time was different. This time it was going to be inside of her. What if he didn’t like it, what if she was bad at all of this and he hated it.
He takes them off so that she can see just how hard he is, flushed and leaking, so excited to be with her. And it should feel reassuring, but it just feels like pressure. Pressure to be good.
Once he’s hovering over her again, his mouth working against hers as his hands work to unclasp her bra he can feel the hesitation in her kiss, in her touch. So he stops, and he pulls back.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?” he says, his voice laced with equal parts love and concern.
She thinks for a moment before she speaks, “I just don’t want it to be bad for you” she whispers, like she’s embarrassed. And he can do nothing to contain the shock that spreads across his features.
“It could never be!” he rushes out, “This could be the worst sex of all time, and it would still be the best sex of my life, because it’s with you”
She softens immediately, he always knew exactly what to say to put her at ease. To comfort her so completely. So she pulls him back down to connect their lips once again. This time with the passion that she usually did, no apprehension, no worry.
And they stay like that for a few more minutes, him on top of her, their mouths moving against one another. With her bra on the floor his hands caressed and squeezed her bare breasts, fingers gently teasing her nipples in a way that made her gasp.
He has to climb off of her to get a condom from his bag, and for the brief moment that his warmth is gone she misses it more than she ever thought possible. When he returns to the bed, foil wrapper in hand she’s excited. This was it.
“Can I—” she starts, “can I put it on?” she asks sheepishly. And honestly he’s confused, but he hands her the wrapper anyway. She rips open the foil and pulls out the condom. Holding it in one hand as she grips his cock with the other, pumping it gently, softly gliding up and down the length a few times. She leans down into his lap for just a moment and licks up the underside of it, leaving an ever so slight kiss at the tip where it was leaking. Then she starts to slide the condom down his length, all the way down, so, so, slowly until it was at the base. No one had ever put a condom on him but himself, and he had no idea it could’ve been that hot the whole time.
He pulls her in for an appreciative kiss, pushing her back down on the bed so that he was on top of her once again.
“Can you, um— can you be on top?” she asks, biting her lip and looking up at him.
“Of course, whatever you want.” he whispers, “You’ve got to tell me if you don’t like something, or if you’re in pain, or not comfortable, or if you just want me to stop for any reason. Okay?” he asks, so sincere, and so full of love. And she’s so unbelievably happy that she waited for Spencer.
“It’s usually more comfortable and enjoyable if the woman has already cum once during the session, so you should be relaxed, but I’ll go slow.” she nods up at him.
“I’m ready” she sucks in a deep breath and pulls him in by his neck to kiss him, her lips open on his right away as she delves her tongue into his mouth. The taste of her arousal still lingering on his tongue. He pushes in while their mouths are still connected and he can feel her short gasp against his lips. She lets out a small wince at the sensation and it breaks his heart just a little.
“Are you okay? Do you need me to stop?”
“No, no! It just takes a little getting used to, you can keep going” she reassures him. And it does hurt a little, but it’s more like pressure. A pressure she hadn’t felt before. He pushes further in, and further in, and further in, until he’s completely inside of her, as deep as he can go. He moves so slowly so that she can take her time getting used to the feeling.
And if he was honest with himself he needed time to adjust too. She was so tight and warm around him, and whenever he’s still he can feel her clench around his length. He’d forgotten just how good this felt. Or maybe it had never felt quite this good before.
He keeps still inside of her, leaning down to litter her neck with kisses. Giving her time, she seemed to be enjoying it a little more now, biting her lip as she looks up at him.
“That feels so good Spencer” she moans out, her fingernails digging into his back as he raises up to look at her, “Does it feel good for you?” she says, and he almost can’t believe she’d even have to ask.
“It feels perfect. You feel perfect, so tight and wet” he lowers down so he can moan it right into her ear and that does something to her.
“I think you can start moving now?” she says
“Are you sure?” he asks and she nods, enthusiastic. And so he starts to move, slow and deliberate, long deep thrusts in and out of her. It doesn’t take long before she really seems to like it, adjusting to the feeling faster than she thought she would. Her legs come up to wrap around him, heels digging into his back to pull him close.
And they’re both moaning in tandem this time, moving together, breathing in sync, becoming one whole in every sense of the word. When she started to squirm beneath him, her hands gripping at his shoulders, his neck, wherever she could, he almost couldn't believe it. She was close.
So he put one hand on the headboard to steady himself and slipped the other down, skimming it along her torso before settling it right in-between her thighs. Circling her clit with his finger, faster and faster to match the speed of his thrusts as he tried to continue pumping in and out of her.
“Spencer, I think I’m—” she moans out, breathless and perfect, “Ah fuck! Right there!”
“That’s it baby” he hums, comforting and reassuring, his hands and his cock continuing their movements, working her closer and closer, “Cum for me.”
A second later she’s writhing beneath him, her back arching up off the bed, her nails digging so hard into his back that it hurt. “Fuck! Spencer!” she cries out as he works her through her high. It only takes another moment or two before he’s there himself, releasing inside of her, and the feeling is indescribable.
He pulls out of her slowly, taking care not to hurt her, when he’s sure she looks comfortable he allows himself to finally lay down on top of her. Collapsing softly, and resting his head on her bare chest.
On instinct she moves her hands to his hair, it’s just a little sweaty but she combs her fingers through it anyway. He was so beautiful.
“That was—” she wants to tell him, but she’s got no words, none that would do it any justice.
“Just the beginning.” he finishes for her.
— —
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Is It Just Me? - Chase Stokes
Is It Just Me – Chase Stokes
 Word Count: 2893
It's been way too long for me to find it this hard Sitting alone, my fingers picking the sofa apart An attempt to distract from the fact that I miss you I wonder if your friends have had to carry you home And stay for the night because they don't want to leave you alone Way before it was fun, it's becoming an issue
I know it's cruel But I kind of hope you're tortured too
 It had been exactly 3 months and 13 days since you and Chase had broken up. You wished it would have been a shock to you, but you had seen this coming. Things with Chase were great in the beginning. He was caring and sweet towards you. You could remember a time someone had cared for you as he had. You always supported Chase with everything he wanted to do with his life. You met him when he had just started out acting, and you were proud to watch his career blossom to the extent it had.
 But had someone told you 6 months ago that you guys wouldn’t be together anymore you would have denied the accusations. 6 months ago, you thought Chase was in love with you.
 Chase had been going back and forth to North Carolina for auditions and eventually got the leading role in the television series. You spent the first month with him and his new cast mate Rudy, having the time of your lives with the other people on the show. The whole cast would go out to different clubs every weekend enjoying spending time together.
 Just a little over 6 months later you were still going to clubs but this time on separate sides of the country. You couldn’t process what had happened in a healthy manner and instead turned to going out with your friends every weekend to keep your mind off things. It always ended the same, one of your friends dragging you up the stairs of your once shared apartment because you were too drunk to do it yourself. They had grown accustomed to the weekend ritual of getting you sleep wear and a bucket for the morning.
 Then you would wake in the morning, puking the nights content in the bucket popping Advil for the headache and dragging yourself to couch, throwing on some stupid movie that you wouldn’t be able to watch anyways. Instead, you would pick at the loose strings of the sofa thinking of all the times you spent in the apartment with Chase.
 Tell me, does your heart stop at the party when my name drops? Like you're stood at the platform when the trains cross Are you hurting, yeah you must be Or is it just me? Tongue-tied, screaming on the inside When I say that we broke up and they ask why Are you crying in the shower like a freak? Or is it just me?
 As you sit picking away at the sofa, you mind wanders to Chase. You still follow everyone on Instagram, and you were still good friends with Rudy, so you could see everyone’s stories. Rudy had been the only one to keep in touch with you, which surprised you because he and Chase seemed to be such good friends.
 You wondered if Rudy ever asked about you to Chase, and then you wondered what Chase’s reaction would be. Would his heart be in his stomach at every mention of your name, or would he simply shrug like you guys had never been more then distant friends?
 You sat wondering if Chase ever thought back to the day at the airport. The way he let you walk through security with no more then just a side a hug you would give a sibling. Wishing you a good flight and see you later before leaving. He hadn’t even waited for you to board the plane.
 There were so many things you had wanted to say to him. You want to tell him you loved him, that you would fight for him. More so you wanted him to fight for you, for the years you had spent together. To fight for the promises he made to you, the ones you made together and the ones to come. You wanted to apologize for not being enough, but you couldn’t find the right words, so you watched him walk out of your life.
 I heard a rumor you've been spending some time With that blonde girl that you work with and I know she's exactly your type And my miserable mind's running wild with the picture Or are you there by yourself, dialing, redialing my number? And I'm calling your mother, spilling tears on my jumper again The way I am
I know it's cruel But I kind of hope you're tortured too
 1 month later, Chase’s mother, Jennifer, had called you because she had seen the announcement on Instagram. The two of you had been close while dating Chase considering how close he was with her. Your mother lived down south, and you didn’t get to see her that often, so Jennifer was a close second.
 You had heard rumors from Drew and Rudy about Chase and Maddie hanging out together more, and it didn’t come as a shock to you. In the last bit of your relationship, you played second fiddle to her on multiple occasions. “It’s probably nothing, it because they have scenes together.” Rudy would make excuses over facetime when he watched your face drop at the mention of her name. “Yeah, you’re probably right, nothing to get worked up over.” You responded in a less then convincing tone, “she seemed super cool the couple of times I met her.” “Yeah she is. I think under different circumstances the two of you could have been friends.” He encouraged.
 When the nights started to get cold in LA again you found yourself struggling to sleep. It was at these times you would reread old text messages and look through old pictures of the two you. You knew it wasn’t healthy, but you weren’t ready to move on. Chase had extra time to mourn the lose of the relationship while you were still grieving. It was on these cold nights alone in the apartment you shared that you began to wonder if he was thinking about you. Was he sitting next to her thinking about you? Was he wondering whether he should call you or just delete your number?
 Tell me, does your heart stop at the party when my name drops? Like you're stood at the platform when the trains cross Are you hurting, yeah you must be Or is it just me? Tongue-tied, screaming on the inside When I say that we broke up and they ask why Are you crying in the shower like a freak? Or is it just me?
 It was early in the morning in North Carolina and Chase was sitting on the patio of his shared apartment with Rudy. The sun was just starting to rise in the distance as he found himself restless yet again. He had been awake for about an hour just laying in his bed when he finally decided to get up. He was careful not to wake the sleeping girl next to him. She felt different next to him compared to you. When the two of you slept together you always liked to be the big spoon. Chase let you, finding comfort being wrapped up in bed next to you. Maddie was different, she preferred to lay her head on his chest, letting the sound of his beating heart lull her into sleep.
 Not soon after Rudy came on the patio too, and Chase cursed him for being a night owl. “Not tired?” Rudy asked pulling out the bong they kept under the table. “No, and I didn’t want to wake Mads’” Chase spoke up tossing Rudy the lighter next to him watching the blonde inhale the smoke.
 “I can’t stop thinking about her.” Chase finally spoke up, keeping a hushed tone just in case. “Oh yeah?” “I shouldn't have left her like that. It wasn’t fair to her I just didn’t know what to do.” Chase explained and Rudy didn’t need to be a love doctor to know he was talking about you.
 “It’s been 2 weeks, she’s okay.” Rudy explained and Chase gave him a confused look. “When you guys broke up, I stayed in touch with her. She was mine friend too, and I felt bad that we all sort of dropped her when you guys broke up.” Chase nodded his head in understanding but was still jealous that Rudy got to talk to you. “Why did you break up with her? Not that I’m judging, I just thought things were going good between the two of you.”
