#gay behavior
potekosblog · 1 year
Wednesday: "I'm allergic to color"
Also Wednesday:
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*proceeds to let this colorful girl be next to her*
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buttsmgutts · 10 months
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language barrier
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the-real-hank-green · 15 days
Men complaining about Aphrodites depiction in hades 2 cause she’s too “masculine looking”. Hate to break it too you but if you see a objectively beautiful naked women and you’re first thought is to complain, you are gay.
You’re mad at seeing a beautiful women’s naked body, why? Cause you wish there was a penis there? you wish she was a man with a thick cock huh?
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I want him
^boy kisser behavior
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thatssroughbuddy · 7 months
Sokka what were YOU doing at the jerkbending incident
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kristsune · 1 year
just finished season 2 of person of interest and the one thing i wanna say, really the big takeaway: john and harold are married. just. Gay Behaviors the entire time. two bi boys just being gay together. well. apart, and then together. but gay the entire time.
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stanger-things · 2 years
Rewatching, I cannot believe how OBVIOUS Mike is about the painting. The first few times I watched the airport reunion, Mike’s bizarre awkwardness was what hit for me (literally I saw the scene and was like ok so they’re DEFINITELY doing byler then). But the last couple times I have watched, I can’t get over the WAY Mike asks. The forced casualness that is anything but casual. His voice has an actual edge of desperation and anxiety. And then that “cool” that comes out when Will has barely finished talking. He is a ball of nerves and also like ‘I don’t care, so Will actually DOES like a girl, that’s fine’ but truly dying inside. Meanwhile on the outside he’s like
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littlemxhoney · 9 months
Not a homestead, but a...
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stpansy · 28 days
i’m so obsessed w patrick’s obviously large collection of cunty little colorful sneakers. every space p2 inhabits together is probably 50% garish shoes
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dailyqtaro · 1 month
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today's qtaro is: they are on a date
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cringeworms · 1 year
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Fucking look at him.
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manhuntwaist · 2 years
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choose your favorite
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elaryssue · 1 year
If I got a Nickel every time Rei stares menacingly at women speaking to Kazuki, I would have 2 Nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's strange it's happened twice.
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(I know he's staring at Kazuki on this one, but we all know the "fuck off vibe" goes to Misaki here)
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totallynottinsel · 1 year
Windblume Aeventi crumbs had me going feral SO here’s the one-shot I said I’d make- enjoyyy
Absolutely Tooth rotting fluff like go see the dentist
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Love Poems~
“Phew… Paimon’s stuffed!” - The small pixie said after inhaling way too much food for one being under 20 minutes, getting a silent and concerned look from the traveler who watched her do it all; turning his head to glance over at the love-bird filled streets of Mondstadt, weather it was a couple planning a date or someone wondering about their crush, it was typical to see such things during Windblume. He leaned forward and rested his arms on the wooden table at Good Hunter, letting out an almost disappointed sigh while holding his head up with his gloved hand — He wasn’t sure why he felt so.. lonely, maybe? The same thing happened last year, even when he was surrounded by so many friends he still managed to remind himself he didn’t have that special someone like everyone else did, and once he was in his head, it was hard to get back out -
“Enjoying the scenery, are we?” - His head perked up at the familiar cheerful voice appear behind them, his golden brown eyes shining and wide as he’d practically immediately stand back up and shake his previous feelings aside to look presentable for the happy-go-lucky bard who showed up that Paimon already begun to scold about trying to get on their tab for most likely the 100th time, though it was obvious he was up to something per usual - “Anywho, you should be getting ready to thank me, I come bearing good news! Behold''
- Aether looked to Paimon with suspicion, then back to the other who held a map-like paper in his hand, lord knows what could be on it, asking a simple “What is it..?” Before taking it and looking carefully - “It’s what you need most right now, the answer to the prophetic puzzle~” - And there it was— it wasn’t much of a surprise that Venti may have decided to play just a teeny tiny bit of favorites and give him a cheat sheet, even if he told them not to use it right away with nothing but a innocent smile and a wink or two, the facts said otherwise - “Paimon feels like your up to something… If you know so much about the prophecy then why don’t you just help us find it!”
“I could help you find it, but if I already know where it is then where’s the fun in that? This map is just er—a nudge in the right direction per say” - He shrugged to seem even less conspicuous - “Hehe, oh! Also, if you have some time we could organize another fast-track love poem class?”
