#henry kissinger my ass
anaskunk · 6 months
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arianod · 6 months
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jelly-o630 · 7 months
On one hand I am so happy the man that let the Pinochet regime fester in Chile and allowed Argentina to fall into its dirty war as well as funded operation condor as a whole has finally died and can rot where he belongs I can’t help but mourn the fact he never had any jail time for his crimes against humanity
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centrally-unplanned · 7 months
VOR: Henry Kissinger
Ugh, HUGELY overrated, Bismark has nothing on him. What, truly are his accomplishments? Oh, rapprochement with China? You mean the country that had just experienced a huge split with the Soviet Union, to the point where they were scared of military conflict, that was simultaneously backing North Vietnam in a war against the US? And so we opened doors to them and gave them literally everything they asked for, hanging Taiwan out to dry, and in return got absolutely nothing; China's aid to North Vietnam actually *increased* the year after? The corpse of a roadkill dog could have done that.
The "cease fire" with North Vietnam? That's just losing with coat of paint to poorly cover the shame! At least he had the self-respect to try to return his Nobel Peace prize. Ho Chi Minh handed him his ass on a platter and somehow that is a win on his ledger.
Accelerating arms sales to the Shah of Iran in order to back separatist fighters in Iraq? Whoops! Wow, that uh, wow what a call there. Really picked the right side.
Coup against Allende in Chile? That went well! Not to mention...he didn't. Chile coup'd Chile, Allende was a complete disaster imploding the country's economy. The Chilean military asked for permission as like a token gesture, we gave them support that didn't matter. Its like taking credit for a sports team win because you bought box seats, except at this game they dropped the opposing team's family out of a helicopter headfirst onto the pitch.
All the SALT treaty stuff started under Johnson, he continued it which is fine but is VORcel stuff. His grand "pivot to Europe" was trying to link trade policy to increases in defense spending from European partners...which didn't happen. They didn't increase them. We gave them trade deals anyway. Its fucking Trump without the memes.
On March 1, 1973, Kissinger stated, "The emigration of Jews from the Soviet Union is not an objective of American foreign policy, and if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern.
Awww "I'm such a cool little edgy boy, look at me and my joke about the Holocaust when discussing systemic discrimination against Jews the Soviet Union, surely this will somehow score me Realpolitik points on the Big Board that I can cash in for prize money while shedding America's moral legitimacy because it makes my dick hard."
He is the academic definition of style over substance, snottily walking from fuck-up to disaster to status-quo free ride and putting a pithy quote about The Nature of Power over it to pretend he had any to begin with. Hurry up and die already so I can stop running into you haggling over hostess tips at overpriced Georgetown restaurants.
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ayin-me-yesh · 6 months
lrb thinking about Zionists calling Jews who support Palestinians self-hating Jews all the time and then kissing Henry “if it were not for the accident of my birth, I would be antisemitic" Kissinger's ass
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burins · 6 months
it's time for my big books of the year roundup! gonna do a separate post for graphic novels/comics bc there were simply soooo many of those this year. bolded are my particular favorites
The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability: For All of Us Who Live with Disabilities, Chronic Pain, and Illness by Cory Silverberg, Fran Odette, Miriam Kaufman (reread)
The World We Make by NK Jemisin
Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel (audio)
The Future Is Disabled: Prophecies, Love Notes and Mourning Songs by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
A Restless Truth by Freya Marske
Too Loud a Solitude by Bohumil Hrabal
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone by Ryan Dowd
Libraries and Homelessness: An Action Guide by Julie Ann Winkelstein
Underland: A Deep Time Journey by Robert Macfarlane (audio)
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo (audio)
The Stars Undying by Emery Robin (audio)
Babel: An Arcane History by RF Kuang (audio)
Get Inside: Responsible Jail and Prison Library Service by Nicholas Higgins
The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K LeGuin (audio)
The Dispossessed by Ursula K LeGuin (audio)
How Far the Light Reaches: A Life in Ten Sea Creatures by Sabrina Imbler
Taste Makers: Seven Immigrant Women Who Revolutionized Food in America by Mayukh Sen (audio)
The Betrayals by Bridget Collins (audio)
Paper Bead Jewelry: Step-by-Step Instructions for 40+ Designs by Keiko Sakamoto
The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Older
Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin (audio)
Translation State by Ann Leckie
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Happy Place by Emily Henry
An Island Princess Starts a Scandal by Adriana Herrera
Year of the Tiger: An Activist's Life by Alice Wong (audio)
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson 
The Sundial by Shirley Jackson (audio)
He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan (audio)
We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Our Wives Under the Sea by Julia Armfield (audio)
Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape by Raja Shehadeh (audio)
Where the Line Is Drawn: A Tale of Crossings, Friendships, and Fifty Years of Occupation in Israel-Palestine by Raja Shehadeh (audio)
The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot by Robert Macfarlane (audio)
Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman by Greg Grandin (audio)
Golda Slept Here by Suad Amiry
The Trial of Henry Kissinger by Christopher Hitchens
A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
below the cut, some writeups for my faves:
Wolf Hall - it's not news but Hilary Mantel is among the best to ever do characterization in just a few sentences
The Future Is Disabled - emerging from the rage & fear of being disabled during COVID lakshmi piepzna-samarasinha never lets us forget the joys of disabled community
Libraries and Homelessness - this is partly a spite pick bc i HATED ryan dowd’s book so much. this is an empathetic and practical guide to providing services to unhoused patrons that encourages community partnership, is full of examples, and isn’t miserably condescending!