 It was Chase’s turn to have a hit from the bong while he thought of his answer. “Shit man I don’t know. Things just feel different with Maddie then they did Y/N. I didn’t mean for it to happen, but it did.” “Are you sure you’re not feeling too much as an actor oppose to being a person. Sometimes having a love interest on show can be different and confusing.” The blonde tried explaining to him but even he saw the demise of the relationship before Chase start acting with Madelyn. “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me?” Chase asked looking at Rudy and he could tell by the look in his eyes that it was doubtful. “You hurt her man. I think maybe one day, but not right now. I think right now she’s just trying to figure out how to do this without you.” Rudy could see the few tears in Chase’s eyes, and he knew that this wasn’t easy on him ether.
 Chase got up but before leaving he spoke one more time. “If you talk to her again, just tell her that I never meant to hurt her the way I did.” Chase still wasn’t sleepy but the effects of the marijuana did aid in his problem, so he finished off with a shower. He turned the water to steaming hot and then got in. He let the water soak his hair while he wondered what you were doing right now. It only took a few more minutes for the tears to start. Chase stayed another hour in the shower wondering if he made the right decision.
 'Cause this would be one whole lot easier God, I know that's selfish but it's true If underneath some calm exterior You're all fucked up too
 The first few months of quarantine had been rough on you working from home. You also felt alone all the time but seeing Chase’s Instagram post sent you spiraling down another unhealthy path. You had just started to get better. You weren’t drinking as much, and you had let your friends set you up on a group date. You knew you weren’t ready for another relationship just yet, but you also couldn’t hide in your apartment for the rest of your life.
 You had also been talking to Rudy a lot more. He had been your biggest support through all of this. He had flown back to LA a couple weeks ago to help you move to a new apartment. You figured if you were going to move on you had to move from the place you spent the most time with Chase. It was bittersweet because not only did you have good memories at the home with Chase, but those memories extended to your other friends as well. Rudy had ensured you that you would make knew memories in your new place.
 But when you woke up on June 14, 2020 you almost had a heart attack. It had been 3 months and 13 days to the day, and he had already moved on. Now you were stuck trying to grabble with the emotions you were feeling. In some messed up way at first you didn’t want him to be happy. You wanted him to hurt the way you did, but you knew it wasn’t right. There was a small part of you that was happy that he was now happy.
 Then you were reminded that you owed Chase his half of the damage deposit. Rudy had told you they all moved back to LA and were waiting for season one to come out. You debated on just giving the money to Rudy for him to pass along, but you also wanted to face Chase, to show him that you were now okay even it was a lie.
 You took the latter of the chooses and sent him a text. (Y/N) It’s Y/N, I have your half of the damage deposit from the apartment. I can drop it off or you can pick it up if you want. You stared at the text message for fifteen minutes before sending it. It only took five for him to answer and you dashed to look at the phone. (C) Oh shit I forgot about that. I mean if you want to keep it, that’s fine. You scowled at the text. You didn’t need or want his pity money. (Y/N) I’m fine without it, if your busy I can send it with Rudy the next time he’s here. (C) Okay, no that’s fine I can come by today and get it just air drop me your address. You did just that deciding against messaging him back.
 Chase’s heart fluttered a little when he saw your name come up on his phone. He hadn’t heard from you in months, and he assumed it was going to be about the post on his Instagram. He made the decision that Maddie made him the happy he wanted to be and left you. He had just gotten back in town when you told him about the deposit, and he didn’t mind letting you keep the money. It was the least he could do after everything he put your though. His heart sank when you declined his offer but lite back up when you offered for him to come over.
 Tell me, does your heart stop at the party when my name drops? Like you're stood at the platform when the trains cross Are you hurting, yeah you must be Or is it just me? Tongue-tied, screaming on the inside When I say that we broke up and they ask why Are you crying in the shower like a freak? With only cigarettes for company? Are you crying in the shower like a freak? Or is it just me?
 He honestly thought of this as his chance to apologize for everything that happened. You didn’t deserve for him to treat you like that, and he owed you an explanation. He drove over to your house, white knuckled the whole way. You lived in a small, gated apartment building and he remembered Rudy telling Maddie B. about it. He remembered Rudy saying how excited you were for a new place, and he wasn’t sure if Rudy was just saying that to upset him. Every time Rudy mentioned something about you it always made his heart sink underground and he was reminded about the way he treated you.
 Chase started to walk up the stairs to your apartment once you buzzed him in but to his surprise you were waiting outside on the step. You looked tired and had lost weight which worried him because you were small to begin with. “Hey.” He spoke not really knowing what else to say. “Hi.” You said and he could hear how sore your voice sounded almost like you had been crying. You were smoking, which was something new, but he figured this was just as stressful for you as it was him You handed him an envelope with his name on it. “Uh, I cleaned the whole apartment, and nothing was broken so we could all the money back. Your half is in there, so I just need your key to give to the landlord.” You explained looking at Chase. He pulled his keys from his pocket fumbling with the ring.
 “Y’know, I never meant”- “Please don’t” “Please don’t want?” Chase looked at you confused. He thought you wanted an apology. “I can’t listen to it Chase. I know it’s mean, but I’m not ready to hear you apologize. I’m just starting to get better, and I don’t need you to set me back again.” You explained looking him the eyes. He flinched when you said again. He handed the key back to you. “Thanks, I hope everything works out. I’ll make sure to watch the show.” You smiled at him and he didn’t realize how much he missed seeing you smile. He returned the smile before turning on his heels to leave. “For the record Y/N, you weren’t the only one to get hurt in this.” And it was your turn to flinch at his words. “I guess grief looks better on some people.” And with that you escaped back into your apartment sliding down the door letting out a silent cry. What you didn’t know was that Chase was going back to his car to the same thing.
@drewstarkeysbitchh @taylathornton @jjmaybankzz @lemur46
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What should we name them?
Summary: You take Henry with you to a horse auction but it’s not a classical horse auction which gives you the chance to name the horses. Pairing: Henry Cavill x f!reader Word count: 2109 Warnings: none A/N: This is just me screaming about horses
“So, how does this work? A horse auction where you don’t see the horse?”
“An embryo transfer auction” You explained.
“Wait. Why embryo and why transfer? Do you mean you don’t even get to see the actual mare? The mother of the foal that’s auctioned?”
“I’m confused.”
“That’s why I’m here. I tell you which foal to bid on and you bid.” You smiled. “You basically bid on hope.”
Henry looked around him, as more and more people filled the room, went to their seats around the show ring where the horses would be presented, next to them and in the few rows in front of them, but most of them had seats behind them. You had booked seats at the middle of one of the long sides of the ring to have the best view of the mares’ gaits and conformation. Other people went to greet acquaintances and reconnect with their breeder or trainer or rider colleagues.
A while later, the auctioneer went up to their platform and rapped their gavel. “Welcome, ladies and gentlemen to the combined embryo transfer auction of the Oldenburg Warmblood and the Hanoverian Warmblood. Today we have 30 embryos, 17 Hanoverians and 13 Oldenburgs, all coming from blood lines of accomplished show jumpers and dressage horses and dam lines experienced in the upbringing of even-tempered foals, sport and breeding partners!”
“Why is this combined?” Henry whispered in your ear. “Because of the disciplines?”
“Because of the races. Normally the Oldenburg Association and the Hanoverian Association keep their buying and selling business separate.”
“Oh, okay. Is that why you wanted us to fly out on such short notice?”
“Yeah, it’s two birds with one stone.”
You both focused back on the ring before you, shortly before the first brood mare was brought out.
The auction started, but you bid your time.
“The tenth foal today is a Hanoverian from Stakkato Gold and out of Bella Donna. Stakkato Gold himself is a son of Stakkato who has been successful in the sport and especially in breeding. His son Stakkato Gold himself is in turn a testament to his father and to the current show jumping scene! And the dam line with Bella Donna is just as promising, with Bella Donna being the former. top horse and Olympic prospect of Meredith-Michaels-Beerbaum! Who’s starting us off with the price starting at 5 000 euros?”
Your eyes went big as you heard the pedigree of this foal. It wasn’t only the pedigree of the foal that excited you, it was also the prospect of training and molding a foal that was out of a mare that once was shown under your one and only show jumping idol, Meredith-Michaels-Beerbaum but then sold to Qatar.
Henry looked at you from the corner of his eye. “Should I bid on this one?”
“Yes, but not immediately. I’ll tell you” You whispered to not disrupt the atmosphere of the auction and to not alert the other bidders on your intent. You didn’t want to be in the middle of a bidding war. Seeing one was a different thing, though.
When the auctioneer was close to declare the foal sold, you squeezed Henry’s thigh, the signal you agreed on for him to bid, and his arm promptly shot up.
“And we’re back, now with a price of 20 000 euros!” The auctioneer cried.
All was silent, you pressed your teeth together so much they hurt. You dug your nails into your thigh and into Henry’s thigh, but surprisingly he didn’t wince.
“Going once…” The auctioneer looked around.
“Going twice…” He looked in yours and Henry’s direction.
“Going three times, sold to the gentleman in the dark green sweater! Foal number ten from Stakkato Gold and out of Bella Donna is sold to the gentleman in the dark green sweater for 20 000 euros!”
You breathed a big sigh of relief. “You did it.” You smiled at Henry and removed your nails from his thigh.
“I’m just raising my arm, love” He smiled back at you and pecked your cheek.
The bidding and a bidding war continued until a small break was announced and the two of you went to get some coffee and tea.
After break, the auction resumed. There was no shortage of incredible combinations, both of the dressage and the show jumping horses and both breeds.
“And now for an Oldenburg foal from Cornet de Semilly and Bianca! The sire is audibly a son of the one and only Cornet Obolensky! I don’t have to say much about the horses whose names’ start with ‘Cornet’! We all know how famous these horses are and even if I was to just tell you only the biggest wins of the twenty most accomplished Cornet Obolensky offspring, we’d be here for quite a bit!” The auctioneer shouted and smiled at the crowd, which laughed amiably.
They all knew he was right but the chance to get their hands on their very own offspring of probably the best show jumping stallion in breeding was too near to get real big laughs. They were tense. You were, too and subsequently dug your nails into Henry’s thigh again. You wanted this foal.
“But that was only the father’s side of this foal! The mare, Bianca, has been and is a household name in the Suisse show jumping national team under the current world number one, Steve Guerdat! We’ll start the bidding at 7 000 euros!”
The bidding war started immediately but Henry held off on “just raising his arm” as he had put it until you nudged his knee with yours. “Now!” You whispered.
“And it’s already at- No, now we’re at 15 000 from the gentleman in the dark green sweater!”
You heard a slightly louder than usual breath from Henry. Apparently, he had held his breath when he bid.
“16 000 from the lady with the pearls! No! 17 500 from the gentleman in red!”
Arms around you, behind you, opposite of you, everywhere shot up to get the one foal that had Cornet Obolensky as father-father.
“20 000 from the- 22 500 coming from the lady in blue! 25 000 from the gentleman in black!” The auctioneer couldn’t yell the sums and the people who bid them fast enough.
Everything was quiet and just like before, the auctioneer waited a bit until he began with ending the bidding for this foal.
“Going once…”
“Wait for it, Henry” you mumbled.
“Going twice…”
You could see the man in black who bid 25 000 smirk. He seemed to be sure to get this foal.
“Going three times…” The auctioneer looked around and you saw that man’s smirk grow wider.
“Now.” You said tonelessly, not taking your eyes off that man.
Henry moved and you saw the auction paddle out of the corner of your eye.
“30 000!” Henry shouted.
“We got 30 000 from the gentleman in the dark green sweater! Anyone else bidding? Anyone?”
No one moved, not even the man in black, who you still had in your line of vision. The auctioneer looked around and opened his mouth.
“Going once… Going twice…”
Another man behind the one in black leaned forward and seemed to want to urge him to bid again. But the man in black shook his head.
“Going three times… and sold! The Cornet de Semilly foal is sold for 30 000 euros to the gentleman in the dark green sweater!”
Your grin grew to the size of your face and you kissed Henry. “We did it! We got this foal!”
“We did, love!”