“You're starting that up again?” - Paimon asked with her hands against her hips - “I sure am! Nobody else has signed up this year though… So the duty to learn falls on you” - The archon tilted his head slightly and flashed a smile to the surprised traveler, who took a few moments to process his thoughts on the matter before nodding happily in agreement to the offer - “Hey I think that’d be really fun! I shouldn’t be busy if we meet up early tomorrow? Maybe around 7-ish?”
“Sounds good! Why don’t we meet by the plaza where the last classes took place? I’ll leave you two be, see ya in the morning!” - Venti lifted his hand to give a small gestured wave before taking his leave, his visible excitement was contagious to anyone around him -
“What..? Don’t look at me like that—“ - Aether looked at the angry floating pixie glaring at him with confusion, knowing she was upset about not being invited to join in on this ‘Love Poem class’ with him, zooming over to smack the blond on the top of his head - “Don’t you think it’s kinda weird that NOBODY joined the poem class this year but went crazy for it last time? Paimon think’s that tone-deaf bard is just being sneaky and didn’t tell anyone else about it so he could be alone with you” - She crossed her arms and pouted like a kid, stating a interesting point -
“Pfft no way, why’d he wanna be purposely alone with me? It’s… it’s just a nice thing he’s doing, obviously! It’s what friends do..” - He knew he was a massive liar, even though he was hiding it surprisingly well, he was girlishly screaming and jumping up a and down on the inside — trying to keep his overly flushed face hidden as well, seems like he caught the case of the Windblume love - “I’m screwed…”
“So, this is bad—this is REALLY bad.. what am I so nervous about anyway? I shouldn’t be!” - Aether paced back and forth with his hands held close to his chest; he’d been there since 5 AM due to a lack of much needed sleep, and counting every single minute up to 7 on the dot, he practiced several ways on how to say “Hi! Good morning!”, Which he thought sounded too enthusiastic. “Hello, good morning”, sounded too formal or dry, and just “Good morning!” Wasn’t good enough either — though he wouldn’t give up so easily - “What am I gonna do without Paimon knocking sense into me… are we supposed to shake hands? Hug? A pat on the back like a business trade was just made??”
“Personally I’d enjoy stealing a hug from you myself, though because this is an official and partially formal class between simply aquatints, if you prefer to see it that way, then a hand shake will do just fine sir” - The traveler almost had a heart attack while practically choking on air at the appearance of the bard and his chipper giggle, his smile warm and inviting, god, getting a hug from him must feel euphoric—after all good friends hug all the time, right? - “Ah uh—no no I didn’t mean for this to be a formal thing! I just wasn’t sure what you’d be comfortable with, if that makes sense… we don’t have to shake hands or—or hug, honestly just forget about the pat on the back thing. I uh…, good morning”
“Hehe, I think it’s rather sweet you’re so considerate about my feelings, even if whatever greeting you choose it won’t faze me much, or at least won’t give me some kind of bad impression. though if you’d like we can start over! Ehm, morning traveler! Are you ready to start today’s special class?” - He couldn’t help but smile back at Venti’s efforts to try and make the atmosphere less awkward or tense when it should be fun and casual, it ultimately ended up working in the end as expected - “Yeah! I’m ready,”
“Er… okay— before we start is it alright if I possibly gave you a quick hug for y’know—old times sake I guess? I mean it is Windblume and it’s all about expressing how you feel towards the ones you care about, uh.. yeah, obviously you know that already because you’re you… I realize that now. Also we’ve known each other for like a really long time, and I hug other people I know but somehow have never gotten to you before which just makes me look like a total idiot—please tell me to stop talking so I stop sounding stupid” - Aether took a long extended sigh and smacked his forehead with his palm, he only started rambling frantically when he got anxious, and it was painfully obvious to everyone else around him.. though lucky for him he was with carefree people to walk this earth -
“You could never sound ‘stupid’ to me, so take that back! Nor do you have to ask for something as easy as a hug, It’d be an honor to be one of the few to receive such a kind gesture! So…If you’d like, my arms are quite empty currently” - The archon shrugged, his dark brown shoes lightly clicking against the concrete as he stepped forward curiously, his head ever so slightly tilted as he held two tan blank pages to be written on in one hand. A calm and gentle breeze lifting his sky blue braids; the air smelled almost sweet, comforting and joyous, perhaps it was mirroring it’s archon’s exhilaration? hesitantly, Aether pushed himself forward with all the bravery he had left in him, his chest tightening up with a pit in his stomach when they were only inches away—he went in to instigate the hug efficiently, though came to a halt half way realizing he was torn between putting his arms around the other’s waist or shoulders, his hands moving up and down several times in sheer confusion and embarrassment, causing the bard to try and move his own arms to attempt helping in concern -
