#feeling sooooo 19 rn
cherryjuiceblues · 11 months
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girlblocker · 1 year
i will NOT be leaving the house this week . god bless
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lorelaiislatte · 2 months
Do you think there's a chance a streaming service will pick ncis:h? I've signed the petition but do we dare to hope? I'm tired of this happening all the time. I just dont understand. It was doing fine in ratings and it's a part of a franchise that keeps getting more spin offs? How that makes sense? Do you know the ratings compared with the others ncis shows? Sorry im asking you but im not from usa and i have no idea how american netwoks work. So sad rn.
okay SO i am also not from the us but have done this dance before sooooo:
1) from what i’ve heard, they were planning to move either another ncis show (i think sydney?) or another cbs show to paramount plus - which they now are no longer doing. in theory yes, this opens up the possibility for ncishi to move over there; in practice, i’m not holding my breath, as typically that negotiation would happen before a cancellation announcement
2) how does it make sense? the honest answer is that it doesn’t. like, it really doesn’t. it’s been holding steady at sixth of 14 cbs shows in the ratings (which is a brilliant number, ensures it’s profitable, and is also impressive for a procedural that’s still relatively new). it’s been beating a LOT of other crime procedurals in viewership and viewer retention, and reviewers have been singing its praises. i think this is why it feels so much as if it’s because they just view this show as less valuable (socially and economically) than their usual white guy cop shows; it’s very difficult to argue that your profitable, successful show is too expensive when you’re flying cast and crews across - or, potentially, internationally to - australia, to continue a less-highly-rated show with no issue.
3) as far as ratings go - ncis hawai’i episodes were pulling in as many as 10 million viewers last year (s2 e10 came in with 10.5 mil, as per variety telecast viewership reports) which has it going toe to toe with the core ncis (seems to pull approx. 8-10mil per episode, via hollywood reporter). for the 18-49 demographic across us series, ncis hawaii is ranking at #13 of #21 as per tvseriesfinale.com - this is significantly above ncis sydney (renewed, #15), and elsbeth (#19, renewed), two other cbs shows, one of which in particular is incredibly expensive. crucially, ncishi has actually increased its viewership, which is VERY difficult to do on a year to year basis. its up by 4.18% among 18 to 49 year olds - for comparison the core NCIS is down 0.83% and fbi international - a competing show - is down by 3.73%. bear in mind that even a single percentage point represents hundreds of thousands of viewers.
i also want to point out that ranking at #13 isn’t strictly representative of viewer numbers, it’s about percentage of viewers that are within that core age bracket. the neighbourhood is ranking at #6, but only pulling in 4.8 million viewers - ncishi is at #13, and pulling in 5.2 million. ncishi pulls in over half a million more viewers than four shows ranked above it in that chart.
so essentially - it doesn’t make sense. from any perspective. it doesn’t make sense from a business perspective (ncis sydney is more expensive to produce and brings in approx. 200k less viewers than ncishi, and ncishi crew had already agreed to a shortened, budget-restrained final season), it doesn’t make sense for a ratings perspective (it continues to outperform many of cbs’ own shows, including ones that have been renewed), it doesn’t make sense from a social perspective (people are loving it, even outside of our fandom spaces).
objectively, it’s a really, really bad move by cbs. i also thought being part of a franchise would be a kind of safety net - fool me once, i guess. all the evidence suggests that they just don’t care enough about ncishi, especially when they’ve got their bullshit white guy ncis origins show, a young sheldon spinoff (?? who asked?) and a plethora of other cookie-cutter shows they can just keep going with. and we can make a pretty educated guess as to why, when the main things that set ncishi apart from the other ncis shows are its diversity and character dynamics
(edit: it was pointed out that people aren’t being flown to sydney from the us, which is true, and bad phrasing on my part - but many are flown across australia at seemingly similar costs to mainland us/hawai’i flights, and i believe not all of the leads are based in australia either, so i’ve updated that bit for clarity. apologies!)
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twistedsweetie · 9 months
Hi mama! We haven't talked in a while but I wanna share a thought with u!