After the auction finished, you and Henry went into the stables were the mares stood. You showed your badge that identified you two as trainer in your case and now owner in Henry’s case. Finding the two broodmares of your two new horses, Henry went to the one with the Stakkato Gold foal and you went to the other one. You petted the horses, getting acquainted with them. You’d visit them at their respective studs several times until the foals would be born, weaned and ready to really come home to you and start with training.
Back at the front of the complex of buildings, you and Henry got something to drink at a bar table.
“They need names. Any suggestions?” You asked.
“Why are you asking me? I never named a horse.” He grinned, he obviously already had some ideas.
“You’re the owner. You have the name giving privileges and since these horses aren’t born yet even their barn nicknames could fit their official sports names.”
“Uhm… Then how about… Would it be weird if we named them after something or someone?” He thought out loud.
“Not at all” You grinned at him. “I could name at least fifteen show jumping horses without thinking too much that were named after something or someone.”
“Could we name one of them ‘Superman’? You know, since you always say show jumping is kinda like flying and we bought show jumpers today?”
“’Just because show jumping is kinda like flying’? No other reason?” You teased Henry and he rubbed his neck.
“I’m afraid not. The Cornet de Semilly foal’s name has to start with ‘Cornet’. Although with enough persuasion at the headquarters of the German national equestrian federation, we could get them to allow us a name with ‘C’. And then that foal would have to be a stallion and we don’t know the sex yet.”
“So ‘Cornet’s Superman’ would be possible?”
“Yes” You laughed.
“And the Stakkato Gold foal? Could we-?” He looked down at you, giddy, hopefully. And you had to take that giddy hope from him.
“We could also name this foal ‘Superman’, if you like” You smiled at him. “Although, that name on a Cornet Obolensky offspring would be cool, since he’s one of the very best stallions, just as the auctioneer said. And as long as you suddenly pull some Witcher-related nickname or something like it starting with an ‘S’, you’ll have to wait and be on the lookout.”
Henry pouted at that but you could already see the gears in his head turning.
“Didn’t you once say something about some other breed from continental Europe that doesn’t have such strict rules on name giving?”
“Yeah, the Royal Dutch Warmblood.”
“So, if we bought one, we could name him ‘Geralt if Rivia’?” The hope returned.
“More like ‘Geralt van d’Abdijhoeve’ or ‘Geralt VDM’. The Dutch are big on showing the stud farm the horse is from. Germans are bigger on showing the sire line through the name” You explained. “So, next you wanna go to an auction of the Royal Dutch Warmblood?”
“Maybe… If that’s okay?”
“You won’t hear any complaining from me. The horses of that breed are a great testament to the Dutch breeding community.”
“We still don’t have a name for the first foal we bought” Henry mused.
“So, we settled on ‘Cornet’s Superman’ for the second foal if it’s a stallion?” Teasing Henry by making him think you weren’t persuaded yet was too easy.
“I’m just messing with you. I’m convinced.”
“That’s one name. One’s still to be determined. I chose one, now you choose one” Henry offered.
“If the Stakkato Gold foal is a stallion, I’m calling him ‘Sargent Barnes’” You started to smile and that smile only grew wider when you saw Henry making a face. “Don’t be like that, you should know those ‘feuds’ are mostly PR plots.”
“Yeah, you’re right...”
One and a half years later, you both stood at the front gate of what was just called ‘The Yard’, which was a very short name for the facility that housed your home, several riding arenas indoor and outdoor and almost every other amenity you could need for training and producing show jumping horses for the highest level.
At the far end you saw the lorry approach with your two yearling stallions. You accompanied the lorry the last stretch until one of your grooms parked and you unloaded your (kind of) new horses. Henry took the lead rope of the Cornet offspring who he had given the barn name of ‘Clark Kent’. That way, he wouldn’t have a big fluffy bear barreling towards him and the horse whenever he trained with the yearling. You took the lead rope of your Stakkato Gold son who you had nicknamed ‘Bucky’. It’d be easier to shout that across a meadow than his entire name each day. You lead them to their new pasture where other yearlings stood and after unhooking the ropes you both sat down to watch them get settled into their new herd.
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euphhorias · 3 years
challenge: 30 questions tag
the queen herself @calicooky tagged me 🥰🥰
1. name/nickname: jikook connoisseur 💜
2. star sign: libra
3. height: 5'6
4. birthday: oct 20, exactly a week after jimin 😁
5. favorite band: bruh take a fucking guess
6. time: 6:32pm
7. favorite solo artist: atm troye sivan
8. song stuck in your head: ashamed to admit it but bad habits - ed sheeran
9. last movie you watched: um can’t remember lol
10. don’t know what to put here so i’m saying the bss gc is LIT
11. last show: rake :-)
12. when i created this blog: feb of this year!
13. what i post: bts and little text posts here and there
14. last thing i googled: tumblr fonts
15. other blogs: @isitstraightvodka​ is my main
16. do i get asks? no lmao
17. why i chose my url? euphoria is a gorgeous song and i’m a jk lovebot
18. following: 405 but around 60 are bangtan ones
19. followers: on this blog, 104 and as a baby army, this means so so much 🥺🥺💞
20. average hours of sleep: can range between 7 and 11 😂
21. lucky number: 9 baby!
22. instruments: i would love to learn the piano and / or bass guitar
23. what am i wearing? blue pants, red jumper and ugg boots 🤪
24. dream job: novelist
25. favorite food: as a foodie, everything is my fave 🥵
26. tea or coffee: coffee, i can’t survive without it
27. nationality: european BUT consider myself an aussie
28. favorite song: ever? easily somebody to love - queen 🌙 and right now? permission to dance - bts 🤠
29. last book i read: a storm of swords
30. top three fictional universes i would like to live in: piggybacking off of kris and saying ✨ BTS UNIVERSE ✨, then middle-earth and maybe narnia?
this took longer than expected 🥴😪 anyway i tag: @ggukminii / @taemaknae / @cherryjk / @balenciaguks / @introtae and @pjmsdior xx
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lem-20 · 3 years
About me
Thank you for the tag @writer-ish 😘
Name/nickname: Leah 
Pronouns: She/her
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5ft 4
Time: 7.15 pm
Birthday: In 13 days 🥳
Favorite bands: 
Favorite solo artists: I don't really favour any bands or artists as such at the moment, I mostly listen to the radio
Song stuck in my head: Dua Lipa - We're good
Last show: I'm currently working my way through Grey's Anatomy (I'd never watched it before)
Last movie: Palm Springs
When did I create this blog: End of Sept 2020
What do I post: It started as a blog dedicated to Open Heart fanfic, but is now more of a multifandom blog. I mostly post TWC atm
Last thing I googled: Something boring about courses for work
Other blogs: I did set up one just for twc late last year, but I found it a pain swapping between the two, so I only use this one now
Why I chose my URL: Without being too specific, it's to do with my name, plus the year I joined (I'm not very imaginative)
Do I get asks: Very rarely. I've only ever received a handful
Following: 181
Followers: 234
Average hours of sleep: 6-7, which isn't enough because I'm constantly tired 😴
Lucky number: I don't really have one
Instruments: None. Although I kind of wish I could play piano or guitar
What am I wearing: Jeans and a Harry Potter jumper
Dream trip: Road trip across the USA
Favorite food: Cake 🍰
Languages: English
Nationality: British
Favorite song: My favourite song of all time is Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody (no I'm not super old, I just really love Queen 😁)
Last book read: I can't remember the last time I read an actual book (well one that wasn't a kids book anyway 😆)
Top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: Wizarding world. That is all ⚡
Tagging: @pixie88 @irisofpurple @alina-yol-ramsey @txemrn @shewillreadyou
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joaquinwhorres · 3 years
All otp qs for Nora and Lee
I think I might be in love with you because this was so much fun and you’re always playing my ask games and just go around Tumblr being a wonderful person. 
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? They’re both rocking the Ferris Wheel seat and the people below them are begging them to stop.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time? Lee. It’s hard to blame him though because Nora is gorgeous and may or may not purposefully do things to tease him.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? Nora loves taking relaxing baths with Lee (which always end up with them playing with the bubbles or getting into a splashing fight). 
Lee regularly attempts to sneak his way into the shower with Nora for some sexy time. 
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Nora walks around the house quite regularly without pants (they’re “constricting” and not nearly as comfortable as just wearing a “long” t-shirt). Lee only ever tells her to put on clothes if people are coming over.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Nora. She’s the more dramatic of the two when fighting, and will often storm out and say she’ll sleep on the couch. When she really wants to give him a guilt trip, she’ll just take a blanket and pillow outside because “I’m not sleeping under the same roof as you until you _____.” She saves this move for big things though because it always ends with Lee either sleeping outside with her if he’s not ready to apologize (“Technically there’s no roof for us to share.”) or giving in. 
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Both. Awkward sleeping pictures have been a staple of their “who can embarrass who more” competition. Lee has more of Nora, but Nora’s pictures of Lee are far more embarrassing.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Lee said “I love you” first. Neither really ends arguments with “I love you.” 
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts? Nora loves wearing Lee’s jumpers and sweatshirts. They’re cozy and too big, so the sleeves fall over the tips of her fingers. Also they’re so big she doesn’t have to wear pants.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? Nora wakes Lee up in the middle of the night so that she can tell him her dream and he can listen to her trying to divine its meaning using her knowledge from Divination classes. He’s very patient and often half-asleep as she goes on. As for the nightmares...spoilers that have to do with the war. 🤫
10) Who is more likely to cheat? Neither. From the outside, Lee seems like he’s more open to cheat because he’s naturally flirty with just about everyone, but he would  n e v e r  do it.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Lee makes fun of Nora for having a crush on him presently, and Nora reminds him that they’re dating. Nora makes fun of Lee for having a crush on her at Hogwarts and Lee reminds her that she was oblivious and it all worked out. (i.e. “He used to have this huge crush on me and would sing me songs on the Hogwarts lawn and make a fool out of himself trying to get my attention.” / “Don’t you live together now?” / “Well, yeah, it worked.” )
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Nora starts it, but Lee escalates it to epic proportions. 
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? Seeing as serenading each other is also a part of their “Who can embarrass the other the most?” Competition it alternates between who initiates any musical number which often turns into a duet (even if it’s not meant to be one). 
While neither of them are a bad singer, Nora has the better voice, and Lee is a better performer. 
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? (taking this question a different direction, since like many things they’re very even here.) Technically Lee started the handholding, as he frequently grabbed Nora’s hand to drag her off different places in the castle. Nora initiated the first “intimate” but still friendly gesture by leaning her head on his shoulder. She also gave the first hug. Lee is more likely to playfully touch Nora (grabbing butt, tugging hair, bopping her nose) and Nora is more likely to intimately touch Lee (threading fingers together, laying her head in his lap, caressing his cheek.) 
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist? Neither.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Nora is the horny flirty drunk, and Lee is more of a good times/happy drunk. So Nora tries really hard to be seductive, but she just doesn’t really have it in her, and it usually ends up making Lee laugh and giving in. Lee is louder in bed but Nora has better facial expressions.
17) Who is more protective? Surprisingly, Nora. She feels like people don’t always treat Lee fairly or kindly, and she will not stand for it. Lee’s more likely to protect Nora from physical and obvious threats and danger though. (A bit of the Gryffindor grandstanding there.)
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Nora. See question 9.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? Lee drives. He’s taken muggle studies and is more interested in cars than Nora. Nora has the window seat because she’s much more of a people watcher and doesn’t exactly have the focus required for safely driving.
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed? Nora almost always falls asleep on Lee. Sometimes he’ll carry her to bed, and sometimes he’ll just maneuver them into a better sleeping position wherever it is they are. 
21) Who cuts the others hair? Neither. Nora doesn’t have the skill to cut Lee’s hair the right way, and she refuses to let him touch her hair because she loves going to the spa. 
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? Nora is super bad at sexting. Super bad. But she sends amazing encouraging messages throughout the day to brighten his spirits. Lee writes cute little love notes and super steamy texts. 
