#genhsin fic
dearmarsoldaccount · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 1
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…? 
Notes: Natlan/Fem reader, one-sided rivalry (??), emotionally constipated Alhaitham, collapsing, Alhaitham being kind of creepy.
1.2k+ words [not edited]
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dear--mars · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 5
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…?
Notes: Fem reader, OCC Alhaitham, Kissing, Graduation Ceremony
[Translations at the bottom]
Taglist: @sharkiestory
900+ words [not edited]
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4 years. You endured 4 years as a student in the Akademiya. It was your graduation ceremony. 
“Please put your hands together for the valedictorian Alhaitham!” claps were heard throughout the gymnasium. You rolled your eyes at him before zoning out of his speech. That was until you heard your name being called.
“As for my dedication, I’ll be dedicating my speech to [Name].” Your head shot up. 
“And that concludes my speech.”
“...” Everyone was silent. The sage fake coughed before he asked.
“Are you not going to elaborate as to why…?”
“I don’t feel as if I need to.” was the last thing he said before he walk off the stage.
“Well, now we will be moving on to the awards.”
It was safe to say that people were getting annoyed at the fact that the only people who were getting any awards were you and Alhaitham. 
“For the creative writing certificate: [Name] and Alhaitham!”
“The mathematics award: [Name] and Alhaitham!”
“The science award goes to [Name] and Alhaitham…”
“Geography: [Name] and Alhaitham… Wait. I’ll be right back.” We watch as the announcer walks off to the back only to come back shocked. 
“Well, I’ve been told to call out all at the same time. Art, history, music, physical education, biology, chemistry, physics, social studies, technology, philosophy, graphic design, literature, algebra, and geometry will all be awarded to [Name] and Alhaitham.” 
“...” The gym was silence. No one said anything. 
The rest of the graduation proceeded as usual. 
It was only when the afterparty started when things got weird. 
The party was going fine but someone had spilled some juice all over the floor, so like a good person, I volunteered to get a mop not knowing what your friends had in mind. 
“Yeah, the mop should be in the broom closet!” One of your friends yelled as you made your way down the halls. Just as you opened the door you felt the sensation of hands pushing you. You collided with someone. Just before the door closed, you heard one of your friends say “Have fun!”.
“What's that supposed to mean?-” You were cut off be a deep voice.
“Could you stop pushing against me?” You let out a small yelp at the sudden voice.
“Why are you here?”
“I came to get a mop but someone pushed me in here and locked it.”
“Wait. Was it because someone had spilled juice?”
“Yes and I’m guessing they got you too?”
“Why would they do this to us specifically?” He questioned before you gulped. 
“Probably because you like me…” You feel his breath hitch before he let out a scoff.
“There’s an error in your logic. I’ve never stated I’m romantically interested in you.” You think very carefully before blurting out that you knew what he said in Zulu.
“Hey, Alhaitham!” You called out to him.
“Hm?” He turned around to face you.
“I heard you can speak over 7 languages!”
“Yes, I can.”
“Wow! Tell me something in a different language.”
1 “Ufuna ngikutshele ini?”
“What did you say?”
‘They don’t understand me…?’
2 “Ngiyakuthanda. Ngikuthanda kabi ngaso sonke isikhathi uma ungekho kimi, kungenza ngifune ukukhipha inhliziyo yami. Ngiyakubamba kakhulu, noma ukhuluma nentombazane kungenza ngibe nomona ngoba udonsa umoya kangangokuthi ngisho netshe lingawela kuwe.” 
“That was so long. What did you say?”
“Figure it out by yourself.” he said before walking away.
“Wha-! Come on! You can’t just leave! Tell me!” Unfortunately, he was out of earshot.
“How long have you known…?”
“I found out a week afterward. People had heard you and spread rumors… Someone came up to me and congratulated me on dating you…” You said as you tilled your head down, hoping he didn’t see your face growing red. Fortunately, he didn’t but that was because he was looking away so you weren’t able to see his ears growing red. 
“How long do you think we’ll be trapped here..?”
“Knowing them, they’ll probably forget. Let’s wait for a little bit and if not we can just break the door.”
“Whoa! This is someones house! We can’t just break the door down!” You said as your head shot up. 
