#flabby looking bitch
anaskunk · 6 months
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puripurin · 1 month
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SHOWMANSHIP [🎊🎉770 Followers Special🎉🎊] [PT. 1]
➥ Yan!Ringmaster x Acrobatic!Reader
➥ Summary :- Like always, misfortune almost always has a choke hold on the reader, so you get sold to a circus for the meer sum of 1,250 dollers.
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— "IS THAT ALL I'M WORTH TO YOU??" You boomed at your parents, grateful for the bars that so kept you a foot's distance from ripping your parents to shreads.
"Honey, listen -" Your father was brutally cut off by your untamed anger radiating off of the walls, screeching so loud that it made the cell bars vibrate momentarily afterwards. There was no way in hell this man was trying to butter you up after selling you off.
"No. YOU listen to me, you wasteful, unwanted sperm doner. YOU could've worked me to the BONE, and I would have forgiven you because we still need a roof over our heads, but to sell me to some random-ass person who probably smells like your fuckin' toe jam for a mere sum of 1,250 DOLLARS!??? You hurled insults at your parents left and right, only recieving furious stares in return.
"[Y/N]! That is no way to speak to your father! We were low on funds, and our payment was due soon." She stepped forward with a sharp expression engraved in her face.
Your intermittent breathing became the only thing that was stopping you from going over the edge of insanity town. Your parents stood without motion, their eyes locked on you as if they weren't the ones who should've been in the cell instead.
"...Don't you want your due payments to disappear? That's rich, how ironic, huh? Or maybe you two were just waiting on an opportunity to make me disappear?!?!"
Without waiting for a response, you slammed your hand on the part of the iron bars closest to their faces, getting surprised fast blinks from your mother. Her pride lasting in all of this was honestly pissing you off.
"Dear, there is no worry for this... thing anymore. Our twin daughters will pave the way for greatness, bringing wealth and fortune to our name. Their talents and beauty hold no bounds." The woman looked over at her husband as you glared at them before you as if they were brainless, dilapidated creatures.
"Keep on sweet talking to them like that, and they'll end up in jail for homicide." You held up a middle finger and walked to a corner of the cell. You heard them spit in the front of the gate to your cell as they left. Silence then engulfed your surroundings.
No more of your parents' nagging and selfish tendancies. It was because of them that you could never look at your early twenties with fond memories. Looking back, you could have been partying and romancing other people, yet all you were promised was work, work, and more work. The pressure of trying to make money for your teen siblings and parents was exhausting, especially when your mother was spending more than you could make. That was how you got an earful from both your parents and siblings when they found out that the family's credit score was so low that it practically nestled right beside the dogshit on the side of the road.
"Fuck. This fucking sucks..." You couldn't hold back the resentment that forced themselves out your eyes in beads of tears. You were already at 26, with no job, no car, no money, no partner, and worth only 1,250 dollars. The path you walked on was not one adorned for the bunnies and butterflies, but rather, was draped in colourless desperation and pure survival.
"At least an arranged marriage would've given me the things I worked so hard for! But no! They just want me to die miserable and poor!"
"Awe, is my new performer preaching about death? My, a face like yours would be a total waste in a casket." The voice of a man echoed through the cell, almost making you jump out of your skin. He appeared almost instantaneously before your cell gate; he was dressed in an array of red, black, and white with an assortment of ruffles.
"You! YOU SCUMMY BASTARD! JUST WAIT 'TIL I HAVE YOUR HEAD ON A PLATTER TO FEAST ON!" You stormed your way back to the front of your cell and looked him directly in the eyes.
"Ah... I'm sure you would enjoy that, but alas, that mouth of yours is a bit rotten, would some chlorine and a scrub daddy do the trick?" The man's face held no defining emotion that represented what he was saying to you.
"You... YOU--"
"I suggest you quit the smack talk, unless you prefer to continue and be thrown out of my establishment; can't make quality meat without an obedient animal, am I right?" Even if his facial expression didn't change, you could tell that his words were looking to strangle you if you refused to take heed to them.
"Ah, right, before I leave, I have assigned you as an acrobatics trainee; our last acrobat died of... unforseen events." He paused before chuckling and waltzing out of sight. Making you alone in the cell once more.
You just plopped right on the ground in realization. This was your life now. Just a minute ago you got sold to some freak by your idiotic parents, and now, you were going to be one of the acrobatics in a circus that you didn't even know the name of? You could only pity yourself.
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It had been a few weeks since you came here, and all you had been doing was practicing acrobatics with the help of the others. Furthermore, since that unfaithful day when you were sold, it was your decision to just stop talking altogether. If no one was hearing your voice, then what was the point?
"Ah, [Y/N]... have you finished up on your practice for today?" A young woman came over to you. It was Ellen, one of the acrobatics that taught you all the basics, from balancing on a beam to how to quickly put on different costumes in between performances.
You acknowledged her for her determination, even after entering into the circus at a young age. Though, what you wish you had was her ability to not complain and take things as they were. Alas, that was something Ellen had shown you that you hadn't observed from a person in ages; endurance.
You gave her a small smile and nodded. She brightened up before motioning you to come over to the schedule, which displayed all the events that were to partake following each day. You noticed that there was no last month performance mentioned on the chart.
Last month's performances were big and grand compared to the regular performances, which had more repetitive and basic performances. With all that in mind, you still couldn't participate in them because you were new, but soon you would participate within the next month or so.
"Ah, the other ringmaster has yet to meet you, by the way. He's been gone for a while now. He's the one who can conduct the monthly performances..." Ellen slowly stopped talking, mentally debating with herself with something before refraining on speaking as her grim face turned into one of happiness.
"Ah, right, it's almost time for the show to start, so I need to go this time. You are responsible for ensuring that the children are safe when they are watching the show." Right, you almost forgot about the children that were here. They were either sold to here or just given to the circus. They either had deformities or just had albinism. In total, there were 8 children that you needed to watch over.
You nodded once more and left to change out of the plain acrobatic suit that you wore for practice. Obviously, you had some different coloured ones, but those were strictly for performances.
Once you stepped into the changing room, you deflated and rubbed your face, which was buring from trying to hold back your tears. You sat there as streaks of tears slid down your face.
It was hard for you to just be happy about the situation. It was a struggle to just even have a neutral look on your face, to seem unbothered, to seem as if you were taking the situation well. The reason you gave for becoming selectively mute was only half of the reason. It was partially because almost every day your throat would tighten up from the never ending fear of living like this.
There were nice people, of course, but was it enough for you to accept this situation? The pain of realizing over and over again that your family betrayed you for such a little amount was painful. Even if they mistreated you, you only want to go back to the times when everything was much simpler.
You sniffled and checked the time and noticed that 10 minutes had passed. That was enough crying time for today because you weren't going to get beaten for not taking care of the children this time. Babysitting children comes first, money is second, and depression is last. That crazy psycho of a manager won't let anything slide under the rug, so you had to be on your tippie toes.
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There were a bunch of mini humans wandering about, but not out of your sight, of course. You sat on a wooden bench backstage amongst the junk pile, where all sorts of thrown out props and costumes entangled themselves into one giant monster-like concoction. It was enough to keep the children entertained, and so you had a portion of your job cut out for you.
One of the 8 children was a little, baby boy, the youngest of the batch; he snuggled into your chest, feeling the warmth radiating from you.
"Ah, are you babysitting?" A man, with long hair spoke up from beside you. You hadn't noticed when he sat down. You shook your head in reply, raising an intrigued response from the man.
"Not quite a speaker, are you? I see. You must be [Y/n], then. I am Mathew Alabaster, one of the ringmasters in this lovely establishment." You raised a brow at the 'lovely establishment' part, but Mathew didn't mind, well, more like he didn't have the mind to notice.
You hadn't seen him before, and it seemed as though he shared resemblance with that of the ringmaster you met on your first day in the cell.
"Right, so how well are you fitting into your role? I assume it's daunting because you get to be hung high in the air with nothing but your skills and aura whilst the floor's comfort lulls and beckons you to just... drop." The man smiled at you, but for an odd reason; he had an off-putting look in his eyes...
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Pt 1 cus I ain't writing allat rn. Also I'm so so super duper sorry for not posting in decades! (Esp @emptybrain01, it was only recently i saw your comments! Im so so sorry 💀💀💀💀) Obviously I've been on tumblr for a short period of time, but like, I was just lazy on top of me having no time on the weekend because I'm making a cosplay and I have to study during the week, along with upcoming tests and a big exam next year. Basically my hobbies take up more time than I have.
So maybe next year ill disappear for a while cos i hv a shit ton of stuff to do.
But I'll take requests instead of just thinking about a character and making a smol story for them.
Also once more, thank you for following me and getting to 770+ followers (its now 831) even if i don't post much. I would also like to thank my friend Syren, who has access to my account and sees all my shit 💀, for editing this work!
Thank you all!
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corruptedcaps · 6 months
Peeking Presents
Katie felt bad about opening the package that arrived addressed to her mom, but she was just so excited for Christmas that she hoped it was the chemistry set she had asked her for. She was going to need it for the next semester of college and wanted to get as familiar with it as possible.
