#fucking northern fools
Lord Husband (Chapter 11)
cregan stark x reader
A/N: the amount of time it took me to release a new chapter is criminal. So sorry yall 😭
WORD COUNT: 1,292 words
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You find yourself watching him sometimes. You don’t mean to and you never did in the first few weeks of your marriage but recently, you’ve found it difficult to keep your eyes away. He trains in the morning, before he settles into his Lord’s duties and though you’re more of a late sleeper, you woke early to observe him.
He moves less with grace and more with brutish strength, but that hardly means that he’s any less of an adept swordsman; he’s skillful with every swing. It’s different to the way your brothers fight. His style is more distinctly… northern.
You don’t wince for the man he knocks to the ground, Ser Brandon does a little as he stands dutifully behind you. You don’t necessarily care for brutish swordplay but you understand the importance of the fact that your husband is as feared as he is loved. The beginning of an inkling arises that perhaps it was the cleverest match your mother could have made. You don’t need his protection by any means (you ride a massive fucking dragon) but you find comfort in the fact that only a fool would even consider attempting to attack Winterfell and the man you call husband.
“Could you best Lord Stark in a battle?” You don’t look at Brandon but he knows the question is for him.
“I don’t believe many men could, princess.”
“Perhaps I need a new sworn protector then.” You say playfully.
“I think you already have the best protector.” He says but there are no traces of cockiness in his voice.
“You think highly of yourself, Ser.” You reply with a chuckle.
“I did not mean myself.” His gaze is on Cregan, just as yours was only moments ago.
You perhaps wish to scold him for the remark but you know he didn’t actually say anything out of line. It was a complimentary comment, even if he knew it would irk you. You spend a moment thinking of just how irritating the man is when Cregan’s eyes look up from his sparring and catch yours.
“(y/n)!” He calls out to you with a smile, finding it hard not to be excited by your presence. Were you out here just to watch him?
“Cregan.” You greet in return, finally appreciating his many requests to call him by his name.
“What brings you here at such an early hour?” He asks but it's clear by the look on his face that he knows the answer. Though, you had a plan for this.
“I’m going for a ride. Sȳndror grows restless.” He takes you in now. You are fully dressed in riding leathers.
“So early? The air has a bite in it in the morning.” He tests, wanting so badly to be proven right about his thoughts that you’re here for him.
“Like I said, my dragon is restless.”
“I did not think an unchained beast with all the freedom in the land could be… restless.”
You quirk a brow at his almost teasing manner. “He wouldn’t stray far from me. He doesn’t trust the North.”
“Ah, I see.” Disappointment.
“Would you like to meet him, my lord?” You use the honourific as you speak to him now, his name having left a… taste on your tongue.
“Meet… your dragon? The one they call the Hellion?” He looks a little nervous now. You tend to like making men slightly fearful.
“Yes of course.” You give him a sweet smile, one that hides just a touch of menace. “My Hellion.”
“Is he um good with strangers?”
“Sometimes.” You say, giving him a curious look, head cocked just slightly to the side.
“And this would please you?” He asks delicately.
He would do this just because it pleased you?
“Greatly so.” He straightens up and stands taller now, mustering all the courage that he can.
“Then I would be honoured to meet your mount.”
What a fun delight this is then. You think to yourself as you call for your horses so the both of you can ride to where you believe you saw Sȳndror resting.
You can sense the nerves rising in the man who’s just behind you on his own steed as you get closer and closer to the dragon.
The poor fool.
When you finally stop to tie the horses, the bravery that he had just managed to scrape together is now pooled in his gut and gnawing at his insides.
“Don’t run from him.” You say as you dismount. “He’ll think you’re prey.”
When you look back at Cregan, he’s practically shaking in his boots, face drained of colour as his eyes gaze across the beast that lies in front of you. The winged monster is massive, nearly as big as Caraxes, which is a great feat for a creature so young.
You take pity on your poor husband and hold your hand out for him to take. “He won’t hurt you if he thinks the flames would even slightly graze me, so just stay close.”
He grasps your hand, trying hard not to squeeze more tightly than comfortable. You lead him up the hill slowly, giving Sȳndror time to take the new guest in. His blackened eyes show curiosity at the man you bring him. He sniffs the air, the blood of the boy smells nothing like yours; this is the first non-relative you’ve presented to him. Should he eat the human?
“Lykiri, Sȳndror. Se vala iksis iā raqiros.” Be calm, Sȳndror. The man is a friend.
Not dinner then.
You walk closer to the dragon with Cregan very slowly and then take his hand to lift it up until its pressed against Sȳndror’s shoulder. You can feel the animal's heavy breaths through Cregan’s palm. Each one is almost enough to throw you off balance. Sȳndror looks back at the two of you, deciding if he’s alright with the puny human laying hands on him.
“I never thought…” Lord Stark starts, “I never could have imagined that I could touch a dragon and live to tell the tale.”
“You might not.” You muse wistfully and he looks at you with an alarmed expression. “A jest.” You say with a teasing smile.
Cregan swallows the lump in his throat. “Mhm.”
“It feels powerful, doesn’t it?”
“It feels unnatural.” He says in a breath.
“Like I don’t have the right to touch him while you… you command him.”
“Command is the wrong word.” You state. “Dragons aren’t horses. They won’t submit to being possessed.” You know you’re saying too much. Your family gains an illustrious reputation from the illusion. It’s not for you to bring down the veil. “But my blood binds him to me. Targaryens claimed that power.”
“And you chose to share that with me.” He states.
“I have demonstrated that to you.” You correct him with a less personal verb.
“I am grateful nonetheless.” He replies, knowing that if he gets too comfortable with his words, you’ll close off to him.
“Hmm… you’re welcome.” You at least give him that much. “I will take to the skies now.” The words are terribly abrupt. “You should go; the air channeled through his wings is enough to knock a grown man off his feet.”
“Of course.” Cregan gives you a nod. “Perhaps you might dine with me tonight?” He asks and the question takes you off guard slightly.
He takes your unsure answer as the win that it is and gives you one of his silly grins before he walks back to his horse. As you climb onto Sȳndror, you feel that strange feeling in your stomach, the one you get when your dragon dives so fast that you’re practically free falling. You just can’t figure out why.
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misguidedasgardian · 10 months
The Hour of the Wolf
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Summary: The dark hours before the end of Aegon Targaryen II
Warnings: Cursing, war, death, mentions of killings, genocide and war, threats, talks about bedding and non concensual sexual relationships, threats of mutilation, SPOILERS for ASOIAF, and Fire & Blood, also, might spoil House of the Dragon 
Wordcount: 1.2 k
Notes: A bit short, but I'm setting a tone here
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Corlys could sense the tension in the room, everyone, at least, the survivors, were dangerously quiet, they shared concerned looks between them all.
Alicent’s mouth always seemed to be twisted in inhumane ways, but now… the edges of her mouth almost falls down of her face by her chin
“All the traitors are going to die”, said Aegon, twisting his hands, playing with the rings he had placed in his fingers… trying to hide the fact that they were burnt, the skin melted. He used now high colored shirts and vests, but the still raw, tender skin that was never going to heal, could still be seen in the side of his face, no matter he had decided to let his wild hair ungroomed, fall long framed his chubby face.
“We will be overrun”, admitted Corlys, “A Northerner army, a big one, is passing trough Harrenhal right now, they had been joined by people in the Riverlands that still are faithful to Rhaenyra’s cause, and also from the Vale in the Narrow Sea, we will be defeated, and we will burn inside this walls”, he sentenced 
“I think the Velaryon Fleet needs incentive, Lord Corlys, to face the traitors of the Vale”, two years ago, the council would have laughed to the drunken fool’s face that called himself King, but as they looked into his wild lilac eyes… no one laughed
Corlys was the only one to dare directly into his eyes
In defiance
Say it
He begged him with a silent threat in his dark eyes
Do it
Threaten me
“I think we need to send a little message…”, he continued, “I want my little nephew’s cock on a platter, and that little whore… in my chambers by the time we finish here, maybe that way, if we send them a set of sheets with my niece’s maidenhead in them, perhaps we will tell the fucking traitors what will happen to them all”
“Take the black, your grace, step down”
“I will kill them, to every last trace of my cunt of a half sister, i will take away the reason for their rebellion, they were be no other contender to the throne but me, and I will marry Cassandra Baratheon, she will give me true, strong heirs, worthy of the Iron Throne” 
“Your grace”, he said slowly. “maybe, telling them of your marriage with the princess, instead of her bloodied sheets would be more effective”, he counseled
“He is right Aegon”, said Alicent softly, “an alliance between the two branches of the family will ease them, and Cregan Stark, when knowing Rhaenyra’s blood will sit on the Iron Throne one day, he will go back North”, she said hopefully, she placed her hand on his son forearm, but he pulled it, rejecting his mother’s touch 
“Bring her to my chambers tonight”, he said to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, he didn't like it, but nodded nonetheless without saying anything
“Aegon”, reasoned Alicent, “she is very delicate, and an innocent in all of this”
“Isn’t she the daughter of my whore of a sister?”, he mocked, Alicent said nothing as she played with her fingers nervously, “isn’t she what you called her a thousand times over? a bastard?”
