#feeling very lukcy
13atoms · 5 months
happy new year friends i love u
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librathefangirl · 2 years
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1x01 → 3x08
[ID: Gifs of two scenes from Locke & Key, organized in sets with two gifs each, one from each scene. To the left is a scene from season 1 episode 1 when the Locke family first arrives to Keyhouse. As they exit the car, Bode exclaims "Whoa! Are we rich?". Nina stands behind Bode, hands on his shoulders as she tells him "I don't know if I'd say rich, so much as very lukcy kid". Tyler and Kinsey stand a bit behind Bode and Nina, looking less excited. Sarcastically, Kinsey mutters "Yeah, I feel so lucky…". Tyler says "It's bigger than the pictures. It's also a little more Norman Bates". The scene to the right is from season 3 episode 8. Bode, Kinsey and Nina help Tyler load his car before Tyler sighs and they all turn to look at Keyhouse. Tyler tells them "I never thought I'd say this, but… I'm gonna miss this place". Nina and Kinsey glance at him before Kinsey asks "Even if it's a little Norman Bates?". Tyler glances at her as he says "Turns out it was a lot Norman Bates". Below the sets is a single gif from the scene from season 3 where Bode confused asks "Who is Norman Bates?", causing the others to look at him and laugh. END ID]
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acacia-may · 1 year
Lukcy (Henry Legolant & OC)
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Story Description: Just as ten-year-old Henry Legolant has resigned himself to the fact that he is destined to be alone and isolated forever, a surprise guest and some troublesome stairs start to change his mind. Could he really have found a friend?
Fandom: Black Clover
Genre: Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Backstory
Relationships: Henry Legolant and Lorelei Swallow (OC)
Characters: Henry Legolant (POV Character) and Lorelei Swallow
Rating: G
Warnings: Mostly fluff and friendship, but some references to Henry's illness and isolation, allusions to his terrible parents and childhood trauma, and some mentions of (future) arranged marriages.
Word Count: 2742
Fic Series: "If My Heart Was A House" & Related Stories
Link to original post on AO3.
A/N: After my OC Lorelei Swallow (OC Profile linked here) appeared in "A Family Where There Once Was None," I really wanted to write something that was more centric on her, so this is a one shot from "If My Heart Was A House," my (as of now unpublished and unfinished) story series about the relationship between Lorelei Swallow and Henry Legolant. "Lucky" is really the backstory of how she and Henry met and became friends as children, and it is written from Henry's point of view.
Story below the cut. Please let me know what you think if you're so inclined, and thank you so much for reading! 🥰
16 Years Ago…
Henry Legolant had always had a keen mana sense. Even his family who wanted very little to do with him thought it was impressive for a ten-year-old. He supposed it was a more positive side-effect of the mana-depleting illness he had had his whole life—possibly the only positive side-effect. After all, his illness had kept him lonely and isolated from other people, but sensing their mana, knowing where they were in the house helped him to still feel connected to them in a way. Though he rarely saw or talked to his parents he knew their footsteps and could feel their mana—how it rolled off his father in formidable, frosty waves and swirled around his mother in uneven spurts and splutters. He could sense their mana now—emanating from several floors below him, but there were two new mana signatures with them: a forceful, commanding tornado and a sparking, buzzing presence.
This puzzled Henry as his mother and father rarely entertained guests and never brought them to the country house which, they made no secret, existed merely to hide him. He wondered what they were doing here. Perhaps they were new doctors his parents were bringing to examine him? Henry sighed. He doubted they would be able to do much to help him, even if they were well-meaning. For his entire life, he had been told that there was nothing to be done about his mana-depleting illness besides to keep him away from other people, and so he had been isolated in the country house. Though he was glad that he wasn’t hurting anyone by staying by himself, it did get lonely with only the birds outside his window to talk to. He hoped someday he’d get to have an actual friend, but even wishing for it made him feel guilty. His illness being what it was, he was cursed to be alone forever.
Henry startled. There was a sudden shift of mana in the house—that kind of terrified spike that could only be caused by fear in the face of peril or danger. Sitting up in bed with a start, he paused—closing his eyes and staying perfectly still as he tried to isolate where the mana was. This mana was different than the others—much fainter even with the added intensity of panic. It was so weak that it must’ve been drowned out by the much strong mana signatures earlier. Still, Henry mentally kicked himself for not picking up on it before. His mana sense was the one thing in the world he had going for him, and he couldn’t even get that to work right.
Henry shook his head forcefully. Now was not the time to be thinking of that. He closed his eyes even more tightly, walking through the corridors and staircases of the house in his mind until he finally found the mana signature on the southeast stairwell.
Henry inhaled sharply. Someone must be falling down the stairs.
His head pounded, but he tried as urgently as he could to rearrange the southeast wing of the house so that even if someone was mid-fall they would land safely. He even carried several soft, feather pillows into the new staircase landing by bouncing them across rippling floorboards. Then, he pursed his lips together and waited. Waited and hoped.
He closed his eyes again, trying to pick up that faint mana signature again, and he sighed in relief when he felt the panicked spike of mana subside, replaced with gentle calm waves. Though the mana signature was still the faintest he had ever encountered, he could tell now that it was flickering and warm like the light of a dim candle.
Henry’s eyes widened. He had never felt warm mana before. It was so cozy and inviting like…He couldn’t quite think of the right word for it, but…  
“No,” he said aloud to only himself. He needed to turn his focus to stronger mana, back to his father or that new tornado presence near to him downstairs. Maybe then his illness wouldn’t drain the already faint mana out of this person. If their mana was a flickering candle, he would surely snuff it out in an instant, and something so warm and so beautiful deserved to be preserved. His heart raced, and he began to shiver as he closed his eyes and tried to find his father’s mana instead. Was he still downstairs in the sitting room? Or maybe the dining room? Or…?
“Hello?” called a distant voice pulling Henry from his thoughts. “Hello? Is someone there?”
It sounded like a woman’s voice, but…no. Not quite a woman’s voice—it was younger and higher pitched. Perhaps a girl? Henry had never actually heard what a girl sounded like before so he couldn’t know for sure.
“Is this house haunted? Is that why the stairs and the walls and floors moved around?” the voice continued. Henry’s stomach coiled. Was she talking to him?
