naffeclipse · 27 days
So, I've got a question for the snake den. There are so many versions of eclipse (and some of sun and moon of course), that they cant all be called Eclipse, right? So I think that each of them should each have their own seperate names
In-universe, the nagas have their own language, and to Y/N, their names in their native tongue sound so terribly similar that it's difficult for them to differentiate the nagas but for the sake of the question, and maybe bordering a little into OC territory, these are the names I would give them so not everyone is named Eclipse.
Blackwater Lure Eclipse = Tiago
Cryptid Sightings Eclipse = Tlhoolcha
Sleuth Jesters Eclipse = Vinicius
Bounty Hunter Eclipse = Nahuel
Devil Eclipse Eclipse = Jacare
Sleuth Jesters Sun = Helio
Sleuth Jesters Moon = Meztli
Syzygy in Dedication Eclipse = Saulo
Syzygy in Dedication Sun = Inacio
Syzygy in Dedication Moon = Luan
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missterious-figure · 1 month
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The Celestial Herd Sillies!
(I don't think I ever specified, but anyone can ship their ocs with the Celestial Herd boys and Swamp Things boys. It won't be official, though. Fanart of oc x dca ships, little one shots, comics, even fanfics are allowed for both the Celestial Herd au and Swamp Things au. @ferret-who-likes-robots is making a fic for the Swamp Things au! Go check them and the fic out if you haven't already!!)
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avegool · 7 months
City Boy, Farm Girl
Read on Ao3 Here.
 The little bar was hidden in one of the back alleys of one of the many culturally distinct sections of the City. It was one of the only animatronic-friendly bars and was often full of them. Animatronics didn’t necessarily drink, but they wanted to be able to go to social places, too, without the possibility of being attacked for not being “normal.”
 What even was normal in the world? You could be more robot than human, but you would still be ranked above the animatronics.
 Animatronics were seen as lesser beings. Servants. Slaves, to some. To you, they were friends. They were just like everyone else, just without the human parts hidden beneath the metal.
 Though, the one looming over you at the bar was one of the least pleasant ones you had the misfortune of meeting. For someone who only came up to your shoulders, they were sure adamant about hitting on you. They even made lewd comments about your ass. You ignored the ferret-shaped animatronic at first, continuing to drink the whiskey in your hand.
 Then, Ferret got handsy.
 Now. You weren’t confrontational in the least. You tried to keep the peace in any situation you were put in - a rarity in the City. Most people would throw a hit or whip out a gun whenever the smallest little problem arose.
 You chalked it up to being raised on a farm, not in the crazy urban City that never ended, never slept, and never stopped. No wonder people were violent here. You would be too, if you grew up in such a toxic environment.
 But when the Ferret touched your ass. That was it.
 You placed your cup down on the countertop and swiveled on the bar stool to look at him. He leaned against the counter and grinned at you, his fluffy ears jolting upright.
 “Touch me again, I dare you,” you warned, “I might not be a city girl, but I know how to put an animal down.”
 His inner fans whirred and he leaned closer. Ferret clearly enjoyed your threat. He grabbed onto your arm with his claws and gazed up at you with half-lidded eyes-
 “Wow, a fleshy that can turn me on just like that, please say-”
 Another claw, larger, sharper, and greener rested on the ferret’s head. The smaller animatronic turned his head, his neck creaking from the excess weight now placed upon it. His speckled-green eyes widened at the sight of the newly arrived gator- or maybe he was a crocodile. You weren’t sure.
 “Now, I know ya weren’t hitting on my girl,” the gator said, “You know what I do to creeps like ya?”
 The fact that a second, larger animatronic was now here and claiming you to be his was terrifying. What did you do to deserve this treatment? Is it the lack of cybernetics that most of the other City dwellers have? Or did you just give out a vibe? You had no clue, but you regretted going for an overpriced drink in the slums of the City. You might have been better off just going to your hotel room and snatching a drink from the fridge.
 The ferret recoiled from the alligator, nearly tripping on his own tail trying to get away. Whoever this gator was, he was clearly known around the bar. Once the ferret was gone, the gator took his seat in the bar stool beside you.
 You wearily watched him before rotating your legs back under the bar. You downed the rest of your whiskey and wondered if you should run while you had the chance.
 The gator rapped his knuckles on the bar, “Another one of what she’s having.” he demanded.
 The human behind the bar nodded. Her bangles and rings jingling as she moved to get the bottle of whiskey from the shelf. She poured an amount into your glass before disappearing onto the other side of the bar again.
 You stared at the glass and shivered. Now you were in the gator’s debt. Whoever he was.
 You decided to nip it in the bud before you got yourself in too deep.
 “Thank you,” you said, “But I can handle myself. I was doing fine before you came in.”
 It came out ruder than you expected, but it was good enough. Maybe he would get the hint and move on. You weren’t interested. You weren’t staying in the City very long, and you didn’t plan on making friends or anything else.
 “Sure looked like ya needed help,” he grumbled back, lowering his star-shaped glasses to get a good look at you with his red eyes. “You’re a fleshy. Doubt you could last long against one of us.”
 He…made a point. Unlike the majority of the population, you did not have any enhancements. No super strength. No super agility. Nothing. You were just a plain-Jane human. An animatronic could easily overpower you. There was no comparing a fleshy and an animatronic. Would the ferret have gotten pushier? Would he have forced himself on you? You’d never know, now.
 You finally grabbed the glass and took a sip of the whiskey. He got it for you. You might as well drink it. He did you two favors. You won’t let them go to waste.
 You say your name.
 The gator grunted. He was just as rude as the ferret.
 You downed the rest of your whiskey and stood up, placing a tenner on the bar top. You patted down your cargos.
 “Thanks for the drink,” you mumbled, “See ya.”
 You didn’t make it very far before the gator grabbed onto the sleeve of your leather jacket. You don’t turn to look at him, but you do stop. He obviously wanted to say something.
 “Monty,” he said, “That’s the name. You’re not from around here, are ya?”
 You chuckled and stashed your hands in your pockets. “Is it that obvious?”
 “Yeah, it is.” He didn’t even hesitate. “Let me walk ya home. Streets get dicey at night. Especially ‘round here.”
 Your immediate answer was ‘no.’ But. The ferret could still be lingering around outside, waiting for you. Or something worse. Your first night here you were harassed by a group of men. Everyone made the City out to be so great, but in reality, it was just a cesspool of the worst people.
 You turned to look at Monty over your shoulder. “Yeah, that’d be nice, thanks,” Came out of your mouth before you meant it to.
 Well, no changing your mind now. Monty stood up from the barstool, and you realized just how tall he was. He easily towered over you, and the size of his arms made you completely understand why the ferret was so terrified. Monty was gigantic and looked strong. His bright-red mohawk and beard paired with the leather trousers he wore tucked into large combat boots was downright…no it wasn’t as scary as you thought. It looked good on him. Monty didn’t wear a shirt, though, you supposed he didn’t need to.
 He sidestepped around you and walked toward the bar door, waving his hand at the patrons he passed. His tail swished back and forth as he walked, though it was elegant. It never got close to knocking anything around. A few of the other customers waved and called his name, but you didn’t want to stick around to find out why he was so well-known. Monty wasn’t your friend. He was just a dude walking you home.
 The door jingled as it closed behind you. Monty was standing a little ways up the alley, waiting for you to come lead him. But he wasn’t looking at you. His piercing red glare was aimed for something just behind you. You looked over your shoulder, and the ferret was standing there, petrified. Good call having Monty walk you home.
 Monty’s tail beat against the wet stone of the alley, impatient, probably. You spared the ferret one last, nasty glance before hastily making your way toward the gator.
 As you approached his side, he tucked his hands in his pockets. “Where to?”
 “I’m staying the hotel on Third,” you said, “The Jefferson.”
 Monty began to walk toward the direction Third street was. He knew the City well, you realized. It was so large. You got lost the first day you came. The underground was confusing, and you struggled to decipher it. But he knew exactly where he was and where he was going. Maybe it was an animatronic thing. Maybe they had an inbuilt GPS. With your sense of direction, you were a tad bit jealous.
 You followed behind him, careful to not trip on his tail. It swayed left to right in a pattern, and you couldn’t help but watch it.
 “How long ya stayin’ for?”
 You barely recognized that Monty was talking to you. In fact, you nearly missed the curb he stepped off, causing you to stumble. He just watched you over his shoulder with humored eyes. Smooth, smooth. Only you would be a clumsy dumbass in front of this monstrous animatronic.
 Your brain finally registered his question.
 “Oh, only a few more days.” you replied, “I only came here to settle some family matters, then I’m going back to the farm.”
 Monty grunted in reply, stepping up onto the next curb. There were no cars on the street. In fact, cars were rarely used in the city. Most people used some sort of flying scooter contraptions or the Underground.
 “Ya live on a farm, huh?” Monty mused, “I bet that’s borin’.”
 You almost stumbled on his tail when you stepped onto the curb. But Monty grabbed ahold of your sleeve before you could step on it.
 “Not too boring,” you countered, “I like the peace. Don’t you ever get tired of the toxicity of the City?”
 Monty stopped walking at your question. It was an innocent one. He recognized it. But truthfully, he never thought of leaving the City. It was the only place that animatronics were “welcomed.” He was built and raised here.
 Before he could reply, a scooter zipped by, and you jumped. They were loud when they were too close to the ground. You even fell backwards onto the cement of the sidewalk. Ouch. Monty growled in the direction of the scooter, but said nothing about your damaged pride.
 He offered you a hand.
 Gratefully, you accepted.
 Once on your feet, the two of you continued to walk. Third street was a few blocks up, so you didn’t expect to make it there for at least a little while.
 Finally Monty gathered an answer. “I don’t think I’d like it out there,” he said, “At least here, people tolerate us.”
 It was a weird way to word that. You hummed to yourself in thought. Animatronics were certainly looked down upon here. They weren’t treated well at all, and were still considered sub-class citizens. They couldn’t vote. They had little to no rights. Most places didn’t even allow animatronics in the doors.
 “My neighbor’s an animatronic,” You said at last. “Everyone treats him well. He even comes to repair my machines, sometimes. Really good guy.”
