#fluid kintypes
talks-with-the-void · 1 month
Fluid kintypes - identity doesn't need to be static
I used to be a wolf, once. Not in a past-life sense, but in a therian sense - I was a wolf therian and then I wasn't. Sounds weird to you? I'm not surprised!
Something that I have repeatedly been told by other therians and otherkin is "you are what you are and if you find out you are something else - well, then you never were the first thing at all." Especially when I joined the community several years ago, I saw this statement everywhere. But let me tell you: it's not true. I had several different kintypes over the years (side note: we are plural and for the sake of this post I am simplifying some internal structure things. if you want the complicated details, feel free to ask! /gen), started as a wolf therian, then I was a cryptid, a dinosaur, a dragon and some kind of monster. Now I am Khhanivore (from Love, Death and Robots) and Mewtu (from Pokemon, Mewtu is the German spelling) - and a raptor kintype is coming back. (I am also a werewolf, but that's not a kintype, that's just Purely Me And My Whole Essence)
"Okay Istasha, but isn't that just questioning or maybe flickertypes?", you might ask. Fair point, but no.
I honestly never really questioned my kintypes - if I truly question something, it turns out to either be a hearttype or Nothing at All. As for kintypes, I just know - all of us just know what we are, it's like chilling and one day, suddenly, one of us is like "oh, I am a horse. alright, carry on" and that's it. Our kintypes stay with us for several months at least, theoretically they could stay forever but tend to change along the way - which brings me to the next point. They aren't flickertypes either. We only really get fictionflickers and sometimes animalflickers and those are extremely short and always tied to media we are currently consuming - they feel, technically, like kintypes to me. For example, if I watch a lot of Supernatural, I sometimes get an intense feeling of belonging there, of being a non-canon character, of being part of the story, etc. I am this non-canon character in that moment, I might even get pseudo-memories or shifts, but as soon as I don't engage with that show too much again, it instantly fades.
Our kintypes don't work like that. Take my re-emerging dinosaur kintype as an example. I was walking somewhere a few days ago and suddenly had a pahntom sensation in my legs and feet and in the same moment I knew "ah shit, new kintype". I gave it a day because maaayyybe it's nothing? But deep down I already knew what was going on, so I have an Utahraptor kintype now. I am this. I identify as this through and through and it feels like I've always been this way. But it wasn't - a week ago I wasn't a dinosaur and now I am. I did not choose it, I did not engage with any dinosaur media at all, it just happened.
My kintypes have always been changing and trust me when I say I had a complete identity crisis when my wolf kintype first went away. But over the years Ive learned to accepot it - my identy is not static, it never was and it never will be and that's okay!
It doesn't make my kintypes less important or less real and it also doesn't mean I never was a wolf. I was. And then I wasn't.
I honestly think it is so, so damaging to still have this "kintypes are static"-sentient floating around in the community, because that's simply not true for all of us. For me, it honestly even makes more sense this way. Our brain has always been unstable, I lacked a true identity for so long. We grew up with untreated BPD andf although the symptoms are 95% under my control now (read: it's in remission), our brain still has a ton of habits from that time, like clinging onto different things to try and form an identity, to try and fill the void where a person should be. And the fact that the void is filled now, that I finally am enough of a person to fill it, this habit never changed. Our brain still randomly grabs things and makes them one of us, leading to fluid kintypes.
Let me end this with saying: being wrong about a kintype is fine. Figuring out you are X instaed of Y and never were Y is fine. But it is also fine to be X today and Y tomorrow.
I think I've said this before but I'll say it again: we, as a community, need to take our identities less and more serious at the same time. Let's stop the gatekeeping and policing others, let's stop overanalyzing ourselves so much. Let's stop looking for rules and asking "is it possible to be this?" over and over again - because the answer is yes. There are literally no rules as to how, why and what you can be. In order to be otherkin you need to do exactly one thing: identify as The Thing in question. Nothing else. On the other hand, we need to kindly educate those who confuse identify as and identify with, we need to kindly educate young therians who "choose their theriotypes", we need to make sure we are not watered down to being "a fun thing you can do".
I sometimes feel like the focus and effort of this community is in good faith but in the wrong place - static kintypes is one of them.