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But when she peeked in the package, she saw a pair of sleek brown shiny thigh-high boots. It was unlike her mother to buy something so expensive-looking and so fashionable. They weren’t her mother’s style or her own for that matter, preferring more loose-fitting and comfortable clothing. In fact she had never ever worn a high heel before. However something about the boots was intriguing her. They seemed so dangerous and sexy.
As she held them in her hands, she noticed a small note tucked inside the box. To her surprise, it simply read, "To: Emma, enjoy taking your life back with the new Bitch Boots." Katie furrowed her brow, puzzled by the unexpected message. Intrigued and a bit amused, she decided to try them on, wondering how a pair of boots could live up to such a bold name.
With some effort, Katie slipped on the boots, their sleek brown surface hugging her legs tightly. A sense of constriction settled in, and an unexpected surge of irritation accompanied the feeling. As she zipped them up, the boots seemed to transform her demeanor. A sudden wave of anger and a hint of meanness overcame her. It was as if the boots had a personality of their own, influencing her emotions.
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In the midst of this strange sensation, she muttered to herself, "That idiot mother of mine is so inept. Couldn't she have got boots that fit me?" The words spilled out impulsively, catching Katie off guard. She was surprised at the venom in her tone and the resentment directed towards her mother. Quickly realizing the harshness of her words, she clamped a hand over her mouth, attempting to silence the unintended outburst.
To Katie's astonishment, as if responding to her angry outburst, the boots began to subtly warp and adjust her legs. A strange warmth enveloped her, as her legs, once confined by the tightness, now underwent a transformation. They became slim, yet surprisingly toned, as if the boots were not just a fashion statement but a magical conduit molding her form to their liking. Bewildered, Katie marveled at the unexpected metamorphosis.
Katie, unable to resist the intrigue, stood before the mirror, examining her legs clad in the transformed boots. A strange sense of satisfaction washed over her as she muttered, "Now that's more like it, a perfect fit for a perfect bitch." The words, laced with an unexpected brattiness, escaped her lips. Shocked by her own audacity, she swiftly clamped a hand to her mouth again, disbelief etched across her face.
Yet, as if attuned to her words, the boots responded once again. A subtle energy enveloped her, and she felt a gradual shift in her figure. Her body became more slim and toned, while a warm tan embraced her skin. Katie could only stare at the mirror in astonishment.
Katie examined her reflection, turning side to side to witness a body that was no longer flabby but instead athletic and fit. "I could be a sorority girl with a body like this," she murmured, the words effortlessly flowing out as if guided by an external force.
Yet, Katie found herself not resisting this time. In fact, she continued, "No. I could be head of a sorority looking like this," accompanied by a sly smirk. The boots vibrated lightly, encouraged by Katie’s own vanity, responded by initiating another round of changes but this time faster. Her boring brown hair transformed into a bright, almost platinum blonde, falling effortlessly in smooth, silky waves. Her nails extended into long, pointed perfection, manicured flawlessly. Makeup adorned her face, enhancing features she hadn't paid much attention to before.
“Mmmm fuck yes I feel so bratty and mean, don’t stop!” Katie moaned as she felt her loose-fitting jeans shrank into a short mini skirt, mirroring the color and material of her now sleek and tight boots. The transformation extended to her oversized sweater, which morphed into a white linen blouse, the fabric luxuriously pleasing against her now-toned skin, exuding an air of expense.
Finally her boobs started to grow and push against her expensive shirt, her nipples pressed hard into the material. “Yesssss! Big beautiful tits that will make me the envy of every woman!” She said matter of factly as the changes ceased and a wicked smile crept across her lips. A new persona seemed to awaken within her, one that seamlessly embraced the sexy clothes hugging her transformed body. The once reserved girl now exuded a confidence that matched her provocative attire.
With a wicked glint in her eyes, Katie fully embraced her newfound persona. No longer the nice and shy science nerd, she reveled in the persona of Kayla—the bitchy, bratty bully who got what she wanted when she wanted. The "Bitch Boots" had not only transformed her appearance but had seemingly rewritten her very essence, molding her into a character of audacious confidence.
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As the echoes of her former identity faded away, Katie's mother arrived home to a most unexpected sight.
"Katie? What... what happened?" her mother stammered, her eyes wide with shock.
Kayla chuckled, her voice dripping with newfound malice, "Oh, Emma sweetie, Katie's gone. Now it's just me, Kayla. Merry Christmas. Like my new look?" She gestured playfully to her provocative outfit.
Her mother's gaze shifted to the sleek brown boots, realization dawning. "Those are the mind controlling boots I ordered. Please, take them off! Let me help you."
Kayla leaned in with a disgusted look on her face, "Help me? I don't need help. I'm in control now. I’ve never felt so alive, so free. I was born to be a bitch and these simply unlocked it for me… wait, did you say mind controlling?"
Her mother, desperate, attempted to backtrack, "I... I didn't say mind control. I must have misspoken. Please, let's talk about this. You're my daughter."
Kayla chuckled, standing intimately over her mother, her wicked smile widened. "You did say it, didn't you? Oh, how interesting. Boots, how do I access this power?" Kayla said into the air. The boots responded by vibrating her whole body to the point that Kayla’s eyes rolled back into her head. Not only that but her mind became awash with the instructions she desired.
“Ahhhh yeesss of course.” Kayla purred as her eyes returned but know somehow contained more malice within. Grabbing her mother roughly by the hair she took perverse pleasure in watching the pain on Emma’s face as she pulled her mother’s face to her wicked boots.
“Lick them worm!” Kayla commanded but her mother didn’t budge. Rolling her eyes, Kayla picked her mother’s nose and waited for her to run out of breath. When she did it gave Kayla the short window to push her mother’s tongue against the boot. As soon as she did, Kayla felt all struggle in her mother cease.
Kayla strutted through campus with her clique in tow. They all struggled to keep up with her long strides in her signature boots but they knew if they feel behind Kayla would cut them loose and no one wanted to be on the new popular girl’s bad side.
Kayla had returned from winter break with a new attitude and new wardrobe that took the campus by storm. No longer the quiet science nerd, she had seamlessly integrated herself into the social scene, leaving a trail of intrigued gazes in her wake.
In a surprising turn of events, Kayla had managed to take over the most prestigious sorority and ascended to the role of president, a remarkable feat for a freshman. The former president herself endorsed her, urging the sorority to elect her in.
Since then she had turned the presidency into a queendom, with herself being the figurehead. Those who complained or fought against her soon became her most loyal allies, after they had a private meeting with the queen.
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Kayla flickered her immaculate ponytail back and looked at girls bringing up the rear, carrying her books, her bag, her recent clothing purchases, amongst other things. They had arrived at her her car where her driver sat patiently in the driver seat.
“Load it up girls, and don’t scratch the leather.” Kayla scowled as the clique loaded up the trunk and front seat of the car. Once they had, Kayla sat into the back seat and stretched out as she pulled up her phone to text several boys she had on the go.
“You’re looking wonderful today dear.” The driver said sycophantly. Kayla rolled her eyes.
“How many times have I got to tell you Emma, you are not to speak to me in the car. You’re not my mother anymore, you’re just a driver so drive!” Kayla spat and her mother simply smiled and nodded. She was so thankful to have such a wonderful boss, Emma thought to herself as she drove off.
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mr2swap · 1 year
You're going to pay
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-Are you serious? right now? ok boy but that will be another month in your body you fucking pervert!- I couldn't help but smirk when I looked at him he looked like shit, his t-shirt was so soaked with sweat I could see those 2 saggy full tits of fat through his shirt, I still don't understand how he can come to the gym with me every day and not have lost weight.
Anyway, that's not my problem, As long as he's a fagot he keeps paying for all this I don't give a shit, At this rate I'm going to have his life completely in one or two years. Anyway, I don't think he'll mind seeing apartments as long as he lives in the building. Maybe at some point I'll let him move in with me to help me out as a maid.
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I own an apartment building that my father left me, it's pretty cool because I don't have to work and I could stay home and play video games or watch TV, well… technically I'm not the owner now But I'm the only one who knows the keys to the bank, maybe next year i'll buy a sporty lamborghini or something, these biceps would look great in one of those.
Jake was a very rude tenant, every weekend he would party with his friends until 3 am, he would leave the garbage outside his apartment hoping that one of the other neighbors would take care of it as if they were his servants or his parents, when Jake he was a month or 2 behind on the rent but when he started completely ignoring me for not paying, I decided to give him one last warning "you're going to pay me one way or another"
And of course he ended up paying, I could have taken anything from his apartment but I decided to take the only thing that really mattered to him, I wouldn't give him a chance to escape from that debt. He should have read the entire lease when he moved out.
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Wasting no more of my time I flexed my hot biceps in front of him to show off my hot sweaty pits that he had been waiting so long to worship and lick in front of all the gym patrons, he didn't seem to care that all the gym patrons were watching while like a bitch played with the hairs of my armpit with his tongue.
The feel of her wet tongue moving under my huge arms slightly tickled him even more than the first time I let him do it in the gym bathroom.
He and I had an agreement that I would give him back his body while he trained mine to pay off his debts, at first it was a couple of hours a day I would walk her to the gym so I could have a little fun showing off his muscles while he soaked my shirt in the treadmill, then he was late paying rent again so I took his body back so I could have fun in some hotel fucking some of the girls on his cell phone while he cleaned my apartment, and now I don't think I'm back my body in two weeks or so.
