#footie fics masterlist
briitcedes · 2 years
only one bed - jude bellingham.
word count: 1.6k
summary: the age old “there’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling” trope.
The day had been a rare calm one out on a private beach you’d found somewhere along the coast of Spain while looking for a vacation spot with your friends, the sun had shined all day without cloud in sight, and the lack of wind combined with the hot weather had made it impossible to stay out of the water for long. Even though the day had been one of the most relaxed ones you had had the fortune of enjoying in a while, a whole day in the ocean would take its toll on anyone, hence why you were now basically dragging your feet back to your shared villa to turn in for the night. 
You had your shoes in your hands, feeling the now cold sand make contact with your bare feet, your hair salty and your eyes red from the water. Some of your friends were walking in front of you, all absolutely exhausted, causing them to stumble and trip over everything. Some others were walking behind you, whispering to each other and giggling under their breath, with Jude walking right beside you. You were both walking while sharing a peaceful moment of comfortable silence after a day full of annoying each other, though it seemed keeping quiet was a hard thing for him to do when he was deliriously tired, given that he’d tried to spark a conversation every five steps you took.
You had left everything in the villa neatly placed before you left this morning, already imagining how tiring it would be to tidy everything up when you got back, as you could barely keep your eyes open. However, it seemed like the universe had other plans, because as soon as you all arrived in one piece to the gorgeous house you had rented for your holiday, and after various failed attempts at opening the door, one of your friends collapsed on the couch, which probably wouldn’t have been a problem if you hadn’t accidentally rented a villa with a missing bed, causing the couch to be your designated room for the entire vacation. You tried nudging them and waking them up, but it was a lost cost given the fact that they had instantly passed out, and you weren’t strong enough to move their dead weight.
Jude chuckled as soon as he saw you standing next to the couch looking like a kicked puppy. “Don’t look so sad.” He chuckled. “You can come sleep in our room.” he offered. 
It was a fair offer, given that he shared a room with your friend currently sleeping on the couch, and their bed would be free. However, after a week of sleeping in the same spot, you  dreaded having to get used to sleeping on a different surface, not to mention in the same room as Jude. You really didn’t have enough energy to argue with him right now, though, and instead you just settled for giving a smile that you hoped conveyed everything you would say to him in that moment if you weren’t so exhausted. Judging by the way he flashed you one of his own in return, you guessed it probably did.
“Thanks.” You whispered as he opened the door to the relatively big room. No one close to you was asleep yet, and you had no reason to be lowering your voice, but something in the atmosphere and his closeness to you as he held the door open caused your voice to come out in a hushed tone. 
As soon as you stepped into his room and heard him shut the door behind you, you wanted to start crying out of frustration. Or exhaustion — probably both, you weren’t sure. Bottom line is that you wanted to start crying. Your friend’s bed in which you were supposed to crash, was a mess. The suitcase was open in top of the bed and their clothes were everywhere but inside of it, the bed sheet on top of it looked like it hadn’t been changed since you’d arrived, there was a leftover plate of food on the floor next to the bed and you were sure you could see a pair of shoes peeking out from under the sheets.
Jude chuckled from his side of the room.
“Guess you don’t want to be sleeping in there.” He said, his features contouring into a grimace while looking at you over his shirtless shoulder as he changed into comfortable clothes to sleep in.
“It beats the floor.” You shrugged, and it was true. You knew for a fact none of you had bothered cleaning the floors during your stay, and you were scared you were gonna fall through it and end up in the middle of the ocean. An irrational thought, of course, but one that your anxiety considered very possible anyway given that you weren’t used to staying in houses so close to the ocean. 
“I mean, we can always share the bed.” Jude suggested, and you shook your head, you thought you were already being too much of a bother, and you didn’t think your body could handle a whole night of sleeping next to him. “Oh, come on. It’s not that big of a deal, we've both shared beds with most of thrm before.” he insisted, walking closer to you until he was crouching down to look into your eyes that were trying to focus on anything but his brown ones.
“Are you sure?” You asked, finally looking up at him and being shocked by how good his eyes looked under the moonlight. He nodded with a smile and when you gave in, you could’ve sworn you saw him try to hide a smile while standing up and holding his hand out to you.
Once you had gotten dressed into your pajamas and said your goodnights, you climbed into bed on the opposite side of him, while you both made a point of sleeping as far away from each other as possible, to the point where you were almost falling off the bed. You didn’t care though, you were exhausted and just wanted to sleep, so that’s exactly what you did.
When you woke up the next morning, the first thing you noticed was how heavy your chest felt. You got worried for a moment, your brain starting to think that somehow you had fallen through the floor and you were drowning, before you glanced down and saw Jude’s head resting right under your chin and on top of your chest, both of his arms safely wrapped around your body as his soft breaths made contact with your skin, causing goosebumps to make their way through your body and your heartbeat to speed up. You ignored the butterflies having him laying against you caused in your stomach, and instead admired the sight in front of you.
You stared at his face and admired every single feature in it; his long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, his soft lips slightly parted as he breathed through them, and his curved nose upon which you were delicately tracing your index finger up and down. His nose subconsciously scrunched up at the contact and you let out a soft laugh at how cute he looked, moving your right hand from his nose and placing it on his hair instead, starting to twirl his curls in your fingers while you kept your other hand on his face and caressed his cheek, feeling your heart melt at the sight of his relaxed features.
Soon enough, however, you noticed how the right side of you body started to go numb from being under him and having him pressed to your side for such a long time. As much as you hated to disrupt the peaceful state he was in and your own private selfish view of his face, you shook him awake. He let out a groan and nuzzled closer to you, if that was even possible, and you felt your heart flip inside you at the movement. 
“Sorry for the bother, mister, but my whole body is going numb. You aren’t exactly light, you know?” You teased.
In one swift motion, Jude turned you both around, still keeping his arms wrapped around you but this time you were the one whose head was placed on his chest. Your heart was already beating at an inhuman pace when he started to trace patterns across your arm with his thumb and you felt your body tense up once you started thinking about how he was conscious now and definitely aware of what he was doing. Jude must have felt this because he spoke with a sigh afterwards.
“I always imagined our first morning waking up together would involve less clothing, but this is still pretty good.” He said and you slapped his chest, feeling your cheeks burning up. “Just relax, please?” he asked, looking down at you. “I can’t sleep when your thoughts are so loud.” He concluded, moving to place a kiss on the crown of your head before laying back down.
You smiled softly and nuzzled closer to him, inhaling his scent resting your head above his shirt. You returned his kiss by placing one of your own against his chest where his shirt opened up and allowed a little bit of skin to poke through, relaxing against him once again once you felt his quiet laugh come from above you in the form of a huff of air.
Feeling his thumb still drawing patterns in your arms, you decided a few more hours of sleep wouldn’t hurt, and he would still be there when you woke up.
2K notes · View notes
ladymarycrawley · 8 months
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✨Welcome to my masterlist ✨
Here you'll find all my writing, you can send your requests as well as your url + the players you'd like to get all the updates about (in case you'd like to be added to the tag list) here (tag list)
Please note that I write only if I'm comfortable with the requests I'm getting and the player you'll ask me to write about.
Thanks for reading it, hope you enjoy it 💕
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Mason Mount
John Stones
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Ben Chilwell
54 notes · View notes
lilywastaken · 1 year
⇝ midnight .
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!AFAB!Reader.
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SUMMARY: Simon makes the mistake of spending the night before one of the longest missions of his career in the arms of a woman he met at a pub, unaware of the consequences it would have on his life moving forward.
WARNINGS: AFAB!Fem!Reader (no use of Y/N!) NSFW [ Oral (F receiving), Degradation, Praising, size difference/kink, dacryphilia, dumbification, slight bondage, frottage, unprotected P in V, overstimulation, various orgasms, creampie.], Angst, Pregnancy, mentions of abortion, kind of OOC Simon? He’s just soft when he’s not Ghost, Canon typical violence.
A/N: My first COD fic! It also happens to be the longest piece of writing I've ever done 😵! This is the first part of a series I've been planning on writing for a while, so I'll hopefully get the second part out soon! Please don't forget to reblog/comment if you enjoy the fic, it helps a lot!!! Thanks for all the support!! <3
WORD COUNT: 10.1k.
Also on Ao3!
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Going out wasn't one of Ghost's favourite things to do.
Even after getting back to his tiny flat in Manchester following a horribly long mission and shedding his mask, going back to the burly man his neighbours knew as Simon, some random guy who had moved in a few years ago and seldom stepped outside except for the random smoking session some of them would see him having on his balcony; he didn't enjoy going out.
So when he finally was able to relax onto his shitty leather sofa and catch up with some of the footy games he had missed while away, all he wanted more than anything was a good whiskey in his favourite (cleanest) glass.
And almost like a cartoon character staring at their empty wallet, Simon stared ahead at his liquor cabinet, jaw clenched as he spied at the remaining drops of alcohol that were left in the bottle, remembering the mental note he had made before leaving his flat the last time to get himself the alcohol he had chugged down during one of his depressive episodes.
So, in a fit of anger, he shoved on whatever clean clothes he could find in his duffle bag, skull balaclava pulled over his messy hair, and stomped down the stairs to the nearest Tesco…
…only to find it closed.
And fuck him if he was going to walk the extra hour to the nearest Morrison's just to get some shitty whiskey bottle to drown his sorrows in. At this point, he'd just go and sit in a corner of a pub, nursing what he would hope would be an acceptable liquor.
He was absolutely pissed by the time he made it into the homey bar, the universe having decided to make it it's personal mission to fuck him up today and making the worst storm possible start to rain upon Manchester.
Oh, and of course, the pub's tables were all full of teenagers (who definitely had fake IDs, no way they were all 18), and some old geezers who were shouting at the football game on TV (great, Manchester was loosing, another thing to worsen his night), leaving the only available seat one in the middle of the bar next to some woman chatting amicably to the waiter, who seemed a bit more interested in her cleavage than in what she had to say.
He slipped into the seat silently, his clear eyes death-staring into the bartender's, immediately scaring him shitless ("Yer about ta kill me with that look, Lt." Johnny had once joked about his murderous gaze, and to be fair, Simon was slightly hoping the scot would combust and die right there.), no doubt believing that he was with the woman and was about to punch his teeth in for staring longer than he should have.
As he scurried off into the back, you turned to him, taken aback at first as you made eye contact with the towering, wet, balaclava-clad man who was staring back at you, but you were brave enough to smile kindly at him, going back to running your finger over the rim of your drink, which Simon noticed was still and hardly drank out of, despite the lipstick smudges around the top. You'd been here a while, and by the way your leg was nervously jumping up and down as time passed by, he could only assume you'd been stood up.
Now, Simon wasn't dumb, far from it; and Simon was smart enough to recognize when someone was attractive, and he was pretty sure that the woman in front of him was drop-dead gorgeous despite the sad look that adorned your features. So, if he was correct, he couldn't even begin to fathom how someone could even start to think of standing up a woman like you, especially after inviting her to this shitty pub, where the food had definitely given him food poisoning before.
He hadn't realised how deep in thought he must have been while staring at your glass until a soft hand rested against his bicep, eyes instantly flashing back towards yours, instincts haywire from having been pulled out from his thoughts so suddenly.
"Sorry!" You immediately retracted your hand from his arm, smiling apologetically up at him before turning your gaze back to the golden liquid. "I asked if you were okay. I can't imagine walking around in a storm with just that on." You gestured towards his shirt, allowing Simon to look down and stare at the tight T-shirt he had chosen to wear, a few dirt stains decorating it in the worst way possible, having dressed for the occasion that was a 10pm trip to Tesco and not meeting up with a pretty woman at a pub.
"Wasn't planning on walking 'round." He grumbled out, his voice deeper than what you had expected, the thick accent and scratchy sound of it making shivers run down your spine and heat pool into your stomach, becoming horrified with yourself that you allowed such a minimal thing like a masked man's voice get you all hot and flustered like this.
"'Nd you? Doesn't seem like you're dressed for a night out at the Crown's." His eyes moved towards your dress, surprised with himself that he had actively been the one to continue the conversation; his thick hand reaching over to grab his drink from the bartender's hand (which he must have ordered during the haze he had been in before.) as he awaited your answer.
"Oh." He watched you smooth down your hair out from the corner of his eye, your hands shaky as they found comfort around the fancy glass of your whiskey. Or was it bourbon? Maybe rum? You seemed like the type of woman to appreciate a good glass of liquor. "Yeah, 'm waiting for someone."
He watched your eyes dart over to the clock hanging on the wall opposite you both, the little hand nearing the number 11.
"Could've taken you somewhere nicer." He commented, taking a jab at both the pub and your missing date, the small breathless chuckle that left your lips catching his attention.
"Yeah. Not like I expected a reservation at the Ritz, but somewhere that doesn't look like my grandad's favourite pub would be nice." You joked over the sound of some of the old men cheering in the background over some team scoring a goal, and while Simon would've normally turned around to make sure it had been Manchester, he was too focused on the mesmerising way your eyes looked in the dim light, your eyelashes fluttering innocently as you continued what had started as small talk, that evolved into friendly conversation and him buying you another drink, and that ended with him waiting for you outside the bathrooms, holding onto your tiny umbrella.
Simon wasn't one to frequent in hook-ups, but how enticing you had been when talking to him, the way your body looked in that dress and how you'd brushed your soft hand against his bicep (this time with another intent other than to snap him out of his stupor), had left him wanting, nay, craving more from you.
So when you looked out the window behind him before gesturing to the small umbrella hanging from your bag and asked if he wanted to take you home, he would have been demented to deny you.
His screen's brightness lit up his face as he scrolled over the scarce messages he had received across the almost 10 years he had had this crappy phone, about to delete Soap's number before you came out, a smile on your face and makeup freshly applied.
"Some girls helped me with my makeup in there." You commented happily, fingertips brushing over the blush that had been applied to the apples of your cheeks, which made you somehow look even more enticing than before. "I didn't have time to look in the mirror, but I hope it looks okay."
"Looks nice on you." He let out after processing your new look, his chest tightening as your smile somehow widened and your eyes brightened, having learned across the few hours you had spent together that Simon wasn't really one to show his emotions towards anyone, so a short compliment like that was a big step.
"You think?" You didn't wait for an answer, your hand finding his and starting to lead him out of the shadowy corner he had taken refuge in while your time in the bathroom, letting him push open the exit door so he could open up the umbrella, not caring about the raindrops falling onto him and darkening his clothes, the rain getting caught onto his eyelashes like morning dew on a spiders web, the beautiful orbs drawing you in like a butterfly happily flying into a spider's nest.
The umbrella was open and poised on top of you before you could even step out of the pub, Simon doing his best so you wouldn't be touched by the rain, aware of how uncomfortable some people got when it came to water running down your back or touching your face (especially when you looked so so pretty with your make-up.). Along with his massive frame walking next to you, you were pretty sure there was no way a single drop of water would touch your skin the whole way back home.