- After what seemed like endless up and down gestures, the blank pages were then knocked out of his hand’s grip; falling to the ground with a swoop - “Ah—! Sorry my bad, I’ll get that!” - The traveler spat out in a frenzy, too big of one to hear the others refusal to the offer, both quickly bending down to pick the pieces up out of consideration, accidentally bumping shoulders when doing so and causing more unwanted stress and attention from worried by-passers - “Are you alright? I should be the one apologizing, I didn’t think I’d be so clumsy today… “ - Venti let a quiet giggle slip out as he scratched the back of his neck, the shade of his braids changing to a practically glow type blue, even brighter then the light of his shiny vision -
“Yeah I’m okay, and don’t worry about it really! It’s uh—it’s…“ - Aether was at a complete and utter loss for all words, (as if he wasn’t enough already) freezing as he was still bent down, eyes wide and with sparkles even. He was dead focused on the image right in front of him with pure admiration, Venti was distracted trying to hold in his now laughter to the situation, using the back of his hand to cover his mouth with apologies mixed in if it ever came off as rude, his smile was so incredibly sunny, how could you not love a smile like the one he had?
Not to mention, his bright green hat seemed to have fallen off when they crashed into each other— showing his slightly messy and dark navy hair, it looked so fluffy and soft, and most likely was. He’d give up all his mora and Paimon’s food stash just to get the chance to braid it, even though he knew he could because they were already great friends, it’s not like he actually had the courage to ask:
‘Heyy… can I braid your hair?’ he wish he did. He’d imagined what it was like before, just the two of them sitting in each others company on a warm and sunny day like this, how he’d carefully brush and braid it, how Venti might lean back into him almost like a pillow, just as the traveler once did with his sister when she’d braid his longer hair -
- Did that make him weird or perverted for thinking up small scenarios like that? He often thought it was due to getting stuck in his head too much, even when they were nothing harmful in the slightest bit. Don’t even get him started on thinking about HAND HOLDING, the audacity his mind had tsk tsk… -
“So, you’ve already been acquainted with the basics of poetry, now it’s simply time to write what you’re heart desires! Tell me traveler, is there someone in you’re life who means an awful lot to you? It can mean anyone or anything, there’s no right or wrong answer” - Aether thought long and hard about the god’s question, bouncing his pencil up and down the page sitting on his lap, clearing his throat before speaking his answer - “I do, they do mean a lot to me, I’m just not sure how to word everything..”
“Is it you’re sister? Just a lucky guess I’m throwing”
“Ah no.. she still means the whole world to me of course! But there’s another special place in my heart just for this person..”
“So it is a someone then? You’ve piqued my interest… Who’s the special person? If you don’t mind me asking” - Venti crossed his arms as he asked, it was rare they ever got to talk one-to-one on a personal level like this—so it’s natural he jumped at the chance out of pure curiosity. Watching as the other boy’s face spiked with a surge of red, trying to swiftly compose himself to even get a reply out -
“Well.. you know them, him actually… and I know this’ll sound really corny but—I’ve had a hard time not thinking about him all the time, especially when I’m away in another nation.. I plan out exactly what I know I’m going to say to him but then—! My mind goes totally blank and I can’t think…We’ve known each other for awhile and It was easy to talk to him before I started feeling all.. this. At this point I think everyone I know know’s that “Oh, Aether has a massive crush he can’t get over!”, I don’t know how but they do— He’s so insanely sweet and such a great friend to me I’m scared if I tell him how I really feel I’ll lose him too.. And I just can’t take that right now, heck I haven’t seen any signs at all that he could even like me back so..”
“Did it ever cross you’re mind that he may be just as skittish as you are to the topic?”
“What—no, he’s good at being honest and doesn’t seem like the type to be super nervous about sharing feelings.. but I never thought of it” - The blond shrugged -
“Some are far better at masking how thy truly feel deep down in fear of the same you struggle with, loss and rejection. It’s a common worry in any person”
“Yeah… you’re right— I just.. don’t want him to hate me or something like that, y’know?”
