mourningmaybells · 1 year
Jekyll, telling Utterson who Hyde is: I am both the son with daddy issues, and the dad with son issues
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Southern Remedies [PLATONIC](Engineer x Reader)
ok this is kinda a repost bc i was tryna make this a primary acc, so apologies
Engineer and Reader bonding. 
Idk literally just fatherlike engie bc i crave it… + we don't get enough father content of the mercs i think
also this is my first time posting a fic... my apologies if it's not super great, i just wanna practice...
A long hard day of battle. It was finally over, and Engie could finally rest and put his machines away. The clanking of the metal boxes hitting the shelf was rather loud, but never unsatisfying to him. Because then he knew it was done, and he could finally put his feet up for the day.
Though, the knocking on the door that led to his garage told him otherwise. Lifting his goggles to his forehead with a soft sigh, he left his current spot to go see whoever decided to interrupt his moment of tranquility. He was begging, in his mind, that it wasn’t Scout or Soldier, or at the very least a call for dinner. But no… they just had to disturb him, what could possibly be so impo-
There you stood, slightly cupping your cheek with a sheepish, and embarrassed face. Blood leaked down your cheek as you tried to stop the bleeding with your hand. The red lined indents from Engineer’s goggles contorted into an expression of concern, worry, and confusion all at once.
Why were you bleeding? Why didn’t you get Medic? Were you ok? Though he said nothing, his hand rushed to your own to reveal the wound. It wasn’t terrible, but you only saw his eyebrows furrow deeper, deeper than you thought possible.
“Sorry, I just wanted to know if you had a first aid kit. Medic’s in a mood right now and I don’t really want to see him right now…” You tried to frantically explain, feeling more ridiculous with every second.
He only let out a sigh in response, with a soft “come on in”. He had grabbed a stool from his workbench and sat it in front of his own, pulling a first aid kit out from one of the drawers.
“Dear, I really think you should be more careful…” he gently scolded, patting your shoulder and walking you over to the stool. “That looks like a nasty cut, what’d ya even do?”
“Oh uh… last minute enemy spy thing, I guess.”
“Mm, those bastards will get ya. Just be glad it was a graze, ‘n didn’t go through your face.”
The visual image was unpleasant, to say the least, but he had a point. Had it been any worse, it probably would have cut right through your cheek.
Delicately, he dabbed away the blood with a dampened cloth. Absent-mindedly, he cleaned and patched you up almost without a word. There wasn’t much to say anyways. Yet, the kind gesture of him helping you made you feel particularly warm and fuzzy inside.
“Alright now, you’re all done. Just don’t scratch at the bandages, get it wet, y’know what to do already,” he said. He hauled you up after getting back on his feet, and led you both out of the garage after giving you a firm pat on the back. “You did great out there today, kid. I’m real proud.”
“Ah, thanks…” You mumbled, slightly embarrassed but not upset. You thanked him and left, after apologizing for “being a hassle”. He only chuckled and ruffled your hair.
Though the interaction felt short, it seemed so genuine. 
So homey.
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going on ANOTHER FUCKING COLLEGE TOUR tomorrow this is like my 10th in the past 3 months my /god/ am i tired i can’t even remember which schools i liked because i’ve gone to so goddamn many
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a2umqk9dsiuhd · 1 year
LE ENCANTA LA VERGA CHACAL DE LA MERCED Sadie Vanortwick and Dee stone Cock sucked trans latina 3D Hentai Porn • 4K Game Characters • Realistic Compilation Part 3 Asian sensation newbie Vivian lang fucks her first bbc King Kreme Malaysian Chinese man jerk​ off Tgirls Siskaeee eksib di roomboy Female Fake Taxi Shy cheating boyfriend fucks blonde cab driver on backseat [Japanese Amateur] Sensitive Clit Orgasm with Sex Toys!
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mistydeyes · 7 months
Imagine dad!ghost at his daughter's jiu-jitsu/martial arts tournament where she is absolutely demolishing all her opponents.
Ghost and s/o would most definitely be those over-proud parents like Cam and Mitchell from modern family 😭💀
Was wondering if you could write a fic for this??
Y E S thank you so so much for requesting this! first off i love modern family and second who doesn't LOVE a cute lil wholesome moment with the riley family!
a child's eye of the tiger
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summary: It's clear your daughter takes after her father when she absolutely demolishes the competition in her youth jiu jitsu match.
pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader (established relationship w daughter)
warnings: swearing, violence involved in a jiu jitsu match?
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"What sport is this again?" Simon asked you with a shit-eating grin painted on his face. You slapped his thigh lightly as you adjusted your gaze to find your daughter waiting patiently on the mat. "Jiu-jitsu, Simon," you whispered, "been doing this since reception." You didn't see his reaction but you knew he had a proud fatherlike smile. Despite always asking you these inconsequential questions, he secretly was thoroughly involved in his daughter's life. You tapped your fingers anxiously as you watched the different age groups compete across the dark blue mats. Your daughter sat alone, watching their every move, and stretching her little legs out. "She's definitely your little girl," you whispered to Simon as he put a comforting arm around you.
"Next we have Isla Riley," the announcer called and yours and Simon's cheers drowned out the announcement of her competitor. "Go Isles!" you shouted, ignoring the glares from the surrounding parents. Despite only being six, she sarcastically shook her head before taking her stance. She adjusted her gray and black striped belt as she looked angrily at the other girl in front of her. As soon as the announcer commenced the match, your daughter ran towards the girl, grappling for her legs. You could feel your hands tighten around Simon's as you watched her overpower her and pin the girl to the mat. "She's actually pretty good," Simon beamed as the match continued. Your daughter was then put on her back by the much taller girl and you could feel yourself reacting to their action. "Oh fuck," you said, a little louder than acceptable, and you looked away from the turned heads. Just when you thought your daughter was going to lose the match, your daughter wrapped her legs around the girl's neck and threw her off of her.
"That's my girl," Simon whispered and you could see him smile widely, a rare sight in the Riley household. You were counting the various points your daughter was continuously awarded and it was clear she was in the advantage after her last move. The round continued as your daughter scored for her knee-on-belly, mounting, and passing the guard moves. You could feel yourself clapping when she accomplished the highest-scoring move, the rear mount, and pinned the girl in between her legs and arms. Her heels wrapped around her torso and the girl struggled in her grasp. "I helped her practice that one," you smiled to Simon and you could hear him laugh to himself. As soon as the match started, the 5 minutes were up and the announcer named your daughter the winner with a score of 36. "Let's go Isles!" you shouted and Simon joined with a loud clap that reverberated across the gym walls.