Which ended up being almost silent, you leading the way and commenting on random stores or things you passed, brightening up every time you got a chuckle out of him and melting whenever his hand would wrap around your waist as you passed some creepy man or a suspicious-looking group of teens, pulling you into his side so no one would even think of messing with you.
You were highly aware of how dangerous it was in hindsight to take some random man home (whose face you hadn't even seen yet!), but Simon made you feel safe, special, in some weird way… like as long as you were in his vicinity, nothing could happen to you, nothing could harm you. And you wanted to cling onto that feeling, onto the feeling of protection and warmth that Simon extruded.
So you didn't think twice about it, even as you slipped the key into the front door to your apartment complex and stood next to him the whole elevator ride up to your floor, his hand curled around yours with his thumb rubbing over your knuckles, the soft action enough to make heat pool into your tummy and your panties, getting worked up over casual affection from the breathtaking man.
"Y'sure about this, lovie?" His raspy voice made you fumble with your keys as he came up behind you, watching you struggle to unlock your flat as his breath hit your ear. "Tell me to leave and I will. Last chance."
Your breathing grew shaky as his own warmed your cheek, the way he worded it making it seem like the act you were both about to perform was something akin to letting a beast free, and even if it was, as long as Simon was the one to do it, you would have let him do anything.
"Yes." You managed to get out as your door finally opened, not even getting the time to take a step in before his hands were all over you, pushing you into the apartment and slamming the door closed behind him with his foot, his balaclava somehow being pulled up to his nose, high enough so you could gaze upon his soft pink lips and the blond stubble that adorned his chin and slightly crooked nose, aware that you would have spent hours tracing his features with your eyes, engraving them to memory, but he took away any thoughts away from you as he slotted his lips with yours.
You learned immediately that Simon's kisses were desperate, sloppy, needy. The way his hands gripped at your hips and his teeth nibbled onto your bottom lip, tongue running over yours as he trailed his palms down your thighs onto your feet, wrenching off your heels and ripping apart your tights, ignoring the angered whine that left your lips.
"Easier access, lovie." He murmured against your lips, finally pulling back with a sleazy grin on his lips, a string of spit connecting you both before breaking, allowing you a bit of time to catch your breath while he took in your living room, staring at the doors. "Bedroom?"
"Th- That one-" You hazardly pointed towards one of the doors behind you, squealing out loud as he grabbed you effortlessly and started to carry you towards your room, thighs pressed to his sides and ankles crossed behind his back, making sure to cling onto him so he wouldn't randomly drop you (Although by the way his muscles barely tensed when he had picked you up, and how easily he seemed to navigate around while carrying you made you think that there was no way he'd let you fall.)
Your back finally hit your familiar soft mattress, hands clenching onto your silk sheets as he watched you like a hawk, hands resting on the space of your thighs near your now-dripping cunt, thumbs rubbing into the soft pudge.
"Fuck… Just look t'you." He rumbled out, your cheeks growing warm as he continued to stare without moving, enjoying the way you started to squirm beneath his touch. "Calm, lovie, jus' taking my time wiv' you."
You mewled out at the deep tone his voice took, thighs threatening to close as one of his hands made his way towards your clothed cunt, which had been made accessible thanks to your now-ripped tights that had been left behind in the living room.
Simon forced your thighs back open with a grunt, glassy eyes darkening as he watched your own hands come up to cover your face out of embarrassment, letting himself soak in it for a moment before finally starting to act.
"Lean up f'me." You obeyed immediately, trembling under his touch as he slowly pulled your dress off, letting it pool onto the floor along with his shirt, which he had quickly gotten rid of as soon as you were in your lingerie. His eyes roamed the lace for a moment before letting out a dry chuckle, looking up at you to find you ogling at his scarred chest, almost drooling at the sight of his well built pecs and stomach. "Tryin' to get lucky tonight?" He spoke, fingers snapping your bra strap, thinking back to why you were originally at that pub in the first place.
"Shut up." You grumbled, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him up the bed so you could continue kissing him, having been left craving more ever since that breathtaking one in the foyer.
He didn't complain, quickly indulging you as he slotted his lips with yours once again, his kiss as sloppy as needy as before, openly moaning against them as your hands run under his balaclava to pull at the short strands of his coarse hair, his own hands wrapping your thighs around his waist so your clothed pussy could grind against the hard material of his trousers over his hardened cock, rejoicing in the way your moans and whines sounded as he drank them up.
"S'needy." He chastised softly as he pulled away, moving you both towards the top of the bed so you could rest your head on your pillows, catching your breath while he started slipping off his belt and trousers (the belt being placed on the bed, just in case), and letting you gaze upon the tent in his boxers, shivering at the monstrous sight of his cock, trying to imagine how in the living fuck would he fit inside you if he couldn't even fit properly in his boxers, pulling out a moan from your lipstick smudged lips at the simple thought of being fucked by such a tool.
"Like it?" He chuckled, slowly starting to lean down with his hands on your thighs, pulling one of them over his shoulder so he was face to face with your covered cunt, his breath warm as it hit your clit, making you whine. "Gunna let me have a taste?"
"Y-Yes, god, yes, Simon, please-" You breathed out all at once, desperate for his touch after the slow teasing, watching what was visible of his face scrunch up in mock laughter as he revelled in your whines.
"As you wish, lovie."
He didn't even bother pushing your panties aside before taking a lick of your cunt from bottom to top, pressing soft kisses to your clit to hear your desperate whines and feel your thighs shake beneath his touch, continuing to slowly make out with your clothed pussy, purposefully driving you insane with his limited touches.
"Off, off, pl-please, Si, please -" You whined, pushing his head away in an attempt to start to pull your panties down, crying out in frustration as he didn't budge, a growl leaving his lips and sending vibrations up your cunt.
"Don't touch. I'm taking my fucking time, pretty. Or would you rather me stick my cock into you without any prep?" You moaned out loudly at the thought, back threatening to arch as he slowly grasped at your panties, a humourless chuckle leaving his pretty lips. "Yeah, I bet your slutty pussy'd love that, wouldn't it, lovie?" He purred before finally sliding down your pants, taking a moment to stare at your cunt and let you squirm before slowly spreading your thighs again, immediately shoving his face into his prize and repeating his movements from before, but faster and rougher, letting you feel every inch of his tongue as it ran over your lips and slowly inched inside of your hole, your moans and silent screams only edging him further on until he took your engorged clit into his mouth and started sucking, placing a hand on your stomach and pushing your arching back down onto the mattress.
He was surprised, to say the least. Yes, he'd realised you were sensitive as soon as he had kissed you for the first time, but he hadn't expected you to almost burst into tears from being eaten out (He wasn't even /trying/ to make you cry, he wondered what would happen if he did.), so he wondered if all the men you'd been with before had gone down on you, but by the way you were reacting to such simple touches, he was pretty sure he knew the answer.
"So fuckin' sweet, baby." He murmured into your pussy as he let go of your swollen clit, giving your hole some attention as the hand that was on your tummy ran down to circle your clit, overstimulating you in the best way possible. "Taste like fuckin' heaven."
"Si- Simon-" you whined his name out so so sweetly, music to the normally cold lieutenant's ears. "Gonn- Fuuuck! 'Na cum! Please, please, Si, need to-"
"S'okay, let go for me, lovie." He basically purred into you as he continued licking contently at your gushing hole, fingers tactically rubbing on your clit, before changing spots, taking your clit back into his mouth and letting his fingers slip in to you, preening at the sweet gasp that left your lips at the sudden intrusion, his coarse fingers moving in and out and immediately finding that one spot that made your back arch and toes curl, and just as he was taught in the military, he took advantage of the weak spot (in this case, your sweet spot.) and didn't stop brushing his fingers against it, the increasing sound of his name alerting him of your upcoming orgasm.
And once the coil within your stomach snapped and Simon finally let your back arch of the bed, your release gushing out of you and coating his hand and wrist, you let out the loudest moan of his name, the sound immediately going to his painfully hard cock, but he didn't stop, tongue not ceasing its assault on your clit and fingers continuing to rub against your g-spot until you finally came down from your high, brain mushy and eyes glassy as you stared up at the cream ceiling.
"Such a good girl." He purred out as he finally stopped, retracting his wet fingers and taking them into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and cleaning off all of the slick you had left from your orgasm, savouring it like he would with a lollipop. "Fuckin' taste amazing."
You whined in response, the embarrassment from having cummed so fast and having to watch him lick up all your release finally catching up to you, shaky hands moving to cover your sweaty face.
He clicked his tongue, grabbing them before they could cover your pretty features and holding them together in one hand.
"No, baby. Don't want you fuckin' hiding f'me." He snapped, slowly pulling them upwards so that they were pinned against the headboard, his other hand moving to gather the belt he had discarded not so long ago, quickly taking advantage of your cum-lax state to wrap it around your wrists, making sure it was tight enough to constrict you, but not tight enough to hurt, and letting you lie there while he started on getting rid of his boxers. "Wanna see that pretty face while you come undone on my cock. Isn't that what y'want too?"
You tried moving your head to nod, but it felt so so heavy that even the slightest movement felt like a chore, feeling grateful that Simon was a man able to move you around and dominate you without even breaking sweat, that all you needed to do was lie back and enjoy everything he gave you.
"Fuckin' hell. Not even fucked ya yet and you're 'lready gone?" He sneered, coming to hover over you so he could press wet kisses to your cheeks and neck, purposefully avoiding your lips. "Pretty girl gets her pussy played wiv and turns into a right proper slut, don' she?" He purred against your neck, his words making you shiver and squirm as your body instinctively tried to move away from the stimulus, only for him to pull you back towards him with grubby hands, a loud gasp leaving your lips as he pressed your crotches together, having expected the soft cotton of his boxers and not the hard, hot feeling of his cock flush against your dripping pussy.
"Oh- Oh my god, Simon, th-"
"Mm." He cut you off with a soft purr and a nip to your jugular, no doubt making sure that you'd wake up in purple marks the next morning as he did the same all over your neck. "'S me. All me, lovie. F'you."
You moaned at the implication, slowly starting to grind yourself against him as he made it his personal mission to cover your upper body in kisses, stopping at your clavicle and staring down at your bra, that was still to be taken off.
"Fuck, forgot all 'bout these." His hand came up to squeeze one of them softly, a small sound of pleasure leaving your lips at the added stimulation as you continued to rub your cunt against his hardened cock. "Pretty little things."
He started grinding his own hips against yours, watching with amazement at how quickly you reacted to his touch, your back arching enough for him to slip his hands behind and unclasping your bra suspiciously easy, pulling it off and throwing it behind him and landing god knows where, and leaving you finally completely bare beneath him.
"Look t'you." His warm hands immediately cupped your tits, thumb and pointer rubbing your nipples between them, pinching and pulling until they were hard, an amazed chuckle leaving his lips as he listened to your moans increase in sound, his grinding against you not ceasing either.
"Oh fuck- fuck fuck!" It was embarrassing, how quickly he had you whining and mewling beneath him, when you had found yourself struggling before to even feel something with men before him doing the same. It was just something about him, something about the way he sounded and touched, the precise movements against you, almost like he had been trained for your pleasure, to get you over the edge as many times as he could muster before even getting his dick wet.
Because the instant you felt his warm breath hit one of your perky breasts, you knew you were fucked, headed towards your second orgasm of the night. His warm mouth enveloped your hard nipple, pulling and tugging with his teeth and soothing the slight pain he left with his talented tongue, his grinding becoming quicker and rougher as he felt your thighs tremble around his waist, your eyes watering as you neared the release you oh so craved, gasping out loud as one of his hands came up to cup your cheek, thumb rubbing over your flushed skin.
"You gunna cry, baby? S'okay, let it out. Let it out f'me." He growled as he let go of your now throbbing nipple, moving to give your other neglected breast the same attention, hand leaving your face to run down to your core and slowly run over your clit, a huge contrast to the rough movements of his cock against you and his warm mouth on your nipple, all the different stimulations and feelings enough to push you over the edge and let the tears that had been collecting in your waterline finally fall, gasping moans and screams leaving your lips as you soaked his cock, body trembling beneath his ministrations as he chuckled against your nipple, enjoying the way you were slowly falling apart and he hadn't even pushed into you yet.
He didn't stop for a few moments, waiting until the moment where you would inevitably start whining and pushing him off with weak arms to cease, leaning back up with a shit eating grin as he waited for you to come down from your high.
"Oi, look at me." He taps one of his fingers on your face, moving your gaze towards his, a small, patronising pout tugging at his lips as he watches the tears roll down your cheeks. "Poor thing. You all fucked out yet? D'you think y'could still take my cock? Or are you too dumb f'that right now?"
"Y-yes, yes, please, please, need it so bad, Si! So so bad!" You stuttered out between laboured breaths, hands struggling against their binding, itching to be let free and feel his cock in your hands, which you could see between you, almost as girthy as a coke can and with a few prominent veins leading up to his flushed red tip, that was leaking pre spend you would gladly pay money to clean up with your tongue. "O-oh fuck, Simon, please -"
"Sh, shh. Calm down, y'little crybaby." He chastised, leaning down to softly press kisses over the tears that had gathered on your flushed cheeks, chuckling at how desperate you looked under him. "I'll give you what you want. Gon' fuck you so well, yeah? You'll feel me f'weeks, lovie."
"Fuck, yes, please! Want your cock so badly, please!" You cried, legs immediately spreading for him as soon as his calloused hands landed on the pudge of your thighs, slightly digging his fingers into them as he took in the beautiful sight of your soaking wet pussy, having half the mind to shove his cock in you without a second thought. But no.
"Calm." He snapped, one of his hands dropping your thighs and slapping your face softly to get your attention. "Protection, baby. You got a condom?"
He frowned as you shook your head, gasping for breath as you pointed over to your nightstand, where he could faintly see the glint of a packet of tablets in the dark. "Pill. 'M on the pill, Si. Clean. I'm clean."
He couldn't help the smile that crept onto his lips at the thought of being able to cum inside, and how eager you were acting to get him to finally stick his cock inside, whines and whimpers pulling him from his thoughts as he stared down at you.
"You going to let me cum inside then, lovie?" He teased, pulling your other thigh back up so the underside of both of them were resting flush against his bare chest, twitching cock resting on your overstimulated core. "Don' think I'm gonna be able to pull out."
"Don't want you to, fuck! Please, Simon, please!! Inside, want you to cum inside!"
A shiver racked through his body at your words, carefully letting one of your legs go and making sure it would stay there, wrapping around it to grab his cock, slowly sliding the head around your puffy lips to collect the slick, wanting the intrusion to be as painless as possible.
"Fuck… Alright, baby, alright. Breathe f'me." He whispered, letting the head of his cock press against your hole, telling himself to go slow and calm down, but by the way you were pulsing and clenching around the head, almost like you were pulling him in, made it hard to stay sane. "God, slutty lil' cunt's just swallowing me in, huh? Want this cock that bad?"