There are no limits. Be who you are today and if you are something else tomorrow, be that then. <3
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alpimerealmsystem · 8 months
Different Branches of Therianthropy/ Otherkinity
So I just spent an hour researching different branches of otherkinity/therianthropy, here's what I learned and how I can describe it best (please don't get mad if I fucked something up, just tell me and I'll fix it)
Cladotherian: May identity as one type of animal but doesn't identity with one species of that animal, and instead identifies with all or none at all. Example: Identifies as a wolf but not a specific type, but rather all of them.
Contherian: Someone who doesn't experience mental shifts but is in a constant state of balance of their kintype and humanity and it doesn't fluctuate. They are constantly around half human and half animal and that's integrated into them.
Suntherian/Syntherian: Very similar to a contherian, however it's not always an exact balance and instead at one point they can be more animal than human and vice versa they also may experience mental shifts.
Copingkin: Identifying as something, involuntarily, to cope with something.
Copinglink: Identifying as a fictional character knowingly and willingly to cope with something.
Otherhearted: Feeling an insanely strong connection with an animal to the point where you fully understand and relate to it but you do not identify as it but rather identify with it.
Kinfluid: By itself (polykinity not being involved) fluid feelings of humanity and your alterhumanity coming in waves almost
Polytherian: someone who identifies with more than one species of animal Example: Identifying as a domestic cat, leopard gecko, and arctic fox. (Although two is enough to identify as polytherian)
Shapeshifterkin: someone who has a kintype that's constantly shifting but also prominent and can identify as it
Polymorphkin: someone who doesn't fully identity as any one kintype and they may have a kintype that is more prominent but for them it can change at anytime and for anything they may connect with it can be in completely different ways
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vurrsys · 2 days
there is too much focus on the alterhuman community on "confirming" your identity. constantly we will see people scared to be open because they don't know for certain if they're "correct". everyone is scared to be a "kff" it seems, which we knew that discourse would lead to.
here's the thing: identity is fluid and constantly in flux. there is nothing wrong with embracing a new or questioning aspect of it. there's no trials you have to go through in order to be "allowed" to claim a kintype. if the feeling fades, you simply enjoyed what you had in the moment, and there's nothing wrong with that. enjoy your alterhumanity: don't be afraid to go with the flow
-🐺 tekka (he/him)
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mosscoveredpawss · 15 days
I'm not on tiktok, nor do I have any plans on joining tiktok anytime soon, but I do know a bit about the tiktok therian community based off of YouTube compilations that I have seen. I've been wanting to make a post giving my two cents on this for a while, so here is me biting the bullet and just saying what I want to say.
Let me start by saying that I think it's great that so many young individuals are finding a community where they feel like they are comfortable and that they belong. I belive a lot of the "tiktok therians" are around the middle school/early high school age range, and it is so important to have a sense of belonging when the transition from elementary school to middle school/ middle school to high school is rather durastic.
I also think it's very beneficial that they are exploring a creative side of themselves with the mask making, and getting outside and being active; while also learning a new perspective about identity. They are learning that a) they are allowed to have different thought and feelings than the adults in their lives. And b) Identity is so much more than what they were told they are "supposed" to be. They get a wonderful opportunity to try on different labels and see what fits, to learn more about themselves and what makes then unique.
With all that being said I have to address the unfortunate toxicity that circulates through the tiktok therian community. So many others have acknowledged this and have made posts doing "deep dives" into this ascpet of the tiktok community.
There isn't a single community/fandom/online space that does not have gatekeepers. That's not a good thing, but it is just how the internet works. We have all seen those posts when some young kid in a cat mask is making disgusted faces with a caption like "Pov: you tell me you chose your kintype."
I've only seen the term "therian" circulate on tiktok, but not really any other kind of labels. I don't see a lot of otherhearted individuals, or otherlinks, hell even otherkin are sparse on the platform. I believe that the lack of exposure to other kinds of identity is what is making this part of the community closed minded. They just don't know that there are other types of alterhumans out there. They don't see aliens, angels, demons, or sea monsters on their FYP. They haven't had conversations with someone who identifies with Elves, but not as an elf. They haven't spoken to someone who chose to identify as a bird - but is not a therian.
I also believe that the lack of older/adults alterhuman has put a damper on their ability o understand how fluid the term "alterhuman" truly is. They only see other young individuals who think exactly like them.
And I'm not saying that us older alterhumans should go download tikok and try to force education onto them. What I am trying to say is that we should be paitent with them.
