#friendly neighborhood writer
dragonheartstring360 · 9 months
Some notes for anyone writing a character with glasses, from someone who wears glasses everyday:
- glasses need to come off before changing a shirt, unless it has a really big collar. Otherwise, glasses will get ripped off by said shirt collar.
- weather will affect how well you can see out of them, especially rain. Raindrops will dot glasses and it’s like trying to drive a car in the rain without working windshield wipers. Snow sometimes does this too, but not as bad, and lots of dust kicking up will make glasses dirty and foggy. If it’s humid enough (talking like swampy, Deep South levels, weather app says “90-100% humidity”), glasses will fog up when you step outside. If it’s crazy windy, glasses can fly off and the character should hold onto them or take them off and put them somewhere safe. They’ll usually get dirty or break in a pants pocket, so maybe have character carry around a sturdy glasses case if needed.
- not all materials are good for wiping glasses off. Some shirt materials just make it worse.
- if your character’s glasses are super dirty or smudged, they will be able to see it 24/7 as they look around and it’s annoying af.
- although glasses can keep things from getting in a character’s eyes (like something that’s been sprayed), it doesn’t protect our eyes all the time, especially if it’s coming at an angle or there’s a large amount. For that, you’d need actual safety glasses or goggles (and yes, they do make prescription goggles, but they’re not cheap).
- speaking of waves, for the love of god, DO NOT have your character swim with their glasses on. At best, they’ll get wet and they won’t be able to see. At worst, if they’re forced underwater or an ocean wave smacks them in the face, they’ll fly off and/or break.
- a crack in glasses is actually annoying af and makes it very hard to see.
- if a character’s face is wet, like from sweat or a ton of rain, their glasses will continuously slide down their nose and they’ll need to keep pushing them back up.
- lots of liquids other than water will make glasses opaque.
- glasses should be fitted pretty well to a person’s head. So if the character’s face is dry or there’s a moderate amount of wind, the “legs” that go behind their ears should be tight enough that they don’t just constantly fly off or slip down their nose. If they do, they’re too big (but obviously something a tornado will make them fly off).
- although I hate the whole “they took off their glasses and now they’re a ✨ model ✨” trope, people do tend to look very different with glasses on vs off - especially a character like Harry Potter who constantly wears their glasses. It’s not unrealistic that people who don’t know the character well (or even those who do, but just aren’t as quick) won’t recognize them at first without their glasses.
- as far as I know (correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve never been able to do this), if a lens pops out of the frames, it can’t be popped back in by non-professionals without the right tools. The glasses are just done for.
- if your character has contacts in (or this is a psa for anyone who wears contacts), DO NOT have them rub their eyes. The contact will pop out and they’re very translucent and tiny, so trust me, it will just fall and be lost forever.
- being able to see clearly out of one eye and not the other (like with a broken/missing lens or a contact falling out) causes headaches.
- glasses are expensive af in the US (idk about other places). One time when I didn’t have vision insurance, an eye exam and two frames with lenses (I have blue eyes and very extreme light sensitivity, so have to have prescription sun glasses as well as regular glasses) cost over $900USD. If you want the special frames that become tinted and basically turn into sunglasses when you walk outside, it will cost extra.
- speaking of those lenses that become tinted when you walk outside, they take awhile to fade back to normal after you go back inside. Your character needs to be prepared to still be “wearing” sunglasses for the first 5-10 minutes after they walk inside.
- if a character is wearing contacts, they can wear normal sunglasses. If not, they’ll need special prescription sunglasses to be able to see. You cannot wear prescription sunglasses with contacts in or you won’t be able to see anything. Ever tried to look through your friend’s glasses and everything’s weird and warped and giving you a headache? That’s what it will look like.
- not exactly glasses related, but people with lighter colored eyes will always have worse light sensitivity than people with darker eyes. I have very blue eyes and looking up at the sky on a sunny day will literally make me see stars, and especially if I’m driving towards the sun while it’s setting, I have to have my sunglasses on or I literally will not be able to see and tears will be leaking out my eyes the whole way home.
- speaking of prescription sunglasses, unless your character can see pretty far without their glasses or they’re far sighted, you cannot just take prescription sunglasses off and still be able to see, especially while driving. You just have to deal with it and keep the sunglasses on and look like a Matrix wannabe if it gets cloudy or starts raining, or you have to do the super speedy Dance of Death where you’re still watching the road in front of you, taking off one pair of glasses and putting the other on super fast (which usually requires you to use your mouth to open and close things).