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Nora originally thinks that Lee’s just a good guy and not interested in her as more than a friend. Once she realizes she has him though, she never doubts that she’s worthy of his love. 
Lee is more prone to moments of doubt where he’s afraid of losing Nora because she got tired of him and his big personality. Nora tells him that she’s here and staying and gives him lots of hugs and kisses when he feels this way.
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Lee will start random slow dancing with Nora in the kitchen more often than not.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Lee is the one constantly cracking shitty puns and sex jokes to make Nora giggle or laugh (she doesn’t blush). Nora occasionally comes up with such a good one that Lee almost chokes.
26) Who kissed first? Lee kissed Nora first.
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Nora is the one ordering take out at two in a morning or dragging Lee to some sketchy pizza place or diner because she’s hungry. She’s also the one who wakes him up to get a glass of water with her because it’s too dark. He’ll usually offer to just go for her, but she doesn’t want him to be alone in the dark either. 
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them? Neither of them write poems/stories/love songs about the other, but they both are happy to serenade the other with an excellent cover of a love song. 
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? Lee is the one attempting to do the crazy stunt, and Nora is laughing her ass off as she drags him through the Floo Network/to the portkey, etc.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Lee is embarrassed when he has to wear glasses for the first time, and Nora finds him incredibly sexy in them which frequently turns the glasses into more of a prop in the bedroom than an actual seeing aide.
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suckmysupernatural · 3 years
Sunshine - Chapter 13
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Series Masterlist
Word Count: 1812
Pairing: Sam x OC Sunny
Series Summary: The Winchesters meet a cheerful hunter named Sunny, who quickly captures Sam’s attention. Little do any of them know what lies in store when Sunny gets invited to join the brothers. Who can say how Sam, Dean, and Sunny will be some training days, a handful of hunts, romantic dates, a kidnapping, and one vengeful demon later.
Chapter Summary: Sunny and the Winchesters complete the hunt.
Warnings: language, mentions of show-level violence
Rolling up to the house, everything seemed normal. No one would guess that the house’s current occupant was a monster. This was no abandoned building or sewer. Instead, the house was a simple brown two-story with a Honda parked in the driveway. The one thing that was different from the other houses was that every single window had its curtains drawn shut, not a single sliver of the inside visible. Most people wouldn’t find this odd, but the hunters knew better. This wasn’t some shut-in who preferred privacy. The interior of the house would reveal the horrors that had taken place. 
Dean decided to take the front of the house while Sam and Sunny went around the back. This wasn’t the first time they had used a plan like this. They had to keep in mind that there may be a family in there. Knocking on the front door, his gun concealed in the back of his jeans, Dean waited for the vetala to show her face. The door opened slowly, revealing a beautiful woman. One that Dean may have even tried to pick up at a bar if the situation were different. 
“Hello, ma’am. I know it’s late but my car battery died. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind giving me a jump?” Dean asked flirtatiously, doing his best to act the part. He stepped back so that the woman could see the Impala over his shoulder.
“I’m sorry. I don’t have any jumper cables,” the woman apologized before attempting to shut the door on Dean’s face.
“Oh, I do!” Dean placed his hand on the door to keep it open. The woman could sense Dean’s anxiety from the hurried response. Something wasn’t right. The back door creaked open and the vetala snapped her head just in time to see Sam and Sunny start to enter the home. The plan had, as usual, gone to shit. Dean pushed her into the hallway and kicked the front door closed behind him. The last thing they would need is civilians calling the cops.
Before Dean could reach his gun, the vetala had her hands on the collar of his shirt and threw him across the hall. Dean was on the ground, groaning, when he heard the gunshot. Looking up, he saw the vetala slump onto the ground. Luckily for all of them that Sam was a good shot. The three proceeded to comb the place. Vetalas mainly worked in pairs, but there didn’t seem to be any more jumping out of the woodwork. Sam took the upstairs, Dean on the main floor, while Sunny went down to the basement. 
Making her way down the steps, Sunny was met with a peculiar sight. In the corner was a room, one that had clearly been put in after the house was made. The walls were plastered, with no paint covering it. The door that led inside was closed, a heavy-duty sliding bolt latch locked from the outside. Before going to the room, Sunny checked the rest of the basement. Behind the stairs, she was met with a sight that made her slightly sick.
The parents’ bodies had been carelessly tucked away. Their limbs were bent at unnatural angles, the woman piled on top of her husband. Sunny wished the vetala was still alive just so she could kill it again. Before she could remove the bodies, Sunny had to check the room. She slid the latch, unlocking the door, before slowly opening it with one hand. She kept her gun raised, unsure of what she was about to find. Quickly, though, she shoved it into the back of her jeans. Inside the room was the little girl, Courtney.
The room was painted and decorated for a child, complete with a bed, bookshelf, toys, and even a small toilet in the corner. Everything one would need for a little one. Once again, Sunny couldn’t help but feel sick at the sight. Courtney was huddled in the corner of the bed, a blanket laid over her. She didn’t look up when Sunny entered, probably expecting the monster who murdered her parents.
“Courtney?” Sunny whispered, as not to frighten the little girl, “don’t worry. I’m not here to hurt you.” With that, Courtney looked up. 
“That mean lady…” 
“She’s gone, Courtney. Are you hurt?” Courtney lifted her arm, showing what looked like fingernail scratches. “Can you stand? I have some band-aids in my car.” Courtney looked nervous at the idea of following a stranger into a car. Her parents had always warned her about strangers. Sunny could sense the hesitation. “I’m here to help. Your brother Chase told me that you might be scared. He is so worried about you and misses you so much.” The little girl looked up at Sunny with wide eyes full of hope. 
“Chase! I want Chase!” She ripped off the blanket and hopped to the floor, standing in front of Sunny. Sam and Dean had made their way down to the basement by now, standing back so that they wouldn’t scare Courtney. 
“Okay, sweetheart. Is it okay if I carry you?” Sunny asked. She knew that Courtney could walk fine but didn’t want to risk her seeing her parents. 
“Okay,” Courtney responded, lifting her arms so that Sunny could easily scoop her up. They left the room and as soon as she saw the brothers Courtney tensed.
“Don’t worry, Courtney. These are my friends, Sam and Dean. They may look big and scary but they are softies. We are all here to protect you and bring you home.”
“Hi Courtney,” Sam gave her a small wave.
“Hello, ma’am,” Dean reached out his hand to shake hers. Courtney let out a giggle at the action and shook his hand. Sunny looked at the boys before motioning with her head to the stairs.
“Okay, Courtney. Sam and Dean are going to finish cleaning up while you and I get you those band-aids.” Sam and Dean got the hint, staying behind as Sunny took Courtney to the Impala. By the time they were done, bringing the bodies wrapped up in blankets, the two girls were sitting in the back. The bodies were placed gently into the trunk, each brother collecting himself before going around to the front of the car. They had to keep happy appearances for Courtney. Once everyone was in, and Courtney showed off her new band-aids, they were off.
As soon as the Impala pulled up to the house, Chase was running out the door. He had been waiting all night in hopes that the FBI would save his family. Sunny helped Courtney out of the car, placing her on the front lawn. 
“Chase!” Courtney squealed at the sight of her older brother. He picked up her, giving her a tight hug.
“Coco! I was so worried about you, are you okay?” Chase put her on the ground again and kneeled, looking at her face and body for any injuries.
“I got a scratch but don’t worry, I got band-aids!” Courtney showed them to Chase. Her arm had an unreasonable amount of band-aids on, one stacked over another.
“Let me guess, you did that yourself?” Chase chuckled as Courtney nodded her head. He stood up and looked to the three adults, silently asking the question he already knew the answer to. Sam shook his head, confirming his suspicions. Tears quickly formed in the teenager’s eyes. He tried to hold them back for the sake of his sister. “Um… thank you for bringing my sister home to me.”
The three hunters nodded, not knowing exactly what to say. Courtney turned to look Sunny, using her hand to wave her over. 
“Yes, Courtney?” 
“You can call me Coco. That’s what everyone calls me,” Courtney smiled up at the woman. Sunny bent down and smiled, pushing a strand of hair behind the child’s ear.
“Well, Coco, you can call me Sunny.” Both Sam and Dean’s eyes widened. Hope fluttered inside them, hearing that she had accepted her name once again. It even made Sam’s eyes water. 
“Sunny! I like that name. Can you stay right here for a second? I wanna give you something,” Courtney went over to her brother, whispering something in his ear. He smiled, nodding to her. She quickly ran on her little legs into the house, emerging a minute later with a stuffed teddy bear in her arms. She once again ran up to Sunny, holding the bear out for her to take. “This is Teddy. He used to keep me safe when I got scared… My parents told me that everybody gets scared, so I want you to have him. In case you get scared.”
“What if you get scared, Coco?” Sunny asked, her head tilting to one side.
“I’ll think of you. You helped me when I was scared,” Courtney shrugged. Sunny could feel her throat tighten, tears threatening to spill from her eyes as she took the teddy bear from Courtney’s hands. She wrapped her arms around the little girl, giving her a big hug before standing and joining the boys again. Dean stepped towards Chase, a card in hand. 
“If you two are ever in danger, or something is wrong and you need help, call this number. It’s my personal cell,” Dean told the teenager. Chase took the card and thanked him before ushering Courtney inside the house. Sam and Dean looked over to Sunny, who was simply staring at the bear in her hands. They climbed into the Impala without a word between them. They were only on the road a few minutes before the silence was interrupted by sniffling. 
“Pull over,” Sam whispered to his brother. Dean pulled to the side of the road, letting Sam get out of the passenger seat and into the back. Sunny looked up at Sam, her eyes filled to the brim with tears. “Come here,” he pulled Sunny into his arms. Dean started to drive again as Sunny broke out into sobs. Her entire body shook as she cried, her wails filling the car. Both Sam and Dean became misty-eyed themselves. Dean held it together so that he could drive, while Sam let the tears pour down his face. 
Sunny went from feeling numb to feeling everything at once. It hit her harder than she could have expected, her bawling making her retch. Sam ran his fingers through her hair and rocked her, softly shushing her in an attempt to calm her. She coughed, choking slightly from her tears. Eventually Sunny began to wear out, leaving her only able to whimper in Sam’s arms. It seemed to take hours before she finally fell asleep. 
Sam didn’t let that stop him, continuing to rock her gently back and forth. He knew that the floodgates had opened. He also knew that he would be there for her through it all. 
SuckmyForever Tags:
@erin-fox-winchester​​ @swiftlymoniquesblog​​
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poppy-in-the-woods · 3 years
DOPEMAN Part 1 - Chapter 8
Tags: Explicit language, sex talk, sex in general, masturbation, use of sex toys, fluids… not an accurate depiction of what being a cam girl actually is, and possible bad English (this text has not been proofread by an English native speaker, so it might contain spelling and grammar errors).
Word Count: 1902
Tag list: @whiteeroseeeeeee​ @triplexdoublex @rumoured-whispers​
Author’s note: So, chapter 8, the last of part 1! I think I’m gonna continue with the numbers of the chapters, hope it doesn’t get confusing. Thank you to all the people who liked, commented or messaged me about this story, it really makes my day when I see how much are you liking this story.
Hope you like it.
On with the show!
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Dopeman [21:00]: Hello, gorgeous.
ArkAngel [21:00]: Hello, Dopeman.
Dopeman [21:01]: How were the finals? Come on, tell me, has studying naked worked? xD
ArkAngel [21:01]: It seems so. I have passed everything, and my lowest grade is a B +.
Dopeman [21:02]: That's great. So now you graduate?
ArkAngel [21:03]: I still have one last semester left. Six months to do one last paper and defend it in court, and then yes, I will graduate.
Dopeman [21:03]: A paper? Like a thesis?
ArkAngel [21:04]: Something similar, although not so important. And in a week I have an internship in a fashion magazine in New York.
Dopeman [21:04]: Wow, congrats. You’re gonna kick ass in NYC.