“It’s their fault for locking us in here…” he said tilling his head down only to meet eyes. Silence overtook the closet as your eyes lock with his. Your eyes scan all over his face and you ultimately land on his lips. It wasn’t long before Alhaitham started leaning in. 
You started leaning in too but as soon as you wrapped your arms around his neck a shock ran through your body and you pulled away. Alhaitham raised an eyebrow. 
“A-are you sure you want this?” You asked. His eyes widened.
“You have no idea what I want.“ He said, snaking a hand to the back of your head before pushing your head towards him. The kiss was a lot more tender and passionate considering Alhaitham. It was a long, deep kiss that left you breathless. You pulled away trying to catch your breath. But Alhaitham followed your lips, wanting more. Your chest swirls at the feeling of care and affection behind the kiss. Warmth spreads throughout your body as your knees get weak. 
You finally break away. You huffed heavily as you try to catch your breath. You looked up at Alhaitham who was as red as a tomato. Your eyes widened before giving him a smirk. 
“Oh~? Is the all mighty Alhaitham blushing?“
“Shut up.”
“Wow. We literally just made out. Don’t tell me to shut up, bro.”
“Don’t “bro” me. I just had my tongue down your throat.” 
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1 ”What do you want me to tell you?” 2 “I love you. I’m so madly in love with you every time you’re not with me, it makes me want to rip out my heart. I get so possessive of you, even if you’re talking to a girl it makes me so jealous because you’re so breathtaking that even a rock would fall for you.”
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[Pt 1]  [Pt 2]  [Pt 3]  [Pt 4]  [Pt 5]
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rukkiya · 2 years
you’re a mean one (mr grinch)
(scaramouche/wanderer x reader)
Scaramouche has had enough! He was determined to get your attention. Get your attention back to where it belongs, him and him only and instead of everyone else at this godforsaken Christmas party!
You’ve been avoiding him all day because you both had a small argument about Christmas decorations and he was over it! He wanted your attention back and was determined to get it.
Though his head was spinning and the eggnog in his mouth tasted a bit more bitter than he remembers it tasting, he still dragged his legs into the kitchen where you're cleaning, wanting nothing more than your touch right now.
Mostly everyone had made their way out, you stuck behind because you were helping a friend clean. You didn’t really expect Scaramouche to stay behind and wait since he seemed annoyed after you both argued earlier.
You heard the kitchen door slide open, not bothering to turn to see who had entered as you were too focused on the task at hand. Cleaning up the kitchen.
You felt someone pull on your shirt with force, making you take a few steps back from the kitchen sink.
“Hey what the!”
Just as you were about to slap the person's hands away you felt the same pair of hands pull you close to their chest.
You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was now as the familiar scent of your boyfriend's cologne flooded your senses, making you let out a sigh of relief, thankful some random person wasn’t grabbing at you.
You turn to look at him, confused by his sudden display of affection. His eyes looked anywhere but yours. His cheeks and ears seemed to be more flushed as he pulled you closer to him.
“You’re warm.” Scaramouche whispers, resting his head on your shoulder making your body freeze.
Now you were really confused because he was acting like you both didn’t just argue before arriving at the party. Yes, the argument may have been small and meaningless but you would be lying if you said your feelings weren’t hurt a bit.
Christmas is your all time favorite holiday and decorating for it is something you very much look forward to doing. So, when you took out the decorations and started to put them up, Scaramouche had just come home in a particularly snappy mood because of something that occurred at work. When he walked in and saw your decorations he grew more annoyed for no reason. You were unaware of his mood and asked if he’d like to join and he said no, called your decorations stupid and said it was meaningless to do so since he’ll just take them down because the he sees no point in celebrating the “dumb holiday” making you feel slightly embarrassed for even trying to decorate in the beginning.
You are aware of the moods he can get in, but what he said hurt your feelings a bit. He ended up arriving at the party earlier than you since it led to a small argument and him leaving your shared apartment. Before you made your way out you ended up taking down the little decorations you did manage to get up, feeling stupid for even trying and pushing it onto him when he didn’t want to do it in the first place.
The way he was acting right now was making you confused since he’s not one to give in, also Scara isn’t one to get touchy feely in public and though there wasn’t anyone around it still confused you as to why he was acting like this.
Just as you were about to question him you hear a familiar annoying laugh come from behind you as the kitchen door slides open once again.