So, I was on Reddit the other day(Had to wash my eyes in holy water) and there was this one guy that was like, It's dangerous or bad, whatever he said, for women to masturbate almost every day. Now personally, I'm almost 19, and I'm still horny every day and me and my vibrator have a serious addiction. like it's a drug addiction LOL. So now I'm confused and thinking, hey? Is it bad for me to have such a strong addiction to my vibrator/Masturbating?
But then I really thought about it and I was like, well guys masturbate almost every fucking 3 hours, (Lmaoo jk) so what are you talking about sir????
I need Professor T's wise knowledge on this one!
Love u.
Hahahha professor t i love that.
Ok warning I am being fully transparent about sex and masturbating so if that makes anyone uncomfy, don’t read further.
Ok well… I’ve been masturbating since a very young age. I discovered it at 8 years old. I’ve always been a super horny, sexual person, even before really knowing what that was. (Because at 8 I didn’t. I just knew it was private.)
When I was in junior high and highschool I really wanted sex toys so badly and when I moved out I finally got one tiny bullet. At first I didn’t even like it because it was too strong. But… then I kinda figured out how to use it and discovered the power to achieve some really intense orgasms.
Sooooo now I have a whole collection of toys. I’ll focus on vibes rn because that’s what I use most and what you say you’re using.
I personally don’t see anything wrong with masturbating every day. Or even several times a day. I typically do most days that I sleep at my house at least. I don’t always use my vibes even though they’re my favourite things ever, because personally when I use it a lot I start to almost go numb? If that makes sense. I just easily experience a lot of over sensitivity. Which sometimes is the goal🤭 but overall I like to go back to using my fingers or pillow or whatever in between just so that I can mix it up and that I don’t get too used to the feeling of my vibes. Because they are pretty strong and I still want for myself and others to get me off without it (since that’s something that is still possible for me)
I know there’s discourse about vibes being bad for women because they kill the nerves or some shit and that’s why you get addicted, because apparently you’ll never get off from anything else… but I think that’s bullshit personally.
Everyone’s different and I know some people who have never even been able to cum without a vibe and honestly I don’t see anything wrong with that either. It’s your body and an orgasm does wonders for your brain and your soul in my opinion. Helps me sleep, helps me relax, helps me focus.
There’s definitely a stigma around women and masturbating and I’ve never understood it because it’s no different then a man jerking off. I remember never opening up about it to friends until well into highschool. None of the girls in my class would admit to it or admit to watching porn (which is a whole other discussion for another time) and so I always felt a lot of shame around it. But with time and realizing how fucking good it feels to be comfortable with yourself sexually… I started to not care. And I’m pretty open about it now.
Anyway. Long rant over hahah. In conclusion, there’s nothing wrong with masturbating every day. And there’s definitely nothing wrong with you<3
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ashsostrange · 9 months
y’all i got stories for days lemme tell you one rn 🧘‍♀️ it’s silly but i promise you’ve never heard anything like it before.
i’m taking forensics and ngl i never know what the hell is going on in that class! anyway, today we got assigned a group project nd tell me why i have to work with my sixth grade roblox opp. she did me sooooo bad nd i’ve been holding a grudge since 😒
so what happened was back in sixth grade, i was friends w this girl. let’s call her jamie. jamie introduced me to her cousin, otherwise known as my “roblox opp.” we’ll call her jada.
so one day me and my two other friends are playing murder mystery two having the time of our lives and then jada, jamie, their two cousins, this other girl from jada’s school, and some random online friend they know joins the game.
tell me why mfs got mad bc me and my other friends kept getting murderer and sheriff but these bitches didn’t even get ts onceee 😭😭 they turned it into a wholeeee big thing. like it isn’t my fault!! anyway they were feeling some typa way so we got into an argument. then jada’s online friend who i’ve never met or heard of b4 decided to try and scare me by telling me what school i go to 😒 ouuu i’m so scared. are you frl my nigga?? jamie went there too so if that random tried to blow ts up we were both goin down 🤭🤭
i ask jamie how this random robloxian knows what middle school i go to, nd she’s gna lie and say “she probably goes there too. idk” HOW DONT YOU KNOW?? that’s ya cousins friend. 🙎‍♀️
anyway few weeks later, i text jada and jamie’s OTHER cousin and he tells me that this random online mf IS NINETEEN YEARS OLD!?!???! so i’m heated as hell and i blow up on them. i knew i sensed top tier oppery. why would you tell a grown mf on the internet what school i go to??? why are you even friends w a 19 year old at age 11. wtv bro. tell me y jamie apologized and jada never did.. ermmm!