Once she shook her opponent's hand, she ran over to you with her hair in knots and breathing heavily. Simon lifted her up into his arms and placed a soft kiss on her temple. "Happy to be home to see you, baby," he whispered to her as he smoothed out her wild hair. "Did you see I did a take the back?" she excitedly cooed, "I could hear you cheering for me, Mum." You hugged your little family in a warm hug as you celebrated her recent accomplishments. "Want to get out of here?" Simon asked and Isla giddily nodded in response. As you walked out of the gym after a few words with her coach, she held her dad's hand proudly and listed off various sweet shops she wanted to visit. You stood behind them and in a secretive moment, you took a picture of them hand-in-hand. "Glad to have you home, Simon," you whispered before your daughter turned to you and beckoned for you to hurry up. "We're not all athletes here," you joked as you sprinted to walk with your loving daughter and husband.
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sidenote: this is what i pictured w simon and the reader while writing this
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calypsolemon · 3 months
To me it's so incredibly obvious, considering the whole christofern thing, that when garmadon says harumi is like a daughter to him, it's another example of garmadon projecting his subconcious fatherly feelings towards lloyd on a "safe" party. "Safe" because as far as he's concerned in most instances of him saying this, she's dead and/or out of his life and can no longer express anything towards him (and when she was alive she was near completely subservient to him). Just like the fern, which cannot express complex feelings or frustration or anything that the actual living, present Lloyd can and very much does express. It does not actually mean that garmadon "adopted" harumi or is fatherlike towards her in any fashion, because as was obviously shown their relationship was one of near pure transaction - Garmadon treated her like an underling, and harumi idolized and dehumanized him. It's an interesting dynamic for sure, but it consistently baffles me when people still take the idea that garm is effectively harumi's adoptive father at face value.
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watatsumiis · 9 months
Father's Day in Teyvat
Holidays can be tough at times, especially when you’re expected to spend them with family members. Though, sometimes, family are the ones that you find for yourself, and spending time with them can be just as good (if not, better) than being around your biological family. 
Different characters reacting to being wished a ‘Happy Father’s Day’! X Reader (platonic/familial)
Arlecchino, Capitano, Neuvillette, Pierro, Varka, Zhongli
Arlecchino is a little taken aback at first - not that this isn’t something she’s come across before, but she’s a little surprised that it’s coming from you, of all people. She ends up defaulting to her normal response, the one she gives to the younger children at the House of the Hearth when they come to her with gifts and well-wishes for various holidays like this. You’ll receive a light hair ruffle and a withdrawn smile, though it’s easy to tell by the slight twinkle in her eye that she really is endeared by it. If you two happen to be in private, she may sweep you up in a warm hug and make a kind, encouraging comment about you. She’s honestly rather proud of knowing that you see her as that sort of figure in your life, and will have an extra little pep to her step for the rest of her day thanks to it. 
Capitano is utterly baffled. He doesn’t know how to react, or how to even feel. Once, Childe did the same thing to him, then some other Fatui mimicked it, as a joke. Cap quickly put a stop to this tomfoolery. However, he’s a good sense of character and he can tell that you’re being one-hundred percent genuine. He may hesitate for a few moments and look around to make sure there’s nobody watching before he sweeps you into a hug. It’s a little awkward thanks to his heavy armour, but there’s a strong sense of comfort nonetheless as he pulls you close and just… holds you for a few moments. He holds this newfound information about how you look up to him close and treasures it, sometimes acting a little softer towards you than he does towards others, but to such a degree that it’s nearly unnoticeable. 
Neuvillette has probably had a day of being given non-stop Father’s Day wishes from the Melusine (no matter how early in the morning you catch him). They seem to think the holiday is specifically a celebration for their papa, so they’re basically swarming him until he’s been given a hug or handmade gift from every single Melusine that drops by. He’s a little surprised when you join their midst, looking like a giant amongst the tiny, colourful creatures. He can’t help but smile when you wish him a Happy Father’s Day, though, and will readily accept the well-wishes and give you a big hug and all the affection you could ask for (even if the Melusines complain about it being unfair). He’s genuinely really heartwarmed at the fact that you seem to think of him as a fatherlike figure, and may even shed a few happy little tears. 
Pierro cracks down on the behaviour as soon as he sees it coming. You have to catch him off guard to give your well wishes, and even then he’ll likely be trying to avoid anyone who might possibly wish him a happy Father’s Day. Courtesy be damned, he’s turning a one-eighty and getting the hell out of dodge the moment you open your mouth with that gooey-sappy look in your eyes. You eventually have to settle for slipping him a small note or card that looks like it’s something vaguely official or Fatui-related, then get out of sight so you can secretly watch him open it. His face sort of softens a little as he reads it, and he tucks it away in an inside pocket of his coat close to his heart. He thinks that he might need to have a stern word with you about the kinds of people you see as role models, but he’s flattered nonetheless. He’ll keep that note close, as a reminder that maybe he isn’t a completely irredeemable person. 
Varka immediately bursts into the biggest, warmest grin. It’s a well-known fact that he’s like a foster dad to about half of the youths of Mondstadt (even those with two (or more) parental figures handy). The novelty never really wore off for him, so he’s just as delighted every single time someone admits that they see him as a role model or guardian of sorts. He’ll swoop you up into a huge hug and squeeze you with big burly arms until you squirm and ask to be let down, in which case he will do so immediately and ruffle your hair with the warmest grin on his face. He’ll immediately go into this spiel about how proud he is of you and how much you’ve achieved, somehow turning this into him just complimenting you. Varka wears his heart on his sleeve, he’s less than afraid of shedding a few happy tears in front of his loved ones and letting them know exactly how he feels.
Zhongli is rather used to this sort of thing - it’s not uncommon for some of the children of Liyue to gravitate towards his Rex Lapis persona as a sort of father figure, making offerings and confiding in him every now and again. This effect tends to pass on to when he’s in his human disguise, though he can be a little bit clueless about it. The younger Adepti (or Adepti-blooded) denizens of Liyue will sort of latch onto him. He supposes it’s no big surprise that you have too. He’ll graciously accept the well-wishes and pull you into a warm hug, just holding you close and swaying back and forth a little. For all his lack of social etiquette, he really does give great hugs. He may even be inclined to tell you some interesting stories if you’d like to spend some more time with him. It reassures him to know that, even after all these years, people still seek him out for comfort and guidance.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or copy - pasted into bot or AI technology
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mirrored-movements · 11 months
(Miguel O'hara x reader)
Synopsis: Peter needs a babysitter for the evening and who better to ask than you and Miguel?
Warnings: Idk baby fever maybe, this is kinda cute, got my heart melt a little
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Sitting on one of the brightly illuminated chairs you spun in place absentmindedly, nothing particular in mind as you'd only really been there to keep Miguel company. The man having been working all day without taking any sort of break- despite you bothering him about taking at least one.
‘This can't wait it has to be done as soon as possible’ was always the answer- something you and Lyla both agreed was a bit much but what could you do besides just sit there and hope your presence someone eased the man’s nerves.
“Incoming Spider-Personel.” Lyla’s voice came and went quickly as the platform began it’s slow dramatic descent, the platform barely nearing the floor when a small figure had fallen from the ceiling- your spider sense quickly kicking in as you’d shot a web catching the small redhead; your lips curling into a smile right away.