Your hands shook against their restraint as he started to push himself into your sopping hole, wanting nothing more than to grab onto something for stability, but you didn't want to risk him getting annoyed at you for trying to.
"S'okay, almost there." He mumbled, lying straight through his teeth because with one look down to where he was connected to it would prove that he wasn't even halfway in, and it was already proving difficult for your hole to accommodate to his massive size.
"S'big, Si, you're so biiig." You whined, spreading your legs slightly and pushing your body onto him to help, shivering as you could feel him start throbbing inside of you, no doubt needing his own climax after having spent so much time focusing on you.
You could feel your eyes start to flutter close, mouth dropping open as he finally bottomed out, his heavy balls flush against your ass and cock throbbing inside of you, taking a breather and letting you adjust to his size before he would start on his ruthless pace.
"Fuck, lovie, you droolin'?" He panted, a hand coming up to rest against your face and pull you out of your sex-drunk haze (Despite only getting his cock inside you now.), your eyes drowning in his crystal ones, hypnotised by his gaze as he used his thumb to rub away some of the drool that had dribbled down your chin. "Pretty girl finally gets some cock and turns into a drooling slut, huh?"
You let out a noise of complaint as your hands continued to struggle, the few coarse hairs that were peeking out from under his mask enough to make you want to bury your fingers in them, pull at his strands and dig your nails into his scalp as he rocked your world.
He seemed to to understand what you wanted, a chuckle leaving his swollen lips as he leaned over you, legs folding along with him and allowing him to reach a deeper point in your cunt you didn't know that existed, a loud moan escaping you as his calloused hands start undoing the belt, finally letting your wrists free and throwing the piece of leather away, his hands going back to holding onto one of your thighs and another gripping your waist.
"All yours, baby. All fuckin' yours."
He gave you a moment to react as he bottomed out, leaving you empty for a split moment before he slammed back in, cock head almost instantly hitting that sweet spot deep inside you, your hands immediately finding refuge on his shoulders, nails digging into the scarred skin as he repeated his ruthless thrusts, your body shaking beneath his as he pushed down onto your body, forcing you both into a mating press, your cunt tightening around his cock at the sight of his eyes rolling into the back of his head, tummy fluttering at the thought that he was enjoying this as much as you were.
"Fuck, so good, Simon! So fucking good!" Your hands trailed up to the nape of his neck and pulled at the few short hairs there, urging a growl out of him and causing him to slightly speed up, the head of his cock at this point abusing your g-spot, urging you to near your third orgasm. "Wan- Wanna cum, fuck, gonna cum, Simon!"
"Already, baby?" He spoke through bated breath, his stamina allowing him to keep a good and consistent pace, enough to please both of you and almost bring you to tears again. "That's okay, cum for me, lovie. Cum on my fucking cock, show me how much of a fucking whore you are f'me."
Your back arched, pressing your breasts to his sweaty chest, the extra stimulation from your nipples rubbing against his coarse skin finally pushing you over the edge, your cunt clamping down on his cock and making it near impossible for him to continue thrusting, but as the good soldier Simon was, he persisted, rutting into you with bared teeth and a clenched jaw, fucking you through your orgasm until your slick covered his balls and upper thighs.
"Good girl, good fucking girl." He rasped, hand moving from your waist up to your neck, giving an experimental squeeze and moaning as you clenched around him, a breathless chuckle leaving him. "Fuck, you're still clenchin' around me so nicely, love. Feel so fuckin' good, perfect lil' pussy all f'me..."
Simon was saying nonsense at this point, becoming near pussy drunk as his cock hammered into your puffy cunt, nearing his own peak after all the foreplay.
"Si- Simon-!" You keened, hands running under his mask to grasp at his hair properly, pulling at it to coax another guttural moan from him and leading him back down to engage in a messy kiss, teeth clanking together and spit being shared, feeling the desperation he was in as he continued to batter your pussy searching for his own orgasm. "Cum, please, please, cum inside!"
Simon's eyes rolled into the back of his head at your begging, eyelashes fluttering as his pace stuttered inside of you, cockhead pressing against the entrance to your cervix and finally going over the edge, his spend gushing into you and almost immediately filling you, his cock acting like a plug inside you.
"O-oh, fuuck…" He moaned out, voice going slightly high pitched as he relished in the euphoria of finishing inside of you, his nails leaving ten moon shaped indents on your hips, the pain nothing compared to the feeling of him finally fucking his spend into you, you'd have to worry about the inevitable bruises and marks in the morning before work. "Fuck, you're… fuck."
Simon lowered himself down, resting his sweaty balaclava-clad face on your shoulder as you both caught your breaths, his cock twitching inside of you as he rode the waves of his orgasm.
Your eyes were blown out, staring up at the ceiling as you were hit with a sudden wave of realisation, your brain finally catching up with your body and taking in everything that had just happened, especially the fact that you had allowed some masked man you'd met at a pub on a tinder date to ravage you like a starved animal.
"Oh my god." You said, voice wavering as you shivered beneath the mountain of a man, who's sweaty body was pressed flush to yours, his cock softening inside of you as you both started to sober up. "O-Oh my god, Simon."
He let out a moan against your skin, languidly thrusting one final time into you before slowly pulling out, peeling himself off of you and letting the cold air envelop your now-shivering body, the feeling of his warm cum dripping down your puffy cunt pulling out another broken whine from your lips.
"Look at that…" You tried moving away as Simon ran a finger down your spent hole, gathering his cum best he could before slowly shoving it back into you, clicking his tongue at your reaction before leaning down and pressing a final kiss to your clit, the loud cry that left you making him smile almost predatorily. "So, so pretty, baby."
Your eyelids fluttered closed as you felt the bed shift beneath Simon's moving weight, allowing you time to set your head on straight and think about the next words that were going to come out of your mouth (That weren't strangled moans of the blond's name and jumbled cries about how good he felt.) while he moved around, no doubt getting his discarded clothes so he could slip away into the night.
"...leavin'?" You finally mustered out, letting your head fall to a side so you could watch him pick up his boxers and slip them on, his balaclava fixed into place like it had been when you met him, leaving you to stare into his mysterious blue eyes, the only gateway into the man who had just finished ravishing you.
"..." He turned to look at you over his shoulder, eyes trailing over your shivering frame as he fought internally over your words.
Ghost knew that it would be dangerous to stay, to indulge in your touch and show himself to you in one of his most vulnerable states. He didn't know you outside of the few hours he had spent with you, and even with that, it wasn't enough for Ghost to let his guard down around you.
Simon wanted to stay, he wanted to climb back into bed and let you curl into his side, let his warm hands run up and down your warm skin like he had done while pleasuring you, listen to your snores and even breathing. And despite probably not being able to fall asleep himself, Simon knew that it would be one of the few tranquil nights of his life.
So despite Ghost's alarming protests ringing in his head, Simon slowly made his way into the empty spot of your bed next to you, the covers soft and cool against his heated skin, soothing the raging fire that seemed to boil inside of him at the mere sight of you, his large arms wrapping around you and pulling you towards his side of the bed.
As soon as your bare body made contact with his, you melted like ice cream on a hot day, curling into his side and allowing him to wrap his tattooed arm around you, calloused hands running up and down your sides, taking his sweet time memorising every curve and dip of your body as you rested your head onto his chest, ear pressed right above his rapidly beating heart.
Not one word was exchanged between you both the whole time you lied together, his fingers tracing every little nook and cranny of your skin he could find, stopping every once in a while to rub on a tense muscle or over a scar, the soft ministrations swiftly lulling you to sleep.
The hand that you had splayed on his chest was mimicking his movements, fingers running over the blond hair that adorned his chest, playing with the small cross that dangled from the small chain necklace around his neck. Every time his hand would come up to rub at your shoulders, you caught a peak at the many tattoos that sleeved his arm, and as much as you wanted to turn around and commit all of them to memory, every time you tried to move, he'd press you closer, as if he knew that if he did allow you to, you'd only put off sleeping for longer.
As your eyelids started drooping, you felt his other hand come up to rest over your smaller one, toughened fingers intertwining with your own softer ones, a tired smile forming at your lips before finally clocking out, his heartbeat a firm rhythm that pulled you further and further into the soft grasp of Hypnos.
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As expected, Simon didn't sleep a wink.
He had tried to close his eyes and enjoy the warmth you radiated, trying his best to let your soft snores and murmurs lull him to sleep, but it was impossible.
Despite not having slept for more than two days, he was unable to fall asleep, on edge after the catastrophe that was his last mission.
That was one of the reasons he had decided to step out of his comfort zone and allow himself a night of indulgence with you, a night of letting himself go and take out all his anger on you, but he had been impuissant to hurt you or even come close to actually wound you, instead taking it as slow as he knew how to and muttering soft praises and sweet nicknames into your ear along with the degradation that he'd mixed in.
And even after tiring himself out, he still couldn't let himself fully relax.
But as he turned his head to look down at your sleeping face, he thought that maybe this wasn't so bad. He felt… at ease, for the first time in a while. No strident alarms to wake him up at the crack of dawn, no ringing in his ears as a grenade went off near him, no desperately patching up a wound and drenching his hands in blood, no screams and pleas of mercy reverberating around his head as he disposed of the enemy.
None of that. It was just you. With your body curled into his side and your soft skin beneath a killer's hands.
Which is why he wished he could stay there forever. Lock the door and have you in his arms for the rest of his life, without the paranoia and the horrors that followed him everywhere he went, only focus on you and how mushy you made him feel with only a few hours of knowing him.
Which is why he wished he could have just fallen asleep and ignored the vibrations that came from beneath his discarded clothes, that he didn't leave your side and pick up the phone, that he hadn't followed orders like he always did and hadn't left you alone.
He carefully tucked you in, making his side of the bed before hesitantly brushing his scarred knuckles against your flushed cheeks, an alternative to the kiss he oh-so wanted to press down onto you until you woke up, until you asked him to stay, until he caved in and left the 141 to fend for themselves.
But he didn't.
He closed the door to your bedroom, slipped his phone and keys back into his pockets and headed towards the front door, ready to leave you behind and go back to being Ghost.
But as his hand reached for the doorknob, his eyes caught onto a stack of fluorescent yellow sticky notes on the kitchen counter, and in a stroke of not so genius, he grabbed the nearest pen and scribbled down his number onto the piece of paper, signing it with a simple "S .", hoping that you'd deduce it was from him, and not from some random person whose name started with the letter S that had broken into your apartment just to give you their number.
He stuck it a bit too aggressively to the almost bare fridge, making sure it was in a visible spot that you wouldn't be able to miss before finally stepping out of your flat, adjusting his mask in the elevator's mirror and going back to the cold hearted killer his fellow soldiers knew as Ghost.
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He'd expected it to be a short mission.
One that they'd be able to finish within two weeks at best so he could go back to his cramped flat in Manchester and hopefully get back to you.
He'd spent almost every day of the first week of his departure wondering if you'd found the note, if when he'd retrieve his phone back from his locker back at base, he'd find a few messages from an unknown number he hoped was yours, asking him how he was, asking him to meet up again, wondering if he was okay…
That's what mostly kept him going for the first few days.
Until it all went haywire.
The mission escalated quickly into a mess of soldiers and betrayals, flying from place to place and taking more lives with his bare hands than he had ever before.
Blood soaked his hands in a way it never had, the toll of deaths on his name increasing with every passing day, week, month, year.
When the mission that had started off as something simple, something Ghost couldn't even remember, ended after a year, the 141 couldn't be more relieved. And exhausted.
They'd fought for many months straight, barely finding places to get a wink of sleep, and sometimes even running out of food while they camped out in one of the dingy safe houses of whatever city they were currently stranded in.
But it was finally over. Their target had been disposed of and any enemy that remained had either been eliminated or had scurried off.
As the chopper brought them back to base, none of them said a word, even Johnny refrained from making any jokes, knowing that it would only piss off both of his superiors and maybe get a tired chuckle out of Gaz.
Price uttered a "Good job." to all of them before patting them on the shoulder and going to his office, no doubt ready to go back home and have the sleep of his life.
The two sergeants withheld from talking too much to their lieutenant, murmuring a goodbye to him before going their own way, Ghost not even bothering to answer, too mentally and physically exhausted to even open his mouth to speak.
The first thing he did once he reached his locker was throw the goddamn mask off, letting the plastic skull clatter against the tiles as he rummaged through his belongings, wanting nothing more than to get into some clean clothes and go back home, where he would drink away the horrors that would no doubt follow him and probably pass out watching reruns of football games he had missed.
The clothes he had worn the day before the mission were tighter, accentuating the change in his physique after putting his muscles to work for a whole year, the seams of his trousers digging uncomfortably into his legs, his pockets full of random junk he had left in there.
He fished for whatever was currently pressing against his backside, pulling out his small phone from the pocket, frowning down at the gadget, which was no doubt out of battery after being left for so long.
Simon was pleasantly surprised when the screen brightened, showing his black lock screen and the time, the battery hanging onto dear life with a 1%. He moved to grab his charger, his eyes still trained on the incoming notifications that would soon flood his home screen, not really expecting much aside from the emails entailing rubbish deals or the occasional spam from a porn site he'd signed up to as a teen and hadn't been able to delete.
Instead, he was bombarded with over a thousand notifications at once, all from the same unknown number, the messages going too quickly for his tired eyes, focusing on the random words he was able to take from the rapidly passing texts.
His mind blocked itself off as he processed the last word, trying to make sense of all the confusing messages that had been sent to his phone.
Had it been by accident? Was he the recipient of some prank? Had he unknowingly given out his number to someo-
Simon's throat went dry as the realisation dawned on him. Without sparing another second, he unlocked his phone, clicking onto the notifications and scrolling down as fast he could while still intaking information, afraid that his phone would die out at any point in time and render him utterly confused and terrified.
His body went on autopilot the more he read, brain fuzzy as if he had just drank a whole bottle of hard-hitting liquor, his eyes fixed on the bright screen of his phone in terror.
He was in shock. His mind wasn't in the right state to process any of this, he wasn't able to properly begin to fathom the meaning behind your words, as simple as they were.
— I'm pregnant.
— I'm fucking pregnant, Simon.
— I don't know how it happened, the chances of the pill failing are so fucking low, and of course it happened to us.
— Please pick up.
— I know you're getting the messages.
— The doctor told me it's too dangerous to perform the abortion.
— I have to keep it or risk my life.
— I need you to answer, Simon. Please, I just need to know that you're there.
— I'm scared.
— You're such an asshole, you know that, right?! Fucking gave me your number only to disappear? Left me pregnant with your bloody kid!? And you can't even bother to pick up the goddamn phone.
— Fuck you.
— …
— It's a boy. Thought you'd want to know.
— My due date is in a month. Please… call me, if you're even reading these. I don't want to be alone.
The phone flashed the low power message in hopes that Simon would take mercy on it and finally plug it in, but Simon paid it no mind, clear eyes staring down at the picture you'd attached during one of the first months of your pregnancy.