 That was news to him. He’s never heard of an animatronic leaving the City. This was where they would go to get repaired. Upgrades. Anything they could possibly need.
 “What does he do if he gets damaged?”
 The question left Monty’s mouth before he could stop it. Life outside the City was a curiosity, now. If another animatronic lived out there, then surely more could.
 “He lives with the tech, actually,” you replied, “Some dude that used to live here got sick of the life. Brought Bonnie and a few others with him. Now he lives on a farm, but Bonnie’s the only one that tends to it. He’s been good at upkeeping Bonnie, though.”
 The two of you crossed the street again until you were on Eight street. Monty kept his thoughts to himself now, though you didn’t seem to mind the questions.
 You were rather charming, in a way. Different from the other humans Monty got along with. You didn’t look at him like he was beneath you, either. The fact that you chose an animatronic-friendly bar spoke volumes to him. Especially since it was nine streets up from your hotel. It meant that you had actively sought it out. Though, he wouldn’t say that out loud. He appreciated a good human now and then.
 A few kids were tossing a ball-pod back and forth in one of the alleys. Two humans, and one animatronic. They were all giggling, and shoving each other around. You watched in curiosity as you passed, though Monty didn’t give them a second look. He was used to seeing the children that lived in the slums. Hell, that’s where he grew up. This was Monty’s domain.
 “Hey Monty!”
 “Hi Mont!”
 The children started bellowing and calling out to him, waving frantically as they spotted him. You looked from them to the gator walking in front of you and grinned. Monty waved in the direction of the kids, but didn’t stop to talk to them. No matter. They continued to play with the pod.
 “So. You’re quite popular here, huh?” you teased, “Are you famous or something?”
 Monty was chuffed to hear that you could recognize his popularity. “Ya could say that,” he said, “Used to play in a band when I was younger. Now that I’m older, though, I just pick fights with the fleshies that think they can bully us.”
 Ah. He was a vigilante of some sort. A punk. Though, he easily defended you against one of his own. Maybe he just had some hero complex.
 “You ever get tired of that?”
 It sounded ruder than you intended. Accusatory. In reality, Monty wasn’t doing anything to be ashamed of.
 “No,” he replied, “It makes life worthwhile. Don’t ya get tired of digging in the dirt?”
 “No, ‘it makes life worthwhile,’” you instantly replied, “There aren’t a lot of farms left in the world. It’s nice growing something non-synthetic. I’d invite you to visit, but I don’t think you’d like it.”
 The truth was, Monty would like it. A large open field to run around in? No one to rely on him? Sounded like a vacation. Sounded like magic. The only grass Monty had ever seen were the rare bits and pieces that poke up in the sidewalk before maintenance. Everything about your life was completely foreign to him.
 “It can’t be too bad,” he said, “If someone like ya can handle it, I definitely can.”
 You laughed at that. It was a nice laugh. Not musical or melodical. Real. Rough. A little dorky. It was endearing in a society where everyone had to be perfect.
 Monty watched you from over the tops of his glasses, entranced by the look on your face. He almost wanted to laugh too. Your laugh was contagious. He even felt his silicone lips rise in a grin.
 “Fine then,” you countered, “You’ll have to come spend a few days on the farm. I’ll show you the ropes. You’ll be a farm boy in no time.”
 Hospitality was rare. The fact you openly invited an animatronic you just met to your home, whether joking or not, was odd. Weird. You were weird. Trusting in a weird way.
 Seventh street was quite busy. It had a few clubs and restaurants that were open to those that lingered well into the night. For people like you. People like Monty, too. Fleshies glared at him as he walked by. He ignored them. You glared back.
 Monty only knew you for maybe half an hour by this point, but he liked your guts. And your smile. And your laugh.
 “Keep your eyes to yourself,” you hissed at a passing woman that had additional, robotic arms.
 Why humans would fashion themselves with robotic limbs yet act in such an awful way toward animatronics was beyond you. Imitation was a form of flattery, but in this case, humans were trying to just be better than what they were imitating. It was annoying. It was shallow. Monty watched as the multi-armed woman huffed and entered the line for the nearest club. A few other humans that were commenting quite rudely on Monty’s looks withered under your glare.
 Monty believed you now. You could defend yourself, at least against humans. And here you were defending him against humans. You were something else.
 Sixth street wasn’t much better. But at least most of the humans on this road elected to just ignore Monty’s presence. You walked quietly beside him, looking around at the different neon signs in windows, eyes wide with curiosity, not unlike a child’s. The City was still so new to you, and you were leaving so soon, too. As much as you hated it here, there was just something so…nice about having anything within walking distance.
 Monty watched you from the corner of his eye. He watched you looking around, bewildered and amazed.
 He took these views for granted. They were all he’s seen his entire life. They weren’t interesting or cool or even pleasant anymore. They were just there, in the background of his mind.
 “How ya sleepin’ here?” he asked, “Is the light annoyin’?”
 A good question. You wondered if you looked like shit to prompt it, though.
 “Eh,” you kicked at a stone as you passed it. “The lights are annoying, but I can sleep anywhere. The City just makes my insomnia a little worse is all.”
 It was true. Your insomnia was a lot worse in the City. You knew you could be out wandering the streets and looking at things. The constant drabble of people talking. The lights constantly on and flickering. The noise was enough to drive you insane. The first night you didn’t sleep at all. Then one of the neighboring ladies in the room next to you offered ear plugs. She was a saint.
 “Insomnia, huh?”
 Monty didn’t know much about it. He didn’t “sleep” the ways humans did.
 You hummed in response, tucking your hands into the pockets of your jacket. That was another thing you noticed in the City. It was never cold. Your jacket was just anxiety deterrent. It had no other use. You could walk down the street naked and be perfectly comfortable with the temperature.
 It was especially strange since it was October.
 It definitely explained why so many people dressed in so little clothes. That wasn’t for you. Fancy clothes did not bode well on the farm.
 Fifth and Fourth street were practically deserted. A few humans slithered around the entrances to casinos and strip-clubs, but most were assumably inside. A strange looking animatronic sat on the front steps of a brothel, smoking some sort of pipe. How he managed to do that without lungs was beyond your comprehension.
 “Hey Mon’gomery,” the robot breathed out a puff of multi-colored smoke, “Didn’ know you had a human fe’ish.”
 Your face burned at the accusation, and you immediately looked away from the Fox-shaped animatronic. Is that why Monty was helping you? To get in your pants? Did animatronics even have anything in theirs?
 “Nah, not like that,” Monty said, “Fergeusson was botherin’ her and I’m just walkin’ her home.”
 The fox slapped his knee and chuckled, more smoke puffing out of his mouth and nostrils. You noticed he only had one good hand, the other was painfully absent. In fact, he looked really tattered, damaged. His ears with broken in different places, and his one eye was sunken in and covered in a patch. Dude had a rough life.
 He also wore a security guard uniform. No doubt the guard for the brothel he sat in front of.
 “Aye, he’s such a weasel tha’ Fergeusson,” the fox rolled his singular eye, “She is qui’e a beau’iful lass. Nor surprised he sough’ her ou’.”
  Monty laughed a little, too. “She’s nice,” he waved the fox’s words off, “She’s a farm girl. Not used ta the City.”
 The fox laughed a long. “Farm girl, huh?”
 You nod, meekly, “All my life. I’m sorry, I don’t mean to cut the conversation off, but I really need to get to my hotel.”
 “Righ’, righ’,” the fox nodded, “Sorry bou’ tha’, maybe nex’ ‘ime. See ya la’er Mon’gomery.”
 “Later Foxy,” Monty grunted.
 Monty nudged you to start walking again, and soon you were on Third.
 Your hotel was on the corner. It was the smallest and dingiest of the buildings on this street, but otherwise nice. It was one of the only remaining brick buildings in the City - most had been replaced years ago. The front desk lady had told you all about it. The hotel was a historic building. It was the oldest building in the City, supposedly. You didn’t know if that was true or not.
 If it was, you thought they would take better care of it. Alas.
 You stopped right in front of the hotel. The door was held open by a stone. The window on the left was shattered. There were leaves covering the porch. It wasn’t much. But it was your temporary home.
 You turn to look at Monty. “Thank you for walking me here,” you said, “And thank you with Fergeusson. Ah…wait hold on.”
 You pulled your wallet out of your pocket and flick it open to dig for some cash. But Monty grabbed your wrist before you could pull it out.
 “Don’t need ta pay me,” he said, “I reckon you would’ve gotten back just fine without me, anyway. Just consider it a pit stop on my way back.”
 Your eyebrows knitted together, but you elected to put your wallet away anyway. If he didn’t want money, then you wouldn’t force it on him. (It was money for the train ride home, anyway.) But, you didn’t want to send him away with nothing.
 You motioned for Monty to come down to your height. He rolled his eyes behind his glasses but did bend closer to you. He assumed you were going to whisper something in his ear? Not that he had an ear, mind you.
 But you didn’t whisper anything.
 You stood on your tiptoes to reach the rest of the way and pressed your soft, pink lips against the side of his snout. And just like that, the warmth was gone and you were skipping up the steps into the hotel. Monty watched you disappear inside the door before he straightened his spine.
 He gently touched the side of his snout that you had just kissed. More than a little surprised.
 Monty never realized how warm humans were.
 He spared one last glance at the door and turned around to walk back to the bar. He had a bone to pick with Fergeusson still.
 You spent all day in the lawyer’s office, only to get nothing done. He spent too long on the phone with other clients, which, you supposed was fine since they were actually paying him. But your lawyer, who was your cousin, was doing your case free. Pro-bono. It wasn’t even really your case. It was your father’s, but he was too ill to travel anymore, so it was up to you to handle.
 It wasn’t even a big deal. It just had to do with your father’s medical issues and his power of attorney should be. Your brother immediately demanded he be it. But he wanted to trash the farm. Sell it to the City so it could expand and he could make a profit. But you wanted the farm. You did all the work for it, and it was originally meant to be yours. Your father just never finished his will before he fell sick.
 After a long ten hours, you called it quits for the day. You were hungry and nursing a poor mood, so you elected to once again go across the street into the alleyway to the only animatronic-friendly bar. That was how you found it yesterday. It was closest place that served food to your cousin’s office. The animatronic-friendly bit was just a happy coincidence.
