#fish jabbers
spokspsps · 4 months
not really svsss spoilers but ill hide it anyways also its about parallels between qijiu and bingqiu
i think theres. some sort of parallel between the relationship of yqy and sj and then the relationship between lbh and sy. im going to say their shipnames for convenience but to clarify i need u to understand both of their loves go beyond friendship and brotherhood and romance okay i am very adamant about this especially for yqy and sj okay
qijiu love eahc other so much but isntead one bites and screams and kicks and the other takes it all because he thinks he deserves it but he isnt thinking about what the other deserves about what shen jiu deserves which is closure which is answer
but they love each other so much i think it goes beyond brotherhood and friendship and romance i think their love is something innate and deeply rooted in them and they cant run away from it
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this post captures it exactly. they lvoed each other so mucuh. they never stopped. but it didnt change anything. they never reconciled they never talked familiarly again and yet they loved ecah other in their deaths yqy died because he needed to avenge sj and sj waited for years years fucking years for yqy to give him a goddamn answer but he never did but he still waited he waited when he was in slavery and he waited at the sect and he waited forever
however. bingqiu is different. the love did change everything. it changed so much (probably because as low as sy's eq is he is still not as mentally ill as qijiu)
sy DIED because he was enraged at lbh's fate sy spent his entire time in PIDW trying his fucking best to make lbh happy to make his life good and he still expected to die but he did it anyways because he loves his stupid little murder guy so much even before he was a stupid murder guy BECAUSE HE LOVES LBH
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the love changed everything. it took an incredibly heteronormative toxic masculinity fan service story and made it into something full of love and still fan service but loving fan service okay
do you see what im saying here man
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colacorvus · 2 years
Favorite Jrwi riptide ship? Fish and tits! I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and tits I mean fish and
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slammi · 8 months
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Obsessed with pikmin bloom bros. Except that part where i got 3 of the blue treat pikmin in a row
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king-sassy08 · 1 year
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there should be a couple hours at the end of every day at the aquarium that’s adults only. like not even to serve alcohol, i just don’t want to hear babies screaming and crying throughout my entire trip
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deadfromthegallows · 3 months
what the actual fuck is march eridan???
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Could you possibly write something small about a beach date with Rodrick 😍
Rodrick x reader
Sorry this took so long! Me mam tried to sell me to one direction so I was slightly preoccupied 🙄
Anyways enough jibber jabber, here's a lil fluff about a beach date with Rodrick :^)
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The heffleys had invited you on a trip to the beach, since you and Rodrick had been together for some time now, it was pretty much routine for you to come along to family events at this point.
You and Rodrick drove in his van separately from everyone else, truth be told, you were relieved. You loved the heffleys but you weren't so keen on the music they played in the car.
"You excited babe?" Rodrick turned to look at you
"Can't wait! I was looking up the beach on Google, there's quite a few rock pools so we might see some cool sealife!"
Rodrick's face lit up at this
"Like a crab?!" He asked
"Yes honey, like a crab" you smiled at your easily amused boyfriend.
"Awesome. I fucking love crabs" he said.
Upon arrival Susan and Frank were happy to see the pair of you, they both approached to greet you, when seemingly out of nowhere Greg appeared, flinging his arms around you.
"Hey lil dude! Nice to see you" You beamed down at him
"Great to see you too! I've got all the stuff set up!" He replied excitedly
You were confused for a second, before looking just past him and seeing an abundance of different sized buckets and spades. You finally remembered, last time you'd seen the Heffleys you'd promised Greg you'd be on his team against Rodrick for a sandcastle building competition.
"Rodrick I love you, but you are so going down" you said, playfully poking him in the ribs before running off to the equipment with Greg.
"Hey no fair! You guys don't get a head start!" He called after the two of you.
The sandcastle competition was definitely pretty tense, you and Greg had opted for a "bigger = better" strategy, and had come up with a 3 storey castle.
Rodrick's, while much smaller, was more detail oriented. He'd decorated it with little stones, and even carved out little battlements.
When the time was up, the three of you went to get Susan and Frank to judge, but when you'd returned only one castle was left.  It would appear that Manny had decided that Rodrick's Castle was the perfect race course for one of his toy trucks, and in the few seconds you were all gone, he'd reduced it to rubble.
"Ha! We won!" Greg jeered.
You looked at Rodrick, who seemed genuinely disappointed.
"Aw baby," you stroked his arm, "I think your castle was Manny's favourite at least"
He smiled slightly at this, but still seemed slightly miffed that all his hard work was ruined.
Never mind, you knew exactly how to cheer him up
"How about we go check out those rock pools?" You asked.
Rodrick grinned excitedly, immediately forgetting about the sand castle, "oh yeah! I hope we see something cool!" He beamed, grabbing your hand and eagerly pulling you in the direction of the rocks.
You carefully climbed onto the glistening wet rocks, made just that bit more treacherous by the odd bit of seaweed and sharp barnacles. You held onto Rodrick tightly, fearing that his clumsy self would slip and accidentally keelhaul himself.
(A/n if you don't know what keelhaulling is, look it up at your own risk. It's pretty gnarly).
"What are those things?" Rodrick asked curiously, pointing towards tufts of purple sticking out from the sides of the rock pools.
"Sea anemones! Be really gentle and touch them, see what happens" you encouraged him.
Rodrick looked slightly nervous, but he trusted you. He dipped his finger into the shallow water and felt the tiny tentacles grip his finger. He giggled high pitch and very amused, before pulling his hand away and shaking it dry.