“May May! Hi sweetie! How are you?” Cooing your words at the small child she giggled in response, her small hands making grabby hands towards where Miguel stood, drawing out a laugh from you. “No no honey Miguel’s a little busy.”
Another person had joined the platform soon after Mayday had, Peter's apologetic face coming quickly into view as he began talking to you as opposed to your clearly annoyed partner. “Sorry for dropping by so unexpectedly but I have a favour to ask.”
Propping Mayday onto your hip you motioned for the man to continue, his next set of words enticing a huff in annoyance from Miguel.
“Well, I was wondering if you could watch Mayday for the evening, wife and I wanted to have a sort of date night and you know finding a babysitter for a baby that can crawl on walls- uh that might but be easy.”
Right away understanding what he was asking your lips curled into a warm smile, “Oh yeah that’s not a problem, Miguel and I have no problem taking care of this little spiderling.” Cooing a little once again towards the girl you pinched her nose softly, a quick side eye following suit as you’d taken note of how Miguel had turned to stare.
The man surely wanting to object, but choosing to bite his tongue instead.
You were a stubborn one.
“Really? Aw thanks a mil, I’ll be sure to repay you guys when we get back.” Moving to squish his daughter's face into his hands and press a quick kiss to her forehead Peter gave you a look of gratitude, his fatherlike stare coming down to rest back onto his daughter. “Uh ok her bedtime is six o’clock, she doesn’t like broccoli and her favorite show is the bouncing fruits on youtube. If there are any issues don’t hesitate to text me.”
“Yes yes of course, now go enjoy your time with your wife.” Using your free hand you shooed the man away, shaking your head with a soft smile only to roll your eyes at the sound of a huff beside you. Your attention now fully on Miguel waiting to hear what he had to say.
“Miguel and I have no problem? I didn’t agree to babysit.” Repeating what you’d said to Peter he let out a breath, hand raising to run through his hair while his gaze pulled away from the computer screens to focus on where you stood.
The sharpness of them softening a little at the sight of Mayday's bright smile as well as the way you held the girl.
“Come on Miguel, it’ll just be this once.” Shifting Mayday into your hands you held her out towards the man bringing her back so that her face was right beside your own. “And how can you say no to these faces?”
Taking in a breath he observed the way you puffed out your cheeks, lips pursing out a bit all the while Mayday outstretched her arms- trying to grab at him.
“Fine. Lyla, save the progress and close up the computers.”
“Roger that boss.”
Waiting for the screens to close down Miguel let out yet another sigh, hand motioning towards you and Mayday. “Come on.”
Following right away a victorious smile couldn’t help but cross your lips, something the small girl right away took note of by patting your cheek with her little palm.
She was so cute.
Having brought Mayday back to yours and Miguel's shared apartment you right away brought out some drawing supplies- or well more like a few highlighters and pens that the small girl seemed entertained enough with.
Standing over the kitchen sink to wash a few of the dishes you’d used to give Mayday a snack, your gaze moved toward Miguel. The man having been leaning against the counter on the opposite side of where you were, head tilted to the side and attention focused on the small redhead.
“Go and sit down with her.”
At the soft call of your voice, his head turned in order to face you, the hardened expression he typically wore cracking the slightest bit. “What?”
“Go sit down with her and draw or play a game, something like that.”
Wanting to object right away at what you were implying the look you’d given him merely drew out a defeated sigh, his arms falling from the counter and with heavy steps, he neared the table planting himself into the seat across from hers.
After a minute or two of sitting with her, you noticed how he spoke to the child; soft and almost playful, a pencil had been clasped between his fingers as the redhead had convinced him to draw her a cat.
It warmed your heart to see Miguel like this, you two had been together for quite some time now but you knew how much he hesitated about being around Peter's daughter- that much was clear from day one. Although despite that hesitance he never seemed to let her fall, let her hurt herself, etcetera.
It was most certainly the paternal instinct he had tried to suppress.
You found it endearing.
Getting pulled out of your thoughts by a gentle tug at your pant leg you turned off the sink, eyes trailing down towards the little girl who called for your attention.
Smiling gently down at her you noted how her hands were smudged with pencil lead, a soft laugh leaving you as you leaned down to pick her up. “Your hands are all dirty.” Musing that out you turned the water back of softly pulling her hands into the stream where you then gently washed her hands.
Coming back from the table himself Miguel watched what you were doing, a soft smile gracing his lips as he held his own hands up. “My hands are dirty, can you wash them too?” He laughed at the comment, some more following as you’d taken Mayday's hand using it to splash some water at him.
Mayday giggled at this, the little girl practically bouncing in place within your hold.
So cute.
“You suck at braiding hair.”
An offended gasp left your lips at Miguel's comment, hear tilting over the couch to face where he leaned over the back of it, hand under his chin and a slight quirk to his lips.
“You’re so mean, why don’t you do her hair then? Huh?” Having Mayday currently sitting in front of you, you gestured with the hairbrush toward the girl's unruly red locks. Her childish giggles filled the room quickly upon being raised into the air being handed towards your partner as he rounded the couch.
“Fine, I will,” Taking her from your hands he sat down much like you had, lips still curled into a small smile as he spoke confidently. “Watch and learn Hermosa.”
Rolling your eyes at the comment you took his previous place leaning over the couch, eyes watching the way he occasionally brushed Mayday's hair back parting it into two sections. It seemed almost routinely how he worked so effortlessly with her hair, making sure he kept her small hands busy with a scrunchie.
Two neat French braids curled down the girl's head, some small hair clips you’d found around the apartment dotting her hair as well.
“See? What did I tell you.” Leaning back against the couch Miguel stared up at you, his gaze was warm, lips still curled into a gentle smile upon seeing how you reflected the look.
“Fine fine. You did a good job, Miguel,” Leaning forward a little you have the tip of his nose a quick peck seeing as that was all you could reach. “Maybe I should get you to do my hair one of these days.”
He smiled triumphantly at that, head returning down to the girl sitting before him, hands coming to lift her off the ground and into the air almost playfully.
Watching from your spot between the kitchen and living room you laughed softly, eyes shining with pure adoration as this was a side of Miguel many- even yourself sometimes- didn’t get the opportunity to see.
A tingle in the back of your mind had you gradually moving towards the front door, hand reaching for the handle to swing it open just enough to stop Peter’s hand from knocking.
Holding up a finger for him to remain quiet you brought him into the apartment, the two left in the living room still goofing off until Mayday’s gaze fell upon her dad. The girl squawking out in excitement as Miguel set her down onto the floor.
“There’s my girl! Did you have fun! Looks like you did, looks like you did! Aw look at your hair too.” Right away beginning to coo at her Peter swiped her off the ground, kissing were peppered across her face in an instant before his attention returned towards the two of you. “Thank you guys so much for watching her, I really owe you one.”
Having moved to stand beside Miguel you smiled happily at Peter, “It was no problem, she was such a delight and if you ever need someone to watch her again I’m sure we have no problem.” Your hand moved to take Miguels, the man responding with a gentle hum and nod.