 You had never seen so many animatronics before entering the city. It was amazing yesterday being in the presence of them in the bar. Today, you hoped it would be just as amazing. Without the ferret harassing you. Hopefully. Maybe you would even bump into your new friend, Monty. You had asked your cousin if he knew Monty.
“Oh him?” he had sounded annoyed, “He’s a bit of a brute. Are you sure that’s the right name? I can’t imagine someone like Montgomery Gator walking a girl home at night. Bit of a ridiculous image if you ask me.”
 You brushed him off at the time. Monty had been nothing but- well. He was considerate. A little gruff, but really not a bad guy. He was nice to talk to. He was really the only one aside from your cousin that you’ve spoken to all week.
 The bar was less populated now than it had been last night. It was only a little after lunchtime, so you weren’t surprised.
 The stool you sat on yesterday was unoccupied, so you immediately maneuvered to situate yourself there. You were a creature of habit. You enjoyed sitting in the same place every time. Once sat, you looked at the menu sitting off to the side to see what sort of foods the bar offered. You didn’t expect much, especially if mostly animatronics hung around.
 As if like magic, shortly after you sat down, the bar’s door flicked open again and the bell jingled with the movement. You didn’t look toward the source, instead you continued to look through the menu. There were normal things you’d find at a bar - pizza, wings, fries. You weren’t really hungry for any of those things.
 You’d kill for some of your mother’s cooking right now.
 Fresh vegetables and fruits right off the farm? Sign you up.
 The bartender noticed your indecision and approached, placing a glass of tap-water in front of you. There weren’t any other humans around right now, so he didn’t have anyone else to really attend to except for you.
 “You’re not from here, huh?” he questioned, “You’re looking at the menu awfully hard, need any help?”
 You wondered if you had a sign taped to your forehead that said you weren’t from the City. Every single person you had the pleasure to talk to could just tell. Was it the clothes? The lack of enhancements? Just your face in general?
 “Don’t really need help, no,” you mused, “I’m just hungry, but not that hungry, I guess, as none of these seem to be interesting.“
 The bartender crossed his arms and hummed, “We could go off-menu, I’m sure,” he encouraged, “The chef rarely gets to do anything special since we’re mostly busy with them robots. Whatcha hungry for?”
 You wondered. What exactly were you hungry for? If a chef was willing to make you whatever you wanted, you should really take advantage of that.
 “Stew,” you finally said, “Beef stew. With lots of potatoes.”
 “Got it.” the bartender nodded and then disappeared into the kitchen through the doors behind the bar.
 “That sounds pretty good.”
 The stool beside you creaked with the weight of its new guest. You turn to look away from the kitchen doors and find yourself face to face with Monty again. Today, he’s wearing dark-washed jeans with platformed boots. A dark t-shirt with the sleeves torn off. No sunglasses, just tired eyes stared at you.
 “Oh hey,” you said, “I wasn’t expecting to run into you again. Did you get home alright yesterday?”
 The alligator looked at you incredulously at such a weird question - “Did-did I get home alright?“ he repeated. He was going to say something nasty, but at the look of genuine fondness and worry on your face, he had to bite his tongue, ”’Course, no one’s better than me.“
 You beamed. Your smile was contagious, and Monty couldn’t help but grin back, eyes half lidded and face resting against his hand. Why were you so cute?
 “Are all farm girls cute like ya?”
 You weren’t expecting a question like that. Hell, he wasn’t expecting a question like that either.
 You blushed furiously and averted your eyes, covering your face with a single hand as you looked the other way. Monty’s fans whirred to life in his chassis, and he, too, looked away from you.
 Awkward. Awkward.
 The bartender handed you another cup of water. You hadn’t realized you chugged your first one down. Or that he came out of the kitchen. You took a good few sips of this water, trying to ease the warmth in your face just enough so you could look at Monty again.
 When you finally looked over again, he was staring. So much for getting rid of your flustered face.
 “Didja sleep well las’ night?” he asked, “I know ya said it was makin’ your insomnia bad.”
 Oh. He remembered your conversation from last night.
 “Oh, well,” you rubbed at the back of your neck, “I barely slept, honestly. My insomnia was pretty awful, but I was also anxious about my meeting today.”
 Monty tapped his claw on the bar-top, “How’d tha’ go?”
 You didn’t remember exactly what you told him about your meetings. But you were pretty sure he knew you were here specifically for them.
 “Alright, we’re almost done,” you said, “Should finish it all up tomorrow. I’ll probably take the late train home.”
 Monty hummed in reply, his red eyes moving from your face to your hand clutching the glass of water. He couldn’t tell if you were relieved or anxious to be going home so soon. He had a general idea of how you felt about the City (not good), so he assumed you’d be happy, but something about your body language told him that wasn’t the case.
 “Homesick?” he offered.
 You took another sip of your water, watching as the kitchen door swung open and the bartender swept back into the room with a tray. He placed the tray on the bar beside you and moved the bowl off it onto the top in front of you, as well as a bit of bread and butter on a smaller plate.
 “Yeah. I am,” you admitted to Monty, “At the same time, it’s nice to meet new people and spend time with my cousin. It’s kinda lonely at home.”
 You took a deep smell of the stew in front of you and hummed. It was delightful and you couldn’t wait to dig in. Unravelling the napkin bundle, you pluck out the singular spoon and scooped a spoonful up, getting a fat chunk of potato with the broth. Perfect.
 It tasted as good as it smelled. Gently salty. You could taste garlic and onion. It wasn’t as good as your mother’s, but it was a close second.
 “Why dontcha stay, then?”
 You swallowed the mouthful and placed the spoon down. Monty made a very valid point.
 “Because I don’t like the City,” you replied after a few minutes, “It’s not for me. The countryside is where I belong, even if it’s a little lonely. I think I’d be just as lonely here as back home. Don’t you get lonely here?”
 The truth was. He did. Monty didn’t have a lot of friends anymore. Not since Roxy and Chica moved away. He and Freddy never really got along.
 “Yeah,” he grunted, “Yeah, I do.”
 The conversation lulled.
 You ate more of your stew. Monty watched out of the corner of his eye. Well. This was awkward, but you supposed that was to be expected. Monty wasn’t your friend. You barely had anything in common. He had just been nice enough to walk you home last night…and sit next to you today.
 You nibbled on your bread, avoiding his gaze. He was staring at you, still.
 Once your bit of bread was gone, you had no excuse to ignore him though.
 “Don’t mind me, but I’m going to be a little forward here,” you cautioned, “You’re strong, and I could really use your help getting the farm set up for the autumn. I’d pay you, of course, and house you. Any repairs would be on me.”
 Monty looked at you, surprised this time - “Look, kid, that’s nice an’ all, but we just met,” he said, but honestly? Monty did wonder what the countryside was like. And he liked you. More than he should for just meeting you last night.
 You were interesting.
 “Just, think about it!” you countered, “I’m usually pretty good at telling when someone’s a good person. I think you’d really like it on the farm, and…I think I’d like you on the farm, too.”
 Monty looked away, rubbing at his snout and trying to calm his whirring fans down. You were so tantalizingly different than the other humans he met in the City. Trusting. Open. But you can handle yourself. You weren’t afraid of making a fool of yourself, either.
 “I’ll think abou’ it.”
 You couldn’t help the smile that grew on your face. Monty really would be good to have on the farm. Plus, then Bonnie wouldn’t be as lonely.
 The two of you sat in comfortable silence for a little while longer.
 You spent all of the next day with your cousin once again. He was busy most of the time and couldn’t spare your issue too much focus, but in the few minutes he could spare, he did a lot. By the end of the day, you had all your paper work explained, signed, and tucked away. You had planned on staying in the City at least another week, but you weren’t too sad about going home.
 Your cousin had shooed you out the office after he completed everything, telling you to finally go home and rest. You clearly weren’t built for City life if you looked this tired.
 Instead of going to the animatronic bar like you had the last few days, you elected to just go back to the hotel room. You had to pack. You had to book a train ticket to get home. It would be expensive for a same day ticket, but you so badly missed home. You were sick of the City sights and smells.
 You just had one little misthought about leaving.
 Even though you had only known him a handful of days, he was a quick friend. He had sat with you every time you attended the bar. The last day in particular, he was very interested in how things worked on the farm.
 “What kinda plants do you keep?” Monty had asked, “It’s gettin’ cold so I can’ imagine you plan’ a lot right now.”
 You had chuckled. “Yeah, we’re kinda just getting ready for the winter season,” you replied, “We still have some things growing - corn, pumpkins. My family makes corn mazes every year for the neighborhood kids to enjoy.” 
 “That sounds really redneck, no offense,” Monty had laughed, “Corn mazes? Do ya have pumpkin carvin’ contests, too?”
 “It’s more fun than it sounds, I swear!”
 You were going to miss him. It would be easier if you didn’t say goodbye. If you saw his face, you might just stay. You didn’t have a lot of friends, and now that you had one.
 It was rough.
 Your heart ached at the thought of leaving him, though. Admittedly, you were feeling a little bit of a crush for him. Though, you shoved it down as far as you could. You couldn’t love someone from the City. You couldn’t live in the City to be with someone.
 You needed to go and say goodbye. And you would once you finished packing. You had to go that way, anyway, to reach the train station. Fortunately, you didn’t have a lot to pack. A few clothes. Toiletries. A few knickknacks you purchased in the City for presents. Each of those fit neatly in your duffel.
 All you had to do now was pay for the hotel and leave. You double checked you packed everything before you left the room and closed the door behind you. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait for the manager. He stood at the desk for the first time in days, scrawling something in a ledger. He looked up at you as you entered the lobby, smiled softly, and placed the pen down.
 “Are you checking out?” He asked.
 You nodded and pulled your wallet out to fish for cash. You handed him the remaining cash you had - just enough to cover the hotel room. Your cousin was generous enough to at least pay for that since he couldn’t house you. The manager counted out the bills in front of you, placing each one in an envelope as he did.
 “Alright! Thank you for staying,” he cooed, “I hope you have wonderful travels. Hope to see you soon!”
 You thanked him profusely. Then, you left the hotel too.