"It was like, sticky?" He said
You laughed at his reaction, he was adorable when he was confused.
"That was it trying to eat you! It thought your finger was a little fish!"
"That's so funny," he bent down to look at the anemone, "you're no match for me little bro" he said cockily.
You were unsure as to whether he was joking, or if he was genuinely proud of not being eaten by a gelatinous blob the size of a penny. Probably the latter, knowing Rodrick, but either way you find it endearing.
You spent quite a while trapesing around the rock pools, Rodrick seemingly fascinated by everything- particularly the little clusters of sea snails. He likened their pointy shells to his studded bracelet, affectionately giving them the title of "most metal animal he'd seen all day". His day was made, however, when you called him over to a tiny pool right at the edge of the rocks.
"Baby, come quick!"
He rushed over, abandoning the clump of seaweed he'd been popping like bubblewrap, and turned his attention towards what you'd been pointing at.
There, nestled inbetween a few tufts of seaweed, sat the tiniest little crab, it's body not much bigger than the tip of a pinky finger. As Rodrick kneeled down to get a closer look, his face was graced with a wide, goofy smile. He looked between you and the crab for a few seconds, before blurting out "it's a little baby!", his voice high and girlish.
You let out a chuckle at this, watching your boyfriend's eyes grow in amazement and glee at the sight of such a small crab. His attention was fixed to it for as long as it sat there, until the crab must have decided that staring back at the squealing Rodrick had become tedious, and scuttled away under some pebbles.
Rodrick finally stood once again, and reached out to hold your hands.
"That was so cool," he said, his eyes twinkling and his smile somehow even more loveable than ever.
"You're so cute," you replied, unable to contain your adoration any longer. You placed your arms over his shoulders, while instinctively, Rodrick held your waist.
You leaned in and planted a delicate kiss on his lips. Sometimes it was hard to remember he was a hardcore punk guy with a big beat up van, and an affinity for moshing. At times like this, all you saw was an innocent, precious sweetheart. You just wanted to hold his face and pepper it with gentle kisses, while showering him with compliments like "my handsome boy," and "you're the cutest thing in the whole world". You probably would later, but not right now. He'd never live it down if his family saw him being such a big softie.
You allowed yourself to get lost in his big brown eyes for a moment longer, before you heard Frank calling the two of you to come and get some food.
I love you, you thought to yourself as Rodrick carefully guided you down the rocks. As if he could read your mind, he threw an arm round your shoulder and whispered in your ear
"I love you, y/n"
A/n requests are open! I write hcs and short fics for a couple characters, check my pinned post for details! :^)
(Pls request something I need ideas lol)
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junipers-archive · 1 year
❥ James!potter x reader (You've had a crush on James for months now, he finally gets the nerve to ask you to be his Valentine, only to find you were on your way to ask him.) Word Count: 700
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"Jus' don't know if she'll like it!" James was in the common room discussing his singular girl problem with his friends. "I mean we've been friends for a while, but I still don't even know if she likes me!"
Sirius who was languidly laying across one of the armchairs nearby rolled his eyes as he answered, "Your delusional if you don't see it."
"He's right James, she really does like you, laughs at every one of your bad jokes enough." even Remus had enough of his jabbering, most of their conversations almost always ended up with James bringing up your name.
He was blushing at even the mention of you liking him back, "What if she already has a Valentines though? What if she doesn't really like me? What if-"
"Give her the Valentine!" It was Pete, laying on the ground in a star-fished position, he'd almost drifted off into a sweet sleep before he was woken once more by James' worried voice.
He got up from the couch he'd been stationed at, quickly and quite bravely if he said so himself heading for the door. "Fine. But if I get my heart broken you will all be very sorry!"
As he left they all let out a collective sigh, they'd been attempting to convince him all week, maybe, just maybe if they could finally get you two together, they'd get some peace and quiet.
When James gets to you he's panting, having ran down several flights of moving stairs to reach you. You had come to the library to return some of the books you'd borrowed to study, he knew this since he was the one who offered to help you, just so he could spend more time with you.
"Y/n!" He tried to look casual, all the same hiding the gift behind his back as he approached your figure.
"Oh, hey Jamie!" you eyes were bright and your heart fluttered at his flushed cheeks.
"Have you got any plans for the day?" He was hoping your answer was no, so he could take you on a proper date, something you deserved.
"M'no don't think so, why?"
"W-well I was just hoping, since you're free, and its Valentines day..." your heart beat faster as he continued, you'd waited months for him to realize you liked him back.
"Well maybe you could, or rather we could, w-would you be valentine?" He swears you're the only to ever make him this nervous.
When he see's your pleased expression however he gets a surge of confidence taking out your gift and handing it to you, a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers accompanied by a small box of chocolates.
"Yes!" Your reply comes far too quickly, but you couldn't care less, taking out the small card and chocolate box you'd gotten him from your bag.
You shove it towards him as he gapes at you, "I-What-What is this?"
"Well, you were taking far too long, I mean I went to every one of your quidittch matches, pretended I needed help studying so you'd offer, laughed at every single joke of yours, godric I even went to your friends for help!"
"I never thought you'd like me!" He was bright red, how had he not seen it this entire time?
"Jamie I laugh at every single one of your jokes." You were exasperated, how had you fallen for such a sweet oblivious boy?
"Is that supposed to be an insult? Cause if I'm being honest it sounded-"
You stop his jabbering, placing the gifts on the table nearby and pressing your soft lips to his. Your heart melts as his hand comes to caress your cheek as if you're the most delicate flower in the world.
Because to him, you were.