we agreed to stay friends bc i was such a sweetie but these mfs were petty as hell. every time i’d join their game they’d leave IMMEDIATELY. like, word?? 🥱 that’s how it is now? 🙎‍♀️🙎‍♀️
a lot of time passes n we all eventually stopped talking in the gc completely cuz we grew up and grew apart. anyway, it’s been like five years, who cares?? (me bc i never got my apology)
i never thought i’d see this girl in person but she just HAD to choose the same high school as me. my counselor j HAD to put us in the same forensics class 😢 and my teacher js HAD to sit us right next to each other. and he ABSOLUTELY HAD TO DOUBLE IT BY MAKING US WORK IN THE SAME GROUP 😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 WDF!!!
anyway it isn’t that deep at all, it’s j real awkward. like ik we’re both thinking ab that bloxy beef when we look at each other 🤷‍♀️
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jabeur · 5 days
i was tagged by @drunkenromantic and @steffigraf to do the get to know me tag thank youuu <3 (ericka i'm doing it on this blog even if you tagged my main sdksdn)
1. Do you make your bed?
not always but i prefer to! it makes my space feel neat and welcoming (even if it's just to myself lol that's what matters) and it's so nice when i get home and my bed's all tidy bc i made it before going out it's like. ah yes i beat mental illness this morning
2. Favourite number?
3. What's your job?
an office job in a social cooperative. specifically my office's digital transformation which probably means nothing to anyone
4. If you could go back to school, would you?
well you see. absolutely not! i mean i could probably take night classes to get a high school diploma, i don't want to but i could, but like actually going back to school ? jesus, no. middle and high school were awful
5. Can you parallel park?
i can't drive (yet ?)
6. Do you think aliens are real?
yeah. not in a conspiracy theories way or whatever but i think it'd make sense if they were
7. Can you drive a manual car?
i can't drive any car (yet ?)
8. Guilty pleasure?
mh i don't know? maybe that i too often fall into the temptation of eating outside of meal times and that ruins my appetite and my schedule which makes me mad at myself sdjsjdbs
9. Tattoos?
i have two (like ericka!) both on my right arm. one's inspired by my favorite place, porto selvaggio in puglia (southern italy) and i love it sooooo much i think it's so pretty (and i get compliments about it pretty regularly which is impressive bc it's not Super easy to see but it catches people's attention who want to see it better). the other's a person painting 3 stars with the lyrics "cambia le tue stelle" underneath. i'd like to get more, but same issues as ericka (what to get?? they're fucking expensive) BUT i'm thinking of like getting an addition to the stars tattoo bc basically the 3 stars represent 2 people + 1 pet who passed away that i love very much and now that my sweet little cat ripy is gone too it feels right to get something for him as well. but i have to decide stuff and i'm super bad at decisions lately :^)
10. Favourite colour?
blueeeeeee. any shade tbh. light blue dark blue pastel blue cobalt whatever. i love all blues
11. Favourite type of music?
i listen to a lot of different genres, in different languages, from different decades etc 😭 but i guess if i had to pick, rn i'd say i lean more towards r&b, classic rock and italian pop
12. Do you like puzzles?
yes!!! word puzzles my beloved! i suck at crosswords but i'm trying to do them anyway bc it is so satisfying when i finish one and it's a good way to learn stuff and keep my mind sharp. i like physical jigsaw puzzles too but actually i haven't done one in aaaaages. now i want to tho
13. Any phobias?
no i don't think so
14. Favourite childhood sport?
i played volleyball during my childhood/early teens, i liked it (i wasn't particularly good at it tho). i didn't really play any other sport until tennis (after i dropped volleyball i think? memories are hard) i love tennis but i didn't take lessons for nearly long enough to be decent at it lmao
15. Do you talk to yourself?
yes all the time. now that i live alone i'm always going on monologues while i pace around the (small, it's a lot of back and forth lmao) apartment or do chores or whatever
16. Tea or coffee?
both. tea tho, i prefer it hot so i mostly drink it during the cold months. i actually didn't drink coffee until like 2 years ago then i got a job and..... being around working italian people, i was doomed to start
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up?