The blurry picture of an ecography staring back at him disproved any doubts that might have formed in his mind, your full name displayed at the bottom along with the date it was taken, solidifying the fact even more.
It was real. This was real. You'd been carrying his son for 9 months, sending him frantic and terrified messages all throughout the three trimesters in hopes that he'd answer, all the while he had forgotten all about you in the midst of his mission, while you probably didn't spend a single day of that year not thinking about him.
His phone went dark once it finally had enough, leaving him standing there with a dry throat and shaky hands.
It was rare for Ghost to feel fear, but not for Simon. His throat would contract with every breath, his nose would sting as tears threatened to form on his waterline, his hands would get shaky until he balled them up and threw a punch into whatever item was closest.
This time wasn't any different. He punched his locker door, denting the metal effortlessly as he tried to wash away the fear and guilt creeping up to him with the pain that bloomed at his knuckles, that ran up his arms like electric shocks until they went numb.
He was an asshole.
Simon knew that it wasn't his fault that the mission had been extended for way too long, but he kept thinking back to the moment he'd placed his number on your fridge, wondering what would have happened if he'd done the smart thing and added that he'd be unavailable for a while, but that he'd get back to you. Maybe you would have been less scared while going through the pregnancy, comforted by the thought that he hadn't been ignoring you, but he knew that even then, you would have gone through it alone and terrified.
"I'm an asshole."
He rested his head against the dented locker, the cool metal soothing the headache that had quickly formed after all the conflicting feelings that had rushed through him in the matter of a minute.
All he had wanted was to go back home and rest, but fuck him if he was going to be able to even close his eyes after learning he was a father.
He packed everything up as quickly as he could, not bothering to say goodbye or join the other three for a drink at a pub, heading to his car so he could get the fuck out of London and back to Manchester, where he prayed you still lived, in that tiny flat near that dingy pub where he had first laid eyes on you in.
As his gloved hands gripped the steering wheel hard enough to turn his knuckles white, a terrifying thought struck him.
Who's to say you had even kept the baby?
Who's to say you couldn't bear to look at the baby, that you'd given him away to a way more functional family?
The thought inflicted fear in him, a type of fear he didn't know if he should be feeling or not, confused with all the unpleasant emotions swirling inside of him.
"God, fuck!" He slammed his hands onto the steering wheel, the roar he had let out no doubt scaring any civilian that had been walking near his car at the time, but he couldn't care less.
All that was important now was getting back to you, to what he hoped was still the mother of his son.
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Happy giggles and gurgles filled the living room, your tiny baby outstretching his arms out as you cycled his legs slowly, making silly faces down at him to keep him distracted.
Your doctor had recommended small exercises like these, some that would help develop his future motor skills, but you'd found that Tommy was a curious baby, one that couldn't stay still for longer than five minutes before he was whining and huffing in a futile attempt to get your attention and hopefully release him from his tiny prison; and so, in order to keep him focused, you resorted to having leisured conversations with him, your small son hanging onto your every word with wide blue eyes and a gaping mouth, as if he could understand your frustrations with the man who had blocked your car off and the girl from the bakery that had gotten your order wrong, or making silly faces at him to hear him giggle with glee.
You placed his small feet down and went back to your resting face, his eyes instantly going from your face to the closest toy, small chubby arm reaching out to grab it, your fingers running over his tummy and getting out a few giggles out of him before he finally grasped the toy, pressing it into his side.
As he distracted himself, you let yourself sit down properly, back hitting the edge of the sofa as you watched your son roll around on the blanket you'd laid down, letting yourself look up at the TV for a moment to have a small break, the news reporter standing in front of Big Ben ranting about some resolved political dispute or something.
Your eyes trailed back down to your son, who was wriggling around with a new toy in his grasp, cooing and drooling as he stared up at the ceiling, blue eyes fixed on one of the many cracks in the ceiling.
You winced at the not so friendly reminder of the state your flat was in. Going through a pregnancy on your own without any help and barely any money to take care of yourself left your home in a condition you were not proud of. You'd tried your best to clean and make the nursery as cosy as possible, but at the end of your third trimester you could barely lean down to pick up the hoover. Once you had been allowed back home, you'd cleaned up, but you couldn't really do much to fix the poor way your building had been constructed.
A sigh left your lips, leaning down to rest your head against your knees with closed eyes, giving yourself a few moments of sacred rest, something you seldom got anymore those days.
Sometimes, you thought as you wrapped your arms around your legs, you wished you weren't alone. As much hate you had harboured for your son's father across the year, you couldn't help the longing that still filled you every time you thought about him, wondering if you'd ever see him again, if he'd ever hold his son in his arms.
Frustrated tears filled the corners of your eyes, wiping them away with your sleeves before turning your attention back to your son, who was now squirming in his spot making grabby hands at you.
"I've got you, duck, don't worry." You cooed, picking him up and pressing a few kisses to his chubby cheeks, cradling him to your chest as you got up from the floor, careful to not drop him or bump him into anything.
As you took him back to his room, routinely changing his diaper and clothes, you thought back to the small breakdown you almost had had a few minutes ago, letting out an exhausted sigh. There was no use in imagining a future where Simon fit in, you'd given him enough time to answer, to show any signs of life at all. You were alone.
You were on the verge of tears as you placed Tommy in his tiny crib, handing him the small duck plushie your grandma had knitted a few months back when she had come to visit, watching him cling onto it in his sleep for a few moments, his soft breaths and coos tranquillising the waves of anxiety threatening to drown you.
"Good night, Tom." You whispered, pressing a kiss to his chubby cheek before flicking on the night light, carefully closing the door and resting your body against it, a shaky sigh leaving your chapped lips.
God, you were pathetic. Hung up over a man who you'd only known for a few hours, who'd left you with a baby (unknowingly or not, didn't matter), who still haunted your dreams every time you tried to get some rest. Why couldn't he have just picked up the phone? Why had he just given you his fucking number if he wasn't bothering on answering? Why had he gotten into your head so easily, with his sweet nicknames and soft kisses? Why couldn't you just fucking mov-
Your whole body jumped as the shrill doorbell rang, the sound reverberating around the flat and no doubt reaching Tommy's sensitive ears.
"God, yeah, I hear it!" You cried out as the sound didn't stop, starting to get worried that it would wake your baby up and then you'd have to deal with putting him to sleep all over again. "Fuck! I know, I'm coming!"
You looked through the peephole, eyebrows furrowing as you gazed upon a man's tacky army jacket instead of the normal face, so either this guy was incredibly fucking tall or he was standing on a stool.
Knowing that the area you lived in wasn't the safest, you unlocked the door but kept the chain latch on, a gap big enough so you could see the guy outside but not big enough for him to attack you.
"What?" You snapped, a bit harsher than how you'd normally answer the door, but this guy didn't really deserve any respect after how he'd basically abused your doorbell to the point of the sound still ringing in your ears. "What do you-"
Your gaze had been fixed onto his chest, scanning the army jacket you had spied through the peephole, cringing internally at the Union Jack plastered on his left bicep, hoping to God that he wasn't some type of Tory propagandist going door to door. But as your eyes trailed up to meet his, your mouth went dry.
Crystal blue eyes framed by pretty blonde eyelashes (identical to the blue eyes your son had been staring up at you with for the past three months), contrasting with the black face paint that was smeared around his eyes, the rest of his face obscured by that damn skull balaclava that haunted you.
It was him. It was fucking him.
"Simon." You said his name breathlessly, not missing the way his body stiffened at your shaky tone.
"Yeah. It's me."
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chelseachilly · 2 months
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hey!! it's officially been just over a year since i created this blog and wanted to do something as a little celebration of that. i never thought i would spend so much of my time thinking and reading about footballers but very grateful for the little community on here that's still obsessing and writing about my chelsea (and former chels) boys 💓
i do have some more fics of my own in the works (check out my masterlist to see the ones i've written so far) but in the meantime, i wanted to share some of my favourites i've read! this definitely isn't a complete list and i'm sure i'm forgetting some, but i hope you all enjoy this compilation of wonderful fics (it's mostly ben and mase but some others as well!)
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ben chilwell 🩵
big news by @gagaslonina
therapy by @gagaslonina
support by @gagaslonina
the cursed last step by @carlottawllms
we'll be alright by @carlottawllms
come back stronger by @chilwellspulisic
forbidden to me by @neverinadream (18+)
my champion of europe by @babygirlbenji
that's my daddy by @babygirlbenji
snowflakes on the glass by @whorekneecentral (18+)
reunions and surprises by @tommyspeakycap
welcome to the family by @tommyspeakycap (18+)
mason mount 🤍
looking after you by @mountsmase
coming home to you by @mountsmase
mornings like this by @mountsmase (18+)
take the pain away by @pulisicsgirl
caring for you by @pulisicsgirl
breathe, you're okay by @pulisicsgirl
our life changing moment by @tsimvkas
easy with you by @carlottawllms (18+)
someone to you by @carlottawllms
the moment he knew by @carlottawllms
winter sun by @mountttmase (series, 18+)
always there by @mountttmase
home is where the heart Is + always meant to be (2-parter) by @mountttmase
ships in the night by @mountttmase
anytime you need me by @masonmtxo
thank your missus + part two by @masonmtxo
as well as every fic by @sid-vii, she's been reposting them on her new blog so i recommend you read them if you haven't already <3
christian pulisic 🩶
flustered assessments by @pulisicsgirl
sleepy by @pulisicsgirl
his girls by @pulisicsgirl
running home to your sweet nothings by @captainpulisic
is it cool that i said all that? by @captainpulisic
better with you by @tsimvkas
birthday surprise by @thoseboysinblue (18+)
be mine by @thoseboysinblue (18+)
cold hands by @thoseboysinblue (18+)
other footie boys 🖤
unauthorized posts by @gagaslonina (levi colwill)
summer getaway by @yellowkitkieran (andy robertson)
not just the physio by @tommyspeakycap (andy robertson)
feeling some type of way by @tommyspeakycap (andy robertson, 18+)
secret secrets by @gagaslonina (conor gallagher)
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fillinforlater · 6 months
It’s that time of the year again. What are some of your favorite smuts released in 2023?
Monday of Appreciation: Part 104
Hello everyone, Smite here!
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2023 is coming to a close and it's been quite the year, a mixture of "this is a bridge year for greater things to come" and "WE LIVIN' NOW MF!" What is a bit different this year is that the highs weren't as high and the lows weren't as low compared to previous years---maybe that is just me getting older, maybe it's hindsight. Either way, I'm good and this year was good.
But some things are more than just good. I'm of course talking about these writers and their stories that I have featured today. All of them deserve special mention, but I want to focus on two of them specifically.
In a year of great, fantastic and already legendary fics, these two stand out.
Without further ado, let's dive into the final MoA of this year:
@fanfiction4sooya: Can't Save You Now ft. Chaewon, Kazuha, Sakura
I- I- I just read the damn tags and new I one day had to give this a shot. ff4sooya has crazy ideas, futa galore, different dynamics and kinks, which is SO MY THING. This has Mommy and Daddy involved in an absurd (and absurdly hot) threesome that I couldn't take my eyes off.
Now I definitely need to read more and you should too because I bet there are a bunch of Masterpieces in that long Masterlist!
@iznsfw: Drunken ft. Olivia Hye
Is it really a Monday of Appreciation post without IZ?
Seriously, what this genius is able to cook up in a commission or in the currently ongoing (HYPE) IZ DAYS OF CHRISTMAS is absolutely incredible. We have long stories with in depth characters and love drama that ends not only smuttily but sweetly. Who the fuck needs books, when you can just binge IZ?
With "Drunken", they have once again hit it out of the FUCKIING park. There is never enough Daddy kink fics, yes, but mine seem like nonsensical cringe porn compared to this beauty of a piece. I love how it plays with my heart, no I'm not crying---okay, now that is hot.
Let me change that: there is three very fucking special stories today!
(I think this might even be better than Levi's Hyeju, wtf)
@cataboliac: Enkindle ft. Wendy
Secondly: "Enkindle" feels a bit like coming home, like a day in Paradise, like the one person that shines so bright in your life that you don't want it to go. And you know, that is the great thing: this might be Cata's final fic, the farewell, but not only is his life gonna be great and he'll be super happy - we also get to read this again and again, and I'm sure I will one day.
Thank you, Cata, for hanging around!
@writerpeach: Delectation ft. Wonyoung, Yujin
1.000 Notes, and it's still not enough for what is my pick for fic of the year (FOTY? FOOTY? There is a scene like that, yep). IZ*ONE truly never dies, but it is IVE and these absolute super stars, bomb shells with flawless faces and different, yet irresistible bodies that have us in a frenzy.
Talking about frenzy, all those 30,699 words are a frenzy. I thought Peach would set it up with a long and painful tease that has us edging the entire time BUT NOPE this has so much fucking smut, so many lines of neediness and horniness, it is impossible to finish in one try or two tries or... I dunno, seven-hundred tries?
It's detailed, it's straight forward, it's sex from every fucking angle, I can never get tired of this. I will go so far and say this is Peach's magnum opus, the GOAT fic by the GOAT writer. At least for that day, I can say this without a doubt.
Peach, you are crazy and thank you for that <3
#PeachPavedTheWay #AnnyeongzForDaddy
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russos-ventitre · 9 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ welcome to my blog
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☺︎ about me ↓
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sarah → she / her → ENG & ITA → 18+ → @/RUSSOSVENTITRE
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎☉ aquarius ☽ sagittarius ↑ virgo
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favourite footballer: alessia russo [duecentoquindici]
favourite teams: england lionesses & arsenal & roma
second blog: @buntonsbaby
photography blog: @woso-photography
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i'm a dyslexic writer & video editor & photographer who has an unhealthy obsession with a specific italian woman and a few other footballers
also i can't guarantee that i'll be able to fulfill all of my requests bc i'm a college student trying to juggle 5 different classes but i will try my best :)))
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☺︎ woso masterlist ↓
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ˏ ˋ 🧸 a.russo [AR23] ˎˊ
• una notte romantica [a romantic night] - 1214
• sick day - 1845
• lezioni di italiano i [italian lessons] - 2234
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ lezioni di italiano ii [italian lessons] - 2675
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ lezioni di italiano iii [italian lessons] - 2717
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ lezioni di italiano iv [italian lessons] - 2826
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ lezioni di italiano v [italian lessons]
• 23 weeks - 2917
ˏ ˋ ❤️‍🩹 l.williamson [LW6] ˎˊ
• heartache - 1795
• picnic - 1490
• home - 2705
• first steps - 1756
• breathe in, breathe out
• liar
• sunset - 1924
ˏ ˋ 🫧 g.stanway [GS8] ˎˊ
• memories from the dark room - 982
• recovery day cuddles - 1489
• tamagotchi
ˏ ˋ ❣️ e.toone [ET10] ˎˊ
• blurry
ˏ ˋ ⭐️ m.earps [ME1] ˎˊ
• european champion's lover
ˏ ˋ ☁️ l.wälti [LW13] ˎˊ
ˏ ˋ 🍓 s.catley [SC7] ˎˊ
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☺︎ writing rules ↓
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what i will write ✓
footballers: AR23, LW6, GS8, ET10, ME1, LW13, SC7
rating: GA, teen, mature
genre: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, sickfic, songfic, suggestive smut
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ i might branch out to other arsenal players in the future but as of now i only write for the lionesses
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ i am an england / arsenal girlie through and through soz
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎→ don't send me your weird fantasties cause ill just block you if you're not anon
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☺︎ footy archive ↓
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→ women's world cup 2023
→ women's super league 2023
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☺︎ inbox ↓
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→ submit fics/blurbs/prompts or anything else that is related to writing
→ submit images/videos/links that inspire fics
→ if you have a specific idea in mind please provide as much detail as possible, big or small
→ submit anything else really, i don't mind (non fic related requests will be filtered as #sarahasks)
→ dont ask questions ab my personal life that are too personal and especially not 18+ questions
‎‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎🖤 russos-ventitre.tumblr.com/ask
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❝ se non hai mai pianto, i tuoi occhi non possono essere belli ❞
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footiehoefics · 9 months
I only write for Mason and John, if you have any ideas you are more than welcome to send me a message or an ask :) on @footiehoemcfc . Also if you want to talk about any concepts or anything John and mason related go ahead.