“Are you a ghost? Or more of a guardian angel? Or just a magical house?” she prattled on. There was no fear in her mana despite her talking about ghosts and haunted houses. If anything it was even warmer than before—almost friendly. The word popped into Henry’s head from somewhere in a book he had read once. He shook his head as if he could somehow shake the thought away with it.
“I’m going to guess…” She hummed thoughtfully. “A magical house? Am I right? Are you a magical house?” She paused for a moment, but his lack of response didn’t seem to deter her. “Thank you for saving me, Magical House.”
Henry felt a blush rising in his cheeks though he wasn’t entirely sure why. Perhaps it was because he had never been thanked for anything before. The words slipped out before he could stop them, “You’re welcome.”
The voice gasped, and Henry covered his mouth with his hands as his face grew suddenly hot. He could sense the girl’s mana nearby. She was in the same corridor as he was, so she must’ve heard him. His heart started pounding again, and his hands trembled. He shouldn’t have done that. His parents would likely be incredibly angry with him. Should he rearrange the house again so she wouldn’t find him? Henry sighed. He wasn’t really supposed to have done that the first time. His parents didn’t want him to use his recombination magic when they were in the house. He hoped they would understand why he had to intervene the first time to protect that girl midfall, but would rearranging things again be justified? And what if he frightened the girl? But if he didn’t move her or himself to another part of the house, then—?
“You’re a magical, talking house?” the girl interrupted his thoughts. “That’s amazing! I’ve never talked to a house before. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Lorelei. Do you have a name, Mr. House?”
Henry sighed. He knew he probably shouldn’t talk to Lorelei anymore but decided that not replying would be rude so he said, “I’m Henry.
“Well thank you for saving me, Henry!”
Her voice was exuberant, cheerful, and grateful enough to make him blush a little. Henry fidgeted. “It’s really no trouble, and…” He stopped himself. He didn’t know if he should correct her and explain that he was actually a boy, not a house.
“It was a lot of trouble for me,” chuckled Lorelei, filling the silence. “Though I guess you wouldn’t really know since I bet you don’t have a lot of problems with falling down and being clumsy since you’re a house and all. My mother and father say I have two left feet, and I’m always tripping over myself. I was going to fall on my face if you hadn’t saved me, but you did. That was very nice of you.”
“Well, actually, I…” he stopped. Once again, he was going to try to explain that he wasn’t actually a house, but he supposed he didn’t have much experience with falling down stairs and being clumsy as a human boy either since he spent most of his time lying down in bed.
Lorelei it seemed, however, hadn’t even heard him since she was still thoughtfully prattling, “I bet a house has other kinds of problems—like bad weather or mice living in walls or cracked tiles. Have you been a house for a long time, Henry? I’ve only been a girl for nine years.”
“So you’re nine years old?” Henry’s mouth twitched in the corners, so she was a girl.
Lorelei laughed. “Yes, but I have a birthday coming up. Then I’ll be ten.”
“I’m ten.”
“Really? I would have thought you were older.” She paused. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude. You’re a very beautiful house, Henry.”
Henry chuckled quietly but clearly not quietly enough since Lorelei asked, clearly perplexed, “What’s so funny? I meant what I said. Your bricks are very sturdy, and your floors are shiny. A lot of your walls are a pretty color too.”
“Thank you,” Henry replied a bit sheepishly. “But—”
“But nothing,” interrupted Lorelei. “You’re a very nice house and you’re magical and you can talk. I would want to live in you, but the Lord and Lady Legolant already live here, so I can’t.” She paused briefly before adding, “Well… maybe I can someday because I’m going to marry their son when I grow up.”
Henry gasped. His face grew suddenly hot. What? She was going to…what? “But…I…uh…he’s really sick and…um…probably won’t live to grow up,” stumbled Henry unsure how exactly to even respond to that information.
“I know,” said Lorelei otherwise unphased. “But if he does…”
“No,” Henry interjected far more forcefully than he meant to. After a couple of deep breaths, he repeated much more calmly, “I mean…um…” He stopped. He wasn’t sure what he meant. What were his parents thinking? He couldn’t even be in the same room as another person without completely draining their mana—he certainly couldn’t be married, and Lorelei’s mana…it was so faint already and so warm. He could never snuff it out—could never put himself in a situation where he accidentally could. “Your mana…”
Lorelei cut him off with a good-natured laugh. “Oh, that’s why they thought I’d be a good fit. I don’t really have a lot of it so his sickness shouldn’t affect me too much.”
Henry sighed in relief almost in spite of himself. He certainly hoped she was right, but there was really no way of knowing, was there?
“And since I don’t have a lot of mana no one else wanted to marry me so my parents are happy too,” she continued. “They’re going to sign all the contracts today to make it official or at least talk about them or something, but we won’t get married until we’re a lot older.” Lorelei paused. “Have you gotten to meet him before, Henry? I hope he’s nice.”
Henry’s face flushed. “Um…well…I…I think he is or at least he tries to be.”
“That’s good. I’m trying to remember his name… Mother and Father said it during the carriage ride over here, but I can’t remember…Harry? No. That’s not right…”
Henry swallowed hard, and his heart began to pound. If he really was going to marry this girl one day, it probably wouldn’t be best for him to start things off by lying to her. “It’s…um…Henry.”
“Really?” gasped Lorelei. “His name is Henry, too? Is he named after you or are you named after him?”
Henry fidgeted and bit his lip. “Neither. Um…” He swallowed hard. “I’m Henry Legolant…and not a house,” he added for good measure.
There was a long, heavy pause, and Henry began to twist his hands. It was possibly the longest pause of his whole ten years, made even longer by the fact he could sense the change in her mana—suddenly uncomfortable though he couldn’t tell if that was from embarrassment or disappointment. “I’m sorry,” he continued in sincere apology, hoping that that would make her happy again, but it earned him only confusion.
“Why are you sorry? I’m the silly goose who thought you were a talking house.” She chuckled lightly. “Sorry about that.”
“It’s okay.”
“I’m glad that you’re a person, but…” She hummed. “How did the house move?”
“Oh, that was my recombination magic,” explained Henry. “It can move anything in the house.”
He rattled the floorboards in the corridors as a demonstration for her, and she laughed and applauded. “That’s wonderful, but how did you know I was going to fall? Can you see the future?”
“No, but I have a sharp mana sense because of my illness, so I could um…feel that you were falling.” He knew that must sound very strange to Lorelei, but he wasn’t sure how else to explain it.