When you pull back you're both grinning so hard your faces hurt.
"S'not and insult, just a fact." And it was, you would laugh at everyone of his jokes, no matter how ludicrous or ridiculous they were, you found him funny. And charming, and kind, and beautiful, and perfect, perfect for you.
"Well then, my Valentine, shall we begin our date?" He held out his arm as you smiled sheepishly at his name-calling.
"We shall."
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circinuus · 1 year
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beast! dazai x reader. 1.3k words
"When they found him, he was dead, his body twisted with the rigor mortis."
[first-person pov; unreliable narrator; mentions about suicide and corpses; reader is whipped for our local crime org boss but not in a good way]
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When I was young, when youth had surged in my veins and hot blood had rushed along my cheeks, I met a peculiar man.
He was of every sense but ordinary. A ringleader of a colossal underground organization, equipped with an age not far from my green, half-ripe own. I am sure you'd known about him, perhaps more than I do.
Dazai Osamu was an enigma, and this is my last entry; a story about how I had been completely, perfectly consumed by his whole being.
"Have you heard about the rumors?"
Lowly insects, parasites, and cronies like me fear the unknown. That was the repugnant truth. At a point, we started to forget that he too, was of blood and flesh, not unlike ourselves. But it was too late by then. Our fear had dehumanized him, reduced him into a macabre myth. Not many eyes have bear witness to his figure, yet words about his uncanny competence and the horrors he commands ring like folklore passed down to generations.
"What rumors?"
"That guy who jabbered about the previous boss' death, they found his corpse just now."
Oh, that's right. The sad corpse.
Terribly mangled and dysmorphic, with broken limbs and torso. When I arrived, it no longer depicted a human. From the crevices of those grotesque bends were crimson liquid and bodily waste, seeping out like a fish being gutted. The putrid scent remained even on my bed and dining table.
"Shit. You better watch your mouth. That corpse could've been us at any time."
How terrible. The macabre ghost our fear created was.
And how curious, I thought, for such a living nightmare managed to haunt our mind and life; killing us with his silent bites and coerced us into committing suicide with self-destructive paranoia.
Truly, how terrible, how curious, yet how strikingly beautiful.
Dazai Osamu was an enigma, and I had been completely, utterly consumed by his whole being.
It was a week after that accident—if my memory served. It had betrayed me a lot in the past, and a doctor I knew mentioned how memories are all stack the deck; all tailored to our favor—when I was called for the boss's office.
"For what?" I tried to ask, but received only a scoff from my supervisor. “-If I may know, sir," I added. I knew he was not a horrible man, but my supervisor was not an individual of patience. He offered me nothing but a silent nudge to the boss' door. Like guiding a lamb to the slaughter, a virgin sacrifice to the altar.
I bled that day, I bled myself. Through my chapped lips that I've bitten hard, and through my fingers which dry skin ruptured raw by my unsolicited fidgets.
Out of uncertainty or cowardice, my memory fails to serve me. But I recall with great vividness how everything melted away to oblivion after that sturdy door opened before my eyes. What lay beyond was someone—something so incongruously beautiful, misplacedly sublime.
In that instance, I have realized that I am truly an abominable individual. On that day, I finally understood Basil's infatuation with his muse. Dazai Osamu was a beautiful man, and suddenly I bled for utter fascination rather than unfiltered fear.
My sentiment for this extraordinary man has nothing but become more defined, ever since.
His pale, almost translucent skin consumed my waking days, the flutter of his eyelashes when his eyes blink haunted my dreams, and the curl of his dark hair against the evening lights strayed me away from reality.
Like a sailor to a siren, like a lulling river that drowned the fool; Dazai Osamu was an enigma, and I was wholly enraptured.
I had been bewitched by the moments he kept me by my side, ever since. Fascinated by the moments where he slips up soft vulnerability. Spellbound by the moments he confide in my warmth and touch to soothe the horrors of earth's hell he faced and the pain he endured for a man who doesn't even know his name. Entranced by the moments he morphs to the horror he always has been, with chilling gazes and commanding words enough to shadow the times that reminds everyone that he is of flesh and blood. Beguiled by the moments he disregards me not soon after, as if he forgot I exist.
He was very cruel. But I did not despise him.
Dazai Osamu was cruel. But he was terribly, enchantingly melancholic. Like a dead man forced to be alive for a deed he hasn't finished. Like he was longing, waiting for the sweet mercy of his quietus. I was unable to despise him.
'Even so, what if I attempt to kill him?' under Yokohama's sky—which is too blue, too free. It never sits well with me—I received a call from the void.
'What then?' it continued beckoning. Will his delicate lips curl up into a beautiful, grateful smile? or will it wail and twist into ugly sobs of pain, anger, and fear? Will his empty, soulless mortal vessel stay as beautiful as the tragic beauty he is? or will it turn into another unimportant, unsightly corpse?
"Just now, you're thinking about killing me, weren't you?"
His words chased away the void, like a cold splash on a freezing morning. I was stunned into a fear-coated silence.
"Oh (Name), sweet (Name)," he laughed. It flows like silken honey and suddenly, I was once again drowned in his existence.
"Do you hate me?"
"No, sir," I said the truth.
"Yes, sir," I said the truth.
"Strange," he put a hand on his lower lip—a gesture that I find oddly fitting. "And you still want to see me dead, it seems.”
I stayed silent.
A sick, twisted feeling had emerged. If he had dropped dead at that moment, right there on the edge of the skyscraper, that would be all right. Fine, in fact.