a writer or journalist
18. What movies do you adore?
so many????? i love cinema. if this means like, genres, then again so many. i'll just give you 3 movies i've watched lately and loved: wife! be like a rose! (1935), letter never sent (1960), calcutta 71 (1972)
idk who's done this already or been tagged so feel free to ignore this but i'm tagging @shapovalovvs @lewisfencer @fortyfive-forty @belteppismo @tiiresias @marcotardelli @carlosheinz <3
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wariocompany · 1 year
Last day of being 19 log: I feel SOOOOO teenaged rn
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vajazzly · 8 months
20 asks for fic writers
i was tagged by @plecotusauritus and @kaaaaaaarf <333
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
three right now!
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
marauders! i used to write a bit for haikyuu but not in a while
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
honey sweet
shovel talk
summer came early
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i try to! i havent recently tbh and i dont force myself to but i like to
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
uhhhh maybe honey sweet? just because they dont live near each other lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
i feel like its also honey sweet bc theyre pretty happy at the end, but (spoiler alert) summer came early is gonna have a happier ending if i ever finish it
8. Do you get hate on fics?
nah. i think the worst ive gotten was someone being mean to sirius in the comments of summer came early but it wasnt really mean, maybe just me being a little annoyed that someone dislikes summer came early sirius bc hes my fav
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yessss ofc. i feel like what ive published so far has been like, vanilla by ao3 standards, and i wanna write more kinky shit in the future lmao
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nahhh not my thing personally
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no!! i have thought about trying my hand at translating honey sweet into spanish for fun, but i dont think im quite at that level lol
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
noooo but me n bat always have some shit we are mutually hallucinating. most notably walburga mommy vlogger atm
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
this. is really hard. like obviously i love wolfstar but also prongsfoot and wolfstarbucks (duh), and ive had drarry brainrot for a while now, and my love of sakuatsu will never fully leave me and neither will everlark so..... yeah idk
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh man. i have a LOT of unpublished unfinished ideas hidden away in my google drive. like. a LOT. summer came early seems a bit daunting rn, but i do think i will finish it eventually.
16. What are your writing strengths?
mmmmmm id probably say dialogue? and humor.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
PACING. oh my god i feel like my pacing is always janky. also i think i have the tendency to like, write in things that dont necessarily need to be there, scenes that dont really do a lot of legwork plotwise.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
if i speak the language im down, but if i dont i think i would definitely need to consult with someone whos fluent.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
haikyuu!! i purged most of the fics i wrote for that fandom years ago from ao3 and theyre never returning lmao
20. Favourite fic you've written?
honey sweet for sure. i enjoyed writing it SO MUCH and i adore that version of wolfstar + jily sooooo much
i am once again a bit late to the game with this tag thing so open tag!!! (yes, you)
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lostghosts · 11 months
Tagged by @zombiethingy and while I do write fic I don't actually publish anything lmao. I'll do it based on what I've written but kept to myself.
Thanks for the tag, Z!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Uhhh I think I'm up to like 20? Maybe more.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
Oh man no idea, most of what I write I upwards of 2000 words so best estimate is probably close to 50k? Probably more.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've written for Code Vein, FF14, Trigun, Naruto, an IF called Perfumare, one called something mansion? Can't remember the full title, and a choice of novel called Wayhaven. There might be more, this is off the top of my head.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
N/A :p
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I probably would, if only so people can feel acknowledged and to let them know I appreciate them reading and commenting!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Sooooo I haven't actually finished anything sndjfjf. Uh probably my one FF fic? Bc the character featured is tragic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhhhhh idk probably one of my slice of life ones but I don't write those often.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Wouldn't know, hope not!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written it exactly once and it was like kind of a threesome but I was pretty vague on most of it lmao.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not, I would if I felt the universes would align well but they very rarely do.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't publish so can't steal what's not public.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I would if there was interest in it and someone was offering.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Uh kinda? Not fic but I've worked on some stuff w my bestie
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I've got a lot but I'm not super invested in anything rn. I was really into vashwood and I'm back on my yen/ger/jask bs
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Most of them, I get bored pretty easily and I'm terrible at endings so I kinda just. Leave 'em.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue I think. I'm pretty good at OC concepts too and research especially if it's period pieces.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description, hands down. I'm terrible at it. And movement between scenes but also like movement in general. Always feels clunky.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm with Zombie on this, I love to read it especially if it's translated at the end since I don't speak other languages beyond English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
N...aruto I think. I wrote a lot for that when I was younger but that's all lost to the aether. I've been in the Naruto fandom since I was like, 11.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Uhhhh idk I'm pretty attached to my Code Vein ones! They got me back into writing.
