#fourth house profection year
vivmaek · 6 months
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ANNUAL PROFECTION YEARS THE SIGNIFICANCE OF TIME LORDS Click here to calculate your annual profections. (Note that the chart portrays traditional rulership.)
Time lords and their relationship to the profection year they occupy reveal themes for the year ahead. There are going to be three posts for this series. I am covering houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 within this first post.
Planetary Lords Sun - Leo  Moon - Cancer  Mercury - Gemini, Virgo  Mars - Aries Venus - Libra, Taurus  Jupiter - Sagittarius  Saturn - Capricorn  Uranus - Aquarius  Neptune - Pisces  Pluto - Scorpio 
Sun ☉
First House - All eyes are going to be on you this year. This is a time in which you’re going to be shining brightly, you’ll look radiant. Your sense of creativity is going to be heightened and joy will be easy to come by. You will step into a sense of self expression that is authentic and true to yourself. This is going to attract a lot of attention and you will receive a lot of positive reinforcement. 
Fourth House - You’re going to be shining a light on home and family. Your roots and where you came from are important themes for the year. Your relationship with your father will be significant. You will find a lot of happiness within the domestic sphere. Your foundations will serve as a source of inspiration. 
Seventh House - You will find a lot of happiness within one-on-one relationships this year. Your confidence will attract suitors and will help you establish healthy boundaries. The image of your partnership will be important to you. Your love life will attract attention. If you have a best friend or romantic companion, you will both shine brightly when together. Important relationships will serve as a source of inspiration and creativity.  
Tenth House - You are going to make a positive reputation for yourself this year. Your public image will receive a lot of attention and you will be incredibly popular. This is a good year for career advancement and recognition. Your superiors are going to be fond of you and will be pleased with the results that you deliver. You might become famous, or at the very least, elevate your status in some significant way. 
Moon ☽
First House - This will be a mellow year. You’ll feel more in touch with your emotions than you have in the past. Because of this, you’ll find yourself retreating into the safety and comfort of your home. Surrounded by the people and things that you love, you’ll nurture yourself and discover new aspects of your identity that are deserving of love and attention. Connecting with your roots, and with the person you once were will be another major theme within the year. A true full circle moment. 
Fourth House - You will find a lot of comfort and emotional fulfillment this year. Your family is more important than ever, especially your relationship with your mother. You are going to take the time to nurture yourself and your loved ones. You will participate in many domestic activities and hobbies. Self-care is an important theme for the year, and you are going to master this. 
Seventh House - You will enter a deeply intimate partnership. The emotions of you and this other person will blend together and you will feel like they complete you. Co-dependency might present itself as a challenge this year. They will help you heal your inner child. And through this partnership, you will explore your inner world. 
Tenth House - You are going to start structuring your long term goals around your emotional needs. Your sense of structure is not stable during this time. You might gain a reputation for being emotional. People will start to look to you as a mother figure of sorts. You will take on a leadership position and will guide others through compassion and empathy. Your sensitive nature will become publicly known. 
Mercury ☿
First House - You are going to feel the need to restructure your life. Maybe you’ve been overlooking certain details that need tending too. The phrase, “How you spend your days is how you spend your life,” certainly applies here. You might invoke new routines into your daily life that will alter your sense of identity or appearance. You’ll take a closer look at your health and will take on a more organized approach when taking care of yourself. 
Fourth House - You are going to feel a need to know more about your family and roots. You might begin studying your ancestry or the culture that you were born into. You will make many short trips in an effort to visit your loved ones. Your family will keep you busy, and you will be communicating a lot more frequently with them. You will establish better routines for self care. Taking the time to process your childhood and where you came from are important themes for the year.  
Seventh House - You will think a lot about what you desire from relationships this year. Your approach to partnerships is going to be more methodical than it is emotional. You can expect a lot of short trips with another person. Your communication skills will grow and you will find it easy to express yourself towards the significant people in your life. 
Tenth House - Your career is going to keep you busy this year. You are taking on an organized approach when establishing long-term goals. You’ll be hard to get a hold of and will gain a reputation for always being on the go. Your sense of intelligence and wit will gain recognition and your skills in multitasking will be appreciated by your superiors. You’ll be receiving lots of emails, and there will be many meetings to attend. 
Venus ♀
First House - It’s time for a glow up! But seriously though, you’re going to feel more beautiful than ever. Your life will feel balanced and you’re going to participate in many social engagements. Romance is in the air and you will develop a deep love for another person, or maybe even yourself. Don’t be afraid to give into indulgence. 
Fourth House - Your love for home and family will be amplified this year. You will find a lot of pleasure within the domestic sphere. You might redecorate your personal space, making it more well suited to your tastes. You might find a lot of enjoyment in cooking or baking. You’ll host comfy social gatherings and you’ll use self care to amplify your beauty. 
Seventh House - If you’ve been searching for love, this is the year you will find it. This will be an incredibly pleasant time within your life. Romance will be easy to come by and you might start a significant partnership. Your relationships with others will feel balanced and you feel an immense sense of satisfaction. 
Tenth House - You will gain a favorable reputation over the course of this year. The public will be enchanted by your beauty and social grace. You might start making more money within your career. You will establish long term goals in order to provide for yourself. Beginning a romantic relationship within the workplace is a possibility. 
Mars ♂
First House - You’re the boss this year. Your sense of drive will be strong and your ambition will reach new heights. You’ll be taking a lot of action and maybe some risks. The Emperor archetype from tarot comes to mind when thinking about this specific profection year. You might bulldoze over a few people to get what you want. Struggles with anger and impatience will be present this year. 
Fourth House - Unresolved tensions surrounding family are going to arise this year. Your home life will feel chaotic and restless. On an emotional level, you will feel angry. During this time, it would be beneficial to embrace these feelings rather than brush them off. Completely rejecting your roots could lead to further frustration. 
Seventh House - During this year, you might feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells. Your relationship with others will feel tense, and will require action on your part if you want to see changes. People may irritate you more than usual and you could find yourself getting into arguments. Practice patience and try to understand how your sense of passion or level of energy is affecting your relationships. 
Tenth House - You will be taking major action within your career this year. You want to see change and are unafraid to make this for yourself. Your decisive nature is going to impress others and people will begin to look to you as a leader. Your sense of energy and ambition will seem endless. You might upset a couple of people during the pursuit of your goals, but this will not slow you down in the slightest. You also might run into issues with your superiors and might not appreciate being told what to do. 
Jupiter ♃
First House - You’ll feel optimistic this year. Your perspective is limitless and you’ll take on new ideas that will change the way you view yourself. Being open minded is going to take you to new places. You might travel and embrace the culture of a foreign country as if it were your own. You’ll witness a lot of growth within yourself and will feel a general sense of happiness. You might find yourself wearing more jewelry, or will feel a need to adorn yourself. 
Fourth House - Your home or family might expand in some way. You might move far away and find that you're more comfortable there in comparison to the place in which you grew up. On an emotional level, you will feel satisfied with your life. Exploring your roots and ancestry will be of interest. You will take on a more philosophical approach when it comes to self care.  
Seventh House - Your relationships will see a lot of positive growth over the course of this year. Remaining open-minded is important during this year, otherwise you might overlook people who you’d find happiness with. You might meet people who will serve a beneficial purpose within your life path. Finding luck within a partnership will be easy. Your relationships will also bring forth a lot of opportunities into your life. 