(A sick, twisted feeling had emerged. if I had dropped dead at that moment, right there on the edge of the skyscraper, that would be all right. Fine, in fact.)
"How curious. You never fail to intrigue me."
(The thought scared me.)
I didn’t remember a lot after that day. The next few weeks were a shapeless blur of bullets, guns, and deaths.
Although on a cloudy Friday, I remember seeing hot blood pooling down like melted ruby.
It was unyielding. Seeping and seeping and seeping and it didn’t stop.
I was soaked and damp. His skin was warm as it was stone cold.
No, he wasn’t dead, he wasn’t dead. So I kneeled, gather what was left of him in my arms, and brought his chest to mine.
Viscous, fresh blood continued to gather on my lap, on my tie, on my fingers. The corpse engulfed me with his being, in every way possible. The corpse wasn’t dead, not yet, not yet. So I looked at his face, and pressed my cold beretta against his heart.
By then I realize, in the face of death I saw a soft smile instead of the ugly cries of fear and pain. Ah! So beautiful even surrounded by the crimson bloom of blood, pooling like a downpour along the concrete; limbs mangled and dysmorphic.
Would I be as beautiful, I wonder?
Two sounds of sharp firearms cut the air. It didn't take long for unfortunate witnesses to come and see the tragedy. It didn’t take long for two young men to look down with morbid from the skyscraper above. And it didn’t take long for my hatted supervisor to wake from oblivion. But it was too late by then.
When they found us, we were already dead, our bodies twisted with the rigor mortis.
(Oh, how we looked at so peace like this. How can it possibly scare me?)
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fun fact! this was inspired by junji ito's tomie and stephen king's memory, more or less. and i just wanted to say: i'm sorry dazai you'll be forever famous. i'll write a fluff for you someday
♡ @ashthemadwriter
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sanrio-grl · 3 months
BAD LUCK - 🍀*✮∘˙
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critikally thinking (0.3k)
WARNING: angst, slight panic attack, y/n being the most clueless person known to man kind
all hail J 🙏🙏 - masterlist - wtv yw ig
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After driving down the busy street, he finally parks the car. Rushing into the broken looking building, he opens the door to a music producers paradise. Sound proof walls, lines after lines of buttons, levers, and other attachments.
looking around at first, he can’t find his friend. then, he catches a glimpse of fluffy black hair peeking out from behind the chair, rolling it out of the way. He finds his companion with his knees curled to his chest, hands in his hair.
“are you okay?” changbin whispers, to not frighten the man.
“I- … I just.. like-“ Stutters rush out of his mouth, as he tries his hardest not to cry. “I just feel- sick. I-I think I might throw up.” Shaky breaths leave through his mouth, a tactic to calm himself down.
His anxiety wraps itself around him, encasing him in his thoughts. He thinks this is so stupid. His relationship with her wasn’t even that terrible, but the falling out scared the hell out of him. Even within his friend group, he was supposed to be seen as one of the stronger ones. Supposed to almost hold them together. Of course, he doesn’t shy away from expressing his feelings, just the ones that may cause burdens to his buddies.
Changbin leaves him to drag the mini trash can next to his legs. He could tell a lot of thoughts were holding Chans head underwater, and he was determined to fish him out. He pries his hands away from his face.
“Please Chris, snap out of it.” watery and puffy, Changbin gets a long dazed stare. “I don’t know what to do.” Chan mutters through sniffles. “Its- I’ve blocked her so many times, changed my number, hell, almost changed houses, but she still manages to get a hold of me. I don’t know why she is so obsessed with me!” His voice starts to rise. “She was the one who cheated on me! She was the one who ended our relationship by doing that!”
changbin patted him on his back, soft circles traced by his palm, trying his best to comfort the ball of stress next to him.
“I can’t handle her coming back, Bin.”
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A/N: so.. this kinda took a turn. I cut most of the jibber jabber out of it.. may b I should add it back in 🤒
taglist: @peachysull @iadorethemskz @sstarrysshit @doodoo-pellacin @end0rchans @deadgirlwalking3 @iflmho @mynameisnotlaura @amara-mars @multifandomedsimp @hyunsllvr @cr4ziee0szn @111skz @hyunjinshairband7 @thinkingaboutlana @tinys0ftie @briar-rose23 @sugarsweetsugarsweet (OPEN)
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jessicashome · 6 months
thoughts after tbosas movie (severe waffling!! with spoilers)
FIRST OF ALL!!!! ik like being british vs american (panem was north america) has some pronounciation differences but ive been saying their names so differently!!!! like ive been using soft As for the Anus brothers but its actually Anus so thats crazy.
next its very different to how i imagined, obviously they cut out so much (which is making me Need to read the og hunger games) but without coryos constant dialogue, i think more people are gonna fall into sympathising with him.
everything was also just so much more larger, like in my head the snake tank was as big as a fish tank not like all the snakes she was gonna drop into the games. the arena was sorta smaller than i imagined. the beam that i pictured lamina on was metal not concrete/stone. marcus :((( obvs the watches changed to screens. the origin of rat poison is different.