ArkAngel [21:04]: Thank you.
ArkAngel [21:05]: I don't think they will hire me, because I haven't graduated yet, but it will be an opportunity to learn with experienced people.
Dopeman [21:05]: That's for sure. What do you want to do after graduating?
ArkAngel [21:06]: Do you know Taylor Shield?
Dopeman [21:06]: Nope.
ArkAngel [21:08]: He's a photographer from Los Angeles. He photographs celebrities, and takes some controversial photographs… but what I like the most are the little movies that he makes to accompany each photo session. That’s what I want to do, tell short stories without words, but that make people think.
ArkAngel [21:08]: And music videos, one day I would like to direct music videos.
Dopeman [21:09]: Sure you will. Send me something about that guy.
ArkAngel [21:09]: He's on YT, you just have to look up his name and he'll appear.
Dopeman [21:09]: Where do I start?
ArkAngel [21:10]: Peter Evans, Jennifer Morrison, or the astronaut are good options.
Dopeman [21:10]: Okay, I'll look into it later.
Dopeman [21:11]: I guess you're not going to broadcast while in NYC.
ArkAngel [21:11]: No, sorry. But we can keep chatting, if you want.
Dopeman [21:12]: Of course I do.
ArkAngel [21:12]: tele.gram/ArkAngel606
ArkAngel [21:13]: My TeleGram user. Add me and we can chat around while I'm in New York.
Dopeman [21:13]: Cool. I want to see you.
That day she wore a white pleated miniskirt, white fishnet stockings, and a blue crop top under which a mauve lace bra could be seen. Her eyeshadow matched her bra, and she had combed her wig into a braid.
“Hello, Dopeman, what do you want to do today?”
“I'm going to miss hearing you say that.”
“I can record an audio for you, and you set it as an alarm clock,” she suggested, smiling mischievously.
“So that I wake up with a boner every day?” He teased. “That happens enough without your help, so I'm gonna have to pass.”
“A pity.”
“Hey, that wig is new, right? It is longer and has purple tips.”
“You’ve noticed!” She exclaimed delightedly, fiddling with the end of the braid. “Yes, I bought it a couple of weeks ago and it arrived yesterday.”
“It looks good on you. Hey, the clothes you're wearing, do you wear them outside of here?”
“Separately, yes. Well, except for the crop top, which I only wear to do sports in the summer, and never out of the house,” she explained.
"I'm sure your real-life self dresses… What's the word? Professional,” he ventured. “With V-neck jumpers and shirts, and long skirts and thick stockings.”
“I'm not a nun.”
“Oh that's for sure,” he laughed.
“My style is varied. For class I prefer comfortable clothes: sweatshirts and jeans, especially,” she said. “When I go out to party, or if a guy asks me out on a date, I allow myself to be a little more creative.”
“Or with me,” he added.
“Or with you, yes,” she agreed, smiling. “I think this world gives me the freedom to experiment with clothes that I wouldn't normally wear, because… well, I don't feel judged because the skirt is too short, or the outfit is too risky.”
“I like your aesthetics,” he said. “I find it to be a very interesting balance on the dichotomy of the whore and the virgin.”
“Oh, someone has been reading TVTropes!” She laughed.
“You piqued my curiosity with the Final Girl trope,” he replied, smiling.
“Well, I'm glad you found it interesting.”
“Very interesting. Hey, since this is our last session until you get back from New York…” he began.
“You could give me control of the pink rat.”
“You mean the G-spot vibrator?” She asked, amused.
“Okay, I'll give you control,” she agreed. “Sixty bucks total, regular customer price, but you have to turn on your camera.”
“Deal. And take off your clothes… but don't take off your skirt.”
“Dance for me,” he commanded.
She put on music, one of those songs that she liked and that Dopeman was starting to get a taste for, and she began to slowly dance and undress. It was beautiful and she moved as if she were underwater; looking at her was totally hypnotic, and not just because of the movement of her hips.
“I wish I could touch you,” he sighed.
“Maybe one day, in virtual reality,” she reminded him, kneeling on the bed. “Show me what you got, Dopeman." He adjusted the position of the camera. "No, I don't see you. Get on your knees. Like that…”
As Dopeman pulled down his boxers he wondered when ArkAngel had started ordering him around and why he was obeying without reservation. Hell, she could have ordered him to wrap a bow around his cock and he would have done it. It must be because he loved her.
“I'm screwed,” he thought.
But then she sent him the long-awaited link and he didn't think of anything else.
ArkAngel [21:43]: luuv.me/ArkAngel606/362472
“Open it on your phone,” she told him.
The interface was simple: a vertical slider and a graph that showed the intensity of the vibration. He tried moving the slider a bit.
“Ah!” She moaned. “If you're going to start something, you'd better finish it,” she warned him.
“When I'm done with you, you're going to beg me to stop.”
“I hear a lot blah, blah, blah, but not much bzz, bzz, b- ... oh!”
He took his time with her, pushing her to the limit a couple of times before denying her resolve. He was selfish for once, allowing himself to finish first, much earlier than he had planned for her.
“Why are you punishing me, Dopeman?” ArkAngel asked, shaking on the bed.
“Don't think of it as punishment, gorgeous,” he told her, grinning. “Think of it as my way of making you miss me while you're in New York, surrounded by all those posh guys who will want to take you to expensive clubs for dinner and dancing.”
“Finish it now, please,” she said.
“See? I told you that you would beg.”
“Oh, how I hate you!”
Dopeman smiled and pushed the slide all the way to the top, holding it there until she called out his name and he finished a second time.
“Okay, okay, you can stop now,” she told him; Dopeman released the slide, which caused the vibrations to stop. “Oh God! That was... Dopeman? I’m seeing you blurry.”
“Oh wait!” He exclaimed, hurrying to wipe the condensation off the lens. “Better?”
“Yes. It seemed like you had fog in the room. Or that you had...”
“If that were cum, you couldn't see me through,” he cut her off, smiling. “I'm going to miss seeing you.”
“I know. Me too, but I won't be in New York forever.”
“I hope so. I have to go, but I'll write to you,” he promised.
“Good night, Dopeman.”
“Good night, ArkAngel.”
ArkAngel took off her wig, took out the vibrator from inside her, and went to the bathroom. Only when she was free of sweat, fluids and makeup did she feel herself again. After wrapping herself in her bathrobe, she picked up the toy, which she had left to dry on a hand towel while she showered, and went back to her room.
The following Friday at that time she would be in a shared flat with three other interns, in a terrifying new city where she had only been three times in her life, and one of them was so young that she didn’t remember it. The prospect was almost as exciting as talking to Dopeman.
 “Man, you should find yourself a real girlfriend,” CC told him when he got out of the shower.
“Like you with Mei?” He replied without looking at him, entering his room.
“Mei is not my girlfriend. Don't think I don't know she fucks other guys. No, I mean something real,” CC said, following him.
“I don't want something real,” Wes replied, starting to dress. “This is more comfortable, and more safe.”
“Yeah. But you need to get it wet, man. When was the last time you got it wet?” CC wanted to know.
“Last week.”
“With who?”
“Jenny,” he replied laconically.
“Green Teeth Jenny? That Jenny?”
“Yes, that Jenny.”
“I didn't think you were into goths who paint their teeth.”
“She hadn’t them painted,” he said, shrugging.
“Wait, when was that?”
“On Wednesday. Do you remember Jenny calling and you said, ‘You go, that chick gives me the creeps’?” Wes said, drawing the quotes in the air. CC nodded. “Well, I sold her the drug and then I fucked her.”
“You told me it took you longer because you stopped at the 7-Eleven,” CC accused him.
“And it wasn't a lie, I stopped by the 7-Eleven after.”
“Why didn't you tell me? You don’t trust me anymore?
“Jenny asked me not to tell anyone. She had just broken up with her boyfriend; you know, the goth who works in TayToo's studio” he explained when he saw that CC couldn't place the guy.
“Aren't those two breaking up and coming back all the time?”
“Well, that's precisely why, CC.”
“Oh, sure. And how was it?”
“She is hot and fucks well, although she has a tendency to scratch. I wouldn't do it again, but if her boyfriend likes those things, let him enjoy it,” he replied, finishing putting on his sneakers.
“Anything else?”
“She has piercings on her nipples, and one on her tongue.” Wes allowed himself a moment to revel in the sensation of ending up in Jenny's mouth, the little plastic ball brushing against him. CC arched a questioning brow. “Not bad. If you're so interested in Jenny, why don't you fuck her the next time she breaks up with her boyfriend?”
“She’s still giving me the creeps.”
“You do you. Let's go.”
Wes thought about it again as they left. Sex with Jenny had been fun, but he had been thinking of someone else the whole time. He knew she had probably been thinking about her boyfriend, but even though they had used each other, Jenny didn't deserve that and neither did he. Either he had to be more selfish and screw his rules so he could ask ArkAngel out on a date, or he had to be less selfish and stop seeing her once and for all. Neither option appealed to him.
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narcissasdaffodil · 3 years
Thank you so much for the tag @kiki-the-creator also tagging @ravenadottir
As usual, slight ramble below, but you should know what you’re in for by now, there’s a slight running commentary appearing occasionally. I’m not sure if anyone else tagged me in one of these though!
1) Name/Nickname? - Iris. My real name isn’t half as interesting, I’ve only told a selection of people that though.
2) Gender? - Female
3) Star sign? - Pisces sun, Aquarius moon, Virgo rising.
4) Height? - 5′7
5) Time? - 8:27pm
6) Birthday? - 22nd February 2001
7) Favorite bands? - ABBA, Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, The Fray, The Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, Fleetwood Mac, TOTO (my taste in music is so random, jeez)
8) Favorite solo artists? - Hailee Steinfeld, Sabrina Carpenter, Lorde, Taylor Swift, Mat Kearney, Shawn Mendes, Mitski, Paul Simon, Dodie (yup, again, I’m a mishmash, but at the same time, I struggle picking favourites and shit, so had to hunt through my Spotify.)
9) Song stuck in your head? - Currently, alternates between Sweet Child O’Mine, Lily the Pink, Bright and a lot more! I went through a phase of replaying certain songs so I’ve memorised a lot.
10) Last movie? - All The Bright Places, yet again need complete silence to watch stuff and need to be focused enough. Both criteria are rarely met.
11) Last show? - Santa Clarita Diet, yes it was the same the last time I did one of these, problem? I’m in a really sarcastic mood currently and think I’m so funny, so yeah. But short answer, attention span is very messed up, most of the time can’t focus without floating off, so most of the time can’t be bothered watching stuff, and need subtitles on all TV, can’t always pick stuff up if there’s background music/extra noise or other people. Need complete silence to watch stuff, which is so rare that I just don’t, or look up spoilers so I know what’s happening.
12) When did you create this blog? - 19th Oct 2018 (That’s probably when I started being more active, did make it before then, but lurked for quite a bit x)
13) What do you post? - LITG, positivity and whatever the heck else I want to dump into the void.
14) Last thing you googled? - Anya Taylor-Joy fansite is my most recent Google.
15) Other blogs? - N/A
16) Do you get asks? - Yep, it’s mostly @kiki-the-creator @oneflewoverthecuckoos and @hyperspacial along with a couple of others. I don’t get many anons, and asks themselves are usually pretty rare if they’re not from my core group of askers!
17) Why you chose your url? - I had a Lauren Orlando fan account on Instagram in 2017, which went through a lot of name changes. That ended up being lovely.Laurennoelle, then bubblelaureno eventually. Then made another Instagram the same year, called that ultravxlet, then changed to laurelcstillo, then needed another switch, so bubblelaureno it was! Then I just changed nearly all my accs to the same user so I could keep track. Bubble came from the trend at the time of making all users something laureno in the fandom, so I thought of bubblelaureno.
18) Following? - 3362 (Yep, it’s a ridiculous amount, I know, nope I don’t keep up with everything!)