- GLASSES ARE FRAGILE. Seriously, a very petite person could sit in them and snap them in half. They’re not something you want your character just throwing around.
- there are varying levels of how well someone can see. There’s farsightedness and nearsightedness. Some people don’t have that much trouble and can see pretty far, so only wear their glasses as needed. But some people (aka moi) can genuinely only see a few inches in front of their face. Like if I ever lost my glasses or they broke, I’d be done for. I wouldn’t be able to work or drive or do anything around the house.
- glasses need to be replaced about once a year because of possible prescription changes or sometimes lenses losing their strength and becoming harder to see through. Trying to tough it out after long enough will give your character headaches/migraines and sore eyes from eye strain.
- some mascaras (especially thick ones) will smudge glasses when the character blinks. Same with false lashes (although they’ll brush instead of smudge). Usually less intense mascaras and shorter fake lash lengths are better.
- eye makeup is harder to see with glasses on.
- please, please, PLEASE stop using the whole “omg look how much prettier/more attractive they are without their glasses” trope. Not everyone’s eyes can handle contacts and some people prefer wearing their glasses. And it makes those of us who prefer glasses or have to wear them feel like shit, especially because there aren’t a lot of characters with glasses in media who don’t become the butt of a joke (ie the one wearing glasses is the “ugly duckling” for it like in princess diaries, or like Velma from scooby doo always losing them and patting around, or people who wear glasses will always be some sort of dorky/insufferable know it all).
- glasses come in all shapes, sizes, and colors and can be used to actually enhance a character’s style! Some of them even have magnetic frames that click in place over the simple pair, so have fun using glasses to build your character’s style.
- edit to add: no one ever purposely falls asleep with their glasses on. You will crush and break them when you roll around. However, if a character does accidentally fall asleep with them on, a love interest gently taking them off so they don’t wake them up and setting them on the table next to them can be a super cute moment.
- whoops thought of some more. Hair products, especially hairspray, can be a bitch to get off glasses and doesn’t always just rinse off with water. If they’re spraying anything, including dry shampoo, the glasses have gotta come off and get out of the line of fire first.
- hair can and will get caught in the little hinge by the legs and we do occasionally not notice till we take our glasses off and rip a hair out of our heads.
- be careful when you comb or brush, cuz if the glasses legs get caught in the brush or comb, it will be ripped off our face.
Hope this helps! May the writing gods bless your work 🤓
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microsff · 1 year
"I want," the man said to the art robot, and then described an image in some detail. "Certainly," said the art robot. A printout came out of its chest. "Thank y- Hey! What's this?" "A list of artists who make images of the kind you describe, and who are accepting commissions."
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saetoshi · 1 year
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“you make me sick.”
those were the words that had marked the end of your first (and only) conversation with itoshi sae.
it was supposed to mean you’d never have to see him again aside from the fleeting moments you’d bump into each other in the hallway. (you were grateful for it too. it meant not having to deal with the ungrateful jerk for longer than necessary.)
or so you’d thought. until you found him standing outside your door, scowling.
you glare at him, “why’re you here?”
“why’d you take so long to open the door?” he crosses his arms.
“i was doing this wonderful thing called sleeping,” you huff, “it’d do you well, jackass.”
he clicks his tongue in annoyance, impatiently tapping his foot against the floor. you lean against your doorframe, crossing your arms.
your brows furrow. “why are you here?”
“i got locked out of my apartment.”
you bite back the smile that threatens to bloom in your lips. you cough in a poor attempt to hide your amusement, “so?”
“so,” sae’s frown deepens. “i need someplace to stay the night.”
disgust flashes through your face. “can’t you call security to open the door for you?”
“they can’t do anything until it’s morning.”
“that’s not my problem,” you tsk, “just ask someone else if you can crash at their place.”
he looks away from you, seemingly embarrassed, as a soft flush spreads through his face. “you’re the only person i know in the whole building.”
you gape. he tugs at the strings in his hoodie.
(how embarrassing. and awkward. for him, of course, he just unknowingly gave you some excellent blackmail material.)