THE PRONOUNCIAtion OF TIGRIS!!!! and grandmaam was so much kinder than how i imagined.
i sort of wish we saw coryos inner dialogue because i feel like its a bit confusing to new people without it.
also like why r they dealing with jabber jays (dr gaul does make a brief mention but that was such a small detail thats so easy to miss).
for me seeing it as a movie solidified how evil he is because how could he do nothing seeing sejanus up there like😭. VISUALLY seeing him have a STRAIGHT face during that was heartwrenching.
from the book, i thought casca was actually so weird for having such a grudge against him but i see why now. not exactly justified but given the way he is bringing more 'life' to the games when casca's actively trying to kill them is understandable. THE WAY SNOW KILLED HIM??? crazyyy. Snow Lands On Top
hunter schafer ATE!!!!! like the "you look just like your father" omgg after she told him that she always saw hate in his eyes. shes so good. also from what i remember in the book he didnt even like his father why does he want to be like him in the movie😭😭 wish we saw his love for his mother a bit more
the way lucy's footsteps disappear LIKE BOOK CRUMBS! or like i guess it may have been mentioned in the lyrics of the folk song when she was singing but still so cool.
aLSO i think the movie goes down the route of snow being veryyy paranoid at the end. because her voice is echoing like it does at the hobb, i doubt her actual voice and singing would sound like that from the jabber jays? so was that actually her or his paranoia making things up?? yes shes actually gone (run off) but never truly gone from his life. the way he thought he shot her😭😭😭
i personally think they did love each other but snow strayed way past that line of good. dr gauls ideologies corrupted him (well like that lie about humans at their core being evil). he had his prejudices from the beginning but there were times he was good. idk he believed he was good when he was helping lucy gray but then he also had his ulterior motives for that so it made it all muddy. he says its for her but also for the money and in the end he chooses money.
anyways coriolanus snow is a bitch!!! a handsome one but still a bitch. bro went "IM SO SORRY IM SO SORRY" like what the hell u quite literally had him killed. bitchass man 🖕🖕🖕🖕
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spokspsps · 4 months
shen yuan!!! my little critter!! some of my thoughts on him pre and post transmigration on his attitude and value towards his life svsss spoilers below probably so caution
so like in all lives that sy has lived he has had a pretty like. fluid mindset to die like he says he doesnt wanna die but then hes like well shit guess i gotta die and there is no other solution possible (which,,, i think was fair in like one circumstance)
he's not sick in his first life, that's a misconception from a poorly translated line, but it does say that he's just "waiting to die", that he doesnt really have anything he's living for
sure he has his family and his webnovels but he doesnt seem to? have much in his life?
and i think part of that is how he was so easily able to let go of his identity and accept being shen qingqiu, literally within the first few pages we switch from the name use of 'shen yuan' to 'shen qingqiu' in a matter of minutes, he really didnt care about his past life
the only thing he seems to have definitively cared about is PIDW and that obviously applies when he isekais into PIDW
suddenly he's surrounded by everything he cared about in his old life except now it IS his life
like u rlly see just how fucking insane he is over lbh like dude calm down youre scaring the hoes
but again, he doesnt have much value in his life yeah he is now actually attached to things, but he still doesnt care about his life
he doesnt care much about without a cure, its just an impractical inconvenience to him, he doesnt care that luo binghe will kill him (well that's because he's insane over luo binghe), he just doesnt really care much
but he still tries to live doesnt he??
he fights for his life he tries to thiink of ways around pushing lbh into the abyss BECAUSE he doesnt want to die
he cares so little for his life but he still wants to live he wants to be alive he wants to breathe to feel to love and god i love shen yuan so much ur so interesting bro
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(painting by Edward Robert Hughes, 1851-1914.)
* * * *
If you are in the garden, I will dress myself in leaves. If you are in the sea I will slide into that smooth blue nest, I will talk fish, I will adore salt. But if you are sad, I will not dress myself in desolation. I will present myself with all the laughter I can muster. And if you are angry I will come, calm and steady, with some small and easy story.
Promises, promises, promises! The tongue jabbers, the heart strives, fails, strives again. The world is perfect. Love, however, is an opera, a history, a long walk, that includes falling and rising, falling and rising, while the heart stays as sweet as a peach, as radiant and grateful as the deep leaved hills. 
-- Mary Oliver. section 7 of "Rhapsody," in The Leaf and the Cloud: A Poem.
(Sherry Baker)
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benjaminthewolf · 1 year
D-Side BF Lol
Well, another one of @starlightgirl242 's Monday Night Munchin' requests are complete! I hope all you MNM fans out there are excited! Enjoy!
Edit: Why is this post showing up just fine in literally every other tag EXCEPT the "Monday Night Munchin" tag? The one without the apostrophe...like bruh...
Edit 2: Apparently it’s a technical issue, probably on the side of Tumblr’s desktop/computer version. Still annoying, but at least I know it’s working on mobile. ****
     “...so I was just chillin’ there in my paraglider, right? But then all of a sudden I see this giant-ass Seagull coming up towards me from the right, and apparently the stupid thing didn’t have the common sense to just stop flying forwards…or it just had terrible reflexes…or it didn’t care…but whatever, the dumbass Seagull ended up crashing straight into me, and then it shat itself and went tumbling into the ocean. Don’t worry, though, none of the poop got on me. But yeah, anyway…”
      Just as you had done before within the many, manny, many days gone by where you had enough time and energy to hang out with him, D-Side BF had been contentedly jabbering on to you about his wild, assorted misadventures, everything from going caving, to visiting a volcano, to attending various conventions, whilst the two of you casually strolled along the city sidewalks on the way to your chosen destination. Attempting, yet failing, to hold in a rather powerful bout of undoubtedly immature laughter after hearing about the Seagull’s reaction to the mid-air collision, you eventually eventually managed to gesture towards D-Side BF to keep going after managing to pull yourself back together, causing your chaotic, purple buddy to give a gaggling giggle himself. 