“That doesn’t mean… we will be surrounded”
“Call in Lord Borros then, they will attack the traitors from the back, and killed them against the city walls”, he mocked
“Lord Borros is dead your grace”, said Corlys, playing with the dragon eye in front of him, he then stopped, and look up at him, he found the twisted King looking back at him with a sick smile 
“Right, sometimes I forget”, he said dismissively, he took the chalice of wine next to him and took it to his lips
5 minutes without drinking
A new record 
“the Lannisters then”, he said
“By the time the Lannister piece together the scraps left of their army, our head will be at stakes at the gates of the city”, Lord Corlys debated, Larys Strong only got quiet, looking to the left and to the right, who was next to speak, who was next to loose his temper. It was truly entertaining 
“We hold the city”, he mocked, “we will close the gates and those savages will be scratching their heads, wondering how they could breach the walls, they don’t have siege weapons
“What they have is the rest of the country’s resources, while they starved us to death”, he fought again
“Not if your armada defeats the Arryn’s, as they should”
Then finally, his crazy, deranged eyes stopped at the face of Corlys Velaryon
“I will cut your granddaughter's ear and sent it to Alyn Velaryon, to go and encourage him to fight the fucking traitors”
That was it
“That is not going to be necessary, your grace, Alyn will fight the Arryn fleet, there is no doubt in my mind, I will send word to him personally”
“there shouldn’t be no need”, he snapped, “I am the King!”, he said, pointing to his own chest, “and they are loyal to me, they will fight”, Corlys nodded 
That was it then
They shared looks with Tyland Lannister
His fate was set 
The small council meeting was done, and everyone return to their chambers, it was already the hour of the owl, the Keep was dark, very lighten up, it lost ghostly, like it had been abandoned 
Corlys walked silently to his chambers, as a maid passed by him, he gave her a small sack and nodded, she barely looked at him and walked away
It was sealed 
“Where is the princess?”, he asked the guard posted at her rooms, he shook his head, the Sea Snake barely nodded, “keep her there”, he commanded, and kept walking
He needed his wits, he was going to need every ounce of diplomacy he still held to survive the coming weeks
A pack of wolves was coming
And they were going to ravage every Green that still drew breath
There had never lived a Stark who forgot an oath
Cregan Stark had promised Rhaenyra he was going to raise an army and march south to guard her and destroy her enemies that still were raising arms
Rhaenyra was dead
And yet the wolf was coming to fulfill his promise 
. . .
“Drakari pykiros, Tīkummo jemiros”, she sang softly, grabbing tightly the small incense in her hand, “Yn lantyz bartossa, Saelot vāedis”, she kept lighting up the candles, “Hen ñuhā elēnī, Perzyssy vestretis”, she wavered, looking up at the skull of Balerion, “Se gēlȳn irūdaks. Ānogrose, Perzyro udrȳssi”, she moved to the next table, lighting up the small candles one by one, it could be maddening, but she had been here every night, “Ezīmptos laehossi”, she continued, “Hārossa letagon, Aōt vāedan, Hae mērot gierūli”, she looked up at the huge skull again, hoping, praying for something, like he was going to brought the black dread back to life
“Se hāros bartossi, Prūmȳsa sōvīli, Gevī dāerī”, she finished the song with a single tear falling down her cheek
“Balerion, Jaes morgho, mazēdas ñuha lentor, sir gūrogon zirȳla, nyke jorepagon syt se morghon hen dārys”
[Balerion, god of death, he took my family, now take him, I pray to you for the death of the Usurper], she whispered 
She looked down at the candles, as she played with her fingers in the small flames, she could feel nothing, her skin didn't melt, unlike her sleeve
“Morghūljagon”, she whispered, extinguishing the flames from a simple blow of her lips 
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xflixer7 · 6 months
all of my yellowjacket headcannons (so far)
word count is like a trillion ok i’m not counting all this
she/her transfem! lesbian bottom (try to convince me otherwise)
-definitely has some type of ocd
started playing soccer when she was little
will actually go insane is you steal any of her clothes if you look at her she will actually be drooling with heart eyes
this girl is french and is HORRIBLE at it
plays piano
also knows violin because her parents made her take it doesn’t play is anymore though
lottie isn’t jealous but very protective of you
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-phoebe bridgers
-tv girl
-faye webster
-#1 laufey fan on the world
unironically knows every katy perry song by heart because she used to be her favorite when she was little
her room is huge
likes putting her hair in pigtails
golden retriever girlfriend she’s so sweet to you and loves to spend time and money on you you guys always stay at her house would literally kiss the ground you walk on if you asked her too:((
also the worst cooker you ever met like how did you fuck up toast why is the smoke alarm going off??
favorite color is blue
lottie definitely has a hairstylist she goes too every month to get permed and there really close i can see her telling them about ALL the school drama
lottie wants write story’s when she’s older maybe romance or mystery idk but i can just imagine her having a typewriter and writing you story’s she has wanted to do it since she was a kid and is very passionate about it:((
what i think her favorite shows are:desperate housewives,american horror story,sailer moon
time burton enthusiast
so scared of horror movie like she will start crying
her favorite characters are:
-emily (corpse bride)
-bree (desperate housewives)
-starfire (teen titans)
always goes on and on about how she’s bubblegum and your marceline she LOVES adventure time
her favorite movie is bridge to terabithia
lotties favorite animal is a bunny and she really wants a pet bunny
BEGS you to give her your bra and your confused but you give it too her and she makes a bracelet out of it and wears it practically every day proudly
also think that lottie is a great artist? like sketching and painting wise
SAY IT WITH ME transmasc! (he/they) definitely bi and a bottom why? because i say so
started playing soccer in middle school
LOVES christmas like has an unhealthy obsession with it
northern italian knows the launage pretty well also a great cook
wants to play electric guitar
his favorite (modern!) singers are
-tyler the creator
-alex g
-motley crue
-is so obsessed with mistki don’t even get me started
randomly painted his room black one day when he was bored
usually prefers his hair down
you give him haircuts he doesn’t trust anyone else someone definitely fucked up his hair once and he never went back
he’s stubborn black cat energy but he can be soft sometimes he hates being vulnerable around you
his favorite color is black or gray
just wants to be famous tbh but he wants to be in a band
what i think his favorite shows are:rick and morty,bojack horseman,shameless
LOVES horror movies and reality tv like 90 day fiancé and the kardashions
also likes claymation
his favorite characters are
-ash (fantastic mr fox)
-sidney (i am not ok with this)
-coraline (coraline)
his favorite movie is little miss sunshine
nat’s favorite animal is a panther he saw one in the jungle book when he was little and just thought it looked cool
always headcannoing characters as trans like finn from adventure time or jeff from clarence he’s so cute:((
nat skateboards too definitely not great at it but does it when he’s bored
(she/her) is just a bratty pillow princess lesbian you can’t fool me
-adhd asf
-neurodivergent for sure
started playing soccer because she was bored eighth grade tbh i don’t think she likes it as much as the others but she thinks it’s fun
always takes your hoodies fact
this girl is a vegetarian for sure
jackie is greek which is shocking to everyone
jackie is jealous always period
hey gays ass button ups bro
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-ariana grande her fav
-billie eilish
-harry styles
-lana del ray
pretty mainstream music taste
all pink room it’s very like coquette?
ponytail girl but also enjoys her hair down
is obsessed with you like unhealthy obsession always needs to be around you
favorite color is light pink duh
jackie gets perms so she really doesn’t care who does her hair
wants to be a makeup guiro or just stay at home honestly she hates working
what i think her favorite shows are:euphoria, grays anatomy,glee
i think she likes very drama files shows and will rant about tv show characters and there dynamics and why she think that there like that and etc for HOURS
ughhh jackie is such a girls girl like she is the friend who always has your back and has gum or a tampon for you she is the friend who would check you on your period
her favorite characters are:
-maddy (euphoria)
-regina (mean girls)
-amy (gone girl)
her favorite movie is DEFINITELY jennifer’s body
jackie is a cat lover and has 2 i can see her with a orange and a gray cat and they always fight
DEFINITELY bi (she/her) and i could see her as a switch?