If you harass younger therians for any reason, you are no better than any other anti therian.
We need to be kind to them, paitent, and accepting of their experiences. Ailanting them as the "bad part" of the community just creates more toxicity.
There may never be a change in the tiktok community, they may always act and think like this. However, I believe that change is always possible, and even more possible if the alterhumans who have been here for a while guide them, listen to them, and spread positive education instead of ridiculing them and making them feel separated from a community where they are supposed to feel at home.
They are our future, and I don't think any of us want a future community that is infested with hatred.
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bumpytoad · 1 year
Identifying as Alterhuman doesn't necessarily mean the same thing as identifying as non-human. It's an alternative way of experiencing humanity, and/or having experiences that transcend or go beyond the typically recognized human construct or stereotype of experience. This could be due to neurodivergence, plurality, feeling more connected to primal human traits, etc.
Regarding having a nonhuman identity, it's very much possible to feel nonhuman by nature and on a psychological and/or spiritual level regardless of whether one also identifies as Therian, Otherkin, or any other specific nonhuman identity. One can also have a highly complex and multifaceted experience of oneself and one's identity and identity expression, or one can simply feel nonhuman. One doesn't necessarily specifically have to have any Theriotypes or Kintypes at all to identify as nonhuman. One can feel nonhuman fundamentally and either connect this feeling with being a specific species or entity or not. It's also possible for someone to just feel like...themselves, not a certain other species, but also not exactly human.
It's very much possible to identify as or with concepts, objects, archetypes, certain phenomena, etc., and not only as or with certain species or entities. It's very much possible to feel strongly like the personification or embodiment of something. I can also see how a connection to an object could be so deep that it becomes part of you in some inextricable way.
It's possible for those in a system to feel Alterhuman because being plural is considered to be outside of the social construct of what it means to be "human," as well as the fact that some systems may contain nonhuman alters. It's also possible for one to feel Alterhuman on a deep level while having Kithtypes but not any specific Kintypes. Being Kith itself is a fundamental Alterhuman identity in its own right.
One can feel deeply nonhuman on some intangible level, either wholly or partially, or feel Alterhuman, and not involve any additional labels. It's all valid.
Some may feel as though they were always meant to be a certain very specific species in both mind and bodily form, or else one can feel as though they were meant to be more anthropomorphic. One can have multiple types and feel like their types are all separate or one can feel like a hybrid or chimera or simultaneously separate and hybridized, or one can feel like all of their types are connected through symbiotic relationships, or else one can simply be without types or have types that are fluid. One can have "unusual" types and rare types.
Being Alterhuman and/or nonhuman can mean different things for different individuals, though ultimately this experience is essential to who one is and this identity and the ways one might express it should thus be honored and respected.
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stillflight · 8 months
I feel like... a lot of people, and a lot of therians, don't really understand cladotherianthropy. They know the definition because it's in all the glossaries and alterhuman dictionaries but they don't actually read about first-hand experiences of cladotherians and how our identities actually function. Beyond the definition.
This got away from me a bit so I'm putting a cut.
Cladotherianthropy, for a very large swathe of us, does not actually entail "identifying as every single species in a clade." I mean, it does, technically, but folks see the definition and think "oh, so like, a canine cladotherian equally identifies and labels themself as and has shifts of as literally every species of canine down to the most specific and obscure. So if someone is every kind of canine except a red fox, they can't call themself a cladotherian." And on a purely practical level, that's not really how it works for a lot of us.
I am a Musteloidea cladotherian, and when I say that, people leave with the impression that I somehow juggle the shifts of all 89 extant musteloid species without getting overwhelmed, that I feel like and identify as and like being called all 89 competing labels equally, and there is not a one among those 89 that I feel like "less" than the others and especially not one I don't feel like at all. Because that's not what the dictionary definition says.
My musteloid identity is not 89 distinct little fully formed theriotypes. It's more like a big shape. I am a big, fluid, shifting shape of musteloid vibes, musteloid shifts, musteloid instincts, and musteloid identities. It spreads out and encompasses the whole clade, but that's why we have the word "cladotype" -- it's not 89 theriotypes, it's one, one animal. There are definitely, absolutely some species I don't really identify as. Most cladotherians would admit the same. It's a wide net but it's not gonna catch every fish in the sea. Example: I'm not really a kinkajou. (That's a type of procyonid, raccoon relative, for the uninformed.) Don't really have kinkajou shifts, don't really like the label as much as I like others I identify with stronger, don't really see myself as one or feel like one the way I feel like a raccoon or a coati or ringtail cat. I'm still a cladotherian.