Tenth House - This will be an excellent year for your career. There is a good chance you will get a raise or make a career change resulting in greater income. Your superiors are going to favor you and will give you special treatment. You’ll make a lot of lucky breaks and you’ll feel as though you are on the right path. The long term goals you set for yourself now will serve to be incredibly beneficial as you proceed into the future. 
Saturn ♄
First House - During the course of this year you will set long term goals that will become a part of your identity. For example, you decide to go to grad school and go on to become a professor. These goals are important to who you are and you will showcase great discipline to achieve the results you desire. You will face a lot of hard work and will take on a lot of responsibility. 
Fourth House - You’ll be turning a lot of your focus and dedication towards the domestic sphere this year. You might become a homeowner, or take on some sort of great responsibility such as signing a lease. A commitment to family is an important theme for the year. You will build your foundations and strengthen your roots. Taking self care seriously will be beneficial and will help you attain your goals. 
Seventh House - You will make serious commitments to another person this year. You will set long term goals within your relationships and will make important decisions. Your partnerships will come with a deep level of responsibility and you will take these people seriously. You will also establish important boundaries within these relationships. 
Tenth House - You will be putting in a lot of work this year. Your ambitions and goals will be all that you think about. You will gain a reputation for being an incredibly hard worker. Your superiors will think that you are dependable and will trust you. Your status will be solidified by the end of the year and your public image will be favorable. You will make significant progress within your career but won’t realize this until the year passes. 
Uranus ♅
First House - Your sense of identity and the ways in which you portray yourself will change in unexpected ways this year. You’re going to want to try something new with your look. You’ll feel a bit rebellious and will want to break standards you’ve set for yourself. You might express yourself more on the internet. 
Fourth House - You might make an unexpected move this year. Even if you don’t move, an unexpected event will take place in the home. For example, Your pipes might burst and flood your apartment. You will be able to find innovative solutions to these challenges. You might start to feel disconnected from your roots and family and will desire independence from them. If you live in a suffocating environment, you will break free by the end of the year. 
Seventh House - Unexpected changes within your partnerships may take place this year. A breakup of sorts might happen. You will find yourself more independent than you were at the start of the year. You are desiring freedom within your relationships and want to seek out something new. You might feel at odds and disconnected from your partner. 
Tenth House - An unexpected event will occur within your career this year. Perhaps you may lose your job, or maybe an opportunity doesn’t turn out to be what you thought it was. Either way, you will be able to manage these challenges. You are being pushed to find freedom within your career. Your superiors might find you to be rebellious and difficult to understand. You will go against authority and will gain a reputation for being defiant. Your unorthodox approaches will gain attention. 
Neptune ♆
First House - Your perspective if going to take on a spiritual focus. Expressing compassion towards others comes easy. You’ll feel more intuitive than ever. You will find yourself daydreaming about the future ahead of you and who you wish to become. People might think you’re acting a bit spacey. You might attract people who seek healing. 
Fourth House - Some confusion regarding your childhood or family might be present this year. You might start to remember repressed memories. At home, you will find yourself lost within a world of fantasy. You will incorporate spiritual practices into the domestic sphere. You will spend a lot of your time trying to understand your own emotions. You might withdraw during this year and start to isolate yourself. 
Seventh House - This is an incredibly idealistic point in time for you, so be careful. You might begin a relationship that feels destined to last. This could be the case, but it is also possible that this person will just be one of many. You will feel intuitively connected to this person and distinguishing between your perspective and theirs will become challenging. Healing yourself through relationships is an important theme for the year. 
Tenth House - You will feel confused about the direction you want to take your life in. It will be hard to establish long term goals during this time. It is best to go with the flow. Your superiors might try to take advantage of you. You might participate in volunteer work and will find satisfaction from being in service to others. You will gain a reputation for being compassionate. 
Pluto ♇
First House - Whoever you were in the past is going to die so you can then take on a new identity. This might feel like a turbulent year and the changes you see occurring within yourself will feel painful. You will mourn the person you were, or maybe the life you once had. But as you embrace this new version of yourself, you will find that you are a stronger person and will feel incredibly powerful. 
Fourth House - Childhood trauma is a major theme for the year. The ways in which you perceive your family and roots will radically transform by the end of the year. This will be a painful process and it will feel incredibly uncomfortable at times. You need to heal your inner child, and you will do this through the development of self care. You’ll feel intensely connected to your emotions and will begin to rebuild your foundations from the ground up. 
Seventh House - Radical changes are going to take place within your relationships. You and your partner might end the relationship, or maybe you’ll take your commitment to the next level. Either way, your partnership with this person is going to look drastically different by the end of this year. Subconscious patterns are going to emerge and will affect your behavior within partnerships. You might feel paranoid and distrustful of others. 
Tenth House - You will witness major changes within your career during this year. Issues regarding power and control may be present. Your superiors may try to sabotage you in some way. It is important to move in silence. Keeping your goals and long term plans to yourself is the best course of action. You will gain a reputation for being intense and obsessive. You might feel over-sexualized by the public. 
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
My fourth house profection year is already fourth house profectioning. (is that even a word?)
Cycle breaker probs, am I right?
Anyways...since I'm feeling unhinged and chaotic from an unwarranted interaction with my mother tonight, here's a new post 😂
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Placements in my mother's birth chart that explain why I'm traumatized 😂 and how it affected my birth chart (An actual visualization of generational trauma in a birth chart + how our placements interacted)
I know some people don't like to share their personal placements for various valid reasons. But I've always been an open book and like to use myself as an example to help make things make sense, since I can explain how it's applicable really easily. It's the teacher Sag traits. And I don't mind it.
I'll give a trigger warning, since I'm talking about generational trauma. But I don't go into heavy detail about it (besides ineffective communication styles). Just casual mention of the area of life it's related to.
**Note: If you have these placements, know that having these absolutely do not mean you're a bad person or are bound to traumatize someone. I'm simply showing how a parent/child birth chart can correlate. It also can show how unhealed placements can react. Not everyone with these same placements acts this way. This is just how it reacts with my mom's personality and experiences. This is simply for fun and synastry. + to give a literal visualization of generational trauma in the birth chart **
I also hope this doesn't come off as insensitive. But if I don't laugh, I'll cry. I tried to keep it humorous, while offering a subjective and objective take simultaneously. And I like to see different ways placements can play out. Because they can play out completely differently per person. So I figured I would share it for anyone whose fascinated by this stuff like I am.
💥Aries Sun (mom) vs. Sagittarius Sun (me). These placements are usually seen as a great pair...however in a parent-child relationship, it was a nightmare (for my circumstances. Obviously this could be great for someone else). A lot of expectations were placed on me, and if I didn't answer her or react to her in a timely manner, it was catastrophic. Of course, I had a ton of leadership qualities and this angered her. She wanted to control me. I valued my freedom. I needed freedom. She could NOT handle the idea that I was my own person with my own identity and tried to live out her ego through me.
💥Aries Moon (mom) vs. Pisces Moon (me). I soaked up EVERYTHING. I could feel subliminal shifts in the air, and I was constantly accommodating her emotions. She would rage based on her mood and then would quickly forget she ever did it. She would treat me as if nothing had ever happened. As a Pisces Moon, this was so confusing for me. I was super sensitive and feared rejection. I was also really passive, which allowed her to dominant my emotions. She trauma dumped on me constantly. And I allowed her to because I was really compassionate and craved approval. The positives of Aries Moon would shine through every once in while, but it rarely benefitted me. (Cause I was the scapegoat). In fact, I would use the manipulative side of Pisces to shift her emotions to try to keep myself safe. It took years to unlearn this.