joined soccer with jackie eighth grade
has like thousands of boxers
knows how to play saxophone (she doesn’t even know how she learned she just did) she doesn’t own one though
so jealous but never says anything (this girl cannot communicate to save her life)
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-the cranberries
was so mad when they got popular on tiktok and had to let everyone know they where her fav since day 1 (everyone knew)
-suki waterhouse
-cigarettes after sex
-never got over halsey since 2017
-lady gaga
she honestly doesn’t care how her room looks but it’s never clean
doesn’t do anything with her hair really
writes you notes about how she appreciates you or how much she loves you cause it’s hard for her to tell you how she feels but she loves you so much:((
green is her favorite color
shauna’s hair may seem simple but she’s VERY picky about how it’s cut and is always worried there gonna cut it bad so she gets it cut like twice a year(she always ends up hating it)
she wants to be some sort of doctorate she’s fascinated by the human body so i can see her wanting to be a surgeon
what i think her favorite shows are:good girls, queens gambit,13 reasons why
her favorite characters are:
-velma (chicago)
-cassie (euphoria)
-susanna (girl interrupted)
her favorite movie is chicago (loves musicals)
a simple gal she really likes dogs
she/her lesbian switch
joined soccer in fifth grade
mixed (duh)
used to be in the marching band
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-bruno mars
(screams when i was your man and grenade in her car way too much)
-frank ocean
-post malone
(also screams his songs in the car)
-has a soft spot for shawn mendas has all of his albums
-really enjoys 60’s music so she really likes elvis
her room is pretty big too not huge on decorating
doesn’t care about hair like at all will wear a headband sometimes
a good girlfriend like if your cold she will give you her jacket type she has a temper never jealous either girlfriend material she’s the type you would want your kid to date y’know?
respectful to adults gets good grades and stuff
her favorite color is brown and everyone is like that’s weird and she is trying to convince them like “no guys it’s pretty hear me ou-“
cuts her own hair thinks it’s overpriced and dumb to have someone professionally do it
tai wants to be something important like president or some shit i can see her being a lawyer
what i think her favorite shows are:the umbrella academy,big mouth,skins
tai only watches skins and euphoria type shows because she loves the drama
her favorite characters:
-hermoine (harry potter)
-patrick (perks of being a wallflower)
-nadine (edge of seventeen)
her favorite movie is the 6th harry potter movie she also thinks it’s the most underrated
she likes tigers
she/her and lesbian switch
joined soccer in sixth grade
plays the trumpet but is kinda embarrassed by it
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-nicki manaj
-fiona apple
-tori amos
-girl in red duh
-david bowie
-was ziggy stardust for halloween when she was 8
posters EVERYWHERE can’t convince me her room is not painted red
doesn’t care about hair either puts in a ponytail to keep it out of her face
is a great girlfriend all the same traits as taissa except not the best at school she’s honestly surprised she graduated
favorite color is red
her uncle cuts her hair for like five bucks out of his garage also i definitely think she used to have a bowl cut when she was little
doesn’t really care about money she just wants to be happy wants to own a record store or be a professional soccer player
speaking of records she definitely has a lot of collections like lowkey a hoarder…but her stuff is cool though! like funky pops hat wheels cd’s records etc
what i think her favorite shows are:beavis and butthead, avatar, south park
mostly likes adult animation
her favorite characters are:
-harley (suicide squad)
-ron (harry potter)
-beast boy (teen titans)
her favorite movie is the bee movie or lego batman there cinematic masterpieces
van likes pigeons for not particular reason she just thinks there funny looking
i can see van as a surfer too like her dad definitely is one also i can imagine her being really close with her dad and they have a local family business bakery:((
she/her and idk her position or sexually like i genuinely have no idea
always wanted to be on the team but knew she was bad at sports
german definitely
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-boy genius
-the beatles
-justin bieber
-melanie martenz is her favorite forever
light purple room has justin bieber posters everywhere
lowkey forgets she has hair whenever people comment on it she’s like “oh yeah!”
very obsessive of you and loves you almost too much sometimes you think it’s creepy but than your like “awww she’s so cute”
loves the color yellow
i can see her being a k-pop stan too
(her bias in bts is j-hope)
also is a famous editer on tiktok and no one knows😭her username is like “gxxbflix” or some shit
literally has had one haircut in her life like it never grows?
i see her as a pharmacist
what i think her favorite shows are:walking dead,mlp,monster high
i just think she really enjoys getting into all types of fandoms
has SO many online friends
definitely loves romance anime
plays clarinet
is in band
favorite characters:
-cruella (cruella)
-alice (alice in wonderland)
-edward (edward sciccor hands)
and mistys favorite movie is alice through the looking glass (because it shows the queen of hearts back story and misty loves her)
and misty likes birds duh
those are my headcannons for them i know it’s a lot but i’m obsessed ok send requests if you have any please
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dufferpuffer · 3 months
Snapes Boggart
I don't think it will have anything to do with Lily. She is already dead, she had already rejected his friendship - the worst has already happened, and he has accepted that. He has taken these events into himself and grown from them. Voldemort's wrath? Mmm... Boggarts aren't really just something that scares you - they specifically try to make you feel your greatest fear. eg. Remus' isn't just a werewolf... but the threat of the full moon coming to make him transform, even though the moon isn't scary. Voldemort could figure out Snape is fooling him, and that would be quite spooky - but being killed isn't exactly something that worries Snape too much. Dumbledore losing faith in him is a better candidate, because Dumbledore is the only one with any care for him. If Albus kicked him to the curb, sent the Ministry after him, cancelled his role of Potions Master, told him to never come near Harry again... what exactly would he have to live for...? He may as well try and kill the dark lord himself. ((oh fuck thats an interesting fic idea - Severus on the run trying to single-handedly take down Voldemort, because he may aswell.))
I think his Boggart is his father.
His father was a muggle and he was abusive. I'm not saying Severus shakes in his boots every time he thinks of his dad, but the memories do still upset and embarrass him. He hated muggles and he loved magic. No muggle children liked him, only Lily - a witch. The muggle world gave him nothing but misery. Him being a half-blood was a shameful thing for a young Snape. His feelings about muggles cost him his friendship with Lily. His feelings about muggles lead him to become a Death Eater... lead Lily to her death. He has grown, he no longer seems to care about blood purity above aesthetic anyway... but his entire life has been irreparably changed and shaped around the fact he has Muggle blood. I think if Severus Snape walked into the classroom when Remus was teaching about Boggarts... his father would have walked right out of that cupboard and started belittling him in a thick Mid-Northerner Black Country accent, perhaps even drunken. Of course Severus is hardly going to cower in fear at his father... but I think just the thick reminder of where he came from, who he was, what decisions he has made in life because of it... it completely unsettles him. Seeing his fathers face is an instant trigger, and the humiliation of a room of students seeing it - god, he WISHES it was just Voldemort killing him...
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rise-my-angel · 3 months
No slander to my boy book Robb, but they went fucking hard with Robb Stark by making him an adult in the show. Every scene he consistently walks into the room and wins the big dick contest without ever having to unzip. He has probably some of the most badassly delivered lines in the whole show.
"They've all sworn to defend my father have they not? Now we see what their words are worth."
"I will march back North, root you out of your Keep, and hang you for an oathbreaker."
"Tell Lord Tywin, winter is coming for him. Twenty thousand northerners marching south to find out if he really does shit gold."
"One victory does not make us conquerors. Did we free my father? Did we rescue my sisters from the Queen? Did we free the North from those who want us on our knees? This war is far from over."
"You insult yourself, Kingslayer. You've been defeated by a boy, held captive by a boy. Perhaps you'll be killed by a boy."
"He shall suffer the same fate as my father. Only, I don't need a servant to do my beheading for me."
"I will litter the south with Lannister dead."
"And Theon? I want him brought to me alive. I want to look him in the eye and ask him why, and then I'll take his head myself."
"Jaime Lannister has played you for a fool. You've weakened our position, brought discord into our camp, and you did it all behind my back. Make sure shes guarded day and night."
"I wanted him to chase us. Which he would have, because he is a mad dog without a strategic thought in his head. I could have that head on a spike by now. Instead I have a mill."
"Hang him last so he can watch the others die."
Some I can't even include because the then line itself isn't even that badass, its the utterly dominating way he says them. Like the quiet but angry way he goes "I'm not your boy, Lannister." Or the way he responds to Jaime telling him 3 victories don't make him a conqueror, "Its better then three defeats." Then pushes Grey Wind forward to snarl in his face and walks out of the cell just to scare the shit out of Jaime.