“You can sense my mana? But I don’t have a lot…”
“No, but it’s really warm and changes when you have strong feelings—like the fear of falling.”
Henry’s cheeks turned a bit rose when he realized what he had said, but Lorelei just laughed. “So you’re a mind reader? Can you tell me how I’m feeling right now?”
Henry pursed his lips together. It usually didn’t work the way Lorelei thought. He mainly picked up on subtle differences and changes in mana signatures. What she was asking him to do know would essentially be reading her mind, but… “I can try.”
Closing his eyes, Henry took a deep breath and searched for Lorelei’s mana. Once again he was struck by how warm it was in the softest, most gentle way. He could almost think of what it reminded him of, but he still couldn’t put a word to it. And he certainly couldn’t figure out her emotion from it.
“I don’t know…” he admitted at last with a defeated sigh. He decided to make an educated guess. “Disappointed?” He would have been disappointed if he was her given the circumstances and the fact she would be stuck with him in this dreary old house when they grew up.
“No,” she replied, and he could hear the smile in her voice. “I’m happy.”
“Why?” The question slipped out before he could stop it.
“Because you’re Henry Legolant, and you’re nice. I guess I really am lucky.”
Henry’s face flushed a deep red, and he stumbled over his words until he eventually managed to choke out, “Lucky?”
“Mhmm…like my magic. It’s lucky magic, and even if it’s weak, it still makes good things happen for me. Like when I almost fell down the stairs, but you saved me. And my parents picking out a stranger for me to marry when I get older, but he’s actually really nice and my friend.”
“Friend?” Henry repeated the word incredulously. He shook his head in disbelief. Had she really said they were…? Could they really be friends?
“Of course we’re friends, silly,” Lorelei chuckled, and Henry blushed red as he wondered if it was, in fact, Lorelei who could read minds.
He felt the heat rising in his cheeks as a warmth began to spread through his chest; however, he stared down at his twisting hands and bit his lip. “I’ve…I’ve never had a friend before...”
Lorelei hummed. “Well…you’ve got one now,” she replied as if it was the most natural thing in the world, and Henry could feel her sincerity in the flickers of her kind, comforting mana. As it swirled around him almost like a warm blanket, a smile tugged at his mouth, and he realized what it was her mana reminded him of. It felt like a home—the kind that he had only read about. Somewhere warm, cozy, and safe filled with family and friends who cared for each other. It was only a distant dream for Henry, but…now he had a friend so, perhaps, he could have a home someday too.
Henry sniffled at the thought. It was more than he could bring himself to hope for right now, but still, a smile spread across his face and he couldn’t help but feel that even if it was Lorelei who had the “Lucky Magic,” for the first time in his life, he was the one who was truly lucky.
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pastpens · 2 years
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prince--thomas · 4 years
October 18, 2020 ~~ [The Golden Brio Texts]
In which the boys are nosy about Tom’s love life...
@knightley--phillip​, @captain--john​
[tw: none except the boys being a bit gross.]
Phillip Knightley
oi tommy will the lady be wanting pancakes this morning
Tom Harrington
what the fuck how did you even ?? she already left
Phillip Knightley
ah damn i have my ways :wink: john no extra pancakes so did you get lukcy
Tom Harrington
john, if you're near phil, punch him please
Phillip Knightley
at the risk of our pancakes turning out badly??
Tom Harrington
john can multitask
John Smith
you lot are really something
Phillip Knightley
hi johnny :heart:
Tom Harrington
i did not DO anything. don't listen to whatever phil is saying
Phillip Knightley
tom wont say if he got his dicky wet
John Smith
could have at least waited until I was done with the pancakes before blowing up my phone
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
Phillip Knightley
is that a yes or a no i can't tell
Tom Harrington
we aren't in year 12 anymore for christ's sake
John Smith
Tom had a lady over?
Phillip Knightley
our lovely American colleague :eyes: stayed the night
Tom Harrington
NO i mean yes but
John Smith
Ah an American. Both of you seem to be into that lately
Tom Harrington
she was drunk, it was late, i wasn't going to make her sleep on the couch
Phillip Knightley
i do not discriminate plus she's BASICALLY handpicked by our superiors really John you should be thrilled
John Smith
well I say good on Tom for having an Order approved girl
Phillip Knightley
We're running out of English noblewomen, we've got to out source
Tom Harrington
don't say it like that
John Smith
Phillip do not speak for me moments before I speak
Phillip Knightley
I won't be surprise if they ship more over
Tom Harrington
she's -- i mean rose is lovely it's just -- she was drunk
John Smith
this whole thing could strengthen the bonds between the Order and Huntsclan
Phillip Knightley
Congrats tommy for singlehandedly solidifying international relations
John Smith
Quite a lofty achievement
Phillip Knightley
couldn't be prouder
Tom Harrington
i didn't! she just slept in my bed becos i wasn't gonna have her going home bloody wasted off whatever you put in those drinks, phillip
Phillip Knightley
you were totally talking her up all night though proud of both of you
John Smith
Tom had a lady in his bed wow how long has it been Tom-o
Phillip Knightley
Ask her to dinner!
John Smith
Practically betrothed they grow up so fast
Tom Harrington
it's not been that long! i can't ask her to dinner isn't that like ... against the code or something? do we even have code for this ?
Phillip Knightley
do you mean bro code or like Our Superiors bc mate, i am like 98% sure the reason they sent over a girl was to hook her up with one of us or Henry I guess if you mean bro code, she's not my type and John's heart is spoken for
Tom Harrington
oh bloody hell how old even is she
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
and wait by who
John Smith
What are you prattling on about Phillip
Phillip Knightley
anyway! you're fine tommy boy
Tom Harrington
i...should i ask her out proper-like then?
Phillip Knightley
John Smith
my heart is firmly in my chest thank you very much
Phillip Knightley
do it tommy we're not talking about you john help me out with this pep talk
John Smith
Tom if you like her you should ask her out
Phillip Knightley
also a dinner isn't like committing to marriage see what the chemistry is outside of "work"
Tom Harrington
i mean, course i like her -- she's quite interesting, isn't she?