I see variations of this question asked all the time: "I'm a [big cat/fox/echinoderm] cladotherian, but is it ok if I don't feel like I'm a [lion/Tibetan sand fox/cyrtocrinid]?" Most cladotherians have a few or, depending on the size of their clade, possibly many species they don't identify as or at least as much. If the fox cladotherian was every fox except a Tibetan sand fox, what are they supposed to do? Have 36 theriotypes? No, they are welcome in cladotherian spaces, they always have been. This even goes for if they only identify as 20 fox species -- if they feel like their kintype is cladistic in nature, they do not have 20 fox theriotypes, they have 1 fox cladotype.
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polytherian · 3 months
my nonhumanity feels weird rn. maybe it’s just a weird phase, but i’ve been a bug-dragon for a few weeks and this sudden shift to doberman feels so much more… present.
logically, i understand why. i think. my hivewing kintype is a past life, and so it feels distant— i don’t really have hivewing instincts, etc. but this doberman thing feels so unusually real..? i don’t feel like i’m a doberman therian or a doberman-kin— i just am a doberman. it’s very strange. i don’t usually feel like that.
my whale ‘type, when i thought it was mine— even though now i know it was fathom that took a whale form, not me— never felt as present as this one. the only thing it feels comparable to is my maned wolf kintype, and that was my first kin i ever discovered.
i don’t know. it feels strange to have this realization about myself out of nowhere. and i don’t want to call it permanent, especially because i’m— we’re— so fluid, but this feels stagnant. for now. maybe i’ll eat my words in a few weeks.
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talks-with-the-void · 2 months
anyone interested in a post about fluid/changing kintypes? and I mean actual changing kintypes, not questioning them. it'll either be a longer more coherent post or a rambly and venty one on that topic lmao
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sophieinwonderland · 8 months
Do you have any tips on how to figure out if you're actually a system or just a singlet with many identities that are fluid and changing? (kintypes, genders, names, etc)? I think I might be median or monoconscious and it complicates it more... How can I tell if my kintypes are actually not my kintypes and instead are headmates?
I mean... I'm not sure if unintentionally changing names and identities a lot is a singlet experience itself.
A good place to start is to look for a sort of disconnect in the feel of the memories. If you think about memories that were experienced in another state, do those feel like things you did, or do they feel like things someone else did.
Furthermore, have you tried communicating with these other identities? Try making a document file and leave a message for "yourself" when in another state. Can you note the responses and how "you'd" feel towards that message in the moment?
That's probably a good place to begin experimenting.
(I assume there's probably not internal communication since you mention monoconsciousness, but if there is, kintypes talking to you is a pretty big red flag that something plural is going on.)
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otherkin-confessional · 10 months
Does anyone else have different / fluid forms for the same kintype? Like I’m winterkin, and it ranges from being an ice elemental, to a winter dragon, to having the very essence of winter in my veins.
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starlit-divinity · 2 months
An alterhuman identity where one is a shapeshifter specifically because of their multiple alterhuman identities.
Being psychological alterhuman means that I don’t have a past life or memories of my types from previous existences. I’ve been feeling jealous of spiritual alterhumans who often talk fondly or sometimes draw depictions of their physical forms of their types that they remember from their past lives. They make the discovery process of remembering what you looked like sound so cool, but I was never any of my types in a physical manner, so I can’t have this experience.
I used to be obsessed with trying to create the image of what I would look like as my types if I was physically them, but I could never stick with any one depiction. Just having some features but not others or only being a representation of one of my forms but not the others didn’t feel right. I’ve always had an unstable identity and an unstable relationship with my physical form. I thought that only included species dysphoria from my current human form, but apparently not. I like the idea of looking like a humanoid angel, but I also like the appearance eldritch angels with all the eyes and rings, but also I would have a mouth with fangs, and I can’t nail down how I would present as a deity if I could literally look like anything, and sometimes I think my ideal form would be a little kitten.