I pushed him away from me and he fell to the ground, he looked so fucked up and disgusting that I could hardly believe I was the one who looked like this some time ago, I tossed my iPhone at his flabby belly, a smile on my face. handsome and perfect face flex my huge arms again to show my armpits that are already completely clean.
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Hey folks! if you like bodyswap stories take a look at my patreon, I have a lot of more stories, and you can help me keep creating more stories!
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fishrights69 · 1 year
My Top 5 GARBAGE fish that suck
Here we go again. After receiving a very high ammount of notes!! (61 UwU) on the last fish list, here's another top 5 no one asked for. I've tried to use the reasoning of ''all fish are good'' but let's be honest, we'd be better off without these. 5. Monkfish🙏
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So these things are weird as hell. Their ugliness alone landed them on this list. Not only are they ugly as shit, but they're also mean motherfuckers that eat basically anything. They like to cover themselves in mud and just chill there until something crosses their path which imo is fucking lazy. Some people do eat them as a delicacy apparently(ew?). Props to them for getting over the looks. Ugly/10 5/10 for laziness 4.Hairy Frog Fish💇‍♀️
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If you wonder wtf are you looking at, this fish is the living embodiment of that feeling you get when you find hair in your food. This girlie loves to swallow as it's mouth can open to make space for fish almost twice her size so don't go sitting too close 💦 Still, it doesn't take away from the fact that she looks like a mistake. 4/10 appearance 8/10 for the deep throating skills 3. Goblin Shark 👺
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First of all, these sharks look like if someone designed a fish based on a child's drawing of a shark. Instead of going the terrifying route and choosing one of these pictures, I opted for a derpy yet still creepy photo. Besides being quite good at ambushing prey, these dudes still tend to eat man made garbage which further argues their position on ''the garbage fish top5™''. They also are basically living fossils since they're old af and most of their body is atrophied. 3/10 appearance 6/10 for still living so long despite everything.
2.Bony-Eared Assfish🍑
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This fish is for all ass obsessed fuckers. Grilling this baby and enjoying it counts as eating ass. Some cool facts about him: -The bony-eared assfish has the smallest brain-to-body weight ratio out of all vertebrates. -Assfish are soft and flabby with a light skeleton (so like a real ass) As for personality, they are not what I'd call assholes. They are quite sluggish as they prefer to sort of flap around with short bursts of energy instead of swim. They don't do much besides that which makes them a very underwhelming fish despite the sexy name :( Apparently they were given this name to make up for how utterly boring they are. 2/10 appearance 1/10 Interest in them or what they are good for (spoiler, nothing)
If you're a fish enthusiast, you probably know what's coming at nr.1 🥁 🥁 1. Ocean Sunfish☀️
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There are far, faar too many reasons for this fish to be on the first spot. Not only are they the dumbest fish in the whole world, but they also are not good swimmers AT ALL (wtf is with these poorly designed fish who cannot swim??). Scientists are still perplexed at how this fish continues to stay alive. If you want more shitty facts about them, here's a link to a very famous post trashing these bitches. BUT, I have my very own reason to hate the sunfish. One cursed morning, I decided to go get educated about animals and visit Naturalis, a museum in Leiden, The Netherlands. I was having a blast looking at all the beautiful animals showcased, along with the cool facts and atmosphere. I excitedly get to the aquatic creatures floor and mesmerised, I try to take in all the beauty. At the long corridor nearing the exit, I look around admiring the fish that were displayed. Thinking I had seen it all, I move further when I turn a corner and out of nowhere.. . . . . . . . BAM
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this GIANT motherfucker, hidden in a corner makes it's presence known. I'm not kidding when I say this thing is huge. Here's a picture of the replica from another angle for size reference. As you can guess, I was legit extremely spooked and actually screamed. :( 0/10 appearence 0/10 fuck this thing. useless and it gave me a heart attack
BONUS: I'm sorry but I think I've tortured myself and you enough, so to make up for it, here's a cute fishy instead: (take him)
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Alright thanks for reading and follow for more fish content. Suggest me some more top5's I could do, be it fish related, or whatever your mind decides to curse me with. Still need to cleanse yours eyes? My top 5 coolest fish
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I'm a gym girlie against my will. My boyfriend is a fitness enthusiast which you think would be great I'm helping me lose weight.
Not when we're bulking 🙃 he always makes sure I'm eating enough for muscle growth.
I'm still basically at my SW. Yes, I am significantly more strong than I was last year. Yes, my ass has gotten more dumpy thicc. Yes, my body looks less flabby and sloppy. Yes, I feel safer walking alone because I feel like I could fight off any average man that tries to mess with me. But none of that matters in this fucked up side of my head. My body dysmorphia refuses to let me see a difference.
All I know is that the scale says I'm a fat bitch. I hate the gym so much.
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pangtasias-atelier · 11 months
heyyy could you write a keaton x xander fic where xander has been fattening keaton up and keaton is in massive denial about his weight until he's immobile and forced to realize?
I kinda forgot how much y'all love fates cause like outside of this community so many bitches rag on it. But I'm right here with y'all on seeing the men get fat as fuck abjsnasn
I hope you enjoy this cause I feel like I'm bad with Xander since I don't like him much but did have fun going back and seeing some his supports to like try and do him some justice
Warning: This is a fetish story!
"Looord Xanderrr," Peri skipping down the hallway, her hair as bright as her current attitude, bounces along with her movement. She hums to herself with both her eyes closed after having announced herself. 
Her fellow coworker walks behind her. Walking normally unlike Peri, Laslow's steady pace has him keeping up with her. For once, he keeps a rather serious demeanor to him with no maidens around for him to hit on. Though he does look forward to heading off into town after his last report for the day. Standing in front of the door to Xander's study, he only knocks once before the door opens. "Your majesty, your-"
"Stuff it, Laslow. He told me," Peri smiles to herself, the lethal knight radiating nothing but positivity. "Your pet asked me to come get you. Said that he's absolutely starving,"
"Keaton is my husband, Peri. Not a pet," He walks out of his study with a frown marring his pristine, chiseled face. 
"Aww, but you sure do stuff him like one though,"
Laslow's eyes widen from Peri's blunt words, even the swordsman unable to bring himself past simple jokes or teasing. "I'll make sure to speak with her over-" Laslow holds back a grumble as he gets interrupted again. 
"No need. I must admit, Keaton has been eating quite a lot. Though I am to blame for indulging my husband," Xander smiles to himself. He adjusts his clothes before going to see his lovely husband.
"Well, as long as he's happy I guess," Laslow stands back, ready to be dismissed at any moment.
Peri seems to have no tact whatsoever unlike her coworker. "He's also pretty fat too,"
Laslow shuts his eyes, ready for a lecture.
"Indeed. It suits him well, doesn't it?" Xander mentally gushes over his husband, envisioning the wolfskin's pudgy little love handles that puff out from his too tight vest and his soft, squishy thighs that stretch his pants.
"Of course! Of course, your majesty," Laslow blurts out. Eyeing Peri, he hopes she'll get his hint.
She doesn't. "Yep. He looks so soft and squishy now! You've done a number on his waist," 
"Yes, he is very soft," Xander catches his own thoughts and coughs into his fist. "But regardless, you two are dismissed for the day,"
Laslow already drags Peri away by her hand. "Thank you, your majesty! Take care,"
Xander heads back to his husband from now being left alone. His study is rather close to the two's shared room, so it only takes him a few moments to reach his husband. His entire face turns a soft shade of red upon the sight of Keaton, the same lovely shade that resembles Keaton’s gut when stuffed with an extra serving of food past his usual intake. 
Keaton currently lays down on the expansive couch, all plump three hundred pounds of him Resting on his back, his overly stuffed belly juts out above him. Keaton’s vest is completely useless now from his extra weight. All of the buttons on the black vest are gone, every single last one popped several meals. His button up fares better. Only marginally so, the buttons able to at least hold on for dear life as the fabric tries its hardest to wrap around the extra adipose. The white fabric is bunched up around his soft bundles of flab that make up his rolls. The fabric shows off more than just his chest now. Bits of Keaton’s flabby gut poke out in between the holes where his buttons barely manage to stay together. And the underside of his gut is completely exposed; neither his shirt nor his vest manage to cover up Keaton in all his entirety with so much extra width to cover. Keaton’s chest presses against the soft fabric of his shirt and vest. Two soft well cared for breasts adorn his plush body, the two breasts a large departure from Keaton’s once defined pecs. The inner bits of adipose from his chest are still exposed with the upper buttons left completely undone. The back and sides of Keaton’s clothes also struggle to withhold all his flab. The materials billow out from his soft, squishy love handles and the side of his chest. With more to cover now from the extra weight, Keaton’s widened back that’s adorned with small overlapping bits of pudge help stretch the clothes to their limit even further. 