Phillip Knightley
Tom Harrington
and definitely pretty too
Phillip Knightley
see! all good things a little dinner won't do any harm At the best, you've found the One at the worst, you spend some extra time with an interesting and pretty colleague
John Smith
In any case, if it doesn't feel right you could say its a 'friend date'
Tom Harrington
i'd also hurt her if she's interested and im not, aye
Phillip Knightley
mate one date isnt gonna make her fall in love with you
John Smith
even if you are a handsome lad who girls just fawn over
Tom Harrington
yeah true i suppose. i just don't want to make things complicated
John Smith
Let the girl decide for herself ya know, she's a Huntsclan lady she knows risk
Phillip Knightley
yeah tommy, you underestimate her she's not your typical Order lass
John Smith
we don't exactly have "Order lasses" She's like a female American version of Henry I suppose
Phillip Knightley
I mean the LADIES so pedantic over my terminology before coffee aren't we johnny
Tom Harrington
please do not use words like pedantic before noon
John Smith
I am currently waiting very patiently for it to brew while your pancakes all get cold
Tom Harrington
will you bring them up to me it's my birthday :pleading_face:
Phillip Knightley
yes :heart: oh if its not brewing i may've accidentally broken it,
Tom Harrington
:heart_eyes: you guys can eat in my room with meeee
John Smith
Phillip Knightley
:heart: going up to tommy's now!!
John Smith
Phillip WHAT DID YOU STICK IN MY COFFEE MAKER ... I'll put extra whipped cream on for the birthday boy and be up in a minute with your plates Phillip I cannot guaruntee yours won't end up down your shirt or in your lap
Phillip Knightley
that's hot
Tom Harrington
just don't mess up my sheets i should not have to do laundry on my birthday
John Smith
You're getting me coffee from Hatter's Phillip and buying me a new coffee maker
Phillip Knightley
i can do that
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re-decorate · 5 years
Rules: answer 20Qs and tag 20 people
tagged by the lovely lovely @serainechor 💙 (ps they are amazing go follow if you aren’t already)
1. Nicknames: song or songs, but I def prefer my full name. oh also sarah calls me cashew :’)
2. Zodiac Sign: capricorn yeehaw
3. Height: alas I’m only 5′3
4. Hogwarts House: ravenclaw I think?
5. Last Thing I Googled: the difference bw a 1,4 and a 1,2 glycosidic linkage (i hate ochem)
6. Favorite Musician: twenty one pilots (bc that feels like a v obvious answer I’ll also give my 2nd favorite which is bastille)
7. Song Stuck In My Head: broken by gorillaz and also modern jesus by portugal. the man
8. Followers: somewhere between 1 and 2k which really boggles my mind ngl
9. Following: it hovers around 100
10. Do I Get Asks: yeah sometimes!
11. Amount Of Sleep: on weekdays usually 5hrs, maybe a bit more if I’m lucky and oftentimes a bit less. on weekends bw 8-12
12. Lucky Number(s): idk 13? I think I just claimed 13 but I’ve never had any actual experiences that warrant it being my lukcy number
13. What Are You Wearing: pjs :P
14. Dream Job: god I’d love to just do photography for a living
15. Dream Trip: idt this is my absolute dream trip but it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a bit. I went to New Orleans with my family over winter break (so 6 months ago) and I had a lot fun and we didn’t even party or anything so I want to go back with my friends and actually do your stereotypical nola things bc I think it would be sooo much fun
16. Instruments: piano and clarinet :) I haven’t played either in a while though
17. Languages: english is the only one I’m fluent in but I learned spanish and french in school (spanish for many many many years and french for a few), and I can also understand tamil bc it’s what my parents speak at home
18. Favorite Song: hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty hoty
19. Random Fact: I learned this from our very own mars (I think). most mammals larger than a rat take the same amount of time to completely empty their bladder: ~21 seconds
20. Aesthetic: in terms of how I dress it’s a good amt of t-shirts and black and vans but in terms of my actual aesthetic lemme just direct you to my aes blog (it’s a lot of blue) @songsforthesky
I’ll tag @crazymindtoclean @fourthlightunlit @neonvials @fall-out-of-formation​ and anyone else who wants to do it (you can just say I tagged you)!
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heroesarelife · 6 years
Umm... so i found ur blog while seaching for quality headcanons (not dissapointed! quite the opposite) and please if is not so much to ask, Midorya with a S/O telling him "You're lukcy u are cute?" (like, Izuku being reckless and S/O helping him out or something? Thank you so much and keep the good work! Luv ya lots!
Oh that’s such a lovely request _
Midoriya Izuku
However smart Midoriya may be, this can often be pushed aside by his soft and enormous heart. There’s a space for everyone in it, friend or foe, and more often than not he’s impulsive to act in behalf of his feelings.
While it can turn out well in a lot of situations, the fact that he places other’s before himself makes it awfully easy for Midoriya to end up hurt, with a litany of injuries which the seriousness and demand for attention varies with the moon.
For the absolute frustration of his s/o, who at this point lives in constant worry and is all but employed as Midoriya’s private nurse - or so they like to joke about, as they invariably have to help him with dressing wounds and applying medicine.
On the upside, they have now mastered the most creative comments and foul language, as they scold Midoriya after seeing the state he - yet again - put himself in. It almost became a personal challenge, to come up with ways to express their anger, worry and frustration in unique and creative ways. Their swearing and insults has become top-notch as their mutter to themselves when stressing over Midoriya. Bakugou has even adopted some of the most foul and creative ones, he does not dare to take credit, though.
At the beginning it shocked Midoriya, especially as the insults started taking unthinkably creative shapes. He doesn’t mind too much though, being far too used to foul-mouthed Bakugou. If anything he thinks it impressive that his s/o is able to think of funnier and more interesting expressions than just “die” and “fuck”.
He would be very apologetic to his s/o, however. It’s not like he wishes to worry them. But he also realizes they find some relief in caring for him so sometimes he will go to them even if he would be perfectly capable of changing his own dressings by himself. He mostly just hugs them and thanks them and promises to try and be more careful.
Besides, he know they are not truly angry, as their touches are careful and gentle against his skin and injuries, despite their apparent rage and vast array of complains. So he smiles and apologizes profusely, all while feeling warm inside, his chest giving him the most confusing combination of guilt and absolute love. He tries to not think too hard about it, though, recognizing that feelings are meant to be felt, not picked apart and analyzed.
Although his s/o says he might as well start doing more analyzing and less feeling, if it meant they wouldn’t need to play doctor every breathing second. Or does he thinks that they have nothing better to do than trot about, picking up his scattered stupid pieces and sticking them back up?