Ps. The first fics on this master list were posted on my main account @footiehoemcfc . All the new ones will be posted on this account so I keep footie stuff separated from fics
Mason Mount:
We'll be Alright (mini series)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Bad day means pottery date
Chose to be friends, meant to be lovers
Good cop, bad cop (dad Mase)
Change of heart
Pretty eyes/Ojitos lindos
Another one? (dad Mase)
Not approved
John Stones:
A sip, and you score
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Star-crossed in the Crosshairs (John Price x Reader)
Chapter 3: To My Knees
Fic Summary: This mission is the pinnacle of your efforts for the past three years. Your whole team and yourself have worked countless hours, slaughtered hundreds, risked life and limb for scraps of intel, and now it all boiled down to pairing up with another taskforce to get this job done and dusted. An unexpected spanner in the works comes in the shape of your former best friend, now also a Captain and somehow resurrected from his KIA status, John Price.
You can’t afford to let feelings - old and new - get in the way of your purpose. No matter how much you’ve missed, wished for, loved him, and no matter how much he might feel the same.
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Content warnings: Usual COD content (violence, torture, death, guns ESPECIALLY in this chapter), mutual pining, back from the dead, friends to allies to lovers, Reader is GN, some use of Y/N.
Chapter 2 // Masterlist // AO3 Version // Chapter 4
Gaz and Bronze were stretching out this first glass, just hitting the two hour mark, but the conversation cover had yet to run dry. Occasionally, there would be input from another of your team, waiting in shadows and around corners, easing the tension ever so slightly with their addition to the chatter as well as providing repeated remarks on how their target was not yet in sight.
You stared at the map in front of you, brows bent as if you didn’t have it half memorised, as if there hadn’t been any passersby in this alleyway for ten minutes. Earpiece wired through your clothing allowed you to listen into the conversation you had yet to join.
One you’d considered remarking on was Gaz and Bronze joking about:
“Price told me he and Laswell met at a falafel stand.”
“And did they?”
“No. She annoyed him during a football match.”
That sounded more plausible at least. Price’s long-time partner was a neglected Liverpool season ticket. You tapped your fingers on the steering wheel to a familiar footie chant you had learned to chant during your first match. But you didn’t add anything. Nor did you say anything when Gaz insisted he was a catch and too good for Bronze when Crash joked about them being on a date.
You did when Soap talked about how he’d been guided through Las Almas in a mission gone south by Ghost, a bullet in his arm and delirious on adrenaline enough to exchange dumb jokes. After hearing his shellfish joke, you decided to join in with easing the tension that was creeping in through your neck.  
“Two windmills are standing on a wind farm. One asks, ‘what’s your favourite type of music?’ and the other replies ‘I’m a big metal fan’.”
The radio crackled with Soap’s low chuckles, “Pretty good, Captain.”
“I wouldn’t say good,” interrupted Chance.
“What’s good then?”
“What’s red and bad for your teeth?” You could already hear giggling down the radio before Chance jumped in to ensure she delivered the punchline: “A brick.”
“Tha’s awful, actually,” Soap said but with a dark snigger. Then he cut himself off sharpish: “Markovič on the south side of the street, heading towards Los Gatos.”
Your back straightened, “Alone?”
This did nothing to confirm for you whether Markovič either had back-up you couldn’t see, or he was beyond stupid – both dangerous in any man, let alone an arm’s dealer, let alone the glorified sidekick of a terrorist. Your hands flexed then tightened around the wheel, then one held the ignition key, waiting for your signal.
“He’s at the bar,” Gaz reported. A minute later, he added: “He’s a gin man.”
You mirrored his attempts to keep things a little light, “Do they have Gordon’s out here?”
“It’s not the pink one, that’s for sure,” Gaz mumbled, and you could hear its echo in a half empty pint glass he was likely pretending to drink from, “You a gin fan yourself, Captain?”
“Not a big drinker at all.”
“What’s your vice then?”
You’d let them debate whether or not you were serious later; Team Banshee would probably offer a few pieces of evidence to fill the gaps in the 141’s knowledge of you. But here was where your banter ended for now.
“He’s moving to sit alone, outside.”
You could picture him sipping a ballooned glass with ice swilling around, condensation as slippery as his character. The metal of the key warmed in your pinch, map discarded in your lap. Simulating every possible approach to any choice, your brain narrowed down Gaz and Bronze either heading inside for an attack in the bathroom, or directing Ghost, Chance, Price, and Crash to tail Markovič and intercept before he got home.
Your two soldiers continued their cover, ordering some tapas to split and doing their best not to flaunt how good it was to the rest of you. Gaz mentioned how he’d already paid the bill, and filled out the reimbursement forms too apparently. Just left the boxes of the amount blank, ready to be completed upon return. Both Gaz and Bronze dropped titbits of info on Markovič every minute, Soap too from his ledge.
At last, halfway through the third glass of gin, Gaz muttered down his microphone, “He’s headed for the bathroom. We’re on him.”
You twisted the ignition and the engine roared to life, “Meet you at the corner of Liepų and Lajos Street?”
“Can do, Cap,” Bronze said and you heard the scrape of his chair before he stopped talking.
The gear stick shifted, you drove out of the alleyway and took the two minute drive to your location. The mileometer kept your speed safe enough to not be pulled over by any rent-a-cop that might spot you, but quick enough to be with your team. Two back doors were flung open within the second you stopped, Gaz and Bronze hauling their prisoner up then tossing him in with a bag over his head and hands zip-tied. In your rear view mirror, Markovič’s body folded like a sheet of paper without Gaz or Bronze for support.
You heard two bangs after the door slams, so you moved out, ready to collect the rest of your team. Crash and Ghost were from the same corner about a quarter of a mile out. Chance and Price were close enough to the safehouse to have made it back just as you pulled into the garage. No one felt daft for over-estimating the amount of manpower on this mission. This  was, after all, just the first step in the right direction.
You helped haul the dead weight of your prisoner up the stairs in the absence of your regular workout.
A chair stood proudly in the centre of the one room without windows, the one you’d soundproofed that morning with your team. Even just stepping into the room felt like there was cotton wool against your ears. Tarps muted all footsteps. Hanging from the door frame was a black makeshift curtain blocking your captive from seeing anything outside the room.You took it upon yourself to search him whilst Gaz and Ghost bound his wrists and ankles to the chair’s metal frame: a wallet with just two cards, a stack of cash, and a few coins; a packet of tissues; a dog tag without a chain stamped with Odristanian; and an acorn.
Gaz and Ghost led the way out, you taking one more survey of the room before you followed satisfied and with the door shut behind you.
“He was carrying this in his waistband, tried to pull it out on us when we put him in a headlock.” Bronze held a tiny handgun up like it was a pair of dirty underwear. You took it, though he’d already had the frame of mind to empty the chamber and remove the clip.
“Good job, Gaz, Bronze,” You said first, before you could forget to praise your team. “Chance, you’re the lead on this. Ghost, I want you in there with Chance ready to sub in if she wants to take a break. No one else goes in unless Markovič’s somehow a master of withholding information; I don’t want him getting any ideas about how many of us there are or where he is through the door.”
Both nodded, happy with their positions. However-
“He’s got no idea where he is,” Bronze interjected, “He walked right past the toilet to take a piss in the alleyway out back. He’s hardly gonna figure out anything through a gap in the curtain.”
You stared at him, expression once again carefully neutral, and Bronze’s eyes widening told you he knew he’d been caught with his trousers down – in front of his entire team no less. Muting your frustration for now was the best approach, even though you shouldn’t have to tell this fully grown man about taking precautions in the possibility of this being a trap. Instead, you continued delegating your team for the night ahead.
“Still, we’ll approach with standard caution. Crash, Gaz, you’re on watch: one in the sitting room, one from the roof. Make sure no one’s tailed us. Soap, Price, I want you observing from here, and you can feed any info you think helpful to them via their earpieces. Bronze, you’re with me. We’ll swap around in shifts when times comes to sleeping and watch, but again, we keep Ghost and Chance on Markovič.”
Bronze trailed behind you as you entered the sitting room, where all the packs were (yours included). Following the cable you’d plugged in that morning, you found and began fiddling with your tablet to get it live and onto the webcam that Gaz had installed amongst the padding on the walls. Price and Soap already had theirs set up whilst you were patting down your prisoner.
“I was part of a capture or kill mission about fifteen years ago,” You mused aloud, knowing Bronze was paying attention.“Capture was easy, and folks got cocky. Turns out it was a catch and release. Our target’s army was on our location within the first minute of interrogation. Killed half of us, wounded the rest. Botched everything beyond belief, set some of us back a year in terms of recovery and intel, and we were considered the lucky ones.” Then you rose to your feet and made carefully practiced eye contact with your Sergeant, “You understand why I’m telling you this?”
“Yes, Captain.”
“Don’t make me tell you again, and certainly not in front of others.” You held out the tablet to him with the grainy footage displaying Ghost entering the room, Chance settling in, “Every behaviour is communication. Figure out what’s being said. You’ve got the rest of the hour then you swap with Crash.”
Into the dining room, sat around the table like some fucked-up family dinner. Soap was checking his sniper rifle, Price smoking, Bronze without any distraction to aid his redemption from earlier. So you set yourself apart to make the MREs up, an eye on the spare tablet streaming the torture live.
After receiving silence as the answer to her first question, Chance started by plucking out Markovič’s nose hairs, Ghost holding his head still whilst Markovič attempted to wriggle away from her tweezers. Then she moved onto something more interesting. Technically you were to thank for that technique, for suggesting a viewing of Paddington to boost team morale and bonding after a particularly shitty close to a mission in 2020. You just hadn’t realised she’d been taking notes during the screening.
As you heated up the chilli, you felt Price’s shadow blot out some of the sting of the stove’s flame. His cigar left smoking in a gaudy ashtray, clearly bought from a tourist boutique nearby.
“I can help,” He said.
You snorted, “Two Captains making tea for their teams, now that’s a laugh.” But you still shoved over the mess tins – clean from when Crash had scrubbed them clean earlier.
“It’s our jobs to make sure we all stay on our feet. You included,” Price said as he unstacked them, handing you the one with a little bar of soap drawn on the underside in permanent marker.  
“Which is why I’m making the dinner.”
“You know I meant you resting, not you staying on your feet.”
“Had plenty of rest in the driver’s seat,” and you dolloped the chilli into the tin.
You four ate in relative silence, apart from Bronze beside you who was noting down the reactions on your tablet’s post-it notes app, responses that Ghost and Chance were certainly logging in their own heads. That was his punishment technically: becoming your secretary for the paperwork you’d fill out at the end of the mission. He fucking hated it but he did it because you told him to, and he never needed to be told twice.
Some of Markovič’s methods of resisting were more akin to mindfulness practices: the deep breathing, the eyes closed, the rocking (limited against his restraints). He started to crumble at the twenty minute mark, letting slip Čiernik’s plan to relocate for the
“That’s new,” Bronze remarked when Chance began digging the tweezers into the wound on his stomach she’d sliced open with the accuracy of a surgeon. Markovič in response had let out a wheeze and told them that he’d give them the location.
“Crash, Bronze is on his way up to swap,” You called down your radio. No response, which was unlike her. Regardless, Bronze was already heading up, your tablet back in hand.
Chance sipped from her water bottle in the top left corner of your screen, behind Ghost whilst she watched what he was like in the interrogation room. Two words: viciously unempathetic.
“Why did the man miss the funeral?” Soap asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.
You sighed, unable to figure it out, “Dunno, why?”
“He wasn’t a mourning person.”
Your mouth twisted into a half-smile that was trying to take itself seriously, “That’s pretty good.”
“Can’t take credit for that one.”
“Then send my compliments to the chef.”
“Ghost’ll be happy to hear them,” Soap snorted.
As you went to direct your smile directly at the Sergeant, you instead caught Price looking at you, though he glanced back down at his screen when you made eye contact. You didn’t like how the implication of him watching you instead of his Lieutenant sent your stomach flipping over the powdered eggs from this morning.
To cover your ruffled feathers, you went into the hallway to smooth them out and collided chest to chest with Crash.
“Sorry, Captain, didn’t hear you,” She explained quickly, catching her breath
“Your radio faulty?”
Crash paused before replying, “I was in another channel.”
Your frown was automatic, “Why?”
Another pause. “Listening to Chance and Ghost in the interrogation.”
“That’s not what I asked you to do.” Your weighted statement shrank Crash in front of you like a cotton shirt in the tumble dryer.
“Do better.” Somehow you managed to restrain your additional comment until after she’d left and into a whisper: “Fuck’s sake.”
It was embarrassing, your team showing you up with rookie missteps and trivial unprofessionalism. Now of all the times and places they could choose to be stupid.
Soap offered to swap out with Gaz, let him rest a little, and you agreed to it.
“We’ll start sleep shifts in a few,” You added, then repeated once Gaz was in the room again. He inhaled his MRE, despite being the one to order a bowl of nuts to pick through during the capture earlier.
When Chance exited her torture chambers, you held up her MRE – still sealed in its packet. She nodded and you began to make it as you asked:
“How do you think it’s going?”
Yes, you had been watching and paying attention to your screen, but it wasn’t the same as being in the room. The blurry pixels could only offer so much.
Chance sighed, stretching out her shoulders, “He’s gobby, in the worst way. But he’ll break soon. Just wanted him to remember what relief feels like.”
To be fair to him, Markovič had lasted longer than you thought. Perhaps you should start drinking gin.