Underland - i liked this so much i wrote a cave scene in timkon road trip fic. The texture of the prose is delicious!
The Stars Undying - i don’t actually know the story of antony and cleopatra very well but this was a very tasty space opera with messy messy characters
The Lathe of Heaven - still thinking about this 7 months later! Every year I read a LeGuin and it knocks me on my ass for the rest of the year. The opening scene is one of the best things I’ve ever read. (I liked The Dispossessed very very much but I loved Lathe.)
Mimicking of Known Successes - delightful noir-flavored scifi, great worldbuilding and equally great exes.
Some Desperate Glory - do you ever leave a cult against your will, and also you’re the worst girl in the world! This one is for all the clementine kesh fans. Breakneck.
The Haunting of Hill House - this was a great year for me to read books written 50+ years ago. I tweeted about it when i read it but ooghhghhgh this book is devastating. What if you got everything you ever wanted and finally felt at home and everyone called it evil.
Where the Line is Drawn - this was my second book by Shehadeh and it never shies away from the thorniness and hurt inherent in human relationships formed amidst occupation. Really, really excellent.
Kissinger’s Shadow - concisely unravels the ways Kissinger’s legacy shapes every part of US foreign policy you’ve ever heard of. Also really gets at the paranoid ouroboros of Kissinger’s personal philosophy.
Golda Slept Here - the legacy of several Palestinian houses, told through an eclectic mix of personal narratives, photographs, and occasional poetry. Funny and angry and heartbreaking.
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max--phillips · 7 months
I was in the car on the 18th, the day before my birthday, with my mom, and I went, “honestly the best birthday present the universe could give me is the death of Henry Kissinger. I’ll also settle for Mitch McConnell.” And even though she was 10 days late, the universe FUCKING DELIVERED. Henry Kissinger you fucking ghoul I can’t believe your evil ass lived to be 100, but good fuckin riddance
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itsbansheebitch · 7 months
Remembering the time I had to remember Henry Kissinger's name for a history test and I remembered his name with the phrase "His name is Kissinger cause he can kiss my ass"
I dont even remember what he did but I got the test question right. If he was the strategy dude I may have loudly made fun of him in class lmao
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chelledoggo · 7 months
my dumb ass: "Henry Kissinger died, huh?... wait, what did he do?"
*googles him*
my dumb ass: "ah. war crimes. gotcha. guess i gotta go pop a bottle now."