And let's never forget Robb standing in pure anger with his shirt half open and chest hair on display as he yells at the top of his lungs "THEY WERE BOYS."
Show Robb Stark was just on another level entirely.
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Texans claim mailer supporting former President Trump is voter intimidation | MY SAN ANTONIO
By Warren Brown
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A political mailer sent to residents of multiple cities across the Lone Star State is going viral for alleged voter intimidation. The mailer includes an ominous threat to notify former President Donald Trump if registered Republicans don't vote.
“Your voting record is public… Your neighbors are watching and will know if you miss this critical runoff election. We will notify President Trump if you don’t vote. You can’t afford to have that on your record,” reads one side of the mailer. On the other side, the mailer states, “Please don’t make us report you to President Trump” and that “President Trump will be VERY DISAPPOINTED.”
The political piece of mail has been delivered to separate ends of the state and has been met with shock and outrage from viewers alleging voter intimidation. Redditors report receiving it in Victoria and Denton — southeast of San Antonio and the northern part of Dallas-Fort Worth, respectively — showing a wide geographic distribution of the letter.
MySA reached out to the office of the Secretary of State but did not receive a response. The Texas Ethics Commission's general counsel, James Tinley, told MySA in an email, "the TEC is generally prohibited from commenting on or even confirming or denying whether a complaint has been filed," and does not have jurisdiction over claims of voter intimidation.
A logo for the "America First Conservatives Election Dept" is seen on one side of the mailer, but a search for the organization was unable to tie the letter to a specific organization. A presorted postage marker can be seen in one of the images floating around and includes a permit number. MySA reached out the United States Postal Service in hopes of identifying a sender. A USPS representative was unable to provide an immediate answer.
The sender is likely safe from criminal prosecution from the state, as the Texas election code says retaliation against a voter, the state's legal term for intimidation, requires a person to knowingly harm or threaten to harm the voter by an unlawful act. The threat to notify Trump is too vague to qualify.
However, federal law is a different case. It includes a broader term for "intimidation of voters" and targets "Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President..."
Reddit users didn't hold back their distaste for the letter, with user hardman52 reporting he received it Wednesday in a post to the Denton subreddit.
"What are they even implying here?...that Trump is going to put you on the list for the train to the concentration camps?" said user MaverickTTT. "These people are fucking deranged."
A user in Victoria near the Texas coast also created a post about receiving the mailer. They note the letter could come "from either side of the political spectrum."
"This could be work from either an extreme right-wing party member hoping to scare us into voting for Trump or (the less likely scenario) an extreme left-wing party member hoping to paint Trump in a bad light," hoopur told MySA in a direct message on Reddit.
User Dentony5 tells MySA they believe the mailer is "part of an internal fight within the Texas GOP" and is tied to far right elements aiming to get Trump supporters to the polls. Hoopur separately mentioned the possibility of the letter coming from either side of the aisle.
In either scenario, hoopur identifies one part of the population they believe is more likely to react to the mailer at the voting booth.
"This would easily fool an elderly person or a new generation of voter, who does not know exactly how protected they are," hoopur writes. "Nobody wants their 'vote' to be publicized, let along criticized, by the community. The noticed claiming 'your neighbors [who we insinuate vote for Trump] will be upset,' would obviously persuade (scare) them into voting for the candidate."
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aegoniiwifey · 3 months
Eeeeekkkk babe I have a lil drabble for this pic
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"Upon careful consideration, My King, we believe that we've come up with a list of suitable suitors for the Princess-" Lord Lannister was cut off by Aegon scraping the tip of his ancestor's knife along the Small Council table. "You lot deem yourselves fit to determine the future of my only daughter?" Aegon asked with an eerie calmness. "Well, I-" Aegon traced his finger along the blade, his gaze menacing, as he said, "Who then? Tell me, this list you speak of," He exchanged a look with Aemond, whose stoic expression remain unchanged, though Aegon knew his brother felt a similar annoyance. "I- well, the Prince of Dorne's son-" "Too far." Aegon cut him off. "Lord Stark's son Rickon-" "A Northern lord?" He scoffed. "You would send my daughter to wither in the cold? She is a pure blooded Valyrian, yet you would shackle her to a wolf?"
The lords remained silent, avoiding Aegon's steely gaze, as he said harshly, "Go on." "Lady Jeyne Arryn has proposed her son Rodrick-" "Ah, yes, the Arryn boy that could easily be mistaken for a pile of bones? Brother, does that sound like the man to make a good husband for my daughter?" "I don't believe I do, Your Grace." Aemond replied smoothly. "Is that all?" Aegon asked with a bored expression. The lords remained silent. "No one decides what happens to the Princess but me. My daughter's future lies in the hands of her father, the King. The next fool who makes such ludicrous suggestions, I shall cut the hand with which he penned this foolish list."
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freya-captain · 1 year
Jacaerys Velaryon was engaged to Aegon Targaryen ii but had an illicit affair with Sara Snow when he visited the North
(Jacegon drabble where alpha!Jace not being an honorable Prince and a perfect lover (as he always is in fics))
Aegon and Jace had crush on each other from childhood. After Rhaenyra ascending to the throne and their marriage was consummated, they lived as if they were the happiest couple in town. Aegon was madly in love with Jace and very soon he gave him a beautiful silver-haired princess, Aemma. However, she neither looked like Jace nor she could very likely become their heir in future days. But Jace promise he’d love his first daughter no matter what.
And then Lucemond got married in the Sept (finally) and they started to breed like rabbits. Five years went passing and funny enough all their babies had brown hair and looked like Lucerys. Aemond was happy inside even though Aegon mocked at him saying ‘Karma for you despising and calling them Strong all those years’.
And Aemond mocked at Aegon back for not capable of bearing another child anymore due to his old drinking problem and libertine lifestyle. Aegon pretended he didn’t care but he did try so hard to change—he’s been quitting drinking a long time, going to church regularly and trying different herbal remedies which tasted like shit. He had been a brand new person. But the situation wasn’t getting any better. He couldn’t get pregnant and every time it finally happened, he just lost the baby in early months. Jace was always thoughtful and supportive as any perfect husband, telling him he couldn’t care less but Aegon started to think Aemma was merely a miracle and he was either barren or cursed.
And next time when Jacaerys returned from the North’s visit, he brought his bastard son Cregan Snow who was older than Aemma back to the capital.
Aegon was so mean to imply Luke’s kids may be bastards since Aemond used to treat him like shit but now he became the one who had to live under the same roof with an actual bastard boy, a living proof of his husband’s disloyalty. Aegon stopped laughing at anyone anymore.
Jace apologetically explained he didn’t want to leave little Cregan in Winterfall. His true firstborn deserved better education, training and comfy growing environment.
Aegon couldn’t complain cause he was not in the least a maiden when he married Jace and Jace also had this affair before he said those vows.
He figured it was Rhaenyra and Daemon’s idea all along. They thought he couldn’t have children anymore and they decided to develop the bastard boy.
He hated that the boy got Jace’s everything: his dark eyes, his curly hair, his cheekbones, and he got all northerner’s good attributes in him, determination and resolve. As a bastard, he got his prudence but also he possessed the kind of charm that makes people want to follow and die for him, just like a qualified heir to a future king.
Aegon fucking hated him and the north. He fucking hated himself as well. He hated Jacaerys when he found out it was him, not Rhaenyra and Daemon, that kept drugging him so he couldn’t have another baby of his own. That’s when he finally understood what it meant when Otto was executed and said “I died laughing because one day my bloodline would sit on the iron throne and his children and grandchildren would always have my blood” and Jace smiled cruelly saying “it wouldn’t ever happen, unfortunately”. He hated his beloved made him an idiotic fool all these years. He hated it was too late when he finally saw everything through.
Now all he wanted is to take Aemma far away in case they decide to marry her to the only living son of his husband to strengthen his claim or some noble lord in a castle. He never truly believed in Gods but now he started to pray, every single day.
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newtabfics · 9 months
Twisted. Ganondorf x Zonai Princess Fic. Chapter 5(FINALE): At His Side
Summary: Ganondorf notices the way the princess shies away from him and enacts a plan to manipulate her. Little does he know, Zonai are much more animalistic than the stories lead him to believe. You can't fight your instinct when it comes to your mate. Triggers for manipulation on ganondorf's part. Hypnosis/Mind Control magic. Murder. blood. But more, oh so more importantly...We do be fucking Ganondorf so like...snoo-snoo ;)
Part 1
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The sand swirled in the desert and began to cover Gerudo Town in its storm. Strange formations–nests–began to form outside the city, letting the dead fall down like maggots into the sand. Gidbos slowly began to swarm the street, provoking every woman into action as panic filled the streets.