Tagging @sadblueish and @fundashnee-rott since I think they've both written and published stuff. @werewolfharrington I think might've written some as well?
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noodleincident · 1 year
the ask meme thing but only prime numbers
asking me to know MATH? a pox on your house!!!!! (if i get these wrong shh no i didnt)
1. Museum date or aquarium date? Why?
aquarium! i just really want to stare at the fishies. also the new england aquarium's octopus is a buddy.
3. Name a subject/topic you know a lot about.
oh god um. i dont know much about anything tbh. but get me to go off about house plants and i can NOT shut up.
5. What’s something most people love that you hate?
this is specific but its on my mind rn. that book 'where the crawdads sing' suuuuuuucked. but they made a movie of it?! taylor swift loved it?! like??
7. If you could create ANY mix-up or mythical animal and have it be brought to life, what would it be?
those little animals in spy kids 2, specifically the pig with wings. but frankly there are so many magical animals currently in our world.
11. What is your favorite Studio Ghibli film and why?
i havent seen all of them but its obviously totoro. wait i want to change my previous answer. i want totoro to be real.
13. Have you ever self-harmed?
ugh, yeah, but in a fake way. its complicated.
17. Is there something you currently want, that you can’t have?
i want to go to the eras tour sooooo bad. i know thats not probably what this question is about but like. i want it so bad. i have so much fomo :( this feels like a historic concert i'm missing
19. Think of the last film you watched. Who was your favorite character in it?
honestly it was mission impossible fallout and my favorite character is henry cavill bc he's my superman
23. What is something you are most confident about?
hm. my legs are pretty good.
How about something you're really insecure about?
ugh i dont do insecurities anymore. i mean i obviously do but i dont give them a voice. so i'm dodging this question.
29. Do you find smoking unattractive?
sorry no but january jones with a cig and a gun is so hot. i dont make the rules.
31. What is the 10th picture in your phone gallery?
all the fabric swatches i was deciding between for my bridesmaids
37. What's the best advice anyone has ever given you?
"life begins at the end of your comfort zone" which is fine advice but i also make a little joke about it in all my interviews and it thus far has a pretty decent success rate. so.
39. What's your favorite lyric from your favorite song right now?
i dont know spanish but shakira's diss track is on repeat rn. that line thats like 'a she-wolf like me isn't for guys like you' (but in spanish) hits
41. Is it true that if you can't love yourself, you can't love another?
oooh meaty. no i dont think thats right. you can absolutely love another even if you hate yourself. but i think its hard to get what you deserve if you dont have some level of self respect. ideally you love someone who will respect and love you anyway and you can build your own self respect and self love on that. but its risky
43. What time of the day feels the most magical to you?
morning. i hate mornings and am not a morning person but when i AM awake early its sooo magical. the birds and stuff.
47. Do you think you'd make a good teacher? Why or why not?
hmmmmm. i have been a good teacher in the past. there was a long period of time that i think i would not have been a good teacher. i think its better now but i still dont think i could do it for real as a career. i need to be able to phone it in sometimes and that sounds hard if you're a teacher.
i think those are prime numbers. dont tell me if i'm wrong
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a nightmare on elm street, my bloody valentine, rosemary’s baby?
(for the horror asks)
HEEYYYY!! thsnks for the ask :D
a nightmare on elm street: top 5 fav songs rn?
well for the purposes of this, i'll exclude my like. long time always favourites because y'all know those ones.