💥Aries Mercury (mom) vs. Sagittarius Mercury (me). We both did well thinking on our feet. We were both able to sustain the stamina needed to engage each other in arguments. I had a DEEP innate sense of justice (hello neurodivergency and Sag), while she had a narrow way of thinking. The goal was never to expand her mind, it was to win the battle of wits. Which she rarely did. I paid deeply for that 😂 but it was worth the satisfaction. Had she healed and worked on her self-growth, she could've been a fierce advocate for herself, me, and others. Instead, she cared solely about being right. I love Aries Mercury individuals, because they have so many strengths. But when someone only cares to control others, the negative traits are fiercely obvious. She also took my need to question the world as questioning her authority, so that was fun. It took a while to undo the habit of playing mind games for me, too (which Sag mercury is great at lol).
💥Pisces Mars (mom) vs. Sagittarius Mars (me). She'd make threats and fail to follow through on them. This placement might've been good for her if her Chiron wasn't also in Pisces...in the 5th house. *blinks aggressively* One of Pisces Mars' strengths is to express anger and emotion through a creative outlet. With a wound in her house of creativity and the sign of imagination....well, yeah. With Mars in Sag in the 12th, I was great at following through on my words and I definitely had a creative outlet for all of the pent up aggression. I think she got jealous of this at times.
💥Scorpio Rising (mom) vs. Capricorn Rising (me). Ahahahahah I'm just going to sit here and laugh at this one. No wonder it was always volatile. She was constantly transforming and I was constantly seeking structure. I was also big on accountability. She was ruled by the planet of death, destruction, and transformation. I was ruled by the planet of authority, accountability, and boundaries.
To make it clear, most of my friends are Scorpio risings and we work excellent together. We provide insight and have really similar life experiences in very different ways. In a healthy parent-child relationship, this is probably a great pairing. But a toxic one?? AHAHAH. Especially if the parent is constantly changing and the child is seeking structure (in an unhealthy environment). I imagine in a healthy dynamic, Scorpio Rising parents can provide their children with valuable life skills by teaching them resilience and adaptability.
💥Saturn in the 4th House (mom) vs. Saturn in the 3rd House (me). The 4th house is the house of family, home, and the mother. When I say my grandma was awful? oof. My mom definitely had mommy issues (but alas, so do I). She literally had blockages and hardships in the family & home. I was the family and home 😂 She also dealt with an incredible amount of trauma as a child. I really do feel for her. I can even excuse some of what she did if she just tried to be better now. She has the resources available to her to grow and heal, and she knows they're there and actively chooses not to use them. THAT is what I have a hard time with.
With my Saturn in the 3rd, I find it hard to connect with others. I have issues feeling like my voice holds power. A lot of the wounding with Saturn in the 3rd comes in childhood. It can also indicate issues with siblings. My brother and I had different childhood experiences because of our age gap. We had totally different parents even though we were raised by the same people. Part of that is because my Dad died when I was so young (LOL @ my Sun in the 12th).
Connecting Generational Trauma
Now here is where I can start drawing really cool parallels. Try to stay with me. I'll explain it the best I can.
My IC 4th House is in Aries, which is my mom's sun sign. IC In Aries indicates a volatile relationship in the home and family, often having an aggressive parental figure. Which it was.
Now, my Lilith is in Cancer. Cancer rules the 4th House. Cancer Lilith's are largely known for working through ancestral trauma on the maternal side. My mom's Saturn is also in the 4th house, indicating ancestral trauma from the maternal side.
My Chiron is in Libra. My North Node is in Libra. And my Lilith is in the 7th House. Libra and the 7th house are the house/sign of relationships. Usually affiliated with romantic relationships, but it can highlight other relationships as well. This is significant because my Lilith in Cancer in the 7th House is indicating a wounded relationship with the mother (among other things, but I'm focusing on this part).
However, my mom has had a long and toxic history regarding her romantic partners. Her Venus is in the 7th House. Which is an interesting observation to note as well.
Overall, this is LITERALLY a visual example of generational trauma being passed down in a birth chart. I think it's kinda neat.
ANOTHER observation is that her Venus is in Taurus in the 7th House. My Saturn in my placidus chart is in the 2nd house...which is the house of Taurus. My mom's side has a long history of toxic marriages. Something, I'm currently working through. Where my Lilith also is. WILD.
Additionally, my brother's Lilith is in Aries (my mom's sun sign) in the 7th House (same house as mine). TELL ME THAT'S NOT WILD. My brother's Saturn placement is also in the 2nd in his Placidus, like mine.
It gets even more bizzare. My brother's daughter has her Chiron in Pisces in the 5th. Literally handing that down to her from my mom.
This is why I love astrology. Back to observations.
💥We both have Neptune in the 1st. Neptune in the 1st is prone to being projected on. We projected our insecurities on one another, often making rash assumptions.
💥Her Chiron is in Pisces in the 5th. Her Jupiter is in Pisces in the 5th. This indicates that her luck and abundance is directly tied to her Chiron wound. And if she avoids working on it....well...yeah. And she had really terrible luck, ngl.
💥Her IC 4th House (the house of home | family | mother) is in Aquarius. My brother is an Aquarius Sun and stellium. I'm flabbergasted. My niece's IC is also in Aquarius.
There's a lot more, but that's just a few examples. I think it's neat.
This wasn't meant to be a trauma dump. Rather, a generational examination of birth charts. It helped me process some stuff too. And I figured others might find it helpful.
I joke a lot about my placements being awful and terrible, but I really do like them. I think it's just because I'm processing. And I like to joke.
I don't know who I'd be without my 12th house | Neptune in the 1st | Cap Rising placements. They make me who I am. And I like the strengths that come with them, even if it's isolating at times.
Some people find superiority in having extremely hard placements, by using them to discount others experiences. I will never do that and if I do, please call me on it.
But it's important to note that in astrology, there just are really difficult placements. It's bound to happen. And we each get some.
Every single birth chart will have challenging placements. Every single one.
it's just that some people end up with a little (or a lot) more than others. And sometimes, I believe, that it might be attributed to generational trauma.
So there you have it. An analysis of generational trauma across 3 generations in astrology. I wish I had my grandma's birth time just to see. But if you have your parents charts, I HIGHLY recommend looking at them. It can help you understand some of your placements a little more.
Also, if anyone disagreed with this analysis, I'd love to hear why. I love learning how others interpret.
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starmilkastro · 2 months
aquarius and the fourth house
as the sun, mercury, mars, and pluto convene in aquarius, i've been spending a lot of time reflecting on the fourth house, where aquarius falls in my chart (and, if you're a scorpio rising, in yours).
alice sparkly kat tells us that the fourth house is the father, it's the bunker, it's where the bodies are buried. i will enter my fourth house profection year in june, shortly before the first anniversary of my father's death.
if the fourth house is loss and fathers, what is left for this return to take? i'm afraid a year could be the lifespan of a remembered voice, the point at which i forget the punchlines of his jokes and his bedroom stops smelling like leather and old cigarettes.
in the time since my dad died, i've learned more about him than i'd ever thought to ask when he was alive. a high school friend of his printed out articles he'd written for the school paper and brought them to his funeral to give to me. his mother, who died just months before he did, left behind a collection of photos, letters, and other memorabilia that helped me piece together the truth of him. my father was very sick for very long, and i think i had almost forgotten that he wasn't always as tired and angry as i had come to know him. in death, he was funny, vulgar, thoughtful, smiling back at me from the page with that face that looked just like mine. in death, he became someone i understood, someone i could find in the mirror and be happy to see.