“Anything you fancy?” You asked her.
Shrugging, Chance suggested with a wry expression, “Stick and poke?”
You mulled it over, tongue poking in your cheek. Then you gave her a nod of confirmation, your nose wrinkled, as if she was asking if you wanted another pint because it was her round. Stretching out your spine as she returned to her post, you returned to your screen and watched the basis of Chance’s failed tattoo artist dream reworked to suit her current occupation.
Each time Markovič passed out from the pain, Ghost used smelling salts to bring him back to continue a malicious cycle of Chance stabbing him in the same places with a heated needle.
It culminated in the reveal of a piece of intel that struck your partnership. You could see Soap’s fists wringing an invisible neck. Ghost squared his shoulders as he corked the smelling salts. Even Price’s jaw clenched at the mention of a name you’d come across in their files. Markovič begged with his two captors, desperately clawing at the chair and asserting with his remaining energythat it was the truth.Chance continued poking inside his dermis for ten minutes more – just to be certain. Plus you were certain she had read her fellow Lieutenant’s body language and how he wasn’t quite content with leaving the room this way – and he landed a solid punch on the back of Markovič’s head that sent him into unconsciousness and his chair tilting over. Your prisoner looked peaceful for the first time since you'd captured him, folded over and praying in his own putrid blood.
Both the Lieutenants finally left the torture chamber and both their Captains met them outside the door. Chance had very little to add to what she’d already reported. But Ghost shoved his demand right there and then.
“He can’t tell them we’re coming,” He said, his words as harsh as if he’d spat at you.
You nodded in agreement, “I’ll take care of it.”
But Ghost shook his head with the same ire, “S’alright, I’ll do it. Not hungry anyways.”
“Ok,” You said, maintaining the calm to balance his fury, “Good job. You too, Chance.”
“I’ll contact Laswell,” Price stated, the chair legs screeching on the wooden floor as he rose to stand.
“Patch in General Fernandez too; I need a word with him. Ta,” you added the last word quickly as he started to leave. While you stopped yourself looking at his hips, you didn’t quite manage to wrangle the memory of how you’d wrapped your legs around them for a piggy back after a successful football match as rookies, and sometimes imagined if you were on his front instead of his back, arms still around his neck, holding him close, just as eager, just as delighted to be with him.
“Fuck’s sake,” you muttered again, pinching the bridge of your nose. You were worse than Bronze with the unprofessionalism at this point, letting it spill out of your head into your actions. If you were alone, you’d slap yourself. Hard. Get your head screwed on right and tight.
Onscreen, Ghost was clipping open the zip-ties from Markovič, who collapsed onto the tarps, the KA-BAR in his neck hardly leaking despite the angle. He left it in there to recover in the morning, once livor mortis was well and truly underway.
Summoning your façade back into position, you moved to the side room for a little privacy, ready to talk to the equivalent of your line manager. “Laswell, patching in Komodo” was the last you heard as you switched to the appropriate channel.
“This is Komodo Actual,” General Fernandez spoke clear as a whistle down your earpiece, “Nice to hear from you at last, Captain.”
You nodded even though he couldn’t see you, “Sir,Markovič has given us the details of Čiernik’s next move and one of his storage facilities he frequently uses; Laswell’s verifying the kinks of what we can do about it.”
“Good work. Any damage on your side?”
“Not yet, standby for that. Markovič also gave us intel involving Gold Eagle.”
There was a pause, and you could only assume that your very thorough General was sweeping his room once more to assure absolute secrecy before he asked: “What’s the intel?”
“We’ve stumbled upon another of his pet projects. Čiernik is on his payroll.”
AN: Thanks for the patience, I've started a new job and it's taking a lot of my time. I appreciate the love I've been getting on this. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea so it makes it all the nicer when it finds folks who like it <3
Next chapter, things start amping up, and some hints/teasers become answers so rewards for those who've been paying attention and those who are along for the ride!
Taglist: @mockerycrow
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ladcedes · 5 months
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rio - she/he/they - indonesian
abouts! i'm an avid merc/ferrari/williams supporter(derogatory) who's clearly very indecisive and having fun making the occasional social media au's. i'm a big fan of other stuff like games, films, music, and all things beautiful as well as dabbling a bit in watching footy (lfc & fcb supporter) and im a dedicated newbie to indycar.
in the cult of chronically not being able to finish things but i am trying to manifest that out of my life. i'm trying to manifest ideas into my head to write actual text fics so maybe soon!!
statistical analysis of george russell’s instagram
au masterlist
charles leclerc:
-> c'est la vie (vlogger!reader)
-> melodrama (musical actress!reader)
george russell:
-> two wheels (biker!reader)
lando norris:
-> controversy! (actress!reader)
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thisismysecondrodeo · 2 years
here’s a request if you have time: ted giving y/n a massage?
AN: @tedssweaters wrote a lovely little massage blurb that everyone should go read. I already had this request in my queue and of course, I went in a different (read: horny) direction lol s/o to @jarfishy for the encouragement to finish this one early 😛 two fics in one day, who am I?!
Rating: Explicit
Tags: AFAB!reader, One-Shot, Sports injury turned very sexy, Smut, Porn with barely any plot, facefucking, fingerfucking, General sexy things
Fic masterlist
You had been obsessed with football since you were little, your older brothers happily taught you every trick they knew while they dribbled circles around you until you were old enough to start playing against girls your own age. You had long since hung up your football dreams, though, focusing on a career in PR instead. But since you started working for AFC Richmond—and dating the head coach—you couldn’t help but want to get back on the pitch again.
Over happy hour one night you told the team how much you missed playing and they all tried to get you into a drunken round of footie on the Richmond Green, absolutely gutted when they couldn’t procure a football and the coaches told them it was too dark and they were too not-sober. But after that, the boys would occasionally drop by your office on a light practice day to invite you out and you started keeping some extra athletic clothes and boots under your desk.
“You sure it's okay,” you asked Ted each time you went to step out on the pitch, trying not to linger. Though your relationship had started completely unrelated to your employment, neither of you wanted anyone to get the wrong impression. The only people that were aware you were together were Rebecca and HR…and Keeley after that one time she had come back for something in her old desk and caught the two of you….indisposed. You had to admit the sneaking around was a little sexy, but it was a bummer in times like this when you wanted to drop a kiss on his cheek after he said, “of course! Go show those boys what-for.”
You were getting into the rhythms of playing, your lungs burning with exertion and a grin cemented to your face as you darted around. You raised a hand to Dani with a call of, “oi!” and sprinted to the ball to set yourself up for a corner kick. It felt good to score, even though you knew the boys let you have that one—granted they’d been out there for hours and you were fresh from your desk, no one could blame them for being a little slow.
You were taking the ball down the field when Sam called for a pass and you looked up for him just as O’Brien went for a slide tackle and you went down hard, with a pained grunt. Ted was hovering over you in an instant, you didn’t even know how he’d moved that quickly, and you rolled off of O’Brien and onto your stomach with a laugh.
“Jeez, I’m so sorry, you alright Y/N,” O’Brien asked with genuine remorse as he sat up on his knees, Ted right next to him his brow furrowed in concern.
“It was fair play, I’m perfectly fine Tommy Boy. Don’t apologize for that,” You went to get up but Ted stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t move yet, we should get you checked out,” Ted said and you looked at him like he was crazy.
“Ted, I’m fine. I’m a human woman, not a paper doll,” you laughed and Ted chuckled with you. “Just help me up, why don’t you?”
Ted held out a hand and you let him take most of your weight as you clambered up, took a step, and…shit that hurt. Not the worst you’d felt, but your thigh was cripplingly tight. You must have pulled your hamstring when you went down. Ted saw you grimace and his voice was frantic when he asked, “Woah now, what hurts?”
“Mmmf,” you grunted, “s’okay, just pulled my hamstring.” You gestured to your left leg and Ted’s hands were on you, squeezing with a pleasure-pain that made you groan as you braced yourself on his shoulder, not realizing how inappropriate this might seem to the players still gathered around. Coach Beard loudly and pointedly cleared his throat but it was too late.
“Coach, why don’t you work my hamstrings out like that, huh,” Jamie called out, his tongue sticking out of his mouth. Roy shoulder-checked him but even he smirked. Ted blushed and removed his hands immediately. You needed to get him out of here before he started apologizing and making things worse.
“Where were you when I tore my butt,” O’Brien teased and all the players laughed at that. Ted opened his mouth to say something, but you quickly cut him off.
“Ha ha,” you stuck your tongue out at Jamie and O’Brien mockingly, “come on, Coach, help me to the treatment room?” You wrapped an arm around Ted’s shoulders, your hurt leg in between so you could use him as a crutch as you limped off the pitch. He wrapped a hand around your waist to support you, being sure to keep his hand higher than necessary.
As soon as the treatment door clicked shut behind you, Ted had you wrapped tightly in his arms as if he had found you on the pitch half-dead. Thank god the actual trainer was out for the afternoon otherwise there was no way the two of you could explain this one away as platonic concern. You chuckled a little but let him hold you, his hands gripping your t-shirt as he took deep, soothing breaths.
He didn’t respond but you could feel his fingers release just a smidge.
“Teddy, I’m alright sweetheart,” you whispered with light amusement and Ted sighed and let you go.
“I know, I know you just…gave me a bit of a fright seein’ you take a tumble like that. And I’m embarrassed on top of that for not keepin’ my hands to myself and almost blowing our cover. I should have told the boys to take it easy—”
“Woah, now, none of that,” you chastised, hobbling over to sit on a treatment table. “I may not have ever been a professional athlete, but I was an athlete. I know what it’s like to be knocked down, I know the symptoms of a concussion. Hell, have I told you my front incisor is an implant? Mum was pissed after that game.” You chuckled and looked over at Ted who was wincing. “Ah, come on now darling. You see people get hurt all the time. Scrapes and bruises are little badges of hon—”
“Not you,” Ted said, his voice tight and his hands fisted in his pockets. “I don’t see you get hurt all the time. It’s not because you’re a woman or because you’re not a professional or because I don’t think you can handle yourself, I just…I love you. And I don’t want to see the person I love in pain.”
Ted had never told you he loved you before and your eyes shot to his face, searching for any indication that he didn’t mean it, that he regretted saying it. But all you saw was the vulnerability of him offering his heart on a platter. You reached a hand out towards him and he stepped closer, allowing you to tug one of his fists from the pocket of his khakis.
“I love you too, Ted Lasso,” you whispered, holding his gaze as you leaned in and he met you halfway. It was easy to forget where you were and why when he kissed you like that, but when you shifted to widen your legs so he could step between them, the tug in your thigh reminded you and you grunted into his mouth, which was not the sexy sound he’d been anticipating.
“As much as I’m loving this very sexy turn of events, do you think you could get me an ice pack?”
Ted jumped into action with a smile and you slid off the table to remove your shorts so they wouldn’t get in the way, before leaning over and locking the door. Ice pack in hand, Ted turned and you could see the way his eyes lingered, but he remained focused on attending to your injury.
“Here, why don’t you lay on your stomach and I’ll hold this for you.” You did as he asked, and jumped when the freezing cold sensation hit your skin. “Did you stretch before you got out there?”
You gave Ted a sheepish look from where your head rested on your folded arms and he clucked his tongue at you. “Well if it’s alright with you, it might be helpful to massage your other leg while this one is healing to prevent this in the future. If you’re gonna be a member of my team, ya gotta be proactive in taking care of yourself, ya know?”
You smiled and nodded as he wrapped your ice-pack thigh in a towel so it wouldn’t move and stepped to your other side, rubbing massage therapy oil between his palms before he touched you. “Does that mean you’re letting me back out on the pitch, Coach?” You didn’t mean it to be seductive, but the two of you had somehow slipped into a mild coach-player roleplay, and the moan that slipped from your lips when he pressed down deep into the muscles of your thigh didn’t help.
“As if I could tell you no,” Ted responded affectionately, using both hands to grip your thigh and rub small, deep circles down the length of the muscle. He moved down to your calf, massaging slowly and humming a tune. He switched legs, skipping your injured thigh and going straight to the calf muscle and it felt like heaven, his hands warm and firm against your skin, his long fingers wrapping briefly around your ankle. He let go and you whimpered at the loss.
“How’s your back, love?”
“If I say ‘just awful’ will you keep touching me?”
Ted laughed, a full-bellied laugh that always made you giddy when you could pull it from him. You sat up and he helped you remove your shirt and bra before you laid back down, your arms to your side, and as he walked past your head for more massage oil you couldn’t help but noticed his tented khakis. You had of course felt like this was a rather sexy scenario, but you hadn’t realized how much it was affecting Ted too. He hadn’t made any untoward comments or touched you in any way that someone with a Sports Physiology degree wouldn’t. Knowing that his care for you was NOT centered on sex, that he couldn’t be distracted from looking after you just because you were mostly nude, only made you want to fuck him more.
Ted ran his hands over your back, gently first and then with more pressure. You sighed deeply when he hit the spot between your shoulder blades that always ached from working at a computer all day. He leaned closer so he could focus in on that spot but when his erection brushed your arm he quickly tilted his hips back. You wanted to tell him it was okay but you didn’t want to embarrass him, so you settled for letting him know how much you were enjoying the experience and maybe some not-so-subtle hints.
When his thumbs worked into your lower back, you spread your legs slightly and thanked your lucky stars you had picked gray underwear today. You knew he could see how wet you were by the sharp intake of breath you heard behind you.
“Feel good,” he asked, his voice a little strained, and you smiled over your shoulder at him.
“Very. What would you say if I asked you to get my glutes…Coach?”
Ted took a deep breath that he released as a groan. “I’d say we’d need to get these off.” If you could fist pump in this position you would. You were dying for him to touch you. Not that he hadn’t been, but there were certainly more sensitive areas that could use his attention. Ted removed the towel and ice pack first, letting his long fingers trail along your inner thigh and you shuddered in anticipation. He hooked his fingers in your waistband, slid down your underwear, and then…actually massaged your glutes.
It still felt amazing, but you wanted him to sink those very capable fingers into your core, to massage your clit until you were begging for release.
“Hey, Coach?”
“Hm,” Ted hummed. You couldn’t see him from this angle but he wasn’t tilting his hips back anymore and you could feel him hard against the side of your thigh.
“This is making me very fucking horny.”
Ted laughed. “Is that right? Is that you droppin’ hints that you’d like my hands…a little lower?”
“Well if you’re offering,” you joked nonchalantly as if you weren’t prepared to beg. Ted did slide his hands down but he didn’t immediately sink his fingers into you. Instead, he treated your vulva with the same care he had treated the rest of your body, a gentle but purposeful massage that made it hard to tell whether the growing slickness between your thighs was oil, arousal, or a mix of both.
“Fuck,” you whined as Ted’s middle finger parted you and made contact with your clit, but he pulled away and you grunted in frustration.
“Turn over for me darlin’.”