1- heartbreak feels so good [fall out boy] getting into fob finally and.... wooooowa. these guuysh are good......
2- 19 [pencey prep] i love pencey prep soooososososo` much idc fuck all o f you
3- brother [gerard way] iooouuguuhh.. . feeling;..s . ouhc,. ouch ouch,.
4- golden days [panic! at the disco] ok im not a massive panic! fan but... . just this. this one speciic song. hrngg . its also on my films soundtrack so ive been listening to it a lot. and yeah. its . ..
5- past lives [ls dunes] hooooooly fucking fuck where do i START. I LOVE THIS ALBUNM!!!!! MCR FANS JUST MAKE THE LEAP DO IT I KNOW LISTENING TO NEW MUSIC IS HARD NBUTZ1!!!!!!! THESE GU=YS!!!
my bloody valentine: are u in a relationship/do u have a crush?
no relationship but i do have a crush. which is. super embarrassing for me i Am built different i prommis.e like,. it is literally just a girl you have seen those before. chilll. anyway,.
rosemary’s baby: what’s something everyone else loves, but u hate?
well this one we know, but taylor swift. im just. soo salty that her sobng is the most popular fob song on spotify right now. go away. i hate the swifties at my school SOOOOO MCUHHHHHH RAHGHHHHH SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPPP . the wayt hey talk about 'eMo'S' im literslly goign to murder someoen HER MUSIC IS MIDDDDDDDDDD
anwyays. im norrmal.
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m0ony-m0th · 2 years
Hai hai babies!! Was gon for a bits but am back now! And mm gonna do diss
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But all rn cuz why not!
1) It was a slow thing but I saw it on Instagram a few years ago from one of my favorite people I follow saying they were one and I looked into it an slowly got into it
2) I still figuring that out but I fink like 2-5??
3) yes!! I luvs my bubbies sooooo much<333 he’s da bestestestest in da wholeee world!
4) spending any time wif my dada an being cozy and tiny wif him all day hehe!
5) I do have a bunch of colorful pacis an stuffies and coloring books but I wan a deco paci really bad and sippy cups :((
6) nuh-uh!
7) mm dunno, few different ways I think
8) coloring! I lub to draw but that’s more for big me
9) too many to count!
10) both!
11) mhm :)
12) no but now I really wanna :(( … :0 WHAT IF I SHIFT THAT TONIGHT??
13) fruit or little toddler snackies
15) yep :) my bubbies(cg), three ex’s, my best friend, and I think my mom might have found out,,she nu like it tho
16) ooo I have so many! Mm dada calls me so many different things and I luv dem all hehe🥰
17) aquariums!! Even if it’s just a video of it I’m almost always tiny every time
18) yes and no :( wish it was easier tho
19) I love it! Everyone is so nice an accepting
20) yess! I wish there were more with some of my favorite comfort characters tho,,
21) mhm! A lot haha
22) ooo that’s a good one! But probably Mammon from obey me since he’s my biggest comfort and one of my top favorites!
23) super cozy and reminds me of a toddler play room
24) I used to when I was a kid but I have trouble doing it now :(
25) it’s comforting to me and is a coping mechanism that I use along with just for fun!
26) eh sometimes
27) some but not many
28) either really energetic or super sleepy
29) nuh-uh, just babi
30) makes me feel super happys :))
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noctomania · 2 months
So my Public Service Loan Forgiveness allows me to clear my student loan debt after 10yrs or 120 payments towards my loans while working in public service. I'm on payment 125, and the reason why they aren't counting me as done yet is because the time during covid-19 technically counts and they acknowledge that...but they are still processing those months. Sooooo even though I qualify, and they know I qualify, and they acknowledge in messages to me that they know it qualifies and I qualify then whyyyyyyyy am I still stuck. Also i have to stay in the job until the check clears even after i finish all the (extra) payments. Which can take 3 more months. So some quick math (sorry i know).
I am required to pay 120 months. aka 10 yrs.
i have done 125.
they only are currently counting 112 of them.
so i have to make 8 more. so then i'd be at 133. THEN i have to wait 3 more months for the application to be processed, 136.
Anyway, any suggestions as to what field to try working in next? Ideally something that can pay my rent/bills and during like daytime.