Sparing Mayday a final wave you watched the pair leave, your hand faintly tugging away from Miguels before he’d just come to wrap you in a hug; arms bunding around your waist while his chin came to rest on your shoulder.
“Gonna miss the little spider-girl?” Questioning him softly you tilted your head to rest it light on his, hand coming up to comb your fingers through his hair.
With a low hum he seemed to nuzzle into you a little, eyes glancing to the side at your expression. “Maybe,” He began swaying a little, fingers rubbing circles into the shirt you wore, “But this got me thinking.”
“Ok, thinking about what?”
“Well,” Pulling away a little to properly look down at you he seemed to think over what he was going to say, mind going a mile a minute. “What if, we maybe…” His eyes moved towards the door where Peter and Mayday had left through, the rest of his question being implied.
Staring up at him your lips curved into a smile once again, hopping up onto your tiptoes to peck him on the lips quickly. 
“We can try.”
Miguels a DILF- you can't change my mind.
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bogos-bint3d · 9 days
I love the gif with Asgore and Undyne cutting the bushes because 1. I think that's the first time we see Asgore in the newsletter??? (correct me if I'm wrong lol) but more importantly 2. I really really really love seeing Undyne's more gentle side considering it's so often people tend to incorrectly characterise her as just aggressive and over the top. Which of course are things she can be, but it's important to see that's not her whole personality. I ALSO love seeing the two characters having some interaction, which I really think is not seen enough in the fandom considering they're quite close in canon. I am starting to dive into headcanon territory here but seriously it's just the fact that like he taught her everything she knows. Like ever since Undyne was young, Asgore has been what she looked up to and even now he is still there for her. The point is I think aside from training for fighting he would've still also just done calm, nurturing things with her, like gardening for example! It's one of those things that was a really cool headcanon for me before, something fun for a fanart or something, much like the suggestion from @stunfiskz which I SWEAR I WILL ANSWER SOON I PROMMY!!!!!!!
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It makes me incredibly happy to see something that was previously just a fairly small headcanon actually be seen in something official! I get it's probably actually really small for some people but for me it's like. "OMG UNDYNE DOING GARDENING WITH HER FATHERLIKE FIGURE YIPPEEE!!!!!!!!!"
Anyways that was supposed to be a few sentences of thoughts while I was re reading the newsletter to find things that stood out to me this was much more than intended but anyway yay!
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softxsuki · 2 months
Hiii, i just joined the club and everything here is amazing!!! I absolutely love how you write and i wanted to make a request if it's ok, it's half urgent half not...let me explain: these last days have been very stressful for me and i have been trying to find a comfort mha fanfic for a simular situation as mine, i feel like a i need attention but now just soft one like a worried kind one and not from a partner but from more like a fatherlike figure i need to feel secure and cared for to relax before i breakdown :")...idk if you take requests with characters other than bakugou etc but i really wanted to request this fan fic:
Reader is part of class 1A and she's been having trouble at home and training hard plus insomnia, in other words she's not feeling too great but she always takes part i class, trains and never skips anything. Mr Aizawa has noticed that the last few days reader seemed out of it so he decides to have a talk with her after class but reader in that specific day has been feeling much worse than the other past days of exhaustion and while Mr Aizawa is expressing his concerns and trying to get her to talk to him she has a stress induced seizure and then passes out from then all carrying reader for urgent check up and the comfort. :))
I would be so happy if you took this request...thank you so much for all your hard work!!
Aizawa Comforts Reader Who Has A Stress-Induced Seizure
| Pairing: Aizawa x Fem!Reader (PLATONIC) | Genre: Comfort | Post-Type: Headcanons | Word Count: 650 |
Warnings: Mentions of seizures, stress, insomnia, alluding to at-home troubles
Note: Hey, welcome to my blog it's great to have you! I don't write for Aizawa anymore because I'm just really bad at writing for him as you'll see NBFHKEAFJ. But I wanted to make this for you since it's a topic I haven't been asked for yet, but moving forward for anyone reading this, I do not write for Aizawa so please don't send any requests for him :3. I have a full list of characters that I do write for on my navigation page if anyone wants to check that out. But hopefully this does it's job for you! All my urgent requests are written in headcanon format so I hope that's okay! I hope the stresses in your life ease up so you can get the rest you need ! <3
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You could feel your head pounding as Aizawa asked you to stay for a few moments after class, a worried expression on his usual stoic face
It had been a tough week for you, with your usual troubles at home and the countless nights you’ve had without sleep
Yet instead of taking a break, you pushed yourself even harder, training every day and never missing a class
It got to the point where Aizawa could see how out of it you were, hence why he pulled you aside
You could hardly focus on the words he was saying, but by the look on his face it seemed like it was serious
Tingles shot up your body as the pounding in your head grew more severe, and before you knew it, your body was convulsing
Alarmed, Aizawa supports your head, waiting for your violent shakes to cease from the little knowledge he held about seizures fill his mind, but once you go still, you're passed out from your lack of sleep and fatigue that had filled your body these past few days
He lifts you up and brings you to Recovery Girl who watches over you until you finally wake up later in the day when classes are over
Upon opening your eyes, you see Aizawa asleep in a seat beside the bed in the room
“Aizawa Sensei,” you say softly, making the older man jolt at the sudden noise, his eyes immediately on you as he sits up
“How are you feeling?” He asks with a sigh, rubbing his tired eyes
It was the most rest you’d gotten the whole week so of course you felt a lot better, but you could see the slight furrow in Aizawa’s brows as you speak, letting him in on your rough week and how you’ve been feeling in general
“L/N…you’re a great student and I know you want to give it your best, I see the effort you’re putting in, but you can’t do it at the expense of your health. Take the next few days off recuperating at the dorms. I’ll have Uraraka or Yaoyorozu bring you any work you miss. Don’t bring yourself to your breaking point like this again”
He’s stern, and stoic as usual, but you can hear the tinge of concern in his tone, you’re his student so of course he’d be worried about you just suddenly collapsing and having a seizure like that
You were ready to protest–how could you go a full week without training? You’d fall behind your classes. Seeing your inner turmoil, Aizawa speaks again
“You’re free to train after class hours for no longer than an hour each day, I’ll have one of your classmates observe you…Just know your teachers are here for a reason, even if you feel like you can’t come to me, every teachers here at UA has an obligation to be there for their students, so reach out if you need it. I’ll be stopping by the dorms to check in on everyone more frequently from not on, so please rest”
You nod your head in agreement, with Aizawa’s support perhaps you could work your way through your troubles and stresses moving forward in a better way
You were a future hero, if you couldn’t properly take care of yourself, how could you save anyone else?