“Oh gosh what’s this? Is he actually showing affection to you? Hahah *burp* I think he had too much eggnog.” Childe slurs, as he throws himself on nearby the counter to keep himself up.
“Eggnog? How would eggnog get him like this?” You question, confused as to why he was this tipsy off some eggnog.
“Well because this bowl over here,” Childe stumbles to the kitchen table and leans over, turning and sending you a smile. “Is my ‘homemade’ eggnog. Family recipe actually helps keep us adults warm during the freezing holidays up in Snezhnaya if you know what I mean.” Childe raises his eyebrows at you and you feel a pair of hands grab on to your waist, pulling you back a bit.
“Shut up Childe. Leave us alone. I want y/n all to myself.” Scara defensibly wraps his arms around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest sending a cold glare at Childe.
“Woah woah there,” Childe’s hands go up in defense. “They’re all yours buddy just giving them a heads up.” He sends a wink your way as he makes his way to the kitchen door, giving you a knowing look before slipping out.
“Scaramoche?” you gently tap on his hand, earning a small hum as he kisses your shoulder making you clear your throat.
Thankfully no one else was in the kitchen and the party you both were currently at had ended not too long ago.
“Scaramouche. How much did you have to drink?” You ask, patting again to get his attention, only to feel his arms wrap around your waist tighter.
“You’ve been here all night, time for you to come with me. Let's go home, I've missed you.” He closes his eyes, you didn’t use the nickname you always called him which got him more annoyed. His body was slightly swaying side to side as his hand moved to your waist, moving you along with him.
“I have to finish cleaning.” You turn away from him, you were still slightly upset with the way he acted earlier.
“You’re no fair you know?” His movements stop as he lifts his head up slowly.
In an instant he has you turned around, making you let out a small surprised yelp earning a shit eating smirk from him right after.
“Scaramoche! Im serious, just how much did you drink?” You ask, hands planted on his chest to steady yourself.
“Not much,” he rolled his eyes. “This is nothing, besides I’m here to get you because you owe me!” He states, eyes narrowing at you.
“What? Just what exactly do I owe you? You’re the one that decided to tag along.” You ask, giving him a questioning look, confused as to why he even wanted your attention, wasn’t he still upset too?
His hands gently grab yours, lifting them to cup his face, his eyes closing as he lets out a content hum at the feeling of your touch.
Seeing him vulnerable like this made your heart flutter, his touch was making your skin burn by how gentle he was being. Was it the alcohol speaking though? He probably doesn’t even remember the meaningless flight we had earlier. You think to yourself as you gently pat his face, small smile fading as you remember the dumb argument.
“I have to get back to cleaning. I'm almost done. We’ll head home in just a bit ok.” You send him a smile, gently pulling your hand back and turning around
“Now, if you’ll excuse me I need to get back to cleaning…. hEY-“
Your body only turned halfway before he quickly took hold of your wrist, pulling you back. Pushing you until your back made contact with the counter, his arms caging you in leaving you no room for escaping.
“Where do you think you’re going?” He questions, face mere inches from yours.
The sweet smell of eggnog and bitter notes of alcohol filled your scenes as he leaned closer.
“You owe me something, you know that right?” He whisper’s, making you nervously gulp.
“Come on now,” his hand makes its way to the side of your face as he gently took hold, his thumb swiping your lower lip as he licked his own. His pupils blown wide as he looks at your lips.
“What’s gotten into you?.” You question, hand coming to rest on his forehead checking for any signs of fever making him roll his eyes.
“You won’t give me your attention.” He states flatly, eyes longingly staring at you.
“You’re not mad anymore?” You ask, confused because he never gives in or asks for your touch like this.
“You were mad earlier, I thought maybe you were still annoyed with me.” You admit, pouting a bit, making his breath hitch.
He had forgotten about your small argument and truth be told he wasn’t even mad at you in the first place, well he was annoyed at how you “avoided” him but he had forgotten he had stormed out and left you alone before the party. So now seeing your furrowed brows and sad eyes, he feels slightly bad for how he reacted earlier.
“You weren’t giving me attention, you haven’t kissed me all day.” He admits, feeling bad as he remembers how he blew up on you for no reason.
“Why do you want my kisses? I thought you were annoyed with me.” You ask, feeling bad for keeping distance during the party now, seeing how Childe had made him drink when he probably didn’t want to.