 You had a late train, not until almost eight at night. You only had around an hour. But that should be more than enough time to go and say goodbye to Monty and then make it to the station on time.
 The walk to the bar seemed so quick. Maybe it was because you were sad. Maybe it was because you had been there so often the last few days. Or maybe you were just moving fast, didn’t want to delay the inevitable. But you did know that the closer you got, the sadder you became. You didn’t want to say goodbye to Monty. It was nice having a friend in the City. And you doubted you would ever see him again after today.
 That was even more depressing.
 But you two weren’t particularly close or anything. At least. Neither of you said you were. You were just friends hanging out together while you visited the City. You told stories of your lives to each other, and nestled into booths in the back of the bar for privacy so you could get to know one another more.
 But you couldn’t help but think back to when Monty had saved you from that Ferret animatronic. Claiming you were his girl.
 Imagine wanting to be an animatronic’s girlfriend. It was weird, you told yourself. But you liked Monty. He was so nice to you, and he treated you so specially.
 And he didn’t care that you weren’t from the City.
 You shook the thoughts out of your head. No need to get yourself even more upset at leaving.
 The bar was lively at seven. Lots of people and animatronics alike were piled in, watching the football game on the television, drinking to their hearts content. One animatronic couple were canoodling in the back of the bar in a corner booth, too.
 You didn’t catch glimpse of your gator. Uh. Monty. He hadn’t arrived yet. You frowned and sat at one of the empty bar stools, placing your duffel between your feet. You would have to leave in a few minutes, with or without saying goodbye to Monty. While you waited, you ordered a rum-and-coke. It would help dull the anxiety in your chest over the long train ride coming up.
 It didn’t take too long fort he bartender to get to your order. He placed it in front of you and frowned - “Are you looking for Montgomery?” he asked, “He hasn’t been in today. Said he had somethin’ to do.”
 “Oh. Thanks.”
 The bartender nodded and went to serve another patron. You stared at your rum-and-coke and frowned deeper. You supposed that you wouldn’t get to say goodbye to Monty, then. He was probably off with his friends. Or maybe he really did have a girlfriend, and you were just being some loser clinging to him every time he popped into the bar.
 You sipped your drink and sighed.
 Wow, you really hyped up a friendship that clearly wasn’t a friendship, huh?
 He had magically shown up every time you were at the bar, but now that you were actually leaving, he was absent. You didn’t even have his phone number to call him and wish him goodbye.
 You placed a tenner on the bar after you finished your drink, spared another look around the establishment, and decided you would leave. You couldn’t waste anymore time here.
 You palmed your duffel and wished the bartender a goodnight. Then, you were out the door and back on the street. You had around thirty minutes to get to the station. It was about a twenty-five minute walk, if you remembered right. You didn’t waste anytime.
 Montgomery had wanted to pick you up from the hotel. You made it pretty clear the night before that you were almost done with your cousin. And you probably would be leaving in the next few days. So, he “joked” about taking you out on a real date. Clearly you thought he really was joking. He had asked the manager if he could call up to your room. But the manager informed Monty that you had already checked out.
 He knew he fucked up at that point. He should have made his intentions more clear from the beginning. Monty really liked you, for a fleshy. Not that he didn’t like fleshies. He just never thought he’d like one.
 Monty had just left the hotel when Trevor, the bartender, sent him a text that you were there. With your bag. And you looked sad. Monty hadn’t even wanted to go to the bar today. He wanted to take you to his favorite hangout and introduce you to his friends. But of course, plans change when you don’t actually make plans.
 By the time he got to the bar, you were gone already. He wondered if you had a train coming soon. He swore there wasn’t a train until nine, but he could be wrong.
 He would just meet you at the train station, then.
 You stood on the platform, just behind the yellow line. Your duffel was slung over your shoulder again, and your hands were hidden away in the pockets of your leather jacket. It was getting chilly the darker the City’s natural light got. You didn’t mind too much. You’d be on a train in a few minutes.
 According to the board, your train was even arriving a little earlier than intended. You were glad you got there when you did. As much as it saddened you to not see Monty.
 You really missed home, though. And you already checked out of your hotel. You couldn’t wait around on the hope that your gator friend would show up just to say goodbye.
 You kicked at the bumps on the yellow line. There weren’t many others taking this train. It was the last train that led out of the City for the night. Your last chance to get home for today.
 As you toed the line, you could hear the train approaching in the distance. Two minutes before eight, early like the board said. You watched it appear from a dark tunnel, its lights blinding you as you stared. This train connected to your neighboring town’s line, and you would just walk home from there. It was a peaceful walk through the corn fields, and you didn’t normally mind it.
 It slowed down as it reached the platform, coming to a shaky and loud stop. Its doors pulled apart, and the passengers poured out. You waited patiently for the carriage you stood in front of to clear before you stepped into it. It was fairly empty now that most of the passengers had gotten off. You walked down about halfway before sitting at a seat with a table.
 Then, you gazed out the window, waiting for the train to resume its journey once more.
 Only a few more people got on your carriage. You ignored them in favor of looking out at the platform, more than a little sad to leave the City behind.
 Someone sat beside you, much to your displeasure. The train was practically empty. Who in their right mind would sit next to a stranger-
 “Hey, kid.”
 You whipped around hard enough to nearly give yourself whiplash. Monty sat beside you, taking up one and a half seats with his giganticness. He had his head leaning against his hand which was propped up on the table by his elbow. He just stared at you.
 “H-hey,” you said, “Wait. You can’t be on the train. It’s going back to my home.”
 You shoved at his shoulder. Trying to nudge him to get up.
 He let out a bark of laughter, gaining several glares from other passengers. “I know where it’s goin’,” he mused, “Wherever you’re goin’, I wanna go, too.”
 Your face burned. Instead of shoving his shoulder, your hand relaxed and just sat there. Monty pulled the sunglasses of his face. He supposed he didn’t need them in the dark. He wanted to see you better.
 “But what about your friends?” you asked, “You can’t just impulsively decide to come with me.”
 Monty laughed again, “Are ya tryin’ to get rid of me?” he said, “Y’know, I came by your hotel. Wanted to take you out on a proper date, but ya weren’t there. Imagine my surprise.”
 However red your face was before, it was triple so now. “What? I thought you were joking about that,” you said.
 He gently grabbed a strange of your hair and gave it a gentle tug. “I wasn’t,” he replied, “I realized that I like ya. I like ya a lot.”
 “But I’m not worth you throwing your life away to live in the middle of nowhere-”
 “Shh,” Monty wrapped his arm around your shoulders, “City life ain’t for me anyway. I’ve been bored for months. And ya make farm life sound fun. ‘Sides. Who don’t like corn mazes and carvin’ pumpkins?”
 “But Monty-”
 “No, I’m serious here. Let me come and stay with ya, see where the two of us go. Consider it an adventure.”
 Instead of arguing further, you leaned your head against his chest. He hadn’t expected that, and you could hear (and feel) his fans kicking on.
 Something about him making his life alongside you an adventure stirred the butterflies in your stomach. Whether Monty meant to or not, he was causing waves of affection to just roll through your body. You never thought you’d like an animatronic like that. But in all honesty, you only knew the one from home. Monty was, by all means, alive. He might have been made out of metal and silicone, but he was real and alive and you could touch him.
 “I’m glad you’re coming,” you whispered, “I didn’t want to leave…you…behind.”
 “But ya didn’ want ta stay,” Monty said, “Me neither, honestly. City gets boring. And I’d like to see more of the world.”
 The train finally began to move again.
 “You know you’ll have to help around the farm,” you said, “Bonnie won’t let you be lazy.”
 Monty shrugged and grinned, “I’m not afraid of some hard work,” he said, “I think I’ll enjoy life on your little farm.”
 You wanted to laugh. Your farm was anything but little. He’ll see eventually.
 But for now, you were just content leaning against him and thinking about the future you might have together.
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legs-art · 2 months
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Hiiiiiii first art post I'm sharing publicly! This has been a month in the making but it's so worth it. These are a handful of characters in my OC universe, the Elemental Realm! AKA the Eclectic Chamber, I'm currently going through a name change from elemental realm to eclectic chamber. Don't worry about that.
Italicized names mean those are placeholders while I still try to come up with a better name. For some, those placeholders have been there for years :P whoops
These comprise pretty much all the significant characters I have (with a guideline of appearing in at least 2 stories although there's some exceptions). There are roughly another 100 or so characters that I opted not to include because they're either not as significant, I don't have an interesting design for them, or I just didn't feel like it. Full namedrop behind the read more in case you're interested! Maybe I'll do a part 2 of this in a year or so, who knows.
If there's any characters here that tickle your fancy, shoot an ask or a comment for me to infodump about them! Quality of infodumping may vary, especially considering I still have to step around spoilers and whatnot, but I'm very interested to show you how these characters have been sculpted in my head over these past several years. (Also, I will be revealing some info about the story ideas I already have in mind for the Elemental Realm soon, so stay tuned for that!)