Keaton’s pants are unbuttoned, the far too tight pants undone midway through his gorging. His thighs show off the fine craftsmanship behind the pants. Zero holes or tears throughout the entire fabric, the slightly stretchable material hugs his thick frame like a second skin. Keaton’s large thighs have some room between them with how he spreads his legs on the couch. With keaton’s position, his doughy fat pad presses against the taut pants. The two perky, smackable cheeks making up his ass similarly stretches his clothes.All of the belts and straps that used to wrap around his thighs are gone now with Xander having them removed some time ago after Keaton’s numerous complaints about the items magically shrinking rather than any other much more likely reason for the tight fit, like his extra weight.
Despite being the very reason for his extra weight—along with some extra help from Xander—Keaton finds every fault or excuse for his increasing issues from his weight besides himself or his husband. A miscast spell, a poorly washed outfit that shrunk, Nohrian furniture not as big or sturdy compared to his village, or even a hex casted on him—the latter thought coming to Keaton during his most lucid moments of only being a smidge off the actual reason—are all far more convincing and compelling reasons to explain his issues than any actual overindulgence on his part. 
And Xander finds the blissful ignorance far too adorable. Almost as loving and charming as his husband’s bloated, flabby body. “You called for me, love?” Xander kneels down on the floor. In the comfort and sanctity of their own room, he presses his face into Keaton’s gut; the warm belly audibly churns and rumbles as it digests the feast he just ate. 
“I’m hungry,,,” Keaton whines like nothing could matter more than satiating his own seemingly insatiable hunger. His eyes are closed, both of them shut tight in something reminiscent of pain as Xander applies only the slightest bit of pressure. 
“It pleases me to see how much you adore the cuisine here. Allow me to hand you the rest of your meal,” Removing himself from Keaton’s bloated gut, Xander reaches for the last plate of food. A small bowl of alfredo, the carb laden dish already has Keaton’s gut gurgling as if in a vain hope to deter its owner from eating more. But Xander stops the nearly improbable chance from happening anyways by feeding the already stuffed Keaton. 
And Keaton dutifully eats. He doesn’t bother to hide his own satisfaction as Xander feeds him another forkful and then another. His tail even attempts to wag despite being pinned under his own weight. “So good,” Keaton wheezes out as Xander finally feeds him the last remaining forkful. Every single meal so tantalizingly delicious, he couldn’t help himself but crave more of it, even with an already stuffed gut.
“I’ll let the chefs know how much you enjoyed the meal,” Xander plants a kiss on Keaton’s exposed gut, the lowest button gone halfway through the pasta. “And I’ll have them make more so it’s ready after your nap,”
“Yeah, lots of it too,” Keaton lets out a yawn that wracks his entire body with fatigue. “Love you,” He allows his body to take the desperate post binge nap it needs, Keaton snoring away not even minutes afterwards.
Xander delivers on his promise and Keaton’s request. More than enough food to go around, Keaton certainly never has to worry about ever going hungry with his husband to take care of him. And regardless of how much Keaton needs to eat just to reach base level satisfaction or how his upsized clothes rip and tear or the way furniture begins to shake and creak the fatter he gets or how out of breath he gets from the simplest of movements, Keaton never even thinks to blame his own gluttonous, hedonistic self or the loving albeit selfish desires of his husband who all too easily fattens him up. Instead, he simply allows himself to glut out to his and Xander’s heart’s content.
“Only a few more steps,” One overladen arm over his shoulder, Xander is completely calm as he helps his husband walk. 
The complete opposite of Xander, Keaton is a tired, wheezing mess that only manages to walk around with the aid of his adoring husband who secretly, only to Keaton, fattens him up. “The servants must've *groan* moved everything further,” His face drenched in sweat just from getting out of bed and waddling to the couch, Keaton would wipe off the buckets of water pouring down his face if not for the difficulty that comes from lifting up an arm that is larger than his head now. “And you’re dieting. You’re so small,” Keaton mutters right as Xander helps him get to the couch. Which he allows himself to completely fall on top of this time, his knees swaddled in copious amounts of flab wishing nothing more than to give out and rest.
And the couch gives out from underneath him, already cracked and straining legs completely broken in half from the pile of lard for a wolfskin that sits atop it.
“And the furniture is weak ughhh,” Keaton has his porcine head tilted back. His eyes shut, he slowly attempts to catch his breath. His jowls jiggle as he puffs his cheeks out with each deep breath he takes. Even Keaton’s multiple chins wobble from his heavy breathing, the sounds comparable to someone running a marathon.
Xander dabs Keaton’s ponderous figure with a towel in the meanwhile. Careful not to put too much pressure on his husband, Xander adores the sight of his titanic love. 
Most of the couch taken up by Keaton, his lard overflows the broken furniture. His ample gut that juts out in front of him sags off the cushions. Enough to drape down and slightly press and rest against the plush carpet. Keaton’s enormous gut comes close to rivaling his transformed state; the large mass of fat big enough to look even too much in his beast form. His gut currently gurgles for more food despite already having his breakfasts followed by breakfast desserts in bed. Keaton’s gut is the largest part of him, the always stuffed and crammed belly growing fatter by the day. His chest also a large recipient, the two meaty, pendulous breasts that always sway and slosh against the rest of his lard now comfortably drape down his blubbery pile of fat for a body. Keaton’s large moobs press against his jutting love handles along with his arms as well. His thighs so ponderously wide, the two pillars for legs are practically stuck together; the only thing that breaks up the glued together large thighs is Keaton’s cascading waterfall of a gut that needs as much space as it can get. Which it does. Keaton’s thighs are spread as far apart as they can, the two large, overstuffed limbs splayed out on the couch and looking even larger from pressing down on the furniture. His swollen calves and ankles look much smaller compared to the rest of his enormity. His hands are the same; the two bloated mitts for hands are slightly sunken from the tire of fat that rolls onto them from his wrists. Keaton’s large ass presses against the backrest. The two large chair crushing ass cheeks even practically envelop his poor stubby little tail, the additional limb marking him as a wolfskin completely irrelevant when compared to the rest of his enormous size.
With so much fat stacked onto his body that the wolfskin is soon starting to lose much shape along with his mobility. Something that Keaon only retains a passing resemblance of from Xander’s assistance, his loving encouraging husband always by his side to help him before he could even ask for it.
“Are you comfortable now?” Xander asks as he pulls away the towel from his now dry husband and pinches his porcine cheeks. 
Keaton responds with only a wheeze. Attempting to move on his own, his arms are strained as he struggles to do the bare minimum of adjusting his spot with his massive gut and thighs squishing his fupa. But Keaton is unable to muster up the strength and energy to do something as simple as that. The obese wolfskin quickly gives up, a jumble of groans and wheezes coming out of his mouth.
“You’ve truly gotten so fat, dear,” Xander leans into Keaton. Pressing his face to him, he kisses him. “You’ve positively let yourself go,”
Keaton whimpers under Xander’s gaze. His tail that somehow manages to wag despite being buried under his own lard tells another story. “N-no I haven’t. It’s just… There’s-”
“There’s what, Keaton? You’ve only been able to move this past week because I helped you. Surely you can recognize that. Though with how wilfully ignorant you’ve been,,,” Xander trails off pressing a finger against Keaton’s enormous breast and sinks into it.
“Well, you’ve just been fattening me up! I-I didn’t want to say no to you,” Keaton looks away. His face is completely red, a pout accompanying his blush. Finally forced to come to terms with his size, he still does his best to blame it on anything besides himself.
“Then I’ll stop feeding you so much,”
Keaton, wide eyed, turns his head, face jiggling. 
“If you don’t like eating so much. And being so massive,” Xander reaches to both sides of Keaton. He lifts up both of his arms, the two enormous barrels for biceps squishing his face with each arm larger than his head from all the fat caked onto him. “Then I’ll help you lose weight. Unless you enjoy being so nice and fat and want to get even bigger, Keaton,”
Hearing his name called brings the wolfskin back to reality. As if able to finally correlate his name with his immobile size, he takes a glance down at his body. Nothing but lard takes up his vision, the two enormous tits that are his chest the first thing he sees followed by his ponderous gut taking up most of the rest of his vision alongside some of his massive thighs that aren’t covered by his gut. “Feed me,” Grinning to himself, Keaton takes pleasure at the sight. No more mental barrier into coming to terms with his size, the wolfskin craves nothing more than glutting out and growing fatter after already having worked so hard for it and denying it.
Xander returns the smile. He kisses his husband, one hand buried underneath Keaton’s multiple chins as he caresses him. “Gladly. I’ll make sure you never go full,”
And Xander does exactly as he promises. He feeds the obese Keaton with all the prepared food and then some, hoping to truly see him immobile and unable to move with his help by the end of the day and then even more the next, the two men content.