“But it’s tradition isn’t it?” He questions you, corner of his mouth turning up as your eyebrows furrow together, confused as to what he was implying.
His index finger tilts your chin up as he looks up at the ceiling along with you and in all its glory hangs a mistletoe.
You felt his breath tickle your face as he let out a chuckle, “You can’t say no to tradition now can you?” He asks, knowing full well you're a sucker for anything holiday related. He remembers how you were excited to decorate earlier and he knows how much you love simple decorations like this.
“Well maybe I can,” you look away from him feeling embarrassed, “I ended up taking down the decorations.” You admit, making his heart sink a bit at your sad expression. “I didn’t realize I overdid it with the decorations a bit I’m-“
His lips crash onto yours shutting you up because gosh he couldn’t take it anymore. He didn’t realize that what he said bothered you so much for you to keep thinking about it, he knew you were about to apologize for absolutely nothing so he decided to shut you up with a kiss he’s been desperately wanting this whole night before you were able to get it out.
“You don’t know,” He hums, deepening the kiss as both his hands gently cup your face. “You don’t know how much I wanted this.” He speaks between kisses making your stomach erupt with butterflies because goodness sakes he doesn’t know what he does to your poor heart.
A small mewl escapes your lips and into the kiss making him smile, hand traveling down to your waist to pull you closer. You now tasted the egg nog you had smelled coming from him earlier, it tasted sweeter than you thought it would.
“Don’t deprive me from this ever again.” He suddenly stops, pulling away his eyes much softer and features less tense than earlier.
“I’m sorry I was being rude earlier. I didn’t mean to blow up on you and call your decorations stupid. I’ll help you put the decorations back up when we get home.” He smiles, one that makes your face feel warm because the look he was giving you was too tender for your heart to handle.
“You mean it! You promise it’s not stupid? We actually don’t have to, you know? I did go a bit overboard. I know it was a bit much but I just wanted to decorate with you.” You admit, eyes looking away from his feeling slightly embarrassed for the way you acted.
“Hey, it’s not your fault, ok I wasn’t mad at you to begin with. Well ok yeah I was annoyed because you were depriving me from your kisses but now,” he leans in once again, smiling wide as he tucks your hair behind your ear. “Now your attention is all mine once again so I couldn’t be any happier you see.” He smiles, planting two kisses on the corners of your mouth then a gentle one on your lips. “Now, let’s go home and decorate, yeah? Let's leave this lame Christmas party already and have our own back at home.” He nods his head, smile widening when you excitedly nod yours back. “I like that idea.” You laugh, and he gently pinches your cheeks, planting one last kiss on your nose before lacing your fingers together. His mood now lifted as he feels you give his hand a squeeze. Maybe now his mood about Christmas won't be so bitter anymore.
authors note: hello lovlies!!! posting early today what?!? well it’s not necessarily early but it’s a day earlier than when I regularly post hehehe. and look it’s a fluff one shot!! finally omg I was like I need to at least give the people a break with angst for once, at least once lol so here is this fluff hurt/comfort scara fic woooo!! wrote for him to celebrate him finally being playable after two years and bc he came home ꒰´꒳`∗꒱. ALSO OHMY- it’s two weeks to Christmas already what?!?! remember to stay safe, stay warm I’m very thankful for each and everyone of you and I want you to know I’m happy that you’re here! :D stay safe everyone please, I do hope you all enjoy ^~^<333
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phyot · 2 years
Who r u again? -☞︎︎︎ 11. Do you like me?
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a/n: guys idk at this point do you prefer y/n or [name] 😭
summary: [name] spends every summer since 9th grade at her best friend's house which is in another country. She also helps her in one of the local bubble tea shop. One day she met a random costumer and things started going uphill after that
taglist: @mangobee @kazekonbini @cherbyti @minkoy @plinkuro @bubblyclouds @edenwrites @lazy-sanns @lucid404
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onceabluemoonwrites · 7 months
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My fic for @beidouzine! Beidou and Ningguang growing up in the same circumstances and becoming very different people all the while. Haishan looming over their past, but perhaps, not their future.
You can read it here!