With a small smile, Aizawa pats your head, standing up from his seat as he nudges his head towards the door
“Then let’s get you back to the dorms, Recovery Girl said you were set to head back once you woke up”
And with that, Aizawa leads you back to the dorms where everyone is informed of your situation (briefly) to make sure you actually do rest instead of overworking yourself again for the next few days and even moving forward in general
Not only do you have your teachers support, but even the support of your classmates
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Posted: 4/15/2024
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katboykirby · 5 months
hoi hoi not sure you've ever talked about this but whats your mc's view on the anti lucifer league? :0 does he get dragged in and watches from the sidelines or is he an active participant?
Hey friend (● ⋏ ●)╯☆
No, I don't think I've talked about Kirby and the Anti-Lucifer League before? To be 100% honest it's because I didn't think that anyone would find it interesting T^T
Thank you for asking ♡ unfortunately it's not all that exciting of an answer - you know how some people in the OM community like to call Mephistopheles (and sometimes Solomon) an "Honorary" member of the A.L.L? Yeah, that's more or less how it is for Kirby, as well.
[MC Kirby uses any/all pronouns, so he/they/she/etc interchangeably]
If you asked him yourself, Kirby would shrug and just say that he "isn't really a real member" and leave it at that. But if you asked Belphie and especially Satan, they would say "of course Kirby is an official member. Obviously"
Kirby actually has a good amount of respect for Lucifer, especially after the events of S1 in the original game. They like him a lot and they have a sort of older-sibling or fatherlike view of him. So they aren't a huge fan of anything that would impact the oldest brother too negatively. But because all of Satan and Belphie's pranks are basically harmless (and because Kirby knows that the A.L.L's teasing comes from a place of love, deep down) they don't tend to get super involved in all of the hijinks and shenanigans. They'll laugh at the spectacle, but they won't really get their hands super dirty trying to engage in any pranks for themself.
Kirby has a "live and let live" attitude toward the situation - Satan and Belphie are having fun, and Lucifer doesn't mind it? Cool, then everybody's happy and there's no need to stress out. Besides, she loves seeing Satan looking so happy.
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bluemoori · 1 year
I really love 'like fatherlike son'!!!!!!
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mannylikessims · 4 months
The True Story of the Villareal Family [2.5]
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Crickets chirped outside the Villareal residence, a mansion that lay nestled in the center of its own private island. A place so isolated, no one in the town of Windenburg could hear you even if you cried out.
“Dinner’s ready!” Hugo cried out.
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After a few nights of rest, he felt refreshed enough to cook for the family again.
The Villareals assembled at the dining table, greeted by an entire roasted bass rubbed in spices and a caprese salad with a tastefully drizzled balsamic reduction.
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“Oh, this looks great,” said Luna, glancing up from her phone. “Thank you, Hugo.”
“Yes, yes, what she said,” said Jacques.
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Jacques had to be very careful right now after his failure earlier this week. He couldn’t risk his children becoming suspicious of him before his deed was accomplished. For everything to work out to his maximum benefit, he needed to plan the perfect accident.
It was just a few more days of pretending to be a normal father, he promised himself. Then he would be free to pursue his hobbies unfettered for the rest of his life.
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If only Hugo would stop staring at him.
He cleared his throat. “So, offspring, how was school today?” Excellent question, he told himself. Very fatherlike.
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“They brought some dead frogs to class for us to dissect today. It was upsetting,” complained Max.
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“Aw, I remember when we had to do that,” said Luna sympathetically. “It’s pretty gross, isn’t it? I understand how you feel.”
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Max huffed but ate his fish quietly, because, in fact, his sister did not understand how he felt. He wasn’t upset that they had to dissect frogs; he was upset that the frogs were delivered already dead.
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“Offspring, how about we plan our next Family Fun Day, hm?” Jacques asked. Nicely slipped that in there, he thought to himself. Not suspicious at all.
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“Ooh what if we went back to the Von Haunt Estate?” said Luna while Jacques resisted the urge to scold her for being on her phone during dinner. “That was so fun for everyone last time!”
If she had looked up from her phone, she might’ve seen Hugo giving her a dirty look. And she definitely would have seen her father’s face shrivel up like an angry prune at the mention of the Von Haunt Estate.
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“Well, maybe we could if someone hadn’t gotten me banned from that cherished tourist destination.” He looked pointedly at Max, who was nonchalantly stabbing his fish, pretending not to notice his father’s ire.
The Von Haunt Estate used to be his favorite place to go to dress up as a knight and play chess. Used to be. Getting banned from his favorite establishment was the final incident that had triggered Jacques’ evil plans. Keep it together, Jacques, he reminded himself. It’ll all be over soon.
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“I’ve got it!” he said, changing from scowling to beaming in an instant. “How about a Family Fun Day at the spa?”
His eyes grew as wide as their dinner plates. “Say, wouldn’t it be nice to sit in a sweltering hot sauna for the rest of your lives?”
The table went silent.
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“What’s a sauna?” said Max.
“What, you don’t know? It’s a hot, steamy room, and if you stay in there too long, you–“
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“Dad, spas don’t exist in our world.” Hugo suddenly interrupted. This was the first thing he’d said since they sat down – he’d spent the entire meal quiet with a glassy, faraway look on his face.
His father fumed. Another ingenious plan of his, foiled?
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He slammed his fists onto the table, the tableware clattering. “Well, plum this!”
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Luna gasped. “Dad, language! Not in front of Max!”
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Jaques stood up and slammed his chair into the table, muttering under his breath as he stormed out of the dining room, the children watching him.
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"Cheapskate Watcher. How dare she not have saunas?"
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The kids were left alone in the dining room in an uneasy silence. Their father’s mood swings seemed a bit, well, swingier than usual.
Max was still grinning, however, because he had just learned a new word.
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“Plum, haha!” he chuckled. “Plum, plum, plum…”
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munamania · 2 months
Who’s your biggest celeb crush rn?
pffff i dont know even has anybody been keeping track. umm.. ruby cruz will always hold a high place i am on my hands and knees thanking her for what shes done for horny loser dykes everywhere. and me specifically.. um i would put absolutely everything on the line for chappell i am just enamored with her she sparked something so insanely carnal and magical esp seeing her live shes my ultra femme queen shes everything.. ummm who else... casually watching xo kitty as lydia rewatches and the mom/principal... sheesh.. mostly lately ive formed a somewhat fatherlike attachment to house but we dont need to get into that.
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milaisbored · 3 months
Between Blades of Sweetgrass-Chapter 1
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a/n: this is my first chapter ever written so PLS PLS PLS give feedback it would be greatly appreciated. hope you enjoy!!
tw: all themes discussed in true detective s1, but heavy on alcohol abuse.
Lucia tapped the edge of her ballpoint pen against her notepad, the soft thump barely audible through the bumbling noise of the office. She was staring at her paperwork, struggling to find the proper wording to finish the report from her most recent case. Cops bustled around her, answering calls from their desks, speaking lowly with one another over cold coffee held in flimsy paper cups. 
She was working on a homicide, the kind of case she could tell was open and shut from the moment the file had landed on her desk. A woman, found on the floor of her apartment, two gunshot wounds to her head, the scene almost reminiscent of an execution. It had taken Lucia and her partner, Andy, only a few rounds of questioning and some brief background checks to stumble across her recently divorced, and notably violent ex-husband. 