They will still always kiss him lovingy afterwards, because damn isn’t he so lucky he’s cute?
It becomes an habit for them to tell that to Midoriya after a while, and he secretly loves it. He know that if they say that, it means they are not truly angry and it’s their own way to express their love and concern. He only worries when they remain quiet or don’t say their usual expression, because it means something it’s not quite right.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Domestic asks for Lee and Booker and Asuna please!
What kind of movies do you watch with your f/o?
Usually something fantasy or adventure! Maybe a little action if we’re feeling particularly excited about those, but I’m not a huge action person myself. Anything with a good story we just love!
Who sleeps in and who cooks breakfast?
I sleep in and Lee cooks breakfast! Sometimes I’ll get up early enough to cook it with him, but it’s hard because I’m not a morning person at all.
Who is the pickier eater?
Neither of us are really all that picky! I can be at times, though.
Do you two/three/etc fight over the thermostat?
YES. Lee doesn’t like it cold, but me, I love it a but cooler. I can’t take it if it’s too warm, and I get hot kinda easily and I’m miserable and that’s not good for him. So eventually he just lets me have it XD
How do you spend rainy days together?
Usually cuddled up by the fire with some music playing as we talk about our day. With soft kisses lingering on each other’s skin and its just warm and inviting and perfect.
Who is likelier to mess up the laundry and turn all of the white clothes pink?
MEEEE. Don’t ever let me do laundry, ever. I’m such a klutz. Lee’s good shirts are all ruined and I’m almost in tears I’m so upset. Expect him to kiss my cheek and tell me that it’s alright with a laugh.
How do you + your f/o(s) deal with appliances that need fixing?
Lee will try to fix them on his own, and you can’t expect me to help because I don’t know shit. But most of the time we end up calling someone to fix it, because we just can’t do it all the way.
Do you argue over interior decoration choices?
Not really! Neither of us are too picky as long as it looks nice and we both have input in small things. As long as it feels like home we don’t really mind how it’s decorated!
Who takes more pictures?
I do. I just love getting picturing of us together or him alone because he’s so handsome. Lee will sometimes take them of me when he thinks about it, but it’s not all that often.
Who steals the covers?
MEEEEE. Lee learned very early on not to fight me XD He will not win aha
What kind of movies do you watch with your f/o?
Usually action movies. Booker enjoys action movies, and I don’t mind watching them with him. Sometimes we’ll watch classics, too, though!
Who sleeps in and who cooks breakfast?
We both get up and I make breakfast for him before he goes to work. I had gotten used it it early on, becaues I want to cook for him and see him off and just ahve that moment with him.
Who is the pickier eater?
Booker will eat just about anything, so probably me XD
Do you two/three/etc fight over the thermostat?
Oh yes. Booker doesn’t like it a certain temp or too cool. At all. He’ll fight me and find ways to keep me from it, just knowing that I’ll mess with it and since he knows my patterns its very easy and I pout so bad.
How do you spend rainy days together?
Cuddling and eating leftovers in each others arms while watching a good movie, most likely. Or in bed taking a nap. This is all given that he’s not working, but yes, we’ll most likely be napping in each others arms.
Who is likelier to mess up the laundry and turn all of the white clothes pink?
Me again! That’s why Booker ends up doing the laundry. He can’t have his good shirts being messed up, and I feel bad because I want to help him. But he’ll insist that it’s fine.
How do you + your f/o(s) deal with appliances that need fixing?
Booker usually will go at it for a few hours, insisting over and over again that he can fix it. Sometimes he does! Sometimes it’s uh not gonna happen but he still inists because my wonderful husband is stubborn.
Do you argue over interior decoration choices?
Not really. Booker doesn’t care, and he lets me have completely control over decorating. He’ll help if I ask, but he’ll continue to tell me that it’s completely my choice and as long as I’m happy he’s happy.
Who takes more pictures?
Meeeee. Booker isn’t a fan of pictures, but he can’t turn me down when I’m snapping them all the time and just wanting to have pictures of us. He loves taking pictures of me, though. He has many pictures of me on his desk, in his wallet, just everywhere. A couple, his favorite, being our picture we took on our wedding day that he can’t go a day without looking at.
Who steals the covers?
MEEEE. Booker, though, he’ll fight me right back and I can’t fight that man XD
What kind of movies do you watch with your f/o?
Oh, all kinds! Romance, fantasy, adventure. Just any movie that looks interesting to us we’re gonna watch! We love movies, sometimes we’ll watch Disney movies too.
Who sleeps in and who cooks breakfast?
I sleep in and Asuna makes breakfast. I love her so much, she spoils me way too much. She sometimes even brings it to bed with me when I don’t wake up. God I’m so lukcy to have her, what did I do…
Who is the pickier eater?
Me, but I can’t be picky with Asuna, okay. I just can’t. She will not let me, plus her food is too good anyway.
Do you two/three/etc fight over the thermostat?
Not really, we both like it kind of the same. So there’s no arguing! ^.^
How do you spend rainy days together?
Cuddling up in bed playing video games! We love it, it’s our best tme to relax and have fun together. Get a little competitive, sometimes go out to the window and watch the rain outside.
Who is likelier to mess up the laundry and turn all of the white clothes pink?
Okay, let’s not even say it, we already kknow. Asuna does the laundry anyway, and I’m doing other chores XD
How do you + your f/o(s) deal with appliances that need fixing?
We call someone. Neither of us are very handy, and we know better than to try because we know we’ll just mess it up.
Do you argue over interior decoration choices?
Sometimes, but only because we both have our own ideas. I love decorating the house with her, though. It was one of the things I was looking forward to when we moved in together! Asuna has the better ideas, though, so I can’t argue much! Plus, I want to spoil the shit out of my queen, sooo
Who takes more pictures?
We both LOVE pictures man. We take pictures daily of each other and send them to one another when we’re away. Asuna kills me with her selfies, I’m not even freaking kidding. I’ll be working or busy and she’ll send me one with a little miss you baby or something and I’m speechless. She’s so gorgeous man. My wife, god.
Who steals the covers?