Uhhhhhh yeah. Hopefully I'm not forgetting to say anything important. I really love what I made lol I hope I can finally start moving this universe outside of my head and into the world ^_^
Anyway, yeah, sorry to the following for not making the cut:
The Pawn
Pirate Cat
Frost Wyvern
The Other Plant Species
Olive Hills Grandmother
Disco Restituo Grandmother
TVHead Salesperson
The Hidden Prime Minister
Operatic Nobeard
KUR-180 (Ferret Form)
Hyperlink Trace II
Wibblewobble Vortex
Cuttlefish "Danger" Aromantic
Teodoro Locksmith
Galleria Monies
Vapo Sea Devil
Sternum Crease
Base Sorceress
Nom Diamonds
Zareen Hangus
Mark Genuine
Blundered Impersonator
Cow Cowboy
Blood Knight
Ice Prince
Ice Squid
Ice Cephalopod
Old Guy With Badger Stand
Blobular Shapeshifter
Chad Shakespeare
Elephant Friend
The Tourist Trap
Fluffy Boy Rabbit
Fluffy Boy Bear
TTRPG Komodo Dragon
Windmill Gnome
Robot Police Dog
Little Mouse Guy
Perfect Soup Nerd Bird
Sentient Tiny Hot Air Balloon
Verde Mermaid
Clownimatronic / The Machine
The Crescents
Mongoose Man
Blizzard Wizard
Kulfi Wala
The Beast
Still Chaos Penguin
Caged Water Beast
Monsterfucker Snake Robot
Crystal Aurora King
Star Matter Ursa
Pyramid Of Mayhem
Top Hat
Alien Traffic Control Tower
The Stalker
Majesty Of Colors
Andromeda V5
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heronoegg · 9 months
What bnha ocs have you made? I love learning about other people's characters! Any ship kids?
i dont have any ship kids to show but i do have some ocs most of them dont have designs but i got ocs and cool quirks i have them wrote on a document but i'll share the ones i have designs for
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my robot but he was made by two graduated UA students who worked in the support course but they enrolled him into UA as a student his quirk is listed as Robot he is actually a robot but nobody knows this his design is not finish
another old design i believe i changed but this is the only picture i have
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His quirk basically lets him make any non living thing (like a dresser or fridge) sentient for 30 minutes
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she can basically turn anything into a fuzzy?? idk
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i pride myself in this one this users quirk allows them to take someones quirk and use it but while they take your quirk you have no quirk and they have your quirk for a few minutes? hours? idk i have to look at my notes this quirk is very dangerous and leaves the user with headaches and lasting brain damage if overused i think the user can take up to 2 quirks at once time but that is still very dangerous
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she can make rubber balls? or just balls in general of any size
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ferret girl was a mistake now that im looking at it again she just looks like this and her quirk is to be long and wobbly
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She has a swamp quirk she is like a living swamp
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i also pride myself in this one its really cool she can control existing hair she can't make it grow she can only control her own and other peoples hair
i gave her a hero costume but i was changing her hair color too? im not sure what color i want it to be
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samandmaxfan · 4 months
The Great Zootopian Detectives
What if the great mouse detective helped Judy and Nick on their night howler adventure? How would things change? Let’s find out!
CHAPTER 1: Young Youth
“Fear, treachery, blood-lust.”
A bunny ran through the jungle, afraid of every waking moment,
“Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable, biological urge to maim and maul,”
The young rabbit stopped and drank some water, unknownst to her that a tiger was stalking her slow but fast enough when-
The young rabbit screamed when a tiger pounced on her,
“Blood! Blood! Blood,” she started to milk it as she ran out of string and grabbed ketchup “And death!”
The bunny squeezed the ketchup one more time for dramatic effect, which none seemed to care for or were disgusted by, then she got up,
“Back then the world was divided in two, vicious predator,” The young tiger hisses, “and meek prey.” The rabbit dropped her ears and put her hand over her heart.
Just then, two boxes, one named viscous (vicious) predator and the other, meek prey, came out of the top of the stage and they went into it as a sheep danced around. When the boxes lifted they were all in a white robes,
“But over time, we evolved and looked beyond our primitive savage ways.” the rabbit says as the sheep pops a noisemaker, then the rabbit and tiger hold hands “Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities”
The sheep walked closer to the edge of the stage. “Yeah, I don’t have to cower in a herd anymore,” she took off her robe. “Instead, I could be an astronaut!” The crowd cheered, then the tiger walked forward and started to talk in a robotic voice because he was sort of scared “I don’t have to be a lonely hunter anymore,” takes off robe revealing to have a suit and tie, “today I can hunt for tax exemptions; I’m gonna be an actuary”
“And I’m gonna make the world a better place, I’m gonna be…” She takes off her robe “…a police officer!” Her mother an father look at each other in a worrisome manner
“Ha! A bunny cop! That’s the most stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” a young fox laughs to his friend who was a ferret as the rabbit puts on her hat,
“Although it may seem impossible to small minds,” she looks over at that fox “I’m talking to you Gideon Grey,” then looks away when he scowls at her “but, just two-hundred and eleven miles away,” the jungle backdrop leaves and incomes a colorful cardboard city with the words ‘Zootopia’ on top of it, “stands the great city of Zootopia, were our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared,” the tiger and sheep grabbed a banner “That anyone can be ANYTHING!” and all the mammals cheered.
After the show had ended, Stu and Bonnie Hopps decided to try to change their daughters future plans, not to discourage her, now they still love her the same as all of her 125 brothers and sisters, but they thought that being a police officer would be very complicated, especially if you're the first rabbit cop.
“Judy, have you ever wondered how your mom and me got to be so darn happy?” Stu asked his nine year old daughter,
“Nope!” The rabbit, Judy, said as if they just asked her if she wanted to go on a ride again, but Stu still continued, “Well, we gave up on our dreams and we settled, right, Bon?” He looked over at his wife, “Oh, yes, that’s right, Stu. We settled hard.”
“See? That’s the beauty of complacency, Jude. If you never try anything new, you’ll never fail!” But Judy still wouldn't budge on her opinion,
“I like trying, actually” She told her parents as she jumped on a haystack, Bonnie sighs and tries something else, “What your father means, hun, is that it’s gonna be difficult, impossible even, for you to become a police officer.”
“Right! There’s never been a bunny cop,” her husband said
“No!” agreed his wife,
“Bunnies don’t do that.”
Judy started to walk slower, indicating that she was sad or thinking, or even both.
“Oh,” She said, lowering her head for a second before lifting it again, “then I’ll have to be the first one! Because,” She jumped “I’m gonna,” She did a backflip and struck a pose “make the world a better place!”
“Or, uh, heck, you know, if you want to talk about making the world a better place, no better way then becoming a carrot farmer.” her father tried
“Yes! Your dad, me, your 125 brothers and sisters, we’re changing the world!”
“One carrot at a time!”
But Judy stopped paying attention to what they were saying when she saw two sheep one of her sisters and a mouse go to an area with no one and a certain fox and ferret follow them, so she ran in their direction and hid behind a line of hay,
The mouse was the only one who stood up to the bully the most “You can’t have our tickets!” He yelled but Gideon paid very little mind to what the mouse was saying “What are you gonna do, pipsqueak? Fight me? I’m much larger than you and you know it!" "That's to say the least,” The mouse said with a smirk on his face,
“Hey!” The fox was clearly offended by this and picked up the mouse and held him in a way where his hands were stuck and his legs were dangling, “The. Tickets. Are. Mine!”
“Over my dead body” Even if the mouse was at a clear disadvantage, he wouldn’t quit without a fight, so the fox laugh and was about to through the young mouse on the ground when Judy interfered:
Gideon looked over at the bunny in a cop costume
"Oh look who it is, the bunny cop here to save her useless friends!” The fox laughed as he gave the mouse to the ferret, who was now squirming to get out of the ferret’s grip and failed.
“Kindly return my friends’ tickets,” she told him
“Sure, but where are you gonna find them? They ain’t in my hand or Travis” Gideon laughed, but the mouse wouldn’t let him get away with this,
“They’re in his pocket!” He yelled, and the fox, annoyed and confused, looked over at him.
“How do you know that? You never saw it happen!”
“Your pocket is opened outwards more stretched than it should be, and the long rectangular pattern your pocket has near the middle, indicates that the tickets are in that pocket!” The mouse said as everyone when quiet, staring in disbelief, he was right. The mouse was so busy fighting the fox and, yet was still able to observe all this.
“Well then, I’ll finish you later,” He said as he looked over at the small mouse who was still stuck in Travis’ hand, “but right now if our little bunny pal wants her tickets back, she’ll have to come and get them! But watch out! ‘Cause like you said in your stupid little stage play, us predators used to eat prey, and our killer instinct is still in our denah!” Gideon told the now scared Judy, but Travis interfered that moment, “Umm, I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced D-N-A.” But the fox looked over at the ferret in annoyance, “Don’t tell me what I know Travis!” Gideon yelled looking back at Judy,
“You don’t scare me Gideon!” she yelled before being pushed to the ground, the free animals ran and hid,
“Scared now?” He asked, smirking. The young bunny started to breathe faster, and Travis laughed “Look at her nose twitch, she is scared!” But the mouse wouldn't have it, he kicked Travis right between the vein and bone on his paw, in pain Travis dropped the mouse. Just then Gideon grabbed the mouse, “Oh you two don’t know when to quit do you?” He asked holding the mouse up high, “This is what happens when you mess with me,” He told the mouse as he scraped Judy on the cheek with his claw, he heard the screams of the other animals, then he looked over at Judy “I want you to remember this moment you think that you ever be anything more than just a stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny!” He yelled in Judy’s face before leaving,
“Judy you ok?” Yelled one of the sheep
“Yeah,” she said holding up their tickets,
“Wow you got our tickets back!” the sheep exclaimed in happiness,
“Your awesome Judy,” Said the other, Judy smiled as she said “I couldn't have done it alone,” She looked over at the mouse, “Say, I’ve never truly met you before,” she told him as he turned to look at her, “what's your name?”
“Basil,” he said, “Basil of Baker Street.”
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remnantdecay · 1 month
Most of the new circus baby crew mike makes is LGBT+. The peacock dancers are supposed to be gay, using the excuse of "most kids don't know what a peahen actually is" to keep any parents who notice from complaining. The ferret acrobats both have gender neutral names and are androgynous and when asked what genders they are workers are told to just shrug and say "they're ferrets." Hue is just flat out ftm trans, often even telling kids the pups around the restaurant all came from him.
It's never mentioned in the fic, but henry is totally oblivious to all of this, not noticing any of the tricks mike pulled to get the characters approved by afton robotics' board. Foxybro thought it was obvious but never really explained it to anyone except aiden and his friends, since he knew it would likely fly over the kid's head if he didn't. It was only after aiden knew hue was trans that he suggested the pups.