I’ve considered that maybe I have shapeshifter as a kintype or other alterhuman type, but it never felt right to me until I looked at it through the lens of having multiple alterhuman types. It’s hard to explain, but I’m a shapeshifter but only because I have so many identities with so many forms both between all of them and just for individual types. The concept of having a set physical form feels wrong because of this, like my appearance should be fluid to reflect who I am on the inside. I coined this term and decided to talk about my experience for myself, but I’d be happy if this resonates with anyone.
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maulsoleum · 11 months
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┇overall 🦴 psychological kin — fully nonhuman — polykin + kinfluid a large black hound; living, dead, undead, and decaying. an omen of death. a black dog through folklore. a wandering hound. — visual best described here; x x x
┇identity 🦴 these are all terms to describe one hound, not separate identities. they are all labels of one fixed entity that fluidly changes. i more so choose to say i am these things, rather then kintypes. — theriotypes; canine cladotherian ( below are main groups ) dogs wolfs wolfdogs — kintypes; black dog (folklore) werewolf hellhound church grim cryptid / forest spirit — death; no specific kintype, just that i am a hound who is living, dead, undead, and decaying in a fluid way. a cycle. i choose not to label it with a specific kintype, as it stems from personal roots.
┇visualizations 🦴 — main; wolfdogs black wolf ( melanistic variant. gray wolf ) — on occasion; gray wolfs + timber wolves ( typically darker, fluffier coats ) larger dark coated dog breeds an unnaturally large black hound, can range from fully fleshed and living, ominous spirit-like and lurking, half decayed, undead and reborn, and a corpse; stuck in a limbo like state between life and death yet larger than life itself.
┇misc terms 🦴 — not kintypes, just frequent misc tags i'll use to describe my hounds houndkin, cryptidkin, forestkin, forestspiritkin, deathkin / deadkin, undeadkin, decaykin
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starscatteredsky · 4 months
hello! i was wondering if you could do tips for a shapeshifterkin who’s common forms are a fox and a minecraft enderman? i think i’ve kinda found out something that works for my kintype after looking for a long time, so i’d love some tips!
tips for a shapeshifter who mostly looks like a fox or an enderman!
pt: tips for a shapeshifter who mostly looks like a fox or an enderman!
collect lots of fox and enderman themed cloths/merch/plushes/decor/etc!
fluidly used themed neopronouns to reflect your current form!
get some fox ears/tail/paw/etc gear!
avoid water/rain with umbrellas or long clothes
wear lots of blacks, purples, greens, oranges, browns, and reds!
practice some quadrobics!
learn some fox and enderman vocals!
play minecraft!
do some fun, fluid, shapechanger inspired makeup!
hope these help!! enjoy! -🩸
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[image description:
a DNI banner with the background being the promotional image for Little Nightmares 2. The writing reads:
"DNI: radqueers, proshippers, radfems/TERFs, antikin/antitherian, homophobic/ ableist/ anti ACAB/ transphobic/ rasist/ antisemitic/ xenophobic/ antitheist/ anti athiest/ bigoted in any fashion, NSFW/sh/ed/cringe centered blog, fakeclaimer
Before you interact: We are pro mspec gays/lesbians, anti endo/tulpa "systems", enjoy MCYT/DSMP, pro self diagnoses with extensive research, multiple alters are punks/ anarchists"
end description]
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elfkin-culture-is · 1 year
How can you know if you’re elf kin? /genq I’ve always been super connected to elves, from such a young age I remember obsessing over them and wanting to be one really bad…but I’m so new to otherkin stuff and I have no idea where to go, and your blog was the first to pop up. Sorry if me asking this is inconvenient!! /gen
not inconvenient at all ! i love helping others :3
first off, disclaimer: i am fairly new to this community and my own alterhumanity, but this is what i've found helpful:
1. accept that you might now ever 'know' for sure, but you can be fairly confident in your identity.
2. similarly, know that identity is fluid, and just because one label is correct at one time and it isn't at a later time doesn't mean it wasn't true.
3. when you're questioning a specific kintype, i find it helpful to write out all the reasons you think you're that kintype. then look over that list and see if each thing could be explained by something else. do that enough, you'll have a fairly good idea about whether that kintype is the right one.
4. there's a lot of labels in this community. and i mean a lot ! i'll link a resource with a bunch of definitions at the end, but just know this: you absolutely do not need to label yourself if you don't want to. these labels are here to help you describe your experiences and explain them to others, but they are absolutely not necessary, and if you feel more comfortable just labelling yourself as x kintype, go right ahead !