We both do. It’s a fight every night XD We usually have a ton of blankets though, so you’d think that’d limit the times that we fight. But it… doesn’t…
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
There’s Something Going On
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“there is something going on with them I know it is” I say as I stood with Thomas, alby and zart as we looked across the glade at newt and y/n as they laughed and messed around 
“it suspicious I grant you, but maybe they're just really good friends” zart shrugs
“maybe there dating” Thomas suggested
“they better not be, I'm with zart minho their good friends that are all” alby shrugs just as newt wrapped his arms around y/n waist
“if they kiss you owe me dinner” Thomas says to us all 
“they won't, there just messing around” ably explains before wondering off to do some work 
“HEY NEWT!” I yell so he bids y/n goodbye and comes over 
“what?” he asks
“are you and y/n a thing?” Thomas asks
“no course not, why do you ask?” he asks 
“its suspicious” I reply he looks a bit confused and wanders off back to work
“I think we should start spying” Thomas suggests
“definitely” zart adds
We stood outside y/n’s hut we had been following her and newt around for about a month and we only got more suspicious we sat quietly trying to hear what was going on 
“OH Y/N!” newt moans loudly 
“wow are they?” Thomas asks 
“I don't know, sounds like it” I reply
“newt, stop it” y/n giggles 
“This is just want I need after a long day in the gardens, Oh y/n that feels so good” he moans loudly
“newt be quiet I don't wanna the guys to know about me doing this for you, else they'll get all jealous” she giggles 
“go get alby” thomas told zart so zart ran off and not a few seconds later 
“NEWT Y/N WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THERE?” alby yells knocking on the door and y/n opened it 
“oh... what is it alby?” she asked innocently 
“wheres newt?” alby asks
“inside” she smiles innocently we all go in and newt is sat on y/n’s bed seeming very happy 
“what was going on, the boys said they could hear newt moaning” alby says not very happy with them
“oh i had a massive pain in my shoulder so y/n gave me a back rub thats all”newt explains 
“thats all?” alby asks
“ohhhh that makes sence” zart sighs 
I went in the showers and stood in a stall about to stip and turn on the water when 
“oh newt its so big” y/n says so I get out and go down to a slightly shut door and y/n stod there in a towl and newt only in his pants he had a huge spider in his hands obviously just got it out her shower for her 
“oh come on y/n its so cool” he tells her trying to make her look 
“ohhh newt no, I dont wanna see it its all big and hairy and gross” she complains “whats up minho?” she asks noticing i was there
“oh nothing just carry on” I shurg going backto my shower
me and thomas sat in the deadheads trying to see where newt and y/n went we where still suspicious of them and following them seemed to be making us more suspiscious 
“newt stop it” y/n giggled her voice seemed above us
“the tree house” both me and thomas say we realised we are under the tree house 
“why should I?” newt smirked 
“newt please, stop it” she giggled we both quickly climbed the tree 
“what are you guys up to?” we ask them and we can clearly see newt was tickling her 
“ohh....okay...got my eye on you two” I tell them 
me and thomas stood at the bonfire casusly talking “what the hell are they doing?” thomas asked looking suprised I turn to see newt and y/n sat by Ia log his head in her neck and his hand between her legs 
“WOW IS HE?!” i ask i shock we quickly put down our drinks and run over 
“GOT IT” newt says taking his hand and head away from y/n and he had a spider in his hand 
“oh... there must have it was crawling on her ohh, we gotta stop over reacting” thomas sighs
“newt, y/n were sorry for being so suspicious we’ll just leave you two in peace”I  sigh before me and thomas go back to our coversation 
“finaly they leave us alone” I sigh as they wonder off 
“yeah, good cover by the way, picking up the spider at the last second” she giggles 
“yeah lukcy I could find one, couldn't risk them telling alby about our little snuggles could I?” i smirk giving her neck more kisses 
“we  atleast they will leave us to snuggle in peace now” she giggles snuggling into my chest 
“sooo.. shall we head to your room i could do with another...back rub” I smirk 
“as long as you get a lot more spiders off me newt” she giggles 
“deal.. lets go baby” I smirk as we get up and run off to her hut 
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ancientrimer · 5 years
I don't think I've ever really appreciated the importance of awareness campaigns before today. I think my line of thought was "well that's obvious, do you really have to keep shoving it in people's faces?" but honestly humans are so stupid I think there's a very good chance we would just not realise that something was a widespread issue without awareness campaigns etc. Like things that seem like common sense because we know about them would be revolutionary in that situation.
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disasterjoss · 5 years
Women's World Cup
I've never seen so many penalty kicks be called in the group stage matches. VAR is great, but drastically slows down the game. I have mixed feelings about it.
On another note, this world cup seems to be defying expectations. The smaller and not so developed teams have been fairing well against the big name teams.
Take Italy vs Australia. First world cup in 20 years for Italy and they defeated the Matildas 2-1. A well earned victory. They were relentless and halted the Aussies from attacking much in the 2nd half. Sam Kerr lacked in generating plays and being the finisher she is known for. You didn't see her at all in the 2nd half. Not to mention she got lukcy to catch the penalty rebound.
Spain struggled against South Africa. Spain lacked in opening up spaces and playing 1v1. Had it not been for the VAR calling 2 penalties, I dont think they would have won the game. Now, don't get me wrong, South Africa made plenty of mistakes, but they have shown improvement and fought hard.
Don't get me started on Brazil vs Jamaica. 5 years ago the women's Jamaican was dissolved due to budget cuts. Because of course if you need to cut money somewhere it was going to be the women's team. If it hadn't been for Bob Marley's daughter who took action and paid for the team out of pocket, Jamaica would not be making their WWC debut. Now, knowing that, the team hasn't had much formal training or enough time to play together to have that team chemistry on the pitch. Their game is still developing. Yet Brazil couldn't dominate the match. Much of that was due to Jamaica's goalie. SHE'S ONLY 19 YEARS OLD!!! Yet she displayed the maturity, calmness, and leadership of a veteran player. I was, and still am, incredibly impressed. She has talent that needs nurturing and I am looking forward to see her play professionally once she graduates from UNC. Anyways back to Brazil. They did not show the level of game play that you expect when you hear the name Brazil. I think part of that is because they had an amazing run during the WWC qualifying in the CONMEBOL. But when they have played against the USA and the European big names, they haven't faired very well. While I want team USA to win this, I believe Marta deserves the glory of raising the WWC trophy for her country and herself. But if Brazil wants to get there they really have to step up their game and tighten down in the midfield.
These are just my opinions.