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lovestruckficto · 1 year
As a gay little P03 simp who’s been eating up your content, I have a cute thought some other P03 fans need to consider!! So I’ve seen a lot of headcanons about the Scrybes retaining some things from when they were turned into animals by Leshy, like quirks or instincts or whatnot so since ferrets and stoats are part of the same family please consider: just involuntarily even though he’s back to his robot self when he’s happy P03 dooks now (the noise ferrets make when they’re happy/playing) and he can’t stop it no matter what he tries which makes his grouchy little emotionally constipated self very upset considering now he can’t hide when he’s feeling dumb pleasant emotions and he’s Very Grumpy about it
If you haven’t heard ferret dooks you should look it up, it’s so cute it’s unreal and it’s also such a silly little name to call those sounds which I’m also sure P03 just LOVES
I tried to make a ferret dook pattern out of his beep noises because of this uhgfdsdfgh
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best-titan-7274 · 11 months
Loved your drabbles so far! :) maybe bt picking up cooper like a hamburger and carrying him around (it's a separation anxiety thing) and him being so used to it he just keeps doing what he was doing before while being held. Or doing the good o'l fastball special when other pilots are around. Knowing pilots, getting yeeted by your titan will be a sport in no time lol
Hope you find these useful :)
On the topic of fan songs "man and machine" by miracle of sound is one I know of
Oh man I love Miracle of Sound, the Bioshock and Fury Road songs especially are 10/10
Jack’s well on his way to the training grounds when something swoops him up from behind. Normally, most people would panic about something like that, because it doesn’t happen too often.
But Jack is forever bonded with a giant robot who doesn’t like being alone, so he’s used to BT scooping him up at random moments. BT says it’s only when he sees something of concern in the environment, but Jack’s not too convinced. He’s pretty sure that sometimes BT just likes to have something to hold.
Like people who have cats, right? Sometimes you gotta just pick them up to keep them out of trouble. BT thinks that Jack gets into a lot of trouble, too, but Jack strongly disagrees with that. The water balloon incident, and jumping off the roof without asking if BT was here first, and talking back to his commanding officer at the suggestion of leaving his Titan behind, and driving the way he does, and cold-cocking Davis, they were all calculated decisions.
Maybe not calculated well, but calculated all the same. Just because BT’s better at numbers doesn’t mean he’s going to understand human calculations.
Of course, that’s because BT insists that there is no way to understand humans because they’re so illogical, but Jack’s been making headway. He got BT to understand the appeal of video games, even. Or maybe BT just wanted to get out of the illogical conversation and go back to… whatever he does in the hangar, when they don’t have a fight to run to.
“Hey, BT,” he says, aiming for a casual tone. “You wanna put me down, buddy?”
“No, Pilot Cooper.”
“Then can I embark?”
“There is no need. You are perfectly safe where you are.”
He’s also got his legs dangling in the air like he’s a misbehaving small animal of some kind, and he’s pretty sure it’s only so long before there’s a picture circulating around the Pilots’ social networks. He’d like to maintain whatever dignity he can.
“If you drop me, won’t you step on me?” he asks.
“Correct. However, the likelihood of you falling is so slim as to negate any concern.”
Robots and their numbers.
“What if I get slippery or something?”
“Humans do not produce mucus in such quantities.”
“C’mon, BT, throw me a bone, here.”
“I would never throw anything at you. You could be injured.”
Right. The whole protocol about not firing in a Pilot’s direction without targeting systems. Honestly, Jack would have appreciated a blind strafe while he used his jump kit to get into the air, but it was hard to think of any strategies while being shot at. He’s pretty squishy compared to BT.
“You throw me at things, though,” Jack points out. “What’s the difference?”
“Your trajectory is much easier to compute. I am familiar with your shape and mass. An object I have never seen before is a much bigger risk.”
“Aw, you’re looking out for me. That’s so sweet.”
“Protocol 3 requires it.”
BT does have a way of ruining nice moments with his logic. Jack’s not annoyed with him, though. He rarely is.
“Can you throw me at something near the training grounds instead of carrying me the whole way?” It’s a bit of a last-ditch effort, but it beats dangling like a ferret for the rest of the walk. Getting fastballed is a lot of fun, too, and an adrenaline rush just like piloting a Titan.
“This is acceptable,” BT says. He moves his hands together a little bit at a time, giving Jack plenty of room to move to crouch in one of BT’s hands instead of being held between them.
Good thing he’s got his jump kit, because otherwise, BT would never consider this.
“Ready when you are, BT.”
“Calculating. Recalculating. Finalising. Complete.”
And that’s all the warning Jack gets before he’s launched into the air at a bajillion miles an hour. Not the formal, scientific unit, but nothing about this is formal.
“Good job, BT,” he yells from the rooftop, giving a double thumbs up even though BT probably can’t see it at this distance. He’s lucky he had his helmet with him, too, or the wind burn would have been unbelievable.
“Did something just throw Cooper?” he hears below him, and peers over the edge of the roof. He’s three or four times higher than he’d ever go without his jump kit, and he’s kind of surprised anyone can tell who he is from the ground level.
Still, he steps off the edge, letting the stomach-flipping gravity of freefall wash over him for a few too-short seconds before he has to engage the jump kit to avoid splattering on the ground.
“What’s up?” he asks, tucking his helmet under his arm like he does stuff like that every day. Not nearly, but every mission… that’s a closer mark.
“How’d you get up there?” Martinez demands, clearly already trying to figure out a way to get launched herself.
Jack grins, knowing that he’s about to introduce an absolutely bone-breaking form of entertainment to the other knuckleheaded adrenaline junkies that he shares the base with. This can only end in disaster, but he’ll be sure to bring some nice get-well-soon balloons to medbay.
“So when I need to get somewhere fast,” he begins, “BT gives me a hand.”
“Incorrect,” BT says. “I have never given you any of my extremities.”
“Thank you for clarifying,” Jack says, like he always does, even when the clarification is annoying. “And for everyone else!” He grins and claps his hands together. “Let me introduce you to the fastball.”
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plummjuice · 4 months
EP 1; Bomb-heads
Captain lazerhawk oc AU fanfiction (scroll down.)
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“My head..” The Sable-coated weasel groaned painfully, her eyes twitched as she tried to adjust to the vibrant lighting, the cold floor stinging her body. She clenched her Jaw, her sharp claws and teeth felt like sandpaper against her flesh. “You're awake! Heavy sleeper!” A Unfamiliar Female voice spoke, Looming over her, a Human dressed in a mint green visor and hoop earrings. “What is this place, Who are you?” Amber mumbled, Stretching and yawning as if she had just taken a long nap. “I’m Jade, and we all just kind of woke up here, just like you.” she shrugged, “I’m Amber.” Jade smirked playfully, “oh, I know.” Jade replied. “you..?” Amber quizzed, Grogginess showing in her voice, as she stared up at Jade from the hard, white floor. “I said, i Know. Your amber, the Eden’s Ferret desk assistant. It’s my job to know.” Amber had a wide-eyed gaze, a look of Pure Bewilderment, but Amazed at the same time. "Do you know my sister then?" Amber's eyes widened. "Ember? you both have such similar names." Jade responded, shrugging.
“Hey, could you knock that off?” a distant, loud voice groaned annoyingly, causing Amber and Jade to turn their attention towards it. A fighter of sorts was punching the wide door, his knuckles dripping with crimson liquid as he paced back and forth, a Tall, boar hybrid observing with loud sighs. “That door isn't going anywhere!” The Boar Reminded, The fighter turned aggressively, “I’m trying to save us! You should all thank me!” he growled, shoving his blooded balled fist in the Boar’s face, the Boar not being Intimidated in the slightest. “I’ll thank you once you stop that.” He sighed, This seemed to enrage the fighter further, “Listen pig, i have important plans for tomorrow that i can't miss!” he snarled, sweat beading off of his forehead. Amber turned to Jade with a wide smirk, “Pop-quiz, Do you know him?” Pointing at the fighter, not expecting her to respond, “Yes actually, it’s C-” “CODY. CODY RHODES!!” Cody interjected, the Wrestler turning back to admire the progress on the door, which was unsurprisingly not very impressive, a small steel dent. “Wow.. you really are good.” Amber stood up, “Who’s the Pig?” she darted her eyes to the Boar, who had his eyes locked on a Robotic-looking man on the floor, passed out. “That’s my uncle, Pey’j. The man on the floor is Dolph lazerhawk.” She fidgeted with the Camera in her hands, “Smile!” she popped, “Wait i’m not-” -CLICK- “ready…” 
Jade giggled as the photo loaded, but hid it from Amber, who was pretty pissed having an embarrassing photo taken and all. 
“Ugh…” Dolph Groaned, his voice cold. He began Rubbing his sore arm. He had small cuts on his nose and bottom lip, which Amber studied closely. There was something about this place Amber had woken up in, she didn't feel Fear or worry about what was going to happen to her, she felt a sense of safety being around these strangers, like she could put her trust in them, as if they were purposely curated for each other, yet, there was still an undeniable looming feeling of disturbance, like something horrible was going to happen, no matter how much she tried to brush it off. “Who are you?” The sudden question caused Amber to bite her lip and come back to reality. “My name is Amber!” she stumbled, staring up at Dolph. He turned to Jade, “What is this place?” He Questioned, Amber already knew that answer, so she found herself walking towards the boar and wrestler. “Your pey’j, Right?” he nodded, but not looking down to see the voice talking to him, instead watching the roof, “Do you hear something?” he muttered, nudging Amber and pointing up, which hit her in the face due to the size difference. “No? Why?” She looked up and saw nothing, Just a bland white roof. “I must be hearing things then.” He didn’t seem to have interest in talking to or even knowing anyone except Jade, so Amber was immediately quiet. Just sitting there and looking up at the roof, as if she was bird watching. “Ugh!” Cody groaned, as he now sat, leaned against the door, his blood now drenching his forearms. “Give up?” Pey’j Sneered, “of course not! What do you take me for.. A.. a…” he was out of breath, “forget it..” he coughed. 
Suddenly, as if on command, a hooded figure dropped down, causing Pey’j and Amber to stumble back, Amber falling on her butt. “I can feel the blood of my Ancestors trying to tell me something.” Was he.. monologuing? He had a charming accent, something of French descent. His height was tiny compared to Pey’j, similar to Amber. He gazed upwards, letting the Light shine on his Lime skin. “Our memories live on past us, and-” “that’s a frog.” Cody Remarked Loudly, pointing. “Yeah, yeah that’s a frog.” Pey’j and Cody agreeing on something? Yep, that's a new sight, and one to behold! “OKAY, okay. Yes, I am a frog.” He cleared his throat, “Now, eh, back to it.. My name iz Bull-” he immediately started gagging, letting a foggy bubble slide out of his gaping mouth. -CLICK- Jade snapped a definite keeper picture, soon looking down from her camera, “i see something!” she gasped, pointing. “It’s the Supermaxx. It must be where we are!” Amber paused. “The.. what?” 