this aquarius season, i've been warming up for my fourth house profection, stretching the muscles i'll need to excavate my telltale heart. i started tracing my father's lineage, digging into birth records and old newspaper articles for hints about the people whose lives paved the way for mine. i've found things to aspire to and things for which it feels like my duty in this lifetime to atone.
to me, this is what the fourth house is about. it's the people and the dirt and the depths that allow us to exist not as singular beings but as the result of an unending line stretching forever in all directions. it is the responsibility we hold for the pasts and futures that we create and that create us in return.
i wish i could ask my dad about these people and their stories. i wish i could find out whether or not he knew his grandfather was charged with sedition for badmouthing the president, whether he would have thought he was guilty or framed (i think he was guilty, and i love that for us). i doubt he would have told me the truth; he rarely did. but i would prefer his embellishments anyway. with death and distance, i can see how i've warmed to what i always thought of as his flaws, how i hold them close to me in the bunker of my heart.
i used to want to change my last name, to sever the line that led from a german milkman to my father to me. but aquarius in the fourth house reminds me that, for better or for worse, we can't change where we come from. it reminds me that my responsibility to humanity - to witness, to love, to tell the truth - has to begin with those closest to home.
it might be a lot to hold, but the water-bearer is built for holding just as much as it's built for pouring.
in the last few days of the sun's trip through aquarius, i challenge you to think of yourself as an ancestor.
how are you building a foundation for the future you want to see?
how are you atoning for the sins of those who came before you?
when your descendants dig into the truth of your life, what do you want them to find?
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riizebabie444 · 4 months
Hello! Hope you’re doing absolutely well! I’m so excited to take part in your theme of 2024 event!!
My initials - AT, Top 3 - Scorpio rising, Taurus Moon, Virgo sun // Scorpio rising, Aries Moon, Leo Sun(Vedic)
I’m gonna try something for you too. For your 2024, I think it will be a lot of contemplation in way. It feels like you might have the urge to constantly change things about your life and start afresh. Questioning things around you and trying to make sense of everything. I’m sensing you might be kind of aloof and just enter your own shell. I’m getting hints of self-sabotage but subconsciously? Could have some issues with boundaries in personal relationships. Hope this is of some help. Please take this with a grain of salt. I’m too new at this. Wishing you a very happy new year!
thank you so much for the message! i think it is pretty accurate as i'm heading into my 12th house profection year in 2024 and it aligns with many of the things you said. thank you again!
your astrological card is fourth house and your tarot card in four of wands reversed. it was a little difficult to get clear messages for you because so many cards wanted to come out but i could only pick one from each deck, so i do hope these messages resonate <3 with the fourth house, it seems your 2024 will have emphasis on the home you came from. you may be feeling nostalgic or homesick, or experiencing a significant even such as moving away from home or your family. it could also mean family issues will be a common theme. there is focus on domesticity also, making your place your home. i see you wanting to decorate to make yourself feel comfortable, and your mother or other significant female figures in your life will be prominent this year. with the four of wands, it is about celebrations, big life celebrations so maybe you may be going through a birthday milestone or any other life or family-related event, and it will likely be a theme throughout the year. but with it in reverse, it suggests this celebration is likely in regards to your personal achievements. whatever your goals are for 2024, whether you have started them yet or not, will likely become something to celebrate. you'll put a lot more effort into staying committed to achieving your goals. however, with both of these cards together, it is possible you will have a strong feeling of fomo, the fear of missing out or being left out, you might feel like an outsider in certain familial or social groups and often feel lonely.
thank you for taking part in the game! wishing you the best in the new year!
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itsmeanyango · 1 year
Scorpio Eclipse 2023: Timeless messages
Emergency Scorpio Eclipse messages. They are very short but touch on the main thing. Feel free to ask questions. 8H and 12H see me!!!!
This is not a one time thing by the way.
Last year these themes were highlighted but not as strongly, you were however promoted to look into the said themes.
This is going to be the last Scorpio eclipse until The Penumbral LUNAR Eclipse on May 7, 2031 at 16 Scorpio 25(So 8 years of no Scorpio eclipse).
The number 8 also represents Scorpio and in Tarot is the Strength card, YOU CAN DO THIS!
So just as Pluto in Aquarius(see my Pluto in Aquarius insight post here) comes to a climax, if you will have not done the work it will be a very hard time for you come the next 21 years and during these 21 years. Purpose to have made something good FOR YOURSELF in these coming 8 years.
First house Scorpio/Scorpio rising (Ascendant): Death of the self.
Second house Scorpio: Death of addictions.
Third house Scorpio: The call can't be placed, death of communication.
Fourth house Scorpio/IC: Death of your known relationship with/to motherhood.
Fifth house Scorpio: Inner child will die if you don't do something.
Sixth House Scorpio: Death of whatever has been causing you gut or mental issues. Death of the routines you have been having.
Seventh House Scorpio/DC: End of sex life, start celibacy. Stop casual sex. Stop borrowing, end of debt.
Eight House Scorpio: DM me, I'm just thinking "Annie are you Okay?" By Michael Jackson. Every single thing seems to be falling apart, you are called to restructure everything in your life by letting go of old foundations. Be a phoenix.
Ninth House Scorpio: End of higher education, it's time to hang the boots🫶🏿, I'm sorry. Cognitive dissonance.
Tenth House Scorpio/MC: Your career is struggling right? Your relationship with your father or as a father; it's the end, right? What you think about fatherhood, what has changed?
Eleventh house Scorpio: Kikulacho ki nguoni mwako! Umdhaniaye siye ndiye!
Translation: Sleeping with the enemy.
Twelfth House Scorpio: Now who is this going to prison 🤐DM me. So much...lack of peace. Reach out to me!
Your profection years and Lunar returns will help you so keep them in check.
What can I do to prepare?(Ritual)
Nothing. I hope everyone has been relaxing.
What services do you offer?
I offer therapy, birth chart readings, Human design charts and even Human Design classes so feel free to contact me here.
If you don't have WhatsApp just email me here: [email protected]
Here is my website.
You can also find me on Fiverr here.
My services are not plain Astrology, they are psychospiritual and multicultural as I am a multicultural psychologist.
I am highlighting that I offer therapy so if you are going through it just reach out to book a session!*
*I have a dual relationships policy in which if we know each other personally, I will give you a list of alternative and equally ethical + qualified therapists to contact for therapy.
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noisynutcrusade · 9 months
What To Expect During Fourth House Profection Years
Annual profections is a unique branch of astrology that divides our life into cycles of 12 years. Each year is ruled by one house on the zodiac wheel, starting with the first house profection year when we are born all the way to the 12th house profection year when we are 11 years old. These profection year cycles continue like this every 12 years, marking our growth and maturity through life. The…
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Annual Profection Years in Astrology
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Annual profections is an ancient Hellenistic astrological method to see what the focus of the year ahead will be from the point of your birthday, based on your own natal chart. This method only works with whole sign astrology. You can access and download your own profection chart from astro-seek.com, just like I have for Sagittarius risings.
This is my basic interpretation, which has helped me understand annual profections, and I hope it does the same for someone else.
Every year, from birth we move through each profection year. Example: when I was four years old I was in a 5th house profection year, when I was 12 I was in a first house profection year. We go through the cycle of all 12 houses within astrology throughout our lives giving us different focuses and themes for the year ahead. 
By understanding the basics of the houses you will be able to understand how the different annual profections will show up as you progress through your life.
Each annual profection has a time lord based on the sign each house is in within your personal chart, so if you are a Libra rising and you’re in a 6th house profection year the time lord will be Jupiter. 
