#fuckin proud of myself for writing this out in my extremely right wing hateful environment as the queer goober i am
glitched-dawn · 1 month
Okay okay okay
So I got a lot of diversity and representation in my novels so far, right?
So Imma list a few characters (with numbers lol) and you can decide if I should change/add anything! (Of course, some are already decided and have partners, but that doesn't stop minor changes!)
You can tag a number and add an identity, or a sexuality, anything queer really! Or you can comment, of course, that'd be easier!
Number one:
From England, born in Canada, but has intense British accent
Literally white as snow
Gay but on the aspec, intersex (some kind of genetically fucked up thing with genitalia, (not as in "intersex is fucked up" but as in magic and such, personally I fucking love intersex people they're so cool), I might be using the wrong label here so excuse me on that) masc
Number two:
From the USA
Honey-colored hue
Demisexual homoromantic
Number three:
From Sweden, has British accent
Also white, has a lot of freckles
Transmasc bisexual panromantic (ftm)
Number four:
From Russia/America
Coffee-colored hue (extreme tan ig? not much tan in Russia but they got that from their American dad ig)
Number five:
From Canada
Greyish ash-colored hue
Asexual panromantic genderfluid (mtf?)
Number six:
I have no fuckin idea where they're from but I'd say Los Angeles lol (but spends most of their time in the Darkrimm AKA hell)
Strong tan, I don't know how to explain it but light bread brown
Genderfluid femboy-ish polysexual
Number seven:
From Mexico
Soft brown hue
Gay, extremely gay
Number seven:
From hell itself, AKA the Darkrimm
Pale brown hue
Polysexual, but mostly actually falls for guys
Number eight:
Also from the Darkrimm
Northern European hue, if I can describe it like that
Thinks they're straight, but is most likely bisexual or pansexual
Number nine:
From North America
Strong brown hue
Gay, but extremely devoted-obsessed over one single guy
Number ten:
From Japan
Pale hue
Those are it! Of course, I can specify the numbers and give more details, as in where they're from really (like where they live), if they have any disorders, things like that! Lemme know if you'd like that idea :)
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