“are you gonna let me in?”
the way he says it tugs at your heartstrings. he reminds you of a lost puppy, in a way. (an ugly, rude puppy. nevertheless, it makes you feel a bit of pity for him.)
you rub your temples and sigh, “do not make me regret it.”
“i wouldn’t dream of it.” there’s a twinkle in his eyes when he says that. it worries you. it’s enough to consider kicking him out before he even sets foot inside your apartment.
but that would mean you’re just as mean as he is. and you find the idea of sharing something in common with him to be sickening.
you sigh, opening the door to you apartment.
“this is your place?”
you don’t even have to turn around to see the judgmental look on his face. (you regret letting him in already.)
you take a deep breath, “is there a problem with it?”
“not at all.” he sounds condescending. it makes you wonder what kind of stick is up his ass. you hope he gets rid of it soon. you also hope to get rid of him too.
“i don’t have any extra rooms,” you turn around to look at him, “so you’ll be sleeping on the couch.”
he lets out a displeased scoff. “the couch?”
“yeah,” you frown, “why?”
“i’m an athlete.” he glares at the couch, “i can’t sleep in that.”
“what, it’s gonna break your back or something?”
“i’ve got practice tomorrow morning.”
“well,” you purse your lips, “next time you leave your apartment don’t forget your keys.”
he glares at you, “i’m not sleeping in that couch.”
you glare back, “neither am i.”
the next couple of minutes are a blur. you don’t know what happened. and, as you stare at the ceiling, you’re not sure you want to know how you ended up sharing a bed with sae. (at least you had the sense to insist on dividing the bed with pillows.)
you softly curse when you feel him shift on the other side, pulling the blanket off of you.
you frown as you harshly pull the blanket back on your side. you groan in exasperation when he yanks it off again. “do you mind?”
“‘m cold.” he mutters.
“and you think i’m not?” you snap at him.
he groans. you pull the blanket back. he pulls it enough for both of you to be covered by it.
“don’t even think about getting rid of the pillows,” you mumble.
“i wouldn’t dream of it.” his voice is laced with drowsiness.
“g’night,” you yawn. he grunts back in response. you drift off to sleep, hoping he’ll be gone by the time you wake up.
you were half-right. his alarm woke you up. still, you fell asleep again as he was getting out of bed.
though, you have to admit, it was a nice surprise waking up to find pancakes (and post-it with a poorly scribbled ‘thanks’) by your bedside table. (even if they were burnt.)
you decide that maybe (just maybe) you’ll have to return the favor someday and make him a decent meal. (you’d hate for your neighbor to poison himself with his lack of cooking skills before getting to know him.) 
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bleue-flora · 2 months
You know, I feel like we don’t talk enough about how sensitive and painful scar tissue is. Maybe because most people haven’t had stitches and huge, deep cuts. But let me just share as someone who’s had quite a few surgeries and injuries, scars are really tender. Like I cut the side of my pinky pretty deeply and I couldn’t wear rings on my ring finger for like a year because the ring rubbing against it hurt so much. And after I got my eyebrow stitched up, I couldn’t pencil my brow for about a year and whenever my sunglasses bumped against it, it hurt so badly. The surgery scar I have on the base of my thumb from when I was 4 years old still hurts if I’m stretching or using my thumb too much. The bigger the scar the worse it is too, which makes sense. I have two scars about half a foot long on the inside of both of my knees and they took forever to not be super painful to touch, even now they can be a little sensitive. All that to say, even when a character’s injuries are healed they would still have a lot of pain and tenderness going on from any sort of touch, even months after, especially in the places with the most nerves. Just something to think about…
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robin-with-a-pen · 1 month
Okay I’m having ideas I need someone to stop me-
Anyways, so we all know that Chilchuck probably doesn’t have the healthiest relationship with food? Right?
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I don’t think he has an eating disorder but more so disordered eating- that hellish middle space, right? I mean “maintaining his body weight at an acceptable level” really sticks out to me
So picture this- my man retires, he doesn’t need to control his weight anymore, no worry about setting off or anything, but he realizes that the unhealthy habits he’s developed over he past ten years are harder to break than he thought
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numberonesnarkfan · 5 days
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ineffableobikin · 8 months
Bestie fic writers, it’s time for another edition of Helpful Homophone Hint from your friendly neighborhood beta!
If you’re pulling on/straining something — a string, tension, a Force bond, etc. — you’re pulling it taut.
If you once learned something from a teacher, you were taught.