He was a military veteran, hence the precision of the wounds, and had lost custody of their children, something which the court files seemed to express was a point of great friction between the two. Less than an hour in the box and Lucia had him singing like a bird. It was almost too easy. 
Open and shut. 
Now, Lucia was just finishing the details of the evidence logs before she could give the documents to the state prosecutor. She’d likely not have to appear in court because of his admission to the crime, just give the necessary papers over and continue on with her life. The woman would be buried, and so would her file, lost amongst a sea of manilla folders piling in the records department. 
“Flint-” her partner said, interrupting her train of thought, “Captain wants to see us in his office now.”.
Lucia looked up from her desk, her pen suspended in the air between her fingers. 
“I’m almost done with this Andy.” she gestured to her papers, “Tell him I’ll be right in.”.
Scribbling down the last sentences of her report, Lucia stood up from her chair, walking towards her captain's office. 
The room was large and airy, a light wood paneling spanning up and down the walls, covered in a variety of accolades and certifications. Lucia’s captain, Ken Quesada, was sitting in his leather padded rolly chair, the nicest in the office,  swiveling from the side to face Lucia as she entered through the door. She pulled out one of the cheap chairs from in front of his desk, sitting herself down next to Andy and draping her right leg over her left. 
“Bowman, Flint; you got the Bennet case all wrapped up?” he asked, glancing between the two of them. 
Lucia straightened her back against the seat.
“Yes sir, I finished the last of the paperwork just now. I’ll make sure to send it over to the DA’s office before I leave today.”.
“Good, that’s some nice work from y’all.” he praised, quirking his mouth into a slight smile. 
Lucia felt a rush of satisfaction run through her body from the praise; the captain didn’t often give out compliments like that. Quesada was a straight-laced, no business type of captain with an equally by-the-books appearance. He had gray hair that spanned around the base of his head, with a bald patch that had a few strands whitening around the roots. His face was worn, deep wrinkle lines etched across his face, a result of his age as well as stress; the job had a knack for wearing people down. 
“Good timin’ too, Bowman’s gonna leave this place a free man.” he puffed jovially, leaning back in his chair, “You go relax now Andy, enjoy your last few hours ‘round here. Just make sure your desk is packed up, okay?”. 
“Got it.” Andy responded, pushing back his chair as he stood up, peering back at Lucia as he exited. 
Andy had been the first person she had met at the Louisiana CID, welcoming her immediately into the office. He was quite a lot older than she was, a fatherlike quality to him that turned his gruffness into something a bit more inviting, making him a person Lucia felt not only comfortable, but enjoyed working with. She was unsure how things would be once he was gone, in well, less than two hours. 
After hearing the door close with a soft click, Quesada returned his eyes to Lucia, giving her a quick appraisal. 
“Look Flint, you’ve done some great work here so far, and are workin’ pretty well with the boys. But with Bowman gone…” he paused, wincing slightly before continuing, “Well, I don’t really know where to put you.”.
Lucia exhaled nervously, her crossed foot beginning to bounce against her leg. There were many guys in the department who worked solo, some good, and others who bordered on incompetent. She prayed to herself she wouldn’t get stuck with a dud, she didn’t know if she had the strength to deal with that.  
“Think I’m gonna keep you as a floater.”.
“Floater?”. She quirked her eyebrow, unfamiliar with the term. 
“Mhm. '' he nodded his head, “To help out with casework for some of the guys when they need it.”. He said it as though it were completely self-explanatory. “As you know, we’re pretty understaffed ‘round here, and well, you could help relieve some of the stress.”.
Lucia's eyes widened slightly at the proposition, before narrowing as she realized what he was truly expecting of her. She was being asked to take others’ scrap work, do the stuff no one else felt inclined to do. She clenched her fists on the arms of the chair, nails pressing roughly into her skin. 
“And if a big one comes in, you’ll work with a detective or two to help manage the workload I s’pose. How does that sound?” he finished, looking at her to gauge her reaction. 
It seemed less like a question and more like a confirmation that she wasn’t going to fight him on the decision. 
Lucia’s face remained entirely neutral, forcing her mouth to press into a flat line. She had worked so hard to get to her position as a lead detective in homicide, and he was going to just take that away, simply because her partner was a goddamn retiree? 
She took a deep inhale, letting herself feel the anger bubble inside of her before breathing it all out into the now oppressively stuffy office air. Her hands released from their clenched position, half-moon indents scattered across her smooth palms. 
“Sounds good sir, thank you.” Lucia responded, straining to make her voice  appreciative. 
Her words sounded artificial, like she was some corporate salesman, vigorously trying to sell someone a car they didn’t need to reach their daily quota. Lucia hoped he didn’t notice. 
“Great.” Quesada looked at her, before swiftly turning around to flutter through his filing cabinets, papers crinkling as he searched it. 
Taking his silence and now diverted attention as her queue to leave, Lucia exited the office, trying her hardest not to slam the door behind her on the way out. 
Asshole, she thought to herself, looking around at the rest of the detectives who were littered around the office, each continuing on their days as usual. No one had seen or heard what had happened in the office, however Lucia couldn’t stop the intense rush of blood to her cheeks, reddening in humiliation and anger. She had walked into that office expecting a promotion or some kind of step up in responsibility, but had walked out with little more than calloused palms and a position that was embarrassingly meritless. 
When Lucia returned to her desk, Andy’s eyes trained on her, watching her carefully as she hastily began to shut the vast array of files cluttering the surface. Each one she closed only reminded her more of all the work she had been doing for the department, forms meticulously organized and thoroughly completed in her loopy handwriting. 
Andy continued to examine her, a concerned expression blooming across his tanned face. Lucia couldn’t meet his eyes, worried the water pooling in the wells of her eyes would pour out onto the papers below. She refused to draw attention to herself, biting the inside of her cheek aggressively to prevent the flow of her tears. 
The next two hours, Lucia and Andy worked on the last of their casework together, organizing forms and evidence into neat piles on the borders of their desks. All she could think of as she scrawled in the black boxes of her forms was how she had ended up in this position. Neither of the two detectives spoke, the events of the day hanging heavily in the air, a mutual agreement to not address the captain’s ruling. 
Andy didn’t need to ask Lucia what the captain said, they both knew what happened in that office: a demotion. 
She was grateful for his silence. 
Lucia was now sipping on a glass of whiskey, cold cubes of ice bobbing in the center of the golden liquid. She was tired, her eyes twitching every few minutes, begging her to just drive home and flop into her warm, cozy bed. 
She was at a bar, some sort of country get-up that she had been to once or twice before, on the rare occasion she was invited to after-work drinks. Resting in the seat of a long cherry-wood table, Lucia coddled her drink in her lap, allowing the chilled condensation to drip onto her pants. 