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dotcomgirrrl · 18 days
I have never in my life seen such a grotesque display of arrogance and unearned audacity as i did when you decided to stab spongebob in the back like this, you worthless blob of shit surface sucker. Big busted bad body and breath bubblegum brokeback bitch! Let me tell you something- you can take several seats, Patrick Star, because we both know good AND fucking well you're a sack of shit smelling self would be PENNILESS and homeless begging for spare change on some street corner in New Kelp City if it WASN'T for Spongebob helping you keep the lights on in that crusty rock you reside underneath. FUCKING feeding your greedy, gluttonous ass free food through the back door of the Krusty Krab! As a matter of fact the only thing you DO all god damn day is sit there writhing in your own filth waiting for him to get back from work so he can come tend to YOU because you're a GROWN ass fucking man who doesn't even know how to put god damn shoes on let alone wipe his own ass! You are the LAST fucking soul under the sea that should have ANY reason to be taking "a break" from Spongebob! Nobody else gives a FUCK about you not even your own parents, considering they don't come visit you enough for you to even recognize them! And guess what you pointy tub of lard, you reap just what the fuck you sow because the moment you felt so high and mighty like you could mog Spongebob ALL those bitches that you were riding with? Turned around and left your ass there INCLUDING Spongebob! And you know what? He had every god damn right to do what the fuck he did because unlike YOU, flabby the fuckface, he doesn't get a day off! He has to take care of you on G fuckin beat like you're his own child! Cause you know why? You're a good for nothing ass fucking friend, a good for nothing ass fucking neighbor, and a DEADBEAT ass fucking father! You already got enough of "a break" from Spongebob when you left him at home raising this child by himself so you could go out and watch TV all god damn day pretending you were making some fucking money and you know why you did that?! It's because you don't give a fuck about anybody but your god damn self! And you're lucky as FUCK too, because best believe if I was Spongebob I would have stopped putting up with your bullshit the moment that you threw this little tantrum at the carnival because you expected him to get you some shit for Valentine's day WHEN YOU DIDN'T GET HIM SHIT FOR VALENTINE'S DAY! Cause you're a jobless fucking leech and your ass doesn't got shit! Bitch you look like mechanically separable chicken. Have the day you deserve, scumbag.
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newpersonteeth11 · 1 year
Isaac Rossiter
You, Conrad Huntington II (53m), were a oil heir, with over $250 million in assets. Your father was Conrad Huntington, and he established the Huntington Oil Company. You were married to Johnathan Hill Huntington, a man 20 years your junior. You were a snobish, elitist, entitled man. Isaac Rossiter was well known for his perfect body, and frat bro personality. The entire town was captivated by his body, many men and women dreaming about just touching his perfect muscles. One day, you were at the country club, eating a beautiful chocolate cake that cost $50, when Isaac walked up to you.
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"Hey, bro." he said, in a way that made you strangely submissive. "Hello, Isaac" you said, lighting up at the slightest interest by Isaac. "Anything I can do for you?" you asked.
"Bro, follow me" he said, commandingly, and led you into the woods, a part of the woods that wasn't seen by the other members.
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Once you were in private, Isaac effortlessly pinned you against a tree.
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"Listen up, bro, you're going to drive me to the gym right now. It's gonna be way better than whatever shit you we're gonna do with that flabby body of yours." He slapped your fat belly, causing it to jiggle. "You owe me for this, fatty. You’re lucky I even let you look at me, now go get the car ready.
You looked, confused and suprised, who was this person, but then he tightened his grip on your neck, restricting you breathing
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"Are you deaf, moron? 'Now' means right freaking now! Quit stalling and get your lard ass in the car before I change my mind."
You just squeaked out, "Yes sir", before he let go, causing you to fall on the floor. He just laughed, how easy it was to control a little bitch like yourself.
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He relaxed in the car, His feet were on the dash, the football game was on so loud that it hurt your ears, and he was drinking a beer. When you arrived at the gym, he began, "Okay, I'm going to be an hour or so, you will stay here until I come back. You will not leave this car, look at anyone else, or even think about anything else but me. I'll be taking this", he grabbed the keys from the car, causing the A/C to turn off, "Close your goddamn eyes" he ordered, you did. He dumped out your water bottle, and pissed in it. "If you get thirsty, drink this. And I'll also be taking this," he grabbed your wallet, "in case I need to buy something for myself. If you are a good boy, you'll get a reward. But if you're a bad boy", he squeezed your wrist so hard that it cut off bloodflow, "don't expect to come back home in one piece." he said, threateningly. He then left, leaving you in an A/C-less car (on a 90 degree day), with only a bottle of piss to drink. He went into the gym, and they asked for his membership.
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"You want a fucking membership" he yelled.
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He held him in the air by the worker's neck, and knocked him unconcious, throwing his body on the floor. "There's you fucking membership"
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Then he did a long set, the other "men" in the gym gathered around to bask in the power of a true alpha god like him. After almost an hour and a half, he finished at the gym, and went over to the shops. He spent $25,000 on a luxury supreme gym bag. Finally after almost 3 hours he finished and went to the car to see an empty bottle, and you almost unconcious due to the heat.
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"Wake the fuck up" he yelled, and put his gym bag in the back. "Let's see, everything looks good. I guess you aren't a dumb as you look, bitch. Well, here's your reward:" he pulls off his soaked, sweaty pair of socks from his feet. You were transfixed you tried to grab them, but he just punched you. "No, no, no. These aren't free, you have to pay me for allowing you to drive me here, and give you these. Empty your wallet," he said. You pulled out all the cash you had, $5,000. "Not enough, bitch." he said, and grabbed your hand and yanked the watch off of it. "What is this?" he asked. "My husband bought me that watch for my anniversary p-" pow he punched you again. "I don't give a shit about your fag shit. How much is it worth, fatass" "$1.5 million, sir". "Fine, I'll take it" he said, throwing the dirty socks at your face. "They better be sucked dry by the end of the day" he yelled. "And," he said, smirking, "you're going to put this," he pulled a sweaty towel from his bag, "over your husbands nose when he falls asleep." "Yes, sir"
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The next day, you woke up to a text from Isaac: Did you follow me orders, slave
"Yes sir, I always follow sir's orders" you responded.
"Good boy, suck off your fag husband, to engrain my scent as pleasure."
"Yes sir" you replied. And began sucking off your husband.
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That day, Isaac arrived and John was in the other room. Isaac installed a cock-cage, and beat you to a pulp for fun.
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When Isaac walked to the kitchen, John saw him and your watch. He began yelling, "Who the fuck are you?" "How did you get my husbands watch" and "I'm calling the police"
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Isaac raised his pits, revealing his pits and exposing his musk, causing John to feel a wave of pleasure.
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"Look at me" he said. "I can do whatever the fuck I want. And you, fag, are going to kneel and lick my abs." he yelled. John submitted, and today you are both under the control of Master Isaac.
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hella1975 · 1 year
Wait you have nine piercings? If you're comfortable can you say which ones and also which hurt the most? I really want a daith or tragus or maybe a triple forward helix but my only piercings are my lobes and I'm scared
no worries! i'll do it as a lil list:
firsts: do not remember getting these. i was like seven and my mum only let me have them bc i threw a tantrum in claire's and she couldn't be bothered to deal with it. slaying from day 1
seconds: didn't hurt much bc the lobes are just like. flabby skin. the healing was also decent
thirds: EVIL!!! didn't hurt to get pierced but my god the healing was SUCH a pain idk what i did to make them hate me so much. it's been like. two? three years? since i got them and they STILL close up instantly when i change earrings. ive had to repierce them like four times. however bc the rest of my lobes have been fine i think this was just me being unlucky than it is a problem with thirds specifically
helix: she's my baby she healed like a dream she didn't hurt to get pierced contrary to popular belief and she generally looks v hot
daith: my most recent one! i thought this was gonna really hurt bc it's a pretty thick bit of bone and also it goes through the nerve (hence the 'headache cure') so i was SO TENSE when i got it done but low and behold it didn't hurt aside a little pinch like any other piercing and it was done so quickly that it wouldn't have mattered anyway. the headache cure was a lie in my experience but i know someone who swears she's never had a headache since so each to their own ig
side nose piercing: THE DEVIL HIMSELF!!!!!!!!! ROTTEN VILE BITCH!!!! the initial piercing didn't hurt much but ANY nose piercing WILL make your eyes water, but my god the healing was a pain. like it took over a year to properly heal and during that time it got infected AND i had to get it repierced at the actual shop (which was my fault bc i put a smaller ring in too soon and the hole shrunk and i basically had to get it stretched which was significantly more painful than all my piercings put together literally what the hell was that). however now that it's fully healed she's easily my fav piercing like she made me 10x hotter in one foul swoop i love it so so much. cost and reward <3
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cannibalcreeps · 1 year
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(cause Tumblr is a bitch and wont let me answer, I’m posting the answer here instead)   Sorry for the long wait for this, but hopefully you still crave the Brain UwU hehehhe We'll do a fun drabble, though I made it at the viewpoint of the reader >83c Enjoy ------
He was always such an insufferable prick, rude beyond words and drove you to such anger at times you were close to just smothering his annoyingly smug face when the rest of the clan were asleep at night but with how quick Pluto was to arrive to this shitty man's defense, it wasn't worth the risk.
So you just took the usual verbal abuse and waited for your time to strike, usually you muttered under your breath a response but never said it with you chest in case he decided to just sick Pluto or worse, Lizard onto you, and that was a man you didn't want to get in a physical altercation with.
But there was situation where you got Big Brain alone, away from his walkie talkies and  earshot of the other clan members, the first time you were made to wash him in the bathtub you were supervised by Big Mama, scrutinized by both about how gentle you had to be and when to really scrub into his back, it was frustrating to say the least. Though now, as months had past, you were trusted enough to handle him alone, even Brain felt comfortable enough to have you lift and handle his body, even more comfortable enough to take a cheeky grab at your ass, waist or chest.