Vai fled with the daughters. The warriors bled and fought. The princess of Hyrule could only watch as the sand bit into her skin.
She should've been horrified, she knew. Hylia's beautiful sky was blood red and the dead were stalking through the streets, killing one-by-one at the living. Yet, she could only stare in anticipation when a lone figure crossed through the northern gate.
Y/N's body shuddered in excitement at the realization that his scent somehow made his way to her. Her mate walked among the dead, eyes locked onto hers. His new form was something that sent everyone running. 
Anyone who dared to near him was grabbed by his malicious power and subdued, only to be finished by the Gibdos that staggered over to the crippled warrior.
She could only wait on that balcony, unable to leave the room because of that same power that overcame the warriors who dared to challenge him as he approached the palace, unaware of who he was.
He soon stood before her in this new form. Y/N could only stare in wonder before taking in the stone embedded in his forehead. She would be a fool to not recognize the secret stone gifted to her mother by her father.
"You killed her," she whispered as the scent of her mother's blood finally reached through her.
"I did," He said simply as he approached. "Does it fill you with hate?' he asked this almost tenderly, as though he needed her answer. His finger trailed gently over her cheek, burning his malice into her flesh.
Yet, she couldn't feel it. She could only close her eyes in comfort as she leaned into his touch, nuzzling into his palm.
"Anger, yes," She hummed. "But not hate. I…I think–"
"You needn't think of anything else," He commanded, sending a thrill through her body. "I will conquer your kingdom. I will ascend as the new god of this realm. You will be my bride, my wife. My prize."
Y/N couldn't help the unfiltered joy that radiated from her as his magic began to infect her, searing into her flesh happily as she stepped closer to him.
"My power is already beginning to change you and will continue to. You will be mine alone, bound to me. Can you truly say you do not hate me?" The demon asked, studying the half-Hylian as her arms wrapped around his waist.
Y/N, a slave to her body and his magic, simply smiled as her eyes slowly became a deep shade of red.
"I love you, my mate," she said happily. "I waited for you like a good wife, didn't I? My king looks glorious." She eyed him hungrily as she licked her lips. "A new form for me to worship. Can I be your first devoted follower?"
"I will claim you then," He snarled, shoving her to the bed. "Such a good princess. You waited as I commanded." His smirk grew wide when she quickly went to her hands and knees, presenting herself to him. He eyed the way her folds already seemed soaked, enamored by his presence. "You are my bride."
"Yes, my king," She whined as she let herself sink further into her madness of him. "I beg of you to use your bride, please."
As he pushed into her body, spreading her open on his cock, his magic twisted violently around her. The Gloom infected and consumed as it changed her. Ganondorf relished in every moan she let out as he thrust into her, watching her body shift.
Her hair began to nearly match his own, almost like a bastardized version of branding on her spirit. He smirked when she rocked against him eagerly, her skin burning with his power.
Ganondorf turned her on his cock, moaning at the sight. No longer was she the sweet, timid princess the kingdom so dearly loved, but instead a demon of his own making, a succubus in her own right.
He grinned and let out a victorious laugh as he buried himself into her, thrusting violently into her hole. He groaned as she planted her feet firmly on the edge of the bed, giving her the stability to properly meet his thrusts. Her wails of pleasure drowned out the terror mounting outside as the Blood Moon bore a heavy blanket over the country.
The demon relished in the way she orgasmed in response to his assault, eyes rolling back. Her body practically transformed into a beautiful debauchery of her former self, damning her to him for all eternity.
Y/N could only throw her hands over her head to grip the sheets as her back arched up, meeting his thrusts into her with a smile. His cock throbbed inside her, recognizing the gesture.
Though she fully anticipated he'd bury himself into her again, she found herself pitifully empty and thrown to her knees on the ground. The tip shoved against her lips and she opened her mouth to him as her fingers slid down.
Ganondorf smirked as he gripped her hair, stroking himself with his hand as he watched her look up at him needily with lust as she touched herself. She was sucking greedily for his seed and he was all the more happy to oblige.
His load pumped three shots into her mouth before pulling back, pumping the next several loads onto her face and bare chest.
The Demon King watched his bridge swallow his seed, sealing her to him as the gloom began to form a malicious form of armor over her frame, as though pathetically attempting to match him.
With his seed drying into her skin, he took her out to Hyrule. There, he watched her slaughter Hylian after Hylian with malicious pride in his bride.
All she could think, as she speared the guards who once protected her as they approached the palace, was how happy she was to be with her mate.
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ironborealis · 2 months
Blooding Rite 1/1
The first time Alastor sees a man die, he's surprised.
He'll laugh himself sick much later at the very concept of being surprised at someone dying in a trench, on the front lines of the battlefield, in the middle of what the newspapers are starting to call 'The War to End All Wars'.
Not now though, as he stares at the bloodied remains Lt. James' jaw, hanging off his face as he stumbles back from the radio, his headset miraculously still attached, pulling the entire damned radio down on top of him as he collapses.
Lt. James, from Cincinnati, who moments earlier had been shouting that Alastor best be prepared to go over the top with the antenna, because their reception is absolute dog shit down here what with it pissing rain.
His mind is focused on how this scenario doesn't make sense: He's halfway out of the trench waving a metal baton in the air, desperately searching for a signal, while only James' head is visible -- how did James end up catching the bullet and not him?
There will be time to ponder later about the fickle proclivities of Death, but in the moment he's far too distracted about being tackled down into the trench himself by a blur of gray wool.
Animal instincts take over as soon as his back hits the dirt. Even with the wind knocked out him he's biting, clawing, kicking at the fucking Gerry on top of him. He can feel the kiss of the knife's blade against his palms and forearms as he struggles to protect the softest parts of himself, when he's not being clobbered over the face with the butt of a pistol.
The first time Alastor kills a man is only a few breaths later when he manages to get his own pistol out of the holster and blindly aim for the bastard's temple.
He hits his mark. The Gerry's body sags down on top of him, pushing him deeper into the mud. He's taking large, open-mouthed gasps of air, like a stunned fish out of the water -- at least until the gore coating face starts dripping into his mouth. That returns him to reality in a real jiffy.
He shoves the body off of him, rolling into a crouch as he swipes at his face with his sleeve in a futile effort to clean it. Tries to listen between the thunderous beat of his heart to what is going on around him.
Battle -- gunshots and screaming -- close but not too close, not near enough to him to panic. When he can stand, a quick glance over the top reveals no more Gerries waiting to pounce in the clearing fog, and he can hear his heartbeat start to quiet.
On impulse he pries the Gerry's pistol from his hand, and checks the cartridge.
Empty. Last bullet for Lt. James.
Makes sense, he supposes -- kill the radio operator, cut off communications, then kill the damned fool playing flag pole...
Better luck next time, old chum.
He tosses the pistol down as the sounds of the radio start to filter into his ears.
The radio is still working, that's good.
He pulls the antenna out of the muck and stumbles towards the operator's desk.
Stabs the antenna into the soft dirt on top of the trench.
Rights the operator's desk.
Hauls the radio back onto the desk as gently as he can considering how heavy it is.
Checks his sightlines for any imminent enemy incursions; finds none.
Hauls Lt. James' corpse to lie to one side of the desk.
Reconnects the cable connecting the battery cell to the antenna.
Pulls on the headset.
Ignores the tacky-wet sensation as the ear piece drags across his cheek.
Takes a deep breath.
Remembers that the northerners back at base camp will not understand him unless he talks in that flat, nasal accent they taught him back in special training.
Turns the microphone on and reports in.
"Ni-yen Too Easy, Report. Ni-yen Too Easy, Report." Base command replies.
Microphone's broken. Well fuck.
He slams the headset down in frustration, only for a loud squawk to emanate from the ear pieces.
"Ni-yen Too Easy, was that you?"
Microphone's only mostly broken then... He can work with that.
Pulls back on headphones.
Still ignores the tacky-wet sensation on his cheek.
Uses his pocket knife to start tapping out a message in Morse code on the mouthpiece of the headset.
"Copy that, Ni-yen Too Easy. Gerries sighted on the Eastern flank."
Well, no shit.
He can hear the battle drawing closer.
It takes twelve hours before Alastor finally receives the order to retreat to hand off to the runner to give to command. There's no other signalman close enough to lend him a spare headset, let alone relieve him from his post for as much as a piss break.
Twelve hours tapping out updates and confirmations in the alphabet he learned at his mother's knee, hiding under her desk as she worked.
None of them know Morse code like he does anyway.