Since she had received the news from her captain, Lucia decided that she would need one, or possibly five drinks to dull her mind's racing. She would drink a whole bottle if it meant the day would fade away into the distance of her subconscious memory, hazy and unfocused. 
A floater. Even the word left a foul taste in her mouth. 
It was almost funny how easy it was for Lucia to throw away her attempts at going clean when things got hard. She had barely lasted a week, and now here she was, hoofing back whiskey like it was water. 
It didn't help her efforts to lighten her spirits that surrounding her were almost all of her work colleagues, yelling and laughing rowdily without regard for anyone else residing in the bar for the night. They were all there for Andy’s retirement party, something which Lucia wouldn’t have minded to attend as much if the good news didn’t also prelude irrevocably negative consequences for her career. 
“So Andy, you got any big plans for your first day off the job?” she slurred, a feeble attempt to veer herself away from more sulking. He was nursing a beer of his own, though evidently more sober than most of the cops around them.
“Nope.” he replied, popping the ‘p’ sound in his mouth, “I’m gonna sleep in, and have a nice cup of fresh coffee in my bed, catch up on some reading I s’pose.”.
“Coffee in bed; Bowman you’re one lucky bastard.”.
He gave Lucia a wistful look. “This’ll be you Flint, don’t wish for it all too soon. Before you know it you’ll be pushin’ sixty and wondering when the hell your skin started sagging away”. 
Lucia panned around the table, eyes passing over her coworkers who each were intoxicated to varying degrees. Some of the men were sipping their drinks slowly, surely playing the facade of a good, responsible detective, while others relished the opportunity to return to debauchery, chugging one drink after the next. It was difficult to watch them all, cheering and hollering as each round of drinks arrived at the table, shooting back beers and bourbon without a care in the world. 
“Bowman, heard you solved that Bennet murder. What’s that, three in your last month?”. Marty's voice startled Lucia out of her haze, his praise for Andy catching her attention.
A lighthearted man with an equally warm complexion, Marty had the sort of Louisiana charm she had come to expect from a lot of men around the area. He had golden hair that shone in any weather, a cheap grin, and slight twang in his voice that made everything he said sound friendlier than intended. 
“Yeah, well I couldn’t have done it without Flint here.” Andy nudged Lucia with his cold glass, “She got the confession out of that sucker without breakin’ a sweat.”. 
She gave him a small smile, appreciative of the recognition. Marty looked at her for a moment, raising his eyebrows slightly with a grin, his eyes glimmering with artificial warmth. 
“Ah, well yall’re a great team, shame he’s leavin’. Hey, being a floater ain’t too bad now.” he said, tone callous as he picked up his beer, taking a grotesquely large mouthful. Lucia’s eyes sharpened subtly at the remark, the casualty of his tone intensifying her irritation. Of course Marty knew about her new job title, everyone probably had been made aware by now. News traveled fast around the department, not even the sleek wood walling of the captain's office preventing her reduced position from being the talk of her colleagues. 
It still stung her though, to be reminded once again of her own disposability.
Lucia swiftly corrected her eyes and nodded in agreement, “It is, don’t know what I’m going to do without him.”.
The clinking of a glass rang out in the bar, drawing the attention of the detectives at the table. Lucia turned away from Geraci, to the center of the table where Detective Geraci was holding a spoon to his cup. 
“To Andy,” Geraci raised his glass, “the best goddamn detective I’ve ever worked with.”. 
The other men around the table brought their drinks up in unison, cheering for their colleague before taking large gulps of their liquor. Andy smiled, lifting his glass and pointing gently  towards Lucia.
“Thank you guys, for allowin’ me to retire in peace. I promise to play lot’s of golf, and sit on my ass as much as possible.” he finished, the table erupting in deep chuckles and here here’s. 
Lucia took a long sip of her whiskey to this, letting the smooth liquid burn as it slid down her throat. She was happy for Andy, she truly was. He was a nice man, and had been the only friendly face in the office for months, something which she appreciated more than he knew. Even she could admit it was isolating, being the only woman in the department. Apart from the secretary Cathleen, and the occasional prosecutor who dropped by, female companionship was something Lucia was not often privy to, a fact which made her companionship with Andy all the more comforting. 
Chucking the last of her drink down with a grand swig, Lucia stood up from the table, desperate to distance herself from all of the cheerfulness. She was in the mood to wallow, and being around the bunch of drunken middle-aged cops was not her idea of a good time. As she neared the bar, she could see the hunched over figure of another detective, waiting as the bartender scurried behind the counter to pour his beer. She observed the man for a moment while he sat in front of the bar, barely moving a muscle despite the frenzied atmosphere around him. 
Rust Cohle.
Lucia didn’t know him all too well; he was Marty’s partner, and seemed to be somewhat of a recluse within the office, almost participating in fewer work gatherings than her. His light brown hair shone golden from the overhead lighting of the bar, almost making him look like a spirit, a soft aura floating around him. 
Lucia reached the bar counter, leaning herself slightly over the counter beside the still man. The bartender noticed her arrival, and made his way over to her with a smile. He was older, at least older than Lucia, and had a big beard that cascaded almost past his shoulders, curling at the ends. He had a towel flipped over his shoulder, laying delicately on the white and blue plaid shirt he wore.
“Now what can I get for you miss?” he asked her amicably, hands resting on his hips. 
Lucia didn’t even have to think about it.
“Another whiskey please-on the rocks. Heaven Hill if you still have it.” she returned, sliding her glass along the counter towards the bartender's hand. “Actually make that two.”.
“Yes ma'am.” he said, picking up her glass and stepping away from the counter to retrieve the liquor bottle from one of the higher shelves. 
Lucia tilted her head down towards the marble wood surface, a quick sigh escaping her lips. She was exhausted, frustrated, and in desperate need of a cigarette. She was heavily regretting her less than a week stint of trying to go cold-turkey; she had flushed all her packs down the toilet. She would have to stop for some on the way home. 
“You normally drink this much on a work night?” a voice drawled from beside her, causing her to turn her head in surprise towards the speaker. 
Rust was tall, though it was hard to tell as he sat with his back curved over the counter top, sharp features etched deeply into his face. There was a sense of hardness in his appearance that preceded him even before he opened his mouth. 
“Depends on whether I’m celebrating or not.” she replied, threading a piece of her hair between her fingers, letting the strands glide along her skin. 
“And what’re you doing right now?”. He wasn’t looking at her, instead staring into the distance behind her, his eyes denying to make contact with hers. 
Lucia thought about the question for a moment, his words echoing in her head. She had drunk a lot, more than she had in the past few weeks combined, with her semi-consistent sobriety streak and fruitless endeavors into self-improvement. All while her coworkers cheered over their stable, nuclear lives and got drunk over rounds of cheap, flavorless beer.
“Trying to forget.” she answered coolly. 
As she said this, the bartender returned with her drinks, placing them in front of her on the counter. Lucia said a quick thank you to him, immediately sipping more of the velvety alcohol, letting it rest in her mouth, relishing in the richness of it. Swallowing the large sip, Lucia took one last glance at Cohle, her eyes tracing up his toned, ragged figure, stopping at his eyes.  