Quick note: with this type of astrology there is no Neptune, Uranus, Pluto as time lords as they were not discovered at the time of this methods invention.
I wrote a post a long time ago about the houses which can be found here https://curiouswitchcollection.tumblr.com/post/666199574492430336/houses-in-astrology but I have copied and pasted some of the important parts.
First House
The house of the self. Depending on the sign you have in your first house it will indicate how you come across to others, how you behave in the first instance, your outlook on life and in some cases has an impact on your appearance. 
The first house profection years occur during the first year of life, aged 12 and 24, as so on for every 12 years. Age 12 is when a lot of people move to secondary school, which gives them a chance to meet new people, maybe even expand their horizons. At 24 I remember I moved jobs to something completely new, hoping to reinvent and challenges myself.
Second House
The houses of values. How you value yourself, people, places and things. It can often provide insight into people’s relationship to their possessions and money. 
Occurs at ages 1, 13, 25 and so on...at age 1 children tend to become more aware of what it is that they want and who it is that they value in their lives. At age 13, children are going through a lot of changes internally so may start to question the values put on them and begin to push against the family values than before.
Third House
The house of communication. How you communicate to others, how your mind works and how you express yourself. It can also indicate how you learn, the best environment for you to be in and your relationship towards any siblings. 
Occurs at ages 2, 14, 26 and so on...at age 2 children tend to be communicating more with speech and at 14 you may have become more vocal about the things you like and don’t like. I remember at age 14 just wanting to ARGUE about EVERYTHING all the time, whether that is because it’s a third house profection year or just being a teenager is for you to decide. For me I was 2 years old when my younger brother came into the world...-_- still not over it! 
Fourth House – Imum Coeli
The house of home and family. How you are towards family, home life, your roots, the conditions of your early life, traditions, parents and property (in the home sense). It can also be an indicator of your internal world, especially your inner child as you grow older.
Occurs at ages 3, 15, 27 and so on. The fourth house profection years themes and focus is around family and roots, and arguably most importantly your inner child. These years can symbolise something key happening that impacted on your inner child or a period of time where you really put the work in to connect with your inner child and value them as an aspect.
Fifth House
The house of creativity, children, love affairs, objects of affection such as pets and friendships as well as personal self-expression. 
Occurs at ages 4, 16, 28 and so on. The fifth house profection years themes are that of creativity, embracing new ideas, maybe starting new projects that have interested you for a long time. When I was in my fifth house annual profection year I really took the time to embrace my creative side and had SO MANY arty projects on the go. It was also a year of building new connections and friendships, one of those being with my partner.
Sixth House
The house of work and health. This house governs ‘service’ to others and to yourself. How you look after yourself and those around you. It also indicates your attitudes towards duties and daily tasks. 
A sixth house profection year can be a tough one. It’s focus on health and work can really impact day to day lives - I say this because this is the year I have been experiencing and it has been one of the most challenging in a long time. This profection year occurs at ages 5, 17 and 29. Ages 5 my Granddad passed away, aged 17 both my Nana’s passed away and my Mum left my Dad meaning I had to go out and find jobs to help keep my family afloat as well as maintaining a school schedule and this year, aged 29 I have been uncharacteristically poorly, especially when I haven’t taken the time to be of service to myself i.e resting when needed, over looking after other people’s needs.
Seventh House - Descendant
The house of relationships and partnerships. This house indicates the type of people you attract, would be most suited too as well as the shadow aspect of yourself. Ever heard about other people being mirrors for our own shadow? This is one of themes of the seventh house. It indicates how you go about relationships and partnerships - romantic and business.
Occurs at ages 6, 18, 30 and so on. This year the key themes are partnerships and relationships. In my experience, age 18 was when I had my first proper relationship. 30 is often an age where people experience the ‘next step’ in their relationships. This year may highlight your own shadow and projections onto those around you more clearly.
Eighth House
The house of birth, death and transformation and all the things that come with it such as, inheritance, sex and spirituality. It can be associated with joint finances and other people’s money.
Occurs at ages 7,19 and 31. Expect a year of deep transformational changes within yourself and your life. All for your own good, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time. 
Ninth House
The house of the higher mind, philosophy, travel, religion and higher education. This house would indicate how you approach your studies, or your religious/spiritual beliefs. It governs how you ‘think’ about abstract ideas and philosophical concepts. 
Occurs at ages 8, 20 and 32. The key themes that may be highlighted during this year are about expanding your consciousness and learning. 
Tenth House - Midheaven
The house of career, ambitions, public standing and attainment and within that all the things that come with it such as how you work, how you feel towards authority. The midheaven is a place in the chart that would indicate someone’s preferred way of working or career. The midheaven governs your public life (opposite to the Imum Coeli).
Occurs at ages 9, 21 and 33 and so on. Age 21 was the age I got my first teaching job after studying hard at university. Age 9, I distinctly remember beginning to challenge authority, especially my parents, which did not end well :/ . This profection year could indicate a year where career paths are changed or you decide that the way you have been working no longer works for you.
Eleventh House
The house of hopes and wishes, ideals, humanitarianism, groups and friends. This house indicates how easily someone may make friends, or otherwise, how well they can assimilate to new groups and what their world view is of their fellow man. 
Occurs at ages 10,22 and 34 and so on. I remember at both ages 10 and 22 seeking out new groups and new friendships, more like-minded people. I found friendships quite challenging during these years as well. This year can be one of really finding your tribe and in turn more of yourself and your beliefs.
Twelfth House
The house of spirituality, the subconscious, the hidden, secrets and fears. This house often indicates where someone’s blind spots are – depending on the planets that are present. For example, if someone’s moon is in the twelfth house, they may not be able to identify their emotions easily, feeling as if they are hidden from them. The lesson of the house is to bring forward the unseen into the seen, for ourselves. Scorpio is in my twelfth house, which would indicate a transformative quality to the areas that this house governs.
Occurs at ages 11 , 23 and 35 and so on. This profection year can be a challenge, just like the 6th house profection year. A lot of things that were once hidden may come up in your life for you to work through and look deeper at.
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Thank you for taking the time to read - if you need help working out your profection year feel free to message me and I will see what I can do to help!
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vivmaek · 1 year
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Click here to calculate your annual profections.
Time lords can be used to determine which planets will hold relevance in the transits for that year and can be used to determine the specific themes that will come into play in connection to the area of focus brought on by the profection year. 
1st House (Age; 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96) - Any planets placed within the natal first house or making aspects will become activated during this year. This is a year to be selfish! Don’t be afraid to make it all about yourself. Personal image has reached transformation. There is going to be a heavy focus on physical appearance, people going through their first house profection year may revamp their style to better suit their evolved identity. A lot of significant events will play out during this year. 
2nd House (Age; 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97) - This year, a newly developed style and taste will be refined. Finances come into focus. A desire for material items and goods will be amplified, not having enough money to gain said things will bring about great insecurity. But, if there is enough money, this will amplify confidence. Personal values will undergo some changes, you will figure out what really matters during this year. This is a good year to go after promotions or a raise in income. 
3rd House (Age; 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98) - If you’ve been itching to learn something new, this is a great year to start! This is a great time to work on communication skills. People going through their third house profection year may become more connected to the community and neighborhood that they live in. Making time for short trips and fun excursions is a great idea. You’re more likely to become friends and have friendly interactions with neighbors during this time. Mercury retrograde is going to have a heavier impact on those going through their third profection year compared to other people. Start journaling! 