Ted helped so you didn’t bother your injured leg and though you were more than excited for him to go back to touching you, the real reason you felt heat pooling in your belly was getting to look at his sweet face, concern almost fully replaced with desire, his dimple deepening when his eyes locked on yours.
“Well, hello there,” you said softly and he grinned. “Appreciate the helping hand.”
“Anytime,” Ted responded as he ran his oiled hands up your belly to your peaked nipples, massaging your breasts and leaning forward to capture your moans between his own lips. You tangled your tongue with his, relishing in the slip of his fingers as he pinched at both nipples. He stood up as he trailed one hand back to its previous location. Done teasing, he wasted no time sliding two fingers into you and you tried to keep your reaction in check but you couldn’t help but whine, “Jesus, fuck Ted you feel so fucking good.”
“Shh, I’m glad, baby,” Ted said quietly, obviously not wanting to draw attention to what was currently happening in the treatment room, “just relax and let me take care of you.” He tilted his fingers up to find the soft spot inside of you that made your soul leave your body as his thumb found your clit, his other hand still alternating between your breasts. You were whimpering and whining and Ted was steadily trying to shush you but you didn’t know how he expected you to stay quiet when he was so expertly taking you apart.
“I…I can’t, fuuck, I can’t stay quiet baby.”
“You have to darlin’, you have to be good for me.”
“Mmm,” you complained but then you caught sight of his erection yet again and you ran your hand over it, smiling when he couldn’t help but press into your palm. You tugged him closer to you by his pocket, using both hands to work his pants open and Ted chuckled, “you’re just not going to let me take care of you, are you?”
You freed Ted’s length from his boxers and smiled up at him, batting your eyelashes. “I just thought something in my mouth might help me keep quiet.”
“Christ,” Ted whispered emphatically as you stroked him a few times. Somehow in all of this fingers had never stopped their slow fucking so you knew he was up to the challenge.
“You’re going to have to fuck my mouth since I don’t have the range of motion I normally do, think you can multitask?”
Ted choked on his spit and coughed, sputtering as he answered, “You’re going to be the absolute death of me.”
But it certainly wasn’t a no, and he did as you asked when you slipped the tip of him between your lips, moving slowly to match the pace of his fingers. You moaned against him, adoring the feeling of him heavy in your mouth, letting your tongue circle the seam of him when he pulled back and relaxing your jaw when he pushed back in. He picked up the pace of both his hips and his fingers and you were so close, your whole body pulsing with desire, your injury forgotten. And then Ted slid in a third finger and you were a goner, the stretch and pressure so overwhelmingly good the only thing stopping you from screaming was his dick in your mouth.
Thankfully, when he felt you clench against his fingers he stopped moving his hips, otherwise you surely would have choked. Your chest was heaving as Ted moved to pull out of your mouth but you shook your head no, leaning over to take him in hand before you released him for a gasp of air, stroking him swiftly until you could take him again. When you were ready you sat up slightly so you had more control and used both your hand and tongue to work him over, his chin tucked to his chest and his hand covering his mouth.
“I’m gonna…baby, I’m about to…” He tried to pull back, but you shook your head again and sank down as far as you could and swallowed, feeling him come down the back of your throat. Now it was Ted’s turn to gasp for air as you sucked him clean and released him.
“Can’t believe this treatment room is still haunted,” Ted said as he tucked himself back in his khakis, “you’re a goddamn succubus.”
You laughed as he helped you back into your clothes. The two of you had been missing from training for so long, you just cleaned up the treatment room and left the stadium hoping no one was suspicious. Ted shot Beard a quick text that he was helping you get home and got just a thumbs up in return.
A couple weeks later now fully healed, Colin stopped by your office and invited you out to the pitch again. You grinned and pulled on your athletic wear, tying up your boots before stepping out next to Ted. The two of you had decided it was long time to stop sneaking around, so this time when you asked, “you sure it’s okay” and Ted told you to get out there, you thanked him with a kiss.
Both of you looked around at the team confused when no one reacted and Ted cleared his throat, “Guess I should let y’all know that, uh, Y/N and I…”
“We know, Coach,” Sam called out with a smile. “And we’re happy for you both.” The team took to the pitch but you and Ted still looked at each other confused until Isaac came over and murmured, “Training room connects to the locker room. And it's not soundproof, bruv.” You’d never seen the color drain from Ted’s face so quickly, but you just followed Isaac out onto the pitch with a smile. It had been worth it.
And despite now knowing about you and Ted—way too much about you and Ted, it seemed—the boys didn’t take it easy on you for one second. Just the way you liked it.
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Annie's Masterlist
hi and welcome to my blog!
annie | 24 | SEAn | she/her/hers/they | ♒︎♉︎♉︎ | Manchester United FC🔴, AC Milan🔴, Three Lions/esses🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿, and USM/WNT🇺🇸 | footy crushes: christian pulisic (known as my husband), mason mount, son heung min, lisandro martinez, marcus rashford, alex zendejas, olivier giroud, luke shaw | sitcoms obsessed | mainly post about men’s and women's football | i write and make gifs
my posts can be found through links below ⬇︎
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Fics Masterlist:
Christian Pulisic | Mason Mount
Taglist Request | Announcement
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Post Tags:
Christian Pulisic | Imagines or Headcanon
Mason Mount | Imagines or Headcanon
Kepa Arrizabalaga
Son Heung-min | Imagines or Headcanon
Lisandro Martinez | Imagines or Headcanon
Alex Zendejas | Imagines or Headcanon
Manchester United | MU Women
Fic Recommendation | SMAU Recommendation
Ted Lasso
Daisy Jones and the Six
Other Imagines or Headcanon: Jadon Sancho | Weston McKennie
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some things to know about:
my blog is a safe space for everyone, I do not tolerate any kind of hate and discrimination. show some compassion and empathy instead!
for now I only write for Christian Pulisic and Mason Mount. I may write smut, but I'll mostly write angst and fluff. But even in non-smut fics I can use explicit language and my fics may contain mature contents, so make sure you read warnings section before reading every fic.
I'm currently not writing based on request, but if you want to share any idea(s) you can send any through ask!
as a (new) writer, I would love to hear your thoughts and/or feedbacks on my fics, so feel free to send them in through reply/reblog/ask! please be kind and use appropriate language 💖
if you want to interact with me, you can send me ask or DM! once again, please be kind and use appropriate language 🤍 spam and inappropriate ask/DM will be deleted and blocked
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
Footie Fics :)
prompts lists
meeting prompts
prompt list
cute intimate prompts
(requests are not exclusive to these lists, send in anything you like and I’ll give it a shot!)
also want to just put it out there that I’ll never accept a request involving players real life families / stuff like that. they’ll never be included in the fics and everything here is completely imaginative and fictional with no relation or link to the players personally. that said, request away! :)
how i headcanon member of the england nt when they’re travelling - a stupid thing i made once
insta files masterlist
Jack Grealish
linked fics / stories
Friends for now
Not mates
this is happiness
illicit affairs
fell for you
Mama’s Boys
Villa boy
changed man
snow days and haribo rings
right here with me
Kieran Tierney
Dating would include
nsfw alphabet
christmas market
this is what dreams are made of
Jordan Henderson
linked fics / series
Rose Garden
Painted Roses
fluff alphabet
John Stones
linked fics / series
always yours
part two
john x single mum reader
black tie turbulence
my hero
say it back
nsfw alphabet
because i’m in love with you
holiday hatred (smut)
no matter what // (part 2)
traffic lights
work welcome
everybody knows
changing it up
longer than forever lasts
car problems
christmas jumper
dad duty
Ben Chilwell
please don’t say you love me (1)
cause i might not say it back (2)
doesn’t mean my heart’s not skipping (3)
when you look at me like that (4)
single dad!ben x reader
helping hand
a team
reunions and surprises
welcome to the family
good luck charm
want it again (part two)
i believe
Ben White
dating would include
holiday heartbreak
Andy Robertson
fics/multi part pieces
ruined it // part two
resentment // part two
baby girl
a fathers woe
not just the physio
feeling some kind of way
nsfw alphabet
uprooted plans
with a bang
best kept secret
Marcus Rashford
meet the family
the one
count on me (series)
part one
part two
seil il mio amore piu grande
Mason Mount
3am confessions
biggest mistake
quite miss home
John McGinn
double win
you got me
Rúben Dias
next to you
not ready
daddy's home
blue masterlist
insta files
songwriter girlfriend blurb
ring blurb
looking out for you blurb
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tasmpeter · 2 years
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cruel summer.
pairing: adrian chase/vigilante x fem!reader
summary: you were tired of hiding the fact you were crazy, stupid in love with adrian chase.
warnings: mentions of sexual content (mentions of oral sex), secret relationship, heavy drinking, angst with a happy ending.
authors note: okay so i wrote this during my lunch break at work while listening to cruel summer by taylor swift on repeat, so this might be absolutely horrible, but we will see. i wrote this because i was procrastinating about my other fics, so here is this song fic i guess? there are some lines ripped straight from the song and the premise is basically the same as cruel summer so. also i don’t believe any pronouns are used, so this should be gender neutral friendly… but i put fem reader just in case to cover my tracks.
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It was a hot summer night in Las Vegas, Nevada, and Task Force X just found a shitty motel to spend the night before the mission the next day. There were only five available motel rooms, so you were being "forced" to share a room with Adrian Chase. You offered to share the room with Adrian and the team let it slide, not willing to share with the other members of the team. You didn't mind sharing the room with Adrian, as you had been secretly dating each other for six months. You and Adrian decided fairly early on not to share with the team that you were seeing each other. You were worried that Amanda Waller would pull you off the team for dating a fellow coworker or that she would have something horrible planned for Adrian. He wasn't officially on the team, meaning he was extremely expendable in her eyes. You didn't want to lose each other, so you didn't tell anyone. You remember the summer nights when you would run through the garden gate behind Adrian's house to avoid seeing anyone.
The secret had been weighing on you, however. You hated lying to your friends and you hated how you had to hide how you felt with Adrian. You loved him truly, madly, and deeply, and having to hide that was killing you slowly. You were willing to give up everything for Adrian. His laugh, his emerald green eyes that sparkled when they saw yours, the way he always played footies with you under every table. You were willing to give up the career you worked so hard to obtain. Adrian wouldn't let you, however. He refused to let you let go of everything you worked so hard for. So, you kept it a secret and it tore you apart every day. Especially tonight. Tonight, you had to play your part and pretend to begrudgingly volunteer to share a room with the man you loved. You had to pretend to be upset and frustrated — and you know what that did to Adrian. He knew you had to play your part, but it still didn't make it not hurt. It hurt him a bit every time.
So, here you are. Standing in front of the blue-lit vending machine, wishing the machine carried alcohol. You wanted to get drunk, so incredibly drunk because you were so frustrated that you couldn't tell the world you were in love with Adrian Chase. You stood in front of the vending machine, your eyes flickering between the various snacks that were probably expired when Adrian walked up. He was wearing his normal clothes, his adorable fucking sweaters that you loved so much.
Adrian leaned his arm against the side of the vending machine and towered over you, "You know, we are going to screw this up. We aren't trying, like at all."
"Huh?" You asked, staring at Adrian. Half of his body was illuminated by the blue vending machine light and the other half was completely dark. You thought he looked handsome.
"Like, you said you would share the room with me. You know, they will catch on soon if you keep doing that. You aren't trying, at all."
You rolled your eyes, "Why does that matter? Why does it matter if I share a room with you, they won't know any better?"
Adrian scoffed, "I'm not completely stupid. I know you guys think I am, but I'm not. Chris might be the last one to figure it out, but Harcourt will catch on quick if you do it again. That's all I'm saying."
You smacked your hand on the side of the vending machine, "I'm going to a bar. Do you want to come or will that make it look like we are dating?"
You began making your way toward Adrian's golden Sebring. You didn't have the keys to it, but you knew Adrian would follow. He always did. He'd follow you anywhere.
"Hey! Where are you going? Do you even know where the bar is?" Adrian shouted, running after you. His keys were already in hand.
"Nope! But that's why we got phones. I just want to get wasted, come on." You shouted back, leaning against the Sebring.
"Why? We have a mission tomorrow, you never drink before missions." Adrian said, unlocking the car and letting you slide into the passenger's seat.
"Because I want to. I'm a grown woman, Adrian. I can make decisions, even poor ones. Now let's go. I just need a couple shots then you can drive us back." You said, buckling your seatbelt and watching Adrian start his car. He seemed flustered over the whole exchange. He didn't understand why you were acting like this. You never acted out like this.
The drive to the bar — which was just down the road — was silent. You didn't say anything to Adrian and he didn't say anything to you. You were afraid you were going to admit that this secret was eating you alive and Adrian was worried you were about to break up with him. You almost jumped out of the car when Adrian arrived at the bar. You took off the second he parked and Adrian was struggling to keep up with you. By the time he was inside, you had a line of four shots in front of you and you had begun downing them. Adrian was nervous and a little scared. He kept wondering if it was something he said, or if you were fed up with him.
"Hey, let's slow down. We don't have to rush." Adrian said, putting his hand on your shoulder.
"Yes, I do. I want to get drunk, like yesterday. Hey, bartender?! Could I just get the bottle, please? Thank you!" You shouted down at the bartender. He gave you a nod and placed the vodka you had just taken four shots of in front of you. You handed him a hundred and took a huge swig of the bottle.
"Come on, you can drink that in the room. Let's go." Adrian said, trying to drag you away from the bar.
"Why? Are you ashamed of being seen out in public with me? Does my own boyfriend not want to admit to dating me?" You said, dredging along with your vodka as Adrian dragged you back to the car.
"Get in the backseat. It's illegal to have an open bottle in the front seats." Adrian said, opening the passenger's side back door open. You fell in, trying to keep the bottle upright as you gracefully fell. You were drunk, like plastered drunk.
Adrian didn't say anything as he started up the car and drove back to the motel. You didn't know when, in between sips of vodka, you started crying. You were a blubbering mess in Adrian's backseat. You didn't know why you were crying. Maybe because you were so conflicted on whether or not to keep your relationship with Adrian a secret. Or maybe it was because you loved him so much, and you honestly had been treating him like shit tonight. Regardless, you were sobbing in the backseat of Adrian's car.
"Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Adrian asked, looking at you through the rearview mirror.
"I'm fine." Is all you said, it's not true. You weren't fine. Adrian knew you weren't fine, but it's all you could say in between sobs. He drove you back to the motel, trying not to break his own heart listening to your sobs. Adrian cared for you, deeply, in a way he never had for anyone before. He hated seeing you get hurt during a fight, loved washing your body clean of dirt and blood, and loved holding you while you slept — where he would constantly kiss your forehead while you slept.
When you arrived back at the motel, Adrian dragged you out of the backseat — which you have currently splayed across — and stood you up in the parking lot. You were wobbling from the sudden movement and were trying to find your ground while biting back tears. Adrian moved closer to you and held you in his arms. His arm wrapped around your waist while he looked down at you — his glasses slipping down his face.