Abruptly, a loud alarm sounded off, causing Everyone to look at the front door, Dolph stepping out in front of everyone. “I zense someone is approaching.” Bullfrog spoke. “Yeah. I think so too.” Jade sarcastically remarked. The doors slid open, revealing a woman, dressed in Grey-ish attire. “Listen, I'm the warden of supermaxx. I have 3 things to say to you all.” she glared Amber in the eyes. “1. You are all my prisoners.” she continued, “You have all been specially selected for your qualities and knowledge.” she held up a 2 with her fingers. “2. You will listen to me. Failure to cooperate leads you to 3.” Dolph sighed loudly, causing Jade to jump a little. “3. You all have bombs in your head. If you don't listen, that shit goes boom.” Dolph stepped up to her, “if that's what you think this is..” he snarled, “Then kill me now. I’d rather be dead than work for Eden.” The mention of Eden gave Amber a pit in her stomach, one deeper than she already had by the presence of The warden. She wanted to believe Eden was gonna come save her, but she knew it was a stupid thought, yet she still felt as if she trusted Eden, despite the others opinions. “Not so fast, Dolph Lazerhawk.” she pushed him away, “Don’t you want to find out what happened to your boyfriend?” This seemed to ward Dolph away, taking a step back. “Plus. you won’t be working for Eden, not anymore,” she Glared once again, targeting Amber, “You’ll be working for me.” she turned and exited, the doors sliding behind her. Amber stepped behind jade. They all just looked at eachother. Familiarizing each other, a knowledge of “only some of us will make it out alive.”  Bullfrog seemed different from everyone else though. Instead of a look of helplessness like Cody or Jade, he had a look of Deep thought, Determination almost.
Their cheap talk, stares, and fear died out when they all laid down. Amber stared up at the wall, with a blank expression. All she could think about was Eden. She felt as if she pledged her life to this “Company”.. And despite the others hatred for Eden, Amber couldn’t help but Stay attached to Eden. Eden was there for her and her sister when all was lost, when nothing seemed logical, Eden was there. Amber wondered if her sister even cared that she was missing. The reality of the situation dulled on Amber as soon as it came. She tossed onto her back, closing her heavy eyes.
“Eden will be here soon.. to save me."
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwme-65wBzk&list=RDcwme-65wBzk&start_radio=1
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classicsonic · 8 months
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a bunch of questions about roller for the @sonic-oc-showdown ! all kept under the cut bc its a lot of text LOL
✨ - How did you come up with the OC’s name?
well. he rollerskates. so his name is roller
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
he's unsure how long he's existed but is functionally early 20s
🌺 - Do they have any love interest(s)?
its got a weird gay thing going on with its rival but it won't admit that
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
can't eat! it loves how desserts look though
💼 - What do they do for a living?
mostly he fights his nemesis in a nearby city. he also helps flare with whatever experiments they're working on at any given time
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
he loves rollerskating! besides that he's been getting into sewing and embroidery to make his own clothes
🎯 -What do they do best?
hate to mention skating again but it is his whole deal. he's also fairly good in a fight and often combines the two (unfortunately he can't join any roller derby teams since he's a robot and would be at an unfair advantage)
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
besides the obvious it LOVES baking and wishes so badly it could actually enjoy anything it bakes. frill and flare enjoying his baking is the next best thing
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
the first thing he can remember from what feels like a lifetime ago. he can't remember their face but he remembers powering on as the sun was rising and just standing there enjoying the view with someone he knows cared for him but cannot recall anything about
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
he automatically deletes horrible memories without knowing so technically his worst memory is of a chef he was rooting for losing a cooking competition on tv
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
just felt like making another sonic team and? somehow decided a rollerskating ferret would work great for speed
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
at his core he is sci-fi comedy <3
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
gay man! he's not really trans or cis as he doesn't Remember if he was anything but a man in the past
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
to his knowledge, 0 (unknown to him he's based on another living mobian but neither would really consider the other a Sibling even if roller knew about them)
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
im really happy with his color palette :) its cute
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
i've been writing about and drawing him more recently bc of the oc competition LOL
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
X( at most i'd have him temporarily destroyed
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
terrified of fire as its one of the few things that can cause significant damage to him
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
a (currently nameless) snake mobian thats trying xir best to be a supervillain
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
nottt super long but i can't recall when i made him
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
19 since i do know he's less than a year old LOL
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helshollowhalls · 7 months
My two cents on the discussion between Matpat and Tom in the most recent GTlive on whether or not Gregory ever wore the VANNI mask or is integrated into the VANNI neural network:
Not just by fabricating video footage of Gregory or mimicking his voice, but it could also technically influence the environment around her and make her believe she's seeing staff or other kids or customers.
On the topic of whether Gregory was at some point integrated into the network and/or wore the mask or the mimic just watched him wreck the Pizzaplex like a rabid ferret on steriods and collected data about him to have it for its network:
If it watched Gregory to obtain data, it most likely also observed Vanessa, Vanny and every other customer or human employee that was ever present at the Pizzaplex to do the same. And if that was the case, the mimic would have so much more data at its disposal and ways to lure in or manipulate Cassie.
And most importantly: If the mimic observed EVERYONE who ever set foot into the Pizzaplex, it would have data on Cassie's dad, since he was a technician at the Pizzaplex.
And I can't think of anything more effective to influence her than to mimic her parent - Especially if he's allegedly dead. Copying her father and using it at the right moment to catch her off-guard could really easily get her to walk into his trap.
Added to that, since Cassie stated she spent a lot of time in the Daycare, the mimic would already have her voice in the network and wouldn't need to rely on her putting on the mask and receiving the transponder to use her voice as a voice lure. Hell, it would have samples and data for hundreds of kids' voices saved in the network.
Considering that, Gregory had to be part of the Network one way or another. Whether it's because he had been wearing the VANNI mask himself (and maybe even has an implanted transponder just like Cassie) or the fact that 'robot child system was integrated into the network GGY Dr.Rabbit and then beating Balloon World freed him yadi yadi yada' is up for debate.
I think it's highly unlikely that the mimic would voluntarily limit itself to use only certain data in order to lure in Cassie, especially if there might very well be more successful tactics possible with the data it would disregard in the process.
The mimic is not trying to up the difficulty for itself by using less data for fun or a challenge like someone starting a Pokémon Nuzlocke or attempting a no items speedrun- It's an AI and whatever it's programmed to do or thinks it should do, it's going to use everything that is available to it to achieve its goal.
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day-cycle · 1 year
This blog is for my Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach AU titled Day Cycle. My main blog is @honestlyspookymentality . This is where I will post updates, art, and answer questions about the fic/au.
In this first post, I will share the basics of this AU. First of all, the daycare bots are all separate beings who view each other as siblings. That being said do not ship any of the daycare bots (for this au) together as they are related.
Sun was made with the intention of him playing with the children so he is much more flexible, has a longer battery life than the other daycare bots, and is the only one of the three with teeth and a tounge (Sun is meant to appear as humanoid as possible). Instead of Moon, he is the one who doubles as security after-hours. Sun has the most merchandise of the three due to him being a favorite among the children . He is the youngest sibling.
Eclipses main duty is to care for the children under three years old, most of them are kids of the staff so there aren't as many. She has the second longest battery life and also doubles as a security bot, but her security protocol is much different than Suns. Instead of attacking an invader, she is meant to do anything within her power to protect children (similar to the security puppet shown in FNAF Pizzeria Sim). Her second duty is to care for the children that may require some more attention/accomodations; this is a shared duty with Moon. Eclipse is the middle child.
Moon is a much slower animatronic and has the shortest battery life out of the three. His main duties are during Naptime and taking care of the more calm and mellow children. When it isn't Naptime, Moon is connected to a long charging chord and often reads stories to children. Although the risk is low, the charging chord is in place to assume his battery doesn't die during the hours the daycare is open. Protocol states that Moon should have his charge percentage above 70% at all times during open hours. He is cushioned to make him huggable and so he can help soothe the more restless children to sleep. Moon is the oldest sibling.
As in the events in the fic I'm writing for it (linked below) Moon is tasked with taking care of four animatronic children (who are anthropomorphic ferrets) whose jobs are to play with and supervise the children as the amount of children that is normally on the daycare has drastically increased (and fazbear entertainments solution is for more robots instead of hiring human staff for the daycare).
The first of these children is Bow. Her play style is the most gentle out of the four. She prefers tea parties and playing pretend (she is always the princess no matter what your pretending, so don't even try convincing her otherwise).
The second is Circuit. Her play style is also more gentle, but it's different. She prefers to build stuff out of things like bricks, tinker toys, Legos, etc. Her playstyle is specifically for children who enjoy mixing play and learning.
The third is Mallet, his play style is the roughest out of the four. He likes to play games like tag. He is one of the main reasons that parents now have to sign a contract that makes them unable to sue Fazbear entertainment if they become injured especially during play. His name comes from the comedicaly large wooden mallet he carries around with him.
The last of the four is Captain. His play style isn't the roughest, but also not the most gentle. He also likes to play pretend, but his games of pretend tend to be much more elaborate and planned out.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to put them in my ask box!
Here is the link:
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officialplumjuice · 2 months
EP 1; Bomb-heads
Original post date: Feb 20th, 2023
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“My head..” The Sable-coated weasel groaned painfully, her eyes twitched as she tried to adjust to the vibrant lighting, the cold floor stinging her body. She clenched her Jaw, her sharp claws and teeth felt like sandpaper against her flesh. “You're awake! Heavy sleeper!” A Unfamiliar Female voice spoke, Looming over her, a Human dressed in a mint green visor and hoop earrings. “What is this place, Who are you?” Amber mumbled, Stretching and yawning as if she had just taken a long nap. “I’m Jade, and we all just kind of woke up here, just like you.” she shrugged, “I’m Amber.” Jade smirked playfully, “oh, I know.” Jade replied. “you..?” Amber quizzed, Grogginess showing in her voice, as she stared up at Jade from the hard, white floor. “I said, i Know. Your amber, the Eden’s Ferret desk assistant. It’s my job to know.” Amber had a wide-eyed gaze, a look of Pure Bewilderment, but Amazed at the same time. "Do you know my sister then?" Amber's eyes widened. "Ember? you both have such similar names." Jade responded, shrugging.