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pastpens · 2 years
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Vintage Parker Duofold SENIOR Mandarin Yellow Fountain Pen
Vintage Parker Duofold Senior Fountain Pen
– PreWar – The Flagship of the Parker Pen Company – Streamlined – Rare Mandarin Yellow – Senior Long Bold Pen of Overall Length 5-1/8 inches
Up here is a vintage Parker Duofold SENIOR Lukcy Curve Streamlined Button Filler fountain pen, which was manufactured Pre-War in USA circa 1910s.
The Parker Duofold is one of the most recognizable and enduring fountain pen designs. Launched in 1921, the pen was a phenomenal success and put the Parker Pen Company squarely into the front rank of fountain pen manufacturers. Duofold remain popular in Europe being produced well into the 60s in varying sizes and colors when it was revived in the 80’s once again as Parker’s Flagship model.
This Parker Duofold is a fine example, in stunning, rare and most sought after MADARIN YELLOW.
It is also ULTRA RARE SENIOR version, largest size of the series, of overall length 5-1/8 inches.
The pen is in nice condition, with only a few minor hairline crack 2mm on the top of cap barely noticeable.
It bears a large Parker solid 14ct gold nib.
The Parker Duofold has a button filling system, which is particularly simple and elegant filling method – the end of the pen unscrews revealing a button which is depressed while the nib is immersed in ink.
The pen has been serviced and tested for full functionality. This pen is rare and very much sought after, of such a vintage pen in good condition. Ownership of pen with the history and prestige of the Parker Duofold, will provide the owner with a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of ceremony each time that they write.
The Parker Pen Company was founded in 1888 by George S. Parker, whose mission was to manufacture a better pen. The Parker Pen Company’s tradition epitomizes the highest standards of craftsmanship, technology, and aesthetics. In 1921, the company introduced the iconic Parker Duofold pen. Yet by the early 1930s, Parker launched replacement for Duofold, the Vacumatic. In 1941, the company developed the most widely used model of fountain pen in history (over $400 million worth of sales in its 30-year history), the Parker 51. It is also referred as ‘the most wanted pen’. From the 1920s to the 1960s, Parker was No.1 in worldwide writing instrument sales.
You can also view our item on Trumblr.
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living-fash · 6 years
'I Told you I'd Tell Them Our Story' by Lydmor
'I Told you I'd Tell Them Our Story' by Lydmor
Interview with Lydmor by Livingfash
With the release of her latest Album and busy tour dates, Lydmor a Copenhagen based electronic producer, composer, singer writer took some time to talk to us about herself and the new album.
I’ll have to say it was such a joy to listen to it. The album flows easily from song to song and it a bit mesmerizing and easy to relate to. There are some hooks in the lyrics that will wake you up if you happen to find yourself day dreaming.
With her spellbinding story telling, mixed with the beats of the songs are a perfect fit for relaxing either when you are dancing or just seating and looking at the sunset. This album is a great mix. it calms the mind.
Lydmor Kopenhagen
1-Lydmor, could you please tell us a little bit about you and your background, i.e. where you’re from, when did you started wrinting music, how was growing up in your hometown etc.
I grew up in a small town on the danish countryside. The town in itself was rather boring, and people in it mostly just cared about football and reality tv. Fortunately I had a really creative family, many on my own age and we were kinda outside of all of that. I was very much a dreamer as a child. Actually, I still am. I daydream all the time. I did a lot of creative things, making small plays, writing short stories and playing the clarinet. When I became a teenager I got an interest in writing songs, and things just slowly evolved from there. Getting to where I am today has been a very slow organic process of discovery and experimentation.
2- Lydmor! Your artistic name. how did you come up with it? 
Haha. It actually started as a bit of a joke. I was a part of a big project where I had a small DIY studio that people could record in for free, and in the project was also a girl who did free food. In Denmark we have this expression madmor (translates to food mother) that we use lovingly for a woman who makes food for us. People called her madmor, and then at some point they started calling me lydmor (sound mother), for fun, and it just kinda stuck.
3- Now, to the question on everyone’s mind.  How did you end up in Shanghai?
Well I was going through some kind of crisis. Everything in my life was fucking up – at the same time. My lovelife, my creativety, my carreer. It just felt like I had no idea what I was doing, and I needed to do something drastic to change that. 
The idea of moving to Shanghai kinda started creeping in on me. There was something mysterious about the city, the few times I had been there, and I felt like there was something I needed to DO there. I didn’t really know what. Finally the need to move became very insistant. So i moved! 
4-What did you enjoy the most about your experience in Shanghai? and was there any interesting, awkward or just funny moment you remember from your days there?
Shanghai is a very interesting place. It is somehow the city of lost souls. And there is a darkness there as well, that I sometimes have trouble describing. You’ll have this moment, after a few months of living there. It’s sort of like a point of no return. You’ll climb to the top of the highest skyscraper you can find, and you stare wildly in each direction. Looking to find a place, where the city ends. It doesn’t. It feels like it is eternal. And you feel so small. But then, if you’re lukcy, the Shanghai realization hits you. And you start to get it. The skyline was a mirror. And because it was always there, then so are you. And that’s where it starts to get really interesting.
Now to the music.  
5-  The flow of the album is very nice and smooth, how long did it take you to complete?
A LONG TIME. I’m very particular with my solo project. It has to be perfect, it has to be interesting and I spend so much time turning every single sound, every single word, everything until it is exactly as I want it. This album is probably all in all, 3 years of my life. But it’s hard to put into a set timeframe because in the beginning I also did a lot of things that I didn’t end up using. But it’s like I needed those mistakes to be able to make the finished piece.
6-It’s rally fascinating how you used the novel 2666 by Roberto Bolaño as an inspiración for this album, what was the moving factor about 2666?
Bolano is a VERY interesting writer! He has a lot of a certain thing that I always look for in all art forms, be it movies or books or music. I guess you could call it mystery. But it’s more than that. It doesn’t feel like it’s fabricated. The mystery is real. And the darkness is real. In 2666, he keeps spiraling around the story in a way where it feels like it is more a circle than a line. I wanted to do the same on an album, so in story telling format, my new album is very much inspired by that.
7-Claudia is a really catchy complicated song. It’s not as straight forward or less complicated like Dim, killing Time or Shanghai Roar.  could you give some insight into Claudia?