Though I have considered momentarily being a club bouncer and then i remembered how i could never. i just imagine late jobs tend to be easier to get but i don't wanna work late/overnight anymore! Sleeping at night is not overrated!
Supposedly the review will be done in July for the covid months, so maybe i won't end up having to pay 16 extra months worth of loan payments after all.
It's weird to think that I'm finally hopefully going to get out. I feel overwhelmed by how long i've been held back. But i guess in this time i have matured so that's good. I just have next to no direction right now and that's a bit daunting. So many things I would enjoy, but being a master of none isn't helping me rn.
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livinglifeonpause · 3 months
Build Up - picking teams
- ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, they're keeping the team the same for the next 2 missions????? BULL SHIZ. - omg, who was the one who stood up? jahaha! - Seunghun baby with his hand on Jeupies leg is killlling meeeee! - hahaha, homie goes "im not having fun RN" TOP TIER TIME: V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 > 8 > 8 > x ( V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) 1 > 4 > 4 > 2 > x ( V30: Jung Soomin (19) (Solo) 4 > 7 > 4 > 6 > x ( V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 > 6 > x ( V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 > 5 > x ( - okay, top tier can KEEP the 3 members they have already!! waaahh! good twist. - Jeupies so cuuuute. grinning like that! - seunghun got his braces off <3 <3 - Jay Chang 100% said "oh shit" in his head - whooooa, Jung Soomin's a real one! - omg, who said "jesus christuh" (wahhhhh its lagging) - omg, did my seunghun say "did you brainwash him?" HE KNOWS. - Wumuti's cute pulling up his knees cause he's nervous. that feels real. Like if he's flamboyant, be 100% I'm SO into it. - Jay said "I could do better in another team" HE KNOWS. - I always forget how tall seunghun is. Cause in CIX, Hyunsukie is a friggen giant. - so Jay loves Bitsaeon (and Seunghun?? did he say that? fuck these subs) - and Jeup loves Donghun V34: Park Jeup (30) (Imfact) 8 > 10 > 8 > 8 > x ( picks V20: Lee Donghun (30) (A.C.E.) 6 > 10 > 8 > 7 > x ( V3: Bain (22) (JUST B) 9 > 6 > 6 > 7 > x (orange hair) V11: Jeon Woong (26) (AB6IX) 3 > 4 >4 > 5 > x ( .....innneresting. not sure why he picked Bain and Jeon Woong... did they score high in votes or something?? Is he playing the "lets debut" game? He wants to win?? - either way Jay effing LOVES it. V2: Jay Chang (22) (ONEPACT) - 8.5 > 8 > 10 > 5 > x ( picks V36: Bitsaeon (28) (M.O.N.T) 5.5 > 3 > 1 > 5 > x ( V1: Seunghun (24) (CIX) 4 > X > 7.5 > 8 > x ( V39: Kim Minseo (21) (nothing) 4 > 4 > 5 > 6 > x ( - sooooo Jay KNOWS he's handsome. He said "i agree, we're visuals" hmmmm. V19: Lee Gwangseok (25) (solo) 1 > 4 > 4 > 2 > x ( keeps V5: Lim Junhyeok (30) (Ex-Day6) 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > x (Day 6 kid) V40: Yeo One (27) (Pentagon) 2 > 2 > 3 > 2 > x (pentagon kid) and picks V29: Hwang Inhyeock (25) (Nada) 3 > 6 > 4 > 5 > x ( V30: Jung Soomin (19) (Solo) 4 > 7 > 4 > 6 > x ( keeps V10: Lee Geonwoo (22) (JustB) - 2 >2 > 3 > 2 (pinky hair) V18: Kim Seohyung (22) (musicals) 2 > 3 > 5 > 3 ( and picks V8: Choi Haram (22) (Musicals) 2 > 6 > 5 > 5 > x ( so then V4: Sunyoul (27) (UPT10TION) 2 > 2 > 6 > 6 > x ( is stuck with V12: Wumuti (24) (Solo?) 8 > 6 > 7 > 6 > x ( V7: Kang Hayoon (20) (Loud) 7 > 5 > 5 > 2 > x ( V17: Choi Suhwan (22) (X101) 3 > 4 > 7 > 9 > x (
0 notes
3, 19, 21, 38, 52 y 53!