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holderof-cats · 27 days
help why is my unserious chatfic trending at #1 in Chaeya on wattpad 😭😭😭
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cannibalcorpseport · 2 years
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Uma linguagem não falada por Venti
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ascesabo · 2 years
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hello tumblr, and whoever you are, also camping out on the kazuhei tag! if you're like me and have grown inexplicably obsessed with this ship, i humbly recommend checking out my little oneshot compilation on ao3 :]
no update schedule, sorry! but i'll try my best to feed myself and anyone else looking for content of this pair </3
[as of posting] in the meantime, i currently have two fics published so please give them a read if you're interested! (just a heads up: they're both pretty explicit, do mind the tags 🙇‍♀️)
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daze4all · 1 month
Imagien HSr Boothill Origins
Boothil Genos Vs Boothill whod win?
HSR trying to catch all ppl who like cowboys cyborgs and hot men all in one with Boothill lol
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SHot through the heart and your to blame~
Also Boothill Graveyard is Where I want to be buried lol
Ever think Honkai Star Rail gives common names of actual stuff like Sunday, aventurine , Welt, boothil if hopes when the search engine pop them up instead of what ww be searching for like the boothil gravesite ....
and when they don't exist they make it up like argenti rose lol
Boothill's hotness killed me and now I know where I'll be buried in the Boothill cowboy grave plot lol,
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....aka where all his enemies are buried
.....let me guess he's going to have dead friend like kazuha now ..T-T
Seriously though he showed up with a gravesite when I looked him up once lol
Imagine Boothill:
is like one punch genos cyborg hero
sad backstory shortened to 7 words and
cyborg body made scientist or his friends and enemies
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he should be abundance path with that booty and boobies
In contrast Genhsin has unique names of only them to stand out lol
Matchig HSr Charecters with Songs fic for Theme Ideas
Boothil. SHot Through teh Heart By & Ride A Cowboy Not A Horse
"Shot through the heart and& You'll to blame~
"You Give love a Bad Name"
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beiguang-enthusiast · 2 years
Beidou and Ningguang taking ride on Beidou’s motorcycle, Ningguang wrapping her arms around Beidou’s torso a little too tightly to be platonic, and Beidou gripping the handlebars, her knuckles white because she can feel Ningguang’s arms around her torso absolutely everywhere
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dearmarsoldaccount · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 4
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…?
Notes: Fem reader, Alhaitham’s POV, Jealousy, Whipped Alhaitham, OCC Alhaitham
900+ words [not edited]
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dear--mars · 1 year
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Academic rivals…? Pt 4
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Synopsis: You hated Alhaitham. From his arrogance to his grades. Even looking at him made your stomach turn. But then why were you two embracing each other in the broom closet intertwining breaths together…?
Notes: Fem reader, Alhaitham’s POV, Jealousy, Whipped Alhaitham, OCC Alhaitham
900+ words [not edited]
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Alhaitham always has a plan and his life wasn’t an exception. But that plan was shattered the moment you bumped into him.
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t look in front of me and I bumped into you.” His eyes widened. His breath momentarily stopped as he looked you up and down, You, on the other hand, were frantically trying to pick up the books that fell in the collision.
“It’s alright. We are both to blame. I also neglected to look at what was ahead of me.” He said regaining his composure. As you checked him out his body stiffened under your gaze.
‘Is it just me or is it hotter than usual… Do I look okay right now…? Wait what? Why would I think about that-’
“Are you Alhaitham by any chance?” He was pulled out of his thoughts by your question. He bit the inside of his cheek at the way his name rolled off your tongue.
“Yes, I am.” 
“Oh! Then you’re the one who got first on the entrance exam, right? Congratulations. I’m-”
“[Name]. You managed to place second in the exam.” He said. Alhaitham thought it was quite an achievement, only getting one point off from 100%. You seem different from those brainless idiots walking the halls. 
“Yep. That’s me. Anyways I would like to congratulate you-”
“It was to be expected.” 
“Wow! I guess you think you're really smart!”
‘She thinks I’m smart? Well, I guess since I got first place in the exam she's led to think that. But I don’t think I’m smart. I am smart.’
“I don’t think-”
“Well it's been nice talking to you Alhaitham but I have to go now. Bye.” He could only watch as you left taking the only thing that was warming him during the conversation.
Alhaitham isn’t stupid. Oblivious? Yes. Stupid, no. He’s seen how tired you are in class. You even fell asleep eating. But when school ends you go to the House of Daena instead of going home. He scoffs when he sees you study for hours on end without breaks, food, or water. 