5. have fun ! you're learning new things about yourself, try not to stress too much. if you have anymore questions or if you just want someone to walk through this with you, my dms are open.
here's that link: https://otherkinresources.carrd.co/#definitions
if you scroll to the bottom and click the home button there's a lot more information, that link is just the definitions page.
my only other advice is just to get involved in the community. ask questions like you are now, follow some tags, have fun !
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goblin-d · 8 months
A lot of the xenogenders you linked for the wttt gender headcanons list aren't popping up so can you explain what you mean by them please
Of course!! Here's a list of the xenos from this post and their definitions :3
Catcolpuffic - A gender related to, connected to, or affected by, cats, oversized sweaters, cold cream puffs, cinnamon ice cream, and brown sugar almond milk lattes.
Dogboygender - A gender related to dogboys, or being a dogboy.
Drowsygender - A gender that is soft and connected to sleep, being drowsy, and tiredness.
Genderblanket - A gender where one's gender feels 'covered' by a blanket. It may feel warm, comfortable, or safe.
Lulovien - A gender related to falling in love, the moon and stars, and dusty, desaturated colors.
Moosegender - A gender relating to moose, or having a kintype related to moose. The gender can feel majestic, intimidating, and cold to the touch.
Mothgender - A gender associated with moths, fuzzyness, and bugs. Mainly masc, very moth.
Pawsgender - A gender related to small, fuzzy animals, and is childlike in nature.
Plosewial - A gender that feels as if it was sewn together, similar to how old and worn plushies are mended.
Remissious - A gender that feels soft, oversized, cozy and warm. It can be also filled with mysteries, items and even other gender labels.
Sleepyleite - A gender that feels warm, drowsy, sleepy, foggy, cozy, soft-textured, hazy, soft, and/or tied.
Soporcomfic - A gender relating to sleep, being cozy in bed, safety, warmth, and being sleepy. Can also relate to being half-awake while there’s daylight, on the brink of falling asleep or waking fully.
Sweatermasc - A comfy, masculine gender related to sweaters, wearing sweaters, etc.
Ariemonic - A gender related to rams, mountains, and snow.
Cryobunnic - A gender connected strongly to snow, bunnies, ice, snowflakes, and snow bunnies/arctic bunnies.
Cryocattic - A cold and chilly-feeling Catgender that describes a special connection to winter, chilliness, snow, ice, and felines.
Frostmasc - A masculine and/or male gender related to wintercore and winter-related themes.
Icestormic - A gender related to ice/snowstorms, and their darkness and brutalness.
Blaunauic - A gender related to the color blue, indigo, and aqua. can be related to indigo flowers, or any other blue/indigo flower. may also be related to the sea, winter, wind, water, snow, heaven, winter, ice, air, the sky, waves, tides, and/or sadness.
Chaosgender - A gender defined as when one's gender does lots of confusing things and doesn’t make sense to anyone. It can be thought of as a very complex gender, a very fluid gender, a gender which is difficult to understand, or a gender which is hard to fully pin down or describe in one word.
Clowngender - A fun, silly, clumsy, and colorful gender related to clowns.
Cufemian - A gender in which the user only feels feminine and/or female-aligned if it is in a cute way
Coldgender - A gender connected to cold weather.
Evilclownic - A gender related to clowns, jesters, juggalos, & the band insane clown posse. it also carries hints of a trickster, and might be perceived as sorta 'fucked up and evil'
Menacegender - A gender where one's relationship with gender involves being fucked up and evil.
Musegender - A gender that is infuenced by the gender(s) of the character(s) that are one's current muse.
Pincusmic - A gender related to being androgynous, mischievousness, neon pink, demons and incubi.
Prettygender - A gender in which one's gender feels strongly aligned with feeling pretty or beautiful and/or pretty things.
Softqualix - A gender that is soft.
Amocatix - A gender related to cute things, love, and cats.
Anlomeltic - A gender under angelgender and lovegender, relating to feeling like your heart’s melting, feeling soft, being in love (platonic or romantic), innocence and angelic themes.
Catgender - A gender related to cats
Comfnightgender - I can't find the definition :sob:
Cutegender - A femme gender associated with cute things, such as cats, animals, flowers, and squishy things!
Cutehorror - A gender that feels both cute and gory/horror like.