The first time he grabbed at your chest you almost dropped the man, wishing you had with how he mocked you and did his wheezy laugh, but now when he reached to grab a fist full of cheek you pinch him back in the shoulder and the deathly quietness made your chest tighten as you pulled him into the warm water but you had to stay brave.
It was the first defiance you had shown and  the man didn't know what to do, all he did was simply stare at you in silence, though silence was a welcome compared to his salty remarks. But like always, silence never lasted when Brain was around and he started to grumble about your washing abilities, snapping about your weak arms and how you could dig in better, calling you pathetic and even a worm!
That was it, you were at your wit ends at these criticisms so you snapped back "Worm? Only worm is you with your flabby, hairless body, covered in so much slime no wonder I need to bathe you two times a day"
Usually you didn't like to attack someone's looks, but he truly was almost a hairless thing, the only strands was the frail, strands of long hair on his head and crotch, which you knew not to look at unless you wanted awkward, perverted comments.
The snap got him again to go quiet, but this time he was glowering at you, his hands turning into curled fists as the realization he was starting to lose his intimidation over you and oh boy you were not going to stop now.
"On top of that! You pale cretin, I'm washing  you fine enough! Or I could just scrub you until you skin peels off? Would you rather be washed nicely or shall I find some barb wire and rip all the flesh from your clammy ass body?"
Oh if his big head could explode, it probably would with being berated, even if that berating was rather weak, you were being a bit nice compared to how he would consistently call you a fucking idiot or just plain pathetic.
You could see he was seething, possibly plotting your death as he couldn't exactly do anything at the time with being trapped in the large tub and at your mercy, but him not snapping back was something you didn't expect, usually he would just retort with an insult but instead he was just glared and hunched up.
It only became obvious why he was just taking the verbal abuse when you noticed the man was hiding a stiffy, god him being turned on by you berating him was a bit of a shock to you.
What a dirty perverted man, was your go to thought, but truthfully no one had ever really stood up to Big Brain, sure he's been threatened with violence in his life but never just verbal attacks that were non-threatening and he was getting turned on by it.
Now that it was obvious, Big Brain couldn't let himself be ashamed, he had to take hold of the situation again, to grab what he can and with a slimy smirk, he snatched your wrist roughly and wheezed in what you assumed was an attempt to be a "sexy" tone, any other time you'd gag, but the lonely part of your brain was going to fall for this man's weak ass wooing.
"Since you want to get mouthy with me, may as well use it while it's still flapping about" He wheezed, your cheeks turning red as he yanked at your arm to pull you against the rim of the bathtub, forcing  you to be closer to him. It was just his rudeness that was making him seem repulsive, but compared to any other member of the clan he was the cleanest and you were least likely to receive any bodily harm from having relations with him.
It wasn't the first time you thought about it and it wouldn't surprise you if he thought of you many times sexually as well, but you didn't want to just give up control and do what this man just wanted,
When he let your arm go you reached down into the water, ignoring Big Brains staring and smug smirk at thinking he was winning, only to bypass his body and pull the plug of the water, hearing his wheezing disappointed sigh as he was fully expect you were just going to pull him out. To his surprise though, as the soapy water was disappearing, you has removed your clothing quickly, kicking of the underwear with the pants and top to step into the tub and straddle the man's naked body.
It was easy in this position to not accidently harm him, especially when it came to his head that was being supported by a bunch of coach foam and towels, and it gave you more the power as you towered over him, which he hadn't quite realized just yet, much to distracted at your bare body already greedily smoothing his hands along your skin, his wheezing becoming heavier from the excitement, which ended shortly as he had to collect himself, not wanting you to feel like you had to upper hand, sneering as he squeezed your chest a bit roughly.
"You think I want your scabby ass sitting on my body? That i’d desire you at all?" He was attempting to be cruel, pinching and grabbing at your body roughly to prove some point that he didn't like you but with how he couldn't stop staring, it wasn't as convincing and you just responded with a huff of amusement and leaned down to press your lips against his own.
It definitely shut him up, he had leaned back so far he was sporting double chins but how he wanted it, wanted you to never stop despite his mind screaming at how you didn't want him, that you were just using him, but he wanted this moment and bit back his tongue as you moved yourself over his hardened prick, his body tensing as it pressed up against you, watching as you reached down to give it a few gentle strokes and slowly sank onto it, enveloping it completely with your warmth. He let out a grunt, trying so hard not to make noises and show it was affecting him but this being his first sexual encounter he was having a difficult time masking his reaction.
You on the other hand, were lavishing in being able to mold this cruel man so easily and with just fucking him? Had you known it was this easy you would have done so earlier, but you couldn’t get too over your head and ruin a good time, for now you just rode him gently, spoiling yourself with the pleasure. To be honest with yourself, he was pretty well endowed, you had unfortunately seen some of the other clan men’s dicks and though some were monstrous or average, others were laughably small that explained that man’s behaviour.
For Big Brain thought, he was rather average, if not just a little shorter but it was a pleasurable fit, a size that slid in without any pain on your end, feeling the slight stretching that made your body shiver, he was the size you didn’t want to exchange, so it was no surprise, with him never being with another, that he was such a sour, salty, sad man.
He was indeed inexperienced, only ever having his hand as a partner, but he had seen magazines and read books when it came to sex and tried to show he had some knowledge, thrusting his hips up as much as he physically could, clamping his hands on your hips and latching his mouth over a nipple to bite and lick, it was sloppy but still your body ached for the attention and even though his grip was tight and teeth biting stung, he was trying to be gentle and not yank or pull at your arms and legs.
He was drowning himself in the heat of your body though, groaning at how your felt so hot and tight around his cock, it sliding up and down feeling the ridges and shape of your insides, definitely better than his soapy fingers any day and though he had been cruel to you in the past, he thought to himself he was going to ease back on it a bit just to get more of your body and lips against his own, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop.
Even if you could go on for a bit longer, Brain was not lasting any longer as the pleasure was rising in his body for to long and had to release itself, that being the release inside you as he clamped his teeth while cuming deep, pressing you close against his wet body as he filled your insides with more heat, it was definitely a feeling you wouldn’t forget for a good while and crave again, a man as sour as he was shouldn’t be able to make your body feel like it was floating, what was you were wanting more but knew it was not fair to push Brain’s body anymore than it already was. You kept yourself propped up by using the sides of the bathtub, easing your breathing and waiting for Brain to calm as well. There were no words exchanged as you didn’t want to ruin the moment by bringing out Brain’s worse after such a pleasurable time.
Eventually you would need to get off him and get him out of the tub, not wanting either Pluto or Big Mama to check up on why you two were taking so long, but a grossly devious look in Big Brains expression showed he wasn’t quite done with you yet for the day and you knew you had just opened a door to some wild times with this man.
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readyplayerziggy · 11 months
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"Nghh...Warm, isn't it?~"
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"Hanh...Damn straight...You do this every day, Koko?~"
The two fatties look to be, perhaps strangely, just rocking their guts together (as is common in Chaldea). Flab pushing against flab as lard oozes over itself, the pair of curvaceous, morbidly-overweight women thrusting against one another in the Assassin's very spacious quarters...
But that'd be denying the scene underneath their heavy, heavy guts.
Because they're not just humping each other for the sake of their own lustful amusement. They're not just doing something so common for the sake of it.
No, the heavy, lardy, greedy, slutty, hungry bride to them both, Tamamo-no-Mae the Caster, is buried beneath all their lard, currently taking both of their fat fucklogs as deep as she can as her own enormity squishes against the floor. This is their bonding exercise, and her punishment.
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"Hnnghh...You mind...letting me get this end more often..~?"
Musashi's taken the fox's pussy. It only makes sense, given as she's never done so before. Well, she's never had sex with Tamamo period, but Heavenly Eye EX giving her that extremely potent Buster Buff on top of her Ignore Invincibility means that she's even more potent at striking the fox's most sensitive parts (of course being deep inside her eager wetness), so Koyanskaya let her have this one.
And given how all that fat ass-clapping against her tubby hips has only intensified, she's assuming she's doing a very good job.
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"Oh, of course, dearrrrruuuUUUURRRRRRPPPPPP~. You're...new to this, but you're already performing on my level. I'd never let my newest wife do anything le-HOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRPPHHHHHHH-ss.~"
Her hips, meanwhile, are pumping into Tamamo's face, dicking down her throat as the flabby fox dislodges belch after belch into the air. She's not super sure why she's belching her damn Spirit Origin out, but Musashi's just fine, but she doesn't mind. As she hilts briefly, nutting down Tamamo's gullet for what has to be the 3rd time tonight, she's decided that she likes Musashi a lot.
She knows just how to overdo it without hurting their dear Tammy.~
Everything was dark. And wet. And hot. In both the good and bad ways. She could feel all kinds of weight on her back, shifting around on her back fat and sticking her loose hair into her rolls in clumps she knew would be an absolute bitch to untangle in the morning.
Was it morning? She wasn't really sure how long those two had been going at her. She lost track around...18 seconds in probably.