“It’s already 2? I could have sworn it was 11 like 10 minutes ago… I should probably get home…” You said, snapping him out of his book. He watches as you pack your bags with shaky hands. He silently follows you and observes you as you get into the elevator. 
He finds himself rushing down the stairs, trying to keep up with the elevator. He gets there just as the elevator arrives. His eyebrows contort to confusion as you don’t step out. He slowly walked over only to see you slumped against the elevator wall, sleeping. 
A sigh of relief escapes him as a ghost of a smile appears on his face. He wastes no time in grabbing you and carrying you to the Akademiya’s infirmary. He left a note for the nurse before he headed home.
Alhaitham had never felt this way…
What did you do to him…? Ever since you met, he’s been hyper-aware of everything you do. What you eat, what you wear, who you talk to, and even how you talk. 
He knows what he’s feeling but he refuses to acknowledge it. Love, at first sight, doesn't exist. It never has it never will but then what is this feeling swelling in his chest when he sees a younger classman talking to you all blushy?
“Who was that…?” He asked as soon as you were alone.
“Oh, Alhaitham. It was just a younger classman.”
“Why was he speaking with you?”
“He came up and said he feels sorry about what I went.”
“Why? Was he someone that talked bad about you?”
“Well no? I don’t think so.”
“Then why did he apologize?”
“He was just saying that he felt bad because no one should go through what I went through.”
“I see…” was the last thing Alhaitham said before leaving. 
Ever since the incident, you and Alhaitham had gotten close enough to trade test scores even though you always ended up losing or tieing but one day.
“Hey, Alhaitham!”
“What did you get for the test about the poisonous plants?” Alhaitham stared at his 98% with a content look.
“You look kinda happy. Did you get over 100?!” You asked snatching his paper. You’re confused as you looked at his 98%. You look back at you’re paper to see your 100%. Your eyes widened.
“I got a 100… I beat you!! I finally beat you in grades! How did you get this wrong? It was pretty easy.” You said smiling at him, teasing him.
“Good job. After 2 years and over 200 tests, you’ve finally beaten me.” Alhaitham said sarcastically.
“No. I’ve finally won. I won’t let your attitude ruin this for me.” You said before sticking your tongue out at him. You swiftly turned around and left, without seeing his soft smile. He looked at his paper and started reminiscing about the test.
It was the end of the month, so there was the end test for the unit they had been studying. Alhaitham was on autopilot answering questions quickly. That was until he accidentally dropped his pencil. 
He snapped out of his daze and went to pick it up. When he looked up he saw you. You looked happy and were answering the questions rapidly. 
He looked down at his paper before he knew what he was doing, his hand wrote down the wrong answer. The answer stared him down, his hand itching to erase it but then you stood up and handed your test in. 
He clenched his pencil before handing it in himself. 
He would never admit that wrote down the wrong answer just to see your smiling face. But he sure as hell was glad he did it.
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redislonely · 2 years
Random idea but like what if diluc named his falcons or birds (or whatever) after people in mondstate, like keaya is an annoying  Eagle that steals shit all the time
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cruxdou · 3 years
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Holding hands and living with kazuha
❀ pairings: kazuha x reader
❀ warnings: comfort fluff
❀ a/n: tons of mood to write for him and, this is a part of 40 follower celebration :D
Kazuha would be comfortable to hold your hand everytime and anywhere.
At first he might seem why and would blush when you hold his hand but later on he loves it.
He would feel that your really secured and safe from anything bad when you do that.
He would love to take your everywhere and talk about how soft your hand is in his.
Kazuha is a type of person who secretly loves holding hands to the extreame, in a cute and adorable type of way.
Everyone says that you both look lovely while you to doing so.
Would talk about nature everyday and takes you out on a walk with him.
Drinks green tea and eats mochi almost on the daily with you.
He really loves you to the limit he just wants to spend more time with you and enjoying the moment.
He would love to talk about everything that’s bothering you and always makes you feel better.
Kazuha always kisses your forehead before and when your sleeping.
tagging: @sunazu @pyobeul @dendroarchonz @miikonyan
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pokemonispain · 3 years
Hot pot game-Thoma
Summary:  In which Thoma suggests that he, the traveler, Paimon, and Ayaka play the hot pot game and comes to deeply regret his choices
Thoma is very sure that somewhere along the way, he's made a severe lapse in judgment.