thank you for the questions!!!! ily cory <3
3) a stand-alone that you wish was part of a series: Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk! i loved this book, and beyond the characters (whom i adored), i loved the setting and the magic and i think another book in this same setting would be incredible
19) a book that put you in a reading slump: ACOTAR 😩
21) a book with a red cover: Vicious by V.E. Schwab!!! i CANNOT recommend this book enough
38) your favourite series: Percy Jackson and the Olympians. 100%
52) a popular book/series that you love: (realizing that i havent read as many popular series as i thought i did) i feel like saying pjo again is a cop out sooooo Hunger Games?? im reading A Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes rn and enjoying it
53) a popular book/series that you hate: ACOTAR 🤷‍♀️ its just Not Great and the series is SOOOO overhyped imo. drives me nuts
book rec ask game!
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simpgirlsposts · 2 years
Hi may i have a haikyuu match-up please<3
- [ ] Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 19 plz.
- [ ] have like a caramel colored skin-tone and im 5’3 (short king). Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair(the ethnic popped off hehe), im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape, im pretty busty(im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. I could say i dress kinda “showy” but thats kinda what only fits me, but also who gives a fuck.
- [ ] Honestly I don’t really have a type. Tbh most of my relationships have ended pretty badly cause they ether only wanted something sexual from me or I was “too clingy” when i just wanted basic ass affection. But the most I want is someone who is physically affectionate (like kisses, cuddles, and hugs for days) also im ok with pda to an extent like i will hug and like cuddle you but im not gonna make out with your infront of others thats weird af.
- [ ] Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck.
- [ ] My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga.
- [ ] My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music.
- [ ] Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family
My description on what i look like is bad so here:
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I'd match you with...
Tw.Mention of being s*xualized and p*dos
Iwaizumi Hajime!
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He's 18 so he's fine...hopefully-
Now when it comes to type of people I head cannon his types are hot people and your hot sooooo yes-
Now Oikawa is kinda clingy and you're kinda clingy too, so he's good at dealing with clingy people-
But he won't go far as hitting you like he hits shittykawa.He would let you cling onto him whenever you like, he isn't much into PDA just simple holding hands is fine with him.
Oh when you do get s*xualized Iwaizumi might as well throw as many volleyball balls at the guy or practically punch them head on-
Iwaizumi doesn't mind you being social, though he would stick around,and you and Oikawa surprisingly gets along well, but he would stick around and when Oikawa was like “You know Iwa-chan talks ab-”*HIT* Oikawa gets hit by a ball.
When you told Iwaizumi about your medication and how you forget you sometimes, he makes sure you NEVER forget your medication.He wouldn't want it to get worse and he loves you(Much for a tsundere to admit it head on,I mean he would sometimes if he's confident)
He would stop you from hitting yourself and when you say some random stuff he would just listen but would also try to snap you out.
You and Oikawa became besties-
Two hot people as besties
Because of that you would learn more about Iwaizumi and would roast him sometimes for liking Godzilla-
Small cute fistfight when you forget you medication he would sometimes feed it to you if he has too-
You and Iwaizumi sometimes scare Oikawa, especially after he learned that you have a punching bag, Iwaizumi would encourage you to punch it-
Now if a grown adult did hit on you-
Their dead,D E A D! The whole Aoba Johsai volleyball team are hands or decks!Including Iwaizumi and Mad dog!
Now I also have a head cannon that you influenced Iwaizumi to on DC superheroes and Marvels-
While he also influenced you on Godzilla
You and Iwaizumi kinda have the same taste in music so you both would listen together sharing a headsets!
He finds your sarcasm funny,your creativity amusing and your inappropriate jokes at right time also amusing,Oikawa sometimes doesn't get you but you both are besties no doubt.
You and Iwaizumi are basically the balanced type of couple purfect for each other(´ε`*)
Honestly people who s*xualizes you and use your body are sick like you deserve better than all of your other ex.And grown adult trying to hit on you?!I can't believe grown adults would do such a thing like their old!Old crusty musty p*dos!
I hope you had the best day!
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