“Hey, could you knock that off?” a distant, loud voice groaned annoyingly, causing Amber and Jade to turn their attention towards it. A fighter of sorts was punching the wide door, his knuckles dripping with crimson liquid as he paced back and forth, a Tall, boar hybrid observing with loud sighs. “That door isn't going anywhere!” The Boar Reminded, The fighter turned aggressively, “I’m trying to save us! You should all thank me!” he growled, shoving his blooded balled fist in the Boar’s face, the Boar not being Intimidated in the slightest. “I’ll thank you once you stop that.” He sighed, This seemed to enrage the fighter further, “Listen pig, i have important plans for tomorrow that i can't miss!” he snarled, sweat beading off of his forehead. Amber turned to Jade with a wide smirk, “Pop-quiz, Do you know him?” Pointing at the fighter, not expecting her to respond, “Yes actually, it’s C-” “CODY. CODY RHODES!!” Cody interjected, the Wrestler turning back to admire the progress on the door, which was unsurprisingly not very impressive, a small steel dent. “Wow.. you really are good.” Amber stood up, “Who’s the Pig?” she darted her eyes to the Boar, who had his eyes locked on a Robotic-looking man on the floor, passed out. “That’s my uncle, Pey’j. The man on the floor is Dolph lazerhawk.” She fidgeted with the Camera in her hands, “Smile!” she popped, “Wait i’m not-” -CLICK- “ready…” 
Jade giggled as the photo loaded, but hid it from Amber, who was pretty pissed having an embarrassing photo taken and all. 
“Ugh…” Dolph Groaned, his voice cold. He began Rubbing his sore arm. He had small cuts on his nose and bottom lip, which Amber studied closely. There was something about this place Amber had woken up in, she didn't feel Fear or worry about what was going to happen to her, she felt a sense of safety being around these strangers, like she could put her trust in them, as if they were purposely curated for each other, yet, there was still an undeniable looming feeling of disturbance, like something horrible was going to happen, no matter how much she tried to brush it off. “Who are you?” The sudden question caused Amber to bite her lip and come back to reality. “My name is Amber!” she stumbled, staring up at Dolph. He turned to Jade, “What is this place?” He Questioned, Amber already knew that answer, so she found herself walking towards the boar and wrestler. “Your pey’j, Right?” he nodded, but not looking down to see the voice talking to him, instead watching the roof, “Do you hear something?” he muttered, nudging Amber and pointing up, which hit her in the face due to the size difference. “No? Why?” She looked up and saw nothing, Just a bland white roof. “I must be hearing things then.” He didn’t seem to have interest in talking to or even knowing anyone except Jade, so Amber was immediately quiet. Just sitting there and looking up at the roof, as if she was bird watching. “Ugh!” Cody groaned, as he now sat, leaned against the door, his blood now drenching his forearms. “Give up?” Pey’j Sneered, “of course not! What do you take me for.. A.. a…” he was out of breath, “forget it..” he coughed. 
Suddenly, as if on command, a hooded figure dropped down, causing Pey’j and Amber to stumble back, Amber falling on her butt. “I can feel the blood of my Ancestors trying to tell me something.” Was he.. monologuing? He had a charming accent, something of French descent. His height was tiny compared to Pey’j, similar to Amber. He gazed upwards, letting the Light shine on his Lime skin. “Our memories live on past us, and-” “that’s a frog.” Cody Remarked Loudly, pointing. “Yeah, yeah that’s a frog.” Pey’j and Cody agreeing on something? Yep, that's a new sight, and one to behold! “OKAY, okay. Yes, I am a frog.” He cleared his throat, “Now, eh, back to it.. My name iz Bull-” he immediately started gagging, letting a foggy bubble slide out of his gaping mouth. -CLICK- Jade snapped a definite keeper picture, soon looking down from her camera, “i see something!” she gasped, pointing. “It’s the Supermaxx. It must be where we are!” Amber paused. “The.. what?” 
Abruptly, a loud alarm sounded off, causing Everyone to look at the front door, Dolph stepping out in front of everyone. “I zense someone is approaching.” Bullfrog spoke. “Yeah. I think so too.” Jade sarcastically remarked. The doors slid open, revealing a woman, dressed in Grey-ish attire. “Listen, I'm the warden of supermaxx. I have 3 things to say to you all.” she glared Amber in the eyes. “1. You are all my prisoners.” she continued, “You have all been specially selected for your qualities and knowledge.” she held up a 2 with her fingers. “2. You will listen to me. Failure to cooperate leads you to 3.” Dolph sighed loudly, causing Jade to jump a little. “3. You all have bombs in your head. If you don't listen, that shit goes boom.” Dolph stepped up to her, “if that's what you think this is..” he snarled, “Then kill me now. I’d rather be dead than work for Eden.” The mention of Eden gave Amber a pit in her stomach, one deeper than she already had by the presence of The warden. She wanted to believe Eden was gonna come save her, but she knew it was a stupid thought, yet she still felt as if she trusted Eden, despite the others opinions. “Not so fast, Dolph Lazerhawk.” she pushed him away, “Don’t you want to find out what happened to your boyfriend?” This seemed to ward Dolph away, taking a step back. “Plus. you won’t be working for Eden, not anymore,” she Glared once again, targeting Amber, “You’ll be working for me.” she turned and exited, the doors sliding behind her. Amber stepped behind jade. They all just looked at eachother. Familiarizing each other, a knowledge of “only some of us will make it out alive.”  Bullfrog seemed different from everyone else though. Instead of a look of helplessness like Cody or Jade, he had a look of Deep thought, Determination almost.
Their cheap talk, stares, and fear died out when they all laid down. Amber stared up at the wall, with a blank expression. All she could think about was Eden. She felt as if she pledged her life to this “Company”.. And despite the others hatred for Eden, Amber couldn’t help but Stay attached to Eden. Eden was there for her and her sister when all was lost, when nothing seemed logical, Eden was there. Amber wondered if her sister even cared that she was missing. The reality of the situation dulled on Amber as soon as it came. She tossed onto her back, closing her heavy eyes.
“Eden will be here soon.. to save me."
Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwme-65wBzk&list=RDcwme-65wBzk&start_radio=1
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dookins · 1 year
❤️ - I’m actually a huge Mustelid fan. Ferrets, Weasels, Otters, Minks, Wolverines, Badgers, Stoats…. I just love ‘um. So when I watched Inscryption for the first time in a let’s play (bought the game later) and saw this poor stoat who needed my help, I just knew I had to rush in and SAVE the baby!!
And than he turned into…. [ ‾ ↼ ‾ ] an asshole. A smug, shit talking, super selfish asshole. And I loved him all the more.
I’m not a sci-fi person, or a fan of robots at all. But I like to say he LITERALLY weaseled his way into my heart. If he hadn’t been a stoat first, I dunno if I would have him the time of day at all. But I’m so glad I did ❤️💕
🧲 - Back on the topic of P03’s construction and how he functions, I think it’s amazing how well he can interface with everything in his factory. He has to know his own body to a T. I wonder if like we have multiple systems and networks in us (ex. Circulatory System, Nervous System) he has multiple processors that have their own designated purpose to regulate things? Like how they say a Brontosaurus had multiple brains in it’s neck that acted like checkpoints so it’s body would receive signals from the brain more efficiently. So like one processor that’s solely dedicated to performance, maintenance (damaged) and data storage.
🧥- oh, I need more Bounty Hunter outfit P03, certainly. I don’t recall what artist, but I saw their idea for P03 and with these really cool floaty legs. Ugh!! 😏 it’s high noon somewhere amirite?”
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May i offer you a salamander?
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Say hello to the eco of Four For the Price of One she as well as her other brothers is an mutated irken product of The Great Failure
She is a salamander or more likely a triton specificaly an gallipato.
Eco is a female,she is the youngest of the cuadruplets and also the shortest,shes calm and cheerful but at the same time very fearful,nervous and anxious,specially when shes alone.
This last detail is related to her strange loking eyes,her eyes look like that since eco is legaly blind do to an accident related with fire,so when shes alone or no one she trust is around she ussualy panics.
Still if she is blind she found a way to not end up crashing or bumpind things or people using her tail,antenae and hands to found her way.
She's a really passionate historian but despite not being able actually read her brothers found a way to help with that by using some kind of braile sistem in their sisters books and giving her a little robot to help by reading for her or just be her companion.
Has an inmense knowledge of different languages some even forgoten or way hard to learn speaking almost all of them fluently but shes still willing to learn
She loves her 4 brothers and learning useful things and triying not to be a bother for them,is her way of helping her bros as well a form of thanking,still if she would want to do more and be even more helpful but shes doing her best.
Changing of chanel remember when i said she get scared easily specially when alone? And when i speaked of her as an entity? Well...
You better not try to scare this poor sweet boyo unless you want being poisoned and lose an eye...
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Since shes blind she donsen't now if she is in danger or not so as an defensive mecanism she puff out the venomous spines on her body to protect her self.
The venom is anesthetic and in some way paralizing but not mortal unless alergic
Also even if you didn't do it on purpose she will still puff her spines and cry out in fear thing that if she didn't accidentaly stab you,the anger of the other 3 brothers for making her cry will be your demise
Afther an defense puff she has to repair her sweater being kira who ussualy rapairs it for her since that sweater gives her comfort,as well the scarf that was a gift of their mother.
She adores when mis play his guitar or sings its so calming,beutiful and relaxing that makes her very happy and low her axiety.
She also loves honey the orange goo ferret-cat they have as a pet that also adores her back.
Is very good with smeets in fact being the only one apart from mis that tolerate them.
Fun fact she usually touchs slightly the face of people with both hands to identify them as well touching the person with her antenae slightly to mark them as friendly.
Still for some reason her touch its relaxing and calming making touching people easy for her and not be hit or pushed for invading the personal space of the person she want to recognize or identify.
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