After all, he was the one who suggested that they play this Hot pot game, so he truthfully only had himself to blame sadly.
He winced, a whimper leaving his mouth as he rubbed at his bloated stomach. “Ugh, my stomach! It feels like Yoimiya’s fireworks are going off inside of me, ” he whimpered.
Honestly, that wasn’t too much of an understatement in his eyes. His stomach was in absolute agony, so stuffed to the brim with food that every breath he took no matter how small sent an ache streaking across it.
With the pain came intense nausea as well as if every single part of his body was screaming ‘why would you do this to yourself?’ at him.
He closes his eyes for a moment swallowing thickly, as his stomach makes a low growling noise.
Thoma really doesn't feel good right now.
“Who would’ve guessed that Thoma would be the winner? He practically ate all of those weird ingredients without a second thought, ” Paimon said, staring at the man in shock. “Uh, Thoma? You okay buddy?” she asked, noticing how pale his face was and how he was swallowing almost rapidly.
“Salt-crusted herring, unripened Lavender Melon, flash-boiled Dango...oh and whatever that thing was that nearly froze my tongue off, ” Thoma groaned, still rubbing at his stomach. The skin there was taut and bloated as it angrily churned beneath his fingertips struggling to digest all the food he’d stuffed inside of it.
Although it probably didn't help that none of the foods he’d eaten belonged together in any way shape or form. Muffling a soft burp into his hand Thoma groaned again, “I think my life is flashing before my eyes...time to call it a night everyone…”
Thoma closes his eyes, going completely still as he tries to take deep breaths in an attempt to force back the waves of nausea washing over and the bile trying to creep up his throat.
Every breath he takes however has his stomach hitching threatening to send up everything he’d forced inside of it.
Beside him Ayaka giggles softly. “You’ve only got yourself to blame Thoma. All those strange things you ate were ingredients you added yourself,” she pointed out.
The Traveler merely gives Thoma a sympathetic smile despite the fact that his eyes were still closed.
“But weren’t you the one who added those little cakes Ayaka?” Paimon asked, then chuckled. “I think the Traveler ended up eating one. Boiling cakes in a hot pot...euggh...think of the texture,” she said with a small shudder.
And Thoma does which does his already upset stomach no favors, the angry organ giving a loud gurgle as he swallows rapidly feeling bile bubbling at the back of his throat.
Ayaka sighs softly. “I must apologize. To be perfectly honest, I thought the cakes would be a tasty addition.”
Thoma groans again causing the others to look over at him. “Uh oh..I’m definitely not okay…” he whispered feeling his stomach slosh like an overfilled glass.. “I’ll be right back,” he chokes out climbing to his feet as a small amount of bile splashes into his mouth.
For once he doesn’t wait for Ayaka to say anything as he practically staggers out of the room his hand clutching at his aching stomach.
Thankfully the bathroom is a very short walk away, and Thoma barges inside of it a hand clamped over his mouth as his bloated stomach heaves, practically convulsing, the barely digested remnants of his lunch fill his mouth in an instant. And oh archons the texture is absolutely awful, like oatmeal and wet sand mixed together.
He all but collapsed in front of the toilet on his hands and knees, opening his mouth as his stomach heaved again an enormous thick, lumpy wave of vomit gurgling up his throat and into the toilet.
It’s so thick and sticky that it clumps together, practically congealing as it falls from Thoma’s lips, and the taste is horrific. Foods that had no business being mixed together and already taste horrible going down, taste even worse coming back up.
Thoma can barely breathe as a loud, gurgling burp brings up another larger wave of lumpy vomit and Thoma hates this but he only has himself to blame. On the bright side though with each large wave he retches up he can feel the pressure and pain easing up in his stomach which is good cause now at least he won’t feel like he’s actively dying.
As he gives a deep gurgling retch he makes a promise to himself to never, ever do this again. It takes Thoma’s stomach a good few minutes to finally wring itself out and for a few moments all he can do is sit there, his head bowed as he pants and hiccups, threads of drool hanging from his lips.
Despite the fact that his stomach feels a bit sore, his throat is raw and there’s a horrific taste coating every inch of his mouth Thoma feels so, so much better. Almost as if he’s a new man.
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petramysticaclxv · 3 years
Ever had the idea of making a continuation about a fanfic.... Then realized.... That is your fanfic ur thinking a continuation about
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