     Once he, too, had gotten all the funnies out of his system, D-Side BF naturally proceeded to take in a deep breath in order to proceed with his rambling, and continue on with what had happened upon that wondrous day at the beach as a result…before seemingly out of absolute nowhere, a rather abrupt, deep, growling, and gurgling  noise piped up to interrupt him. At least, it appeared to be from absolutely  nowhere to you. This was until, of course, D-Side BF came to a halt right there upon the rugged, filthy city sidewalk, in order to give a good poke to his middle, with a rather displeased look on his face to go with it.
    “Hey! Be quiet down there!” he brazenly scolded his belly whilst giving it a second poke, causing you to give a stifled chortle once more. 
     “...as I was saying, I was-” 
     Yet another bout of growling, and one that appeared to be slightly louder than the bout before, at that, promptly forced its owner to quiet down yet again, before aggressively striking the organ with his finger one more time. 
     “Hey! I said shut up down there! The candy store’s just a few more crosswalks away! You don’t need to keep whining like that!”
     D-Side BF proceeded to stay in that same, annoyed position until he was absolutely, positively sure that his tummy had gotten the message.
     “...but yeah, later that day, I got to go scuba diving, and I was able to come across a group of sharks! Or like…what’s a group of sharks called? A pod? No, that’s dolphins. Maybe a school? ‘Cause they are just large fish afterall. Ah, whatever. The point is, I was swimming all among them, and then…wait.”
     The following bout of lighthearted teasing that resulted from this single verbal mistake would, indeed, continue on until you and D-Side BF had finally reached the candy store doors, at which point you were forced to calm down in order to not get kicked out of the establishment, much to your friend’s great relief.
     The instant that those candy store doors swung open, and you and D-Side BF stepped inside, things went just about how the old metaphor implies, even though one would be forgiven from thinking that you and D-Side BF were kids from just how excentric the two of you were acting, D-Side BF in particular because of his height. Regardless, the unspoken rule was more so that you couldn’t make too many verbal distractions, something which the aforementioned teasing would’ve crossed the line of, rather than just be pretty jittery. This, plus the fact that the two of you did indeed have money meant that you and D-Side BF were still able to snag up your candy from the shelves without much issue to speak of.
     The candy store in question was named “Confetti Candy Carnival”, and had gone with the more bright and colorful, kid-attracting theme, rather than a more old-timey nostalgia based theme for a more generalized audience. (Another reason one could think you two were kids). This choice was because the store was near a large apartment complex, where naturally, a great number of small children lived. With vibrant pink and purple stripes lining the walls, displays such as a giant plastic gummy bear holding a bowl full of gummy bear packages (even though that’s a little messed up upon deeper thought), and happy, upbeat music playing overhead, you and D-Side BF swiftly filled up your arms with everything from peanut butter cups to sour gummies; glow-in-the-dark jelly beans to soda-flavored gum; chocolate-caramel cubes to peppermint disks; and black licorice ropes to flower-shaped lollipops. 
     When the two of you had finally rung up all your stuff, promising the cashier you would space out all the treats as well as you could, the doors were once again flung open, and the two of you at last began your trek back to D-Side BF’s place to hang out for the rest of the day.
     Approximately five minutes into said stroll back to D-Side BF’s place, the two of you had taken note of a public city bench in the distance, and ended up deciding amongst yourselves to rest there for the moment being. This did come with a little back and forth teasing along the lines of “Sugar crash already?” and “Fat person moment.”, all with an overarching lighthearted tone, of course, whilst you sat yourself down on the left side and D-Side BF on the right (relative to the front of the bench). But ultimately, once you had gotten yourselves all settled, the both of you did have to admit that it did feel nice to just sit down and enjoy your stash for a moment, causing you to delve right back into your casual ramblings of conversation as a result. Though most of the “conversing” was to be done by D-Side BF, of course. But it wasn’t like that bothered you. Not at all! You quite enjoyed hearing what D-Side BF had to say, especially considering all the ridiculous conundrums he always got himself into, as an individual radiating the energy of a true chaotic neutral.
     “So there I was, face-to-face with that buck. I was just giving him a glare saying: ‘If you even dare thrust those antlers at me, I will personally ram you into a tree and stick those antlers inside its trunk, and then you’ll be easy pickings for any random lucky lone wolf or something’-wait a second does that lollipop actually have the power to shrink people, or is it that just a marketing thing?”
     The lollipop in sudden question was one of the flower-shaped lollipops you had picked up at the store. This particular pop was called the “Shrinking Violet”, and possessed a grape soda flavor. It also purported to have the ability to shrink those who consumed it, a claim which was rather perplexing to D-Side BF.
     “I mean I know that if you’re clever enough about it, you can get away with some pretty ridiculous shit when it comes to marketing, but…something like that?”
     To D-Side BF’s bewilderment, you could only give a friendly shrug, acknowledging your own incredulity, before hastily removing the lollipop’s wrapper, and shoving it into your mouth.
     “Well, I guess the only way to find out for sure is to eat it.” D-Side BF ultimately concluded before promptly continuing on with his story about the aggressive buck. 
     Whilst D-Side BF went on with that, you were naturally simultaneously preoccupied with the lollipop in your mouth. The flavor was of a very sharp concentration of grape soda flavor, similar to a grape jolly rancher, except a lot more sweet. Shifting around the melting piece of candy in your mouth as it left a fine, sticky, grape-flavored stain on the right side of your tongue, you began pondering just when and how the shrinking would set in if indeed the lollipop’s package was factual. Swiftly shrugging again, as you knew that you would be given your answer soon enough, you merely continued to suck on the lollipop, allowing the rich, sugary flavor to positively melt into your taste buds as you did.