19) Followers? - 231, which is so much more than I expected, what the heck!
20) Average hours of sleep? - Eh. That varies between 4-8/9. Depending on depressive/anxious spirals, then my sleep amount rockets up.
21) Lucky number? - 22
22) Instruments? - Nope. Can’t even play the recorder, my fingers aren’t engineered for instruments, not having straight fingers means that’s not possible. I’ve tried it, but nope.
23) What are you wearing? - Lemon T-shirt, black jumper, black jeans. I’m pretty much the princess of darkness, or that’s the aesthetic I’m going for.
24) Dream job? - Librarian, or copy editor.
25) Dream trip? - Slightly stereotypical, but New York or Paris. I’ve also always wanted to go to Canada too.
26) Nationality? - Welsh
27) Favorite song? - Oh dear. I hate picking favourites, so have a few:
Heather: Conan Gray, Washing Machine Heart: Mitski, Long Story Short: Taylor Swift.
28) Last book read? - Exciting Times, got it for Christmas.
29) Top three fictional universes you‘d like to live in? - Harry Potter will always be a major one, can’t think of others at present.
30) Tagging? - @lucas-koh @bubblybabynailpolish @charlie-in-a-beanie @venueska
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nicknellie · 3 years
I’m just trying to reply to this through out the day so it’s all times lol (and then of course when I was going to send this it’s sadly didnt)
Thanks for linking the post, I think you brought up quite a few good points!!!
Honestly I thought you meant that both Julie and Flynn had matching jumpers however this works so much better. (Also yes Luke and Reggie would get this just because they can)
Just in case you don’t know what among us is when I go on my tangent here is the basics but basically there are 10 players in total and either 1, 2 or three are imposter (I’m choosing two here) whoever isn’t imposter just tries to complete tasks and figure out who the imposter is without dying
Box stuff
1. Yes, honestly the only time Luke’s room is clean is due to Alex because he is the mom friend. (And or Reggie because it could be that when Reggie is stressed he cleans but that also works for Alex)
Also that’s what I was thinking, Emily and Mitch just gave up. Definitely when he passed they just couldn’t change anything in his room because it was the one comfort that they had. That even though Luke isn’t here anymore, his room that he lived in was still there and sometimes they could pretend that he’s still there
3. They always bring him recipes to try out because Alex has magic with cooking and even if he has no clue what is going on it usually always taste good. (May not look good but it does taste good) Also love the detail of Reggie just forgetting about the recipes, he just has so much that he forgets some.
Board games and Jam stuff
1. Yes, they all have that one game that they can’t do. Monopoly is banned just because they are way too competitive and Alex has thrown drumsticks at Luke before.
I love the detail of the boys just guessing wrong just to annoy Bobby, they totally would too. In Cluedo, Reggie always thinks that it’s Alex, every single time.
(Among us tangent, really wish I can blame this on chaotic energy but no.
So Alex is pink, because
Luke is the colour white
Reggie is lime
Julie is red
Willie is cyan
And Flynn is purple
Alex and Willie are on the same team immediately (they just follow each other and keep each other safe) and Alex is a good imposter however Luke will only call him out for no reason at all when he is an imposter one time that they play together.
To give more reasoning they probably play together two times in total with 10 games each I don’t know, but the second time around Luke is salty and somehow knows when Alex is imposter even when he doesn’t seem suspicious at all.
Julie and Willie are the best imposter duo, alongside Alex and Luke. Reggie is not a good imposter and the first to die in the game is usually Julie (or Luke).
Wait yes, Alex can’t do life.
Oh Julie gets so mad at him however secretly she’s amused (Alex and Reggie are just having the time of their lives because they can tease both Luke and Julie also Flynn will definitely tease Julie as well)
Alex being the bank dealer is everything, and Reggie just forcing Luke to pay him is everything. (Not sure if this is a game rule but I’ve played a few times were you can give someone a building that has the cost/whatever you owe, so maybe they do that)
Honestly monopoly was banned before hand with Bobby but one day Julie brought it up and they just couldn’t tell her (Luke flipped a table... a table)
Also randomly Flynn and Willie are there just for chaos reasoning.
2. Yes lol
Number stuff
2. Alex and Willie just chilling and then Reggie ruining everything is perfect. (Also Willie is crying laughing during this whole thing, even more so when the hoodie rips and Alex just looks hurt and shocked at the same time towards Reggie)
So I watched the first episode, and I was mistaken. Maybe Arther changes as the show goes on but this is not how I thought the story went 😂
I was like, they changed the story but it still had to have the idea of Merlin helping Arther out with getting the sword out of the stone and in the shows there is a witch. I can’t tell if it’s because they are adding details to the story or if I just don’t know it. But yes just like with Merlin calling Arthur an idiot, my lord is total Alex energy. Definitely could see him doing that is real life at some point. Yes, Luke does still die from the hotdog
5. Same here!! Also the ones that you’ve mentioned I think I have read as well, have to love that for us (also the fact that everyone agree not to ship Alex with Julie and just have them be supportive wingpeople)
6. I love that for us. Also I love the sign idea, (Bobby somehow makes a sign to tell Willie that Alex is okay) it mostly comes because Alex is so distracted by Willie and the hair flip to notice that Willie is asking if he is alright or not. Wait I was still thinking about waterparks, moving to what you were actually talking about. I’m just keeping that in because
But yes, Bobby gets a sign from the boys and everything is better. (The sign is, don’t steal the songs, big no). Also I love how you say that they still go back to Julie but they make a quick pit stop
8. Yes, also their strengths complimented each other’s so without them there Bobby feels lost. So many props towards Reggie, I have no clue what is happening with that game at all times.
10. Aww happy Reggie with technology (also the fact that he doesn’t have to develop photos anymore makes him want to cry happy tears) ‘you don’t understand Julie, green photos. I’m not joking green photos, you don’t know my pain’
I know exactly what you are talking about, can’t remember the name at all though.
Reggie is just upset, but Alex and Bobby are rolling they find it that funny. Also Luke says something along the lines of, ‘it looked fine, I don’t see you blaming Alex and Bobby. This is not fair 🥺’
Wait yes, they always get recipes from bakeries. Also if a food is expensive/they don’t have enough for it but they want to try it sometime they (Reggie) will try to get a recipe just for Alex to make it.
Aw, Alex giving Bobby his own little box so that he always has something to eat.
11. And little did they know that Reggie actually met the Queen
13. Same here lol, but I’m not very good at sketching. However you should definitely do them if you want to! I’m in full support.
14. Yes exactly
16. Precisely, if it was anyone else Alex could say no however sue to the fact that it’s Luke and Reggie, he can’t
17. Oh my goodness you made my idea better. (Honestly I can’t type so I have no clue how I worded it) however I had meant that Reggie asks Caleb for baby pictures of Willie but your idea works so much better. (Also Willie isn’t really that creeped by the fact that Reggie has his baby pictures just accepts it)
Wait, I love that you said Caleb doesn’t question it. As if people ask Caleb for baby pictures all the time, or at least it’s normal (maybe normal Reggie behavior 🤷‍♀️)
But a Caleb scrapbook I love that idea. Also yes, Reggie just has baby pictures of everyone. Some random stranger that he saw once, yes, his great aunts ex husbands son’s daughter yes (oh my goodness what is that sentence). But basically everyone, even the queen
Yes, just them as babies in hot dog suits. Reggie also has a hat on for I don’t know why reasons. (Imagine if there’s a baby Willie with some kind of hot dog themed thing though)
19. Yes, Luke also smashes snow on peoples heads as well. And Alex is usually the one who stuffs it down the persons back (it is what Willie does as well, and they always have an alliance)
20. Exactly, Owen is such a great actor (also mentioning Booboo Stewart for same reasons)
And Owen does play Alex so perfectly, like Kenny could not have chosen a better actor for Alex even if he tried.
Honestly if the boys had hated Willie I would cry, A because no Willie and Alex and B that’s exactly what they are like and although it’s everything if no point A then sad. I mean, Caleb played Willie just as much as he played the boys. (I just want Caleb to be the good guy because but he does stuff like this whyyy)
Luke isn’t happy that Julie is mad at him however he’s happy that he was able to connect with Flynn
Anything that gets us Unsaid Emily is worth it in my books
21. Honestly I have no clue it’s just been something that I’ve been thinking about. Honestly both of those theories works so well and I feel like it will be so hilarious if Alex freaks over breaking in entering however he’s legitimately done something worse. Also yes, Emily and Mitch talking to Alex to make sure they are both alright is adorable
That would be hilarious, just send this to him one day 😂 😂
24. Yes, also just it either means Flynn and Carrie moments or Flynn singing which are both needed.
Yes only for one song, she can only manage one band and she doesn’t want to be a part of it (in that way). Yes it is a sad song with just them.
25. Imagine Alex and Carrie having a conversation and their banter just being everything
Yes and Luke is like the cool uncle who you go too when you want someone casual but I’m not going to call you out just yet to your father kind of person
26. Wait, yes that’s how all arguments used to get settled in the 90s and if Luke was in the wrong then he would usually write music (I’m basic apparently I can’t think of something else)
Same, especially if we get another hair flip from Willie.
28. This works perfectly! That’s exactly what happened and then ‘now or never’ came to be
32. I didn’t even think of the shop assistant giving him stickers I was just thinking of some random fan discovering Alex at 3 AM however I love that so much more.
Yes, he definitely would take extreme care of it and keep it in its pristine condition
35. Legitimately Ray just has so many kids, imagine if he tried to adopt Reggie, Luke, and Alex though that would be funny. And emotional at the same time
For the purpose of them looking amazing we are just going to disregard the fact that they can’t be seen on photo (maybe it’s a special camera that Willie has from the club i don’t know) (hmm or maybe if a ghost takes the picture then other ghosts can be seen?)
Yes I love that as well, the orb does look good for some reason lol
37. Who doesn’t live for heart eyes Alex (& Willie in my opinion). Yes, and these are not casual rules that you can break there’s legitimately a list and everything. Also Reggie isn’t allowed to wash it after shrinking it and changing the colour one time
39. Yes the dream father daughter team. They are so close (also just want to mention Ray in general not only with Julie but with Carlos as well, because you can tell that’s he trying so hard and is doing so well)
The categories are so funny also I love how we just have this so organized now
I’m sorry this took me so long to answer! I kept telling myself I would then getting sidetracked and now I’ve decided one o’clock in the morning is the best time to start writing this. Bare with me, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a lot of mistakes here 😂😭
1. Wait I didn’t think about that but I love it so much! Whenever the guys hang out at Luke’s before he runs away, Alex will walk into his room, tut at him or mutter something under his breath, and tidy while still managing to have a conversation with the guys - occasionally he’ll interrupt his own sentence to tell Luke off for the state of his room, like, “Oh yeah, I heard about that, it was — Luke, I swear if you don’t start picking up your dirty socks I’m going to shove them down your throat while you sleep — really cool actually, did you hear about...”. Also he has been known to just drag the vacuum cleaner in because he knows where Emily keeps it and he’ll hoover over the guys’ conversation.
And I can totally see Reggie stress cleaning? Bc usually he’s stressed or upset because of his parents fighting, right? So it must seem to him that everything is very disorderly and out of place, so to make himself feel better he spends hours putting things in the right place so everything is nice and tidy. It’s just an added bonus that the place gets cleaner. Also if the studio was messy the day before and suddenly clean when the band arrives in the morning then they know Reggie had a tough night.
Oh god that hurts. That hurts so freaking much. Just particularly the “pretending he is still there” part - I’m now imagining Emily or Mitch going up to Luke’s room alone, slowly sitting down on the bed or at the desk because they don’t even want to disturb the dust that has settled there. And they’ll look around the room and they’ll remember their son and all the things he used to do - write music, play games, hang out with his friends (who they remember and miss as well), and yes, argue with his parents. And they talk to him, sometimes in the way Ray and Julie do to Rose, as if Luke can hear them and is listening, but sometimes it’s as if he’s stood right in front of them. Tears in her eyes, Emily will whisper “How did your band rehearsal go?” because although it’s too late to start caring and to be okay with it, it comforts her to pretend it means something. She’ll imagine Luke’s reply, hear his voice tell her they made a killer new song, and she’ll smile as she replies, “That’s lovely. Well done, Luke. I’m so proud of you.”