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lakemojave · 2 years
You look like the person that will manifest the death of Henry Kissinger
By the power of my fat transgender ass and my nonbinary swag I will make Henry Louis Kissinger shit out his own spine
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askewhammer · 6 months
henry kissinger more like henry kiss my ass you dead bitch HA not so pro-life anymore huh mr kiss my ass
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bunathebunny · 2 years
sladicknette in no powers au where they just meet in the right place at the right time and so they become friends with benefits UwU
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screamtail · 6 years
Answer these questions then tag 20 people you’d like to know better
got tagged by @plimsoll-punks
nicknames: steph, stefh
zodiac: )-(
height: 4′11″
time: 2:21 am
favourite band/artist: jenny lewis 
song stuck in my head: i have no idea why because it’s 2018 and i haven’t watched south park in like a decade but i’ve had what would brian boitano do stuck in my head for like a week
last movie I saw: carol (2015) dir todd haynes
last thing I googled: dollarama hours sunday
other blogs: just my podcast blog
do I get asks: idk not that often but also i haven’t been using tumblr as much lately
why I chose this username: 
Tumblr media
following: mostly just my friends and also blogs that make art i like
average amount of sleep: maybe 6-7 hours on weekdays and 10 hours on weekends
what I’m wearing: space leggings, snorlax socks, bb-8 tank, black hoodie. i feel like this makes me sound like a walking hot topic ad and you know what? that’s fine
dream job: video game music composer (my dream is that i have talent lmao)
dream trip: new zealand lord of the rings tour baybeeeee
favourite food: br...ea..........d............
play any instruments: i suck at piano but i can’ play it
hair colour: red but naturally brown
languages you speak: english. kind of french (i used to be fully fluent but now it sucks ass after being almost 10 years out of high school)
most iconic song: the first thing to come to mind was all delighted people by sufjan
random fact: ariana grande killed john mccain and then george hw bush and she’s coming for henry kissinger next
describe yourself as aesthetic things: tattoos, memphis patterns, ‘90s taco bell interior, canadian tuxedo except it’s all corduroy instead of denim, cute nintendo
I tag @spellforaweakheart @tanicappack @ohphilomena @asshai @2bi2furious
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mattpayton · 5 years
Here Are Some Topical Jokes I Wrote This Week
They are high in fiber but will also give you the gout:
In a televised meeting with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, President Trump said that if he doesn't get funding for a border wall, he would be proud to shut down the government. Schumer and Pelosi were appalled, assuring him that they'll give it to him before it comes to that anyway.
Piers Morgan openly lobbied for Donald Trump's vacant chief of staff position in a newspaper editorial on Tuesday. But first he needs to finish his next column about how eating cereal is gay.
A growing pothole in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania has been filled by local residents with a decorated Christmas tree. But the joke's on them as it will look really tacky there come January 12th.
A mystery novelist who wrote an essay called "How to Murder Your Husband" has been charged with murdering her husband, which has given me serious pause about launching my new podcast "How To Kidnap An Heiress."
Joe Biden says that he's "the most qualified person in the country to be president.” "That's nice sir, now if you'll kindly remove your hand from my ass so I can finish serving these tables," said the waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Uber posted a loss of a billion dollars in the third quarter of the year. "Pfft! Amateurs..." said Netflix.
The World Health Organization says that due to drug resistance, it may soon be impossible to treat gonorrhea. But my uncle Dennis who had his medical license revoked years ago is still going to try.
A former executive editor for "The National Enquirer" is writing a book about Donald Trump's relationships with women. It's called "Confessions Of A Furniture Shopaholic."
In order to discover the best hangover cure, a college professor in Canada has spent a decade getting drunk all over the world. He says it's inspired him to use a similar method to find the best syphilis cure.
Starting next month, Walmart will start having robot janitors clean the floors at some of its stores. But they still plan on hiring a human to stop them from organizing.
Jimmy Dean is recalling nearly thirty thousand pounds of sausage. "You're not just going to throw that away are ya?" asked Chipotle.
Two nuns in Southern California embezzled about half a million dollars from the school where they worked, which is still only the fourth most appalling thing that happened at the school that day.
While preparing for the Miss Universe pageant, Miss USA posted videos of herself mocking Miss Vietnam and Miss Cambodia. Henry Kissinger has already nominated it for Film Of The Year.
Kobe Bryant is writing a series of fantasy books for young adults about basketball players. They will be compared to Michael Jordan's fantasy books about the magical ability to cover the spread for the next 20 years.
On Friday Spanish prosecutors charged Shakira with evading sixteen million dollars in taxes over a three-year period. If some enterprising young reporter that picks up on her weird vocals and legal trouble doesn't write a story about this titled, "Froggy Went A-Courtin'" then all journalism schools should be burned down.
Meryl Streep will become a grandmother for the first time...that she knows of.
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sapphic-kumatora · 3 years
fuck Henry Kissinger if his war criminal ass is still living then I think my grandma should have been allowed to stay on this earth a couple more years.
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