By the time he's loaded up the radio and jumped into the back of the transport truck his head is throbbing with the mother of all headaches. His ears feel like they're bleeding. He does his best to hide the trembling in his limbs.
It takes hours to get back to base, and even though he's dead on his feet, he's more ravenous than tired, and lines up outside the canteen.
In a few days, once the casualties are accounted for and word spreads from the signal battalion about his field improvisation skills, they'll start calling him 'Radio Demon' because only someone in league with the Devil himself would have decided to stay in that hellhole, at his post for as long as he had, instead of retreating somewhere safer.
They make it sound like some altruistic act for his "brothers" -- in truth, he hadn't been thinking clearly enough to even realize that retreat was an option. If he had, he would have booked it as fast as possible away from the front line.
Tonight, though, the Radio Demon is rewarded for his heroism with a plate of congealed chipped beef on soggy toast and directed towards some damp benches, sitting out in the rain. The storm's onslaught has taken down one of the base's two mess tents, and Command cannot abide the idea of white officers having to eat with colored officers.
Only the finest for all these brave men dying on the front lines after all.
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trentsixtysix · 2 years
Summary: A night out with Trent and his friends takes a turn for the worse after he struggles to say no to other girls.
WARNINGS: Toxic Trent (sorry I love angst too much), clueless Trent, swearing, mentions of sex (nothing graphic)
Word Count: 1.7k
Angst, Fluff
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You promised yourself you weren't going to drink too much, you said 2 max. But seeing their arms around his neck whilst they laughed like fools made your blood boil, pushing you to take another sip.
Jealous was an understatement, he hadn’t taken one look at you all night; finding himself occupied with two blondes and his mates instead - whilst you sat at the table across him with your friends, still able to make out their conversations.
‘Can I touch your hair?’ Asked one of the girls, with her blaring cockney accent, the antithesis of your strong Northern one, before going in and running her white nails through your boyfriends head - the hair he only allowed you to mess up.
‘It looks so good, way better than how it was before.’ They said.
‘Me missus hates it though, wants it shorter.’ He explained, laughing, which only made you angrier that he had mentioned you, remembered you, and still didn’t think he did anything wrong.
‘She must be mad, you’re the cutest.’ Added the other, as he blushed.
He simply looked at the ceiling in response, chuffed with the compliment you knew he couldn't refuse.
‘Come on then buy us a drink!’ Said a girl, grabbing his arm playfully, pretending to drop something on the floor, leading her to bend over his lap purposely and stick her behind in his face, which was when you had decided you’d had enough.
You stormed over to them, but didn't say a word to Trent, instead sitting yourself down next to one of his friends, Jack.
‘Y/n, where you been all night?’ Said Trent, turning to look at you.
You ignored him instead, facing Jack as you had began to talk to him about his drink, eventually convincing him to go and get you another one.
‘Think you’ve had too many, leave it Jack.’ Said Trent, grabbing his arm.
‘What do you care? Don’t you have to take care of your girlfriends?’ You scoffed, turning back to talk to Jack.
‘Woah babe, why are you talking to him like that?’ Said one of those girls, both of them laughing, and you genuinely felt yourself about to lose it with them, standing up before Trent sat you back down to calm you down.
‘Get off of me, and how are you letting them speak to me like that?’ You questioned, before getting up to get yourself your own drink, noticing him following after you.
‘What was that about?’ He questioned, confused.
‘Don’t you need to get your girls their drinks?’ You scoffed, walking past him, as you asked the bartender for a shot of tequila.
‘Don’t you dare.’ Threatened Trent to the bartender, stopping him from pouring you a shot, before grabbing your arm as he pulled you to the exit.
‘What the fuck are you doing?’ You questioned, annoyed at his audacity even though you'd already had 3 drinks - needing more for confidence if you were going to fight with him tonight.
‘We’re going home.’ He said, taking you out to the car park, unlocking his car as he pushed you in.
‘Have you drank?.’ You asked, as he locked the doors to prevent you from getting out.
‘A coke. Because I knew you’d pull some shit like this.’ He said, reversing the car out of the area.
‘What shit? You didn’t look at me once the entire night.’ You told him, turning your body to face the window in annoyance.
‘Because you’d fucked off somewhere with that guy from the start.’ He explained, angrily mentioning the old friend you’d bumped into when you guys had arrived, the one you knew Trent didn’t like.
‘You’re not seriously telling me you're jealous? After you tried it on with dumb and dumber all night?’ You argued.
‘You should hear how crazy you sound right now Y/n, it was nothing like that.’ He snapped.
‘Don’t fucking patronise me, she had her arse practically in your mouth and you did nothing about it.’ You answered.
‘Well seeing as though I haven’t seen my own girlfriend’s arse in a while I couldn’t pass up the opportunity could I?’ He said, cockily, bringing up the fact you’d been so tired recently that you guys hadn’t slept together in a while, causing your eyes to suddenly well up at his ignorance.
You remained silent, not wanting him to know he had gotten to you, instead shutting your eyes and turning to the window again to make it out like you were asleep, but even with your eyes closed you could feel his gaze on you.
It stayed silent until you pulled up at the house, which you recognised as you slyly opened your eyes every few minutes to see where you were at, dreading the car journey.
‘Y/n.’ He whispered, assuming you were asleep.
‘Y/n, we’re home.’ He said again, nudging you.
You opened your eyes, which was the all clear for him to get out of the car, making his way to the door to unlock it whilst you lazily followed after him, purposely taking a bit longer just to avoid him at the entrance in the time it took him to open the door.
You stormed upstairs ASAP, running to your large shared bathroom to brush your teeth before you took your makeup off, feeling a presence behind you which you recognised as Trent watching you.
You applied micellar water to a cotton pad, lightly rubbing over your eyes in circles, whilst he still glared quietly.
‘I didn't mean to make you cry.’ He said, breaking the silence, almost making you jump as you watched him through the mirror.
‘You didn't.’ You replied, both of you knowing that was a lie.
‘I did, I could see your tears in the car when you were ‘asleep’.’ He said, taking your fake nap into account.
‘Don’t act like you care now, you rubbed your actions in my face.’ You mumbled, feeling all of those emotions suddenly creep back to you as you spread water over your face, drying it with a wash cloth as you applied your serums.
‘Only because you made me jealous before, and then you pulled that stunt with Jack.’ He explained, furrowing his brows.
‘What stunt? Asking him for a drink because my own boyfriend couldn’t get me one? Grow up.’ You replied, watching him become more annoyed as the conversation did not seem to be going the way he wanted it to.
‘You ask you get, I’m not a mind reader.’ He snapped, frustrating you.
‘It’s not even worth talking to you, you won’t get it.’ You said, going to your shared closet to change out of your clothing, before he followed you in there.
You struggled to get the zip down at the back of your dress, annoying you as you knew you'd have to ask him for help, which you really did not want to do right now.
‘Let me.’ He said, pulling it down for you, and you didn't even resist because you knew there'd be no point.
The dress then fell to your ankles, leaving you clad in nothing but your black thong, which you discreetly changed after covering yourself with an oversized t shirt of his.
Suddenly he got closer to you, his lips falling to your neck as he placed gentle kisses there, and as much as you wanted him to continue, as much as your eyes rolled back in relaxation, you knew you couldn't let him get what he wanted, especially after tonight.
‘You hurt me tonight, and you don't even care.’ You said, stepping away from him, placing your dress back on its hanger to hang.
‘Of course I do, you really think I enjoyed myself with those bimbos tonight? Can’t we just forget it?’ He whispered, getting closer to your face as he mouthed a ‘sorry’.
You ignored him and slyly dodged his kiss, exiting the room as you’d decided you’d sleep in the guest bedroom tonight, too upset to even face him.
Just as you’d gotten comfy and put your phone down, you heard the door creak open.
‘Take the hint Trent, I don't wanna talk to you.’ You said, as he sat down next to you, in nothing but his checkered pyjama pants that he knew drove you mad.
‘Y/n I’m sorry, I can't believe I've acted like that.’ He said, as you stayed silent.
‘If you act like that in front of me, I don't even wanna know how you act when I’m not there.’ You told him.
‘I only acted like that to make you jealous tonight because you were ignoring me.. I didn’t mean for it to go that far Sunny I’m sorry.’ He explained, calling you by his nickname for you, displaying best efforts for you to forgive him. 
‘Whatever, you let those girls embarrass me, you embarrassed me.’ You said, sulking.
‘And it’ll never happen again, you know I don't like getting into it with girls baby.’ Said Trent, explaining why he didn't call those girls out, confidently going in for a kiss to which you accepted, deepening it.