Gorrorhospic - A gender related to bloody hospitals in horror media. This gender is related to horror tropes associated with hospitals.
Horrificutegender - A gender connected to cute things that is actually something horrific, or, it could be a gender that feels like something horrific hiding behind a cute facade.
Lovelettic - A gender relating to love letters — be it writing one, receiving one, their aesthetics, or any way the user wishes!
Lunaboy - A gender that is corolated to the moon and femininity associated with the moon while being a boy in some way. Ways to describe this gender can be moonlit, sleepy, non-conforming, tired and dark.
Magicamoric - A gender connected/related to the aesthetic of a magical girl/boy/etc in love.
Magicattic - A catgender for those who have a connection to magical girls, magical girl aesthetics, and cats.
Pinkplanetary - A gender related to flowers, butterflies, pink, cherry blossoms, space, pastels, planets and stars.
Poromantian - A gender related to poetry and falling in love.
Shycatgender - A gender that feels shy and timid and also related to felines in a way.
Starcatgirlgender - Catgirl + Stargender
Verpgoris - A gender related to gore, pastel hospitals, teeth, and is slightly inspired by Jazmin Bean's music video Saccharine.
Deadboy - A masc gender that feels dead.
Rhode Island
Genderfuck - A gender that seeks to subvert traditional gender binary or gender roles
Stargender - A gender that feels like a star
Staricangel - A gender that is/relates to an angel sitting in the clouds on a starry night. Could feel sleepy, but doesn't have to.
Tauragender - A gender based on the zodiac sign Taurus
South Dakota
Aterpolillic - A gender connected to black moths.
Auraunpolillic - A gender connected to orange moths.
Cabbagemamesic - A gender connected to the Cabbage moth, Mamestra Brassicae.
Caepolillic - A gender connected to blue moths.
Flapolillic - A gender connected to yellow moths.
Greymothic - I can't find a definition, but a gender connected to grey moths.
Mothneut - A gender that is faintly neutral, and is connected to moths and forests.
Nivpolillic - A gender connected to white moths.
Primrosemothic - A gender connected to pink Primrose moths.
Rubpolillic - A gender connected to red moths.
Viripolillic - A gender connected to green moths.
West Virginia
Mothmangender - A gender connected to Mothman.
Cleancoric - A gender that relates to cleaning products, soap, water and sinks/baths.
Rosamistica - A gender related to rosewater facial mists.
Strawblainberic - A gender related to strawberry themed kitchen utensils. (i.e cookie jars, cups/mugs, bowls/plates, etc.)
Galaxyfeminine - A feminine gender that feels connected to stars, planets, moons, black holes, milky ways, and anything that is part of a galaxy.
Narcfem - A gender that is narcissistic and feminine. (Exclusive to pwNPD)
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thorn-prince · 2 years
Fluidity of Alterhumanity
A while ago, I posted a reflection on labels in the alterhuman community. If you've read that, you might remember some context but I'll include it anyway for those who don't. This is directly copied from that original reflection:
'In my spiritual beliefs, I believe that people can be almost anything at any time. Therefore other people and I have lived, am living and will live a countless amount of lives in different forms. Only some of these lives or forms have a hold on me right now and here. This has been a part of my beliefs for as long as I can remember, way before I found the alterhuman community.'
This is something I still very much believe. Since I found the alterhuman community in 2014, this has lead to a lot of near constant questioning as I try to fit into neatly labelled boxes. I primarily identify as a shapeshifter, the form that I feel I should have is never just one thing. My alterhuman identity in general can be described as fluid. There are static parts of it that always feel like me, but there are also other parts of it that wax and wane. A lot of alterhumans would be happy to slide those waxing and waning experiences under the label of cameo shifts or fictionflickers. I am not one of those alterhumans. I have tried, but it doesn't always feel right for me.
For me, trying to neatly label an identity that's as slippery as liquid seems pointless. My alterhuman identity is involuntary, except for copinglinks, no matter how much it twists and turns. I am still otherkin. I am still fictionkin. I am still a therian. It doesn't, and shouldn't matter, what or who specifically I am. At any given time, I will still identify as an animal, as something mythological and as something fictional. More and more, I feel little to no need to list all parts of my identity as theriotypes, kintypes or fictotypes. These parts of my identity are still important to me, and I don't think I should need to describe them with specific words for them to be 'real' enough.
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