Claudia is a complicated song because it describes a complicated thing. It was one of the songs that took the longest time to make. Right from the beginning I knew exactly what it needed to do, but I also knew it would take a long time to get it right. It needed to be very street and make you think of a tough girl, but at the same time it needed to have a feeling of extreme fragileness lying under it, like a sharp ice shard that might splinter and melt anytime. And then it needed an extreme sense of anger in the end. 
It was immensely satisfying when it finally was finished.
8-In the album, “ I told you, I’d tell them our story”  who are you talking to, Is it about your adventure in Shanghai? 
I am telling a story about a group of people in Shanghai. Atleast, that’s what it is on the surface. But like 2666, there are many layers. I’ve built a maze for you to get lost in.
Now, some fun questions
9-Are you currently reading any other novel or book?
YES! I am reading The Idiot by Dostojevski and I am SO SO EXCITED about it! I really didn’t expect to be so drawn in by a novel from 1800th century Russia, but I am like an addict, reading it all the time, every single minute I can spare I’m reading it. 
10-If you have to move and  could only take 3 items with you what would they be?
My computer, my keyboard and my microphone. So I could create things, music, write and so on.
Claudia, I Told you I'd Tell Them Our Story, interview, lydmor, music http://www.livingfash.com/lydmore
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As satta matka is popular these days, every player have to be very cautious in choosing the relaible & trusted website to avail a range of services, whereas enjoying adequate privacy and security. So inorder to get maximum benefit with minimal losses,  Satta matka Websites more useful and reliable than matka agents.
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pastpens · 2 years
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Vintage Parker Duofold Senior Big Red Senior Lucky Curve fountain pen
- PreWar - The Flagship of the Parker Pen Company- Comes with original nice Parker big red gift box- 'Lucky curve' banner imprint on barrel- Rare Big Red - Glossy Red Lacquer- Senior Long Bold Pen of Overall Length 5-1/2 inches- Button-filling system- Excellent condition NO crack
Up here is a vintage Parker Duofold SENIOR Lukcy Curve Flat-Top Button Filler fountain pen, also referred as 'Big Red', which was manufactured Pre-War in USA circa 1910s.
The pen comes with a nice matching Parker big red fountain pen paper box, in nice condition.
The Parker Duofold is one of the most recognizable and enduring fountain pen designs. Launched in 1921, the pen was a phenomenal success and put the Parker Pen Company squarely into the front rank of fountain pen manufacturers. Duofold remain popular in Europe being produced well into the 60s in varying sizes and colors when it was revived in the 80's once again as Parker's Flagship model.
This Parker Duofold is a fine example, in stunning red lacquer.
It is also RARE SENIOR version, largest size of the series, of overall length 5-1/2 inches.
The pen is in excellent condition, without any crack only some mionr wears due to age.
The imprint on the barrel is weak; yet it is in large font version, showing it is an early production of the series; with 'LUCKY CURVE' banner.
It bears a large Parker 14ct solid gold nib, non-flexible, writing fine line.
The Parker Duofold has a button filling system, which is particularly simple and elegant filling method - the end of the pen unscrews revealing a button which is depressed while the nib is immersed in ink.
The pen has been serviced and tested for full functionality. This pen is rare and very much sought after, of such a vintage pen in good condition. Ownership of pen with the history and prestige of the Parker Duofold, will provide the owner with a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of ceremony each time that they write.
The Parker Pen Company was founded in 1888 by George S. Parker, whose mission was to manufacture a better pen. The Parker Pen Company's tradition epitomizes the highest standards of craftsmanship, technology, and aesthetics. In 1921, the company introduced the iconic Parker Duofold pen. Yet by the early 1930s, Parker launched replacement for Duofold, the Vacumatic. In 1941, the company developed the most widely used model of fountain pen in history (over $400 million worth of sales in its 30-year history), the Parker 51. It is also referred as 'the most wanted pen'. From the 1920s to the 1960s, Parker was No.1 in worldwide writing instrument sales.
You can also view our item on Trumblr.
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pastpens · 1 year
Vintage Parker Duofold Mandarin Yellow Senior Fountain Pen
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Vintage Parker Duofold Mandarin Yellow Senior Fountain Pen
- PreWar - The Flagship of the Parker Pen Company - Rare Mandarin Yellow - Senior Long Bold Pen of Overall Length 5-1/2 inches - Flat-Top - Button-fillingUp here is a vintage Parker Duofold SENIOR Lukcy Curve Button Filler fountain pen, which was manufactured Pre-War in USA circa 1920s.The Parker Duofold is one of the most recognizable and enduring fountain pen designs. Launched in 1921, the pen was a phenomenal success and put the Parker Pen Company squarely into the front rank of fountain pen manufacturers. Duofold remain popular in Europe being produced well into the 60s in varying sizes and colors when it was revived in the 80's once again as Parker's Flagship model.This Parker Duofold is a fine example, in stunning, rare and most sought after MANDARIN YELLOW.It is also ULTRA RARE SENIOR version, largest size of the series, of overall length 5-1/2 inches.The pen is in excellent condition, without scratches, dings, dents and cracks all over the body, only showing minor wears due to age. The intact excellent condition of this pen even make it highly collectible.The imprint on the barrel is nice with 'LUCKY CURVE' banner. It bears a large Parker solid 14ct gold nib, non-flexible writing smooth fine to medium line.The Parker Duofold has a button filling system, which is particularly simple and elegant filling method - the end of the pen unscrews revealing a button which is depressed while the nib is immersed in ink.The pen has been serviced and tested for full functionality. This pen is rare and very much sought after, of such a vintage pen in good condition. Ownership of pen with the history and prestige of the Parker Duofold, will provide the owner with a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of ceremony each time that they write.The Parker Pen Company was founded in 1888 by George S. Parker, whose mission was to manufacture a better pen. The Parker Pen Company's tradition epitomizes the highest standards of craftsmanship, technology, and aesthetics. In 1921, the company introduced the iconic Parker Duofold pen. Yet by the early 1930s, Parker launched replacement for Duofold, the Vacumatic. In 1941, the company developed the most widely used model of fountain pen in history (over $400 million worth of sales in its 30-year history), the Parker 51. It is also referred as 'the most wanted pen'. From the 1920s to the 1960s, Parker was No.1 in worldwide writing instrument sales.Please refer to our other Parker Duofold fountain pens collections. Read the full article
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