‘Talk to me next time, yeah? You can’t just leave me like that.’ You told him, as he nodded his head in agreeance.
‘Same for you. I don't want this to happen again.’ He muttered, kissing you all over.
‘I love you.’ He said, waiting for a response.
Instead you tried to hold in your laughter, your pettiness at an all time high as you refused to say it back.
‘Oi! I love you.’ He chuckled, tickling you, as you couldn’t hold it in anymore.
‘Say it back!’ He demanded, playfully - your hair now a mess as a result of his antics.
‘I love you I guess.’ You giggled, kissing him again.
‘You guess?’
‘I guess..’ You confirmed, both of you erupting into laughter, as somehow everything was always funnier at night time.
‘That thing about not seeing my arse in a while,’ You continued, as he raised an eyebrow.
‘What about it love?’ He chuckled, placing kisses all over your neck.
‘I think we can change that..’ You whispered, tugging at the waistband of his pyjamas..
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are the following valid iterator / ancient (for the longass ones) names: Dinner For Everyone Deviled And Destructive Naive Guardian Queen of Computers Greed in Pure Form Vain Moon Battle Bakers Destructive Fool A Demon's Present Horror Scream Harbinger of War New Defender The One who Failed Exhausted Magician Undertaker on Cleanup Duty Luminous Volcanism Hydrothermal Scourge Vertebrate Hater Duping Queen Northern Ruler Frozen Guardian Sloth Sin of the Desert Sealed Jackal Hypothermic Tooth The One who Flew Away The Abyss and the Prince The World Shall Fall To Dismay The Minds Shall Shatter With Their New Reality Erosion of Impression Heart of Technology Doomsday Weapon The One who Died The Heart of Nature Botanical Caretaker Plotting Eclipse Sachirine Mass Hunter of the Guiltiest Earth and Fire in Harmony Ancient Azure Mage Peace of Light Discarded Revenge Harbinger of Famine Rebellion to Rubble Failures of Innovation Guardian of The Vestige Orderly Timelord Battle-Blind Harbinger of Pestilence Morphed Maestro Frozen Secrets Where we stand, but smaller Cinders of Deceit Cinders of Sanctity Cinders of Outrage Cinders of Egress Cinders of Amity Aurora Apostle of Havoc Aurora Apostle of Ice (alternatively Aurora Apostle of Congealment) Aurora Apostle of Living Aurora Apostle of Estate Aurora Apostle of Creation Purveyor of Structure no those are not sekaiju boss titles (besides sachirine mass. gateau doesnt fucking have a confirmed title yet) i am not tricking you into postiing sekaiju content totally at all i don't know what you're talking abou
see under cut
Dinner For Everyone - Yes, Iterator Deviled And Destructive - Ancient?? Maybe?? Naïve Guardian - Yes, Iterator Queen of Computers - Yes, Iterator Greed in Pure Form - Yes, Iterator Vain Moon - Yes, Iterator Battle Bakers - Yes, Iterator Destructive Fool - Yes, Iterator A Demon's Present - Yes, Iterator Horror Scream - Yes, Iterator Harbinger of War - Yes, Iterator New Defender - Yes, Iterator The One who Failed - Yes, Iterator Exhausted Magician - Yes, Iterator Undertaker on Cleanup Duty - Yes, Iterator Luminous Volcanism - Yes, Iterator Hydrothermal Scourge - Yes, Iterator Vertebrate Hater - Yes, Iterator Duping Queen - Yes, Iterator Northern Ruler - Yes, Iterator Frozen Guardian - Yes, Iterator Sloth Sin of the Desert - Yes, either Iterator or Ancient Sealed Jackal - Yes, Iterator Hypothermic Tooth - Yes, Iterator The One who Flew Away - Yes, Iterator The Abyss and the Prince - Yes, Ancient The World Shall Fall To Dismay - Probably??? Iterator The Minds Shall Shatter With Their New Reality - nah Erosion of Impression - Yes, Iterator Heart of Technology - Yes, Iterator Doomsday Weapon - Yes, Iterator The One who Died - Yes, Iterator The Heart of Nature - Yes, Iterator Botanical Caretaker - Yes, Iterator Plotting Eclipse - Yes, Iterator Saccharine Mass - Yes, Iterator Hunter of the Guiltiest - Yes, Iterator Earth and Fire in Harmony - Yes, Ancient Ancient Azure Mage - Yes, Iterator Peace of Light - Yes, Iterator Discarded Revenge - Yes, Iterator Harbinger of Famine - Yes, Iterator Rebellion to Rubble - Yes, Iterator Failures of Innovation - Yes, Iterator Guardian of The Vestige - Yes, Iterator Orderly Timelord - Yes, Iterator Battle-Blind - Probably a valid Iterator name Harbinger of Pestilence - Yes, Iterator Morphed Maestro - Yes, Iterator Frozen Secrets - Yes, Iterator Where we stand, but smaller - Maybe??? Ancient Cinders of Deceit - Yes, Iterator Cinders of Sanctity - Yes, Iterator Cinders of Outrage - Yes, Iterator Cinders of Egress - Yes, Iterator Cinders of Amity - Yes, Iterator Aurora Apostle of Havoc Aurora Apostle of Ice (alternatively Aurora Apostle of Congealment) Aurora Apostle of Living Aurora Apostle of Estate Aurora Apostle of Creation - Aurora being a noun suggests that all of the Aurora Apostle of [x] names are more fitting for an Ancient. Purveyor of Structure - Yes, Iterator
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Hmm! Some thoughts. Idk where this came from or where it’s going.
“Was it funny to you?” Tony hissed, venom dripping from his words. He ripped open the drawers of his wardrobe, clawing through for his oldest clothes.
Steve let his hands fall to his sides, feeling helpless. “No,” he answered faintly, guilt curling heavy and sour in his gut.
“What a funny game,” Tony continued, throwing a shirt into his leather satchel with more force than necessary. “Let’s have Tony make a big fool of himself! Let’s let Tony think he’s got a chance to make things better and then whip the rug out from under him!”
“That’s not what happened,” Steve said desperately, because it wasn’t. It might have looked that way now, but it hadn’t been what he’d intended. “We thought your ideas were good, Tony.”
“Let’s let Tony think he has any fucking control of his life!” Tony shouted, throwing his hands up. “And then let’s let him find out we’re all liars and he was an idiot, that he’s just as stupid as everyone said he was—”
Steve finally stepped forward, grabbing one of his arms and yanking him around so he could finally make eye contact with him. His heart lurched when he saw the tears rolling down Tony’s cheeks, even as he continued to glare up at him mulishly, but he didn’t let it deter him, jaw setting before he whispered, “You’re not stupid. You’re not an idiot, Tony.”
“Don’t touch me,” Tony spat, jerking his arm free and taking a step back. “You don’t ever get to touch me again.”
“That wasn’t a lie,” Steve snarled, fighting the urge to advance him. “None of the times I kissed you or touched you were a lie.”
“I don’t believe that. You’re a liar,” Tony snapped back. “All of you are.”
“And you think we want someone who believes that about us to rule us?” Steve asked, finally letting some acid of his own into his tone. “You think you could rule us, when you know you wouldn’t have given us a chance if you knew about us?”
“I guess we’ll never know,” Tony said, voice flattening. He went very carefully still, the only indication he was upset the tears still falling down his face. “I’m leaving.”
“You don’t have the right to leave,” Steve reminded him sharply. “We’re to be married, remember?”
“I’m meant to marry a war chief from the northern tribes,” Tony said, emotionless. “Not you.”
“You know I’m the one the elders meant,” Steve began, heated.
“That was before you insinuated yourself in my life and made me think I had the choice not to,” Tony cut in, before he could get worked up and shout over him. He tipped his head back to meet Steve’s eyes. “You’re so mean,” he said after a pause, voice cracking, and Steve felt all the fight leave him at once. “You told me if I could figure out a way to force Hydra back without your people, you’d break the engagement. You didn’t tell me it was an impossible task.”
“I thought, if anyone could do it, it would be you,” Steve admitted quietly. “It wasn’t a trick. I thought you could do it.”
Tony shook his head. “Well, I failed, and now your people won’t respect me anyway.”
“They will if I tell them to,” Steve offered.
Tony just looked at him for a moment, frowning, before he whispered another wounded, “Liar.” Then he turned, lifting his arm to wipe his face across his sleeve, and went back to packing.
Steve hovered, feeling helpless, then dipped his head in agreement and turned to leave the room to give him privacy.