And she couldn't see her clock through the thick layer of Assassin stomach smothering her head, the large head-smashing thighs that engulfed her shoulders and neck with their adipose, or past the layer of nut that coated her face, the white goop that had sprayed from her nostrils when she wasn't able to manage her breathing hitting the fupa up front and getting smacked back onto her face when Koyanskaya's hips pistoned forwards, the fat on her pelvis colliding with the fat of Tamamo's red face.
Her head was being pushed further down Koyan's cock by the impacts from the back, Musashi's backdoor rutting shoving her into her wife's fattened fupa and making the dickbrained Caster gargle on Russian fox dick even louder than she already was. Her pussy was filled and overfilled by the Saber's nuts, her rabid pumping causing seed to gush from Tamamo's hole, her womb already filled to capacity yet still taking in more than gets excavated by Musashi's reckless hip-shaking pounds.
Her thighs would be locked around her Saber girlfriends waist if they weren't numb. Or pinned by Musashi's everything.
Her eyes watered as she felt Koyanskaya nut down her throat again, chowder-thick jizz hitting the wall of her stomach with the force of a power washer, gagging and weakly croaking out moans as her cum-swollen stomach was pressed down on by the unified weight of her lovers.
Probably ex-lovers now if how they were punishing her like this. One last romp before they parted with her for good.
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corruptedcaps · 6 months
The Mean Manual
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“64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69…. Done!” Charlotte groaned as she finished her 10th straight day of her bust exercises. She stretched out her remarkably flexible body and looked lovingly at her big tits. She almost couldn’t believe that two weeks ago she had the body of a flabby no chested geek but that was before she found, the book.
Back then she was know as Charlie, a girl so anonymous you could ask her classmates what she was like and they would reply with, “Who?”
Charlie wasn’t noticeable enough to be bullied, didn’t stand out enough to be noticed, a quiet solitude she had grown to accept. She would spend her free time in the school library, reading her fantasy and sci-fi books away from the crowds.
However that changed when she found, hidden behind several books in the reference section, the ‘Mean Manual’. Its cover was a bright pink that almost glowed amongst the drab covers it surrounded that made it hard for Charlie to ignore.
Pulling it out she blew away the dust that had accumulated over years maybe even decades of neglect. Charlie opened the tome and curiously flipped through its pages. It seemed to be some sort of guide to becoming the ‘Queen of Mean’.
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Charlie chuckled to herself as she skimmed its pages, realizing it had to be some sort of parody book. How could it not be with chapters like ‘Spreading lies to get your way’ and ‘The 10 ways to steal a man’. It was laughable to her that anyone would take the instructions as gospel.
Amused by it, she decided to take it home and read some more. It was there that she came across the chapter on ‘beauty exercises’. There was sections on toning your stomach, getting the perfect tan, how to make your body more supple, but what weirdly interested Charlie was the section on breast growth.
As the other girls in school had all hit puberty and grew reasonable and sometimes outrageously sized tits, Charlie had lagged behind, growing no more than an ‘A’ cup. It wasn’t something Charlie ever cared about, most people didn’t notice her anyway, and yet she found herself reading the instructions on how to increase her boob size intently.
“I’ll give it a try, just as a joke of course.” She said to herself with a half hearted laugh as she readied her body. The excercise involved getting on her knees and pushing out her chest 69 times, which seemed intuitive enough if a little juvenile but what was odd was she had to moan each time she did it. She felt a little silly as she began.
However with thrust of her chest her moans got a little louder, a little more genuine. It felt good sticking out her chest again and again, it felt as though her whole body was getting a workout. She couldn’t help imagine how good it would be to have the perfect tight body with perfect round tits, she found herself getting wet with each shove of her chest. She went into a near trance as she went on and before she knew it she hit 69 thrusts.
She panted in pleasurable exhaustion as she shakily got back to her feet, feeling warm and wet between her legs. She stumbled over to the mirror and gasped loudly at the sight. Her meagre breasts were gone, replaced with impressively big tits.
“No freaking way!” She said as she turned each way to make sure it wasn’t some mirror illusion but there was no denying it, her boobs were bigger.
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She eyed the book out of the corner of her eye, maybe it wasn’t a joke after all, she thought. She looked at her reflection and couldn’t help wonder what she would look like with the long nails, the silky hair, the smooth skin and everything else it purported to be able to give her. She had to know.
An hour and several exercises later, Charlie was looking at a practically different woman in the mirror. Her body wouldn’t have looked out of place on a runaway, there wasn’t an ounce of imperfection anywhere now. She could bend and flex in ways that would make the Hailey the head cheerleader jealous.
A smile started to cross her lips as the idea of making a bitch like Hailey green with envy suddenly made her horny. He mind went to wicked places as she thought about doing more than making her jealous.
She imagined strutting in to school the next day, in a tight shirt outfit, all eyes on her but she would be focused on only one set of eyes. Chad, Hailey’s boyfriend, was a big block headed idiot but did anything Hailey asked. If she could seduce him, she’d have the school in the palm of her hand.
“When I seduce him.” She corrected herself with a smirk, after all no one would be able to resist her looking the way she did now. She’d take Hailey’s friends, her cheerleading position, her power. It would be so easy and fun.
She started to move her fingers down her body towards her increasingly wet pussy when she stopped herself. Something didn’t feel right, why was she thinking such cruel and nasty things?
As if to answer her, a sudden gust of wind started to flicker the pages of the book back to the opening, where ‘Queen of Mean’ was emblazoned in large letters. Charlie drank in the word ‘Queen’ again and again. It seemed to almost put her in a trance as she put her hand into her panties.
As soon as her hand made contact with her soaking wet pussy a sinister grin came across her face.
“Ohhhh fuck yes!!! More, more! I want to be a fucking bitch called Charlotte not some loser nobody called Charlie. Make me a toxic slut, make me a wicked whore, make me the Queen of Mean!” She moaned loudly as she pumped her pussy again and again, her nerdy persona getting weaker each time she did.
The book began to glow bright pink as she continued and Charlotte had an innate knowledge of what it was doing.
“Yesss take my pathetic soul, make me evil and bitchy, I’ll be hot, corrupt and unstoppable!” She moaned thrusting her chest out as if it was being pulled up. She watched in malicious joy as her soul was ripped from her body and sucked into the book. She felt free of morals and doubts as she began to cum harder and longer than ever before.
As the book slammed shut, a surge of dark energy enveloped her newfound form. Her eyes glowed for a moment a deep crimson before settling back into a cold icy blue. A wicked smile curled on her lips as the transformation completed. She reveled in the intoxicating power coursing through her veins, ready to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting world.
“Bye bye Charlie you fucking dork nobody. No one will miss you and even remember you when I walk into school tomorrow. It’s going to feel so hawt and nasty taking everything Hailey has, in fact why wait until tomorrow.” She said to herself as she picked up her phone and snapped a sexy selfie of herself.
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With an evil grin she started to text Chad: “Hey! I got your number from the school secretary. I’m, like, the new girl in school and she said you would be able to show me around and stuff? It would be totes amazing if we could do something tonight? I’m so alone xxx.” She wrote sending it along with her picture.
She smirked to herself as he quickly replied and made plans to meet up asap. Within the hour she was sucking his dick in the back of his sports car and cementing her hold on him. As soon as she had swallowed his load she dropped her cutesy bimbo act and became more demanding of him. He of course would do anything she asked now.
Now ten days later and Charlotte was the most feared and popular girl in school. Everyone knew her name now and there was no way she would ever fade into the background with her commanding presence and bitchy hot body.
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She didn’t know if she needed to continue doing her stretches and exercises to maintain her evil sexiness but she did them all the same, enjoying the wave of pleasure each would give her. The book seemed to glow happily each time she did as well but she could sense it was growing hungry for more. It had opened one day on a page marked “Beta Bitches”, giving Charlotte the guidance and knowledge with what to do next.
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“Hello girls, welcome to tryouts to be my new friends.” She announced to a group of nerdy girls who had all been lured to Charlotte’s house under the pre-tense that Charlotte would stop bullying them if they did. And for some of them that would soon be true. “You are all pathetic losers right now, adrift, invisible. But after today some of you will be getting a new wonderful purpose; worshipping me. Now do as I do and try and keep up.” Charlotte said to a sea of bewildered faces as she began doing her stretches and one by one they each followed suit.
Charlotte’s book began to glow…
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mr2swap · 2 years
Take away the last that he has left
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When I started trading body parts with my ex best friend Ryan I couldn’t stop. It all started when I turned 17 and my father gave me a family heirloom, it was a small wooden box with some engraved figures of Asian descent where my family comes from.
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I decided to talk to Ryan the next day, we were both sitting relaxing facing each other on my bed and facing me in the chair in front of my computer. When I told Ryan about the relic he suggested that we sell the box at a pawn shop and that he buy a car with the money so I could get a girl to fuck with and lose my virginity.
For a moment consider Ryan's words because he was absolutely right I was still a virgin, During all my friendship with Ryan I was always jealous of him, he was always popular and good with girls instead I was just a chubby Asian nerd with glasses, I really wanted to look a little more like him.