"Baby, please. Tell me what's actually going on. I hate seeing you cry." Adrian said, brushing a piece of your hair out of your face.
"I don't want to keep secrets just to keep you." You mumbled out, your glossy eyes meeting his sparkling emerald green.
"Huh?" Adrian asked, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I don't want to keep lying to our friends. I don't care if I get fired or transferred. I'll stay with you, Adrian."
"Baby, is that what you are so upset about? I-I don't want you to lose your job, you know that." Adrian said, cupping your tear-stained cheek and brushing away the tears that kept streaming down your face.
"For whatever it's worth, I love you. Ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?" You giggled out, smiling at the tall man in front of you. Adrian's face scrunched up when you said that.
"You love me? How would that be the worst thing, I love you too. This is kind of the best thing I've ever heard."
"Y-You do?" You said, smiling at your boyfriend. He loved you. He loved you just as much as you loved him. Truly, madly, deeply.
"Of course, baby. We can tell the group if that's what you want. I'll shout it from the rooftops if that's what you want. I love you! I love you," Adrian began shouting. You started giggling uncontrollably. You were standing in a parking lot in a Las Vegas motel and your boyfriend is yelling about how much he loved you. This couldn't be more perfect, you thought. You loved him for all of his crazy.
Later that night, while Adrian was eating your pussy, he looked up at you, grinning like the devil.
taglist: @dfkdkdjhs @milfodyssey @adrienette715 @danieldimes @idk-ijustworkhere
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Mixology - False Starts
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Mixology - A Captain America Fanfic
Series Masterlist Previous //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count:  2476
Series Warnings:  Angst, Character death, Breaking up and making up, past trauma, pregnancy, talk of abortion, smut (vaginal sex, fingering, other things)
Synopsis:   Steve Rogers comes into your bar and after a night of flirting you take him home.  When he leaves the next day you never expect to see him again.
A/N:  This fic was written pre-Infinity War.  So while it follows canon for a while, it then veers off wildly at the end.
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False Starts
You wake in an unfamiliar room.  Sun seeps through the edges of the curtains and you blink your eyes.  You’re alone.  This never happens.  Normally when you ‘sleep’ with a guy there is never any actual sleep involved.  If you go back to their place you never stay over.  You’ll let them sleep at yours if they want, but you always wake up in your own bed.  
You didn’t even have sex last night though.  It wasn’t even technically last night.  The sun was already coming up with you hopped in bed with Steve Rogers.  God knows what time it is now.  
You sit up unsure what to do.  This isn’t his house.  This is the Avengers Tower.  You can’t just go walking through the building in his t-shirt hoping he can point you to a shower.
A voice fills the room.  It’s English and male and scares the shit out of you.
“Good morning.  Captain Rogers requested that I inform you that he has gone to work.  I have paged him to return to his room.  He should be here momentarily.”  It says.
“Where the fuck are you?  Have you been spying on me?”  You yelp, pulling up the covers to your chin.  
“Do not be alarmed.  I am JARVIS.  I am simply the building AI.  Captain Rogers wished that I inform you that the bathroom is through here.”  A light turns on in a room attached to this one and the door falls open.  “He has left a toothbrush and clean towels for your use.  If you would like to meet him in the living room when you’re done, he will be waiting for you in there.”
You hesitantly climb out of bed and head into the bathroom.  You shower and brush your teeth, redress in the clothes you had on last night and grab your handbag before going to find Steve.
You don’t have to look far.  You walk through the door and see him in the kitchen preparing coffee using a french press.  A redhead dressed in black and red sits at the counter talking to him.  Steve turns when he hears the door and smiles.
“Afternoon, sleepy head.”  He says.
You approach him and he wraps an arm around your waist and gives you a quick peck on the lips.  “What time is it?”  
“It’s three.”
“Dude, you should have woken me.  I charge by the hour.”  You tease.
The redhead starts laughing and Steve nudges you with his elbow.  “And here I am without my checkbook.”  He gestures to the woman behind the counter.  “This is Natasha.  Natasha, this is my friend Y/N.”
“Friend?”  Natasha asks, her eyebrow raised.
“Hey if he’s paying, I’ll be whatever he wants me to be.”  
“Cut it out, you.  You’re not going to embarrass me.”  Steve says.  He seems so much lighter and relaxed than last night.  Like a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.  “Do you want some coffee?  Something to eat?”
You shake your head.  “I really have to go. I’ve got work in a couple of hours and I gotta go home and change and then come all the way back out here again.”
“You have to eat something.”
“Don’t worry, dad.  I’ll grab a pierogi or something at the subway.”  You say.  You turn to Natasha.  “Nice to meet you.”  
“I hope I’ll see you around more,”  Natasha said.  
You shrug and rub your thumb back and forth over your index and middle fingers.
She laughs and you head to the elevator.  Steve follows you taking your hand in his.  The elevator opens and you step inside.  
“This was a very long elevator ride from memory.”  You say, walking your fingers up Steve’s chest.  
“It was, wasn’t it?”  He says, taking a step towards you. He leans into you but just as his lips are about to touch yours the elevator comes to a halt and several people enter.  They greet Steve with nods and murmurs of ‘cap’ and then all turn to face the door.  You move so you’re also facing the door, but you press yourself against Steve.  You put both your hands behind your back and start teasing his cock through his pants.  
He grabs your hands and moves them wrapping both his and your arms around your midriff.
He walks you to the front doors and pulls you to the side, kissing you.  The fact that neither of you is particularly fond of PDA goes right out the window.  You give yourself to it.  Wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and melting into him.  
“I want you to stay.  Go back upstairs and make up for lost time.”  Steve growls.
“Mmm… me too.”  You breathe.  “But I’ve got bills to pay.  We’ll do this later.”  You pull a pen out of your handbag and take his hand you write your phone number down his thumb.
“When do you think I can see you again?”  He asks as you’re writing.  
“I have work all this week.  I can maybe see you for a bit during the day.  Or come meet you after, but it would be really late.”  You answer.
“No.  I want to do this properly.  I want us to date.  Not just fool around.”  Steve says.  
“I have Monday and Tuesday off.”  You offer.
He cups your cheek in his hand and runs his thumb along your jaw.  “I may be going out on a mission.  I’ll call you okay?   Don’t run off on me.”  
You kiss him.  Just softly.  Your lips barely brushing his. “I won’t.  Can’t afford to.”
It’s weeks before you’re able to come anywhere near being able to organize a day when both of you are free that could accommodate a date.  You have work, he’s out doing something.  Probably saving the world.  That’s what he does.  You seriously consider just showing up to Avengers Tower after work and skipping the dating thing.  You almost do, and then remember it’s not like you can throw a rock at his window and get him to let you in.  So you don’t.
You text each other regularly for a while.  That is until you start overthinking it.  The fact you can’t coordinate a day to get together seems to be a sign.  It isn’t meant to be.  You aren’t good enough for someone like him.  The world is keeping you apart so that you don’t drag him down into the shit bag that you call a life.
You stop texting him back.  He tries to call you a few times.  He leaves voice mails.  They sound terrified and they break your heart but you tell yourself that he’s better off without you.
You start to just mope around your apartment getting under your roommate’s feet.  If you could afford to move you would.  You consider maybe just not going far.  If you could find a job in Boston maybe you could afford that move.  You start casting the net out to see.  In the meantime, you just spend all day in your pajamas eating Doritos and watching infomercials.  You only leave the house to work or buy food.
On your day off you sit around in your Pokemon onesie staring blankly at the TV.  There’s a knock on the door and you don’t move to answer it.  Your roommate, Lizzie makes a frustrated groan and gets up.  She returns a moment later looking a little dazed.
“Captain America is at the door asking for you.”  She says.
You look down at yourself and try and figure out if jumping from a third-floor window would kill or seriously injure you and if either of those would be preferable than Steve seeing you dressed as Pikachu.  
You go to the door.
He looks at you with his brow furrowed, a scowl on his face.  “Good, you’re alive.  Just needed to make sure.”  He says, and turns on his heels and starts striding away.
You hop from one foot to the other.  You’re in footie pajamas.  How far is he going to make you chase him in them?  You decide you don’t care and take off after him.
“Steve.  Stop!  Please.”  You call jogging after him.  You catch his elbow and he shakes you off.
“Forget it. I thought there was something there.  You didn’t.  I get it.  That’s always how it is for me.”  He says.  He starts taking the stairs two at a time and you have to run to keep up with him.
“Steve.  I’m sorry.  I’m an idiot okay?  I - I thought …”
Steve stops in the stairwell and turns on you.  You collide with him and stumble backward.  “You asked me not to hurt you.  I didn’t think I needed to specify that you shouldn’t hurt me either.”
You reach for him and he pushes your hand away.  “I just - I thought that …”. You stammer.
“I thought you were dead.  Is what you thought worse than that?”  He snaps.
You shake your head and look at your feet.
“Every person who has ever seen me.  Really actually seen Steve Rogers has died or has been taken away from me.  The first person I trust …” He shakes his head.
You start crying.  Not for yourself.  For him.  For what you just did to him.  “You’re right.  I wasn’t worthy of you.  You shouldn’t have trusted me.”
“Why?  Why would you do this to me?”  He asks.  The pain drips of his words.  You hate that you’re the cause of them.
“I don’t know how to do this.  I thought the fact we couldn’t find a time was the world showing me I wasn’t enough for you.”  You say.  Saying the words out loud makes you realize how stupid they sound.  “Oh god!  I’m so sorry.”  
You fall into him and for a brief moment, you aren’t even sure he’ll catch you.  His arms wrap around you, dragging you into a hug that envelops you.
“Can we please go on that date?”  He asks.
You look up into his blue eyes.  “You still want to?”
“God help me, but yes.  I do.”  
You lead him back upstairs and to your apartment.  You go straight to your bedroom shutting the door behind you so that you don’t have to field questions from Lizzie.
“Wait here for me.  I need to shower.”  You say.  “Unless you want to join me?”
Steve shakes his head and you go shower.  When you get back, Steve is poking around your room.  “You don’t have any photos or books.  Nothing personal.  I didn’t notice that last time.”  He says.
You shrug.  “I keep it online.  That stuff is too hard to take places with me.  I just have  clothes.”
You walk up behind him and start rubbing your hands up and down his back.  Something in the way he’s holding himself shifts.  He relaxes more.  The stiff, straight-backed Captain America starts to slide away, being replaced by the more relaxed, slightly awkward, happier Steve Rogers.
Your hands press down harder.  You work your fingers into the muscles of his back.  He’s holding so much tension that as you drag your thumbs over his flesh it clicks.  He lets you massage him and you start to nuzzle at his back.  Your hand travels down and you untuck his shirt from his pants.
He turns on you and takes your hands in his.  “Date.”  He says.
You stand on your tiptoes and start to place little kisses down the side of his neck.  “It’s only just 12.  We can do this first.  Then grab some lunch.”  You move your mouth to his and kiss the corner of his mouth.  
“This comes after the date.”  He says before returning the kiss.  He lets your wrists go and you move your hands to his chest.  You slide them down stopping them at his belt.  You start to toy with it and when he makes no move to stop you, you start to unbuckle it.
He walks you back towards the bed and unhooks your towel and you let it fall on the floor before you drop down on your mattress.
Steve kisses a trail down your body, sucking and nipping at your skin.  His tongue draws circles on you as he moves closer and closer to your pussy.  When he reaches your stomach you fall backward and he spreads your legs and lifts them on his shoulders.
He moves his face to your pussy.  His nose touches your folds a split second before you feel his tongue swirl around the entrance to your cunt.  He laps upward and your body twitches and then spasms as you feel first his nose glides over your clit and then his tongue press down on it.  
He focuses his tongue on your clit.  You close your eyes and your hands go to his hair.  As he licks and nips and sucks at that little bundle of nerves, you feel yourself starting to come apart.  You grab a pillow and pull it over your face to muffle the sounds you’re making.  Pressure builds inside of you as your skin prickles all over.  
“Fuck, Steve.  Please.  Please.  I need you.”  You plead.
Steve sits back on his heels and pushes his middle finger into your cunt.  He curls it inside of you, stroking it along your g-spot as he uses his thumb to roll over your clit.  “As much as I like to hear that.  It’s not happening, darlin’.”  He says.  
“Please, Steve.”  You beg.  “I need you inside of me.”
He chuckles.  “I’ll never get over how forward women are these days.  I really like it.  It worried me at first.  I thought there was no way I could keep up.  Turns out, I really like women who know what they want.  I always have.  They make up for my shortfalls.  Teach me things that I wouldn’t otherwise know.”  Another finger joins the first and he corkscrews them inside of you.  “The thing is, in this instance you’re wrong.  The only part of me you need to get what you want is my fingers.  Shall I show you?”
“Oh god, please.”  You cry, arching off the mattress.
He brings his other hand up and his fingers work your clit.  Meanwhile, he keeps moving his fingers inside of you side to side.  He curls them as he does and when his knuckles hit your g-spot you gasp and he presses down hard.  You come.  Your orgasm taking complete hold of you.  You smother your cries with the pillow as your body bucks, your legs clamping down around his head.  
Steve pulls away and gets up.
“Holy shit.”  You pant, relaxing back.   You feel spent.  
“Holy shit, indeed.  Now please get dressed so we can go out.”  He says, heading to the bathroom.
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Grimmy Appreciation Fest: Week Two Masterlist
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Thank you to everyone that created for the Grimmy Appreciation Fest 2017 and to everyone supporting the fest by reading, commenting, leaving kudos and comments, notes and reblogs. The fest has now finished posting and the author reveals will post to this blog tomorrow.
In the meantime, you can catch up with the Week One Masterlist HERE or the Week Two Masterlist below the cut.
Fic (all authors currently anon)
Hey, Angel (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson)
hello, my old heart (Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw)
hold on for one more day (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson)
she’s a good girl (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson)
Tell me now how should I feel (Nick Grimshaw/Harry Styles)
Raspberries (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson)
Autumnal Gryles by @popstar-vs-radio1 (Harry Styles/Nick Grimshaw)
His Heart on His Sleeve by @writsgrimmyblog (Nick Grimshaw)
Grim by @kingsoftheimpossible (Nick Grimshaw)
@nightwideopen’s moodboard: Nick and Dogs
@nightwideopen’s moodboard: Footie Boyfriends (Nick Grimshaw/Louis Tomlinson)
@lordendsavior’s Gryles Fanmix: The Feeling Still Deep Down Is Good
@twelvegrimmyplace’s Nixtape: Love That Record
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tommyspeakycap · 3 years
teen wolf
peaky blinders
the originals
harry potter/ fantastic beasts
criminal minds
footie boy fics
red (taylor’s version) masterlist
chicago pd
hope you all enjoy ! pls pls pls leave feedback on stuff you like, it means so so much to me! thanks :)
peaky masterlist links are finally fixed !
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