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saintsenara · 3 months
you're like the only person i've seen on here from northern ireland who actually loves northern ireland - what do you think makes it so great? (really sorry if this seems rude, i'm just interested in how the opinions can be so wildly different)
thank you very much for the ask, anon!
my online presence as a northern ireland stan account is mainly caused by holding the following opinion:
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it is an unfortunate truth that the moment you are clocked in most other places in the anglophone world as being northern irish [usually after having been compelled to say the word "how"], people like to offer you their views on the place.
these views aren't always negative, but they always - especially if they come from people who consider themselves part of the irish diaspora [and my st patrick's day sermon to you all is "irish-americans, learn to stay in your lane"] - relate to a northern ireland which doesn't actually exist. people might cast us as uncivilised fools living in a 1970s time-capsule of unrelenting violence, they might cast us as a great bunch of lads bouncing around feeling the derry girls fantasy, but they never care very much about the actual experience of living here in 2024.
and - indeed - the experience of choosing to live here. i like ni because i was born here, and so all of the formative experiences of my early life took place while drinking a tin in some field or other, but it's also somewhere i have returned to, after having gone to university and begun my medical training in england.
and this is an aspect of irish life which doesn't have a huge presence in the way we think and talk about irishness. so much irish history is bound up in migration - in leaving the motherland and longing for it from afar - and in the diaspora experience that we rarely think about the fact that people have always and will always come to ireland. people - whether returning here or coming to study or coming to live forever or coming to live until they too can return home - choose every day to put down roots in northern ireland, despite all its faults and its flaws.
and it bothers me that this is constantly forgotten in all the giving out we all do about the place.
because - yes - this is a country which is fucked up in a huge number of ways. our politics is corrupt and nonsensical even when up against the bin fire which is the rest of the united kingdom. our people are beset by poverty and deprivation [and i will of course acknowledge that i am someone who lives here with a well-paid, stable job]. our sectarian wound is still bleeding, heavily. we have not seen justice for the atrocities perpetuated against us by the british state during the troubles, nor for the atrocities we perpetuated against our own at the same time. we have not learned from our own experiences of discrimination when it comes to discriminating against people who live here who are not white, who are not christian, or who are immigrants. it rains for a good three quarters of the year.
but as i grow older, i find i have less and less time both for pure and grinding cynicism in the face of this situation and for the conviction that the grass might be greener somewhere else. i think this latter is a particular issue in the irish national character - a sort of "ah well, things are shite and they'd only be better if x happened". in the north, i think we're especially beset by this - "the country can't improve until there's a united ireland" [or, if you're on the other side, "the country can't improve until the fenians stop complaining"].
but we have a lot to be proud of and a lot to be hopeful for as we keep going.
because northern ireland is also a place whose history is about peace as much as it is about war. it's the birthplace of the best member of girls aloud. it's somewhere people have mobilised only recently for pay and working conditions on a par with the rest of the uk, and will keep mobilising until we win. it's introduced the world to the fact that protestants keep toasters in cupboards. it's a place whose own fight for reproductive justice has rather flown under the radar in comparison to that of the republic of ireland, but which is no less active. it's a place where it's perfectly acceptable to be served apple and mars bar sandwiches at a funeral [provided the deceased was presbyterian]. it's a place where you never have to become invested in the nation's performance in international sporting competitions and can get blind drunk as god intended. it's a place with great patter.
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it's a place which has perfected street art... in a sense. it's a place where you can get unusual soft drinks delivered to your door by a sinister figure called the minerals man. it's a place which recognises that balaclavas are chic. it's the only place on earth you can buy fifteens and a cowboy supper, whether or not you actually should do the latter. it's a place where you can turn bomb scares to your advantage by using them as an excuse to swerve parties you didn't want to attend. it's a place whose people have not given up their fight for justice, who still grieve and remember the dead and the disappeared. it's a place people travel across the world to make their home and enrich with their presence. it's a place where the quality of life is genuinely improving, and which we can continue to improve if we don't give into the idea that nothing can ever change. it's a cold and rainy little country, filled with nondescript grey housing estates and burned out cars, which also looks like this:
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happy st patrick's day.
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carolmunson · 2 years
vacation diaries - entry four
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eddie keeps a journal while at the inn with you in northern indiana. a blurb series starting from the first morning after ’before there was a before’.
entries: one,two,three read steve's journal: here.
warnings: minors dni, 18+, adult themes, mentions of sex
what a fuckin minx.
jesus, i forgot for a minute what a solid fuck she is. i know that sounds gross but i am fucking reeling right now. she's in the shower and i just got the life fucked out of me. holy shit. i thought i came hard last night but holy god almighty. i'm never gonna get over this.
we didn't mean to fuck. i didn't mean to let it go that far, i didn't want this trip to be about that. but when she gave me that face when we got back upstairs how could i not? she's such a little tease. she was a little tease all day. the cutest tease i ever met.
she wanted to go to the dunes even though it's snowy and out to the piers and the light house. she swears she packed a warm enough coat but i can guarantee you that she's gonna have a cold tomorrow and then i'm gonna get a cold two days later. i can't even be mad at her about it though, her little frost bitten nose? i don't think i've ever met anyone i want to marry more than her.
we brought some kodak cameras with us to take pictures of everything, went to some tourist spots since we haven't been getting around as much as we want. gas is cheap out here which is nice. we saw some more christmas lights and went back to the diner. the waitress knows my name now so now i feel like i have to come here every couple of months so i don't lose the friendship. her name's marge. she reminds me of my grandma. she has a friend that lives at the women's shelter by the record store named sara-lynn but i don't think i've met her. i'll have to ask around and send marge's regards. she thinks it's cool that i play in a band and her nephew wants to learn how to play guitar but doesn't want him to get any tattoos.
but anyway, we got home after seeing the sights (she called them 'the seven wonders of northern indiana' because she's annoying) and dropping the cameras off to get the film developed, we were sitting in the common area again and she starts tracing my tatts on my arm and she knows how i love that. she's all 'don't listen to marge, your tattoos are unique' and i would obviously never listen to marge because my tattoos are metal as fuck but she can't be tracing them on my arm like that in front of the nice old people we played checkers with two nights ago. so i ask if she's tired and she wants to go upstairs and she basically runs so fast that the lady who runs the inn had to come yell at us for being too loud.
we weren't too loud when we fooled around but if i had it my way, they would've been able to hear her in canada.
i haven't really had her solo in a long time. solo like, not playing a game or a roleplay. just me as eddie and her as her. she tried to slip into calling me daddy at first and any other day i would've went along with it, especially since steve wouldn't hear, but i just wanted it to be us tonight. i told her i wanted to give it to her nice. i don't even think either of us could breathe while we were going at it. i hadn't felt more connected to her in my life. i kept telling her how much i loved her and it kept making her cry so we had to keep stopping and starting which is fine because i kept almost busting way too quick for it to be okay.
we came at the same time and both had to shove our faces in the pillows so we wouldn't get in trouble again. can't believe we didn't break the bed.
she just got out of the shower and came out with my t-shirt on. i think she wants to go again and i'm gonna fuck her brains out. she already fucked my brains out.
sorry i didn't talk about anything legit today but i'm only a man, diary. i'm only a dumb fucking man who loves his girl.
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itsinthemist · 8 months
Prompt list!
See who I write for here :) just send an ask with a character, a prompt, and a few lines of info on the story and I’ll get right to it A.S.A.P <3
1. “Don’t let this darkness fool you, all lights turned off can be turned on.”
2. “Now don't you try to fool me, when your dumb you don't fear as much”
3. “Haven't I given enough?”
4. “You believed that you loved me.”
5. “You forgive when he doesn't get home, tell your friends you don't really kind being alone.”
6. “He's hungry for someone, but doesn't know who.”
7. “He forgets the words so I teach him to say I love you.”
8. “I want to love you like I'm raining, like I don't need saving.”
9. “It feels like I've been ready for you to come home for so long, that I forgot to ask you where you've been.”
10. “It's getting fast and moving faster, it's getting out of hand.”
11. “I close my eyes every night and dream that I can hold you.”
12. “Just hold on we’re going home.”
13. “I don’t word good, okay?!?”
14. “I’m just so fucking tired.”
15. “I know, I’ve got you now.”
16. “That thing, it tried to kill me!”
17. “I don’t mean to yell. I’ve just haven’t had something worth yelling over in a long time.”
18.”if you get too close, and I’m not how you hoped. Blame my northern attitude-I was raised out in the cold.”
19. “When my time comes around, lay me gentle in the cold dark earth. No grace can hold my body down. I’ll crawl home to her.”
20. “If I could take away your pain, I would. But I can’t.”
21. “Get behind me. I need to protect you.”
22. “I’m not defenseless! I’m just easily spooked.”
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