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I naturally have an eye for these kinds of homonym mixups, so it’s okay if you don’t! Let me beta read your fic and I’ll catch all these for you. 😃 It’s my way of giving back, for all the hours of enjoyment fanfic has given me!
(As always, fic writers, thank you for sharing your work with the world!! I appreciate you!)
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jisreal64 · 5 months
Do you think there is hope in indopendent, or at least small scale/studio animation? Did Viv scruw it over for everyone else who trys to make they idea come true?
Like nearly nobady talks about Human be Gone, but at least Lackadaisy, and the Digital Circus got they spot lieth with the pilot. Let's hope Far Fetched, and Lackadaisy save us.
I do think there’s hope, but I doubt it will be in the form of Far Fetched and Lackadaisy because those two just seem to be following what I like to call the Kicktoon trend (which is essentially the animation equivalent of the Mascot Horror genre of video games). I think that there is hope for an indie cartoon to fall into or become just as popular as ones in the Kicktoon genre. Heck, I actually have an idea for one that I think can stand out from the rest and be just as popular as the other ones. A good example of something like this would have to be the video game My Friendly Neighborhood, a Mascot Horror game that parodied Sesame Street and was made as a passion project by the game’s creators. Unlike most other Mascot Horror games, merch wasn’t released until long after the game had been released and was built like a Resident Evil game rather then Poppy Playtime, and is often considered to be the best game in the Mascot Horror genre (even by people who hate the genre). So I want to create a Kicktoon that essentially made to appeal to both animation nerds and general audiences/people who are indifferent to the medium (rather than appealing to only the former and not the latter). So yeah, that’s just my thoughts.
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brainrotwriter · 5 months
Gordon ran around in circles the whole night, dealing with the puppets while trying to do his damn job.
Well, at least he could take a break, just one more round...
Gordon plays more than one round with that one Norman obsessed with the tabletop game. Hey, he needs a break from running around in circles all night!
...and running a studio ain't easy. He appreciates them trying to give him a break.
Another throwback because I have 3 episodes on another fic ready to post BUT I'm too lazy to edit them!
I had SO MUCH fun writing for this fandom! Everyone here is so nice XD This took me about a month to finish because I hate editing and I had to edit this like a hundred times 😭
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18nmitsdarr · 5 months
i’m excited to talk with you guys and share my work as well as see yours. you can find me places
twitter: https://twitter.com/autism_bab
ao3; https://archiveofourown.org/works/51040792/chapters/128955373
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dragonheartstring360 · 9 months
Just a psa for fic writers who use the “trauma bond” tag, please make sure you’re using it correctly. A trauma bond is not two people who experience similar trauma and bond over it. It’s a carefully curated, manipulative bond between abuser and victim to keep the victim coming back because of the addictive highs and lows that come with abuse.
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If you want to tag two characters bonding over shared trauma, a good substitute tag would be “bonding over shared trauma.” Trauma bonding is, by definition, an abusive relationship and may steer people who have experienced it away from your fic. Please spread the word and happy writing!
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thepuppetmasterb · 5 months
hey guyssss i made a fanfic accountttt :)
i am taking requests!!
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swiftietartt · 1 year
reasonably i know if we’re getting a season four (or a spin off) we probably won’t get an announcement until after the strike but it’s the not knowing that’s getting me
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age-of-moonknight · 2 years
If anyone here is interested in both Spider-Man and Moon Knight comics (like op 😅), particularly the timelessly endearing central character of the former and the more psychological aspects of the latter, I would suggest checking out Infinity Wars: Arachknight (Vol. 1/2018).
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There are only two stand alone issues plus an “annual” and the whole concept of infinity warps was increasingly hilariously whacky, but the creators do a surprisingly good job of blending Spider-Man’s character and history with elements from Moon Knight comics.
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groveofsouls · 3 months
tag dump nine ft. general charas part four !!
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ineffableobikin · 9 months
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Hi fic writers (who I love so so much, thank you for always feeding me) — it’s time for another helpful homophone hint from your friendly neighborhood beta! If your guys are sleeping on a bed of straw, that’s a pallet. If it’s something to do with mouth/taste, the word you want is palate.
(Pleeeeease let me beta read your fic; I see this kind of thing all the time on ao3. If you ask me to beta, I’ll catch little things like this for you. It’s what I do. It gives me meaning and purpose!)
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