3. Omg hang on I love that, like Alex being amazing at cooking but also completely clueless. He mutters to himself, “What the fuck does ‘fold in the flour’ mean?” then take a wild guess and somehow it tastes great. But like you said, it doesn’t exactly look very appetising.
1. Abwjskdlw Alex throwing drumsticks at Luke like a javelin or a dart or something, and Luke is frantically trying to dodge them but Alex has a seemingly endless supply of drumsticks, he just keeps pulling them out of nowhere and they’ve been there for half an hour of non-stop drumstick throwing and avoiding before he finally runs out.
YES and Reggie is totally serious about it too. Alex sneezes and Reggie is immediately like “that’s a tell!!! You sneezed last round too!!! I’m onto you, Mercer, I know it was you.” And Alex almost readies his drumsticks to throw at Reggie as well.
Oh this. This is glorious. I love this entire thing omg.
The detail of Luke saying Alex was imposter when he wasn’t sus just because he was annoyed is brilliant and would 100% happen. Also Julie-and-Willie and Alex-and-Luke being the best imposter duos is everything. Willie won’t kill Alex no matter what, but Julie is ruthless and Luke is usually first on her list.
Also I want to add what accessories they like because that’s fun! Although I haven’t played in months and can’t remember all of them, but this is what immediately springs to mind.
Luke - toilet paper hat
Julie - flower pot hat
Willie - top hat
Alex - the adorable little leaf thing
Reggie - pumpkin head hat thing
Flynn - no accessory, but she does have a tiny version of her character trailing behind her, you know the ones I mean right? She has a tiny child Among Us player with her at all times idk
Oh god, Monopoly is so much more hectic when Willie and Flynn join in. Willie somehow manages to collect so much money that he may as well just be the banker (definitely nothing to do with Alex being biased and “accidentally” slipping him a little extra cash). Flynn gets the best cards (that’s a thing in monopoly right? There’s a stack of cards in the middle you can choose from? Idk) and they basically win her the game. Luke gets angry, that’s when he flips the table again and Julie locks monopoly away forever
Same with Uno. Reggie doesn’t speak to Luke for a week after the first and only time they play Uno.
2. I love that, like Willie trying to be a supportive boyfriend as Alex watches his hoodie get torn to pieces but just not being able to contain his laughter, practically lying in Alex’s lap because he’s laughing so much. It only gets worse as Alex cradles his ripped hoodie in his hands like it’s a dead animal or something. Like Willie is trying to be nice but the whole situation is freaking ridiculous and it doesn’t work.
Ahahaha I’m so glad you watched it! It does change a bit as the story goes on, I’m sure you’ll like it (I’d always be willing to hear your thoughts on it if you keep watching as well, if you want!!)
And like right??? Alex has complete and utter Merlin energy like “No, there must be another Arthur because this one’s an idiot” may as well be Alex saying “No, there must be another Sunset Curve because these ones are idiots”
6. Lmfao Alex just totally stops functioning after the hair flip and Bobby has to step in, love that. He very calmly takes over the situation, or has a sign, or just like freaking slaps the back of Alex’s head to bring him back to reality.
Right??? They just very quickly say “hey Bobby it’s us don’t steal our music” and then appear in the garage. Kinda tempted to write it now actually
8. Okay, seeing as it’s half one, I don’t want to go off on a whole tangent about “their strengths compliment each other” but I will definitely do this when I’m more awake because it’s a goddamn goldmine
10. Yesss 🥺🥺 like at first he would be a little sad that he didn’t get the experience of getting them developed but then when he remembered how annoying it was he’d be so happy. And omg can you imagine he reaction to how instant it is?? And how high definition?? My boy would stay there staring at these photos for hours on end, wide-eyed, mouth open, awestruck
Oh I love that! Reggie claims it’s so that Alex can enjoy himself and cook something new, which it partly is, but mainly it’s because Reggie just wants more food
11. I now wanna say that Reggie has met a ton of celebrities but nobody believes him because it’s Reggie (and he literally said how adults never believed him as a kid). He’s met the queen, the band Queen, Billy Joel (just because I watched a Billy Joel concert tonight - side note, Luke absolutely adores Billy Joel and listens to him constantly), whoever the president was when the guys were alive, and plenty more
17. Omg lmfao that makes sense 😂😂😂 but yeah like now I love the idea of him having Caleb’s baby photos too, I’m not going back on it. Caleb just has them ready to hand over the next time they all see each other (idk if I already mentioned that?) and he does a big evil speech but hands Reggie the photos halfway through, still talking, and Reggie just smiles and tucks them away into his pocket
“Or at least normal Reggie behaviour” I love how that implies that even though they’ve only really met twice Caleb already knows exactly what Reggie’s like and not only accepts it but is willing to encourage it, showing that he probably thinks it quite sweet (because let’s face it, we all think Reggie is sweet, and Caleb may be evil but he’s not stupid)
Reggie having the queen’s baby photos omg I’m dead 😂😂 that time they met he asked her and like Caleb she didn’t question it, just handed over these probably priceless photos and they end up in some ghost’s scrapbook
Omg yes all of them in hotdog suits plus baby Willie with hotdog socks! Or eating a hotdog! Or with a hotdog stuffed toy! The possibilities are endless
19. YES definitely. Also, Willie and Alex’s alliance only lasts until one of them has the perfect opportunity to shove snow down the other’s back just to watch them squirm, then it’s every ghost for himself
20. You are SO right, Owen and Booboo are literally amazing, we really won with this whole cast.
And thank you so much for saying Caleb played Willie as much as he did the guys!!!! I’ve seen so much stuff recently about Willie hate and like no?? You’re right, Willie was as much a victim as the others. Also I am so in love with the idea of Good Caleb! I just want him to adopt Alex, that’s literally it. Maybe instead of Caleb being defeated by the end of the show, he has seen the error of his ways and has turned nice, now only using evil against people who upset Alex and Willie, pretty please, Kenny make this happen???
Wait yeah that’s a really good point. Again, it’s a looooong tangent and it’s ten to two so I won’t write it now, but Luke and Flynn being friends (and competing over who loves Julie more) is something I desperately need
21. Yes lmao like Alex when he was alive would sometimes graffiti with the boys or set fire to stuff for fun (because they’re teenage boys and that’s what teenage boys do right? Idk that’s what the ones I know do) but as a ghost when he’s invisible he’s just very unsure about going into a closed museum
24. Yesss I need this so muchhh you’re so right
25. Alex and Carrie friendship is god tier.
Small tangent but y’know what else is great? Carrie and Nick being best friends instead of dating. They would get on so well without the pressure of a relationship (once Carrie becomes a little nicer and Nick stops being possessed)
Exactly that’s totally what Luke is
26. Another Willie hair flip PLEASE I would die. Just, Alex short-circuiting around Willie is the best thing ever. And it’s got me wondering what other little things Willie does that basically break Alex: stretching when he’s wearing a crop top so Alex can see his stomach and the smallest bit of his chest; okay but swimmer Willie?? Willie was on his school’s swim team and still swims sometimes and for whatever reason Alex’s loses it; twirling his hair around his finger (bonus points: twirling Alex’s hair around his finger while they’re cuddling)
32. I just love the idea of literally anyone giving them stickers. Reggie’s just out and about in a forest in the middle of nowhere one day (even he doesn’t really know what he’s doing there) and somehow someone finds him and hands him their fanart
35. Omg I didn’t think about how emotional it would be but then you had to go and say this and now all I can think about is each of the boys getting the family they deserve after so long and being loved and cared for unconditionally even though they’re dead and Ray would call them his angels (because he kinda did in ep 7) and oh god it’s too much I love it
Ooooh yes I like that, it’s a good way around the issue 😂 ghost takes photo, ghost can be seen. Perfect
37. Pffffft lmao YES. Reggie just wasn’t really certain on how the washing machine worked because it was at Luke’s house not his and they had a different model and he forgot not to mix colours and it all went badly wrong. Also Luke is banned from wearing them without supervision because once he accidentally set fire to one and now it’s elbow has a burnt patch on it
39. Now you’ve mentioned that I want Ray and Trevor to be friends again! They were probably buddies until Julie and Carrie fell out, I’d love to see them reconnect
Personally my favourite thing of this whole experience is how “Alex and jigsaws” turned into “Reggie has the queen’s baby photos”
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bai-not-bae · 3 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - Who was the last person to knock on your door? Were they there to see you? Amazon dropped off a package on the doorstep. They didn’t knock, but I did hear the little beep go off that verifies that they’ve delivered the package.
2 - Have you left the house yet today? If not, do you have plans to leave the house later on? No, and I don’t have any plans to do so. Just still busy packing up to head out.
3 - What’s your favorite brand of chocolate? What type of chocolate bar from that brand is your favorite? I like those Ghirardelli squares, especially the autumn-themed ones.
4 - Have you ever met someone in person who you first met on the internet? Do you have plans to do that anytime soon? No, I don’t meet people in real life from online. I feel like that has the potential to be dangerous.
5 - What was the last thing you used a blender for? The only thing I ever use it for is to make smoothies sometimes.
6 - Have you ever got into an argument with a stranger on social media? Do you remember what it was about? I don’t argue with people online. What a waste of time and energy. I don’t argue with them in person, either.
7 - When was the last time you cracked your joints? Is that something you do often? I feel like I crack my knuckles way more often than I should.
8 - What time is it right now? If you weren’t doing a survey, what else would you be doing right now? It’s 11:15 AM and I’ll probably be making lunch soon. My goal is to be out of here by tonight. Elisabeth will have to start making her own meals.
9 - If you had ten minutes to run around an empty supermarket and fill your trolley for free, what’s the first aisle you’d go for? I would probably be searching for items that are the most expensive to buy, so I could get them for free. Seafood, cleaning products, self-care products?
10 - Aside from Tumblr, what websites do you visit the most and why? YouTube is really about it - because, music.
11 - Has COVID had any impact on your Christmas plans this year? What’s going to change or be different to normal? No, I’ll still be having Christmas with my family. I just didn’t think I’d be spending it without Elisabeth. But apparently it’s 2020, so anything can happen.
12 - What’s your favorite flavor of cake? Are you any good at making that kind of cake? I like vanilla cake with the jam filling in the middle. I’m good at making regular plain cakes and frosting them, nothing fancy.
13 - Do you prefer sweet or sour candy? It depends on what I’m in the mood for. I can gravitate towards either.
14 - What color is your favorite fruit? Is this a fruit you eat often? My favorite fruit is probably peaches, and I don’t eat them nearly as often as I’d like to.
15 - Is your favorite restaurant an independent place or a chain? What is it that you love about it so much? There’s more than one location, but I’m not sure if you can find it outside of New York State. It specializes in Italian food.
16 - Are you genuinely a fan of Starbucks or do you think it’s all hype? I like Starbucks just fine, it’s just so expensive that it doesn’t make it worth it.
17 - Do you own a Christmas jumper? What design/pattern does it have on it? I haven’t worn a jumper since I was like, 6 years old.
18 - What’s your favorite fit/style of jeans? I wear mostly skinny jeans or flare jeans. Bootcut and straight are not for me.
19 - What was the last non-essential item you spent money on? I suppose a Christmas present for someone in my family.
20 - Are you currently under any COVID-related restrictions where you live? Are people generally following the rules? The rules change on a daily basis because our governor doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Most people try their best to follow the rules though, from what I’ve seen.
21 - What did you last leave the room you’re in to do? I am running around and putting things in boxes. I have been for days now.