At that moment we both touched the box at the same time, and we both felt that a slight electric current ran through our bodies, but especially I could feel something growing between my legs, Ryan, as extroverted as ever, did not hesitate to find out what the strange movements were. They came from his cock, he stood up and took out his cock with his hands and to their surprises something supernatural was happening, what a minute ago was Ryan's huge cock reduced its size and changed its shape until it became an exact copy of my pathetic cock.
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- WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME ?! WHY DOES MY DICK LOOK SO DIMINUTE? - He started to make a scandal that was heard throughout my house and thank God my parents were not at home to hear all the curses that Ryan said before completely venting.
He could notice how a huge bulge grew in my shorts as he finished cursing a tiny cock, without any kind of delicacy or prior warning he put his hands on my shorts and lowered them to my knees to reveal my new and glorious cock, I just barely and I could believe that this was my cock, the shape, the color, the size, the hair, everything was completely different.
It was obvious what had happened to us, Ryan and I had traded our cocks for the power of my family heirloom, we spent the entire afternoon experimenting with the powers of the box and discovered that we could exchange any part of our bodies.
It all started with a small favor -Dude, do you think you can lend me your muscles? I just need them to have a little more confidence in me and to be able to fuck a girl! - He agreed without hesitation, after all he was my best friend and he felt sorry for me and how pathetic I was.
When we both touched the snare and after wishing in my mind "I wish my body was more like Ryan's" my body started to heat up at the same time as my muscles started to grow and the extra fat covering my body was transferred to the body of Ryan, I could feel the power and arrogance growing in me as soon as I saw myself in the mirror, it was like seeing the version of myself that I always wanted to be, there was only one problem, it was my face, it did not fit with my body, but everything others looked and felt great.
We exchanged our clothes, I slowly took off my shirt to give it to him, Ryan seemed a bit ashamed of his new body he was used to showing off his muscles whenever he could, but now he was rather flabby and with pale skin except for his expensive.
He made me swear that he would return his body as soon as he found a girl to fuck, even though he hadn't given me his cock I felt much more confident and virile. When everything was ready, I left his house and went directly to the mall where there were a lot of girls willing for me to take them to bed, now they were more attractive, but there was one thing that I did not count on ...
- Damn bitch! How dare you insult me ​​like that ?! who does he think he is? - I was again with Ryan in my room, I was telling him how the bitch Stella humiliated me just before she slept with me, she rejected me as soon as I lowered my pants and revealed my tiny cock, she started laughing while getting dressed again - "there is no way you have a chance with me - so I asked Ryan once more to do me a favor -" I need your cock "- after begging him for a long time he agreed to lend me his cock to lose my virginity.
That was about a week ago and since then I have not returned any of his parts, despite having fucked so many girls that I lost count Ryan has become more and more annoying.
when are you going to give me my dick back?
Dude! my parents asked me what happened with my voice and I don't know what to say
Answer me, please! I haven't fucked for days I really need my body back
Today I met him again at my house not to give him back his body but on the contrary to take away the last that he has left, his face will force him to give me his face by force it is not as if he could oppose me now after all I have his muscles and he's just a fucking virgin nerd now.
I had previously published a preview of this story here on Tumblr and my Patreon subscribers have been able to read it in its entirety for a few months, if you like this story and want to see more of my stories you can take a look at my Patreon page, I have a lot of great stories!
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Group Chat
1v. Pets
*ZephGoWoosh sent a photo
-> the picture is of a Siamese cat sleeping in a cat bed with a dark green collar around its neck and tucked in under a small fuzzy blanket <-
ZephGoWoosh: look at my baby Sashimi 😍😍
ZephGoWoosh: HE!!! 🥰🥰🥰
F.Heartstein: I didn't know you owned a Siamese, Zephyrine.
ZephGoWoosh: YOU DIDN'T KNOW??? 😦😦😦
F.Heartstein: I clearly stated that I didn't.
F.Heartstein: What.
WtfEliseo: lmao chill zeph
WtfEliseo: fleur doesnt have one so she doesnt know what having a pet is like
F.Heartstein: Tell that to your parrot.
WtfEliseo: fuck you for stealing nicotine away from me
F.Heartstein: It's not my fault that your parrot likes me better than you. I just happen to show it more affection.
F.Heartstein: Mhm, right. Poor thing told me that you're not feeding him properly.
F.Heartstein: No wonder he hates you. You're a cruel man, Eliseo.
ZephGoWoosh: the utter betrayal of your pet birb loving your ex instead lmaooo 😭✋
ZephGoWoosh: Eliseo's the worst pet owner confirmed no need for receipts everyone 😔😔😔
WtfEliseo: 😒🖕
ZephGoWoosh: 😘🖕
PapaWeylyn: Dang you guys are lucky for having pets ;w;
PapaWeylyn: I always wanted to own a pug but ma's allergic to dogs sadly TwT
ZephGoWoosh: ah yes the flabby potato dog
ZephGoWoosh: i mean they look stupid that its adorable so i cant help but agree with you Weywey 😔👌
PapaWeylyn: Their happy faces are what drew me in to them
PapaWeylyn: I want to hug one so bad! ≧﹏≦
WtfEliseo: bruh I was expecting that youll want to own a bloodhound or smth
WtfEliseo: but a pug tho?? Fr?
PapaWeylyn: Hey no one's judging why you own a parrot Eliseo  ̄ˍ ̄
F.Heartstein: I am, because his parrot doesn't even like him. Why even get a pet if you can't even get it to like you?
ZephGoWoosh: oof right in the nutsack
WtfEliseo: stfu yall dont know nicotine like I do 😒😒
PapaWeylyn: Eliseo Nicotine literally hates you and only you
PapaWeylyn: He's nice to me and Zeph when we visited you lastweek
WtfEliseo: tf
WtfEliseo: I literally feed and house the guy wtf
ZephGoWoosh: tfw you're in a toxic relationship with your pet 😭😭😭✋
ZephGoWoosh: bitches be getting gaslit and mistreated today by a birb
F.Heartstein: Imagine losing your agency to a bird. Just imagine it. You lost your will to a creature that's as big as your foot and has a lower IQ than you. You submit your everything... to a fucking bird.
PapaWeylyn: I can feel like youre disappointed in him
F.Heartstein: This isn't my first time.
PapaWeylyn: OH
WtfEliseo: I didnt come here to be disrespected about my old love life and pet owner life wtf guys 😒😒😒
PapaWeylyn: Eliseo
WtfEliseo: what
PapaWeylyn: You already dug your grave when you teased Fleur earlier
PapaWeylyn: I think you're getting what you deserved
WtfEliseo: yall making me feel like a clown here 🤡
WtfEliseo: getting betrayed not only by my parrot but also by my homie too 🤡🤡🤡
F.Heartstein: For fuck's sake. If you three start screaming like this in our offline meetings, I will choke each of you until you can't breathe.
WtfEliseo: kinda kinky for you to say that fleur 😏😏😏
*WtfEliseo was kicked off the group
*Group Chat ended
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tseneipgam · 7 months
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"The sun had now moved on, as it must, as we all must move on, which is what I thought the dream was trying to convey to me. A small yellow car stopped at the traffic lights. Standing in the back were four llamas. I checked to see if this could be true. The red lights took a long time to change and it was true. All their heads were pointing in the same direction. That is to say, they were looking to the right, so I looked to the right. They were gazing at the light bulbs strung around the scaffolding of the market stalls at Place Maubert. How serene it is, I thought, to sit still for a while, in one place. It's possible that a yellow car will pass by with four llamas stand- ing in the back. And it's certain that someone poor will ask you for money."
"suddenly someone was shouting at him. Can you read English? A man, about sixty, walking his dog on the path was pointing to a sign fixed to the railings, It says in English picking flowers in the park is forbidden. It didn't have to be so ridiculous, one man picking a sprig of berries, another man harassing him, but it was how it was. I pointed to the dog who had now run off the path and was franrically digging up the grass. Can you see to your dog? Fuck off, you ugly bitch. He was white, angry and flabby, and the Bird Whistler was the opposite, brown, toned, gentle. It just happened to be how it was. You can't get parakeets to come to you if you're aggressive. The Bird Whistler ignored us both and walked away, light on his feet. The white man's head was so infected with anger and self-pity it made his eyes stupid and small. It didn't have to be like that, he could have been educated and handsome and still stupid, but it happened to be how it was."
"Listen, he said, and then he listed the whole composition, almost word-perfect: slut, dyke, mental. He left out hag but made up for it by adding some extra insulting words about the Rastafarian, nothing new, always the same old. After all, he'd actually asked me to listen to his composition, ending with: You shouldn't be riding your bicycle in the park. I'm not riding it, I'm walking it, I shouted back. Which was true. When he waddled towards me, swinging his dog lead like a whip, I asked myself: What would Marie do? I swung my leg over my bike and cycled fast towards him until he had to jump off the path and get out of my way. It was always the same people making the same old."
"Arthur wanted to try the chocolate ice cream straight away. Andrew fed him with a spoon. No, angel, he said to Andrew. You must keep the spoon longer in my mouth so that I can relish it. That's what it comes down to in the end days. A little ice cream on a teaspoon is everything. His mind was wandering. He said everything on his mind without cancelling his thoughts. I made you who you are. And I made you who you are, I replied. Andrew laughed and started to spoon the ice cream into his own mouth."
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