4th House (Age; 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99) - During this year, people become more connected to their family and roots. Exploring ancestry and putting a focus on inner child work is a must. You might move residences or purchase a home. Those going through their fourth house profection year are searching for a sense of comfort, and figuring out what the best ways in which to take care of themselves. People will retreat during this year in order to face trauma. 
5th House (Age; 4, 16, 28, 40, 52, 64, 76, 88) - This is a year of romance! A somewhat idyllic perspective on life will take over, invigorating a creative spark. There is a focus on pleasure during this time and people going through their fifth house profection year are encouraged to chase after whatever brings them joy. You may discover new hobbies or start pursuing artistic endeavors. Relationships with others should feel light and breezy, and entering an important partnership is likely.  
6th House (Age; 5, 17, 29, 41, 53, 65, 77, 89) - People will develop and transform their routines during this year. There is a focus on health and on the body. Implementing a new exercise routine or better suited diet is a great idea. Daily life is going to start to look different as a new structure is enforced. The sixth house profection year is going to bring about a lot of work, you may find yourself stuck at your job. This is a good year to adopt a new pet, make sure to find time to relax. 
7th House (Age; 6, 18, 30, 42, 54, 66, 78, 90) - Partnerships and relationships with others are going to deepen during this year. Marriage and the idea of starting a life with someone and what that should look like will be brought into focus. Changes in your attachments to others are going to occur. Commitments will be made during this year, in the form of contracts and deals. This is a great time to start developing long term plans. It is time to start thinking about a new stage of life to start looking at what you have to offer. 
8th House (Age; 7, 19, 31, 43, 55, 67, 79) - Some sort of rebirth has occurred, but this is usually a painful process. New surroundings and perspectives bring about a sense of fear. A lot of growth and change is encountered during this year. Power dynamics come into focus. Those going through their eighth house perfection year are asked to surrender aspects of themselves. A connection with the subconscious will be deepened. Emotions will be intensified to the extreme. You will come face to face with forgotten traumas thought to have already been healed. 
9th House (Age; 8, 20, 32, 44, 56, 68, 80) - Making long distance journeys and expanding your perspective is encouraged for this year. You may start to take on new philosophies and start to further your education. Deep discussions are going to transform your worldview. Those going through their ninth house profection year have a focus on developing their personal wisdom. Spirituality, faith, and personal connection to religion will also be developed and transformed. 
10th House (Age; 9, 21, 33, 45, 57, 69, 81) - Major career decisions will be made during this year. There is a focus on public identity. Finding purpose within the world is of the upmost importance. The changes made during this year will have a direct impact on your direction in life. Those going through their tenth house profection year are going to find their calling and should notice a spike in popularity. 
11th House (Age; 10, 22, 34, 46, 58, 70, 82) - People going through their eleventh house profection year need to start networking and need to learn how to present themselves. This is a year in which you should be putting focus on friends. Becoming a part of some sort of group or organization is a good idea. Those closest to you will start to step up and will make their love known. Collaborative efforts will result in success. Go after your dreams, but don’t be afraid to ask for help along the way! 
12th House (Age; 11, 23, 35, 47, 59, 71, 83) - People within their twelfth house profection year are faced with isolation. They must hide themselves away in order to rediscover aspects long forgotten. Secrets will unfold, and coming face to face with painful memories from the past is to be expected. Starting therapy and focusing on mental health is a good idea. A lot of peace can be found within this solitude if it is handled well. This year presents an opportunity in getting to know oneself on the most intimate level possible. 
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astrologyanon · 3 years
This is so fascinating! So if I understood enough, Henry and his girlfriend are kinda perfect for each other and this could be it for them? However you also said that maybe they could break up by the end of july?
I wouldn’t say perfect or not perfect, in any case for anyone because that gives people an idea that astrology has nothing to do with your personal behavior. Astrology is much more strict than tarot or other divination, again it’s the promise of your entire LIFE, but it’s like the weather. “There will be a harsh transit coming up” = “snow storm ahead.” If you prepare and do the best you can, you will get through it. But if you wear a bikini in the snow… you freeze solid!
I leaned more towards break up because of the Leo new moon in his 7th house and his ongoing transits.
Let’s look at his current transits right now, focusing on Saturn and Mars in particular because he is Saturn ruled (being an Aquarius rising) and is in a Mars/3rd house profected year. Also remember both his 3rd house and 10th house are ruled by Mars, so how he communicates will effect his career and how he’s perceived.
So, right now, as this is posted, the Mars-Saturn opposition has Saturn in his 1st house of self and Mars in his 7th house of relationship and contracts.
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Saturn is conjunct his natal Moon, which is associated with retribution for past actions. But also, Saturn is responsibility and restriction working with Moon of emotions. So having to be responsible for your emotions, feeling burdened by your emotions all in his 1st house so in regards to himself. Since Moon can also be the mother and the public, perhaps a finger wagging is happening, making him feel bad or otherwise guilty.
He also has Saturn conjunct his ascendant exactly. This transit is known for cutting off people who do not fit in the “new” version of themselves. This is about taking responsibility for yourself and what you want, tying up loose ends and getting your work done. This transit is long term and Saturn is retrograde right now so it will happen again after it stations direct but he may be in a phase of cutting people off and prioritizing his wants and needs. A “growing up”, we’ll say.
Though we’re focusing on Saturn and Mars first I want to point out his Uranus conjunct natal Sun transit in his fourth house to home and family. Uranus is about rebellion and sudden upheavals. It’s associated with riots and civil rights movements historically. So personally, this happening in his home/family is interesting. It’s also a very private place so we will likely not get to see this happen in real time but it seems like a breaking out of the shell moment. However, Uranus will be in Taurus until 2025. Then it will be in his Gemini 5th house. Honestly I would keep an eye out for Mr. Cavill taking on new and very different projects around/after 2025!
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Now, we look at Mars. This is in his 7th house, opposite his Natal Moon. Mars (aggression) being in his 7th house right now is already a loud exclamation point! But it’s also opposite his emotions, the public’s perception of him and, we’ll get into in a bit, causing tension in his career. If this was a personal reading, I would suggest to Mr. Cavill that he use any anger or moodiness he feels right now to fight for human rights causes and avoid letting that energy out on his loved ones. His 7th house is in Leo as well so this could be public displays of moodiness so if you use to towards a human rights cause it will “make more sense” to onlookers.
Mars is also opposite his Ascendant, his self. Remember 7th house is also house of open enemies. Mars being so active will show him his true enemies but also can cause conflict in his relationships with other people. He will feel annoyed more easily and so will other people at him. This transits also increases passion and sex drive so that’s a more productive way to deal with this extra Leo Mars energy than yelling at people or getting yelled at. xD
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So, we have Mars in his 7th house squaring (causing tension) with his natal Sun in his 4th house of privacy, home and family. So whatever quarrel and drama are happening in his relationships and contracts, are being brought home and causing issues there as well! It’s possible he could be having tension with his family because of this.
Finally, he has Saturn squaring his natal sun in his 4th house. This is one of the most challenging transits you could have. Because Saturn is retrograde, when it becomes direct, this transit will happen Again. This is a FORCED turning point. This responsibility within himself is challenging his home/family structure.
With the Saturn-Mars opposition, he is brought in tension with his family and home and he is separating/even more tension in his relationship and contracts.
