#friend to all cats
kasirose · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to one Magnus “too much” Lightwood-Bane!
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sometimes I randomly think about the time a girl posted in this girls only Facebook group I’m in telling everyone how she broke up with her boyfriend and he lied saying that he lost the spare key she gave him, only to then break into her apartment when she wasn’t home and steal the cat they’d adopted while they were together, but then he denied having done this and she didn’t really have proof that he took the cat since he wouldn’t let her come into his place and look for it. And then another girl saw this post and knew her ex-boyfriend, and she was like “girl. I used to hook up with your mans back in xxxx and I still have his number. If you want, I’ll hit him up and get him to invite me back to his place and see if your cat’s there.” And the OP was like “bet.”
So this woman hit up homie dog, asked him out for drinks, went home with him, slept with him, and then woke up in the middle of the night and TOOK THE CAT. Like she had only said that she would confirm if the cat was there but then she took it upon herself to steal this woman’s cat back. Like she full on Trojan horsed this man and then hit up homegirl like “I got the goods. Where you wanna meet.” And then the two of them posted a photo of them together with the cat to the group.
And I just think women supporting women is so beautiful.
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taktitty · 2 months
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Teammates, Friends?
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Bonus 8: How met your mother (CSSR design by @qourmet!)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#cangse sanren#wei changze#jiang fengmian#It was important to me that WCZ had the hereditary mole. I will die on this hill.#I have been *waiting* for the day to finally arrive when I could finally make this comic. It's been marinating for months.#My mission is to redraw all of qour's character designs one day. They are just *that* good.#CSSR has the vibes of a wandering menace who shows up in towns like a stray cat arriving at a new doorstep for treats. 10/10.#While YZY strongly leads us to believe that JFM was in love with CSSR and that's his whole motivation behind taking wwx in-#-I do think this is (once again) rumour being presented as reality. It's the juicer story to tell after all.#It is still possible that he did love her! But I think that story undercuts the relationship he also had with WCZ.#Yall ever think about how JC and WWX parallel their fathers? How Wei Changze also left the Jiang Leader's side? I do.#Unlike JC though It is far more hilarious and plausible to imagine JFM begging to be CSSR and WCZ's third. You know he would.#My wild headcanon is that JFM and YZY are in a mlm and wlw arranged marriage situation. Deeply unhappy as partners. Better as friends.#they care for each other and I'll admit that there is a beautiful tragedy in them having romantic feelings for each other the whole time.#But I am also here for the gaffs. Let them be unfulfilled homosexuals together.#Meanwhile cssr and wcz are having incredible hetrosexual sex in a bisexual way that WILL leave him pregnant by the end of it.
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andengeu · 3 months
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"Don't you think this farm could use a good cat?"
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I've had this one on drafts since feb lol I'm open for comms btw!
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sapphicwitchbitch · 1 year
They had their reasons.
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erabu-san · 1 year
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He didn't want to remember.
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
Everyone enjoy this pic of our new cat, Chester. The thousand-yard stare and extremely mushed face really make it an instant classic
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chiricat · 1 year
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honky star rail stuff 🍡
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 13 days
Can I take a moment to be incredibly annoying and hype up literally everything about this picture
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The longer I look at it the happier I get.
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First of all, THE BROTHERS EVER!!! 💙💛💙💛 They're so happy and love each other so much help
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The fanart and fanfics are coming true! Cream's making flower crowns for Team Dark!! OMEGA IS FREAKING WEARING A FLOWER CROWN!!! And he's holding one out to Shadow like "You must take part in our merriment," and Shadow looks like he's gonna have later regrets. 🤣
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Amy being a silly sweetheart and helping Blaze to relax (by burying her in flowers and leaves). 🤣 Blaze's expression is cracking me up.
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Silver playing with Charmy, showing him his telekinesis, that kid is having an absolute blast 🥹 (Froggy also floating in it behind them is a hilarious bonus.)
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AND THEN THIS?!?! They look like old buddies catching up after years of being apart 🥹😭💙 How Vector has his arms around both Espio and Knuckles, like he considers them his kids or something I'M DYING OF HAPPINESS JUST LOOKING AT THEM KSKDNFNOASKDNSOSK ❤️💚💜
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bizarre-paradox · 2 months
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reached post time skip
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Ladynoir in all 3 univeraes have all the best romance tropes
Series - Friends to lovers
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Movie - rivals to lovers
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Dystopian universe - enemies to lovers
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In short Adrien and Marinette are soulmates in every universe 🥰
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edorazzi · 8 months
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More Agreste Twin AU! Is is anyone going to explain what on Earth is happening in the Miraculous-sphere right now? 🤔
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blousemouse · 2 months
I'm so obsessed with Jean's feelings towards Neil. They're absolutely not romantic or sexual which we know for sure now but they're so strong anyway. He says he should have been his forever partner! He really trusts Neil with his life despite only knowing him in the Nest for a few weeks- something that never happened with Riko or Zane despite knowing them both for years.
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giantkillerjack · 10 months
Me: hm, I want something to put on the TV as background noise... Huh. Looks like YouTube is recommending something called The Last Unicorn. That's perfect, it's probably some old shitty animation that has aged poorly! I can watch it ironically!
Me, 2 hours later as the credits roll: *crying, cheering, buying the book, composing the songs*
Me, 2 weeks later: So I have compiled all of the quotes from the book that I think could make good tattoos, and also, HOW HAVE I NEVER LEARNED ABOUT HOW THE LAST UNICORN FUCKING SLAPS??? This gay-ass little fairytale fed my soul! Watered my crops! Transed my gender! Can't believe I heard of this story from youtube recommendations, of all places!!
#original#the last unicorn#tlu#peter s beagle#molly gru#schmendrick#schmendrick the magician#two of my favorite characters in anything right there in the center of the story! and I'm glad I saw the film first!#my reading ability has diminished due to trauma disability etc. but it seems like having a visual reference actually really helped!#no wonder i only ever want to read fan fic! turns out reading is not actually Superior to other types of Storytelling. it's just different.#to say otherwise is snobbishness I have been eminently guilty of in my life!#but like it is easier for me to consume tv and movies and that is fine actually. also that's why I'm doing a graphic novel lol#because i wanted to make something i would actually be able to read if i found it at a library. altho the audio book IS gonna be bomb#the audiobook is for visually impaired readers and anyone who wants or needs it! accessible stories for everyone! yeah!!#my gender was already transed but now I've gained an ADDITIONAL gender! which one? I'll never tell 😘#i am so powerful i have so much fuckin gender. my wife has no gender. and she is equally as powerful.#and also she has STUDIED THE BLADE#mostly zoro's blades from One Piece#normally YouTube recommends me shit movies like idiocracy or smth this is like if every day ur cat brought you a piece of rotten food and#then one day it brings you a BEAUTIFULLY ANIMATED TALE FEATURING MY BELOVED TWINK FUCK-UP WIZARD FRIEND AND MY ALL-TIME HOMEGIRL MOLLY GRU#and also it's soft and beautiful and funny and fucking weird!! i wrote melodies to the songs in the books on my ukulele
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misticfog · 9 months
Regarding recently seen discussions about Harvey's reaction to Willow dating Hunter:
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