22 - Have you ever read any self-help books? Did you find them useful? I don’t think I’ve ever read a self-help book before.
23 - What’s your favorite program on the Food Network (if you watch it)? If you don’t get that channel, what’s your favorite food/cookery show in general? I don’t watch any kitchen or cooking-related shows.
24 - Do you still watch cartoons? Oh sure, some of them.
25 - Who do you know with the most number of siblings? Would you ever want to live in a huge family? I have a bunch of brothers and sisters. And I don’t know them personally, but I do read a lot about the Duggar family and the Radford family online.
26 - Are you a fan of garlic bread? It’s delicious, especially with pasta.
27 - Do you own any personalized clothing? What’s the reason for getting it? No, I don’t have any clothing that’s been personalized. Not even keychains. My name is “spelled wrong”.
28 - Is anyone else in the same room as you right now? What is that person up to? No, I’m the only one in here at the moment.
29 - What colors are you wearing right now? Does your wardrobe contain a lot of those colors? I’m wearing a purple hoodie, white shirt, and blue jeans. Sure, it does.
30 - Do you like adding condiments to your food? If so, what are some of your favorites? I do - mayo, ketchup, or barbecue sauce, most of the time - salad dressings for salad...mild sauce on tacos/mexican foods...
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aliciarm · 4 years
Tag game! Get to know me.
Tagged by: @raymondebidochonlifechoices
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? It has a very beautiful Alice in Wonderland drawing with flowers of all colors.
2. name a food you never eat. Any meat, fish, shellfish, etc. I am vegetarian.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Study for an exam tomorrow.
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? I don't usually eat candy bar or sweets.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? Nop.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? I think I was singing Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper's Shallow.
8. what is your favorite ice cream? As I said, I don't usually eat sweets, but my favorite ice cream is kinder and cream with pine nuts.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee.
10. do you like your wallet? More or less, I wish it was fuller.
11. what is the last thing you ate? Toast with banana and cinnamon and a coffee.
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I buy new clothes almost every week, last night I bought a matching Christmas jumper with my boyfriend 😂
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? None.
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Salt and butter.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? To my boyfriend about how my study day was going.
16. ever been camping? No but I’d like to.
17. do you take vitamins? I do not need them.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? No, I am not a believer.
19. do you have a tan? Not at all, I am pale skinned and I like it.
20. do you prefer chinese or pizza? I like both, I think I could not choose. But if I had to say which of the two I feel crave now I would say china.
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? Not really.
22. what color socks do you usually wear? It depends on the footwear, or black, or white. Sometimes striped.
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I have my driving license but I go everywhere by city bus.
24. what terrifies you? Eating, I really don't like doing it. I have eating problems and am terrified of mealtimes.
25. look to your left, what do you see? The door.
26. what chore do you hate most? Cleaning the house in general.
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? I don't really distinguish accents in English beyond American and UK. My native language is Spanish 🤷🏼‍♀️
28. what’s your favorite soda? PEPSI MAX.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I prefer to eat at other restaurants than junk food, but sometimes I do and I prefer to do it on the place.
30. what’s your favorite number? 13, I love Tuesday the 13th and Friday the 13th.
31. who’s the last person you talked to? By phone? My mother, this afternoon, we talk every day to find out how we have had the day.
32. favorite meat? Like I said before, I am a vegetarian.
33. last song you listened to? Right now i'm listening "Unstoppable - Sia"
34. last book you read? Chemical Hearts And I'm currently reading Unpregnant.
35. favorite day of the week? Saturday.
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? What a waste of time and laziness.
37. how do you like your coffee? I love coffee, I would even marry it. I have a tattoo on my left wrist from a cafe. I take it espresso, with milk, with cinnamon, hot, with ice. Never mind! Coffee gives me life.
38. favorite pair of shoes? Some Converse or some boots. Even though I have like a thousand shoes of all kinds (Yeah I'm addicted to clothes)
39. time you normally get up? Normally at nine, I have an afternoon schedule at the university.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? Sunrise.
41. how many blankets are on your bed? None, there is only a sheet and the quilt.
42. describe your kitchen plates? Whites without more, those that the landlady has bought for the house where I currently live.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: Tidy, although there is a plate and a glass yet to be washed from dinner from an hour ago. After answering this I will clean them up.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? Red wine. In Spain we have very good wines.
45. do you play cards? Yes, I really like board games in general.
46. what color is your car? I don't have my own car.
47. can you change a tire? No, I don't know how to change a wheel, but I know how to remove a body from a car in the event of an accident. I have a Sanitary degree, that's much better, right?
48. your favorite state or province? I have never been to the United States, so I will say a province of Spain. Seville, The most beautiful city you can to visit (look it up on the Internet)
49. favorite job you’ve had? Pharmacist this summer, I have a degree in Pharmacy.
I have no idea who would like to do this, really! I tag @cs-bh22 @demonlover34 and @rhetoricalfiction and also anyone interested!
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pendragonfics · 4 years
To Have, To Hold
- ̗̀  Bruce Banner Bingo 2019  ̖́-
Paring: Bruce Banner/Reader
Square filled: soft kisses
Tags: gender-neutral reader, no pronouns used, whump, hurt & comfort, light angst, protective Bruce Banner, married, domestic fluff
Summary: Coming home after a rough day, Bruce consoles his life partner after everything that happened to them.
Word Count: 1,398
Current Date: 2019-12-13
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By the time you make it home, you’ve at least somewhat thawed. But in your heart, there isn’t anything that can heal the harshness of the icicles that have attached themselves to your person.  As soon as your key slides out of the door, and you enter the foyer, you’re blessed with the thermostat, left at a decent temperature. You shuck off the snow first, and then the boots, and your coat. The floor is full of the shards that have clung to you and trying to step around it all in your socks is just as hard as being on a recon mission with your husband’s hero team.
You feel the squelch both through your sock, and in your soul, and if it weren’t for the fact you were dehydrated, you’d cry on the spot. It’s cold, and you squeak your way into the house, feeling an unparalleled miserableness settling down into the core of your stomach.
As you make your way into the living area, you notice that Bruce isn’t in his usual seat by the fire. It’s grown low, the embers looking worse for wear as the flames grow low around the ashes of a log. Leaving your bags on the floor - and even though there’s no under-floor heating - you take your socks off as you walk to the fireplace. It’s awkward, and the first comes off with no problem, but the second has you -
Now you cry.
You’re glad you didn’t hit your head on the way down, that’s for sure - but you did land on your arm, and it hurts like hell. There must have been a bit of noise accompanying the fall, because you hear Bruce’s footsteps upstairs, and soon, your husband’s socks are in front of your face.
“_________? Are you okay?” he asks.
You roll onto your back, cradling your arm. “Do I look okay?” you reply, looking up at him.
Upside down, he’s still as gorgeous as he always is. His sweater is one that Wanda knitted herself one Christmas with purple and green wool and those new slacks. But his hair, oh, even from this angle, his mussed curls look just as good as they did the first time you met him in the lab when you were in grad school.
If it wasn’t for the throbbing in your arm, you’re sure that this would end another way.
“You look dazed, tired, sore, and by the way you’re holding that arm, perhaps sprained.” He diagnoses. Bruce bends so he’s on his haunches, knees bent and low, close to your face.
“You’re not even that kind of doctor,” you grumble, trying to push yourself off the floor with your good-not-hurting-arm. After a second, you get momentum, and Bruce helps you stand. Once you’re back on your feet, you kick off the offending sock and peck your helpful husband on the cheek. “Hey, babe.”
“Hey yourself,” he mumbles, the words not coming naturally to himself.
When you don’t reply, Bruce adds, a little absentminded, “It’s snowing a storm out there - did you only just get in?” he turns to the bags you left behind the couch and takes them to the kitchen counter.
You follow like a wounded puppy. While he places the groceries on the bench, stores the bag and flicks the kettle on for a hot drink, you make your way to wheat pillow stashed below the microwave. Punching the right numbers, you watch as the sack spins behind the Perspex door, holding your sore arm.
“Yeah,” you reply, a little too late. “…it’s been a long day.”
“I thought you were just going to the store?” he asks.
You huff, only to be interrupted by the electric beeping of a fully heated wheat pillow. As you position it on your wrist, you lean against Bruce. He’s not one for prolonged physical activity and drills like a smattering of the other combatant Avengers, under Bruce’s skin is the hint of strength. Sure, in his DNA is the Hulk, a creature you are as married to as Bruce, but Bruce isn’t built like a G.I. Joe-Ken doll hybrid. No. You curl against his neck, propping your aching arm against his chest, soft, inviting. You’re not sure if it’s his heartbeat you can feel or just a subdued throbbing of pain.
“I was,” you say softly, into his neck. “I got lost.”
“What happened?” Bruce asks, moving a little.
Now your face fits perfectly into the nook, and you snuggle in, shifting so you’re comfortable. With his spare arm, he holds you close, and if you weren’t already married to the man, you’d do it all over again (because it’s been that long of a day).
“What happened?” you repeat with a half-hearted chuckle. “Well, I got on the wrong bus. I ended up in this weird end of town and there wasn’t anyone who knew how to get to where I needed to go, and I tried to catch a taxi, but it was going to be fifty bucks for that without even sitting in the damn cab!” you weep, pressing further into Bruce.
“Geeze,” he murmurs. “Rough.”
“And I managed to catch a bus halfway to where I needed to be, but then the next one wasn’t for an hour and a half and the snow wasn’t letting up, so I paid, like twenty dollars at a fancy restaurant next to the bus stop and sat there for the two hours until the next bus.”
“What did you order?”
“I don’t know,” you exclaim, but it comes out soft, like a whimper, “I thought it was pasta, but it ended up being an octopus dish? At least the soda was okay.”
“But you caught the bus.” He prompts.
“Yeah,” you nod, “I got to the store okay! I remembered to get the hand soap you wanted, and I found some things I can make for gifts this year. I don’t like commercialised holidays, and we know our friends prefer something handmade,” with your good arm, you place a hand against Bruce’s side, feeling the soft knitted jumper. “anyways, I found some other things and a nice ornament for the mantle for the holidays. But I lost track of time, and I rushed out to the bus stop -,”
“Wait, was this around two? Three o’clock?” He asks.
You nod glumly. “Yes.”
“That’s when the blizzard set in!” he exclaims. “Oh, _________,” he places a soft kiss upon your face, and another, and another, and little by little, they help. “Why didn’t you call? I could have -,”
“We don’t have a car,” you remind him softly. “We’re eco-friendly.”
���Ah, yes,” Bruce blinks, remembering the conversation you both had about eight months ago, to lessen your environmental impact. “…screw it. Let’s get a hybrid, or, something that has at least a small carbon footprint.” He kisses you once more, this time, he lingers close to your face, “I don’t want this sort of thing to happen again.”
“Damn straight,” you agree. “…but my day doesn’t end at the bus stop, honey.”
Bruce blinks once more. “Don’t say -,”
“It was late.” You reply.
“Damn the bus,” he curses, albeit, softly.
“Damn the bus,” you agree, “- because it ended up being twenty minutes late! I stood outside in the snowstorm like an idiot, because there isn’t a shelter, and I didn’t want to miss the bus because I could hardly see my hand in front of my face, let alone the bus.” You snuffle, leaning further into Bruce’s side. With your face pressed against his form, your words are hardly heard, “and wasn’t it a great day to forget my gloves?”
“Oh, _________.”
Even though you’re already embracing one another, he holds you tighter. You can almost feel Hulk in the hug, with the power that holds you, and if he appears, you’d gladly give him a hug too. It would just be you, and your boys. But no, it’s just Bruce and you in the kitchen, holding one another like you’re on the cover of a romance film on VCR. Your arm isn’t hurting so much, and the warmth has gotten into your body once again, and now the bad day has gone from horrible to bearable.
“Thanks for the hug,” you say, after a while, breaking away. “Leftovers for dinner?”
“I’ll plate up if you find something on Netflix.”
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