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labelleizzy · 2 years
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Thank you @dizzy-redhead
Image ID: the dedication page for Ariel Bishop's book Fictitious, which reads:
"To everyone who's ever been told they're too much ... You are EXACTLY enough"
/ image ID
(happy Pride Diz!! 🌈🌈🌈)
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itokichi1130 · 2 years
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展示場所★METEOR 東京都杉並区西荻北 2-11-9 -2F 展示期間★2022/04/29(金)~05/31(火) 展示時間★13:00〜21:00(金~日)※水はお休み 【🖥わたしのファミカセ展公式HP】 【🕊METEOR様Twitter】 【🚃METEOR様アクセス】 ・JR西荻窪駅北口の「北銀座商店街」を北に向かいます。お肉屋「とらや」の交差点を渡り、その先右手のパン屋「一本堂」脇の階段を上がった2階奥になります。駅からは徒歩5分ほどです。 ・土日と祝日はJR中央線が西荻窪を通過しますので、総武線にてお越しください。 ※開催日程が変更になる可能性もございます。最新の情報はHPやSNSでご確��ください。 ・ * --------- ・ ファミコンのカセットのラベルを、架空のゲームで自由にデザインする企画「わたしのファミカセ展2022」に私すずきいときちも「エントリーNo.169【JIGSAW DINOSAUR】」という作品にて参加させていただきます。 2005年より毎年開催され、今年で18回目を迎える公募企画展です。 国内外29か国、総勢253名のクリエイターの作品が展示予定です。 【🖥過去のクロニクルサイトはこちら】 私は昨年に引き続き2回目の参加となります。作品エントリーが間に合ってよかった! 全作品を収録した公式図録が今年も通販で販売されます。 【🛒図録通販ページはこちら】 【🦊2021年の参加についてはこちら】 新型コロナウイルスの影響もありますので、ご無理のない範囲でお越しください。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
—————————– 【JIGSAW DINOSAUR】 「JIGSAW DINOSAUR -ジグソー ダイナソー-」は恐竜たちを揃えるパズルゲームです。恐竜たちが生き残っている惑星が舞台です。 恐竜をスライドさせて、同じ種類、または同じ色の恐竜を5個揃えるとスコアになります。 スコアが高ければ高いほど、惑星で恐竜たちが繁栄していきます。 恐竜を揃える事が出来ずになると火山が噴火してゲームオーバーになってしまうので、なるべくたくさんの恐竜を集め、火山の噴火を阻止しましょう! —————————– I will participate in "My Famikase Exhibition 2022", a project to freely design NES cassette labels in a fictitious game, with "Entry No. 169". This project has been held every year since 2005, and this year marks the 18th publicly-offered exhibition. The works of a total of 253 creators from 29 countries inside and outside Japan will be exhibited. This will be the second participation following last year. I'm glad that the work was submitted in time! 【🖥"My Famikase Exhibition" Official HP(Japanese) 】 【🕊METEOR Twitter(Japanese) 】 【🚃METEOR access(Japanese) 】 【🖥Click here for Chronicle site】 【🦊Click here for 2021 participation】 Thank you. —————————– 【JIGSAW DINOSAUR】 Slide the dinosaurs to get 5 dinosaurs of the same type or color to get a score. The higher the score, the more prosperous the dinosaurs will be on the planet. If you can't get all the dinosaurs, the volcano will erupt and the game will be over, so collect as many dinosaurs as possible and stop the eruption of the volcano!
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veedynasty · 2 years
ppl aren’t real I’ve made up a lot of you in my mind tbh
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Nothing exists for us but what we feel, and we project this into the past, as into the future, without allowing ourselves to be restrained by the fictitious barrier of death.
from In Search of Lost Time, Book 6: The Fugitive by Marcel Proust
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i8i8t · 5 months
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'World's Silliest Books' by Simon D. Holden copyright 2017 - all rights reserved. Used by permission.
'Falling off a Cliff' by Eileen Dover
'Rusty Bedsprings' by I. P. Nightly
'Saul Goodman'
Hundreds of examples of fake names with double-meanings that have been used throughout history.
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rosanacafe · 7 months
Tintin et Milou por Rosana Por Flickr: Tintin and Snowy For Macro Mondays: "Fictitious" For October 2023: A month in 31 pictures 16/31
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Good Eatin'!
I made a logo for a fictitious fast-food restaurant called Chuck’s Chickenburgers. I learned how to wrap lettering around a circle, how to use the eye-dropper tool to change the color of things quickly, and how to manipulate shapes and mold them into recognizable objects.
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wata5 · 1 year
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stockmedia · 2 years
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kanataachi · 2 years
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familyabolisher · 8 months
i think one of the strangest examples of cognitive dissonance on here might be the crowd who are very like proud of their affinity for capital-h Horror and post about how anyone who doesn't like whatever their erotic cannibalism etc etc thing is is a terminally steven universe media illiterate anti-intellectual, but also like, makes callout posts for kinksters and incest shippers calling them pedophiles
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just-honey-dewd · 4 months
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@light-koe-pinsky I think I saw you tag a post with a prompt like this and my brain went on autopilot /pos
Yeah so, in my mind, the difference between modern Bugs and classic Bugs is that classic Bugs was unmedicated. Daffy should be on meds, but gets by unmedicated a lot better than Bugs.
Also Daffy would use this scenario as an excuse for why he should be the one managing Bugs’ finances.
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For your viewing pleasure…
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If yk where this image originally comes from, you get a gold star
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So, FHJY theory/au idea:
In that one promotional video, Emily had been unsure about continuing on as Fig right? Well, looking at the devil's nectar, and how powerful Fig's illusions are becoming, and all the stuff with Cuspin Clark, imagine if Figueroth Faeth turns into Wanda Childa, and Wanda Childa finds that she cannot turn back?
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ladeldee · 2 years
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Talking with a guilty conscious
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