So after ALL this, after Mars leaves his 7th house but Saturn is still pressuring him for self responsibility, he will have a new moon on August 8th in his 7th house. This new moon will be squaring his natal Sun in 4th house (more home/family tension), opposing his natal Moon in his 1st house (more emotional/moodiness in his self), and opposing his Ascendant (himself) AND opposing Saturn, responsibility. And this Mars year will be moved focused on the way he communicates and his career. NEXT birthday will be more focused on home and romance. Mars and Saturn are not associated with la
So, if you wanted to read it ultra positive, taking on responsibility in his self could mean marriage! The tension in the home could be from moving in or a marriage arrangement. A new moon and ESPECIALLY an solar eclipse (which this is not, but just a fun fact) could indicate marriage! I won’t deny that. Also Venus is in his 7th house, helping calm down the Mars transit, though Mars is the year ruler so could overcome Venus. He even has his Lot of fortune in his 4th house getting some tension from Saturn and Mars. But it seems rather unlikely after all the other stuff that happened before. Like I said though, it’s about how they deal with the weather. If they deal with this very well, they could come out stronger for it. If they don’t… well, they won’t! Thanks for your time!
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thetallkiwi · 2 years
Another Observation I just realized
Helloooooo again! I am back from the dead. College and life has been truly kicking my ass. Gotta love being in your 8th house profection year.
Anywho, I was doing my work one day and i came to create the thought “ return to home.” Now with homes, I am referring to houses in your chart. You know how we speak about having a planetary return (i.e. saturn return, uranus return, etc.)? Now do that with your houses. All you have to do is go by what sign and season in that particular house. For example, I am a pisces rising. That means Aries is in my 2nd house, Taurus in my 3rd house, so on and so forth. It is currently Taurus season. The demon season has passed yayyy 💀. So you can say I am going through my “3rd house return”. Then when Gemini season comes, I will be in my 4th house return and so on.
I find this important because I think of it as…a chance to do things over again in that specific area of your life. You can even use a mix of current planetary transits and the themes of the house to improve yourself. Example: we had a full moon in libra that was to show where we have imbalances and get rid of those things/people who contribute to those imbalances. Personally speaking, I have Taurus on my 3rd house. Obviously the 3rd house rules over communication, school, and siblings, etc. I can use the energy of the full moon to clean out imbalances of my life that is ruled by the third house:
Communication: learning how to speak up and make my voice heard, regardless of how the other person may react.
School: what is causing me to procrastinate and be mentally burned out? Once I utilize the energy to answer this question, I’m back on my bullshit.-
Siblings: …I don’t talk to him but I’m gonna tell him he’s annoying (sibling tingz) ahahahah. Also i wanna see my niece ;-;
Now, this isn’t always easy. If you have malefic planets in houses that makes the planet in fall or in detriment (I forgot the term my bad y’all), it’s going to be a toughhhhiiieee. I have saturn in my fourth house. It’s in gemini. I’m going to have to find a way to manage taking care of my mom, while maintaining a schedule to ensure that I have time for myself in the end. I’m not ready but let’s do thissss. Also the planetary ruler is in my 8th house, so I can also focus on those themes, during Taurus season.
This may be common sense but it’s still something to keep in mind because you may feel called to fix something, or review it, or improve it, but this can help you zoom in on what you need to fix. Just a thought.
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whimsicalpoet44 · 1 year
Currently in the life of a Cycle Breaker | Spiritual Person 😂
This is a rant | sarcasm induced rage (kinda) | trauma dump because I'm exhausted and no one else understands this path except other astrology/spiritual people. And if I said this to the average person they'd look at me like I had lost my mind but it's decades worth of knowledge I've accumulated over time after consulting with other spiritual mentors\teachers.
If you don't agree that's fine. This has just been my experience and I can talk about any of it if you so wish, because there's a toxic rhetoric associated with a lot of things in the spiritual community, but it's just been misconstrued and idolized, resulting in misinformation. And it's extremely dangerous to spread said misinformation without doing thorough research and offering proper education on the topic. And if you believe I'm wrong, I invite you to educate me, because I always want to consider other viewpoints and be respectful.
Your beliefs might not align with mine and that's okay. I have friends in various spiritual circles and we all relate on some level even though our practices are very different. I have friends that are Christians, Witches, Christian Witches (Surprisingly), Pagans, Buddhists, Root Workers, Atheists, etc. But ultimately, we all feel called to a hyper-specific path and purpose, and we lean on one another. My hopes is to extend a piece of my journey to you all to create a sense of community if you're in need of one. No matter what your beliefs are.
Not to mention, I feel like it's relevant because so many placements correlate with an interest in the occult and mysticism. But I never really see anyone talk about them together.
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Me in my fourth house profection year after working through my Saturnian lessons in my 2nd and 3rd house year, with my Saturn return on the horizon preparing to knock me on my ass while I battle the figurative demons of maternal generational trauma. While also implementing the lessons I learned regarding Saturn in the 3rd House by readying myself to unleash my truth in the form of a poetry book. While also grieving the unmet needs of my inner child due to grief associated with a parent I never got to know.
Then the Universe decides to drop kick a strange synchronicity regarding my twin flame after he's been haunting my dreams FOR THE PAST YEAR after I haven't thought about him in like five years. But I didn't know he was my twin flame (And that's just a very confusing topic with a lot of nuance that I took a very long time to examine and dissect carefully because spiritual psychosis is a thing, but I've made a determination after consulting with my mentors. I can talk more about this if yall want. Specifically from an astrological standpoint) and the math starts mathing. Because the coincidences no longer feel like coincidences.
But now Idk wtf this means and it's confusing. Because I'm also working through lessons with a karmic, to which we are both very aware that we are each others' karmics and we're ok with that because we make better friends anyways and have agreed it was a relationship of convienece while we sort our own shit out. (not ideal but we were literal teenagers when we got together + inflation is a thing so it's what works right now)
All in the midst of a career change, trying to get certified in astrology, and learn tarot, while also beginning a path of working with Hekate (I can also talk about this if anyone wants more info) and constantly arguing with my ancestors because they want me to complete my lessons quicker than I am, but I have to kindly humble them that I'm undoing the trauma they left behind. While also helping my niece break generational curses in the midst.
And I find no peace in my sleep because I accidentally astral project every other night because I have a 12th house stellium. Or my twin is barging in my perfectly peaceful dreams out of no where, to which I'm instantly annoyed about. So I'm always exhausted.
But I really just want to get my Saturn return over with and get to this glow up everyone raves about and experience a tiny sliver of peace for five seconds. 😅
Sooo, follow along the hot mess express to watch a Saturn return happen in real time to a Cap Rising to see what it entails and how much my life falls a part in the process.
But for real though, I like to be open with all of you. We all have our own path and it consists of different things. Not all of us will adopt the same ideologies or opinions about certain things in the spiritual world. And that's okay. To each their own, as long as you aren't condoning abuse, culturally appropriating, or talking down to others, whatever your path consists of is okay!
But seriously, know the signs of spiritual psychosis. Dissect spiritual ideologies you hear about online with a fine tooth comb. Consult experienced spiritualists or mentors. Find a community you can trust. And I'm going to say it again - don't culturally appropriate.
Also, don't jump headfirst into something you don't know anything about. Especially regarding paganism and witchcraft. Research. Consult others. Listen to your intuition.
I'm happy to answer any questions you all might have! (Just remember though, it might take me some time to get to everyones questions, but I will get to all of them). My take on things will likely be very different from another spiritualists', but that's ok. You learn by asking and seeing if it resonates.
I've been on this path for quite some time, and felt like it was the right time to share some of what I know, in hopes it will help someone else that's in the same spot I was in years ago.