     “...so eventually, I just ended up running towards the river. It wasn’t like, a particularly fast one, or a particularly wide one, but it was just fast enough and just wide enough to deter the buck from going across, whilst I could swim through it no problem. And so, I ended up escaping after all. Even though I did get all wet.”
     Concluding the buck story with a nice and poignant “Yeah, fuck that buck. Hey, that rhymed!”, D-Side BF was finally able to notice that you had taken the lollipop stick out of your mouth by this point, promptly continuing to watch as you successfully tossed the thing into the trashcan next to your side of the bench before taking a glance down at the wrapper which was still present in your hands.
     “So…feel anything different yet?”
     You were just about to reply with a slightly disappointed “Well, no, not yet…” before all of a sudden, it happened.
     Neither you nor D-Side BF could scarcely believe the accuracy of what your own senses were telling you as the shrinking process finally began, right before your two sets of working eyes; but, suffice it to say, that it took quite a while for the both of you to regain your bearings after such an unexpectedly astounding surprise, not just so you could process the shock, but also so you could process your exhilaration. 
     “...no…fucking…way…” D-Side BF decided to break the silence at last, whilst slowly lowering his left hand down towards your shrunken form. You, now at the size of a peppermint, swiftly clamored into the center of the palm, and off of the lollipop wrapping which you had previously been holding as such. D-Side BF proceeded to lift you up in his left hand, whilst reaching over for the wrapper with his right. Once he had finally brought both hands up to eye-level, he had finally pulled himself back together to the point where he could formulate full sentences again.
     “I guess the package really wasn’t lying! Huh!” he managed to conclude to himself, before picking himself up off the bench in order to make his way over to the trash can and throw the now unneeded wrapper away.
     “Welp! I guess this means you’re getting a free ride all the way home!” D-Side BF at last deduced whilst gathering up the candy stash into the bags in order to carry them all in his right hand. “Lucky.” he lightheartedly added on a tease at the end.
     And with that, D-Side BF was just about to place your tiny form upon his shoulder where you could ride upon his giant body more comfortably, and also so he could use both hands to carry the candy bags, before, in yet another display of outside forces activating the both of your jolting, immediate, instinctive, and primal instincts to freeze in paralyzing shock, sending a horrid jolt of terror down both of your petrified spines.
     Once the eardrum-bursting boom of the thunder had rolled its way off into the endlessness of the rapidly darkening sky, and the both of you were once again able to properly think and function, D-Side BF glances up towards the graying azure, observing as a result the briskness at which the storm clouds were gathering. It would then only take a couple more seconds, before the reality fully set in.
     “We…” he shakily stuttered, his mind still considerably scrambled from the recent chilling panic. “We-We need to get you somewhere safe. The rain’ll be a lot more dangerous for someone your size, and I…I’m not taking any chances…” he allowed his lightly quivering voice to trail off. 
     “But where…” he eventually continued on, glancing down at your form with a soft and worried gaze. “Where do I-”
     And then, a significantly more tame, yet undeniably recognized noise emulated out from D-Side BF’s midsection. 
     And yet, this time, it was no unwelcome sound by a longshot, and the gears in D-Side BF’s head, as well as yours, promptly began turning.
     “D-do you think…” D-Side BF begins sheepishly suggesting after a good, long moment of thinking. “Do you think you’d be…comfortable? Um…in there?”
     You could not have given a quicker, more affirmative, yet more understanding cry of “Of course!” if you tried. Upon hearing this response in such a manner, D-Side BF appeared to subconsciously blush from all of the much-needed, friendly affection for a second, considering the horrific startle the two of you had just experienced together, before immediately snapping back into conscious thought barely an instant later, giving his now slightly embarrassed body a light shake, whilst reminding himself just why he needed to do this in the first place.
     Upon said reminder, then, D-Side BF recognized that it would be best to get you down there as soon as was possible for the both of you. Thus, he hastily raised up his hand to his mouth, gave a slight head cock over to you to confirm you were going to be okay, before, upon receiving yet another affirmative answer, taking in and out a deep breath, and finally unveiling his maw. 
     A few goopy tendrils of saliva promptly break apart as the squishy, pink maw of D-Side BF lies open and gaping before you, his smoothened, slimy tongue extending outwards in order to bridge the gap between his palm and the inside of his warm maw. Quickly shuffling on your hands and knees up and along the bridge of the tongue, before breaching the natural barrier of D-Side BF’s lips, (being mindful of his sharp teeth as you do), the dramatic difference in temperature proceeds to strike your skin almost immediately. The warm, cozy atmosphere of the air up against the cold, and now, considerably windy, storm-brewing outside world is what cues you to scramble all the way inside and onto the middle of the tongue so that D-Side BF would be able to close his maw. 
     Hastily shifting some of the bags in his right hand to his left, before beginning to walk once more, so the two of you would be able to get back to his place faster, D-Side BF then raises up the roof of his mouth so you on the inside wouldn’t feel as cramped, before lifting his salivating tongue up just slightly so he could gently slide you on down towards his gullet.
     You, upon realizing that D-Side BF is indeed considerably anxious to get you down to his stomach, so he could be absolutely, positively sure you were safe, swiftly squish yourself down and gently nuzzle your cheek upon the sleek surface of his tongue in appreciation of his loving concern. Wrapping your arms all around the pink muscle before carefully squeezing it tight, you only hold this state for just long enough so that D-Side BF could understand the message you were trying to send, quickly unraveling yourself from the muscle after the moment had passed, and finally allowing the law of gravity to aid you on your journey as you cautiously slid your way down D-Side BF’s slippery tongue, down past his plump, dangling uvula, and into his gullet as such.