He finally looked at her, his pupils dilated, the only sign of his intoxication apart from the beer loosely held in his hands. His eyes were intense, a silvery blue that bore straight into Lucia’s sole, daring her to keep looking as she was. She felt a shiver run down her spine, warning her, urging her to avert her eyes from his, but her mind refused to back down from the challenge. 
He looked at her curiously, as if her cryptic response had surprised him a bit. She wasn’t sure why, Lucia assumed Marty and all of her other colleagues had become aware of her new work position, though none but the former had dared to bring it up to her face.
Deciding the quiet lingering between them was arguably more unsettling than the group table, Lucia pushed herself off the counter with her hands, grabbing her two drinks. She turned away from Cohle and his inquisitive gaze, striding back towards the table where most of the detectives were still sitting and chatting loudly. As she returned to her seat amongst the others, she could hear Marty starting to share an anecdote about some woman he had dated back in his high school years. His voice rang in Lucia’s ears, details of awkward sex and comically exaggerated arguments filling the air around her. 
She tuned his voice out, her eyes moving helplessly across the bar to Cohle again, who was still sitting down, back towards her, now talking to another detective. He had barely sat at the table since they had arrived, though she couldn’t blame him for his disinterest in the festivity around her. It could be dull to listen to different renditions of the same stories, each one leading to the same point of humor. 
It was all quite exhausting. 
A thunderous round of laughter shook Lucia out of her alcohol induced daze, her head pounding from the sudden noise. Though she didn’t know what Marty could have possibly said to make them laugh so hard, Lucia split her mouth into a grin, heaving her chest to imitate the deep bellied chuckle of amusement she had perfected over time. As she sat there, eyes crinkled in perfectly replicated contentedness, she wondered whether this is how people would remember her. 
Would they refer to their own memories of Lucia, when she revealed her gleaming teeth for a picturesque smile and a starkly normal giggle, and say how much they loved her? So much of her time in the CID she had pretended; to love room temperature beer and ball games and sex jokes that always bordered on being too far for her comfort. Maybe in a way, she had become that person to her colleagues. Lucia’s mother had always reminded her that getting ahead in life meant being able to understand the individual expectations people had for her, and by result, how to use them to her advantage. She would chastise Lucia after she bombed her first job interview, and again after she failed to get a call after her first date, the same phrase each time.
“No person wants true honesty, they want the illusion of who they think you truly are.”. 
She hadn’t really understood what her mother had meant until now. 
When the laughter faded into the vacantly musty air of the bar, Lucia closed her mouth too, expression returning to neutrality, muscles slack from the alcohol. 
“Flint?” Andy’s voice snapped Lucia out of her daze. 
“Yeah?”. Her voice was croaky and uneven, tainted by the hours she had been drinking. She wondered if she looked as disheveled as she felt. Her first drink was empty now, the second a quarter full. 
A look of concern fell over his face, "You okay?”.
The question was simple enough, however when Lucia reached her hand up to brush her hair out of the way she was greeted with droplets of water pooling at the crevices of her eyes. She bit back her tears, forcing her face into neutrality. 
“I’ll be fine.”. She just needed to get out of here, to be away from the claustrophobic atmosphere of the bar, and the other detectives, who were now obnoxiously singing along to old Willy Nelson songs. “I better get going, work tomorrow and all.” she excused herself, standing up in her chair abruptly. She picked up her keys, taking a final sip of her drink.
Before leaving the table, Lucia paused for a moment, resting her hand lightly on Andy’s shoulder before looking at him once more. 
“You have a nice night Andy.”. 
Andy didn’t respond, simply patting her hand lightly with two taps, before letting Lucia remove it from his arm, an affectionate smile blooming across his face. 
“Bowman! Geraci thinks he can be you in pool, you gonna fight him on that?” another voice interjected, Andy returning his focus to the men in front of him.
Lucia made her way outside the dimly-lit bar, trying her best to keep steady on her feet. When she opened the door of the bar to the Louisiana night sky, a rush of warm sticky air ran over her, goosebumps forming along her skin. Her head was fuzzy, muscles loosening with each step she took into the gravel covered parking lot. 
This reminded her of the time in eleventh grade when Lucia had gotten so miserably drunk at a friends party that she decided to try and crawl home, legs refusing to perform a walking motion. For what felt like eternity, Lucia scratched her hands along rough, stony roads, willing her body to keep moving. Her brother had found her, straggling on the side of a street like an injured buck, and drove her home to her very unhappy parents. 
The drive to her home was quiet, a welcome intervention from the noisiness of the bar, giving Lucia’s head a moment to recenter itself and deliberate whether she was going to stop by the corner store on the way home. The lights along the highway melted into one another, creating strings of white along the dark skyline. 
The decision making didn’t last too long, and ten minutes later, Lucia was buying herself a pack of Camels and a fluorescent pink lighter at the convenience store counter, barely stumbling out the door before placing the cigarette in her mouth and holding up a shaky flame to it.
Inhaling severely, Lucia felt the smoke enter into her mouth, the bitter taste filling her lungs before puffing it out with a great sigh. 
God I missed this, she tilted her head back in satisfaction.
She was drunk, her head light and airy upon her shoulders. Tapping her foot gently against the concrete ground, Lucia thought about New York, the apartment she used to call home, her old friends, the job she had loved, and all else that she had left behind for Louisiana. She had moved from the city back to Louisiana a few months earlier.  It had been worth it at the time; duty calls, and so did a mother bed-ridden with a cancer so insidious it had crept its way all the way down to her pancreas. She never had a chance against the disease. 
Lucia remembered standing in a brown, rusting phone booth outside of her old office, tears streaming down her face as they told her the diagnosis. Stage four, she only had a few weeks to live. Lucia had hung up before they could tell her how sorry they were for her loss.
As she stood outside the store smoking, Lucia’s body itched for more alcohol, a need for release spreading throughout her body. When she hobbled back into her car, she pulled out an unopened bottle of gin from the passenger compartment, wrapped in a sparkly silver film. It had been a gift from the people in the apartment neighboring her own, housewarming they had told her happily. 
Lucia opened the cap with a firm snap, bringing the bottle up to her lips roughly and letting the clear liquid flow along her tongue, swallowing it with a gulp. She felt the warmth of the gin invade her senses, everything becoming softer, more fluid. 
She got restless with alcohol, a desire to do something that she’d probably regret in the morning becoming more appealing by each sip of the gin she took. 
She turned the keys in the ignition, the engine growling to a start. The last thing Lucia remembered was the harsh glow of neon lights in the distance, rays of fuchsia beaming into the barren black sky.
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sandsofdteam-moved · 2 years
like ik we joke about it but what kind of goddamn hallmark cinderella movie is the dream team like missed meetups finally finding each other under a fatherlike figure of bbh online blowing up together being kept apart by the government's red tape like girl
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