“What in Teyvat would make you think I’d ever hate you?” - Venti shook his head in disbelief, hurt by the fact he’d go as far as the word ‘hate’, but the other part was still managing to wesel some much needed answers out of him -
“I know I know you’d never hate me I just don’t have the guts to—“ - Aether’s eyes shook with absolute shock as his hand darted to cover his mouth, slowly realizing he was just half tricked into confirming who exactly his massive crush was on, struggling to find the right words (excuse) that could save him from humiliation - “How did you—?”
“Hehe, lucky guess~” - The bard gave a wink in return, his own face covered with a light pink tint till he spoke again - “Do you really believe I’m that oblivious? It wasn’t too hard to tell you’d caught feelings… I’m quite flattered and—“
“—You’re sorry because you’re not interested..? I totally understand if so!” - The traveler barged in the conversation, ready for any kind of answer possible even after hearing comforting words beforehand — his hands jittery while messy around with his gloves as a distraction, opening his mouth only for it to be shut by the other’s hand gentle - “Shh, I’m flattered, and It’s adorable how hard you try, I admire that..” - Venti’s smile grew so much bigger, leaning in closer, retracting his hand away to brush a few strands of long hair out of his face, tracing his fingers across the side of his face with a light hum, deciding to inch near him even more without much thought -
⁃ Naturally Aether was taken aback by his sudden movements, hesitant at first when he thought a move was being made when really he was getting a little too ahead of himself per usual, surprised when he felt a pair of embracing arms wrap around his shoulders; it felt so familiar and cozy even, sending him to a place he’d hadn’t felt for 2 whole years, taking a breath of relief before falling into the warmth of the hug tightly. Closing his eyes as he felt the bard in his arms nuzzle into his neck like a cat adoring it’s owner’s attention -
“I could never, ever, hate you. I don’t even like that word, you’re impossible to ‘hate’, you bring yourself down so much and I notice when you do it… Though I don’t understand why you do it in the first place? You’re a beautiful person, Aether, I wish you understood that” - Venti mumbled against the other’s clothes, his voice disappointed and uncertain, hearing a sigh from the shy blond -
“I don’t do it that often… but thank you, Venti— you have no idea how nice this is to hear… honestly I don’t know why I think people will want nothing to do with me if I share my feelings, I should’ve known you a bit better then that… sorry”
“What’s the apology for? There’s no need, nor no need to know every little detail about how you feel, like I said before it’s a common fear amongst many people, which doesn’t make you any less special either. All I’m curious about now is how long you’ve had this crush on little old me? Hm?~” - The archon had a smug look planted all over his face, softly placing a single kiss on his neck just for reactions sake, peeking over to see his completely silent and tomato colored face just a few seconds after -
“I—wh—well I—you know! How am I supposed to keep track of that??” - Oh, flirty Venti… If he wasn’t already sitting on the ground now he’d be on his knees for sure, still dying of an equal mix of embarrassment, enjoyment, happiness, and overall gay-ness - “You can’t just— trick the answer out of me then do… that! totally unfair…” - He pouted like an upset puppy, though it was obvious how bad he was at hiding his want for just a little more -
“Aw I’m just messin’ with you! It’s hard when it’s so tempting to tease people rather easily, especially you” - Venti sat up a bit to look at him face to face, even if he was still a flustered mess—booping his nose with one finger and a followed up ‘Ehehe’, which still managed to catch the other off guard - “‘Hehe’ cutely one more time and Paimon gets to give you another nickname”
“A—Another one..?”
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fairyfaeyrzai · 8 months
Oki so like we know I'm g a e. but like, I'm gay. And poly. And until now I didn't really realize how beautifully terrible the feelings those two sexualities create. It takes "I'm gay for my friends" to a whole new level, and I feel like an absolute disaster when I interact with the people I am infatuated with. I overthink and misinterpret almost every little thing, but then I crave their attentions and their time to the point where I feel so greedy for it. I already have so much love and affection spread onto me. Every time I feel like my heart's about to explode with feelings of affection, one of them laughs or goes on a tangent or just gives me some of their time, and my heart seems to grow a little more just to accommodate. I just want all of these people in my life for as long as their willing to give me, and while I'm terrified of being open about my feelings, I also want to get up the courage to tell them how I feel and for them to know how much I truly care about them. TL;DR, I am hopelessly down bad for a bunch of queers to the point where I could cry XD.
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kristsune · 1 year
melts into a puddle onto the floor about rinch
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