     D-Side BF wastes absolutely zero time before lifting up his chin just slightly, and gently gulping you down. For you on the inside, as your head was practically shoved right inside of the upper esophageal sphincter, you were able to see D-Side BF’s epiglottis covering up the entrance to his windpipe, as the powerful muscles of said sphincter immediately squeezed you down into his purple esophagus.
      A few seconds after, as he is able to feel the slight bulge squelching its way down his throat, D-Side BF heaves out a hefty sigh, knowing that now, he had done all that he could, and that it was time for his body to handle the rest.
     Meanwhile, back on the inside of the relatively gigantic man, the constant, soothing, almost massage-like motions of peristalsis consistently compressed the smooth, cushiony esophageal walls up against your body, before shoving you forwards through its muscular tube, releasing the walls’ hold for a moment, and finally, starting all over again. With such rhythmic bodily contractions, it wouldn’t be very long before you had disappeared behind D-Side BF’s collarbone, leaving you able as such, to faintly pick up the pounding of his heartbeat, something which would only grow louder and louder as time marched on and you were shoved deeper and deeper into your giant friend’s body.
     Eventually, after quite some time of being squeezed and squelched through the natural, tight, heated tunnel, you were able to gain sight of the lower esophageal sphincter, leaving you fated to be shoved out into D-Side BF’s stomach by the powerful shove of the natural valve as such, before subsequently splash landing into the harmless liquids within. 
     Swiftly sitting up inside the tummy before giving your body a slight dog-like shake and shuffling on over to the stomach wall in order to lay yourself up against it, you casually squish yourself into, before subsequently nuzzling against the cushiony muscle, softly exhaling a sigh of relief and contentment. Listening in pure and peaceful bliss to the ambient gurgling and groaning reverberating around inside the smooth, purple stomach, the constant light shifting and churning of the walls cause the waters around you, as well as you yourself to an extent, to shift slosh about just slightly, within the growling chamber of D-Side BF’s stomach.
     Accompanying your head-nuzzling with a bit of hand-rubbing as well, you were able as a result to give D-Side BF a definitive message letting him know you were not only safe, but cheerful and comfortable, as well. 
     Now that he on the outside didn’t have to worry about his little friend being endangered by the rain anymore, or about him getting embarrassed by his blushing, D-Side BF subsequently allowed his cheeks to fully flush, his midsection pleasantly tingling from the gentle internal rubbing as he casually trodding along the darkening streets of the city. 
     D-Side BF wished deeply to return the loving gesture, and yet, with both of his hands occupied by the bag, and with the weather very very quickly turning bad, thereby forcing him to be in a hurry to get back to his place before the rain began, he just simply couldn’t.
     Nonetheless, the simple, yet so deeply touching wondrousness of the internal rubbing did quite a lot in helping D-Side BF calm down, despite the fact he was in a rush to get home, and despite the trembling scare he had gotten back from the thunder. D-Side BF knew that his little friend was safe, and he also knew that his little friend was currently returning the gesture of said safety. This, to D-Side BF, within that very moment, was all that he needed to know.
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king-sassy08 · 2 years
Oh baby to be a hagfish
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tauman942 · 1 year
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Summary Lieutenant Mahin and Commissar Rembault of the 1012th Cadian regiment, are fighting the treacherous xenos called the T'au on the world of Kupa V. After annihilating a platoon of human collaborators, and shooting the survivors, one of them is somehow still alive. Sergeant First Class Rokken "Rokk" Tamaguchi. Who is this strange human soldier? What is his story? And why is he now fighting for the T'au Empire?
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Artwork: 1) Imperial Guard Sketch by Salvador Trakal 2) Cadians Karl Kopinski, Games Workshop
Excerpt ‘I’ll ask again, what’s your name?’ said the Commissar lighting the tabac stick for herself.
‘Sergeant First Class Rokken A. Tamaguchi. Ident number 456-789-22010,’ he replied, looking at the commissar with his one good eye, the other having been glued shut, by dried blood.
‘Unit sergeant?’
The prisoner took in a breath, coughed, and grunted out, ‘2nd Platoon, Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, of the 7th Mu’gulath Bay Regiment.’
‘I guess it takes a commissar to get these traitors to talk, uh ma’am?’ said the sergeant.
The prisoner turned and glared up at the sergeant with his one good eye.
‘Got a problem, heretic? Want a boot up your arse?’ shouted Demin getting ready to kick the prisoner.
‘Hold on, sergeant!’ shouted the commissar with the tabac stick still between her teeth. Getting up, she shooed away the small crowd of guardsmen who were gathered around the prisoner. Then, pulling the sergeant aside, she asked, ‘So, Sergeant, tell me What-the-Throne is going on here?’
The sergeant straightened his back and looking off into the desert said, ‘There was a firefight. We over ran their position. Shot all the survivors, including the wounded. Then two hours later this heretic here…’ Demin pointed at the prisoner. ‘…Comes staggering out of the pile of dead bodies holding his head in his hands. He’s gibber jabbering away in that Blue-fish talk, “Tiki-tak ching-chang-chong oola-la-la!” So we gave him a rifle butt to the stomach, bound his hands, and sat his traitorous backside on the ground.’
‘Did you interrogate him?’
‘We tried. But he just wouldn’t answer. So we gave up, figuring he didn’t speak any Low Gothic.’
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