Especially if you're an 8th/9th/12th Houser, you could be pushed to adopt new belief systems. Yours doesn't have to look like mine, but I'm happy to share my journey about how I landed where I ended up landing with my belief system and how I was sure it was right for me.
It doesn't feel right to keep it to myself. So please, ask away. I was also hesitant to share this because of others' pre-conceived ideas and beliefs, but I know there's someone else out there feeling how I was feeling in the beginning.
Not me finishing this hearing a literal owl hooting outside my window. 💀😂😂
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Here we go! To the untrained eye, it may look like a bunch of random squiggles and lines. It may look like the product of some addled mind. Something to be used as fodder by those who would want to pathologize my every action and call my sanity into question. That is not what is actually here. What is here is an ancient complex language of symbols in synergy with our mundane cycles. What is here is a language, that when skillfully used, divines. I may not expound on all of the details all of the time. This does not mean that the details are not present and that I do not see them clearly. The end of March has some dynamic skies. My personal transits have the potential to be quite impactful at that time as well. There are strong configurations in direct contact with The Lord of The Year and in the Annual Profected House. 2019 and the beginning of 2020 have been an intense and constant barrage of deep, oftentimes taxing, fourth house events and issues. It appears as if there will not be respite anytime soon.
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itsmeanyango · 3 years
The fourth house is the house of home and family. It represents roots, beginnings and motherhood. You can say this is the house of nurture. This house is ruled by Cancer and Cancer is ruled by the moon. So themes about family and nurture are heavy in this house. Please note that family is not just blood and motherhood is not the biological definition. A mother is someone who ‘takes care of’. So whatever you take care of or are protective of, you display mother like traits. Your pets and plants also count as family.
Cancer is a water sign. Water signs rule emotion. Water is calming, water is life. Your emotions help you get through life. In the same manner, water is a weapon of destruction. You can drown in water, too much water in the pancake batter complicates things, too much rain means floods and loss of property, hurricanes are mass destructors. When you keep your emotions away(suppression), they do the same thing that happens when the tide suddenly decreases. Tsunami. Also, the moon rules tides of the ocean.
The fourth house profection year means you will be in contact with a lot of mother like themes this year. Its not always good, mothers go through some of the most painful things that they do not speak about. You are therefore bound to go through the good and bad which may not be in equal measure. You may also suddenly or gradually become mothering. Not all mothers are ‘good’, some are terrible. So be careful which type of mothering traits you embody as these are the things that can and will make you lose many people as you are smothering them. Mothers tend to be controlling because ‘mother knows best’. You may also act like a mother hen.
This year affects ages 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99, 111, 123 and so on.
Something interesting that I noticed is that there have been several 15 and pregnant cases. 15 is the age most teenagers join highschool where I’m from(Kenya), and many girls report when pregnant or end up getting pregnant after joining school. At 27 many people start being hounded by family about children. Either to have more children or to start having children. At 39, most people have a child who is ten or around teenagehood. This explains why parents start getting more concerned about their children when they get to that age. Another theory is that parents who are 39 also have 3-6 year olds, not their first born though. This is a stage they are familiar with because of their first born or other older children. According to Sigmund Freud, they are at the genital stage. This is when children become curious about their genitals and even masturbate. I know people will disagree, but this is also the age start realising whether they like the opposite sex or not. It is also when children start realising that they are misgendered. This is also the age where parents behind closed doors force values and beliefs on their children instead of letting their child be themselves.
Before we start, you can get your birth chart reading from me here. I also do social media accounts birth charts, business coaching and dream analysis.
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1. Fourth house profection year in a fire sign.
A lot of intensity in matters relating to motherhood. Someone may be trying so had to be their partner's pillar of strength or ‘everything’ (fifteen year old's especially, this may be their first love) or doing a lot to gain love. Older people may be getting so much pressure to have children(27) and some may be going around making multiple women pregnant. Some may be trying do had to conceive, doing everything. Those who are 39 may be trying to fight against their biological clock. As I mentioned, this is not just about the biological process but about anything. Someone's pets may be having children or someone's pets may be sick and they are worried. Someone's plants or garden may be in a constant cycle of poor health but they do not understand why. A fourth house fire profection year farmer might go through so much loss. Either harsh or poor weather, pests, no market or even fires. Someone may also be getting into entrepreneurship and they seem very passionate about this. Fire can cook your food well or burn it.
2. Fourth house profection year in an earth sign.
Earth means rooted. It feels a lot like values. Someone is not willing to let go of their values so they keep going through situations where their values are challenged. This may be a parent who has a child who does not embody similar values. Some values need to be let go of. Some hills you are willing to die on are not the right hills. Also, you cannot do something in 2021 with 2020 rules. You cannot parent your children how your parents did with you, this is because the world your grandparents were in no longer exists. The world your parents were in no longer exists. And the world you are in no longer exists for your child. Same way how you raise one child will not work on another child. How you ran one business is not how another business will be run. A teacher may be getting a transfer and trying to do things in their new environment the same way they did it in their previous environment. 15 year old's are just joining a new environment, so if they meet with this new teacher there is bound to be a huge clash. The students and teacher will be in a square or opposition aspect with each other.
3. Fourth house profection year in an air sign.
Air carries information and people. Air is movement. Someone may be moving back to their hometown. Someone may be thinking of buying land to start over for their future generations. Someone may be building their home. Someone may be talking or thinking about starting a family or something. A parent could be thinking of sending their child to a school in their hometown or stopping them from studying far from home. Someone may be thinking of buying a family car. Someone may be moving to a new country, continent or location for the sole purpose of settling down. This person is either moving because their partner is there or because they hope to find their lifetime partner there. Someone may be getting into astrocartography this year or consulting astrocartography. Someone may be told or hear something that makes them take family seriously. You may keep coming across family related material. Either family planning activations, billboards talking about family insurance or even a lot of family related posts on your feed. Also, be careful what you display about family. Not everyone has family or a home, so do not put yourself on a pedestal as higher than others. Abortion is a very sensitive topic, so is fertility. So do not be insensitive or act all knowing. Do not speak on another persons challenges, you are not an expert on ones personal struggles. This is not tied down to the biological and layman meaning of family, anything that you see yourself as a mother to. Anything that feels like home. These are the themes of the year.
4. Fourth house profection year in a water sign.
This may be the most intense placement. A water sign in a water house. A water sign in a water profection year. Emotions may be running wild. There may be separation in family. A company may be so acqhired(when a company acquires another company just to gain the talented employees). Someone may finally get pregnant after trying for so long. Someone may be getting frequent fails in pregnancy. Children may be leaving home for the first time to study in boarding school and this will be very hard on them and some parents. Children may also be spending more time in school when they want to be home. First loves will be very emotionally intense and when they end they sill leave scars. Friendships formed during this time may be emotionally fueled. Maybe students became friends because they were in a punishment together or they share similar painful family backgrounds. A fourth house water profection year is a year where whatever happens sticks because it involves the emotions. I hope all fourth house water profection natives get through whatever storm this is. Do not let your emotions control you. Pisces is ruled by Neptune the sea God, if you let your emotions control you you will drown, Scorpio the Scorpion, if you let your emotions control you you will poison yourself with your own sting and end up badly. Cancer, if you let your emotions control you you will end up like Hera who had a lot of hate in her heart for Hercules even when he was miles away from her. You will also end up having spite for the people in your life because they chose to live their way and not your way.
This is a very emotional year. Stay away from making emotional decisions and don’t suppress your emotions. Where is your moon sign? Because that may play a role in your fourth house profection year.
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